Carnegie-How To Trap &amp Snare

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The document discusses various methods for trapping animals and birds using traps, snares, and nets.

It is a manual about trapping and snaring animals and birds using traps, snares, and nets.

It describes traps for rabbits, rats, moles, eels, and other animals. It also discusses snares, nets, and other trapping methods.


HOW TO 277




A Complete Manual for the Sportsman, Game

Preserver, Gamekeeper, and Amateur






Author of "Practical Game Preserving," etc



A thoroughly Practical, Illustrated Work, dealing
with all forms of Life under Canvas.
Invaluable to the Novice or the Old Campaigner.
Contains Expert Advice on Pitching a Camp, together
with the most Approved Methods of Drainage,
Cooking Requisites, and everything necessary
Camp Life.

A Practical Treatise on the Training and Management of Shooting Dogs.

Profusely Illustrated.
'The Field Trial Winners of the Present Day/
Bound in Cloth, Price 2-, Post Free 2 3.

Fish Farming for Pleasure & Profit.

By ><

Natural and Artificial Redds. Fish Passes.

The Formation of Ponds and Lakes. Spawning.
Screens and Sluices. How to Make a Hatchery.
Water Supply and Aeration. Incubation and Hatching.
Natural Food, Aquatic Plants, etc. Care of Alevins and Young Fry.
Stocking. Concerning Rearing Fry and Year-
Rainbow and Other Foreign Trout. lings, etc., etc.

Printed on Art Paper, and Beautifully Illustrated with Photographs

and Drawings by the Author.
EJoviricl iri Clotii, 2s. Go. Post Free.
Published at the " Shooting Times " Offices, 72-77 Temple Chambers,
London, E.C.
THE . . .

\ \
C* rfc 99

HUMANE (British
and Colonial Patents).


At a Special Meeting
held on August 1st, 1907, called to consider
the merits of the "SARA' Trap, it met with


Can be obtained from Ironmongers,
Gunsmiths, Implement Dealers.



Will not injure dogs, foxes sheep, and only under very exceptional
conditions, hares or pheasants, but



Frederic Sara, YELVERTOIM, R.S.O.,


Highest Awards for Traps Bronze Medal and Diploma of Honour, Truro,

Cornwall. 1893. Silver Medal and Diploma of Honour, Scarborough, 1895.

Under the immediate patronage of the Fishmongers' Company.
The Mayor of Scarborough, when presenting the Medal, said he had in use
several of the Traps and they were giving him great satisfaction, and he
should always speak highly of them.
Patronised by His Grace the Duke of Portland, the Earl of Ashburnham, Sir
Rose Price, Bart., Sir
ALFRED CLIFFORDS ^"^PATENT EEL TRAI^ Joseph Bailey, Bart., the
Earl of Annesley, Lord
Aylesford, Lord Trede-
gar, Lord Greville, Sir
E. Buckley, Bart, SirR.
Wright, Bart., Lord Gif-
ford, Sir H. Rae Reid,
Bart., Lord Hastings, &c
Sir Rose Price, Bart., says " It is a capital trap."

Joseph Bailey, Bart., says They answer very nicely."

Tenterden, Kent, 19th August, 1903. Dear Sir, Please send me one of
your 4ft. eel traps. I have caught eels weighing 31b. 9ozs. and over 3ft. long
in the 6ft. trap I had from you. Faithfully yours, WILLIAM BODY."
"Avon Castle, Ritigwood, Hants. The eel traps I had from you have
proved an enormous success; I occasionally get between 40 and 50 one trap
one night. I. TURNER TURNER."
Tugnet, Fochabers, N.B., 22nd October, 1904. Dear Sir, The trap you

sent has undoubtedly proved a great success. During the first two nights we
got over 100 eels, 70 being caught in one night. Yours faithfully, THOMAS
RAE, Fishings, Gordon, Richmond."
Huntingdon, 1st December, 1905. Dear Sir, I believe that I have
beaten all records, having caught over 20 Ibs of eels in one night in one of
your patent traps. Faithfully yours, W. GRIFFITHS."


Is now acknowledged to be the best trap
ever invented for catching Rat, Stoat,
Weasel, Rabbit, Cat. Fox. Badger,
otter, and other vermin and animals.
- r^~---TTH-TTT --TJfriiiiUiiiii--rj
: r- -r---; 'iiiSNiii ; Also Pheasants and all kinds of birds.
It is one of the best traps for catching
Vermin. Animals and Birds that has
ever been invented. It has a trap-door
in centre of floor, and when set is per-
Made in all sizes to suit all requirements. fectl ]evel and cannot be noticed. The

Price Listnni T**timonlali Pr<e

bait only requires to be laid on the
floor of the trap. Immediately the animal puts its weight on the hinged floor the doors
close. It has a clear space right through, thereby causing no suspicion whatever.
Strongly made in galvanised iron and painted. It will catch dozens where other traps
are useless. The traps can also be used for capturing laid- up Ferrets, by placing them
in front of the hole-i Also made large enough for catching Fox and such like.
Poaching Cats. In reply to the query of "Rusticus," I may inform him that I have
found that Alfred Clifford's patent wire trap most effective for catching cats, weasels,
stoats and rat^ alive. It is made in all sizes to suit requirements, and if kept clean lasts
a long time. I have caught hundreds of poaching cats with it, and it is the most
humane trap I know. His address is Hawley, Kent. The trap referred to has also the
merit of being very portable. C. E. Price List and Full Particulars, address

Patent Works, Hawley, Kent, England.

C 3


THIS Manual is intended to provide as much practical insight

into the various modes of trapping, snaring, and netting the
animals and birds of the British Isles as can be furnished by


Wherever possible and desirable, such insight is given of the

haunts and habits of the creatures to be caught as may prove
useful to the amateur or tyro, for whom it is more particularly

planned, than for the professional.

Kvery piece of work, device, trap, snare, or net described hu>

been performed, employed, or made by the author, and it i>

hoped that the experience gained during many years may prove
of advantage to others who may be induced to follow the Art of

the Trapper, either for pastime or profit.

Black's Patent Hawk Trap.
An efficient and humane method of catching hawks, the birds being taken
uninjured. Kestrels can, therefore, be liberated if desired.

Used on






each only
Trap. 17/6

Between August and October, 1908, 43 sparrow-hawks (chiefly females)

and 32 kestrels were captured at Hatton in two of these traps. In 1909
(up to September 7th) 60 mote sparrow-hawks and kestrels were taken.
I claim that it is the most simple, effectual and humane hawk trap ever
invented, and no keeper in charge of young pheasants should be without one.

GEO. BLACK, Hatton, Wragby, Lines.



INTRODUCTORY ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1

CHAPTER 1. The Dorset Trap and its Varieties 4

CHAPTER II. Humane Traps 15
CHAPTER III. Tools, etc., for Trapping 21
CHAPTER IV. How to set the Dorset Trap 24
CHAPTER V. Round and Small Steel Traps 34
CHAPTER VI. How to set Round and Small Vermin Traps... 42
CHAPTER VII. Rabbit Trapping ... 47
CHAPTER VIII. Trapping Ground Vermin ... ... 62
CHAPTER IX. Rats ... ... ... 76
CH AFTER X. Rats (continued) ... 90
CHAPTER XI. Wild Cats... ... ... 99
CHAPTER XII. Poaching Dogs and Cats 104
CHAPTER XIII. Trapping Foxes 109
CHAPTER XIV. Trapping Hawks ... 120 & 223
CHAPTER XV. Trapping Crows. Rooks, etc. ... ... 127
CHAPTER XVI. Trapping Magpies and Jays 133
CHAPTER XVII. Box, Cage, and other Traps ... 142
CHAPTER XVIII. The Snare and its Varieties 163
CHAPTER XIX. The Tse of the Snare ... ... 169
CHAPTER XX. General Trapping and Snaring ... 178
CHAPTER XXI. Pitfalls ... ... 185
CHAPTER XXII. Springes and Hingles ... ... 188
CHAPTER XXIII. Nets and their Employment ... 197
CHAPTER XXIV. Xets and their Employment (continued) 208
CHAPTER XXV. Moles and how to catch them 212
CHAPTER XXVI. Trapping Fishery Pests ... 217
The Best in the World.


H. LANE'S Patent Collapsible

Steel Trap.

Maker of Sara's Patent Humane Trap

Fully Illustrated Catalogue Post Free on Application.

Eagle Works, Wednesfield, Staffs
How to Trap and Snare.

WHEREVER game is preserved, vermin must be de-

stroyed; in fact, as that great sporting writer, 'Id-

stone," was wont to put it, "to destroy vermin is to
preserve game." At the time he wrote but little of the
science to which modern game-preserving has attained
was known; but the axiom he laid down holds good
to-day as it did then, and the destruction of vermin re-
mains an ever-important item in the itinerary of the
game preservers progress. The art of trapping and
snaring, however, together with the use of nets in a
legitimate manner, is* one with which the general
sportsman appears content to maintain but a very
superficial acquaintance, and even the latter-day game-
keeper is very usually content to relegate such mat-
ters to his under-men or the professional vermin-
catcher, passing it off as a minor kind of accomplish-
ment. It however, nothing of the sort, and, al-
tbough the mere setting of a trap or laying of a snare
may appear a very simple affair of itself, skill in the
handling (which includes concealment), art in the time
and place of employment, and choice of the form of
trap, snare, or wile, piny such an important part in
influencing success or failure that to become a success-

ful and certain trapper involves an amount of experi-

ence, insight, and skill far greater than is necessary in
the rearing of or the shooting of it when reared.
In the place, an infinitely more correct know-

ledge of every detail of the features of the haunts and

habits of the quarry to be taken in trap or snare is re-
quired than is the case where the preservation or shoot-
ing of ordinary items of fur and feather is concerned.
The mere putting down of a trap, a snare, a fall, or a
hingle without full knowledge of what has to be caught
and what has to be done to catch it will not lead, pro-
bably, to anything at all. The skilled trapper knows
exactly what he intends to capture, how he will take it,
and, approximately, when he will take it. To accom-
plish this he must possess not only an intimate ac-
quaintance with the form and habits of the creature he
seeks to capture, but also of the woodcraft incidental t-;
its surroundings. These items of knowledge are not
gained from haphazard acquaintance, hearsay, or
teaching; they can only be acquired at the expenditure
of time and trouble intelligently applied, keen insight
into animal ways, and the exercise of much patieuce
and skill.
It is possible for the tyro to gain a large amount of
information from the written instructions and experi-
ences of others, but to prove successful he must be
assiduous in himself, observing all the incidences oi
the bird and animal life amongst which he proposes to
work; he must be early and late afield, a careful obser-
ver of the weather, its changes and portents, and be
satisfied to put up with its inclemencies, and not in fre-
quently take advantage of them. It is, moreover, of
the first importance to persevere, trying again and
again, maybe, before ultimate success is assured. The
amateur trapper or snarer is certain to find linnsolf
frequently at fault ai first. He may put two and two
together with extraordinary apparent exactitude, and
find the sum total of his endeavours entirely out of his
reckoning but, sooner or later, a correct solution of

every difficulty conies, and that intuitive knowledge of

what to do and how to do it is acquired, and the tyro
merges into the expert.
In the chapters which follow, the various manufac-
tured traps will be described and referred to in their
most practical and adaptable forms, the making of
others, of snares, hingles, falls, and the like described,
and as much instruction as to their employment given
as will serve to initiate the inexperienced into their use
and application.
It may be imagined that trapping and snaring are
an uninteresting kind of drudgery very necessary, but
outside the amateur's sphere of interest. On the con-
trary, it is an engaging and fascinating pursuit, and
one worthy the skill und attention of those to whom
country life in general, and game-preserving in par-
ticular, possess a never-ending attraction.
It may be said that it is cruel. Sport in whatever
form entails relative cruelty. The true sportsman re-
duces it to a minimum, and the good trapper pursues
a precisely similar object. It is only the careless,
clumsy, lazy user of traps and snares who is needlessly
cruel ; the efficientworkman is never needlessly so.
Mature in her own methods is ofttimes far more unre-
lentingly cruel than man, and the most cruel of her
creatures are the predatory ones aga.inst which t.V j
trapper wages war.



E have in the up-to-date form of the Dorset trap

the best and most effective all-round means of capture

that exists, ^nd until something equally practical and
applicable can be invented we must be content to con-
tinue its employment, despite everything that is put
forth as to the cruel manner of its working. How diffi-
cult it is away from the principle upon which it
to get
acts is shown by the persistent efforts fostered and made
to produce something to serve a similar purpose, but
with unvarying want of success. The Dorset trap, in
its general features, is too well known to need any

detailed description but there are, of course, varied


forms depending upon the class of workmanship put

into them.
It is necessary, however, to point out that
it impossible to produce good and trustworthy traps,

iven without finish, below a certain price, and that

anything of the kind which may come under the de-

scription 'cheap is sure to prove troublesome, disap-

pointing, and very dear in the ultimate result.

The main points of excellence in a Dorset trap
intended for the capture of rabbits or furred and fea-
thered vermin are found in a combination of lightness,
strength, durability, and quick and certain action.
These can only bo assured when good workmanship is
put into good material. In order that the prospective

trapper may be able in judge of the merits of ;niy traps

submitted to him, \ will describe succinctly the various
parts, and point out at the same time in what respects
they should chiefly show merit. The terms applied to
the parts are those in most general use; hut others
obtain locally.
The frame of tlie trap should be straight and stiff,
the cross-piece tightly and properly riveted to it; it
should have plenty of substance in it, and the jaw-
pieces should be, in the one case, firmly and stiffly
welded on in the other be correctly turned up so that

the jaws, whilst working easily, have no unnecessary

play. The spring must be well tempered, strong- and
sufficiently pliant to be pressed down by the clasped
hand to permit the jaws to fall into their natural open

position when set. When set, the spring should act

directly upon the jaws, the loop working free of the
jaw-piece. When it should rise just to the
level hold them closed, without
of the jaws, so as to

jamming heavily against their undersides. An average

man should be able, by the grasp of a single hand. !

depress the spring with a fair amount of ease; springs

requiring a strong effort are too stiff; those which suffer
depression too easily are too weak. As a rule, all
springs are tested by the manufacturers before bein<r
sent out; but occasional failures through loss of tenn-
may occur, in which case spare ones can be fitted. The
spring should be well bolted to the frame, lie low at the
bend, and not rise more than 1J inches from the level of
the frame. The jaws should be strong and reasonably
thick, the teeth, when the trap is sprung, leaving an
appreciable margin of distance between them say, one-

sixteenth of an inch. There are various patterns of

jaws, but those shown in the illustrations are the best
for general purposes. It must be borne in mind that
the jaws are intended to hold without cutting, and, if

possible, without breaking bone. The plate, treadle,

or trigger, I nrefer to have of zinc, but under most
circumstances it serves equally well if it be of iron or
steel. The edges should be bevelled off, and the plate,
when the trap is set, lie nearly on a level, and in the
same plane with the jaws. It should work easily and
freely inits support, but have no lateral play. The
catch ilxed on the plate, and should be of brass, as

should be also the flap, although in most of the lower-

pi iced, but not necessarily bad, traps it is of iron.
Brass to be preferred infinitely, however, and the

joints, if not the upright which holds the flap, should

be of this metal. The catches are, naturally, a very
important item, and when sent out they act, or should
" '"

act, perfectly, admitting of the trap to be set as tickle

or lightly as possible, or as firmly as may be desired.
With it is possible to so regulate the trap
brass catches
that will allow lighter animals, such as very young

rabbits, to pass over it with impunity, whilst three-

quarter full-grown ones would be taken. The chain
provided with a swivel is fixed to the frame of the trap
by an S-hook. All of these parts require careful exa-
mination, and, whilst being as light as possible, must
also be of sound material and good manufacture the ;

same remarks apoly to the rings at the chain-ends.

For general purposes the chain may be about the same
length as the trap; but in the case of small vermin
trapping the chains will exceed the length of the trap.




It important that the swivels work easily and well,


and more than ordinarily long chains have to be em-


ployed as is sometimes the case two swivels at corre-

sponding distances from each extremity should be
employed .

The provision of stakes for the traps is always an

important matter and one which should command
careful attention. It is not unusual with those em-

ploying Dorset and other traps to adapt any rough-and-

ready kind of stake for the purpose but it is far better

to shape them out properly. After long experience. I

have found that for ordinary purposes the best stakes
are those shaped out of well-seasoned ash-wood. Cut
into lengths of 18in., it can then be split down to about
the right size roughly, 2in. in diameter and rounded
off, from about Iviii. from the top. It is not necessary
or advisable to make too neat a job of it nor should the

stakes be gradually pointed off. Bring them down to

a size which will permit the ring being pushed to
within a couple of inches of its final position then ;

gently hammer it down to there, and brinsr the other

end of the stake to a somewhat abrupt point. Made
and fastened on in this manner, these stakes will hold
in almost any ground, and will stand any amount of

hammering in without splitting. It is necessary to be

careful, however, that the portion which overlaps the
riiidoes not do so to too great extent, otherwise the

margin may split off when being hammered into the

ground. There are other forms of stakes, however, to
which reference will be made on a later occasion.
Before proceeding to a description of the several
varieties of the Dorset traps which at one time or

another recommend themselves for employment instead

of those of the ordinary type, it may be necessary to
mention that there are several grades of quality the m
Dorset traps, the lower of which can be brought into
use whilst at the same time being quite satisfactory.
The chief disability attaching to them is that they do
not la^t so long as those of higher grade. Then, again,
they vary in size, this point being mainly determined
by the width of the jaw the longer the jaws, the more

the cost. Certain sizes are most effective for certain

purposes, and it is not always possible or wise to work

with traps all of one size. There is also the difference

in make between rabbit and vermin traps, the latter

always having less material worked into them so that,


although the size denoted by width of jaw may, pos-

sibly, be the same, the traps of similar size may not
The variations of the Dorset trap are mainly of detail,
lather than of form, as will be seen from the several
illustrations which are given of the usual form of trap
and of those differing from it in certain particulars.
Some of these points of variance may appeal more to
practised individual trappers than do others. So much
is this the case that as the tyro in trapping develops

into the expert, he will find himself working with one

particular form of trap for general use with which lie
can do more good than with any other.
Beyond such details as size and weight and it must
be remembered that traps of similar size are not by any
means always of similar weight the chief variations
of the Dorset trap will be found in the jaws whether

they be ribbed or flat, close-fitting in the teeth, the


shape of the latter, or without teeth at all. Generally

speaking*, flat-jawed traps are usually more easily
worked upon grass-land, and ribbed ones wher^ the
soil is loose and sandy. The choice is dependent upon
^he question of covering the trap more than anything
else, and it will be found that the respective forms lend
themselves to the most effective work in this respect.
Plain-jawed traps with no teeth at all serve best where
the ground is very full of small stones which are calcu-

Fig. 1.

lated to get between the teeth of the jaws in such

formed traps, and prevent them gripping when sprung.
The S hooks are not infrequently a source ojf anxiety
and disappointment, in many instances losing their
temper and pulling out, thus permitting the quarry to
get away with the trap a most unsatisfactory occur-
rence in every way, and one which, in addition to the
mere material loss, leads to its dying in misery and
torment. To prevent any such happening, the device of
affixing the chain to the trap by a loop encircling
the spring has been adopted, and is so much to be pre-
ferred that its use ought certainly to become general.

Another formof Dorset trap 1ms the spring riveted

on under, instead of the upper, side of the stock or

back-piece which permits of the employment of -\

well-bowed spring 1

which lies, however, very low when
the trap is set. This is an important consideration,
especially when working on certain classes of ground,
notably thin soil and grass-land. Uoth of these im-
provements are shown in Fig. '2.
The firm of Henry Lane, Wednesfield, has lately

Fig. 2.

placed upon the market a Dorset trap in which the flat

steel spring is replaced by one of drawn steel wire.

As will be seen clearly from the illustration which I

give of it, the motive power of the spring is centred in
the coils, and, by reason of its form and the manner in
which it is fixed, the spring, if broken or bent, can
easily be removed mid refitted without interfering with
the jaws a particularly meritorious feature, which is

supplemented by another, a considerable reduction in

the weight of the traps. These traps are only stocked

in rabbit size, so far, but can be had in smaller or
larger ones if the orders reach a sufficient quantity.

At Fig. 3 is shown another form of Dorset trap, with

wire spring. In this case a single length of cokl-drawn
steel forms the spring. These traps are very quick,

Fig. 3.


hold very tightly, and are built to lie as flat as any 1

have handled. This is a manifest advantage in thin
soils. They are very light, and withal durable. Mr.

Fig. 4.

Cruickshank has introduced many small but important

improvements into his traps, mainly designed to avoid
sticking of the tongue and catch.
It has long been recognised that, while the principle

of the steel trap cannot be improved upon for practical

purposes, it possesses some disadvantages ill the matter
of weight and difficulty of repair in case of breakage.
Many effortshave been made of late years to overcome
these disabilities with mere or less success. The firm
of Henry Lane, Wednesfield, has recently patented an

entirely new form of the steel trap, in which all the old
points of excellence have been maintained, whilst an

Fig. 5.

enirely new system of construction is introduced by

which the weight is reduced by nearly one half,, without
any loss of strength or effectiveness. In the new patent
the back piece is done away with, and the trap consists
of three separate portions, which are easily fitted toge-
ther and form a stiff, compact trap. Reference to the
illustrationshows how this is effected. The loop of the
chain passed over the spring, which is compressed by

hand, or with the aid of a U-piece. The loop of the

spring is passed over the jaws by means of Ihe slit ami
the tongue inserted in the slot in the base of the trap.
The bridge is fitted by sliding into the groove in the

base, and held in position by a finger-piece.

is It may
be made a permanent fixture Ly using a split pin, which
is also provided. The trap is then ready for use. Where
necessary, a second spring can be similarly fitted. In
its simple form for rabbits or vermin it is of less length
and depth than the ordinary Dorset trap, more easily
covered, and for the former purpose more adaptable for
setting in rabbit holes. A
dozen 4in. traps can be easily

,JTJ *T*>-T - ~~ -^V^OK-

Fig. OA.

carried in the pockets and be pieced together as re-

quired. When packed for transport these traps occupy
one-fourth the space of the old type a iiiost important
point as far as foreign and Colonial work is considered,
where the cost and means of transport are far greater
and much less respectively than in the homeland. In
Henry Lane's new trap each and every part is inter-
changeable, by securing a supply of spare narts
so that
no trap need be pul oul of action pending return to a
source of repairs.



As Imentioned before, the principle of the Dorset

steel trapcannot be improved upon for universal use or
be substituted effectually by \\i\\ other known at pre-
sent. All attempts to embody the same principle in
really humane traps of such general utility have
proved, and appear bound to prove, failures. The well-
intentioned efforts of all those who have encourage. 1

the production or have produced humane traps have

been frustrated either by ineffectiveness of the article
evolved for practical working or by the exDensiveness
of its manufacture. The result is that, notwithstand-
ing all the great diversity of traps in more or less every-
day use, no actually humane trap of practical general
utility exists. The nearest we can get to anything of
the kind is be found in modifications of the Dorset

trap. The simplest manner of mitigating the breaking

ami lacerating effects of the jaws is to bind them over
and over in between the teeth of the jaws with whip-
cord. The binding should not go over the teeth and
reach to nearly flush with them. The more neatly and
tightly it is done, the better, but it must be finished off
aI the turn of the jaws, and not be continued over the
sides of them. Treated in this manner, strong-
springed traps will hold rabbits and vermin for a rea-
sonable length of lime: but traps so treated require

more attention and frequent visiting than do others, as

many more will be found sprung, but empty, and, un-
less looked over every two or three hours, anything

caught is likely to work its way free and be lost.

rather ingenious idea for rendering ordinary traps
'humane," as well as for use with specially constructed

Fig. 6.

ones, having plain jaws adapted for the puruose, is illus-

trated at Figs. 6 and T. The humane device consists
of two pads of corrugated rubber fitted into containers of
sheet steel, which form the jaws of the trap. I have

experimented with a specially made and fitted trap,

which did all that was claimed for it in the way of

Fig. 7.

breaking no bones, nor apparently causing any more

pain than was bearable by the animal or bird caught.
The adaptors containing the rubber can be applied to
ordinary tooth-jawed traps by filing the jaws to receive
them, or by taking them out and reversing them in their
sockets. The makers, Messrs. Wilkins and Wright,
Birmingham, claim that the rubber containers will out-

the traps, wliicli extended trial should couth in, and

as thejaws do not in uny way interfere witli the setting
and working of the traps, the invention is one which
should commend itself to all those using steel traps to
whom humane working is the first consideration.
Two formsof humane traps exist which may be em-
ployed one with round jaws covered with rubber, the
other flat-faced jaws, treated like a coarse rasp. I have

Fig. 8.


worked with both of these, mainly for winged vermin,

forwhich they are quite effective but they are less;

trustworthy for rabbits or furred vermin, possessing

the same drawbacks in this respect as the ordinary
traps whipped with cord. Carrion crows and big
hawks are liable to tear off the rubber from the former
if not speedily looked to after capture, and make their

escape. These forms of traps do not differ as regards

their manipulation from the ordinary Dorset trap, but,
of course, they entail more trouble in the process of

covering, the form of the jaws necessitating extra care

in this respect.
There was another form of humane trap placed upon
the market some years back, in which the jaws were
absent and replaced by a bar of iron fixed at right
angles on the extremity of the eye of the spring. This
was held down in the ordinary manner by a flap and
catch passing over the centre of the bar, which was
released by the depression of the treadle. Over this
was a hoop of steel wire, and the action of the trap was
such that- -it being set facing a hole' the rabbit com-
ing out sprung the trap and had its neck broken by the
bar flying up and jamming it against the steel hoop.
It was a very good trap as far as theory went, but
possessed little or no practical value.
Of course, there has been quite an alarming array of
rabbit and vermin traps suggested and designed upon
humane principles, with a view to the rewards offered
for an effective instrument of the kind. Of humane
traps distinct in form from the ordinary Dorset trap the
most practical and effective is the one invented and
patented by Mr. Frederic Sara, of Yelverton, Devon.
It is designed mainly for rabbit-trapping, but the prin-

ciple can be applied to the catching of Jrurred vermin.

As will be seen from the illustrations, the form of the
trap differs from almost all others, as well as the prin-
ciple upon which it acts, but the plate is retained as
trigger, and it is employed and thrown in precisely the
same manner as the ordinary Dorset trap, viz., by pres-
sure of the rabbit's fore-feet. The plate or treadle,
however, isdivided and hinged, and folds over so as i<>
admit of the passage upwards of the arms.

The trap is would be a Dorset

set precisely as trap,
covered in the same manner, and placed in suitable posi-
tion in the run, at the holes or the scrapes. The rabbit


Trap set.

attempting to pass places one or both of its fore-feet on

the plate or treadle, which is depressed, and releases the

^=/ teg?

Trap sprung.

arms, which fly up, encircling the rabbit's neck and

breaking it at the same instant.
To my mind, this trap is the nearest solutioji of a
practical nature of the problem of a really effective and
humane trap which has been evolved so far. There is

:io doubt that it will take rabbits as readily as the

Dorset trap, and the victim is killed simultaneously
without being mauled in the least. It possesses the
merit, moreover, that it is practically innocuous as far
as winged game, dogs, and foxes are concerned. Ex-


periments made have proved that even a small terrier

can spring the trap without injury to itself, and, un-
less a pheasant actually pecks on the plate, and in one

position, it will not be caught. It is likely that to the

uninitiated the form of the trap appears peculiar, but
in practice it fulfils its purpose entirely. It weighs
about the same as a good-quality Dorset trap, and the
price is identical. It requires no more care, and en-
tails no more trouble in setting. Altogether it is a
well thought-out and ingenious article, thoroughly well
fitted for use by practical men.



addition to the actual traps, the trapper employing

them requires one or two accessories which he would
do well to carry with him, particularly when first com-
mencing operations. Later on, when more expert, he
will find that he can dispense with most of them at a
pinch, although better work is, of course, accomplished
with their aid than without them. The tools most usu-
ally employed are a trapper's hammer, a small sieve or
riddle, and frequently a small bill-hook with a rather
long handle, and, of course, a strong knife.

A few
spare S-hooks and rings for mending chains, a small
bottle of neatsfoot or olive oil, a coil or two of fine
copper wire, and a hank or two of whip-cord go to make
up the rest of the impedimenta, and, with all these on
hand, the trapper may be considered provided for n ost
The trapper's hammer requires to be a handy and
well-made tool, such as is shown in the adjoining illus-
tration. They are very labour-saving, and when pro-
perly formed add greatly to the efficiency of the work
done. The small sieve with folding handle is very
portable, as it will go into the pocket but a quite

small wire one with bent wood sides is almost as handy.

A strnight-bladed knife with a large four or five incli
blade and a small one besides is most suited for
ping work.

Of course, even the amatev.r requires a strong, rough

get-up for the work in question, notably a coat with
big pockets inside and out, and leather shoulder-pieces;
and, as there is a good deal. of kneeling and crawling
about to be done at times, leather knee-guards and
leggings are a necessity. There is one other point to
be observed, namely, that at times, when watching the
traps, or for possible quarry, sitting about on damp
places is to be avoided if health is to be maintained,
and a small square of waterproof carried in an inside
pocket will always prove serviceable.
A close-fitting cap of the fore-and-aft description is
the best headgear, and the big pockets afore-mentioned
are the best receptacles for carrying tools and other
impedimenta. Anything in the way of a bag or the
like slung across the shoulders is an unending and
unendurable nuisance.
It must be borne in mind that a trapper goes about
his work easily and successfully, without leaving traces
of his movements and operations wherever he has

passed. It is rarely necessary to employ a bill-hook to

clear away growth, and its indiscriminate use to make
things easier is to be condemned. ISTow and again
circumstances arise necessitating something of the
kind, but the user of traps and snares will do best
when he interferes least with the natural order of
thing's where he places his w iles.

Fig. 11. Fig. 12. Fig. 13.


'ig 9, Trapping Hammer; Fig. 10, Trapping Sieve; Fig. 11.

Trapping Spade; Fig. 12, Iron Stake; Fig. 13, Combined
Hill-hook, Hammer, and Spade.



As a rule, the person who handles Dorset and other

traps for the first few times proves himself very awk-
ward in dealing with them. The same may be said of a
good many who are supposed to be thoroughly accus-
tomed to them. The probable reason is that they have
never overcome a natural nervousness in dealing with
anything of the kind, and are fearsome of injuring
themselves. It is, however, very easy and simple to
become adept at handling them and to guard against
anything, the proof of which may be found in the fact
that in all the years and under all the circumstances
that I have handled and employed traps oi many forms,
I have never once caused myself any injury worth the
To set an ordinary Dorset trap safely and easily, the
following is the correct method: Grasp the trap with
the right hand across the spring, close down to the loop
which encircles the jaws (but not close enough to pinch
the loose skin of the hand), and depress it till the jaws
fall apart; then, employing the left hand, and using
the pad of the thumb and the second finger further to
lever open the jaws, turn the flap over with the first-
finger,and with the third, under the plate or trigger,
adjust the catch, and the trap is set. If the operation

be 1H)1 easily \vnrked

;i< first, iisr trap with :i

weak spring, (pule small 1r;i]>, unlil you c;m com-

(>] ;i

plete tlie setting in the manner named, without needing

h> observe what you are doing-. It will be found thai
ns confidence gained in the manipulation of the trap,

it really <|uiie easy to set hard-sprinted ones with


very little trouble; and if such are being used, and

prove too strong; for easy handling in the manner
described, additional power is gained by placing tli<>
trap across the knees slightly bent for the purpose
the end of it resting upon the right", the jaws just over
the left, and the hand grasping the spring between
them. it can be avoided, never kneel or place the
footupon the spring to depress it; and if, by physical
weakness or infirmity, the trap cannot be gel otherwise,
o small screw-clamp or wrench may be employed to

press down the spring and retain U in possession until

the trap is fully set. When first set, the catch should
fully fit in and hold the flap but it can be regulated

by depressing- the plate so as to lie very 'tickle," or

hard, according to what is intended to be caught. Tins
adjustment should be made before the trap is placed in
position, as it is easier to judge the amount of '"hold

there is on the trigger by holding the trap in a hori-

zontal position on a level with the eyes than by at-
tempting to regulate it when it is upon the ground.
lender nearly all conditions it is necessary to cover
the trap completely when set, and effectually hide it
from the intended quarry. Upon the correct placing
and covering of the trap depend the possibilities of
success or failure in trapping. At first the tyro in
trapping will find this part of the work beset with a

good deal more trouble, and occupying' much more

time, than after lie has Lad some practice arid experi-
ence. Many difficulties accompany the proper covering
of the traps at the outset, and it is fairly certain that
the inexpert trapper will frequently find himself dis-
satisfied with his work. After a little, however, time
and patience bring their reward, and he will find him-
ig and covering his traps in quick time and to
se-lf sc'iti.

complete satisfaction.
Traps have to be set and hidden, of course, under
many and varied conditions, but these can be brought
under two main heads traps placed upon grassy
ground, and those upon bare soil As a main guide to

how to get to work, it will be necessary to take these

two typical conditions and see how the trap is set under
quite simple circumstances. A rabbit's run in a grass
field may be chosen as the spot, in the first instance.
Place' the jaws of the trap in the position they would
occupy when set at right angles to the direction of the
run, and with the catch on the further side from where
you are working. Then extend the chain to nearly its
full length, leaving an inch or so play, and drive in
the stake to its full length. The verdure should con-
ceal the small portion of the stake protruding from the
ground, and a pull should be made at the stake with the
chain to make sure that it holds. The actual position
of the trap having been decided upon, di* out
with the hoe part of the hammer a square place to
receive the jaws, and a small channel to fulfil the same
purpose for the spring and back-piece. For the pur-
pose of concealing the chain, a sort of flap covering can
be similarly cut out. The bed hollowed out for re-

ceiving the jaws and spring musi be so adjusted and

flattened as to bring the upper surlier of the former
and tlie treadle with them slightly below the sin-fare
of the ground. The spring must lie also so that it is
completely covered, and when the process of hiding the
trap is finished, the surface above it must be left almost
precisely as it was before operations were commenced.
Before commencing to cover up the trap, either a
small flat stick or the blade of one's knife should be
inserted over the jaw and under the treadle upon the
side opposite the catch, to prevent the imp springing
whilst being covered. The chain and spring are best
dealt with first, and then the body of the trap. The
aim in view in covering it over is to make endeavour to
imitate as nearly as possible the exact appearance >f
the ground before it was disturbed to accommodate the
trap. If the trap is placed upon grass-land with a
short, thick covering old pasture, in fact- then the
best covering consists of fine, short grass, carefully
plucked and closely scattered over the jaws and plate
of the trap. Supporting the latter, the material may
be pressed down closely and evenly, employing much or
little, according to circumstances, and, if the sur-
roundings warrant it, scatter a little fine, fresh mould
over the short grass, as it will assist to keep the latter
fresh and in position. AVhere the run passes through
thick, heavy herbage, or coarse-growing grass, it will
bp necessary to vary the covering slightly, laying the
grass, as far as possible, crossways Avith the jaws, so
that they may throw it off when the trap is sprung:
otherwise it may block them and prevent them work-
if the ground be mossy, the moss

ing properly. Again,


used for covering nmsi be carefully pulled apart, and

only the greener portions employed, ;is it fades and
loses colour niucli more quickly than grass, which will
retain its greenness and freshness for 24 hours or more.
From these few hints
it will be seen that practically

every different chosen

site for the position of a trap
upon grass land or ground covered with growth of any
kind entails a variation in the manner of covering and
the exercise of intelligence and care in the selection of
the method of hiding the trap. It must he thoroughly

covered, but the means adopted and the mode of doing

this must not interfere with the working of it. Very
little interposed between the jaws serves to permit (he
animal caught to liberate itself, whilst at the same
time it is necessary to thoroughly hide the trap from
view. It is in the correct and efficient assimilation of
these two desiderata that the correct 'tilling of a trap

upon grass-covered ground consists.

When and where traps have to be placed upon un-
covered ground, such as bare soil of whatever nature,
sandy, gravelly, or even stony, it is necessary, when
preparing the hollowed-out bed for the trap's reception,
to make it somewhat larger than when working upon
grass-land, otherwise the earth, or other soil running
down nt the sides will prevent an effective setting being
made. Of course, the looser the soil in which one is
working, the more margin of space must be afforded,
because, although it is possible and easy enough to com-
plete the setting and covering so as to make everything
lock all right at the moment, change of temperature,
dew or rain, will cause the trap either to spring, or tho
covering to fall way and expose it to view.

The same end must he held in view when working

traps in bare "'round when setting and covering them,
viz., that the fact of their being in position be hidden,
and that the surface of the soil where they are set be
made to exactly resemble what it was before being dis-
turbed. As regards the main items in the operations
for "tilling' the traps, there is nothing to add to. the
instructions previously given but special care must be

exercised in two directions. In the first instance, the

presence of small stones, particularly where the jaws
are hinged on to the frame, and also beneath the plate,
must be carefully avoided. Then, again, where the
soil is dry, fine, and very friable, it is very much dis-

posed to run down under the plate and prevent its proper
action when the quarry seeks to pass over it. The
use of the sieve or riddle will prevent the former but;

it must be remembered, when employing such, that it

is easily possible to overdo the matter, and by eliminat-

in^ all the little and big stones to make the position of
tne trap quite apparent, and the ground covering it so
different from the rest of the run or form that an alarm
is caused, and the intended capture scared away.
Again, when working in very loose soil, it may be neces-
sary to build up ID between the jaws and plate with
moss, lichen, or similar handy material, so as to prevent
the soil running in under the trap, and also to
provide something upon which the covering material
may rest without interfering with the working of the
trap. All of this entails delicate work upon the part
of the trapper, which will cause him a good deal of
trouble and anxiety at first but lie will soon get in the

way of accomplishing all such little fmessings.


It is also necessary when trapping upon bare ground


to remember the effect of varying temperature upon the

soil. Thus, traps set in damp or wet weather will
become exposed when turns dry, and will require

overhauling to be effective whilst rain, according to


whether it be light or heavy, may cake the traps up so

that they fail to act in many instances, wash them
nearly clear of covering, or, perhaps, spring them right
oft'. I used, when first trapping to any extent, to won-
der what sprung my traps without leaving any clue to
the cause, and in later years I ha\e often been able to
point out the cause to others. It is dew falling in the
form of heavy drops from trees, hedge-growth, and the
like overhead. As the dew condenses upon the leaves
and boughs, it forms into very large drops, which, fall-
ing from a height, produce ample force to spring a trap,
and when working under hedgerows or overhanging
boughs from adjoining woods or plantations, the fact is
extremely annoying. The leaves of brambles are par-
ticularly productive of this cause of sprung traps.
Wherever traps are placed, whether they effect their
purpose or not, it will be necessary to overhaul them
at repeated intervals, even to the extent of resetting
them if necessary. It is also important, wherever a

trap is sprung, either to reset it or to remove it, because

really surprising to what an extent anything of the
it is

kind will affect the movements of intended quarry and

baulk the effective result of the work. By overhauling
I do not wish to imply continual interference with traps

already set, but careful scrutiny of them from time to

time, with the view to remedying any defects in their
covering, etc., which may have arisen.

I have referred already cursorily to the necessity of

not disarranging the natural growth, etc., alongside
the runs, and so on, where traps are placed. If any-
thing Le so far in the way as to actually interfere with
ihe actual working of i trap, it may be removed, or its

position changed, but otherwise the process of first

clearing away" should l>e studiously avoided. It may

be inconvenient not to do so, but it adds immensely to
the prospects of success to interfere with the surround-
ings as little as possible. It is difficult to exaggerate
the effect which such action has upon approaching
quarry, but the fact will soon make itself apparent to
the trapper as he gains in knowledge and experience.
Of course, as occasions arise and circumstances vary,
some modification of the manner of setting the Dorset
trap will have to come into use. In the first place, it
is always desirable to so place the trap that the catch
and flap are upon the site opposite to that from which
the intended victim is expected to approach. On the
other hand, inmost instances traps set for rabbits
alongside hedgerows, hedges, burrows, and the like
usually find the most favourable positions with the con-
trary the case. Some people appear to think it makes

much difference; as a matter of fact, it is immaterial.

You will, however, find it is always easier to set the
trap and make a good job of it, with the plate towards
you. The most ineffective way of placing a trap is
with the spring in a line with the direction the quarry
is expected to
pursue; whichever way it comes, the trap
is at a
disadvantage. If it come over the spring, it is
likely to suddenly feel the metal beneath it and stop,
or abruptly change its path ; if it conies the other way,

011, it is not unlikely to place one foot upon the flap,

and even, if it spring the trap be thrown free of it by

the npsprmging jaws. When trapping on sloping

ground, it is advisable, as a general rule, to place the
trap with the flap side upon the lower level if the run
traverses it in a vertical direction, but if in a horizontal
one, the spring should lie below the jaws, and not
above them .

Occasionally trouble occurs in obtaining a secure

hold for the stake at a point distant from the trap the
full length of the chain. In such cases it must be
driven in nearer the trap, either beneath the jaws or to
such a depth below the surface of the ground as to
permit the chain being coiled up 011 the top of it in a
small space made for the purpose. It must always be
remembered that the full-sized Dorset trap for taking
rabbits and anything larger is of a certain weight, and
that the pull of the animal caught upon the stake is
strong, and repeated for some length of time. ]\o
really satisfactory substitute for the wooden stake
exists, and it must be made to hold properly and effec-
tively in whatever position it is placed in reference to
the position of the trap itself.
Before proceeding to deal with other forms of traps
a few points in connection with the general use of full-
sized Dorset ones may be brought forward with advan-
tage. In the first instance, the question as to how
k '

tickle traps should be set may be generally referred

to. As a rule, the trapper errs on one side or the
other; large traps too lightly set are likely to spring
from unlooked-for causes, due to weal her and tempera-
ture, whilst if set too hard they they arc extremely liable

to miss their m;irk, even if they are tlirown l>y the

quarry intended. Traps set in the open usually re-
quire to be sei more "tickle than those in woodlands,
brakes, etc., and alongside hedges and banks. When
the traps become rusted and dirty, soak them in paraf-
fin to remove rust, and then wash them thoroughly in
hot water with plenty of soda in it. Oil workin- parts
with vegetable oil. Xever employ mineral or animal
oils or fats. Use the file very carefully and very
lightly, and if traps require repair, send them to the
makers for the purpose, and renew all S-hooks, chain
purts, and stakes as soon as ever they exhibit signs of




THE employment for its main purpose of the round

form or hawk trap has been largely diminished by
reason of the Act which prohibits their use upon the
tops of poles or posts, etc., in positions where they
would be most effective. It must be conceded freely,
however, that very great abuses attached to the careless
and indiscriminate manner in which they were thus
employed, the waste of inoffensive bird life, and the
wholly unnecessary cruelty which they were pernii'iec-
to inflictamounting to a grave scandal. There exist
several ways of using these traps upon poles and trees
which would render their working comparatively inno-
cuous from the cruelty point of view but it is very

probable that in many widespread districts for every

predatory bird taken whose habits were inimical to the
interests of the game preserver, perhaps a dozen or
more wholly harmless feathere,d creatures fell victims.
Round traps can still, however, be employed in a
number of positions, both for ground and winged ver-
min, where the ordinary Dorset trap is inconvenient, if
not unsuitable, and they must accordingly be included
in thearmoury of the trapper. The illustrations which
are given of the several forms of round trap are, pro-
bably, sufficiently indicative of their general form and
arrangement; but it may be necessary to add that they

are built up on a circular base, supplemented with a

cross-piece, which thr spring in semi-circular form


riveted to, and rises from the circular base. (Mli'i-

\vise the action of the traps is similar to the ordinary

Dorset trap. The jaws may he plain or toothed, ac-

cording to the quarry to he taken, and most manufac-
turers can supply these traps with the trigger action

Fig. 14.

reversed, i.e., so that the treadle has to he raised in

order to discharge the trap. It is frequently necessary
when trapping to employ a ha it fixed to the treadle in
order to take the bird or animal by the neck. In such
instances the creature is very prone to seize the bait,
and, without in any way depressing the treadle, take it

away by pulling. In such instances a bap with the

ordinary catch would fail to act, whereas with the work-
ing arrangement reversed, it would do so. Traps fitted
thisway are usually termed 'hugger' traps, and the

principle is applied to the larger sizes for taking poach-

ing dogs and cats. It is hardly necessary to add that

Fig. 15.

they kill their victim almost outright, and little or

noise is caused to draw attention or excite alarm.

Fig. 16.

There exists a further form of trigger which permit 1'

of the trap being sprung' either way by lifting or de-

pressing. It is, however, somewhat uncertain in its

action, being liable to discharge the trap very easily

Fig. 17.

without the anticipated cause, and also requires neat

and careful manipulation in the setting. For ihe bene-
fit of those unacquainted with these two actions, I
annex a sketch of them both.

Fig. 18.

These round traps can also be obtained with rubbei-

provided jaws, so as to avoid damage to the legs of ;>.nv
birds caught. When trapping for winged vermin, it
is not
infrequently the case that other birds whose cap-
ture is in no way desired become caught, and any pro-

vision which permits their being liberated without

material hurt is very much to be desired. I have in

practice always preferred to employ round traps with

pluin, blunt jaws, unless I could obtain toothed one*
with the jaws so made and set as to prevent them actu-
ally striking together. Properly fashioned round traps
meet these requirements, and when sprung the jaws
neither hit together nor do they leave too wide a space
between. It must be remembered in connection with
the Crapping of winged vermin and birds in general
that the jaws of a trap can encircle the legs without
touching them at all, and still hold the captive fast, as
the diameter of the foot is always from a half to twice
as wide as that of the leg itself.
Continental trap manufacturers produce many modi-
fications or elaborations of these round traps for em-
ployment in situations and under conditions which are
not permissible in the British Isles, and I have
fashioned traps for my own purpose of lighter and
larger form in which wire and netting figured for the
purpose of taking hawks, etc., alive.


Fiider this heading I propose to describe and figure
three traps of American origin, and mainly employed
in the States .and Canada for taking musk-rats and
such small deer. These traps, very light in construc-
tion, but strong and quick in action, I have employed
over quite a number of years with great success a re-
which has also followed in the case of those to
whom I have recommended them. They are inanufac-

tured by Henry Lane, of Wednesfield, and are by no

means expensive.
The first of them is a folding trap, the spring being
1 1

capable of being folded round alongside the jaws, the

trap being thus rendered more easily portable. This
form of these traps is also the cheapest, the two latter
reouirmg more care and time in manufacture. The
second form, a single spring trap, is very compact and
handy, with circular jaws. The arrangement of the

Fig. 19.

spring is notable, and reproduced in the third form a

double spring trap with square jaws of larger and
stronger size. These traps are so easily set, so light,
and so portable, and, withal, so inexpensive, that they
have everything to recommend them for employment
wherever they can be brought into use. They can be
worked with a light steel chain and iron stake, and be
placed in a great number of effective positions where
the. ordinary Dcix-l traps are quite unsuitable for mani-

pulation. They are used without teeth in the jaws,

and, for all that, hold very securely. Chiefly adapted
for small running vermin, I have found them equally

effective for such winged marauders as magpies, jays,

and the like. Their great merit becomes apparent

Fig. 20.

when trapping has to be carried out upon grass-land or

natural verdure, but notably in mossy and marshy

Fig. 21.

places they are so easy of concealment and easily placed


that anyone who has once handled thorn must hud them
indispensable to a thorough carrying out of his work.

I have now described and figured those traps which

may be regarded as the trapper's main instruments of
warfare against nearly all the mischievous or predatory
creatures whose capture is the ultimate aim of his machi-
nations. These provide the basis, more or less, upon
which all other of his work depends. For distinct mir-


poses and special quarry there are numbers of soe-

cial traps which will come under consideration
later. In the same way, snaring and the use of
hingles, springes, and the like constitute a different
department of the general subject, and require separate
treatment. Our purpose must be now to learn how to
set and employ those traps of which we have acquired




THE round or hawk trap usually offers more difficulty

to the tyro in trapping than do the Dorset traps. It is,
as a matter of fact, more difficult to set, and more risks
attend its handling; but, set in the following manner,

its manipulation is handy and safe lirasp the trap


across the spring and back-piece with the right hand,

thumb uppermost, and depress the spring by using the
pad of the thumb
against the fingers beneath. This
will release the jaws then with the left hand, using

the thumb, pull down the outer jaw, and, holding it

firmly in position between thumb and fingers, control
is obtained over the spring, and the right hand, being
released, is employed to place the flap over the other

jaw, the plate being raised and the catch fitted, urns
completing the setting of the trap. Some of the larger
makes of round traps are provided with two springs
acting on each side of the jaws, but these are furnished
-or should be with a setting ring to the outer spring,
which is first dealt with and held in position by the ring
until the trap is finally set.
Whenemploying round traps they are almost in-
variably placed in positions where the form of the
Dorset trap prevents its use with practical success,
In great numbers of cases the trap will be placed on a
ledge, a tree stump, bough, and such-like unhandy

spots, and as the almost inevitable outcome of its being

sprung will be its fall or displacement, a different form
of chain is usually necessary to secure effectiveness in
the working of the trap. To this end a certain number
oi the round traps in use should be titled with from

jft. to 3ft. lengths of small steel chain into which one


or two easily working swivels have been fixed. Fur-

ther, it will very frequently be found that with these
long chains and, in fact, with round traps in general
-the stake can be dispensed with in favour of some
form of staple employed to attach the end to tree stems,
boughs, posts, or rails. The ordinary staple to drive
in is not a very practical means for the purpose, and
suitable ones to screw in should be obtained, those with
a deeply-cut worm and sharp point being of the neces-
sary description.
Those who find it obligatory to employ a considerable
number of round traps for taking winged vermin and
other birds for whose capture round traps are found
mainly suitable would do well to have a certain propor-
tion of them specially made, in which the plate gives
place to a kind of forked treadle, with two sharpened
points, upon which a small piece of tree-twig can be
tixed so as to offer a favourable perching-place. The
larger sixes of round trap fitted with light, but sharp,
springs, are tli? best for the purpose; but it should be
borne in mind that in the case of the smaller ones the

trap must catch the victim by the legs, in the other by

the body, unless a bait takes the place of the perching
hvig, when, according to the nature of the bud, it \vill

be taken by the legs or by the neck.

The actual setting of the round trap, to make ii tho-

roughly effective, entails less work, but greater nicety

of manipulation, than the Dorset trap. Now that its
employment is restricted, the practice of using it with-
out covering at all is reduced to very confined limits,
and as its employment in this manner upon poles, etc.,
involved an enormous waste of bird-life other than that
of predatory ones inimical to the game-preserver, this is
a subject rather for congratulation than regret. In
almost all cases the hawk trap, when requiring cover-

ing to be effective, will be positioned amongst verdure

of some kind into the composition of which moss enters
more or less, and for the purpose of concealing the trap
nothing is more adaptable, properly employed. If

upon the ground, the place for it will require hollowing

out, and if set upon tree stumps or boughs, or upon
heavily moss-covered stones, etc., the growth will have
to be removed accordingly. The round trap is much
more liable to become jammed by small sticks and
stones getting in between the working parts than the
ordinary form of trap, notably between the jaws and
beneath the treadle. It is necessary, therefore, when
' '

packing the trap, to see that there is nothing likely

to get in the way and prevent true working. To this
end, the jaws should not have anything crossing them,
and when the trap is covered, they should be practi-
cally free of any possible obstruction. The covering of
the treadle, etc., will depend upon the manner in which
the trap is being employed. Speaking generally, how-
ever, the best form of covering is that resembling in
the closest manner the surface of the ground which the
trap occupies but it must always be remembered, in

view of the habits of predatory birds in general, that


ibey rarely place their feet or dansin a depression,

however small, and any slight

flint elevation offering
the merest means of a slight grasp by the retracted
claws or talons always commands preference as a foot-
hold. having the cover-
It is, therefore, better to err in

ing of the plate or treadle above the level of the jaws

than below it. To the more immediate details accom-
panying the use of the round trap I shall devote further
attention when treating of the capture of winged ver-
min and similar feathered quarry.
Tn expert hands there are no more easily set and
handled traps than the light steel ones illustrated at
Figs. 19, 20, and 21. In none of them are the springs
very powerful, although amply strong for their pur-
pose. In each case, however, the actual setting of the
traps is effected very much as in the case of fhe round
trap, the transfer of the work from one hand to another
as the trap is open being the key of the matter, the

point to be observed being that the jaws are automati-

cally held open and the spring depressed bv the outer
one whilst flap and catch are manipulated into position.
These traps are best worked with rather long, light
chains and either iron stakes, as mentioned, or screw
staples for attachment to trees, railings, etc. These
traps are of so light and unobtrusive construction that
they may be worked successfully with but very little
Covering at all, and, except under special circum-
stances (where, for instance, a particularly
wary cus-
tomer has to be circumvented), I have rarely gone to
the trouble of packing them as one must the
descriptions of traps, a reasonably careful concealment
of plate and springs being sufficient for most

They can be placed in working: position in all sorts of

odd runs, nooks, and crannies where any other kind oi'

trap entirely out of the question, so that the varia-


tions in the manner in which they may be set extend to

tou large a category to be individually described. It

may, however, serve a useful purpose to point out that

they may be set amongst long grass and other verdure
without further concealment than is naturally afforded ;

placed upon small runs on the sides and slopes of hedge-

rows where vermin may pass with but very little mean*
of concealment, and upon rocks, old timber, paling?,
mid sucli-like, where the merest of what mav be termed

parasitical verdure affords means of covering tlie r

whereabouts. They are particularly easily set, and
concealed in mossy, marshy ground where heavier traps
are entirely out of the question.
It will have been observed that these little traps are
made without teeth to the jaws but they hold firmly and

securely without any such addition, and may be relied

upon thoroughly for employment under any of the cir-
cumstances for which their use is recommended.



Ix connection with this portion of the subject it is

necessary, before dealing with the practical part of it,

to glance for a moment at the limitations which the law

places upon the use of spring traps for taking rabbits.


The Ground Game Act limits the 'occupier,' as dis


tinct from the owner, to their employment in rabbit

which those who propound the law as formu-

lated by Parliament for the mystification of the public
take to mean within the limits of the entrance to a rab-

The object of this limitation, when secured


bit burrow.

by the opponents of the Bill in its original form, was to

prevent injury to and destruction of feathered game and
-incidentally- -sporting dogs As a matter of fact,
this limitation has reduced the use of the Dorset trap

by occupiers to the smallest possible scope and the

least effective manner. Whether the 'occupier' al-
ways observes the strict letter of the law is doubtful
and beside the question; but inasmuch as he is supposed
so to do, I will in the first place deal with the trapping
' '
of rabbits as by the occupier under the Ground
Game Act as being a mode of working quite apart from
any other such as the actual owner of any land preserv-
ing himself is entitled to permit his keeper to employ.

It further to be presumed that the occupier trap-


ping for rabbits docs so to protect his crops from their


be doing so at such
ravages; consequently, he will
seasons as will render his efforts most effective, viz.,
the spring and early summer. I have remarked, how-
rabbits to
ever, that the occupier appears to prefer
crops, and does most of his "keeping
down during the
later and winter months, when dog and gun, ferrets and
best means of
nets, appeal more strongly to him as the
doing it.

During the springtime rabbits will require kill ing-

down round the growing corn and the new pastures,
clover and the like; the old pastures can take care of
themselves as far as rabbits are concerned. It is at
this season that rabbits show most fresh workings.
They are opening up their burrows again after the
winter inactivity, and with the breeding season com-
mencing, they certainly make their presence upon the
farm very apparent and confessedly destructive. Seve-
ral different kinds of workings will make their presence
known. Does in kindle, in the first place, start all sorts
of false burrows, and generally the most unlikely-
it is

looking of them to the unpractised eye which is actually

the kindling burrow. Obviously, if does have to be
killed off at this season, it is better to take them beforo
than after the young are born. As a matter of fact,
this is the easier task, because few does make a kindling
burrow at all suitable for trapping in, and even then
they are difficult to take, as their instinctive scenting
of danger isextremely acute. Rabbits working in the
banks and hedgerows, and in burrows in woodlands,
brakes, and the like adjoining agricultural land, offer
the best opportunities for the employment of traps; but
T must admit that, except on the score of want of

time, there is little to warrant the use of them thus

curly in the season. Still, there are occasions and cir-
cumstances which make this a necessity at times, and
on the score of thoroughness they must not be over-
TTh,en the rabbits commence to open up their burrows
afresh it is little use trapping for them until the throw-
ing out of earth comes to an end. Once this is
the case at a hole where working has been proceeding,
evidence of the passing in and out of the rabbit or
rabbits over the freshly-moved earth will be apparent,
and traps may be put down. It is necessary to select
the holes in which to trap with discrimination, for
there will be, probably, only one in every three or four
which is fitted for the purpose, and not a large propor-
tion of these in which a trap can be placed in workman-
like manner.
Choose the lower holes to which a well-marked and
well-worked run leads, holes where the entrance is
fairly high and sufficiently wide, and where there is a
level space just within the run where the trap can be
placed upon the "tread of the rabbit. As is known,
rabbits proceed by a succession of sharp leaps which
may be designated by dots and dashes; the dots aro
those portions of the run where it does not place its
feet, the dashes where it does do so. This action is
shown more clearly at Fig. 22. The treads or
patches are about nine inches apart, and are observed
by all but the quite immature rabbits when parsing
over a run, and the trap must be placed as stated.
Slowly moving rabbits will be caught by the forelegs if
the trap be placed in the centre of the patch, or, maybe,

by the limtl legs if moving very fast, the tread of the

former being so extremely light and quick in the latter
instance as either not to spring the trap or to leave it
before the jaws rise, or, possibly, the two circumstances
combine to cause the animal to be taken by the hind
legs. It is not very exceptional for a rabbit to be taken

\yy two legs, either both fore or one fore and one hind
legs, when trapping in the burrows.
Having determined upon a hole within which to set
the trap, :
>in., 3Ain., or 4in. jaws, as the case may be-

Fig. 22.
A, at starting; B, leap completed.

you will require a selection of sizes when working in

this manner -place the trap, unset, in its prospective
position to see if the jaws will work within the height
of the hole; set it and try it for width.
then There
must be ample margin without breaking down the sides
or roof of the hole. Wherever practically possible, the
trap should be set with the spring at right angles or
obliquely to the direction of the burrow, because, if the
spring be worked in the line of it, a rabbit seeking to
enter almost sure to discover the fact, stop dead, and

return in its tracks. You will have to place the trap

with the plate towards the outside, and the space for its

reception nmsi b<> scooped out. Firsi, however, lay the

trap in posiiion, extend the chain, and drive in the
stake. Then hollow out the square space for the jaw,
dig out that for the spring, and equally for hiding the
chain. jSTow set the trap, adjust the tongue to the

catch, so that it a little more than holds, and place it

in position. A small stick or the blade of your knife
inserted over the jaw and under the plate will sustain
the latter without raising it. If you raise it, you re-
duce the 'tickleness of the setting. The soil which
has been removed to make the hollow within which the
jaws lie should be formed up round the outside of them
in little ridges, and should serve for covering but, if

necessary, may be supplemented with other obtained

from the workings of tlie burrows, but not from ap-
portion over which the rabbits may pass. Using the
knife or small stick, and eliminating any stones, or
causing them to fall where they ^ ill not interfere with
the working of the trap, the loose soil should be care-
fully worked over flap or tongue, j late, etc., so as just
to cover it, and also to till up all the- interstices between
the working parts of the trap, but not in such manner as
to prevent the depression of the plate by the animal
placing its feet upon it. If the soil be very dry and
sandy, and inclined to run, you must build up betweeii
the plate, jaws, etc., with moss or some material suit-
able, so that the free and quick working of the trap is
in no way interfered with. The covering must be com-
pleted so as to make it resemble the surface before any
disturbance of the soil took place. Pat it down care-
fully, whilst sustaining the plate, if it be a well-worked
burrow, or leave it rough if only slightly so. Tha

covering of the spring ;;ml chain must be similarly

lit f le sign of disturbance as
effected so as to exliibii as
Occasions may arise when it may be quite impossible
to find a suitable position for the trap without placing
the spring in the same line as the entrance into the
burrow. When such is the case, endeavour must be
made to bury the spring as deeply as possible without
affecting^ the correct setting of the jaws, otherwise, as
before stated, any rabbit seeking to enter the burrow
will feel it and return in its tracks. As a rule, how-
ever, traps so set will take rabbits as they seek to leave
their burroAvs, particularly if they be set at such time of
day when the rabbits have just gone in from feeding.
Opportunities for trapping rabbits at the burrows
under the conditions which the Ground^Game Act pre-
scribes are really very limited, and severely handicap
the trapper in the exercise of his craft. As a rule, he
has to make up for restricted conditions by putting
down a far greater number of traps than would other-
wise be necessary, and so making it almost impossible
for the rabbits to leave their burrows without encoun-
tering a trap. This is,of course, not trapping proper,
but there is no other way out of it.
The trapping of wild rabbits, without reference to any
limitationswhich the Ground Game Act may place upon
the operations of the trapper, is a far more extensive
matter, and provides so many opportunities for working
traps under such varying conditions than in dealing
with it, the information and instruction given serve
very well for the basis upon which othe/ forms of trap-
ping for other furred and feathered quarry may be

built up. A successful rabbit trapper is invariably a

good vermin catcher, and to be the former almost as

close and keen powers of observation are necessary as
with the latter, as well as a certain amount of delicacy
ofhandling of the traps, and skill in placing them.
Generally speaking, where rabbits are trapped to any
extent upon warrens, waste-lands, and other such
ground where 'conies most do congregate," the regu-
lar season for the work commences usually early in
October, but sometimes even earlier. We
have re-
garded the legitimate season for rabbit-trapping, how-
ever, as extending from the first week of that month
onwards through the autumn and winter, until such
time as tho bulk of them are practically cleared off.
Snaring sometimes runs hand in hand with trapping,
but we must lea'-? tli? former method of taking rabbit-
for separate consideration at a later date but before

commencing to trap or snare, or both, the ground

should be gone o;7 er thoroughly, and a comprehensive
knowledge of the possibilities it offers be acquired. It
is necessary to devote as much attention to those por-
tions of the ground where the rabbits are, apparently,
less plentiful as where they appear most numerous, be-
cause it is not infrequently the case that comparatively
or actually more quarry will be taken at the first trap-
ping upon the former description of ground than upon
the latter. A general scheme of operations a plan of
campaign, in fact -should then be decided upon, which
shall have for ils aim a regular compassing of the
ground upon such lines as will, whilst securing a large
and regular bag, not drive the rabbits from the open
ground to the woods and other coverts. To this end all

trapping within the limits of the woods, plantations,


and other lands to which the rabbits betake themselves

in winter should be relegated to the last portion of the

trapping season.
pon every manor where rabbits exist there will be
some portions which they more greatly affect than
others, and it should be the aim of the trapper to pick up
the bulk of them where they are most plentiful at the
start and then work steadily through the more scattered

portions of the stock. No good purpose is served by

making a half-hearted onslaught upon the rabbits where
most numerous, otherwise the result is only to cause
them to spread about and seek fresh quarters, thus add-
ing to the trouble and cost of taking them. Of course,
a cert ran area of the grovaicl must be dealt with at a

time, and my experience is that one man working over

fairly favourable ground will find five dozen traps about
as many as he can employ effectually and make full use
cf. It is," however, quite feasible to have more than
this number in work, particularly if one's whole time
be given up to it, and there is help to he obtained in
dealing with the caught rabbits preparing* and sending
them to market. The traps will have to be supole-
niented in places by snares, and some netting and ferret-
ing may also have to be done, but the quantity named
cf five dozen traps all in effective working order will be
found to be just about as few or as many as one man can
efficiently employ. Any increase of hands means a
comparatively larger number of traps to be worked thus

two men should easily work and control twelve to fif-

teen dozen traps, and so on.
I shall, however, deal with rabbit trapping as if there

were only one person employed in the work, and that the
number of traps be as stated. T<> properly utilise them
the ground must be gone over first: there will be parts
where the traps must be laid thinly, others where the
difficulty will be to select the site from a superabundance
of favourable ones. Having decided upon the extent of
ground to be dealt with first, the trapper will start off
with a third or half of his whole supply of traps, and,
selecting a sufficient portion of his ground, proceed to
dispose the traps in such places as he considers likely to
produce the best results. Each trap should not be set
individually at the site chosen, and then another, and
another, and so on: but the ground should be proper! y
quartered, as it were, and so provisioned with traps as to
thoroughly include all possible avenues with certain
limits. Do
not trap at doubtful places, and do not be
sparing of traps where the prospects appear favourable.
Further, do not seek to find difficulties by placing trails
in impossible positions, and always bear in mind the
fact that where the setting can be made most satisfac-
tory in the way of placing, covering, etc., the best op-
portunities for success exist. A
wholesale combina-
tion of snares and traps is sometimes of more service
than a superfluity of either. Having finally surveyed
the disposition of the traps, and seen that the ground is
effectually provisioned with them, the trapper can then
proceed to set them in the manner already described,
taking mental note of where euch one is placed and
where his work commences and ends.
As far as the trapping alongside heduvrmvs and at
open burrows is concerned, there is little to be said as
regards the way in which the traps should be placed,

but it will soon become evident to the trapper that under

certain circumstances the rabbits may be expected to
come out warily on one side of a bank or hedgerow, and
at others on the reverse side. Direction of the wind,
time of day, etc., influence them in these respects,
and it is necessary to observe carefully and act accord-

ingly. During the early portion of the season, trap.-;

placed alongside woodlands, brakes, spinneys, or the

like should be placed to take the rabbits oming from
within, or which may be located in the hedgerow or
bank. There are generally a number of plav-holes out-
side the covert which are only occasionally resorted to by
the rabbits, and which alr'ord little scope for the trapper,
as the markings they show are in no way an indication
of the rabbits which use them. The runs leading out-
wards into the held, the scrapes which the rabbits form
some distance out from the boundaries, and actually
worked and tenanted burrows in the fields provide the
most fruitful sources of captures.
When rabbit trapping under these circumstances, en-
deavour should be made to make the captures as the rab-
bits work outwards, and not as they return to their
burrows. This is important, because the manner of
movement of the rabbits in the first instance is much
more favourable to the trapper than in the second^ a IK!
the traps must be so placed in the runs as to secure these
results. have already explained the nature
I of a rab-
bit's run, and how and where it places its feet, so that it

iseasy for the trapper to exercise his discrimination in

placing his traps and lay out to take liis quarry precisely
as he desires to do.
I am afraid it would be rather unprofitable to oiidea-

your to describe which runs and which workings are the

really worked ones, and which have been more or less
abandoned. To the unpractised eye, many of both
appear to be '.just the places' to utilise, whereas the

opposite is the case. As a slight guide, it may be men-

tioned that in pastures and grass-fields where the drop-
pings along the runs are dry and faded, there is little or
no use made of them. The same may be said of those
where new growth is showing uiitra.mpled between the
old verdure. liuns over bare ground, where small
growth of grass, weeds, etc., is showing mthe tracks
of the rabbits are also little? worked or not at all. Xewlv-
made and somewhat ill -defined runs are more productive

than old, clean-cut ones. Newly-worked burrows,

where the earth thrown out is not worked down at all,
are less productive, too, than old ones, where the en-
trances, etc., look clean and fresh, not old and dry.
Babbits' fleck in and about a hole shows free use and
many users. Look for the same evidence on briar,
thorn, and thistle overhanging or bordering hedgerow
runs, and those leading more or less parallel to the
hedges. Xewly bitteii-oft' and exposed roots exposed
at the scrapes are proof that the rabbits will come again.
The time of day when traps must be set depends, of
course, upon circumstances. AVhen first commencing
to trap, or when breaking new ground, a start should
be made in the morning as early as is reasonably pos-
sible. Thus, in the regular season, a couple of hours
after sunrise say about eight o'clock- a start may be
made. Following the instructions for disposing of
them, it will be found that the bulk of tho forenoon will
be consumed in placing and setting all, or nearly all, oi

five dozen traps. If not finished up then, the balance

can be put down in the early afternoon. At other
periods of the year, when trapping is undertaken to pre-
serve the crops from depredations, I have found that
the most productive time to set or reset the traps i

during the hour of first dawn; but, with this exception,

the ordinary hours for working remain much the sa'ne.
In the case of commencing operations, those traps put
down and .set in the early morning commence taking
rabbits in the afternoon, except^ of course, in the case
of casual ones which may come out between times.

Following the afternoon catch, which will occur from

about two hours before sunset, there will come the night
catch subsequent to nightfall, and continuing to nine
or ten o'clock. There will be also an early morning
one of small importance, as a rule, about dawn. Tt

must, however, be remembered that the movements of

rabbits are very largely dependent upon influences of

weather, present and prospective, and it will become

incumbent upon the trapper to employ his powers of

observation at varying seasons and under varying cir-
cumstances, so as to acquaint himself with those in-
fluences and shape his actions accordingly.
It follows, therefore, from the foregoing that, having
his traps prepared, the trapper will have to make his
rounds at such times as will interfere least witli the
movement of the rabbits, and when his traps shouisl
provide the largest quantity of captures. Fiider or-
dinary circumstances, the first will fall, in the South
of England, or at a corresponding time in other dis-
tricts, between half-past three and five, when the trap-

per will make his round, remove all rabbits caught, and

reset all traps sprung. Discretion must be employed

in regard to moving any of the traps to fresh positions
when the workings of the caught rabbit to escape have
seriously interfered with or spoilt the sites chosen for
them. In about four hours' time say, between seven
and eight- -a second round must be undertaken, if the
weather and circumstances warrant, which they will
do in most cases. Personally, whatever the weather, I
have never failed to take this round, and always in-
sisted upon employees doing the same. Given an
average bright, clear night, moonlit 07- starlit, a lan-
tern is hardly necessary, but may be carried in case of
requirement. Upon dark nights it is more or less a
necessity. The best form of lajitern is a small square
one, burning colza-oil, and having a single forward
light, and with the handle at the top. It is advisable
to-, employ the lantern as little as possible, and
nc: flash it about indiscriminately as you go on
your way.
Wherever advisable, sprung traps should be set
again, and us scon as day has fairly broken, the trapper
should again be out to take up any further catches.
How often to reset, and how long to persevere with,
the traps upon a certain beat are matters which the
trapper must decide for himself. He ought to be able
tojudge fairly accurately when he has cleared out the
bulk of the rabbits from a certain extent of ground.

\ point will be reached when, if there be anv more *

f f

remaining in the burrows, he will not find it worth

while to persevere at the moment, as the rabbits become
so scared they will starve themselves for
days on end
sooner than come out to meet the fate which thev have

learned is likely to be in store for them. Then it is

that, as soon as the range of traps proves profitable no
longer, they should be taken up, carefully overhauled as
to stakes, chains, etc., and transferred to another held o

operations. As a rule, it is best, where the circum-

stances permit it, to move the traps in successive
batches, so that there is a littleoverlapping as far as
the ground covered is concerned whilst endeavour

should be made, as far as possible, to work the traps

round on the outer portions of the manor, and gradually
centre them upon one or more given points.
Three causes for ineffectual working of the traps will
crop up from time to time, excessive dryness affecting
grass-covered ones., and rain and frost interfering with
others. The former is met by extra attention to the
" "
traps, but the latter cause sticking or jambmg of the
traps in the working parts of any traps not of the very
best working character. Both the tongue or flap and
the plate hinge are liable to do this. Rain drives fine
earth and sand into the interstices, and thus the parts
'stick," or else frost freezes them, and they remain stiff

and immobile. The reason usually the lack of lateral


movement in these working parts there is not enough

'play in them. Whenever trails stick, then, in this
manner, they must be looked to, and the indirect cause
remedied. As regards rain mid sand working in, it is,
of course, impossible to entirely provide against: but
one of our chief trap manufacturers is engaged in per-
fecting an arrangement which will permit of the freest
lateral movement in these working parts, and at the
same time exclude rain ami s:sml or tine enrih.
Rain and frost are two bugbears of the rabbit trapper,

adding very largely to the work attaching in tlio offer-

live working of the traps.

The only way 1o meet the

difficulties is hy assiduous attention 1o the traps, reset-

ting and trying them, and seeing that the particular

points to which I have directed attention are free of
moisture and particles of foreign matter. All of these
matters to which I have referred may influence the
trapper in the scheme he adopts for moving his engines,
because the weather may exert considerable influence
upon this portion of the business; but it will be found
generally the case that the same description of weather
which compels a change of venue in the traps will
influence the rabbits in the direction in which they are
A word as to the manner of handling the rabbits when
caught may serve to bring us to the end of this portion
of the subject. When a rabbit is in a trap, it will
generally lie low at the moment of your approach, and
should then be seized, released, and killed as speed ily
as possible, so as to prevent the animal crying out, if
possible. To do this effectually, place the foot firmly,
but gently, upon the spring of the trap, and grasp the
rabbit so as to place its hind legs in your one hand anJ
its head in the other, ready for killing. A light tar-
paulin bag is the best carrier for rabbits taken. Of
course, in wet weather it is practically impossible to
keep the captures dry, but the tarpaulin bags do not
increase the wetness, as do canvas ones. Rabbits
should be cleanly paunched, hamstrung, and hung up
in well-assorted couples ready for marketing.



BEFORE going into the precise details which govern

the trapping of ground vermin, it is necessary to refer
to some general points wliich. apply in regard to the

traps employed, and the manner of using them. I

have provided, for the most part, illustrations of the
traps of all-round application, but at a later stage I
shall describe a number of special ones devised for spe-
cial conditions not met by the ordinary class of trap, but

which, obviously, it would be hardly practical to

deal with until we have the chief principles of vermin
catching explained.
The ground vermin with which it will be necessary to

deal first comprise the polecat, stoat, weasel, and com-

mon rat. A larger class of ground vermin includes
wild cats, poaching cats, foxes (in certain countries),
and poaching dogs. Of the former class the polecat is
becoming less numerous yearly, and its habitat more
restricted. Stoats and weasels do not appear to dimi-
nish seriously in numbers, despite the continuous on-
slaught upon their ranks, and rats were, probably,
never so numerous as nowadays.
Speaking generally, a large trap is more effective
than a small one, but for small quarry, such as the
before-named species of vermin, it is very frequently
necessary to employ smaller traps than one would other-

wisp do, owing- in Ihc exigencies of UK- circumstances

under which trapping is being carried on. Small run
as have been
traps of the Dorset pattern and other such
and described are applicable in a hundred places
where larger ones would be useless; whereas, wherever
Hi- trapping- is ut little incommoded by the surround-

ings, I should always prefer a -Sin., Uin., or even 4n.


trap for small vermin. The traps can be set every bit
as ticklishly as smaller ones, and the victim is usually
killed at time of taking, which is a matter for satisfac-
tion, and frequently relieves the vermin-trapper of
much trap-visiting which would otherwise be necessary.
Then, again, the smaller run traps are not, as a rule,
to be depended upon for effective working over a length-
ened period without resetting.
Of course, tlie polecat, where in evidence, requires a
fairly large trap in anv case to hold it, but quite a small
one will suffice for stoats or weasels. Then, again,
mature rats certainly entail the use of fair-sized traps
to hold them successfully. It will be seen, therefore,

that, even in the case of the smaller ground vermin, it

is preferable to work with moderate-sized traps, wher-

ever practicable.
The question of the covering up or complete hiding
of the traps when employed on vermin -catching i*
rather a peculiar one and difficult to explain to the tvro.
The general rule is that, the better a trap is concealed,
the more effective it is in use. And yet there arise
very frequently circumstances when carefuj covering is
time and trouble misspent. Notably does this occur at
times when trapping stoats and weasels; but with the
polecat it is also the case. In connection with rxls,

however, T am absolutely convinced that it is only by

(lie closest and cleverest of work that the trapper can

confidently grapple with these pests. Anything in th -.

way of careless or slipshod work is hopeless, as far a?

serious or effective results are concerned.


The smaller ground vermin have many characteris-
tics in common, such as a large amount of natural cun-
ning, blood thirstiness, and pluck in defending them-
selves but they each possess certain traits by which

they differ in habit from one another.

Wherever the polecat still exists it remains the most
rapacious, as well as the largest, although least plenti-
ful, of the small ground vermin. It is a deadly enemy
to game, notably winged game, and equally destructive
to poultry of every kind when and wherever chance
offers. A polecat is quite capable, and if unchecked
will repeatedly accomplish the task, of killing as much
.game in one night as it could consume in a month. It
stalks and creeps upon its victims, bites quickly into the
brain, attacks the jugular vein, and sucks the life-blood
from it. If it consumes any of the flesh, it will com-
mence where the neck issues from the breast bones,
tearing the flesh from the upper parts of these portiojis
of the victim, feathered or furred. It hunts for the
most part by night, from dusk to dawn, but hares it
will steal upon by day at times, whilst it will also attack
rabbits in their burrows. A slightly redeeming feature
is that the polecat destroys a good many rats from time

to time, when these latter vermin become plentiful.


It is impossible to enter into any deiailed descrip-

tion of the polecat and its habits beyond the limits abso-
lutely necessary for the purpose of the trapper. To tins
end it may be stated that polecats vary much in fur and
colouring, according to the time of year: that they are
more inclined to pursue a sequestered existence than a
gregarious one: that the breeding-place is most
frequently placed in a rabbit burrow in sandy
soil, otherwise the animal will scoop out a lair
for itself or choose a spot amongst the rocks
or heaps of large stones. The yuang four to
-are produced in May or Tune, and its usual haunts
are not chosen in the neighbourhood where its breeding
pi a re is situated.
If I describe succinctly in turn the chiefly favoured
haunts of the several species of ground vermin, it will
suffice to give the prospective trapper such insight into
the proper situations for placing his traps as will serve
for the basis of his work. Tt is, obviously, out of the
question to specialise each and every possibly successful
site for a trap, and the trapper must, by observation
and study of the habits of his quarry, come to a proper
discrimination in these matters.
Speaking generally, any rough and broken ground,
closely wooded or covered with brake, provides the main
haunts of the polecat. It may take the form of small,
dark fir-woods low, thick brake, where blackthorn,

briar, and bracken supply the growth; and each and all
of those odd bits of rough covert and spinney which
occur almost invariably upon every sporting estate.
These, amongst them, provide the main characteristics
of the haunts of the polecat, which are determined also

frequently by the presence of a stream or burn border-

ing or threading their limits. The polecat, however,
has few or no defined regular runs or paths such as for
the most part are affected by the stoat and weasel, and is
as likely to lay off in one direction as another when
leaving its lair. It possesses, however, the marked
characteristic of all the weasels, of running the hedge-
rows or fences, working or playing about gates and
gaps, and is a good and frequent climber of the larger
specimens of the deciduous trees.
As a rule, the polecat either drags or carries away its
victims to nest or lair, or else to some other place of

concealment but rabbits it usually leaves dead a foot


or so within the burrow where they may have been

killed so that evidence of depredations by this vermin

is usually somewhat meagre. Sometimes, however,

they will maul their victims about considerably, as if
in wanton lust of the pleasure of killing. The foetid
odour, too, is left upon the victim, so that it is easy to
verify the cause of its death. For the most part, despite
the facts just mentioned, it is chiefly by the evidence
left of depredations that the presence of
polecats is made
manifest, although by close notice and
watching it is possible even to view the "varmints or
make sure otherwise of their comings and goings. If
a polecat hide up or leave its victim, it is sure to return
to it, and as it is easily possible to know from the man-
ner of killing what vermin has done the mischief, traps
can be placed accordingly, employing the bird or animal
killed as the bait. It is best to leave the latter in the
place and position found, but, at the same time, to take
the precaution to peg it down securely, as by reason oi

its size and strength the polecat makes little or no fuss

in removing anything it lias killed. For polecats I
prefer a 3in. or 4in. Dorset trap, carefully covered, and
according to the position of the bait it may be necessary
to employ a second one. If the victim of the vermin
against which the trap or traps be placed be a game-
bird, rabbit, or even hare, it is a good plan to so place
the traps that the stakes, chain, and springs lie be-
neath the bait when it is replaced and pegged down in
position. By putting the traps diagonally to the bait,
and with their springs parallel to one another, you
secure the best possible position for the jaws, and dis-
turb no ground upon which the polecat is likely to
place its feet, except just where the jaws of the trap or
traps lie.
TVlien trapping for polecats otherwise than as just
described, some bait or lure is necessary, as the chances
of taking them when running the hedgerows are some-
what remote. Something fresh-killed has far more
attraction for them than anything stale or putrid so ;

that anything in the shape of small birds or rabbits,

flesh remains or liver not entrails of larger ones
serves the purpose excellently. Beyond this it is not
necessary to go in regard to baits, except to mention
that, as in the case of all the weasel tribe, the dread car-
case of one of their kind possesses a remarkable attrac-
tion, as also that of the hedgehog.
AVhen disposing baits of this kind, with the excep-
tion of thetwo last-named, it proves most successful if
they be suspended or fixed from 18in. to 2ft. above the
surface of the ground, the traps being placed beneath
where the vermin will place its feet when winding or

attempting to reach the "bait. The most likely places


should suggest themselves to the trapper, but certain

spots alongside hedgerows, near gaps or gates, and
against the trunks of large trees, prove most profitable.
Polecats will frequent water-courses and more or less
likely situations for traps, offer themselves wherever
there is a break in the ground, or where the water passes
through hedgerow, fence, or paling.
The presence of polecats being established, run traps
along the hedges, and such fencing as may divide covert
from field or brake or woodland from woodland provides
the most favourable opportunities for captures. Smaller
traps 2ijin. or ohi. -of the Dorset pattern, or some of
the light steel traps figured previously, are the most
suitable for the positions which offer, which, it is
needless to say, will not be upon the ground surface,
but upon the slopes of banks and such places which
afford a mere foothold to the running vermin.


The stoat and the weasel are assuredly too well
known, both in regard to their appearance and usual
habits, to require any lengthened reference in these
respects. Still, they are often confounded one with
the other, although differing in size, colouring, and, to
some material extent, in habits, the misdeeds of 'he
one being ascribed to the other, and immature stoats
being classed as weasels, and vice versa. It will liave
to suffice for our purpose, however, to point out
those points in their respective habits which directh
affect the work of the trapper in seeking their

Stoats are essentially gregarious in habit, and except

during the breeding season, when the individual pairs
take up separate existence, you may always expect
find other stoats inthe neighbourhood of any whose
haunts may be located. ^Not only will one or two pairs
and their respective numerous offspring fraternise toge-
ther, but frequently as many as twenty, thirty, or even
forty, will be found to harbour within tlie limits of as
small an area as a quarter of an acre, or even less, of
suitable covert. This will be some favoured spot in a
wood, plantation, or brake, preferably where timber has
been felled and stacked, and the undergrowth is again
springing up or it may be an extent of rough and

broken ground in a field, along old and tumble-down

stone walls overgrown with briar, bracken, and nettle,
or along the broken and overgrown sides of a stream,
the stoat being rather partial to water. Old erravel,
stone, and lime pits also offer favoured shelter, as do
any spots 111 which the features here named are com-
bined or exemplified. The stoat rarely does more than
Accommodate the openings which exist naturally in
such places to its wants, and is not given to working
in the ground to the same extent the weasel, al-
as is

though it will not unfrequently adapt disused rabbit

burrows or mole-runs to its particular requirements,
and form additional surface openings to suit its own
The stoat is less of a night-hunter than the polecat,
confining its marauding operations to the three or four
hours before durk, and to the earlier ones of the morn-
ing. A good deal depends in this respect, however,
upon the time of year, and warm and comparatively

light nights usually witness stoats on the move. It is a

quick and vigilant hunter, moves far afield, is a good
and persistent climber, and, for its size, as ferocious and
bloodthirsty a little rascal as ever cursed a game-covert.
Any kind of game, ground or winged, comes kindly to
its ken. It will also captureand partly devour field-
mice, voles, shrews, small birds, and frogs, and is a bad
enemy of woodcock nesting in our islands. Eats it will
attack and kill, but not devour, and both young birds
especially game-chicks and eggs also come within its
list ofprovender.
Practically the hunting ways of one species of wease!
are those of the others, and the trapper should have no
difficulty in picking up those of the stoat in fact, J;

know no vermin so easy of observation once you hit off'

their retreat. Given, for instance, a stack of oak-bark
or faggots in which stoats are known to harbour, if vou
take up a not too prominent position for observation
within twenty or thirty yards, and maintain as absolute
silence and stillness as is possible, the stoats will issue
from their lairs and pass off in their several directions

quite oblivious of your presence, thus providing every

possible guide as to the proper whereabouts for placing
the traps.
Stoats can be taken in either large Dorset or small
run traps, and I am inclined to the opinion that, work-
ing upon the lines just referred to above, large Dorset
traps of light construction, quick and tickle, will prove
in even moderately adept hands as effective as anything
else for general work. Stoats work a great deal along-
dry ditches, surface water-courses, when dry also, covert
paths, and flushing trigs. They appear obliged to

thread every gap and gate where an opening exists,

and will persistently pass between gate and gale-post,

leap up and over anj ledge offering foothold, work


amongst the stumps and stubs of felled trees, and

mount to the first low fork of any growing ones. In all
of these sites you can take stoats in the large traps when
set in proper position with the merest covering over

jaws and treadle, but with spring, etc., concealed.

They will gallop along over a bed of dead leaves in the
most unconcerned fashion, and thread their way
through briar and dead brake in quite heedless manner.
When trapping for them under these and most other
circumstances, it is always most profitable to work the
traps in series of twos and threes, because, hunting so
closely in company, the distress of one stoat is sure to
attract others. In the same way, if you take a bitch
stoat what time the young are still with her, you are
certain, by persistence, to secure most or all of the
brood, for they are indefatigable searchers for a lost
parent, notably the maternal one whilst her mate,

though less persistent, is equally sure to endeavour to

discover her whereabouts.
Success in taking stoats is mainly dependent upon
closewatching and observation of their movements, and
wherever you find them running or working in other
situations than those already named, the smaller traps,
2 Jin. or -'Jin. Dorset and the American-pattern ones,
may be employed, but with baits. These may take the
form of any of the items of stoat provender mentioned,
or of such as were recommended for the polecat. The
bait should always be suspended or pegged up six or
nine inches above where the trap is concealed, or any

possible ledge upon wliicli the vermin may be expected

to leap in order to secure the bait may also be utilised
with every advantage as the site for a trap. The bodies
of small birds fixed upon an overhanging bramble,

gorse, or other branch above a probable stoat's run are

a good lure, and the not too gtale carcases of carrion
crows pegged down to the ground, with one or two trap'*
setadjacent, are a singular but successful bait for these
The stoat is a very light-footed animal, and quick 01
movement, and all traps must be set very tickle to take
them unfailingly; the springs must act quickly and
sharply, or you will miss your quarry time and again.
All traps for them should be set before noon, or they
will not be effective the same day and when searching

for sites for them, pass a few yards parallel from the
run or path being followed, select your site, set the tea},
or traps, return in your tracks, and continue to avoid,
as much 'as possible, the line the vermin may be ex-
pected to follow. When visiting the traps, the same
policy should be pursued.
the trapper's point of view, there are few mate-
the habits of the weasel as compared
rial differences in
with the stoat, except that the former is less easy of
observation and usually more difficult to locate than the
latter. As a matter of fact, the habits and mode of life
of the weasel are distinctly different from those of the
stoat, but it is gregarious, issues forth on its daily
hunting expeditions in much the same manner, al-
though, as a rule, the object of them differs. Consider-
ably smaller than the stoat, it naturally follows that,
the victims of its rapaciousness are correspondingly so,

and, although the mature pheasant and partridge


sionally fall to its ferocious nature, it is the young and

notably the eggs upon which it mainly preys. Simi-
it kills by blood-sucking, fixing itself
larly to the stoat,
on the jugular and throwing the hinder portion of its
body on the back of its victim. It is thus easy to

identify the work of either of these vermin. In the

case of game-eggs, a single weasel will not be satisfied
with one or two of a clutch an ample meal--but will,
as likely as not, break into all or nearly all of them,
practically destroying the whole sitting, whilst it will,
if possible, attack the sitting bird in the first instance.
Weasels frequent localities of similar character to

those by stoats, but of more open and usually

higher aspect, where plenty of sunshine reaches. Their
partiality for stone walls, hedgerows, and the high
banks alongside roads and paths is well known, so that,
speaking generally, weasels may be sought for 111 less
secluded and often quite frequented localities, compared
with those where the stoat mostly congregates.
Weasels hunt much in company sometimes as many
as six or seven at a time and they will then mob and
kill leveret or rabbit with comparative ease. They are
noisy over their work, and will screech and chatter
when in close pursuit. Their marked antipathy to the
mole, which they follow and search out in its own bur-
rows, must not be overlooked, as many weasels may be
taken from time to time when so hunting.
Upon the whole, the weasel is a far more difficult
animal to trap successfully than the stoat. It is in

every way less regular in its habits, and is as much a

day hunter as any vermin going. Its activity com-

mences with sunrise, and with occasional intervals for

repose or feeding it carries or drags much of its prey
to its lair continues until and often long after night-
fall. I do not consider its scenting powers in any way

equal to those of the stoat, and you may again and again
see them, when hunting, raise themselves on their hind-
quarters to view possible quarry whose scent they have
lost. Neither do they return so freely to prey they
have killed and not carried off or consumed, so that in
setting traps for them it is necessary to weigh these
factsand shape one's plans accordingly. It comes
about for this reason that, as a rule, more weasels are
taken in what I call permanent traps than in others.
With these traps I shall have to deal at a later moment.
Once a large or small colony of weasels has been lo-
cated, it is generally fairly easy to establish the range
of their workings and trap for them accordingly. Dor-
set traps, 2in. to 2Jin., working lightly and quickly,
and small steel traps are the most serviceable ones to
employ. For baits, small birds newly killed or any
dead game chicks serve very well. They should have
the skin lightly cut close round the shoulders, so that
the neck covering can be drawn up towards the head,
thus exposing the portion most attractive to the weasel.
Peg or hang the bait 4in. above the treadle of the trap,
and if any blood should fall upon the treadle it will be
of benefit rather than otherwise. Very careful and
ticklish setting of the traps is necessary, and they must
be covered as lightly and effectively as possible. The
weasel chooses as clear and level a path as possible, fol-
lowing a rabbit run or anything which provides an unim-
peded course. In this respect it differs materially from

the stoat, It moreover, very prone to play about


gaps and gateways, and suitable traps placed where

there is a possibility of the weasels passing are usually
productive. Made-up nests of stale or unfertile game
eggs combined with the imitation article i.e., one or
two of the former to several of the latter with one. egg
broken slightly to provide the necessary lure, may be
placed in such sites as are considered likely to be
visited by the vermin ;
and if ordinary hens' eggs be
roughly broken up, contents and shell together, and a
very slight trail be made of the result, leading to the
made-up nest, it will successfully attract the vermin to
the traps.
Wherever there exist any of those well-defined but
usuallj* narrow runs which lead from one rabbit's bolt-
hole in the hedgerows to another, weasels working are
almost sure to pass along them, and small run traps
may be placed accordingly, not actually upon the run,
but upon the edge of it, and a small bait laid peo-o-ed
down a few inches on the inner side.
Much as weasels raid nests upon trees they do not
usually climb to those in bush, briar, or arorse it is
very difficult to fake them when so engaged, unless the
nest has only been partially despoiled then a round ;

trap set as lightly as the circumstances r>ermit, with

the remaining eggs poised upon the treadle, may prove
effective. The trap must be of a small enough size to
draw without touching the nest sides, and when setting
fix the catch fairly stiffly and loosen it after the eggs
are in position.



IT would be an unprofitable task to attempt to provide

the intending trapper of rats, whether in field, home-
stead, or anywhere else, with a sufficiency of material
hints as to their habits, because he would, probably,
natter himself that 'everybody knows all about rats."
I amcandid enough to admit that, after many years'
more or less constant warfare against these vermin, i
am still very far from knowing all about them. You
can never gauge positively what will influence them in
their movements and change of haunts. Certain general
principles as to the movements, habits, and traits of
these destructive rodents can be laid down, but, to get
even with them in any way, they require watching and
weighing up as to their intentions in every individual
case, and without this the trapper will never succeed in
making any appreciable reduction in their numbers. I
what may influence them
will point out, as far as I can,
under certain circumstances, what they are likely to do
under others, but no hard and fast line can be laid
down, and every minutely local influence likely to affect
their movements must be studied.
In connection with rats, too, I have come to the con-
clusion, after long and careful observation, that there
RATS. 77

are two varieties of the brown rat in these islands.* I

cannot vouch for the limits of its distribution, but

thereis certainly a quite distinct, smaller, lighter, more

rufous-coloured rat besides the ordinary brown rat,

which at maturity assumes a rather grey than brown
hue. I have discussed the subject with men quite com-
petent to confirm or dispute the fact, and many have
done the former and few the latter, pleading lack of
observation as the reason. The mature rat of this
variety never reaches the cumbersome, heavy form of
the ordinary variety, is altogether more active, and has
fur more carnivorous than graninivorous tastes. The
variety quite freely recognised in the Eastern coun-

ties, where it receives the nickname of 'higgler," from

its predilection for young chicken and game. "We used
to come across them in the West of England, where
they aregenerally distinguished as
whilst a valued authority asures me that he knows the
variety as existing in Cambridgeshire and its northerly
adjoining counties. These higglers do not harbou^ in
buildings, although they come into them for their prey
and provender. They may be described correctly as
field rats,and have their lairs in the hedgerows in sum-
mer and autumn, and in stack-bases, piles of faggots
ami brushwood, decayed timber, etc., in winter and
spring. With this main exception they differ little in
habits from the ordinary variety, except that, being
more lithe and active, they move further ah'eld.
The trapping of rats resolves itself into two separate

It may be a variety of the black rat, which is much more

common than supposed, and varies in colour to a bright brown
at times.

descriptions of work in the fields, woods, and pre

serves, and in and about the farm building's and human
dwellings. To be successful, very close, careful, and
skilled manipulation of the traps is required in the first
instance, and the avoidance of alarm and disturbance
of the rats unnecessarily in the second. From the out-
set it must be made clear that, to achieve satisfactory

results, half -hearted measures will never avail. It is

but rarely that you can anticipate the taking of a single
rat by employing only a single trap. There are times
when it can be done, as, for instance, when a doe rat
with a hungry litter is pressed for food but such cases ;

do not crop up regularly, and, as a rule, you must make

up your mind to the fact that the discovery of the work-
ings of a single rat and what it has done is no assur-
ance that it will repeat the performance rather the
reverse. An instance will make my meaning more
clear, probably. We
will say that a rat has worked its
way into a game-coop and killed or taken one or two
chicks. The ordinary idea is that it will come again;
traps are carefully put down for it for one or two nights
in succession, but the rat fails to return. It, however,
plays the same game at another coop a night or two
after, but there were no traps there, precisely where
they should have been. It amounts to this, that, as a
rule, to make sure of taking one rat, you must trap for
five or six. If a rat raids one coop, prepare for its re-
turn at as many of the others as you can. It entails
any amount of time and trouble, but it is the only way
to make sure.
Another main consideration in connection with the
trapping of rats is that the vermin work both
singly and

in company. It is very difficult to determine when the

latter about to take place, but it is generally in con-

nect ion with the format ion of new workings. The fact
that the doe rat when about to kindle hides her move-
ments from the male or males, and withdraws to as
remote a lair as is possible, usually identifies the naturo
of the single rat's working. She maintains wholly
or partly her young until they are quite half-grown,
and the litter,when foraging for itself, does so in com-
pany, and usually over the same ground. This pro-
vides one of the best opportunities, and if you can tak?
the old one, it is quite easy to account for the whole of

her litter one after another. By watching it is easy

to determine the doe-rat with a litter. She will appear
at dusk and keep on coming out and returning with
what she may pick up in the way of provender. By
carefully feeding her maize in small and scattered
quantities is the best draw -you can gradually lure her
to your single trap. The youngsters easily follow on
subsequent occasions.
Whererats work in company they are always living
in company. It is not usually a very harmonious

colony, and rows are frequent, which assist one in deter-

mining their whereabouts, and the evidence of their
runs and holes provides the subsequent proof. It would
entail far too much attempt to identify
space to

every burrowings and workings.

possible site for rats'
It is a question of seeking and finding. The best time
for this is the dusk of the evening, whatever the time of
year, for then the rats are well on the move, and can
be watched to their lairs, which can in turn be duly
investigated by daylight. I am, of course, treating of

rats in the open at the moment. These outdoor, field

or woodland working's are always systematic, i;ud usu-
ally more or less self-contained not so those round

homesteads and dwelling-places where rats burrow in-

discriminately and apparently without purpose at times.
Of these, more anon.
Now, in the meantime, as to trat>s. For s-eneral out-
of-door field trapphiQ' there is nothing to beat the Dorset
trap either in quite large size, 4in. or 4|in., or else in
the small run form of 3in. or 2iin. size. For success-
ful rat-trapping you must have the best, quickest,
and cleanest working traps possible. They must set
very low and very tickle, and be weather-proof in every
When I say that the traps employed must be wea-
ther-proof in every respect, it must be remembered thai
traps set for rats in woodland, covert, field, etc., may
have to remain in position for from two or three days
to a week or more. During that time/ they are exposed
to varying conditions of weather, and, unless the work-
ing parts are of such character as will ensure quick

and clean action even after lengthened exposure, they

might just as well remain unset at home. The flap or
tongue must have a free lateral movement as well as
the vertical one, and the same applies to the treadle
where the catch works in the treadle standard. Eats
are so wonderfully keen in winding the scent of 1mm un
hands they do not appear to notice that from the

'cold boot -that traps to be effective may have to

remain a day or more before the scent wears off; con-
sequently, it is quite impracticable to be continv-
ally resetting the traps with any chance of regular

In regard to the actual setting of the traps, there

is nothing different in the mode
of effecting this from
the instructions I have already given, except that it is
most necessary to disturb the ground as little as pos-
sible and to restore it to the same condition over the

traps as it was before disturbance. The traps must be

set with the greatest nicety, and to accomplish this 1

vary the process as follows :

Using a small, plain, thin
bone paper-knife to support the treadle, I complete the

setting of the trap without reference to the "tickleness

of such, leaving the flap and catch uncovered. Then,
using the support in one hand, with a small, suitable
piece of :vood in the other, and carefully watching the
catch, I adjust it to the degree of tickleness desired.
The bone paper-knife slides easily from its position, and
the catch and tongue are then finally covered. This
plan saves an infinite amount of trouble, as the re-
peated springing of a lightly-set trap just when the
finishing touches are being put to the operation is

Traps intended for rats may be kept well oiled in the
working parts, but do not overdo this, otherwise they
will clog. Unsalted hoof's lard boiled up with neats-
foot oil one part to five provides a good lubricant
for the purpose. As it is necessary to deal with the
trapping of rats in and around buildings, steadings,
and the like separately, it will make for clearness and,
T trust, success if I deal with rat-trapping in woodland
and field under separate headings.


rats which affect the purlieus of our closer wood-
lands, for the most part game coverts, do not, as a rule,
take up their quarters within their limits unless they
are of large extent, and the neighbourhood of any
rides or dividing ditches or hedgerows, or even deeply
cut flushing trigs, provides them with suitable harbour.
Otherwise they lie on tho outskirts in hedgerows, rough
ground, or by ditches and streams, and have their
runs or paths by which they enter the coverts in more
or less regular manner. When rats lie about ditches
or watercourses, wet or dry, they almost invariably
choose the lower situations and work upwards. In the
same way, when harbouring in the outer hedgerows
they pursue the same habit. It is consequently the
case that in connection with any woods, plantations, or
the like which occupy a sloping situation, most, if not
all, the effective work will be accomplished on the lower
sides. Similarly, in the case of more level ones, the
lairs of the rats will be found in or adjacent to any
depressions, dips, or faults in the ground.
Wherever pheasants exist and are fed in coverts, rats
will be attracted, the chief draw being the maize put
down and unconsumed by the game-birds but beyond

this, the young of wild-nesting birds, their eggs, and

the other usual provender which contribute to furnish
the rats' larder also come into the category. A$ a most
general rule, there will be very little evidence forth-
coming of rats' depredations under the circumstances,
except at nesting-time, when the frequent occurrence

of single eggs in unlikely places for the birds to have

dropped them will point to the working of rats. What

has to be done is to search out effectually their lairs
and then trace tlie directions of their runs. This is not
difficult of accomplishment, as the rats are sure to make
for any soft ormuddy places, and have their regular
drinking places by the watercourses, where the peculiar
markings of their feet are easily distinguishable.
The footmarks of the rat are so distinctive that they
cannot be mistaken for those of any other small ver-
min. They resemble more the mark of an elongated
hand when fully defined, but each foot has five small
nodules upon it which always leave their imprint upon
any surface sufficiently soft to when
receive it, even
that of the whole foot is not clearly defined. Advan-
tage may be taken frequently of this fact to prove the
movements of rats an important item, because without
this knowledge promiscuous trapping is very unproduc-
I have always found that, except in cases where
actual depredations can be brought home to them, and
the fact utilised for the purpose of taking them, and
most satisfactory results follow when you feed the rats
for a time or two before actually trapping for them.
Grain, in the form of maize or wheat, is about the best
means to employ for the purpose, but care must be
taken that it is not taken by birds, and also not to us >

it too freely, as the rats frequently carry a good portion

away, and then do not return. It may be suggested
that a rat cannot carry much grain at a time, but as an
instance I may mention that I have watched, person-
ally, a rat from time to time during a period of nearly

three hours, removing some maize, presumably grain

by grain, from one spot to another some dozen yards
Find out, in the first place, where the rats run then

place a little grain, thinly scattered, leading to a suit-

able trapping' spot, where a half-handful may be closely
spread. If this be cleared off two nights in succession,

put down your traps and bait each with a small heap
placed over the loop of the spring where it encircles the
jaws. The traps should be 4in., and the vermin will be
killed in the taking. Draw the lure of thinly scattered
grain to two or more traps after the second feeding, set
the traps in the early morning, and if you take a rat in
one the first night, reset and persevere for two or three
nights in succession. If nothing then results, try
Where rats have their workings and lair in hedge-
rows or banks, there is little good to be done by trap-
ping at the actual burrows for such they are but you
^n frequently take them in small run traps at a little
distance from the burrows either up or down the hedge-
row, bank, or fault where they lie, or at a small, dis-
tance out from the burrows in the direction regarded
as most favourable. In such cases a bait or lure should
be employed, which may take the form of a dead chick
or small bird hung upon a bush or fixed to a tree, or
one or two broken eggs so placed as to be hidden from
wirged vermin passing overhead. Upon the hedgerow
or bank two traps suffice one set close to the lure, the
other a couple of yards from it in what is or might be
the rat's run in that direction. In the second instance
named set three traps to each bait, one just under it,

and two at angles a yard or so in the direction of the

rat's lair. In each case the object of the additional
traps is the same; if a capture be effected, other ruts
are sure to hurry towards the spot to see what the
trouble is, and in all probability the one victim will
bring others. The same plan may be pursued under
other circumstances which will suggest themselves to
the trapper.
As before mentioned, the doe rats go away to produce
their young, hiding their nests from the males, a?jd
being most careful in concealing their whereabouts.
When they kindle in woodlands, the nest will be, in
all probability, at the base of an old and, possibly,
hollow tree, in wood-stacks, or in stony or rocky places.
It .is not often that the lair can be detected until the

young are old enough to partly fend for themselves,

when they make their appearance for the first time or
two. The doe and her progeny, however soon leave

the breeding quarters, and for the time being may seek
different harbour almost every day until she casts them
oiL They are easily taken, comparatively speaking,
at this period. As before mentioned, if the doe can
be secured first, all the young can generally be ac-
counted for by judicious feeding.
The fact that stoats and rats are always at enmity is
frequently of service to the trapper in selecting th >

ground for his work, and the carcases of each prove

good baits for the other. Then, again, neither stoats
nor rats have any aversion to water, and the latter will
frequently pass through the trickling water of a small
ditch sooner than jump over it, as they easily an do <

1 have frequently taken rats in traps placed openly in


the shallow portions of such little water-courses where

the edges give evidence of the vermin coming to drink.
It must not be forgotten that rats are extremely thirsty

creatures,and in dry seasons the trapper should be able

to take ample advantage of the fact when working in
I hold the opinion that rats commit far less depreda-
tion in game coverts than is usually ascribed to them,
but they undoubtedly do a lot of damage at nesting-
time and during the period of early chickhood of phea-
sants. It is, however, the outlying nesting birds which
suffer most, for the chief reason that the woodland
nests are more closely looked after, and the rats are
more addicted to the hedgerows, spinneys, and odd bits
of plantation, etc., than to the main woods at such time
of year.


A good deal depends upon the nature of the season
during the spring and early summer months to what
extent rats work the hedgerows. A wet period at that
season usually drives most of the vermin from the low-
lying lands, and it is then that they become numerous
and destructive in the spinneys and the hedgerows.
Except for breeding purposes, they do not fix upon per-
manent quarters for any length of time, but either lie
in any convenient corner or hole or, frequently, among
the dead debris at the bottom of hedge, brake, or any
low rough cover. You will frequently find them, too,
in rabbit burrows adjoining others still occu-
pied, and it is quite curious how at times rats and

rabbits will harbour alongside one another without

interference by the former with the latter,
It is at this period and under these circumstances
that rats work a deal of damage amongst game nests
and game chicks. To a large extent the keepers should
prevent this by searching out all such outlying nests
and, in the case of pheasants, employing the eggs for
hatching under hens. With partridges the case is dif-
ferent, but even in the case of the nests of these game-
birds when placed in similar position, prevention is the
best plan. As mentioned before, it is only when the
depredations actually occur and evidence is obvious of
the rats' work that the fact of their presence in field
and hedgerow becomes plain. As a rule, once they
start despoiling a nest, they will continue until the last
egg is abstracted and carried away. Eats rarely break
an egg until they get it to their lair, and a curious
point to note is that the sitting bird will not always
desert the nest at the first attack of a rat or rats,
so that occasionally it is not possible to trap
actually at the nest. In almost every instance rats fail
to bring the eggs to their lair at the first attempt, and
when you come across odd game-eggs in unlikely places,
do not iurnp to the conclusion so frequently vouchsafed
that the game-birds have dropped them promiscuously.
In all probability a not very extended amount of time
devoted to watching will prove rats as the delinquents,
and if so one or more of the eggs may be utilised as
Rats sometimes carry, but more often drair, ('. s to
their lairs; in the former case they tuck the egi* 1

under the neck and support it by the upper portion oi'

the fore-legs ;
in the latter they proceed half-backwards,
half-sideways, drawing the egg with their fore-feet
after them. It is little use expecting to secure the
vermin when once on the move, as their course is erra-
tic, and the traps should be set about the egg or eggs
where they are found. Large traps are best, and usu-
ally three is the best number to use, placed in triangu-
lar fashion around the bait. The setting must be done
very carefully, and the stake and chain of each trap be
placed beneath it so that the jaws of one trap are at the
extremity of the spring of the other.
It is not often that the sitting bird is herself at-
tacked, but some wild pheasants will successfully beat
oft' a single rat, and if the bird suifers, two or more

of the vermin compass the attack and seize her by

stealth. When the chicks suffer the attack is made at
roosting'-time, and the vermin kill and carry off as
many of the youngsters as they can. The neck is
bitten into and torn close to the breast-bone, and some-
times the brain is bitten into as well. Young phea-
sants are liable to be attacked and destroyed as long as
they roost on the ground, and partridges practically till
they reach a -corresponding size.
If you can hit off instances of rats destroying game
chicks before they remove all the victims to their lairs,
as they do, they are fairly easily taken, using the dead
chicks as bait. They must be left where found, and
the traps set against them. In this case small traps
will befound most convenient and effective.
Autumn sees a variation in the habits of rats round
the hedgerows, as many come in and form regular
workings in the banks, where they store up provender,

uiul in which they pass the winter. Thev are fairly

persistent in sticking to such winter quarters, and even
ferreting will not cause them to quit them permanently.
The provender stored will range from grain from the
fields to potatoes and small mangolds, and the usual
fruit of trees and hedges. It is from these- burrows
that they sally out and work into the farmer's outlying
ricks, his potato and mangold clamps or caves, and
other places of storage. At this period they are caught
comparatively easily, when judiciously fed near the
burrows, and I have found maize and small beetroot
the most attractive and successful baits to employ,
using the former with large traps to take and kill same
time as previously described, and the latter as a bait
likely to be carried oft', and in connection with which
smaller traps can be employed.


RATS (continued).

THE taking of rats in and about dwelling-houses,

barns, stables, and the like, and the other odd buildings
which go to make up the homestead or curtilage, is
made easy at times by the employment of traps other
than the Dorset pattern. and its varieties, but very often
the difficulties of employing the latter for lack of means
to conceal them are not to be counterbalanced by the

employment of traps of other principle. Unfortu-

nately, many of these most of them, in fact only
serve for a time (the rats learn to know and avoid them),
but the Dorset trap is always effectual if properly used.
In connection with each and every sort of building
which becomes infested with rats, it is frequently heard
said that "they are running about all over the place."
If carefully observed, it will be found that they are not ;

they are pursuing certain denned runs, and extend them

if not checked. I place as much importance upon care-
ful observance, before starting trapping*, of the move-
ments of the vermin as upon anything else, except care-
ful and discriminate feeding of them before actually
trapping. Of course, in granaries, stores, etc., w here

the rats' provender is spread out for them, so to speak,

in inviting- quantities in every direction, the matter is
difficult, but where they have to seek their food assidu-
ously, and it is scarce and not easily to be got at, the

matter is different. Under the former circumstances

and under others which will occur and suggest them-
selves, the wholesale employment of Dorset traps, cov-
ered or uncovered, serves the best purpose. The former
will require tying or fixing in an open and set position,
and leaving for from three days to a week before they
are placed in action. Tying up is a clumsy and trouble-
some matter. purpose to provide one-
It is best for the
self with a number of what are termed U-pieces, which
will over the tongue and under the cross-piece of the

traps, and thus hold them as desired. Any good trap

manufacturer will furnish these to measurement at a
small cost, and of handier pattern than the local smith.
As traps of other patterns must be worked in connec-
tion with the Dorset ones for this class of rat-trapping,
I will describe the best and most effective of these before

going further into the actual application of them to the

work in hand.
One of the most useful and effective traps for rats,
and in many ways for other small vermin ; is Everitt's
Patent, of which I give illustrations in Figs. 23 and 24.
The principle of the trap is made sufficiently clear to
render superfluous any detailed account of its mode of
working. It is in regard to the employment and appli-
cation of it that some remarks may prove useful. The
trap is sprung by the vermin attempting to pass through
it, when they place their feet on and depress the treadle.

It can be worked with or without a bait in the former


case the bait is attached to or suspended upon the inside

of the small metal tunnel, or it may be placed upon the
ground simply to draw the vermin through and thus
cause their undoing. AYhen employing these traps for

rats whose runs enter buildings, or wjiere they have

worked into pens, etc., the traps should be placed
against the best worked holes and others may be
blocked up. The jaws and treadle should be covered
thoroughly, but lightly, with coarse sawdust or chaff,
and the same material extended some little distance on
each side of the trap. Thus, if one be placed against
a hole through a granary partition or thin parting-wall,
the material used for concealing the trap should be
scattered upon the ground leading to the rat-ho]e upon
the outside as well as the inside, otherwise the vermin

Fig. 23.

become chary of entering, and seek other runs. It is

often of assistance if the trap be covered with a piece
of old sacking, hay, straw, or other material, whilst
when employed out of doors, any suitable covering
which the surroundings may suggest adds to the effi-
ciency of the traps.
Their employment in the numberless situations of the
kind named is always pregnant with good results, but
sometimes, where places are honeycombed by rat runs,
it is impossible to cover all with traps or stop up those

not provided with,them effectually. In such cases op-

portunity must be made where it does not exist, and to

end some lengths of drain -pipe, wooden guttering,


or similarmeans for providing small tunnels, must be

arranged for the vermin to run through. This they are
very prone to do, and if fed carefully will soon make a
frequent practice of it. The idea in its simplest form is
to place two lengths of drain-pipe about 4in. diameter
end on to one another, but leaving a gap between them
of sufficient width to admit an Everitt's trap. Scatter
some of the covering material to be used within the
pipes and across the gap, adding a little maize or other

Fig. 24.

corn to it. As soon as the vermin feed freely, set the

trap in the gap, and repeat it after each capture. Any
amount of variations of this idea occur, and will sug-
gest themselves to the astute trapper, as well as many
other sites where they can be placed with, immunity t<;

other animals than vermin.

In connection with these traps I have employed locust
beans good new season ones, not old, stale, mag-
got-eaten husks, such, as are often supplied as a bait for
rats, tying the beans in the roof of the trap. It may
be remarked incidentally with advantage that locust
beans are capital bait for rats in buildings, and the

fresli meal made from these beans, mixed with, chaff, or

even sawdust, is an excellent lure for the vermin.

Fig. 25.

Both the beans and meal sufficiently new are difficult

to obtain locally but they are always to be had from or

Fig. 26.
How to set it.

through corn-chandlors in the leading ports, Old beans

or stale meal are of little or no use.

Another very useful trap for rats in and about build-

ings, and occasionally along- the hedgerows, ricks, etc.,
is the "Stop Thief trap, which is also shown in Figs.
25 and 2(>. The trap is of steel wire, and the action
may be understood on reference to the cuts. The small
wire in the lower portion of the loop is the trigger this, ;

on being pressed by the feet of the vermin passing

through, releases the striker (the thicker horizontal wire
above), which, acted upon by the coiled spring, flies
violently down, killing the victim instantly. These

Fig. 27.

traps can be placed almost anywhere where rats pass

through an aperture of whatever kind. No bait is
required, and, as a rule, nothing* is gained by employ-
ing one except to lure the rats to certain holes and runs
where the traps may be placed in preference to others.
There are a couple of traps, a box and a tunnel trap,
made by Messrs. TTm. Burgess and Co., of Malvern
Wells, which may be used for rats with advantage, as
well as for other vermin, but which I shall figure and
describe at a later date when dealing with "perma-

nent traps. This firm supplies an exceedingly effec-

tive wire cage trap for rats (Fig. 27) at a very reason-

able price. It is one of the best cage traps there is.

Its construction is made plain in the illustration, and

when baited at both ends, as it can be, and after having
been leftopen so as to feed the rats for a night or two,
it may be trusted to take as many rats as there is room
for in it.

Another very good trap, the 'Out o' Sight



trap, as it is called, is shown at Fig. 28. It is useful

for placing upon walls, rafters, and other elevated
places where rats run and where other traps cannot be

Fie. 28.

disposed with advantage. It works without a bait, by

the mere fact of the vermin running over it.
Another good trap is the 'Pennsylvania' rat trap
(see Fig. 29),which may be placed in all kinds of odd
corners, and is not affected by damp or wet weather.
It can remain set for months, if necessary, and still
remain thoroughly effective and quick in its action.
Besides the traps which have been figured and de-
scribed as peculiarly adapted for taking- rats in and
around buildings, etc., there are several designs of
cage traps, constructed of wire, specially suited to
these vermin. Several more or less effective designs
are obtainable, but for the most part they possess the

defect that notmore than one capture can be secured at

one setting of the trap. When it conies to putting

down a dozen or more at a time, the expense is large,

and the process troublesome. One form of cage rat-
trap I have employed with conspicuous success at times
may be referred to more particularly. It consists of a

Fig. 29.

wire cage about 2ft, Gin. square by 5in. high. In the

centre is a small compartment,, about 8m. square, open

at the top, into which a second small cage can be fitted.

This latter holds one or more live rats as decoy. At
each corner of the outer cage is a small tunnel entrance
with a flap to close it after a rat has pushed its way in.
There is no spring or other contrivance, and by eniploy-

ing a little grain as a lure to and through

the vermin enter freely to join the decoys,
tliese entries,
which are, of course, visible to them. These traps can
he put down and left fo;/ several days, provided food
and water are supplied to the decoy rat or rats. This
can be done, as I did it, by fixing small tin receptacles,
such as are fitted to bird-cages, within the decoy cage.
The same should be done in the trap proper, if it be
not intended to visit it and take out any caught rats
at least every second day, as it is both need-

lessly cruel and detracts from the effectiveness of the

trap if rats be allowed to die within it. These wire
traps are obtainable from most ironmongers who deal in
sporting sundries, but I am unaware of the names of the
manufacturers who produce them.
I do not consider that any useful purpose would be
served by alluding to and giving descriptions of any
others of the very numerous array of traps designed for
the taking of rats. T^ot many of them are really useful,
and most of them are less effective than those to which
I have already referred. There are, moreover, many
ways of taking these vermin under special circum-
stances in contrivances, more or less ingenious. The
employment of the principle of the pitfall in this respect
may be alluded to, however, as being very useful at
times. A barrel with a swinging cover working very
lightly on two pivots, and containing a few inches >f
water, sufficient to drown any victims failing into it, is
the best manner of applying it, and may be employed
in many positions, both indoors and outdoors, in places
where rats are numerous and run freely.



THE true wild eat exists still in Wales, the North of

England, and inmost of those parts of Scotland where

the nature of the country is such as to forbid the in-
trusion of the agriculturist. It is ail open question
whether all the wild cats reported as being killed in
Scotland are really specimens of the true species Felis
sylvestris. Anyhow, they are certainly wild enough
and as destructive as cats, wild or otherwise, notori-
ously are within the limits of the game preserve. It i.s

a fact generally accepted by zoologists that our domes-

tic cats are descended, or have ascended, from the Egyp-

tian species, and none directly or indirectly from the

indigenous one. Many of the photographs of wild cats
caught in Scotland so closely portray the wild cat of
Egypt that one is tempted to believe that there may be
two species of wild cat now in Scotland- -the representa-
tives of the original stock and a race of others of the

Egyptian type reverted to by the offspring of domestic

tabbies gone woefully astmy. Inasmuch as the true
wild cat does not interbreed with the domestic variety
gone wild, there can be no suggestion of a cross between
It is scarcely necessary to provide any detailed ac-
count of the haunts and habits of the wild cat, because
the country over which it is still existent is of so pro-

nonnced a character that when one states that it coin-

prises some of the wildest and most remote portions of
the less frequented parts of Scotland, northern Eng-
land, and Wales, and, I "believe, occasionally Ireland,
the general character of its haunts is easily established.
Its home is amongst the fern, bracken, and heather-
grown rocks, often in difficulty accessible places and
amidst the shadows of the thicker and remoter wood-
lands. For the most part a night-hunter, the wild cat
is rarely seen in full day-time, but at early morn and in

the dusk of the evening the keeper or the trapper in the

districts named may come across it chance-wise. As a
rule, however, it is mainly by its misdeeds that the wild
cat makes its presence known and provides the signs by
which may be traced the whereabouts of its lair,
except at the time when it is rearing it& young, is, very
difficult of precise location. It is for the most part only
at such times that the wild cat carries its prey to its
lair ; at others it takes its meal where it effects the cap-
ture of its victim, and it is in the debris of fur and

feather which it leaves behind it that we have the evi-

dence of being in the neighbourhood. The wild cat,

in common with most other vermin, kills far more than

it can consume, and may or may not return to the half-

eaten carcases of any birds, hares, or rabbits it may

have destroyed. Its hunting efforts must have had poor
or no results subsequently if it seeks out and returns to
the remains of a previous meal. It is consequently not
usually assumed that traps set against such when dis-
covered will prove effective, although they may do so.
The wild cat hunts very far afield from its lair and does
not make a practice of passing over the same ground or

working in the same direction, but if winding a pre-

vious kill of its own may draw upon it, but not actually
go to it.

The Highland keeper and there is probably no more

adept class nor better trappers in the kingdom in deal-
ing with the wild cat reasons as to its movements rather
by analogy than direct inference, and places his traps
in positions where cats are likely to be rather
than where they have been. You want a good deal of
local knowledge in order to work upon these lines, and
it is only by constant coming and going to and fro, and

the exercise of close habits of observation whilst so

doing, that the necessary might into the matter can be
The usual trap employed for taking the wild cat is a
large Dorset one, which, viewing the fact that the ani-
mal when taken is valuable dead or alive, are usually
very strongly holding, not too closely jawed, quickly
striking* traps. They must be really weather-proof- -I
have previously explained the term as applied to traps-
and may have to remain set (and tickle ar. that) for days
on end in the same places. No more shy, wary, and
cunning creature exists among vermin than the wild
cat, and the trapper has much to overcome in these re-
It is a curious fact that almost equal numbers
of them- -they do not amount to very many in the year
over the whole country -are taken by chance and by
traps placed specially for them. It is in trapping for
other vermin, and notably for rabbits, that the former
happenings arise, and beyond stating the fact there is
nothing more to be said in the direction named. In the

latter instance, however, detailed information is neces-

sary. If you have ever taken notice how a domestic cat
fiddles with a piece of food thrown to it before it settles
down to take hold and gnaw it, you have a good example
oi how a, wild cat treats any bait put down for it. It
v ill wind it, work round at a distance, draw upon it
from several points, possibly never approaching within
a yard or two, and as likely as not leave it for the time
being to return and repeat the performance, or maybe
not return at all if its suspicions be aroused. If, on the
other hand, the bait be taken, it will be from behind
probably, and be seized by the shoulders or neck, be it
fur or feather. It follows, therefore, when setting for a
wild cat, that the trap placed at the back of the bait is
chiefly to be relied upon, but other traps should be
placed at what may be termed the 'avenues of Ap-

proach a yard or more from the bait, and not close

enough to one another for the cat to become caught in

more than one of them. For bait any fresh-killed bird,
wild pigeon, wildfowl, or game-bird is the best amongst
feather, and a rabbit or leveret otherwise. It is best to
peg it down, unless placed where it would not be seen by
winged vermin passing over. To enumerate all the
possible likely places where traps may be set w ould be

impracticable. They must suggest themselves, but it

may be mentioned that wild cats greatly affect the sides
of water-courses, the gullies, the broken ground, and

any tangled piece of bracken and briar and heather.

Naturally, wherever the game frequents, wild cats will
forage, but they are hot in pursuit of line quarry, and
lose most of their wariness and caution when close upon
it. The body of a dead fox or dead cat, wild or tame, is

an effective lure for them, and may always be utilise. 1

f'/r the purpose when available.

It must be remembered that, as a rule, the home of

the wild cat is far from the haunts of men, and being
so far afield, the tendency is to neglect traps put down
for them. be possible or made so, anyhow
It should
to visit them every second, or needs be every third, day.



As a rule, however, if a field glass be employed, it is

easy to know if a capture be made, as by the presence
birds making a considerable commotion round the spot,
mocking their arch-enemy in distress, no doubt.
It is practically impossible to take a mature wild cat
in a box or cage trap, but the kittens will enter them if
the mother be taken when they are of tender age and
just foraging for themselves.



THE domestic feline which takes to a wild or semi-

wild life and rears a litter of kittens in a rabbit burrow
to plague and infest the preserve, or the almost equally
destructive ordinary domestic cat, which goes poaching
on its own accord or by encouragement of its owner, are
equally to be destroyed whenever chance offers.
These brutes make such a horrible row when taken
in traps of the ordinary Dorset trype, alarming every-
body and everything within furlongs of their where-
abouts, that it is far better to employ either the "Hug-

ger type of trap, such as I have already figured and

described, or one or other form of box-trap, of which I
shall give full particulars at a subsequent date. The
domestic cat which takes to a wholly wild life out of
doors soon becomes very wary, shy, and fearsome, and
difficult to capture. The ordinary poaching cat is. how-
ever, different, and falls an early victim. Wherever
rabbits are trapped, each or other of these vermin for
such poaching cats are is sure to get into the traps
placed for the conies. They appear to be attracted al-
ways at such times, and can generally be accounted for
by the trapper. They accomplish any amount of in-
jury to rabbits already caught, killing and mauling
them in the traps so as to render them hopelessly use-
less except as baits or lures for themselves.

Poaching cats are very destructive to young game,

furred and feathered, and also to the sitting game-birds.
They are, however, easily lured to any baited trap, and,
being in the habit of pursuing almost the same line
when a
setting out on their marauding expeditions,
little, even casual, observation will show where they
may be trapped for. Almost any available bait will
suffice for both "Hugger and box-traps., but although
fish is frequently recommended, you will find that they
will ignore it except in close proximity to the dwelling-
house or homestead. The use of valerian may be re-
commended for poaching cats, and both box and "Hug-


traps may be "dressed with it as attraction. It

must be applied, however, within the former, and not
on the outside.
No precise instructions should be necesary as to
where to place traps for poaching cats. The disposal
of box-traps for them is not fraught with any particu-
lar difficulty, but the "Hugger' traps are somewhat
dangerous articles where dogs are concerned, and a
warning in this direction is advisable. The habit
which cats possess of creeping and drawing themselves
through any small runs amongst briars and other low
covert maybe taken advantage of, but the traps should
always be placed so that the bait is easily accessible and
can be taken with the mouth and not have to be drawn
out by the vermin's paws.
It is necessary to discriminate between those dogs
which poach regularly and others which only do so oc-
casionally, because the indiscriminate taking of dogs
in traps is not altogether judicious, and may land one
into serious trouble. There are, however, up and down

the country hundreds of what may be called professional

poaching dogs which exist solely upon what they can
pick up in the preserves and elsewhere. The man who
is engaged in trapping rabbits and vermin is
sure to meet with them and suffer indirectly
from their depredations. These brutes are for
the most part of a mongrel sheepdog type, owned,
if owned at all, by those who have no possible use for

them, except as a reason for the employment of bad

language and the administering of stray kicks. They
are usualy sleepy and listless by day, but develop symp-
toms of activitj^ and intelligence towards night-time.
As a rule it is difficult to identify the owners of regular
poaching dogs, as the brutes work far afield from their
homes. This is an advantage to anyone trapping them,
as he is not likely to be bothered by inquiries.
The true poaching dog is a most unmitigated nuis-
ance, and fearfully destructive. It must be added that

dogs which run riot occasionally are equally so at times,

and if they get into trouble in the form of traps placed
for others, the blame does not lie with the man who put
them dow n. r

The manner of dealing with the regular poaching dog

depends upon circumstances. Larger specimens of the
tribe do not make much fuss when taken in ordinary
traps, but the smaller ones sometimes make a tremen-
dous hubbub. Speaking generally, the regular poach-
ing dog begins again where it left off, and if you find
evidence of their work, and possibly spot them at or
near the place, it is fairly certain that they will, if not
seriously interfered with, come back to the same spot.
Their chief depredations will be the taking of rabbits

from traps or snares, failing which they will mouth and

maul and partly consume them, adjuring the head, as a
ru l e _-.j us t the opposite to the methods of the poaching
cat. Then they will frequent the keeper's rearing-
fields, get amongst his young birds when first turned
away in the coverts, and also at an earlier season champ
up any nest of eggs or young birds they may come
across, and chop up young rabbits and leverets.
Luckily, a poaching dog will come to almost any
lure or bait placed in any situation, so that you can
lay out to take them. in precisely the spot most suitable
for the purpose. Best of all baits are liver and the
entrails of poultry. The liver should not be allowed to

dry off, for then it emits very little odour. It requires

to be kept in a warm, damp place until flabbily putrid ;

once in this desirable condition, it will retain its value

for the purpose for some days. In the same way the
fowl bait must be treated. Either of these will attract
a passing poaching dog from any quest it may be on.
The trap to be used one well staked down, using two
stakes and chains if considered necessary- -is a large
Dorset trap; 5in. or (>in. jaws is not too much width,
but they should not rise very high. If employing two
chains, do not extend them in the same line as the
trap, but place each and its attached stake at right
angles to that line but the latter must have a swivel

attached to it between the chain ends and the S-hook.

In this maner there is no play for the dog to jump
upward, as it does when caught, and it is held fast
without the chance of breaking bone rather an impor-
tant matter if one of any value be taken.
The best places, from more than one point of view,

for traps for poaching dogs are in any ditches, depres-

sions, or breaks in the ground below the level of its
surface. Whether provided with low covert or not is
immaterial, as you can always draw a dog down into
such spots far more easily than up on to a bank or rising

ground the scent is stronger and more diffused, and the


attraction greater. Naturally, any baited traps put

down must not be sufficiently near a highway to lure a
dog from it, and in choosing sites for the traps, select
those most free from observation.
' '
Of course, traps of the Hugger type may be em-
ployed if you are sure of your dog and are content that,
whatever the marauder, it shall cease to live for its

pains. But am
not in love with these traps, for this
particular reason, and prefer the Dorset trap, as you
can then settle your captive or release it, as the case
may warrant. There are, however, occasions when the
' '

Hugger traps may be employed with every confi-

dence that they will only take and kill the animal in-
Poaching dogs are difficult to get into box-traps, but
they will enter the double-ended ones at times if of
sufficient size and properly placed in a gap otherwise
filledup, for instance, or in dry gutters running through
a hedgerow and such-like not improbable places for
anything of the kind to occur. The correct type I will
figure and describe on a subsequent occasion.



THE taking of foxes in traps may not be recognised

as a legitimate proceeding over a very wide area of these
islands, but wherever hunting the fox with hounds does
not obtain and it is sought to preserve game it is neces-
sary at times to limit the depredations of foxes by hunt-
ing them out with terriers, digging, or, as a final re-
source, by trapping. There exist still most extensive
districts in various parts of the country where fox-

hunting is quite out of the question, and in such dis-

tricts the trapper is called upon regularly to exercise
his craft in limiting the number of foxes. I am not one
of those prejudiced folks who, because they rear a few
hundred pheasants, would destroy every fox in the
county, and, regarding 'the varmint

as a beast of
chase, I have always made in a point to take any foxes
with as little injury as possible and transfer them, by
sale or gift, to some hunting country where they would
be welcome. I think this arrangement should be car-
ried out wherever feasible. With the making of these
few preliininry remarks to clear the ground we can
now get to work.
Wherever foxes are trapped for regularly two sets of
conditions influence the mode of operations. In the
first place traps are put down without reference to any

particular delinquencies upon the part of the vermin,


but with a view to taking any which may be upon the

move in the second place, some particular depredations

amongst game, or maybe poultry, call for special atten-

uon, and so special means must be adopted for dealing
with the offender. Some general idea of how to go to
work in each instance should serve to guide the trapper
in the right direction without going into details of every

possible set of circumstances under which

foxes may be
The best possible trap for the purpose is a best quality
4in. Dorset trap fitted with strong chain, two swivels,
and an extra strong and long stake varymg from ISin.
to 2ft., according to the nature of the soil. It is advis-
able also to drive in the stake at a slight angle. The
traps must hold strongly and strike hard, as foxes
are almost invariably taken across the pad in traps of
the size named. As a rule, any injury done is merely
superficial, and easily submits to treatment. Of some
scores taken in this way I cannot remember having had
to destroy more- than one or two. on account of
injury thus caused. If you employ larger traps they
are likely to break bone or millet serious injury. They
must very low and the springs, if of the flat de^crip-

tion, correspondingly so. The wire-spring traps are,

however, much the best to employ, because it is un-
necessary to disturb the ground to so great an extent as
with the others. The actual setting requires no par-
ticular description, the points to be observed being that
; fox's tread is very light- -often a mere touch and
that unless the trap is perfectly concealed and
cally no visible sign left of the ground having been dis-
turbed, there is little or no chance of effecting a cap-

lure. ft is necessary, as a rule, to anticipate that traps

to remain set for some days
placed for foxes may have
a week or more; consequently, when putting them down
the nature of the surface of the ground must be consi-
dered because upon that depends how long the covering
their pre-
placed over them can stand without exposing
sence to the vermin.
The fox and its ways, its haunts, and habits, are so
hedged around with the imaginative outpourings of the
if the
purveyors of so-called popular natural history that
in believed one-tenth of all that has been
tyro trapping
written he might give up any attempts to take in it,

If we
traps which necessity might advise or suggest.
take Reynard as he or she is in plain and sober fact,
lie is a most difficult animal to trap, and the skilled trap-

per, brimful of woodcraft and similar knowledge, often

finds himself at fault as well he might. On the othei
hand, you be content
if t/
to sink all you think you have

learnt upon the subject and trust to your own powers of

observation and the piecing together of Nature's puzzle.
it will be found that there is as much routine and as

much following of a seemingly blind instinct in the fox

as there is in any other creature against which the hand

of man is everlastingly raised.

Once you get amongst where foxes run and secure a
fair working idea of their ways and the places they
habit, you will not have much difficulty in taking them.
They have their runs, their beats, their regular ways,
and it will appear strange that an animal so cunning
apparently and possessed of so much intelligence should
ever be taken. There is, however, a peculiar persis-
tency about these and other predatory creatures of pur-

suing the same path. Of course, they break away from

it, but to return ;
and it is this trait in their habits

which enables the trapper to secure them. A fox's run,

whether in covert, field, across moorland, brae or fell, is
always fairly well marked to those who know, and it is
in the proximity of the runs that traps may be set with
most probable success. Of the signs which point out
these runs it is difficult to write without occupying un-
due space. However, you will discover here and there
more or less regular dropping-places you will find

where the fox or foxes have couched temporarily, but

more or less repeatedly ; your olfactory nerves will tell
of other visits; and, finally, there will be evidence in
fhe form of fleck of feather, and possibly more solid
remains of their victims.
It is in the neighbourhood of or alongside these runs
that trapping operations must be carried on. It is really
of small use trying to effect captures elsewhere when
working on general lines, because unless the regular
haunts of the foxes can be located, the occasional ones
offerno opportunities for working traps. Obviously a
great deal depends upon the district in regard to the
nature of a fox run. As a rule, it is selected with a
view to the security of the varmint whilst on the move,
and the more frequented the ground over which they
work the more regular are their movements. Given,
however, districts which are but little frequented except
by keepers on somewhat occasional rounds and at shoot-
ing time, and it will be found that the foxes exercise
discrimination in choosing the paths they pursue.
There are places which, if you watch them regularly,
you will find continually patronised by foxes just as

they pass over very well marked paths. Whilst at or

covering either they are, however, at their wariest, and
it is most difficult to take the vermin immediately
upon them. It is only when they have assured them-
selves, as one may put it, that there is no immediate
danger at hand that they pass into pursuit and throw oft
some of their fearsomeness. It is then upon the ground
which leads off from the runs in many directions that
general trapping may be undertaken. You will also dis-
cover for yourself that the unjmnted fox or, rather,
the fox in unlimited districts possesses points of obser-
vation to which it resorts from time to time, and from
which a view over a considerable area is obtainable. The
fox draws as much information as to possible danger
from the movements and cries of birds near and at a dis-
tance as from anything else, and frequently shapes its
course accordingly.
Having ascertained in a general way the probable
movement of the foxes, you can then start out with a
view to trapping them. It is impossible within reason-
able limits to specify in detail the features of
every tyjpi-
cal spot suitable for the position of one or more
I will, however, cite one or two as a
guide to the selec-
tion of others. Wewill take, first, the instance of a
rough covert, an outlying one probably, occupying a
large expanse of broken ground. Through this runs a
watercourse, following the trend of the ground, and
'made up " on its lower side. It causes an opening in
what covert there is a couple or more yards wide.
here the foxes are accustomed to run. Pass along it
till there is a break in the covert on one side or
the other
showing a fairly open piece of ground, where the brake

or undergrowth, is sparse and reaching maybe a dozen or

fifteen yards into the thicker growth. At the extremity
or on one or either side there will be a small level space
a square yard or so in extent and well backed by thick

growth. This should prove as likely a site for a w ell-


placed trap as can be desired. For bait choose

the likeliest item that might occur in such a place a
woodpigeon, a rabbit, or something of the kind. Treat
the bait as if it had been killed and torn by a hawk,
scattering feather or neck around after you have set
your trap, but pegging the bait down securely. Expose
the torn flesh and a little of the entrail, and set your
trap about a foot out from the bait, which should lie
again about a foot from the covert at its back. Set a
second trap in the space between. The traps will pro-
bably be placed in a surrounding of somewhat dry, pos-
sibly mossy, verdure, which is in favour of the trapper,
as they may have to lie a day or two. The traps should
be put down early in the day after the dew is off, and it
may be that a capture results the same evening or dur-
ing the night, perhaps not for a day or two.
Along the stretch of watercourse will be other such
sites, and they may be provided accordingly, but do not
overdo it, and varv the bait and idea of setting. A
dead and decaying hedgehog will lure the fox from its
path, will no more than draw upon and wind it, so
the traps placed must be in the probable path of the fox
towards the lure. The body of a dead cat, stale or
putrid, is a tremendous attraction, and suitable for use
at such a spot as described. Simply draw the defunct
grimalkin by a cord (easily detached) to the site chosen
and leave it there for a couple of days. You will soon
TH APP ING E OX E S . 1 1 n

know on visiting it if the foxes have found it out, and

then place two, or even three, traps round about it, but
at least six feet from one another. If you effect a cap-
ture try again, or convey the remains to another site
and repeat the process.
There are often breaks in fir plantations where, for
some reason or other usually a rise of water to the
surface, but not enough to be classed as a spring-
the trees have not grown. Generally a "thick, vel-
vety green sward covers the opening, a favourite
play-place for
rabbits, sunniiig-place for feathered
game, and squatting pitch for foxes.
a A dead rab-
bit deftly set up in crouching form and position, with a

trap on each side towards the tail end of the bait, is a

such a place.
ffood lure in

Uponthe open moorland where there is a break in the

ground, a small bluff, in fact, the upper surface be-
grown with strong heather, the lower running away in
a bank is another fruitful site
of rotten granite sand,
for traps one upon an open, heather-free portion of
the upper surface and another at the foot of a sand-run
beneath. Almost any bird torn and the feathers scat-
tered about will serve as bait. Peg it in position be-
tween the trap above and the one below.
These are all typical spots for foxes when traps are
being used generally against them, but there are a score
and more similar which the intelligent exercise of his
knowledge will prompt the trapper to utilise for his
Hitherto the trapping of foxes in a general way upon
lands where they cannot be considered other than vermin
has received attention. We
must now come to the sub-

ject of taking them upon such preserves as, although

in no wise coming within the limits of hunting coun-

tries, provide for a certain amount of protection being

extended to the foxes so long as they do not interfere
seriously with the game. There are, no doubt, multi-
tudinous instances where depredations by other vermin,
poaching dogs and cats, are placed to the discredit of the
foxes. Upon the other hand, they are most destructive
at times, most persistent in their evil-doing, and most
difficult to deal with. There are three certain periods in
the foxes' year when the spirit of destruction is strongest
upon them at clicketing time, when the vixens are
cubbing and have cubs, and during periods of the year
when food runs scarce, namely, the winter months and
early spring. Candidly speaking, it is most difficult to
maintain foxes and game without catching the former
when they become active. It is, however, as I have
stated, quite feasible to trap them without doing serious
AVhen you come to trapping individual foxes which
have committed certain depredations, the chief difficulty
arises from the fact that a fox, except under certain oc-
casional conditions, rarely returns immediately to the
scene of them. If it abandon a portion of its prey, it is
unlikely to return to it, although it may return to the
neighbourhood of its
exploits. Thus
that any such it is

abandoned prey serves little purpose as a lure or bait.

At rabbit-trapping time foxes may continually go over
your traps, taking a rabbit here and hopelessly damag-
ing one there but they do not come again to the same

places. In the same way with winged game. You will

find evidence of their work, but they do not within prac-

tic-able time revisit the scene of their exploits. These

remarks are necessary to make it clear how and when to
set to work to trap the doer of the damage. In connec-
tion with rabbits it will be found generally that these
themselves furnish a good guide to the movements of the
fox, -and you must work for it accordingly. I have
found that one of the best baits and lures for foxes
which molest the rabbits in warrens and such warren-
like portions of rough preserves where the conies are in

greatest evidence is a newly-killed one used as follows :

Place the rabbit by its forelegs in a trap, and stake the

trap down on a hedgerow, so that the trap and rabbit
in it hang down the side, the rabbit's head and shoulders
being about two feet from the level of the ground
beneath. It does not matter that the other portion is
nearer the ground. The fox will reach up for the
shoulders and head of the lure. About six to nine
inches outward from where the rabbit hangs down, and
upon the level of the ground, place your trap where the
varmint is likely to set its pads. I have worked the
same manoeuvre successfully under varying conditions
wherever I have been pestered by foxes interfering
with rabbit-trapping operations. It is necesary to
repeat, however, that anything of the kind must be
done not exactly where the varmint has committed
depredations, but in similar places, where it will most
probably come subsequently.
The same idea must prompt your workings in connec-
tion with damage done to winged game- -pheasants,
partridges, grouse, or duck. I stopped more than one
fox one autumn-time with the body of an old blackcock
used in this manner, but it was secured by the legs in

the trap and hung from a high bank, so that the head
was the necessary height from the ground, and the body
unattainable from the top of the hedgerow. The body
of a woodpigeon disposed a few feet from the
ground lower branches, but close to the trunk of
in the x

a fir-treelarch, spruce, or pine -with one or two

traps set on opposite sides of, and about nine inches
out from, the tree-stem, is also effective. Tear a small
bunch of feathers from the back, and poise the bait

Fig. 30.

breast upwards, scattering the feathers where they

might be expected to lie if the bird had fallen into the
position in which it is placed.
At this point I give an illustration, Fig. oO, of a very
useful form of trap made by A. A. Cruickshank, of Glas-
gow, with a view of preventing broken bones in the ani-
mal caught in it, and which may with advantage be em-
ployed for taking foxes under the conditions now being
discussed. The j'aws of the trap are furnished with flat
rubber let into them, whilst the chain has a strong

moderately stiff spiral spring provided. The jaws liold

very fast, and the spiral counteracts the ill-effects pro-
duced by the fox's habit of jumping upwards and out-
wards when caught. Traps with at least 4Jin. or 5in.
jaws are necessary, so that the varmint may be taken
and held above the pad. Tire spiral spring has the fur-
ther effect of restraining considerably the movement of
the fox when caught. It is generally found that, when
taken in traps thus provided, the fox restrains itself far
more than is usually the case.

It next to impossible to make any haul of foxes


when on the run at clicketiiig time. Unless the vixen

go blundering into traps put down for other things, she
is rarely taken, and yet the damage they do at such

times is frequently almost inconceivable, nor,;

amongst poultry. For pure wantonness in killing there

is nothing to compete with them at such times, when

the opportunity offers but as the first visit is usually


the last as well, there is little chance of laying specially

for them.


THE continual and, to a large extent, useless and

wanton warfare which has been waged against the hawk
tribe by ignorant people, mainly of the gamekeeper
class, has resulted not only in an enormous reduction in
the numbers of these predatory birds, but has almost
completed the extinction of several varieties. Even
ngw a certain class of keeper cannot be brought to be-
lieve that, because a bird is of the hawk tribe, it is not

necessarily injurious and in need of immediate killing.

In the same way, they will swear upon seventeen Bibles
that the cuckoo destroys eggs and young game, because
it resembles in some respects the sparrow-hawk and

quarters its ground in the same manner, although the

prey in view vastly different.

Speaking generally, the number of hawks really ini-

mical to the interests of the game-preserver and, it
may be added, the poultry-keeper in some districts-
which are more or less plentiful over the more closely
cultivated portion of the kingdom may be counted on
the fingers of one hand. If we include the wilder dis-
tricts and less cultivated areas, we are bound to include
some of the larger ones. It is a moot question whether
the comparatively few predatory hawks which affect
our grouse moors are really inimical to the grouse pre-
server's interests. Personally, I would extend the

greatest possible leniency to the hawks and falcons of

these islands, but there are occasions continually arriv-
ing when the damage they do to game is very serious,
ond there remains no other remedy than to destroy
them and for this purpose traps are the most effective

The sparrow-hawk and the hen-harrier regularly, the
marsh-harrier and the kestrel occasionally, are the chief
delinquents to be dealt with in particular. Others
which fall victims to the wiles not placed precisely for
their capture must be regarded as "fair game for the
Hawks to take the various species en bloc are c#p-
tured comparatively easily, but, of course, the prohibi-
tion of the use of the so-called pole-trap has rendered
such more difficult by limiting the scope of the means
at the disposal of the trapper. It was for the purpose
of employment upon the tops of posts and rails that the
round or hawk trap was devised originally, but the
abuses associated with its use in this respect bordered
at times upon the shameful, although, properly worked
and in the hands of considerate and careful men, there
was These round traps can still be
little to object to.

employed in a variety of positions where the ordinary

type of trap would prove inconvenient or quite imprac-
ticable; but, upon the whole, the 5in. Dorset trap is the
best to use.
Taking the sparrow or pigeon hawk (the latter is
much the better name) as typical of the others, we find
it a wary bird when working in and about the haunts

of men but, once the human element is conspicuous by


its absence, it is a daring and fearless hunter after its


prey, quartering likely areas of ground and beating the

woods and coverts where promise of quarry exists in
quite regular manner. This trait is not unusual in the
case of other hawks, and, as a rule, evidence of their
depredations in any particular place may be relied upon
as pointing to their coming again.

Fig. 31.

It is for the most part certain that if baits be used-

and you cannot do without them very well- -the hawk
will be taken by the legs, unless a large trap be used,
large enough to secure it round the body and cause im-
mediate death. It is therefore advisable to err upon
the size of largeness when selecting the traps to be used.
The fact that in the case of round traps the jaws strike

higher up than with others is a recommendation, and

where hawks abound I should employ a specially-made
type of trap with high oval jaws and of somewhat
lighter construction than the ordinary run of large
round traps. The class of trap is shown in Fig. ol,
which exhibits its action upon the hawk when caught.
The illustration is ofone fitted with a perching bar in-
stead of a treadle. These larger traps .can, in fact, be
made with bar or traedle, or a fork upon which the bait
can be impaled in attractive fashion. The use of those
with a perching bar would now be restricted to very
small limits, but 'Occasionally they may serve a purpose.
As regards the baits to be employed for hawks, it is
only necessary to look around for the remain^ of what
they have destroyed to be guided correctly. The pigeon-
hawk is a particular enemy of the woodpigeon and other
wild pigeons or doves, and the partly-eaten and mauled
carcase of one, in the consumption of which the vermin
has been disturbed, is an attractive bait, as are equally
well the bodies of such birds if shot or caught and
treated asif they had just been handled by a hawk.

The same remarks apply to other victims of the hawks,

such as mature or immature game-birds or moor and
water fowl. In any case, such a bait requires to be
pegged down where it may be discovered, or in such
place chosen for its disposal for the purpose in view.
The trap must be set where the hawk is likely to attack
the bait. In such a case it does not stoop and seize the
bait with its talons, but alights possibly a yard or more

away, and, approach ing it, will then take hold and
proceed to tear the flesh with its beak. Occasionally,
however, the hawk may perch upon a convenient bough

and then drop on to the bait with its talons, intending

to remove it. In any case, the result should be the
same, as the trap, placed at the most convenient point
for the bird's approach, is almost certain to secure it.
When trapping for hawks in a general way, and with-
out reference to any particular act of destruction, it is
necessary to select sites for the baited traps
where the
presence of such^bait is not unlikely, and where
it may

be as conspicuous as possible. You may frequently see

sparrow-hawks alight upon any small mounds there
may be in the pastures, such as old and over-grown
mole-heaps, the large heaps of earth thrown out bj
rabbits from surface burrows, any large protruding
stones or rocks, and so forth. These always prove more
or less fatal spots for these hawks when a trap carefully
set and covered and judiciously baited is placed upon
them. The bait most likely to attract is a quite young
rabbit, immature game-bird, thrush, blackbird, or the
like. The bait must be placed in crouching position,
such as is assumed by the bird or animal when a hawk is
flying overhead, and be attached to the treadle-bar or
fork of the trap, otherwise in stooping at it the bait may
be taken and the vermin escape.
The w^ork of the sparrow-hawk 111 covert is carried on
in somewhat different fashion. To those acquainted
with the habits of these birds, the peculiar gliding
motion they pursue as they thread the rides and paths
in almost silent manner is well known, as is also the

quartering they do above the trees, dropping into any

openings between, where their prey nmy be obtainable.
Similar tactics as regards the disposal of traps an<J the
baits to be employed can be pursued here with equal

success. A good deal of the trapping done for other

winged vermin serves also against the sparrow-hawk,
notably as regards immature game losses through their
malpractices but, witli what has been set forth to serve

as a basis, other opportunities and other means will

suggest themselves as they occur.
It is impossible to ignore the kestrel as an object of
the trapper's art, because at times notably when rear-
ing its young it is very destructive among poultry
and young game, acting with a recklessness and daring
wholly foreign to it at other times. The means for
checking these depredations are similar to those em-

ployed for the sparrow-hawk, and as the kestrel is very

persistent in its ways at such times, it is not difficult to

There is a plan for taking hawks when the young are
being reared which will usually succeed when all others
fail. It is necessary, however, to secure the young
from the nest a matter easily to be accomplished when
the old ones are otherwise quite unapproachable. Be-
fore the young are taken, prepare a small piece of fine-
mesh wire-netting, about ISin. square, by forcing it
into the form of a small dome. Peg the sides down iti
a clear place easily discernible from the kestrel's nest,
and place one or two traps alongside. As soon us the 1

young are obtained, put them beneath the dome of wire-

netting, and within an hour or so 3^011 will have one or
both parent birds.
^Asjrega^rds other hawks upon moorland, common,
and fen, practically the same principles of trapping for
them are brought to bear as already described, differing
only in the baits employed and the sites chosen for the

traps. As a rule, however, general, as opposed to par-

ticular, trapping will have to be practised more largely.
Hawks working over such large areas do not return so
frequently to the same expanses of ground ;
quently the fact of a grouse killed here, or a leveret
there, and only partially consumed, is not so sure an
indication of the return of the vermin at an early mo-
ment. It may be that the delinquent will return, but
it may not ; however, the bait may serve for others, and
should be utilised as alrt uly di^ri'd. I have again
referred to hawk-traps on p. !?



THE class of predatory birds of the crow tribe proper

includes the raven, hooded and carrion crows, the rook,
and the jackdaw; but it will be mainly with the two
species of crows and the rook (at times) that the trapper
in these islands will be concerned.
The raven is to only a small extent obnoxious to the
preserver, and occasionally the shepherd in some of the
wilder parts of the land, and, owing to steady decline in
numbers, is more often protected than destroyed. They
are difficult to trap, and, with the exception of a varia-
tion in the bait, the mode of placing traps for them is
similar to that for carrion or hooded crows.
The rook is associated with the crow because, what-
ever may be its value in other directions, certain mem-
bers of the tribe not inconsiderable in number pursue
precisely similar practices as the crows, and, as far as
egg-eating is concerned, largely excel them. The jack-
daw is also at times
extremely destructive, but it is only
exceptionally that it has to be trapped for specially, and
for the most part it is when associated with others of the
Corvida? thatit falls a victim to the
trapper's art.
No two birds are so regularly and universally con-
founded as the carrion crow and the rook. The name
'crow is applied indifferently to both, and it is
bable That a very small percentage of those directly

interested in them can distinguish one from the other at

sight, despite the marked feature of the discoloured bill
and bare face of the rook in its second year. To the
close observer, however, the dissimilarity is sufficiently
marked to tell them, even in flight, one from another.
The rook is slimmer looking bird, has a less laboriqus-

Icoking flight, and an entirelv different manner of move-

ment when upon the ground. Then, again, the rook is
essentially gregarious, whilst the crow is equally soli-
tary, but in pairs.
It may sound paradoxical, but it is true that where
crows are most plentiful they are most difficult to catch.
They are most easily accounted for where they are of
comparatively occasional occurrence. The trapper con-
stantly on the lookout for objects of his craft will dis-
cover the presence of carrion crows or proof of their mis-
deeds despoiled nests of small birds, rabbits mature and

immature, killed and partly eaten, fair-sized leverets

(the back portion over the kidneys is the favourite part),
young game-birds, and frequently mature partridges,
grouse, and black-game, and occasionally pheasants.
Young wild duck are peculiarly liable to attack, and the
denizens of poultry-yard and pen equally so. A curious
trait in connection with these birds is that they will
attack the carcases of ground vermin, stoats, weasels,
rats, and hedgehogs, which have been killed, coming to
them on repeated occasions when disturbed. I have no
knowledge of them attacking or killing them when alive,
though they may do so, but I doubt it seriously. The
rook, upon the other hand, never does this. The crow
will 'go for" stoat, weasel, or hedgehog killed in a
trap, and I have over and over again taken pairs of these

win o-ed vermin with such as bait, but notably with

stoats. T daresay vermin trappers have often remarked
Hint the bodies of stoats, etc., have been attacked and
and wondered what had done the injury; it would
be carrion crows.
The crow -carrion or hooded is a far more artful

customer in its method of working than the rook, and in

be perfectly sure that it never goes
watching- it you may
directly to its prey. It will view it out at a distance
and then manoeuvre so as to drop on it suddenly. Thus :

A young rabbit out feeding in solitary satisfaction will

be spotted by a passing crow: it pursues its way, turns
comes back on the opposite side of the hedgerow, clump
of brake, or well in and above the tree-tops if near a
wood, pops over or drops down as the case may be "from
nowhere," a vicious peck nt the eye, the brain is struck,
and the victim smothered in a very few seconds. Simi-
lar tactics its every action when in quest.
pervade It

may may
or not consume its prey then; it may carry
some off to its young in season, or hide the quarry or the
remainder away to return to later. In any case, the
crow is sure to come back and the discovery of the body
of its victims or partly despoiled nest or brood is half-
way to capture of the marauder and its mate.
Any trap of fair size, 3in. to 4in. jaws, will serve to
catch crows, but choose the type according to the position
where it will be placed. This will be decided according
to the direction in it is presumed the crow will
approach the Reasonably close covering is re-

quired. Any bait placed in the open will require a trap

upon each side, possibly three, as the crow will walk
round and round perhaps several times before deciding

to take hold, and is as likely as not to do so from the

least expected point.
In many portions of the country the carrion crow is
only an occasional visitor. A pair or a few pairs of
them will make their appearance, and if you can account
for them by trapping or otherwise no more may be seen
for a month or so more. On the other hand, there are
districts where crows are always present in more or less
numbers, and it is necessary to be always on the look-
out and prepared for them. General trapping then
comes in, and the manner in which it must be worked
depends upon the nature and manner of ths crow's de-
predations. Grouse moors suffer more probably than
any other class of preserve from the inroads of these ver-
min, whether of the hooded or common variety, and al-
most every kind of available bait likely to prove attrac-
tive is employed to bring them into the traps, offal and
carrion being used to supplement any such as the bodies
of dead game may afford. The crow is naturally of an
inquisitive turn of mind, .and will visit all sorts of odd
corners, where traps thus baited are set, so much so that
the mere presence and passing of the trapper over the
moor will not infrequently cause them to follow in his
It is obviously impossible to enumerate all the
possible likely places for traps; they should suggest
themselves as they occur, but very often passing crows
may be drawn to where the traps are placed by a scatter-
ing of clean sheeps' W OO! or of light-coloured feathers,

according to circumstances, round about where the traps

are set. Upon closely-preserved partridge manors or
pheasant domains the general trapping of crows will be

effected by traps placed for magpies and jays, and the

one description of the modus operand! will serve for all.
"Where the rook follows in the crow's footsteps as far
as furred or feathered game, mature or immature, is
concerned, precisely similar means to compass its de-
struction must be taken It is, however, chiefly as an
egg-eater and destroyer that the rook proves most ob-
noxious and injurious when it takes to the practice.
More persistent or wholesale work in this respect no
birds are capable of than the rook once it adapts egg-
eating as a means of livelihood, and the trapper will
often have his work cut out to secure the offenders. All
rooks do not do it, but the disease appears catching, and
once you find one or more at it you are sure to discover
many eventually if the vermin be not cleared off.
Pheasants and partridges are the chief sufferers, and it
is remarkable how, once the taste is acquired, rooks will

ferret out the best hidden nests and raid them. You
can always tell the rook's handiwork in this direction.
A half-destroj^ed nest will show a few untouched in the
nid, and a small stream of broken and sucked ones lead-
ing from it. The rook drives its beak into the egg to
start with, and thus lifts it from its nest. It keeps dip-
ping into it, and as the contents become exhausted it
further breaks and rolls the egg away from the nest
until its every contents is cleaned out. The vermin will
return again and again until every egg is eaten, and if
disturbed, or for other reason, they will take a half-
eaten one in the beak and carry it away in flight.
Of course, if you discover a half-despoiled nest, you
have the best possible lure for the vermin, and ordinary
traps, or those of the round or light steel pattern, can be

put down at once with almost certainty of securing the

rook or rooks responsible for the spoliation. If, how-
ever, the nest be wholly cleaned out, the shells remain-
ing serve to assist in forming dummy nests as lures. In
any case, when trapping egg-eating rooks, a supply of
mock pheasant and partridge eggs should be on hand,
and with a few of these five or seven to make a show-
as the nucleus of the nest and a few of the shells of real
ones in which some of the contents of fowls' eggs should
be disposed, the means are available for making up the
whole appearance of a partly raided nest. Choose as
site a place likely to be one where either of these game-
birds nest, but so situated that side-approach is imprac-
ticable. You will often find such in a bunch of briars
or between two such bushes, under gorse, or in like
places. Two, or even three, traps may be necessary,
and the egg-shells and traps should be so disposed as to
provide for the taking of the vermin as it attacks the
shells in the one case, or the mock eggs in the other.
As a rule, a single egg is a poor bait for a rook, but two
or three serve the purpose very fairly.
The traps should be of fairly large size, and mint
be carefully concealed. For the rest, the taking of ^;e
rook of predatory habits in a general way is similar to
that of magpie or jay, and will be referred to further
when we come to deal with them.


THERE is little necessity to insist upon the mis-

chievous nature of these two birds, and the persistency
with which they exercise their predatory instincts. The
malpractices of the two are mainly of similar character,
arid it is not unusual to associate them closely in this

respect but the intelligent observer soon learns to dis-


criminate between the work of the two species and the

characteristics which mark their individual destruc-
There is no period of the year when magpies and
jays offer less difficulty in trapping than during their
nesting and rearing season. As soon as ever the young
are hatched, the incessant calls for food which they
make upon the old ones cause the latter to forgo much
of the wariness they exercise as a rule, and as soon as
the young leave the nests they also are comparatively
easily taken a fact largely due to their innate inqm-
and curiosity. It is chiefly amongst the egs
and young* of all game-birds in particular, and many
others in general, that the destructive nature of these
two birds asserts itself. I think, upon the whole, that
the magpie does more damage in coverts, upon com-
mons and moorland, than does the jay, which works
mostly along hedges and hedgerows, in small coverts
and spinneys, and along the outside of them. The jay

is more akin, as far as dietary goes, to the rook, and

the magpie to the crow; but both are persistent egg-

eaters and dreadfully destructive amongst immature
ground and feathered game. The magpie is more
easily kept down in its numbers than the jay, due
mainly, I think, to the more easily discoverable and
accessible nest which it builds. Constant persecution,
too, will cause the remaining individuals of a tribe of
magpies clear out and find other quarters, whilst

jays do not appear to be influenced similarly.

Both magpies and jays constitute themselves the
natural sentinels of the woods and other parts which
they frequent, and the trapper in search of suitable
positions for his traps, etc., will have occasion to
learn and distinguish their cries, which, uttered as
notes of warning and alarm, may, if followed, lead him
far from their regular haunts, and he may find himself
setting for them in places which they least frequent.
They are both difficult birds to take, except at the nest-
ing season, and, were it not for their persistently inqui-
sitive nature, they would be still more so. They are
extremely wary, and it is no easy matter to get even
with them. When trapping for them, a Sin. Dorset
type of trap is a fairly useful one for working with ;

but the light steel traps of American pattern referred to

already are very effective. If, however, working with
eggs or other small bait, a 4in. trap is necessary, as the
vermin must be taken by the head. Speaking gener-
ally, larger traps are required for magpies than jays;
the latter can very frequently be taken in small traps
placed in positions in hedgerows where a larger-sized
one would be impracticable. In judging as to the

places where to trap, and you will do more service by ob-

serving these birds from a distance and then putting
down traps where you have seen them frequenting,
is impossible to enumerate and give precise details of
all the possibly favourable sites. \Vatch the vermin,
locate the particular spots they frequent, and then
search out evidence of their depredations.
Probably the best baits are immature rabbits or por-
tions of larger ones. The eye or ey-es, apparently a
tit-bit, will always be pecked out first; then the vermin
disembowels its victim and consumes the kidney and
portions of the back parts, eventually consuming most
of the flesh, but always working from the inner side of
the skin. The neck and shoulders are also laid bare,
frequently, and consumed. If a small rabbit be em-
ployed as bait, open it up and expose the inner flesh.
A small stick, sharpened at both ends and thrust into
the skin one side, passed round the back, and fixed in
on the other, does this well. Use two traps one
against the head and neck, the other where the body is
opened. Where portions of a larger rabbit are used,
paunch it and tear it up, so that the fur adheres to the

several portions provided. Expose the flesh and peg

it dow.n, using one or two
traps as the conditions de-
mand. Similar handling should be applied to the
bodies of dead birds, game or otherwise, which may
come be employed. It is not necessary that they be

specially killed for the purpose any young game-birds


which may be picked up, or weakly or dead chickens,

serve the purpose of baits for both birds. A dead mole
or hedgehog with the abdomen ripped
open is a good
bait, and mice or small rats tied to the plates of the

traps, the latter being set and well covered, often prove
effective. It is unwise to be sparing of traps when

dealing witli birds at baits pegged down, as you

cannot be sure from which point the vermin will attack
the bait.
The magpie if disturbed is almost sure to return to the
prey it was disturbed at but the jay is more likely

not to do so. There is a manner of taking magpies

when the young first fly which I have found frequently
very successful. First locate them on the tops of the
trees, where they will be then go and dig up with your

trapping tool a round space of new ground about a, foot

or fifteen inches in dimeter. Here set and carefulh 7

cover a large-sized trap and leave it. Probably before

you are a couple of hundred yards away you will have
effected a capture. Watch from a distance, and as soon
as you succeed repeat the process. I have frequently
taken four or five young magpies in succession at the
same place when trapping in this manner.
Jays which frequent the hedgerows, the outskirts of
coverts, small clumps of trees and individual ones, em-
ploying either place as a centre of operations, as it
were, may be secured, as a rule, by employing a young
rabbit as bait to two carefully-covered traps placed on
each side of it. Along hedgerows the lure can be
repeated with advantage about every 50 to TO yards.
It is chieflv along old hedgerows, honeycombed with

rabbit burro wings, that jays work, and also those with
a close top-growth of hazel, etc., where they easily con-
ceal themselves and puss from place to place without
being observed. They are particularly disposed to fre-
quent and hunt about young plantations divided by

drives and paths, and also along similar places in

covert, and hero again the small rabbit as bait is a.
good one. You will also be able to take them with
the small steel traps set upon the branches of oak and
ash at such olaces where the formation renders it pos-
sible to place them close to the stem. The branches
from about nine to fifteen feet above the ground are the
most likely ones.
I Lave left the matter of taking magpies and jays
with eggs as bait until now, as it is a manner of doing
so which if practised properly is very effective, but if
mismanaged entails a lot of trouble to no purpose. It
must be remembered that egg-eating birds such as
magpies and jays (as well as rooks and crows) possess a
.singular facility for moving them which it is not usual
to credit them with. Thus vou will often find the bait

gone or interfered with without the trap being sprung.

It is rarely that, having discovered one or more eggs,
the vermin seeks to secure its booty right away. For
many reasons, then, it is frequently more effective if
one or more of the shells put down as bait be filled with
what is better, plaster of Paris (which does
clay,,, or,
not discolour the egg), in which a pointed stick of two
or three inches length is firmly embedded. Thus pjo-
vided, the egg or eggs can be made a fixture, and the
vermin caused to manoeuvre round it, and so probably
get into the traps; otherwise it will probably reach to
the eggs and lightly draw one towards itself, or by
a sharp, jerky push roll it away. The process max
be repeated until the bait is a yard or more from the
trap, when, of course, the time and rouble employed

in setting are lost.


I dealt with the matter of nest-despoiling when treat-

ing of rooks and crows, and the same mode of trapping

is applicable to magpies and jays when on similar in-
tent. Single eggs are not very effective baits for the
former, but they serve very well for the latter. Small
white hens' eggs from bantams or other small fowls
serve the best purpose, single game eggs being of little
use. They are best placed in such spots where semi-
'concealment is possible, such as under thin brambles in
the approach to a gap in a fence or hedgerow, so that
their presence in an unlikely spot is not made too glar-
ing. When using ordinary traps, eggs provided as
above can be fixed in position, and the traps Sin. are
large enough -be set and neatly covered, on both sides
if practicable. When the egg is placed as bait upon
the treadle of the traps 4in. or larger in this case-
it should be sufficiently broken at one side so as to lie

firmly on the treadle so that if the vermin try to draw


or push it off, sufficient force may be exerted to spring

the trap. Of course, if it drive its beak into the egg
to start with, as rooks and crows mostly do, so much
the better.
With a view to obviating this pushing away or draw-
ing of the egg, and thus rendering the trapper's
efforts nugatory, and still to ensure the effective work-
ing of the trap, Henry Lane has quite recently brought
out a new trap, of which an illustration is given at
Fig. 32. By an ingenious reversal of the action of
tongue and treadle, the trap is caused to act l\v the
mere withdrawal of the egg employed as Dait. Instead
of the usual treadle, a ring is provided upon which the
egg is poised. So long as it remains there, the trap is

inactive, but if be lifted or rolled off, the trap acts


instantly, and the quarry is

secured by head or neck.
The mechanism is very simple and sensitive, and there
is no fear of "sticking," as is the case
in traps built
with the usual action applied to "hugger traps. The

Fig. 32.

trap easily set and held safe by one hand whilst the

egg placed in position by the other; but I would


recommend caution to those unaccustomed to the use of

traps with reverse action, otherwise fingers are liable
to suffer. AY hen setting* the trap, which should be
placed, if possible, where grass or moss covering can

be employed, I have found it best to employ a large

pocket-knife to keep the trap set pending the placing
of the egg in position. I slip the open blade through

the ring, and the weight of the handle, acting as a

lever, keeps it in position. Then, when the trap is
covered and ready, I place the egg in position and
gently withdraw the knife-blade.
The traps are naturally of fair size, hut can be placed
in a position where other forms of trap would go, espe-
cially the ordinary round ones, and should do very well
in deserted nests. I have tried them for rats as well,
when these vermin are taking eggs, and find they serve
equally well in such cases altogether a very valuable
and useful addition to the trapper's armoury.
A final word or two upon the subject of taking mag-
pies and jays in general may prove useful. Although
so wary and sometimes cunning, it is almost invariably
the case that where you succeed in taking one of these

vermin you will capture others also. The fact of one

or more of their kind getting into trouble does not seem
to alarm the remainder, and the adage that one crow
does not peck out another's eyes is by no means gener-
ally correct. I have on several occasions known mag-
pies 'go for' others of their kind when caught in
traps. is, however, well to remove all signs of a
capture, feathers, etc., before resetting the trap or traps,
although the same bait and position may serve.
Magpies will frequently attack rabbits cnuu'ht in traps,
and generally kill them through the eyes when they do
so. In such a case the rabbit may be left as it is io
serve as bait, and, if you chance to be troubled in

this way, good plan to kill and leave in the traps

it is a
a rabbit here and there where the birds are likely to

prove troublesome. >h:ys occasional v oir'end in the same

manner, and may be taken similarly. You will also

sometimes find jays caught In traps sot for rabbits-

times. \Vha1 takes Ihem there
right in the at " "
is doubtful, but maybe they Pound the bin rows for

young rabbits on the move.



THERE exists quite an array of specially constructed

traps which may prove serviceable from time to time for
taking all the furred and somei of the feathered crea-
tures to which reference has been made already. They
are in the nature of permanent traps, i.e., traps that
can be put down or prepared and remain always set
and ready for work. For the most part they are de-
signed to take the quarry alive, but some in which the
principle of the dead-fall is embodied kill the victim

when it is caught. Several types of these traps can be

bought ready-mad'e, the only fault to be found with
them being that too much or too expensive work is put
into them, so that their employment in any number
becomes rather a serious item of expenditure. So long
as the traps work well and serve their purpose, there
appears to be no necessity for elaborate or costly work-
manship in their construction. If by employing a
home-made article the price can be reduced by about
one-half or more, there is every reason to be satisfied
with the more roughly and cheaply made one. I pro-
pose, therefore, to supply dimensions and instructions
formaking some of the more effective of these traps.
The principle upon which all box or cage traps
should work is one in which the movement of a treadle
by the quarry insures its capture. Some work with

baits, and some without,bait in any case the effective-

ness of the trap must be reduced if .seizure of the bait

is necessary to provoke its action. There are several

ways of applying the principle of a movable treadle to
box and cage traps by which the shutter or flap at one
end or both ends is caused to fall, thus securing the
animal which throws off the trap. I shall describe
these methods and their application in mrn. Mean-
time, at Fig. 33 is shown the simple form of box-trap.
This is made of jin. deal, and should be fastened toge-
ther with brass screws or copper nails, to prevent the
rust which ordinary nails or screws would soon cause,
to the detriment of the trap. Reference to the sketch
will show fhe trap to be provided with a grating of iron
rods at one end and a shutter (which must work freely
in grooves) at the other. The action is quite simple,
the trig-ger and treadle working through a slot in the
roof of the trap being hinged on a small brass rod held
in position by two similar staples, driven into the top of
the trap upon each side of the slot, giving lateral play.
The catch can be adjusted to work either way, as shows
by lateral movement, or, reversed, by downward pres-
sure. Upon the top is an aperture covered with a
small sheet of zinc, to which the bait, which hangs
downwards in the trap, is attached. The trigger is of
iron, the treadle of zinc. It is suggested not infre-

quently that these traps are just as good without the

barred end, but the contrary is the case, .and, except by
the merest fluke, nothing is likely to enter them. Un-
less the animal can see right through, it will not enter.
The fact that it cannot pass right through is not so
material a factor in regard to the likelihood of captures

being made. The dimensions given in the sketch, are

large enough for poaching cats, polecats, or 'foxes (in
districts where they can he caught legitimately), and
will serve equally well for stoats or rats.
The trap as figured can Le constructed- -if a number
be made at one time -at a cost of about -Js. Gel. each,

Fig. 33.

with the fittings as described. Any country black-

smith can rough out the bars, treadles, etc., and the
lengths of rough-planed wood can be obtained to order
cut to measurements. There is then very little trouble

in fitting them together. AVhen traps of this descrip-

tion are made of different dimensions, it will be found
necessary to vary them relatively, Jhjiis, for stoats, rats,

and weasels, 2ft. to 2ft. Bin. in length by 6m. s uare, (|

outside measurements, will be found the most

ones. For large pouching dogs they must be corre-

spondingly increased in height and width as compared

with the length.

Double-ended traps working upon this principle^
i.e., box-traps with shutters at both ends
which drop
and close simultaneously have to be constructed upon
a slightly different principle, and with quite another
form of treadle. Two standards in which the arms sup-
porting the shutters are suspended are necessary,
the arms cross one another at their extremities over the
centre of the trap, and are held in the depressed posi-
tion they occupy when it is set by a length of thick
picture wire fastened to one side of the trap, passing
over them and working at the trigger on the other. In
the bottom of the trap at its centre a moving wooden
treadle is fixed working on pivots. This treadle is flush
with the bottom of the trap, but works easily in its
position. One pivot protrudes at the trigger side of the
Trap, and is square-headed outside the level of the trap.
Upon this square portion a piece of stiff iron or zinc
sheet about 1-lGiii. thick by liin. wide is firmly fixed.
At Fig. 34 I give a detailed sketch of the treadle,
trigger, etc., which shows the treadle working in the
base of the trap. A is the piece of stiff iron or zinc
fixed to the square head of the pivot; B is a piece of
bell-spring strongly nailed to the side of the trap at D.
E is a piece of brass attached to the wire G, and F F
are two zinc pins driven into the side of the trap. The
sketch shows the trap when set, the wire holding the
arms down, leaving the shutters at each end raised and

open. Any animal attempting to pass through de-

presses one side of the treadle, the tongue A is moved to

one .side, the end of the spring B flies outward, releasing

the trigger E, the wire is released, and the trap acts,
both shutters falling instantly and securing the capture.


also than the first one, so as to obviate too great a lever-

age of the arms carrying the shutters.
When making these box-traps, ample margin must
be allowed for free working of treadles, doors, etc.,
otherwise they are liable to stick in damp or wet
The principle of the dead-fall can be applied effec-
tively to box-traps, and, where it is desirable or imma-

Fig. 35.

terial that the quarry should be killed when captured,

traps so fitted are to be preferred to others. In these
dead-falls the attempted passage of the animal to be
caught over the treadle releases a sufficiently heavy
weight which crushes and kills the victim. Box-traps
working upon more easily constructed
this principle are
than those already described The trigger and treadle

arrangement are the same as shown at Fig. &4 but, as ;

will be seen from the sketch at Fig. -55, the box is open-
ended, and, instead of shutter-doors falling, a portion of

the top of the box which is held in position by wires is

released and descends into the body of the trap.
The stanchion A
is of hollow rim-iron (such as is em-

ployed for small wheels carrying a rubber tyre), flat-

tened where it is fixed on to the box beneath the bell-
spring piece of the trigger arrangement (set* Fig. 34).
The dead-fall B is of heavy wood, thick slate, or other
material, or wood carrying weights, and should just
occupy the space cut out in the top of the box to re^
ceive it. C C are supporting wires six-ply copper is
best- attached to the trigger wire at D. The trigger
wire is shown in the sketch ready for action, which re-
sults immediately the treadle is depressed, from which-
ever side the victim enters. Of course, when construct-
ing these traps, the working parts must be accommo-
dated to the weight of the dead-fall, but the length of
the treadle should not be unduly increased, otherwise
the animal entering will throw the trap before it is suffi-
ciently far under the fall. The size of trap illustrated
-viz., -Jft. Toy ISin. square is full large for ordinary
poaching cats, but is equally effective for much smaller
vermin. Dead-falls will often take the former if the
inside be tainted with valerian, but it is just as well to
employ small baits, such as liver, fixed in the dead-fall,
as in the box-trap, to attract other animals.
The dead-fall traps, besides costing less than the box-
traps to construct, are frequently much more successful,
especially for polecats, where these creatures are at all
plentiful. The best positions for them are in gaps and
gateways where vermin are likely to run, and in dry
water-courses where thej^ pass under hedgerows, walls,

Various types of box -trap of different construction to

those I have described are obtainable from various
makers but, as I said before, the cost of them much

militates against their employment in large quantities.

Some, however, are really very effective, and, being so
well constructed, stand long and rough usage facts
which render their acquirement by no means unpro fit-

Fig. 36.


able. At Fig. 3G is given an illustration of a tunnel-

trap for small vermin rats, stoats, weasels, etc. which
is both cheap and effective. It works with a bait in-

side and a treadle to throw it, and, being of small size,

is safe as regards dogs and winged game. Of course,
the capture is killed instantly when caught, but a simi-
larly working trap provided with spring doors which
close at each end and take the animal alive can be ob-

tained. Its construction is more elaborate, however,

and the cost corresponding!} dearer.

At Fig. oT is an illustration of another form of box-

trap, which can be employed for taking either small
furred -or feathered vermin alive. The system upon
which is works is clear enough without detailed de-
scription, but it may be mentioned that it works either

Fig. 37.

with baits or by means of a mirror at the back, which

attracts the intended capture, and the latter, depressing
the treadle, throws the trap, and the lid (which is fore-
shortened in the illustration) closes upon it. Made in
large sizes, these traps will take poaching cats or can
be utilised for catching up pheasants and partridges.
It provides a useful auxiliary to the other box-traps, at

times, and the cost is not excessive. Curiously enough,


this trap is a clever adaptation of a very old form of

what were called chest-traps about a century ago, and
were then the only form of box-trap available for the
purpose, and required considerable ingenuity in the
It do not think any good purpose would be served by
referring in detail to any of the other forms of box-
trap the
; working principles are the same it is the
form of construction alone which varies. I shall there-
fore pass on totiie matter of cage-traps.

Cage-traps may be of various patterns but they are

for the most part constructed of wire-work, and, conse-
quently, more easily purchased than constructed at
home, although, where wood is employed, this is a com-
paratively easy matter. They secure the quarry alive,
and, being easily portable, can be changed from one
position to another without much trouble, their weight
being much less than the wooden box-traps. Small
vermin, poaching cats, etc., appear to enter cage-traps
with much less suspicion than they do the ordinary
box-traps, probably on account of the fact that most
birds and animals do not appear to grasp the fact
that wire-netting or wirework generally is impassible,
and always appear to imagine that there is a place of
egress where none exists.
At Fig. 38 is a sketch of a very simple, but very effec-
tive, form of cage-trap, which I have employed ifor tak-
ing rats alive, and also used successfully with both
stoatsand weasels. Inter alia, it is a capital trap for
catching up a lost ferret or one left behind in a burrow.
The cage is of wire, and the door of sheet-zinc, which
falls by its own weight, being kept in position when

down by a wire double-arm piece. It works with a bait

and treadle, the quarry throwing the trap by depressing
the latter to reach the former. At the back is a small
entrance with a falling flap, which permits ingress but
does not allow anything caught to pass out. In the
case of rats, the first one caught acts as lure to others,
and verjr effectively so. I have several times had

Fig. 38.

three, four, and even five rats in one of these traps.

They are purchasable through almost any ironmonger
or dealer in such articles. The same principle can be
applied to box-traps made upon these lines, but the wire
ones are much to be preferred.
I have had similar traps of semi-circular form in
which a portion of the top slid back, working with a
spiral spring, which caused it to fly down again when
sprung. This pattern is also very effective, but the

springs soon lose their power, and the tendency to

'stick" restricts the action.
When dealing with the trapping of rats I referred to
a square wire cage-trap in which a live rat played the
part of lure. T give a plan, etc., of this trap at Fig.
39. It is of wire-work, 2ft. square, Gin deep, and at
the centre is a smaller compartment 9in. square, into
which a small wire cage to contain the live rat as lure
is placed. At b b are the entrances, shown larger in


Fig. 39. Fig.40.


section at Fig. 40. The four entrances are small tun-

nels fitted with a drop-down flap, which rises as the
quarry pushes its way in and closes behind it. There is
a door at the side removing any animals caught
when desired tc have alive, but for rats immer-
sion in a large tub of water is the simplest manner of
destroying them before removal. I have had several of
these traps in use from time to time, and never known
them fail in connection with rats. It is necessary to

repeat that the bait-rat must be fed and provided with

whai time the trap is in use.

An application of this trap to t ie purposes of taking


stoats and weasels can be made which insures its prov-

ing effective for taking these vermin alive, which it is
not when used in the The idea came to
ordinary way
me in connection with an underground one for small
vermin to be described later on and was, in fact, sug-
gested as a less troublesome, and admittedly a less pro-
ductive, substitute for the somewhat complicated one in
I cut out a square in the ground sufficiently large to
take the cage, and deep enough to allow a two or three-
inch thickness of turf covering being placed over it.
Where the entrances are at the corners, I scooped out
corresponding holes leading down to each of them in
the form of the entrances to a rabbit burrow. The bait
cage kept supplied with fresh bait in the shape of

young rabbits, small birds, and the like, tainting the

entranoeis with a light lure. The covering over the
bait cage should be loose enough to permit any passing
vermin to wind it, when they find their way in at the
burrow entrances and are duly taken. A wooden trap
with wire entrances would serve the purpose equally
well, I expect, provided it were properly seasoned inside
before being put down. Naturally, the bait cage would
have to be of wirework, but the inconvenience attach-
ing to a trap of this kind in which you could not see the
captives taken is also obvious.
There is a very excellent cage-trap patented by Mr.
Alfred Clifford, Hawley, Kent, and supplied by him,
which is upon the principle of the double-ended box-

trap, but with falling doors at each end instead of shat-

ter-doors, which are released when the treadle in the
floor is depressed from either side. Sizes to suit small
vermin, poaching cats, or foxes are obtainable, and
those who have used these traps speak very highly of
them. They are well made and not expensive in view
of the good work put into their manufacture.
The device which i am now about to describe is in

-AtxiiiCW ~_^i ^ - -
_ t^X^lVl- __l -_-_^- _ -

Fig. 41.
A, the trap set; B, the trap sprung.

the nature of a pit-trap, or, rather, a combination of

traps, and was the invention of or originally described
by 'Idstone years ago. It is in the nature of a per-
manent trap, as, once prepared, it only requires occa-
sional attention to insure its remaining in working-
order as long as you choose to maintain it. suitable A
site must be chosen where there is old close
pasture or
moss-ridden grass and a pit excavated. First, the turf
is carefully removed to a
depth of about three inches,
and then a square chamber formed not less than 3ft.
" "

square and from at least loin, to 2ft. deep, according to

its area. A wooden cover of 2in. deal, or, preferably,
Hin. elm, must be made, having* an aperture in the
centre at least ISin. square, with corresponding lid.
At two or more corners of the pit entrances must be
made as shown in Fig. 4*2. They must be from Sin. to
4in. in diameter and slope down from the surface like
the entrance to a rabbit burrow. There is an easy way t

of forming them. Obtain a piece of willow of the

necessary size and length say, 4ft. bv 4in., and

Fig. 42.
A A, square of pit ;opening and lid in cover e, cover to
b, ; pit.

slightly curved. Across the flat of one end nail a cross-


piece 1ft. long. Then with a narrow spade- draft :

is the technical term for it dig out a sloping channel

to the required depth, after having turned the turf
ba-ck in the -direction required. Then lay your willow
piece in the channel so that one end protrudes into the
chamber, and fill in the soil on top, treading it heavily
down, but working the wood from side to side by twist-
ing the cross-piece. Then, when it is ready, withdraw
the timber, and the small artificial burrow will remain
taut and trim upon the inside.

at d, and drive
prepare a spindle as shown
firmly into th-? ground until upper end is -;r a level

with the cover The a set and tie open four Dorset

Lime's collapsible traps cannot be beaten for the

and dispose them as shown in Fig. 43. Do
pi.u pose
not use a long chain, but peg them down with an iron


Fig. 43.
A A, square of pit; b b, opening in cover ;
c c, Dorset traps ;

e e, square of cover.


stake attached to an S-hook fixed on the traps. Obtain

two or three small birds or young rabbits, which kill
and place in the trap-pit. Cover it over and place the
turf removed over the cover. Visit the trap> in two- or
three days and see if the baits have been taken away ;

if not, wait another two or three days till the, yermin


have found out your lures. As soon as they do, renew

the supply, and when this again is taken set the traps
carefully. It is not necessary to cover them, but this

may he done if preferred. The great point is to make

sure that the stoats, weasels, or rats, as the case may
be, are regularly "running the trap before commenc-

ing to catch them, because the fact that one or more are
secured will have little or no influence upon the others,
and it is by no means unusual when working this con-
trivance to have a capture in each of the four traps at
one time. The pit-trap should be visited every morn-
ing to remove anything caught, and fresh bait supplied
from time to time until it fails to attract. Then tie

down the traps again and feed as before, thus prepar-

ing for a second campaign.
Wherever stoats, weasels, and rats abound in wood-
lands, brakes, and the like, one of these 'Idstone'
traps should be prepared. Once the vermin find it out
freely, it is surprising how effective they
' '

and run
are. I had one placed one of the first I ever made-
in a corner of a plantation, about 15 yards out from the
corner. There were two gateways in the opposite
hedgerows fitted with poles to lift out, as there was a
pathway through this corner. It was a favourable posi-
tion, and within about three weeks I took upwards of
sixty head of various vermin in the one trap-pit. From
this it is easy to know the class of site to choose for
this arrangement. Ihey may be placed in any suitable
spots within or without a -covert, but not in situa-
tions where hcrses or cattle are likely to pass, as such
knock the whole thing to pieces. If any trap-pits are
going to be formed, it is better to provide separate

coverings for eacli, and not necessarily remove the

covers from those temporarily ineffective. The latter
can then be left for a time and be made ship-shape
again when required for further use.
It is curious to note in connection with this trap-pit

that Idstone," although referring to and praising it

in his writings on game preserving, left the scantiest
description and roughest plan possible of his idea,
which I had in my possession for some years before I

Fig. 44.
could make head or tail of them. I may, therefore,
with all diffidence, claim to having resurrected this
scheme of trapping.
There are only one or two other forms of cage-trap to
receive consideration, and then we are done with this
portion of the subject. The most practical form of the
true cage-trap is that in which a tunnel or funnel pro-
vide the means of ingress, from which fact these traps
are classed generally as tunnel-traps. They are manu-
factured in various forms for taking either birds or
furred creatures, but the principle remains the same.
I give an illustration of a very useful form at Fig\ 44,
which shows one of a size large enough to catch up

pheasants, and serves equally well for such birds as

wood and other pigeons. I have also taken both jays
and magpies in these Imps, but it is necessary to place
one or more live members of both of these species
within the cage before others of the tribe will enter.
Tunnel cage-traps upon this principle can be em-
ployed advantageously for all kinds of small vermin,
which enter them freely when suitable baits are pro-
vided or when others ure already in them.For such, a
wirework bottom is
necessary and provided, otherwise,
if not speedilj- released, the vermin burrow their way

out. These cages, which are manufactured by Boulton

and Paul, Norwich, are collapsible, and, therefore, very
At Fig. 45 is given a plan of what may be described
as a pen-trap. Devised originally by the writer for
catching up pheasants, I have employed it since for
taking almost every kind of bird capable of being lured
into such a contrivance. This pen-trap consists of a
pen with semi-open ends made of wire-netting* of suit-
able mesh, attached to a light framework of wood or
iron rod. The relative measurements for one large
enough for pheasants are Sides and top, 6ft. by 3ft.

Three standards are required upon each side, 4ft. long,

of which 1ft. has to be driven into the ground. The
wire-netting should be laced on to the framework, con-
sisting, besides the uprights, of two rods, 6ft. long.
The wire-netting of the sides extends 18in. beyond the
two standards at each end, and is laced together, from
the top downwards, for about one foot of its width. The
overlapping ends are bent inwards as shown in the plan
the dotted lines indicate the lacing and form the en-

trances, sufficiently wide to permit the ingress of the

birds designed to be caught, but preventing egress
once the birds are within the pen.
Made manner, this pen-trap folds flat, and is
in this

easily portable from place to place. The curious fea-

ture of it is that birds once within itdo not appear able
to find their way out again, even if small enough to
ex. a*

Fig. 45.
a a a, side standard; b b, entrances.

between the sides of the entrances. It is one of the

best traps that exist for woodpigeons, using corn strewn
within as bait, and small scatterings of it outside to
lure the birds to the entrances. Small pieces of rabbit
flesh, raw and chopped finely, serve for magpies, crows,
and jays.
For ground vermin it is also applicable, but the ends

require drawing together so as to compel the vermin

to push through, and, as it can be set up anywhere con-
sidered likely to prove fruitful of results, there is no
limit to its employment in many and varied directions.


SINCE the passing of the Ground Game Act the snare

has again come into far greater use than was the case
for some years previously, when it shared with the
steel trap that general use which the Act in question
denies to the latter. As a matter of fact, the snare in
one form or another has been an engine of universal
employment for taking almost every description of
' '
bird and beast of chase and venerie since time im-
memorial, and is so used to-day by those adept in hand-
ling it. As far as 'fur' is considered, it is mainly
employed in the British Isles to-day for taking hares
and rabbits legally and illicitly, and also, in the form
better known as hingles, for almost every kind of bird
which may figure as an object of the modern fowler's
art. Except in the case of ground game, an enormous
amount of illegal snaring and hingling goes on all over
the country, and, as far as modern gamekeepers are
concerned, it would be very much better if they were
more fully acquainted with all the ins and outs of the
business, as they would then be far better fitted to
detect practices which go on without their knowledge
or discovery.
There is not the slightest doubt that the snare in
skilful hands is a most effective, and at the same time

simple, contrivance, whilst the opportunities for its


application are infinitely more numerous than are 'those

of the steel trap. Its cost is extremely small, and by a

multiplication of the numbers used it can be made to

be effective over a much larger area.
I shall pursue the same course as regards the snare as
was followed in the case of the steel trap, viz., take
the snaring of rabbits as the basis of instruction as to
the making and using of this "engine," and then pro-
ceed to the consideration of its varieties and their ap-
plication under varying conditions. The simple form
of snare is usually made of a length of several-ply cop-
per wire or picture-hanging wire formed into a noose
and attached to a length of cord or twine, which in its
turn is fastened to a stake driven into the ground. The
wire to be employed should always be of six-ply and al]
' '

copper. Coppered wire i.e., steel wire coppered

over will not serve the purpose. As to thickness of
the six-ply, that depends upon the gauge of wire used,
but should be about the thickness of the thinnest size of
knitting needle. I put it in general terms because the
gauges of wire are known and understood by few of the
people who deal in it in retail. The length of each
strand of wire for the snare must be 22in. to 24in.,
never less, for rabbits. The advantage of buying the
wire in six-ply form is apparent in the greater ease it
affords for fashioning the loops necessary at the end.
These small loops must be from Jin. to fin. in dia-
meter, and are best formed by tying a bow-line knot or
by splicing, if you are adept at either practice other-

wise form the eyes by tying a double knot at the end.

This will involve from 2n. to 4in. of the wire
tively, according to which method of forming the eye

is employed, and leave, accordingly, 20m. or 2

length. At the other extreme end of the wire tie a

single knot to prevent unravelling Xow take an 18in.


length of stout whip-cord or other twine or cord which

will notkink when v.vt. At one end tie a single knot
tocorrespond with the one cm the wire. Then tie the
two together by tying each one round the other uml
drawing the two tight. This will give a compact and
trust worthy join.
The stakes should be made hi the same manner as
thoserecommended for traps, with a hole bored through
them 2in. from the top. To attach the cord of the
snare to the stake pass the end through the hole, make
a complete circle with it round the stake, and bring it
back again through the hole, taking a half -hitch round
the cord with the end ofit. Of course, the loop of the
snare must be completed first by passing the end of the
cord, etc., through the eyelet at the end of the wire.
A possible improvement is to add a small, simple swivel
in between the cord and wire this is a matter of indi-

vidual choice or fancy. For each snare a small hazel

peg 12in. long, Jin. in dimeter, sharpened at one end,
and cleft at the other, is necessary.
At Fig. 4G is a rough sketch of an ordinary rabbit
snare set as it should be in a rabbit-run, the nooso being
poised between the flattened spaces where the rabbit
places its feet, as it is at this point that the rabbit is
taken. At B and C are details of the knots recom-
mended to b(! used when making the snares. To tie the
bowline forming thcj eyelet at the end of the sn;irc take
the wire nrur one extremity belweeii the thumb and
first tinger of the left hand, forming a small
loop which

is held fast, leaving the end portion free and lying next

to the finger. With the right-hand thread the loose

end through the Loop, round the wire beneath it, and
back again, following the lines as shown at B. Then
pull it tight and the eyelet is formed, with no possible

Fig. 46.
A, the snare; bowline knot; c, angler's knot.

chance of itscoining undone. The details given at C

of what is generally called the angler's knot, which is
employed to joiji the cord and wire, are self-explanatory.
In connection with the stakes employed for snares, it
is necessary to point out that they must not be driven

in too deeply, a fair length of the top beiiiR- left out of

the ground to be grasped when they are withdrawn.
When moving snares the trapping hammer should be
carried so as to be available for loosening the soil
around them when necessary.
Personally, I do not think it possible to improve upon
the snare and mode of fashioning it as here described,
modified in size and strength or increased according to
the quarry to be taken. I see nothing gained by buy-
ing thin wire arid plying it yourself when what ismanu-
factured is infinitely superior and costs no more. It
is quite as easy to verify the quality of the one as the
other, and whenever a large number of snares have to
be made at one time a reduction in their cost is assured

by purchasing in quantities. One particular point to

be observed is that the nooses of the snares when placed
in position shall not sag or lose their form, whilst an-
other is that the wire be held tight in the peg, so that
it shall not be influenced by the shrinkage of the cord

attachment caused by damp, dew, or rain.

Besides the supply of complete snares provided with
stakes, a further quantity will be necessary for attach-
ing* to any boughs, branches, or standards of under-
wood or hedge-growth which may be immediately avail-
able. As a rule, the practice is to tie such to the par-
ticular piece of growth which may be on hand, but a
better plan is to increase the length of the cord portion
of the snare sufficiently to admit of a loop being formed
at its end, through which the remainder of the snare
has been passed after taking it round whatever it is
made fast to, and so avoid the trouble of tying and un-
tying, and often cutting.

Those who prefer to purchase their snares ready-made

can be supplied by nearly every purveyor of sporting
goods at prices according to the value of the material
worked into them. At Fig. 47 is given an illustration
of a very effective snare as manufactured and sold with
all appurtenances ready for laying. Amongst other

Fig. 47.
forms recently placed upon the market is one in which
the principle of the springe is worked
in, so that,

directly the rabbit is caught, full tension is put upon

the noose, and the animal is speedily suffocated. It

has, however, little to recommend it over the ordinary

snare properly worked, but I shall refer to it in further
detail in dealing with the springe in general.


SPEAKING o-enerally, the snare is employed far taking

ground game under very similar conditions to tliose
applying to the use of the steel trap. In dealing with
the latter I made no reference to the taking of hares
with it, as I regard its employment for this purpose
as quite unwarranted, even if possible, under conditions
other than those set up under the Ground Game Act.
Where hares have to be caught, the snare is infinitely
to be preferred. A larger and stronger form of the one
already described is necessary for the purpose, but
otherwise no difference in the make of it is required.
"When dealing with rabbits it is mainly, but not
entirely, upon the more or less well-marked runs that
the sites for placing the snares must be selected. I have
already described, under the trapping headings, how to
distinguish between well -worked and neglected runs :

but, when snaring, those must be selected which indi-

cate that the rabbit has ti free run over them, and not
tliose where the quarry is likely to dodge about in its
course. To this end those will have to be selected
rather distant from, or well clear of, the hedgerows
whence they emanate. As a rule, more execution will
IK> done from ten to twenly yards out from the burrows

or lying ground, if under low cover, than closely adja-


cent to them. Then there will be other cross runs or

runs lying irregularly parallel to the hedgerows or
cover, which will also prove fruitful of results. As
before mentioned, the rabbit must be snared as it rises
from one leap or falls to the following one, thus neces-
sitating the placing of the snare between the foot-places
of the rabbits and over the impressed grass or ground
in between them. The height of the bottom of the
loop of the snare should be about a hand's-breadth
above the solid surface of the ground w>ien the snare
is placed in position, and advantage should
always be
taken of any possible covering growth to hide the sides
of the loop and the remainder of the snare. Upon the
other hand, care should be exercised to disturb the
growth, etc., alongside the runs as little as possible, and
not to draw any extraneous matter up to them for dis-
guising the whereabouts of the snare. Upon straight-
away runs it is not likely that the snares will be brushed
aside without effecting a capture, but when snares are
placed nearer to burrows or hedgerows it frequently
happens that this is the case, though it may very well
be for no fault in the manner of laying them.
It is a common error amongst those employing snares
that the rabbits can see the snares, and another that
they cannot do so. As a matter of fact, both ideas are
incorrect. The rabbit may see the snare when nearly
abreast of it--it is likely to do so in certain phases of
moonlight nights when some distance off-- -but, as a
rule, in the open runs the rabbit rarely sees it till too
late for its safety. This applies to those snares placed
in the runs upon which the rabbits may be moving in

fairly rapid to full course under other circumstances


they are very likely to see them unless carefully con-

cealed, as far as such be possible.
Wherever surface rabbit burrows exist, it is little use
putting snares down near the actual holes, as they are
either brushed aside or else the capture of a rabbit by
one renders the others useless by scaring the remaining
rabbits. The runs leading from the burrows are the
' '

proper and also those leading to any scrapes

worked by the rabbits from the particular burrows.
Runs through gaps, gateways, and the like are usually
fruitful of success, snares to be placed upon either side
of them. In woodlands many places will suggest them-
selves, but, as I said before, the sites for laying the
snares should alwavs be chosen where the rabbits have

a free run.
The best time for putting down snares is the forenoon
of the day, earlier or later, according to the time of year
-earlier when the days are short, later when long.
Snares may also be laid in the afternoon, but the morn-
ing ones always make the larger percentage of catches.
Remember also that rabbits almost invariably leave
their burrows down-wind, and let this fact be a guide as
to where most of the snares should be placed. The
quantity of snares to be put down should be regulated
by the approximate number of rabbits available for
catching. Thus, if by careful observation you have
made out that a certain hedgerow burrow contains about
a dozen rabbits, put down equal to half as many again
the number of snares, doubling them on the main runs
at twenty yards apart, and dividing them on the two
sides of the hedgerow according to the force and direc-
tion of the wind or the attraction which the food avail-
able provides.

It may be generally taken for granted that it requires

three snares to be put down for each rabbit caught, and
the fewer the rabbits the greater the quantity of snares
necessary to insure the taking of them. Three days
and nights' snaring is sufficient at a time for each set of
snares to be down at one place, and when they are
moved it is as well to follow the same course as that
recommended for traps, viz., to so arrange matters that
the successive settings overlap one another. It will be
the case, as a rule, that wherever rabbits are concerned
I heir
workings will be in series -or groups, and endea-
vour must be made to encompass, as it were, each
group with an entourage of snares, and so make eacL
successive operation as complete in itself as possible.
Where the snaring is more or ,less disconnected, this, of
course, is impossible, but endeavour should be made to
make the work as comprehensive as possible. It must
be remembered that with snares you are bound to miss
a considerable percentage of the rabbits expected to be
caught, so that endeavour should be made to provide
for many more than will actually be caught. It is only
in this way that you can hope to make snaring- as tho-
roughly effective as trapping, where rabbits are con-
Snares intended for taking hares require to be made
both larger and stronger than those for rabbits. Thicker
wire, thicker cord, and longer stakes are necessary.
Hares vary in size according to districts, and snares
intended for them should be two-thirds as liu or i



as large again as for smaller ecu nvnrrs, as far as


the wire and loop arc concerned, bid ii is not usually

necessary to increase the length of cord. The setting

ispractically the same, but, to judge the distance of the

bottom of the loop, add Ilir height of the thumb ex-
tended upward to that of the average hand's-breadth.
The hare's mode of progression differs somewhat from
that of the rabbit. In slow course it is almost identical,
but in full course it lies down much more to its work ;

in other words, it extends itself much more, with the

result that a hare suddenly pushed up or in full course
may run under a snare placed at the full elevation, or
brush it aside. Thus it occurs that the actual taking of 1

a hare in a snare is not very difficult, whilst, on the

other hand, the correct choice of sites for hare snares is
a more difficult matter. It is no truism to assert that
the habits and movements of the hare are but imper-
fectly known to the generality of those whose duty or
pleasure it is to snare them legitimately, and before
you can make any hand of this part of the art of how
to trap and snare you must acquaint yourself intimately
with the movements day bj day, or rather night by

night, and hour by hour, of the hare itself.

Ft is impossible within the present limits to more than

hint at the nature and scope of the hare's run. Its form
is not difficult to discover, and there is always a run or

sort of run by which it approaches it, but the hare is in

the habit of leaping to one side to break its tracks^ so
that it is necessary to provide such form-runs with more
than one snare, distant only ten to fifteen yards apart.
Then, again, the hare forms at a distance from its feed-
ing-grounds for the most part, and pursues an irregular
path in passing from one to the other; but there will
always be certain stretches of ground, more or less ex-
, which it invariably follows. These will be situ-

ated where it passes from one field to another, from pas-

ture into woodland, through gaps or gateways or over
watercourses, where it crosses roads, or, maybe, by-
paths, rides, arid the like. It is only rarely that one
hare regularly uses the runs of another, but occasions do
arise where such is the case.

Hegular woodland hares i.e., hares which form in

the woods, as opposed to those which frequent them
only occasionally follow well-marked runs more than
the latter-named of the two kinds, and, as a rule, are
more easily taken. These hares for the most part feed
outside the coverts they affect, and their comings and
goings always follow one or perhaps more defined routes
from their form to the place or places where they leav^
the covert. Moorland hares are more erratic, but
mostly observe certain defined runs.
In any case the trapper must, by careful observation,
in the first instance discover the regular as opposed to
the irregular movements of the hares he wishes to cap-
trre by snaring, and locate his snares accordingly.
This class of ground game feeds mainly from dusk to
daylight, and their movements at other times are not to
be relied upon as an index of what they will be during
the darker hours. According to what is certain, so
the snarer of hares must elaborate his plans.
As a general rule, one or two snares are suffi-
cient to put down for each hare tried for. If you have
determined correctly the movements of the quarry,
there is little difficulty in securing it at the first
Snares of a smaller and lighter kind can be employed
for taking a large variety of small: animal and birds.

Naturally, the snares require to be made on different

lines. There are two equally good methods for making
these small snares, either with wire or with horse-hair.
In the former instance very fine copper wire is em-
ployed, and the manner of forming the actual snare
noose is as follows :- -Take a 2ft. length of the wire,
double it, secure the loose ends in a small vice, and,
employing a piece of rounded wood Jin. in diameter,
place the latter through the looped end. Then, using
the right hand to twist this round, and the left to regu-
late the twisting, continue the process until the whole
of the wire is firmly and regularly twisted up. It is

important that the wire be evenly and regularly twisted,

otherwise it will kink in the setting. Then release the
ends from the vice, tie them in a single knot, and thread
them through the eyelet formed at the other end, thus
forming the snare. A length of gimp or whipcord com-
pletes it.

Whenusing horse-hair a similar length is employed,

doubled in similar fashion, and then twisted up from
end to end, the portion retained between the thumb and
finger at the first twisting providing the eyelet. A
knot at the loose end prevents the hair unravelling and
being passed through the eyelet completes the little
snare. Gimp or picture-wire of suitable size finishes
the article.
Small wire snares of the former description can be
employed for taking rats in almost any situation where
it is impracticable to use traps. Such opportunities
occur mostly about buildings, outhouses, etc., where
rats have their runs and holes, through the woodwork
and floorings. I have also employed them upon narrow

raftersand beams when; rats run, and at 1heir holes

where there are workings in banks and hedgerows, also
around stacks. The snare should be placed so that the
noose of it lies just against the aperture or entrance to
the rats' run, and forms a circle from IJin. to IJin. in
diameter, according to the size of the hole it is placed
against. If the liole be a small one, then the noose of
the snare should be a shade smaller still, but if the aper-
ture be large, then the limit of 1 jin. must be employed.
If a larger one be put down, the rat may get one or more
of its forelegs through, with the result that it will be
enabled to bite through the snare and escape. When
using snares for rats, something in the nature of a
peg is required to hold the snare in position. Small
hazel twigs will serve out of doors, but where the sur-
face is wood, as in and about buildings, etc., whether
hazel or suitably formed wire supporting pegs are used,
a gimlet or bradawl is necessary to make holes in which

they can be fixed.

The small horse-hair snares may be employed for tak-
ing various birds of predatory habits, such as magpies,
jays, and hawks,at nesting-time. Magpies are fairly
easily taken on account >of the form of the nest, as the
opening at one side frequently offers good opportunities
for taking them. Laid in the nests of jays or sparrow-
hawks, where accessible, they also prove useful at times.
The manner of working them otherwise, more as
hingles, comes, however, under the heading of general
snaring, and will be dealt with subsequently.
Large and strong snares are very useful at times for
taking poaching cats and dogs. You will not infre-
quently h'nd that the latter particularly, and the former

also, but less regularly, may leave coverts and wood-

lands where they have beenworking by pushing
through or under gates, gaps, and the like. Evidence
of the fact is generally forthcoming from the stray
hairs attaching to brush, briar, or woodwork where the
creatures creep or push through. For poaching cats a
hare-snare is sufficiently strong, but for poaching clogs
still stronger ones are necessary, made with wire of

larger gauge and closely twisted, as this prevents the

noose sliding back when the animal is caught, and is
more speedily effective. It is possible to fix up box-
traps with a noose inside and a spring-hazel outside, so
that when taken the animal is automatically hanged ;

but the arrangement is not wholly to be recommended.

Of course, snares are employed illicitly much more
largely than otherwise, but I do not propose to produce
a manual for the poacher, and shall not do more than
refer to the fact.




WE now pass to what practically an entirely dif-


ferent style of trapping, snaring, etc., in which what

may be described as old-fashioned methods almost en-
tirely predominate. The fact that they are old-
fashioned does not in the least detract from their utility.
Indeed, it would be an end greatly to be desired that
the army of gamekeepers and vermin-catchers of the
present day were more conversant with these methods
than is actually the case. In practically every instance
the "engines employed are home-made, and require a
certain amount of care and ingenuity in their construc-
tion,but they are not costly, are very effective, and can
be employed in many situations and under many cir-
cumstances where the ordinary run of manufactured
steeland other traps cannot be utilised.
These various methods may be divided into three
classes, namely, the use of the principle of the deadfall
and pitfall, the use of the springe, and the use of
the hingle. In the former the trigger arrangement is
such that when sprung a weight or cage descends and
kills or captures the quarry, as the case may be the ;

pitfall is self-explanatory. The springe consists of a

pliant stick to which a noose is attached, so that when

the quarry is secured the springe flies up and holds fhe


quariy caught and suspended The hingle is an appli-


cation of the snare to work upon the surface of the

ground, by which the quarry is secured by the feet.
In nearly all fV/rms of the deadfall the trigger which
releases the weight is either a figure-of-four one or based
upon that principle, and I shall therefore in the first
instance supply the necessary instructions as to how to

Ls , ^ 1

Fig. 48.
A, stretcher; B, slanting stick; c, upright.

make the figure-of-four in the easiest and most effective

manner. It is made out of three pieces of wood cut
and shaped to size and of relative proportions, which,
fitted together, form a "4." Reference to the illustra-
tions at Fig. 48 will show how these are cut so as to
secure firmness of fixture when set up, and immediate
collapse when the bait is touched. It is necessary to
remark that care must be observed in cutting the slants
and notches correctly, otherwise the 4 will not prove
trustworthy. When making any quantity of these

triggers, I liave always had the various pieces cut out

truly by dozen
a carpenter, a or so of each at a time, in
well-seasoned deal, planed, and then cut in the slants
and notches myself, finally .-staining them with umber.
The measurements which follow are of a size of trig-
ger adapted to stoats, weasels, or rats. The parts can
be made relatively larger or smaller to fit the 4 for
other quarry. stretcher A is 14in. long, iin. wide,
and fin. thick, with three notches cut as shown two
at the end, square across, and one at the centre, diagon-

ally. Their depth need not be more than Jin., but cut
them slightly inclining inw ards, so as to give a firm

grip. B is the slanting piece, Tin. long, fin. wide at

the smaller end, increasing to lin. wide at the larger,
at which it is notched, the former extremity being
slanted off sufficiently to fit comfortably into the notches
011the stretcher. C is the upright, Sin. over all, 3iin.
from the forked end to the notch. It is also slanted at
the other end. To cut this notch correctly, place the
upright, which should be IJin. wide and fin. thick, on
its side, and make a straight cut half through with a

fine tenon saw then, using a sharp knife, cut the slant

on one side and the curved notch on the other. The

forked cut in the end is to prevent slipping, and a hole
in the extremity of the stretcher renders easy the attach-
ment of a bait.
The simple formof deadfall, or, as it is now more

frequently called, the figure-of-four trap," involves

the employment of a slab of stone or slate 18in. by 12in.
in size, to fit the measurements given, or a similar piece
of boarding with two or three strips of wood nailed

across the top to retain any stones or other weights

placed upon it-

At Fig. 49 sketch of the trap when set. To effect

is a

this first fixup the bait, whatever it may be, upon

the lower side of the stretcher. The bait must always
be something of a soft character liver, lights, etc.
Then place the cover or dead-weight in such position as
it would occupy when fallen. Raise one end, and,
using the left hand and wrist to support it, place


upright iii position at one-third the length of the

stretcherfrom the end of it. Adjust the slanting stick
with the right hand, and you will have the weight of
the cover on extremity above the upright, thus re-

leasing the left hand with which

to put the stretcher in

position. Carefully feel whether all the notches, etc.-

bite, and, this being th-e cae, gently release the hold :

the 4 will then be formed and in position. The

slightest pull ut the bait or touch of the end of the
stretcher releases the triu\"' r, the whole thing collapses,

and the weighted cover falls, crushing the bird or ani-


mal beneath it. The action of this deadfall is almost

instantaneous, and it is rarely that it misses a capture
when fairly thrown off.
The figure-of-four may be employed in a variety of
ways for other forms of fall, such as those made in the
form of a square basket reversed, or of laths of wood
built up in pyramidal form. These will take the quarry
alive, and are very useful for catching up old single
cock pheasants, bachelor partridges, and the like. Any
worker in wicker will make the former at quite reason-
able prices, and the latter can be put together out of
hazel sticks, round or split, or other similar material
which may be available- When employing the last-
named, the best way to go to work is, having obtained
all the wood required* to set up four pieces for the up-

rights, of a length according to the size of cage or fall

Drive four pieces about six inches into the ground,
at equal distances apart, at the corners of a square;
then bend the other ends towards the centre and
tie them all
together. Nail, or fix with wire run
through holes and twisted uprightly four stoutish pieces

round the bottom, and continue the process with shorter

lengths at intervals of one, two, or three inches until
nearly to the top, when the remainder of the side up-
rights are cut off and an aperture is left large enough
through which to remove the bird or animal caught.
This is closed by a flat stone or weighted board so as to
maintain the fall in position when it is down. Another
mode is to nail the pieces one upon the other, commenc-
ing with a square of fairly short willow or hazel pieces,
then, using smaller ones, of gradually reducing length,

build up a square cage of pyramidal form like the other

At Fig*. given an illustration of the wicker-cage
50 is

deadfall, but a different form of trigger to that of the

figure-of-four is shown. This trigger consists of a bent
wand known as the bender, which is fixed into the
wickerwork at one side so as to be a couple of inches off
the ground, and a couple of small sticks about 9in. and
Gin., respectively. In the centre of the former is a

Fig. 50.

slight notch, and the latter is flattened at one end and

slightly pointed at the other. To fix the trigger the
longer stick is placed against the bottom of the wicker
at one end, and the other poised against the bender the ;

smaller stick is stuck firmly on the ground, and the flat

end fixed in the notch of the longer one. In this man-
ner the front of the cage is held up until anything
presses on the bender, when the trigger collapses and
the cage falls. The same trigger can be adapted to the
deadfall first described by nailing the ends to the sides

of the board-covering and bringing the bowed portion of

the bender to the front of it.
I have made a sketch at Fig. 51 of a deadfall in
which either a whole log of timber or one sawn in two
pieces lengthwise provides the deadfall, and a number of
short stakes driven into the ground protecting or guid-
ing sides. Worked with a figure-of-four trigger, this
form of deadfall is actually very deadly. It can be

Fig. 51.
made in sizes to suit various kinds of quarry, from
poaching dogs to stoats and weasels, and, although in-
volving some little labour in the preparation of the
timber and the setting up, they last for a long time,
and are always ready for use when required. I had
quite a considerable number of these set up in various
favourable sites in the woods of a West-country manor,
rebaiting them from time to time and renewing the
triggers when necessary, with the result that they ac-
counted for quite a formidable array of both furred
and feathered quarry when ordinary traps proved stale
and unprofitable.


THE pitfall was probably the first form of trap ever

devised by man, and employment to-day cannot be

ignored altogether. The form of pitfall of most value

nowadays consists of a wooden frame, poised within the
limit's of which is a lid or covering, which, fixed upon

pivots, gives at once to any weight imposed upon it, and

allows the latter to drop into a pit or cavity previously
prepared beneath it.
At Fig. 52 is an illustration giving the section of u
pitfall suitable for taking ground vermin stoats, wea-
sels, and hedgehogs alive, or for securing rabbits in
similar manner. It consists of an outer framework.
5ft. by 4ft. by 2in., within which is poised a cover -ift.

by 2ft. by 2in., or less; but with easily working pivots

2in. is not too thick for the cover. The latter at the
inner ends is bevelled off,as will be seen, to admit of
free working. Upon each side of the cover a circular
hollow cut out and lined with suitable pieces of brass
is ;

corresponding circular pieces of the same metal provide

the pivots, and a small metal or wooden flap working on
a screw serves to cover the working parts upon each
side. Should the cover not lie evenly \vlien fixed, a
small disc of lead nailed beneath the lighter side will
serve to regulate matters. A
pit of suitable size and
depth is dug, and the cover, etc., are properly adjusted

over it, as shown. Some light covering may foe shaken


over the pitfall at first, but as soon as the woodwork is

weathered a little this may be dispensed with.
To attract rabbits to it, place a small heap or ridge of
wood-ashes across the centre of the cover, renewing
them from time to time as they become moist or wet ;

whilst for small ground vermin employ any likely bait,

but draw some gorse or other suitable bushes or briars
up to each side, so as to prevent the vermin from at-

71 TV

Fig. 52.

Showing working of Cover and manner of fixing.

tempting to reach the bait from the sides, and not the
A few of these pitfalls may be formed at any likely
and suitable places for the purposes intended, but they
cannot be employed where cattle roam about, and I
always make a practice of putting up a notice to warn
persons of the fact, as they are rather dangerous to limb
when concealed from view. It is also necessary to re-
member that pitfalls, when in working order, should

be visited every day in the case of those put down for

rabbits, or elsesome form of food should be placed in
them, otherwise any captives will be starved to death.
In the case of furred vermin a dead rabbit should be
left inthe pit unless daily visits be made.
Itpossible to construct a simple form of pitfall out

of any suitable form of barrel by utilising the end pieces

as the lid, working upon pivots. Barrels thus provided
are effective for taking rats in buildings, or, if a barrel
be cut in two, the two halves can be partly or wholly
sunk to act as pitfalls.


To be precise, it must be stated that most springes

comprehend a hingle in their composition. Hingles
are small snares or nooses made of horse-hair, fine gimp,
whipcord, or wire. I have already (see under Snares ")
described how these small horse-hair, etc., hingles are
made, and there is no necessity to repeat the instruc-
tions. For most purposes twisted horse-hair is strong
enough, but, plaited threefold or doubly twisted -n
fourfold, it will hold a pheasant or a hawk.
Springes are useful in a great variety of ways, but,
unfortunately, we must go to the poaching fraternity if
we wish to see them put to the fullest use. The same
may be said of the simple hingles. Inasmuch, hovr-
ever, as they may be employed to take anything from
a rabbit to a mouse, or from a pheasant to a snipe, the
usefulness of these old-fashioned "engines is obvious.

The present generation of gamekeepers, vermin-

catchers, etc., possesses very little knowledge of these
matters, and those slightly interested in trapping and
snaring know probably with few exceptions nothing
at all about them. However, I trust from the descrip-
tions and sketches which follow that they will be able
to understand, make, and u;e them.
The ordinary springe consists of a bent rod A (vide

Fig. ;")->), thrust into the ground, to the extremity <>f

which is ;ili:;c]ic(llength of whipcord.
;i At the end
of this is a small cross-piece It (see Fig. ">4T, 'Join, long,
shaped oft' at one end to a somewhat obtuse fiat point.
represents a small crook-stick (iin. in length, which
is driven into the ground so as to leave Jin. between the

surface and the under portion of the crook. The latter,

as will be seen, is bevelled oft from the upper side, so as
to leave again Jin. upon the under side. To the lower

Fig. 53.
end of this whipcord attach cue or two horse-hair
hingles. To do this effectively, the whipcord should be
opened in its twists, and the end of the hingle threaded
through. This will maintain the latter in its prosper
position,and also afford sufficient support for it. 1
have drawn Fig. 54 so as to show the actual setting of
The trigger of the springe, but the position of the
hingles somewhat out of drawing, so as to make the

matter clearer. The dimensions here given are those

applicable to birds such as starlings. They must be
relatively increased for larger birds, such as nigeons or

winged vermin. The bow or bent rod may be from

2ft. Gin. to 4ft. or more, according to circumstances,
and is best made of hazel, although holly or sallow will

serve the same purpose.

When working with these springes
it is a very good

plan to carry a short stick, shod with a sharp-pointed

Fig. 54.

ferrule, and carrying a good crook handle. It s tor :

placing over the bow when bent, whilst the hingles e <s-i

being adjusted. The setting is simple enough, but the

crook stick is useful for preventing the bow iv? 1

up and tearing out the hingles, etc. The action of tse
springe is very quick and simple; a bird hopping or
trying to perch upon the cross stick, or pushing

it,instantly releases it, and, the bent rod flying- up, lUe
bird is secured by the feet or neck, as the case may be.
Fig". 55 shows another form of this engine, known
the bow-springe, which is useful in many directions
where the ordinary one is not applicable. It consists
of three pieces, a complete bow formed by fixing the
two sharpened ends of a hazel stick in the ground, an
upright (b), and a cross-piece with, a fork (c). The bow

Fig. 55.
and upright are placed so much apart as the length of
the forked stick may determine.
To set this springe the bow pulled down, "in-1 the

end of the cross-piece (d)poised against the plain rr-d

of the fork-stick (c), which in its turn is poised against
the upright (b). The bent rod (e) can be fixed to work
from either end, and the noose adjusted as shown, or IK*
laid over the cross-piece for birds hopping 011 to or
perching upon it. The value of this kind of springe is
due to the fact that it can be set at almost any distance,
close to or above the ground, and in such manner that

it i- t in-own off either by an animal or bird brushing

a* id the cross-piece, or, as already mentioned, by birds

perching- It is necessary to point out that the sketch,

Fig. 56.

Fig. 55, is not drawn to scale, but in such a manner as

to show the working parts clearly. The height, si?e,

ar-d width of them apart will depend upon the nature

of the quarry and the manner in which it is intended

that it should be caught.
To make Hie series of spriimvs rmnpleto, I show at
Fig. .")(; twn forms of it as applied to posts or rails. As
will he apparent in each ease, the how is formed by
fixing the thick end into a hole made by an anger in
the post or rail. At the point where the noose. is set, a
cleanly bored hole passes completely through the post or
rail. Its diameter may vary from Jin. to fin., accord-
ing to circumstances, and through this the noose is
passed, the cord to which it is attached, and which is
fixed in its turn on the bent rod, being held fast in the
hole by plug or the end of a small stick abruptly
rounded In the case of the upright springe, B, a

perching stick is employed for the purpose, the

noose being fixed flat just above it. In the other post
springe. A, the cord is held by a short plug around
which the end of the noose is coiled by means of a half-
hitch. In the latter case a furred quarry attempting to
pass the hingle dislodges the plug: in the former a bird
attempting to perch displaces the perching stick. In
each instance the springe acts immediately.
T do not think it is necessary to go into very clqse
details as to how and when these springes can be em-
ployed. To a large extent their use is self-explanatory
in view of all that has gone before in regard to snares
and traps. I will, however, mention one or two special
circumstances under which they may be employed, as a
guide to further application of them.
The bowspringe, Fig. 55, is very useful for taking
wild duck, teal, etc., upon those small water-courses
which remain open and which they frequent during

hard weather. At such times they will work along

quite small ditches, surface drains, and in the narrow
pieces of running water in the half-frozen mires and
bogs. The
cross-piece in such cases may extend to even
18in, when, with the noose laid over it so that one por-
tion hangs a little lower than the other, and with the
former just high enough for the duck to pass beneath,
they prove very effective.
The post-springe set to catch near the. ground is a
sure trap for ground vermin when engaged in what is
known as 'running the fences' -i.e., hunting along
close wooden fencing and, applied on a large scale,
will take poaching cats in a quiet and effective manner.
The ordinary springes will take almost any bird, and
I have used them extensively for golden and common

plover employing the smaller sorts

(lapwing), of

ground-worms, chopped up, and shredded raw meat as

It iswith this springe and also the upright ones that
most woodcock are taken which find their way to
of the
market. Tt is very easy to detect evidence of the pre-
sence of woodcock at their feeding-grounds both by the
grey droppings and by their habit of turning over dead
leaves, grasses, etc., which they throw to right and
left as they seek their food in a straight-ahead line.
The leaves, etc., are left in two little ridges with a
cleared space between them, and, as no other bird feeds
in this deliberate fashion, there can be no mistake in

identifying their whereabouts. Having located the

'cocks' feeding-ground, the practice is to form a low
barrier 1ft. to 18in. high across the place, of small
branches of fir, holly, gorse, broom, ling, or the like,

with opening's about Gin. wide about every two yards

apart. At these openings the springes are set, and,
the woodcock, following their usual beat for food, meet
with the obstruction, they do not rise over it, but run
to the nearest opening to pass through. As woodcock
do not feed where they pass the hours of daylight, it is
actually the fact that many may be taken this way
without in the least affecting the number falling to the
gun upon the shooting-ground.
Springes can be employed with considerable success
against woodpigeons, particularly when these birds- at
times they are actually vermin- -attack corn and pulse
fields newly sown, and at almost any other time if a
little cornused as bait.
is The ordinary form is the
best, and few
if be a
put down not too closely to one
another they will catch without scaring the uncaught
birds away.
The upright springe I have used successfully, too,
against jays both on mature trees and the smaller
growth on hedgerows, which these winged vermin fre-
Before leaving the subject of springes, a few words as
to providing the material for them, and possibly the
plan I have followed may serve as a guide to others
to whom it may appear a troublesome and time-taking
part of the business. If you start out to find & suffi-
ciency of crooked and forked pieces, it is more than
likely but few will be observed. The plan I have al-
ways followed is to carry a strong, sharp priming-knife
upon my rounds, and, whenever a suitable piece of
wood for the purpose showed itself, cut it out roughly
there and then, taking it home in pocket or game-

bag for seasoning and correct shaping out later on in

spare time. Whenever hedges, etc., are being trimmed
or cut down, overhaul the brushings cut out for what is
wanted. In the same way, cut out your hazel, sallow,
holly, orground ash bows whenever a favourable chance
offers,and so get a store of material in the rough to-
gether. Then, when the days shorten and the long even-
ings arrive, many a spare hour can be profitably em-
ployed in shaping out and fitting the parts, in making
the nooses and hingles. In this way the matte;; be-
comes no longer a labour or troublesome, and in the
end you will be surprised at the quantity of 'engines
of thekind there will be on hand.
Simple hingles horse-hair nooses come for em-'
ployment for taking small birds mostly starlings,
blackbirds, and the like. They may be attached to a
small peg in the manner of a snare, or good clay worked
up with tow into balls about the size of a cricket ball,
in which one end of the hingle is embedded, serve an

equally good purpose. Of course, hingling plays a very

large part in the poacher's itinerary, as do also the
springes, but tnere are very many and varied oppor-
turnities of their employment without making game-
birds the quarry.
NETS. 197


Ix the early days, before the shotgun came into use.

the fowler was mainly dependent upon nets of one form
or another, set up by themselves or employed in connec-
tion with trained field-dogs, for the capture of his
quarry. Still, to-day nets are of great importance for
fowling, and are made and employed in almost precisely
the same manner as was the case in olden days. I do
not propose, however, to deal very extensively with this
portion of iny subject, but, leaving the professional part
to one sid-e, shall giv^ such information as may be of use
to the amateur, and possibly to the gamekeeper and
The mot generally useful is the clap-net, or bird-
catcher's net, as it is frequently called. At Fig. 57
I provide an illustration of these nets- for the whole
paraphernalia comprehends two such as they are laid
out ready for work. Reference to this will make the
following description plain to the reader. The par-
ticulars given here are for a clap-net suitable for taking
any small birds up to the size of a starling, but the
dimensions can be increased to provide nets capable of
taking pigeons, pheasants, etc., in quantities.
The nets are each (iyds. long by I^yds. wide, and made
of two-thread in Jin. or Tin. mesh. They are attached
at the ends to round stakes 5ft. Gin. long, so as to insure

the necessary bagging of the nets when they fall over

the birds taken. If taut, the birds find their way


Fig. 57.
a a a, top line; b b, bottom line; c c c c, end pegs;
d d d d. chief pegs ; play-bird
e, ;
f f f f , cage-birds ;

g g, call-birds; h, bird-catcher; i
i, cross-line; f,
pull-line;k, play-bird line.

quickly from under them and escape. The stakes are

sometimes made jointed with ferrule and cap; this is
usually the case when they are of greater length. The

top line is of fairly stout, non-elastic cord, and is made

fast by clove-hitch round the tops of the staves, leav-

ing sufficient of the continuation at each end to make
fast to the end pegs. The bottom line is of stout whip-
cord similarly served. At the bottom of each st;i\r
a cord loop is fixed to fit over the chief pegs.
To set the clap-net first extend the right-hand net in
position, as shown, then drive in the chief pegs, which
are of ash and provided with deep notches to take the
loops. The latter are then passed round them, so as to
give free play. Then drive in the end pegs and fix the
bottom and top lines to them in the manner shown.
Now turn the right-hand net over in the direction it
will lie when pulled, and lay out the left-hand one so
that it overlaps the former by six inches. Then turn it
back and adjust peg's and lines as in the former case,
seeing in each instance that the nets have free play.
Xow take your cross-line of strong cord, such as
forms the top line, 25ft. in length, and make it fast
upon the tops of the two staves, having it fairly taut
between them, and to its centre attach the pull-line,
which may be of any reasonable length to suit your
purpose. The nets should now be in thorough working
order, and may be tried. For this purpose go to the
extremity of the pull-line, M- -40yds. from the nets, and
make your pull. To do this effectually hold the cord
in the left hand, so as to have it as fully taut as
possible, dropping the arm by the side and holding it
firmly there. Then extend the right arm and grasp
the line as far ahead as you comfortably run. Xnw
smartly and forcibly jerk- not pull, mark you -the
cord towards you until you feel the tension acute then

release it and throw back the slack with, the left. The
effect of this action is toproduce a double pull on the
nets. The cross-cord first conies towards you and then
fSies inwards with a reflex action; the one raises the
nets to an upright position, the other pulls them down,
one overlapping the other. The whole thing is done
so quickly that it must be a smart bird indeed which

escapes the toils. Work your nets repeatedly to see

that there is no possibility of a hitch occurring, a^nd
you can then proceed with the arrangements for bird-
catching. In the case of linnets, goldfinches, and the
lite, two call-birds in cages are required. These call-
birds are tame and good singers or twitterers. Then
four cages, with birds in them which will follow the
call-birds in movement and song, are required, and
finally there is the play-bird.
The ordinary, callous bird-catcher
is guilty of a good

deal of cruelty in regard to play-birds, as not infre-

quent prosecutions go to show but there is no necessity

tor this, and I have known a red-poll and a linnet used

in successive seasons without suffering more than tem-

porary inconvenience. The method of working the

play birds is shown in Fig. 58. The peg (a) is about
six inches long, with a hole bored at the top, through
which the line passes, and a slot beneath for the
reception of the stick. This is an ordinary piece
of hazel fitting at one end into a piece of brass tubing
which has been flattened near one end so as to
work freely in the slot in the peg. The line is
attached to the other end of the stick, and a little fur-
ther along the play-bird is also attached to it by a
brace (see Fig. 5!)). This brace is made of fine whip-

cord ill which a r-b.-ve-lntrli is formed, and the two loops

tied together by thread or silk at a and b. It is prefer-
able to make the brace of fairly thick sevrnig silk. The
bird is m it by placing the head ugh one loop,
and the through another: Hie sides then lix on each

side, before and behind the wings. The play-bird is

then fastened to the play- by spare ends of th;-

brace, which should give it six or nine inches' play.

The operation of the play-stick is simple. A light,

Fig. 58.

a, peg ; b, brass tubing ; c, stk'k.


smart jerk on ihe line throws the bird upwards, and it

then nutters down again and regains its footing. The
action appears quite natural, and is attractive 1o other
Finally, the working of the clap-net is as follows :

Having set it out as directed, with the rage ant! rail-

birds placed near the nets, and the play-bird in position
on the left of the pull-line, seme small grain a:id s<>ed
is thrown down round about it and in other parts be-

tween the neis. The bird-catcher retires to a 1'avonr-

abb position thirty or mere yards from the net, taking

advantage of any cover, such as bushes or even a hedge,

through which the lines can be carried. Presuming

that the site chosen be a favourable one, the call-birds

will attract the wild ones, and then, by judiciously
working the play-bird, they are further induced

come down and feed alongside it. As soon as the

favourable moment arrives, the line is pulled, and the
nets clap over the birds within their limits.
When employed for the purpose of taking other than
small birds, the general mode of working the nets is

Fig. 59.

the same, but it is necessary that the neis should sag

somewhat more for the larger quarry.
The clap-net will take starlings in large quantities,
using one as a play-bird, and, by regularly feeding for
them, thrushes and blackbirds can be taken. I have
used it with much success for woodpigeons, but larger
and coarser tackle and good decoys are necessary. It
is best to feed the birds regularly for a day or two

before making a pull. The best time is usually very

early morning. Put down the nets over-night, ana
put the feed down for them at the same time. I have
personal knowledge of sixty-two being taken at one
pull, the week's bag on eight pulls, morning and after-
noon, totalling 240 pigeons. The place of capture was
a field of newly- sown peas.

This arrangement is useful for catching up pheasants

for penning purposes, the birds being fed between the
nets, and, besides this, there are many other directions
in which it may be employed to advantage.
There are one or two other modes of employing nets
for similar purposes to those for which the clap-net is

adapted, but none of them is so effective and so portable.

They are mostly in the form of drop-nets i.e., nets
suspended in some manner and dropped over the
quarry when it has been lured to the ground beneath
them. Inasmuch as it is much easier to put up the
nets than to induce the birds to come under them, most
of the skill is in the latter direction. Except in the
case of pheasants which require catching up, and which
for the most part will go blindly into any such trap
where food is the attraction, birds require a lot of coax-
ing before they will go under a suspended net, and to
induce them to do so it is necessary to go through a
preliminary performance.
The ordinary drop-net consists of a square of twine
netting tanned green or brown, either bordered with
plaited tubular line or supported by a light framework.
The size may vary from a few to twelve feet square.
The principle is simply that of poising the outstretched
net on stakes or posts, and at the critical moment re-
leasing it by pulling a cord, the person controlling the
net being hidden at a suitable distance.
For the purpose of pheasant-catching set up four
standards of well-seasoned willow as straight as you
can get them, or of other supple wood, about liiu.
in diameter. They must occupy a larger square at the
bottom than the size of net used, but must slope in-

wards upon two opposite sides towards the top. At tlie

height decided upon drive in four headless brass or
copper nails, leaving about IJin. to 2in. protruding.
For. the framework employ bamboo poles of a
of the net
diameter suitable which should
to the size of the net,
be spread loosely upon the framework. The net is then
poised upon the four nails or pegs, and is held firmly in
position by the pressure of the in-sloping standards.
To the extremities of two of these, upon one of the pro-
per sides, attach lines which come together and join to -i

long one leading to the place of concealment. When

this line is pulled, the supports of the net come from
under it on that side, while it is similarly released by
the inward jerk -of the supports on the other, and falls
to the ground without hindrance. The pull as in the
clap-net- -is a jerk, not a sustained effort.
Once the birds are under, it works well enough, but,
with the exception of pheasants, it is difficult to lure
them under right away. Woodpigeons and stock-doves
-frequently rare despoilers of the pheasant food, be-
sides other depredations require, together with other
birds, rooks, crows, etc., to be made free of the trap
first. To this end, first feed them upon the intended
site for a day or so, then set up four provisional stakes
a foot or so high for a further day or two, and fix up
a large bunch of furze, spruce, or holly about a foot or

so from each stake, replacing the latter with the per-

manent ones. Then, if birds come to feed all ri^lit. put
the net in position and try them for another day or so
Finally, when their confidence has been thoroughly
secured, it is possible to start working the net with
every chance of repeated success, because, as long as

there are a few birds uncaught which have fed at the

place, they will play the part of unwilling decoys
others of their kind.
\Vithout going into further details, it will be seen
that the ide i of the drop-net may be applied in many
The nature of tunnel-nets is implied by their name.
They may be either permanent or temporary, and be of
twine or wire-netting. In. either case they require the

support of a succession of iron rods bent to a half-hoop,

or similar ones of hazel, willow, or sallow. It is usual
to make these funnel-shaped, but a simple tunnel form
frequently decs as well, sometimes better. If the for-
mer shape be adopted, then the easiest way of shaping
the netting, wire, or twine is to take a length of about
9ft. by 6ft. wide, and cut it diagonally over its length
from a point 2ft. from the side at one end to another,
2ft. from the opposite side at the other end. This will
give two pieces 4ft. wide at one extremity and 2ft. at
the other, which, carefully laced together, provide a
suitable piece to form the tunnel. AVhen first fixed up,
the two ends should be left open, evergreen branches
thrown over, and food placed within the tunnel to
attract the birds. As soon as they feed freely beneath
the netting, close the smaller end and fix some wire-
netting in the larger, in the manner shown at Fig. <>0.
The entrance netting must be closed at the top and ar-
ranged so that the birds push through lightly at the
bottom. Of course, sparsely scattered bait must be put
down leading towards the free supply within the net-
Another mode of working both forms of tunnel-trap is

as fallows Make the end lioop which supports the


entrance double, leaving the rods sufficiently far apart

to admit of hazel wands of the necessary thickness being

a a a a, supporting hoops ;
b b, sides of entrance at
bottom ;
c c, sides of entrance at top.

thrust between. Choose for the purpose quickly taper-

ing ones, and adjust them with the thin end inwards to
the net, so far apart as will prevent the egress, once in,
of the particular bird sought to be taken. The birds
can and will push their way in, but they cannot coine

The successful working of tunnel-nets depends upon

correct coaxing or nursing of the birds before starting
to ti^ap them.
The use of the well-known sparrow and batting nets
needs but a passing reference. The former consists of
a long net some 6ft. to 9ft. in length by about 4ft.,
served on two 18ft. poles with incurving tops, hinged or
looped together, the net havhig one or more purses at
the bottom. It is worked around stacks, eaves of
houses, hedgerows, and the like, the nets being folded
together upon any bird or birds, which fly into them.
The batting-net is a smaller one, fixed upon bowed
handles, and is used in similar manner upon low
hedges, ivy, etc. Both are worked at night, and. skil-
fully handled, are very effective.


THE Ion."' net is used mainly for rabbit catching

They are usually in lengths of 100yds. each, of flax or
hempen twine, 2?, in. mesh and -3ft. to 4:ft. wide, with a
long- supporting line. They are usually employed at.
night or late in the dusk cf the evening, being run out
parallel with the line of hedgerow, woodland, brake, or
other rovert from which the rabbits come out to feed.
The rabbits are then driven back by man or dog, and,
becoming enveloped in its folds, are thus secured. As a
rule, the net is poised at intervals upon iron or wooden
stakes, hastily but carefully set up as the net is run out.
but it can also be worked without by means of the line
when two persons, handle it. There is some art in
handling the net correctly, but the main point in obtain-
ing successful results is to get it in between the rabbits
and their harbour when the greatest number are out
feeding. As a rule, a properly trained dog is more
effective for driving them in than the work of a man.
Needless to add, this is n device largely worked by the

poaching fraternity, and a very wholesale manner of

rabbit catching.
At Fig. (>1 is ;ni illustration of a more permanent
form of his same device, which is very useful for sport-

ing purposes and for getting rabbits out of land where

their presence i.y nd desired or is destructive. It is

manufactured by Messrs. Boulton and Paul, of Nor-

wich, and the cost, considering is not at all out of the

way. A- shown in the illustration ie aNo Fig. til -


the netting is made with the IOW.T half as a flap, which

is fixed up to let the rabbit- under it, and when the
^casion arises tin- netting N dropped, thus excluding
them from tlunr previim< hnuir-. It is manufactured

Sketch showing Flap up.

Fig. 61.
(Flap up.) >
Fl-ip down.)

in such that one man can drop from I00yd<. tn

'jni)yd<. Its possibilities are many,
and where rabbit- are very numerous and difficult to

Lrct at, proye< a profitable investment.


The trailing net is usually employed for catchino- up

partridges, but can a No b? employed at nijjht for plnvt-r.
^reen and golden. The nets yary
in size from 20yd <.

by -"iyds. and are leaded at the bot-

to oUyiN. b.y 6yds.,
tom. They are usually provided with a lone-, lio-ht
pole at each end. and are slowly trailed across field or
pasture whilst held in a sloping position.

"When a

covey or flock of birds is seen, the net is dropped and

quarry secured. Odd birds will run slowly before
net, and the roosting places are marked down before

nightfall the net can be trailed from one spot

to an-
other. Trailing nets may be employed in a number of

ways for legitimate fowling, but are, unfortunately, one

of the chief weapons at the disposal of poachers. Cast
nets, either square or circular, are also employed for the
same purpose for taking single coveys of birds.

Glade nets, usually 4ft. to Oft. square, with 'walls

2ft. to 3ft., are used for taking hawks in covert, and also
for woodcock catching. The mesh is accordingly large
or small. In dealing with the trapping of sparrow-
hawks, I referred to their habit of pursuing a gliding
night through rides and paths in covert, and it is when
hunting in this manner that the glade nets will take
them. These nets are usually served with lines at each
corner of the net proper, those at the top running
through small blocks, which are attached to suitable
tree branches and made fast below\ The "walls" are
extended by twine diagonally to the square of the net.
As a rule, a hawk or 'cock flying into them becomes
hopelessly entangled, evenwhen the net is fixed firmly,
but it is them in such manner as will
possible to extend
insure them collapsing when struck.
The same principle can be employed for taking king-
fishers, which, though extremely beautiful birds, are
not to be tolerated in fish-rearing establishments. For
these birds a very light black silk-twine net is necessary,
and it is usually fixed beneath a
bridge or maybe a
strong plank used for crossing the stream. As the king-
fisher skims along a fool or so above the
water, it

strikes the net and remains suspended in the clinging

folds. I am in no way suggesting the destruction of
these lovely creatures, but they can be taken alive in
this manner in places where their presence is noi permis-
sible,and, there being always a ready sale for them for
adorning ornamental and other waters, Ili<> disposal of
any captured omj s is easy and profitable.


OPINIONS may be divided as to the merits of the mole,

but there is no doubt that, under certain circumstances,
it becomes a nuisance and has to be got rid of by some

means or other, and the best means is to trap them.

It is, however, necessary at the outset to point out that

the natural history of the mole as popularly supplied is

mostly incorrect. The mole's fortress as Dictured and
described is purely imaginative, and a good many other
traits usually attributed to it aremainly incorrect.
For practical purposes it is enough to say that the
mole becomes, under certain circumstances, not only a
nuisance, but very damaging to farming* interests, and
also at times it is an undoubted fact that they become
inimical to the interests of the game preserver.
Moles make two separate sets of tunnellings perma-
nent ones at depths varying from six inches to a fo'Ot or
more beneath the surface, in collection with which is
their nest or lair, and surface ones, mainly for the pur-
pose of hunting their food. Very little, if any, soil is
thrown out from the latter, the mole heaps of our fields,
woods, and pastures coming from the deeper tunnels.
It is in these latter that chief execution can be done
when they are located at a sufficiently slight depth from
the surface to be dealt with satisfactorily, but the sur-
* t

face runs also prove fruitful of catches when traps


put down in them within twelve, or at most twenty-four,

hours after they are first made.
There are a large variety of mole traps manufactured
and sold by various firms, almost all of which I have
worked with from time to time, but although they
all catch moles some of them possess disadvantages over
the old-fashioned types which are in no way commensu-
rate with other points they may possess.
a. o

<* o

Fig. 62.

For those possessing the time and slight ingenuity

necessary, the ordinary springe mole trap, of which
details are given at Figs 62 and 63, is about as satis-

factory as can be devised. It possesses the merit, more-

over, that when a capture is effected the fact is made
evident and it saves an immense amount of trouble in-
volved by wandering over the ground from trap to trap
to discover whether any moles have been secured. At
Fig. 62, a represents the cover, 5in. by 3in. and iin.
thick, with holes bored in it by auger and gimlet at the
places shown. B shows a section of the cover with the
trap set. Two pieces of split hazel are formed into bows


and", fitted securely at a a. Within their half-circle a

wire noose is provided at each end of the cover, having
its ends fastened together at c and attached to the line

fixed to the bent hazel stick at d; e is a forked

piece,which constitutes the trigger, and f illustrates
some forked pegs 9in. long for holding the trap in posi-
tion. Fig. 63 shows the trap set.
To set the trap effectually, having secured a site for it
remove the covering from a portion of the mole run.

Fig. 63.

Then, having adjusted the nooses as shown, make the

cord secure through the central hole of the cover and
plug it in position by means of the forked trigger (e).
Now adjust the trap in position in the mole's run or
tunnel and peg it securely down. In stiff soil two, in
light soil four, pegs will be required. Fix the hazel
stick in position and bring down the end and adjust it
to the cord of the trap. Then carefully cover and make
all secure so as to prevent the ingress of light as far as

possible into the run. The action of the trap is simple

enough. The mole passing along its run displaces the
trigger, the bowed stick flies up, and the victim is
caught and killed by one or other of the wire nooses. It
must be remembered that for its size the mole is remark-
MOLE TRAPS. 131 ')

ably strong', and goes very fast through its runs, passing
easily at the rate of t\vn yards second through them, so

that there is no need to he particular about setting the

' ' }

traps very tickl e.

The old pattern of iron-jawed mule tiv.p is at best an

unsatisfactory affair, but the principle is uood, and em-
bodied in latter-day patterns proves very serviceable.
At Figs. G4 and are illustrations cf two thoroughly

good forms of mole trap, which are far mere easily set,
and which possess the further merit of having the
trigger piece attached to them, and so repeated loss of
this important part is avoided. Insomuch that they are
no more expensive than most of the old patterns and are
far stronger, their advantage is manifest. Henry Lane
isthe maker.
Besides this form of mole trap there are others, upon
what is known as the tunnel or barrel principle, but,
frankly, if you cannot catch moles with the three traps
described, you cannot do so with any others, and it
would serve no good purpose to devote further time and
space to them.
Moles are on the move at various times according to
the weafher, temperature, and season. They prefer
deep tunnelling in dry and frosty weather and surface
work at others. Mole heaps are usually thrown up
from the centre portions of a tunnel and not from the
end, and by careful removal ami examination the direc-
tions of the tunnels or runs can he ascertained. YVheu
dealing with deep runs, place one trap where tlie hen])

was, but be careful to clear out the run on each side

before setting, and then endeavour to trace the run aid
place other traps upon other distinct portions

When dealing with surface runs, choose freshly made

ones, and place the traps a few feet from the end, as
opposed to the beginning of them. What is known as a
fern-trowel is the most useful tool to employ when
mole catching. Weasels are frequent!}- taken in mole
runs, and the game preserver should carefully watch the

Fig. 64. Fig. 65.


neighbourhood of pheasants' and partridges' nests for

mole workings. They frequently drive their tunnels
beneath the actual nests, and either they or weasels ab-
stract the eggs from below.
It is not very easy to become an expert mole catcher
until you learn to discriminate between used and 11011-
used runs and to grasp the drift of the mole's workings.
Afterwards the matter becomes easy enough, and success
in this direction is only a question of trouble and traps.


THERE are one or two animals and birds which are

extremely inimical at times to the interests of those
working fisheries trout, etc., rearing establishments-
and controlling rivers and streams. Unless- a stop be
put to their depredations, much damage to stock,
mature and immature, may occur, and it is therefore
necessary to refer to them and the means of taking them
in aconcluding contribution.
Most notable amongst them is the otter, whose fame

as a fish-destroyer has been made notorious, chiefly by

those writers and others who posses very little actual
knowledge of the subject. There are times when otters
are actually most destructive to fish, but i am far from
agreeing with the generally expressed opinion as to
the habits of the otter, which gathers far more of its
food on land than in the water. Anyone who may like
to devote unprejudiced observation to the habits of this
creature will soon become convinced of the accuracy of
my contention. The time when otters are most destruc-
tive tofish is when they are educating their young,
when they pursue precisely the same policy as we do
when we are, say, educa'iii<> a young gun-dog, and pro-

vide far more quarry for than would be otherwise


necessary. At the same time., otters have to be caught


occasionally, and the manner of doing this must receive

The otter for its size is a heavy and strong creature,
oftenmore than double the weight of a fox, and much
more powerful. It requires a large and heavy trap to
hold it, something after the style of 1'ig.66, which
shows the type of otter-trap proper. These traps have
6in. or Tin. jaws, a strong flat spring with setting ring,
and an extra strong chain. Under certain circum-
staces the traps may require a much longer but less
heavy chain up to 8ft. or 10ft. in length.
Some otter traps are fitted with spikes on the jaws,
but this is a perfectly unnecessary adjunct. Nor should
the spring be very hard -striking. I prefer immeasur-
ably a supple, quick-striking one, but the jaws must
hold very strongly, or the otter will escape.
Otters enter the water almost anywhere, but usually
leave at certain regularly affected spots. These are
usually shelving, and if sandy or muddy the seals of
the paws can be. easily made out. It is at such places
that the otter can be trapped, and to succeed in doing
so it is necessary to discover as many of these landing-
places as possible, and provide each of them with traps,
where promise is made that the otters are most likely to
frequent them. Otters are most easily watched for and
observed at dusk and at dawn, and, whatever their
movements up and down the river or stream, it will be
found that there are certain pools, ponds, jjnd weirs
which they mainly frequent, and it is at the shallows
and sloping places at or adjacent to these spots that the
otters both enter and leave the water most regularly.
The traps, if to take the otters alive, should have

short chains very securely and deeply staked, be placed

a yard or more at least from the water's margin, very

carefully covered, and left two or three days before

being* considered ineffective or wrongly placed. It will
be quite possible to ascertain if the otter has passed
without getting into the trap, and, if so, do not move
the one already put down, but set another in the line of
the tracks shown.
If it be unnecessary to secure the otter alive, the

Fig. 66.

traps, provided with long chains, must be set close to the

water's edge or actually within its margin, if shallow
enough. In this case the otter when caught immedi-
ately seeks deep water and drowns. No bait is re-
quired for otter trapping, but the traps require careful
lubricating. Fish oil may be employed for the purpose,
or vaseline, and the oiling should be thoroughly-/
before the traps are employed. Otters possess a wonder-
fully keen scent, and newly-oiled traps are a hopeless
means against them.
Wherever otters frequent weirs or such places in

streams and rivers where the water runs over anything

in the nature of a weir in small volume, very favour-
able opportunity offers for securing them by using un-
covered traps. The great point, however, in regard to
otter-trapping is to discover their regular movements
firstand work accordingly. It is very rarely that

young otters are caught in the same manner as the

parents, but if you take a bitch otter which has obvi-
ously got young, an ordinary large box-trap placed
beside the body of the mother and baited with a frog
or an eel will secure one or other of them.
I am so utterly opposed to the indiscriminate killing
of otters that I venture to repeat that, in my opinion, it

is only owners or controllers of fisheries who should

destroy or capture them as a preventive measure. They
do not do one-tenth the damage ascribed to them, and
to my mind to shoot or destroy an otter needlessly is a

gross and unpardonable offence.

One of the worst vermin of an ordinary trout-stream,
one of broken and tumbling water, such as exists in
endless number in these islands, is the poaching cat.
I have watched them over and over again and shot them
in their tracks, lying prone upon rock and bank, watch-

ing to dip out the unsuspecting fish, and have no doubt

that they are responsible for much damage to fish-rear-
111? enterprises.
The heron is the one bird, probably, which does more
damage than anything else to fishery interests. At
every season it is destructive to fish in one form or
other, but, of course, most so when it destroys them on
the spawning beds and when full fish are working up
for spawning purposes. It is a bird of such long flight

that a heronry witliin ten miles or more of a stream i<

as likely to provide tlie source of damage as one along-
side the water itself; and the fact that herons frequent
a stream is in itself sufficient proof of their evil-doing.
They are not very difficult to trap once you fix upon
their favourite fishing-places, and the hest possible trap
for them is the one shown at Fig-. 07. It is a somewhat
large and complicated affair, hut verv effective when

HEEON TRAP. Fig. 67.

properly employed. The trap is always used under

water, and must he placed in those positions where the
birds have been noticed to do their fishing. The
bait is a fish fixed upon the forked treadle, and to set
the trap a couple of wooden wedges are necessary. They
are introduced between the bottom of the frame of the
tra^ and the top of the springs, so as to enable the jaws
to be opened and the catch adjusted. The trap is fixed
upon the bed of the stream by means of the spike and
frame, with the head of the bait pointing upwards.
Any shallows, stickles, or runs, shelving bottom, ^tc.,

may be chosen as well as the tops of weirs and such

places where water runs thinly gver any natural ob-
struction. The heron's movements, however, are the
best guide as to the situation to choose. It is just as
well to attach a long, thin chuin to the trap, as, al-
though caught round the head or uek and quickly
killed, the birds sometimes flutter into deep water and
sink, trap and all.

Fig. 68.

I have already referred to the manner of taking king-

fishers in nets, but traps of the pattern shown at Fig. 08
can also be employed. These traps must be screwed or
clamped to any tree stumps, posts, etc., upon which the
birds are seen to alight from time to time, and be baited
with a small fish or simply be furnished with a small
perching-stick placed upon the forked trigger.
The kingfisher is such a charming bird that it is
greatly to be regretted that it is at times so destruc-
tive. It is to be hoped, however, that every excuse
may be made
for their delinquencies, and only sheer
necessity compel their destruction.
-w .

TRAPPING HAWKS (concluded from p^.

Mr. Black, of Hatton, AYragby, Lines, has

patented a
trap for catching hawks which is bemg used
on a large number of estates with great success. A
great recommendation in the eyes of many is that each
hawk iscaptured alive arid unharmed, and those who
have doubts concerning the harmful nature of the kes-
trel or other predaceous bird can release it from the trap

The trap, ofwhich an illustration is here given, eon-
sisls of awire cage, divided into two compartments, on*.
ahoA-e the other, the whole being about 2ft. sauare. The
lower and smaller compartment is for the confinement
of a few live sparrows, which form the most attractive
bait for a sparrow-hawk. Access to this compartment
is gained through a small swing door at the bottom cor-

ner of the trap. The upper and larger compartment is

for the hawk to enter from the top. Nearly the whole
of this includes a swing-over door, which immediately
closes behind the hawk, and the latter is thus secure 1\

trapped and practically uninjured. The captuie is

attended by no broken legs nor any suspension in mid-
air, as used to be the case with the pole-trap.
From the outward appearance of this trap it might be
supposed that no bird so cunning as the sparrow-hawk
would allow itself to be caught so easily, but experience
has proved the contrary. It is. claimed for it that ii is
the most simple, effectual, and humane hawk-trap that
has yet been invented.

Fig. 69.



The depends upon locating it m

efficiency of this trap
the right spot. results it should
To ensure good !><

situated where hawks are known

to haunt, such as an
open space between two coverts, or on a quiet stretch of
waste land, where a few bare old trees may prove a good
look-out position for the hawks. For kestrels it is best
placed right in the centre of an open field over which
they are seen hovering. If the reader desires to catch
sparrow-hawks it should be set in an open glade in a
covert, or about the centre of a ride along which they
flash at evening-time. The trap should be nlaced UDOII
four supporting sticks, one at each corner of the trap,
to height of about two feet. After it has been fixed,
and the drop-lid set, a few privet branches should he
stuck in the ground at the back of the trap, reaching up
to the top of the door. The trap should not be visited
too frequently, because one's constant presence near it
scares hawks, and yet it is not advisable to allow a cap-
tured hawk to remain
in it long, or the little decoys hav ;

a very bad time. Therefore, it is best set at a place

where one can see at a distance if it contains a hawk.
Hawks are generally caught at early morn and late in
the evening. Sparrows prove a very attractive bait,
and, regularly fed, will live for a very long time
if I i

properly attended to there is no cruelty to them.


In the foregoing chapters it may be observed that no
reference has been made to the trapping of badgers, a
practice which obtains in some parts of the country, but
has no sympathy of mine. For the same reasons no
reference is made to owls, birds whose destruction or
capture is wholly unwarranted, and which, but for the
ignorance of gamekeepers and others, would never have
suffered the depletion which their species have expe-
Further, I have, whilst trying to make the work as
comprehensive as possible, limited the references to
traps which cover all possible requirements, without
complicating matters by references to others of similar
nature, but embodying the same principle. There is
always quite a large number of new traps coming for-
ward from time to time, meeting with some demand and
then disappearing because they do not possess that par-
ticular value which commands permanent success. In
a good many of them the theory is good practical appli-

cation displays their weakness. In others tke scope for

their employment is so limited as to preclude their
manufacture and sale under profitable conditions.
Finally, a few words as to the cruelty of trapping
may not come amiss. Every true trapper endeavours to
avoid the infliction of anything more than the necessary
amount of pain on his victims. It is no use disguising
the fact that the steel trap is a cruel instrument, but the
amount of cruelty it inflicts is grossly exaggerated, and

T am convinced that it is this very exaggeration which

has done more to hinder the adoption of humane
methods than anything else. The professional trapper
lias been held up to so much odium that he has naturally

put up his back and preferred to earn his living in the

old way. There are abuses in every walk of life which
embraces the taking of life, whether for purposes of
food, sport, or necessity, but I have found that the
skilled man is always the least cruel in his methods, and
the bungler, from laziness or ignorance, the opposite.
^o one who has done me the honour to follow me in
what I have written will suggest that I have neglected to
point out wherever possible where unnecessary cruelty
can be avoided, and I would be the first to condemn any
user of steel traps Avho allowed neglect of the details of
his work, constant supervision of his tools and what they
were doing, and the deliverance of his captures from
their toils and pains at the very first moment practicable
to creep into his work. The man who sets a trap and deli-

berately or by accident forgets all about it is grossly to

blame. In the same way, one who discovers that one or
more of his traps have been broken away from their
fastenings or stake, and presumably carried or drawn
off by the animal taken, should not cease from hunting
for them until they are found and the victim released.
It is more by sins of omission than commission that

unnecessary cruelty caused in the usin^g of steej traps.


The day is, I am still far off when we shall be

.able to dispense with them, and in the meantime it
behoves everyone employing them to do so with the
greatest limitation of their pain-inflicting powers that is

possible under the circumstances.

(Established 1882).
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Box-traps, 143 Foxes,

Illustrations of, 144, 145. 147, 151 Baits for, 115
Double-ended, 145 Humane traps for, 116
Open-ended,, 148 Trapping, 107
Open-fronted. 151 Traps for, 109
Simple form of, 144
General trapping hints. 32
Cage-traps, 143, 152, 153 General trapping and snaring, 178
Cats, wild, 97 Ground Game Act, 45 "
Poaching, 102 Position of "occupier using traps
Baits for. 105 under, 46
Rugger traps for, 103 Ground vermin, 60
( ha-ins for steel traps, 6. 10, 41 Trapping, 61
Clap-nets, 199 Traps for, 61
Clifford's traps, 186 The polecat, 62
Collapsible steel traps, 13 The stoat, the weasel. 66, 67
Illustrations of, 13, 14
Cnnehi cling remarks. 220 Handling caught rabbits, 61
Crows, trapping, 129 Hares.
Snares for. 173
Deadfall trap, 148, 186 How to snare, 174
Deadfalls, 10
Dogs, poaching, 102 Baits for, 121
Traps for. 103 Taking young. 125
Baits for,' 105 The sparrow-hawk, 121
Dorset trap, 4 Trapping, 120, 223
Collapsible (Lane's), 13 Traps for, 122. 223
Description of parts. 4 Herons, 220
Detachable springs for, 12 Trap for. 221
How to set the, 22 Hingles, 190
Humane forms of, 15 Illustrations of. 191
Illustrations of. 7, 10. 11, 12 Humane traps, 15. 18
Improved, 11, 12 Mitchell's patent, 1.6
Main points in, 4 "Round, 37
Ordinary the, 10. 21
. Sara's patent, 18
Stakes for, 8 With flat jaws. 17
Variations of the, 9 Hugger traps, 35
Fveritt's patent trap, 90
Illustrations of, 90. 91 Illustrations,
Box-traps,' 144, 146, 148, 151
Fig-nre-of-fonr trap. 181 Cage-traps, 153
Fishery pests, 217 Clifford's, 155, 156
Foxes,' 107 Plan and section of. 154

Illustrations, Lamp for trapping at night, 59

Clap-net, 200 Lane's collapsible trap, 13
Brace for play-bird, 204 Illustrations of. 13, 14
Play-bird for, 203
Dead-fall traps, 148, 186 Magpies, 133
Baits for, 135
Dorset traps, 7, 10, 11
Habits of, 136
Double-spring vermin trap, 146
Everitt's patent trap. 92 Trapping, 133
Traps for, 139
Egg-eating bird trap, 139 humane
Mitchell's trapj 16
Figure-of -four trap, 181, 183
adaptor, 16
Folding vermin trap, 39 ,, ,,

Illustrations of. 16
Funnel cage-trap, 160
Moles, 212
Hawk-trap, Black's, 223 'and illustrations, 213,
,, plain, 35 Traps for,

toothed, 36 214, 216


Heron-trap, 221 Nets, 199

Humane fox-trap, 118 Clap-nets, 199
Idstone pit-trap, 157 How to set, 201
Plan of, 158^ Illustration of, 200
Section 157
Play-bird for, 203
Improved Dorset traps, 23 Drop-nets, 205
Iron stakes for traps, 50
Glade-nets, 210
Lane's collapsible trap, 13, 14
Long-nets., 209
Mole-traps, 214, 216
Rabbit-nets, 208
Ordinary Dorset traps, 23 Trailing, 209
Out-o'-sight trap, 96
Tunnel-nets, 207
Otter-trap, 219 Plan of, 208
Pen-trap, 161, 162 For kingfishers, 211
Pennsylvania; trap, 07
Pitfall, 188 Pen-trap, 162
Pull-up action in traps, 36 Pitfalls, 187
Rabbit's foot-marks, 50 Illustration of, 188
Rabbit-snares, 166. 168 Barrel, 189
Rabbit-nets, 209 Poaching dogs and cats, 104
Round trap with rubber jaws, 37 Polecat, the, 64
Sara's humane trap. 19. 20 Habits of, 66
Single-spring vermin-tr.ip, 40 Haunts of, 65
Stop-thief trap, 94 Trapping, 66
Springes, 191, "192, 193 Pull-up action in traps,, 35
Tunnel cage-trap, 160 ., trigger-traps, 36
Tunnel-traps, 208
Wire rat-trap, 95 Rabbits, 25, 47
Wire SD ring-trap, 12 Rabbit-trapping, 26, 47
Improved Dorset traps, L! A'ong hedgerows, 56
Choosing the ground for, 53
( 'hoice of sites for traps, 57
Jays, 133
( 'over ing the traps, 51
Baits for. 135
Hnbits of, 137 Footmarks of rabbits. 49
Trapping, 133 How to tell well-worked runs, 57
Traps for. 137 Handling caught rabbits. 61
In spring-time^ 48
Killine down rabbits, 48 Moving traps, 60
Kingfishers, Movements of rabbits, 58
Xots for, 213 Quantity of traps required, 54
Traps for, 225 Traps working badly, 59, 60

Rabbit trapping, times for, 57 Stoats, baits for, 73, 75

Resetting traps, 50 Trapping, 70
Season for, 53
Visiting traps, 58 Todls for trapping. 21
Rabbit-snaring, 163 Illustrations of, 23
Making snares, 165 Trapper, the, maxims for, 32
Illustrations of, 166, 168 Trapping, remarks on, 1
Rats, 76 Crows, 129
Baits for. 85 Foxes, 113
Game and, 89 General, and snaring, 178
Trapping of, general, 79 Ground vermin, 32
35 in buildings., 90 Hatvks, 120
5? in fields, 86 Herons. 221
in woods. 82 Jays, 133
Traps for. 92, 94, 95, 96, 97 Magpies, 133
Snares for. 176 Moles, 215
Raven, the, 127 Otters, 220
Round traps, 34 Rooks, 131
Chains for, 43 Rabbits, 26
Forked treadles for. 44 Rats. 92. 93, 94, yo
How to employ, 43 Winged vermin. 120
set, 42 Traps,
Rook. the. 127 Box, 143, 146, 148
Trapping, 131 Trigger for, 147
Burgess' patent, 17
S-hooks for traps, 10 Cage, 153, 155
Sara's 1m mane trap, 18. 19 Clifford's, 156
Setting round traps, 44 Dorset, 4
Small vermin-traps, 45 Deadfall. 148, 186
Rabbit -traps. 50 Figure-of-four, 181, 183
Small steel-traps, 39 Grades of, 9
How to set, 42 Humane. 15, 18
Stakes (iron) for, 41 Hugger, 35 u
Snares. 163 Illustrations of (see under I ")
Illustrations of, 166, 168 Idstone, 157
Making. 164 Kingfisher, 222
Stakes for, 165 Mitchell's humane, 16
Use generally, 169
of, Mitigating, 15
,, for hares, 170 Pen, 162
Snares, small, 175 Round and small. 34
For rats. 177 Sara's humane, 18
Snaring times for. 171
Birds. 178 Varieties of Dorset traps, .)

Poaching dogs and cats, 179 Vermin, ground, 60

Stakes for traps, 8 ,, winged, 120
How make, 8
Sparrow-hawk, 121 Weasels, habits of, 69
Springs for traps, 12 Baits for, 73., 75
Wire traps, 12 Trapping, 70
Detachable, 12 Winged vermin, 120
Snringes, 190 Wire-spring traps, 12
"Bow, 193 Wire cage-trap, 154
Materials for. 195 Wild cats, 99
Ordinary, 190. 191 Ha/bits of, 101
Post and rail. 194, 195 Trapping, 102
Stoats, habits of, 68, 69 Woodcocks, 197



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