001 MG Al 2 o 4
001 MG Al 2 o 4
001 MG Al 2 o 4
basic solid state physics
Structural, electronic and optical
properties of spinel MgAl2O4 oxide
S. M. Hosseini*
Department of Physics (Materials and Electroceramics Laboratory), Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran
The structure, band structure, total density of states, dielectric performed for the energy range 0 – 40 eV. It is shown that the
function, reflectivity, refractive index and loss function have material is transparent at visible wavelengths and the disper-
been calculated for spinel MgAl2O4 oxide using density func- sion curve of the refractive index is fairly flat in the long-
tional theory. The full-potential linearized augmented plane wavelength region and rises rapidly towards shorter wave-
wave method was used with the generalized gradient ap- lengths. The refractive index is 1.774 at 800 nm near the
proximation. Calculations of the optical spectra have been visible region.
1 Introduction The spinel structure (sometimes words, the composition with respect to one unit cell can be
called garnet structure) is named after the mineral spinel (A8)(B16)O32 or A8(B8A8)O32 = A(AB)O4 in regular chemi-
(MgAl2O4); the general composition is AB2O4. The spinel cal notation, or (A8/3B16/3)(A16/3B32/3)O32, and so on, with the
structure has a close-packed face-centred cubic structure of atoms in the parentheses occupying the respective site at
space group Fd3m (number 227), with eight MgAl2O4 units random. Two types of spinels can be distinguished: normal
per cubic cell [1]. Three degrees of freedom associated and inverse spinels. In the normal spinel, all Al3+ ions are
with the detailed atomic arrangements of spinels are: in octahedral coordination with local symmetry D3d, and all
(i) the lattice parameter, a; (ii) the anion parameter, u; and Mg2+ ions are in tetrahedral coordination with point group
(iii) the cation inversion parameter. The cations (usually symmetry Td. Thus the general formula may be written as
metals) occupy 1/8 of the tetrahedral sites and 1/2 of the (Mg)[Al2]O4 or (Mg8)[Al16]O32 for the cubic cell, where ( )
octahedral sites and there are 32 oxygen ions in the unit and [ ] denote tetrahedral and octahedral sites, respectively.
cell. The anion sublattice is arranged in a pseudo-cubic The Mg–O and Al–O bond lengths in the normal spinel
close packed (ccp) spatial arrangement. Some spinels pos- are 1.967 Å and 1.855 Å, respectively [3]. MgAl2O4 single
sess almost ideal ccp anion sublattices. The description of crystals are widely used for bulk acoustic wave and mi-
the atomic positions in spinel is dependent on the choice of crowave devices and fast IC epitaxial substrates. It is also
setting for the origin in the Fd3m space group. Two differ- found that MgAl2O4 is a good substrate for III–V nitride
ent equipoints with point symmetries 4 3m and 3 m are pos- devices [4].
sible choices for the unit cell origin. Moreover, the origin The spinel oxides comprise an important class of ce-
can be assigned to either a vacant site or an occupied lat- ramic compounds with a variety of interesting electrical,
tice site. The coordinates of the anions at equipoints 32e magnetic and optical properties. The magnesium spinel
are not special: they vary according to a single parameter, MgAl2O4 has a combination of desirable properties of high
u for a perfect ccp anion arrangement, uideal43m
= 3/ 8 (0.375) melting point (1250 °C), high strength, resistance to
and uideal = 1/ 4 (0.250) for origins at 4 3m and 3 m, respec-
chemical attack and low electrical losses [5]. These special
tively [2]. properties mean that a magnesium spinel has many impor-
The spinel structure is very flexible with respect to the tant applications. It has been reported that MgAl2O4 thin
cations it can incorporate; there are over 100 known com- films show interesting characteristics in terms of their use
pounds. In particular, the A and B cations can mix. In other in humidity measurement devices [6, 7].
2802 S. M. Hosseini: Properties of spinel MgAl2O4 oxide
The iteration halted when the charge difference was less 3.1.3 Optical properties The band-to-band transi-
than 0.0001e between steps as convergence criterion. The tion of an electron from the valence to conduction band is
cut-off energy, which defines the separation of valence and induced by incident light. The photon energy absorbed in
core states, was chosen as −6 Ry. the material per unit time and unit volume is equivalent to
the power dissipation of electromagnetic wave per unit
3.1 Structure optimization time and unit volume and thus is related to the imaginary
3.1.1 Lattice parameters From the literature, we part of the dielectric tensor via the equation [20]
know that the bulk elastic properties of a material deter-
pe 2
mine how much it will compress under a given amount of
external pressure. The ratio of the change in pressure to the
Im ε (ω ) =
ε 0 m 2ω 2
Âc ,v
e ◊ pcv d[ε ck - ε vk ¢ - ω ] δ kk ¢ (5)
Table 1 Calculated and experimental crystallographic data for spinel MgAl2O4 oxide with space group Fd3m.
2804 S. M. Hosseini: Properties of spinel MgAl2O4 oxide
a) b)
Figure 5 (online colour at: www.pss-b.com) Electron densities of spinel MgAl2O4 oxide in the (100) plane in a) two and b) three
a) b)
Figure 6 (online colour at: www.pss-b.com) Electron densities of spinel MgAl2O4 oxide in the (110) plane in a) two and b) three
Figure 7 Calculated a) real and b) imaginary parts of the dielectric function for spinel MgAl2O4 oxide.
2806 S. M. Hosseini: Properties of spinel MgAl2O4 oxide
In Fig. 8 the refractive index, n(ω), and the reflectivity, 4.3.2 Electron energy loss spectroscopy Plasmon
R(ω), are shown for spinel MgAl2O4 structure. The mate- losses correspond to a collective oscillation of the valence
rial is transparent in the visible and the excitonic transition electrons and their energy is related to the density of
associated with the fundamental absorption edge increases valence electrons. In the case of interband transitions,
in the series from 6.27 eV to 10.19 eV. At phonon energies which consist mostly of plasmon excitations, the scattering
above 24.5 eV the reflectivity magnitudes begin to de- probability for volume losses is directly connected to
crease and the interband transitions are exhausted by 40 eV. the energy loss function. One can then calculate the elec-
The experimental spectrum of reflectivity of MgAl2O4 tron energy loss spectrum from the following relations
from 5 to 40 eV using a novel spectrophotometer with a [21]:
laser plasma light source is also plotted in Fig. 8 [14]. εαβ (ω ) = ε1 + iε 2
In order to obtain an accurate value of static dielectric
constant, we should add to the electronic part the optical and
phonon contribution. However, in this calculation we did È -1 ˘ ε2
not include such a contribution and the values of high fre- Lαβ (ω ) = Im Í ˙= 2 2
. (11)
quency dielectric constant have been evaluated at nearly Î ωαβ (ω ) ˚ ε1 + ε 2
zero value of energy. The refractive index is then obtained In Fig. 10 the energy loss function is plotted for spinel
from Eq. (10) as n(0) ≈ 1.763 which is close to the experi- MgAl2O4 oxide. There are other peaks and features in this
mental value of 1.71 [26]. The static refractive index is spectrum, in addition to the plasmon peak, associated with
summarized in Table 3. interband transitions. The plasmon peak is usually the most
intense feature in the spectrum and this is at an energy
4.3.1 Dispersion of the refractive index The dis- where Re ε(ω) goes to zero, after the zero-loss peak; the
persion curve of the refractive index is shown in Fig. 9.
The curve is fairly flat in the long-wavelength region
and rises rapidly towards shorter wavelengths, showing the
typical shape of a dispersion curve near an electronic inter-
band transition.
The strong increase in the refractive index is associated
with the fundamental band gap absorption. The refractive
index is 1.774 at 800 nm near the visible region; the wave-
lengths of visible light are shaded.