Learning Styles Questionnaire-Sample

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Part I: Socio - Demographic Profile

Directions: Please check (/) the appropriate boxes or fill in the blanks to answer the given items.
1. Age : _____________

2. Grade level
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10

3. Monthly family income : _________________

4. School Affiliation
St.Pius X Seminary
St.Vincent Ferrer Seminary
Sto. Nino Seminary

5. GPA ( Grade Point Average ) : ______________

II- Learning Styles

Directions: Please indicate the extent to which you have practice of the following statements by
checking the appropriate column. Kindly refer to the scoring indicated below to help you answer
the statement.

Value Interpretation Meaning

5 Always Learning style is exhibited at all times.

4 Often Learning style is exhibited most of the time.

3 Sometimes Learning style is exhibited on certain

occasions from time to time.

2 Seldom Learning style is exhibited rarely.

1 Never Learning style has not been exhibited at all.

A. Visual Learning: To what extent have you 5 4 3 2 1

performed the following? :
1. Learn better by reading what the teacher writes on the
2. Learn better if the teacher uses posters and pictures in
3. Explain using diagrams, graphs, or visual directions.
4. Remember the lesson when the teachers write the
terms on the board.
5. Use color cues, framing and symbols to highlight
key information.
6. Love to watch videos/films.
7. Use visual aids in my report.
8. Enjoy doing visual arts and designs.
9. Read books with pictures and diagrams.
10. Remember things that are written down.
11. Visualize pictures in my mind.
12. Look up and see the information invisibly written or
13. Understand visual-spatial understanding things such
as textures, size, angles and dimensions.
14. Pay attention to the body language of others.
15. Make movies in my mind through information that I
have read.
B. Auditory Learning: To what extent have you
performed the following? :
16. Like to talk and listen during class.
17. Unlike written works.
18. Follow spoken directions well.
19. Read slowly and prefer to read aloud.
20. Learn better by listening to explanations than by
reading them.
21. Enjoy working with groups and giving oral reports.
22. Explain things orally.
23. Can’t keep quiet for long periods of time.
24. Talk to myself while I’m working.
25. Distract easily by noise.
26. Speak rhythmically.
27. Remember and tell jokes.
28. Imitate voices.
29. Remember the words heard previously.
30. Move lips and pronounce words as they read.
C. Kinesthetic Learning: To what extent have you
performed the following? :
31. Have difficulty in sitting still.
32. Need to take frequent breaks.
33. Find reasons to move when bored.
34. Rely on what have been experienced and performed.
35. Love practicum and actual demonstration.
36. Like hands-on approach to learn new ideas.
37. Prefer to work by group.
38. Chew gums and eat snacks while studying.
39. Move hands and have gestures when talking.
40. Love sports and performing arts.
41. Prefer to study while walking.
42. Use fingers to learn spelling and answering
numerical problems.
43. Tap foot while reading.
44. Use objects to hold and tap while learning.
45. Love team building activities.

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