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Submitted by

Under the guidance of


Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the requirements

Of Jagran Lakecity University for the Award of the degree in
Bachelor of Management Studies


APRIL 2020

Bullying and cyberbullying is a serious concern for students, teachers
and parents all over the world. Being bullied has been found to have
an adverse effect on children’s ability to perform, their mental and
physical health and their education. Their is certain controversy on
whether cyber-bullying is a category of bullying as it appears
somewhat different scenario but many studies have revealed the
consequences cyber aggression associated with adolescents’
involvement in these behaviours.
The present study has been conducted to understand the
consequences of bullying in students as well as to know their opinion
about the same and also about effective preventive strategies to be
adopted. Sixty two individuals from central india participated and
responded to my questionnaire on bullying and cyberbullying among
adolescent Male participants reported higher engagement in all four
roles than female participants.
Traditional bullying can take many forms, whether it is through direct
physical contact or indirect relationally aggressive routes, such as
spreading a hateful rumour about a peer or excluding others from
group membership or participation. The major objective of this study
the impact of bullying on student’s behaviour. Also to understand the
effect of cyber bullying as it is the most commonly used method.
Recent technological advances have given rise to novel types of
aggressive behaviors, such as cyberbullying .and also to understand
the Impact on victim physical and mental health and the Effect on
individual Psychology.
Literature Gap
The literature gap is that only very little is known about the
consequences and the after effect of bullying in school.
Their is not much of a research on how bullying is done by the bully
to victim.
Their is no committee in school for handling bulling.
Bullying has a huge impact in victims mental and physical ability to
perform. It can also lead to reduce friend circle and isolation.
Lack of awareness upon how to overcome bullying also there is no
specialized teacher to handle a victim.
Their is not much of a research which focus on creating new
programs or to modify existing bullying preventions programs and
building resilience of children at risk.

Hypothesis of the study

Their is three type of hypothesis for my study
1. H0 : School teacher really don’t know how to handle bullying.
H1: School teacher know how to handle bullying.
2. H0: There is a lack of procedure in school today when it comes
to bullying,
H1: There is no lack of procedure in school when it comes to
3. H0: School does not offer programs or workshop that address
the issue of bullying.
H1: School does offer programs or workshop that address the
issue of bullying.

Research Methodology
 Physical Area:- Bhopal City, Madhya Pradesh, India is the
physical area where the study was conducted.
 This research is a type of deductive research in which primary
data collection method is used through questionnaire created
from google form.
 Scale used in this research is a mixed type of scale which
comprises of Ordinal Scale & Interval Scale.
Research Questionnaire
Bullying in any form is a Intentional hurtful behaviour. It can be Physical,
Psychological or through the help of external forces such as social media. It is
often repeated & characterized by an inequality of power so that it is difficult
for the Victim to defend Him/Her self .

The following question is about bullying, all answer will be treated


1. Email :_________________________
2. Gender:- a) Male
b) Female
c) Other

3. During this year how often have you been bullied?

a) Never

b) Regularly (1 or 2 time a week)

c) Sometime (1 or 2 time a month)

d) Everyday

Please think back to your school days, You may have seen some Bullying at
School, and you may have been involved in some way.

4. Tick the choice which best describe your own experiences at school
a) I was not involved at all, & I never saw it happen
b) I was not involved at all, but i saw it happen sometimes
c) I would sometime join in bullying others
d) I would sometime get bullied by others
e) At various time, I was both a bully and a victim

5. According to you in which class you were bullied the most?

{please tick one or more options}
a) Class 5th-7th
b) Class 8th-10th
c) Class 11th-12th
d) I wasn’t bullied

6. In which form you have been bullied?

{please tick one or more options}
a) Physically (hit, beaten)
b) Verbally (called names etc)
c) Socially (excluded from group, gossiped about, rumours spread)
d) Cyber (threatened, gossiped about through social media)
e) Racially (because of your cast, culture)
f) Gender (threat badly because you are a boy, girl or any other)
g) I haven’t been bullied

7. How many kids have bullied you?

a) I haven’t been bullied
b) 1-2
e) More than 4

8. How many times have you bullied others?

a) Never
b) 1 or 2 times a week
c) 1 or 2 times a month
d) Always

9. How many days have you missed school because you feel unsafe to show
up to school due to bullying?
a) Never
b) 1 or 2 times a week
c) 1 or 2 times a month
d) Everyday

10.Why do you think some kids are Bullies?

{please tick one or more options}
a) I am not sure
b) They are bigger & stronger
c) They think it’s fun/ Show-offs
d) They want to get even for being bullied
e) Their friends dare them to bully others

11.If you have been or are being bullied, why do you think it happened?
{please tick one or more options}
a) No one bullies me
b) I don’t know why others bully me
c) They just find any reason to make fun of me
d) I’m smaller or weaker
e) Other (please specify)___________________

12.Do you have Vivid memories of the bullying event (s) which keep
coming back causing you distress?
a) No never
b) Not often
c) Sometimes
d) Often
e) Always

13.Does your School offers programs or workshops that address the issue of
a) Yes, the conduct certain seminar related to this
b) Yes, their is a Anti bullying committee
c) Both a & b
d) None

14.Do you think teachers really do not know how to handle bullying.
a) Strongly Agree
b) Agree
c) Neutral
d) Disagree
e) Strongly Disagree

15.Do you feel that their is lack of procedures in schools today when it
comes to bullying.
a) Yes
b) No
c)Other __________________
Data Collection
Data collection was done adopting a structured questionnaire to
collect information from the student respondents.
Participants:- Participants were 62 adolescents from India(59.7%)
boys, with ages ranging from 15- to 25-years-old.
This questionnaire included 15 items used to assess how often
adolescents reacted to bullying. At the beginning of the questionnaire,
adolescents were asked to consider any behaviour described in the
items as occurring within the current year.

Sampling size For the present study, A total of 62 respondents were
chosen. The outcome for the survey are as follows.
A. What is the experience of bullying as school.
It has been found that 38.7% responded had never been involved in
bullying but saw it happen sometimes. 21% sometime get bullied by
others and 14.5% was both bully and a victim.
B. The age group in which you are bullied the most.
A vast majority of the respondent students (30.6%%) have acknowledged
that the age group of 13-15 are bullied the most However, another
significant number of respondents 25.8% responded that they had been
bullied in class 11th-12th
C. Which form of bullying you had experienced.
A more significant number of respondents (45.2%) have acknowledged
that occasional wordy duals, petty fights, quarrels between peers.
Another 22.6% responded Social bullying. 11.3% responded & 12.9%
were cyber bullied.
D. Did School offers programs or workshop to address this issue.
When asked, nearly 72.6% of the respondents have informed that their
school doesn’t offer any such workshops or programs in their schools.
37.1 totally agrees that their school teachers doesn’t know how to handle
bullying. Some percentage of student responded that their school use to
talks about bullying but never took action .
From this study it has been established that a majority of the school children are
facing the threat of bullying either by their seniors or from their peers. It has
been also seen that no School took necessary actions against bullying. Bulling is
a serious problem in a youth life which could harm their confidence and affect
their lifes from a early stage. The reasons for being bullied vary from being
fable minded, weak, less intelligent and backward student in class room studies.
The study further differentiate between various type of bullying behaviour i.e.
those who bully others and are bullied themselves, those who only bully others,
those who are only bullied themselves.

It has also been revealed that most of the victims never take the matters to their
teachers notice fearing that these are petty issues over which the teachers might
not give proper attention to sort out the problem. Bullying and victimization is a
universal phenomenon and widespread among Indian youth. The present
findings revealed that in general the behavioral profiles of bullies. The bully-
victims were the most impaired group and showed elevated symptoms of both
internalizing and externalizing problems and academic difficulties.

School bullying is a serious problem that affects one in five school-aged

children Although our homes, schools, & neighbourhoods may never be
completely bully-free environment but we can do much to assist students break
out of the bullying & peer victimization cycle.

1. Focusing on protective factors and on building resilience of children at

risk is a more positive approach, and more attractive to communities, than
reducing risk factors, which emphasizes deficits and problems.

2. The current findings point to the urgent need to educate the school
authorities, mental health personnel, and community at large regarding
school violence

Finally, policies should outline training for school staff so that they are aware of
issues of bullying in general and online bullying in particular, and can intervene
appropriately and in a timely manner.
 WHO. Risk behaviours: being bullied and bullying others. In: Currie C,
Zanaotti C, Morgan A, et al, eds. Social determinants of health and well-
being among young people. Health Behaviour in School-aged Children
(HBSC) study:

 International report from the 2009/2010 survey. Copenhagen: WHO

RegionalOffice for Europe (Health Policy for Children and Adolescents,
No. 6), 2012:191–200.
 Olweus D. Victimization by peers: Antecedents and long-term outcomes.
In K. H.Rubin & J. B. Asendorpf (Eds.), Social withdrawal inhibition,
and shyness in childhood; 1993c:315–341). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
 Nansel T R, Overpeck M, Pilla R S, Ruan W J, Simons-Morton B,
Scheidt P.Bullying behaviors among US youth: Prevalence and
association with psychosocial adjustment. Journal of the American
Medical Association 2001, 285:2094–2100
 Bernal J. Bullies seek power. Texas School Safety Center Newsletter;
2002.Available at:
Accessed September 6, 2011. 8
 UNICEF Experiences of Peer Bullying among Adolescents and
Associated Effects on Young Adult Outcomes
 Schäfer, M., S. Korn, P.K. Smith, S.C. Hunter, J.A. Mora-Merchán, M.M.
Singer, K. Van der Meulen (2004). ‘Lonely in the Crowd: Recollections
of bullying’, British Journal of Developmental Psychology 22(3), 379–
394, doi: 10.1348/0261510041552756.
 Rivers, I. (2001). ‘The Bullying of Sexual Minorities at School: Its nature
and long-term correlates’, Educational and Child Psychology 18(1): 32–

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