Christmas Carol Vocab
Christmas Carol Vocab
Christmas Carol Vocab
A Christmas Carol
by Charles Dickens
A Christmas Carol
by Charles Dickens
These words which appear in A Christmas Carol have been identified as words or
derivatives of words that have appeared on past SAT tests. They are listed here in
alphabetical order.
1. abyss 33. hideous 65. portly
2. adamant 34. illustrious 66. precept
3. affable 35. incessant 67. prodigious
4. avarice 36. indignation 68. profundity
5. baleful 37. infamous 69. propriety
6. beguile 38. infernal 70. prostration
7. benevolence 39. intercede 71. protrusion
8. boisterous 40. irresolute 72. quake
9. cant 41. latent 73. reconcile
10. caustic 42. loathe 74. refuge
11. celestial 43. loiter 75. replete
12. congeal 44. lustrous 76. repulse
13. corroboration 45. malady 77. revere
14. credulous 46. melancholy 78. savory
15. deference 47. menagerie 79. scale
16. deft 48. mirth 80. scanty
17. demur 49. misanthrope 81. seethe
18. desolate 50. morose 82. sordid
19. despondency 51. munificent 83. supplication
20. destitution 52. obscure 84. surplus
21. diffuse 53. odious 85. tacit
22. dirge 54. officious 86. tarry
23. disdain 55. ominous 87. tart
24. elicit 56. opaque 88. terrestrial
25. entreaty 57. opulence 89. transparent
26. execrable 58. palpable 90. trifling
27. feint 59. peal 91. trivia
28. ferocity 60. pedestrian (adj.) 92. uproarious
29. flaunt 61. penitent 93. venerate
30. furrow 62. pillage 94. wanton
31. grate 63. plaintive 95. warranted
32. gratis 64. ponderous
These words which appear in "A Christmas Carol" have been identified as words that have
appeared on past SAT tests. They are listed here in order of appearance in the short story.
Vocabulary Test 1
Directions: Match the word in the left column with the correct definition in the right column.
Exercise A
________ 1. abyss a. greed for wealth
________ 2. adamant b. destructive, deadly
________ 3. affable c. kindness, generosity, charity
________ 4. avarice d. friendly, courteous, amiable
________ 5. baleful e. deceive, mislead, persuade with charm
________ 6. beguile f. inflexible, immovable, obstinate
________ 7. benevolence g. rowdy, rough and stormy
________ 8. boisterous h. sarcastically biting statement, acrid
________ 9. cant i. bottomless hole, a vast expanse or depth
________ 10. caustic j. secret jargon or slang
Exercise B
________ 11. celestial a. hesitate, delay, object
________ 12. congeal b. pertaining to the sky or heavens
________ 13. corroboration c. deserted, without inhabitants
________ 14. credulous d. to solidify or coagulate
________ 15. deference e. depression, dejection
________ 16. deft f. extremely poor, in extreme want
________ 17. demur g. confirmation
________ 18. desolate h. skillful, adroit
________ 19. despondency i. believing on slight evidence, gulible
________ 20. destitution j. courteous going along with the wishes of others
Exercise C
________ 21. diffuse a. savagery
________ 22. dirge b. a false appearance, a fake punch
________ 23. disdain c. spread in all directions
________ 24. elicit d. to show off, display ostentatiously
________ 25. entreaty e. extremely bad, deserving of hate
________ 26. execrable f. funeral hymn, lament
________ 27. feint g. to make wrinkles or grooves
________ 28. ferocity h. a plea, an earnest request
________ 29. flaunt i. intense dislike, treat with scorn or contempt
________ 30. furrow j. to bring out a response, to evoke
________ 31. grate k. free
________ 32. gratis l. to cause irritation
Vocabulary Test 2
Directions: Match the word in the left column with the correct definition in the right column.
Exercise A
________ 1. hideous a. anger as a result of something unjust
________ 2. illustrious b. indecisive, unsure how to proceed
________ 3. incessant c. having a reputation of the worst kind; disgraceful
________ 4. indignation d. uninterrupted
________ 5. infamous e. not visible, dormant
________ 6. infernal f. relating to hell
________ 7. intercede g. very ugly, offensive, shocking
________ 8. irresolute h. detest
________ 9. latent i. to intervene and act as a mediator
________ 10. loathe j. notably outstanding, famous
Exercise B
________ 11. loiter a. to stand idly or linger aimlessly
________ 12. lustrous b. difficult to see, vague
________ 13. malady c. gladness and merriment accompanied by laughter
________ 14. melancholy d. a disease or unwholesome condition
________ 15. menagerie e. very generous
________ 16. mirth f. shining or gleaming without sparkling
________ 17. misanthrope g. deserving hate or contempt; contemptible
________ 18. odious h. a collection of animals on exhibit; a varied mixture
________ 19. munificent i. a hater of mankind
________ 20. obscure j. depression of spirits
Exercise C
________ 21. morose a. a loud ringing -- usually bells
________ 22. officious b. dark, will not allow the passage of light; not transparent
________ 23. ominous c. being sullen or gloomy
________ 24. opaque d. tangible, perceptible, easily noticeable
________ 25. opulence e. threatening
________ 26. palpable f. mournful and expressing sorrow
________ 27. peal g. overly dutiful or obliging
________ 28. pedestrian h. to rob or take by force, to plunder
________ 29. penitent i. wealth, affluence, abundance
________ 30. pillage j. showing or feeling regret for wrongdoing, repentant
________ 31. plaintive k. ordinary, unimaginative
Vocabulary Test 3
Directions: Match the word in the left column with the correct definition in the right column.
Exercise A
________ 1. ponderous a. profound knowledge, intellectual depth
________ 2. portly b. something sticking out
________ 3. precept c. very heavy, unwieldly from weight
________ 4. refuge d. state of being stretched out due to a lack of vitality
________ 5. profundity e. correct conduct
________ 6. propriety f. shelter or place of protection
________ 7. prostration g. to shake from shock or instability
________ 8. protrusion h. rotund in a stately manner, stout
________ 9. quake i. reestablish friendship, to resolve a dispute
________ 10. reconcile j. a rule guiding conduct or imposing a standard
Exercise B
________ 11. prodigious a. appetizing
________ 12. replete b. begging, humbly asking for a favor
________ 13. repulse c. extraordinary in bulk or quantity; enormous
________ 14. revere d. filthy, foul
________ 15. savory e. to honor , to regard with respect
________ 16. scale f. boiling, being agitated
________ 17. scanty g. to repel or rebuff - usually with rudeness
________ 18. seethe h. filled to capacity, abundantly supplied
________ 19. sordid i. less than or barely sufficient, meager
________ 20. supplication j. to climb up or over
Exercise C
________ 21. surplus a. making great noise
________ 22. tacit b. to delay in coming or going, linger
________ 23. tarry c. insignificant matters
________ 24. tart d. understood; silent; not spoken; implicit
________ 25. terrestrial e. to honor, revere
________ 26. transparent f. of the earth or pertaining to the earth
________ 27. trifling g. not significant, frivolous
________ 28. trivia h. an amount more than what is needed
________ 29. uproarious i. immoral, lewd
________ 30. venerate j. justified
________ 31 wanton k. quality of being able to see through something, clear
________ 32. warranted l. sharp or sour taste
Vocabulary Test 1
1. i 2. f 3. d 4. a 5. b 6. e 7. c
29. d 30. g
Vocabulary Test 2
1. g 2. j 3. d 4. a 5. c 6. f 7. i
Vocabulary Test 3
1. c 2. h 3. j 4. f 5. a 6. e 7. d