CSTP 6 - Evidence
CSTP 6 - Evidence
CSTP 6 - Evidence
• I meet regularly with grade level teachers to discuss how things are
going in the classroom, both socially and academically.
• Teacher regularly attends staff meetings.
• I ask myself these questions:
-Was I able to get to everything I had planned in the lesson
-Did students seem engaged and interested throughout the lesson?
-Were the activities and work expected appropriate for the learning
-Did my students learn what I had intended for them to learn? -What
can I do better for next time?
• I review lessons already given and look for ways to improve strategies
and techniques for next time
• Being in a clear credential program has allowed me to reflect on
teaching practices with other new teachers. It has given me so many
great ideas about what to try next in the classroom. (ISTE 4c)
• My co-teacher and I meet regularly to discuss the new curriculum we
received this year. It is beneficial to go over what worked and what
didn’t work with specific lessons. My co-teacher is also my mentor so
that is helpful as well.
• Teacher reflects on practice and then explores new strategies and
• Teacher maintains focus on students and the instructional goals when
reflecting on teaching practice
6.2 Establishing professional goals and engaging in continuous
and purposeful professional growth and development
• I reflect on their own teaching practice and commits to educating
herself about new techniques and strategies
• I look for ways to grow and improve within their teaching practice
• I engage in professional development when provided by school
• My school has provided many opportunities this year to learn about
our new curriculum.
• Teacher sets goals connected to the CSTP that are authentic,
challenging, and based on self-assessment
• Teacher selects and engages in professional development based on
needs of professional goals
• I regularly attends grade level meetings in
which a variety of topics is discussed.
• I use grade level meetings to discuss
curriculum, classroom management, and
teacher development
• I regularly attends staff meetings in which all teachers (K-4) discuss
things going on in the classroom and the school community
• My co-teacher/mentor meet for at least one hour per week to discuss
our teaching practices.
• I collaborate with colleagues or draws upon their areas of strength to
support their teaching
• I actively participates in and contributes to the professional
• I meet with the other third grade teacher at least once per week. One of
the things we discuss is strategies for meeting the needs of students
who need extra help. (TLMS Domain1)
• I regularly communicate to parents using a variety of means such as
email, the app Remind, and being available both before school and
after school for quick questions or comments
• I ensure that homework is given out weekly and
has clear directions so as to make it easier for
parents to support students at home
• I use Morning Meetings and classroom
discussions as a way to get to know students
• I use information about the students to help put
lessons into context by relating it to students’
home lives in a meaningful and impactful way
• I communicate regularly with parents. I also
send out a newsletter every Monday which gives parents an idea of
what is going on in the classroom that week.
• Parents know that I am available by email at any time. I always
respond by 3pm. Or the next day if they email me in the evening.
(ISTE 4d)
• I communicate with families in a way that shows understanding of and
respect for cultural norms
• I am thoughtful in designing learning experience that enhance student
learning and I work hard to collaborate with other third grade teachers.
• I undergo a professional observation by the principal of the school
once per year. The picture I’ve attached is
from the principal asking when we would
be a good time to go over my observation
that was on April 14, 2022.
• I balance teacher life with home/family
responsibilities by leaving school at
school before transitioning into evening
with family.
• I am available to talk with parents both in
the morning and in the afternoon if there is an issue that needs to be
• I definitely have improved on my work/home life balance. I’ve made it
clear to parents that I’m only available from 7-3. They know that if
they email me after 3pm. I will not get back to them until the next day.
Making that clear from the beginning is essential to maintaining my
mental health.
• I try to demonstrate positivity with my students. Sometimes I just
don’t feel that great so I mention it to them as a lesson about how
sometimes we all feel yucky, and how we can persevere through those
• I set high expectations for students
• I maintain a high commitment to student learning
• I am always trying new styles and strategies to see what works best
with students
• I demonstrate a professional manner both in the classroom and within
the school community at all times.
• I follow all state legal requirements as well as all school policies.
• I follow all codes of conduct at school and make sure that I’m setting a
good example for students and fellow colleagues.
• I’ve completed all mandatory reporter trainings and feel well prepared
should I need to file a report.
• I comply and follow all state and district standards
• I help to foster a good school culture and I work hard to set a good
example for students and fellow educators