Duxbury Clipper 2011 - 02 - 02

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ON THE WEB: www.duxburyclipper.com E-MAIL: editor@duxburyclipper.com Newsroom: 781-934-2811 x25 Advertising: 781-934-2811 x23 Newsstand: $1.

Volume LXI No. 5 “As soon go kindle fire with snow, as seek to quench the fire of love with words.” –– William Shakespeare Wednesday, February 2, 2011

IG: Town can

rebid North Hill
Inspector General says Duxbury
can move forward with contract
By Susanna Sheehan, Clipper Staff town to solicit bids for man-
aging the municipal nine-hole
The town has been given golf course on Merry Ave. The
the green light to rebid the bidding document was issued
North Hill Golf Course man- on Friday.
agement contract by the state Selectman Christopher
Inspector General’s office and Donato voted against the mo-
the Middlesex Superior Court, tion for authorization, saying
but one Duxbury selectmen he did not believe that rebid-
believes this is a bad idea. ding the North Hill contract
On Monday, Selectmen would help the current legal
SNOW SPRAY: George Prebola activated his snow blower for the fifth time this winter to clear his
Chairman Shawn Dahlen and situation there. driveway. Recent storms have left Duxbury buried under the white stuff, with more on the way this
Selectman Betsy Sullivan vot- week. Photo by Deni Johnson
ed in favor of authorizing the continued on page 16

Voices raised together Hydrant hold up

A cappella night at the PAC this weekend will Fire Department says obstructed
raise funds for the Paul S. Fortini Foundation hydrants are a growing problem
ferent problem. Some hom-

By Justin Graeber, Clipper Editor By Justin Graeber, Clipper Editor
justin@duxburyclipper.com justin@duxburyclipper.com
eowners are building fences or
he parents of Paul Fire hydrants buried un- other structures so close to the
Fortini, a DHS der mountains of snow are a hydrants that fire crews can’t
graduate and New perennial problem for munici- access the bolts with a wrench,
York University student who pal Fire Departments –– even and therefore can’t turn the
was tragically killed in 2008, though most towns have or- water on to fight fires.
hope to keep their son’s love dinances requiring residents “It seems to be common
of music alive through an an- to dig them out. Deputy Fire sense, but we’ve run into a
nual a cappella concert. Chief Christopher West said half-dozen or so cases,” West
Last year was the inau- that with the recent snow, Wa- said.
gural concert for “A Mazing ter Department crews have Fire Chief Kevin Nord
A Cappella.” (A cappella is a been digging out hydrants sent out letters to homeown-
musical term for singing with- so they’ll be accessible in an ers who have created such a
out musical accompaniment.) The PACMen, a Duxbury High School-based a cappella group that emergency. situation, but says he hasn’t
Paul Fortini once belonged to, performs at last year’s fundraiser. Recently, however, Dux-
bury is encountering a dif-
continued on page 14 continued on page 21


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2 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Duxbury Almanac
Clarification Sponsored by Alan Hurley Roofing
The photo caption under TIDES
last week’s School Commit- High High Low Low
tee photo that said member Thurs. Feb. 3 11:24 a.m. 11:53 p.m. 5:34 a.m. 6:06 p.m.
Gary Magnuson was attend- Fri. Feb. 4 12:02 p.m. -- 6:16 a.m. 6:43 p.m.
Fine Wine • Beer • Liquor • Cigars ing the meeting by telephone Sat. Feb. 5 12:29 a.m. 12:40 p.m. 6:55 a.m. 7:19 p.m.
may have given the incorrect
Sun. Feb. 6 1:05 a.m. 1:19 p.m. 7:35 a.m. 7:56 p.m.
Stop & Shop Plaza • Kingston impression Magnuson was
Mon. Feb. 7 1:41 a.m. 1:58 p.m. 8:15 a.m. 8:34 p.m.
781.422.9999 in his office in Boston. Due
to the School Committee Tues. Feb. 8 2:19 a.m. 2:40 p.m. 8:58 a.m. 9:14 p.m.
meeting schedule changing Wed. Feb. 9 3:00 a.m. 3:25 p.m. 9:43 a.m. 9:57 p.m.
because of weather, Magnu- Thurs. Feb. 10 3:44 a.m. 4:14 p.m. 10:31 a.m. 10:45 p.m.
Paul D. Fitzgerald, D.M.D., P.C. son had a conflict and was Fri. Feb. 11 4:33 a.m. 5:08 p.m. 11:24 a.m. 11:37 p.m.
Specializing in Orthodontics calling from Chicago. SUNRISE AND SUNSET
Sunrise Sunset
Thurs. Feb. 3 6:53 a.m. 4:59 p.m.
Fri. Feb. 4 6:52 a.m. 5:00 p.m.
Legal Sat. Feb. 5 6:51 a.m. 5:02 p.m.
Notice Sun. Feb. 6
Mon. Feb. 7
6:50 a.m. 5:03 p.m.
6:49 a.m. 5:04 p.m.
TOWN OF Tues. Feb. 8 6:48 a.m. 5:06 p.m.
Wed. Feb. 9 6:46 a.m. 5:07 p.m.
Thurs. Feb. 10 6:45 a.m. 5:08 p.m.
COMMUNITY Fri. Feb. 11 6:44 a.m. 5:09 p.m.

781-585-0024 The Duxbury Community
Preservation Committee WEATHER ALMANAC
will hold its annual public High Low Rainfall Snowfall 6AM Sky
COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATIONS information hearing in the Conditions
www.kingstonorthodontics.com Mural Room, Lower Level, Saturday 24 12 -- -- Clear
Town Hall, 878 Tremont Sunday 25 08 -- -- Broken Clouds
Street on Wednesday, February Monday 14 01 -- -- Clear
16, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. The Tuesday 33 06 -- 1.6” Light Snow
Committee will present its Wednesday 35 17 0.49” 2.0” Broken Clouds
Annual Town Meeting Warrant Thursday 34 24 0.10” 7.5” Moderate Snow
articles and invites public Friday 34 18 -- Trace Scattered Clouds
participation and discussion.
Totals: 0.59” 11.1”
This meeting is an opportunity
for the public to meet the Weather Reflections
Community Preservation
Valentine’s Day Committee and to express
The string of winter nor’easters continued throughout January with
significantly more snowfall in West and North Duxbury than along
Friday February 14th their ideas and concerns. the immediate coast.

Chairman Averages & Comparisons
Avg High Above Week 28.4
Avg High Same Week Last Year 42.9
Avg High Same Week ‘91 34.4
– Wayne Heward


5 Spring St. $475,000 Helen Sirois-Joline and John F. Joline to
Benjamin and Laura Carlson
Willow Tree Angel Collection POSTAL STATEMENT
by Demdaco The Duxbury Clipper is
Show your “Sweetest” how much you care published weekly by
Clipper Press, 11 So.
with a Loving Angel from Willow Tree. Station Street, Duxbury,
The Studio has one for every Loving Mood. MA 02331. Periodical
postage permit
Through body, breath and vocal (USPS#163-260) paid at
!NGELOF&RIENDSHIPs7ITH,OVE work, connect to the energy Duxbury, MA.
!NGEL,OVEs4HINKINGOF9OU & joy of the voice within.
POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Duxbury Clipper
7ITH!FFECTIONs,OVING!NGEL Professional singer, Boston at PO Box 1656, Duxbury, MA 02331.
Conservatory voice faculty.

p.s. Don’t forget everyone’s favorite

Chocolate... Harbor Sweets!
Specialized skills in teaching
healthy belt voice in pop/rock Genealogy Club field trip planned
& musical theatre for young singers,
Duxbury Senior Center Genealogy Club is planning to at-
prepare for auditions & performances.
tend an upcoming workshop Tuesday, Feb. 15 at Thomas Crane
Lisa Sheldon
Library in Quincy. The theme is “How to create a Travel Itiner-
THE STUDIO OF DUXBURY Limited space available for private ary based on your Family History.” The leaders will discuss how
$EPOT3TREET $UXBURYs  lessons - students of all ages and levels to include resources like gazetteers, historical guidebooks, maps
781-248-0072 and more in your family history albums. If you would like to join
The Studio will be closed Mondays Feb. and March
elisabethsheldon@gmail.com us we will have transportation from the Senior Center leaving at
Studios in Boston & Duxbury 6:15 p.m. and return by 9 p.m. Contact Linda Hayes at 781-934-
5774 for details and to make your reservation.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011 Duxbury Clipper 3

There’s no better
MAKING A edge than Blue!
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through a
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river last to obtain their Massachusetts Driver’s License

week. The and become safe, responsible and defensive drivers.
weather that’s



shows no drivewithblue.com
signs of

( % ! ,4 ( - / . 4 ( 
abating, as 20 Tremont Street, Building 9 Suite 17, Duxbury
another storm
moved in
Tuesday and
Little competition at the ballot box ( % ! ,4 ( - / . 4 ( 
By Justin Graeber, Clipper Editor term, two running to keep his position
years. as town moderator, a year-to-
All the open positions in There year office, and June Albritton
the upcoming town elections will also has taken out papers to run for
have candidates, but if the be a choice a three-year term on the Board
election were held tomorrow for voters of Assessors.
most candidates would win at the ballot All candidates have re-
without a fight. box when it turned papers except for Al-
Ted Flynn comes to li- britton, Steadman, Turcotte
Election 2011 brary trustee. Flynn stepped and Ringquist.
Ted Flynn is currently the down from his seat on the li-
only candidate for Betsy Sulli- brary board of trustees to run
bridging generations of smiles
van’s seat on the Board of Se- for selectman, and Lamont NEED DINNER
lectmen (Sullivan announced Healy is running to fill the TONIGHT? C O M P L I Morthodontic treatment for children, adolescents and adults
last year that she would not unexpired term of two years. Give us a call.
seek re-election). Anne Ward Donna Ryan, Brooke Mc- We deliver pizza, subs, Complimentary Consultations
and Maureen Connolly are Donough and Elizabeth “Sun- steak tips & pasta dinners Open Mon., Thurs., Fri. 8am-5pm
also running unopposed for ny” Steadman are running for C O M P L I M E N T A R Y C O N S U L T A T Tues. I O N S8am-1pm
their two seats on the School two three-year slots. 1510 Tremont Street, Duxbury, MA 02332
Committee. Last week, Alden C H I LP hDo 1510
e: E
7 8N -,9 3A
1Tremont5 5O
8 3L E• Sw wCw E.Duxbury,
Street d rN
s hT
e eS
h a nA rN
t h oD
o MA o nA
t i cD
d02332 s . cU
There are two candidates Ringquist took out papers to 781-934-5583
seeking a five-year term on the run for a five-year term on
781-934-6568 www.drsheehanorthodontics.com
Planning Board, however, Paul the Housing Authority. This
McCormack and Jennifer Tur- was the last position that was
cotte. Brian Glennon, who was wide-open (a previous report
appointed earlier this year to erroneously listed two seats Introductory Offer: 3 Private Lessons for only $99.00!
that board to fill the unexpired open on the authority).
term of Harold Moody, is seek- Other unopposed candi- 1510 Tremont Street, Duxbury, MA 02332
ing the remainder of Moody’s dates: Friend Weiler, Sr., is Phone: 781-934-5583 • www.drsheehanorthodont
Start the new year off right - building a strong, lean, flexible,
Clipper wins NENPA awards balanced body for optimal health!
Personal attention to individual needs - seniors, golfers, athletes, people with sports,
back & joint injuries,and healthy adults getting in shape. Comfortable, fully equipped studio.
The Duxbury Clipper has
received two New England Betty DeLisle, 781-934-9959
Newspaper and Press Associa- Certified Pilates Trainer duxpilates@comcast.net
tion Better Newspaper Contest
awards. Reporter Susanna
Sheehan and Editor Justin
Graeber won in the category of
government reporting for their
work on the drama surrounding
the exit of former police chief
Mark DeLuca. Graeber won
the Right-to-Know award, a
first amendment award, for his
reporting on, and involvement
in exposing, open meeting law
violations on the School Com-
Being nominated means the
Clipper has won either first, second or third place in these cate-
gories. The final results will be revealed during the association’s
annual convention later this month.
4 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Thief all washed up

By Justin Graeber, Clipper Editor release from Chief Matthew and he was placed under ar-
Night And Weekend Appointments Available
Clancy. On Tuesday night at rest. During the arrest a small
Duxbury Police arrested approximately 7:30 p.m., De- quantity of drugs were discov- 
a suspect last week following tective Dennis McKenney was ered.
several thefts from a local ap- conducting surveillance near David Tewksbury, age 40, ents
New Cli $25
pliance dealer. the store when he saw a black of Kingston, was arraigned iv e
Rece Visit!
Over the last few weeks
the department, had been con-
pickup truck drive behind the
building. The driver of the
this morning in Plymouth Dis-
trict Court on charges of lar-
$BMMGP 781-934-0144
tacted several times by South truck then attempted to load ceny over $250, trespassing, XXXGBTUUFLTDPN
Shore Cabinet on Tremont a washing machine into the and possession of class A and
Street regarding thefts of back of the truck. Detective B substances.
property from behind their McKenney and several patrol
store, according to a press officers confronted the man 35 Depot Street 781-934-2863
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Duxbury Camera Club to present

visual journey to Europe
Duxbury Camera Club’s monthly meeting, Wednesday Feb.
2 at 7 p.m. in the library Merry Room, is the time to escape from Assisted Living Community
New England’s winter hold and join four of our members on
a visual journey to Europe. These four members are advanced
at The Village at Duxbury
photographers, having between them many awards and acco-
lades. cordially invites you to
Later in the month, on Feb. 19, Lynne Ford will present the
monthly members’ workshop: Photo Editing – Basic Tools and
Techniques. Sign up for this and all workshops through the web-
Camera Club meets the first Wednesday of each month from
7-9:30 p.m. in the library’s Merry Room. Monthly meetings are
open to both members and prospective members while work- Wednesday, February 9, 2011
shops, field trips and critiques are for members only. For more
information contact katherineadixon@me.com or visit the web- 2:00-3:30 pm
Bring a parent or a friend,
Lasagna bake sale Feb. 2 and join us for an enchanting afternoon
with Donna and Ron Lasko,
In support of the Pilgrim Church Youth Mission Trip to
Jackson, Mississippi this summer, Pilgrim Teens ask you to “The Ultimate Tea Couple”.
buy their handmade lasagnas for delivery on Feb. 4 and 5,
to eat while watching the Superbowl, or to freeze for later. Donna and Ron will present a cultural, culinary, mythical,
Vegetarian lasagnas cost $17. Lasagnas with meat are $20. All historical, legendary and literary look at the world’s
orders must be received by Wednesday, Feb. 2. Please support
this worthy cause, and place your order by filling out the order most popular flower. Their “Courtship Tea” will
form online at Pilgrimchurchofduxbury.org, under “programs be served in silver with light refreshments.
events” and e-mailing it to Eloiseparks@hotmail.com, or call-
ing us at 781-934-6591. Seating is limited.
To reserve your seat today,
please call Irene at 781-585-7136 extension 121
290 Kings Town Way (Rt 53), Duxbury, MA
owned and managed by Welch Healthcare & Retirement Group


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Wednesday, February 2, 2011 Duxbury Clipper 5

Eagle Scout clothing 

and equipment drive
As part of his Eagle Scout 
Project, Brendan Meehan of
Boy Scout Troop 62 will be  
conducting a clothing and
equipment drive to benefit  
Cradles to Crayons, a non-
profit organization located in 
Brighton. He will be collect-
ing new items for children in-
cluding clothing (size 0-20), 
shoes, sneakers boots, books,
arts and crafts supplies, baby
equipment, coats, socks, un-
GNO committee members Colleen Mathews and Amanda Lawrence derwear, hygiene supplies for
next up for their Hollywood hair-dos. ages 0-12, and any baby sup-
plies including crib sheets.

DSU news On Sunday, Feb. 6, Bren-

dan and fellow scouts from
Troop 62 will be at Holy Fam-
Girls’ Night Out: DSU’s first ever Girls’ Night Out cer- ily Church collecting donated
tainly exceeded everyone’s expectations and had mom’s beg- items from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. fol-
ging to do a similar event for them! Girls Night Out was more lowing each Mass. In addition,
than a makeover. Forty middle school girls, three high school items can be dropped off at the
seniors, five hair stylists, four makeup artists and eight moms office of Holy Family Church
became part of a sisterhood and enjoyed the evening to bond, or at 31 Pilgrim-By-Way be-
banter and be their best. It takes a community to raise confi- tween Feb. 7 and Feb. 13.
dent and compassionate young ladies and we are appreciative
of women of all ages who invested their time in the success
and self esteem of these 40 young ladies.
Freaky Friday: Freaky Friday is back on Friday, Feb. 4,
from 2-5 p.m. for all Alden students. Enjoy Valentine bingo,
Smores in the snow and a variety of indoor and outdoor ac-
tivities to choose from. Alden members $10, nonmembers $20
(includes snack), DMS members $5, nonmembers $10. E-mail
sbradford@duxburystudentunion.com if your child is attend-
ing. If your child has not attended DSU programs before, !"

please complete the Alden half-day registration form found at

Cake Boss: Spaces are still available in the second session
Laborist Chiropractor
of Cake Boss with Johanna Lyons of Sugar Plum Bakery. If Jordan Hospital Jordan Spine Care

you would like to attend Wednesdays, Feb. 9, 16 and March 2,
please drop off payment of $30 to the DSU as soon as possi-
& Wood
ble. For more information, e-mail Sue Bradford at sbradford@
Save the date: DSU’s annual Adult fundraiser evening is Pregnancy, back pain, and body changes
Saturday, March 5. Enjoy Island Creek oysters, hors douvres,
silent auction and music entertainment by Despite Dwight. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22 Pembroke Public Library
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Pembroke, Massachusetts

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6 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Veteran leaves behind a legacy of volunteerism

Joseph Shea was the face of monument project; worked on new crematory building
Cullen said the she sent manner and deep, booming

By Justin Graeber, Clipper Editor
Shea a note after his wife’s laugh, Shea leaves a legacy
e was a big man, passing. in the town that he loved so
with an even big- “I told him, ‘The mission much.
ger heart. is now complete commander, “Many people will have
Joseph Shea died of a it’s time to focus on taking to step into his shadow in or-
heart attack on Monday, Jan. care of yourself,’” she said. der to try to help his light to
31. In addition to his family, “I’m sorry he didn’t get the keep shining for us all while
he leaves behind a legacy of chance to do that.” remembering this amazing
service to his country and the Felty also felt that the loss man,” Vose said.
town that he loved. of his wife had a major effect A memorial service for
“It’s a big loss for the on Shea. Shea will be held on Wednes-
town,” said Town Manager “I really think he died of a day, Feb. 9, at 2 p.m. at First
Richard MacDonald. “I con- broken heart,” he said. Parish Church on Tremont
sider Joe a Whether it was impacting Street, followed by an Alli-
friend first, a Shea reads during the dedication of the base of the World War I mon- the town through his countless ance Hosted Collation to be
caring Dux- ument in 2009. Restoring the monument became a passionate cause volunteer projects, or impact- held in the Harvey Assembly
bury volun- of Shea’s after he discovered the shattered pieces, once thought lost, ing the lives of the people he Hall from 3-5 p.m.
teer.” during a walk through the cemetery. worked with his easy-going
S h e a
served on tory at Mayflower Cemetery, pital every day for treatment,”
many Dux- was also impressed with his Sheehan said.
Joseph Shea bury commit- dedication to the monument Always a straight shooter, Well worth the Stop!
tees, such as project and his knowledge of Shea didn’t hesitate even dur- Antiques
the crematory building com- the town’s cemeteries. ing a difficult time to dole out
mittee. He was also the town’s “Joe loved the town,” advice. Reproductions
sealer of weights and measures Sheehan said. “He knew things “He told me, ‘You know Cross Stitch
for many years. He had a pas- that nobody knew, he poked Emmett, you’re not too old a
sion for the town’s cemeteries. through records.” guy that you shouldn’t enjoy Leslie Cook – Owner & Unique Gifts
[See an article Shea submitted On the crematory project, your family and your life ... n
to the Clipper shortly before Shea impressed his fellow take time to smell the roses.’” Pembroke Crossing • 15 Columbia Road, Unit 5 • Pembroke • 781-826-6022
his death on page 7.] committee members with his Sheehan said.
military-like attention to de-
in memoriam tails, collecting information
on the retorts from all across
It was on a walk through
one of the town’s cemeteries
where Shea found the bro-
the country and then sharing it
with the group.
“He spoke to all three com-
Your mortgage and
ken pieces of the World War I
monument. Reconstructing the
monument because a treasured
panies and knew all the techni-
cal jargon,” Sheehan said. “He
was a very technical guy.”
debts paid in full
cause for Shea, and he saw it
completed last year.
“He was my supporter
However, Shea’s impact
on the people he worked with
went far beyond the minute
in the next15 years...
when I presented the group my details of a project.
ideas,” said Bryan Felty, who
presented 3D renderings to
the committee rebuilding the
Sheehan said that Shea
would often stop by his of-
fice to bring him information
It can happen!
monument. on the crematory, but the con-
“He’s the one that really versation would soon turn to If it’s part of your plan to pay off your mortgage,
embraced it ... When I present- other things. credit cards and home equity loan before you
ed, you could see a light go on “We’d hang out for an hour retire, the 15-Year Mortgage from Colonial
in his head.” and a half just chatting about
Shea was the face of the life,” Sheehan said. Federal Savings Bank lets you make it happen.
monument project. With its Shea was also a major pres- Right now, we have $5 million to lend in 15-Year
completion, Duxbury now ence at First Parish Church. Mortgages at a favorable fixed rate. It’s also
has some kind of memorial to Rev. Catherine Cullen said
that he brought his talents for perfect for homeowners who want to borrow
veterans of all the country’s
major wars. (Shea was a Navy historical research as well as against their equity but don’t want an adjustable
pilot.) woodworking to First Parish. credit line or new 30-year loan. And it may be
“I admired his passion, “You walk down the aisle for you if you have 15+ years left on a mortgage
and the dedication that he had and there’s something Joe ei-
toward preserving Duxbury ther made or fixed,” she said. that you’d like to pay off more quickly at a 15-YEAR FIXED
veterans,” Felty said. “That Shea had been a member much lower rate. It’s a smart time to make your
was just outstanding, you of the congregation for over

move. And we’ll make the process quick, easy
don’t meet many people that
have such a dedicated heart to
a cause like he did.”
40 years, and Cullen said he
was a great help when she took
and hassle-free. Come see us. Or call Angela
Blanchard or Richard Coleman at 617-471-0750.
Other members of the “I used to call him ‘Father (Other options – including Jumbo loans – are
World War I group said they Joe,’ he just knew everybody available. Please ask!)
were devastated to learn of in the church,” she said. “He
Shea’s death. was an important part of my
“Joe was a truly dedicated ministry.”
and enormous part of our lives She said she would meet
and our town,” said Judi Vose, with Shea, who at one time or
who served on the committee another held nearly every lead-
along with her husband Terry. ership position in the church,
“He had a wonderful nature weekly.
that touched all of us who Shea’s wife, Jacqueline, QUINCY: 15 Beach Street 617- 471- 0750 • 1000 Southern Artery ( Residents only) 617- 479-1430

knew him and we felt his de- passed away only a few weeks HOLBROOK: 802 South Franklin Street 781-767-1776
EAST WEYMOUTH: Middle & Washington Streets 781-331-1776 • www.colonialfed.com
votion to everything he cared before his death after a long
about in this town. Our town battle with cancer. He was de- Insured FDIC

will not be the same – ever.” voted to his wife during her
Emmett Sheehan, who long illness. Some additional facts: Annual Percentage Rate (APR) effective as of 01/05/11 and may change. Applies to 1-2 family owner-occupied
worked with Shea on the com- “Part of his full time job homes. Assumes a maximum 80% loan-to-value and first mortgage position. Subject to credit approval. A 15-Year Loan would be repaid in
mittee building a new crema- was driving her up to the hos- 180 equal monthly principal plus interest payments of $7.40 per $1000 borrowed, which do not include taxes or insurance premiums,
if applicable. So your actual monthly payment will be greater.

For Bank / Newspaper use only – this does not print:

Wednesday, February 2, 2011 Duxbury Clipper 7

No squid on Chestnut Street Ground Where Quality is

By Joe Shea, Upon his death in 1700 Always in Season
Special to the Clipper
[Joseph Shea, who died
the stone carver, John Noyes
of Boston, was engaged to
earlier this week, long held prepare the slate stone now
a passion for Duxbury’s his- found in the Burial Ground. Too Much Snow?
tory, especially its cemeter- John Noyes was also a silver- We can remove it and you can get your parking back!
ies. He submitted this article smith of some renown, which UÊÊ-˜œÜÊ,i“œÛ>ÊÊUÊÊ-˜œÜÊ*œÜˆ˜}ÊÊUÊÊ->˜`ˆ˜}
on a curious gravestone in would explain the intricacy of MCLP on Staff

some of the detail on the slate

the Chestnut Street graveyard   sWWWGFXLANDSCAPINGCOM
only last week. -Ed.] gravestone. Those details re-
n the fall of 2010 a flected the focus of Ichabod’s
question arose on life in his later years.

Be my valentine
the internet about the The meaning of the carv-
grave stone of the Reverend The grave of Rev. Ichabod ing has slipped from popular
Ichabod Wiswall buried in the Wiswall, located in Standish memory but it is apparent
Old Burial Ground on Chest- Cemetery, has a curious illus- that they represent the comet
nut Street. Wiswall was the tration that some have called a with the sun at the top and
third pastor of the Church of squid. Not so, according to the comet below and the huge tail
Christ in Duxborough. That writer’s research. always away from the sun.
Photo from the American Antiquarian Society.
church has evolved into the Thus there are no squid on
current First Parish Church a very superstitious place. Chestnut Street.
Unitarian Universalist on Comets had always presaged
Tremont Street. He served 23 disasters. It was so bright and
years and died in 1700. Some passed so close to earth that it WE CAN KEEP
people, looking at the stone, it could be seen in the daytime
is in good shape, have deter- with the naked eye. It is not YOU WARM AT
mined that it shows squid or known if he saw a comet in
jelly fish or at least some form London but had likely seen
of cephalopod along the out- the comet that passed over WE HAVE KILN DRIED
side edges. The Duxbury Ru- Duxbury on the 15th of Sep- FIREWOOD!
ral and Historical Society had tember 1682. That comet was
no answers to the phone in- quite visible and inspired a lot PICK-UP
quiries. Wisall is most widely of interest. It was later identi- AND DELIVERY
remembered as the first min-
ister in British North America
fied as a regular earth visitor.
Years after Wiswall’s death,
Experience at:
to offer a sermon at grave Edmund Hally identified the M&F JEWELRY
side for the deceased. He did frequency of those visits and CORNER OF ROUTE 139 & 53

so at the burial “under arms” predicted future appearanc-

Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-5pm / Sat. 8-5pm / Sun. 9-5pm 5 SCHOOSETT ST
24%s(!.3/. PEMBROKE
of Captain Jonathan Alden in es. For this effort, the 1682 781-447-5400 781.826.6421

February 1697. Prior to his comet was given his name.

actions, it was felt that one’s The “Great Comet of 1680”
afterlife had been predeter- has since been called Kirch’s
mined and thus it was not a Comet after the German who
custom to pray over graves. first found the comet by tele-
Who would dare to attempt to scope. It has also been called
intervene with God? Wiswall Newton’s Comet since it al-
started to break down that no- lowed Newton to prove some
tion. scientific theories of the time. 25 Ledgewood Drive, Duxbury 60 Mill Pond, Duxbury
Earlier in Duxbury, he Ichabod was so interested So Much to Offer at $585,000 A True Value at $525,000
was fascinated with the arriv- and struck by what he saw
al of what came to be called that he wrote a poem which
a “Great Comet” that was he shipped off to England for
visible from early December publication in 1683. In the
1680 until March 1681. It was tradition of the times, it was a
the first comet ever found first very long poem of more than
by a telescope, but it was so 3,000 words (16 pages). That
big and came very close to poem about the comet is the
earth that no one could miss only item of 17th century lit- OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-3 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-3
it. The tail was estimated as erature of Ichabod Wiswall to
more than 30,000,000 miles survive. So enthralled was he • Over 2,800 SF of Living Space • Over 2,300 SF of Living Space
long. Its arrival struck terror that he shifted his attention to • Newly Updated Kitchen • White Cabinet Kitchen
in the hearts and minds all the study of astrology (astron- • Newer Stainless Appliances • Newer Appliances
over the world which was then omy) for the rest of his life. • Granite Countertops • Cathedral Family Room with Gas
• Two Fireplaces Fireplace
• Hardwood Flooring Up and Down • Four Season Sunroom
St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church • Finished Walk-Out Lower Level • Wainscoting and Crown Molding
with Half Bath • First Floor Laundry
410 Washington Street, Duxbury • Cathedral Sunroom Overlooking • 2 1/2 Updated Baths
Chandler Pond • Freshly Painted Inside and Out
God On Tap • Central Air • Newer Windows
• Alarm • Newer Roof
Where faith and life intersect • Situated on the Cul-de-Sac • Newly Installed 4 Bedroom Septic System
• Cul-de-Sac Neighborhood
Monday Feb 7, 2011 - 7pm
Tsang’s Cafe-Halls Corner
for more nifty
information visit
8 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Send around town items

including births, anniversaries,
promotions and other life milestones to

➢➢ DHS graduate Emily Kin-

dregan, a junior at University
of Connecticut, obtained a 4.0
first semester and is currently
studying abroad this semester
in London.
➢➢ The following Duxbury
residents were named to the
dean’s for the fall term at the LEARN TO SKATE
University of New Hampshire: Wednesday 10:00am-10:50am (Tots 3-6 yrs & Adults)
Andrea Looney, highest hon-
ors, Rachel Mulrenin, honors, Session 4: 3/2-4/13 (7 wks) $110
Vance Turner, honors, Mi- Thursday 1:00pm-1:50pm (Tots 3-6 yrs)
chael Dimatteo, high  honors,
Christine Fallon, high honors, Session 4: 3/3-4/14 (7 wks) $110
Kelsey Lanman, high honors, Thursday 5:00pm-5:50pm (All Ages)
Kerri MacLennan, highest
honors, Elizabeth Pineau, Dr. Jay Samuel Leith, D.C. spoke to  Duxbury’s Pilgrim Child Care Session 4: 3/3-4/14 (7 wks) $110
honors, Alanna Rourke, Kindergarten class for their occupations week. They learned about
Saturday 10:00am-10:50am (All Ages)
highest honors, Conor Ryan, the body’s muscles and bones as well as the spine and the potential
honors, Samantha Sinclair, of injury with sports and play. They learned the role of sports medi- Session 4: 3/5-4/16 (7 wks) $110
highest honors, and Michelle cine in helping to fix what may be wrong. Dr. Jay works at Duxbury
Sports Chiropractic and Fitness at Austin Chiropractic Center. 2EGISTRATIONFEE'OODTHROUGH
Wong, honors. Call Joan at 781-834-0947 or Starr at 781-585-2111
➢➢ Amanda Woodgate, a or visit our website for a list of all classes for the year.
third year history major at the 3UMMER3Ts+INGSTON -!
College of the Holy Cross, has Tel:781-585-2111 Fax: 781-585-6766sWWWBOGICESKATINGCOM
been named to the dean’s list
for the fall semester. She has
also been inducted into the
Kappa Omega Chapter of Phi
Alpha Theta, the National His-
tory Honors Society.
➢➢ Nicholas George Bea-
trice has been named to the
dean’s list at Becker College
for the fall semester.
➢➢ Krysta  Wirkala, a junior
at Southern Methodist Univer- Bob Hughes and Joan Collins both of Duxbury admire the work of
sity in Dallas, is listed on the (center) Lynne Shackleton Ford of Marshfield   whose photographs
honor roll. To be listed on the are on display at the South Shore Natural Science Center,  Norwell.
SMU honor roll, students must Collins is President of the Duxbury Camera club.
be in the top 15 percent of their
school of record.
➢➢ The following students
were named to the dean’s list
at the University of Massachu-
setts, Boston, for the fall se-
mester: Alexander   Hoomis,
Brendan Parsons, Gregory
Herrmann, Chelsea Magu-
ire, Robin Rader, Theresa
Steele, and Amanda Kauf-
➢➢ Joseph M. Kearney, a
ninth grader at St. Sebastion “Love is all you Need”
School, received honors with
distinction for the second quar-
ter. He is the son of Stephen
& - Paul McCartney

and Janis Kearney.

Valentine’s Day at the
➢➢ Daniel Loreaux, a senior
majoring in management, and Winsor House
Hunter O’Brien, a freshman Come in and enjoy a romantic dinner
majoring in entrepreneurship,
have been named to the fall
semester dean’s list at Bryant
Special menu with pub favorites
➢➢ Dartmouth College se-
served Friday, Saturday and
nior, Broghan Cully, is one Monday, Valentine’s Day
of four Dartmouth engineering
students selected to participate
in NASA’s Microgravity Uni-
versity program. From June
2-11, Cully and the group will
perform experiments aboard a Olivia Kearns of Lake Shore Drive, who has danced with the Haley
School of Irish Dance for five and a half years, placed third in her age
reduced gravity aircraft flying Still Warm & Cozy for 200 years!
group in this past November’s All New England Oireachtas Irish Step
above the Gulf of Mexico. competition in Providence, R.I. This was Olivia’s first time compet-
Open 6 days a week. Dinners nightly at 5pm
ing in this specific competition and she made all of her teammates
and family proud.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011 Duxbury Clipper 9

Join the Legion Duxbury Beach Preservation’s

Attention Veterans: Com-
mander Sara Lansing invites Ed Night set for Feb. 16
military veterans to join Dux-
On Wednesday, Feb. 16 at 7:30 p.m. at the Duxbury Bay
bury American Legion Post
Maritime School, the Duxbury Beach Preservation Society, a
223. Requirements are service
subcommittee of the Duxbury Beach Reservation, Inc., launches
during an eligible period of
another exciting year of events. This year for their “Ed Night,”
war with an honorable dis- they will host Norman Smith, Director of the Blue Hills Trail-
charge or current active duty.
Call or stop by for more infor-
mation. The post is located at
side Museum and the Norman Smith Environmental Education
Center. Smith will speak about his work with snowy owls and NORMAN
5 West Street in Duxbury, 781-
other shore birds.
Did you know that the snowy owls seen on Duxbury Beach SHUTTER SALE
have been moved from Boston’s Logan International Airport,

20% OFF
and that Smith is the one who traps them and transports them to
Dance party at our beach? Come learn about these beautiful creatures from an
expert who has spent countless days and nights, in all weather
the PAC conditions, observing, capturing, banding, and color marking the
owls. For the last several years, Smith has also been banding ALL SHUTTER ORDERS
South Shore Conservatory ospreys in Duxbury and other towns.
and Duxbury Performing Arts As a self-taught naturalist and member of the Massachusetts PLACED IN FEBRUARY & MARCH
Center will present a family Audubon Society for the last 35 years, Smith has studied birds
dance party featuring Notori- of prey, rehabilitated the injured, and successfully fostered over
ous, on Sunday, Feb. 13, at 1,000 orphaned hawk and owl chicks into adoptive nests. In ad- Custom Window Treatments
3 p.m. in the cafeteria of the dition to his work with owls at Logan Airport, he has traveled to t6QIPMTUFSZ4MJQDPWFST
PAC, 73 Alden St. Alaska to study snowy owls in their native tundra habitat. His
Young and “not-so-young” research work has been published in National Geographic, Na- t4IVUUFST#MJOETt$VTUPN#FEEJOH
family members will dance to- tional Wildlife, Ranger Rick, Yankee, Massachusetts Wildlife, $VTUPN'VSOJUVSF3VHT
gether to the fun fiddling of Bird Observer, Birding, Sanctuary, Geo, Nature, Grolier Ency-
Eden Macadam-Somer, with clopedia, Owls of the Northern Hemisphere, and Owls of the
guitarist Larry Unger. As caller, 5VFT'SJt4BUOPPOt#ZBQQPJOUNFOU
Sue Rosen teaches the steps at Admission is free, and light refreshments will be served. For
this family event, dancers will further information, call 781-934-2907.
be swinging their partners and
enjoying the duo’s rollicking
American, Celtic, and Eastern
European fiddle tunes. Partici-
pants should wear comfortable
dancing shoes so they won’t
have to “sit out” a single mo-
Tickets to this party are $5
per child and $15 per adult,
and may be purchased online
at sscmusic.org or through the Time to downsize, but don’t want to
PAC Box Office at 781-934-
7612.  leave the town you love?
Now you can...

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We’ve listened to your requests. Choose any lot and take 100k off our list price for a beau-
tifully appointed home with hardwood floors, granite and stainless steel appliances. So
let someone else worry about the snow….It’s time to Reinvent your lifestyle, Rethink your
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Floor plans now available...
WINES, ALE, CORDIALS It’s time to Reinvent!
Visit www.duxburyestates.com for details
Richard & Linda Quigley
20 Court Street, Plymouth, MA 02360
(508) 747-1221
Featuring: Elizabeth Poole Danielle Delagrange
‘the only tea grown in England’ an Cell Phone: 339-364-0333 Cell Phone: 781-710-9094
exceptionally unique gift! elizabeth.poole@raveis.com danielle.delagrange@raveis.com
Zion Lutheran Church
386 Court St., No. Plymouth, Rev. C. Robert Stott, Phone: 508-746-3041

10 Congregation Beth Jacob Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Synagogue: 8 Pleasant St. Plymouth, Community Center, Court/Brewster St. Lawrence
Send obituary nOtices Silverman, Rabbi, Phone: 508-746-1575.
to obits@clipperpress.com
THE Deadline is South Shore Quaker
MacDonald Funeral Home
Monday at noon. Phone: 781-749-4383, Turkey Hill Lane, Hingham, (off Rte. 228 at the library/town hall
complex off Levitt St., up the hill to Turkey Hill Lane).
1755 Ocean St. Marshfield
Marion S. Leahy,
Church of Jesus86,
Christ ofKing Caesar
Latter-Day Saints (Mormon) guide 834-7320
Marion379 Meer
GardnerSmith ing. Bishop John Howe, Phone: 781-293-2520, Sundays
St., So. Hingham,
Leahy diedyear
at round:
Van DuynFamily worship atIn101972,
am. the couple were again transferred, “Excellence in Service with Understanding”
Home on Jan. 20 sur- this time to Skaneateles, NY. She worked retail
Directors: Joseph L. Davis, Richard W. Davis
rounded bySt.family. during Mission
Mark of Epheseus Orthodox the Christmas season at Sibley’s Depart-
Ms. Leahy wasSt.,born
261 Main Kingston,ment Store,McGillicuddy,
Rev. Terrence Syracuse,Phone:
at the781-585-8907
in New York City, then in Skaneateles and as the bread lady at several
moved to Islamic
SpringCenter Lake,of New farmer’s markets. She also developed a line of
England Mosques Traditional Funerals Cremations Pre-Need Funeral Planning
NJ. She attended gram- flavored
470 South St., Quincy, cheesecakes,
671-479-8341, called
74 Chase Dr., Sharon, Mother Leahy’s
373 Court Street 619 State Road (Rt. 3A)
mar school first in the Cheesecakes that were carried in several of N. Plymouth Manomet
basement of St. Margaret’s Church Safe Harbor
and Church
then Syracuse’s busiest restaurants in the 1970s and
52 Main St., Marshfield, Pastor Mark Eagling, 781-837-9903 (508) 746-2231 1-800-770-2231
(508) 224-2252
St. Catherine’s Grammar School both in Spring 80s.
Lake, Manasquan High School and Traphagen Early in the 21st century, Marion was diag-
School of Fashion in Manhattan, where she nosed with an inoperable aneurism in the front 
studied illustration. right lobe of her brain that wreaked havoc on
She graduated during World War II, when her brain’s processing. Shortly before her death, 
there wasn’t any work in her field. Instead, she she entered Van Duyn. 
went to work at Fort Monmouth in the base’s In addition to her husband of 63 years, she 
finance office. After the war she went to work leaves her daughter, Ellen Leahy; her four sons, 
for the Kenny Press in Newark.  who are scattered around the United States,
She married her high school sweetheart Wil- William D. Leahy Jr. (Jacqueline) in Georgia,
liam Duncan Leahy at St. Catherine’s Church in Michael P. Leahy (Vicki) in Arizona, Timothy J.  
Spring Lake, NJ on Nov. 29, 1948. They settled Leahy (Carolyn) in Oregon and Stephen J. Le-
  
 
in Newark, NJ and started a family. ahy (Shawn) in Rhode Island; six grandchildren
In 1969, the family was transferred to Mas- and three great-grandchildren as well as many
sachusetts, where they made their home at 416 friends, nieces and nephews.
Washington Street in Duxbury. A celebration of her life is planned for this John L. Woods
While renovating their house under histor- spring in Skaneateles, with a separate memorial ATTORNEY AT LAW
ic preservation guidelines, she was also a card service planned on the Jersey Shore this sum-
carrying member of the Duxbury Free Library, mer. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made
a member of the Gourmet Club, a Duplicate to the Skaneateles Library, Seymour Library in 781-934-9495
Bridge Club and a guide at the historic King Auburn or SAVES Ambulance Service in Ska- FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION
Caesar House (Clipper ship builder). While in neateles.  Wills Trusts
Duxbury, she took up golf and candlepin bowl- Estate & Medicaid Planning
Elder Law
Karin Whitney Viafore, 58, gymnast Real Estate Matters

Karin Whitney Via- Scott Viafore; her parents, Connie and Milla
fore of Duxbury, died
Jan. 25, 2011 from breast
cancer.  She was born
Lehto; her sisters and their husbands, Steph and
Bill Susetka, Kris and Harry Herrick, Suzie and
John Morgan; and many aunts, uncles, cousins,
R 5Ęĕ-đħ0ĖĖęēĕ
 3ĕĞĕĕ,.đĘğĞĕĩ
in Concord on Aug. 23, sister and brother-in-laws, nieces and neph-
1952.  She was an ac- ews.  A memorial service was held Jan. 29 at      
complished gymnast and the Union Church of Stow.  In lieu of flowers, t$ğĞĤĕģĤĕĔ%ęĦğĢēĕt$ĘęĜĔ$ĥģĤğĔĩt1đĤĕĢĞęĤĩ
loved gardening, shop- contributions can be made to the High School t1đĢĕĞĤęĞė1ĜđĞģt.ğĔęĖęēđĤęğĞģt6ĞēğĞĤĕģĤĕĔ%ęĦğĢēĕ
ping, games, crafts and Coaches Association/Senior National Team, t$ĘęĜĔ4ĥĠĠğĢĤt1đĢĕĞĤđĜ3ĕĜğēđĤęğĞt$ğĞĤĕĝĠĤģt.ĕĔęđĤęğĞ4ĕĢĦęēĕģ
the Boston Red Sox. c/o Lori Clark, 150 Liberty St., Braintree, MA  #VTJOFTT-JOF 5PMM'SFF
Mrs. Viafore leaves her husband, Ken Via- 02184. &NBJM3FOFF!.BIPOFZ'BNJMZ-BXDPN
fore; her children, Ginny and Geoff Thames and XXX.BIPOFZ'BNJMZ-BXDPN

Art McBain, 57, sailor

Art McBain, insurance executive and
avid sailor, died suddenly on Jan. 24 at “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately...”
the age of 57. He was born July 6, 1953 -Henry David Thoreau
in Boston to the late William and Polly
McBain. He graduated from Archbish-
op Curley High School in Miami, Fla.
Nurture Your Spirit.
in 1971 and earned a bachelor’s degree
in economics from Boston College in Help Heal Our World
He was a member of the Green Harbor Yacht Club and loved
sailing on his boat “Resolute. ” He summered in Green Harbor
since his childhood, and has resided in Boston’s South End since If you’re searching for a spiritual home
the 1980s. He was an active member of St. Cecilia Parish, and where questions are as welcome as
traveled to Haiti in 2009 with the Hearts with Haiti mission pro- answers, find us. We are a loving open-
gram. He has also given generously to community programs in- minded religious community that en-
cluding Project Bread, Fr. Bill’s Place, and The Pine Street Inn. courages you to seek your own path,
Mr. McBain was a commercial insurance underwriter for 34 wherever it leads. To nurture your spirit
years. He started his career at Continental Insurance Company and find your own truth and meaning.
in 1976. He worked for Continental in the Boston, Waltham and Welcome to Unitarian Universalism.
Nashua, N.H. offices until they were taken over by CNA Insur-
ance in 1995. At the time, he relocated with CNA to the Quincy
office, where he worked until his death.
First Parish Church
Mr. McBain leaves his siblings, Mary McBain of Kingston, Unitarian Universalist
Christine McBain of Quincy, Jane and her husband John Rex Sunday Services 10:30 / Childcare & Sunday School
Funderburk of Plymouth, William McBain Jr. of Duxbury, and
Richard and his wife Mary Hart McBain of Sandwich; his late TREMONT AT DEPOT STREET • DUXBURY • 781-934-6532
his sister Elizabeth and sister-in-law Kathleen Hanlon McBain;
and six nieces and nephews.  
A Mass of Christian burial was celebrated at Holy Family
A liberal religious church serving Duxbury, Marshfield,
Parish, Duxbury. In lieu of flowers, donations in his name may Pembroke & surrounding communities.
be made to the Pine Street Inn, 444 Harrison Avenue, Boston,
MA 02118.  
Wednesday, February 2, 2011 Duxbury Clipper 11

Jane Wildes Jeter, retired teacher OSBORN’S

Jane Wildes Jeter of Hopewell, N.J. died classes in the Hopewell area and advised dog
suddenly on Jan. 15 at her home. Mrs. Jeter clubs both locally and nationally. Mrs. Jeter Country Store
grew up in Duxbury and graduated from Dux- was a recipient of numerous awards in the area SAVE! No more sales tax on alcoholic beverages
SvedkaVodka (includes Flavors) .......................................................... 1.75L .............. $19.99
bury High School in 1965. She had an under- of breeding and training dogs. Blackstone Merlot.................................................................................... 750 ml ..................$7.99
graduate degree from the University of Mas- Mrs. Jeter was the wife of the late Harry Cigar Box (Cab Sauv., Malbec, Sauv. Blanc).........................................750ml..................$7.99
sachusetts and a Master’s degree in sociology. Jeter and the sister of the late John F. Wildes. Cupcake Wines.............................................................................................750ml.....................$7.99
Beringer White Zinfandel ...................................................................1.5L. .................... $9.99
Mrs. Jeter was a retired reading, health and She leaves her father, Francis S. Churchill of Lindemann's Australian Wines .....................................................1.5L. .................... $9.99
science middle school teacher that taught in Duxbury. Coors Light or Miller Lite..........................................................20 pk. bottles.......$15.99+dep
Seabright, N.J. In addition to her career in edu- Burial will be private and a memorial ser- prices good through 2/8/11

cation, she was recognized nationally for her vice will be held later in the spring at Pilgrim 2/54%s$58"529s  
expertise in dog training, including both obe- Church in Duxbury. In lieu of flowers, memo-
dience and agility training. She raised, trained rial contributions may be made to the American
and showed German Shepherds and Cocker German Shepherd Dog Charitable Foundation,
Spaniels. Most recently, she taught agility Inc., 186 Pilgrim Drive, Holden, MA 01520.

Beverly Teasdale Steinke, 81

Beverly  Teasdale Steinke, 81, died Jan. 9, Steinke. She leaves her children, Gary R. Steinke
2011 surrounded by her family and priest, in and his wife Randy of Ruther Glen, Va. and Jer-
Kingston.  ry J. Steinke and his wife Mary of Duxbury; two PLAYING HEADS-UP BALL
Mrs. Steinke was a lifelong resident of Ann grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. As perhaps the premier Ameri- Chiropractic can be of enormous
Arbor, Mich. until moving to Massachusetts A burial and memorial service were held in can contact sport, football poses benefit in treating and preventing
in August of 2010. She spent her career in the Ann Arbor on Jan. 22.  Donations in her memory more than its share of risk of poten- sports-related injuries and improv-
tial injury. As part of its “STOP Sports
University of Michigan Health System.  She may be sent to Cranberry Hospice, 36 Cordage Injuries Campaign,” a coalition of
ing athletic performance. Before
you begin any high-impact sport
was an avid UM football fan and 50-year sea- Park Circle, Suite 326, Plymouth, MA 02360 or national healthcare organizations or workout, come in for a thorough
son ticket holder.   Zion Lutheran Church or Zion Lutheran Church, has made it its mission to tackle the chiropractic examination. Visit LA-
She was the wife of the late Robert A. 1501 West Liberty St., Ann Arbor, MI. issue of children’s sports injuries. Of LONDE CHIROPRACTIC SPINE CEN-
particular interest to health profes- TER OF NEW ENGLAND at 42 Trem-

Phillip R. Hannon, veteran, 65

sionals are traumatic injuries to the ont St., Suite 10B (Rt 3A at Rt 3). We
knee and shoulder and concussion, provide chiropractic care for lower
which account for the most com- back pain and sprains, as well as
Phillip R. Hannan, 65 of Duxbury, died at ; his parents, the late Maxwell and Grace Han- mon football injuries among both disc problems. We offer custom
home on Jan. 29. Originally from Jaffrey, N.H., nan; his sisters, Gail Duchan of Peterborough, pro athletes and young players. rehabilitative exercise combined
Overuse injuries are another com-
Mr. Hannan was a US Army Vietnam veteran. N.H., and the late Joyce Belletete; and his niece mon problem, especially among
with gentle chiropractic adjust-
ments. Relief of pain is possible with
He recently had acquired his private pilot’s li- and two nephews. youngsters who push themselves Cox© Technic delivered by a certi-
cense. In addition to flying, he enjoyed a long A memorial service for family and friends too far and too fast without proper fied Cox® Technic physician. Call
career as a salesman, and loved to paint land- will be held Saturday, Feb. 5 at 1 p.m. at the conditioning. Young players are 781.934.0943
strongly encouraged to get pre-
scapes and portraits. First Parish Church, 842 Tremont St, Duxbury. season physicals, and once the
P.S. Signs of a concussion include
problems with balance, vision,
Mr. Hannan leaves his wife, Sarah (Flynn) In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to season is underway, they should concentration, and communica-
Hannan; his children, Peter R. Hannan of Bos- the New England Center for Homeless Veter- avoid tackling opponents leading tion, as well as dizziness, sleepiness,
ton, and Abigail C. Hannan of Brooklyn, N.Y. ans, 17 Court St, Boston, MA 02108. with their helmets. fatigue, headache, and irritability.



2 Pheasant Hill Lane, Duxbury 577 Union Street, Duxbury 12 Prence Road, Duxbury 102 Washington St., Duxbury
$715,000 $485,000 $599,000 $799,000
New listing offers three fabulous Great opportunity. Ideal country New Price! Almost new cape nestled Classic Royal Barry Wills Cape
floors of living space in this 4-6 setting overlooking cranberry bog. in a beach neighborhood off Bay style home situated in the heart of
bedroom saltbox colonial. Step Over 3,300 sq. ft. of living space, Road. Nice open floor plan with Duxbury. Features include 3 bed-
down cathedral family room with 2 large family rooms, 3 bedrooms large oversized but cozy rooms. rooms, 2 full baths and 2,000 sq.
skylight and eat in kitchen with and master bedroom with cathe- Features includes 7 rooms, 3 bed- ft. of living space. Updated kitch-
granite. Beautiful property with dral ceiling and full bath. rooms, 4 full baths and over 2,800 en and baths, hardwood floors
skating pond in the backyard and sq. ft. of living space. Large cathe- and detached 16X16 workshop/
in a great cul-de-sac neighbor- dral entryway opens to grand 2nd barn with woodstove.
hood floor loft that would make a great
computer nook or library.

Open OPEN HOUSE • Sunday 1-3 Open

House 2 Pheasant Hill Lane, Duxbury House
225 Lincoln Street U:G-7, Duxbury

22 Depot Street, Duxbury • 781-934-2588 // 99 Derby Street, Hingham • 781-749-0778

327 Washington Street, Norwell • 781-659-2599
12 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow leads to sledding fun Gavin

gets a
ride with
his mom

Alexandra Gill and

Leah Eldredge
delight in some
snow fun.

The traffic was nonstop up and down the hill.

Eliza and Sawyier Eldredge prepare for another run.

Abby Manning and Laurel Massa head down

the slippery slope in the beautiful sunshine on
another snow day.

The trudge back up the hill is

worth the ride down.

It doesn’t get any better than a walk in new fallen snow. Maddie Manning and Jill McSheffrey provide a
spark of color in the white snowscape.

Ellie Massais is delighted that she just

missed running into the photographer!

Photos by Deni Johnson

Izzy Manning is a vision in blue
This winter has provided non-stop fun for the kids and the end is as she heads back up the hill for
not in sight. another run.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011 Duxbury Clipper 13

Save the date for spelling bee

The Annual Duxbury Education Foundation Spelling Bee is
coming on Thursday, Feb. 10 to the Duxbury Performing Arts Regain strength,
Center. confidence & mobility
So put a team together, create a name and start studying!
Teams of three will compete at the fourth and fifth grade,
middle school, high school and adult levels. The winning middle
school team can compete regionally. The cost to participate in
the DEF Spelling Bee is $100 per person or $300 per team. Mul-
ligans will be free for all fourth grade teams this year and will
cost $30 per team for fifth grade through adult teams. Registra-
tion for the DEF Spelling Bee is now open. Registration infor- REHABILITATION &
mation and the study list can be found online at duxburyeduca- NURSING CENTER
The annual red carpet team entry walk begins at 6:15 p.m., 308 Kings Town Way
where each team will show off their costumes, the best of which Duxbury, MA
will win an award. Special “BEE” headbands with pipe cleaner
antennae will be on sale outside the event for spectators who 781-585-5561
want a costume.

Transfer and beach stickers CHOOSE Call today

will expire March 31 QUALITY for a Free

Don’t risk being turned away from the dump! While it
might be hard to think about a nice day at the beach right now,
Successful Short-term Brochure & Tour!
you may be in the mood for spring cleaning. Applications for
2011 transfer and beach stickers are available at Town Hall
from 8 to 7 Monday; Tuesday through Thursday 8 a.m. to 4
p.m. and Friday 8 a.m. to12:30 p.m. For more information go • Comprehensive rehabilitation
online at town.duxbury.ma.us. for joint replacement, stroke,
Please note these changes: Transfer Stickers (no limit) go cardiac conditions & diabetes
on the Driver’s windshield left bottom inside corner. An enve- • Occupational, physical, &
lope is requested for returning all processed mail-in stickers. speech therapies
Applications must be postmarked no later than March 1
to receive a $20 discount on beach stickers. Discounts do not • Experienced & dedicated
apply to walk-in purchases or senior rates. Senior rates are nursing staff
already discounted and residents must be aged 62 at time of • Detailed discharge planning for
purchase. a safe transition home

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14 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, February 2, 2011

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Start tanning now and avoid a painful
sunburn during February vacation!
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An a cappella group from New York University performs during last year’s concert. Paul Fortini was a Its Here!
student at NYU when he was killed in a traffic accident. Rejuvenessence

A cappella night planned

Helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles without surgery!
64 Summer St Kingston Center 781-585-2492

continued from page one A mazing A cappella to include more than just peo- www.tanexp.net for money saving specials & coupons!
Log onto www.sunlighttruth.com for the facts on UV Light and tanning.
ple who knew Paul, includ-
The event was such a success What: The Paul S. Fortini
ing other people surrounding
that it will now be an annual Foundation fundraiser
occurrence and the corner- Where: The Performing Arts “So people that may not
stone fundraiser for the Paul Center have known Paul can come get
S. Fortini Foundation. a piece of why he was so im-
When: 7 p.m., Feb. 5
“It was fantastic,” said portant,” Teittinen said. “I’m
Paul’s mom, Kathy Fortini. “I Tickets: $10-15
just really excited. I think it’s
was truly amazed ... there was going to be a fantastic event.”
so much energy.” knew Paul personally.
Brooke Teittinen is a Groups from Boston Col-
Paul was in the PACMen, lege, Suffolk University,
an a cappella group at Dux- member of the Trinity a cap-
pella group. She’s been sing- Tufts, and Trinity will be per-
bury High School. (He tried forming in this year’s concert,
out for the NYU group as a ing her whole life, and was in
musicals with Paul at DHS. in addition to a professional a
freshman but didn’t make it, cappella group from Boston,
according to his mom.) An ac- “I would be the girl walk-
ing around the grocery store Firedrill.
complished trumpet player, he “They contacted us,” said
was involved in music as well singing to myself,” she said.
Her group participated in Kathy Fortini. “They heard Enjoy life’s important moments -
as the drama club. about what we were doing.” While we care for your property needs.
Ken and Kathy Fortini an a cappella jam in Brattle-
boro, Vt., and she wondered if The foundation will help Engel & Völkers is the best address for anyone looking to sell their home. Our
started the foundation short- the drama department in the
a similar concert would work
real estate agents not only have unparalleled local market knowledge and exper-
ly after Paul was struck and spring by sponsoring master tise, but they also have access to our global network consisting of thousands of
killed by a car on a street in in Duxbury.
classes. DHS students and
qualified, distinctive clients. From the initial property valuation to the showing

New York City in September “Since the beginning I’ve of your property, right through to the drafting and signing of a successful sales
been excited about this and faculty will attend the class-
of 2008. The intention of the es, and then the students will
contract, Engel & Völkers is there for you ever step of the way. When it comes

foundation is to help out the wanted to be involved,” she to your property needs, we are never far away. Opening soon in Snug Harbor!

said. Although she was ner- bring the knowledge they ac-
high school drama and mu-
quire to the middle school.
E&V Snug Harbor LLC · 453 Washington Street · · Duxbury · MA 02332 · USA

sic departments by donating vous about the turnout in the Phone +1-781-934-7500 · Facsimile 1-781-934-7505

first year, she was happy with “We hope it continues for duxbury@engelvoelkers.com · www.engelvoelkers.com/duxbury · Lucy Pilon, Estate Agent

things that wouldn’t be able

the eventual result. a long time,” Kathy Fortini
to be purchased through the
“I was just hoping people said of the concert.
regular budget process. Kathy
Fortini said she’s envision- would come,” she said. “We
ing the foundation like a fine were all just overwhelmed by
arts compliment to the Dux- the support ... I’m even more
bury Education Foundation, excited this year.” SCHEDULE OF EVENTS
responding with grants to Teittinen said she wanted 1:00pm Power & Heart Rate-based Cycling
specific requests. The money to be a part of the fundraiser 00e58fd53b7e0da537fff8ace6f087c41 1 Beth Laime, Owner 26.01.2011 22:38

raised from the first concert because her friendship with Pegasus Elite Athlete Management
helped buy the music depart- Paul Fortini was based on 1:30pm Yogalates
ment a new piano. their mutual love of music. Monica Billiard, ACE & RYT
The first concert featured “Paul and I were friends 2:00pm Reps vs. Sets
performances by the PAC- since we were little,” she said. John Scorza, ACSM (weight room)

Men, as well as a cappella “Everything we did was music 3:00pm Youth Martial Arts Demonstration

groups from NYU, Skidmore or drama related ... the connec- Bruce Cadorette, 5th Degree Black Belt

3:00pm Integrated Body Sculpting
College, Northeastern Uni- tion and friendship Paul and I
Val Sanderson, ACSM
versity and Trinity College. had was through music.” 3:30pm Sports Conditioning
Except for NYU, all of the She’s hopeful that the Anne C. Wargo, AFFA & ACSM

groups had one member who concert will expand this year

Tuesday, Feb. 15 • 1 to 4 pm
Featuring vendors and health care
DUXBURY HARDWARE CORP. providers from the South Shore. 186 Summer Street
Kingston, MA 02364
40 INDEPENDENCE ROAD • KINGSTON Stop in to see all we have to offer. 781.585.3883
(Rte 53 near Duxbury/Kingston Line)
781-422-0131 www.kingsb uryclub.com
Wednesday, February 2, 2011 Duxbury Clipper 15

Put the World at

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DUXBURY –Stunning custom built Colonial with style & DUXBURY – A Dramatic 9rm Waterfront Contempo- DUXBURY – The 4BR Issac Chandler Home, c.1809,
quality throughout. “Timeless Design” kitchen w/granite, rary with amazing views & luxurious lifestyle! Soaring enjoys spectacular views of Duxbury Bay & has been com-
stainless appliances, & separate dining area, open to large ceilings, open floor plan, custom kitchen w/granite coun- pletely restored w/ integrity, imagination, & elegance, in-
FR w/brick fireplace; master suite w/luxurious bath; screen ters & stainless appliances, fabulous heated indoor swim- tegrating new amenities & design w/ the charm & beauty
porch; in-ground pool; 3-car garage; & professionally land- ming pool, & a walk-out LL game room & guest suite. of the original architecture. Beautiful bluestone patio &
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DUXBURY – Custom designed 4bd Contemporary Co- DUXBURY – Location! Location! Desirable Prior Farm DUXBURY – This classic 4BR Colonial on a cul-de-sac
lonial with deeded beach rights to Landing Road Beach. neighborhood is the setting for this 4-bedroom, 2 ½ bath features formal LR & DR; large eat-in kitchen; cathedral
First floor master bedroom suite, cathedral great room Colonial set on a gorgeous manicured lot w/an in-ground FR w/built-ins & fireplace; plus a 3 season sun room.
with gas fireplace & sliders to a 40’ deck; custom cherry pool. Formal LR & DR; kitchen w/updated appliances Central air, walk-out lower level play room w/full bath,
kitchen w/granite counter and handcrafted island; large open to FR w/built-ins; enclosed screen porch; 2-car ga-
formal DR; and professional landscaping. professional landscaping & a private heated in-ground
rage; & perennial gardens. Offered at $675,000 gunite pool. Offered at $749,000
Offered at $585,000


KINGSTON – Custom built 8-room Cape with an NORWELL –Just Completed! This three-bedroom, 2 ½ MARSHFIELD - The Joshua Tilden House, c.1740. This
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living. Maple kitchen w/granite & stainless steel appli- fireplace; kitchen with granite & stainless appliances; hard- modern comforts. State-of-the-art kitchen w/stainless &
ances; cathedral fireplaced FR; master suite w/Jacuzzi tub wood floors; central air; roof deck off master; 2-car attached granite; 5BRs, tiled baths; 3-season porch overlooking pa-
& walk-in closet; spacious deck, professional landscaping, tios & spectacular terraced gardens. Pond & distant ocean
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& much more! Offered at $539,000 views. Offered at $1,175,000
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16 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, February 2, 2011

North Hill bid can proceed If you do business in Duxbury you should

Join us!
continued from page one ous because he said it claimed sight with the court battle with
the town did not know that the Johnson,” Donato said.
Currently, the town is in- company to which it awarded Dahlen said the selectmen
volved in a lawsuit with the the golf management contract, owed it to Duxbury residents
previous manager, Doug John- Calm Golf of Rockland, had to move forward with a new
son of Johnson Golf Inc. of practically no assets. contract for North Hill before
Weston, who sued the town “I believe the town knew the golf season begins. He said
after losing the management this and I respectfully dis- the court has been too slow in Meet other Duxbury business-owners, and hear a
contract to what he claimed agree,” said Donato. making a decision despite the short presentation about the new school building project
was an unqualified bidder. Donato felt that rebidding best efforts of the town’s attor-
Johnson has retained the man- the contract could prove futile ney to move the suit along.
agement of the course due to a because the ongoing litigation Dahlen believes the town
Support local businesses:
court order, which allows him may discourage bidders. is correct in issuing the request duxburybusinessassociation.com
to continue as manager until He said that even though for bids because he said the
further notice from the court. the town was given permis- Inspector General was given
“I am not going to support sion to rebid the contract, he access to all the information
rebidding this,” said Donato. believes the town will not be about the lawsuit from both
“I don’t see how it’s going to able to execute a new contract sides and made its decision to
improve the situation.”
Donato said he felt the
information given to the In-
until it is allowed by the court.
Donato feels this will not hap-
pen until the lawsuit is settled.
allow the rebidding after re-
viewing it. What can
spector General was errone- “I don’t see any end in you do with an
On Monday
the Board of
Selectmen • Eat it for breakfast
Linda Kucera • Put it in a
of Hingham for lunch box
donating her
time, expertise, • Add it to a salad
and materials Help support your local AFS Chapter
to completely The organization that helps Duxbury High School students study
restore nine in foreign countries, & enriches the experiences of
original win- foreign students living with local families.
dows at the
newly reopened Duxbury Area AFS Annual Fruit Sale
Tarkiln Offering highest quality fresh-picked fruit.
Center. Pictured Order cases now for delivery in mid March
is Selectmen • California Navel Oranges • Florida Red Grapefruit
Chairman • Florida Juice Oranges • Combo Box*
Shawn Dahlen *Navels, Grapefruits & Pears
with Linda
Kucera. Info and ordering: Fruit Sales Coordinator
5.5 x 7 inchPhoto
ad.qxp 1/28/2011
by Susanna Sheehan
11:05 AM Page 1or rmyanulis@netzero.net

The Sinister Minister set for Feb. 6

The Duxbury Free Library and Westwinds Bookshop are
pleased to present mystery author Judith Campbell on Feb. 6 at 2
p.m. in the library’s Merry Room. Discussing her first novel, “A
Deadly Mission,” this self described “sinister minister” will share
her writing journey and her penchant for mystery, suspense and the
sanctity of the religious profession. Campbell is an ordained min-
ister in the Unitarian Universalist faith, and the book does address
sensitive issues of religious hypocrisy and cults. After a series of
murders, the protagonist of the novel, a reverend and professor at
a small women’s college, begins to suspect a local religious orga-
nization of cult-like behavior. Campbell is also known for her wit
and humor, and her engaging presentations. This program is sure hosted at
to be fun for readers of the mystery genre and beyond. For free The Art Complex Museum
ticket information, call the library at 781-934-2721 x108 or stop 1 8 6 A l d e n S t r e e t , D u x b u r y, M a s s a c h u s e t t s
by Westwinds Bookshop.

Opening Reception
& Award Ceremony
generously underwritten by

Saturday, February 5, 2011

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
s /VERYEARSOFLEADTEACHINGEXPERIENCE Tickets: $25.00 & available by calling the DAA at
s !GESnINOURBRIGHTCLASSROOM (781)934.2731, ext 4 or $30 at the door
s -ONTESSORIAND2EGGIO%MILIA!PPROACH Music, Hors d’ oeuvres, Cash Bar

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State Certified: Preschool through Third Grade
Visit us at www.bluerivermontessori.org
484 Temple Street, Duxbury s  
Wednesday, February 2, 2011 Duxbury Clipper 17

Mining for research gold

Research isn’t being done the same way it was when you An Assisted
were in the eighth grade. The Duxbury Free Library is offering a
class designed for parents to learn about the electronic and print
resources available through the Library. In Mining for Research Memory Care
Gold, we will demonstrate where to look and where not to look Program
for information so that you can guide your researcher. There is
a lot of material to be sifted through to get the information your
eighth grader needs and part of our class focuses on how to be an Where Residents:
efficient researcher. The class will be offered Thursday morning • Engage the 5 senses
from 10:30-11:30 a.m. on Feb. 3. Call the Reference Desk to
• Enjoy a new level of
register at 781-934-2721 ext 100.

Peace of Mind
• Participate in events the
Before and After Dark Registration Begins whole family can enjoy
Duxbury Before and After Dark Winter/Spring flyers were
mailed out  in mid-January to Duxbury residents, with details for Residents & Their Families &
for over 80 exciting classes for children and adults.  On-line
registration is scheduled to begin on Jan. 31 at 7 p.m., and THE MEMORY CARE Where Staff:
walk-in and mail-in registrations will be accepted beginning
on Feb. 8.  In order to register for classes on-line, families PROGRAM AT • Provide emergency
response & security
must create an Active Net account, or sign into an existing around-the-clock
account, at activenet.active.com/duxburyrecreation.  For ad-
ditional information, please visit the Before and After Dark Allerton House • Offer an extra level
Web site link at www.duxbury.k12.ma.us or call the office at of personalized &
781-934-7633. Assisted Living Community specialized care
at Proprietors Green • Strive to enhance the
Event to benefit special needs prom 10 Village Green Way physical, cognitive &
emotional needs of
Frank Sinatra impersonator Billy Kay will bring style and in Marshfield
song to the Pembroke Country Club for a special pre-Valentine’s individuals with
Day treat on Saturday, Feb. 12 at 7 p.m. The event will ben- 888-434-4851 Alzheimer’s disease
efit the Prom Angels Foundation Inc., which organizes a spe-
cial needs prom and other events for young adults in Duxbury
Call Today for a Complimentary
and throughout the South Shore with the help of local Knights Luncheon & Tour!
of Columbus, Rotary clubs and other businesses. As an extra Village at Proprietors Green is located just off
special treat, Elvis also will be in the building (courtesy of co- Route 139 across from Marshfield High School,
median John Turco). The event will include a wine tasting and immediately in back of Roche Bros., only 1.4 miles
from the intersection of Route 3 and Route 139.
dessert bar and silent auctions. Tickets cost $50 per person and
are available at franksinatra.eventbrite.com or at promangels.
org or by calling Kevin McKenna 617-529-9166. www.ProprietorsGreen.com

A mazing A cappella
Experience the hottest new sound of music
Mind, Memory Care Program”,
with some Village at Proprietors Green;--Duxbury Clipper: 5.9 inches wide x 7.5 inches tall – 888-4
of the region’s
leading a cappella groups, featuring Boston’s own Firedrill!
NBC television recognized the appeal of a cappella by recently airing
the second season of the competition series “The Sing-Off.”
Buy your tickets early and mark your calendar.
It’ll be fun for the whole family!

Performing Groups From

DHS PAC MEN Online: www.ticketalternative.com
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featuring GENERAL ADMISSION: $10 (plus processing)
The Studio, Westwinds Bookstore and at the Box Office
CARA Award Winner for GENERAL ADMISSION: $15
Best Pop/Rock Album


Duxbury Performing Arts Center Proudly presented by

All proceeds benefit the
Paul S. Fortini Foundation.
18 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Changes at the Marketplace Sunday Salon Series Presents: Mystery

Cozies on a Cold Winter Day
Octavia’s closes, Westwinds seeks new ownership Need to warm up? Cozy up to the Duxbury Free Library
to hear from a panel of three mystery writers from Sisters in
By Justin Graeber, Clipper Editor Crime on Sunday, Feb. 27 at 2 p.m. in the Merry Room. Les-
justin@duxburyclipper.com lie Meier, Cynthia Riggs and Susan Oleksiw will discuss the
One store has left the Mar- process of mystery writing and the distinguishing features of a
ketplace at Hall’s Corner, and cozy in the broader mystery genre. Riggs is best known for her
another is looking for new Victoria Trumbull novels, Oleksiw for the Mellingham Series
ownership, as local Duxbury and Meier for the Lucy Stone novels. Each author will read,
merchants work to keep cus- answer questions and sign copies of their books. Book will be
tomers in a tough economy. available for purchase. To register for the free program, call
Octavia’s, which sold gift the library at 781-934-2721 ext. 108.
items, has shuttered its doors
and cleaned out its store.
“That was just a hard loss,”
said Derek Cavanaugh of Hart
Street Associates, the market-
place’s landlord. “I loved the Central Chrysler Jeep Dodge
two of them [the women who 56 U.S. Route 1 - The Automile
ran Octavia’s.] They just got Norwood, MA 02062
hit by what is very common
Phone: 781-762-2200
throughout the country right
Fax: 781-2559537
now ... economic pressures
and unemployment.” ROBERT MCDANIEL Email: rmcdaniel@central.us
Cavanaugh said that stores Octavia’s has left the Hall’s Corner marketplace. The marketplace’s
Sales Consultant Online: www.central.us
that sell housewares have tak- landlord says that some other types of businesses have rebounded
en longer to bounce back after better than housewares in this economy.
the recession than other kinds “That’s always been the years it’s been open –– but
of businesses. strength of the bookshop,” still, owners John and Marcy
Only a few storefronts Haraden said. “There’s still a Stanton have had to adapt.
away, Westwinds Bookshop is lot of support ... We’re hop- “People have had to adapt
looking for new ownership, a ing someone will see the value and be flexible,” Cavanaugh
move not so much motivated that we saw.” said. “It’s just a tough time for
by economic factors but by He said he and his wife small retail.”
other obligations. would prefer to handoff the Cavanaugh said the Oc-
Christopher Haraden, who business to someone else so tavia’s space is his only retail Bed & Breakfast– A Delightful Experience
owned the bookstore with his that Westwinds keeps go- vacant right now (there are 781-934-0991
wife Marilyn, said that the ing, but if there are no takers some vacant second-floor of- 390 Washington Street Duxbury by the Sea • Dinners nightly at 5:00 pm Closed Sundays
couple has been thinking about they may have to simply shut fices, but that’s not unusual.)
selling the store for a while. down. He does have some interest in
Christopher Haraden recently “It’s a real possibility,” he renting the space right now, Helping Our Clients to Make Good Decisions Since 1967
changed jobs and doesn’t have said. and would like to keep it retail
the time he used to have to Octavia’s and Westwinds rather than office space. Octa-
back up his wife, who is the are dealing with the same is- via’s used to be two separate
Home, Auto, Business, Marine, Life
bookshop’s main manager. sues facing many local busi- storefronts, and Cavanaugh Lougee Insurance Agency, Inc.
“I don’t have the time that nesses in Duxbury –– pressure said he would be open to look- 24 Bay Road, PO Box AC
I used to have to be the back- from larger chains in places ing at two businesses instead
Duxbury, MA 02331-0630
stop for Marilyn,” he said.
like Hingham and Plymouth, of one. He hopes to have a Ph 781.934.6500 ext. 14 fax 781.934.5012
“We have decided that we and customers with less and new tenant within a couple of
can’t continue ourselves ... We less spending money. months.
just don’t have the time that In addition, Cavanaugh “You start eating away at
it’s going to take to devote to said that sometimes resi- the core retail and you’re go-
the business.” dents will give lip service to ing to damage your remaining Jan Butterworth
The Haradens bought the supporting local businesses retail,” he said. “You’ve got (781) 582-9766
store in April of 2005. without actually walking in to have a number of retail in a Care for your animal, all
“It’s been great,” Haraden the door and spending. Hart spot to make it a destination.” shapes and sizes on a daily basis
said. “The people of Duxbury Street owns a similar complex or while you are on vacation!
were very welcoming to us in Beverly, and when a store Playtime
and were supportive.” there was clearing inventory, a Dog Walking
He said that the commu- woman walked in the door and
nity’s connections remain said, “You can’t close, you’re
strong. The shop partners with my favorite store!” Yet the
Bachelors of
the Duxbury Free Library to business owner hadn’t seen
Science in Animal Science
bring in authors, and a recent the woman in five years. Caring for Animals in Duxbury Since 1985
event drew about 100 people. “It’s interesting what has
worked,” Cavanaugh said. He
Democratic Town pointed to a business like De-
pot Street Market. The owner
Committee to of that business opened with
an entirely different business
caucus Feb. 12 plan, but shifted focus quickly
of Cohasset Village

Duxbury Democratic once she saw it wasn’t work-

Town Committee will hold ing. It’s since become a suc- Bringing solutions
its annual Caucus on Sat- cessful take-and-bake outfit. to light…
urday, Feb. 12 at 10 a.m. at On the other hand are busi-
the Duxbury Free Library, nesses like the Studio, which Providing beautiful
77 Alden St., on the lower hasn’t changed much in the indoor and exterior
level. lighting and expert
advice since 1931.
The purpose of the meet-
Come in today and
ing is to elect delegates to
architecture: sally weston associates

see why Fleming’s

the 2011 Mass. Democratic was voted “Best
Convention to be held on Lighting Shop” for
June 4 in Lowell. the past 3 years.
The caucus is open to
all registered Democrats in
the Town of Duxbury. For
caucus information please
contact Chairman David
O’Connell at 781-934-0994 781-834-6231 • 267 Ocean St., Brant Rock, Marshfield
24 elm street cohasset village 781-383-0684 flemingslighting.com
Wednesday, February 2, 2011 Duxbury Clipper 19

Senior Center news Alden Kindred seeks nominees for Speak for
Special Events: Feb. 3 at 9:30 a.m., a presentation by the
Duxbury Assessors’ Department about senior real estate tax ex-
Thyself Awards
emptions. Feb. 9 at 8:30 a.m., Senior Breakfast at the Dux- The Alden Kindred of
bury Senior Center. Special guest will be Rich Wokoske, the America is excited to wel-
Pharmacy Manager from CVS in Kingston. Rich will talk about come back a wonderful event
prescription management, common medication problems, rea- celebrating women in our
sons for some medications and over-the-counter alternatives. communities. This spring, the
Bring your prescription list for an individual “bag” check and Alden House Historic Site
any questions for the pharmacist. Please call to make a reserva- will present the fourth “Speak
tion at 781-934-5774, ext. 100. Cost for breakfast is $4. for Thyself Awards” dinner on
May 20 at the Duxbury Senior
Valentine’s Day Luncheon Entertainment: On Thursday, Center.
Feb. 10 at 11:30 a.m. at the Duxbury Senior Center, join us for a The Speak for Thyself
delicious lunch and fabulous entertainment by Jerry Gottschalk, Award honors exceptional
renowned pianist. Jerry’s appearance is thanks to the generosity women who, in the spirit of
of the Duxbury/Kingston Kiwanis Club. Invite a friend and call Priscilla Mullins, make their
ahead for lunch reservations 781-934-5774, ext 100. The cost own choices. It recognizes the
for lunch is $5 for Duxbury seniors and $6 for non-residents and roles of women in America as
non-seniors. Pilgrims, pioneers, advocates, The 2009 Speak for Thyself award winners: Duxbury Council on Aging
Health and Fitness: Get stronger, increase your flexibility, community organizers, politi- Director Joanne Moore, Dorothy “Dolly” Snow Bicknell, Senate
cians and business leaders, as President Therese Murray, and Tania Cooper Patriota.
improve you balance. Why not try a fitness class at the Senior
Center? Start your week off right with Alicia’s Stretch/Flex well as mothers, sisters, wives ese Murray, U.N. Population Elizabeth Nightingale, Anne
class on Mondays from 10:30-11:30 a.m. Call in advance if and friends; women whose Fund Representative in Hati, Antonellis, Hollis “Holly”
you are interested at 781-934-5774, ext.103. Many other fitness daily lives are a reflection of Tania Cooper Pariola, author Morris, Betsy Sullivan, Doro-
classes are offered, check the Duxbury Doings newsletter for America. The Speak for Thy- and speaker Loretta LaRoche, thy “Dolly” Snow Bicknell,
days and times. self Award bridges the lives actress and advocate for spe- and Joanne Moore.
Be good to your feet: Make an appointment with Kathy Af- of American women from a cial needs children, Marianne A form for Speak for Thy-
fsa for a therapeutic foot massage. Appointments are available at homestead of the 17th century Leone Cooper, Christmas Tree self Award nominations is
the Senior Center on the second Thursday of the month (Feb.10) to our 21st century communi- Shop founder Doreen Bileziki- available from the Alden Kin-
beginning at 9 a.m. Cost is $10 for 10 minutes, $20 for 20 min- ties. an, Granite Electric Company dred of America by calling
utes. This massage helps improve circulation, relieve stress and Past recipients of the President Phyllis P. Godwin, 781-934-9092 or e-mailing
muscle tension and reduce blood pressure. Call Peggy to sched- award are former First Lady nature conservationist Helen aldenhouse@comcast.net.
ule your appointment for February at 781-934-5774, ext. 104. Barbara Bush, President of the Philbrick, and Duxbury com- Nominations should be sub-
Massachusetts Senate, Ther- munity leaders and advocates mitted by Feb. 15.
Complimentary chair massage: with Liz Connors of Heal-
ing Hands Massage Therapy. Liz stops by the Senior Center on

the first Friday of the month (Feb. 4) between 10-11 a.m. to
provide wonderful, 10 minute chair massages.
Tax services available to seniors: John Madden will once
again be providing free federal and state tax preparation ser-
vices for seniors and special needs individuals under the AARP/
IRS tax assistance program through the Duxbury Senior Center.
Contact Peggy Murphy at 781-934-5774, ext. 104 to arrange a
date to drop off your tax documents for processing. ™A^[ZigVch^i^dch
Senior Club to meet ™GZaVi^dch]^e^hhjZh
The Senior Club meets the first Friday of each month at
the Duxbury Senior Center. The next meeting is Feb. 4 with ™9ZegZhh^dcVcm^Zin
coffee social at 9:30 a.m., Followed by the meeting at 10 a.m.

This month the Club will discuss the future of the Senior Club.
See a letter from Doris Prince on page 24.

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20 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Board needs time on land swap

By Susanna Sheehan The cemetery trustees are offering is not “easily usable
Clipper Staff
looking for approximately for burials” and would be
Selectmen said last week 30 acres. used for “infrastructure pur-
they needed more time to Cemetery Trustee Robert poses” only.
consider a Town Meeting Hayes explained that all the “Out of seven and a half
article that proposes a land land offered by the town is acres, all we’ve gained is
swap between the town and not suitable for burials; how- two to three acres for buri-
the cemetery trustees. ever, the land taken for the als,” said Hayes of the trade.
The article proposed to senior center was prime cem- Hayes is proposing that
give up two small parcels of etery land – flat, completely the town give the cemetery
cemetery land to the town usable for burials and inside more land than it took so the
so the Fre Department can the cemetery’s own bound- cemetery can have enough
build a new septic system as aries. This land was given to space for expansion for the
part of the station renovation the cemetery almost 90 years next hundred years.
plans. It also gives town land ago for its expansion. Selectmen Chairman
to the cemetery to make up At the time the land was Shawn Dahlen said he was
for the land taken from the taken for the senior center, “100 percent in favor of trad-
cemetery in 1999 to build the town officials had offered to ing back the same amount of
Senior Center. give the cemetery town land land that’s been taken” from
Selectmen had questions adjacent to it, said Hayes, the cemetery, but that he
about the article, wonder- but this never happened. needed more information and
ing why the land swap pro- “It’s unfortunate that we more time for review before
posed for the cemetery was haven’t yet addressed the supporting a larger trade.
not equal in acreage to what taking of the land for the Se- Selectman Betsy Sul-
was taken for the senior cen- nior Center,” Hayes said. livan said she needed more
ter and what is proposed for He noted that a large por- time and wanted to walk the
the fire station septic system. tion of the land the town is land in question before tak-
ing a vote on the article.

007 at the Duxbury Free Library

Meet Jean Adams, RN, BSN

Cosmetic Nurse Specialist providing:
• Botox • Restylane
The Duxbury Free Library has a current display of James Bond • Perlane • Radiesse
movie “stills” from early Bond films starring Sean Connery and
Roger Moore, a span including films “From Russia with Love” • Laser Treatments
to “The Spy Who Loved Me.” There are 39 photos, three model • Juvederm
cars and two books on display in a collection of memorabilia by
Duxbury resident Anthony Wyatt. Standing next to the display are
Wyatt and his son, Sam.
Schedule a Cosmetic
Consultation with Jean
(508) 747-0711

Receive $100 Off Radiesse

(1.5 volume syringe) Offer good through 2/28/11.
Some restrictions apply.

Treat Yourself or a Loved One this Valentine’s Day!

Body Wrap, Massage & a Free Jane Iredale Lip Drink.
Mention this ad. Offer good through 2/28/11.

Anthony Wyatt points to a rare James Bond movie still on display

at Duxbury Free Library. The Wyatts are originally from England
and will be living in Duxbury for several years before returning
home. Photos by Julius A. Prince, Jr.

The Yankee Clippers Barber Shop

If you don’t have time for a haircut but need a quick cleanup One Scobee Circle Chief Justice Cushing Highway
Unit 3 Suite 202
Plymouth, MA Cohasset, MA
t4USBJHIUFO4JEF#VSOT 508-747-0711 781-383-3340
& Shave Neck

$6.00 South Shore Skin Center and Spa is one of Massachusetts’ most progressive dermatology
RT. 139, PEMBROKE practices offering a wide range of medical, surgical and cosmetic services.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011 Duxbury Clipper 21

Hydrants blocked, says fire chief

continued from page one

received any response. He’s

asking Town Meeting voters
to change the existing hy-
drant bylaw to give the Fire
Department more authority
to deal with offenders.
“Under the bylaw I have BEFORE AFTER
no teeth,” said Nord, who
added that he seemed to no- Does your
tice the problem more in the fireplace need a
past year.
Duxbury already has facelift?
rules about visually obstruct- 1127 Main Street
ing hydrants. The current
bylaw, Chapter 7.10: Fire The Fire Department is running into problems with hydrants like
this one, where the property owner has built a fence so close to
$25 OFF
Hydrants, reads: “No person the hydrant that firefighters can’t get a wrench in to open up the www.linwoodstove.com Chimney Cleaning
shall plant any tree, plant or hydrant.
bush or erect any fence or
other structure so that it ob- removed within 10 days of 500 feet apart. If firefighters Come visit our Showroom! Chimney Cleanings
structs the view of a fire hy- receiving written notice from can’t get to a hydrant, they’ll
drant from the nearest street the Fire Department. have to connect to one fur-
or highway.” Nord wants to Homeowners who vio- ther away, which leaves a
add language (and the Board
of Selectmen approved the
late the bylaw are subject to
a fine.
fire burning longer as well as
pressure problems from lon- DINNER
article) “or so that it ob-
structs the operation of a fire
In addition to the Fire
Department needing to ac-
cess the hydrants to fight
ger hoses.
“It’s like a fire extin-
guisher on the wall, you want
Nord also wants to add a
line about enforcement, say-
fires, the Water Department
also needs to get at them for
to go to the closest one and
utilize it,” Nord said.
ing that any plant, fence or flushing and other regular Fire Department trucks c.MJC=Q-9F<OA;@=K
other structure installed prior maintenance. do carry some water, but only c"GL,G9KL=<.MJC=Q
to March 12, 2011 shall be Hydrants are typically about 500 gallons –– enough
c J=K@-9D9<K
to put out a dumpster fire,
but not enough to extinguish
a burning home. c JA=<@A;C=F9DDL@=>APAFK
“It’s common sense,” cGF=D=KK.MJC=QJ=9KLK
Nord said of the obstructed
hydrants. “I hate to regulate Bongi’s Turkey Roost
common sense.”
The bylaw change will
be on the warrant at annual (781) 585-2392 / www.bongis.com
Town Meeting on March 12. ,GML=
JH_TMC_5.9x7_ob-MFM_release_bw.qxp:Layout 1 Massachusetts
1/6/11 3:31 PM Grown...and
Page 1 freshest

JUST STOPPING BY: This hospital. SM

hawk, resting on top of a lamp

post, has been noticed around
Chandler Elementary recently.
Some of the students in the sec-
ond lunch period have named
him “Red Tail.” He was there
recently as the snow started
to fall and stayed as a crowd
gathered to watch him sit.
Photos by Betsey Campbell

Dr. Brigid McCue, Laborist, Jordan Hospital

Dr. Terry Marino, Maternal/Fetal Medicine Specialist, Tufts Medical Center

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AT JORDAN HOSPITAL’S BIRTHPLACE, experienced obstetrical and high-risk
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22 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Weddings & engagements

Pisco – Yeip Lovett – Berg
r. and ristin Meghan Lovett and Jonathan
Mrs. Michael Berg were married on Satur-
Joseph day, July 24, 2010 at the Seaport Hotel
Pisco of Duxbury in Boston. The bride is the daughter of Johanna
announce the en- Keyes of Duxbury and Joseph Lovett of Baton
gagement of their Rouge. The bridegroom is the son of Eric Berg of
daughter, Lauren Longmeadow and the late Jody Berg.
Elizabeth, to Jona- Kelly Lovett, sister of the bride, was the maid
than Yeip, son of of honor. The bridesmaids included Samantha
Phyllis Kiper of San Petrucelli, Whitney Robbins and Kim Nguyen.
Diego, California Adam Berg, brother of the bridegroom, was
and James Yeip of the best man. the groomsmen were Matthew
Detroit, Michigan. Berg, Daniel Berg, Brian Lovett and Christopher
Lauren is a 2000 Conboy.
graduate of Duxbury Kristin is a 2001 graduate of Duxbury High
High School and a School and a 2005 graduate of Babson College.
2004 graduate of the She is currently employed as an audit manager at
University of New KPMG.
Hampshire Whit- Jonathan is a 2001 graduate of Longmeadow
temore School of High School and a 2005 graduate of Babson Col-
Business. Jonathan is a graduate of Mission Bay High School lege. He is pursuing his masters in business ad-
and Mesa College in San Diego. Lauren is presently employed ministration at Boston University. Jonathan is
as the expo manager at Competitor Group in San Diego, where employed at Summit Partners as a senior financial
Jonathan is also employed as the Web director. A July wedding analyst. The couple honeymooned in Hawaii and
is planned in LaJolla, California. resides in Boston.

Feldman – Limperopulos
aura Feldman
and Dana John- Brian Molisse
ston, formerly Cell: 781-831-4754
of Duxbury, announce the bmolisse@molisserealty.net
engagement of Laura’s
daughter, Lena, to Brian
Molisse Realty Group, LLC
18 Snow Road, Marshfield

Limperopulos, son of Mau-

Phone: 781-837-5600
636 Middle Street, Weymouth
reen and Steve Limperopu- Phone: 781-331-3900
los of Cornwall, N.Y. Lena,
also the daughter of the late
Craig Feldman, graduated
from George Washington
University with a BA and
MA in early childhood
special education. She is
currently working for the
Fairfax County, Va. Public
schools. Brian graduated
from George Washington
University with a BA in in-
ternational affairs and is em-
ployed by the International
Association of Movers as a
program manager.
A July wedding is
planned in Siesta Key, Fla.

Robinson – Sherman
ean Robinson
of Marshfield,
formerly of
Duxbury, announces
the engagement of her
daughter, Sarah Ann,
to Jason Sherman of œ“i E Restaurant & Bar
Kalispell, Mont., son >À`i˜ *iÃÌ
of Gail Davenport and
Dinner Service
Myron Sherman. Sar- 5SFF4QSBZJOHGPS begins at 5pm
ah is the daughter of $BUFSQJMMBST Tuesday-Saturday
the late David Emerson
Sarah is a 1998 4pm on Sunday
graduate of Duxbury GPS 5FSNJUFT "OUT 
High School. She 8BTQT .JDF FUD The Sun Tavern will be open on
graduated from St. Valentine’s Day, Monday 2/14
Michael’s College in .PTRVJUP  5JDL $POUSPM For you and your sweetheart
Vermont in 2002 and t 4FBTPOBM1SPHSBNT
received her masters Make your reservations now!
degree in special edu- t 0OFUJNF Voted most romantic restaurant on the South Shore!
cation in San Diego, Calif. She is currently a special education ZBSEUSFBUNFOUTGPS 500 Congress Street, Duxbury
teacher in Albuquerque, N.M. PVUEPPSFWFOUT 781-837-1027 – Fax 781-837-1109
Jason recently finished his degree in multi media in San Di- www.suntavernrestaurant.com
ego and moved with Sarah to New Mexico.
The couple is getting married outside of Glacier National
'SFF FTUJNBUFT Private Dining Room for Parties and Special Occasions
Park, Montana, in July. DBMM  Ken Wisneski, Executive Chef
Wednesday, February 2, 2011 Duxbury Clipper 23

Johnson – Murphy
ric and Lynne Johnson of Duxbury announce the en-

gagement of their daughter, Ashley Elizabeth Johnson,
to Shawn Michael Murphy. Shawn is the son of Mar-
garet Flanigan Murphy and Thomas Murphy of Auburn, N.Y.
Ashley graduated from Duxbury High School in 1999. She
received her bachelor’s degree in sociology from Keene State
College in 2003 and a masters in education from Lesley Univer-
sity in 2007. She is employed by the Weymouth public schools as A Tufankjian Family Dealership
a second grade teacher at the Thomas P. Nash Primary School.    

Shawn graduated from Auburn High School, N.Y. He is a
8/Ê£ÇÊ"Ê,/ÊÎÊUÊÓ£äÊ1 " Ê-/ÊUÊ , /, ÊUÊÇn£‡n{n‡™Îää

2001 graduate of Hamilton College where he received a bach-

elor of arts degree in government studies. He received his J.D.
in 2004 from Western New England Law School in Springfield.
He is employed at the Bell in Hand, Boston.
An Aug. 6 wedding is planned at St. Paul’s Church in Hing-
ham, followed by a reception at the Red Lion Inn in Cohasset.
The couple will honeymoon in Long Boat Key, Fla. and reside
in South Boston.

Fleming – Dolezal
ristin Ross Fleming and Timothy James
Dolezal were married Sept. 25, 2010 at
the Boulder Country Club in Boulder,
Colo. The bride is the daughter of W. Jefferies and
Sandra A. Fleming of Duxbury. The bridegroom is
the son of Thomas and Kathy Dolezal of Michigan
City, Ind.
Kristin, originally from Dover, Mass., graduated
from Dover-Sherborn Regional High School and re-
ceived her BA from the University of Vermont. She
is a sales and marketing manager with Rocky Moun-
tain Presence food brokerage in Boulder, Colo. Tim,
originally from Michigan City, Ind. graduated from
Marquette High School and received his bachelor’s
degree in construction management from Purdue
University. He is a project manager for the Denver
public school system.
Tim and Kristin reside in Westminster, Colo.
with their two-year-old boxer, Tyson. They are ex-
pecting their first child in May.

Snow Services Tree Services

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receive 10% discount on
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24 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Send items for the
opinion page to

John & Bobbie Cutler, Founders The Deadline for all

David S. Cutler, Publisher Emeritus letters & commentaries
Benjamin D. Cutler, President is Monday at noon.
Justin M. Graeber, Editor-in-Chief
What’s Yours? Share your views in our sounding off section

School buildings aren’t ‘failing’ ——————

Phone: 781-934-2811

E-mail: editor@duxburyclipper.com
read with great dismay four areas: reasonable repair, they should
the Clipper article (Jan. 1. Heating, ventilating, and be replaced. The removal of

Change the way

26, 2011), “Superinten- air conditioning (HV&AC) the old and the installation of
dent outlines plan for a new 2.Electrical the new roof systems by a qual-
$135 million middle school and 3. Roof ified roofing contractor should
high school.” He later states, 4. Renovation also be done during the sum-
“the buildings are failing.” To rectify the above prob- mer months.

we do building The word “failing” is the

wrong and irresponsible way of
describing the existing school
buildings. It is a scare tactic to
lems, the first step is to write
definitive specifications for
each area, describing what is
to be replaced, repaired or up-
Once HV&AC, electrical
and roofing systems are re-
placed and updated, most of the
existing problems should not

obtain funds, $135 million, to dated and with what kinds of take place in the future, under
advance the School Commit- materials and/or equipment. proper and continuous mainte-
tee’s recommendations. The second step would be nance.
The word “failing” is used to establish a qualified contrac- Renovation, which includes

in engineering/construction tor for each area to perform the non-structural defects such as
or years, Duxbury has approached building when there is significant poten- specified work within a pre- stained ceiling tiles, missing
projects in the same manner. Come to Town tial for loss of life and/or exten- established schedule. chairs, painting, etc. should be
sive property damage as a result The existing HV&AC sys- prioritized and performed on an
Meeting for design funds first, hash out the plans of immediate collapse. Assum- tem can be replaced and a new ongoing basis.
on Town Meeting floor, then come back in a later year for the ing that this is the situation in and highly efficient system With anticipation that the
Duxbury, the middle school and can be installed by a qualified HV&AC system will have an
actual construction money. the high school building should contractor during the summer eight to 10 year cost pay back,
be declared unsafe, evacuated, recess without any class dis- the cost of rectifying the re-
The problem with this method is that it adds to the cost
and demolished immediately. ruption, provided that all the maining problems can be ex-
and the timetable. As we’ve seen with the police and fire As a registered professional procurement procedures are pected to cost a fraction of the
engineer in the Commonwealth completed prior to summer. $135 million amount proposed
station projects, delays of years and years only postpone the of Massachusetts with over 40 The new and efficient by the School Building Com-
inevitable, while construction and other costs go up. This years of engineering, construc- HV&AC system should pay mittee. The submitted proposal
tion and teaching experience, I back the total cost in about is neither justified in scope nor
forces the project’s designers to cut more and more each year can state with confidence this eight to ten years. in cost.
to save less and less. is not the situation in Duxbury. Parallel to the HV&AC in- No major building proj-
The school buildings are mod- stallation, the existing electrical ect is ever completed on time,
But there’s a better way. If the projects are approved all at erately old and may require re- system can be updated and en- within budget, or with the same
once, costs can be controlled, and construction can happen on a pair, maintenance and upkeep, hanced, meeting the established staff that started it, and ours
but they are not “failing.” codes and school requirements. won’t be the first.
faster schedule. Duxbury voters like to get up at Town Meeting Some of the buildings’ sys- This work should be done dur- For example, the city of
and go over plans inch by inch. But is that really the most cost tems, components and parts are ing the summer months by a Newton, with a population of
not functioning properly due to qualified electrical contractor, 100,000 people, started its own
effective way to be doing things? Wouldn’t approving a project age, lack of routine repair and with minimum disruption to the construction of a new high
maintenance, but this does not ongoing summer school activi- school with an estimate of $130
all at once, with clear budget caps and other guidelines, be million. When completed last
require the existing buildings to ties.
more effective? be demolished and the new one Depending on the type and year, the building cost $200
to be built, at great cost. installation, the life of a roof is million.
Take, for example, the school projects. Whether you In general, the existing about 20 to 25 years. Assum- Y. Oktay, P.E.
believe the town needs new schools or not, School Committee school buildings’ problems re- ing the schools’ roofs fall with- Seabury Point Road
portedly are concentrated in in this range and/or beyond any
members and district officials did a good thing by putting
Crash page was a tough read ——————
Duxbury in the model school program. The town will have less
options, and the buildings will be more “cookie-cutter,” with was enjoying your de- horrific. I realize that these ac- broken down into tears and
less frills. However, the projects will cost less and the design cade of pictures im- cidents may have been news would have relived that tragic
mensely until I turned worthy at the time but I do day all over again. I can only
process will be quicker. Perhaps most importantly, using a to the page with the car crash- not think that they needed to hope and believe that you, and
model building prevents what’s known as “scope creep,” es. I can only imagine the pain, be revisited. If I were the par- your staff, have never suffered
and in some cases, the embar- ent, relative or friend of that through such a tragedy and did
which is when things are added to the design along the way rassment that was caused by student I am not sure what I not realize the pain and anger
and the price tag skyrockets from what voters were originally those accidents. The picture would have done. Perhaps I that those very, unexpected
of the car crash that resulted would have gone down to your pictures would cause.
promised. This way, Duxbury avoids what happened with the in the death of one of our high office to give you an earful Crystal White
new high school in Newton, and undercuts critics painting the school students was especially but most likely I would have Depot Street
building as “the Taj Mahal” before they get started.
Shea’s passion was for Duxbury
Maybe Duxbury needs to start taking a similar approach
to other building projects. If it’s decided that new buildings e were deeply swapping war stories as they
are needed, building committees could come to Town saddened to talked about fundraising for
hear of the the monument.
Meeting with what they want to build (combined buildings, death of Joe Shea this week. Restoring the monument
was Joe’s most recent ac-
rehabilitation projects or new construction, for example) our view complishment, but he has
and a budget. If Town Meeting gives them the go-ahead, the I first got to know Joe left a legacy of giving back
projects get built, and the professionals control which wall when he came to the Clip- stamped all across this town,
per office to meet with Da- from the cemeteries to First
goes where, and how big the conference table is, rather than vid Cutler about the World Parish Church, where he
Town Meeting voters. Duxbury’s had success in other areas by War I monument project. At was a member for over 40
first I thought they were ar- years. He had a passion for
professionalizing services. Maybe it’s time we look at how the guing in the back office, but this town and was one of its
town does construction as well. later realized that Joe’s di- most tireless champions. He Shea was a tireless volunteer,
minished hearing lead him will be sorely, sorely missed especially when it came to local
–– J. Graeber to talk rather loudly, and the by all. history and his church, First
two veterans were merely –– J. Graeber Parish.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011 Duxbury Clipper 25

A new skating rink at Alden? ———————

e are lucky here
in Duxbury to
slated for renovation or demo-
lition, and I have to wonder if
ing, I still think we can do bet-
ter, can’t we?
have The Bog so we really know how to main- I’ve written to the Recre- By Elizabeth Lewis, P.E.
close by on the Kingston line, tain our buildings. Whether we ation Department two years in s chairman of the School Building Committee, I of-
and the outdoor benefits our ultimately renovate or rebuild a a row, and I believe they’ve fer the following facts in response to recent letters
many cranberry bogs provide – couple of our schools, I’d hope forwarded my input to the to the editor. First, Train Field is not the site for the
all places where we can skate we have a better plan in place schools. All coaches, students, proposed project. The new middle and high school will be con-
our winter blues away. Howev- for how we’ll treat those new and involved parents in town structed on the site of the current middle school and the field
er, what many of us don’t real- buildings so that they will not are well aware of this issue at behind it. The existing high school site would be redeveloped
ize, and what I’ve only come to only last a long time but so they Alden, but I believe this is a sit-
for parking and fields.
learn in the last couple of years, will also function at a high level uation that we have all come to
Cost: The proposed co-located middle and high school has
is that we have a fabulous in- throughout that lifespan. simply tolerate and feel some-
Back to basketball for a what hopeless about as much as
an estimated preliminary construction cost of $130 million,
door skating location right here
in town – and that would be at minute, we are a town that it is both frustrating and disap- with 43-45 percent reimbursed by the state if a model school
the Alden School gym! prides itself on our sports pro- pointing. So dare I ask, what design is selected. The tax impact for a median-priced home is
For the last two years I’ve grams and we are also a com- it would take to deep-clean the estimated to be in the range of 11 percent, not the 20 percent
coached boys’ basketball at munity that is suddenly much floors and to perhaps apply a claimed in a recent letter.
Alden, and I’ve seen a differ- more aware of sports injuries, single coat of wax once every Timing: The project is
ent type of winter game played such as concussions. Yet, the other year? Is this the appropri- the next phase of a long-range
there just about every day, one playing court situation at Alden ate solution? If our schools can- What Master Facilities Plan adopted
where not even the child with is so bad that I’ve had several not afford to make their gyms in 2000. In 2007, the school
the brand new sneakers and the children on my teams fall un- minimally safe and playable do you department submitted a request
very best balance can stop when necessarily and also often hit (middle school included, by the to the state to begin the process
he or she needs to. Playing on their heads on the court. Apart way), then let’s discuss the ap-
think? for reimbursement for a DMS
the floors at Alden is truly like from the fact that the game sim- propriate solutions and costs. If Got an opinion you want to share? and DHS project. The SBC was
skating on ice. Students simply ply cannot be taught, learned there’s a way to make it happen Sound off on this or any other issue. reconvened in 2008 to review
have no ability to run and then and played as intended, there I will gladly volunteer to lead Send your comments to: and prioritize facilities needs,
either stop or turn, or even to have surely been numerous in- efforts to raise the money we E-mail: editor@duxburyclipper.com and in 2009, voters approved a
simply pivot in place! juries that could also have been need. Mail: P.O. Box 1656, Duxbury, MA 02331 feasibility study for DMS and
Clearly, the Alden gym prevented had these floors been Mike Caslin DHS. That work was completed
floors have not been anywhere adequately maintained. While Greenleaf Drive in 2010 and presented at Town
close to being adequately main- we athletes tend to shake off Meeting and other public meetings. In the summer of 2010, the
tained even in a building not our injuries and just keep play- Massachusetts School Building Authority voted to collaborate
with Duxbury on a project to address both schools.
Duxbury should learn from Newton ————
Renovation option: A letter from a reader suggests that
rehabilitation would be less costly than renovation. The fact
uxbury can learn fire station add up to over $135 could know what the limit of is that current estimates of rehabilitation costs are nearly twice
a lot about school million. If the schools were co costs will be for the town ($49 the current assessed values of the buildings and do not account
building and other located (not necessarily a good million total versus the current for additional code upgrades that may be required to building
town infrastructure needs from idea) and the state paid $51 mil- $84-$135 million) and archi- systems and functions such as life safety, accessibility, and
the Newton experience. After lion that would still leave a $84 tects and construction person- structural retrofit for seismic.
Newton’s mayor at the time, million bill for the taxpayers of nel would know the limits of The SBC did not favor this option for several reasons.
David Cohen, hired an archi- a town with a population of just what they could spend. There MSBA requires towns to prioritize one project at a time and
tect, Graham Gund, to design 14,248. Where did the number is currently a large percentage to demonstrate that the project will result in an educationally
the new Newton North High $119 million to renovate the of unemployed architects and appropriate solution. The renovation of either school will mean
School, the firm Dore and schools come from? That is construction personal, some significant disruption to the school community, relocation of
Whittier Architects took the ludicrously expensive, and a site 15-30 percent –– even 50 students to trailers (for which we would receive no reimburse-
lead for the construction docu- much better price can be had in percent. In a recession numbers ment) and 2-3 years of construction duration. After renovating
ments and construction admin- this market. By paying for de- should come down not up. one school, the district would then have to start the process
istration phases. There was no sign first with no budget limits The town of Duxbury has again on the second school. All this is premised on the chance
initial budget set and the costs we will repeat the Newton mis- residents of all income catego- that MSBA and the town will approve funding for two renova-
continued to skyrocket. That take on our building needs. ries, from very wealthy to very tion projects, neither of which will resolve fundamental issues
building ended up with a final I would suggest the town low fixed incomes. Get rid of with the layout of the buildings.
price tag of $197.5 million af- set a cap of $40 million (a very expensive building consultants Funding capital projects for town and school buildings has
ter starting with a much smaller robust budget) to renovate the and get real! Go to Town Meet- been an issue for a long time. The dual challenges of Prop 2 1/2
original estimate. The spend- high school and middle school, ings with realistic budgets for and a slow economy have forced the town to dedicate avail-
ing created strife in the town, $5 million to build a new po- recession-times, otherwise we able funds to operating budgets and to defer maintenance and
raised taxes, and led to the lice station at the current site, will need to cut town budgets capital spending.
mayor not seeking re-election. and $4 million to renovate the in five years to pay for an ex- State funding: A reader assumes that when time is right,
Newton recently had to cut $1 fire station. Put that to a town pensive building spree as New- state funds will be available. Fact: state reimbursement is avail-
million from its town budget to vote. The town will get bids ton learned. able to Duxbury now but there is no guarantee that it will be
balance the books. in a very competitive market Sheila Lynch-Benttinen available in the future. In 2003, Duxbury received 67 percent
The Duxbury School Com- that will do the job with these West Street reimbursement for the Chandler/Alden/PAC project. Currently,
mittee has hired Dore and Whit- budgets. That way taxpayers Duxbury is eligible for 35.45 percent reimbursement plus eight
tier for a new school feasibil- additional points for using a model school design, construction
ity study, the same firm which
Senior Club needs members
manager at risk and green building elements. MSBA has sub-
took the lead for the construc- stantiated Duxbury’s need for two new schools and added the
tion documents and construc- he Senior Club meets the first Friday of each month project to its capital pipeline. MSBA policy states that towns
tion administration phases of at the Duxbury Senior Center. The next meeting is that do not receive voter approval for a project must begin the
the Newton North High School Feb. 4 with coffee social at 9:30 a.m. Followed by the process all over again. The time is now for state funding, low
debacle. In an article online meeting at 10 a.m. This month the Club will discuss the future construction costs and favorable borrowing.
entitled “Dollars don’t mea- of the Senior Club. As in June 2006, the need for volunteers still Voter approval: Another reader asserts that the article for
sure new Newton North High exists. The club has excellent board members. All are volunteers the schools is being snuck in at the March Town Meeting when
School’s full cost,” the long, and the nominating committee has not been able to replace them.
many people are away. The fact is that town meetings and elec-
sad tale of the too expensive We are grateful to them for giving to the Club for one more year.
tions have been held annually in March for many years. This
final building is told. The les- This is the 44th year as an incorporated private club.
In the mid-60’s the club paid rent. A member at that time, year, voters will be asked to approve the costs for schematic
son from the tale from Newton design at both Town Meeting and at the ballot, just as they have
residents is to have the town Hannah Melquist, was concerned the Senior Club would dissolve
for lack of funds. Hannah Melquist’s bequest to the Duxbury been asked for any other town project. This is required statuto-
working with citizens set an rily for funding requests and is in no way a new procedure.
initial budget of what taxpayers Senior Citizen’s Club has allowed members to meet all these
years and to continue as a private club for many more years. After more than two years of diligent work, the SBC, a
are willing to spend on a new dedicated group of Duxbury architects, engineers, planners,
school, (and a new police sta- The nominating committee volunteers in April and announc-
es board member nominees in May, when additional nominations conservation experts, builders, town and school officials, has
tion, an upgraded fire station), determined that a new, co-located middle school and high
etc. Presenting expensive pro- may also be made from the floor. Members then vote on the first
Friday of June. The last two years the volunteer requirements school is the most cost-effective, educationally appropriate op-
posals at Town Meeting leads tion. Its findings are corroborated by MSBA. The voters will
were not met which led to frustration within the executive board.
to rejection and no movement ultimately decide whether to move forward with the project or
It is imperative for the club to start this process of preparing for
on necessary building repair. the 45th year earlier. The bylaws state that volunteers “shall risk waiting for a “better” time when costs are higher, while
Current proposals for serve for a term of one year.” A guarantee of this rule could see more money is wasted to keep worn-out buildings operating
$125 million for the schools, more volunteers. and accredited, and state funding is in question.
$6,449,000 for the police sta- Doris Prince Ms. Lewis is the School Building Committee chairwoman
tion, and $4,400,000 for the Duxbury Senior Club
26 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Duxbury School Calendar

Thursday Feb. 3
DHS School Council 5 p.m.
All band concerts -
6:30 p.m.: DMS Jazz Ensemble, 5th Grade, 7th/8th Grade
Green, HS Jazz,  7th/8th Silver, and Symphonic Bands Send School news & Photos to
8 p.m.: DMS Jazz Club, 6th Grade, 7th/8th Grade White, HS editor@duxburyclipper.com
Concert Band, HS Wind Ensemble, and HS Jazz Ensemble the Deadline is Monday at noon.
Saturday Feb. 5
Magic Dragon Open House 10 - 11:30 a.m. Chandler School
Amazing A Cappella 7 p.m. PAC
Monday Feb. 7
SEPAC meeting 7 p.m.
Chandler School Council 4 p.m.
Wednesday Feb. 9
Alden PTA Meeting 9:30 a.m.
Thursday Feb. 10
DEF Spelling Bee PAC
Friday Feb. 11-Sun. Feb. 13
DMS ski trip
Monday Feb. 14
All String Night 7:30 p.m. PAC
Alden School Council 3:45 p.m.
School Building Committee meeting 7 p.m. Town Hall

School Lunch Menu

Week of Feb. 7-Feb. 11
Monday: French toast sticks with blueberry top-
ping, egg patty, potato puffs, warm apple slices.
Tuesday: Spicy chicken fajita, salad with ro-
maine lettuce, onions and peppers, tortilla shell
Wednesday: Italian pasta bar, choice of mari-
nara, Italian meat or alfredo sauce.
SAFE AND QUIET: Mrs. Hoakenson’s second grade class was the first at Chandler Elementary to receive
Thursday: Backyard BBQ, barbecue pork rib on 100 Safe and Quiet points this school year. Classes are awarded Safe and Quiet points anytime staff (other
whole wheat bun, roasted carrot fries, Boston than their teacher) observes safe and quiet behavior by a class. Photo by Betsey Campbell
baked beans, orange slice.
Friday: Creamy macaroni and cheese, seasoned
mixed vegetables, toasted garlic bun. Magic Math Madness
All lunches served with choice of milk.
Cold fruit and vegetable bar, fresh food grab-n-go specials daily. Dragon taking
DMS applications
Monday: French toast sticks with blueberry topping, egg patty, potato The Magic Dragon
puffs, warm apple slices. Children’s Center located
Tuesday: Chicken nuggets, cheddar mashed potatoes, seasoned car- in Chandler Elementary
rots, whole wheat dinner roll. School is now accepting ap-
Wednesday: Italian pasta bar, choice of marinara, Italian meat or alfredo plications for the 2011/2012
sauce. school year from current
Thursday: Backyard BBQ, barbecue pork rib on whole wheat bun, roast- families and town of Dux-
ed carrot fries, Boston baked beans, orange slice. bury employees. New appli-
Friday: Creamy macaroni and cheese, seasoned mixed vegetables, cants can register beginning
toasted garlic bun. Feb. 1. The Magic Dragon is
All lunches served with choice of milk. accredited by The National
Association for the Educa-
Cold fruit and vegetable bar, fresh food grab-n-go specials daily. tion of Young Children of-
fering full and part time care
Alden and Chandler Schools for children eight weeks to Mrs. Fuchs’ fifth grade theme night, Math Madness, was a family
Monday: Philly cheese steak sub on a whole wheat bun, Boston baked 4 years of age as of Sept. 1. affair. Parents and students alike met the challenge of the Target
beans, seasoned corn. Please call the director, Sara Number game. It “took a village” for the parents to match up with
Tuesday: Chicken fajitas, salsa, southwest corn and black bean salad, Heath at 781-934-7671 for the students’ skills. Photo by Marty Fuchs
petite banana. more details and to schedule
Wednesday: Homemade fresh baked pizza, garden salad, cinnamon a tour of the center.
Thursday: Whole grain pasta with marinara or meat sauce, garlic bread
stick, seasoned green beans, orange wedges. Before and After
Friday: Oven baked roast chicken, cheddar mashed potatoes, golden
cornbread, mixed fruit.
Dark Registration
Assorted fruit and veggie selection daily. Begins
All lunches served with choice of milk. Duxbury Before and Af-
ter Dark Winter/Spring flyers
were mailed out in mid-Janu-
ary to Duxbury residents, with
Sign up for preschool details for over 80 exciting
classes for children and adults.
The Duxbury Integrated Preschool is now accepting ap- Online registration has start-
plications for the 2011-2012 school year. Parents interested ed, and walk-in and mail in
in learning more about the program are invited to a parents- registrations will be accepted
only information session on Wednesday, Jan. 12, from 9:15-10 beginning on Feb. 8. In order
a.m. to register for classes online,
During the open house, you can visit a preschool classroom families must create an Active
at the Chandler School and meet staff , receive preschool cur- Net account, or sign into an NUMBERS GAME: Students from Ms. Denise Lamarre’s class and
riculum information and view samples of activities and student existing account at activenet. Mrs. Patti Pietrantonio’s class enjoyed “Math Mania” for Alden’s
portfolios and have an opportunity to look into a classroom in active.com/duxburyrecre- theme night. Students hosted their families as they enjoyed
session. ation.  For additional informa- teaching them how to play many of the games that are part of the
Program information and applications will be available. tion, visit the Before and After school’s Everyday Math program. Students created signs and set
Call Bridget or Gail with any questions at 781-934-7672. The Dark Web site link at duxbury. up tables for a carnival type atmosphere as families circulated and
program is located at the Chandler School – enter via the Ray k12.ma.us or call the office at enjoyed learning the games and testing their math skills.
Coppens Field entrance. 781-934-7633. Photos courtesy of Denise Lamarre
Wednesday, February 2, 2011 Duxbury Clipper 27

Duxbury police log No injury. Vehicle towed.

Criminal Defense
Thursday Jan. 20
3:48 a.m. Icy road reported on 8:05 p.m. One party from Kings- Peter M. Bizinkauskas
West Street. DPW notified. ton under arrest for larceny and 85 Samoset Street
11:21 a.m. Minor motor vehicle trespassing on Tremont Street. Plymouth, MA
crash on Congress Street and Lin- Place. (508) 830-0019
coln Street. Wednesday Jan. 26 Available 24 Hours for Urgent Matters
5:46 p.m. Caller reported water 3:20 p.m. Motor vehicle acci-
6:15 p.m. Motor vehicle acci- in street on Powder Point Avenue. peterbizlaw.com
dent on Kingstown Way. No in- dent on Marshall Street. No in-
Officer reported water coming juries.
juries. Property damage. from a house.
7:33 p.m. Suspicious activity re- 6:07 p.m. Wires down on Au-
ported on Franklin Street. Officer Tuesday Jan. 25 tumn Avenue. Officer reported FRED’S FIX-IT SHOP
reported open door to garage. moved cable wire to side of road. YOUR OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPMENT SPECIALISTS
8:10 a.m. Caller on Tremont
8:40 p.m. Motor vehicle stuck
Friday Jan. 21
Street reported missing scrap
from rear of building. Has video in snow bank on Summer Street.
AAA on scene.
We have
9:21 a.m. Marshfield reported
wire down on Laurel Street.
of possible suspect taking refrig-
erator and other appliances. Snow Throwers
Comcast notified.
12:21 p.m. Low hanging wire on
8:42 a.m. Vehicle forced off
roadway by oncoming traffic on
PJ the DJ
DJ for any occasion
in Stock!
Mayflower Street and East Street. Franklin Street. Unable to locate
Officer standing by for public suspect vehicle. Van towed out of Booking 1st Communion Parties
safety as NStar repairs. snow bank. Sweet 16 Parties & School Dances Visit us at www.fdfsinc.com
FREE lighting effects MON - SAT 8 to 5
5:03 p.m. Caller complained of 10:37 a.m. Unknown wire with any 4 hr party
neighbor putting snow in her yard knocked from pole on Ocean Quality & Affordable Rates Since 1982
638 Summer St. (Rt. 53) • Duxbury, MA 02332
on Washington Street. Spoken Road North. Identified as cable.
to. Comcast notified. Call PJ Today 781-585-2175
10:16 p.m. Caller reported pos- 1:13 p.m. Vehicle off the road 781-534-5217 Reservations Accepted Pick-Up & Delivery Available!
and in woods on Franklin Street.
09DF005_clipper_open_7.9x10:09DF005 9/8/09 1:58 PM Page 1
sible underage drinking party
on Meetinghouse Road. Officer
transported two juveniles to Reed

Saturday Jan. 22
10:57 a.m. Motor vehicle ac-
cident on Tremont Street with
injury. One party transported to
Jordan Hospital. Vehicle towed.
3:33 p.m. Kids throwing snow-
balls at cars on Congress Street.
Area search negative, Will check

Sunday Jan. 23
Now world-leading
2:25 a.m. Suspicious individual
walking down Standish Street.
cancer care is right in
6:31 a.m. Party in station report-
ed tree limb in road on Surplus
your backyard.
Street and Reynolds Way. Officer
reported removed.
Introducing the most advanced cancer care available on the South Shore.
10:06 a.m. Possible seizure on
Puritan Way. Ambulance trans- Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and South
ported to Jordan Hospital.
Shore Hospital are collaborating to provide the highest level of care
11:21 a.m. Resident of South
Street reported no water. Water south of Boston.
Department notified.
12:29 p.m. Caller reported miss- The new center at South Shore Hospital brings the first choice in cancer
ing mailbox from post on Hounds care closer to you – including many of the innovative treatments available
Ditch Lane.
10:17 p.m. Caller reported bark- at Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center in Boston.
ing dog on Pilgrim Byway. Of-
ficer spoke to owner. Call 781-624-5000 for an appointment or visit www.dfbwcc.org/southshore
10:21 p.m. Caller on Tremont for more information.
Street reported snowballs be-
ing thrown at door. Area search

Monday Jan. 24
12:53 a.m. Caller on Tremont
Street reported something pos-
sibly being thrown at window.
Area search negative.
1:32 a.m. Suspicious vehicle
driving around Washington
Street/Depot Street area.
6:25 a.m. Resident on Lakeshore Focused on cancer. Focused on life.
Drive reported someone possibly
in house. Officer checked house
with homeowner. All okay.
11:52 a.m. Caller reported pole
in front of house on Lincoln
Street is cracked and leaning on
tree. Verizon notified.
2:28 p.m. Animal control officer
requested assistance with report
of coyotes in area of Hawkins
28 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, February 2, 2011


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Section B • Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It’s another title for swimmers

By Denise Buckley (5:34.15) crushed the compe-
Clipper Contributor tition, finishing over 20 sec-
The Duxbury girls’ swim onds ahead of the second place
team is one win away from Hanover/Rockland swimmer.
capturing outright its 20th Kassie Sweeney, cruising to
straight Patriot League title third place, posted a season-
after defeating Hanover/Rock- low, Sectional-qualifying time
land, 102-81, last week. The
girls brought their “A” game
of 6:05.53. Elizabeth Buckley
took fourth.
on Tuesday, capturing six first- Ellie Johnson also won
place finishes and numerous two events, placing ahead of
season-low times. Miranda VanDingstee (3rd) in
the 200 IM and finishing the RENOVATIONS
girls swimming 100-yard breaststroke with a ADDITIONS
Duxbury 102
Hanover/Rockland 81
season-low time of 1:14.69. CUSTOM INTERIOR FINISHES
Finishing just behind in that
event were Jill Coghlan (2nd) DOUBLE VICTOR: Sophomore Ellie Johnson won the 200 IM and 781.934.2130
Co-captain Sarah Gold- and Avery Riddle (4th). Rad- the 100-yard breaststroke in the win over Hanover. 781.733.5391
berg led the Lady Dragons er took first in the 100-yard captains Goldberg and Emily In one of the closest races
with two individual wins in backstroke with a season-low Hutchinson, teamed up with of the meet, Katie Eagan coast-
• Lunch
• Dinner
the 200 and 500-yard freestyle 1:04.88. Third and fifth place younger sisters Jessie and ed to a season-low 1:02.78 in • Bar & Lounge
events, as she swam a season- went to Olivia Zelvis and Kris- Hannah, to take first in the the 100-yard butterfly, touch- Open 7 Days
low 2:03.96 in the 200, fol- ta Librett, respectively. 200. Sarah Goldberg would ing out the second place Ha-
lowed by Shelby Rader (2nd) Gift Certificates
The 200 and 400-yard join Katie Eagan, Laura Hus- nover/Rockland swimmer at
and Hannah Riddle (6th). Lat- freestyle relays also finished ted and Johnson to finish first the wall. Riddle was third and
133 Ocean Street • Brant Rock 781-834-9144
er on in the 500 free, Goldberg ahead of the competition, as in the 400. continued on page 4

Boys continue to dominate pool Free Pickup & Delivery

By Denise Buckley sweep in the 500. Mon/Thurs
Clipper contributor Ian Wilson coasted to a or
The DHS boys’ swim season-low, State-qualifying Tues/Fri
team remains undefeated af- time of 59.78 in the 100-yard 16 Chestnut St. Duxbury
ter trouncing Hanover/Rock- backstroke, followed by Ar- 1-800-79-Valet
land last Tuesday, 84-61. thur Su (2nd) and Josh Ng www.thecleanist.com
The Dragons won all but two (3rd). The three, joined by
events, improving their record Ben Zelvis, started the meet
to 7-0 and inching closer to off by winning the 200-yard
their 11th Patriot League title medley relay.
in 12 years. Zelvis would later return
to the pool to take first in the
Native Grown Turkeys & Turkey Products

boys swimming
Duxbury 84
50-yard freestyle with a blis-
tering time of 25.19. Behind
Hanover/Rockland 61
him were Drew Lawerence
(5th) and Mike Tougas (6th).
THE DOMINATOR: Mike Connolly easily won the 200 and 500-yard 781-5
Mike Connolly continues Tougas would also take first
freestyle. Photos by Karen Goldberg 85-2392
to dominate the 200 and 500- place in the diving competi- the breaststroke honors. They The Dragons will be back
yard freestyle events, finishing tion, edging out teammate later teamed up with Wilson at the Percy Walker Pool this www.bongis.com Rt. 53, Duxbury, MA 02332
well ahead of his competition Ryan Scanlan. and Connolly to capture first week, as they take on Norwell
in both. Matt Griffin (2nd) The co-captain Su brothers in 400-yard freestyle relay. and Barnstable. Then it’s on
and Mason Crane (5th) fol-
lowed in the 200, while Kee-
continue their winning ways,
as well. Arthur (1:01.5) took
The 200 freestyle relay team
of Barry Su, Steven Kravitz,
to Middleboro for the Patriot
League championships on Sat-
Crane and Ng also took first, urday. ENGINEERING COMPANY
lan Murphy (2nd) and Kevin first in the 100-yard butterfly,
Coakley (3rd) completed the while Barry (1:11.12) grabbed continuing the sweep. t$JWJM

Play as you pay I’ll play it straight. I love the transfer



By Bruce Barrett, Clipper Columnist
bruce@duxburyclipper.com station’s “Save as You Throw” 
he last time I wrote about program. Tongue in cheek or not, here
the dump, I took on a are some reasons why. Duxbury Now Has FiOS
Successful dump runs are a
tongue-in-cheek contrarian
voice. Trouble is, most folks thought I balanced affair. One load in, one load Do You?
was seriously ranting against the pay-
WHAT’S GOING out. Our Duxbury Mall swap area TV • Internet • Phone
as-you-throw program. I heard nothing
ON HERE? goes way back, with roots in the old
but the occasional cricket chirp, dog program, but were too afraid to even land-fill before the nifty compacting
barking in the distance instead of the mention it to me. I thought they would pit came to town. Along with the
laughter I had hoped for. nick a nerve and send me off the deep manly joys of heaving broken TVs and
Worst of all, people must have end at my day job. mattresses into the ravine (extra points
thought that I really opposed the So I won’t try satire this time. for distance, bounce, and exploding KINGSTON • 781-585-0003
continued on page 4 Kingsbury Plaza

Find help fast in the Service Directory … page 13

2 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, February 2, 2011
group, open to anyone in the

Religious Send church listings to

or fax to 781-934-5917.
Duxbury area who has lost a loved
one, will meet on eight consecutive
Wednesday nights, from Feb. 9

through March 30 from 7:30-9 p.m.
the Deadline in the Herrick Room in the lower
is Friday at noon. level of Holy Family Church. All are
welcome to join anytime between

C l i pp e r
A cal Feb. 9 and March 2. Any questions
First Baptist Du x b u n d a r f o r should be addressed to Deacon Art
m u n i ty ry e
me e t ve n t s,
Keefe at 781-585-4444.  
Dr. Kevin Cassidy C om r
c l a s s i ng s,
e s, c o Thursday Feb. 10
Pastor Brent Van Wyke, Youth Asst.
l e n d a wo r k u rs e s,
Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m.
with Adult and Youth Bible Fel-
lowships following. Childcare
Ca ,
and v dance s
p l ays h o p s,
DEF Spelling Bee. The Annual
Duxbury Education Foundation
Spelling Bee is coming to the
is provided during the morning o
o pp o r l u n te e r Duxbury Performing Arts Center.
service with age appropriate t uni t Teams of three will compete at
classes for young children. First
ie s ! the fourth and fifth grade, middle
Baptist offers many opportuni- school, high school and adult levels.
ties for youth, men and women. The winning middle school team
Check the Web site for details can compete regionally. The cost
or call the office today. Good
le n d a r i t e ms by to participate is $100 per person
or $300 per team. Registration is
Shepherd Christian Academy at 9 a.m., sewing group at 10
a.m. Feb. 4, Croning ceremony
Se nd c a o e ve n t s@ now open. Registration information
is a ministry of First Baptist
r id a y t
Church. GSCA Open House, at 7 p.m. no on F s s .c om . s.
and the study list can be found at
Feb. 5 from 1-3 p.m.
cli p p e r p r e
a ble b asi
sp ace av a il
ish ed on a even ts .
Valentine’s Day Luncheon. On
ems a re publ erci a l Dux bu ry-b ase d
St. Paul’s Church of Ca le n da r it
is fo r n on-c
om m Thursday, Feb. 10 at 11:30 a.m.,
enjoy lunch and entertainment by
Holy Family Church the Nazarene Preference
Jerry Gottschalk, renowned pianist
holyfamilyduxbury.org stpaulsnazarene.org at the Duxbury Senior Center. Invite
Rev. Robert J. Deehan Rev. David Troxler a friend and call ahead for lunch
Rev. Seán Maher 781-585-3419 reservations 781-934-5774, ext 100.
781-934-5055 Sunday worship, 11 a.m. The cost is $5 for Duxbury seniors
Weekend Mass: Saturday, and $6 for non-residents and non-
Sunday school classes and Bible
5 p.m., Sunday, 7 a.m., 8:30 program from 1-3 p.m. For more seniors.
a.m. (family Mass), 10 a.m. and
study, 9:45 a.m. Nursery is pro- Thursday Feb. 3 information call 781-934-6007..
vided for all services. Friday, Sa- Duxbury Caregiver Support
11:30 a.m. Babysitting avail- cred Youth Ministry at the teen Finance Peace University preview. Groups. Anyone caring for an elderly
able at the 8:30 and 10 a.m. This preview class of a DVD based
Masses. The rosary is prayed
center at 6:30 p.m. and Men’s
Bible study at 7 p.m. Divorce- program that helps people learn how Sunday Feb. 6 parent or spouse and would like to
talk about and share experiences
after daily Mass. Adoration of Care for adults, Tuesdays at 7 to decrease their debt and wisely Breakfast. All you can eat at the with other caregivers, The Duxbury
the Blessed Sacrament, Fridays handle their finances will be held at Cornerstone Lodge, 585 Washington Senior Center is offers a support
p.m. Financial Peace University
at 9 a.m. Daytime Bible study, St. Paul’s Church of the Nazarene, St. from 8-11:30 a.m. The cost is group from 1:30 – 3 p.m. Call Donna
preview class, Feb. 3 at 7 p.m. 136 Summer St. at 7 p.m. Preview is
Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. Evening $7 per adult, $6 for seniors, and $5 Ciappina, at 781-934-5774, ext. 105,
prayer group Wednesdays at free, 13 week class costs $100. Call for children 12 and under. Please for additional information or to join
7:30 p.m. Men’s prayer group 781-585-3419 for information or to bring in can tabs to benefit Shriner’s the group.
Fridays at 6:45 a.m. Speaker First Church of register. Hospitals.
Movie Matinee. Free movie at 1 p.m.
series on Tuesdays, Feb. 15,
March 15 and April 12 at 7 p.m. Christ, Scientist Duxbury All Band Concert.
Featuring the DMS Jazz Ensemble,
Sunday Salon Series. The sinister will be “An Ideal Husband “ (1999,
in The Parish Center. minister, author Judith Campbell PG-13). These weekly matinees are
781-934-6434 5thGrade, 7th/8th Grade Green, HS discusses her novel “A Deadly shown at the Duxbury Senior Center.
Sunday worship service and Jazz,  7th/8th Silver, and Symphonic
Sunday School for Ages 3-20, Mission” at 2 p.m. in the Duxbury
Bands at 6:30 p.m. in the Performing Free Library’s Merry Room. For free
10:30 a.m. Mid-week testimony
Pilgrim Church meeting on Wednesday, 7:30
Arts Center. ticket information, call the library Friday Feb. 11
at 781-934-2721 x108 or stop by
pilgrim@pilgrimchurchofduxbury.org p.m. Christian Science Reading Duxbury All Band Concert. Fashion Show. Holy Family
Featuring the DMS Jazz Club, 6th Westwinds Bookshop.
Rev. Todd Vetter, Senior Pastor Room open to all, 15 Standish St. Women’s Club presents “For the
Rev. Eloise Parks, Asst. Pastor Halls Corner, Tuesday through Grade, 7th/8th Grade White, and Love of Fashion’’ at 7 p.m. at the Holy
Concert Bands, HS Wind Ensemble,
Sunday Worship Service at
Saturday 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Christian Science Sentinel
and HS Jazz Ensemble at 8 p.m. in Monday Feb. 7 Family Church parish center. The
evening will include refreshments,
10 a.m. Church office hours, the Performing Arts Center. a raffle, a silent auction and door
Radio on WATD 95.9 FM Sun- Conversational French. Every
Monday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Tues- day mornings at 9 a.m. Movie Matinee. Free movie at 1 p.m. Monday at 9:30 a.m. in the Duxbury prizes. Tickets are $25 per person
day-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. will be “Eat, Pray, Love” (2010, PG- Senior Center Weyerhauser Room. and may be purchased at the store
Pilgrim childcare and preschool, 13) with Julia Roberts. These weekly ONE or by contacting Kelly Hartnett
Monday-Friday, 7 a.m-6 p.m. matinees are shown at the Duxbury at khartnett@gmail.com. Proceeds
Bible study, Wednesdays at 10 Journey Senior Center. Tuesday Feb. 8 will benefit local women’s charities.
Community of Faith Curlicue Valentine Craft. Children
www.journeyduxbury.com Friday Feb. 4 in grades four and five can learn the
art of quilling to create valentines at
Saturday Feb. 12
St. John the Rev. David Woods
781-585-8295 Friday Night Entertainment. 2:15 p.m. at the Duxbury Free Library. Democratic Caucus. Duxbury
Democratic Town Committee will
From 9 p.m.-12:30 a.m., at the Registration is required and may be
Evangelist Episcopal a.m.
Services, Sundays at 10
Winsor House on Washington Street, done online at duxburyfreelibrary. hold its annual Caucus at 10 a.m.
org, click calendar, by phone 781- in the Duxbury Free Library on the
Church featuring Sean McLaughlin, Irish
folk guitarist and vocalist. 934-2721 x115, or in person at the lower level to elect delegates to the
www.stjohnsduxbury.org children’s reference desk. 2011 Mass. Democratic Convention
Meet with to be held June 4 in Lowell. The
Sunday services 8 a.m. and
United Methodist Meet with Rep.
Representative Daniel Webster at The ROOTS Genealogy Club. Meets caucus is open to all registered
10 a.m. Sunday school at 10 Church Duxbury Senior Center on the first every Tuesday from 1-2:30 p.m. at the Democrats in Duxbury. For more
a.m. Wednesday: Men’s Bible Friday of the month between 11 a.m.- Duxbury Senior Center. Newcomers information contact David O’Connell
study 6:30 a.m., Coffee and con-
highstreetumc.org 12 p.m. Call his office at 617-722- are welcome. at 781-934-0994.
Rev. Dr. Alex K. Musoke 2487 to schedule an appointment.
versation 9 a.m., Holy Eucharist 781-585-9863 Free Foreign Film Matinee. At 1
with healing 10 a.m., Adult Ed Office hours are Monday- p.m. at The Duxbury Senior Center
11 a.m. and 7 p.m., Children’s will be “I Am Love” (2009, R). Sunday Feb. 13
choir rehearsal 6 p.m., Youth
Thursday from 9 a.m. to 12
p.m. Sunday worship service
Saturday Feb. 5 Golden Globe nominee Best Foreign Hasty Courting. A Modern Speed
choir rehearsal at 7 p.m. Thurs- and Sunday school, 10 a.m., fol- Amazing A Cappella. Collegiate Language Film. Dating Session at Plimoth Plantation
day: Adult choir rehearsal 7 lowed by fellowship, adult choir a cappella groups and DHS Pacmen from 7-9 p.m. Cost is $26 per person
p.m. Friday: AA meeting at rehearsal, 8:45 a.m. with coffee perform to benefit the Paul Fortini Museum Members and $30 per
7:30 p.m. hour following. Third Friday of Foundation on Saturday, Feb. 5 at 7 Wednesday Feb. 9 person for general public. Call 508-
each month we serve dinner at p.m. in the Duxbury Performing Arts 746-1622 ext. 8346 or visit plimoth.
Center. General admission tickets Montessori open house (postponed
Mainspring Shelter, Brockton. org for more information.
online at ticketalternative.com for from Feb. 2). Elements Montessori
First Parish Church Last Wednesday of the month
is ladies’ luncheon at 12 p.m. $10 (plus handling) or sold at The School in Duxbury is hosting an open
house from 3:30–7:30 p.m.  Elements
duxburyuu.org Feb. 12, Blood Drive held 9 Studio, Westwinds Bookshop or The
serves children ages 2.9 through Upcoming
Rev. Catherine Cullen a.m. to 3 p.m. Feb. 13 is Scout PAC box office for $15.
781-934-6532 Kindergarten and is now accepting Duxbury All String Night. Feb. 14
Sunday (celebrating current and Good Shepherd Christian Academy enrollment applications for Sept., at 7:30 p.m. in the Performing Arts
Sunday Worship Service
past members of Boy and Girl Open House. GSCA is hosting an 2011.   Early enrollment incentives Center, featuring all of the orchestras
and Church School at 10:30 a.m. are available during the month of
Scouts). admissions open house for families from Grade 5 through High School.
Buddhist meditation, Sundays at February.  Space is limited.
interested in exploring the school’s
7 p.m. Thursdays, book group Duxbury All Choral Night. Feb. 15
preschool through eighth grade
Support Group Meetings. The at 7:30 p.m. in the Performing Arts
“Living Through Loss” support
Wednesday, February 2, 2011 Duxbury Clipper 3

Question of the Week by Mary Beth Goldman

Will the groundhog see his shadow?

“I hope so! I love winter and more “No! I want spring to come and “Yes, I want more snow and “No! It’s bad luck if he does – “No! I just don’t want more
snow days!” for it to get warm so I can go to more snow days!” longer winter!” winter.”
Ari Schwanke the beach!” Meg Guilfoile Marie Sullivan Tom Galletti
Union St. Lill Foote Powder Point Rd. Wellington Lane Smith Lane
Windsor St.

Center, featuring all of the choruses about his work with snowy owls and Senior Breakfast. Be informed in will focus on fun games to improve business cards. For more information,
in Duxbury Schools. other shore birds. Admission is free, time for Town Meeting by attending skills. visit bniba.com.
and light refreshments will be served. breakfast on Feb. 16 at 8:30 a.m.
Genealogy Club field trip. Duxbury For further information, call 781- to hear Jim Hartford of the Local 2010 Tax Assistance. John Madden ROOTS Genealogy Club. Meets
Senior Center Genealogy Club is 934-2907. Historic District Study committee will provide free federal and state tax every Tuesday from 1-2:30 p.m. at the
planning to attend an upcoming make a presentation about the preparation services for seniors and Duxbury Senior Center. Newcomers
workshop Tuesday, Feb. 15 at Sunday Salon Series. Duxbury Free proposed new historic districts in special needs individuals under the are welcome.
Thomas Crane Library in Braintree. Library presents Mystery Cozies on Duxbury. Call to make a reservation AARP/IRS tax assistance program
The theme is “How to create a Travel a Cold Winter Day, a panel of three through the Duxbury Senior Center. Calling all collectors. Would you
for breakfast at 781-934-5774, ext. like to show off your collectibles
Itinerary based on your Family mystery writers from Sisters in Crime 100. Cost for breakfast $4. Contact Peggy Murphy at 781-934-
History.” Transportation provided on Sunday, Feb. 27 at 2 p.m. in the 5774, ext. 104 to arrange a date to to the community? The Duxbury
drop off your tax documents for Free Library provides a display case
from the DSC leaving at 6:15 p.m. Merry room. Book will be available New Orleans Jazz. Jim Mazzy
processing. for this purpose. Call the library at
and returning by 9 p.m. Contact for purchase. To register for the free Trio with friends Fred Clifford and 781-934-2721 x108, or stop by the
Linda Hayes at 781-934-5774 for program, call the library at 781-934- Pete Collins at the Winsor House on circulation desk and reserve the case
details and reservations. 2721 x108. Drop in storytimes. Drop in
Friday, Feb. 19 from 8:30-11 p.m. now.
programs at the Duxbury Free Library
Speaker Series. The Holy Family Antique Show. The 30th Annual do not require registration and are
designed for participation by an Social Day Program for persons
Speakers Series takes place in
The Parish Center of Holy Family
Duxbury Spring Antique Show will
be held at Duxbury High School on
Ongoing adult with a child. Programs include: with memory loss. The Duxbury
Toddler Tales, ages 2 and under, Senior Center offers a program for
Church at  7 p.m. on three upcoming Saturday, March 26, 10 a.m. to  5 My Life, My Health. A new Chronic persons with Early Stage Alzheimer’s
Tuesdays. Sister Nancy Corcoran, p.m. and Sunday, March 27, 11 a.m. Disease Self-Management program Tuesdays, 10 a.m, repeated at 10:30,
through March 29 in the lower level Disease or related Dementia on
will speak on Feb. 15 on “Can the to 4 p.m. Appraisals will be offered offered at the Duxbury Senior Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 a.m.–3
Church Keep It’s Young People.”  On on Sunday, March 27 from 11 a.m. Center. To be held on Thursdays Resource Room; Drop In Storytime
for ages 3 and under, Wednesdays, p.m. For more information about the
March 15, Sister Nancy Kehoe will to 1 p.m. $5 per item or 3 for $10. from 1-3 p.m. for six weeks (Jan. 27 program or admission requirements
present “Wrestling With Our Inner Admission is $7 or $6 with a card – March 10). Facilitated by trained 10:30 a.m. through April 6 in the
lower level Resource Room. contact Lucille Brogna, intermissions
Angels: Faith, Mental Illness and the available at many local businesses or leaders. There is no charge and space program coordinator at 781-934-5774
Journey to Wholeness,” and Father downloaded from duxburyboosters. is limited; please sign up with the Gather ‘Round. A storytime for x107 or Donna Ciappina, outreach
Walter Cuenin will speak on April 12 org. Please contact Joanne Williams at Senior Center front desk at 781-934- preschoolers with an adult, is held coordinator at x105.
on “Whatever Happened to Vatican 781-934-0111 for more information. 5774, ext. 100. every Friday at 10:30 a.m. all year
Two.” round in the picture book room. Duxbury Caregiver Support
Heart Healthy talk. At The Duxbury Soccer Training Sessions for Groups. Anyone caring for an elderly
DBPS Ed Night. On Wednesday, Senior Center on Feb. 15 for a special For more information, check the
Fifth Grade Girls. Soccer training children’s pages on the library Web parent or spouse and would like to
Feb. 16 at 7:30 p.m. the Duxbury lunchtime Heart Healthy talk by a sessions will be held every Sunday talk about and share experiences
site, duxburyfreelibrary.org or call
Beach Preservation Society hosts Norwell VNA Nutritionist. Call through March 20 from 1:30-3 p.m. with other caregivers, The Duxbury
781-934-2721 x115.
their “Ed Night” at the Duxbury Bay ahead for lunch reservations 781- in the Chandler gym. The sessions Senior Center is offers a support
Maritime School, with guest Norman 934-5774, x100. The cost for lunch are open to all fifth grade girls and BNI Business Alliance. The BNI group the second Thursday of each
Smith, Director of the Blue Hills is $5 for Duxbury Seniors and $6 for Chapter in Kingston meets every month from 1:30 – 3 p.m. Call Donna
Trailside Museum, who will speak non-residents and non-seniors. Tuesday at 8:15 a.m. at the Beal Ciappina, at 781-934-5774, ext. 105,
House, 222 Main St., Kingston. for additional information or to join
Antiques show upcoming During the month of January local
businesses may join the meeting to
the group. An evening Caregiver
Support Group, in collaboration with
learn about how referral and network the Norwell VNA and Hospice, Inc.,
marketing can help grow their also meets the third Thursday of the
business. Each business rep. may month from 6:30-8 p.m. Contact Joan
promote their business and hand out Wright, Norwell VNA, at 781-659-
2342, for additional information.

Commercial Portrait, Snug Harbor Tile

SAVE THE DATE: The 30th annual Duxbury spring antique show will be held on Saturday, March
26 and Sunday, March 27 at DHS sponsored by the Boosters to benefit the Duxbury High School
athletic program. The kick-off meeting was held recently at Foodie’s. Front Row: Angela Sinnott,
Margaret Brook, Christine Coakley, Corinne Poore and Pat Cook. Back Row: Joanne Williams
(Co-Chairwoman), Susie Caliendo, Nancy Brooks, Ginny Ederle (Co-Chairwoman) Lisa Webber
(Co-Chairwoman) and Ashley Mohrman. Call Joanne Williams at 781-934-0111 or visit our Web #OMMERCIALs0ORTRAITSs3PORTSs%VENTSs4HEATRE
site duxburyboosters.org for more information or to volunteer. 781.934.6682 sWWWKARENWONG PHOTOCOM
4 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Play as you pay

continued from page one
Girls win 20th swim title just ahead of Sam Tougas and
continued from page one
picture tubes), a man could find garden tools, mowers, and Brady.
bicycles for a song. But now the system is finely tuned, and Alix Brady took fifth. The 50- The girls will take on Nor-
it’s an easy thing to leave the dump with more stuff than you yard freestyle sprint proved to well and Barnstable this week
brought. be another nail-biter, with three at the Percy Walker Pool.
I use an upgrade plan. If I see a better ski, for example, I Lady Dragons finishing within “As we approach the Patri-
a second of each other. Emily ot League championship meet,
snag it, check it at home, and bring the previous pair back on
Hutchinson took second with a we are starting to fine tune and
the next trip. Using this method, I can now ski (next winter) State-qualifying time of 26.75, polish our strokes to prepare
on parabolic skis with nifty front-loading boots with a metallic while Jessie Goldberg (27.25) for peak performance,” said
glow. I can retire my old day-glow hatchback boots. They were and Laura Husted (27.62) were Coach Jay Craft.
eye-catchers alright, but I think the nods and smiles that I saw right behind. The championships will be
harbored a polite “God love ya!” beneath the surface. The Duxbury divers fin- held on Feb. 5 in Middlebor-
I still get all my garden tools at the swap area. By now I’ve ished second, third and fourth, ough. Junior Abby Mullen stretches it
gone through several generations. Some are actually worth with Kelsey Golden scoring out in the butterfly.
preserving along with using. I’m especially proud of a hoe

Dragons Winter Sports Schedule

and a rake, each forged by a blacksmith from a single piece of
steel. The hoe is especially graceful looking, and wouldn’t you
know, the easiest to use in the garden. The angle is perfect, and
it’s as light as a feather. Schedule revised as of January 31
But the biggest changes for me are the single stream BOYS’ BASKETBALL BOYS TRACK
recycling and the pre-paid blue bags for the trash that really Dec. 10 Dux over Hanover 59-50 1-0 Dec. 14 Whitman-Hanson over Dux R. Lewis 0-1
can’t find another use. I understood the concept (which helps), Dec. 14 Dux over Nauset 52-43 2-0 Dec. 22 Silver Lake over Dux 51.5-48.5 0-2
and I’ve got the system down pat. I’m driving my family crazy, Dec. 17 Dux over Silver Lake 54-44 3-0 Jan. 5 Hingham over Dux 60-40 0-3
Jan. 25 Dux over North Quincy 87-11 1-3
but that’s nothing new. Dec. 23 Dux over Marshfield 60-58 4-0
Dec. 29 Marshfield over Dux 57-53 4-1 Feb. 11 All League Meet R. Lewis 5:00
“Halt!” I bellow. “That goes in the composting bin! The
Dec. 30 Scituate over Dux 59-55 4-2
purple one!” Jan. 4 Whitman-Hanson over Dux 52-50 4-3 GIRLS TRACK
I’ve always kept a compost pile out back. Now I have a Jan. 7 Dux over North Quincy 60-46 5-3 Dec. 14 Whitman-Hanson - -
compost bin in the kitchen, and I’m on the list at Town Hall Jan. 11 Hingham over Dux 52-40 5-4 Dec. 22 Silver Lake R. Lewis 5:00
Jan. 5 Hingham R. Lewis 5:00
to buy a big outdoor bin when they order the next set. Coffee Jan. 17 Dux over Scituate 63-37 6-4
Jan. 25 North Quincy - -
grounds and filters, paper towels, you’d be surprised what can Jan. 25 Dux over Middleboro 63-53 7-4
Feb. 11 All League Meet R. Lewis 5:00
Jan. 28 Dux over Quincy 54-40 8-4
be composted instead of being thrown in the Pit. Of course, all
Feb. 1 Pembroke Away 6:30
my vegetable kitchen wastes go in my purple bin. Feb. 4 Silver Lake Home 6:30
But here’s a surprise: Americans and Europeans have Feb. 7 Hanover Home 6:30
Dec. 15 Dux ties Barnstable 5-5 0-0-1
Dec. 18 St. Marys over Dux 4-2 0-1-1
grown so accustomed to cheap food that they discard as Feb. 11 Whitman-Hanson Away 6:30
Dec. 22 Dux over Coyle Cassidy 4-1 1-1-1
much as 25 percent of the food they buy. I heard it on NPR, Feb. 15 North Quincy Home 7:00
Dec. 27 Hingham ties Dux 2-2 1-1-2
and knew it was true. Stale chips, forgotten veggies in the Feb. 17 Hingham Home 6:30
Dec. 29 Dux ties Marshfield 2-2 1-1-3
Feb. 20 IAABO Tournament at Bridgewater State TBA
refrigerator, coffee dumped out to make room for a fresh pot. Dec. 31 Dux over Hanover 3-2 2-1-3
Feb. 21 IAABO Tournament at Bridgewater State TBA
It’s stunning. Half a plate of food gets swept into the trash Jan. 3 Dux ties Braintree 1-1 2-1-4
Jan. 8 B-R over Dux 2-1 2-2-4
because someone couldn’t finish a second helping. Leftover GIRLS’ BASKETBALL Jan. 10 Dux ties Sandwich 3-3 2-2-5
corn gets tucked in the refrigerator, only to be tossed later Dec. 17 Dux over Silver Lake 51-39 1-0 Jan. 15 St. John’s over Dux 2-1 2-3-5
because no one feels like having it before it goes bad. Dec. 18 Dux over Martha’s Vineyard 54-31 2-0 Jan. 17 Marshfield over Dux 4-2 2-4-5
Our old ideas of economy – buy the huge bag for a cost- Dec. 22 New Bedford over Dux 55-45 2-1 Jan. 22 Dux over Whitman-Hanson 5-1 3-4-5
Dec. 30 Dux over Rockland 51-48 3-1
per-pound saving – may be out of date. Huge bags boost waste, Jan. 29 Dux over St. Peter Marian 4-3 4-4-5
Jan. 4 Dux over Whitman-Hanson 62-34 4-1 Feb. 2 Woburn Away 6:00
yet drive up the global demand for such staples as wheat or Jan. 7 Dux over North Quincy 55-34 5-1 Feb. 5 North Quincy Home 8:00
potatoes. My parents’ old admonition that I should consider Jan. 11 Dux over Hingham 57-42 6-1 Feb. 9 Xaverian Brothers Away 6:00
how starving children in Korea would love to finish the beans I Jan. 13 Dux over Marshfield 69-57 7-1 Feb. 12 Scituate Home 5:15
was wasting now turns out to be true. Food today is bought and Jan. 17 Dux over Scituate 57-38 8-1 Feb. 16 Pembroke Away TBA
sold on a global scale and my wasting stale chips or bread (by Jan. 24 Dux over Rockland 57-38 9-1 Feb. 19 Cape Cod Classic Falmouth TBA
Jan. 25 Dux over Middleboro 61-32 10-1 Feb. 21 Cape Cod Classic Falmouth TBA
buying too much) actually does drive up the price world-wide.
Jan. 28 Quincy over Dux 59-40 10-2 Feb. 23 Cape Cod Classic Falmouth TBA
But eventually some things have to go into the blue bag. Jan. 31 New Bedford Home 6:30 TBA Concord-Carlisle Home 5:10
When they do, they’re in for it. Those bags are tough, and I can Feb. 1 Pembroke Home 6:30
mash a lot of trash into a very small space. Then it’s off to the Feb. 4 Silver Lake Away 6:30 GIRLS ICE HOCKEY
Mall – the Duxbury Mall, of course. I need a new puppy rug! Feb. 7 Hanover Away 6:30 Dec. 11 Dux over Barnstable 4-1 1-0
Feb. 11 Whitman-Hanson Home 6:30 Dec. 15 St. Marys over Dux 3-1 1-1
This column is reprinted from the Clipper archives.
Feb. 15 North Quincy Away 6:30 Dec. 18 Dux over WHP 3-0 2-1
Feb. 17 Hingham Away 6:30 Dec. 22 Dux over Scituate 12-1 3-1
Feb. 21 Winter Classic Foxboro TBA Dec. 30 Dux over Canton 5-1 4-1
Feb. 22 Winter Classic Foxboro TBA Jan. 5 Dux over Hingham 2-0 5-1
Jan. 8 Dux over Marshfield 6-0 6-1
BOYS SWIMMING & DIVING Jan. 15 Dux over Sandwich 4-1 7-1
Dec. 14 Dux over Pembroke 98-75 1-0 Jan. 17 Dux over Wellesley 4-3 8-1
Dec. 16 Dux over Middleboro 99-75 2-0 Jan. 22 Dux over Martha’s Vineyard 7-0 9-1
Jan. 4 Dux over Silver Lake 79-64 3-0 Jan. 29 Dux over Scituate 11-1 10-1
Jan. 7 Dux over Hingham 94-89 4-0 Jan. 31 Falmouth Away 6:20
Feb. 5 Falmouth Home 5:15
Jan. 11 Dux over Randolph 63-39 5-0
Feb. 9 Barnstable Away 4:00
Jan. 13 Dux over Quincy 86-63 6-0
Feb. 12 Martha’s Vineyard Home 2:25
REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN Jan. 25 Dux over Hanover 84-61 7-0
Feb. 16 Sandwich Away 5:30
Feb. 1 Norwell Home 3:45
at www.duxburyyouthsoftball.org for: Feb. 3 Barnstable Home 3:45
Feb. 19 Marshfield Home 1:00
Feb. 22 Cougar Classic Rockland TBA
Feb. 8 Scituate Home 3:45
Feb. 24 Cougar Classic Rockland TBA
2011 DYS Preseason Clinics Feb. 8 Cohasset Home 3:45 TBA Whitman-Hanson Away 4:00
6-Week Softball Festival on Tuesday eves, WRESTLING
GIRLS SWIMMING & DIVING Dec. 11 King Phillip Tournament - -
starting March 8
Dec. 14 Dux over Pembroke 94-74 1-0 Dec. 18 Patriot League Tournament 4th -
Grades 3-5, 5-6:30pm Dec. 16 Dux over Middleboro 82-50 2-0 Dec. 22 Hanover over Dux - 0-1
Grades 6-9, 6:30-8pm Jan. 4 Dux over Silver Lake 76-46 3-0 Dec. 28 Marshfield Tournament 16th/31 0-1
Check out www.duxburyyouthsoftball.org Jan. 7 Dux over Hingham 93-84 4-0 Jan. 5 Whitman-Hanson over Dux 43-18 0-2
for all details Jan. 11 Dux over Randolph 63-35 5-0 Jan. 8 Whitman-Hanson Tournament 5th -
Jan. 13 Dux over Quincy 93-85 6-0 Jan. 13 Hingham over Dux 48-22 0-3
Jan. 25 Dux over Hanover 102-81 7-0 Jan. 15 Waltham Quad Meet - -
2011 DYS Spring Season! Feb. 1 Norwell Home 3:45 Jan. 22 Milford Quad Meet - -
Season Starts Monday, April 25, after vacation Feb. 3 Barnstable Home 3:45 Jan. 29 Duxbury Tournament Home 9 am
Girls in grades 1-9 Feb. 8 Scituate Home 3:45 Feb. 2 Silver Lake Home 7 pm
Register before March 8 and incur no late fee! Feb. 8 Cohasset Home 3:45 Feb. 9 North Quincy Away 7 pm
Check out www.duxburyyouthsoftball.org
for all details
DHS Athletic Department • 781-934-7668
Wednesday, February 2, 2011 Duxbury Clipper 5

Dragons’ Den Sports Editor Mike Halloran • sports@duxburyclipper.com

Weather has little effect on Lady Dragons

By Mike Halloran, Sports Editor like rush from end-to-end,
sports@duxburyclipper.com weaving around Scituate’s
The momentum that the checking forwards and beat-
Duxbury girls’ hockey team ing the Sailor defense before
developed after big wins over going in alone on Clougherty
Wellesley and Martha’s Vine- and beating her to the top left
yard seems to keep building, corner for a 2-1 lead.
as evidenced by Saturday’s It didn’t take long for Dux-
11-1 trouncing of the Scituate bury to go ahead 3-0, as fresh-
Sailors at The Bog. man Zoe Griffin needed just
23 seconds to beat Clougherty,
Girls hockey stuffing the puck between the
Duxbury 11 netminder and the post with
Scituate 1
8:47 remaining in the first pe-
Having demolished the The period would come to
Sailors (12-1) in their first a merciless end with Murphy
meeting of the year, it was safe and Colleen Leddie scoring
to assume the Lady Dragons again in the final three minutes
wouldn’t be challenged much for a 5-0 lead.
by the second-year program Sophomore goalie Tori
that came into the game with Sanchez got the start in net
a 1-9 record. and had to fend off a Scituate
It took just 29 seconds for power play in the final minute
Duxbury to get on the board, of the period. FOLLOW THE BOUNCING PUCK: Keri Gould (2) and Kayla Errasti (22) move in to help Tori Sanchez
as SEMGHL scoring leader Junior defenseman Martha control a rebound during Saturday’s 11-1 win over the Scituate Sailors. Photos by Mike Halloran
Hannah Murphy was sent in Findley upped the score to 6-0 Alanna Woodford knocked Duxbury and raised their re- snowstorms, and you want to
alone on passes by Lily Con- midway through the second home a rebound past Sanchez cord to 10-1, as they got ready make sure the regulars get the
nolly and Martha Findley and period with assists going to after she stopped a series of for back-to-back games with ice time they need. You also
beat Scituate goaltender Han- Lily and Briana Connolly, and Scituate shots that made it 7-1 Falmouth. want to get some ice time for
nah Clougherty for a 1-0 lead. Murphy made it 7-0 when she as the period ended. “This win qualifies us for the kids who don’t play a lot.
While the Lady Dragons intercepted a pass and went The Lady Dragons con- the tournament and it’s the The girls know we have some
dominated play, the Sailors in alone on Clougherty for a tinued to have their way in quickest that has happened in tough competition in our di-
kept them in check over the shorthanded score with 4:22 the final 15 minutes, as goals the history of the program,” vision, so it is important that
next five minutes until fresh- left in the middle period. by Lily Connolly, Liz Collins, said Coach Friend Weiler. they keep hungry by knowing
man defenseman Caroline The Sailors finally got on Leddie and Emily Giumetti “It’s tough having been off that getting the highest seed
Shaunessy did a Bobby Orr- the board a minute later, when finished off the scoring for the ice for a week due to the possible is important.”

Where there’s a will, there’s a way

By Mike Halloran, Sports Editor ian goaltender for what looked
sports@duxburyclipper.com like a comfortable 3-1 lead.
With every remaining The Dragons would spend
game on the Dragons’ hockey three minutes killing off
schedule being crucial to its Guardian power-plays in the
playoff hopes, the visit by St. middle of the second period
Peter-Marian (2-9) was a wel- and it didn’t seem to affect
come sight when forecasting their play, as Williams was
wins and losses in the final rarely tested. Duxbury seemed
nine games. to reverse play in the final two
minutes, as Siefert was robbed
boys hockey on a solo break-in and they
Duxbury 4
St. Peter-Marion 3 held a power-play advantage
of their own.
What appeared to be a
Despite dominating play comfortable existence for the
throughout the evening, Dux- Dragons entering the third pe-
bury had to rely on junior Will riod took just 39 seconds to
Siefert’s goal with 1:14 to go reverse itself.
in the game for a 4-3 win over With Duxbury’s power-
the Guardians that brings Dux- play coming to an end, the
bury’s record to 4-4-5. Guardians caught the Drag-
The Dragons looked to ons off guard when Dan Blute
be in control after first period fired a shot on Williams that SQUEEZE PLAY: Freshman Nick Marrocco tries to jam the puck inside the post against Guardian
goals by Siefert and senior hit a stick out front and popped goaltender Tyler Miller.
captain Nick Buonvicino gave over the goaltender’s shoulder having any serious scoring the puck was sent up ice from finishing on the last rush. We
them a 2-0 lead. But a goal at the 14:31 mark to make it bids. Tim Harrison to Evan Jack- still need to put together some
by St. Pete’s Nate Spinney 3-2. With 1:36 remaining in the son, who spotted Siefert for a solid 45 minutes of smart,
cut the margin to one after a Just 10 seconds later, the game and the puck in the St. break-in and the game-winner. disciplined, physical hockey.
weird bounce eluded goalten- game was all tied at 3-3 when Pete’s end of the ice, Coach “I thought for the most Once we do that we’ll be fine.
der Derek Williams and made Spinney scored his second of John Blake called a timeout. part we carried the play,” said We play well in spurts, but we
it 2-1 after the first period of the game coming down the left Whatever was discussed never Blake. “We said at the end of still haven’t played that full
play. side and firing on Williams, as took place, as the Guardians the second period not to let 45 minute game. With some
It took just 19 seconds for the puck broke through his stole a pass intended for the them get back in it, but they of the teams we have coming
the Dragons to continue their pads. point and raced up ice, only to scored two quick ones and we up like Woburn and Xaverian,
dominance when senior Kane The action would go back- see their chance for a win bro- thought it was going to be one if we don’t play those types of
Haffey’s shot off the left wing and-forth throughout the rest ken up. With his forwards be- of those nights. But I thought games, we don’t have a shot.”
was defected past the Guard- of the period with neither team hind the onrushing Guardians, we showed some character by
6 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wrestlers shine at team tournament

By Wendy Generoux
Clipper Contributor By Mike Halloran, Sports Editor
The Duxbury wrestling
team has a history of strong Senior Kristen Byrne (DHS ’07)
performances at their own tour- scored a pair of goals for St. Anselm in its
nament. But with only one win 4-1 win over No. 10 ranked Manhattanville
in dual meets this season, this on Friday night in NH… Senior Sam Her-
year’s squad could have been rick (DHS ’06) scored 19 points to help
the exception at the eight-team Wentworth to a 76-58 win over Regis on
tournament held at Duxbury Saturday in Weston… Brandeis senior Ben
High School on Saturday. Bray (DHS 07) finished
With two starters return- 30th out of 92 runners in
ing to the lineup and some the mile at last week’s
key pins, Duxbury pulled off Butler Greater Boston Track
a huge 39-34 win over Dur- Club meet at Harvard… Senior Max But-
fee in the first round, and then ler (DHS ’06) had a very busy week for the
won convincingly (45-24) over UMass swim team in its first-place finish at
a tough Plymouth North team Senior captain Jamie Auer takes down his Plymouth North
the Dartmouth Invitational. Butler finished
to advance to the finals, where opponent in the semi-finals of the Duxbury Team Tournament on
second in the 200-yard
they lost a close one to New Saturday.  Auer went 3-0 on the day with one pin in the 145 lb.
medley relay and 100-
Bedford. weight class. Photo by Daysendphoto.com
yard backstroke, 4th in Bray
The first match of the morn- bury, Durfee answered in the would come down to the 215 the 200-yard medley relay, 6th in the 200-
ing began at heavyweight with 135 lbs. contest when junior lb. contest with Duxbury junior yard backstroke, and 10th in the 200-yard
Durfee senior captain Dave Nick Champagne returned Bobby Boyle pitted against IM… Senior Ashley Buckley (DHS ‘07)
Medeiros facing off against the favor by pinning Duxbury Durfee junior Dave McEl-
Duxbury sophomore Owen competed in the 55-meter hurdles at The
sophomore JP Geiger. roy. As he always does, Boyle
Grey. Grey circled for much Reebok Boston Indoor Games on Friday at
That set up the return of came out fired up, and quickly
of the first period, not wanting Duxbury senior captain Pat took McElroy to the mat for an the Reggie Lewis Cen-
to tie-up and waiting to make Donovan (140), who suf- early 2-0 lead. The Durfee ju- ter in Boston… Buck-
his move. It came halfway fered a concussion earlier in nior could do little on bottom, nell senior Evan Nova-
through the period in the form the month. Donovan used a as Boyle worked hard to turn kowski (DHS ’07) won the 1000-meter run
of a throw, giving him a 2-0 single-leg takedown and trip McElroy. His determination at the Penn State Invitational on Saturday in
lead. However, Grey’s lead on sophomore Joe Manchester, would eventually pay off with PA… Senior Mike Baran (Thayer ’07) and
was short-lived, as Medeiros and added two back points to Duxbury’s fourth pin of the his Amherst College hockey team knocked
quickly tied the match up with go ahead 4-0 early in the first match, and a dramatic 39-34 off Southern Maine on Saturday, 3-0… Trin-
a reversal, and later mounted period. Manchester would come-from-behind victory. ity College junior Sean
a 6-0 run before pinning the manage a one-point escape to The win put the hosts in the McCarthy (Roxbury
underclassman in the second McCarthy
cut the lead to 4-1, but that was semi-finals against sectional Latin ’08) assisted on
period. as close as the underclassman foe Plymouth North. Duxbury the first Trinity goal, scored the second, and
Next up for the Dragons would get, as Donovan would had the upper hand in pins with assisted on the game-winner in the Ban-
was sophomore Nick Kates, get two more takedowns and four, and also won eight out of tams’ 5-4 win over New England College on
who faced off against Durfee was awarded another point the fourteen matches. Saturday in New Hampshire… Sophomore
junior captain and No. 5-ranked when Manchester was called One of those key matches Mark Brust (DHS ’09)
Eric Beneviedes in the 103 lbs. for stalling, giving the senior for the Dragons was in the 119 scored 5 points in Bates’
contest. Kates held his own in captain a convincing 9-2 vic- lbs. weight class with Dux- 70-59 win over Wes-
the first period after giving up tory. bury’s Gillis turning in a gutsy Blout
leyan on Friday night.
the first takedown. However, The three points closed performance against PN’s .. Senior Andrew Knapp (DHS ’07) won
Beneviedes extended his lead the gap to 22-15 in favor of Chris O’Neill. Gillis was bat- a 4-2 decision over Army’s Jacob Bohn in
in the second period with a tilt Durfee, but Duxbury senior tling a stomach ailment, but
and three back points, giving the Heavyweight division of Harvard’s 21-
captain Jamie Auer would pull hung on to win a 4-2 decision.
him a 5-0 lead heading into the 12 win over the Cadets… Wesleyan fresh-
his team to within one point Also winning by deci-
third. With Kates on top, the when he continued to exploit sion for Duxbury were senior man Jeff Blout (DHS ’10) was awarded the
junior captain earned a 2-point Durfee’s inexperience in the captains Donovan (140) and 2010 South Sectional MVP Award for his
efforts in the Dragons’ Knapp
reversal, and three more back middle weights. He got a quick Auer (145). Genereux won by
points en route to a 10-0 major pin after a takedown in the 145 forfeit when Plymouth North run for the State baseball championship last
decision, and four more points lbs. weight class. Coach Bobby Lewis decided spring… Gettysburg senior wrestler Jack
for the visitors. Duxbury sophomore Lucas to bump up his 130-pounder to Bostrom (DHS ’07) won his match 4-3 at
With no contest at 112, Trumbo would win by forfeit at avoid a possible loss. 149 pounds in a 28-18 loss to RIT.
Duxbury got their first points 152 lbs., but another injury for After being down 7-0, Do you have a son or daughter that
of the match at 119 when ju- Duxbury at 160 would force Duxbury’s Chappuis reversed plays or coaches college sports? I want to
nior Brendan Gillis returned the Dragons to forfeit at that PN sophomore Chucky Pha- hear about it. E-mail me your student-ath-
to the mat for the first time in weight class. canisiri, and earned a key sec- letes name and college to sports@duxbury-
three weeks and went unop- With Durfee still cling- ond-period pin in the 125 lbs. clipper.com.
posed, giving the Dragons six ing to a one-point lead, senior weight class. Also pinning for Bostrum
points. Diago Araujo took the mat the hosts were Kates (103) and
With the score 10-6 in fa- against Duxbury sophomore Dormady (171), who pinned
vor of Durfee, Hilltopper soph-
omore Adam Pereira gave his
team an unexpected boost when
Cody Dormady in the 171 PN senior Gavin Dineen to the
pound weight class. Dormady delight of the crowd. McK-
went on the attack and got the enzie (189) and Boyle (215)
Bray breaks DHS
1000m record
he took the mat in the 125 lbs. first takedown. But after stop- earned Duxbury’s third and
weight class, and caught fresh- ping the match for an illegal fourth pins of the match.
man Jim Chappuis in a cradle hold by the Dragon grappler, Duxbury certainly had its
after a first-period takedown the referee had the two wres- chances to win the champi- By Mike Halloran, Sports Editor
for the win and the pin. tlers re-start in neutral. That’s onship against New Bedford, sports@duxburyclipper.com
Now up 16-6, Durfee was when the Durfee senior took but the Whalers moved two of The boys’ Indoor Track Coaches Invitational was held on
seemingly in good shape to add the Duxbury sophomore to their top wrestlers, Jonathan Sunday.  This is a qualification meet that showcases the top
to their lead with senior captain the mat hard, sunk a half, and Costa (119) and Paulo Tavares track athletes in the state.  
Jacob Martin taking the mat worked for the pin. (125), up a weight class to se- Senior Greg Bray ran the 1,000 meter in 2:37.74, breaking
against Duxbury sophomore With two matches to go, cure a pin and a win. Duxbury the Duxbury HS indoor track school record previously held by
Jake Genereux in the 130 lbs. Durfee was up by seven, but didn’t help its cause by having
match-up. Genereux got the his brother, Ben Bray. His time puts Bray in the top 24 (17th)
with the Duxbury faithful on to forfeit two weight classes in
first takedown for an early 2-0 their feet, senior captain Alec the 45-35 loss. and qualifies him for the Elite Meet this weekend.
lead, but after a short break for McKenzie, who is one of the Going 3-0 on the day for Jason Angell broke the 10-minute barrier in the two-mile
blood, Martin tied the match team leaders in pins, took the Duxbury were Donovan and by running a personal best 9:59.48. The time puts Angell in
at 2-2. Genereux quickly re- mat against Durfee senior Evan Auer, while Boyle pinned all the top 24 (14th) and qualifies him for the Elite Meet this Sun-
versed the senior captain, and Darmody in the 189 lbs. weight three of his opponents. Also day at the Reggie Lewis Center..  
took a 4-2 lead heading into the class. McKenzie wasted little recording a pin for the hosts Nick Kangos ran his second fastest time of year in the 55
second period. Down by two, time getting the first takedown, against New Bedford was meter with a 7.12.
Martin chose bottom, but Ge- and eventually recorded a criti- Owen Grey (285). This Sunday is the McIntyre Elite Meet with Bray and An-
nereux proved to be too tough cal pin as the first period was On Senior night, the Drag- gell having the option to compete in their individual events.
on top, mounting a 7-2 lead be- about to expire, cutting the Du- on grapplers will play host to They will also be joined by Jon McKinley and Brett Sahlberg
fore pinning the Durfee senior rfee lead to 34-33. Patriot League rival Silver to compete in the distance medley relay that has a field of the
early in the third period. The Dragon bench was Lake on Wednesday at 7 p.m. top 12 distance medley teams in the state.  
Unfortunately for Dux- sensing a victory, but the match
Wednesday, February 2, 2011 Duxbury Clipper 7

Dragons win third straight in hoops

By Mike Halloran, Sports Editor 50 percent we need other guys ons with 16 points, while John
sports@duxburyclipper.com to step up and get the job done. Geary (10), Justin Marino (8),
The Duxbury boys’ basket- We just need more guys to be Curtis Owen (7), and Sam Ed-
ball team inched a step closer to consistent on offense. I think erle (7) also were big contribu-
qualifying for the MIAA Divi- we are pretty good on the de- tors to the Duxbury win.
sion II tournament, when they fensive end. We just need After traveling to Pem-
knocked off Patriot League- people to step up offensively. broke on Tuesday, the Dragons
Fisher Division leader Quincy We’re still young, but we’re return home for a rematch with
High School, on Friday night doing all right.” Silver Lake at 6:30 p.m. on
in Duxbury. Kindregan led the Drag- Friday.

Lady Dragons
boys Basketball
Duxbury 54
Quincy 40

What was expected to be a

major battle between two of the
top teams in the Patriot League
FLY SWATTER: Duxbury’s Justin Marino gets set to block a lay up
by Quincy’s Brian Malger.
flattened by threes
didn’t develop according to the By Mike Halloran, Sports Editor a comeback, not out of the
script, as the Presidents (7-5 ended the quarter with a 21-6 established an insurmountable sports@duxburyclipper.com question, but highly unlike-
overall/7-2 in league) playing lead. 43-17 lead. It was a battle of Patriot ly.
without leading scorer Oliver The Duxbury offense Cushing was able to clear League division leaders on By halftime the lead had
O’Sullivan, trailed early and cooled off somewhat in the his bench in the final eight Friday night in Quincy and grown to 35-19, as junior
could never get their offense second quarter, yet their de- minutes, as Joe Guilfoile, Wes- the Lady Dragons (10-2) had center Kiley McDonald was
clicking without their big gun fense remained strong, as they ley Doe, Andrew Scott, Gor- little success unseating the on her way to an impres-
in the lineup. built a 28-10 lead with just don Acha, and Dave Donovan Presidents, as they never re- sive night for the hosts with
The Dragons have estab- over a minute to go before got the majority of the playing covered from a first-period 18 points and 16 rebounds,
lished themselves as a defen- halftime. Three points by the time. While Kindregan and shooting barrage and dropped while holding Duxbury’s Mi-
sive team, and it showed in the visitors in the final minutes Acha were able to increase the a 59-40 decision to the Fisher chaela North to 16 points.
first eight minutes, as Coach gave the Dragons a 28-13 half- Duxbury lead to 49-19, Quincy Division leaders. McDonald got plenty of
Gordon Cushing’s squad lim- time lead. went into a full-court press the
offensive help from her team-
ited the Presidents to just six It was hard to imagine the rest of the quarter and caused girls Basketball mates, while Devon Tsinzo
points, four of which came Dragons playing any better en- numerous Duxbury turn- Duxbury 40 was the next high scorer for
after Quincy called a timeout tering the third quarter, but they overs resulting in a 21-5 run
continued to run and dominate that made the final score look
Quincy 59
Duxbury with 8 points.
trailing 13-2 with 4:20 left in It is a busy week for the
the quarter. the boards, scoring the first 11 somewhat close at 54-40.
Attacking Duxbury’s Lady Dragons as they host-
When both teams came points of the second half while “I thought our kids played
building a 39-13 lead. By the well,” said Cushing. “We zone defense with a pletho- ed New Bedford on Mon-
back on the court, the nature ra of three-point bombs (6) day night and Pembroke on
of the game never changed, time the third quarter was over, held them to 13 points at half
Duxbury had held the high- time and it’s defense like that in the first quarter, Quincy Tuesday, before traveling to
as Connor Kindregan, Justin (11-2) grabbed a 24-11 lead
scoring Presidents to just four is what we hang our hats on. Kingston on Friday night to
Marino (3), and Sam Ederle after eight minutes that made
third-quarter points and had With Curtis (Owen) being at take on Silver Lake.
(3) kept the offense rolling and


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8 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Duxbury’s inclement weather causes an icy mix

and Cory
out the
walks at
the mar-

The sun goes down on an ice-slicked Powder Point Bridge.

Thick ice surrounds a dock on King Caesar Road.

A frozen quiet harbor.

Estate and
at Hall’s
received a
painting of
white from
the storm.

The snow fence at the beach was just that. White snow and blue
skies and surf made for a spectacular sight.

Carol Loring with her dog Lucy were out for a

Olivia DiMatteo goes out for a walk on the beach short walk. Lucy wore her best fur for the out- The Harbormaster’s Hut got a snow frosting in this storm. The
with her parents Peter and Laurel. ing! town was a winter wonderland after the storm.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011 Duxbury Clipper 9

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Jim for terms, 508-651-2740.
NH Vacation Rental Apartment For Rent
Four season, five bedroom home, Completely renovated two bed-
close to ski areas, indoor/outdoor room apartment in historic Mill-
pools, hot tubs, fitness room, brook Village area. Newly
painted throughout, new

lake, tennis, basketball, game
wall-to-wall carpeting, new
iscover a lost treasure. Find a new home or a room, fully equipped.
kitchen floor, new stainless
781-837-5840 or e-mail
used car. Land a new job or a large fish. Clean pvtod@aol.com. steel appliances. Excellent lo-
cation - near markets, schools,
your gutters or stretch your mind. Tune your Room For Rent Duxbury and Route 3. Reduced to $1250
per month! 781-934-9867.
piano. Tame your computer. Find a painter, a petsitter Nice, fully furnished room with
TV and house privileges. Utili-
or a property manager. Market your summer ties included. $150 per week. Want to Rent Home in Duxbury
Male non-smoker. Call Family of 5 seeks a two-year
cottage or your cottage industry. Sell the couch, 781-934-2879. house rental in Duxbury starting
buy the treadmill. Learn Spanish, algebra or House to Share
March/April, home with 3+ bed-
rooms, 2+ baths. We will care for
a new operating system. Hire a yard Comfortable antique home on 2.5 your home like it is our own. Ex-
acres near Rt. 3, beach, school cellent local references. Please
service. Host a yard sale. Take sailing and Village Center. Furnished, email cquinn1130@hotmail.com
freshly-painted bedroom $625
lessons. Buy a sailboat. Peddle your per month (first and last); in-
or call Cathy 781-307-2672.

putters. Plug your Persian. Pitch your piccolo. Clean cludes utilities (A/C), WIFI, cable,
and bi-monthly housecleaning. Apartment for Rent
out the house. Find a housecleaner. Buy the puppy, sell Non-smoker please. Prefer ma- 2 BR 2nd floor. Beautiful, sunny,
the rugs. Trim your hedges, your hems, or your sails. ture, working professional. spacious apartment available. 33
781-934-6432, leave message. Enterprise St., Duxbury. Call
Buy some firewood. Have a firesale. Sell the antiques For Sale in Duxbury 781-934-5900.
in your attic. Sell the whole darn Nice ocean-front 4-bedroom home
for sale. Excellent rental history,
house. If it rocks, rolls, motors, owner-financing a definite possibility. Large 1 BR Condo For Rent
Call Seamus at 978-793-3956 for de- Duxbury. Updated kitchen and
meows pedals, putters, swings, tails. bathroom, upstairs bedroom.
sings, barks, brakes, sails or shakes, you can Hilton Head Vacation Rental Parking, central air. $1225/
Luxury 3-bedroom, 3 bath villa month. Available January 15.
find-it, buy-it, swap-it, sell-it, hire-it, hawk-it, or trade-it in the w/full-sized kitchen, also 2 pull- First & security required. Call
Greg, 508-243-7474.
Clipper Classifieds. One Small Town. One Big World. out sofabeds. Sleeps 9. Rent
by week/month. April, May &
midsummer weeks still avail- Bay Farm Townhouse Rental

Reach your neighbors around able. Inquire regarding rates.

Call Jeannie, 339-793-0043.
2400 sf, master bedroom and
second bedroom, each with full
bath on top floor; eat-in kitchen,
the block, or around the world. Waterfront Cottage for rent
Duxbury. Summer 2011. Adja-
living room with dining ell and
hardwood floors, powder room,
cent to beach, mooring available. deck with seasonal views of Dux-
There’s no better value than the Clipper Classifieds. 2 bedroom, washer/dryer, spa- bury Bay on main floor; walk-out
cious yard and porch facing wa- recreation room on lower floor;
Your message reaches thousands of loyal Clipper readers ter. Available June 1. Call
for as little as $7.50 a week. Plus you get added exposure great storage space; all appli-
617-335-9183. ances including W/D; F/P; central
from our award-winning web site at no extra charge. Add Southern Island Paradise air; one-car garage. Tennis court,
our sister publications in Hanson, Whitman and Experience private island pool, and exercise room use in-
Pembroke for a small extra charge. It’s all part of the vacationing on beautiful Kiawah cluded. No pets. $2400/month
package when you sail with the Clipper Classifieds! Island, SC. A spectacular beach, covers all condo fees. Utilities not
5 championship golf courses, 2 included. 781-934-0040 or
tennis villages, fine dining and 781-934-0901 or
more...2 BR condo with lynne.devnew@gmail.com.
picturesque views of lake and
island wildlife. Across the street Office Space for Rent
from the beach. Available year Duxbury, Millbrook area. Second
round by calling 781-585-6203 or floor, 300 sq. ft. Call
781-331-5654. 781-934-0809.

Place your order: 781-934-2811

10 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Career Ladder Service SPECIAL
A Grade Above
Is your child struggling in
Clipper Press is looking for a
school? Does your child need to
full time news reporter for our
improve test scores? Does your
small but hardworking staff.
child need help with organiza-
tional and study skills? Experi-
This position requires strong
writing and reporting skills and
enced tutors for all major sub- YARD
a passion for community
jects. One-on-one tutoring for
Grades K-12. For more informa- SALE
journalism. Must be able to
tion, call 781-829-9829.
report on the stories that need BEAT THE ELEMENTS WITH
covering and uncover the Piano Tuning OUR “UMBRELLA POLICY”
stories that need telling – all Martin Snow, RPT, Craftsman
If your garage sale, craft
under the pressure of Member Piano Technicians Guild,
show, neighborhood fair or
deadlines. plus complete piano rebuilding
yard sale gets rained out,
service, sales. 781-837-6531.
the next week is free!
Reporter will cover a range of www.martinsnowpianos.com.
town government fare, The Paint Saint Package includes full exposure for 1
including the school board, Professional interior/exterior
week in the Clipper & Express classifieds
and website. Add an attention-grabbing
selectmen, ZBA and police
news, but also be encouraged ... TO THE SUMMER PALACE painting, gutter cleaning, power
washing and window washing.
border at no extra cost.

to seek stories outside the box. Best prices and service always
with a smile. Will paint your
The job title says reporter but
the right candidate must also
be somewhat of a Jack-or-Jill-
YOU’LL GO FAR WITH THE home like it was our own. Call
Andrew for your free estimate.
of-all-trades. Position includes
some responsibilities for copy
editing, photography and
layout. Person does not need Junk removal, specializing in
to be an expert, but should be
comfortable with computers Homeward At Your
cleanouts of basements,
garages, attics, yard debris, CHEST
odds and ends. We also
(Macs, a plus) the Internet and
certainly AP style. Familiarity
Bound Service specialize in carpentry,
with Adobe InDesign is also a painting, gutter work, and
One Bedroom Apt Halls Corner Paul's Handyman Service
plus. window washing. Best prices,
Second floor, sunny, convenient Time to get those winter projects
free estimates. Please call or
location, parking. $900/mo. Small done. Carpentry, painting, hard-
This is not an entry-level leave a message for Mike,
pets okay. 781-789-3995 or wood and tile flooring,kitchen
position per se, though we will 781-789-3612.
781-934-5569. bath remolding,Plumbing repairs
consider applicants with strong and all other jobs around the GUARANTEED TREASURE
college newspaper experience house. No job to small. Lic. in- Licensed Hanson Daycare
and journalism degrees or At Your sured Call Paul at 781-422-6500 in Hanson home. Openings
Monday thru Thursday, 7am
Sell those treasures in your
significant internship
experience Service -4:30, ages newborn and up. attic with our guaranteed
Furniture Repair Nice subdivision, providing classified deal. Your package
Custom Interior Woodworking safe, clean environment and includes full exposure in all of
If you are not from the South Alterations and interior finish From family heirlooms to Ethan
Shore area please indicate how Allen... tables, chairs, cabinets, lots of love. No dogs. Supply our award-winning
work, built-in cabinets and media breakfast, lunch and all snacks. publications and website.
quickly you would be able to systems, historic restoration, and bookcases to kitchen cabi-
relocate and how you would be nets. If it is broken - we can fix Great references. Spots fill You may change prices, wording or
period design, free design and quickly. Call 781-447-9272. remove items, but new items cannot be
available for an interview. We drafting service. See me at it. Call Ken, 781-585-7541. added. Limit of 40 words or fewer.
prefer candidates who live www.dwdrewwoodworking.com. Painter
close to our South Shore based Call Dave Drew, (h) Eldercare INCLUDES
office. Please include salary Want to stay in own home but Excellent winter deals. No job too PHOTO!!!
781-545-4246 or (c) small. Ask for Shawn,
requirements with your resume 617-835-9044. need some assistance? Nurtur- Customer must supply photo.
and clips. ing,compassionate, friendly 508-584-1970. May be digital or print.

H2Sew woman in 50's wants to help. Up- Painting Etc. GUARANTEED

If you are a hardworking Custom home furnishings sewn beat and interesting. Companion- 50% off interior painting
journalist who wants to learn by former Boston costume de- ship, cooking, and more. Will booked this winter. UNTIL IT’S SOLD!
the newspaper business this signer. Choose window treat- even do hair and make-up on re- Specializing in interior/exterior PRIVATE PARTIES ONLY
could be the perfect position ments, home furnishings and quest! Call Maryellen painting, power washing,
for you. alterations at rates you can af- 781-829-6974 or gutters, carpentry, dump runs,

Clipper Press is an independent

ford. Call Hilary to discuss your
project. Also offering private
IAMmgd@aol.com and window washing. Free
estimates, best prices
family-owned newspaper sewing lessons beginner to ad- guaranteed. Fast and reliable
company that's been delivering vanced. 617-869-6499 or visit service. Please call Mike,
Licensed, experienced former
hometown news since 1950. www.h2sew.org 781-789-3612.
Duxbury teachers seeking stu-
dents of all ages for foreign lan- Tutoring
We offer a good salary and Winter Painting Special guage tutoring. References avail- Remediate, review, advance. Ele-
benefits package including IRA Average size ceilings, $85; Aver- able. Ask about half off first two mentary, intermediate, high
with match, profit sharing. age size walls, $255. Custom fin- sessions! SAT tutoring also school. Certified classroom
Please send clips, resume and ishes and wallpapering. Interior available. Call (508)728-3975 to-
salary requirements to and Exterior. Seniors receive teacher, Masters in education and PACKAGE WITH PHOTO
day! organization. Support w/all cur-
Publisher Josh Cutler at 10% discount. Thirty years expe-
jcutler@clipperpress.com. rience. Call Matt, 508-746-8115. riculum including reading, lan- Your car, truck, or boat gets
House Cleaning
guage arts, science, ESL, study premium exposure with our
Home and/or office cleaning.
Just Small Jobs skills, time management, test tak- Guaranteed Auto Deal.
Many years of experience.
Skilled craftsman solves your ing and SAT prep. Physicist avail- Your package includes full
References available. Free esti-
repair needs. Call Jim at (339) able for high school/college math. exposure in all of our
mates. Call 508-746-0764 or
832-0244. 508-830-0305. award-winning publications
� and website. Best of all you
can put a photo of your
STANDARD RATES Car & Truck Cleaning/Detailing
Over 20 years experience.
vehicle right in your ad.
There’s no better way to sell
Interior-steam cleaning, leather your car, truck or boat.
All standard
classifieds include EXTRAS! treatments and odor removal,
Exterior-waxing, polishing and
We’re so confident you’ll
agree that we guarantee to
40 words or less. compounding. Entire job run your ad until the
Each additional � Add dingbat completed by J. Scott Russell, vehicle is sold!
word is 25 cents. $1 a week Jr., owner. Local pick-up and
One Paper Two Papers All Papers delivery. Gift certificates

1 WEEK $
10 00 $
13 00 $
15 00 � Add border available. For appointments/
information, 781-424-9113.

$2 a week Customer must supply photo.

$ 00 $
1200 $
1400 � Reverse ad
Rosie's Cleaning
We clean residences and offices.
May be digital or print.

email rosieoliveira20@gmail.com
$ 50 $
1050 $
1250 $4 a week or call home:781-812-1426 or
Wednesday, February 2, 2011 Duxbury Clipper 11

At Your At Your Planes, Train

Service Service & Automobiles
Removal Duxbury Computers
Nasty vines, sheds, boats, Get expert computer and
stumps, brush, pools, brick and networking help and advice.
rubble, appliances, swing sets. Your Microsoft Small Business
Insured men promptly removing Specialist and QuickBooks Pro
junque. Many years of local Advisor in Duxbury. Just call
service. Call Chuck T., Will Zachmann at Canopus
781-424-8844. Research, Inc., 781-934-9800. Pick-Up Truck For Sale
1997 blue 3/4 ton V-8, 8' bed,
Home Repairs/Improvements 143,000 miles, 1 owner. In good
Window And Gutter Cleaning 25 years experience as Building condition. $4,500 or best offer.
Let local firefighters brighten your Supt. in residential/condo/com- Call Bob, 781-447-0026
day! Residential and storefront. mercial properties. I will repair,
Pressure washing - house, patio, install, upgrade, paint, finish inte- ‘01 Altima - Price Reduced!
deck, etc. Free gutter cleaning rior carpentry and simple electri- 2001 Nissan Altima, only 80,000
with every full house window job. cal/plumbing or give advice or as-
Reasonable rates. References At Your At Your sist you. Duxbury references.
miles, Silver, no dents or rust,
good AC, great commuter car.
available. Fully insured. Keith
McWalter. 781-340-5183 or Service Service Steve at 508-633-3890 DUX-
Excellent condition. Price reduced
to only $4895. Call Tom at
cell-781-690-2000. Walkabout with Jim 617-817-4299.
Dog walking and more. High energy Piano/Keyboard Lessons
Have Truck dog or just a busy week? Call Jim Children and adults. 20+ years Painter / Carpenter / Handyman
Hermitage, 339-933-0747. Halifax experience. BA Music. Classical Experienced and professional
College students have truck and and surrounding towns. Bonded and
will help move or dispose of or pop. Music theory, sight family business. Free estimates.
insured. reading, ear training. Great We will beat any price! Interior
household items. Need help
cleaning out basement, attic, Burns Snow Plowing foundation for other instru- and exterior work, custom-made
garage, bedroom? How about Dependable 24/7 service. Priced ments or just for fun. lindarob- pergolas, wainscoting, wallpaper- 1998 Buick LeSabre
dump runs, stacking wood, by the season or by per time. Be inson15@comcast.net or call ing, painting, kitchens, cabinetry, Meticulously maintained. Runs
cleaning yard or interior ready for the next storm. Call 781-789-6140. vinyl siding, replacement win- great, ready to go. 94,000 miles.
painting? Call Shawn, James, 781-934-9896 or email dows, tiling, roofing, remodeling, Averaged about 8,000 miles per
339-933-0804, 781-934-9449. james.burns@maritime.edu. Fishing Charters home repairs. Call 508-851-0053 year. Asking $3700. Call
Outstanding charters for striped or email freshcoatpaint 781-582-2065 or 339-788-0685.
bass & blues. Offshore tuna. @hotmail.com 18' Marshall Sanderling Catboat

Freshwater canoe trips for trout, 1974 catboat; 6 HP Yamaha out-
smallmouth, largemouth bass. board, 1994 trailer included; both
Bird watching excursions. Miss Jane’s School trailer and boat updated; Pres-
TREE & CONSTRUCTION Clamming trips. Flycasting
lessons. Scenic bay tours. Gift
Now enrolling September 2011,
ages 2 years 3 months to 4
ently on mooring In Duxbury;
$11,000. Call 781-934-6417
TREE REMOVAL SEPTIC SYSTEM Certificates. Capt. David Bitters, years, pre-school/playgroup.
BAYMEN Guide Service, Inc. Offering classes Tues.,
Pruning & Trimming Repair & Installation 781-934-2838 Wednesday, and Thiursday. 1, Model A Fenders
Hazardous Removals Title V Cert. Septic 2, or 3 day sessions available, Fenders for 1930 Model A Ford.
Vista & Land Clearing Inspector 9am to 12:45pm Music, crafts, Fiberglass, slightly used, good
Stump Grinding & New Design fun play, indoors and out. condition. $475. Call
Roofs Cleared of Snow
Lunch provided. Fully licensed 781-834-8040 eves.
Removals Backhoe & Perc Test Also, snow blowers and chain
Aerial Work Demolition & Grading saws repaired and sharpened. by the State. Contact Jane Van
Outboards, 15hp or under, light Haur, 781-934-0350 or
Christopher Phillips • 781-934-7255 welding, small engine repair. jane_vanhaur@msn.com.
Free estimates. All work guaran-
teed. Pickup and dropoff avail- Plantation Shutters & Blinds
able. Call Todd, 781-936-8724. Hunter Douglas blinds and
Michael’s Windows & Gutter shutters. Specializing in plan-
Cleaning tation shutters in real wood,
A local service. Windows start at composite, and vinyl. Free
in-home consultation, free in- 36’ Sabre “Spartina”
$5 each. Also, repair loose and
stallation. Call for in-home 1986. Excellent condition, fully
leaking gutters, and can install
quote. We offer lowest prices equipped. Great boat for cruising
gutter screens. Also, repair win-
on shutters and blinds. Call couple or family. Roller furling
dow and door screens. (A great
781-985-5480 Frugalblind- main and genoa. Full electronics
gift idea!) I answer my phone.
sandshutters.com (radar, GPS chart plotter,
Cell 508-523-9927.
autopilot...) power windlass,
Home Improvement Painter & Handyman ESPAR hot air heating system
Semi-retired remodeler with Interior-exterior painting, light etc. Price drastically reduced,
30 plus years experience. De- carpentry, small & larger jobs, $59,000. 781-452-7321.
sign and build. Bath, kitchen, meticulous neat work, excellent
tiling, family room etc. Your references. Reliable & honest. We
problems, our solution. Call are local. Please call Gerry,
Larry McCarthy, 617-538-5353 or Jim
508-746-7829. 617-689-1906.

Halmatic 8.80 Motor Sailer
You could buy a new 14’
outboard or, for the same price,
my motor sailer which sleeps 5 in
full-length berths. Recently rebuilt
40HP diesel engine, 3 sails,
shallow draft. Galley, head,
equipped. Ideal for local waters.
$19,950. 781-934-2132.

Selling your car or boat?

For less than the cost of a tank of
gas you can reach more than
10,000 potential buyers in the
Clipper.Classifieds. To place your
ad call 781-934-2811 or visit us
on the web at www.duxburyclip-
Acura MDX 2002
2002 Acura MDX For Sale. Good
condition, 132k miles. Black
exterior, beige interior. 4wd.
Fold up 3rd row of seats. $7,500.
Call 781-934-0803.
12 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Planes, Train Legal Legal

& Automobiles Notices Notices
8:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., or by in an accessible format. Re-
appointment. quests for accommodation to
Any person wishing to participate in the public hear-
comment on the applicant's ing should be made at least
proposal should appear at three business days in ad-
public hearing at the time and vance by contacting Danielle
place noted above. Written Brandon at (781) 934-1100,
comments may be submitted ext. 122.
Shaw 24’ Classic Yawl
Built 1961 Jensen in Denmark. to the Board of Appeals, 878
Midget ocean/racing cruiser. Tremont Street, Duxbury, Judith A. Barrett
Mahogany, oak, sitka, teak, MA 02332 no later than 7:30 Judith A. Barrett, Chair
double planked mahogany. Teak p.m. on February 10, 2011. Board of Appeals
centerboard, bronze centerboard Any individual with a disabil-
trunk, 1500 lb. slotted lead keel. ity may request accommoda- Adv: 01/26/11 -
Accomodations: four berths, tion in order to participate in 2/02/11
head. $6000.
Planes, Train Legal the public hearing and may Case #11-01
request the application and
& Automobiles Notices any accompanying materials 1D - Jan. 26, Feb. 2, ‘11
2003 GMC Yukon Denali XL
Price reduced! Alpine white
2004 Pursuit 2270 NOTICE OF
Center console. Low hours,
w/sandstone leather. Capt. chairs. T-Top, 225 Yamaha 4-stroke, PUBLIC HEARING
New (9/10) factory installed color fishfinder, GPS, live bait
trans. w/3yr. 100k mi. warranty. well, brand new aluminum Ven-
Always garaged dealer serviced.
The Board of Appeals will
ture tandem trailer with disc hold a public hearing in the
84k mi. Excellent condition. Title brakes. $26,900. Call George,
in hand. $12,900/b.o. Call Mural Room at Town Hall,
781-820-8874. 878 Tremont Street, on Feb-
ruary 10, 2011 at 8:00 p.m. to
consider the application of
Benjamin A. Carlson for a
special permit under Articles
400 and 900, Sections 401.2 ,
410.4 and 906.2 of the Dux-
bury Protective Bylaw. The
Starter Boat, Motor, Trailer property is located at 5 Spring
'Crestliner' 14' aluminum open Street, parcel no.
runabout with 15HP electric start 202-998-601 of the Duxbury
Suzuki and a Venture trailer. All in Assessors Map, consisting of
excellent condition. All extras 9,148 sq ft. in the Residential
2002 Hitchhiker 5th Wheel including anchor, lines, oars etc. Compatibility District and
31.5’ long, 3 slides, glide ride $3500. Call 781-934-1332. owned by Benjamin A. Carl-
hitch, new tires, new water son, 5 Spring Street, Dux-
heater, rebuilt furnace. bury, MA 02332. The appli-
Propane/electric refrigerator and
heater. Queen-size bed
Everything Else cant proposes to remodel and
w/upgraded matteress. Double Under the Sun enlarge a pre-existing, non-
conforming structure. The
sleeper sofa. TV and stereo
system. Desk station set up for Mountain Bike Found application may be viewed in
computer. Storage inside and Has front shocks and damaged the Inspectional Services De- Call Now Toll Free Pager: 508.866.6860
out. Excellent condition, asking rear wheel. Call for info. partment between the hours of
$19,999. 617-538-2113. 781-934-5091.


Sail $2,200
1988 Hunter '23 Free winter
storage. Nissan 8.9 outboard;
Three sails; Free boat stands.
Available in Duxbury for viewing.
Kevin, 617-620-9479 or Ron,


Sell those treasures in your attic with our guaranteed
classified deal. Your package includes full exposure in
all of our award-winning publications and website.
2006 Mini Cooper S Convertible You may change prices, wording or remove items, but new items cannot be added. Limit of 50 words.
Excellent condition, 44,200 miles, PRIVATE PARTIES ONLY
6-speed manual, traction control,

leather interior, dual front and INCLUDES
side airbags, alloy wheels, ABS, PHOTO!!!
cruise control, run flat tires, rear HOW TO PLAY: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each
Customer must supply photo. May be digital or print.
parking sensors, 4 new tires, column must contain the numbers 1 to 9, and each set of 3 by 3
Minimal winter use. Garaged. GUARANTEED UNTIL IT’S SOLD! boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.
$17,250. 781-424-1102.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011 Duxbury Clipper 13

Audio books Brush burning permits available eBooks available

available Brush burning permits are available for purchase during
normal business hours from 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m., as well as Satur-
Electronic books or eBooks are available for free downloads
from the Duxbury Free Library to your Nook, Sony eReader and
A collection of 34 young days and Sundays from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. The cost of the burning other open format devices; but not the Kindle because it is not
adult (teen) interest titles permit is $10 for the season. The Duxbury Fire Department open format. The Old Colony Library Network has purchased
in the Playaway format is only accepts checks. Cash will not be accepted. Burning per- hundreds of eBooks that Duxbury card holders can download
available at the library. mits will be sold only at the Central Fire Station located at 668 via Overdrive. Access to the eBooks is through our Library cat-
These are individually pack- Tremont St. alog, found in the header under: Download E-books and audio.
aged mp3 devices that have The last day of burning season will be May 1. Residents Also there are three eReaders available at the Reference Desk if
a single title loaded on them are strongly encouraged to get their burning done early be- someone is interested in examining an eReader.
for listening while you walk, cause burning will be very limited if we have a dry spring.
ride, sit. They come with ear Burning without a 2011 permit is a violation and burning
phones and an extra AAA privileges will be revoked for the remainder of the burning Display case open to the public
battery if you need it. Lis- season. Are you a person who is so interested in some type of
ten to a popular current teen Burning permits are only for brush, cane, driftwood, and item, that you can’t get enough? Perhaps you collect buttons,
title or some of the books on forestry products. Burning of leaves, grass, hay, straw, stumps, or bird ornaments, or glass paperweights. Or maybe you in-
the high school reading list finish lumber, or construction debris is strictly prohibited and herited Aunt Millie’s international yo-yo collection. Would
while you do other things. doing so will be cause for immediate revocation of the permit. you like to show off your collectibles to the community? The
To browse the collection, Burning must be done on land proximate to where the brush Duxbury Free Library provides a display case for this purpose.
go to the teen lounge on the is generated, it must be done at least 75 feet from a dwelling, Past case collections have included mermaids, baskets, teddy
upper level of the Duxbury and adequate resources must be available to immediately ex- bears, Red Sox memorabilia, Duxbury photos, tiny boxes, a
Free Library and look under tinguish the fire if requested to do so by a fire official. Burning crow collection, postcards, and record albums from the 60’s
the window. They can be will only be permitted when weather and wind conditions are and 70’s. Call the library at 781-934-2721 x108, or stop by the
checked out for two weeks. acceptable. circulation desk and reserve the case now.


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$25 per week $22 per week $20 per week
$)2%#4/29 $300 for 3 months $572 for 6 months $1,040 for 12 months
>>>> 781-934-2811
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It’s Easy! Just Call
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and reach thousands of potential customers.
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14 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, February 2, 2011

KLND Home Improvement
Licensed, Insured & HIC ./24(2)6%2

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011 Duxbury Clipper 15


Residential & Commercial

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$25 per week $22 per week $20 per week
$300 for 3 months $572 for 6 months $1,040 for 12 months

Advertise your company in the Service Directory It’s Easy! Just Call
and reach thousands of potential customers.
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16 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, February 2, 2011


For the Valentine Gift that will

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under $500.00

A Great Selection
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Ground Effects is pleased to announce that

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and has attained the highest level of certi-

fication within the landscape profession in
the Commonwealth of Massachussetts. She

has taken and passed the Massachusetts
Certified Landscape Professional examination conducted

by the Massachusetts Association of Landscape Profes-
sionals. Ann is a long standing Duxbury resident.

Ann has over 30 years of experience in the landscape

industry and has a bachelors degree in Landscape
Architecture from LSU, a Mass Pesticide License, as well Jewelers
as the MCLP.

Call Ann for all of your landscaping needs.

18 Washington Street
804 Webster Street, Marshfield, MA 02050 (across from London Looks next
781-834-1118 to the Girl Scout House)
asheridan@gfxlandscaping.com • www.gfxlandscaping.com HOURS: TUES., WED., & SAT. 10AM TO 4PM OR BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT


This form is for parents who want to congratulate their children on their success. Ads are $35. If you would like to run a larger business display ad in our graduation issue
please call 781-934-2811, ext. 23 or email ads@clipperpress.com. When completed send this form with payment to: Duxbury Clipper, PO Box 1656, Duxbury, MA 02331.
Your ad will be published in our special section June 8.
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If you wish to design your own ad email a pdf with fonts embedded (3.5’’ x 5’’) The deadline is May 27, 2011
Congratulations Jarad!

We love you and are so proud of

you. Wishing you a future
filled with happiness
and adventure. We love you!
And remember
“the only place success Mom, Dad, Becky
comes before work is in & Christopher
the dictionary.”

Mom, Dad & Jenna

Duxbury Business Association JOIN THE DBA, BECOME A MEMBER FOR 2011

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