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Bullying is a widespread problem that affects students all over the

world, and the Philippines is no exception. This study aims to examine the

prevalence of bullying among high school students in the Salawagan National

High School. Using a descriptive quantitative research design. The research

will explore the extent and nature of bullying experiences in the salawagan

National High School education system, thereby contributing to a better

understanding of this complex social problem.

Bullying is a widespread problem in educational settings, with statistics

showing its impact on student well-being and academic performance.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES, 2019), one

in five students (20.2%) report being bullied. The most common reasons

students give for bullying are physical appearance, race/ethnicity, gender,

disability, religion and sexual orientation. This highlights the different forms of

bullying that students can experience based on different characteristics.

Students who experience bullying have an increased risk of experiencing a

variety of negative outcomes. (Centers for Disease Control, 2019). Students

who are bullied are at greater risk of experiencing a variety of negative

outcomes (Centers for Disease Control, 2019). Lowered academic

performance, anxiety, sadness, sleep issue, and even dropping out of school

are some of the concern in Educational system. It is critical to stop and

prevent bullying behavior in educational situation since bullying has a

negative impact on student mental health and academic performance. In the

field of cyberbullying, the research of Patchin et al. (2019) highlight the

specific types of cyberbullying experienced by students. Mean and hurtful

comments (25%) and online gossip (22%) were identified as the most cited

forms of cyberbullying. This shows the prevalence of cyberbullying and the

impact of negative online interactions on students’ well-being and social


According to (United States Department of Health and Human

Services, 2019), bullying is a type of aggressive conduct defined by an

imbalance of power, repetitive activity, and the desire to damage or impair

another person. Bullying can occur in a variety of ways, such as verbal,

physical, social, or online. According to the Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention (2016), bullying can have a negative impact on a victim social well-

being, academic achievement, physical and mental health, and general well-

being. Bullying is a common problem in schools that affect student of all age

and backgrounds, as studies have repeatedly shown (Gladden et al., 2014).

Studies have also highlighted the unique challenges faced by student with

disabilities (Rose & Gage, 2016) and autistic spectrum disorder (Kawabe et

al., 2020), who are frequently more susceptible to bullying. In general,

proactive approaches to effectively resolving bullying. The incidence and

consequences of cyberbullying, a relatively new kind of bullying that takes

place online (Patchin & Hinduja, 2019). Schools may create an inclusive and
respectful culture and apply research-based measures to prevent bullying and

encourage positive social interaction among students.

Statement of the Problem:

This aims to know the numbers of student who experienced bullying if it

is verbal bullying, cyberbullying, or physical bullying. It seeks to answer the

following questions:

Problem 1. What proportion of pupils in high school claim to be victims of

verbal bullying in terms of?

1.1 Teasing

1.2 Spreading secrets

1.3 Insult

1.4 Threats

Problem 2. What is the frequency of cyberbullying occurrences among high

school students on social media platforms in terms of?

2.1 Sending mean text/message

2.2 inappropriate sexual messages/comments

2.3 Spreading someone secrets/rumors about people online

2.4 Pretending to be someone else to spread hurtful message online

Problem 3. What emotional toll do kids attribute to instances of physical

bullying at school in terms of?

3.1 Pushing

3.2 Pinching
3.3 Hitting

3.4 Damaging Property

Conceptual/Theoretical Framework:


Emotional Well-being

Figure 1: The diagram illustrating the conceptual framework of the study.

This study will be guided by the Social-Ecological Model of Bullying,

which recognizes that bullying is a complex phenomenon influenced by

multiple factors at different levels: individual, emotional, behavioral and well-

being. This framework emphasizes the importance of considering the interplay

of these factors to understand and address bullying effectively.

This study aims to examine the prevalence of bullying among high

school students in the Salawagan National High School. The importance of

this study about bullying is to understand its impact on individuals and society

and to develop strategies for prevention and intervention. Also to let the

teachers know that bullying still exist even they have a way to prevent this on

their students, and also to let them know the number of student’s who

encounter bullying if it is verbal bullying, cyberbullying, or it is physical bullying

to understand how it effect the student behavior, emotion, and academic


Chapter II


This chapter presents the research design, population and

sample,sampling procedure, research instrument, validity and reliability, data

collection procedure and data analysis.

Research Design

This study uses quantitative research, which involves collecting and

analyzing numerical data. This approach is suitable for examining the

prevalence of bullying, a measurable phenomenon. The study uses a

descriptive research design. This means it aims to describe the situation of

bullying at Salawagan National High School without attempting to manipulate

any variables or cause-and-effect relationships. The study is nonexperimental,

meaning it does not involve manipulating any variables. Researchers observe

and measure the prevalence of bullying without trying to change it. Descriptive

research focuses on answering questions about what, where, when, and how

bullying occurs. It does not delve into the reasons behind the bullying ("why").

The study can investigate multiple variables related to bullying, such as its

frequency, types, and locations within the school.

Research Locale

This study will be conducted at Salawagan National High School in

Quezon, Bukidnon, where the respondents are currently studying.

Population and Sample

The total of population is one thousand eight hundred fifty one (1,851).

The respondents from the Grade 7 to Grade 12 students in Salawagan

National High School are three hundred twenty nine (329).

Calculate the proportion: Divide the number of members in each

subgroup by the total accessible sample size. Determine sample size per

strata: Multiply the proportion calculated in step 1 by the total computed

sample size.Select samples: Use simple random sampling to choose the

required number of samples from each subgroup (strata).

Sampling Procedure

We selected a predetermined number or proportion of units at random

using the non-probability sampling technique known as purposive sampling.

When using cluster sampling, which divides a population into groups like

districts or schools, you choose a sample at random from within these

clusters. This is the probability sampling method that we employed.

Research Instrument

This study uses a set of questions as well as the procedures of

gathering, combining, and evaluating the answers to those questions as its

research instruments. The researcher adopted the survey questionnaire for

this study. The people from the selected population that this instrument goes

through are divided into several clusters: 53 respondents in grade 7, 57

respondents in grade 8, 54 respondents in grade 9, 59 respondents in grade

10, 54 respondents in grade 11 and 53 respondents in grade 12. The

minimum sample size required to estimate a statistic based on an acceptable

margin of error is determined using sloven formula. formula is calculated as: n

= N / (1 + Ne2) then the n is sample size needed and the N is population size

and the e is acceptable margin of error.

Data Gathering procedure

The following steps was taken in the collection process. First, the

researchers formally request permission from the teachers to conduct the

study. Second, the researchers proceed on conducting and distributing

surveys. Third, provide instructions to respondents, administer the questions.

Fourth, encode the data gathered. Lastly, the responses analyze by the


Statistical Treatment of data

This study use statistics analysis in analyzing the data during the

survey session. This study used a Sloven and Stratified Formula’s it is used to

asses the population and sample sizes in Salawagan National High School.

The sampling technique uses proportionate stratified random sampling. The

measurement tool used is The Second Revision of the Revised Cyber

Bullying Inventory-II (RCBI-II) which has been translated and modified, Babali

Nursing Research ( 2023). In the treatment the researchers used sloven and

stratified formula’s to calculated the respondents among the population.

Sloven’s Formula


n is the sample size.

N is the total of population

e is the desired margin of error


Table 1. Frequency Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of Gender

Gender Frequency Percent

Female 142 43.16

Male 187 56.84

Missing 0 0.000

Total 329 100.000

Graph 1. Frequency Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of Gender





Table 2.1 Descriptive Report on Bullying Experienced

Variables Frequency Percentage

Have you ever been bullied?

YES 245 74.47

NO 84 25.53

TOTAL 329 100.00

The table represents the significant 74.47% (245 out of 329) of

students reported having experienced bullying. This high prevalence suggests

that bullying is a serious and widespread problem within this student


Table 2.2 Descriptive Report on Bullying Experienced

Variables Frequency Percentage

Did you ever feel afraid or threatened by the bullying?

YES 221 67.17

NO 108 32.83

TOTAL 329 100.00

Table 2.2 shows that of 329 students who experienced bullying,

67.17% (221 students) reported feeling afraid or threatened. This highlights

the significant emotional impact of bullying on a substantial portion of affected


Table 3. Descriptive Report on Form of Bullying Experienced

Statement Frequency Percentage

What kind of bullying have you experienced?

Physical bullying 61 18.54

Verbal bullying 73 22.19

Emotional bullying 157 47.72

Cyber bullying 26 7.90

Sexual bullying 12 3.65

Total 329 100.00

Among 329 students, emotional bullying was most prevalent (47.72%,

157 students), followed by verbal bullying (22.19%, 73 students) and physical

bullying (18.54%, 61 students). Cyberbullying (7.90%, 26 students) and

sexual bullying (3.65%, 12 students) were less frequent.

Table 4.1 Level of Physical Bullying of the student

Statement Mean Description

Pushing 2.59 Sometimes

Kicking/slapping 2.32 Rarely

Assaulting with knife 1.37 Never

Pulling ears and hair 2.15 Rarely

Rude physical jokes 3.05 Sometimes

Overall Total 2.30 Rarely

Table 4.1, pushing was reported to occur "sometimes" (mean 2.59),

kicking/slapping "rarely" (mean 2.32), assaulting with a knife "never" (mean

1.37), and pulling ears and hair "rarely" (mean 2.15). Rude physical jokes

were also reported to occur "sometimes" (mean 3.05), while the overall total

for physical bullying was described as "rarely" (mean 2.30). This suggests

that while pushing and rude physical jokes occurred with some frequency,

more serious forms of physical bullying were infrequent.

Table 4.2 Level of Verbal Bullying of the student

Statement Mean Description

Name calling 2.98 Sometimes

Sarcasm 2.24 Rarely

Nasty teasing 2.00 Rarely

Rattling 1.98 Rarely

Insulting/swearing 2.31 Rarely

Threatening 2.22 Rarely

Spreading rumors 2.37 Rarely

Overall Total 2.30 Rarely

Table 4.2 indicates that name-calling occurred "sometimes" (mean

2.98), while sarcasm, nasty teasing, rattling, insulting/swearing, threatening,

and spreading rumors were all reported as occurring "rarely" (means ranging

from 1.98 to 2.37). The overall mean for verbal bullying was also "rarely"

(2.30). This suggests that while name-calling was somewhat common, other

forms of verbal bullying were less frequent.

Table 4.3 Level of Emotional Bullying of the student

Statement Mean Description

Excluding from the group 2.58 Sometimes

Humiliating 2.18 Rarely

Discriminating 2.27 Rarely

Breaking/ tearing things 2.02 Rarely

Overall Total 2.26 Rarely

Table 4.3 shows that excluding students from a group was reported as

occurring "sometimes" (mean 2.58), while humiliating, discriminating, and

breaking/tearing things were reported as "rarely" (means 2.18, 2.27, and 2.02

respectively). The overall mean for emotional bullying was also "rarely"


Table 4.4 Level of Cyber Bullying of the student

Statement Mean Description

Online arguments 2.08 Rarely

Indirect insult in Social media posts 1.92 Rarely

Bullying through the group chats 1.93 Rarely

Unsolicited posting of stolen photos on Facebook. 1.85 Rarely

Overall Total 1.95 Rarely

Table 4.4 shows that all forms of cyberbullying—online arguments,

indirect insults on social media, bullying through group chats, and unsolicited

posting of stolen photos on Facebook—were reported as occurring "rarely"

(means ranging from 1.85 to 2.08). The overall mean for cyberbullying was

also "rarely" (1.95).

Table 4.5 Level of Sexual Bullying of the student

Statement Mean Description

Sexual Assault 1.62 Rarely

Unsolicited Touching 1.63 Rarely

Hassling 1.63 Rarely

Catcalling 1.84 Rarely

Overall Total 1.68 Rarely

Table 4.5 reveals that sexual assault, unsolicited touching, hassling,

and catcalling were all reported as occurring "rarely" (means ranging from

1.53 to 1.63). The overall mean for sexual bullying was also "rarely" (1.65).
Table 5. Descriptive Report on where the bullying takes place

Variables Frequency Percentage

Where does bullying usually take place?

Classroom 193 58.66

Table 6. Descriptive
Inside Report on who bullies the students
the school campus 65 19.76

outside the school Frequency
56 Percentage

Who was most likely to do the bullying in school?

Online 15 4.56

Total 207
329 62.92

Girls 43 13.07

Honor Students 15 4.56

Non-Honor Students 20 6.08

Older students 36 10.94

Younger students 8 2.43

Total 329 100.00

Table 5 represents the bullying most frequently occurred in the

classroom (58.66%, 193 out of 329 students), followed by inside the school

campus (19.76%, 65 students) and outside the school (17.02%, 56 students).

Online bullyingrepresented a smaller percentage (4.56%, 15 students).

Table 7. Descriptive Report in what method use to prevent bullying

Variables Frequency Percentage

What method do you use to prevent yourself from being bullied?

Protect myself 227 69.00

Ask help from school/teachers 68 20.67

Ask help from parents 14 4.26

Ask help from friends 9 2.74

Do not ask for help 11 3.34

Total 329 100.00

Table 6 shows that boys were most likely to be bullies (62.92%, 207 out

of 329 students), followed by older students (10.94%, 36 students). Girls

represented a smaller percentage of bullies (13.07%, 43 students), as did

honor students (4.56%, 15 students), non-honor students (6.08%, 20

students), and younger students (2.43%, 8 students).

Table 7 shows that the most common method students used to prevent

bullying was protecting themselves (69%, 227 out of 329 students). Seeking

help from school/teachers was the second most common method (20.67%, 68

students), followed by asking parents (4.26%, 14 students) and friends

(2.74%, 9 students). A small percentage of students (3.34%, 11 students) did

not seek help.

Table 8. Descriptive Report of the effect of bullying

Variables Frequency Percentage

How did the bullying affect you?

Depression, And Suicidal Thinking 167 50.76

Loneliness 89 27.05

Low Self-Esteem 73 22.19

Total 329 100.00

Table 8 shows that bullying most significantly affected students by

causing depression and suicidal thoughts (50.76%, 167 out of 329 students).

A substantial portion also experienced loneliness (27.05%, 89 students) and

low self-esteem (22.19%, 73 students).

Table 9. Descriptive Report in what method to prevent bullying

Variables Frequency Percentage

What should be done in order to prevent bullying?

School Disciplinary Rules 211 64.13

More Social Activities 40 12.16

High Security Inside And Outside The School 78 23.71

Total 329 100.00

Table 9 indicates that the most frequently suggested method to prevent

bullying was stricter school disciplinary rules (64.13%, 211 out of 329

students). Increasing social activities was also suggested (12.16%, 40

students), as was enhancing security inside and outside the school (23.71%,

78 students).

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Condition of Education. U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education

Sciences. Retrieved July 25, 2024,

from https://nces.ed.gov/programs/coe/indicator/a10.

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Summaries 2020; 69 (SS1)


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diagnosed with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis,

52, 73-83

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refusal and bullying in children with autism spectrum disorder. Child and
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(2016). Understanding bullying. Retrieved from


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(2014). Bullying surveillance among youths: Uniform definitions for public

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Retrieved from


U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2019). Facts about bullying.

Retrieved from https://www.stopbullying.gov/media/facts/index.html

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