Foucault The Masked Philosopher
Foucault The Masked Philosopher
Foucault The Masked Philosopher
are sent to the ricefields. But have you heard of a certain Toni
Negri?1 Isn't he in prison simply for being an intellectual?
C.D. So what has led you to hide behind anonymity? Is it
the way in which philosophers, nowadays, exploit the
publicity surrounding their names?
FOUCAULT That doesn't shock me in the least. In the
corridors of my old lycée I used to see plaster busts of great
men. And now at the bottom of the front pages of
newspapers I see the photograph of some thinker or other. I
don't know whether things have improved, from an aesthetic
point of view. Economic rationality certainly . . .
I'm very moved by a letter that Kant wrote when he was
already very old: he was in a hurry, he says, against old age
and declining sight, and confused ideas, to finish one of his
books for the Leipzig Fair. I mention this to show that it isn't
of the slightest importance. With or without publicity, with or
without a fair, a book is something quite special. I shall never
be convinced that a book is bad because its author has been
seen on television. But, of course, it isn't good for that reason
alone either.
If I have chosen anonymity, it is not, therefore, to criticize
this or that individual, which I never do. It's a way of
addressing the potential reader, the only individual here who
is of interest to me, more directly: "Since you don't know who
I am, you will be more inclined to find out why I say what
you read; just allow yourself to say, quite simply, it's true, it's
false. I like it or I don't like it. Period."
C.D. But doesn't the public expect the critic to provide
him with precise assessments as to the value of a work?
FOUCAULT I don't know whether the public does or does
not expect the critic to judge works or authors. Judges were
there, I think, before he was able to say what he wanted.
It seems that Courbet had a friend who used to wake up