CFD Analysis and Optimization
CFD Analysis and Optimization
CFD Analysis and Optimization
e-ISSN: 2278-1684,p-ISSN: 2320-334X, Volume 13, Issue 3 Ver. VII (May- Jun. 2016), PP 17-22
Abstract: In heat exchanger for increasing the rate of heat transfer with helical-tape inserts have useful. Generally, helical-
tape inserts causes swirl flow introduces at outside of inner tube which continuously disrupts the thermal boundary layer of
fluid on the tube. This analysis has done on a single unit of pipe of heat exchanger those are used in a heat exchanger and
this investigation is useful to increase the thermal characteristics of a heat exchanger. To analyze the characteristics of
helical-tap inserts at annulus of inner pipe, a 3-D analytical model has been developed. From the analysis it is cleared that
there are good relation between Nusselt no. and friction factor for enhancing the heat transfer. SST k-ω turbulent model is to
be selected for simulation because it gives better turbulent model. From analysis, helical-tape inserts increase the heat
transfer rate with expectation of pressure drop. In this work an analysis has been done on heat transfer phenomenon of
helical-tap inserts at annulus of the inner pipe.
Keywords: Double pipe heat exchanger, Heat transfer augmentation techniques, Helical-tape insert, Pitch length,
Numerical investigation, Computational fluid dynamics, Turbulence modeling, Friction factor, Nusselt number.
I. Introduction
The procedure of designing the heat exchanger is difficult, because it required correct analysis of heat transfer rate,
flow rate, drop in pressure and other factor calculation that give the result for long term established and economically
preference of the equipment. The challenge is to designing a heat exchanger for better performance and makes it to compact
to gain a more heat transfer. Normally a heat exchanger used in power plants, chemical plants, AC equipments, Freezer and
other plants which provide or remove heat from different types of fluid. This involves huge investments annually for both
operation and capital costs. It is required to reduce the overall dimensions and characteristics of heat exchanger. The need to
analyze and optimize the heat exchanger to conserved and developed it.
Heat exchanger with helical-tap inserts at annulus of inner pipe, from the velocity vector, it is observed that the
flow of water in plain tube is straight line but in case of helical-tap flow is swirl, swirl flow in tube causes the surface area of
effected heat transfer in increases, thereby rate of heat transfer increases but pressure drop also increases because of flow
abstraction. This pressure drops varies along with Reynolds no. on helical-tap. To predict the performance heat exchanger is
relating to the governing parameters such as surface area for transferring heat overall heat transfer coefficient and
temperature difference. Assuming there is no transfer of heat to the surrounding and negligible KE and PE.
mh - mass of hot fluid entering (kg), mc - mass of cold fluid entering (kg), Ch - Sp. heat of hot fluid entering
(J/kg K),Cc – Sp. heat of cold fluid entering (J/kg K), th1 - temperature of hot fluid entering (K), tc1 - temperature of cold fluid
entering (K), th2 - temperature of hot fluid exit (K), tc2 - temperature of cold fluid exit (K), dh- hydraulic diameter.
Heat rejected by hot fluid–
𝑄 = 𝑚 𝐶 (𝑡1 − 𝑡2 ) (1.1)
Heat absorbed by cold fluid
𝑄𝑐 = 𝑚𝑐 𝐶𝑐 (𝑡𝑐1 − 𝑡𝑐2 ) (1.2)
Heat exchange by two fluids
𝑄 = 𝑈𝐴𝜃𝑚 (1.3)
Where, U- Overall heat transfer coefficient, A- Effective heat transfer area, θm - appropriate means temperature
difference across heat exchanger. As there is variation in temperature difference of hot and cold fluids point to point, so that
by the concept of mean temperature difference the term ϴm has introduced which is appropriate mean temperature difference
across heat exchanger or known as log mean temperature difference.
For parallel flow log mean temperature difference is given by
θ2− θ1
θm = θ2 (1.4)
𝐼𝑛 ( θ1 )
For counter flow log mean temperature difference is given by
θ1− θ2
θm = θ1 (1.5)
𝐼𝑛 ( θ2 )
Where, θ1 = th1 - tc1, θ2 = th2 - tc2
Of the many enhancement techniques that can be employed, swirl flow generation by means of full-length helical-
tape inserts is found to be extremely effective [1], [2]. Significant heat transfer improvement can be obtained, particularly in
laminar flows. Other examples of techniques that promote swirl flows include curved ducts, tangential fluid injection, and
twisted or convoluted ducts. Their thermal-hydraulic characteristics, heat transfer improvement potential, and typical
applications have been outlined.
Helical-tap – we know that the heat transfer is increase considerably for flow is well mixed and stirred. Because of this
principle of development for equipment to enhancement technique of heat exchanger helical-tap inserts are used at annulus
of inner pipe.
Figure 1.1 shown of helical-tap, is described by the helical twisting nature of tap providing the fluid longer flow
region or greater time for transferring heat, the helical force for bulk flow are forcing for generation a secondary circulation
because of well mixed swirl flow increase the convective heat transfer[5].
The swirl flow which is in fully developed nature, performance of helical-tap and functional relation are given as below
II. Numerical Investigation Of Heat Exchanger With Helical Tape Inserts At Annulus Of Inner Pipe
For analysis of our work the input data and boundary condition will be taken in [1] which is experimentally investigate the
heat transfer phenomenon.
Figure 2: CFD Model for heat exchanger with helical tap of different pitch length inserts.
Figure 9: Graph represents Nusselt No. Vs Reynolds No. with different pitch length
Heat transfer,KW
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Pitch length, mm
It is cleared from the above result heat transfer and heat transfer rate are increases with decrease the pitch length.
The above result is performed for the different pitch length and plot the comparison of Reynolds No. and Nusselt Number
and Reynolds No. and Friction factor. It is cleared that the Friction factor decrease with increase in Reynolds Number and
Nusselt No. increase with Increase in Reynolds Number. From the above result is also optimizing the helical tape pitch
length for different velocity. The maximum heat transfer achieved at minimum pitch length which is 50 mm and maximum
velocity of 0.557 m/s. The present research also predicts that by increasing the mass flow rate of fluids, there is miner
variation in heat transfer rate.
V. Conclusion
It is clear that insertion of a helical tape in a plain tube increase the thermal performance of the tube and
furthermore if the pitch length of helical tape is reduce increase in surface it increases the tube‟s thermal performance more.
Area Weighted Average of the fluid‟s temperature at the outlet of the tube has been increased due to the insertion of a helical
tape in the tube. The reason for the increment of these parameters is that, due to the insertion of a helical tape a swirl flow is
created in the pipe which helps the fluid to take more and more heat from the tube wall.
So it may be concluded that, modifications should be done in such a way so that average temperature as well as
heat flux both increases. To do this, optimization procedure may be adopted to optimize different parameters to achieve the
desired goal.
Scope for future work: Further detailed studies can be carried out in this area either through experiments or with
the aid of software. Nusselt number and friction factor values can be obtained for helical tap with the same pitch at different
velocity and similarly for helical tap with the same velocity and different pitch in order to study the effect of helical tap pitch
length on Nusselt number and friction factor. Some other inserts may be used and similar investigations can be done and the
values compared to those of helical tap inserts.
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[2]. K.Sivakumar, K.Rajan(2014-2015) Performance Analysis of Heat Transfer and Effectiveness on Laminar Flow with Effect of Various Flow Rates,
[3]. Amarjit Singh and Satbir S. Sehgal (2013), Thermohydraulic Analysis of Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchanger with Segmental Baffles.
[4]. Kamlesh R. Raut, Prof. H.S. Farkade (2014), Convective Heat Transfer Enhancement in Tube Using Insert – A Review, Volume-2.
[5]. Prof. Naresh B. Dhamane, Prof. Mathew V. Karvinkoppa, Prof. Murtuza S. Dholkhwala (2012), Heat Transfer Analysis of Helical Strip Insert with
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Table V Numerical result at 50mm pitch
S Velocity Average Convective Reynolds Friction Nusselt
No. of heat heat No. factor No.
annulus transfer transfer RL F Nu
fluid KW coefficient
(m/s) h
1 0.127 7.04181 1.15676 3538.98 0.00897 53.98
2 0.208 11.10660 1.78283 5796.12 0.00813 83.19
3 0.26 13.98420 2.32348 7245.16 0.00777 108.42
4 0.346 18.89485 3.11277 9641.63 0.00734 145.26
5 0.4 22.24153 3.75048 11146.40 0.00713 175.02
6 0.433 24.34318 4.14922 12065.97 0.00702 193.63
7 0.52 29.22962 5.02292 14110.47 0.00680 234.40
8 0.577 32.82157 5.72580 15657.20 0.00666 267.20