International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer: T.S. Dhanasekaran, Ting Wang

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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 61 (2013) 554–564

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Computational analysis of mist/air cooling in a two-pass rectangular rotating

channel with 45-deg angled rib turbulators
T.S. Dhanasekaran, Ting Wang ⇑
Energy Conversion and Conservation Center, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA 70148-2220, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Increasing the turbine inlet temperature can increase the gas turbine cycle efficiency. In order to increase
Received 26 August 2012 the turbine inlet temperature significantly, an advanced cooling system has to be essentially developed.
Received in revised form 31 January 2013 Injection of mist to the coolant fluid is considered a promising technique to protect the hot components
Accepted 1 February 2013
such as combustor liners, combustor transition pieces, and turbine vanes and blades. A series of experi-
Available online 15 March 2013
ments conducted in the past proved the success of mist cooling technology in the laboratory environ-
ment. Favorable results from the numerical simulation further encourage continuous exploration of
employing mist-cooling technology in the actual gas turbine working environment in various applica-
Gas turbine heat transfer
Gas turbine blade cooling
tions. The present study focuses on applying mist cooling to the rotating mist/air internal cooling passage
Mist cooling with rib turbulators using numerical simulation.
Two-phase heat transfer In the first part, the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models of smooth and ribbed channels with-
Heat transfer enhancement out mist and rotation are validated with the experimental results available in literature. The agreement
between the predicted and experimental values in the lower Reynolds number (Re) range is within 3%
deviation, and, at higher Re range, the deviation is about 10%. For the smooth channel, the agreement
with experimental result is good for the entire range of Re values. In the second part, the rotational effect
on the smooth and ribbed channels is predicted and analyzed. In the last part, the mist cooling enhance-
ment on the ribbed channel with rotation is simulated. The secondary flows created due to channel bend
and rotation are specifically analyzed. The results show that the mist cooling enhancement is about 30%
at the trailing surface and about 20% at the leading surface of the first passage with 2% mist injection. In
the second passage, 20% enhancement is predicted for both the surfaces.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction tube [1,2], a 180-degree curved tube [3], impingement jets on a flat
surface [4], and impingement jets on a curved surface [5]. Typi-
Increasing the turbine inlet temperature is one of the major cally, an average cooling enhancement of 50–100% was achieved
means to increase the gas turbine (GT) efficiency. The increased by injecting 1–3% (wt.) mist into the steam flow. A very high local
hot gas temperature typically exceeds the allowable material limit cooling enhancement of 200–300% was observed in the tube and
for the blades and vanes. Hence, there is always demand for con- on a flat surface, and local cooling enhancement above 500% was
tinuously developing new advanced cooling technologies to cool observed when the steam flow passed the 180-degree bend.
the hot components in high-performance gas turbines. One of the The mist/air film cooling system applied to modern gas turbines
promising technologies to significantly enhance the heat transfer was simulated by Li and Wang [6,7] and showed that a small
is to inject water mist into the coolant flow. Each droplet acts as amount of mist injection (2% of the coolant mass flow rate) could
a cooling sink and flies over a distance before it completely vapor- increase the adiabatic film cooling effectiveness by about
izes. This ‘‘distributed cooling’’ characteristic allows controlled 30%  50% under low temperature, velocity and pressure condi-
cooling by manipulating different sizes of injected water droplets. tions similar to those in the laboratory. They also investigated
The mist/steam cooling scheme applicable to an Advanced Turbine the effects of different flow parameters, injection hole configura-
System (ATS) was introduced and verified with extensive basic tion, and coolant supply plenum on the cooling effectiveness. In or-
experiments under laboratory working conditions, in a horizontal der to simulate the actual GT operating conditions more closely, Li
and Wang [8] presented the mist/air film cooling heat transfer
coefficient under a conjugate wall condition by employing internal
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 504 280 7183.
channel cooling beneath the blade surface. The result of conjugated
E-mail addresses: (T.S. Dhanasekaran), (T.
2-D cases indicated that reverse heat conduction from downstream

0017-9310/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T.S. Dhanasekaran, T. Wang / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 61 (2013) 554–564 555


Ap surface area of droplet V inlet bulk velocity (m/s)

b slot width (m) W width of channel (m)
C concentration (kg/m3)
Dh channel hydraulic diameter Greek
GT gas turbine e turbulence dissipation (m2/s3)
h convective heat transfer coefficient (W/m2-K) k thermal conductivity (W/m-K)
H height of channel (m) X rotational speed (rad/s)
k turbulent kinetic energy (m2/s2)
K thermophoretic coefficient Subscript
Nu local Nusselt number, hDh/kc p, d particle or droplet
m mass (kg) r riblet
q00 wall heat flux (W/m2) s smooth.
Re Reynolds number (q Vj d/ l )
Ro rotational number, X Dh/ V
Tw wall temperature (°C)

to upstream along the solid wall was strong within a distance of 5 2. Numerical method
slot widths. Li and Wang [9] studied the curvature effect on mist
film cooling, as well. They found that the magnitude of the mist A feasible method to simulate the air/mist flow is to consider
cooling enhancement was ordered as follows: flat surface > pres- the droplets as a discrete phase since the volume fraction of the li-
sure surface > suction surface > leading edge. quid is small (less than 0.1%) in this study. The trajectories of the
Their simulation showed that the film cooling effectiveness in- dispersed phase (droplets) are calculated by the Lagrangian meth-
creases approximately 40% at the leading edge, 60% on the concave od. The impacts of the droplets on the continuous phase are con-
surface, and 30% on the convex surface with 2% mist concentration. sidered as source terms to the governing equations of mass,
Their studies [6–9] on mist/air film cooling were conducted with momentum, energy, and species. The continuous phase, including
the turbine in a stationary condition. Recently, Dhanasekaran and air and water vapor, is formulated with the Eulerian method. The
Wang [10] simulated the mist/air film cooling enhancement over mist cooling computational model has been established and vali-
a rotating blade under gas turbine working conditions with ele- dated within 3% to 15% deviation from the experimental data for
vated pressure, heat flux, and Reynolds number. They predicted various configurations including: mist/steam impingement on a
an average of 35% mist cooling enhancement with an equivalent flat surface [19], on a curved surface [20], in a horizontal tube
blade surface temperature reduction of 100–125 K. [21], and in a 180 degree bend tube [22]. The detailed description
As a continuation of mist cooling technology developments, the of CFD mist flow modeling is referred to Dhanasekaran and Wang’s
present study employs computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simu- other studies [19,21] and is not repeated here. A summary of the
lations to investigate the cooling performance of applying mist in a CFD model is presented below.
gas turbine internal blade with riblets under both stationary and
rotating conditions. The early investigations of enhancing turbine 2.1. Continuous Phase
airfoil internal cooling under rotating conditions were performed
with straight, smooth, circular tubes [11–13]. Han et al. (for exam- The time-averaged governing equations of mass, momentum,
ple Ref. [14,15]) have conducted several experimental studies on energy, and species are:
straight rib-roughened, non-rotating and rotating channels to
investigate the effect of turbulator configurations (such as rib @
ðqui Þ ¼ Sm ð1Þ
height, spacing and angle), the flow channel aspect ratio, and the @xi
flow Reynolds number on the distributions of the local heat trans- @   * @P @  
fer and pressure drop. Recently, as CFD schemes became more
qui uj ¼ q g j  þ sij  q u0i u0j þ Fj ð2Þ
@xi @xj @xi
sophisticated and powerful, numerical studies of heat transfer in  
@ @ @T
ribbed channels have become popular. Chang and Mills [16] em- ðqcp ui TÞ ¼ k  qcp u0i T0 þ lU þ Sh ð3Þ
@xi @xi @xi
ployed a low Reynolds number turbulence model for a two-dimen-  
@ @ @C
sional situation involving flow in a stationary circular tube with ðqui Cj Þ ¼ qDj j  qu0i C0j þ Sj ð4Þ
repeated rectangular ribs. Arman and Rabas [17] subsequently pre- @xi @xi @xi
dicted the flow field and heat transfer in a stationary circular tube where sij is the symmetric stress tensor. The source terms (Sm, Fj
with repeated ribs using a two-layer model. Prakash and Zerkle and Sh) are used to include the contributions from the dispersed
[18] have used the standard k-e model with wall functions to pre- phase. lU is the viscous dissipation and k is the thermal conductiv-
dict the heat transfer in rotating rib ducts with the assumption of ity. Cj is the mass fraction of species j in the mixture, and Sj is the
periodic, fully developed flow situations. source term for this species. Dj is the diffusion coefficient of species
In the present study, a mist/air computational model is devel- j. The diffusion term is used for bi-diffusion between the water va-
oped to predict the mist cooling enhancement on the rotating, por and air mass. When the liquid evaporates, the vapor produced
ribbed, rectangular channel. Initially, the air-only computational surrounds the liquid droplet. Then, this vapor will be transported
model is validated with the experimental results available in open away through convection and mass diffusion. Three species (oxy-
literature. The effects of rotational force on the flow physics and gen, nitrogen and water vapor) are simulated in the paper.
heat transfer in the channel with riblets are investigated. Finally, The terms of qu0i u0 j ; q cp u0i T0 and qu0i C0 j in the equations above
the mist cooling enhancement is simulated using the validated represent the Reynolds stresses, turbulent heat fluxes, and turbu-
computational model. lent concentration (or mass) fluxes, which should be modeled
556 T.S. Dhanasekaran, T. Wang / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 61 (2013) 554–564

keff ¼ k þ cp lt = Prt ; ð8Þ

Deff ¼ D þ lt =Sct : ð9Þ

The constants C1e, C2e, Cl, rk, and re are assigned the following :
(a) 19.1 9.5 C1e = 1.44, C2e = 1.92, Cl = 0.09, rk = 1.0, re = 1.3 [24]. In addition,
the turbulence Prandtl number, Prt, is set to 0.85, and the turbu-
lence Schmidt number, Sct, is set to 0.7.
R = 558.8 152.4 For the near wall region, the enhanced wall treatment is used, in
Unheated portion which the standard two-layer model is combined with wall func-
portion All dimensions tions. To apply the two-layer approach, the computational domain
are in mm is separated into a viscosity-affected region and a fully-turbulent
region by defining a turbulent Reynolds number, Rey = yk1/2/m,
where k is the turbulence kinetic energy and y is the distance from
the wall. The flow is assumed to be in the fully turbulent region if
Rey > 200, and the k-e model is used. Otherwise, the flow is in the
viscosity-affected region, and the one-equation model of Wolfstein
[25] is used. The turbulent viscosities calculated from the two re-
gions are blended with a blending function (h) to make the transi-
tion smooth.
(b) lt;enhanced ¼ hlt þ ð1  hÞlt;l ð10Þ

Leading where lt is the viscosity from the k-e model of high Reynolds num-
Ribbed Trailing ber, and lt,l is the viscosity from the near-wall one-equation model.
7 Ribbed The blending function is defined so it is 0 at the wall and 1 in the
fully-turbulent region. The wall functions are also enhanced by
blending linear (laminar) and logarithmic (turbulent) laws-of-the-
8 wall to make the blended wall function applicable throughout the
entire near-wall region.
4 2.2. Discrete phase

10 Based on Newton’s 2nd law, the droplet motion can be formu-

3 lated by
11 mp dv p =dt ¼ F ð11Þ
Z where vp is the droplet velocity (vector). The right-hand side is the
Region combined force acting on the droplet, which normally includes the
1 hydrodynamic drag, gravity, and other forces such as Saffman’s lift
force, the thermophoretic and Brownian forces, etc. In this study,
Saffman’s lift force is included.
Main flow direction To include radiation heat transfer, the P1 model [26] was used.
Fig. 1. (a) Plane view of the channel geometry (b) computational elements on the The P1 model determines the local radiation intensity by solving
surfaces and (c) 3-D schematics and coordinates, modeled following experimental the transport equation for incident radiation, G as follows:
work of ‘‘Fu et al. [31].
r  ðWrGÞ  aG þ 4arT 4 ¼ Sg ð12Þ

properly for a turbulent flow. More detailed investigations and dis- where W = 1/(3(a + rs)  (Crs)), a = absorption coefficient, rs = -
cussions on turbulence models and their effects on the simulation scattering coefficient, r = Stefan–Boltzmann constant, Sg = radiation
of mist cooling can be found elsewhere [19,21–23]. The equations source, C = linear-anisotropic phase function.
for the turbulent kinetic energy (k) and its dissipation rate (e) are: The heat source due to radiation in the following form is di-
  rectly substituted into the energy equation.
@ @ l @k
ðqui kÞ ¼ lþ t þ Gk  qe ð5Þ
@xi @xi rk @xi r  qr ¼ 4arT 4 ð13Þ
@ @ l @e e e2 The droplet’s heat transfer is given in the following equation.
ðqui eÞ ¼ lþ t þ C1e Gk  C2e q ð6Þ
@xi @xi re @xi k k
dT dmp  
The term Gk is the generation of turbulence kinetic energy due to mp cp ¼ Ap hðT1  TÞ þ hfg þ Ap ep r h4R  T 4 ð14Þ
dt dt
the mean velocity gradients. The turbulent viscosity, lt, is calcu-
lated from the equation: where hfg is the latent heat, ep = particle emissivity, hR = radiation
temperature. The convective heat transfer coefficient (h) can be ob-
k tained with an empirical correlation [27,28]:
lt ¼ qCl ð7Þ
The effective thermal conductivity (keff) and the effective diffusion Nud ¼ ¼ 2:0 þ 0:6Re0:5
d Pr
coefficient (Deff) are calculated by the following two equations,
respectively: where Nud is the Nusselt number, and Pr is the Prandtl number.
T.S. Dhanasekaran, T. Wang / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 61 (2013) 554–564 557

The mass change rate or vaporization rate in Eq. (14) is gov- 250
erned by concentration difference between droplet surface and
the air stream, 200
dmp 2
 ¼ pd kc ðCs  C1 Þ ð16Þ 150
Exp, ribbed

where kc is the mass transfer coefficient, and Cs is the vapor concen- ε Std
tration at the droplet surface, which is evaluated by assuming the ε RNG
flow over the surface is saturated. C1 is the vapor concentration ε Rea
of the bulk flow, and is obtained by solving the species transport 50
ω std
equations. The values of kc can be given from a correlation similar
to Eq. (17). 0
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
kc d 0:33
Shp ¼ ¼ 2:0 þ 0:6Re0:5
p Sc ð17Þ Re
where Sh is the Sherwood number, Sc is the Schmidt number (de- Fig. 3. Effect of five turbulence models on Nu distribution in a smooth channel.
fined as m/D), and D is the diffusion coefficient of vapor in the bulk
and distorting droplet and a spring mass system, where the surface
When the droplet temperature reaches the boiling point, the
tension forces, droplet drag force and droplet viscosity forces are
following Eq. (18) can be used to evaluate its evaporation rate:
analogized with restoring, external, and damping forces. O’Rou-
dmp 2 k rke’s coalescence model considers coalescence as an outcome of
 ¼ pd ð2:0 þ 0:46Re0:5
p Þ lnð1 þ cp ðT1  TÞ=hfg Þ=cp ð18Þ
dt d collision. O’Rourke’s algorithm assumes that two droplets may col-
lide only if they are in the same continuous-phase cell. This
where k is the gas/air heat conductivity and cp is the specific heat of assumption can prevent droplets that are quite close to each other
the bulk flow. but not in the same cell from colliding, although the effect of this
Theoretically, evaporation can occur at two stages: (a) when the error is lessened by allowing some droplets that are farther apart
temperature is higher than the saturation temperature (based on to collide. The overall accuracy of the scheme is second-order in
local water vapor concentration), water evaporates, and the evap- space. Once it is determined that two particles collide, the outcome
oration is controlled by the water vapor partial pressure until 100% of the collision is ‘‘coalescence’’ if the droplets collide head on, and
relative humidity is achieved; (b) when the boiling temperature ‘‘bouncing’’ if the collision is more oblique. Droplet breakup and
(determined by the air–water mixture pressure) is reached, water coalescence models generally improve discrete phase calculation
continues to evaporate. when strong local acceleration or deceleration is present in the
The stochastic method [26] is used to consider the turbulence flow field such as over the riblet surface or around the channel
dispersion effect on droplet tracking. The droplet trajectories are bend with rotation.
calculated with the instantaneous flow velocity ðu  þ u0 Þ, and the
velocity fluctuations are then given as:

u0 ¼ 1ðu02 Þ0:5 ¼ 1ð2k=3Þ0:5 ð19Þ

where 1 is a normally distributed random number. This velocity Exp, ribbed
will apply during the characteristic lifetime of the eddy (te), a time CFD, ribbed
scale calculated from the turbulence kinetic energy and dissipation Exp,smooth
rate. After this time period, the instantaneous velocity will be up- CFD, smooth
dated with a new 1 value until a full trajectory is obtained. 150
To consider the interactions between the tiny liquid droplets

around the riblets and the effect of the rotation and channel bend, 100
the Taylor Analogy Breakup (TAB) model [29] and O’Rourke coales-
cence model [30] are employed in this study. The TAB model is a
classic method based upon Taylor’s analogy between an oscillating 50



150 2
Nur /Nus

100 Exp, ribbed
k- ε std (0.5 million elements) 1
50 k-ε std (1 million elements) Exp
0.5 CFD
k-ε std (1.5 million elements)
0 0
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 0 10 20 30 40 50
Re Re (10 )

Fig. 2. Grid independence analysis. Fig. 4. CFD Model validation (k-e model).
558 T.S. Dhanasekaran, T. Wang / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 61 (2013) 554–564

900 for mist) for both cases. The number of mist injection points at the
800 coolant inlet depends on the number of computational meshes at
Ribs, non-rotating
the inlet surface. In the present case, one injection is placed in each
Smooth, non-rotating cell at the inlet surface. A total number about 500 injection points
600 are placed. The trajectory number for stochastic tracking is chosen
500 to be 15 for each injection. The boundary condition of droplets at

the walls is assigned as ‘‘reflect,’’ meaning the droplets elastically re-
bound off once reaching the wall. Details about the model are docu-
mented in a previous study by Dhanasekaran and Wang [21]. At the
200 outlet, the droplets just simply escape from the computational
100 (a) domain.
7 2.4. Meshing and simulation procedure
The computational domain is constructed by structured hexa-
5 hedral elements as shown in Fig. 1b. More intensive meshes are

4 used near the wall and ribbed area. A total of 1 million cells are
used for this configuration. In the rotating channel case, the coor-
dinate system shown in Fig. 1c rotates with the channel. In this
2 system, the flow is steady, but the centrifugal and Coriolis forces
1 1800 turn are accounted for via the additional source terms in the equation
(b) of motion (Eq. (2)). The droplets will be affected by the rotating ef-
fect indirectly because the droplet traces are attached to the coor-
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
dinates of the continuous phase. Therefore, there is no need to add
Axial locations
the centrifugal force in the force balance equation (Eq. (11)). The
Fig. 5. Effect of riblets on peripheral averaged Nusselt number at Re = 25,000 computation is carried out using the commercial CFD software
without rotation. Ansys/Fluent (Version 6.2.16) from Ansys, Inc. The simulation uses
the segregated solver that employs an implicit pressure-correction
scheme and decouples the momentum and energy equations. The
2.3. Boundary conditions SIMPLE algorithm is used to couple the pressure and velocity. A

2.3.1. Airflow
The approach adopted in this study is to first validate the CFD 400
model for air-only flows with experimental results available in
Smooth, trailing, non-rotating
350 Smooth, leading, non-rotating
open literature, and then to simulate the air/mist flow in order to
predict the cooling enhancement. The experimental results of Fu 300 Smooth, trailing, rotating
et al. [31] are used for this purpose. The geometry of a two-pass Smooth, leading, rotating
channel with a 45-deg ribbed wall considered for this study is 250
shown in Fig. 1a. The dimensions are exactly the same as used in

the experimental study [31]. The channel cross section is 12.7 
12.7 mm making the aspect ratio of 1:1 (W:H) throughout the 150
length except the bend portion. The rib height, e = 1.59 mm, the
channel hydraulic diameter, Dh = 12.7 mm, and the rib pitch-to-
height ratio, p/e = 10. Each pass has a 152.4 mm long heating sec- 50
tion (Fig. 1a). The computational domain contains a 111.13 mm
unheated entrance length to provide the fully-developed flow con- 0
dition. The clearance of the 180-deg sharp turn is 12.7 mm from tip
to end wall. The divider wall has a thickness of 19.1 mm with a
9.53 mm radius at the tip. The ribs with a cross section of 800
1.59 mm  1.59 mm are placed on the top and bottom of the chan-
nel. As in the experimental set-up, a gap of 0.79 mm is maintained 700
between the ribs and the sidewall. The ratio of rib pitch-to-rib
height is 10. The air inflows with Reynolds numbers of 5,000,
10,000, 25,000, and 40,000 with a temperature of 300 K and the 500

rotational speed of 550 rpm are considered. The constant heat flux
of 4,800 W/m2 is assigned to the heating portion of the computa- 400
tional domain.
A turbulence intensity of 1% is assigned at the mainstream inlet. Ribs, trailing, non-rotating
The pressure at the flow exit is assumed to be maintained at a con- 200 Ribs, leading, non rotating
stant value of 1 atm. All of the walls in the computational domain Ribs, trailing, rotating
are adiabatic and have a no-slip velocity boundary condition. 100
Ribs, leading, rotating
2.3.2. Droplet injection 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
A uniform droplet size of 5lm is considered, then the effect of Axial locations
distributed droplet diameters is simulated for comparison. The mass
ratio of liquid droplets over airflow is 2% (about 1.1  104 kg/s Fig. 6. Effects of rotation on (a) smooth and (b) ribbed channels at Re = 25,000.
T.S. Dhanasekaran, T. Wang / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 61 (2013) 554–564 559

K (a) Smooth (b) Ribbed

(i) Non-rotating, Leading (i) Non-rotating, Leading

(ii) Non-rotating, Trailing (ii) Non-rotating, Trailing

(iii) Rotating, Leading (iii) Rotating, Leading

(iv) Rotating, Trailing (iv) Rotating, Trailing

Fig. 7. Temperature contours at leading and trailing surfaces (Re = 25,000).

second order upwind scheme is selected for spatial discretization covered that the property databases for water vapor and steam in
of the convective terms and species. The computation is conducted FLUENT are not sufficient. A detailed database has been incorpo-
for the continuous phase (air) first. After obtaining an approximate rated through the use of a Function statement.
converged flow field of the air, the dispersed phase of droplet tra- Iterations proceed alternately between the continuous and dis-
jectories are calculated. At the same time, drag, heat and mass crete phases. Ten iterations in the continuous phase are conducted
transfer between the droplets and the air are calculated. Variable for every two iterations in the discrete phase. Converged results
property values are calculated using polynomial equations for air are obtained after the mass residual reaches 104, the energy resid-
and a piecewise approximation for water droplets. The mixture ual reaches 106, and the momentum and turbulence kinetic en-
properties are calculated by the mass-weighted method. It was dis- ergy residuals reach 105 each. These residuals are the
summation of the imbalance for each cell. The computation was

Leading surface
(a) non-rotating (a) non-rotating

8 7
9 5
4 9
10 Trailing surface 4
3 10
11 2
11 2

(b) rotating (b) rotating

Fig. 8. Velocity contours at selected cross-sections of smooth channel with and

without rotation at Re = 25,000. Rotation is in the positive z-direction or out of the Fig. 9. Velocity contours at selected lateral cross sections of ribbed channel with
paper. and without rotation (Re = 25,000).
560 T.S. Dhanasekaran, T. Wang / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 61 (2013) 554–564


(a) Non-rotating, first pass

(b) Non-rotating, second pass

(c) Rotating, first pass

(d) Rotating, second pass

Fig. 10. Velocity vector plot at normal cross section of ribbed channel in the first and second passes (Re = 25,000).

carried out in parallel processing on two dual-core Pentium clus- lion elements almost coincides with that of 1.5 million meshes.
ters with 10 nodes and 6 nodes, respectively. Therefore, the rest of computational analysis is conducted with 1
million meshes. The prediction is about 3% lower than the experi-
mental result in the lower Reynolds number range and about 10%
3. Results and discussion
lower in the higher Reynolds number range.
To improve the accuracy of the computational model, apart
3.1. Validation of CFD Model
from the standard k-e turbulence model, the other four turbulence
models including RNG k-e, Realizable k-e, standard k-x, and the
The computational model for air-only flow is validated against
Reynolds Stress Model (RSM) are employed for comparison, and
the experimental results of Fu et al. [31]. The grid independence
the results are shown in Fig. 3. The predicted results from all the
study is carried out with mesh sizes of 0.5 million, 1 million, and
models are almost the same for the lower Re numbers and vary
1.5 million cells using the standard k-e turbulence model. Fig. 2
within ± 10% at the higher Re numbers. Comparatively, the stan-
shows the Nussult number distribution for inlet flow conditions
dard k-e model provides the closest match with the experimental
for Re = 5,000, 10,000, 25,000 and 40,000. The Nu plotted here
results; therefore, the standard k-e model with enhanced-wall
are averaged values from the leading and trailing ribbed walls.
function is employed for cases in this study.
The heat transfer coefficient (h) and Nusselt number are calculated
The comparisons between the CFD and the experimental data of
as follows:
both the ribbed and smooth channels are shown in Fig. 4. The
h ¼ q00 =ðTw  Tb;x Þ ð20Þ agreement of the Nusselt numbers is very good for the entire Re
Nu ¼ hDh =k ð21Þ range for the smooth channel. It clearly shows that the flow be-
comes complex with riblets, and, in the high Re range, the CFD
Where Tw is the wall temperature, Tb,x is the bulk temperature at model’s accuracy drops noticeably.
the x location, and k is the thermal conductivity of the coolant. Fig. 4b shows the heat transfer enhancement (Nur/Nus) due to
In general, the predicted result does not vary too much for the riblets. Nu for riblets and smooth surfaces are individually calcu-
three different mesh numbers, and specifically, the result of 1 mil- lated using Eq. (17). Higher heat transfer enhancements are seen
T.S. Dhanasekaran, T. Wang / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 61 (2013) 554–564 561

1200 Leading Trailing

Ribs, trailing, rotating, 2% mist
Ribs, leading, rotating, 2% mist surface surface
Ribs, trailing, rotating, air-only
Ribs, leading, rotating, air-only



200 (a)


Numist /Nuair



1 Ribs, trailing, 2% mist

0.9 Ribs, leading, 2% mist

(a) First pass (b) Second pass
0.8 Fig. 12. Droplet traces colored by residence time in the vicinity of rib gaps for
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 rotating case at Re = 25,000.
Axial locations

Fig. 11. Mist cooling enhancement on ribbed channel at Re = 25,000. that no local heat transfer data is available from Fu et al. [31], so no
experimental data is shown in Fig. 5.
The effects due to the rotation on smooth and ribbed channels
at low Re values. An average of about 12% under-prediction of the are investigated and explained in Fig. 6. Without rotation, the Nu
enhancement ratio (Nur/Nus) is noticed for this simulation with a distribution along the streamwise direction on leading and trailing
higher local deviation of 20% at a low Re, but a lower local devia- surfaces is almost the same for smooth and ribbed channels. In the
tion of 8% at a high Re. This trend of error is the opposite of the ac- first pass, with rotation on the smooth channel, Fig. 6a shows that
tual Nusselt number prediction due to the sensitivity of the cooling the Nu values increase on the trailing surface compared to the non-
enhancement ratio calculation. For example, at Re = 5,000, the Nus- rotational case and decrease on the leading surface. The trend is re-
selt numbers are 8% off for the smooth channel and 6.4% for the versed in the second pass, i.e., Nu values increase at the leading
ribbed channel, but the ratio of Nur/Nus gives a higher percentage surface and decrease at the trailing edge. On the other hand,
deviation of 21%. Fig. 6b shows that the effect of rotation on the ribbed surface is
mainly captured in the first pass. In the second pass, the effect is
comparatively minimal. The experimental results [31] showed
3.2. The effect of rotation on smooth and ribbed channels with air-only the same effect and confirmed the accuracy of predicting the cor-
flow rect trend of the rotating effect of the present simulation.
Fig. 7 shows the local temperature distributions, which consis-
To investigate the effect of riblets over a smooth surface on the tently reflect the Nusselt results in Fig. 6, indicating that lower
heat transfer enhancement under non-rotating conditions, the temperature areas correspond to higher cooling rates and, thus,
Nusselt number distributions are plotted in Fig. 5. The Nu values higher Nusselt numbers. To explain the flow physics, the velocity
are regionally averaged throughout the heated section for contours at selected normal cross-sections in the first and second
Re = 25,000. The location of each region is shown in Fig. 1c. The passes for both the rotating and non-rotating cases are shown in
Nu distributions over the leading and trailing edges are similar Fig. 8. It is clearly seen from Fig. 8a that the core flow is located
without rotation, so only the averaged Nu values over the leading at the midsection of the channel for the non-rotating case. For
surface is shown in Fig. 5 to simplify the analysis. In the actual the rotating case (Fig. 8b), the core flow is pushed toward the trail-
measurement, there were slight deviations between these surfaces ing surface by the Coriolis force (x  V) right from the axial loca-
at the second pass, which was observed by Fu et al. [31]. In the tion 1, imposing a higher velocity gradient, and, hence, a higher
smooth channel, the Nu value decreases once the flow enters the heat transfer on the trailing surface. In the second pass, the flow
channel, but increases in the bend section to a maximum value is almost symmetric with an organized secondary flow moving
at the end of bend. With riblets, the Nu value increases to a max- from the inner surface toward the outer surface without rotation
imum value at location 3 and reaches a local maximum down- (Fig. 8a). However, in the rotating case, the core flow turns toward
stream of the bend. The Nusselt number ratio distribution in the leading edge due to the Coriolis force. The maximum heat
Fig. 5b clearly shows the heat transfer enhancement with ribs at transfer takes place immediately after the bend near region 8 for
various axial locations. The flow physics responsible for this heat all conditions and surfaces; implying that the heat transfer
transfer pattern will be discussed in the later sections. Please note enhancement is not caused by rotation. Rather, it is dominated
562 T.S. Dhanasekaran, T. Wang / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 61 (2013) 554–564

kg/m3 (a)


10 5


2 kg/m3

(b) Plane at 1 mm from leading surface

(c) Mid plane from leading and trailing surfaces

(d) Plane at 1 mm from trailing surface

Fig. 13. Liquid concentration at various planes for rotating riblet case at Re = 25,000.

by the flow behavior induced by the channel bend. The inserted (for example Al-Qahtani et al. [32]) explaining the flow structure of
cross-sectional flow vector plot at station 9 in Fig. 8a for the rotating channels with various aspect ratios of channel width over
non-rotating case shows formation of the secondary flow as the height and rotational numbers.
counter rotating vortices under the influence of centrifugal force The velocity contour plot for the ribbed case (Fig. 9) shows more
induced by the channel bend. In the rotating case (Fig. 8b), this pair complex flow fields. It is interesting to see that the large structure
of counter-rotating vortices are interfered with by the Coriolis of the secondary flow consisting of a pair of counter-rotating vor-
force. The top vortex grows and the the bottom vortex diminishes tices is still visible, but the vortices only locally disturbed by the
as shown in the inserted cross-sectional flow field at Station 9 of riblets in second pass of the non-rotating channel. Similar to the
Fig. 8b. More upwelling flow can be seen moving toward the lead- situation in the rotating smooth channel, the core flow of the rotat-
ing surface. This results in higher heat transfer on the leading sur- ing ribbed channel is pushed and imposed upon the trailing edge in
face in the second pass as shown in Fig. 6a. There are several papers the first pass by the Coriolis force. But, different from the rotating
T.S. Dhanasekaran, T. Wang / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 61 (2013) 554–564 563

1150 The difference between using the uniform 5 lm droplets and

Ribs, trailing, 2% mist, 5 microns
non-uniform droplets can only be observed in the entrance region
Ribs, trailing, 2% mist, distri of the channel, as shown in Fig. 14. This can be explained by the
950 Ribs, leading, 2% mist, 5 microns fast evaporation of droplets smaller than 5 lm in the case with dis-
850 Ribs, leading, 2% mist, distri tributed droplets in the entrance region. The impact to down-
Nu mist

750 stream heat transfer is negligible. More details about droplet

distribution can be found in Dhanasekaran and Wang’s study [21].
4. Conclusions
350 A CFD model was developed to predict mist/air cooling
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 enhancement in a rotating ribbed rectangular channel. The results
Axial locations are concluded below:
Fig. 14. Effect of droplet distribution.
 The CFD model for air-only flow on a ribbed channel was vali-
dated with the experimental results and achieved good agree-
smooth channel, the counter-rotating vortices disappear in the sec- ment at lower Re values. At higher Re values, the deviation is
ond pass for the rotating ribbed channel case. Fig. 10 shows the about 10%. For the smooth channel, the agreement is within
velocity vector plots on the vertical mid-plane in the ribbed chan- 3% for the entire range of Re values.
nel for both non-rotating and rotating cases.  For the smooth channel, rotation imposes centrifugal force upon
the trailing surface in the first pass and enhances its cooling;
whereas in the second pass, the Coriolis force pushes the flow
3.3. Mist/air cooling enhancement with rotation on ribbed channels toward the leading surface and results in more effective cooling
on the leading surface.
To predict the mist/air cooling enhancement, 2% mist (1.1 x  For the ribbed channel, the effect of rotation is only realized in
104 kg/s) was injected at the inlet of the ribbed channel. The uni- the first pass with enhanced cooling on the trailing surface and
form 5 micron diameter droplets are considered initially to inves- suppressed cooling on the leading surface. The effect of the
tigate the droplet size variation and droplet dynamics. The droplet rotation in the second pass is negligible.
breakup and coalescence are found to have a negligible effect on  With 2% (wt.) mist injection, the average mist cooling enhance-
predicting the cooling performance in terms of Nu in this study. ment is about 30% on the trailing surface and about 20% on the
A typical heat transfer result predicted for Re = 25,000 is shown leading surface in the first pass under rotating conditions. In the
in Fig. 11. In general, the mist cooling achieves a higher Nu value second pass, about 20% mist cooling enhancement is predicted
in the first pass than in the second pass due to the rotational effect. for both the surfaces.
In the first pass, mist cooling enhancement on the trailing surface  When subjected to the centrifugal and Coriolis forces, some of
is higher than that on the leading surface. In the second pass, the the water droplets are seen to move in spiral paths. More liquid
cooling enhancement is almost the same for both the surfaces. It concentration is seen on the upstream surface of riblets and
can be noted that in the entry region (region 1, Fig. 11a) of the trail- much lower liquid concentration behind the riblet.
ing surface, the heat transfer is very high compared to the air-only
case. In the first pass, the average mist cooling enhancement ratio
is about 30% on the trailing surface and about 20% on the leading
surface. In the second pass, a relatively uniform, 20% cooling Acknowledgments
enhancement ratio is predicted for both of the surfaces. Fig. 12
shows the droplet traces in the rotating ribbed channel. Some This study was supported by the Louisiana Governor’s Energy
droplets move with spiral paths, suggesting that the droplets are Initiative via the Clean Power and Energy Research Consortium
subject to the effect of centrifugal and Coriolis forces. Fig. 13 shows (CPERC) and administered by the Louisiana Board of Regents.
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