National Law University, Delhi: Sector-14, Dwarka New Delhi-110078 Rescheduled

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S. No. 1 to 15 : 9:00a.m. onwards – September 30, 2015

S. No. 16 and after : 2:00p.m. onwards – September 30, 2015

S. No. Name of the Ph.D. Research Topic Marks

Student out of 10
1. Neha Kapur A Critical Study of NPAs of Public Sector Banks in India 9

2. Mahender Pal Arora Shadow Banking in major economies of the World-Need to be 9


3. Chiranjit Singh FDI in defence manufacturing sector- Emerging legal issues 9

Bisht and challenges

4. Sidharth Dahiya “Punishing the Innocent” An Insight into the Wrongly 8

Convicted: Going beyond the Perceptions and Beliefs of the

5. Jasvir Singh Regulation of Financing of Political Parties in India: A Critical 8

Study in Comparative Perspective

6. Animesh Das From India‟s Multiple Regulators to an „Indian Code of 8

Investment‟: A Paradigm Shift

7. Shachi Singh Implementation of Nagoya Protocol on Acess and benefit 8

Sharing: A Critical Study of Challenges and opportunities for
Developing Countries

8. Meenal Pandey Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002: Objective, 8

Challenges and Effectiveness

9. Shikha Chhibbar Compromises In Criminal Trials Under Section 498A of the 7.5
Indian Penal Code:
A Critical Analysis
10. Ankit Grewal Conceptualizing dissent and Political Crime in India 7.5
11. Nikhil Kashyap Indian Traditional Medicinal Knowledge vis-à-vis Modern IPR 7.5
S. No. Name of the Ph.D. Research Topic Marks
Student out of 10
12. Cheshta Dahiya Vision of Police in Compliance with Criminal Law 7.5

13. Sonia Saini Keyword-based Advertising on internet search engines and 7

trademark Infringement; a comparative analysis of judicial
response to the issue.

14. Meera Nair Revisiting the concept of legitimacy of children in the backdrop 7
of the changing nations of marriage, family and procreation
15. R. Ravichandran Permanent Establishment in EPC companies, judicial trends and 7
findings in Select Cases- A Study

16. Ankesh Shreyansh A Comparative Analysis with Habermas‟s Idea of Public 7

(PWD) Sphere and its Impact upon the Indian Social and Political

17. Nirmal Kumar VAT, Tax Evasion: Reasons, Measures and Remedies to 7
Amarchand Minimize it. Can it be avoided?

18. Dal Chandra Urgentneed of highlighting and preserving of sacred text of 7

Vedas through traditional knowledge

19. Shweta Amrawanshi Right to Education Act, 2009: It‟s Implementation in the 7
(SC) Context of Quality Education in the State of Madhya Pradesh

20. Deeksha Sharma Role of Gram Sabha in Protection of Environment: A Critical 7

Legal Analysis with Special Reference to Rajasthan

21. S. Veeramani “State Sovereignty and Jurisdictional issues in Electronic 7

(SC) commerce Laws: Towards conceptualization of „e-

22. Sumit Dalal Regulation of Intra-Political Party Democracy for Electoral 7

Reforms in India: A study of emerging problems and issues.

23. Anuj Singh Evaluation and Assessment of Clinical Trials Regulation in 7

Bharat with Human Rights Perspective

24. Manisha A Legal framework for E-consumer Protection in the ERA of 7


25. Harpreet Kaur Islamic Banking in India 7


SC Category
S. No. Name of the Ph.D. Research Topic Marks
Student out of 10
26. Shweta Amrawanshi Right to Education Act, 2009: It‟s Implementation in the 7
(SC) Context of Quality Education in the State of Madhya Pradesh

27. S. Veeramani “State Sovereignty and Jurisdictional issues in Electronic 7

(SC) commerce Laws: Towards conceptualization of „e-

28. Harpreet Kaur Islamic Banking in India 7


ST Category
S. No. Name of the Ph.D. Research Topic Marks
Student out of 10
29. Ram Charan Causes of Encroachment & Unauthorised Construction in 6
(ST) Delhi: A techno-socio- legal study on the basis of decision of
Hon‟ble High Court in a PIL “Kalyan Sanstha welfare
Organisation v. UOI and Ors”

30. Tania Kipa “A Feasibility Study to codify the customary law of Arunachal 6
(ST) tribal through the critical analyses of the Gaon Burah & Gaon
Buri Institution in Arunachal Pradesh

PWD Category
S. No. Name of the Ph.D. Research Topic Marks
Student out of 10
31. Ankesh Shreyansh A Comparative Analysis with Habermas‟s Idea of Public 7
(PWD) Sphere and its Impact upon the Indian Social and Political

32. Viswendra Panwar Limitations of International Climate Change Law- Need for 6.5
(PWD) Human Rights based Approach along with the emerging
concept of Climate Change Litigation


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