INS-Camera Calibration Without Ground Control Points: Daniel Bender, Marek Schikora, J Urgen Sturm and Daniel Cremers
INS-Camera Calibration Without Ground Control Points: Daniel Bender, Marek Schikora, J Urgen Sturm and Daniel Cremers
INS-Camera Calibration Without Ground Control Points: Daniel Bender, Marek Schikora, J Urgen Sturm and Daniel Cremers
C. Algorithm Overview k
In this section, we present achieved results from flight
experiments to validate the proposed approach. The equipped Fig. 8. Visualization of the camera poses and 3D points introduced as vertices
INS is based on fibre optic gyroscopes, which have a stability in our graph optimization.
up to some hundredths of a degree per hour. In combination
with real time kinematic enhanced GPS measurements very
accurate pose information are generated. The optical system estimation of the vertical lever-arm and all other mounting
consist of a downward looking camera with 8 megapixels and internal camera parameters can be decoupled from each
and a wide angle lens with a field of view of 54 ◦ in the other. Due to these observations, we fixed the lever-arm to the
horizontal and 42 ◦ in the vertical direction. The sensors were terrestrial measurements in our optimization.
integrated into a payload pod, which was mounted beneath the
wing of a manned ultra light airplane (Fig. 1). The performed The resulting calibration parameters show a hight stability
flight course has to introduce measurements that constrain all for different flights and differs from the initial checkerboard
dimensions of the calibration parameters. For our platform calibration (Table I). This holds especially for the distortion
small movements in all axes occur even for straight and level parameters, that we omitted here for the sake of readability.
flights, which aim at a constant heading and altitude by accom- The differences between the optimized boresight angles ψB ,
plishing immediate corrections to unintentional movements. θB and φB are very close to the stated accuracy of the INS.
We performed a total of four flights within two days. At an Small variations for the intrinsic camera parameters occur
altitude of 300 meters and above, we captured two images per most likely due to different climate conditions during flight
second at a speed of approximately 125 km/h. The flights were execution. To evaluate the accuracy of the achieved results
performed as crossing straight lines (Fig. 2). To achieve a high we performed a least-square forward intersection for the pixel
image overlap, we use only images within a circle of a radius observations of five GCP. The image coordinates of these
of 600 meters around the central point. This results in a total
number of nearly 700 images for the first two flights and 300
images for the other two.
These images were used to calculate an initial 3D point
cloud of the observed area with a SFM approach under con-
sideration of the camera poses [17]. The latter were generated
by a concatenation of the INS measurements with the initial
mounting offsets determined through terrestrial measurements.
The output of the SFM (Fig. 8) was used as input for
the graph optimization. Thereby the pixel observations were
introduced as measurements with an accuracy of 1 pixel. Since
no quality log files of the INS were available we considered
the manufacturer information of an accuracy of 2 cm in the
position, 0.04 ◦ for the yaw and 0.01 ◦ for the pitch and roll
angles. Our previous work [6] reveals that the optimization
of the translational part of the mounting offsets leads to a Fig. 9. We used five ground control points to verify the accuracy of our
lower accuracy compared to usual terrestrial measurements. approach. These were placed at dominant image corners to allow easy manual
As further stated in [18], at least one GCP is needed for the measurement of their image coordinates (orange circles).
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