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Frequency Modulation & Demodulation: I. Aim

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To perform the functioning of Frequency modulation & demodulation and also
calculate the modulation index.

1. Frequency modulation & demodulation trainer kit.
2. C.R.O (20MHz)
3. Function generator (1MHz).
4. Connecting chords & probes.

FM is a system in which the amplitude of the carrier wave c(t) is kept constant, while its
frequency and the rate of changes are varied by the baseband signal.

By definition the amount by which the carrier is varied from its unmodulated signal is called the
frequency deviation., is made proportional to the instantaneous amplitude of the modulating

The rate at which this frequency variation changes or takes place is equal to the
modulating frequency.

Fm is that form of angle modulation in which the instantaneous frequency f(t) is

varied with the message signal m(t), as
The term fc represents the frequency of the unmodulated carrier, the constant Kf represents the
frequency sensitivity of the modulator expressed in Hertz per volt.
Generation of FM signal:
There are essentially two basic methods of generating frequency-modulated signal, namely direct
FM and indirect FM.

In direct FM the carrier signal is varied directly in accordance with the input base band signal,
which is readily accomplished using a voltage-controlled oscillator.
In the indirect method the modulating signal is first use to produce a narrow band FM signal, and
frequency multiplication is next used to increase the frequency deviation to desired level. The
indirect method is preferred choice for FM when the stability of the carrier is of major concern as
in commercial radio broadcasting.

Modulation index = firequency deviation / modulating signal frequency

Indirect FM:

The message signal m(t) is first integrated and then used to phase modulate a crystal controlled
oscillator; the use of crystal control provides frequency stability. To minimize the distortion
inherent in the phase modulator, the maximum phase deviation or modulation index β is kept
small, there by resulting in an narrow band FM signal.

This signal is next multiplied in frequency in frequency by means of a frequency

multiplier so as to produce the desired wide band FM signal.

Demodulation of FM signals:
Frequency demodulation is the process that enables us to recover the original
modulating signal from a frequency-demodulated signal.
Here we describe a direct method of frequency discriminator, whose instantaneous output
amplitude is directly proportional to the instantaneous frequency of the input FM signal.
1. Switch on the power supply of the kit (without making any connections).
2. Connect Oscilloscope to the FM O/P and observe that the carrier frequency at
that point without any A.F input.
3. Connect around 1KHz with 2 volts sine wave to the input of frequency
4. Now observe the frequency modulation output on the 1st channel of CRO and
adjust the amplitude of the A.F signal to get clear frequency modulated
5. Vary the modulating frequency and amplitude and observe the effects on the
modulated waveform.
6. Connect the FM o/p to FM i/p of demodulator.
7. Vary the potentiometer provided in the demodulator section.
8. Observe the demodulation output on second channel of CRO.
1. Mobile Communications.
2. Satellite Communications.

1. Define frequency modulation?
The modulation of a radio or other wave by variation of its frequency, especially
to carry an audio signal.
2. Mention the advantages of indirect method of FM generation?
Less radiated power; Low distortion due to improved signal to noise ratio (about
25dB) w.r.t. to manmade interference.; Smaller geographical interference between
neighboring stations.; Well defined service areas for given transmitter power.
3. Define modulation index and frequency deviation of FM?
Modulation index is the equivalent of the modulation index for AM, but
obviously related to FM, while, Frequency Deviation is that it will vary according
to the instantaneous values of deviation and modulating frequency.
4. What are the advantages of FM?
Improved signal to noise ratio (about 25dB) w.r.t. to manmade interference.;
Smaller geographical interference between neighboring stations.; Less radiated
power.; Well defined service areas for given transmitter power.
5. What is narrow band FM?
It is commonly used in Amateur Radio in the 144–148 MHz VHF band and the
420–450 MHz UHF band, where the bandwidth required for the FM signal is
6. Compare narrow band FM and wide band FM?
Narrow band FM is commonly used in Amateur Radio in the 144–148 MHz VHF
band and the 420–450 MHz UHF band, where the bandwidth required for the FM
signal is acceptable. While, wide band FM is used at the expense of greater
spectrum usage.
7. Differentiate FM and AM?
FM in this module, the frequency of the carrier wave is modified according to the
signal that carries information. The radio signals have large bandwidth than AM
radio signals, which helps to offer much better sound quality. While AM is a
modulation technique where the amplitude of a carrier varies depending on the
information signal. AM radio broadcast signals use lower carrier frequencies, this
helps them to travel long distances.
8. How FM wave can be converted into PM wave?
So FM is the rate-of-change of PM. If the modulator is a true PM, then integrate
the signal before modulation to get FM. If the modulator is true FM then
differentiate the signal before modulation to get PM.
9. State the principle of reactance tube modulator?
Changes the frequency of the tank circuit of the oscillator by changing its
10. Draw the circuit of varactor diode modulator?

11. What is the bandwidth of FM system?

The frequency band for FM radio is about 88 to 108 MHz.
12. Want is the function of FM discriminator?
Limiter circuit is used in FM receiver to remove the noise present in the peaks of
the received signal and to remove any amplitude variation in the received signal;
the output of the limiter has constant amplitude.
13. How does ratio detector differ from Fosterseely discriminator?
The Foster-Seeley circuit consists of a special center-tapped transformer feeding
two diodes in a full wave DC rectifier circuit. The ratio detector is a variant of the
Foster-Seeley discriminator, but one diode conducts in an opposite direction. The
ratio detector has the advantage over the Foster-Seeley discriminator that it will
not respond to AM signals, thus potentially saving a limiter stage.
14. What is meant by linear detector?
Linear Heat Detection (LHD) (also known as Linear Detection Wire or Linear
Heat Detection Cable or Linear Heat) is a very commonly used method of fire
detection. It can detect a fire anywhere along the length of the cable, and can be of
lengths in excess of a kilometer.
15. What are the drawbacks of slope detector?
Not linear as the output is dependent upon the curve of a filter. Not particularly
effective as it requires the signal to be centered on the falling response of a filter.
This means that the signal cannot be received at its maximum signal strength.

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