Guion Ingles
Guion Ingles
Guion Ingles
food on Monday he cooks Italian food on Tuesday he cooks Greek food on Wednesday he cooks
Chinese food on Thursday he cooks Puerto Rican food on Friday he cooks Japanese food on
Saturday he cooks Mexican food and on Sunday he cooks American food
Stanley's restaurant
-¿does Stanley cook Puerto Rican food on Thursday
-yes he does
excuse me
yes ma'am
I have a question does ¿Stanley cook Chinese food on Monday?
no he doesn't
¿when does he cook Chinese food?
he cooks Chinese food on Wednesday
I see thank you
excuse me sir we're filming a commercial with Stanley's restaurant may I ask you one or two
questions certainly
go right ahead
excuse me sir we're doing a comercial ¿may I ask you a few questions?
¿what kind of food do you like?
I like Russian food
¿when do you go to Stanley's restaurant?
I don't go there
¿why not?
because Stanley doesn't cook Russian food