Task 4 Child Harold

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Task 4

Имя Мурзамдамова Предмет Литература изучения

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Преподаватель Алымкулова Период 2020
Светлана обучения
Дата 07.10.2020

George Gordon Byron – the great Romantic writer. “Childe Harold’s


1. Where do you find similarity between Childe Harold and the author and what is the
difference between them?

The hero and the author have common features - dissatisfaction with the surrounding
reality, the desire to learn the world, to experience their own "spiritual opportunities and
powers". But unlike Childe Harold, Byron knows life and people better , his life experience
is deeper and broader, so his hero is forced to leave the pages of the poem when it is
necessary to comprehend and evaluate the universal problems and events - the origins of
European freethinking, the battle of Waterloo.

Childe Harold plays the role of a conductor of the views and beliefs of the poet himself in
the poem. At the same time, the hero cannot be identified with Byron: despite the closeness
of Childe's image to the author (the coincidence of the facts of the biography, the feeling of
loneliness and flight from high society), the poet is not satisfied with the passive position of
the hero. Childe-Harold analyzes personal experiences caused by conflict with society, but
does not fight against existing foundations, only observes the troubled state of the world.

One of them is an optimist and another one is a pessimist. In my opinion, author is an

optimist and Childe Harold is a pessimist.

2. In what stanzas of the poem does the author speak on behalf of his name?
In stanzas 22-23, the author turns to the ruins of the landscape, conveying a tone of
melancholy at the loss of glory throughout the land. Still, the author finds beauty in the
desolation, if in no other sense than that they are monuments to former times.

In stanzas 24-26, the poet turns his eye to the much-reviled Convention of Cintra, wherein
the British authorities allowed captured French soldiers to return to their homeland, their
loot intact. The poem harshly criticizes the “allies” who would do this favor to enemies of
Portugal (and other European countries) in politically charged times.

3. Why does Childe Harold wear the clothes of the 16 century?

There are three reasons.

4. Prove that Childe Harold is indifferent to everything that happens around him?

Childe Harold is not satisfied with life, but his protest is passive: he reflects on the reasons
for his discontent, but does not seek to interfere in life, to take part in the liberation

5. What is the reason of Childe Harold’s depression and disappointment?

In stanza CXIII he is shown to be a hater of the world around him and disapproving of the
behaviors and joys of the people around him. In stanza CXIV he states in the final line that
he does not want goodness and does not desire happiness in any way. All in all, he is a
very dreary man.

He is characterized by emotional emptiness, disappointment, anxiety and painful

wanderlust. Harold is a hero of his time, a thinking and suffering hero.

He doesn't believe in sublime feelings or affection; in his opinion, there is neither true love
nor true friendship. Childe Harold's frustration stems from his clash with society.

(The secret of such a resounding success of the poem among his contemporaries was that
the poet touched upon the most "painful issues of the time" in it, reflected in a highly
poetic form the mood of disappointment that spread widely after the collapse of the
freedom-loving ideals of the French Revolution. “Why rejoice that the lion has been
killed,” we read in the third canto of the poem about Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo, “if we
have become the prey of the wolves again?” The slogans of the eternal triumph of
"Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood", inscribed on the banners of the Great French
Revolution, in practice turned into suppression of the individual, rampant political terror
and a campaign of endless devastating wars.

A feeling of regret and disappointment, vague hopes for something better and at the same
time painful doubt seized the advanced circles of European society at that time.

Секрет столь громкого успеха поэмы у современников состоял в том, что поэт
затронул в ней самые «больные вопросы времени», в высокопоэтической форме
отразил настроения разочарования, которые широко распространились после
крушения свободолюбивых идеалов французской революции. «К чему радоваться,
что лев убит, - читаем в третьей песне поэмы по поводу поражения Наполеона при

Стр. 2 из 3
Ватерлоо, - если мы сделались вновь добычей волков?» Лозунги вечного торжества
«Свободы, Равенства и Братства», начертанные на знаменах Великой французской
революции, на практике обернулись подавлением личности, разгулом
политического террора и кампанией бесконечных опустошительных войн.

6. Byron demanded that writers become "closer to life", to cast

aside antisocial, religious and mystical sentiments, which only
cover up "naked selfishness and arbitrariness." Byron called
for the creative use of folk poetry, to speak in a language
understandable to ordinary people:

7. Choose any topic you like and speak on:

a) the problem of freedom of personality and people,

b) the theme of spiritual search of a young man,

c) the theme of national-liberation movement and popular uprising,

d) the theme of traveling

e) the theme of nature

f) the place and role of the author’s image.

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