Characteristics of Limestone Manufactured Sand: August 2013
Characteristics of Limestone Manufactured Sand: August 2013
Characteristics of Limestone Manufactured Sand: August 2013
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YANG Zhenguo, SHEN Weiguo SHEN Weiguo LAN Qing, CAO Lianghong,
School of Materials Science and State Key Laboratory of Silicate LU Zili, DONG Rui
Engineering Materials for Architectures Guangdong Provincial Changda
Wuhan University of Technology Wuhan University of Technology Highway Engineering Co.,Ltd
Wuhan, China Wuhan, China Guangdong, China
Abstract-Manufactured sand is widely used today, but the basic characteristics of natural sand were tested too as a
research activities about its characteristics are still not deepgoing. comparison.
To systematically investigate its characteristics, we used image
analysis system, 3D confocal scanning laser microscope and X- II. MATERIALS AND METHODS
ray diffractmeter to test the grain gradation, particle shape,
surface morphology and powder features of limestone A. Materials
manufactured sand and natural river sand. The results show:
The manufactured sand has a gradation defect, and it has a
The fine aggregates used in the test were limestone
bigger roundness factor and a smaller fullness ratio. Its lineal manufactured sand from Guoluan quarry and river sand from
roughness and surface roughness are both much higher than the Heishui river sandpit, the physical and mechanical properties
natural sand’s. Most of its stone powder is block structure and of fine aggregate were tested according to “Test Methods of
has little angularity. The main mineral of limestone Aggregate for Highway Engineering”(JTG E42-2005), the
manufactured sand stone powder is calcite, and it also contains a results are shown in Table I, gradation curve is presented in
little dolomite and α-quartz. Fig. 1.
Keywords-manufactured sand; powder; characteristic TABLE I. MAIN PERFORMANCE INDEX OF FINE AGGREGATE
Figure 6. Measurement and calculation of river sand shape parameter In addition, the lineal roughness and surface roughness of
natural river sand and limestone manufactured sand were
For the roundness function of IPP6.0 image processing tested by confocal scanning laser microscope. The basis
software, the roundness factor of circle is 1.00, the roundness parameter Ra is used to evaluate the rough state of particle’s
factor of non-circular particles are all higher than 1.00. From surface; it is defined as arithmetic mean value of the contour
the contrast test in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6, we can find the minimum offset’s absolute value within the sampling length L. The
of limestone manufactured sand’s roundness is about 1.27, the bigger the difference between concave segment and convex
maximum is 2.38, the average roundness factor is 1.59; while segment, the larger the arithmetic mean value. The concrete
the minimum of natural river sand’s roundness is about 1.16, expression sees (3).
the maximum is 1.42, the average roundness factor is 1.29.
Meanwhile, by calculating the diameters’ measured values of 1 L
L 0
limestone manufactured sand and natural river sand particles, Ra y( x) dx (3)
we find that the fullness ratio of limestone manufactured sand
is 0.913, while natural river sand’s is 0.938. The results show Where, L is the evaluation length of sample, y is the distance
that after many years of natural erosion, the river sand’s between contour point and datum line in the measurement
surface is very smooth, and its angularity is not obvious. It has direction.
a smaller roundness factor and a larger fullness ratio and its
roundness factor is close to circle; while the manufactured
sand is processed by machines, so its elongated and flaky
particles are a little more, its angularity is very obvious. Its
roundness is larger and the fullness ratio is relatively smaller.
C. Manufactured sand surface morphology features
This test used Olympus LEXT OLS4000 3D confocal
scanning laser microscope to test micro-morphology of Figure 9. Schematic diagram of Ra
limestone manufactured sand and natural river sand. The 3d
surface micro–morphology of natural river sand is shown in
Fig. 7, and the manufactured sand’s can be seen in Fig. 8. It
can be obviously seen that the surface of river sand particle is
TABLE II. ROUGHNESS OF NATURAL SAND AND MANUFACTURED SAND gradation of manufactured sand; while the winnowing stone
Setup information Analysis parameters powder’s particles which are higher than 0.075mm are about
Evaluation R sand 20-30%. The specific surface area of winnowing stone powder
641m 1.324
length Lineal Ral is about 310-360 m2/kg, it is a little finger compared with the
roughness M sand washing stone powder and close to cement. While the surface
Objective 20 3.504
Ral area of clay is very high, it has lots of fine particles. The
R sand
Evaluation area 643m642m
1.353 micro-morphology of mud powder and stone powder had been
roughness M sand compared by using Olympus OLS4000 3D confocal scanning
Objective 20 3.382 laser microscope, and the magnification of microscope was
2000. The test results are shown in Fig. 12 and Fig. 13.
D. Manufactured sand stone powder features It can been seen from Fig.12 and Fig. 13, the angularity of
The mud powder in natural sand and the stone powder in mud powder is not obvious, its contour is a little round and
manufactured sand both have a significant influence on the most of the powder is cohesive shape; while most of the stone
workability of fresh concrete and the mechanical properties or powder is block structure and has little angularity, its particle
durability of hardened concrete [5-9]. However, the properties morphology is close to cement or slag.
of manufactured sand stone powder and its role in concrete 2) Manufactured sand stone powder mineral compositions
cannot equal to the mud powder’s in natural river sand. The manufactured sand is an artificial material which
1) Stone powder surface morphology features comes from the parent rock’s multilevel crushing, so its
According to the discharge method of powder, the stone mineral compositions mainly depend on the composition of
powder can divide into washing stone powder and winnowing parent rock. The mineral compositions of manufactured sand
stone powder. The washing stone powder’s particles which are stone powder were tested by XRD (see Fig. 14), and in order
higher than 0.075mm are more than half, and the particles in to compare with the stone powder, the river sand mud powder
0.075mm-0.15mm are too many, these have destroyed the was tested as well (see Fig. 15).
Compared with the natural sand, the manufactured sand
has a “more on both side and less in center” gradation defect.
Its particle roundness factor is larger, and its fullness ratio is
smaller. The angularity of manufactured sand’s surface is
obvious, the lineal roughness and surface roughness of
manufactured sand are all higher than natural sand’s.
Meanwhile, compared with the mud powder in natural sand,
most of the manufactured sand stone powder is block structure
and has little angularity; its particle morphology is close to
cement or slag. The main mineral of the limestone
manufactured sand stone powder is calcite, and it also contains
a little dolomite and α-quartz.
This work was supported by Research of the material
design and engineering application for manufactured sand
Figure 14. XRD of stone powder
concrete (2011-02-057) and Research of the technical
guidelines for applications of highway engineering
manufactured sand concrete in Guangdong province (2012-03-
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