Burstein 1954
Burstein 1954
Burstein 1954
Dr. V. A. Nanda for their generous help and valuable discussion FIG. 2. The dependence of the Fermi level, the lowest unfilled level in
and to Mr. C. S. Ochs for his welcome help in the measurements. the conduction band, and the optical energy gap on charge carrier density
in n-type InSb.
+ Assisted by a contract between the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission
and the Ohio State University Research Foundation.
I G. de Vries and J. G. Daunt, Phys. Rev. 92, 1572 (1953).
~ Horowitz, Silvidi, Malaker, and Daunt, Phys. Rev. 88, 1182 (1952). behavior of the absorption limit which is based on the very small
g C. V. Heer and J. G. Daunt, Phys. Rev. 76, 854 (1949).
effective mass of the electrons in InSb, rather than on some specific
4Fairbank, Ard, Dehmelt, Gordy, and Williams, Phys. Rev. 92, 208
(1953). impurity effect.
Abraham, Osborne, and Weinstock, Phys. Rev. 80, 366 (1950). By assuming that the thermal-energy gap at room temperature
6 T. C. Chen and F. London, Phys. Rev. 89, 1038 (1952). is equal to 0.18 ev, the optical energy gap for intrinsic materials,
7 Grilly, Hammel, and Sydoriak, Phys. Rev. 75, 1103 (1949).
~ J.G. Daunt and C. V. Heer, Phys. Rev. 79, 46 (1950). Tananbaum and Maita' obtain a value of 0.083m for the geometric
mean of the eGective masses of the electrons and holes in InSb.
In addition, by assuming a T J law for the hole mobilities at high
temperatures, they obtain a value of approximately 85 for
(p„/p„).r, the ratio of electron to hole mobilities in the lattice
scattering range of temperatures. Using the relation (Is„/p„)s
Anoma1ous Optical Absorption Limit in InSb = (m„/m )@' we obtain values of 0.03m and 0.2m for the effective
ELIAs BURsTEIN masses of electrons and holes, respectively, in InSb. The very
Crystal Branch, Metallurgy Divisioii, Naval Research Laboratory, small eGective mass of the electrons in InSb results from a sharp
Washington, D. C. curvature at the bottom of the conduction band and is associated
{Received December 11, 1953) with a small effective density of states and with a small degeneracy
ANENBAUM and Briggs' have recently encountered an concentration (N, =1.6X10"/cm' and eq, s=1.2X10"/cm' at
anomalous dependence of the optical absorption limit on 300'K). Consequently, InSb becomes degenerate at relatively
impurity content in InSb. They find that the room-temperature low electron densities, and in a degenerate sample the height of
absorption limit of an intrinsic sample lies at 7.0 microns while the Fermi level above the bottom of the conduction band, Ef Ee,
that of a relatively impure sample lies at 3.2 microns. They increases very rapidly with increasing electron density.
suggest that the transmission in the region from 3.2 to 7.0 microns The optical absorption limit of a degenerate n-type sample
is due to an impurity eGect. Optical measurements have also been involves vertical transitions from the filled band to the lowest
carried out at this laboratory. We find, for example, in agreement unfilled level E in the conduction band, which lies approximately
with Tanenbaum and Briggs, that the absorption limit of an 4kT below the Fermi level (Fig. 1). The optical energy gap E0
n-type sample containing 5 X 10' electrons/cm' lies at 3.2 microns, is therefore given by the energy separation between E and the
while that of an intrinsic sample lies at 7.2 microns. We believe, corresponding level in the filled band which, assuming spherical
however, that there is a natural explanation for the anomalous energy surfaces, lies (m /m„)E below the top of the filled band,
and is not just simply given by the minimum separation between
the bands Eg. E is located at the bottom of the conduction band,
i.e., Ey —E, is equal to 4kT at an'electron density of n =6.5E,
=1.0X10"/cm'. ' For n-type InSb, Eo should therefore be equal
to Eg when the electron density is smaller than n and approxi-
mately equal to Eg+(1+m /m„) (El E, 4kT) when the—
m„= 0.03m elec--
tron density is larger than n . For p-type InSb, on the other hand,
FIG. 1. Energy-momentum
of InSb based on
=0.03m and m~ =0.2m giv-
Ea should be equal to Eg for hole densities smaller than 1.7 X 10"/
cm', and approximately equal to Eg+ (1+m~/m )
for hole densities larger than P .
(E„EI 4kT)— —
Em ing the position of the Fermi
level and that of the lowest The theoretical dependence of Eo on charge-carrier density for
unfilled level in the conduction n-type InSb is given in Fig. 2. For the n-type sample containing
band for an n-type sample con-
c taining 5 &(10'8 electrons/cmg. 5)(10' electrons/cm', we obtain a theoretical optical energy gap
E The corresponding energy-mo- of 0.4 ev which is in agreement with the value of 0.39 ev corre-
~G mentum curves for a semi-
Ev conductor for mrs =m~ =m is sponding to the observed optical absorption Limit at 3.2 microns.
shown in dotted lines. InSb appears to be the only semiconductor investigated thus
far in which the anomalous behavior of the absorption limit is
observed. This may be attributed to the fact that the eGective
lTlp O. 2 Al masses of the charge carriers in other semiconductors are much
A shift in the absorption limit with charge-carrier density should distribution. If q=0, the conventional form is obtained in which
also be observable at suKciently high charge-carrier densities in the total electron content of the layer is three times the content
other semiconductors. However, the absorption by free charge below the peak. If q = f/{f+P), the recombination coeKcient can
carriers at the high densities needed would, in general, mask the be proportional to the pressure and the total electron content is
intrinsic absorption limit and thereby prevent the eBect from six times the content below the peak. It is known that these
being observed. extreme forms may represent the behavior of the P'2 layer7 in
' M. Tanenbaum and H. B. Briggs, Phys. Rev. 91, 1561 (1953). winter and summer.
2 I am indebted to W. Zimmerman for supplying the doped InSb samples; Ionization potentials of 0 and 02 being 13.60 evs and 12.04 ev, 9
to Bertha W. Henvis for carrying out the optical measurements; and to respectively, 0&+ obtained by (1) is in the electronic state ('IIg)
G. Lerman for carrying out the Hall effect measurements. I am also grateful
to Dr. M. Tanenbaum of the Bell Telephone Laboratories for supplying from v=0 to v=6 at most. The dissociation potential of oxygen
the intrinsic sample of InSb. being 5.11 ev, '0 process (2) a priori leads to three possibilities as
3 M. Tanenbaum and J. P. Maita, Phys. Rev. 91, 1009 (1953).
- 4
J. McDougall and E. C. Stoner, Trans. Roy. Soc. London A23V, 67 far as the energy balance is concerned:
02++e~20('S), or 0('S)+0('D), or OPS)+0('P).
From this, one concludes that the emission of the green line
might be produced by this means. If the complete use of the
energy may yield two excited atoms 'S, it must be pointed out
Origin of the Emission of the Oxygen Green Line that the rate of the emission processes depends on the repulsion
in the Airglow* curves of states leading to dissociation products '5, 'D, and 'I'.
MARcEL NIcoLET At Ii2 layer heights, e{O+}&e(O&+), so that, thanks to (3), (4),
Ionosphere Research Laboratory, Pennsylvania State University, and (5), we may deduce the following vertical distribution of the
State College, Pennsylvania green line emission:
(Received December 7, 1953)
2P+3 — —e
'T is well known that the airglow emission of the oxygen green I5„77':exp (f+P) 1 —g g
line at X557?A cannot be attributed to the ordinary chemical
sources if the altitude of the airglow layer is greater than that of The gradient of the scale height being /=0. 3, the peak of the
the E layer. Furthermore, ionic recombinations involving negative emission corresponds to a value of P varying from — 1 to — 2
ions in Region P are not suKcient to lead to an airglow emission. below the peak of the electron concentration (300-350 km), i.e.,
Finally, while the hypothesis of incoming particles exciting this an altitude of 250 km.
emission has been put forward, it remains vague and cannot It follows from these calculations that an airglow emission in
account for the variations which are observed. Region F is possible. A complete account of this work will be
According to the observational data, ' the height of the emission published elsewhere. This will show the interdependence of the
layer is of the order of 250~50 km, and the maximum of intensity emission of the green line and of the properties of an ionospheric
layer in which molecular oxygen ions play an important part on
occurs at local midnight &2.5 hours. The observed annual
variation shows several maxima and indicates, therefore, a quite account of vertical transport by diffusion. "
complex variation. Finally, the isophotal plots of the intensity * The work reported in this note has been sponsored by the Geophysical
changes of various parts of the sky suggest the presence of a Research Division of the Air Force Cambridge Research Center, Air
Research and Development Command.
de6nitive emission pattern in the high atmosphere. 1Roach, Williams, and Pettit, J. Geophys. Research 58, 73 (1953);
In order to explain such an emission, recourse must be made to Barbier, Dufay, and Williams, Ann. astrophys. 14, 399 (1951).
~ M. Nicolet and P. Mange, J. Geophys. Research 59, 1 (1954).
results obtained by Nicolet and Mange2 on the vertical distri- g D. R. Bates and H. S. W. Massey, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A192, 1
bution of molecular oxygen. The charge-exchange process con- (1947).
4 D. R. Bates, Phys. Rev. 18, 492 (1950).
sidered by Bates and Massey3 can be applied in the following s M. Nicolet, J. Atm. and Terrest. Phys. 1, 141 (1951).
6 G. R. White and I. S. Wachtel, J. Geophys. Research 54, 239 (1949).
form in the Ii2 layer: 7 F. G. Smith, J. Atm. and Terrest. Phys. 2, 350 (1952).
0++02—+0+02+. "
I C. E. Moore, "Atomic Energy Levels, National Bureau of Standards
Circular No. 467 (U. S. Government Printing Ofhce, Washington, D. C.,
The reaction (1) is followed by 1949).
s E. C. V. Inn, Phys. Rev. 91, 1194 (1953).
Og++ e~O'+0", (2) » G. Herzberg, Can. J. Phys. 32, 1 (1954).
» M. Nicolet, Rocket Research of the Upper Atmosphere (Pergamon
namely, a dissociative recombination process 6rst discussed by Press, London, 1954).
Bates and Massey' and calculated by Bates. 4 Dissociative recombi-
nation of 02 is a powerful excitation mechanism for the green
line in the airglow.
Because molecular and atomic oxygen are in di6'usive equi-
librium at 200 km, we can assume the following vertical distri-
butions: Threshold Energies for Sputtering and the
N(0) =me(0) expL —(1+p)rj, (3) Sound Velocity in Metals
+(%) = no(02) exp' (2+P)r7 (4) Electronic Components Laboratory, Wright Air Development Center,
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio
in which Ne(0) and ee(02) denote the concentrations at the (Received December 7, 1953)
reduced' height /=0, e(O) and n(02) are the concentrations at
&HE author has recentlyI described experiments which show
height f, and P is the scale height gradient of atomic oxygen.
Numerical values2 show that O~ is still an important constituent that the minimum threshold energy for sputtering is a
in Region Ii; of the order of 5)&10 cm ' at 200 km, 5X106 at function of the angle of incidence of the bombarding ions. Previous
250 km, 5)&10 at 300 km and 10' at 350 km. According to attempts to measure threshold energies failed to give reliable
ionospheric observations, ' an average peak of the night-time P2 results because they were made either in the glow discharge or
layer may be considered at heights of the order of 300 350 km. with wires which are small compared to the ion sheath thickness P 3
The vertical distribution of the electron concentration n, can in both cases, however, the angle of incidence is undetermined.
be represented' by the following formula: With a low gas pressure (1 micron) and a large sputtering
electrode immersed in a plasma of high density (10"— 10'~ per
e, = (a,)e expp(1+p) Ll —r(1 —s) e& —(5)
j}, cm'), it is possible to avoid collisions of the ions within the ion
in which g denotes a parameter giving the form of the particular sheath and to approach the plane case with predominantly