Food Fraud Vulnerability Assessment CCD
Food Fraud Vulnerability Assessment CCD
Food Fraud Vulnerability Assessment CCD
Useful information Selected answer certainty/reliability of the
Recommended answer by the assessor
Reason for Asking sources to help option (1, 2 or 3 -
# Question Indicator Answer option 1 Answer option 2 Answer option 3 expertise to fill out answering the question Expert answering the question Justification for selection of answer
the Question users answer the leave blank for (1= uncertain, 2=
the question Not Applicable)
question reasonably certain, 3=
very certain)
When the rules and procedures are clear from the beginning, the
operational structure allows the development of employees to be adequate,
forming part of an internal culture through which a business image is
National privacy laws differ
projected. However, this is not always the case, there are often cases Our company has not broken the laws at any time of its
Companies that committed • The company has not • There is no information • The company has where for one reason or another employees do not get along well with the constitution and has not committed any criminal act. The
and may hinder answering this
Has your company been involved in criminal offences previously Criminal offences own committed criminal offences whether the company has committed criminal offences
criminal offences previously? have a higher risk of company or broken the law in the committed criminal offences or and/or broken the law in the
question. If available: criminal Management/security 1 3 regulations or with the way of doing tasks within the company. The values of the company have been implemented in each
records, law enforcement regulations reformed in recent years especially emphasize the importance collaborator, avoid breaking the law and committing acts
committing future offences past broken the law in the past past
reports, media coverage
of designing internal control mechanisms within companies that prevent the that put the stability of the company in society at risk.
commission of crimes. These mechanisms can be so relevant that they can
avoid, in the event of crimes, greater evils for the company, such as its
intervention or its dissolution.
Systematic verification of
compliance to final product • Ad hoc and/or announced
• Systematic, comprehensive The monitoring system for the final product in the
monitoring tasks (sampling, verification of compliance to
(document & record analysis, Product adulteration is a serious matter, therefore, generating a food fraud
laboratory analysis, corrective monitoring tasks mainly based
observations, and actual
company is based on documentation that is generated
actions, record-keeping & • No verification of actual on analysis of records and program involves a large sequence of actions and responsibilities that lead
Are the fraud monitoring tasks of your Verification of fraud verification testing) and Internal/external audit reports from the analyzes that are carried out. This information is
documentation) based on compliance to monitoring check of presence of to constant monitoring where information is collected, analyzed and used to
6 final product control system verified
document & record analysis,
monitoring system final
tasks at final product procedures (e.g. as part of
unannounced verification by on FSMS; final product control QA/internal auditing 3 3 make decisions and have a good management system in the company. In
at the customer's disposal and present before any
in your company? product autonomous controller records; verification reports deviation that may arise at any time. The processes are
observations, and actual control auditing)
• Systematic documentation addition, which supports the guarantee of safety and quality of the final
testing by an autonomous • Ad-hoc reporting of
of verification activities and
audited and the constant monitoring needs that a
controller (no conflicting verification outcomes; mainly product.
outcomes production process can develop are evaluated.
interest) enhances discovery in case of deviations
of systematic deviations
Through the Code of Ethics it is about giving effect to the values or ethical
• Detailed written code of principles of an organization. Ethics in companies must appeal to the
A transparent and specific
• General written code of ethical conduct or guideline
ethical code of conduct or
ethical conduct or guidelines is is available and well
processes that determine organizational decisions and behaviors. By
guidelines that is widely respecting and complying with the Codes of Ethics, corrupt practices that
Is there an ethical code of conduct available, but awareness embedded; awareness Code of conduct documents,
communicated and well Ethical code of conduct own • No written code of ethical
8 or guideline in place and embedded in
embedded in management company conduct or guideline exist
amongst all personnel is amongst all personnel is training, posters, leaflets, Human resources 1 3 destroy value and harm the economy and society can be ended. If the There isn't a ethical code in the company.
your company? limited, and or code is not stimulated (e.g. posters, company website organizational culture is stimulated and promoted, with common values
activities enhances
explicitly embedded in communication) and
prevention of unethical
management activities demonstrated in
that serve as a guide for the individuals that make up the organizations, we
behavior could give greater ethical components to a company, generate trust, loyalty
management activities
and sustainability in the market.
• Direct supplier(s) have a
traceability system for
• Direct supplier(s) have a Our suppliers follow an evaluation procedure where the
• Direct supplier(s) have a safety issues based on a
basic traceability system 2nd party audit reports of company ensures that they meet the necessary
Suppliers with well-designed traceability system in place for certified QA scheme(s) and
How extensive is the traceability because of legal direct supplier (2nd party
and audited traceability safety issues that is based on based on contractual Point-to-point traceability is the most widely accepted way to manage requirements to face any situation. A correctly
system of your direct supplier(s)? requirements but it not audit refers here to auditing
systems that systematically a recognized standard and requirements as set and traceability, thus controlling logistics flows, returns and product implemented traceability plan from our suppliers, in
NOTE: As an alternative to designed according to best of the supplier by your
communicate accurate and audited by a 3rd party audited (2nd part) by your
answering this question yourself, Tracking and tracing system practice nor audited by a company or by an external withdrawals. A correct traceability system allows us to prevent and detect a addition to allowing the effective removal of unsafe
direct suppliers can fill out the tool
fraud-relevant information to
supplier 3rd party
• Direct supplier(s) have a company; systematic,
auditor on behalf of your
QA/audit & control 3 3 food crisis, increasing the safety and benefits of companies, consumer products, allows us to have all the information about a
your company, enhances simple digital data capturing accurate and fraud relevant
themselves with respect to the • Direct supplier(s) have a company), 3rd party audit
traceability of suspicious and retrieval system, and information exchange to your confidence and greater efficiency in incident management for the product so that the final consumer is correctly informed
tracking & tracing system as defined simple data capturing and reports or relevant documents
products/batches and limits information about suspicious company Administration. about the ingredients and processes to which it has been
by the company retrieval system and there is from direct supplier(s) if
damage in case of fraud materials is communicated • Direct supplier(s) have
no communication about available subjected. , something of vital importance in the event of a
improvised advanced digital robust data
deviations food crisis, return and / or withdrawal.
capturing system; fraud
The prevention of food fraud through the logistics chain is the cornerstone
of good relationships with customers and suppliers. The common factor in
many cases of food fraud is that adulterant is not a danger to the food
• Specific guidelines and security, nor easily identifiable (since this would go against the objective of
Active communication of fraud A basic knowledge guide on food fraud throughout the
How well established is guidance for incidents as well as guidelines,
• General guidelines (mainly via examples of best practices
Industry-wide organization
scammers). Common adulterants include water and sugar, or ingredients
• No specific guidelines for websites) for fraud mitigation for fraud monitoring & supply line on a regular basis allows the identification of
fraud prevention and control best practices and fraud and association websites: e.g. that can be used from in a legitimate and declared way, but whose
Fraud control system fraud mitigation exist or measures are available, but mitigation are provided vulnerabilities which ensure the effectiveness of the
11 across your sector of the food supply monitoring and mitigation
supplier aren't shared; guidelines there are no examples of best actively via website, QA/procurement 3 3 improper use constitutes fraud. Food fraud cheats consumers by providing
process. Likewise, the security system establishes the
chain? (i.e. your company and your activates by companies 01/cheap-is-too-good-to-be- lower quality food, against their knowledge and Will. The economically
focus on safety only practices of mitigation training, information
direct competitors) supports the effectiveness of true.aspx procedure for ensuring the safety of raw materials and
fraud monitoring systems
measures brochures and other motivated adulteration deprived consumers of the quality products that
mediums therefore final products.
they intend to buy. It can also have serious security consequences food and
consumer health. The prevention of food fraud is of the utmost importance
to protect the trust of our consumers and to maintain, practices of
reasonable sustainable business.