Competative Strategies

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Michael Porter has argued that a firm's strengths ultimately fall into one of two
headings: cost advantage and differentiation.
By applying these strengths in either a broad or narrow scope, three generic
strategies result:,
Cost Leadership
 Differentiation
Generic Strategies

Cost Differentiation Focus

Leadership • Creating a • Concentrating
• Superior profits product or service on
through lower that is perceived a limited part of
costs. as being unique the market.
• E.g. : Wal-Mart “throughout the • E.g. : PepsiCo
• E.g. : McDonald.
Cost Leadership Strategy
An integrated set of actions designed to produce or deliver goods or services at the
lowest cost relative to competitors with features that are acceptable to customers
This involves
Relatively standardized products
Features acceptable to many customers
lowest competitive Price

Determine and control Reconfigure, if require

 Alter production process New raw material

 Change in automation Forward integration
 New distribution channel Backward integration
 New advertising media Change location relative to
Direct sales in place of suppliers or buyers
indirect sales
Major Risks of Cost Leadership Strategy

 Easy to imitate of strategy.
Temporary strategy.
 Technological changes.
Differentiation Strategy
An integrated set of actions designed by a firm to produce or deliver goods or
services (at an acceptable cost) that customers perceive as being different in
ways that are important to them

Price for product can exceed what the firm's target customers are willing to
 Non standardized products
 Customers value differentiated features more than they value low cost

Factors That Drive Differentiation

o Unique product features
o Unique product performance
oExceptional services
o New technologies
o Quality of inputs
o Detailed information
Major Risks of Differentiation Strategy

Experience may narrow customer's perceptions of the value

of differentiated features of the firm's products
 Makers of counterfeit goods may attempt to replicate
differentiated features of the firm's products
Focused Business-Level Strategies

A focus strategy must exploit a narrow target's differences from the

balance of the industry by:
Isolating a particular buyer group
Isolating a unique segment of a product line
Concentrating on a particular geographic market
Finding their “niche”

Factors That May Drive Focused Strategies

Firm may lack resources to compete in the broader market

May be able to serve a narrow market segment more effectively than
can larger industry-wide competitors
Focus may allow the firm to direct resources to certain value chain
activities to build competitive advantage.
Major Risks of Focused Strategies

A large competitor may set its sights on your niche market.

Preferences of niche market may change to match those of broad
Its short term strategy.

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