Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad (Department of Business Administration)

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(Department of Business Administration)




This packet comprises the following material:

1. Text book
2. Assignments No. 1 & 2 along with course outline
3. Assignment forms (2 sets)
4. Tutorial & assignments schedule

In this packet, if you find anything missing out of the above mentioned material, please contact at
the address given below:

The Mailing Officer,

Mailing Section, Block No. 28,
Allama Iqbal Open University,
H-8, Islamabad.
Phone: 051-9057611, 12

Course Coordinator

Muhammad Ayub Shaikh

(Department of Business Administration)


Course: Marketing Management (8423) Semester: Spring, 2020

Level: BBA (4 Years) Total Marks: 100

Pass Marks: 50

Q. 1 Marketing concept does not imply that marketing executives will run the firm. The concept
requires only that whoever is in top management be market oriented. “Give example of
how a production manager, company treasures, or personal manager can be market

Q. 2 Discuss the role of research in marketing management process. Explain in detail the
marketing research process and elaborate the objectives of research, while taking any
example from your area.

Q. 3 Describe the environment and its general plus specific forces. How do these create an
opportunities and threats for business manager? Also discuss the characteristics to keep
environment stable? Your answer must be in context with any business or commercial the

Q. 4 Services are an important element of gross domestic product, nature of services provided
by public sector in your area and give an analysis of its benefits to the community, relate
these services to the objectives of that organization in terms of achievement.
Q. 5 (a) Name some companies that you believe are still in the product or sales stages in the
evolution of marketing. Explain why choose each of them.
(b) Name two services firms that in your opinion, doing a good marketing job. Then
name some that you think doing a poor marketing job. Explain your reasoning in each



This assignment is a research-oriented activity. You are required to obtain information from a
business/commercial organization and prepare a report on the topic allotted to you to be submitted to your
teacher for evaluation.
You are required to select one of the following topics according to the last digit of your roll number. For
example, if your roll number is P-3427180 then you will select topic number 0 (the last digit): -
1. Marketing Information System
2. Analyzing Competitors and Designing Competitive Intelligence System
3. Global Marketing Strategies
4. Marketing Strategies throughout the Product Life Cycle
5. Marketing Strategies of a Mobile Network Operator
6. Managing Direct and Online Marketing
7. Marketing Activities of a Private Bank
8. Designing and Managing Promotion Tools
9. Marketing Strategies of an Automobile Assembler Company
10. Corporate Strategic Planning

The report should follow the following format:

1. Title page
2. Acknowledgements
3. An abstract (one page summary of the paper)
4. Table of contents
5. Introduction to the topic
6. Practical study of the organization with respect to the topic
7. Data collection methods
8. Merits, demerits, deficiencies or strengths of the organization with respect to topic under study
9. Conclusion (one page brief covering important aspects of your report)
10. Recommendations (specific recommendations relevant to the topic assigned)
11. References (as per APA format)
12. Annexes (if any)
Guidelines for Assignment # 2:
 1.5 line spacing
 Use headers and subheads throughout all sections
 Organization of ideas
 Writing skills (spelling, grammar, punctuation)
 Professionalism (readability and general appearance)
 Do more than repeat the text
 Express a point of view and defend it.

The workshop presentations provide students opportunity to express their communication skills,
knowledge & understanding of concepts learned during practical study assigned in assignment # 2.

You should use transparencies and any other material for effective presentation. The transparencies are not
the presentation, but only a tool; the presentation is the combination of the transparencies and your speech.
Workshop presentation transparencies should only be in typed format.

The transparencies should follow the following format:

1. Title page
2. An abstract (one page summary of the paper)
3. Introduction to the topic
4. Practical study of the organization with respect to the topic
5. Data collection methods
6. Merits, demerits, deficiencies or strengths of the organization with respect to topic under study
7. Conclusion (one page brief covering important aspects of your report)
8. Recommendations (specific recommendations relevant to the topic assigned)
Guidelines for workshop presentation:
 Make eye contact and react to the audience. Don't read from the transparencies or from report, and
don't look too much at the transparencies (occasional glances are acceptable to help in recalling the
topic to cover).
 A 15-minute presentation can be practiced several times in advance, so does that until you are
confident enough? Some people also use a mirror when rehearsing as a substitute for an audience.

Weightage of theory & practical aspects in assignment # 2 & workshop presentations

Assignment # 2 & workshop presentations are evaluated on the basis of theory & its applicability. The
weightage of each aspect would be:

Theory: 60%

Applicability (practical study of the organization): 40%

Prepare your assignment as per the guidelines and it may be re-evaluated by the Quality Assurance
Cell, Department of Business Administration any time.


(Department of Business Administration)

Course: Marketing Management Course Code: 8511

Level: MBA (3½ Years) Credit Hours: 03

Unit-1: Understanding Marketing Management

1.1 Assessing Marketing’s Critical Role in Organizational Performance

1.1.1 Marketing Management

1.1.2 Company Orientations Towards the Marketplace
1.1.3 Adoption of Marketing
1.2 Building Customer Satisfaction through Quality, Service and Value
1.2.1 Defining Customer Value and Satisfaction
1.2.2 Delivering Customer Value and Satisfaction
1.2.3 Attracting and Retaining Customers
1.2.4 Custom Profitability: The Ultimate Test
1.2.5 Implementing Total Quality Marketing

Unit-2: Winning Markets through Market-Oriented Strategic Planning

2.1Nature of High-Performance Business

2.2Corporate and Division Strategic Planning
2.3Business Strategic Planning
2.4Marketing Process
2.5Product Planning: The Nature and Contents of a Marketing Plan

Unit-3: Analyzing Marketing Opportunities

3.1 Managing Marketing Information and Measuring Market Demand
3.1.1. Marketing Information System
3.1.2. Marketing Intelligence System
3.1.3. Marketing Research System
3.1.4. Marketing Decision Support System
3.1.5. Overview of Forecasting and Demand Measurement
3.2 Scanning the Marketing Environment
3.2.1 Analyzing Needs and Trends in the Macro Environment
3.2.2 Identifying and Responding to the Major Macro Environment Forces
3.3 Analyzing Consumer Markets and Buying Behavior
3.3.1 Models of Consumer Behavior
3.3.2 Factors Influencing Buying Behavior
3.3.3 Buying Process
Unit-4: Analyzing Marketing
4.1 Analyzing Business Markets and Business Buying Behavior
4.1.1 Organizational Buying
4.1.2 Institutional and Government Markets
4.2 Analyzing Industries and Competitors
4.2.1 Identifying Competitors
4.2.2 Identifying Competitors Strategies
4.2.3 Determining Competitors Objectives
4.2.4 Assessing Competitors Strengths and Weaknesses
4.2.5 Estimating Competitors Reaction Patterns
4.2.6 Designing the Competitive Intelligence System
4.2.7 Selecting Competitors to Attack and Avoid
4.2.8 Balancing Customer and Competitor Orientations
4.3 Identifying Market Segments and Selecting Market Targets
4.3.1 Market Segmentation
4.3.2 Market Targeting

Unit-5: Developing Marketing Strategies - I

5.1 Differentiating and Positioning the Market Offering

5.1.1 Tools for Competitive Differentiation

5.1.2 Developing a Positioning Strategy
5.1.3 Communicating the Company’s Positioning
5.2 Developing New Products
5.2.1 Challenges in New Product Development
5.2.2 Effective Organizational Arrangements
5.2.3 Managing the New Product Development Process
5.2.4 Consumer Adoption Process
5.3 Managing Life-Cycle Strategies
5.3.1 Product Life Cycle
5.3.2 Marketing Strategies Throughout the PLC
5.3.3 Market Evolution

Unit-6: Developing Marketing Strategies - II

6.1 Designing Marketing Strategies for Market Leaders, Challengers, Followers, and Nichers

6.1.1 Market Leader Strategies

6.1.2 Market Challenger Strategies
6.1.3 Market-Follower Strategies
6.1.4 Market-Nicher Strategies
6.2 Designing and Managing Global Marketing Strategies
6.2.1 Deciding Whether to go Abroad
6.2.2 Deciding Which Market to Enter
6.2.3 Deciding How to Enter the Market
6.2.4 Deciding the Marketing Program
6.2.5 Deciding the Marketing Organization
Unit-7: Planning Marketing Programs
7.1 Managing Product Lines, Brands, and Packaging

7.1.1 Product-Mix Decisions

7.1.2 Product-Line Decisions
7.1.3 Brand Decisions
7.1.4 Packaging and Labeling Decisions
7.2 Managing Service Business and Product Support Services
7.2.1 Nature and Classification of Services
7.2.2 Characteristics of Services and Their Marketing Implications
7.2.3 Marketing Strategies for Service Firms
7.2.4 Managing Product Support Services
7.3 Designing Pricing Strategies and Programs
7.3.1 Setting the Price
7.3.2 Adapting the Price
7.3.3 Initiating and Responding to Price Changes
7.4 Selecting and Managing Marketing Channels
7.4.1 Channel Design Decisions
7.4.2 Channel Management Decisions
7.4.3 Channel Dynamics
7.4.4 Channel Cooperation, Conflict, and Competition
7.5 Managing Retailing, Wholesaling, and Market Logistics
7.5.1 Retailing
7.5.2 Wholesaling
7.5.3 Market Logistics

Unit-8: Planning Market Program

8.1 Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Communications
8.1.1 View of the Communication Process
8.1.2 Developing Effective Communications
8.2 Managing Advertising, Sales Promotion, and Public Relations
8.2.1 Developing and Managing an Advertising Program
8.2.2 Sales Promotion
8.2.3 Public Relations
8.3 Managing the Sales Force
8.3.1 Designing the Sales Force
8.3.2 Managing the Sales Force
8.3.3 Principles of Personal Selling
8.4 Managing Direct and Online Marketing
8.4.1 Growth and Benefits of Direct Marketing
8.4.2 Customer Databases and Direct Marketing
8.4.3 Major Channels for Direct Marketing
8.4.4 Marketing in the Twenty-First Century and Online Marketing
8.4.5 Growing Use of Integrated Direct Marketing
8.4.6 Public and Ethical Issues in the Use of Direct Marketing
Unit-9: Organizing, Implementing, Evaluating, and Controlling Marketing Activities
9.1 Company Organization
9.2 Marketing Organization
9.3 Marketing Implementation
9.4 Controlling Marketing Activity

Recommended Books:

Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2011). Marketing Management (14th ed.). New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Dicksan, P. (2008). Marketing Management (International ed.). New York: McGraw Hills Inc.

Doyle, P. (2010). Marketing Management and Strategy (3rd ed.). New York: Prentice Hall.

Jegdesh, S., & Dennis, E. (2009). Marketing Management: A Comprehensive Reader (International ed.).
New York: McGraw Hills Inc.


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