Entrepreneurship Drop Students
Entrepreneurship Drop Students
Entrepreneurship Drop Students
Importance of entrepreneurship development of Bangladesh
Course Code:BUS-330/324
Course Title: Entrepreneurship
Submitted to: Tahmina Khanom
Assistant Professor
(Finance & Accounting)
Department of Business Administration(BBA)
Leading University,Sylhet
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Group name ID
Leading University,Sylhet
An entrepreneur is the person with the initiative to form a business with his dexterity of creative
thinking. S/he is consistent to develop an enterprise being independent, self motivated and
industrious. he retains all the factors of production and reassembles the thinking to produce
something new in the society. Being a risk taker, entrepreneur develops a business entity for the
betterment of the country as a whole. According to entrepreneur being the front line actor with
his vigor, ability and ingenuity makes for a modification in the socioeconomic order by the
cognitive operation of industrial growth . Moreover, International Labour Organization identifies
the entrepreneur with a set of characteristics, including risk taking, leadership, originality, self
confident, result oriented and future oriented. On the other hand, entrepreneurship blends the
capacity of innovation, investment and expansion in productivity. Qualities of entrepreneur
results in terms of entrepreneurship. Schumpeter defines that entrepreneurship consists of
purposeful and systematic inventiveness. Again he (1955) added entrepreneurship as a creative
activity lead an entrepreneur being innovated to introduce something new in the society.
Entrepreneurship in Bangladesh
Entrepreneurship is often considered one of the most effective and flexible strategies for
economic development of a country. So lack of entrepreneurship development is one of the
reasons for not developing the economy. In Bangladesh at the time of initiating enterprise, an
entrepreneur faces many problems such as shortage of skilled workers and infrastructural
facilities.In Bangladesh lack of political commitments and absence of creation of healthy
environment required for entrepreneurial growth are the limiting factors in the process of
adequate supply of reasonable number of entrepreneurs. Today, some Govt. and some non-govt.
organizations have come forward with great facilities for entrepreneurs.
Stimulatory Opportunity
The opportunity to self-stimulate toward the entrepreneurship development plays a important
part in the guild. The stimulatory activities comprise the scope for entrepreneurs, role play,
entrepreneurial education and natural resources required to uphold emergence of
entrepreneurship in Bangladesh. These programs ensure the increasing number of supply of
entrepreneurs to initiate a new business entity and develop potentiality to lead the venture. The
opportunities from diverse origins are discussed below
Educational Inspiration
In Bangladesh both general education and technical education contribute to the entrepreneurship
development. In general education, students get introduced to entrepreneurship in the secondary
level and remain thereon to develop the preliminary background for start-up initiate in the
business field. The academic curriculum introduces the student with the prominent business
entrepreneurs of Bangladesh. Recently The University Grants Commission (UGC) of
Bangladesh has approved the bachelor degree in this specified area and the Daffodil International
University (DIU) has commenced a Bachelor of Entrepreneurship Development (BED) Program
focusing on the opportunity to gather knowledge and skills which will help them flex their minds
into becoming a successful entrepreneur. BED program is mainly focused to guide students as a
mentor so that they can move through the process of starting up a venture in order to become an
Supportive Opportunity
The support programs usually empower the entrepreneurs in starting up and ruling the
enterprises successfully. They help in reassemble resources and supportive provision of
entrepreneurial scope and mentoring in selecting industries. The supporting aspects are specified
at a lower place:
Financial Support
Entrepreneurs of Bangladesh get direct and indirect favorable support from the financial sector
by the way of entrepreneurship development policy. Bangladesh Bank is the most leading
contributor of the financial sector through financial assistance, interest free loan, micro credit
facilities, collecting foreign aid, subsidy and various ways for young entrepreneurs.
Logistic Support
Logistic support plays an important function in the industrial sector for entrepreneurs by getting
special consideration for investment in the BSCIC industrial area, EPZ, BEPZA. These actions
contribute to, encourage investors by infrastructural support, cheap transportation facilities, land
port access, communication facilities etc.
Technological Support
Bangladesh being a digital country focuses implementation of IT in every sphere of business. So
entrepreneurs are no longer free from IT support. Technical Support includes IT facility,
scientific study and engineering universities, R&D organizations, breeding and development
program by IT specialist institutions, and hence along.
Training Program
Bangladesh Government is also controlling and supporting many organizations to conduct the
entrepreneurship training program. The training organizations are Bangladesh Small and Cottage
Industries Corporation (BSCIC), Bangladesh Rural Development Board (BRDB), Directorate of
Women, Bangladesh Institutions of Management (BIM), Micro Industries Development
(MIDAS), Youth Development Training Centre, Bangladesh Industrial technical Assistance
Centre (BITAC), Bangladesh Rural Advance Committee (BRAC) and so on. Other Supports
Furthermore, entrepreneurs get other support like granting tax relief, help in marketing products,
offering management consultancy and etc. from assistance organizations.
Sustaining Opportunity
The sustaining programs include motivations which uphold the entrepreneurs to sustain
themselves toward the barrier of actual performance. Want of self inspiration may lead the
enterprises meet immature death. As a consequence a number of business entities slop downward
with GDP falling. Thus modified policy, motivational assistance, promotional factors can regain
the lost inspiration in entrepreneurs. Some of these options are discussed below:
Favorable Policy
Entrepreneurship development policy formulates some policy for support to favor the young
entrepreneur not to pitch down in their inspiration toward business. Tax holidays, balance
development policy, rural development policy are directed to encourage entrepreneurial in
finding new scope for commercial enterprise. International Promotional Factors In the epoch of
globalization, Global village strategy opens the door to admission in foreign grocery store.
Flexible international trade factors may emerge the growth of entrepreneurship development in
Bangladesh is a relatively young nation although its people inherit a country which looks back
upon a rich cultural heritage. Innovative industrial activities date back to ancient period, when
the manufacture “Muslin” fabric earned fame throughout the known world. Due to the country’s
central position in the Bay of Bengal and its many waterways, trade and commerce have a long
tradition. Needless to say that, the colonial period and the subsequent partition of Bengal
between India and Pakistan did not support a healthy and self-reliant economic development. I
the wake of the independence war, that led to the
establishment of the people’s Republic of Bangladesh, the newly-born nation did not only suffer
from physical destruction, but also from managerial brain-drain.
Bangladesh’s industrial development efforts initially focused on public enterprises, to the extent
that even a number of small enterprises were taken over and managed by the Government
following independence. Results were discouraging, and starting from the late seventies
increasing emphasis was placed on enhancing the role of the private sector in economic
development. However, many observers feel that Bangladeshis are still averse to long-term
investments and risk-taking.
Yet, one could say that Bangladeshis are among the greatest risk takers in the world, and the way
they live and survive on a land exposed to natural calamities shows some truly entrepreneurial
trait. Ethnic or religious variations have not been occupational barriers, although power
structures at the village level still tend to impede the upward social mobility of the poor. The
county is rich in agricultural and human resources and offers a potentially vast domestic market.
Bangladesh’s relative proximity to the booming East and South explored. However, whereas
earlier studies found that entrepreneurial sprit ad initiative exist among the people of Bangladesh,
it was also observed that in many cases entrepreneurs who showed great enthusiasm in setting up
an industrial venture later retreated from the field on account of a multitude of problems faced in
carrying through the paper.
The major contribution of entrepreneurs towards socio-economic development can be seen in the
maximization of opportunities, which includes observing the environment for venture with
growth potential, securing capital, adapting technologies and combining production factors in an
efficient manner. The useful role entrepreneurs can play as change-agents in socio-economic
development and employment generation is generally accepted. It needs to be clearly stated at
this point, that the majority of Bangladesh entrepreneurs are first generation entrepreneurs. The
development of the entrepreneurial class however does take time and is subject to skill and
capital constraints.
It is the responsibility of the government and the society to provide gainful employment
opportunities for the youths and use their energy for predictive purposes.
However, the promotion and development of microenterprises and labor-intensive small and
medium industries could be an important strategy to overcome these problems.
Bangladesh has an immense potentiality in terms of resource endowments, both material and
human for the development of industries.
Reduce capitalization: This is an era of capitalization. And capitalization rise because of some
massive entrepreneur. But if we can develop entrepreneurship in large volume it can create
competition in the market and reduce capitalization.
Economic balance of the country: It can bring the economic balance of a country because
when a business entrepreneur starts its operation it involves many people in economic conditio
Rise per-capita income: An entrepreneur may arrange employment for many unemployed it
reduce unemployment problem as well as rise per capita income.
Improve the living standard: As I said in the previous paragraph a successful entrepreneur can
manage some employment so, it improves the living standard.
Frequent changes of government and its policy: The frequent change of governments with
different ideological viewpoints adversely affect the business and investment climate and
development of entrepreneurship. Since independence of Bangladesh, the governments and its
economic policy were changed several times.
The first government of Bangladesh introduced socialism in the economic policy followed by
subsequent governments with the concept of mixed economy first and then free market economy.
Frequent changes of governments and consequently change of economic policy influenced the
development of private entrepreneurship of the country.
Moreover, political instability, law and order situation, corruption and deterioration or values
during the period under study created major impediments towards the economic growth and
development of the country.
The frequent changes in industrial policy and strategy, wide gap between policy and
implementation measures, showed down the promotion and development of entrepreneurship in
the country.
Lack of priority of entrepreneurship development in industrial policy: Entrepreneurship
development has not yet been given top priority in all industrial policies.
It appears that while the country has set out a strategy to encourage the process of enterprise
devilment the entrepreneur who acts as the catalytic change agent in that process is still
It is over researched in the sense that too many people look at the same problem oriented and
sponsored research that could lead to program development catering the needs of specific region
and target groups.
Lack of awareness about facilities and support services: Entrepreneurs are not generally
aware of the source of various types of assistance and the procedures of getting this assistance
from the concerned institute.mechanism for dissemination information on investment
opportunities, types and sources of assistance available, are not appropriate and adequate.
Economic growth
The bottom line of vibrant entrepreneurialism is that it creates wealth: for the entrepreneur, for
the people that are employed as a result and for the local economy. It creates wealth on a national
scale for the government in the form of taxation, which is then redistributed accordingly to the
services and communities that need it the most.
The success of an entrepreneur is ultimately in creating a product or service that adds value to
the lives of its users; whether that is an inherent need for the item or a simple desire to have it.
Either way, an innovation on this scale can help to push a market forwards on a domestic level,
and – where relevant – drive exports to new overseas markets. This again is a wealth-creating
exercise, which is a key driver of economic growth.
Job creation
Successful entrepreneurialism often requires the skills and labour of many hands; and that
necessitates job creation. As a thriving business grows so do the opportunities for others and the
cumulative impact of new start-ups in a particular geographical area will go a long way towards
cutting queues at the job centre.
This facilitates economic benefits – employees with money in their pockets will naturally spend
them on local goods and services. It also helps to push societies forward too: it is well
documented that unemployment causes crime, poverty and a gamut of physical and mental
illnesses; adding further strain to already stretched health services.
Often the statistics are hard to measure – not all entrepreneurs wish to boast of their charitable
activities – but it is fair to say that many successful business owners, some of whom will have
come from financially insecure upbringings, are keen to redistribute their new-found wealth to
charities and local community ventures.
Increased competition
Success breeds success, and once one entrepreneur has flourished in a given market more often
than not another businessman or woman looks to enjoy their own slice of the pie.
As we know, competition is a good thing for the consumer, as it requires companies to delivery a
better quality product in order to survive. This can also create price wars (take a look at the
ongoing battle between the Xbox One and Playstation 4 as a good example), and it is true that
often only the strongest will prosper. But the benefits to the general public are obvious.
Pretty much every company that operates today uses natural resources in some way – electricity,
water, gas, paper etc – and this is simply unavoidable. Some entrepreneurs will offset their use of
resources by donating to relevant charities and organisations; a form of self-taxation, if you will.
Alas, not all do.
This subject has tried an attempt to explore the problems and opportunities of entrepreneurship in
Bangladesh. As a producing nation, Bangladesh has extreme range for the evolution of
entrepreneurship. With the help of integrated package programs, including (i) Stimulatory
programs, (ii) Supportive programs and (iii) Sustaining programs, the study has identified legal
facilities, financial facilities, logistic supports, technical and technological assistance, availability
of natural capitals, training and educational assistance, providing by both government and non
government organizations, facilities from socio-cultural prospect, traditional role play personals,
international factors, favorable policy and boundless scope for selecting operational area for
business. This study also pinpointed constraints and problems in the growth, development of
entrepreneurs which are categorized in personal, environmentally-situational, legal- political and
economic causes.
References: http://bankofinfo.com/importance-of-entrepreneurship-development/