Materi Greeting Guests

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Greeting Guests ( Salam )

First impressions last a life time, or at least until the guests check out, so it is important to make a good
first impression. There are numerous expressions that can be used when first greeting people. Some are
very formal

and appropriate for greeting guests and some are more informal and should only be used with friends or
co-workers. Obviously, employees of the hotel industry should use

the more formal expressions; however, the less formal expressions will also be presented

to give learners a well balanced repertoire to

choose from.

1. Lesson: Greetings

2. Lesson Objectives: Students will learn various expressions for greetings, introductions, and farewells.

3. Procedure: Give students handouts of the following expressions/dialogues. Read the expressions and
have the students repeat them individually to check their pronunciation.

Formal Expressions

Good morning (sir/ma'am)

Good afternoon (sir/ma'am). Welcome to (name of hotel/restaurant, etc) Good evening (sir/ma'am)

How are you this morning (afternoon, evening, today)?

Less Formal Expressions



What's up? How's it going?

Of course, after the greeting, the dialogue must be continued, and what is said then depends on the
situation. When interacting with hotel guests that continued interaction usually involves determining
what the guest wants or needs. A couple of standards that can be used in the hotel industry are:
How can I help you today ma’am (sir)? Can I be of assistance?

How may I assist you?

May I assist you with anything? What can I do for you today?

4. Study: Students should work together in pairs and read the following dialogue, one student reading
the roles of the guest and the other student reading the role of the staff.

Staff: Good morning Ma’am. Welcome to the (...Spa)

Guest: Thank you.

Staff: How can I help you today?

Guest: I’m here for a (....massage).

5. Paired Practice: Practice using the above expressions by having similar dialogues with a partner, one
partner taking the role of the guest and the other the role of the staff. For additional practice, switch
roles. Practice the dialogue several times, trying to use all of the expressions noted.

B. Introductions (Perkenalan diri)

In normal social situations, to continue an interaction after a greeting, it is customary for people to
introduce each other by giving their names (assuming of course they are meeting for the first time). But
remember, that not all hotel employees would normally exchange names with a guest. For example, a
bell man would not usually tell a guest his name, but a waitress in a restaurant may, as part of the
standard restaurant greeting (such as

"Welcome to the Beef House. My name is Rebecca and I'll be your waitress tonight"). Guest service
representatives who

interact with VIP guests may be more inclined to make a

formal introduction as part of the extended service provided


1. Lesson: Introductions
2. Lesson Objectives: Students will learn various expressions for introductions.

3. Procedure: Give students handouts of the following expressions/dialogues. Read the expressions and
have the students repeat them individually to check their pronunciation.

Hello I’m …(Emily Pearson) What’s your name? My

name is…(Bob Friendly) It’s a pleasure to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.

Allow me to introduce myself. I would like to introduce myself. This is … (Mrs. Harris)

I would like to introduce… (my boss, Mr. Larson).

Please allow me to introduce ... (my friend John).

4. Study: Students should work together in pairs and read the following dialogue, one student reading
the roles of the guest and the other student reading the role of the staff.

Introducing yourself

Staff: Hello, I’m Ms. Jandee.

Guest: Hello, Ms. Jandee, I’m Susan Appleton.

Guest: My name is John Grey.

Staff: Nice to meet you Mr. Grey, I’m Mrs. Sukjoy.

Guest: I’m George Franks. What's your name?

Staff: My name is Sopida, Sopida Hakam. It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Franks.

Guest: Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Frank Jeffers.

Helen: I delighted to meet you Mr. Jeffers. My name is Pornpan Orasa.

Point to remember
This last example is a very formal introduction and would not be used unless meeting a very, very
important person in a very formal situation (such as a ball in the government mansion while meeting the

Introducing others: On occasion, you may find yourself in a situation where you have to introduce one
person to another. Look at these possible expressions that are used for this.

Peter: Sam Kellogg, I would like to introduce Miss Helen Cranston.

Sam: Hello Miss Cranston, nice to meet you. Helen: Nice to meet you too Mr. Kellogg.

Bob: Min Ju, this is my friend Betty Watson.

Min Ju: Hi Ms. Watson, a pleasure to meet you.

Betty: Same here.

Alice: Harry, let me introduce my supervisor, Mr. Lee

Harry: Mr. Lee, it’s good to meet you.

Mr. Lee: Good to meet you too. But please, call me


Point to remember

Many beginning learners use the expression “Nice to meet you” even when they interact with a person
they have already been introduced to. This expression (Nice to meet you) is only used

at a first meeting, not after that. Instead, if greeting a person for the second time, use “Nice to see you

5. Paired Practice: Practice using the above expressions by having similar dialogues with a partner, one
partner taking the role of the guest and the other the role of the staff. For additional practice, switch
roles. Practice the dialogue several times, trying to use all of the expressions noted.

C. Asking About Well Being (Apa kabar)

After the introductions it is only natural to continue the conversation in some way. Many people inquire
about your well being, especially friends, acquaintances, and co-workers. Several expressions can be
used for this, and the responses to these inquiries depend on how you actually feel.

1. Lesson: Asking about well being

2. Lesson Objectives: Students will learn various expressions for asking about well being.

3. Procedures: Give students handouts of the following expressions/dialogues.

Read the expressions and have the students repeat them individually to check their pronunciation.


How are you? Great.

How’s it going? Couldn’t be better. How has your day been? Fantastic.


How have you been? Could be worse. How’s the family? Fair to middling.

Did you have a good day? I can’t complain.


How do you feel? Not too good.

How was your day? I’ve had better days. Have you had a good day? No, it was lousy.

4. Study: Students should work together in pairs and read the following dialogue, one student reading
the roles of the guest and the other student reading the role of the staff.

Staff: Good afternoon, welcome to The Plaza.

Guest: Hi.

Staff: How can I help you today?

Guest: I need to check in.

Staff: Of course sir, My name is Sopida Hakam and I’ll be your guest representative during your stay.
Could I have your name please?
Guest: Freddy Benson.

Staff: Yes Mr. Benson, here you are. And how are you today?

Guest: Tired actually, it was a very long flight.

Staff: Well, I’ll get you checked in as soon as possible so you can relax.

5. Paired Practice: Practice using the above expressions by having similar dialogues with a partner, one
partner taking the role of the guest and the other the role of the staff. For additional practice, switch
roles. Practice the dialogue several times, trying to use all of the expressions noted.

D. Farewells (Perpisahan)

After greetings, introductions, and polite conversation people will go their separate ways. There are
numerous expressions that can be used when giving farewells. Some are more formal than others.
Obviously the more formal expressions are more appropriate when interacting with guests

1. Lesson: Farewells

2. Lesson Objectives: Students will learn various expressions for farewells.

3. Procedure: Give students handouts of the following expressions/dialogues. Read the expressions and
have the students repeat them individually to check their pronunciation.

More Formal expressions


Thank you for coming. Have a pleasant day. Goodbye, please come again.

Goodbye, I hope to see you again.

Less Formal Goodbyes

See you later (soon) So long

Good bye (bye) Please come again

I have to run I have to be going now

Catch you later See you again

Points to remember

The informal expressions above can be used among friends and co-workers, but would be too informal
to use with guests.

Bye-Bye is an expression that very young children use when they are first beginning to talk, or on rare
occasions by women, but almost never by adult males.

4. Paired Practice: Working in pairs, practice having a conversation with your partner, using all of the
elements above- a greeting, an introduction, asking about well being, and ending with a farewell. One
partner should take the role of the guest and the other the role of the staff. For additional practice,
switch roles. Have several conversations, trying to use all of the expressions noted above.

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