Odometry Fusion IMU - 1.5066524
Odometry Fusion IMU - 1.5066524
Odometry Fusion IMU - 1.5066524
Comparison of complementary and Kalman filter based data fusion for attitude heading
reference system
AIP Conference Proceedings 1919, 020002 (2017); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5018520
The concept of using the mobile robot for telemechanical wires installation in pipelines
AIP Conference Proceedings 2029, 020054 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5066516
© 2018 Author(s).
GPS-free navigation based on using inertial and odometry,
data fusion and map matching algorithm.
Piotr Prusaczyk1, a), Jarosław Panasiuk1, b) and Leszek Baranowski 1, c)
Faculty of Mechatronics & Aerospace, Military University of Technology, Urbanowicza 2, 00-908, Warsaw, PL
Corresponding author: Piotr.Prusaczyk@wat.edu.pl
Abstract. This paper discusses the capability to create GPS-free navigation system for land vehicles, using integrated data
from inertial and odometer sensors coupled with the road map data. The data from accelerometers and gyros embedded in
low cost strapdown IMU units are combined with differential odometry data provided by the wheels’ speed sensors using
dedicated filter. The INS exponential growing errors over time can be eliminated or significantly reduced by using the Zero
Update Velocity (ZUPT) method based on a dedicated filter. The aim of the problem is to use merged data with map-
matching algorithm to accomplish mapping the computed trajectory onto the road network for determination of the position
of the vehicle in two dimensional space.
Knowledge of actual position and velocity of the object is a crucial task in many land applications. Old times of
using the paper’s maps are gone. Nowadays GPS (Global Positioning System) is widely used for navigation purposes
for aircraft, vehicles and pedestrians because of its affordability and convenience. Unfortunately pure GPS localization
can be highly inaccurate in urban environments such as tunnels and urban canyons. In specific situations the GPS can
be jammed or turned off by the owner which are United States of America. This are the reasons that other countries
making its own alternatives navigation systems based on satellites. The final users of that systems are still dependent
on devices that fly many kilometers above their heads.
FIGURE 1 GPS constellation.[Source: NASA]
Modern systems have removed most of the mechanical complexity of platform systems, by attaching the sensor to
the body of the object. This reduces the cost, size and weight of the inertial navigation systems. The major disadvantage
is increasing computing complexity, and necessity to use sensors capable of measuring at higher rates of turn. New
applications that demand low-cost sensors for providing measurements of acceleration and angular motion push the
development of micro-machined electromechanical system sensors (MEMS). Usage of silicon as the base material
drastically reduced the size and number of elements that leads to reducing the cost. MEMS gyroscope is non-rotating
device that use the Coriolis acceleration effect on a vibrating proof mass to detect inertial angular rotation. MEMS
accelerometer operates similar to the pendulous open-loop and force-feedback accelerometers, that are described in
[2]. The MEMS sensors are usually made of silicon. The Strapdown Inertial Navigation System can achieve very high
accuracy and high autonomy. Unfortunately the accuracy of INS system depends on the quality of the IMU sensors.
The nonlinearity, bias, drift and noise of the sensor affect on the measurements, which are integrated once and twice
for velocity and position calculation, causing the accuracy of the predicted values valid for short period of time. The
navigation signal will be divergence with the accumulation of time in the long-range time and long-movement [3][5].
For error minimalisation it is crucial to know the model of the sensor. The generalized inertial sensor model was
presented in [3]:
𝑦 = 𝑦 + 𝑏+𝑛 (1)
𝛿𝑥 = 𝛿𝑝 𝛿𝑣 𝜌 𝛿𝑏 𝛿𝑏 (2)
𝛿𝑝̇ = 𝛿𝑣 (3)
𝛿𝑣̇ = −[ 𝑓 ×] 𝜌 + 𝑅 𝛿𝑏 + 𝑅 𝑛 (4)
𝜌̇ = 𝑅 𝛿𝑏 + 𝑅 𝑛 (5)
𝛿𝑏̇ = 𝑛 (6)
𝛿𝑏̇ = 𝑛 (7)
qhere 𝑏 and 𝑏 are the accelerometer and gyroscope measurement noise respectively.
Another kind of localization method is dead-reckoning, wheel encoder based odometry. For land navigation,
odometry is a cost-effective and convenient method of determining the position change. The data from the motion
sensors is used to estimate change in position over time. This method is widely used in robotics[4]. In classical
approach, the distance is calculated from the angle displacement measurement of the rotating wheel on the surface
without slipping. Like for INS the knowledge of the initial position and orientation is important for determination the
actual position. The major disadvantages of the odometry are connected with the instability of the scale factor linking
the distance traveled with the measured wheel angle. This errors grows potentially with travelled distance. The errors
that come with the changing environmental conditions are called non-systematic deviation. That errors can be
generated by nonlinear surface or wheel slippery. For two-dimensional navigation the differential odometry can be
used[5]. Given a two wheeled robot, odometry estimates position (8)(9) and orientation (10), from left and right
velocities as a function of time. The velocities are calculated by counting the encoders’ signals edges in specific period
of time. Monitoring of the encoder channels can be performed by external interruptions of the microcontroller.
FIGURE 3 Differential odometry.
( ) ( )
𝑥(𝑡) = 𝑥(0) + ∫ ( )𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛩(𝜏)𝑑𝜏 (8)
( ) ( )
𝑦(𝑡) = 𝑦(0) + ∫ ( )𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛩(𝜏)𝑑𝜏 (9)
( ) ( )
𝛩(𝑡) = 𝛩(0) + ∫ ( )𝑑𝜏 (10)
Inertial Navigation system has high accuracy in short period of time. This is caused by integration of noise-
contaminated inertial measurements that leads to an unbounded drift. To mitigate the error drift other absolute sensor
can be used. GPS can be treated as an absolute updating sensor with a long-term stability with homogenous accuracy.
GPS combined with INS have been used intensively in aeronautics [7] and become a standard approach in modern
navigation area. There are three main coupled integration approaches: loosely coupled integration, tight coupled
integration and ultra-tight coupled integration. All methods are based on the INS error dynamic model that uses the
GPS information to calibrate INS accumulation error with dedicated navigation filters. Kalman filter are commonly
used as a standard data fusion method. [8]
Acceleration, INS INS error corrections
IMU data Angular-velocity computation
Position, Velocity
Dead reckoning navigation estimates a relative position from the initial starting point information. As it was written
earlier, it uses an inertial measurement unit or a control variable, such as a wheel encoder and so there is no necessity
to depend on external signals. Simplicity, low cost, and easier time estimating the position in real time compared to
absolute positioning (GPS) are big advantages of dead reckoning methods. In odometry, position and yaw angle of
the travelling mobile robot can be estimated by encoders attached to the robot’s wheels. Unfortunately, odometry
generates unbounded errors because of slippage, mismatches in the system parameters, measurements inaccuracies,
and noise from the encoder signals. These errors accumulates over travelled distance. The INS, provides the position
and orientation at high rate with high short-term precision but low long-term precision. By the double integrate
process, low frequency noise and sensor biases are amplified. Standalone working odometry and INS generates
accumulated errors over long periods of time. In the article [9] authors combine odometry and INS in order to reduce
the accumulated errors of those navigation methods. Data fusion process and position and orientation estimation was
performed by designed Kalman filter. When the object is stationary the inertial, compass data estimates the bias of the
inertial. In moving state inertial data is used for calculation velocity and orientation corrected by state estimation
kalman filter that uses encoder data. [9]
Zero velocity update is effective technique of error suppression and compensation for high-precision inertial
positioning and orientation system (INS). When the object is in standstill state (zero speed) the velocity observation
is set to zero, and the velocity and position of the inertial navigation systems are corrected. The detection of the
stopping time intervals of INS is very crucial for this method. Bad precision of navigation will bring the mistakenly
detected stationary state. There are several types of zero-velocity detectors, like acceleration moving variance detector,
acceleration magnitude detector, and angular rate detector. [6][10]
Dane z AHRS
Position, Velocity
Dane z Prędkosć Navigation Orientacja
Orientacja Prędkosć
Odometrii Fusion Filter Pozycja
Geometric information is used in a geometric map matching algorithms. Point-to-point map matching algorithm uses
GPS coordinates that are matched to the nearest shape point of a road segment. This method can be easily and fast
implemented. Point-to-curve map matching algorithm uses coordinates that are matched to the closest curve in the
road network. The geometry of the road network is used in topological algorithm. In this method the links that have
no connectivity with previous matched road network are exluded from the checking algorithm.[14]
In order to downgrade the dependency on the GPS signal, other navigation methods need to be used.
The independent from the external radiation and optical information, dead reckoning methods, generates accumulated
errors, when working separately. In paper [9] and [11] authors perform tests that combine the INS with the odometry
and confirm that position estimation error can be significantly reduced. Nevertheless, remaining errors need to be
suppressed. The map-matching algorithm is very promising in correcting actual calculated position by attaching the
position to the most probable place on the digital road network map. The authors propose different approach to
navigation problem.
Navigation is used in order to reach some specific destination in the world, moving along the route calculated by
the navigation algorithm (figure 6). The route is represented by a succession of road centerline points. The reference
trajectory (figure 7) is generated from the route, constrained by geometric and dynamic limitations of the vehicle,
using mathematical models of the vehicle.
The trajectory can be described as continuous sequence of reachable configurations q=(𝑥, 𝑦, 𝛩, 𝜑) defined by
Wheeled Rolling System’s (figure 9) Centre of Gravity coordinates (𝑥, 𝑦), Centre of Gravity orientation (𝛩) and
curvature of the path (𝑘). Reaching destination point (𝑥 , 𝑦 , 𝛩 , 𝜑 ) is possible performing that reference trajectory
from start point (𝑥 , 𝑦 , 𝛩 , 𝜑 ). [17]
FIGURE 8 Global X and Y coordinates depending on covered distance of ideal trajectory.
The real trajectory of the vehicle is obtained by the combined dead reckoning methods like inertial navigation
system and wheel speed sensors (rotational encoder). The inertial navigation system equipped with the magnitude
sensor, creates the attitude and heading reference system (AHRS). There are several approaches to velocity and
distance measuring using odometry that have been proposed [15]. Using high accuracy optic encoders, the current
velocity and travelled distance can be obtained. The odometry can also be used as a trigger to Zero Velocity update
method for the inertial measurement unit calibration.
FIGURE 10 The deviation of the trajectory (blue line), reference (real) trajectory (black line).
Using dead reckoning methods, the errors of the position increase on each meter while driving along generated
trajectory. Thus the false trajectory appear and false position coordinates are the calculated.
The real trajectory compared with the reference one gives the deviation that should be decreased in navigation
process. The conception is based on natural landmarks, which for the road can be curvature, intersections and etc.
Those characteristic points are used for trajectory matching and trajectory progress detection.
In this paper, different types of navigation strategies were described as well as position deviation minimization
using different navigation techniques. Most of the navigation techniques using GPS satellite signal for positioning
process. Some of them are assisted with odometry and inertial systems for increasing the accuracy in short period of
time. The next stage can be the development of navigation systems that operate independently of the GPS signal.
In these techniques, odometry, inertial and the matching algorithms systems play a crucial role. The authors propose
the conception of a navigation system based on a trajectory generated from digitized road network map. The real
trajectory is compared with the generated ideal trajectory in order to calculate the deviation that can be used in the
navigation process. In further studies, the real time measuring platform will be developed and adapted in car vehicle.
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