Sir Baroman (Module 1-3)
Sir Baroman (Module 1-3)
Sir Baroman (Module 1-3)
EDUC 111
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October19, 2020
Lesson 1: The Roles
of a Teacher
Minute Talk
Ask the students around you about the question given below. Record the key term/s of
their answer.
What are the qualities of your favorite teacher/s?
Guide the students to learn more.
Resourceful Fair
Let us Analyze
Guide Questions:
1. What makes you think that those qualities mentioned above define a good
Those qualities mentioned describes how an effective and good teacher teaches the
students. It is not just the learning that you imparted to your students but also the good
qualities that they've learned from you.
Being a good teacher you need to respect your students, their point of views and their
perspective so that both the students and the teachers learned with each other. A teacher who
gives good advices to their students will surely remember. Being resourceful in teaching help
the students engage their selves in learning. Giving sympathy to the students makes them feel
important as part of the class. Helping them and guiding them to learn is such a big thing. Trust
and fairness is what the students also want.
2. Assessing yourself now, do you think you already have those qualities?
Teachers Role in Student's Life
For now, I can say that I'm still in the process of gratifying myself with those qualities.
Acquiring the good qualities of a teacher is not easy because you need to look on the other side
Teachers are brilliant
of being a teacher and being a parent of the students as well.
They cultivate students' minds
3. As a future teacher, what are you going to do to acquire and possess
And treat us fairly
qualities of a good teacher?
And created us
Application: Let’s Apply
There are various definitions of teaching. The first module states that there are two
essential forms of teaching; the formal and informal way of teaching. Formal teaching teaches
and guides a teaching-learning cycle with limited student involvement. Informal teaching is
when a teacher serves as a facilitator, motivator and a mentor of the students through their
learning process.
In helping students to boosts their confidence and to show their skills and knowledge
teachers plays a very important role. There are also different role of a teacher. They are not
just a teacher who teaches students to be more productive because they are also a parent, a
person, a professional, a community leader, an advocate, an expert and a model to everyone
Lesson 2:
Challenges in
Make it Personal
Direction: Interview a teacher concerning challenges in the classroom and ways of
overcoming it. Write a summary of the interview using the matrix below: You may add a
row if necessary.
Challenges in the Classroom Ways of Overcoming it
The activities that you need to present
Different Multiple Intelligences to the class must fit with the different
multiple intelligences of the students.
As a teacher you need to know what
are the skills and talents of your
students so that it will be easy for you
to do the learning objectives.
Let us Analyze
Guide Questions:
a. From the interview you have conducted, what do you think is the most pressing concern
of the teacher? Why?
That would be the different multiple intelligences of the students. Every student is
brilliant in their own way and teacher must fit his/her activities to make the lesson or
subject matter more effective. For the students to learn efficiently teacher clearly
presented an activity that would boosts the student confidence to do the given task.
b. Do you agree with the strategy used by the teacher in addressing the difficulty? Why?
I agree, it is true that if you want to teach effectively you need to know the personality,
skills and talents of your students. As a teacher knowing one's individual strength and
weakness can help you to easily teach the students.
c. If you are the teacher, how are you going to overcome the challenge?
I would think critically on how to handle and overcome the challenge. I need to consider
the things that needed to be considered.
Teachers play an important role in our life. The knowledge they granted to
Do this:
us isWrite a single summary
indisputable. sentence
Teachers are thatteachers
not just answerswho
the give
what, whylearning
their and howto about
us. the
topic “Challenges in Teaching”.
They build us to be the best version of our self.
These challenges are not easy to cope up but despite of this, teachers still
inclined to give their learning. Challenges in teaching are just a usual thing that
teachers encounter. They are used to it and they are well-prepared on overcoming
A. Direction: Write a short article about how the information on challenges in teaching
applies to your major field/specialization?
Teachers serve as a path in achieving our goals. They have been with us through
ups and down. We cannot deny the fact that teachers contributed a big help in our life
especially in our academic stuffs.
Seeing how our teachers handle us we can also distinguish how hard for them to
gratify individual's needs. We all know that each students have different multiple
intelligences that teachers must fit it their teaching methods. Teachers also consider
multicultural classrooms wherein there's a language barrier and the different learning styles.
Learner-centered teaching is also an issue because we cannot delight all students in four
corner of the classroom. The most challenges in teaching is handling children with special
needs because you need to consider their way of learning and how they can easily
understand the lesson.
These challenges they have faced might gives us a lesson as a future educator and
how this may help us to conquer such challenges.
Picture Prompt
Direction: Identify and describe the pictures below. Explain your description about the pictures.
The picture shows a person helping each other to solve
a certain problem.
Let us Analyze
Guide Questions:
1. Based on your answer above, what do you think is the concept being
shown in the pictures?
Based on my answers above, I guess the concept that is being showed in the pictures is
all about how the students learn. I guess each pictures represents the way how the students
develop their thinking skills, communication skills and many more.
The picture shows how well teachers handle his /her students. Each students have
different multiple intelligences and teachers must coincide his/her learning objectives through
the learning process of the course. Students must learn through experiencing it or by merely
doing it.
3. As a future teacher, what are you going to do to equip students with learning
opportunities guided by the concepts you mentioned?
Dear Self,
I want you to know that you are strong and keep on fighting and
achieving your dreams in life. Your dream is to become a good and effective
teacher and wishing you to accomplish that dream. Being a teacher is not easy;
imagine building up a person and making him a whole human being is very
tricky. Of course to become a good teacher you need to guide your student.
Help them to be globally competitive. Assist them to showcase their skills,
Do this: Write a short advice letter to yourself on how to successfully provide learning
talents and to
experiences knowledge. Be more
students guided byproductive and resourceful
the Four Pillars of teaching them so
that they can make the best version of their selves. As a future educator, teach
your student to value life and to value the people around them. What's
important is the lesson that we grant to them. May this letter helps you to
overcome such circumstances and guide you with your journey.
Application: Let’s Apply
A. Direction: Fill in the table below using the criteria provided.
There are four pillars of learning. As we aim to have a higher and quality education
these four pillars of learning will serve as guidance towards achieving our goals. These four
pillars will help us to be more knowledgeable and skilled enough. UNESCO's four pillars of
leaning are learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together and learning to be.
Historical Foundations of Education
Lesson 1
What do you think you know about a history of education? After
completing the KWH, find a partner and share your answer.
What I know or What I want to How I can learn What I learned
think I know learn this
History of education I want to learn how I can learn this I had learned that
focuses on the to achieve a good through searching there was a different
educational issues. and higher quality more information and system between the
This history results as education. putting this education of
a guide in achieving a holistically in my preliterate society
good quality mind. and 20th century.
education. This will Education in the
also talks about the preliterate society it
educational system involves the
and principles have transmitting of
been used. culture, values, and
skills through
enculturation. While
the education in the
20th century made
use of the art of
writing to enhance
educational system.
The discussion goes well. I am glad because we share common learning about the topic.
We have so much fun in comparing our answers.
There are some answers that we are the same and some are not, but then what matter
is that we share our understanding.
3. What are you going to do now to improve your knowledge about the history of
I am going to study about the history of education. I will also gather some information
that would help me to learn more.
Fill out the last column of the table indicating what you have learned after the
What I know or What I want to How I can learn What I learned
think I know learn this
I think I know some For now I want to I can learn this by I had learned the
educational system learn more about reading books and education of
in the past. educational system any other reading preliterate society
and how it is being materials. and 20th century. To
connected to the the education in the
philosophy. preliterate society it
involves the
transmitting of
culture, values, and
skills through
enculturation. While
the education in the
20th century made
use of the art of
writing to enhance
educational system.
1. Through the use of a graphic organizer trace the evolution of education from the
preliterate societies to the 20th century.
History of
Pre- literate
Priest in temple schools taught not only religion but also the
principle of writing, sciences, mathematics, and architecture.
Ancient Rome
The Renaissance
17th Century
2. Write a brief discussion on the important concept timelines related to the growth
and development of education.
This would help us to be more knowledgeable enough. This can help us to critically think and
resolve such circumstance. This will serve as a guiding tool in everything we do. To nurture our
eager minds and explore new things, concept of education brought a big help to every
3. Today I learned that ……
I have learned that education plays an important role in our life. Education was made to
surpass and give a certain problem an excellent answer. Education created us and helps us to
be more productive.
Lesson 2
What is Law?
Once the game has finished, the teacher gathers the students and discusses the following
points to them:
a. What did you think about the game? Was it good? Bad? Fair?
The game was fun. I can say that it was a good game.
c. How did you feel about not knowing what the rules were?
I feel unhappy because I wasn't able to do the right thing.
1. What does your list tell you about your expectation from our government with
regards to the teachers both from private and public learning institutions?
This explains how government organize the education. As we explore and learn
the government made sure that we will have an efficient and effective learning.
The ways and strategy they have was such a big help for us, as we aim a higher
quality education.
As a future educator, why do you think it is important that you have knowledge about certain
laws that governs the educational system of our country? Elaborate your answer.
1. The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to
quality education at all levels, and shall take appropriate steps to
make such education accessible to all.” (Section 1, Article XIV)
2. Philippine Constitution of 1980
Article XIV: Education, Science and Technology, Arts, Culture and
3. Ensure anequalaccess to cultural opportunities. (Sec. 18.1)
1. True
2. False - 1980- 1987
Section 5. Every teacher has a right to invoke the principle that appointments, promotions,
and transfer of teachers are made only on the basis of merit and needed in the interest of the
Section 1. A teacher is, above all, a human being endowed with for which it is the highest
obligation to live with dignity at all times whether in school, in the home, or elsewhere.
Module 3:
Philosophy of Education
and Personal Philosophy
of Teaching
Direction: Write a short reflection about the statement below: Share your answer
with a partner.
Guide Questions:
1. What does the word “philosophy” mean as used in the passage given above?
2. What common understanding do you have regarding the term philosophy and
The common understanding I had is that they are interrelated. With philosophy
we think critically and create a good outcome. We easily solve the certain problem
because we are more logic in our decisions. Education is very effective when guided
with its philosophies.
A. Using the balance chart below, illustrate the relationship between philosophy
and education. Provide a brief explanation below the illustration.
Philosophy allows teacher to think critically within the learning process of the course or
subject matter. Philosophy response to a situation and organized everything for the students to
think and learn logically.
Philosophy is a about the study of knowledge and metacognition. There are three (3)
conceptions of philosophy; philosophy as wisdom, philosophy as ideology and philosophy as
critical inquiry. Philosophy as wisdom was based on personal experiences. Philosophy as
ideology was referred to as an organized body of opinion. Philosophy as critical inquiry helps
educator to come up more logical decisions and choices. With the help of philosophers
education was successfully developed throughout the years.
Lesson 2:
Philosophies of Education
Sentence Prompts
Direction: Complete the sentence below. Share your answer with a partner.
Guide Questions
Perennialism This can be use in such activity where students can use their
rational and moral power.
What I have learned in this topic is that there are different philosophies in
education that would make our learning more effective. This different philosophy guides
us to think rationally and critically.
Lesson 3:
Principle and Philosophy
of Philippine Education
Concept Web
Direction: Choose a partner and discuss the meaning of the statement “Philippine Education”
using the concept web below. You may write anything related to the statement and can add
additional shapes and lines if needed.
Guide Questions:
1. Based on the activity above, what do you mean by Philippine Educational System?
Philippine education talks about the education system in the Philippines and how does it
goes. As what I have wrote above, education here in the Philippines offers formal and
informal way of education. The language used both English and Filipino. The school
started on June and ended up in March.
2. What do you think are the principles that guided officials in the establishment of the
Philippine Educational System?
The principles of education were used to make the education more effective. What
mater the most is the learning put on to the students in the learning process. Education
here in the Philippines is guided with the basic principles of education that's why
students learn competently.
Do this: Write three key terms from what you have learned about the topic, two ideas you
would like to learn more about and one concept that you think you have mastered.
3 Key Terms I Learned Two Ideas I would like to One concept that I have
Learn More Mastered
Philosophy I want to learn more I have mastered the
about the Philippine concepts and
educational system importance of
and how it does philosophy to
effective to the education.
Education I also want to learn
the principles applied
in education system in
the Philippines.
Philippine Educational
Application: Let us Apply
A. Direction: Look for a partner and answer the following abbreviated case scenario related
to the practice of the teaching profession.
1. After the inspection, it was found that Spring Valley College was duly controlled and
administered by a foreign owner. It was also noted that 80% of the stocks was
owned by the foreigner. The Filipino counterpart was summoned to the office of the
City Mayor after the complaint was filed by the inspecting team emphasizing that the
operation is a violation of the law. Is the complaint of the inspecting team valid?
What provisions in the Article XIV of the Philippine constitutions supports the claim
of the inspecting team?
The provisions in the Article XIV of the Philippine constitutions supports the claim of
the inspecting team is the Section 1. The State shall protect and promote the right
of all citizens to quality education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to
make such education accessible to all.
2. Mr. Juan Dela Cruz filed a complaint against the Vienna Elementary School since her
daughter was forced by the class adviser to attend religion classes even if it is
against their religious practice. The class adviser emphasize that non-attendance to
the religion class would mean failure on the part of the pupil. Is the claim of the
class adviser valid? What provisions in the Article XIV supports the complaint of Mr.
Juan Dela Cruz?
The provisions in the Article XIV supports the complaint of Mr. Juan Dela Cruz is the
Section 17. The State shall recognize, respect, and protect the rights of indigenous
cultural communities to preserve and develop their cultures, traditions, and
institutions. It shall consider these rights in the formulation of national plans and
I will not forget my teacher in Grade 8 who has made me believe that one day I have all
my dreams in life. Ma'am Honeylynn Sulfelix inspires me always to do my best. Her
way of teaching is unforgettable. She's not only touches our minds but also our hearts.
Every word she used to deliver is always remembered.
Guide Questions:
1. How does the philosophy of the teacher influence his/her practice of the teaching
Her practice of teaching influence the way she taught us. She used philosophy wherein
we can easily understand the lesson. She has her own way of teaching style that would
catch the attention of the students and how well they can showcase their knowledge
and skills.
Yes, I agree. Whatever the philosophy you are using is a big help as long as it gives and
delivered knowledge to the students. Having a personal philosophy of teaching makes
you more resourceful in teaching.
3. As a future teacher, how does your personal philosophy of teaching affects instructional
I guess it would be a big help for me. By the use of my personal philosophy I can say I
can be an effective teacher. I will help my students to learn and to boost their
confidence. They will become more responsible in everything they do. I will do my best
to make them the best version of their selves.
A. Formulate your own personal philosophy of teaching. Discuss on how you are
going to utilize and/or apply the philosophy in the teaching learning process.
Students have their own way of learning. Every individual has their strengths and
weaknesses. In the near future, my personal philosophy of teaching will be;
knowing the individual's strengths and weaknesses and also I will let them learn
on their own basically they will explore. This philosophy of mine will be use to
teach my students to showcase their knowledge, skills and talents.
I have learned the concepts of teaching. Teacher's way of teaching is not easy because they
need to follow the principles of teaching to make a sense in their lesson. I have now the idea
on how to handle a class with a different personality of the students.