The document contains a student results table with 4 rows of student data including ID, name, city, and marks obtained in 3 subjects as well as total and result. It shows the marks and results of 4 students from different cities, with 2 students passing and 2 failing based on their total marks and pass/fail criteria.
The document contains a student results table with 4 rows of student data including ID, name, city, and marks obtained in 3 subjects as well as total and result. It shows the marks and results of 4 students from different cities, with 2 students passing and 2 failing based on their total marks and pass/fail criteria.
The document contains a student results table with 4 rows of student data including ID, name, city, and marks obtained in 3 subjects as well as total and result. It shows the marks and results of 4 students from different cities, with 2 students passing and 2 failing based on their total marks and pass/fail criteria.
The document contains a student results table with 4 rows of student data including ID, name, city, and marks obtained in 3 subjects as well as total and result. It shows the marks and results of 4 students from different cities, with 2 students passing and 2 failing based on their total marks and pass/fail criteria.