Duxbury Clipper 2011 - 02 - 02
Duxbury Clipper 2011 - 02 - 02
Duxbury Clipper 2011 - 02 - 02
Volume LXI No. 5 “As soon go kindle fire with snow, as seek to quench the fire of love with words.” –– William Shakespeare Wednesday, February 2, 2011
By Justin Graeber, Clipper Editor By Justin Graeber, Clipper Editor
justin@duxburyclipper.com justin@duxburyclipper.com
eowners are building fences or
he parents of Paul Fire hydrants buried un- other structures so close to the
Fortini, a DHS der mountains of snow are a hydrants that fire crews can’t
graduate and New perennial problem for munici- access the bolts with a wrench,
York University student who pal Fire Departments –– even and therefore can’t turn the
was tragically killed in 2008, though most towns have or- water on to fight fires.
hope to keep their son’s love dinances requiring residents “It seems to be common
of music alive through an an- to dig them out. Deputy Fire sense, but we’ve run into a
nual a cappella concert. Chief Christopher West said half-dozen or so cases,” West
Last year was the inau- that with the recent snow, Wa- said.
gural concert for “A Mazing ter Department crews have Fire Chief Kevin Nord
A Cappella.” (A cappella is a been digging out hydrants sent out letters to homeown-
musical term for singing with- so they’ll be accessible in an ers who have created such a
out musical accompaniment.) The PACMen, a Duxbury High School-based a cappella group that emergency. situation, but says he hasn’t
Paul Fortini once belonged to, performs at last year’s fundraiser. Recently, however, Dux-
bury is encountering a dif-
continued on page 14 continued on page 21
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2 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Duxbury Almanac
Clarification Sponsored by Alan Hurley Roofing
The photo caption under TIDES
last week’s School Commit- High High Low Low
tee photo that said member Thurs. Feb. 3 11:24 a.m. 11:53 p.m. 5:34 a.m. 6:06 p.m.
Gary Magnuson was attend- Fri. Feb. 4 12:02 p.m. -- 6:16 a.m. 6:43 p.m.
Fine Wine • Beer • Liquor • Cigars ing the meeting by telephone Sat. Feb. 5 12:29 a.m. 12:40 p.m. 6:55 a.m. 7:19 p.m.
may have given the incorrect
Sun. Feb. 6 1:05 a.m. 1:19 p.m. 7:35 a.m. 7:56 p.m.
Stop & Shop Plaza • Kingston impression Magnuson was
Mon. Feb. 7 1:41 a.m. 1:58 p.m. 8:15 a.m. 8:34 p.m.
781.422.9999 in his office in Boston. Due
to the School Committee Tues. Feb. 8 2:19 a.m. 2:40 p.m. 8:58 a.m. 9:14 p.m.
meeting schedule changing Wed. Feb. 9 3:00 a.m. 3:25 p.m. 9:43 a.m. 9:57 p.m.
because of weather, Magnu- Thurs. Feb. 10 3:44 a.m. 4:14 p.m. 10:31 a.m. 10:45 p.m.
Paul D. Fitzgerald, D.M.D., P.C. son had a conflict and was Fri. Feb. 11 4:33 a.m. 5:08 p.m. 11:24 a.m. 11:37 p.m.
Specializing in Orthodontics calling from Chicago. SUNRISE AND SUNSET
Sunrise Sunset
Thurs. Feb. 3 6:53 a.m. 4:59 p.m.
Fri. Feb. 4 6:52 a.m. 5:00 p.m.
Legal Sat. Feb. 5 6:51 a.m. 5:02 p.m.
Notice Sun. Feb. 6
Mon. Feb. 7
6:50 a.m. 5:03 p.m.
6:49 a.m. 5:04 p.m.
TOWN OF Tues. Feb. 8 6:48 a.m. 5:06 p.m.
Wed. Feb. 9 6:46 a.m. 5:07 p.m.
Thurs. Feb. 10 6:45 a.m. 5:08 p.m.
COMMUNITY Fri. Feb. 11 6:44 a.m. 5:09 p.m.
781-585-0024 The Duxbury Community
Preservation Committee WEATHER ALMANAC
will hold its annual public High Low Rainfall Snowfall 6AM Sky
COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATIONS information hearing in the Conditions
www.kingstonorthodontics.com Mural Room, Lower Level, Saturday 24 12 -- -- Clear
Town Hall, 878 Tremont Sunday 25 08 -- -- Broken Clouds
Street on Wednesday, February Monday 14 01 -- -- Clear
16, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. The Tuesday 33 06 -- 1.6” Light Snow
Committee will present its Wednesday 35 17 0.49” 2.0” Broken Clouds
Annual Town Meeting Warrant Thursday 34 24 0.10” 7.5” Moderate Snow
articles and invites public Friday 34 18 -- Trace Scattered Clouds
participation and discussion.
Totals: 0.59” 11.1”
This meeting is an opportunity
for the public to meet the Weather Reflections
Community Preservation
Valentine’s Day Committee and to express
The string of winter nor’easters continued throughout January with
significantly more snowfall in West and North Duxbury than along
Friday February 14th their ideas and concerns. the immediate coast.
Chairman Averages & Comparisons
Avg High Above Week 28.4
Avg High Same Week Last Year 42.9
Avg High Same Week ‘91 34.4
– Wayne Heward
There’s no better
MAKING A edge than Blue!
car drives FEBRUARY
through a
flood on
Washington We go beyond simply teaching RMV requirements and
Street near preparing students for their road test. Our goal is to ensure that
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river last to obtain their Massachusetts Driver’s License
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week. The and become safe, responsible and defensive drivers.
weather that’s
( % ! ,4 ( - / . 4 (
abating, as 20 Tremont Street, Building 9 Suite 17, Duxbury
another storm
moved in
Tuesday and
/#4/"%2 )3 .!4)/.!,
Little competition at the ballot box ( % ! ,4 ( - / . 4 (
By Justin Graeber, Clipper Editor term, two running to keep his position
years. as town moderator, a year-to-
All the open positions in There year office, and June Albritton
the upcoming town elections will also has taken out papers to run for
have candidates, but if the be a choice a three-year term on the Board
election were held tomorrow for voters of Assessors.
most candidates would win at the ballot All candidates have re-
without a fight. box when it turned papers except for Al-
Ted Flynn comes to li- britton, Steadman, Turcotte
Election 2011 brary trustee. Flynn stepped and Ringquist.
Ted Flynn is currently the down from his seat on the li-
only candidate for Betsy Sulli- brary board of trustees to run
bridging generations of smiles
van’s seat on the Board of Se- for selectman, and Lamont NEED DINNER
lectmen (Sullivan announced Healy is running to fill the TONIGHT? C O M P L I Morthodontic treatment for children, adolescents and adults
last year that she would not unexpired term of two years. Give us a call.
seek re-election). Anne Ward Donna Ryan, Brooke Mc- We deliver pizza, subs, Complimentary Consultations
and Maureen Connolly are Donough and Elizabeth “Sun- steak tips & pasta dinners Open Mon., Thurs., Fri. 8am-5pm
also running unopposed for ny” Steadman are running for C O M P L I M E N T A R Y C O N S U L T A T Tues. I O N S8am-1pm
their two seats on the School two three-year slots. 1510 Tremont Street, Duxbury, MA 02332
Committee. Last week, Alden C H I LP hDo 1510
e: E
7 8N -,9 3A
1Tremont5 5O
8 3L E• Sw wCw E.Duxbury,
Street d rN
s hT
e eS
h a nA rN
t h oD
o MA o nA
t i cD
d02332 s . cU
There are two candidates Ringquist took out papers to 781-934-5583
seeking a five-year term on the run for a five-year term on
781-934-6568 www.drsheehanorthodontics.com
Planning Board, however, Paul the Housing Authority. This
McCormack and Jennifer Tur- was the last position that was
cotte. Brian Glennon, who was wide-open (a previous report
appointed earlier this year to erroneously listed two seats Introductory Offer: 3 Private Lessons for only $99.00!
that board to fill the unexpired open on the authority).
term of Harold Moody, is seek- Other unopposed candi- 1510 Tremont Street, Duxbury, MA 02332
ing the remainder of Moody’s dates: Friend Weiler, Sr., is Phone: 781-934-5583 • www.drsheehanorthodont
Start the new year off right - building a strong, lean, flexible,
Clipper wins NENPA awards balanced body for optimal health!
Personal attention to individual needs - seniors, golfers, athletes, people with sports,
back & joint injuries,and healthy adults getting in shape. Comfortable, fully equipped studio.
The Duxbury Clipper has
received two New England Betty DeLisle, 781-934-9959
Newspaper and Press Associa- Certified Pilates Trainer duxpilates@comcast.net
tion Better Newspaper Contest
awards. Reporter Susanna
Sheehan and Editor Justin
Graeber won in the category of
government reporting for their
work on the drama surrounding
the exit of former police chief
Mark DeLuca. Graeber won
the Right-to-Know award, a
first amendment award, for his
reporting on, and involvement
in exposing, open meeting law
violations on the School Com-
Being nominated means the
Clipper has won either first, second or third place in these cate-
gories. The final results will be revealed during the association’s
annual convention later this month.
4 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, February 2, 2011
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you would like to attend Wednesdays, Feb. 9, 16 and March 2,
please drop off payment of $30 to the DSU as soon as possi-
& Wood
ble. For more information, e-mail Sue Bradford at sbradford@
Save the date: DSU’s annual Adult fundraiser evening is Pregnancy, back pain, and body changes
Saturday, March 5. Enjoy Island Creek oysters, hors douvres,
silent auction and music entertainment by Despite Dwight. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22 Pembroke Public Library
142 Center Street
6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
Pembroke, Massachusetts
By Justin Graeber, Clipper Editor
Shea a note after his wife’s laugh, Shea leaves a legacy
e was a big man, passing. in the town that he loved so
with an even big- “I told him, ‘The mission much.
ger heart. is now complete commander, “Many people will have
Joseph Shea died of a it’s time to focus on taking to step into his shadow in or-
heart attack on Monday, Jan. care of yourself,’” she said. der to try to help his light to
31. In addition to his family, “I’m sorry he didn’t get the keep shining for us all while
he leaves behind a legacy of chance to do that.” remembering this amazing
service to his country and the Felty also felt that the loss man,” Vose said.
town that he loved. of his wife had a major effect A memorial service for
“It’s a big loss for the on Shea. Shea will be held on Wednes-
town,” said Town Manager “I really think he died of a day, Feb. 9, at 2 p.m. at First
Richard MacDonald. “I con- broken heart,” he said. Parish Church on Tremont
sider Joe a Whether it was impacting Street, followed by an Alli-
friend first, a Shea reads during the dedication of the base of the World War I mon- the town through his countless ance Hosted Collation to be
caring Dux- ument in 2009. Restoring the monument became a passionate cause volunteer projects, or impact- held in the Harvey Assembly
bury volun- of Shea’s after he discovered the shattered pieces, once thought lost, ing the lives of the people he Hall from 3-5 p.m.
teer.” during a walk through the cemetery. worked with his easy-going
S h e a
served on tory at Mayflower Cemetery, pital every day for treatment,”
many Dux- was also impressed with his Sheehan said.
Joseph Shea bury commit- dedication to the monument Always a straight shooter, Well worth the Stop!
tees, such as project and his knowledge of Shea didn’t hesitate even dur- Antiques
the crematory building com- the town’s cemeteries. ing a difficult time to dole out
mittee. He was also the town’s “Joe loved the town,” advice. Reproductions
sealer of weights and measures Sheehan said. “He knew things “He told me, ‘You know Cross Stitch
for many years. He had a pas- that nobody knew, he poked Emmett, you’re not too old a
sion for the town’s cemeteries. through records.” guy that you shouldn’t enjoy Leslie Cook – Owner & Unique Gifts
[See an article Shea submitted On the crematory project, your family and your life ... n
to the Clipper shortly before Shea impressed his fellow take time to smell the roses.’” Pembroke Crossing • 15 Columbia Road, Unit 5 • Pembroke • 781-826-6022
his death on page 7.] committee members with his Sheehan said.
military-like attention to de-
in memoriam tails, collecting information
on the retorts from all across
It was on a walk through
one of the town’s cemeteries
where Shea found the bro-
the country and then sharing it
with the group.
“He spoke to all three com-
Your mortgage and
ken pieces of the World War I
monument. Reconstructing the
monument because a treasured
panies and knew all the techni-
cal jargon,” Sheehan said. “He
was a very technical guy.”
debts paid in full
cause for Shea, and he saw it
completed last year.
“He was my supporter
However, Shea’s impact
on the people he worked with
went far beyond the minute
in the next15 years...
when I presented the group my details of a project.
ideas,” said Bryan Felty, who
presented 3D renderings to
the committee rebuilding the
Sheehan said that Shea
would often stop by his of-
fice to bring him information
It can happen!
monument. on the crematory, but the con-
“He’s the one that really versation would soon turn to If it’s part of your plan to pay off your mortgage,
embraced it ... When I present- other things. credit cards and home equity loan before you
ed, you could see a light go on “We’d hang out for an hour retire, the 15-Year Mortgage from Colonial
in his head.” and a half just chatting about
Shea was the face of the life,” Sheehan said. Federal Savings Bank lets you make it happen.
monument project. With its Shea was also a major pres- Right now, we have $5 million to lend in 15-Year
completion, Duxbury now ence at First Parish Church. Mortgages at a favorable fixed rate. It’s also
has some kind of memorial to Rev. Catherine Cullen said
that he brought his talents for perfect for homeowners who want to borrow
veterans of all the country’s
major wars. (Shea was a Navy historical research as well as against their equity but don’t want an adjustable
pilot.) woodworking to First Parish. credit line or new 30-year loan. And it may be
“I admired his passion, “You walk down the aisle for you if you have 15+ years left on a mortgage
and the dedication that he had and there’s something Joe ei-
toward preserving Duxbury ther made or fixed,” she said. that you’d like to pay off more quickly at a 15-YEAR FIXED
veterans,” Felty said. “That Shea had been a member much lower rate. It’s a smart time to make your
was just outstanding, you of the congregation for over
move. And we’ll make the process quick, easy
don’t meet many people that
have such a dedicated heart to
a cause like he did.”
40 years, and Cullen said he
was a great help when she took
and hassle-free. Come see us. Or call Angela
Blanchard or Richard Coleman at 617-471-0750.
Other members of the “I used to call him ‘Father (Other options – including Jumbo loans – are
World War I group said they Joe,’ he just knew everybody available. Please ask!)
were devastated to learn of in the church,” she said. “He
Shea’s death. was an important part of my
“Joe was a truly dedicated ministry.”
and enormous part of our lives She said she would meet
and our town,” said Judi Vose, with Shea, who at one time or
who served on the committee another held nearly every lead-
along with her husband Terry. ership position in the church,
“He had a wonderful nature weekly.
that touched all of us who Shea’s wife, Jacqueline, QUINCY: 15 Beach Street 617- 471- 0750 • 1000 Southern Artery ( Residents only) 617- 479-1430
knew him and we felt his de- passed away only a few weeks HOLBROOK: 802 South Franklin Street 781-767-1776
EAST WEYMOUTH: Middle & Washington Streets 781-331-1776 • www.colonialfed.com
votion to everything he cared before his death after a long
about in this town. Our town battle with cancer. He was de- Insured FDIC
will not be the same – ever.” voted to his wife during her
Emmett Sheehan, who long illness. Some additional facts: Annual Percentage Rate (APR) effective as of 01/05/11 and may change. Applies to 1-2 family owner-occupied
worked with Shea on the com- “Part of his full time job homes. Assumes a maximum 80% loan-to-value and first mortgage position. Subject to credit approval. A 15-Year Loan would be repaid in
mittee building a new crema- was driving her up to the hos- 180 equal monthly principal plus interest payments of $7.40 per $1000 borrowed, which do not include taxes or insurance premiums,
if applicable. So your actual monthly payment will be greater.
the Chestnut Street graveyard
only last week. -Ed.] gravestone. Those details re-
n the fall of 2010 a flected the focus of Ichabod’s
question arose on life in his later years.
Be my valentine
the internet about the The meaning of the carv-
grave stone of the Reverend The grave of Rev. Ichabod ing has slipped from popular
Ichabod Wiswall buried in the Wiswall, located in Standish memory but it is apparent
Old Burial Ground on Chest- Cemetery, has a curious illus- that they represent the comet
nut Street. Wiswall was the tration that some have called a with the sun at the top and
third pastor of the Church of squid. Not so, according to the comet below and the huge tail
Christ in Duxborough. That writer’s research. always away from the sun.
Photo from the American Antiquarian Society.
church has evolved into the Thus there are no squid on
current First Parish Church a very superstitious place. Chestnut Street.
Unitarian Universalist on Comets had always presaged
Tremont Street. He served 23 disasters. It was so bright and
years and died in 1700. Some passed so close to earth that it WE CAN KEEP
people, looking at the stone, it could be seen in the daytime
is in good shape, have deter- with the naked eye. It is not YOU WARM AT
mined that it shows squid or known if he saw a comet in
jelly fish or at least some form London but had likely seen
of cephalopod along the out- the comet that passed over WE HAVE KILN DRIED
side edges. The Duxbury Ru- Duxbury on the 15th of Sep- FIREWOOD!
ral and Historical Society had tember 1682. That comet was
no answers to the phone in- quite visible and inspired a lot PICK-UP
quiries. Wisall is most widely of interest. It was later identi- AND DELIVERY
remembered as the first min-
ister in British North America
fied as a regular earth visitor.
Years after Wiswall’s death,
Experience at:
to offer a sermon at grave Edmund Hally identified the M&F JEWELRY
side for the deceased. He did frequency of those visits and CORNER OF ROUTE 139 & 53
20% OFF
and that Smith is the one who traps them and transports them to
Dance party at our beach? Come learn about these beautiful creatures from an
expert who has spent countless days and nights, in all weather
the PAC conditions, observing, capturing, banding, and color marking the
owls. For the last several years, Smith has also been banding ALL SHUTTER ORDERS
South Shore Conservatory ospreys in Duxbury and other towns.
and Duxbury Performing Arts As a self-taught naturalist and member of the Massachusetts PLACED IN FEBRUARY & MARCH
Center will present a family Audubon Society for the last 35 years, Smith has studied birds
dance party featuring Notori- of prey, rehabilitated the injured, and successfully fostered over
ous, on Sunday, Feb. 13, at 1,000 orphaned hawk and owl chicks into adoptive nests. In ad- Custom Window Treatments
3 p.m. in the cafeteria of the dition to his work with owls at Logan Airport, he has traveled to t6QIPMTUFSZ4MJQDPWFST
PAC, 73 Alden St. Alaska to study snowy owls in their native tundra habitat. His
Young and “not-so-young” research work has been published in National Geographic, Na- t4IVUUFST#MJOETt$VTUPN#FEEJOH
family members will dance to- tional Wildlife, Ranger Rick, Yankee, Massachusetts Wildlife, $VTUPN'VSOJUVSF3VHT
gether to the fun fiddling of Bird Observer, Birding, Sanctuary, Geo, Nature, Grolier Ency-
Eden Macadam-Somer, with clopedia, Owls of the Northern Hemisphere, and Owls of the
guitarist Larry Unger. As caller, 5VFT'SJt4BUOPPOt#ZBQQPJOUNFOU
Sue Rosen teaches the steps at Admission is free, and light refreshments will be served. For
this family event, dancers will further information, call 781-934-2907.
be swinging their partners and
enjoying the duo’s rollicking
American, Celtic, and Eastern
European fiddle tunes. Partici-
pants should wear comfortable
dancing shoes so they won’t
have to “sit out” a single mo-
Tickets to this party are $5
per child and $15 per adult,
and may be purchased online
at sscmusic.org or through the Time to downsize, but don’t want to
PAC Box Office at 781-934-
7612. leave the town you love?
Now you can...
Now offering
One Level
Living &
new pricing.
Synagogue: 8 Pleasant St. Plymouth, Community Center, Court/Brewster St. Lawrence
Send obituary nOtices Silverman, Rabbi, Phone: 508-746-1575.
to obits@clipperpress.com
THE Deadline is South Shore Quaker
MacDonald Funeral Home
Monday at noon. Phone: 781-749-4383, Turkey Hill Lane, Hingham, (off Rte. 228 at the library/town hall
complex off Levitt St., up the hill to Turkey Hill Lane).
1755 Ocean St. Marshfield
Marion S. Leahy,
Church of Jesus86,
Christ ofKing Caesar
Latter-Day Saints (Mormon) guide 834-7320
Marion379 Meer
GardnerSmith ing. Bishop John Howe, Phone: 781-293-2520, Sundays
St., So. Hingham,
Leahy diedyear
at round:
Van DuynFamily worship atIn101972,
am. the couple were again transferred, “Excellence in Service with Understanding”
Home on Jan. 20 sur- this time to Skaneateles, NY. She worked retail
Directors: Joseph L. Davis, Richard W. Davis
rounded bySt.family. during Mission
Mark of Epheseus Orthodox the Christmas season at Sibley’s Depart-
Ms. Leahy wasSt.,born
261 Main Kingston,ment Store,McGillicuddy,
Rev. Terrence Syracuse,Phone:
at the781-585-8907
in New York City, then in Skaneateles and as the bread lady at several
moved to Islamic
SpringCenter Lake,of New farmer’s markets. She also developed a line of
England Mosques Traditional Funerals Cremations Pre-Need Funeral Planning
NJ. She attended gram- flavored
470 South St., Quincy, cheesecakes,
671-479-8341, called
74 Chase Dr., Sharon, Mother Leahy’s
373 Court Street 619 State Road (Rt. 3A)
mar school first in the Cheesecakes that were carried in several of N. Plymouth Manomet
basement of St. Margaret’s Church Safe Harbor
and Church
then Syracuse’s busiest restaurants in the 1970s and
52 Main St., Marshfield, Pastor Mark Eagling, 781-837-9903 (508) 746-2231 1-800-770-2231
(508) 224-2252
St. Catherine’s Grammar School both in Spring 80s.
Lake, Manasquan High School and Traphagen Early in the 21st century, Marion was diag-
School of Fashion in Manhattan, where she nosed with an inoperable aneurism in the front
studied illustration. right lobe of her brain that wreaked havoc on
She graduated during World War II, when her brain’s processing. Shortly before her death,
there wasn’t any work in her field. Instead, she she entered Van Duyn.
went to work at Fort Monmouth in the base’s In addition to her husband of 63 years, she
finance office. After the war she went to work leaves her daughter, Ellen Leahy; her four sons,
for the Kenny Press in Newark. who are scattered around the United States,
She married her high school sweetheart Wil- William D. Leahy Jr. (Jacqueline) in Georgia,
liam Duncan Leahy at St. Catherine’s Church in Michael P. Leahy (Vicki) in Arizona, Timothy J.
Spring Lake, NJ on Nov. 29, 1948. They settled Leahy (Carolyn) in Oregon and Stephen J. Le-
in Newark, NJ and started a family. ahy (Shawn) in Rhode Island; six grandchildren
In 1969, the family was transferred to Mas- and three great-grandchildren as well as many
sachusetts, where they made their home at 416 friends, nieces and nephews.
Washington Street in Duxbury. A celebration of her life is planned for this John L. Woods
While renovating their house under histor- spring in Skaneateles, with a separate memorial ATTORNEY AT LAW
ic preservation guidelines, she was also a card service planned on the Jersey Shore this sum-
carrying member of the Duxbury Free Library, mer. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made
a member of the Gourmet Club, a Duplicate to the Skaneateles Library, Seymour Library in 781-934-9495
Bridge Club and a guide at the historic King Auburn or SAVES Ambulance Service in Ska- FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION
Caesar House (Clipper ship builder). While in neateles. Wills Trusts
Duxbury, she took up golf and candlepin bowl- Estate & Medicaid Planning
Elder Law
Karin Whitney Viafore, 58, gymnast Real Estate Matters
Karin Whitney Via- Scott Viafore; her parents, Connie and Milla
fore of Duxbury, died
Jan. 25, 2011 from breast
cancer. She was born
Lehto; her sisters and their husbands, Steph and
Bill Susetka, Kris and Harry Herrick, Suzie and
John Morgan; and many aunts, uncles, cousins,
R 5Ęĕ-đħ0ĖĖęēĕ
in Concord on Aug. 23, sister and brother-in-laws, nieces and neph-
1952. She was an ac- ews. A memorial service was held Jan. 29 at
complished gymnast and the Union Church of Stow. In lieu of flowers, t$ğĞĤĕģĤĕĔ%ęĦğĢēĕt$ĘęĜĔ$ĥģĤğĔĩt1đĤĕĢĞęĤĩ
loved gardening, shop- contributions can be made to the High School t1đĢĕĞĤęĞė1ĜđĞģt.ğĔęĖęēđĤęğĞģt6ĞēğĞĤĕģĤĕĔ%ęĦğĢēĕ
ping, games, crafts and Coaches Association/Senior National Team, t$ĘęĜĔ4ĥĠĠğĢĤt1đĢĕĞĤđĜ3ĕĜğēđĤęğĞt$ğĞĤĕĝĠĤģt.ĕĔęđĤęğĞ4ĕĢĦęēĕģ
the Boston Red Sox. c/o Lori Clark, 150 Liberty St., Braintree, MA #VTJOFTT-JOF 5PMM'SFF
Mrs. Viafore leaves her husband, Ken Via- 02184. &NBJM3FOFF!.BIPOFZ'BNJMZ-BXDPN
fore; her children, Ginny and Geoff Thames and XXX.BIPOFZ'BNJMZ-BXDPN
cation, she was recognized nationally for her vice will be held later in the spring at Pilgrim 2/54% s $58"529 s
expertise in dog training, including both obe- Church in Duxbury. In lieu of flowers, memo-
dience and agility training. She raised, trained rial contributions may be made to the American
and showed German Shepherds and Cocker German Shepherd Dog Charitable Foundation,
Spaniels. Most recently, she taught agility Inc., 186 Pilgrim Drive, Holden, MA 01520.
It doesn’t get any better than a walk in new fallen snow. Maddie Manning and Jill McSheffrey provide a
spark of color in the white snowscape.
14 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, February 2, 2011
continued from page one A mazing A cappella to include more than just peo- www.tanexp.net for money saving specials & coupons!
Log onto www.sunlighttruth.com for the facts on UV Light and tanning.
ple who knew Paul, includ-
The event was such a success What: The Paul S. Fortini
ing other people surrounding
that it will now be an annual Foundation fundraiser
occurrence and the corner- Where: The Performing Arts “So people that may not
stone fundraiser for the Paul Center have known Paul can come get
S. Fortini Foundation. a piece of why he was so im-
When: 7 p.m., Feb. 5
“It was fantastic,” said portant,” Teittinen said. “I’m
Paul’s mom, Kathy Fortini. “I Tickets: $10-15
just really excited. I think it’s
was truly amazed ... there was going to be a fantastic event.”
so much energy.” knew Paul personally.
Brooke Teittinen is a Groups from Boston Col-
Paul was in the PACMen, lege, Suffolk University,
an a cappella group at Dux- member of the Trinity a cap-
pella group. She’s been sing- Tufts, and Trinity will be per-
bury High School. (He tried forming in this year’s concert,
out for the NYU group as a ing her whole life, and was in
musicals with Paul at DHS. in addition to a professional a
freshman but didn’t make it, cappella group from Boston,
according to his mom.) An ac- “I would be the girl walk-
ing around the grocery store Firedrill.
complished trumpet player, he “They contacted us,” said
was involved in music as well singing to myself,” she said.
Her group participated in Kathy Fortini. “They heard Enjoy life’s important moments -
as the drama club. about what we were doing.” While we care for your property needs.
Ken and Kathy Fortini an a cappella jam in Brattle-
boro, Vt., and she wondered if The foundation will help Engel & Völkers is the best address for anyone looking to sell their home. Our
started the foundation short- the drama department in the
a similar concert would work
real estate agents not only have unparalleled local market knowledge and exper-
ly after Paul was struck and spring by sponsoring master tise, but they also have access to our global network consisting of thousands of
killed by a car on a street in in Duxbury.
classes. DHS students and
qualified, distinctive clients. From the initial property valuation to the showing
New York City in September “Since the beginning I’ve of your property, right through to the drafting and signing of a successful sales
been excited about this and faculty will attend the class-
of 2008. The intention of the es, and then the students will
contract, Engel & Völkers is there for you ever step of the way. When it comes
foundation is to help out the wanted to be involved,” she to your property needs, we are never far away. Opening soon in Snug Harbor!
said. Although she was ner- bring the knowledge they ac-
high school drama and mu-
quire to the middle school.
E&V Snug Harbor LLC · 453 Washington Street · · Duxbury · MA 02332 · USA
sic departments by donating vous about the turnout in the Phone +1-781-934-7500 · Facsimile 1-781-934-7505
first year, she was happy with “We hope it continues for duxbury@engelvoelkers.com · www.engelvoelkers.com/duxbury · Lucy Pilon, Estate Agent
raised from the first concert because her friendship with Pegasus Elite Athlete Management
helped buy the music depart- Paul Fortini was based on 1:30pm Yogalates
ment a new piano. their mutual love of music. Monica Billiard, ACE & RYT
The first concert featured “Paul and I were friends 2:00pm Reps vs. Sets
performances by the PAC- since we were little,” she said. John Scorza, ACSM (weight room)
Men, as well as a cappella “Everything we did was music 3:00pm Youth Martial Arts Demonstration
groups from NYU, Skidmore or drama related ... the connec- Bruce Cadorette, 5th Degree Black Belt
3:00pm Integrated Body Sculpting
College, Northeastern Uni- tion and friendship Paul and I
Val Sanderson, ACSM
versity and Trinity College. had was through music.” 3:30pm Sports Conditioning
Except for NYU, all of the She’s hopeful that the Anne C. Wargo, AFFA & ACSM
groups had one member who concert will expand this year
Tuesday, Feb. 15 • 1 to 4 pm
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Wednesday, February 2, 2011 Duxbury Clipper 15
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16 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, February 2, 2011
North Hill bid can proceed If you do business in Duxbury you should
Join us!
continued from page one ous because he said it claimed sight with the court battle with
the town did not know that the Johnson,” Donato said.
Currently, the town is in- company to which it awarded Dahlen said the selectmen
volved in a lawsuit with the the golf management contract, owed it to Duxbury residents
previous manager, Doug John- Calm Golf of Rockland, had to move forward with a new
son of Johnson Golf Inc. of practically no assets. contract for North Hill before
Weston, who sued the town “I believe the town knew the golf season begins. He said
after losing the management this and I respectfully dis- the court has been too slow in Meet other Duxbury business-owners, and hear a
contract to what he claimed agree,” said Donato. making a decision despite the short presentation about the new school building project
was an unqualified bidder. Donato felt that rebidding best efforts of the town’s attor-
Johnson has retained the man- the contract could prove futile ney to move the suit along.
agement of the course due to a because the ongoing litigation Dahlen believes the town
Support local businesses:
court order, which allows him may discourage bidders. is correct in issuing the request duxburybusinessassociation.com
to continue as manager until He said that even though for bids because he said the
further notice from the court. the town was given permis- Inspector General was given
“I am not going to support sion to rebid the contract, he access to all the information
rebidding this,” said Donato. believes the town will not be about the lawsuit from both
“I don’t see how it’s going to able to execute a new contract sides and made its decision to
improve the situation.”
Donato said he felt the
information given to the In-
until it is allowed by the court.
Donato feels this will not hap-
pen until the lawsuit is settled.
allow the rebidding after re-
viewing it. What can
spector General was errone- “I don’t see any end in you do with an
On Monday
the Board of
Selectmen • Eat it for breakfast
Linda Kucera • Put it in a
of Hingham for lunch box
donating her
time, expertise, • Add it to a salad
and materials Help support your local AFS Chapter
to completely The organization that helps Duxbury High School students study
restore nine in foreign countries, & enriches the experiences of
original win- foreign students living with local families.
dows at the
newly reopened Duxbury Area AFS Annual Fruit Sale
Tarkiln Offering highest quality fresh-picked fruit.
Center. Pictured Order cases now for delivery in mid March
is Selectmen • California Navel Oranges • Florida Red Grapefruit
Chairman • Florida Juice Oranges • Combo Box*
Shawn Dahlen *Navels, Grapefruits & Pears
with Linda
Kucera. Info and ordering: Fruit Sales Coordinator
5.5 x 7 inchPhoto
ad.qxp 1/28/2011
by Susanna Sheehan
11:05 AM Page 1or rmyanulis@netzero.net
Opening Reception
& Award Ceremony
generously underwritten by