Security Best Practices Guide For ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions
Security Best Practices Guide For ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions
Security Best Practices Guide For ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions
July 2007
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Table of Contents
Preface ...........................................................................................................................................................1
Purpose .....................................................................................................................................................1
Audience ....................................................................................................................................................2
Organization ..............................................................................................................................................2
Related Documentation .............................................................................................................................3
Obtaining Documentation...........................................................................................................................5
Product Documentation DVD.................................................................................................................5
Ordering Documentation........................................................................................................................5
Documentation Feedback...........................................................................................................................6
Product Alerts and Field Notices ...............................................................................................................6
Cisco Product Security Overview...............................................................................................................6
Reporting Security Problems in Cisco Products ...................................................................................7
Obtaining Technical Assistance..................................................................................................................7
Cisco Technical Support & Documentation Website..............................................................................8
Submitting a Service Request...............................................................................................................8
Definitions of Service Request Severity.................................................................................................9
Obtaining Additional Publications and Information.....................................................................................9
1. Encryption Support...................................................................................................................................11
User and Agent Passwords......................................................................................................................11
Call Variables and Extended Call Variables..............................................................................................11
Internet Script Editor, Agent Reskilling and WebView..............................................................................12
CTI OS C++/COM Toolkit.........................................................................................................................12
Cisco Contact Center SNMP Management Service.................................................................................13
Cisco Support Tools..................................................................................................................................13
Additional Encryption................................................................................................................................13
2. IPSec and NAT Support............................................................................................................................15
Support for IPSec (IP Security) in Tunnel Mode.......................................................................................16
Support for IPSec (IP Security) in Transport Mode...................................................................................17
System Requirements.........................................................................................................................17
Supported Communication Paths .......................................................................................................17
Configuring IPSec Policy.....................................................................................................................18
IPSec Connection to Cisco CallManager.................................................................................................21
Monitoring IPSec Activity..........................................................................................................................21
IPSec Monitor......................................................................................................................................21
IPSec Logging.....................................................................................................................................21
Network Monitoring..............................................................................................................................22
System Monitoring ..............................................................................................................................22
Securing Support Tools Using IPSEC......................................................................................................23
Support Tools IPSEC Configuration Example............................................................................................?
Support for NAT (Network Address Translation).......................................................................................24
NAT and CTI OS.......................................................................................................................................24
IPSec and NAT Transparency...................................................................................................................25
Additional IPSec References....................................................................................................................25
3. Windows Server 2003 Firewall Configuration............................................................................................27
Cisco Firewall Configuration Utility Prerequisites.....................................................................................28
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Using the Cisco Firewall Configuration Utility...........................................................................................29
Verifying New Windows Firewall Settings.................................................................................................29
Configuring Windows Server 2003 Firewall to Communicate With Active Directory................................30
Configuring Domain Controller Ports...................................................................................................30
Restrict FRS Traffic to a Specific Static Port........................................................................................30
Restrict Active Directory replication traffic to a specific port................................................................31
Configure Remote Procedure Call (RPC) port allocation....................................................................31
Windows Server 2000 and 2003 Firewall Ports...................................................................................31
Testing Connectivity.............................................................................................................................32
Validating Connectivity.........................................................................................................................32
Understanding the CiscoICMfwConfig_exc.xml File.................................................................................33
Troubleshooting Windows Firewall............................................................................................................34
General Troubleshooting Notes............................................................................................................34
Windows Firewall Interferes with Router Private Interface Communication.........................................34
Windows Firewall Shows Dropped Packets but no ICM or IPCC Failures are Evident........................34
Undo Firewall Settings.........................................................................................................................35
4. Automated Security Hardening Settings on Windows Server 2003..........................................................37
Applying/Removing Cisco ICM Security Settings.....................................................................................38
Applying Cisco ICM Security Settings During Setup...........................................................................38
Manual Installation of Cisco ICM Security Settings.............................................................................38
Rolling Back Security Settings.............................................................................................................39
Account Policies Settings.........................................................................................................................40
Password Policy...................................................................................................................................40
Account Lockout Policy........................................................................................................................40
Kerberos Policy....................................................................................................................................41
Local Policies............................................................................................................................................41
Audit Policy..........................................................................................................................................41
User Rights Assignment......................................................................................................................42
Security Options..................................................................................................................................45
Event Log.................................................................................................................................................53
System Services.......................................................................................................................................54
Settings for System Services...............................................................................................................54
File System...............................................................................................................................................61
5. Updating Microsoft Windows ....................................................................................................................63
Microsoft Security Updates......................................................................................................................63
Microsoft Service Pack Policy...................................................................................................................65
Configuring the Server to use an Alternate Windows Update Server..................................................65
6. SQL Server Hardening..............................................................................................................................67
SQL Server Hardening Suggestions........................................................................................................67
Top Hardening Suggestions.................................................................................................................67
SQL Server Users and Authentication.................................................................................................69
7. Cisco SSL Encryption Utility.....................................................................................................................71
About the SSL Encryption Utility..............................................................................................................71
Installing SSL During Setup.................................................................................................................72
SSL Encryption Utility in Standalone Mode.........................................................................................72
Enabling the Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.0 Protocol...................................................................74
8. Intrusion Prevention and Cisco Security Agent.........................................................................................75
What are Cisco Security Agent Policies?.................................................................................................75
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Types of Agents........................................................................................................................................76
Managed Agent...................................................................................................................................76
Standalone Agent................................................................................................................................76
9. Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA)..........................................................................................79
Security Update Scan Results..................................................................................................................80
Windows Scan Results.............................................................................................................................80
Internet Information Services (IIS) Scan Results.....................................................................................81
SQL Server Scan Results........................................................................................................................82
Desktop Application Scan Results............................................................................................................83
10. Auditing ..................................................................................................................................................85
How to View Auditing Policies...................................................................................................................85
Security Log.............................................................................................................................................86
Real-Time Alerts.......................................................................................................................................86
SQL Server Auditing Policies....................................................................................................................86
SQL Server C2 Security Auditing........................................................................................................86
Active Directory Auditing Policies.............................................................................................................87
11. General Anti-Virus Guidelines and Recommendations...........................................................................89
Guidelines and Recommendations...........................................................................................................90
ICM/IPCC Software Maintenance Parameters.........................................................................................91
Logger Recommendations ..................................................................................................................91
Distributor Recommendations.............................................................................................................92
Router and PG Recommendations......................................................................................................92
Other Scheduled Tasks Recommendations.........................................................................................92
File Type Exclusion Recommendations....................................................................................................92
12. Remote Administration............................................................................................................................93
Windows Terminal Services (Remote Desktop).......................................................................................93
Remote Desktop..................................................................................................................................93
Securing the RDP-TCP Connection....................................................................................................94
Per-User Terminal Services Settings...................................................................................................95
Restricting access to internal machines..............................................................................................96
Preventing unauthorized connections to a pcAnywhere host..............................................................96
Protecting the data stream during a remote control session...............................................................97
Preventing unauthorized changes to the installed product..................................................................98
Identifying security risks......................................................................................................................98
Logging events during a remote control session.................................................................................98
TRIDIA VNC Pro.......................................................................................................................................99
13. Additional Security Best Practices........................................................................................................101
Additional Cisco Call Center Applications..............................................................................................101
Cisco ICM WebView..........................................................................................................................101
Cisco ICM CTI Object Server (CTI OS).............................................................................................102
Cisco Agent Desktop (CAD)..............................................................................................................102
Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS).............................................................................................102
Hardening IIS for use with WebView and Internet Script Editor on Windows 2000 Platforms...........102
Sybase EAServer (Jaguar) Hardening...................................................................................................105
Starting Jaguar Manager...................................................................................................................105
Changing Jaguar Password...............................................................................................................105
Restart WebView/Services................................................................................................................106
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
RMS Listener Hardening........................................................................................................................107
WMI Service Hardening.........................................................................................................................108
WMI namespace-level security:.........................................................................................................108
Additional WMI Security Considerations............................................................................................109
SNMP Hardening....................................................................................................................................109
Toll Fraud Prevention..............................................................................................................................110
Third-Party Security Providers................................................................................................................111
Third-Party Management Agents............................................................................................................111
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
List of Figures
Figure 1: SSL Config Utility - Configuration Tab...........................................................................................................73
Figure 2: SSL Config Utility - Certificate Administration Tab.......................................................................................73
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
This document describes security hardening configuration guidelines for Cisco ICM Software
Release 7.0(0) on Windows Server 2003. The term "ICM software" includes: IP Contact Center
(IPCC) Enterprise and Hosted Editions, System IPCC, and ICM Enterprise and Hosted Editions.
Optional ICM applications applying to these server configurations are also addressed here, with
the exception of the following: Web Collaboration Option Collaboration Server, Media Blender
(when not co-resident with a PG; if co-resident with a PG then these best practices are applicable),
Dynamic Content Adapter and E-mail Manager Option. References throughout this document
to "ICM/IPCC" will assume the aforementioned configurations. Any accompanying applications
making up the customer's particular solution, whether Cisco provided - such as PSO applications
- or provided by a Cisco partner, have not been approved for use with these security hardening
recommendations. Special testing and qualification must be considered to ensure that
recommended security configurations do not hinder the operation of those applications.
The configurations presented in this document represent parameters used internally within Cisco
to develop and test the applications. Other than the base Operating System and applications'
installations, any deviation from this set cannot be guaranteed to provide a compatible operating
environment. It is important to note recommendations contained in this document will not always
be uniformly implemented; some implementations - as based on corporate policy, specific IT
utilities (e.g., backup accounts) or other external guidelines - may modify or limit the application
of these guidelines.
Note: Security Hardening for Release 7.0(0) is supported on Windows 2003 only when the
server has been hardened using the 6.0 guidelines. You cannot upgrade a non-hardened Windows
2000 server from ICM 5.0 or 6.0 to ICM 7.0(0) and then apply hardening. First harden the
Windows 2000 Server running a previous version of ICM before upgrading to 7.0(0). The other
option is to upgrade the Operating System to Windows Server 2003 after upgrading the
ICM/IPCC software and then applying the automated hardening described in this guide.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
This document is primarily intended for server administrators and OS and application installers.
It is assumed that the target reader of this document is an experienced administrator familiar
with Windows 2003 and Windows Server 2003 installations. It is further assumed that the reader
is fully familiar with the applications making up the ICM/IPCC solution, as well as with the
installation and administration of these systems. It is the intent of these best practices to
additionally provide a consolidated view of securing the various third-party applications on
which the Cisco contact center applications depend. Should vendor recommendations differ
from these guidelines, following such recommendations may result in systems that are not
protected from malicious attacks.
This document is organized into the Following:
Chapter Description
Encryption Support A brief overview of the encryption methods used in ICM/IPCC
IPSec and NAT Support Security Best Practices of deploying IPSec and NAT in an ICM/IPCC
Windows Server 2003 Firewall Configuration The use of Windows Firewall and details about Cisco's Windows Firewall
configuration script.
Automated Security Hardening Settings on Specific details of the settings changed when using the Cisco Security
Windows Server 2003 Template.
Updating Microsoft Windows Security Best Practices to use when updating Windows Server 2003.
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA) Example of what to expect when running MBSA on a typical ICM Server.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Related Documentation
Chapter Description
Remote Administration Security Best Practices to consider when using various remote
administration applications.
• Syskey
Related Documentation
The recommendations contained herein are based in part on hardening guidelines published by
Microsoft, such as those found in the Windows Server 2003 Security Hardening Guide, as well
as other third-party vendors' hardening recommendations. A number of recommendations are
made fully consistent with supporting Microsoft guidelines; our intent is to further interpret and
customize those guidelines as specifically applicable to the ICM/IPCC server products.
This document should be used in conjunction with the Planning and Staging Guides that are
part of the ICM/IPCC documentation. It should further be used as a reference standard for all
customers requiring verification that certain security configuration changes to the base operating
system and contact center application servers have been certified for use with the ICM/IPCC
applications. The average time to execute the majority of the steps has been reduced significantly
due to the automation and integration with the impacted products installation programs.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
This manual uses the following conventions:
Convention Description
boldface font Boldface font is used to indicate commands,
such as user entries, keys, buttons, and folder
and submenu names. For example:
• Click Finish.
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Obtaining Documentation
Obtaining Documentation
Cisco documentation and additional literature are available on Cisco also provides
several ways to obtain technical assistance and other technical resources. These sections explain
how to obtain technical information from Cisco Systems.
You can access the most current Cisco documentation at this URL:
Ordering Documentation
Registered users may order Cisco documentation at the Product Documentation
Store in the Cisco Marketplace at this URL::
Nonregistered users can order technical documentation from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
(0800 to 1700) PDT by calling 1 866 463-3487 in the United States and Canada, or elsewhere
by calling 011 408 519-5055. You can also order documentation by e-mail at or by fax at 1 408 519-5001 in the United States
and Canada, or elsewhere at 011 408 519-5001.
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Documentation Feedback
Documentation Feedback
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You can submit comments about Cisco documentation by using the response card (if present)
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Cisco Systems Attn: Customer Document Ordering 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA
From this site, you will find information about how to:
A current list of security advisories and notices for Cisco products is available at this URL:
To see security advisories, security notices, and security responses as they are updated in real
time, you can subscribe to the Product Security Incident Response Team Really Simple
Syndication (PSIRT RSS) feed. Information about how to subscribe to the PSIRT RSS feed is
found at this URL:
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Obtaining Technical Assistance
Cisco is committed to delivering secure products. We test our products internally before we
release them, and we strive to correct all vulnerabilities quickly. If you think that you might
have identified a vulnerability in a Cisco product, contact PSIRT:
• 1 877 228-7302
• 1 408 525-6532
Note: We encourage you to use Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) or a compatible product (for example,
GnuPG) to encrypt any sensitive information that you send to Cisco. PSIRT can work with
information that has been encrypted with PGP versions 2.x through 9.x.
Never use a revoked or an expired encryption key. The correct public key to use in your
correspondence with PSIRT is the one linked in the Contact Summary section of the Security
Vulnerability Policy page at this URL:
The link on this page has the current PGP key ID in use.
If you do not have or use PGP, contact PSIRT at the aforementioned e-mail addresses or phone
numbers before sending any sensitive material to find other means of encrypting the data.
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Obtaining Technical Assistance
The Cisco Technical Support & Documentation website provides online documents and tools
for troubleshooting and resolving technical issues with Cisco products and technologies. The
website is available 24 hours a day, at this URL:
Access to all tools on the Cisco Technical Support & Documentation website requires a user ID and password. If you have a valid service contract but do not have a user ID
or password, you can register at this URL:
Note: Use the Cisco Product Identification (CPI) tool to locate your product serial number
before submitting a web or phone request for service. You can access the CPI tool from the
Cisco Technical Support & Documentation website by clicking the Tools & Resources Tools.
Choose Cisco Product Identification Tool from the Alphabetical Index drop-down list, or
click the Cisco Product Identification Tool RMAs. The CPI tool offers three search options:
by product ID or model name; by tree view; or for certain products, by copying and pastingshow
command output. Search results show an illustration of your product with the serial number
label location highlighted. Locate the serial number label on your product and record the
information before placing a service call.
Using the online TAC Service Request Tool is the fastest way to open S3 and S4 service requests.
(S3 and S4 service requests are those in which your network is minimally impaired or for which
you require product information.) After you describe your situation, the TAC Service Request
Tool provides recommended solutions. If your issue is not resolved using the recommended
resources, your service request is assigned to a Cisco TAC engineer. The TAC Service Request
Tool is located at this URL:
For S1 or S2 service requests or if you do not have Internet access, contact the Cisco TAC by
telephone. (S1 or S2 service requests are those in which your production network is down or
severely degraded.) Cisco TAC engineers are assigned immediately to S1 and S2 service requests
to help keep your business operations running smoothly
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Obtaining Additional Publications and Information
To ensure that all service requests are reported in a standard format, Cisco has established
severity definitions.
Severity 1 (S1) - Your network is down, or there is a critical impact to your business operations.
You and Cisco will commit all necessary resources around the clock to resolve the situation.
Severity 3 (S3) - Operational performance of your network is impaired, but most business
operations remain functional. You and Cisco will commit resources during normal business
hours to restore service to satisfactory levels.
Severity 4 (S4) - You require information or assistance with Cisco product capabilities,
installation, or configuration. There is little or no effect on your business operations.
• Cisco Product Quick Reference Guide is a handy, compact reference tool that includes brief
product overviews, key features, sample part numbers, and abbreviated technical specifications
for many Cisco products that are sold through channel partners. It is updated twice a year
and includes the latest Cisco offerings. To order and find out more about the Cisco Product
Quick Reference Guide, go to this URL:
• Cisco Marketplace provides a variety of Cisco books, reference guides, and logo merchandise.
Visit Cisco Marketplace, the company store, at this URL:
• Cisco Press publishes a wide range of general networking, training and certification titles.
Both new and experienced users will benefit from these publications. For current Cisco Press
titles and other information, go to Cisco Press at this URL:
• Packet magazine is the Cisco Systems technical user magazine for maximizing Internet and
networking investments. Each quarter, Packet delivers coverage of the latest industry trends,
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Obtaining Additional Publications and Information
technology breakthroughs, and Cisco products and solutions, as well as network deployment
and troubleshooting tips, configuration examples, customer case studies, certification and
training information, and links to scores of in-depth online resources. You can access Packet
magazine at this URL:
• iQ Magazine is the quarterly publication from Cisco Systems designed to help growing
companies learn how they can use technology to increase revenue, streamline their business,
and expand services. The publication identifies the challenges facing these companies and
the technologies to help solve them, using real-world case studies and business strategies to
help readers make sound technology investment decisions. You can access iQ Magazine at
this URL:
• Internet Protocol Journal is a quarterly journal published by Cisco Systems for engineering
professionals involved in designing, developing, and operating public and private internets
and intranets. You can access the Internet Protocol Journal at this URL:
• Networking products offered by Cisco Systems, as well as customer support services, can
be obtained at this URL:
• World-class networking training is available from Cisco. You can view current offerings at
this URL:
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 1
Encryption Support
This section describes the types of encryption used in the ICM system. The concepts should aid
you in understanding how encryption is used in the ICM/IPCC environment.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 1: - Encryption Support
Internet Script Editor, Agent Reskilling and WebView
See Also
IPSec and NAT Support on page 15
The Agent Reskilling and Internet Script Editor web applications will also be deployed and
enabled for 128-bit SSL encryption in IIS 6.0 as a default so that all supervisor logins, user
logins, and data exchanged is protected across the network.
For WebView, the authentication phase is encrypted with 128-bit encryption by default. As an
option, users may decide to encrypt the entire session which may be done during installation or
afterwards using the SSL Encryption Utility.
For more information on enabling certain Cipher Suites in IIS see:
See Also
Cisco SSL Encryption Utility on page 71
Cisco WebView Documentation
• Authentication: RSA
Refer to the CTI OS System Manager's Guide and Cisco CAD Installation Guide for more
configuration details.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 1: Encryption Support
Cisco Contact Center SNMP Management Service
See Also
SNMP Hardening on page 109
SNMP Guide for Cisco ICM/IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions
Additional Encryption
In addition to the various areas of application level encryption provided in the Cisco ICM suite
of applications, Cisco supports the deployment of the solution across sites running Cisco IOS(TM)
IPSec in Tunnel Mode with HMAC-SHA1 Authentication (ESP-SHA-HMAC) and 3DES
Encryption (ESP-3DES).
See Also
IPSec and NAT Support on page 15
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 1: - Encryption Support
Additional Encryption
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 2
IPSec and NAT Support
Internet Protocol security (IPSec) is a framework of open standards for ensuring private, secure
communications over Internet Protocol (IP) networks, through the use of cryptographic security
Implementing IPSec in an ICM or IPCC environment means finding a balance between ease of
deployment and usability, and protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access.
• Assessing the risk and determining the appropriate level of security for your organization.
• Defining security policies that use your risk management criteria and protect the identified
• Determining how the policies can best be implemented within the existing organization.
Security considerations are also influenced by the way the application will be used or deployed.
For example, the required security might differ, depending on whether certain ICM/IPCC servers
will be deployed in a single data center or across a number of sites which may or may not
communicate across trusted networks. The security framework in Windows Server 2003 is
designed to fulfill the most stringent security requirements. However, software alone might be
less effective without careful planning and assessment, effective security guidelines, enforcement,
auditing, and sensible security policy design and assignment.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 2: - IPSec and NAT Support
Support for IPSec (IP Security) in Tunnel Mode
We highly recommend that hardware encryption be used in order to avoid a significant increase
in IP Router CPU overhead and throughput impact. There are also some latency implications,
so it is important to size the network infrastructure (network hardware and physical links)
accordingly. There are also considerations that must be taken for QoS networks. The common
recommendation is to classify and apply QoS features based on packet header information before
traffic is tunnel encapsulated and/or encrypted.
More detailed resources on Cisco IOS IPSec functionality can be found at
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 2: IPSec and NAT Support
Support for IPSec (IP Security) in Transport Mode
System Requirements
• IPSec offload network adapters accelerate the cryptographic operations used to secure IPSec
packets, therefore minimizing the performance costs for encryption. As a result, IPSec -
secured TCP/IP connections can achieve similar throughput as TCP/IP connections that are
not secured using IPSec. If the hardware acceleration cards cannot be used, then IPSec
encryption will increase CPU load, and decrease throughput.
• ICM Release 7.0(0) support for IPSec is contingent on the use of network interface cards
which support IPSec offloads. The card listed in the System Requirements list is what has
been tested and is recommended.
See Also
For more information about the benefits of using IPSec hardware offload adapters, see "Intel
PRO/100S Network Adapter, IPSec Offload Performance and Comparison," at http://
ICM Release 7.0(0) supports deploying IPSec in a Windows Server 2003 operating environment
to secure server to server communication. The support is limited to the following list of nodes
which exchange customer sensitive data.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 2: - IPSec and NAT Support
Support for IPSec (IP Security) in Transport Mode
a. visible path
b. private path
For the server communication paths identified, the following security level should be considered
a general basis for planning an IPSec deployment:
• High security
Computers that contain highly sensitive data are at risk for data theft, accidental or malicious
disruption of the system, or any public network communications. Secure Server (Require
Security), a default policy, requires IPSec protection for all traffic being sent or received
(except initial inbound communication) with stronger security methods. Unsecured
communication with a non-IPSec-aware computer is not allowed.
See Also
Be sure to consult the Microsoft Knowledge Base article IPSec default exemptions are removed
in Windows Server 2003 ( for important
information about changes in Windows Server 2003 IPSec support from Windows 2000 Server
support of IPSec.
Windows Server 2003 IPSec policy configuration is the translation of security requirements to
one or more IPSec policies.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 2: IPSec and NAT Support
Support for IPSec (IP Security) in Transport Mode
Each IPSec policy consists of one or more IPSec rules. Each IPSec rule consists of:
There are multiple ways to configure IPSec policies but the following is the most direct method:
Create a new policy and define the set of rules for the policy, adding filter lists and filter actions
as required. In this method, an IPSec policy is created first and then rules are added and
configured. Filter lists (specifying traffic types) and filter actions (specifying how the traffic is
treated) are added during rule creation.
An IPSec Security Policy must be created for each communication path and on each end (on
every server). The following will need to be provided when creating and editing the properties
of each IPSec policy using the IP Security Policy Wizard.
1. Name
2. Description (optional)
5. IP Filter List
– Name
– Description (optional)
Description (optional)
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 2: - IPSec and NAT Support
Support for IPSec (IP Security) in Transport Mode
Description (optional)
• X509 certificates can also be used in a production environment depending on customers'
preference. With ICM requiring Active Directory in all deployment models, relying on
Kerberos as the authentication method will not require any extra security credential
management. For PG to CCM connections an X509 pre-shared key should be used.
• For enhanced security, the use of pre-shared key authentication is not recommended because
it is a relatively weak authentication method. In addition, pre-shared keys are stored in
plaintext. It is recommended that you use pre-shared keys only for testing. For more
information, see Pre-shared key authentication at
• For enhanced security, do not use Diffie-Hellman Group 1, which provides 768 bits of keying
strength. For maximum security, use Group 2048 (high), which provides 2,048 bits of keying
strength. Strong Diffie-Hellman groups combined with longer key lengths increase the
computational difficulty of determining a secret key. For more information, see Key exchange
methods at
• For information about general best practices for security, see Best practices for security at
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 2: IPSec and NAT Support
IPSec Connection to Cisco CallManager
IPSec Monitor
IP Security Monitor (ipsecmon) can be used to monitor IPSec on a Windows Server 2003
operating system. Details on the use of IPSec Monitor can be found at http://
IPSec Logging
If your policies do not work correctly, you might need to enable the logging of the IPSec security
association process. This is called an Oakley log. The log is difficult to read, but it can help you
track down the location of the failure in the process. The following steps walk you through the
steps for enabling IPSec logging.
Step 1 Select Start, Run. Type Regedt32 and click OK to get into the Registry Editor.
Step 5 Right-click in the right-hand pane and select Edit, Add Key.
Step 7 Double-click Oakley. Then right-click in the left-hand pane and select New, DWORD Value.
Step 9 Double-click the value and set the DWORD to 1. Click OK.
Step 10 Go to a command prompt and type net stop policyagent & net start policyagent.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 2: - IPSec and NAT Support
Monitoring IPSec Activity
Network Monitoring
The Network Monitor component (netmon) that ships with Windows Server 2003 can capture
frames that are sent to or from the computer on which Network Monitor is installed. For more
information, refer to Microsoft documentation at
System Monitoring
The built-in Performance console (perfmon) provides the ability to monitor network activity
along with the other performance data on the system. Treat network components as another set
of hardware resources to observe as part of your normal performance-monitoring routine.
Network activity can influence the performance not only of your network components but also
of your system as a whole. You should monitor other resources along with network activity,
such as disk, memory, and processor activity. System Monitor enables you to track network
and system activity using a single tool. Use the following counters as part of your normal
monitoring configuration:
Cache\Fast Reads/sec
Memory\Available Bytes
System\Context Switches/sec
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 2: IPSec and NAT Support
Securing Support Tools Using IPSEC
The filter does not monitor one-to-one connections. Instead, the filter monitors all incoming IP
traffic that uses the default Support Tools TCP Port (39100). The Support Tools Server, by
requesting but not requiring IPSEC from each Node Agent, does not deny traffic from a Node
Agent that is unable to use IPSEC.
Support Tools uses the ESP protocol (Encapsulating Security Payload) for authentication but
does not use encryption. ESP is used to authenticate instead of the AH protocol (Authentication
Header) for the ability to support NAT.
Support Tools uses SHA1 for the integrity algorithm in ESP. The policy uses Kerberos in order
to support authentication when components reside within the same Active Directory as the
server. The policy uses X.509 certificates when components reside in a different Active Directory
domain . This means that the policy for the Support Tools server should be configured to support
both Kerberos and Certification authentication. Kerberos should be the preferred method and
thus listed first in the Authentication Methods list.
A filter should be added complying with the above listed recommendations when securing a
Support Tools component that resides on a system with a one-to-one IPSEC policy. The filter
should be added to the filter list of the existing policy and listed second.
Client Policy
IP Filter
From any IP address / TCP port
To any IP address / specific TCP port (39100, Support
Tools default)
Filter Action
Request Security on Support Tools Server
Require Security on Node Agent
Negotiate security
ESP with SHA1 Integrity and no encryption
Authentication Mode (Both should be listed on Support
Tools server)
Certification (On machines where Kerberos is not
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 2: - IPSec and NAT Support
Support for NAT (Network Address Translation)
Release 7.0(0) continues support for deployment of IP Phones (IPCC) across NAT. Cisco has
also tested locating remote Peripheral (PG) servers on a NAT network remote from the Central
Controller servers (Routers and Loggers). The qualification of NAT support for PG servers was
limited to a network infrastructure implementing Cisco IP Routers with NAT functionality.
Agent Desktops are supported in a NAT environment, except when silent monitoring is used.
Silent Monitoring is not supported under NAT, see the section on NAT and CTI OS below.
More details on how to deploy IP Phones across NAT can be found at the following link: http:/
products_feature_guide09186a008008052e .html
The two main problems that are identified in this environment are as follows:
• The CTI toolkit Agent Desktop cannot sniff any VoIP packets from the PC port on the IP
Phone, because the IP address used on the packet filter is the translated address sent by Cisco
Call Manager. The problem is that the address belongs to the address scheme at the data
center network and not on the call center network space. Note that the problem identified in
this bullet is not particular to CTI OS but also affects applications written using GED-188
directly that rely on the RTP Stated/Stop events.
• The IP address the CTI toolkit Supervisor Desktop provides the CTI toolkit Agent Desktop
for it to forward sniffed VoIP packets is an address on the data center address space. The
CTI toolkit Supervisor Desktop obtains its IP address from the eClientIdentifyEvent sent by
CTI OS Server to the supervisor workstation when it initiates its session with CTI OS Server.
The IP address included in the event is the translated address in the data center network versus
that of the call center network.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 2: IPSec and NAT Support
IPSec and NAT Transparency
• Intel PRO/100S Network Adapter, IPSec Offload Performance and Comparison - http://
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Chapter 2: - IPSec and NAT Support
Additional IPSec References
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Chapter 3
Windows Server 2003 Firewall Configuration
Windows Server 2003 (Service Pack 1) includes Windows Firewall. Windows Firewall is a
stateful host firewall which drops all unsolicited incoming traffic that does not correspond to
either traffic sent in response to a request of the computer (solicited traffic), or unsolicited traffic
that has NOT been specified as allowed (excepted traffic). This behavior of Windows Firewall
provides a level of protection from malicious users and programs that use unsolicited incoming
traffic to attack computers.
More information can be found in Microsoft's Windows Firewall Operations Guide (http://
If you are using IPSec, you should also consult the following Microsoft TechNet article on
Managing IPSec and Multicast Settings (
Note: Windows Firewall is disabled by default on systems that have been upgraded to SP1.
Systems that have a new installation of Windows Server 2003 that already include SP1 (known
as a slipstream installation) have Windows Firewall enabled by default.
You may enable Windows Firewall on your ICM/IPCC Servers, however, you must ensure that
all required ports are open so that the ICM/IPCC components installed on the server can function
Cisco provides a utility to automatically allow all traffic from ICM/IPCC applications on a
Windows Server 2003 SP1 server. Additionally, the utility is developed so that it can open ports
for common 3rd party applications used in the ICM/IPCC environment. The script reads the list
of ports in the file
%SYSTEMDRIVE%\CiscoUtils\FirewallConfig\CiscoICMfwConfig_exc.xml and
uses the directive contained therein to modify the firewall settings. See below for more
information on the CiscoICMfwConfig_exc.xml file.
The utility allows all traffic from ICM/IPCC applications by adding the relevant applications
to the list of excepted programs and services. When the excepted application runs, Windows
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 3: - Windows Server 2003 Firewall Configuration
Cisco Firewall Configuration Utility Prerequisites
Firewall monitors the ports on which the program listens and automatically adds those ports to
the list of excepted traffic.
The script can allow traffic from the third party applications by adding the application's port
number to the list of excepted traffic. However, you must edit the
CiscoICMfwConfig_exc.xml file to enable these ports.
• File and Print Sharing Exception ( See Microsoft's technet article Enable or disable the File
and Printer Sharing exception (
Note: The XML file may be configured to add port based exceptions outside of this list.
1. Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (if you are not doing a slipstream install that includes
Windows Server 2003 SP1)
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 3: Windows Server 2003 Firewall Configuration
Cisco Firewall Configuration Utility Prerequisites
Note: Any subsequent installation of any new component to the Application installation will
require re-configuring the Windows Firewall. This involves removing the configuration
previously applied and re-running the windows firewall configuration utility.
Warning: If you attempt to run this utility from a remote session, such as VNC, you may
be "locked out" once the firewall starts. If possible, perform any firewall related work at
the computer, as network connectivity may be severed for some remote applications.
Use the Cisco Firewall Configuration utility on each server running an ICM component. To use
the utility:
Step 3 If this is the first time the script has run then it will run register.bat and ask you to rerun
the application using the same command as above. Rerun the script as if instructed to do so.
Note: If you subsequently rerun the script and it says that it is (again) running for the first time,
and to (again) rerun the script, then manually run the register.bat file from the command
The script verifies the Windows Firewall service is installed, then starts it if it is not running.
It then updates the firewall with the ports and services specified in the file
You can verify that the ICM components and ports have been added to the Windows Firewall
exception list by:
Step 1 Select Start > Settings > Control Panel > Windows Firewall.
Step 2 Select the Exceptions tab of the Windows Firewall dialog box.
Step 3 Scroll through the list of excepted applications. Several ICM executables now appear on the
list as well as any ports or services defines in the configuration file.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 3: - Windows Server 2003 Firewall Configuration
Configuring Windows Server 2003 Firewall to Communicate With Active Directory
To establish secure communications between DCs and ICM Services you need to define the
following ports for outbound and inbound exceptions on the firewall:
• Variable ports (high ports) for use with Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)
The following port definitions must be defined on all DCs within the demilitarized zone (DMZ)
that might be replicating to external DCs. It is important that you define the ports on all DCs
in the domain.
Step 2 Locate and then click the following key in the registry:
• New: Reg_DWORD
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 3: Windows Server 2003 Firewall Configuration
Configuring Windows Server 2003 Firewall to Communicate With Active Directory
Step 2 Locate and then click the following key in the registry:
• New: Reg_DWORD
Step 2 Locate and then click the following key in the registry:
• PortsInternetAvailable: REG_SZ : Y
• UseInternetPorts: REG_SZ : Y
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 3: - Windows Server 2003 Firewall Configuration
Configuring Windows Server 2003 Firewall to Communicate With Active Directory
3268 LDAP GC
42 Wins Replication
88 TCP UDP Kerberos
445 TCP UDP SMB over IP (Microsoft-DS)
10002 - 10200 TCP RPC - Dynamic High Open
Testing Connectivity
To test connectivity and show the FRS configuration in Active Directory, use the Ntfrsult tool.
Step 1 From the command line, run the Windows File Replication utility: Ntfrsutl version
When communications between the domain controllers are configured properly, the ntfrsutl
output shows the FRS configuration in Active Directory.
Validating Connectivity
To validate connectivity between the domain controllers, use the Portqry tool.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 3: Windows Server 2003 Firewall Configuration
Understanding the CiscoICMfwConfig_exc.xml File
Step 4 Use the response from PortQry to verify the ports are open.
• Services - The services that are allowed access through the firewall.
This is conditional depending on the installation of IIS in the case of TCP/80 and TCP/443.
• Applications - The applications that are not allowed access through the firewall.
Note: The behavior of the Applications section is opposite to that of the other two sections
in the file. The Ports and Services sections ALLOW access, whereas the Application section
DENIES access.
You can manually add additional services or ports to the CiscoICMfwConfig_exc.xml file and
rerun the script to reconfigure Windows Firewall, for example, if you wanted to allow your
Jaguar server connections from port 9000 (CORBA), then you could add a line within the
<Ports> part of the file to open port 9000 on the Windows Firewall:
Note: This would only be needed if remote Jaguar administration is required. In most cases this
is not needed.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 3: - Windows Server 2003 Firewall Configuration
Troubleshooting Windows Firewall
You could also use the standard Windows Firewall mechanism to add or deny the ports or
applications by selecting the Exceptions tab of the Windows Firewall Control Panel Applet and
clicking Add Port... or Add Program....
Some commonly used ports are listed in the file, however they are commented out. In XML,
comments (ignored code) is surrounded by the <!-- and --> tags respectively. Anything within
those tags is ignored. You can easily enable one of the commonly used ports by cutting it out
of the commented section and pasting it after the closing comment tag (-->), but before the
</Ports> tag.
1. Running the CiscoICMfwConfig application for the first time requires that it be run twice
to allow for the registration of FirewallLib.dll. In some cases, a time lapse is needed for
the registration to complete, especially on a slower system.
2. If the registration fails, it's possible the .NET framework isn't installed correctly. Verify
the following path and files exist:
Indication: The MDS fails to connect from the Side-A router to Side-B router on the private
interface IP Addresses (Isolated) only when the Windows Firewall is enabled.
Problem: Windows Firewall is preventing the application (mdsproc.exe) from sending traffic
to the remote host on the private network.
Recommended Action: Configure static routes on both Side-A and Side-B routers for the
private addresses (high and non high).
Windows Firewall Shows Dropped Packets but no ICM or IPCC Failures are Evident
Indication: The Windows Firewall Log shows dropped packets but the ICM and IPCC
applications do not exhibit any application failures.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 3: Windows Server 2003 Firewall Configuration
Troubleshooting Windows Firewall
Problem: The Windows Firewall is designed to log any and all traffic destined to the host when
it either isn't allowed or it is sent to a port that no allowed application is listening on.
Recommended Action: Review the pfirewall.log file closely to determine the source and
destination IP Addresses and Ports. Use netstat or tcpview to determine what processes
listen/connect on what ports.
You can use the firewall configuration utility to undo the last application of the firewall settings.
You will need the CiscoICMfwConfig_undo.xml file.
Note: The undo file is only written if the configuration completes successfully. Manual cleanup
may be necessary using the Windows Firewall Control Panel Applet in case this file does not
exist for the undo operation to complete.
Step 2 Open a command window by selecting Start > Run and entering CMD in the dialog window.
Click OK.
Step 3 cd %SYSTEMDRIVE%\CiscoUtils\FirewallConfig
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 3: - Windows Server 2003 Firewall Configuration
Troubleshooting Windows Firewall
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 4
Automated Security Hardening Settings on Windows
Server 2003
The ICM and System IPCC Setup programs can automatically apply a majority of the Cisco
recommended Windows hardening settings on Windows Server 2003 Systems with Service
Pack 1 or greater.
ICM/IPCC is qualified to work only on a standard, Retail (or OEM) packaged installation of
Windows Server 2003 (Standard or Enterprise), with or without Cisco Security Hardening.
Cisco provides its own security hardening policy to secure the standard Windows image for
ICM/IPCC. Cisco does not support ICM/IPCC on a customized Windows image (that is, a
corporate image) or when custom security hardening has been applied. Customized image of
the Windows operating system or customer security hardening can cause the ICM/IPCC
application to fail.
The settings detailed below are automatically applied when you choose to use the automated
hardening feature in setup. All of the following settings appear under the Computer
Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings category of settings.
In addition to automatically applying the settings during setup, the script can be used to upgrade
the current Cisco ICM security template if there is one already installed, and it can rollback the
template to previous versions of the Cisco ICM security settings. The script can also rollback
the security settings to the settings originally on the server before any Cisco ICM security
settings were applied.
Note: If security hardening is applied using the 7.2(1) template but Internet Explorer is not
configured to support the TLS 1.0 protocol, the Web browser will not be unable to connect to
the Web server. An error message indicates that the page is either unavailable or that the Web
site might be experiencing technical difficulties. See Enabling Tranport Layer Security (TLS)
1.0 Protocol (page 74)for instructions on how to adjust your browser settings.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 4: - Automated Security Hardening Settings on Windows Server 2003
Applying/Removing Cisco ICM Security Settings
The Customer Voice Portal 4.0.1 Security Hardening template is the same as ICM 7.0 Security
Hardening template except for two settings and the template name:
Note: Servers running Cisco Collaboration Server (CCS), Cisco Email Manager (CEM), Cisco
Dynamic Content Adapter (DCA), and Remote Monitoring Suite (RMS) are not supported for
use with the automated hardening script.
The ICM and System IPCC Setup applications determine if Cisco ICM Security Hardening is
applied, and if not, prompt you to apply Cisco ICM security settings during ICM installation.
Choosing Yes applies the Cisco ICM security settings as defined in the current security template.
Choosing No results in no security setting changes.
If Cisco ICM Security Hardening is already applied, but the template version of the security
settings is older than the one available to ICM Setup, Setup prompts you to update the security
settings to the new template version. Choosing YES applies the new version of the security
settings, while at the same time creating a rollback script so you can revert to the earlier template
settings at a later time. Choosing No results in no security settings being changed.
You can manually install the latest Cisco ICM security settings template at any time by running
the ICMSecurityHardening VBS script. The script is located in
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 4: Automated Security Hardening Settings on Windows Server 2003
Applying/Removing Cisco ICM Security Settings
Note: You must use cscript from the command line to invoke the script.
You can manually rollback to a previous version of the system's security settings to prior security
state by using the ICMSecurityHardening script. Each time the security hardening script is run
a rollback file is created. The "1" extension denotes that it is the baseline settings for the server
before hardening was applied. A new rollback file is created with each subsequent update of
the security template. The are numbered consecutively, "2", "3", "4", etc.
Where <ROLLBACKFILE> is the name of the file from which you want to rollback the settings.
and <AREA> is one of the following section names; SECURITYPOLICY, USER_RIGHTS,
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 4: - Automated Security Hardening Settings on Windows Server 2003
Account Policies Settings
See Also
Account Policies Settings on page 40
Local Policies on page 41
Event Log on page 53
System Services on page 54
Note: Account policies are overwritten by the domain policy by default. Applying the Cisco
ICM Security Template does not take effect. These settings are only significant when the machine
is not a member of a domain. Cisco Recommends that you set the Default Domain Group Policy
with these settings.
When a value is listed as Not Defined then it means that the setting is not changed from what
was previously set before the automated hardening script runs.
The security settings can be viewed in the Local Security Policy Snap-in.
Password Policy
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 4: Automated Security Hardening Settings on Windows Server 2003
Local Policies
Kerberos Policy
Local Policies
Audit Policy
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Chapter 4: - Automated Security Hardening Settings on Windows Server 2003
Local Policies
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Chapter 4: Automated Security Hardening Settings on Windows Server 2003
Local Policies
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Chapter 4: - Automated Security Hardening Settings on Windows Server 2003
Local Policies
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Chapter 4: Automated Security Hardening Settings on Windows Server 2003
Local Policies
Security Options
Most of these settings can be viewed by running secpol.msc on a Windows 2003 Server.
However, not all MSS settings are shown by default. You should consult the document Threats
and Countermeasures: Security Settings in Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP available
from for details on viewing all of the available security settings in the Microsoft
Local Security Settings console.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 4: - Automated Security Hardening Settings on Windows Server 2003
Local Policies
Devices: Unsigned driver Warn but allow installation Warn but allow installation
installation behavior
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 4: Automated Security Hardening Settings on Windows Server 2003
Local Policies
Interactive logon: Message text This system is restricted to This system is restricted to
for users attempting to log on authorized users. Individuals authorized users.
attempting unauthorized access Individuals attempting
will be prosecuted. unauthorized access will be
Interactive logon: Message title IT IS AN OFFENSE TO IT IS AN OFFENSE TO
Interactive logon: Number of 0 logons 0 logons
previous logons to cache (in
case domain controller is not
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 4: - Automated Security Hardening Settings on Windows Server 2003
Local Policies
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 4: Automated Security Hardening Settings on Windows Server 2003
Local Policies
Network security: LAN Send LM & NTLM - use NTLMv2 Send NTLMv2 response
Manager authentication level session security if negotiated only\refuse LM & NTLM
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 4: - Automated Security Hardening Settings on Windows Server 2003
Local Policies
System cryptography: Force User must enter a password each User must enter a password
strong key protection for user time they use a key each time they use a key
keys stored on the computer
MSS: (AFD 10 10
Number of connections to
create when additional
connections are necessary for
Winsock applications (10
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 4: Automated Security Hardening Settings on Windows Server 2003
Local Policies
MSS: (AFD 20 20
Minimum number of free
connections for Winsock
applications (20 recommended
for systems under attack, 10
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 4: - Automated Security Hardening Settings on Windows Server 2003
Local Policies
MSS: (Hidden) Hide Computer Not Defined - (not recommended Not Defined - (not
From the Browse List except for highly secure recommended except for
environments) highly secure
MSS: (KeepAliveTime) How 300000 or 5 minutes 300000 or 5 minutes
often keep-alive packets are (recommended) (recommended)
sent in milliseconds
MSS: (NoDriveTypeAutoRun) 255, disable autorun for all drives 255, disable autorun for all
Disable Autorun for all drives drives
MSS: 0 0
(ScreenSaverGracePeriod) The
time in seconds before the
screen saver grace period
expires (0 recommended)
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 4: Automated Security Hardening Settings on Windows Server 2003
Event Log
MSS: 3 3
How many times
unacknowledged data is
retransmitted (3 recommended,
5 is default)
MSS: 5 5
How many dropped connect
requests to initiate SYN attack
protection (5 is recommended)
Event Log
Setting Value: 7.0(0) & 7.1(1) Value: 7.2(1)
Maximum application log size 16384 kilobytes 81920 kilobytes
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 4: - Automated Security Hardening Settings on Windows Server 2003
System Services
System Services
Note: The service startup settings for 7.0(0) and 7.2(1) are the same. However, the 7.2(1) security
template modifies permissions for the Alerter and ClipBook services. The Administrators group
and the SYSTEM group permissions for the Alerter and ClipBook services are set to allow full
control; all other permissions are revoked.
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Chapter 4: Automated Security Hardening Settings on Windows Server 2003
System Services
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Chapter 4: - Automated Security Hardening Settings on Windows Server 2003
System Services
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Chapter 4: Automated Security Hardening Settings on Windows Server 2003
System Services
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Chapter 4: - Automated Security Hardening Settings on Windows Server 2003
System Services
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Chapter 4: Automated Security Hardening Settings on Windows Server 2003
System Services
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Chapter 4: - Automated Security Hardening Settings on Windows Server 2003
System Services
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 4: Automated Security Hardening Settings on Windows Server 2003
The 7.2(1) security template modifies the access auditing for the following registry keys. These
changes do not apply to earlier template versions.
File System
The 7.2(1) security template modifies the access auditing for the following files. These changes
do not apply to earlier template versions.
Warning: The ICMSecurityHardening script cannot rollback changes made to File System
access permissions.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 4: - Automated Security Hardening Settings on Windows Server 2003
File System
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 5
Updating Microsoft Windows
• Windows 2003 "R1", otherwise known as SP1, is not currently supported by ICM/IPCC
Release 7.0(0). See the CCBU Policy for Third-Party Software/Security Updates (http:/
• Windows 2000 Server, SP4 now has an Update Roll Up available: Windows 2000 Update
Rollup 1 for Service Pack 4 (
news/bulletins/rollup.mspx). This update contains many security updates.
ICM/IPCC customers are specifically cautioned to not automatically enable Microsoft Windows
Update. The update schedule can conflict with other ICM/IPCC activity. Users should only
apply those updates that are recommended by Cisco. However, customers can use Microsoft
Software Update Service or similar patch management products to selectively approve Critical
and Important patches that have been qualified by Cisco.
Cisco categorizes and qualifies third-party security updates as they are released by the
manufacturer. While some updates clearly impact ICM/IPCC products, it is important to realize
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 5: - Updating Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Security Updates
that not all updates are critical, important, or impact ICM/IPCC products. To help guide
customers, updates are placed in one of these four categories:
1. Impacting
ICM/IPCC product impact testing is performed within a predefined window of when the
security update is released by the third-party vendor. The security update must match the
following conditions:
2. Not Impacting
ICM/IPCC products are not impacted by the security update and no further testing is
performed. The security update must match the following conditions:
3. Deferred
Validation is typically deferred to the next Service Release, Maintenance Release, and
subsequent Major/Minor Releases. The security update must match the following
4. Not Applicable
The security update does not apply to any current ICM/IPCC product. No further
qualification is required. The security update must match the following conditions:
– The security update does not apply to the latest ICM/IPCC Specified Service Pack(s),
regardless of ICM/IPCC product applicability or vendor-rated severity.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 5: Updating Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Service Pack Policy
• Customers can set up a profile to be alerted of field notice postings by going to the following
• For the Security Updates categorized as Impacting, Cisco continues to test its products to
further determine if there are any potential conflicts after the initial field notice. A field notice
update is released when those tests are completed.
• Customers should follow Microsoft's guidelines regarding when and how they should apply
these updates.
• Cisco recommends that Contact Center customers separately assess all security patches
released by Microsoft and install those deemed appropriate for their environments. Cisco
will continue to provide a service of separately assessing and where necessary, validating
higher severity security patches that may be relevant to the Contact Center software products.
The Microsoft Windows Automatic Update Client can be configured to poll a server that is
running Microsoft Software Update Services (SUS) or Windows Server Update Services in
place of the default Windows Update Web site to retrieve updates.
This is the recommended approach to be able to selectively approve updates and determine
when they get deployed on production servers.
To use Automatic Updates with a server that is running Software Update Services, see the
Software Update Services Deployment white paper. To view this white paper, visit the following
Microsoft Web site:
Step 1 Select Start > Run and type regedit in the dialog. Click OK.
Warning: If you use Registry Editor incorrectly, you may cause serious problems that
may require you to reinstall your operating system. Cisco cannot guarantee that you can
solve problems that result from using the Registry Editor incorrectly. Use the Registry
Editor at your own risk and make backups as appropriate.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 5: - Updating Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Service Pack Policy
Step 2 In regedit, locate and then click the following key in the registry:
Value data: Set this value to 1 to configure Automatic Updates to use a server that is running
Software Update Services instead of Windows Update.
Step 4 To determine the server that is running SUS that your client computers and servers go to for
their updates, add the following registry values to the registry:
This value sets the SUS server by HTTP name (for example, http://IntranetSUS).
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 6
SQL Server Hardening
2. In a multi-tier environment, run Web logic and business logic on separate computers. In
Release 7.0(0), Webview servers can be deployed on a dedicated server not shared with
an Admin Workstation.
3. Install latest applicable SQL Server service pack and security updates (SP4 or later), Refer
to the Bill of Materials for the compatible service pack for your product.
4. Set a strong password for the ‘sa' account before installing the ICM software (see below).
Note: The following assumes the SQL Server has been installed prior with the service
configured to run as the ‘LocalSystem' Account. It's possible these steps can be shortened
if the SQL Server is installed initially to run using a least privileged account. See the ICM
Staging Guide for more information on how to properly install SQL Server using a Domain
User Account to run the MSSQL Server service.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 6: - SQL Server Hardening
SQL Server Hardening Suggestions
b. Configure Security Account Delegation in Active Directory (Users folder) for this
From the ‘Account' property page, select ‘Account is trusted for delegation'.
List the existing SPN for the machine by typing the following at a command prompt:
setspn -L <machine>
Delete any existing SPN for the MSSQLSvc entry by typing the following at a
command prompt: setspn -D "MSSQLSvc/<machine:port>
<serviceaccountname>" <machine> 1
Create a new SPN entry for the MSSQLSvc entry by typing the following at a
command prompt: setspn -A "MSSQLSvc/<machine:port>
<serviceaccountname>" <machine>
e. Add the domain user account created in Step a. to the NTFS permissions for the
Operating System and data partitions at the root level (e.g., C:\). Allow all
permissions, except Full Control.
f. Finally, add this domain user account created in Step a. to the Registry permissions
and HKEY_USERS hives, giving it Full Control.
g. From the SQL Server Enterprise Manager, configure the SQL Server service to run
as the domain user account created in Step a. (e.g., <domain>\SQLServiceAcct>).
Note: Applying SQL Server security updates or hotfixes may require that the SQL Server
Agent service be enabled. It is recommended that this service should be reset to 'enabled'
before performing the update. When the update has completed, stop the service and set it
to back to 'disabled'.
1) The string inside quotes must match exactly what is seen in the List command:: setspn -L <machine>
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 6: SQL Server Hardening
SQL Server Hardening Suggestions
Note: The SQLServerAgent and MSDTC services may be used for 3rd Party Backup
solutions therefore we recommend checking the Backup Agents' system requirements
before disabling these services.
8. Use NTFS directory security with EFS for SQL Server data directories. EFS must be set
while logged in under the account credentials that the SQL service will run under (e.g.,
<domain>\SQLServiceAcct>). From the Local Policy editor, temporarily grant 'logon
locally' privileges to this account to enable EFS then remove this right after logging off.
Warning: EFS should only be enabled if there is a concern with data theft as there will be
a performance impact.
Note: In order to copy and send the data to other parties, it will be necessary to backup
the database to a different directory that is not encrypted to ensure that the receiving party
is able to read the data in the backup. This can be accomplished by exporting or backing
up the database from the SQL Server Enterprise Manager.
11. Block TCP port 1433 and UDP port 1434 at the firewall except for when the ICM distributor
or administrative workstation is not in the same security zone as the ICM Logger.
a. Run the KillPwd utility to remove password data from setup files. Detailed instructions
on how to run this utility can be found in KB Article Q263968 at http://;en-us;263968
b. Delete or secure old setup files: Delete or archive the following files after installation:
sqlstp.log, sqlsp.log, and setup.iss in the <systemdrive>:\Program Files\Microsoft
SQL Server\MSSQL\Install folder for a default installation, and the
<systemdrive>:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\ MSSQL$<Instance
Name>\Install folder for named instances.
If the current system is an upgrade from SQL Server 7.0, delete the following files:
setup.iss in the %Windir% folder, and sqlsp.log in the Windows Temp folder.
13. Change the recovery actions of the Microsoft SQL Server service to restart after a failure.
When creating a user for the SQL Server account, create Windows accounts with the lowest
possible privileges for running SQL Server services. It is preferable that this be done during the
installation of SQL Server.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 6: - SQL Server Hardening
SQL Server Hardening Suggestions
Use Windows Only authentication if possible. Cisco Contact Center applications use Windows
authentication to access SQL Server. Cisco understands that some third party applications may
require SQL Server authentication to run properly, but if you are not using any third party
products to access SQL Server, then you should use Windows Only authentication, rather than
mixed mode authentication.
During ICM setup, if the sa password is found to be blank, then a randomly generated strong
password is generated and used to secure the sa account. This randomly generated sa password
is displayed only once during the install. Make note of the password as it is not presented
again. Resetting of the sa account password may be done after installation by logging on to the
SQL Server using a Windows Local Administrator account.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 7
Cisco SSL Encryption Utility
Note: This utility is only supported on servers running Windows Server 2003.
The operations performed by the SSL encryption utility can also be accomplished by the operating
system facilities such as IIS, however the Cisco utility simplifies the process.
The SSL Encryption Utility generates log messages pertaining to the operations that it performs.
When running as part of setup, log messages are written to the setup log file. In standalone
mode, the log messages are only displayed on the SSL Utility Window.
• SSL Configuration
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 7: - Cisco SSL Encryption Utility
About the SSL Encryption Utility
SSL is only available for ICM web applications installed on Windows Server 2003. The
ICM/IPCC web applications that can be configured for SSL are:
• WebView
• Agent Re-skilling
By default, setup enables SSL for IPCC Web Administration, Internet Script Editor and Agent
Re-skilling applications. SSL can be configured for WebView during setup. By default,
Authentication mode is selected for WebView during setup. For more detail on SSL for WebView
application, refer to "SSL Configuration at ICM Setup" in WebView Installation and
Administration Guide for Cisco ICM/IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions. If the SSL settings
are changed via other means such as IIS manager while the SSL Configuration Utility is open,
those changes are not reflected in the SSL Configuration Utility unless it is closed and reopened.
The SSL Configuration Utility also facilitates creation of self-signed certificates and installation
of the created certificate in IIS. A certificate may also be removed from IIS using this tool.
When invoked as part of setup, the SSL Configuration Utility sets SSL port in IIS to 443 if it
is found to be blank.
If you want to use SSL for Agent Reskilling or Internet Script Editor, then you can just accept
the default settings during installation and the supported servers will use SSL.
If you want to use SSL in WebView, leave Enable Encryption selected. You can further specify
session encryption (all traffic is encrypted, not just the authentication process) during the
WebView setup process; note that this increases server load significantly.
When the utility runs during setup a self-signed certificate is generated (using OpenSSL),
imported into the Local Machine Store, and installed on the web server. Virtual directories are
enabled and configured for SSL with 128-bit encryption.
Note: During setup, if a certificate exists or the Web Server is found to have an existing server
certificate installed, a log entry is added and no changes take effect. Any certificate management
changes must be done using the utility in standalone mode or directly using the IIS Services
In standalone mode, the SSL Configuration Utility displays the list of the ICM instances installed
on the local machine. When an ICM instance is selected, the web applications installed and
their SSL settings are displayed. You can then alter the SSL settings for the web application.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 7: Cisco SSL Encryption Utility
About the SSL Encryption Utility
The SSL Configuration Utility also facilitates creation of self-signed certificates and installation
of the created certificate in IIS. A certificate may also be removed from IIS using this tool.
When invoked as part of setup, the SSL Configuration Utility sets SSL port in IIS to 443 if it
is found to be blank.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 7: - Cisco SSL Encryption Utility
About the SSL Encryption Utility
In ICM release 7.2(1), hardening settings on Windows Server 2003 secure the IIS webserver
by default. Specifically, the security template enables FIPS compliant strong encryption, which
requires the TLS 1.0 protocol be enabled instead of SSL 2.0 or SSL 3.0. TLS 1.0 is enabled on
Internet Explorer 7.0 by default, but is not enabled on Internet Explorer 6.0. To ensure Web
browser connectivity to a hardened Webview, Dynamic Reskilling (Agent Reskilling), or SIPCC
Webconfig server over HTTPS using Internet Explorer 6, you need to enable TLS 1.0 protocol.
Step 4 Scroll to Security and select the Use TLS 1.0 checkbox.
Note: If security hardening is applied using the 7.2(1) template but Internet Explorer is not
configured to support the TLS 1.0 protocol, the Web browser will not be unable to connect to
the Web server. An error message indicates that the page is either unavailable or that the Web
site might be experiencing technical difficulties.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 8
Intrusion Prevention and Cisco Security Agent
The Cisco Security Agent (CSA) provides Host Intrusion Detection and prevention for servers.
As high-visibility network security attacks such as Code Red and the SQL Slammer worm have
shown, traditional host and desktop security technologies are limited in their capability to combat
the effects of new and evolving virus attacks. Unlike traditional signature matching security
technologies, CSA analyzes virus behavior to provide robust protection with reduced operational
costs. By identifying and preventing malicious behavior before it occurs, CSA removes potential
known and unknown ("Day Zero") security risks that threaten enterprise networks and
Note: You should not view CSA as providing complete security for servers running Cisco ICM
software. Rather, you should view CSA as an additional line of defense which, when used with
other standards defenses such as virus scanning software, firewalls, and the documented
guidelines, as providing enhanced security for ICM software servers.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 8: - Intrusion Prevention and Cisco Security Agent
Types of Agents
You define policies to control access to system and network resources based on the following
Cisco has defined a policy for CSA to protect servers without interfering with the normal
operations of ICM software. You can download this policy from the Cisco Web site
Note: If you do use CSA, then consult the following guide for important information regarding
installing ICM/IPCC applications using their default paths. Installing ICM/IPCC application to
their default paths minimizes any issues that may arise out of using CSA with supported
applications that have been installed in non-default locations.
See Also
Cisco Security Agent Installation/Deployment Guide for ICM/IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions
Types of Agents
You can use Cisco Security Agent as either a Standalone Agent or a Managed Agent.
Managed Agent
The Management Center serves multiple agents and servers simultaneously. The Management
Center allows you to monitor and protect multiple servers using a browser-based console.
The Managed Agent is appropriate if you are using third-party software that is not approved by
Cisco for ICM servers. If this is the case, it is recommended that you purchase and install the
CSA Management Center, then import the ICM policy (page 75) and customize it to allow the
third-part applications to operate.
Standalone Agent
The CSA Standalone Agent provides the same protections and the Managed Agent, but does
not report events back to the Management Center. Furthermore, the Standalone Agent uses a
static policy (page 75) that you cannot modify.
The Standalone Agent for ICM software is available free of charge from Cisco.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 8: Intrusion Prevention and Cisco Security Agent
Types of Agents
See Also
Cisco Security Agent on the Cisco Web Site (
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 8: - Intrusion Prevention and Cisco Security Agent
Types of Agents
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 9
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA)
The Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer checks computers running Microsoft Windows(R)
Server 2003, Windows XP, Windows 2000, or Windows NT(R) 4.0 for common security
The following are the scanning options selected for Cisco ICM Real-Time Distributor running
one or more web applications (e.g. Internet Script Editor, WebView, or Agent-Reskilling).
• IIS checks
• SQL checks
• Password checks
This report is provided to show an example of the results of running the MBSA tool against a
Cisco ICM server that is running the majority of Microsoft Server Applications supported by
the tool.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 9: - Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA)
Security Update Scan Results
SQL Server/MSDE Security Updates Instance (default): No critical security updates are
Note: This warning can be ignored given that the Cisco ICM application
requires the addition of certain groups to the Local Administrators group,
therefore triggering this event. It is recommended that you review the Result
Details and remove any known unnecessary accounts.
Windows Firewall Windows Firewall is enabled and has exceptions configured. Windows
Firewall is enabled on all network connections.
Local Account Password Test Some user accounts (1 of 7) have blank or simple passwords, or could not
be analyzed.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 9: Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA)
Internet Information Services (IIS) Scan Results
MSADC and Scripts Virtual Directories The MSADC and Scripts virtual directories are not present.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 9: - Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA)
SQL Server Scan Results
IIS Logging Enabled All web and FTP sites are using the recommended logging
Table 5: Vulnerabilities
Service Accounts SQL Server, SQL Server Agent, MSDE and/or MSDE Agent service
accounts are not members of the local Administrators group and do
not run as LocalSystem.
Exposed SQL Server/MSDE The 'sa' password and SQL service account password are not exposed
Password in text files.
Domain Controller Test SQL Server and/or MSDE is not running on a domain controller.
SQL Server/MSDE Security Mode SQL Server and/or MSDE authentication mode is set to Windows
Registry Permissions The Everyone group does not have more than Read access to the SQL
Server and/or MSDE registry keys.
Folder Permissions Permissions on the SQL Server and/or MSDE installation folders are
set properly.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 9: Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA)
Desktop Application Scan Results
SQL Server/MSDE Account The check was skipped because SQL Server and/or MSDE is operating
Password Test in Windows Only authentication mode.
IE Enhanced Security Configuration for The use of Internet Explorer is restricted for administrators
Administrators on this server.
IE Enhanced Security Configuration for The use of Internet Explorer is restricted for
Non-Administrators non-administrators on this server.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 9: - Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA)
Desktop Application Scan Results
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 10
You can set auditing policies to track significant events, such as account logon attempts. Local
policies should also always be set.
Note: Domain auditing policies always overwrite local auditing policies. The two sets of policies
should be identical where possible.
To set local auditing policies, select Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Local Security
Note: Automated Security Hardening on Windows 2003 (as described in Chapter 4) configures
the ICM/IPCC server with the recommended auditing settings. See Local Policies - Audit Policy
(page 41)
Step 2 In the tree in the left pane, select and expand Local Policies.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 10: - Auditing
Security Log
Step 4 View or change the auditing policies by double-clicking the policy name.
Security Log
After setting auditing policies, it is recommended that you view the security log once a week.
You need to look for unusual activity such as Logon failures or Logon successes with unusual
To view the Security Log, selectStart> Programs > Administrative Tools > Event Viewer
Real-Time Alerts
MSFT Windows provides the SNMP Event Translator facility, which lets you translate events
in the Windows eventlog into real-time alerts by converting the event into an SNMP trap. Use
evntwin.exe or evntcmd.exe to configure SNMP traps.
Refer to the Cisco SNMP Installation and Basic Configuration guide for information about
configuring SNMP trap destinations.
C2 security is a government rating for security in which the system has been certified for
discretionary resource protection and auditing capability.
Cisco does not support C2 auditing for SQL Server in the ICM/IPCC environment. Cisco cannot
guarantee that enabling C2 auditing on SQL Server will not have significant negative impact
on the system. For more information on C2 Auditing, see SQL Server 2000 C2 Administrator's
and User's Security Guide (
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 10: Auditing
Active Directory Auditing Policies
The following table contains the recommended and default DC Audit policies.
Audit account Not defined Success Account management events are generated when
management security principal accounts are created, modified,
or deleted.
Audit directory service No auditing Success Directory services access events are generated
access when an Active Directory object with a system
access control list (SACL) is accessed.
Audit logon events No auditing Success and Failure Logon events are generated when a domain user
interactively logs onto a Domain Controller or
when a network logon to a Domain Controller is
performed to retrieve logon scripts and policies.
Audit policy change No auditing Success Policy change events are generated for changes to
user rights assignment policies, audit policies, or
trust policies.
Audit system events No auditing Success System events are generated when a user restarts
or shuts down the Domain Controller or when an
event occurs that affects either the system security
or the security log.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 10: - Auditing
Active Directory Auditing Policies
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 11
General Anti-Virus Guidelines and Recommendations
Cisco recommends that you only use the approved Anti-Virus (AV) software products with
ICM/IPCC software, as described in this part.
Warning: Often, the default AV configuration settings increase CPU load and memory
and disk usage, adversely affecting software performance. Therefore it is critical that you
follow the guidelines in this part when using AV software with ICM/IPCC software.
Viruses are unpredictable and Cisco cannot assume responsibility for the consequences of virus
attacks on mission-critical applications. Particular care should be taken for systems that use
Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) such as WebView.
• Your corporate Anti-Virus strategy should include specific provisions for any server positioned
outside the corporate firewall or subject to frequent connections to the public Internet.
• Refer to the Bill of Materials for the application and version qualified and approved for your
release of ICM/IPCC.
Many of the default AV configuration settings can adversely affect product performance as a
result of increased CPU load, memory, and disk usage by the Anti-Virus software program.
Cisco tests specific configurations to maximize product performance.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 11: - General Anti-Virus Guidelines and Recommendations
Guidelines and Recommendations
With any anti-virus product, configuration is a balance of scanning versus the performance of
the server. The more you choose to scan, the greater the potential performance overhead. The
role of the system administrator is to determine what the optimal configuration requirements
will be for installing an anti-virus application within a particular environment. Refer to your
particular anti-virus product documentation for more detailed configuration information.
• Update AV software scanning engines and definition files on a regular basis, following your
organization's current policies.
• Upgrade to the latest supported version of the third-party anti-virus application. Newer
versions improve scanning speed over previous versions, resulting in lower overhead on
• Avoid scanning of any files accessed from remote drives (such as network mappings or UNC
connections). Where possible, each of these remote machines should have its own anti-virus
software installed, thus keeping all scanning local. With a multi-tiered anti-virus strategy,
scanning across the network and adding to the network load should not be required.
• Schedule full scans of systems by AV software only during scheduled maintenance windows,
and when the AV scan will not interrupt other ICM maintenance activities.
• Do not set AV software to run in an automatic or background mode for which all incoming
data or modified files are scanned in real time.
• Due to the higher scanning overhead of heuristics scanning over traditional anti-virus scanning,
use this advanced scanning option only at key points of data entry from untrusted networks
(such as email and Internet gateways).
• Real-time or on-access scanning can be enabled, but only on incoming files (when writing
to disk). This is the default setting for most anti-virus applications. Implementing on-access
scanning on file reads will yield a higher impact on system resources than necessary in a
high-performance application environment.
• While on-demand and real-time scanning of all files gives optimum protection, this
configuration does have the overhead of scanning those files that cannot support malicious
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 11: General Anti-Virus Guidelines and Recommendations
ICM/IPCC Software Maintenance Parameters
code (for example, ASCII text files). Cisco recommends excluding files or directories of
files, in all scanning modes, that are known to present no risk to the system.
• Schedule regular disk scans only during low usage times and at times when application
activity is lowest. To determine when application purge activity is scheduled, refer to the
Security Best Practices guides listed in the previous item.
• Disable the email scanner if the server does not use email.
• Additionally, set the AV software to block port 25 to block any outgoing email.(Do not block
port 25 on Cisco Email Manager Servers, if CEM uses the default port 25 to send email)
• If your AV software has spyware detection and removal then enable this feature. Clean
infected files, or if they cannot be cleaned delete them.
• Set your AV software to not use more than 20% CPU utilization at any time.
• When a virus is found, the first action should be to clean the file, the second to delete or
quarantine the file.
Logger Recommendations
Do not schedule AV software activity to coincide with the time specified in the following Logger
registry keys:
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 11: - General Anti-Virus Guidelines and Recommendations
File Type Exclusion Recommendations
Distributor Recommendations
Do not schedule AV software activity to coincide with the time specified in the following
Distributor registry keys:
On the ICM Router and Peripheral Gateway (PG), do not schedule AV program tasks:
• At the half hour and hour marks, as ICM processes increase during those times.
You can find other scheduled ICM process activities on Windows by inspecting the Scheduled
Tasks Folder. Scheduled AV program activity should not conflict with those ICM scheduled
Omit files with the following file extensions from the drive and on-access scanning configuration
of the AV program:
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 12
Remote Administration
This section describes recommended practices for remote administration.
• Use of any remote administration applications can cause adverse effects during load.
• Use of remote administration tools that employ encryption can impact server performance.
The performance level impact is tied to the level of encryption used. More encryption results
in more impact to the server performance.
Remote Desktop
Communication between the server and the client will use native Remote Desktop Protocol
(RDP) encryption. By default, all data sent is protected by encryption based on the maximum
key strength supported by the client.
RDP is the preferred remote control protocol due to its security and low performance impact
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 12: - Remote Administration
Windows Terminal Services (Remote Desktop)
Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services provides the ability to connect to and shadow a console
session thereby replacing the need to pcAnywhere or VNC. From a command line:
You can configure the properties of the terminal server's RDP-TCP connection to provide better
protection. Run Terminal Services Configurator, select Connections, and then select RDP-TCP.
Step 1 Restrict the number of client sessions that can remain active on the server.
From the Network Adapter tab, select Maximum connections and set the limit on the number
of concurrent connections.
From the Sessions tab, check the first of three Override User Settings check box and set values
for each of the following (all values are recommendations; use values that work best within
your organization):
Step 3 Set permissions for users and groups on the terminal server.
Use the Permissions tab to add users, groups and computers access limits and permissions. Click
Add, select the user, group or computer name, and then set one of three basic permissions:
1. Full Control (given to administrators and the system; allows logging onto the terminal
server, modifying the connection parameters, connecting to a session, getting session info,
resetting or ending a session, logging off other users, remotely controlling other users'
sessions, sending messages to other users, and disconnecting sessions).
2. User Access (given to ordinary users; allows logging onto the terminal server, getting
session info, connecting to a session or sending messages to other user sessions).
3. Guest Access (for restricted users; allows logging onto the terminal server).
Step 4 Optionally, restrict reconnections of a disconnected session to the client computer from which
the user originally connected.
From the Sessions tab, check the last of three Override User Settings check boxes and set Allow
reconnection from previous client.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 12: Remote Administration
From the General tab, set Encryption level to High. Use this option only if there is a risk that
communications can be eavesdropped.
You can configure a number of per-user terminal services settings for each user. Using Active
Directory Users and Computers, right click on a user and then select properties
Step 1 On the Terminal Services Profile tab, set a user's right to logon to terminal server by setting the
Allow logon to terminal server checkbox. Optionally, create a profile and set a path to a terminal
services home directory.
Step 2 On the Sessions tab, set session active and idle time outs.
Step 3 On the Remote Control tab, set whether a remote session can be remotely viewed and controlled
by administrators and whether a user's permission is required.
NOTE: The following discussion applies to all approved versions of pcAnywhere.2
Security is one of the most important considerations in implementing a remote control solution.
2) Refer to the Bill of Materials for the versions qualified and approved for your release of ICM.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 12: - Remote Administration
One of the best ways to ensure security is to restrict connections from outside your organization.
pcAnywhere is the only remote control product to provide the following two ways to accomplish
this objective:
• Limiting connections to a specific TCP/IP address range - pcAnywhere hosts can be configured
to only accept TCP/IP connections that fall within a specified range of addresses.
• Serialization - A feature that enables the embedding of a security code into the pcAnywhere
host and remote objects created. This security code must be present on both ends for a
connection to be made.
The first line of defense in creating a secure remote computing environment is to prevent
unauthorized users from connecting to the host. pcAnywhere provides a number of security
features to help you achieve this objective.
Authentication Authentication is the process of taking a user's credentials and verifying them against
a directory or access list to determine if the user is authorized to connect to the system.
Mandatory passwords pcAnywhere now requires a password for all host sessions. This security feature prevents
users from inadvertently launching an unprotected host session.
Callback security (for dial-up pcAnywhere lets dial-up users specify a call-back number for remote control sessions.
connections) In a normal pcAnywhere session, the remote connects to the host, and the session begins.
When callback is enabled, the remote calls the host, but then the host drops the connection
and calls back the remote at the specified phone number.
(lock computer)
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 12: Remote Administration
Limit login attempts per call 3 3 pcAnywhere lets host users limit the number of times a remote
user can attempt to login during a single session to protect
against hacker attacks.
Limit time to complete login 3 1 Similarly, host users can limit the amount of time that a remote
user has to complete a login to protect against hacker and
denial of service attacks.
Encryption prevents the data stream (including the authorization process) from being viewed
using readily available tools.
• pcAnywhere encryption
• Symmetric encryption
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 12: - Remote Administration
Deny lower encryption no Yes Refuses a connection with a computer that uses a lower level of
level encryption than the one you selected.
Encrypt user ID and no no Encrypts only the remote user's identity during the authorization
password only process. This option is less secure than encrypting an entire session.
Integrity checking is a feature that, when enabled, verifies that the host and remote objects, DLL
files, executables, and registry settings have not been changed since the initial installation. If
pcAnywhere detects changes to these files on a computer, pcAnywhere will not run. This security
feature guards against hacker attacks and employee changes that might hurt security.
Symantec's Remote Access Perimeter Scanner (RAPS) lets administrators scan their network
and telephone lines to identify unprotected remote access hosts and plug security holes. This
tool provides administrators with a way to access the vulnerability of their network in terms of
remote access products. Using RAPS, you can automatically shut down an active pcAnywhere
host that is not password protected and inform the user.
You can log every file and program that is accessed during a remote control session for security
and auditing purposes. Previous versions only tracked specific pcAnywhere tasks such as login
attempts and activity within pcAnywhere. The centralized logging features in pcAnywhere let
you log events to pcAnywhere log, NT Event Log (NT, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003),
or an SNMP monitor.
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Chapter 12: Remote Administration
SSH Server allows the use of VNC through an encrypted tunnel to create secure remote control
sessions. However, this configuration is currently not supported by Cisco. The performance
impact of running an SSH server has not been determined.
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Chapter 12: - Remote Administration
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 13
Additional Security Best Practices
The Cisco ICM/IP Contact Center Enterprise Edition WebView Installation and Administration
Guide contains the following security related documentation:
• "Supervisors and WebView Reports" also describes how a supervisor can only see his or her
own agents.
• "WebView User's Password Expiration and Domain Security Settings" describes WebView
(ICM) users as taking their security setting from the domain on which they are created. The
domain also sets the expiration date on the password.
Under saving reports: From the Security pull-down menu, select either Shared or Private. If
you select Shared, all WebView users can access the report. If you select Private, only you
can access the report. Under Viewing graphical reports and using the Job Scheduler is a
discussion of the mechanics involved in order to allow viewing graphical reports and use of
the Job Scheduler in a Microsoft Internet Explorer browser — which requires that all ActiveX
Controls and plug-ins be enabled in the browser's security settings.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 13: - Additional Security Best Practices
Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS)
Note: Starting in release 7.0(0), WebView now supports SSL for both Sessions and/or
• Desktop Users: the section "Desktop User Accounts" contains instructions for configuring
privileges for desktop users.
The Cisco Agent Desktop Documentation, found within the IPCC Documentation Set - http:/
/ - Privileges: Required
privileges of various kinds are discussed in the CAD Installation Guide and the CAD
Administrator User's Guide.
Hardening IIS for use with WebView and Internet Script Editor on Windows 2000 Platforms
Note: These hardening suggestions only apply to Windows 2000 Server. Windows 2003 Server's
version of IIS is more secure than the version of IIS found in Windows 2000 Server.
Step 1 IIS is used as an intranet-only http server for the ICM product. It is expected that a firewall is
deployed to protect external connections to the server.
Step 2 Install the most recent compatible service pack and updates.
Note: Refer to the Bill of Materials for the compatible service pack for your product.
• E-mail Service
• News Service
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Chapter 13: Additional Security Best Practices
Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS)
Note: This can be accomplished using the IIS Lockdown tool as described below. However,
Windows Server 2003 does not enable these extra services by default when installing IIS. Verify
that are not installed or they are disabled.
The following sub-components of Internet Information Services (IIS) must be selected during
the installation of the web server:
• Common Files
1. Select Static Web server template and select "View template settings" checkbox.
Note: On systems that do not require IIS you can use this tool to disable IIS by selecting
the ‘Server that does not require IIS' template option.
Note: Note that all selected virtual directories must be removed with the exception of the
"Scripts" virtual directory.
5. Install URLScan.
In addition to the above edits, the following additional changes are required depending on
whether WebView or Internet Script Editor or both are going to be running on the computer.
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 13: - Additional Security Best Practices
Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS)
– .dll
– .ese
– .jhtml
– .jsp
– .AdminServlet
– .js
– .css
– .cab
– .psr
– .xml
– .zip
– .jar
– .
– .exe
– .dll
Warning: If you use Registry Editor incorrectly, you may cause serious problems that
may require you to reinstall your operating system. Cisco cannot guarantee that you can
solve problems that result from using the Registry Editor incorrectly. Use the Registry
Editor at your own risk and make backups as appropriate.
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Chapter 13: Additional Security Best Practices
Sybase EAServer (Jaguar) Hardening
Use RegEdt32 to set the permissions depending on whether only WebView or only Internet
Script Editor or both are going to be running on the computer.
1. WebView Only:
Implement both of the "WebView Only" and "Internet Script Editor Only" sections above.
Step 1 Launch "Jaguar Manager" Application from Start > Program > Sybase > EAServer 5.1 > Jaguar
Manager from the WebView Server Machine.
Step 2 Once the Jaguar Manager has started, click on Tools > Connect > Jaguar Manager.
Step 3 In the resulting dialog replace "localhost" in the "Host Name" field with the actual hostname
or host IP address.
The password used to connect to the Jaguar service is changed in Jaguar Administration and in
the file. The guidelines provided below to accomplish this are also
provided in the reporting documentation (See WebView Installation Guide).
Note: If the password is changed, any subsequent reinstallation of ICM on a WebView server
will prompt the user for the Jaguar Password.
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Chapter 13: - Additional Security Best Practices
Sybase EAServer (Jaguar) Hardening
1. Using the tree on the left pane of Jaguar Manager, navigate to Jaguar Manager > Servers
> Jaguar
– Enter new password in the ‘New jagadmin Password' and ‘Verify N jagadmin
Password' fields.
6. Click ‘OK'
4. Enter the new jagadmin password from step 1 above in clear text. The modified key should
look like ‘JAGCONNECT_JAGUAR_ADMIN_PWD=<new password>'
Note: The password entered in clear text gets encrypted when WebView runs for first time after
the change.
Restart WebView and Jaguar after you have changed the password. See below:
Restart WebView/Services
Step 3 Restart ‘IIS Admin' service from Windows Services panel (this will also restart ‘World Wide
Web' service automatically).
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 13: Additional Security Best Practices
RMS Listener Hardening
See Also
The Windows Firewall may block port 9000 (Jaguar Manager Tool - CORBA). If you wish to
open port 9000 see Understanding the CiscoICMfwConfig_exc.xml File (page 33) to learn how
to use the Cisco Firewall tool to open the port.
Note: Servers running RMS are not supported for use with Automated Security Hardening.
1. It is assumed that you have followed the general hardening procedures in this document.
2. It is also assumed that you have two NTFS partitions. One for the OS and one for the
remote data transfer.
5. Create a local account for the duplex Listener to use to connect to this Listener with basic
user rights (e.g., <machine>\ListenerAcct).
6. Add this account to the <machine>\ListenerAccounts group and remove this account from
<machine>\Users group.
7. From the ListenCfg utility configure the other Listener to connect to this Listener using
this account. Note: The domain would be the name of this machine. For example, if this
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 13: - Additional Security Best Practices
WMI Service Hardening
is the side A Listener and the machine name was ListenerSideA, you would configure
the side B Listener to connect to ListenerSideA\ListenerAcct.
8. For each customer system that will connect to the RMS Listener, create a local account
with basic user rights (e.g., <machine>\Acme_ICMUser). Note: If remote access (modem)
is used, this account will need dial-in permissions.
9. Add these customers to the local <machine>\ListenerAccounts group and remove these
accounts from the <machine>\Users group.
11. Create the identical group and accounts on both Side A and Side B RMS Listener systems.
12. The root of the remote data partition (e.g., F:\) should be configured to allow the SYSTEM
account Full Control.
13. At the root of the remote data partition (e.g., F:\), the <machine>\Administrators and
<machine>\ListenerAccounts groups should have ONLY: 'List Folder Contents', 'Read'
and 'Write' permissions. Do NOT give 'Full', 'Modify' or 'Read & Execute' rights. This
will prevent inadvertent launching of a virus that might have been copied from a remote
system to the RMS Listener.
14. The logical share to the remote data partition (e.g., ‘FF') should be configured for Full
Control with the <machine>\ListenerAccounts and SYSTEM accounts having access.
Note that the NTFS permissions will further restrict the physical access to this share.
15. Enable Remote Access logging if a RAS connection via modem is used.
16. Configure the Domain and Backup domain in the Logger or SDDSN ‘Phone Home' setup
screen to use the Listener Side A and B machine names respectively.
Step 2 Right click on the WMI Control icon and select properties.
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Chapter 13: Additional Security Best Practices
SNMP Hardening
Step 4 Select the ‘Root' folder and press the ‘Security' button.
Step 5 Remove EVERYONE from the selection list then press the ‘OK' button.
The WMI services are set to ‘Manual' startup by default. These services are used by 3rd Party
Management agents as well as Cisco Support Tools Node Agent to capture system data and
should not be disabled unless specifically required.
DCOM security configuration should be performed in a manner that is consistent with your
scripting environment. Refer to the WMI security documentation for additional details on using
DCOM security.
Additional References:
SNMP Hardening
See the SNMP Guide for Cisco ICM/IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions for details on
installation, setting the community names, user names, and trap destinations.
Although the Microsoft Management and Monitoring Tools sub-components are necessary for
SNMP manageability, the Microsoft native SNMP service will be disabled during ICM Setup
and its functionality replaced by a more secure agent infrastructure. The administrator should
not attempt to re-enable the Microsoft SNMP service as this may cause conflicts with the Cisco
installed SNMP agents.
The Microsoft SNMP trap service should be explicitly disabled. It is not recommended that
ICM/IPCC Enterprise servers run management software for collecting SNMP traps, thus, the
Microsoft SNMP trap service is not necessary.
Versions 1 and 2c of the SNMP protocol are less secure than version 3. SNMP version 3 features
a significant step forward in security. For ICM Enterprise and IPCC Enterprise hosts located
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 13: - Additional Security Best Practices
Toll Fraud Prevention
1. Create SNMP v1/v2c community strings or SNMP v3 user names using a combination of
upper- and lower-case characters. DO NOT use the common "public" and/or "private"
community strings. Create names that are difficult to guess.
2. Use of SNMP v3 is highly preferred. Always enable authentication for each SNMP v3
user name. The use of a privacy protocol is also encouraged.
3. Limit the number of hosts that are allowed to connect to SNMP manageable devices.
4. Configure community strings and user names on manageable devices to accept SNMP
requests only from those hosts running SNMP management applications. (This is done
via the SNMP agent configuration tool when defining community strings and user names.)
5. Enable sending of SNMP traps for authentication failures. This will alert you to potential
attackers trying to "guess" community strings and/or user names.
As an alternative that provides a much higher level of security, customers may choose to
configure IPSec filters and an IPSec policy for SNMP traffic between an SNMP management
station and SNMP agents. Follow Microsoft's recommendations on how to accomplish this. For
more information on IPSec policy for SNMP traffic refer to Microsoft knowledge base article:
In ICM, the primary concern would be in using dynamic labels in the label node of an ICM
script. If the dynamic label is constructed from information entered by a caller (such as with
Run External Script), then it is possible to construct labels of the form.
• 9.....
• 9011....
• etc.
These labels might cause the call to be sent to outside lines or even to international numbers.
If the dial plans configured in the routing client would allow such numbers to go through, and
Security Best Practices Guide for ICM and IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions ICM Software Releases 7.0(0), 7.1(1), and 7.2(1)
Chapter 13: Additional Security Best Practices
the customer does not want such labels to be used, then the ICM script must check for valid
labels before using them.
A simple example would be an ICM script that prompts the caller with "If you know your party's
extension, enter it now", and then uses the digits entered blindly in a dynamic label node. It is
possible that the call could be transferred anywhere. If this behavior is not desired, then either
the ICM routing script or the routing client's dial plan must check for and disallow invalid
An example of an ICM script check might be an "If" node that use an expression such as
The "True" branch of this node would then branch back to ask the caller again. The false branch
would allow the call to proceed. This is, of course, only an example. Each customer must decide
what is allowed, or not, based on their own environment.
ICM does not normally just transfer calls to arbitrary phone numbers. Numbers have to be
explicitly configured as legal destinations, or alternatively the ICM routing script can contain
logic which causes the call to be transferred to a phone number which is contained in a script
variable. It is possible for a script to be written in such a way that a caller enters a series of digits
and the script treats it as a destination phone number and asks the routing client to transfer the
call to that number. Our recommendation would be to add logic to such a script to make sure
the requested destination phone number is reasonable.
Syskey enables the encryption of the account databases. It is recommended that you use Syskey
to secure any local account database.
Note: When configuring Syskey, you must use the System Generated Password and Store
Startup Key Locally options in the Startup Key dialog box.
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Chapter 13: - Additional Security Best Practices
Third-Party Management Agents
For example:
These and other agents enable the gathering of detailed inventory information about servers,
including operating system, memory, network adapters, and hardware.
While Cisco recognizes such agents can be of value, due to performance impact considerations,
Cisco does not currently support their use on mission critical IPCC/ICM servers.
Warning: You must configure agents in accordance to the Anti-Virus policies (page 89)
described in this document. Polling or intrusive scans should not be executed during peak
hours, but rather scheduled during maintenance windows.
Note: You should install SNMP services as recommended by these third-party management
applications to take full advantage of the management capabilities provided with your servers.
Failing to install, or disabling, SNMP prevents enterprise management applications from receiving
hardware pre-failure alerts and disables certain application functions such as advanced ProLiant
status polling, inventory reporting, and version control in HP Insight Manager.
See Also
HPInsight Management Agents User Guide (
management/imaug.pdf) HP Software Security Customer Advisories (http://
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