Structural Implications On Color, Xuorescence, and Antiradical Activity in Betalains

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Planta (2010) 232:449–460

DOI 10.1007/s00425-010-1191-0


Structural implications on color, Xuorescence,

and antiradical activity in betalains
Fernando Gandía-Herrero · Josefa Escribano ·
Francisco García-Carmona

Received: 11 March 2010 / Accepted: 3 May 2010 / Published online: 14 May 2010
© Springer-Verlag 2010

Abstract Betalains are water-soluble pigments with high Abbreviations

antiradical capacity which bestow bright colors on Xowers ABTS 2,2⬘-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic
and fruits of most plants of the order Caryophyllales. They acid)
are classiWed as betacyanins, exhibiting a violet coloration, DOPA Dihydroxyphenylalanine
and betaxanthins, which exhibit yellow coloration. Tradi- LDL Low density lipoproteins
tionally, betalains have been deWned as condensation prod- PDA Photodiode array
ucts of betalamic acid with diVerent amines and amino TEAC Trolox equivalent antiradical capacity
acids, but the implication of the pigment structure for their TFA TriXuoroacetic acid
properties has not been investigated. This paper explores
diVerent structural features of the betalains, revealing the
clues for the switch from yellow to violet color, and the loss Introduction
of Xuorescence. A relevant series of 15 betalain-related
compounds (both natural and novel semisynthetic ones) is Betalains are water-soluble, nitrogen-containing pigments
obtained and characterized by chromatography, UV-vis that are present in most plants belonging to the order
spectrophotometry, Xuorescence, and electrospray ioniza- Caryophyllales (Piattelli 1981; Moreno et al. 2008), where
tion mass spectroscopy. Antiradical properties of individual they fulWll the role of anthocyanins in most of Angiosperms
pure compounds in a broad pH range are studied under the (StaVord 1994). They have also been described in the fun-
ABTS•+ radical assay. Relevance of speciWc bonds is stud- gal genera Amanita (Musso 1979) and Hygrocybe (von
ied, and diVerences between betaxanthins and betacyanins Ardenne et al. 1974). Betalains are classiWed as either beta-
are used to explore in depth the structure–antiradical activ- cyanins, which exhibit a red-violet coloration, or betaxant-
ity relationships in betalains. hins, which are yellow pigments. Betalains bestow color on
Xowers of a great variety of plant genera, such as Mirabilis
Keywords Betalain · Color · Fluorescence · (Piattelli et al. 1965), Glottiphylum (Impellizzeri et al.
Structure–activity relationship · Antiradical · TEAC 1973), and Portulaca (Gandía-Herrero et al. 2005a), but
they are also present in bracts (Bougainvillea) (Heuer et al.
1994), roots (Beta vulgaris) (Schliemann et al. 1999), stems
(Amaranthus) (Cai et al. 2001), and fruits (Opuntia)
(Castellanos-Santiago and Yahia 2008).
In addition to their natural colorant properties, which
have attracted the interest of the food industry, betalains are
F. Gandía-Herrero (&) · J. Escribano · F. García-Carmona antiradical molecules, whose activity has only been
Unidad Docente de Biología, described in recent years. The Wrst studies that demon-
Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular A,
strated a radical scavenging capacity in betalains were car-
Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad de Murcia,
30100 Espinardo, Murcia, Spain ried out with pigments extracted from beet root (Escribano
e-mail: et al. 1998; Pedreño and Escribano 2001). Betalain activity

450 Planta (2010) 232:449–460

was also investigated from other sources (Butera et al. niWcance of the diVerent structural features is also studied
2002; Pavlov et al. 2002; Cai et al. 2003), and the capacity in terms of structure–antiradical activity relationships.
of betacyanins to inhibit the peroxidation of linoleic acid
and the oxidation of LDL was demonstrated (Kanner et al.
2001). The inhibition of skin and liver tumor formation in Materials and methods
mice has been demonstrated with very low concentrations
of dietary pigments (Kapadia et al. 2003). More recently, Chemicals
protection against the eVects of gamma radiation has also
been reported in these animals (Lu et al. 2009). In addition, All chemicals and reagents were obtained from Sigma (St.
plasma concentrations of betalains after ingestion are suY- Louis, MO, USA). Solvents were from Merck Chemicals
cient to promote their incorporation into the LDL and red Ltd. (Dorset, England). HPLC-grade acetonitrile was pur-
cells, which are then protected from oxidative damage and chased from Labscan Ltd. (Dublin, Ireland). Distilled water
hemolysis in humans (Tesoriere et al. 2003). The potential was puriWed using a Milli-Q system (Millipore, Bedford,
of betalains is in contrast to the lack of systematic analyses MA, USA).
of these molecules, and it is necessary to identify the struc-
tural clues responsible for their biological activities. Extraction and semi-synthesis of betalains
Structurally, betaxanthins are deWned as immonium con-
densation products of betalamic acid with amino acids or The betalains dopaxanthin, betanidin and betanin were
amines. Traditionally, betacyanins have been deWned as extracted from yellow Xowers of Lampranthus productus
condensation products of betalamic acid with cyclo-DOPA, (Gandía-Herrero et al. 2005b), violet Xowers of L. produc-
usually glycosylated (Piattelli 1981). Glycosylation refers tus (Gandía-Herrero et al. 2007), and red roots of Beta vul-
to the multiple possibilities of derivatization of the resulting garis (Wyler and Dreiding 1957), respectively. The rest of
condensation compound, betanidin (Strack et al. 2003). The betalains were obtained as immonium condensation prod-
simplest and best-known glycosylated derivative of betani- ucts of betalamic acid with the following amines: ethylamine,
din is betanin (betanidin-5-O--glucoside). Betacyanin propylamine, 2-phenylethylamine, N-methyl-ethanamine,
deWnition is independent of the actual biosynthetic N-methyl-N-propylamine, pyrrolidine, aniline, N-methyl-
mechanism followed in vivo to reach such a cycle attached aniline, N-ethyl-aniline, indoline, (S)-phenylalanine, and
to the betalamic acid moiety, and there are two plausible (S)-indoline-2-carboxylic acid. Semi-synthesis was carried
pathways proposed in the literature (Piattelli 1981; Gandía- out following a previously described method (Wyler et al.
Herrero et al. 2005b). When structures without the charac- 1965; Gandía-Herrero et al. 2006). In short, betanin puri-
teristic carboxylic group of DOPA were described, they Wed from red beet was used as starting material. Basic
were called descarboxy-betacyanins (Piattelli and Impelliz- hydrolysis (pH 11.4) of 0.2 mM betanin released betalamic
zeri 1970; Kobayashi et al. 2001). In this case, betalamic acid, which was then condensed with the appropriate amine
acid is condensed with descarboxy-cyclo-DOPA, which is after reaching pH 5.0. The corresponding betaxanthin was
cyclo-dopamine. The new pigments possessed the same obtained, revealed by a change of color. The whole process
chromatographic behavior and analogous spectrophotomet- was carried out under nitrogen atmosphere. Once synthesis
rical properties. These were accepted as the only two fami- was achieved, a C-18 solid phase extraction step was per-
lies of betacyanins, leaving the issue of what the structural formed, and an automated system was used for pigment
unit of betacyanins is unresolved. puriWcation.
When betalamic acid is condensed with cyclo-DOPA (or
cyclo-dopamine) to form betacyanins, there is a connection C-18 solid phase extraction
through a proline like substructure between the resonance
system of the betalamic acid moiety and the aromatic sys- One-mL C-18 cartridges (Waters, Milford, MA, USA) were
tem of DOPA. It has been suggested that such a combina- conditioned with 5 mL of methanol followed by 10 mL of
tion is responsible for the particular absorbance properties puriWed water. Salts and buVers from the samples were
of betacyanins. However, there has been no experimental removed by rinsing the column with water. Betaxanthins
approach to the relevance of the diVerent bonds involved in were eluted with ethanol and then concentrated to dryness
the betacyanin structure. under vacuum at room temperature. The residue was redis-
This paper is aimed at exploring the relations between solved in water for further use. The yield obtained for the
the betalain pigment structures and the spectroscopic prop- process was in the range of 92–97%. Sample conductivity
erties they exhibit. DiVerences between betaxanthins and after desaltation was below 1.0 mS/cm for all samples (pH/
betacyanins are investigated, and the minimum structure C-900 conductivity detector, General Electric Healthcare,
responsible for betacyanin properties is identiWed. The sig- Milwaukee, USA).

Planta (2010) 232:449–460 451

PuriWcation of betalains Selecta, Barcelona, Spain) was used for absorbance

spectroscopy. Measurements were made in water at 25°C.
Anionic exchange chromatography of betalains was per- For the quantiWcation of betanin and betanidin the molar
formed in an Äkta puriWer apparatus (General Electric extinction coeYcients at 536 nm,  = 65,000 and 54,000
Healthcare, Milwaukee, USA). The equipment was oper- M¡1 cm¡1 were taken, respectively (Schwartz and von Elbe
ated via a PC using Unikorn software version 3.00. Elutions 1980). Molar extinction coeYcients for the rest of the pig-
were monitored at 280, 480 and 536 nm. The solvents used ments were determined by an end-point method, carrying
were 10 mM sodium phosphate buVer, pH 6.0 (solvent A), out a set of degradation experiments of the betalains. Spec-
and 10 mM sodium phosphate buVer, pH 6.0, with 2 M tra for solutions of each pigment were recorded with the
NaCl (solvent B). A 25 £ 7 mm, 1-mL Q-Sepharose Fast above instrument and then submitted to basic hydrolysis
Flow column (cross-linked agarose with quaternary ammo- using ammonia at a Wnal concentration of 1.2 M. The
nium as an exchanger group, 90 m particle size) pur- process was monitored spectrophotometrically for 30 min,
chased from General Electric Healthcare was used. After taking spectra at 2-min intervals, with a scan speed of
sample injection, the elution process was as follows: 0% B 2,000 nm/min. The resulting betalamic acid solution was
from 0.0 to 2.0 mL; after washing, a linear gradient was compared with that obtained from betanin solutions of
performed over 15 mL from 0% B to 26% B, with 1 mL known concentration, and thus the initial pigment concen-
fractions being collected. Injection volume was 1 mL and tration and molar extinction coeYcient at the corresponding
the Xow rate was 1.0 mL/min. Pigment containing fractions maximum wavelength were calculated. All the pigments
were pooled and salts removed through C-18 solid phase yielded betalamic acid under the assay conditions more
extraction as described earlier. quickly than betanin. Betalamic acid solutions were stable
under the experimental conditions and no appreciable
HPLC analysis change in its spectral properties could be recorded for
30 min.
A Shimadzu LC-10A apparatus (Kyoto, Japan) equipped
with a SPD-M10A PDA detector was used for analytical Fluorescence spectroscopy
HPLC separations. Reversed phase chromatography was
performed with a 250 £ 4.6 mm Luna C-18(2) column Fluorescence spectroscopy studies were performed in a
packed with 5 m particles (Phenomenex, Torrance, CA, Hitachi F-4500 Xuorescence spectrophotometer (Hitachi
USA). Gradients were formed with two helium degassed High-Technologies Corporation, Tokyo, Japan), attached to
solvents. Solvent A was water with 0.05% TFA, and an Ultraterm 200 thermostatic bath (JP Selecta, Barcelona,
solvent B was composed of acetonitrile with 0.05% TFA. Spain). Quartz cuvettes were used, and samples were
A linear gradient was performed for 25 min from 0% B to diluted in water, with the Wnal concentration of the pigment
35% B. The Xow rate was 1 mL/min, operated at 25°C. being 3 M. Excitation and emission spectra were recorded
Injection volume was 20 L. at 25°C, and excitation and emission slit was set at 5 nm.
Alanine derived betaxanthin at the same concentration was
Elecrospray ionization mass analysis used as a standard for the determination of relative Xuores-
cence intensity values (Gandía-Herrero et al. 2005c). Exci-
An Agilent VL 1100 apparatus with LC/MSD Trap (Agi- tation spectra were recorded in each case through the
lent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA, USA) was used for emission at the maximum emission wavelength. Emission
HPLC–ESI–MS analyses. Elution conditions were as spectra were obtained by exciting at the corresponding
described earlier using a Zorbax SB-C18 (30 £ 2.1 mm, maximum wavelength. 3D Xuorescence spectra were
3.5 Rm) column (Agilent Technologies) with a Xow rate of obtained under the same general conditions in the range of
0.3 mL/min. Vaporizer temperature was 350°C, and volt- 400–550 nm for excitation, and 450–650 for emission, and
age was maintained at 3.5 kV. The sheath gas was nitrogen, intensity was recorded at 5-nm intervals.
operated at a pressure of 45 psi. Samples were ionized in
positive mode. Ion monitoring mode was full scan in the Free radical scavenging activity
range m/z 50–600. The electron multiplier voltage for
detection was 1,350 V. Antiradical capacity of betaxanthins was evaluated by
following their eVect on stable free radical ABTS•+. Decol-
Absorbance spectroscopy orizing activity on ABTS•+ solutions was monitored spec-
trophotometrically at  = 414 nm (Escribano et al. 1998).
A Jasco V-630 spectrophotometer (Jasco Corporation, ABTS•+ radical was prepared from 2 mM ABTS through
Tokyo, Japan), attached to a Tectron thermostatic bath (JP peroxidase activity (88 units/L commercial horseradish

452 Planta (2010) 232:449–460

peroxidase type VI, obtained from Sigma) in the presence structures for the puriWed pigments. For molecules with a
of hydrogen peroxide (45 M), in 12 mM sodium acetate quaternary ammonium substructure (compounds 4, 5, 6, 8,
buVer, pH 5.0. The reactive was then diluted by 2/3 through 9, 10, 12, 14, and 15), the mass obtained corresponds to the
the addition of samples, and the reactions were carried out charged form, as shown in Fig. 1. In all cases a daughter ion
in 53 mM sodium phosphate buVer, pH 7.0. Other condi- corresponding to [M + H]+–44 m/z was detected, account-
tions are speciWed in the text. Measurements of 96-well ing for the loss of a carboxylic group. For compound 15,
plates were performed after 24-h incubations at 20°C in a the main daughter ion (389 m/z) corresponded to compound
Synergy HT plate reader (Bio-Tek Instruments, Winooski, 14. The use of Beta vulgaris as the source of betanin and
USA). All experiments were performed in triplicate and the cleavage of a unit of glucose ([M + H]+–162 m/z) con-
mean values and standard deviations were plotted. Final Wrms the O-glucosidic nature of the bond (Cuyckens and
volume was 300 L (calculated path length = 0.87 cm). Claeys 2004; Gandia-Herrero et al. 2008).
Detector linearity under the assay conditions was conWrmed
(r = 0.999). In each case, errors associated with the results Color diVerences between betaxanthins and betacyanins
provided were calculated on the basis of the residual
standard deviations. Since they are pigments the most important feature of beta-
lains is color. Colorant properties are linked to the electron
resonance system supported by both nitrogen atoms of the
Results and discussion molecule. A full range of color, from yellow to violet, was
obtained with the molecules used in the study (Fig. 2a).
Semi-synthesis and characterization of selected pigments Maximum wavelengths obtained ranged from 467 to
542 nm (Table 2). For the betalains with the simplest struc-
The absence of systematic analyses on the diVerent proper- tural features around the nitrogen atom (structures 1, 2, 3,
ties of betalains, and their relation with the pigments struc- 4, 5, 6, 11, and 13), the maximum wavelength is restricted
tures is justiWed by the lack of a suitable procedure to to the range 467–478 nm, so they are yellow. Those mole-
obtain pure pigments. The application of an improved pro- cules involving aromaticity in resonance with the nitrogen
cedure for the semi-synthesis and puriWcation of betaxant- atoms present a bathochromic shift with maximum wave-
hins (Gandía-Herrero et al. 2006) based on the SchiV base lengths of 507 nm (structure 7), 492 nm (structure 8), and
synthesis (Wyler et al. 1965) allowed us to work with both 489 nm (structure 9), and appear orange in color. Com-
natural and previously unconsidered pigments. A relevant pounds with an analogous aromatic resonance system, but
series of structurally related pigments was obtained in order structurally hindered by an extra intramolecular cycle
to clarify the role of diVerent structural features in betalain (structures 10, 12, 14, and 15) possess wavelengths ranging
properties. from 524 to 542 nm. This extra bathochromic eVect makes
Figure 1 shows the compounds obtained and puriWed for them violet. Table 2 lists the spectroscopic properties deter-
the present study. Pigments were selected in order to mined for all the pigments, including spectrum width at an
explore the role of additional electronic resonance through absorbance value half of that at the corresponding maxi-
aromaticity in the betalain pigments and the eVects of cycli- mum. This parameter shows how yellow pigments spectra
zation, carboxylation, and quaternary ammonium charge. are sharper than those for the orange and violet betalains.
A combined procedure for semi-synthesis and puriWcation A positive linear relation between the maximum wave-
was applied to obtain both betaxanthins and betacyanins. length and the calculated width in the range studied can be
Compounds 13, 14, and 15 were extracted and puriWed found (r = 0.9558). Spectra with the characteristic shapes
from natural sources. All pigments were analyzed by HPLC for the diVerent groups of pigments identiWed above are
using a PDA detector to conWrm purity of the samples shown in Fig. 2b. In all cases a secondary peak in the UV
obtained. Retention times are shown in Table 1. Elution region accompanies the main absorbance peak in the visible
order was related with polarity, with N-ethyl-aniline region.
derived betalain (compound 9) eluting the last. In the series In addition, molar absorption coeYcients were calcu-
of aromatic compounds, betanin (compound 15) was the lated for all the semi-synthetic betalains. A degradation
Wrst to elute due to the eVect of glucosylation. procedure based on the basic hydrolysis of betalains to
Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI–MS) betalamic acid was applied, using betanin solutions of
was applied to the characterization of the compounds. The known concentration as reference (65,000 M¡1 cm¡1)
mass values determined for the parent ions of all com- (Schwartz and von Elbe 1980; Trezzini and Zrÿd 1991).
pounds are listed in Table 1. In all cases, values were as Values are high for all the molecules, and varied from
expected for the corresponding protonated molecular ions 46,000 to 76,000 M¡1 cm¡1, as shown in Table 2. Mole-
[M + H]+ of the betalains, thus conWrming the proposed cules with maximum absorbance wavelengths between 467

Planta (2010) 232:449–460 453

Fig. 1 Structures of betalain pigments

and 478 nm, possess a molar absorption coeYcient sation can be performed with primary and secondary
restricted to the range 46,000–50,000 M¡1 cm¡1. In con- amines and aminoacids. As a result, there are compounds
trast, those pigments of violet color have the highest molar with betaxanthin properties involving cycles (6), aromatic-
absorption coeYcient values, except for compound 14 ity (3, 11, 13), and with a positive charge on the nitrogen
(betanidin). For the compound derived from (S)-indoline-2- group (4, 5, 6). The data obtained in this study support the
carboxylic acid (compound 12) a molar absorption coeYcient use of the mean value of  = 48,000 M¡1 cm¡1 at 480 nm
of 76,000 M¡1 cm¡1 was obtained. This is the betalain with for all betaxanthins (Schliemann et al. 2001). Previous esti-
the highest absorbance ever reported. mations of molar absorption coeYcients for other betaxant-
For pigments 7, 8, and 9, the coeYcient values were hins were similar to the present data (Trezzini and Zrÿd
between those of the yellow and violet pigments. Figure 2c 1991).
shows how the maximum wavelengths and the values for On the other hand, molecules with betacyanin properties
the molar absorption coeYcients are related, and it classi- contain an aromatic system in resonance with the betalamic
Wes the betalains graphically. Three diVerent groups are acid moiety, plus a second cycle fused in an indoline manner.
displayed according to their spectroscopic properties: Compound 10 can be considered the simplest pigment with
Betaxanthins, with restricted values for the variables pre- betacyanin properties, and thus the betacyanin deWning
sented, betacyanins with the highest values in absorbance structure. It is likely that the Wve bonded ring causes a
and wavelengths, and compounds 7, 8 and 9, with interme- structural distortion of the planarity in the resonance system
diate properties. and it may be responsible for the characteristics of the
As can be seen, the inclusion into the yellow betaxanthin derived pigments (compounds 10, 12, 14, and 15). This is
group is independent of the nature of the amine condensed more evident when considering the properties of compound
to the betalamic acid moiety, insofar as there is no aroma- 7. In this case, the resonance system is unrestricted, and
ticity in resonance with the nitrogen atoms. Thus, conden- likely to be fully planar. Even in the absence of a second

454 Planta (2010) 232:449–460

Table 1 Chromatographic and mass spectroscopic data for betalains used in this study
Amine Trivial Rt PDA-m [M + H]+ Main daughter References
name (min) (nm)a (m/z)b ion (m/z)

1 Ethylamine – 11.71 452 239 195

2 Propylamine – 14.60 453 253 209 Gandía-Herrero et al. (2009)
3 2-Phenylethylamine – 22.11 460 315 271 Castellanos-Santiago
and Yahia (2008)
4 N-Methyl-ethanamine – 12.82 458 253 209
5 N-Methyl-N-propylamine – 15.83 459 267 223
6 Pyrrolidine – 13.87 459 265 221
7 Aniline – 19.91 507 287 241
8 N-Methyl-aniline – 20.30 487 301 255
9 N-Ethyl-aniline – 22.63 486 315 269
10 Indoline – 22.10 523 313 269
11 (S)-Phenylalanine – 20.08 472 359 315 Stintzing et al. (2002)
12 (S)-Indoline-2-carboxylic acid – 19.17 523 357 313
13 (S)-dihydroxy-phenylalanine (DOPA) Dopaxanthin 13.33 472 391 347 Impellizzeri et al. (1973)
14 (S)-cyclo-dihydroxy-phenylalanine Betanidin 14.11 542 389 343 Kanner et al. (2001)
15 (S)-cyclo-dihydroxy-phenylalanine-glucoside Betanin 11.38 535 551 389 Gliszczyjska-Jwigio
(cyclo-DOPA-glucoside) et al. (2006)
Amines from which the pigments are derived and selected previous references, where available, are also shown
Wavelength corresponding to the maximum absorbance in the HPLC gradient, measured through a PDA detector
Protonated molecular ion obtained for each pigment

cycle, the introduction of a methyl or an ethyl residue at the anthins. A linear relation can be found in the decrease of
nitrogen level may cause a minor distortion and this may be the Stokes shift with increasing excitation wavelengths
behind the diVerent properties of compounds 8, and 9, (r = 0.9807).
respectively, with respect to compound 7. The width for the spectra at half the maximum intensity
is also given (Table 2). Shapes of the spectra obtained in all
Structural considerations on betalains Xuorescence cases respond to the same pattern for each identiWed group,
and are shown in Fig. 3. For simple betaxanthins, spectra
Fluorescence properties of all the betalains were investi- widths range between 22 and 33 nm for excitation, and
gated. Excitation spectra were obtained by following the between 21 and 23 nm for emission. Those betaxanthins
emission at the maximum emission wavelength determined containing an aromatic ring present excitation and emission
in a previous measurement. Emission spectra were obtained widths of 38–48 nm and 25–31 nm, respectively. For
by exciting at the corresponding maximum wavelength. betacyanin compound 13, spectra widths were calculated
Maximum wavelengths are presented in Table 2. As can be as 38 nm for excitation, and 25 nm for emission. For
seen, betaxanthins present maximum excitation wave- compounds 8 and 9, excitation and emission widths were
lengths between 471 and 474 nm, while emission maxima similar (20–24 nm and 21 nm respectively), while for
are found in the range 548–551 nm. For those betacyanins compound 7, widths are considerably higher (41 nm for
where Xuorescence could be detected, compounds 10 and excitation, and 25 nm for emission).
12, maximum excitation wavelengths were 521 and The inXuence of structural factors on the Xuorescence
529 nm, respectively, and emission maxima occurred at intensity of betalains can be detected from the molecules
570 and 575 nm, respectively. Compounds 7, 8, and 9 pres- studied. The presence of a carboxylic group in the pigment
ent intermediate Xuorescence characteristics with maxi- structures leads to an enhancement of the Xuorescence dis-
mum excitation wavelengths between 494 and 513 nm, and played by pigments 11 and 12 with respect to their decar-
maximum emission wavelengths between 553 and 560 nm. boxylated analogous molecules 3 and 10, respectively. This
Figure 3 shows both excitation and emission spectra for may be related to the electron density withdrawing eVect of
characteristic betalain molecules of the diVerent groups. the group, as was also identiWed in the case of carboxylated
Separation between both spectra maxima (Stokes shift) is tyrosine and DOPA derived betaxanthins with respect to
shown in Table 2, and it was found to be higher for betax- tyramine and dopamine derived pigments (Gandía-Herrero

Planta (2010) 232:449–460 455

tively. The presence of an aromatic system connected to the

electron resonance system supported by the nitrogen atoms
implies a marked decrease in the Xuorescence intensity.
This can be seen in the case of molecules 3 and 9, where the
only diVerence lies in the bond that connects the aromatic
ring to the rest of the structure. Among the betalains pre-
senting aromaticity in conexion with the electron resonance
system, only molecule 7, likely to be fully planar, presents
a Xuorescence intensity value close to betaxanthins. With
an analogous aromatic resonance system, betacyanin Xuo-
rescence intensity is lowered under the eVect of the closure
of the indoline ring. The eVect of this bond is observed in
the comparison of molecules 3–10, and 11–12. No detect-
able Xuorescence was found for betacyanin molecules 14
and 15.
In order to cover the entire range of possible wave-
lengths for both excitation and emission, three-dimensional
Xuorescence spectra were recorded for all the molecules.
Derived excitation-emission matrix Xuorescence spectro-
scopic data are graphically provided in Fig. 4. The results
provide a full characterization of the Xuorescence proper-
ties of betalains, and show Xuorescence peaks centered at
the corresponding maximum excitation and emission wave-
lengths. The same behavior is found for molecules 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 11, and 13 (betaxanthins), and peak shape and posi-
tion are nearly the same for molecules 10 and 12 (betacya-
nins). Although molecules 7, 8, and 9 present intermediate
properties, compound 9 is closer to betacyanins in spectral
shape and position. In addition, compounds 8 and 9 present
secondary Xuorescence peaks that are centered at excita-
tion-emission wavelengths of 470–545 nm and 470–550 nm,

Structure–activity relationships in betalain antiradical


Despite the increasing evidence for the potent biological

activities of betalains related to their antiradical or antioxi-
dant capacity (Moreno et al. 2008; Lu et al. 2009), the
available information on individual pure pigments is scarce.
Betanin (compound 15) was the Wrst to be studied in depth,
and its exceptionally high free radical scavenging capacity
Fig. 2 Absorbance properties of betalains. a Plate picture showing the was linked to its electron donation ability (Gliszczyjska-
color obtained for the diVerent compounds. Each well contained 300
L of pure betalain 3.3 M. b Absorbance spectra for pure betalains 6 Jwigio et al. 2006). More recently, the eVect of phenolic
(solid line), 7 (dashed line), and 10 (dotted line). c Relationship hydroxyl groups on the free radical scavenging activity of
between molar absorption coeYcients (M¡1 cm¡1) and absorbance betalains was evaluated (Gandía-Herrero et al. 2009),
maximum wavelengths (nm). Pigment distribution in a and numbers in revealing the existence of an intrinsic radical scavenging
c correspond to those of Fig. 1
activity characteristic of betalains which was not linked to
the presence of a phenolic ring. These data are in contrast to
et al. 2005c). The eVect of electron density drawing groups the information available for other molecules such as Xavo-
in betalains Xuorescence is the opposite, and Xuorescence noids (Cai et al. 2006). How this intrinsic free radical scav-
intensity is reduced by the presence of hydroxyl groups in enging activity is modulated remains unexplored, and a
molecules 13 and 14 with respect to 11 and 12, respec- systematic analysis of the activity of betalains is necessary.

456 Planta (2010) 232:449–460

Table 2 Absorbance and Xuorescence spectroscopy data obtained for betalains

Absorbance Fluorescence

m m Width m Exc m Ems Stokes Relativ. Flu. Exc. width Ems. width
(nm) (M¡1 cm¡1) (nm)a (nm) (nm) shift (nm) Int. (%)b (nm)a (nm)a

1 467 46,000 60 472 548 76 25.3 22 23

2 469 48,000 60 472 548 76 28.3 22 23
3 473 49,000 59 473 551 78 104.4 41 28
4 474 49,000 62 472 548 76 16.3 27 21
5 477 50,000 62 472 550 78 30.9 33 23
6 476 50,000 64 471 549 78 8.2 27 21
7 507 54,000 72 513 560 47 28.7 41 25
8 492 62,000 66 494 553 59 1.5 24 21
9 489 61,000 63 494 554 60 0.7 20 21
10 524 71,000 74 521 570 49 0.4 30 –
11 477 49,000 58 471 549 78 182.9 48 31
12 526 76,000 74 529 575 46 8.2 36 23
13 478 46,000 61 474 550 76 84.0 38 25
14 542 54,000 90 – – – – – –
15 536 65,000 84 – – – – – –
Compounds numbering corresponds to the structures shown in Fig. 1
Spectrum width was calculated at an absorbance/Xuorescence intensity value half of that at the corresponding maximum
Relative Xuorescence intensity values are calculated in relation to Ala-derived betaxanthin

concentration determination was reached through the molar

absorption values determined earlier (Table 2). Figure 5
shows the TEAC values obtained at pH 7 for the betalains
under study. As can be seen, in all cases there is a high
activity—above that found for Trolox.
As regards the intensity of their antiradical activity, beta-
lains can be classiWed in groups that possess structural sim-
ilarities. Thus, for betalains without aromatic resonance,
charge or hydroxy groups (compounds 1, 2, 3, and 11), the
calculated mean TEAC value is 2.4 § 0.1. In the case of
betaxanthins with charge and no aromatic resonance (com-
pounds 4, 5, and 6), the mean TEAC value is 1.8 § 0.1. For
Fig. 3 Excitation (thick lines) and emission (thin lines) Xuorescence compounds with an aromatic ring in resonance with the
spectra for betalain compounds 6 (solid line), 7 (dashed line), and 10 electronic system supported by the nitrogen atoms (com-
(dotted line). Spectra were obtained in water at 25°C pounds 7, 8, and 9), the mean TEAC value obtained is
2.8 § 0.4. If such resonance is combined with a second
The individual free radical scavenging capacity for all the cycle fused in an indoline manner (betacyanins) the TEAC
molecules puriWed in this study was characterized in order value raises to 4.1 § 0.3 (compound 10) and 3.9 § 0.3
to shed light on the eVect of diVerent structural features. (compound 12). As expected, the presence of phenolic
The scavenging activities of the diVerent betalains were hydroxy groups, in both betaxanthin 13 and betacyanin 14
evaluated according to their eVect on stable colored solu- implies a signiWcant enhancement of the antiradical activity
tions of the radical ABTS•+ (Re et al. 1999). The assay is (Gandía-Herrero et al. 2009) with respect to their dehydr-
based on monitoring the decrease in the absorbance of the oxylated analogs. The increase is smaller for compound 15,
radical solution, and it is compared with the decrease due to where glucosylation blocks one of the two hydroxy groups.
an equal concentration of Trolox (6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tet- All these data support the existence of a strong intrinsic
ramethylchroman-2-carboxylic acid), a potent antiradical, antiradical activity in betalains and allow some conclusions
water-soluble derivative of vitamin E. Accurate pigment to be drawn on structure–antiradical activity relationships.

Planta (2010) 232:449–460 457

Fig. 4 Contour plots of 3D Xuorescence spectra for all betalains under study. No signal could be detected for compounds 14 and 15. All spectra
were obtained in water at 25°C, at a pigment concentration of 3 M. For comparison purposes, relative units are used

458 Planta (2010) 232:449–460

Fig. 5 TEAC values determined for individual betalain pigments

under the ABTS•+ radical assay at pH 7.0

Betalain activity can be quantiWed for the simplest pig-

ments to be around TEAC values of 2.4. The presence of a
charge in betaxanthins derived from secondary amines
seems to reduce this value. However, the connection of the
betalain-characteristic electronic resonance system with an
aromatic ring produces an enhancement of the antiradical
activity, increasing the TEAC value by around 0.4. If this is
done to form indoline-like substructures, the enhancement
is higher. The bond that converts betaxanthins 3 and 11 into
betacyanins 10 and 12, respectively, implies an increase in
the TEAC value of 1.6 units. Known eVects of hydroxy Fig. 6 Betalains’ free radical scavenging activity dependence on pH.
ABTS•+ radical initial concentration was 57 M. Compounds were
groups should be added to this characteristic activity of bet- added at a Wnal concentration of 3.3 M. For better visualization,
alains. There is no eVect related to the carboxylation of the Wgure is divided in two panels. In a symbols are as follows: Wlled circle
pigments. compound 1, open circle compound 2, Wlled square compound 3, open
In order to evaluate the eVect of pH on the antiradical square compound 4, Wlled inverted triangle compound 5, open inverted
triangle compound 6, Wlled triangle compound 7, open triangle
activity of all betalains, it was varied in the range 3.5–8.5 in Trolox, and Wlled diamond water control. In b symbols are: Wlled circle
the assay medium. Sodium acetate was used as buVer for compound 8; open circle, compound 9, Wlled square, compound 10,
pH values ranging from 3.5 to 5.5, and sodium phosphate open square compound 11, Wlled inverted triangle compound 12, open
for 5.5–8.5. No diVerence was observed for the activity inverted triangle compound 13, Wlled triangle compound 14, and open
triangle compound 15
measured for both buVers at pH 5.5. Figure 6 shows how
pH values above 5.5 indicate a general increase in the free
radical scavenging activity measured for all the betalains. decrease in the scavenging of the radical, instead of the
At pH values below 5.5, a basal activity can be found. expected enhancement. This might be due to the lability of
Behavior for compounds 1–6 and 11 in this range is the the molecule in neutral and basic environments. Kinetic
same, exhibiting an activity analogous to that found for studies on its chemical stability have shown how the value
Trolox, with the removal of around 10% of the initial free for the Wrst-order degradation constant increases at pH val-
radical. For the other compounds, the activity displayed at ues above 6.0 (Gandía-Herrero et al. 2007).
acidic pH values is higher. Aromatic compounds 7, 8, and 9
remove around 20% of the initial radical at acidic pH val- Carboxylated betalains
ues, and removal is higher for all the betacyanins. In all
cases the pH curve is similar, and only two molecules seem The betalamic acid moiety of betalains presents two car-
to behave diVerently: compound 7 (Fig. 6a), in which pH boxylic groups, with one of them supported by a chiral car-
has a limited eVect, and compound 14 (Fig. 6b). In this bon. The presence of another carboxylic group in the amine
case, the behavior at more acidic pH values is analogous to moiety, as in pigments 11–15, introduces an extra chiral
the other compounds, but at pH values above 5.5 there is a center that makes betalains diasteroisomeric structures. As

Planta (2010) 232:449–460 459

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