Christmas Carol Vocab

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A Christmas Carol

by Charles Dickens


Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc.
A Christmas Carol

1. abyss uh BISS bottomless hole, a vast expanse or depth

Synonyms >> Antonym >>
The man had fallen into the abyss of depravity.
Derivatives >> abysm, abysmal, abysmally, abyssal
2. adamant AD uh munt inflexible, immovable, obstinate
Synonyms >> inexorable, obdurate Antonym >> pliant
The man was adamant in his decision to seek a political office.
Derivatives >> adamantine, adamantive, adamancy, adamantly
3. affable AF uh bul friendly, courteous, amiable
Synonyms >> cordial, genial, gracious, sociable Antonym >> surly; aloof; unfriendly
He had a very affable nature, always saying "Hello" to everyone.
Derivatives >> affability, affableness, affably
4. avarice AV uh ris greed for wealth
Synonyms >> cupidity Antonym >> generosity
Avarice and gluttony are two vices that can destroy lives.
Derivatives >> avaricious, avariciously, avariciousness
5. baleful BALE ful destructive, deadly
Synonyms >> malign, sinister Antonym >> benign
War is a baleful experience for many.
Derivatives >> bale, balefully, balefulness
6. beguile buh GUYL to deceive, to mislead, to persuade with charm
Synonyms >> delude Antonym >> to enlighten
We sometimes allow ourselves to be beguiled by flatterers.
Derivatives >> beguiled, beguiling, beguilement, beguiler
7. benevolence buh NEV uh lunz kindness, generosity, charity
Synonyms >> Antonym >> antagonism; avarice; malevolence
His benevolence was shown when he set up soup kitchens for the poor.
Derivatives >> benevolent, benevolently
8. boisterous BOY stir ous rowdy, rough, and stormy
Synonyms >> blatant, clamorous, obstreperous, strident, vociferous Antonym >> serene
The boisterous child was running through the store screaming and laughing.
Derivatives >> boisterousness, boisterously
9. cant KANT secret jargon or slang
Synonyms >> Antonym >>
The rites of the Masons are characterized by their cant.
Derivatives >> cants, canted, canting
10. caustic KAW stik sarcastically biting, acrid
Synonyms >> mordant, scathing Antonym >> kind; gentle
Critics are known for their caustic remarks about movies that they do not like.
Derivatives >> caustically, causticity
11. celestial seh LES chul pertaining to the sky or heavens
Synonyms >> Antonym >> earthly
Stars are celestial bodies.
Derivatives >> celestially

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Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc.
12. congeal kun JEEL to solidify or to coagulate
Synonyms >> Antonym >> to become fluid
We waited three hours for the Jell-O to congeal.
Derivatives >> congealing, congealed, congealment, congelative
13. corroboration kuh rob uh RAY confirmation
Synonyms >> authentication, substantiation, validation, verification Antonym >> refutation
Fortunately, I had some corroboration for my whereabouts on the night of the crime.
Derivatives >> corroborate, corroborated, corroborating, corroboratory, corroboratively, corroborator
14. credulous KREJ uh lus believing on slight evidence, gullible
Synonyms >> Antonym >> suspicious
Because the lady's horoscope said that she should stay inside, the credulous woman did not go to work.
Derivatives >> credulously, credulousness, credulity
15. deference DEF ur uns courteous going along with the opinions or wishes of another
Synonyms >> homage, reverence, respect Antonym >> disrespect
In deference to your wishes, I will not see him again.
Derivatives >> deferential, deferentially, deferentiality
16. deft DEFT skillful, adroit
Synonyms >> clever, cunning, dexterous, ingenious Antonym >> clumsy
He was very deft in handling the questions from the reporter.
Derivatives >> deftness, deftly
17. demur deh MUR to hesitate, to delay, to object
Synonyms >> Antonym >> to proceed, to agree, to accede
To demur at this time might cause the whole operation to be destroyed.
Derivatives >> demurred, demurring
18. desolate DES uh lit deserted, without inhabitants, barren
Synonyms >> Antonym >> populous
Some of the western states have large areas that are desolate.
Derivatives >> desolately, desolateness, desolater, desolating, desolation
19. despondency deh SPON dun see depression, dejection
Synonyms >> Antonym >> blithe hopefulness
Because he thought that he had failed the test, he felt great despondency.
Derivatives >> despondent, despondence, despondently, desponding, despondingly
20. destitution des teh TOO shun state of being extremely poor, in extreme want
Synonyms >> impecunity, indigence, penury, want Antonym >> prosperity
We face destitution if our father loses his job.
Derivatives >> destitute, destitutely, destituteness
21. diffuse deh FYOOZ to spread in all directions
Synonyms >> Antonym >> to bring together
The rioting crowd was diffused by tear gas and water hoses.
Derivatives >> diffusedness, diffusedly, diffusely, diffuseness, diffuser, diffusibility, diffusion, diffusible
22. dirge DURJ funeral hymn, lament
Synonyms >> Antonym >> dance
The music was so morose and solemn that it sounded like a dirge.
Derivatives >> dirgeful, dirges
23. disdain dis DANE intense dislike; to treat with scorn or contempt, to reject as unworthy
Synonyms >> (to be) arrogant, haughty, high-handed, insolent, lordly, Antonym >> favor, admiration; to love
Never having had to do manual labor, he disdained the idea of becoming a cotton picker.
Derivatives >> disdained, disdaining, disdainer, disdainful, disdainfully, disdainfulness
24. elicit eh LIS it to bring out a response, to evoke
Synonyms >> educe, extort, extract Antonym >> to inhibit
I would like to elicit your participation in the blood drive.
Derivatives >> elicitable, elicitate, elicitation
25. entreaty en TREE tee a plea, an earnest request
Synonyms >> adjuration, appeal, suit, importunity, supplication Antonym >> denial
The lawyer made a lengthy entreaty to the jury before they retired to chambers.
Derivatives >> entreat, entreatingly, entreatment

Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc.
26. execrable EK suh kruh bul extremely bad, deserving of hate
Synonyms >> Antonym >> admirable
The cheerleader told a joke about the drill team that was so execrable that he was suspended for three days.
Derivatives >> execrableness, execrably, execrate, execration, execrative, execratively, execrator
27. feint FAYNT a false appearance, a fake punch to occupy defenses allowing a real blow.
Synonyms >> artifice, ruse, stratagem, trick, wile Antonym >>
Fooled by his opponent's feint, the boxer dropped his guard and was knocked down.
Derivatives >> feign, feigned, feigning, feignedly, feigner
28. ferocity fuh ROS eh tee savagery
Synonyms >> Antonym >> mildness
A tiger is an animal that has ferocity.
Derivatives >> ferocious, ferociously, ferociousness
29. flaunt FLONT to show off, to display ostentatiously
Synonyms >> Antonym >> to hide
The woman was obviously trying to flaunt the new diamond ring on her finger.
Derivatives >> flaunted, flaunting, flaunter, flauntingly, flaunty
30. furrow FUR ow to make wrinkles or grooves
Synonyms >> Antonym >> to make plain
The man's furrowed brow showed his deep concern.
Derivatives >> furrowed, furrowing
31. grate GRATE to cause irritation
Synonyms >> Antonym >> to soothe
Her acrimonious comments grate on my nerves.
Derivatives >> grated, grating, grater
32. gratis GRAH tis free
Synonyms >> Antonym >> earned
The gratis appearance of the artist allowed more funds for the charity ball.
Derivatives >> gratitude, gratuitous, gratuitously
33. hideous HID ee us very ugly, offensive, shocking
Synonyms >> Antonym >> delightful
Some characters in the horror movie had hideous faces.
Derivatives >> hideously, hideousness, hideosity
34. illustrious eh LUS tree us notably outstanding, famous
Synonyms >> celebrated, distinguished, eminent, noted, renowned Antonym >> infamous
I was impressed by the illustrious personage at the ball.
Derivatives >> illustriously, illustriousness
35. incessant in SES unt uninterrupted
Synonyms >> constant, perennial, perpetual, unremitting Antonym >> intermittent
The dog's incessant barking caused the man to have difficulty falling asleep.
Derivatives >> incessancy, incessantly, incessantness, incession
36. indignation in dig NAY shun anger as a result of something unjust
Synonyms >> fury, ire, rage, wrath Antonym >> serenity
I have much indignation about the light sentence given to the drunk driver who ran over my child .
Derivatives >> indignant, indignantly, indignance, indignify, indignities
37. infamous IN fuh mus having a reputation of the worst kind, vicious, notoriously bad
Synonyms >> disreputable, ignominious Antonym >> illustrious
The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was an infamous act.
Derivatives >> infamously, infamy, infamies
38. infernal in FER nul relating to hell
Synonyms >> hellish, diabolical, fiendish Antonym >> heavenly
It is not nice to wish that someone go to the infernal regions.
Derivatives >> infernally, inferno
39. intercede in ter SEDE to intervene and to act as a mediator
Synonyms >> Antonym >> to stand aside
I will intercede on your behalf in your dispute with your boss if you believe it will do some good.
Derivatives >> interceder, intercession, intercessional, intercessive, intercessor, intercessorial

Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc.
40. irresolute eh REZ uh loot indecisive, unsure of how to proceed
Synonyms >> Antonym >> sure; decisive; certain
The confused child stood irresolute, waiting for some instruction.
Derivatives >> irresolutely, irresoluteness, irresolution
41. latent LATE unt not visible, dormant
Synonyms >> abeyant, quiescent Antonym >> obvious
Sometimes a teacher can cause latent talents to emerge.
Derivatives >> latency
42. loathe LOETH to detest
Synonyms >> abhor, abominate Antonym >> to adore
The fact that I loathe your brother does not mean that we cannot be friends.
Derivatives >> loathful, loathing, loathingly, loathness,loathsome
43. loiter LOI tur to stand idly or to linger aimlessly
Synonyms >> dally, dawdle, procrastinate Antonym >> to hasten
The police did not want people to loiter around the scene of the shooting.
Derivatives >> loitering, loiteringly
44. lustrous LUS trus shining or gleaming without sparkling
Synonyms >> bright, brilliant, luminous, radiant Antonym >> dull
That gem is valuable because of its lustrous glow.
Derivatives >> lustrously, lustrousness
45. malady MAL eh dee a disease or unwholesome condition
Synonyms >> Antonym >> good health
The poor old woman seems to suffer one malady after another.
Derivatives >> maladies
46. melancholy MEL un kol ee depression of spirits
Synonyms >> Antonym >> happiness
After Dad lost his job, he fell into a state of melancholy.
Derivatives >> melancholia, melancholic, melancholiac, melancholically, melancholily, melancholiness, melancholious
47. menagerie muh NAJ uh ree a collection of live wild animals on exhibition, a varied mixture
Synonyms >> Antonym >>
Her collection of glass figurines was a beautiful menagerie.
Derivatives >> menagerist, menageries
48. mirth MURTH gladness and merriment usually accompanied by laughter
Synonyms >> glee, hilarity, jollity Antonym >> sadness
The party was a source of mirth and gaiety.
Derivatives >> mirthful, mirthfully, mirthfulness, mirthless, mirthlessly, mirthlessness
49. misanthrope MIS un thrope a hater of mankind
Synonyms >> misanthropist Antonym >> philanthropist
Hopefully, nuclear weapons will never fall into the hands of a misanthrope.
Derivatives >> misanthropy, misanthropic, misanthropically, misanthropical, misanthropism, misanthropize
50. morose muh ROSE being sullen or gloomy
Synonyms >> crabbed, glum, saturnine, sulky, surly Antonym >> cheerful
He was very morose after his wife left him.
Derivatives >> morosely, moroseness, morosity
51. munificent myoo NIF eh sent very generous
Synonyms >> Antonym >> parsimonious; stingy
The munificent gift to the school was appreciated by all of the students.
Derivatives >> munificence, munificency, munificently, munificentness
52. obscure ub SKYOOR difficult to see, vague
Synonyms >> abstruse, ambiguous, cryptic, enigmatic, equivocal, recondite Antonym >> clear; apparent
Because the meaning of the play was obscure, I was unable to enjoy it.
Derivatives >> obscuration, obscurative, obscuredly, obscurely, obscurement, obscureness, obscurity
53. odious OH dee us deserving hate or contempt
Synonyms >> Antonym >> respectable
Pornography is an odious business.
Derivatives >> odiously, odiousness, odium

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Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc.
54. officious uh FISH us overly dutiful or obliging, insisting on providing a service not requested
Synonyms >> impertinent, intrusive, meddlesome, obtrusive Antonym >> disinterested
The boss is not pleased with that employee's officious conduct.
Derivatives >> officiously, officiousness
55. ominous OM uh nus threatening
Synonyms >> fateful, portentous Antonym >> harmless; non-threatening
The ominous clouds were harbingers of the tornado.
Derivatives >> ominously, ominousness
56. opaque oh PAKE not allowing the passage of light, not transparent; hard to understand
Synonyms >> dark Antonym >> transparent
I am going to place something opaque in the window so that no one will be able to see into this room.
Derivatives >> opaquely, opaqueness, opaquer
57. opulence OP yuh luns wealth, affluence, abundance
Synonyms >> Antonym >> meagerness, scarcity
Until the recent decline in the price of oil, the Hunt name was synonymous with opulence.
Derivatives >> opulent, opulently
58. palpable PAL puh bul tangible, perceptible, easily noticeable
Synonyms >> Antonym >>
I do not see how I overlooked such a palpable miscalculation.
Derivatives >> palpability, palpably, palpableness
59. peal PEEL a loud ringing (usually of bells)
Synonyms >> Antonym >>
The church bells pealed at noon to celebrate the wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana.
Derivatives >> pealed, pealing
60. pedestrian puh DES tree un ordinary, unimaginative
Synonyms >> Antonym >> extraordinary; unusual
There will not be much progress as long as the school board maintains its pedestrian attitude.
Derivatives >> pedestrianate, pedestrianize, pedestrianism
61. penitent PEN eh tunt showing or feeling regret for wrongdoing, repentant
Synonyms >> compunctual, contrite, remorseful Antonym >> unrepentant
He became penitent when he realized that his prank resulted in serious injury.
Derivatives >> penitence, penitency, penitential
62. pillage PILL ij to rob or to take by force, to plunder (especially in a war situation)
Synonyms >> despoil, devastate, ravage, sack, waste Antonym >>
In World War II, the Germans pillaged the Russians, and then the Russians pillaged the Germans.
Derivatives >> pillager, pillaged, pillaging
63. plaintive PLANE tiv mournful and expressing sorrow
Synonyms >> Antonym >> joyful
The dog moaned in a plaintive manner when her puppies were taken.
Derivatives >> plaintively, plaintiveness
64. ponderous PON dur us very heavy, unwieldy from weight
Synonyms >> cumbersome, cumbrous Antonym >> lightweight
The ponderous furniture was hard to move, and thus became a burden.
Derivatives >> ponderosity, ponderously, ponderousness
65. portly PORT lee heavy or rotund in a stately manner, stout
Synonyms >> Antonym >> lean; slender; angular
Winston Churchill was the portly prime minister of England during World War II.
Derivatives >> portliness
66. precept PREE sept a rule guiding conduct or imposing a standard
Synonyms >> Antonym >>
A favorite precept by which many people live is "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
Derivatives >> preceptist, preceptive
67. prodigious pruh DIJ us extraordinary in bulk, quantity, or degree, great in size, enormous
Synonyms >> Antonym >> puny; minuscule
His prodigious appetite allowed him to eat the entire turkey.
Derivatives >> prodigiously, prodigiousness

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Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc.
68. profundity pruh FUN deh tee profound knowledge, intellectual depth
Synonyms >> Antonym >> shallowness; stupidity
Einstein had a profundity that was admired by all.
Derivatives >> profound, profoundly, profoundness
69. propriety pruh PRY eh tee correct conduct
Synonyms >> Antonym >> indecorum
Those who attend the club meetings should conduct themselves with propriety.
Derivatives >> proprieties
70. prostration pros TRAY shun a stretching out due to lacking vitality and being completely overcome
Synonyms >> Antonym >> vitality
During late summer football practices, players sometimes suffer from heat prostration.
Derivatives >> prostrate, prostrator, prostrating
71. protrusion pro TROO zhun something sticking out
Synonyms >> Antonym >> indentation
A large protrusion on his head was the result of being hit by the bat.
Derivatives >> protusive, protusively, protusiveness
72. quake KWAKE to shake from shock or instability
Synonyms >> Antonym >> to remain motionless
I began to quake in my boots when he pulled a gun.
Derivatives >> quaked, quaking
73. reconcile REK un sile to reestablish friendship, to resolve a dispute
Synonyms >> Antonym >> to alienate
The family will never be the same until Mom and Grandma reconcile their differences.
Derivatives >> reconcilability, reconcilable, reconcilableness, reconcilably, reconcileness, reconcilement, reconciliate
74. refuge REF yooj shelter or place of protection
Synonyms >> Antonym >> dangerous place
Reservations were supposed to be places of refuge for Indians.
Derivatives >> refuges
75. replete reh PLETE filled to capacity, abundantly supplied
Synonyms >> plenary Antonym >> devoid
The bar was replete with every possible kind of alcohol.
Derivatives >> repleteness, repletion, repletive
76. repulse reh PULSE to repel or to rebuff (usually with rudeness)
Synonyms >> Antonym >> to impress
His offensive language repulsed the girl; it did not impress her.
Derivatives >> repulsive, repulsion, repulsively, repulsiveness
77. revere reh VERE to honor, to regard with respect
Synonyms >> adore, venerate, worship Antonym >> to despise
Nearly all Catholics revere the Pope.
Derivatives >> reverence, reverent, reverentness, reverential, reverentiality, reverentially
78. savory SAY vuh ree appetizing
Synonyms >> palatable, toothsome Antonym >> unappetizing
My mother is known for her savory meals.
Derivatives >> savor, savored, savorer, savorily, savoriness, savoringly, savorous, savorsome
79. scale SKALE to climb up or over
Synonyms >> Antonym >> to climb down
Who was the first woman to scale Mt. Everest?
Derivatives >> scaled, scaling
80. scanty SKAN tee less than or barely sufficient, meager
Synonyms >> Antonym >> copious; abundant
Because the details of the incident are so scanty, we are not able to make any firm conclusions at this time.
Derivatives >> scantiness, scantily, scantly
81. seethe SEETH to boil , to be agitated
Synonyms >> Antonym >> to be at peace
The nation seethed with anger when the terrorists took the men as hostages.
Derivatives >> seething, seethingly

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Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc.
82. sordid SOR did filthy, foul
Synonyms >> abject, ignoble, mean Antonym >> nice; harmless
The sordid details of the brutal ax murder sickened the jurors.
Derivatives >> sordidness, sordidly
83. supplication sup luh KAY shun begging, humbly asking for a favor
Synonyms >> adjuration, beseechment, entreaty, imploration, importunity Antonym >>
I am going to see the Governor to make a supplication for a pardon for my brother.
Derivatives >> supplicate, supplicatingly, supplicator, supplicatory
84. surplus SUR plus an amount that is more than what is needed
Synonyms >> Antonym >> shortage
The government purchases surplus wheat so that it is not thrown away.
Derivatives >> surplusage
85. tacit TAS it understood, silent, not spoken, implicit
Synonyms >> Antonym >> spoken; verbalized
We have a tacit agreement that the goods are delivered only after payment is made.
Derivatives >> tacitly, tacitness, taciturn
86. tarry TARE ee to delay in coming or going, to linger
Synonyms >> Antonym >> to depart promptly
Please do not tarry; I want you to be here on time.
Derivatives >> tarriness, tarried, tarries
87. tart TART sharp or sour taste
Synonyms >> Antonym >> sweet
I like a tart mustard on my hot dog.
Derivatives >> tartly, tartish
88. terrestrial teh RES tree ul of the earth or pertaining to the earth
Synonyms >> Antonym >> heavenly
Humans are terrestrial beings.
Derivatives >> terrestrially, terrain
89. transparent trans PARE unt quality of being able to be seen through, clear
Synonyms >> limpid, translucent Antonym >> opaque
Glass is a transparent substance.
Derivatives >> transparently, transparentness, transparency
90. trifling TRY fling not significant, frivolous
Synonyms >> Antonym >> important; significant
Some think that watching MTV is a trifling experience.
Derivatives >> trifle, trifled, trifling, trifles
91. trivia TRIV ee uh insignificant matters
Synonyms >> Antonym >> important matters
The English teacher is looking for substance, not trivia, in themes.
Derivatives >> trivial, triviality, trivialization, trivialize, trivally
92. uproarious up ROAR ee us making great noise (not necessarily negative)
Synonyms >> tumultuous Antonym >> soft, quiet
The Beatles usually played to uproarious crowds.
Derivatives >> uproariously, uproariousness, uproar
93. venerate VEN uh rate to honor, to revere
Synonyms >> adore, worship Antonym >>
Although I did not always agree with President Kennedy, I venerate his memory.
Derivatives >> veneration, venerational, venerator, venerable, venerability
94. wanton WAHN tun immoral, lewd
Synonyms >> Antonym >> moral
He had to drop out of the presidential race when his wanton behavior was exposed.
Derivatives >> wantonly, wantonness
95. warranted WOR un ted justified
Synonyms >> Antonym >> unjustified
The jury felt that the death penalty was warranted because of the heinous nature of the crime.
Derivatives >> warrant, warrantable, warrantableness, warrantably

Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc.

A Christmas Carol
by Charles Dickens

Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc.
A Christmas Carol
by Charles Dickens

These words which appear in A Christmas Carol have been identified as words or
derivatives of words that have appeared on past SAT tests. They are listed here in
alphabetical order.
1. abyss 33. hideous 65. portly
2. adamant 34. illustrious 66. precept
3. affable 35. incessant 67. prodigious
4. avarice 36. indignation 68. profundity
5. baleful 37. infamous 69. propriety
6. beguile 38. infernal 70. prostration
7. benevolence 39. intercede 71. protrusion
8. boisterous 40. irresolute 72. quake
9. cant 41. latent 73. reconcile
10. caustic 42. loathe 74. refuge
11. celestial 43. loiter 75. replete
12. congeal 44. lustrous 76. repulse
13. corroboration 45. malady 77. revere
14. credulous 46. melancholy 78. savory
15. deference 47. menagerie 79. scale
16. deft 48. mirth 80. scanty
17. demur 49. misanthrope 81. seethe
18. desolate 50. morose 82. sordid
19. despondency 51. munificent 83. supplication
20. destitution 52. obscure 84. surplus
21. diffuse 53. odious 85. tacit
22. dirge 54. officious 86. tarry
23. disdain 55. ominous 87. tart
24. elicit 56. opaque 88. terrestrial
25. entreaty 57. opulence 89. transparent
26. execrable 58. palpable 90. trifling
27. feint 59. peal 91. trivia
28. ferocity 60. pedestrian (adj.) 92. uproarious
29. flaunt 61. penitent 93. venerate
30. furrow 62. pillage 94. wanton
31. grate 63. plaintive 95. warranted
32. gratis 64. ponderous

Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc.
A Christmas Carol
by Charles Dickens

These words which appear in "A Christmas Carol" have been identified as words that have
appeared on past SAT tests. They are listed here in order of appearance in the short story.

1. grating 33. latent 65. plaintive

2. obscuring 34. savor 66. desolation
3. palpable 35. celestial 67. mirth
4. morose 36. loath 68. tarry
5. impropriety 37. terrestial 69. abyss
6. veneration 38. trifled 70. profound
7. ominous 39. corroborated 71. affability
8. portly 40. deftly 72. indignantly
9. destitute 41. avarice 73. credulity
10. congealed 42. sordid 74. feint
11. misanthrope 43. pillaged 75. execrable
12. scant 44. uproarious 76. elicited
13. tacitly 45. boisterous 77. menagerie
14. beguiled 46. scaling 78. warranted
15. melancholy 47. prodigiously 79. precepts
16. ferocious 48. disdaining 80. refuge
17. irresolution 49. seething 81. hideous
18. peal 50. diffuse 82. prostrate
19. caustic 51. furrows 83. protruding
20 transparent 52. demurely 84. trivial
21. infernal 53. entreating 85. infamous
22. ponderous 54. gratis 86. flaunting
23. deference 55. opulence 87. revered
24. incessant 56. wanton 88. reconciled
25. benevolence 57. tartness 89. repleted
26. quake 58. officious 90. intercedes
27. dirge 59. adamant 91. repulsed
28. opaque 60. cant 92. illustrious
29. lustrous 61. penitence 93. loitered
30. pedestrian 62. surplus 94. munificence
31. supplication 63. baleful 95. malady
32. despondent 64. odious

Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc.
A Christmas Carol
by Charles Dickens

Vocabulary Test 1
Directions: Match the word in the left column with the correct definition in the right column.

Exercise A
________ 1. abyss a. greed for wealth
________ 2. adamant b. destructive, deadly
________ 3. affable c. kindness, generosity, charity
________ 4. avarice d. friendly, courteous, amiable
________ 5. baleful e. deceive, mislead, persuade with charm
________ 6. beguile f. inflexible, immovable, obstinate
________ 7. benevolence g. rowdy, rough and stormy
________ 8. boisterous h. sarcastically biting statement, acrid
________ 9. cant i. bottomless hole, a vast expanse or depth
________ 10. caustic j. secret jargon or slang

Exercise B
________ 11. celestial a. hesitate, delay, object
________ 12. congeal b. pertaining to the sky or heavens
________ 13. corroboration c. deserted, without inhabitants
________ 14. credulous d. to solidify or coagulate
________ 15. deference e. depression, dejection
________ 16. deft f. extremely poor, in extreme want
________ 17. demur g. confirmation
________ 18. desolate h. skillful, adroit
________ 19. despondency i. believing on slight evidence, gulible
________ 20. destitution j. courteous going along with the wishes of others

Exercise C
________ 21. diffuse a. savagery
________ 22. dirge b. a false appearance, a fake punch
________ 23. disdain c. spread in all directions
________ 24. elicit d. to show off, display ostentatiously
________ 25. entreaty e. extremely bad, deserving of hate
________ 26. execrable f. funeral hymn, lament
________ 27. feint g. to make wrinkles or grooves
________ 28. ferocity h. a plea, an earnest request
________ 29. flaunt i. intense dislike, treat with scorn or contempt
________ 30. furrow j. to bring out a response, to evoke
________ 31. grate k. free
________ 32. gratis l. to cause irritation

Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc.
A Christmas Carol
by Charles Dickens

Vocabulary Test 2
Directions: Match the word in the left column with the correct definition in the right column.

Exercise A
________ 1. hideous a. anger as a result of something unjust
________ 2. illustrious b. indecisive, unsure how to proceed
________ 3. incessant c. having a reputation of the worst kind; disgraceful
________ 4. indignation d. uninterrupted
________ 5. infamous e. not visible, dormant
________ 6. infernal f. relating to hell
________ 7. intercede g. very ugly, offensive, shocking
________ 8. irresolute h. detest
________ 9. latent i. to intervene and act as a mediator
________ 10. loathe j. notably outstanding, famous

Exercise B
________ 11. loiter a. to stand idly or linger aimlessly
________ 12. lustrous b. difficult to see, vague
________ 13. malady c. gladness and merriment accompanied by laughter
________ 14. melancholy d. a disease or unwholesome condition
________ 15. menagerie e. very generous
________ 16. mirth f. shining or gleaming without sparkling
________ 17. misanthrope g. deserving hate or contempt; contemptible
________ 18. odious h. a collection of animals on exhibit; a varied mixture
________ 19. munificent i. a hater of mankind
________ 20. obscure j. depression of spirits

Exercise C
________ 21. morose a. a loud ringing -- usually bells
________ 22. officious b. dark, will not allow the passage of light; not transparent
________ 23. ominous c. being sullen or gloomy
________ 24. opaque d. tangible, perceptible, easily noticeable
________ 25. opulence e. threatening
________ 26. palpable f. mournful and expressing sorrow
________ 27. peal g. overly dutiful or obliging
________ 28. pedestrian h. to rob or take by force, to plunder
________ 29. penitent i. wealth, affluence, abundance
________ 30. pillage j. showing or feeling regret for wrongdoing, repentant
________ 31. plaintive k. ordinary, unimaginative

Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc.
A Christmas Carol
by Charles Dickens

Vocabulary Test 3
Directions: Match the word in the left column with the correct definition in the right column.

Exercise A
________ 1. ponderous a. profound knowledge, intellectual depth
________ 2. portly b. something sticking out
________ 3. precept c. very heavy, unwieldly from weight
________ 4. refuge d. state of being stretched out due to a lack of vitality
________ 5. profundity e. correct conduct
________ 6. propriety f. shelter or place of protection
________ 7. prostration g. to shake from shock or instability
________ 8. protrusion h. rotund in a stately manner, stout
________ 9. quake i. reestablish friendship, to resolve a dispute
________ 10. reconcile j. a rule guiding conduct or imposing a standard

Exercise B
________ 11. prodigious a. appetizing
________ 12. replete b. begging, humbly asking for a favor
________ 13. repulse c. extraordinary in bulk or quantity; enormous
________ 14. revere d. filthy, foul
________ 15. savory e. to honor , to regard with respect
________ 16. scale f. boiling, being agitated
________ 17. scanty g. to repel or rebuff - usually with rudeness
________ 18. seethe h. filled to capacity, abundantly supplied
________ 19. sordid i. less than or barely sufficient, meager
________ 20. supplication j. to climb up or over

Exercise C
________ 21. surplus a. making great noise
________ 22. tacit b. to delay in coming or going, linger
________ 23. tarry c. insignificant matters
________ 24. tart d. understood; silent; not spoken; implicit
________ 25. terrestrial e. to honor, revere
________ 26. transparent f. of the earth or pertaining to the earth
________ 27. trifling g. not significant, frivolous
________ 28. trivia h. an amount more than what is needed
________ 29. uproarious i. immoral, lewd
________ 30. venerate j. justified
________ 31 wanton k. quality of being able to see through something, clear
________ 32. warranted l. sharp or sour taste

Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc.
A Christmas Carol
by Charles Dickens

Vocabulary Test 1

1. i 2. f 3. d 4. a 5. b 6. e 7. c

8. g 9. j 10. h 11. b 12. d 13. g 14. i

15. j 16. h 17. a 18. c 19. e 20. f 21. c

22. f 23. i 24. j 25. h 26. e 27. b 28. a

29. d 30. g

Vocabulary Test 2

1. g 2. j 3. d 4. a 5. c 6. f 7. i

8. b 9. e 10. h 11. a 12. f 13. d 14. j

15. h 16. c 17. i 18. g 19. e 20. b 21. c

22. g 23. e 24. b 25. i 26. d 27. a 28. k

29. j 30. h 31. f

Vocabulary Test 3

1. c 2. h 3. j 4. f 5. a 6. e 7. d

8. b 9. g 10. i 11. c 12. h 13. g 14. e

15. a 16. j 17. i 18. f 19. d 20. b 21. h

22. d 23. b 24. l 25. f 26. k 27. g 28. c

29. a 30. e 31. i 32. j

Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc.

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