Api 510 Exam: Api576 Questions - 02

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1. Where would a pilot-operated safety relief valve generally not be used?

a) in low viscosity liquid service
b) in low corrosive environments
c) in dirty fluid service without a filtering system
d) all of the above

2. What type of valve is normally used to protect atmospheric and low-pressure storage tanks
against a pressure large enough to damage the tank?
a) pressure vent valve
b) pilot-operated safety relief valve
c) conventional safety reliefvalve
d) all of the above

3. Which of the following valves would not be used at a set pressure of 150 psi?
a) pilot-operated safety relief valve
b) conventional safety reliefvalve
c) pressure vent valve
all of the above

4. A rupture disk device is made up of which of the following items?

a) rupture disk andflange
b) rupture disk and coupling
c) rupture disk and holder
d) rupture disk and control spring

5. Which of the following best describes the operation of a rupture disk device?
a) a non-reclosing pressure relief device actuated by the static differential pressure between
the inlet and outlet of the device
b) a relief device actuated by the static differential pressure between the inlet and outlet of
the device to allow a spring loaded disk to open and close as required
c) a relief device actuated by the dynamic differential pressure between the inlet and outlet
of the device to allow a non-reclosing disk to bust open when overpressured
d) a disk that ruptures when corrosion becomes accelerated
6. What will happen to the conventional domed rupture disk reaching its burst pressure?
a) it will immediately close completely to protect the system
b) it will fragment
c) it will open, then close when the pressure subsides
d) it will bulge but not break, sending an electronic signal to a warning alarm

7. What is the purpose of the scoring in a scored rupture disk?

a) to appropriately size the disk
b) to control the burst pressure and pattern
c) to rate the disk (more scores provide higher rating)
d) to control the dome radius

8. Which side of a flat composite rupture disk is designed to burst when it is overpressured?
a) on the concaveside
b) on the convexside
c) on the side closest to the next control valve
d) on the side designated by the manufacturer

9. What typical maximum level of the rated burst pressure is a domed composite
rupture disk generally permitted to operate?
a) 70%
b) 80%
c) 85%
d) 90%

10. Which side of a reverse-acting rupture disk is designed to burst when it is overpressured ?
a) on the concave side
b) on the convex side
c) on the side closest to the next control valve
d) on the side designated by the manufacturer

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