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Materials Characterization 169 (2020) 110605

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Metallographic screening of duplex stainless steel weld microstructure with T

a bipolar electrochemistry technique
Yiqi Zhoua, , Abdulaziz Kablanb, Dirk Lars Engelberga,b

Corrosion & Protection Centre, Department of Materials, The University of Manchester, M13 9PL Manchester, UK
Materials Performance Centre, The University of Manchester, M13 9PL Manchester, UK


Keywords: A novel bipolar electrochemistry screening method to reveal corrosion susceptibility of weld microstructures is
Bipolar electrochemistry introduced. This metallographic method is applied to characterise the weld microstructure of a lean duplex
Stainless steel stainless steel. The corrosion behaviour of the Fusion Zone (FZ), Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) and Base Metal (BM)
Corrosion screening was revealed, with the most severe etch response found at the interface between Fusion Zone (FZ) – Heat
Weld microstructure
Affected Zone (HAZ). Transpassive and crevice corrosion were more significant in the FZ, with the highest
Heat affected zone
corrosion resistance observed in the BM. The observed behaviour was linked to differences in local element
distributions and the ferrite-to-austenite phase fraction. Corrosion pits formed via preferential dissolution of the
ferrite, with the austenite preferentially dissolving in the transpassive region.

1. Introduction phases can always precipitate in most DSS microstructures, such as σ

and χ, lowering the corrosion resistance [9,15–17]. At low heat inputs,
Bipolar electrochemistry produces a quasi-linear potential gradient the ferrite to austenite transformation is suppressed, resulting in lower
along the interface of a bipolar electrode (BPE), resulting in access to austenite fraction in the HAZ and FZ. As a consequence of this un-
full spectrum of anodic-to-cathodic electrochemical reactions [1–5]. balanced ratio of microstructure phases, the mechanical and corrosion
This technique can be applied to assess corrosion properties of stainless resistance properties are greatly affected [9,13,15,18]. To improve the
steels, by using a simple experimental setup which is also designed for corrosion resistance of welded lean DSS, post-weld heat treatment can
high throughput material screening. Bipolar screening techniques have be applied [15,19]. In welded lean DSS 2101, the pitting corrosion
been applied to assess room temperature pitting corrosion in type 316 resistance can also be improved by using 90% N2 + 10% H2 as backing
austenitic and type 2205 duplex stainless steel [1,5] as well as for ob- gas [20]. In contrast, post-weld cleaning treatments have not been
servations of localised corrosion in type 420 ferritic stainless steel [6]. found to be effective for improving the pitting corrosion resistance of
Duplex stainless steels (DSS) are typically based on balanced phase lean DSS 2101, which has been attributed to the presence of manga-
fractions of ferrite (α) and austenite (γ), with excellent mechanical nese-rich oxide particles [21].
properties and corrosion resistance [7–10]. However, DSS are suscep- Pitting corrosion is the localised breakdown of a passive film, fol-
tible to localised corrosion, with pitting observed under atmospheric lowed by rapid metal dissolution [22]. Pitting corrosion often nucleates
exposure at elevated temperature [11]. Lean duplex stainless steel, such at MnS or Cr depleted region [23], but in DSS, localised corrosion nu-
as grade 2101 (21%Cr-1%Ni) has attracted a lot of attention, as the Ni cleation sites also relate to selective phase dissolution of either the
and Mo are replaced by Mn and N, whilst maintaining superior corro- ferrite or austenite, with the local environment and chemistry affecting
sion resistance over type 304 L stainless steel [12–14]. During welding, dissolution sites [24,25]. Pitting corrosion is influenced by the con-
DSS is typically subjected to a series of thermal cycles, with un- centration of chloride, applied potential, and electrolyte temperature
favourable phase transformation and non-metallic precipitations then [26], and the size and ratio of ferrite to austenite [27]. Metastable pit
located in the HAZ or within the FZ. Heat input is one of the factors to growth requires a lacy cover to act as a diffusion barrier to maintain a
determine the cooling rate of the welding process. Generally, a rela- high concentration of chloride and low pH electrolyte [28,29]. In lean
tively high heat input is beneficial to the microstructure as more aus- DSS 2202, the size of the ferrite phase influences the porosity of lacy
tenite reforms during the cooling stage. However, deleterious secondary cover, which affects pitting corrosion via changing the ion exchange

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (Y. Zhou).
Received 1 July 2020; Received in revised form 17 August 2020; Accepted 31 August 2020
Available online 08 September 2020
1044-5803/ © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Y. Zhou, et al. Materials Characterization 169 (2020) 110605

inside the pit to the bulk electrolyte [30]. Stable pit growth is associated and the experiment was conducted in 200 ml of 0.1 M HCl for 5 min.
with a critical electrochemical potential (Epit) above a critical pitting After corrosion testing, all samples were removed from the elec-
temperature (CPT) [31,32]. Stable pits can grow without lacy covers, as trolyte, washed and rinsed in soap water, and dried in hot air. A
the large pit volume/depth act as the diffusion barrier [33,34]. Keyence VK-200 K laser confocal scanning microscope was used to
In the work reported here, the bipolar electrochemistry technique determine corrosion morphologies. A Zeiss Sigma VP FEG-SEM was
was explored for weld microstructure characterisation, demonstrating used for SEM imaging, EDX and EBSD analysis. EDX mapping was
applicability of this technique for corrosion susceptibility screening. carried out using Aztec software at 20 kV to characterise the chemical
The main advantage is the direct observation of different corrosion compositions of the ferrite and austenite phase, and to analyse areas
responses, comparing the BM, HAZ, and FZ at different applied po- around pits where selective dissolution is most susceptible. The EDX
tentials. This observation can then be correlated to the microstructure detector used was an x-max 150 detectors from oxford instrument. For
of DSS 2101, determined by Electron Backscattered Diffraction (EBSD) EBSD, a step size with 1.26 μm was applied for the microstructure and
analysis. phase analysis at 20 kV.

2. Materials and method 3. Result and discussion

A lean DSS 2101 with a composition (wt%) of 21.4 Cr, 1.6 Ni, 5.02 An EBSD map of the DSS 2101 weld microstructure is shown in
Mn, 0.3 Mo, 0.21 N, 0.02C, and Fe (bal.) was used in this study. Two Fig. 2 (a), with the BM, HAZ, and FZ outlined and marked. The mi-
rectangular DSS 2101 samples were welded together using a plasma + crostructure of the as received BM consists of austenite and ferrite, with
TIG machine welding process. The weld seam was then reworked ac- both phases elongated along the processing direction Hardness testing
cording to DIN EN ISO 5817 D. Samples for electrochemical testing was carried out with 15 equally spaced indents, with the mean and
were prepared, with each sample containing a combination of base standard deviation of all measurements reported. The BM has a hard-
material (BM), heat affected zone (HAZ), and the fusion zone (FZ). ness of 230 ± 14 HV10, indicating an annealed microstructure con-
Standard 3-electrode potentiodynamic polarisation tests were car- dition. The width of the HAZ is ≈ 500 μm. In the HAZ, the micro-
ried out in an AVESTA cell at room temperature using an aqueous 0.1 M structure closer to the FZ has a different morphology compared to the
HCl solution. A platinum electrode and saturated calomel electrode microstructure on the BM side. In the FZ, columnar ferrite grains are
(SCE) reference electrode were used, in combination with a CS2350 formed due to their growth along temperature gradients during
Bipotentiostat and CS Studio-5 software. The open circuit potential welding; at the centre of the FZ, more equiaxed ferrite grains are then
(OCP) was stabilised for 10 min, followed by potentiodynamic polar- formed with secondary austenite grains located at grain boundaries.
isation tests from −200 mVOCP until the current density exceeded Austenite in the FZ has three locations and morphologies, (i) a con-
0.1 mA/cm2, using a scan rate of 1 mV/s. tinuous phase at prior-ferrite grain boundaries, (ii) acicular-type Wid-
A bipolar electrode (BPE) is shown in Fig. 1 (a) with a dimension of manstätten plates growing into ferrite grains, and (iii) discrete in-
30 mm × 22 mm × 5 mm (Length × Width × Thickness). The FZ had tragranular regions.
a width of 7 mm, and the BM had a width of 15 mm, with the HAZ EBSD assessment revealed a ratio of ferrite/austenite in the BM of
located in between the FZ and BM. The surface was prepared to 1200 ≈50:50. A ratio of ferrite/austenite in the HAZ of 63:36 and even 77:23
grit, followed by polishing to 1 μm diamond paste finish. The sides of in the FZ were found, showing regions with unbalanced ferrite/auste-
the BPE were ground to 800 grit, and a lacquer then applied to cover all nite fractions. Nitrogen loss is often observed in fusion based welding
side faces and the bottom. For the potentiodynamic polarisation tests, processes, which can easily result in unbalanced phase fractions in the
the samples were cut to 30 × 30 × 5 mm3 (Length × Width × HAZ. This combined with fast cooling rates results then in a reduced
Thickness) and finished via grinding and polishing to 1 μm, ready for diffusion time in the FZ, yielding a far higher ferrite phase fraction of up
testing in the Avesta cell. For the EBSD analysis, the sample was ground to 77% here. This is well above the recommended ferrite envelope of
to 4000 grit and polished to 0.25 μm diamond paste finish, followed by 30–65% for BM and 40–65% for the HAZ, according to API technical
a fine polishing using OPS Colloidal Silica. report 938-C.
The schematic in Fig. 1 (b) demonstrates the setup for the bipolar Fig. 2 (b-d) give an overview of the chemical composition of the
electrochemistry experiments. A Keysight E36232A DC power supply EBSD map in Fig. 2 (a), highlighting the distribution of Cr, Mn, and Ni.
was used as a power source for the feeder electrodes. A constant current The microstructure of the BM reflects the different concentrations of
(galvanostatic) of 1 A was applied between the feeder electrodes, with these 3 alloying elements, with higher Cr and lower Mn concentrations
the distance between the electrodes set to 60 mm, and the BPE centred in the ferrite. However, in the HAZ and FZ, both ferrite and austenite
in between. Each platinum feeder electrode had a surface area of 4 cm2, have similar Cr concentrations. The FZ has a lower Mn content, which

Fig. 1. (a) The top view of the welded lean DSS 2101, with (b) schematic diagram of the bipolar electrochemistry set-up.

Y. Zhou, et al. Materials Characterization 169 (2020) 110605

Fig. 2. (a) EBSD map of the DSS 2101 mi-

crostructure (blue: austenite, red: ferrite),
with the arrow showing the process direc-
tion of the base material. The distribution of
corresponding major chemical elements of
this region is shown in (b) for Cr, in (c) for
Mn, and in (d) for Ni. (For interpretation of
the references to colour in this figure le-
gend, the reader is referred to the web
version of this article.)

in turn contains more Ni, indicating that a Ni-over alloyed filler ma-
terials was used for the welding process. The over alloyed Ni should
promote austenite formation in the FZ [35]. However, the EBSD map in
Fig. 2(a) clearly shows a significantly reduced fraction of austenite,
predominantly reformed at grain boundaries. Overall, the FZ seems to
have a fairly homogenous concentration of all major alloying elements.
Table 1 displays the chemical composition of the welded DSS 2101
in the different regions. 10 points of each phase were measured, and the
average composition calculated, with the standard deviation based on
ten measurements. Due to the insensitivity of the EDX techniques to
nitrogen, the nitrogen content of the single phase could not be mea-
sured. In the HAZ and FZ, the chemical element distribution between
the ferrite and austenite are similar. In this region, both the ferrite and
austenite transformed into a fully ferritic structure upon welding, with
the austenite then re-forming during the subsequent cooling period. The
reformed austenite here is expected to have a similar composition to the
ferrite. The Cr and Ni can only diffuse relatively slowly in the solid
state; hence, they could not partition between ferrite and austenite in Fig. 3. Standard 3-electrode potentiodynamic polarisation curves for DSS 2101
BM and BM + HAZ + FZ using 0.1 M HCl at room temperature.
the FZ and HAZ. The partitioning of alloying elements (Cr and Ni)
between ferrite and austenite is not discernible in the FZ and HAZ,
which is supported by the measurements in Table 1 and the maps in Avesta cell with the results consistent and reproducible. The corrosion
Fig. 2. potential (Ecorr) for the BM and the BM + HAZ + FZ was about −0.069
VSCE and − 0.134 VSCE, respectively. A slightly different corrosion
3.1. Potentiodynamic polarisation potential indicates minor differences in the microstructure passive film
resistance. The BM has a far larger passive potential region with an
Two standard potentiodynamic polarisation curves of DSS 2101 BM increase in current (Epit) at around +0.620 VSCE. For the sample con-
and a sample containing BM + HAZ + FZ in 0.1 M HCl are shown in tains BM + HAZ + FZ, the passive region is shorter, and the Epit re-
Fig. 3. Each electrochemical test was carried out in triplicates using the duced to +0.438 VSCE. The HAZ + FZ containing sample is far more
susceptible to localised corrosion. All results of polarisation studies are
Table 1 collected in Table 2.
Alloying elements concentration in welded lean DSS 2101.
Phase Cr Ni Mn
3.2. Bipolar electrochemistry testing
BM Austenite 20.2 ± 0.3 1.9 ± 0.1 5.3 ± 0.1
Ferrite 22.2 ± 0.1 1.3 ± 0.1 4.7 ± 0.1 Fig. 4 (a) displays an optical image of welded DSS 2101 containing
HAZ Austenite 21.1 ± 0.3 1.6 ± 0.2 5.1 ± 0.2 BM, HAZ, and FZ after exposure for 5 min. to the bipolar electro-
Ferrite 21.5 ± 0.4 1.5 ± 0.1 4.9 ± 0.1
chemistry corrosion screening method. From the oxidation edge (left
FZ Austenite 21.1 ± 0.2 3.2 ± 0.4 4.2 ± 0.2
Ferrite 21.3 ± 0.2 2.9 ± 0.3 4.2 ± 0.2 side) to the reduction edge (right side), crevice corrosion, transpassive
corrosion, pitting corrosion, and an un-attacked passive region,

Y. Zhou, et al. Materials Characterization 169 (2020) 110605

Table 2
Pitting potentials obtained for welded lean DSS 2101 after polarisation in 0.1 M HCl solution at room temperature.
Ecorr (VSCE) Eav.corr Epit (VSCE) Eav.pit
BM −0.062 −0.069 ± 0.01 +0.617 +0.620 ± 0.007
−0.064 +0.615
−0.080 +0.628
BM + HAZ + FZ −0.128 −0.134 ± 0.01 +0.441 +0.438 ± 0.004
−0.129 +0.439
−0.145 +0.434

followed by the balancing cathodic region are observed. A higher re- capillary is connected to a SCE reference electrode. The Luggin capil-
solution image of the anodic region is shown in Fig. 4 (b), with crevice lary was set ≈ 1 mm above the surface. To measure local potential
corrosion present at the interface between sample and lacquer. Trans- changes during the bipolar electrochemistry experiment, the OCP is
passive corrosion is observed next to the crevice at the oxidation edge, first recorded, and then the power supply of the bipolar experiment
as shown in Fig. 4 (b). When it comes to the distribution of corrosion switches on. The reported potential change on the y-axis is the differ-
pits, a clear difference between FZ, HAZ, and BM is apparent, with the ence of measured potential under bipolar control with respect to the
most susceptible region clearly visible along the HAZ. Far larger cor- OCP. The potentials are measured along the surface in increments of
rosion sites with corrosion pits spreading further along the length of the 5 mm, with the Luggin capillary following the centreline of the sample.
sample is observed. Fig. 5 (a) gives the potential change vs. OCP at different locations.
Fig. 4 (b) also reveals that the pit density in the FZ is the lowest, The value of the numbers (0 mm, 5 mm, etc.) indicates the distance to
followed by the BM and the highest pit density in the HAZ. The latter the oxidation edge. The observed noise at each point is caused by local
indicates a far lower pitting potential in that region, with at higher turbulences due to gas formation reactions. The applied potential here
potentials pits transforming into transpassive corrosion. From the po- is able to generate Cl2 and H2 gas, which in turn over longer time
larisation curves in Fig. 3, it is apparent that the BM + HAZ + FZ have periods then changes the electric resistance of the electrolyte.
lower corrosion resistance in HCl compared to the BM alone, which also Fig. 5 (b) shows the potential distribution along the electrode, with
reflected here in Fig. 4. Both FZ and HAZ show unbalanced ratio of the recorded potential at each point showing the average potential over
ferrite to austenite. However, the FZ has a higher corrosion resistance, 5 min of exposure. The potential distribution is quasi-linear along the
related to the higher Ni content, confirmed in Table 1. Here the inter- centre of the electrode, with the potential at the oxidation edge in-
face Fusion Zone (FZ) - Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) had the most severe dicating a slightly increased potential responses; i.e. more positive, and
etch response. more negative at the reduction edge. The superimposed trend line
shows a linear approximation of all points, with the potentials at the
edges (0 mm and 30 mm) off-set due to the edge effect of the electrode.
3.3. Bipolar potential distribution In Fig. 4 (b), the transpassive corrosion potential of the BM and the FZ
are similar (≈ +0.95 VOCP). The HAZ had the lowest pitting potential
To measure the potential distribution along the BPE, a copper-wire (≈ +0.28 VOCP), with pits present up to a potential of ≈ +0.70 VOCP.
was spot welded to the back-side of the bipolar electrode, and a Luggin

Fig. 4. (a) Optical images of the bipolar electrode after the corrosion test; (b) higher magnification optical image of the localised corrosion region, outlining the
different corrosion regions along the sample surface.

Y. Zhou, et al. Materials Characterization 169 (2020) 110605

Fig. 5. (a) The potential change vs time at different locations on the bipolar electrode and (b) measured mean potential (potential change vs OCP) measured at 5 mm

The pitting potential in the BM and FZ were similar (≈ +0.35 VOCP), (a) shows the pits in the FZ, with the austenite phase (at prior-ferrite
reaching up to a maximum potential in the BM of ≈ +0.60 VOCP, grain boundaries and inside of the ferrite) retained, and the ferrite
compared to ≈ +0.57 VOCP in the HAZ. dissolved away. The remaining austenite produces lacy cover type pit
appearance. Some parts of the lacy cover here are already collapsed into
the pit after the surrounding ferrite phase was dissolved and could not
3.4. Corrosion morphology
support the austenite anymore. Fig. 6 (b) displays pitting corrosion in
the BM, with pit morphologies following the process direction of the
The SEM images in Fig. 6 show higher resolution impressions of
ferrite phase. The ferrite phase also selectively dissolved here in this
corrosion pits at the different weld regions. The microstructure shows
region. The austenite phase remained, assembling a continuous
the austenite (bright white) and the ferrite (dark) in all regions. Fig. 6

Fig. 6. SEM images of corrosion pits in the (a) FZ and (b) BM. The pitting corrosion in HAZ is shown with (c,d) representing lower applied potential and (e,f) at higher
potentials (closer to the oxidation edge).

Y. Zhou, et al. Materials Characterization 169 (2020) 110605

Fig. 7. The SEM images of transpassive corrosion for welded lean DSS 2101 at (a) the oxidation edge, (b) and (c) in the FZ, (d) in the BM, and (e) in the HAZ.

network of large austenite grains. prior-ferrite grain, the intragranular austenite (as seen lower in height)
Fig. 6 (c) and (d) show pitting corrosion in the HAZ at lower applied dissolved preferentially here shown in Fig. 7 (c). Some localised cor-
potentials, further away from the oxidation edge. In the HAZ, the rosion is also found at the interface between austenite and ferrite. Fig. 7
austenite also remains, clearly showing the interface between BM and (d) shows transpassive corrosion in the BM highlighting the presence of
FZ. Fig. 6 (e) and (f) show that the largest pits are formed at the HAZ, grains with different height. Fig. 7 (e) shows the transpassive corrosion
much larger than those at the BM and FZ, indicating faster pit growth in the HAZ. Overall, the HAZ had less transpassive corrosion, showing
kinetics. These pits grew predominantly along the HAZ. It seemed to only small height difference between the ferrite and austenite phase.
becomes more difficult for pits to grow into the BM, with the pit ex- During transpassive corrosion, austenite preferentially dissolved,
pansion possibly affected by the large remaining austenite islands resulting in selective corrosion. The FZ is more sensitive to crevice
acting as a preventative wall to pitting corrosion. In the FZ, a higher corrosion and transpassive corrosion, with a larger crevice width and
volume fraction of ferrite is here typically present, thus offering more localised corrosion caused by transpassive corrosion. HAZ suffers the
pathways for pit propagation. The HAZ is here clearly more sensitive to least transpassive corrosion, as the least height difference between
pitting corrosion. austenite and ferrite was found. The results in this paper demonstrated
the effect of chemical composition on the observed corrosion
3.5. Transpassive corrosion morphologies in duplex stainless steel.
A lower volume fraction of austenite and nitrogen loss in the HAZ
Fig. 7 (a) gives a SEM image of the oxidation edge of the bipolar during welding typically result in reduced pitting corrosion resistance
electrode, indicating that the observed crevice corrosion in the FZ is far [37]. The latter can be restored by balancing local nitrogen con-
more serious than in the BM, displaying a larger crevice volume. In the centrations, for example, via using nitrogen-containing shielding at-
FZ, some corrosion sites are observed following prior-ferrite grain mospheres during welding. The higher volume fraction of ferrite in the
boundaries. The grains drop if the surrounding phase is dissolved away. HAZ can also be avoided or reduced by, for example, optimizing cooling
In the BM, no localised corrosion is observed except for crevice corro- times or introducing subsequent annealing heat treatments [38]. The
sion at the interface with the lacquer. difference in chemical compositions of the two phases typically results
Fig. 7 (b) displays the transpassive corrosion in the FZ. Austenite in ferrite dissolving preferentially during pitting corrosion in chloride
preferentially corrodes away starting often from grain boundaries, as containing environments as demonstrated by recent studies on lean
the passive film becomes more defective, less crystalline and dense duplex stainless steel [14,30].
during transpassive corrosion. Hence, phases with higher Cr content For welded DSS, details of the corrosion behaviour in relation to
have better corrosion resistance in this potential region [36]. Inside microstructure evolution can be obtained from bipolar electrochemistry

Y. Zhou, et al. Materials Characterization 169 (2020) 110605

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