Duxbury Clipper 2011 - 20 - 04
Duxbury Clipper 2011 - 20 - 04
Duxbury Clipper 2011 - 20 - 04
Volume LXI No. 17 “Wherever a man turns he can find someone who needs him.” – Albert Schweitzer Wednesday, April 20, 2011
A night for
By Justin Graeber, Clipper Editor a man who sees the good in
everyone,” said Dow, read-
Harry Katz of the Duxbury ing from the nomination form
Interfaith Council was named filled out by Rev. Roy Tripp,
the Duxbury Community Vol- Katz’s colleague on the Inter-
unteer of the Year in a ceremo- faith Council.
ny at the Village of Duxbury “This really is about ev-
Wednesday night. erybody in the room,” Katz
Joanna Dow from the Vil- said. “We’re all in it together
lage said that Katz was chosen ... that’s what makes Duxbury
for his tireless promotion of a a beautiful community.”
message of living and working Emcee Jim Fagan, who has
together for the greater good. been friends with Katz since
“Harry has been described the two grew up as neighbors A NIGHT FOR THOSE WHO GIVE BACK: The nominees for Duxbury Community Volunteer of the Year
as a man of peace, the con- pose for a group photo after the awards ceremony at the Village at Duxbury Wednesday night. Harry
science of a community and Katz of the Interfaith Council (front row, third from left) was named volunteer of the year.
continued on page 14
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2 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, April 20, 2011
781-826-8719 Call Now for an Appointment Mon. April 25 5:47 a.m. 7:34 p.m.
RT. 139, PEMBROKE Art Complex Museum, all Tues. April 26 5:45 a.m. 7:35 p.m.
NEXT TO POOPSIES ON THE MARSHFIELD LINE menszoomgroom.com past and present volunteers
are invited to attend a re- Wed. April 27 5:44 a.m. 7:36 p.m.
The Studio The Studio The Studio and help visitors, assist in
programs for children and
adults, serve as hostesses
35 Deer Run $1,025,000 Linda M. and Kevin M. Donovan to John
A. and Melanie M. Rabeni
at receptions, concerts and 12 Pilgrim By Way $223,000 GMAC Mortgage LLC and John H.
Murphy to Wells Fargo Bank
tea ceremonies, help keep
a portfolio of the museum’s 22 Pine Ridge Ln. $245,500 Mercy K. Goin Estate and Patricia G.S.
news clippings and use their Clair to Chris and Renee Phillips
talents and skills to assist 36 Wirt Way $435,000 Suzanne Wirt to 529 Realty Mgmt LLC
the curators during a show
High Low Rainfall Snowfall 6 a.m. Sky
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Faculty Advisor Chris Hilton with team members Max Cook. Georgia Butcher, Sam Wyatt and Dylan
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Global Engagement Club brings Airport Service
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Phone: 781-934-5583 • www.drsheehanorthodont
Drop off expired and unused
prescription drugs
On April 30 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. the Duxbury Board Lots of Color, Style
of Health, DPW, Duxbury Police Department and the Drug
Enforcement Administration will give the public another
& Cool...
opportunity to prevent pill abuse and theft by ridding their
homes of potentially dangerous expired, unused, and un-
wanted prescription drugs. Bring medications for disposal
to Duxbury Fire Department at 668 Tremont St. The service
is free and anonymous, no questions asked.
Last September, Americans turned in 242,000 pounds—
121 tons—of prescription drugs at nearly 4,100 sites oper-
ated by the DEA and more than 3,000 state and local law
enforcement partners.
This initiative addresses a vital public safety and public
health issue. Medicines that languish in home cabinets are
highly susceptible to diversion, misuse, and abuse. Rates of
prescription drug abuse in the U.S. are alarmingly high, as
are the number of accidental poisonings and overdoses due
to these drugs. Studies show that a majority of abused pre-
scription drugs are obtained from family and friends, includ-
ing from the home medicine cabinet. In addition, Americans 45 DEPOT STREET, DUXBURY
are now advised that their usual methods for disposing of
unused medicines—flushing them down the toilet or throw-
ing them in the trash—both pose potential safety and health Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-6pm
hazards. Sat 9am-5pm / Sun 12-5pm
Wednesday, April 20, 2011 Duxbury Clipper 7
➢➢ Katherine Wallace of
Jeremiah Drive received a
bachelor of science in busi-
ness degree in finance from
the Pamplin College of Busi-
ness at Virginia Tech.
➢➢ Katherine O’Toole, a
junior biochemistry major at
Stonehill College, as been
awarded a research grant from
the college and will be work-
ing with biology professor
Magdalena James-Pederson
on a project titled “Cloning
The Plantation
and Analysis of Manganese Shutter Experts
Peroxidase Gene from Armil- Free Home Consultation
laria gallica.” & Installation
➢➢ Duxbury skaters Cece Co- FrugalBlindsandShutter.com
lucci, Katherine, Elizabeth
and Caroline Vitaro and
Kelly Cronin will be perform-
ing in Pilgrim Skating Club’s
33rd Annual Icycles Show,
“Skating with Glee” on Sat-
urday, April 23 at 1 p.m. and
7 p.m at Hobomock Arena in
Pembroke. This will be Kath-
erine’s 10th and final appear-
ance in the show as she will
be graduating from Duxbury
High School this June. BEFORE AFTER
COOKIES FOR THE TROOPS: Members of Cadette Girl Scout Troop
➢➢ Joseph John Buckley,
Harrison William Houghton, 80331 delivered 14 cases of Girl Scout Cookies to the VFW in Does your
Plymouth last week. The cookies will be included in the care pack-
Matthew Michael Sullivan, ages the VFW sends each month to the men and women serving in fireplace need a
and Robert McGill Brook
achieved high honors for the
the Middle East. This is the third year the troop has adopted the
soldiers in their “Cookies for a Cause” and are extremely grateful
third quarter at Boston College to all who supported them in this effort. Delivering the cookies are 1127 Main Street
High School.
➢➢ Brian Patrick Hock-
troop members: Janine Neprud, Madeline Buchanan, Megan Roy and
Lauren Roy.
$25 OFF
ing, James Edward Holden, www.linwoodstove.com Chimney Cleaning
Nicholas McNamara Keo-
han, Patrick Holden, Mi- Come visit our Showroom! Chimney Cleanings
chael Joseph Roberts, Ian
Thomas Yanulis, and Joseph
Paul Burke achieved honors
for the third quarter at Boston Cut your electric bills in half!!!
College High School.
➢➢ On May 1, Dr. Joseph
Freewatt is a new revolutionary patented home energy system that not only
Santelli of Crescent Street will
provides heat, but also generates eco-friendly electricity. Utilizing co-genera-
celebrate his 40th year in the
tion you produce electricity and heat for your home for almost the same price
dental profession. During his
to just heat your home! You get two uses from one fuel. By relying less on
firts two years, he was a Navy
electricity from the grid, homeowners can cut back on their utility costs and
dentist stationed in Newport,
environmental impact. Save the planet and your pocketbook with Freewatt!
R.I. For the next 33 years, he
practiced in Plymouth and the Several Duxbury artists create and exhibit their work at their studios • Freewatt can produce nearly 5,000 kWh of electricity each year using 60%
past five years he has been here in the Wright Building at 379 Liberty St. in Rockland. Shown here less fuel than your electric utility.
in Duxbury. Also, on May 23 at the Open Studios Event held recently are Jan Zabilski and Maria • Freewatt can run in backup mode supplying indefinite heat and electricity if
he and his wife, Bertha San- Hopkins with several of their works. Photo credit Julius A. Prince, Jr. there is a power failure.
telli will celebrate their 40th • Increases your home’s value.
wedding anniversary. • Lower your carbon footprint by up to 6,000 pounds of greenhouse gases
every year.
• Quiet operation and improved comfort with a steady room temperature.
• Designed for installation in new or existing homes.
Yard sale • Internet enabled heating system with its own web page.
• Smart Grid ready.
cancelled • Backed by a 10 year parts and labor warranty.
Due to unexpected
circumstances, the yard
Call and Start $aving today!
sale scheduled for April
30 at Holy Family Church Sold and Serviced by:
to benefit Friends of the Mach 5 Supply LLC
Unborn has been can- 142 Mountain Ave.
celled. Information of a Pembroke, MA 02359
rescheduled date will be Phone: 781-924-1610
announced in future Clip- Fax: 781-924-1612
Eija Heward with her painting entitled “Old Barn in Finland.” E-mail: mach5supply@comcast.net
Photo credit Julius A. Prince, Jr.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011 Duxbury Clipper 9
Dinner Service
begins at 5pm
4pm on Sunday
After the presentation, Hasselmann chats with Duxbury residents Natalie Goodrich and Margaret
Congregation Shirat Hayam, P.O. Box 2727, Duxbury 02331, Phone: 781-582-2700
Zion Lutheran Church
386 Court St., No. Plymouth, Rev. C. Robert Stott, Phone: 508-746-3041
10 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Congregation Beth Jacob
By Sarah Coughlin
Clipper contributor year round: Family worship at 10 am. “Excellence in Service with Understanding”
uxbury’s Interfaith Directors: Joseph L. Davis, Richard W. Davis
Council, accord- St. Mark of Epheseus Orthodox Mission
ing to Harry Katz, 261 Main St., Kingston, Rev. Terrence McGillicuddy, Phone: 781-585-8907 RICHARD DAVIS FUNERAL HOMES, INC.
is “a fabulous organization
Islamic Center of New England Mosques Traditional Funerals Cremations Pre-Need Funeral Planning
made up of almost all the con-
470 South St., Quincy, 671-479-8341, 74 Chase Dr., Sharon, 781-784-0434
gregations in the community. 373 Court Street 619 State Road (Rt. 3A)
We try to educate each other N. Plymouth Manomet
Safe Harbor Church
about our differences and 52 Main St., Marshfield, Pastor Mark Eagling, 781-837-9903 (508) 746-2231 1-800-770-2231 (508) 224-2252
ways to work together, show
compassion, and bring the
community together in a reli- John L. Woods
gious way...” Fresh off his win ATTORNEY AT LAW
as Duxbury’s Volunteer of the
Year, Katz sat down with us
and it became quite clear why 781-934-9495
he was the recipient of such a FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION
distinguished title. Wills Trusts
Estate & Medicaid Planning
The Katz File Harry Katz has been involved with the Duxbury Interfaith Council and Elder Law
Favorite Book: I read newspa-
No Place for Hate for years. He recently received the Community Real Estate Matters
pers and magazines. If I had Volunteer of the Year award from The Village.
to pick one author it would be wise not have the opportunity. grams. I really believe we are
John Irving. And finally, we have our unique in what we do; we are a Call for a FREE Consultation
No Place for Hate committee. very special entity. our Med-Spa services deliver amazing results!
Favorite Movie: “The
Graduate” and “The World This is something I have partic- Is there any emphasis on
ular pride in because I started it
According to Garp.”
Hobby: Skiing, and the IFC.
in Duxbury. The Anti Defama-
or involvement in world reli-
gious issues? Yes. When 9/11 The Accent Laser...
tion League approached us af- occurred we led a large town BEFORE
BEFORE AFTER Tightens skin on your
Family: Wife, Wendy, 4 chil- ter a particular hate crime here vigil, and we are also currently BEFORE face, chin, eyes,
Tighten skin on your
underarms, buttocks.
dren, 3 grandchildren and 1 in 2000. We were one of the planning the 10th anniversary face, chin, eyes,
on the way. As seen in Oprah and
first of 13 towns to be certified memorial. We also had a can- underarms, buttocks.
New Beauty magazines.
Pet Peeve: Bad service. for No Place for Hate. NPFH dlelight vigil when the war in As seen in Oprah and
is empowered to educate the Afghanistan started. New Beauty magazines.
Ask about o
community about diversities Injectables...(Liquid Facelift). u
Girls Night O r
When was the council
formed and how many mem- and to do everything possible
Has there been anyone
particularly inspiring you’ve The Zerona ® We offer Botox™,
Dysport™, Restylane®, Perlane® and Radiesse® Enjoy mini se t!u
at mini price es
bers are there? As far as we to end hate and bigotry. I am met through the council? A Take away inches with lowlight s.
actually now in charge of the woman by the name of Torey
Pain Freeon Laser Hair Removal...
can tell, the history goes back laser. Featured
Fox News, The
about 75 years. 1970 was when entire New England chapter, Andrade. She was a victim Today Show and on Rachel Ray. ready for spring vacations!
is the time to start getting
they first put in records to the which is very exciting for me. of a terrible hate crime in the Lose 3.5” guaranteed! No surgery.
Myles Standish State Forest
state. We have 13 member Has Duxbury been sup-
congregations, including the portive of the council’s mis- six years ago. She was from 25 Summer St.,Plymouth
Muslim and Baha’ i families. sion? One hundred percent, this area originally and was (508)746-7100 ext. 121
There is generally one clergy and we are very, very thankful back on vacation. After hearing
member and three laity from for that. We have a huge group of the event I called her, think-
every congregation. of volunteers who make it all ing I would leave a voicemail
How did you get involved? happen. We couldn’t do it oth- and hear nothing back. She
I was very active in the initial erwise. returned my call half an hour
years of Congregation Shirat What has been the big- later. We got her help through
Hayam here in town. After gest challenge the council has the ADL and went to court
my involvement with getting faced thus far? The recession with her when her perpetrators
that up and running, I felt a has been a challenge because were tried, which was quite an
really strong need to educate the need for outreach has in- experience – being in the pres-
the community about Judaism. creased. Back in the ‘90s we ence of these people of hate. I
That is probably still my main always had a “slush fund,” that got to know Torey extremely
mission –– to show everyone disappeared in the early 2000s well; she opened my eyes to
that different faiths can work and we never really recovered how hurtful hate can be.
together and coexist. from that. But, all we have to Do you think young
Can you explain the do is ask and the community is people today are more open
IFC’s various programs? so amazing, they just give. minded about religion?
First, we have a strong out- Do other towns have in- Tough question. I think they
reach committee; we assist terfaith councils? We don’t are more open minded about
approximately 100 families in know of any other town that interfaith. I think we’ve done
need, in a number of ways. We does what we do; we are a a great job in Duxbury to do
do it first in food and fuel as- model for other town pro- that.
sistance, rent, food vouchers,
anything to get people in need
the basic necessities of life. Sign up for a spring class at the DAA
We also put together and give Registration is open for the spring session at the Duxbury
holiday baskets three times per Art Association. The association has a host of new classes, in-
year. cluding digital offerings such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop
Secondly we have our TLC 1 & 2, Introduction to Basic Digital Photography, Learn how
program and camperships. The to use Picassa and Digital Photography field trips. For a com-
TLC (teach, learn, care) pro- plete list of classes go to duxburyart.org. To register for class-
gram provides backpacks and es or request a catalogue, come on in or call the DAA office
back to school supplies to ap- 781.934.2731 ext. 4.
proximately 50 children. Our Remember space is limited and full payment must be made
campership program sends at the time of registration. Classes begin the week of April 25.
about 40-50 children to sum- Classes are held at the Ellison Center for the Arts.
mer camp, who would other-
Wednesday, April 20, 2011 Duxbury Clipper 11
Daisy Troop 75220 received a tour of the Animal Shelter facility given by Eddie Ramos, Duxbury’s animal
control officer. Posing for a photo in the kennel area are: Back row: Eddie Ramos, animal control officer,
Liz Bayston and Amanda Maxemchuck, troop leaders. Third row: Olivia West, Frannie Bayston, Maddie
Rose and Maya Gearin-Virga. Second row: Samantha Rose, Hadley Gearin-Virga, Margaret Bayston,
Sofia McAuley and Avery Horne.
Easter SundayAPRIL 24TH
Front row: Sophia Radzevich,
Layla Federico, Emily Veitch and Dinner Served
Dinner Served All Day
Nadia Sovick. Photo credit Julius A. Prince, Jr.
3%!4).'3 !4 .//. s 0-s 0- s0-
Featured Listings
35 Mallards Cove Lane 784 West Street 49 Soule Avenue 102 Washington Street
Duxbury $599,000 Duxbury $599,900 Duxbury $679,000 Duxbury $787,500
Amazing square footage for Contemporary Charmer! Private Unique antique home beauti- Classic Royal Barry Wills Cape
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colonial with open floor plan. kitchen with granite, top of the of today. Gourmet “Timeless of Duxbury. Features include 3
Hardwood floors throughout, line appliances and custom wood Design” kitchen, “Smart house” bedrooms, 2 full baths and 2,000
central air, cherry kitchen cabinetry. Being close to nature wired, inground pool, deeded sq. ft. of living space. Updated
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so much more! a one of a kind property. workshop/barn with woodstove.
Lic#12287-B INSURED
an earthquake and tsunami
that damaged the plant. Gover-
nor Deval Patrick held several
meetings over the last couple
of weeks with nuclear officials 3%26)#% 2%3)$%.4)!,#/--%2#)!,
and the legislature held a hear- #(2)30/7%23%,%#42)#)!.#/- #(2)30/7%23%,%#42)#)!. #/-#!34.%4
ing with a panel of experts.
(Lampert did not speak in the Martial Arts for
hearing but was allowed to
submit written testimony.) ages 4 and up.
She is unimpressed with Try your 1st Class Free!
promises from nuclear offi-
cials to self-police, and wants Lampert’s Web site, pilgrimwatch.org, outlines her group’s concerns
an independent panel to evalu- with the relicensing of the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant in Plymouth.
ate Pilgrim. been on reducing risk.” ment, which she says is unsafe Gee included for new Students
“Self-assessment doesn’t Lampert’s two main issues – and it specifically prohibited
make me sleep any better,” For information call 781-585-3883
concerning Pilgrim, at the mo- in the NRC’s rules.
Lampert said. “All I’m look- ment, are spent fuel storage “The NRC is not enforc- Kingsbury Club & Spa 186 Summer St. Kingston, MA 02364
ing for is an honest assessment and the electrical power neces- ing their own regulations,” she
so that things that could go sary to power safety systems. said. “It doesn’t take a nuclear
wrong, won’t go wrong.” (Both were issues at the Fuku- engineer to understand it rains DUXBURY BAY DESIGNS
Lampert has been in- shima plant.) and snows here.”
volved in nuclear issues since Pilgrim stores spent fuel Loss of back up power was
Landscape Design & Development
she moved to town in 1986. In rods in a pool of water to part of the problem at the Fuk- Custom Designs for Outdoor Spaces
the mid-80s, Pilgrim had shut control the radiation the rods ishima plant, since the earth- Full Installation Services
down because of safety issues generate. Lampert says that quake in Japan damaged the
and activist groups sprang up Lisa DeAsi 203-241-8801
Pilgrim’s pool was designed power grid. deasi.lisa3@gmail.com
throughout the South Shore. to hold 880 assemblies. The Lampert is currently in-
“The community at that Nuclear Regulatory Commis- volved in litigation with Pil- Sandy Fleming 508-728-3002
time was organized because sion, or NRC, allowed Pilgrim grim over the plant’s relicens-
there was a definable goal ––
to amend their license to hold ing, scheduled for 2012. If
let’s not let it go back online,” 3,859 assemblies in the same granted, the license would
Lampert said (although she place by packing the assem- allow the plant to operate un-
added shutting the plant down blies closer together. She said til 2032. She got involved in
is not her current goal.) that Pilgrim did not plan for 2006, setting up the Web site
Nuclear power was a hot Gift Certificates Complete Garden
long term spent fuel storage pilgrimwatch.org. Center and Gift Shop
topic in those days, with the because officials believed there “The thought was to get
Authorized Retailer for
state doing a study on leuke- would be a national nuclear the public interested in this so
Walpole Woodworkers
mia, the department of health fuel storage facility at Yucca they could take part if noth-
looking at the effects of nucle- Mountain, Nevada, which has ing else in the public hearing,” ENJOY THE COLOR OF SPRING!
ar power – Senator Ted Ken- since been nixed. she said. Her case is tricky,
nedy even held a public forum If the water in the pool because the NRC limits what Beautiful Flowering Azalea Shrubs
in Plymouth to listen to the drops due to human error, stakeholders can bring to a re- $14.99 all varieties
public concerns. power loss or a terrorist attack, licensing discussion.
“There was a lot going a fire would start that can’t be “All the things we care
on,” Lampert said. Forsythia Bushes $29.99
put out by traditional means. about like emergency plan-
After the reactor went back “If they burst into flames, ning, health issues , spent fuel
online, a lot of the opposition you can’t put it out,” Lampert storage, etc. are taken off the
Blueberry Bushes $34.99
groups fractured and drifted
apart, Lampert said.
said. “No one’s going to be
there with a hose, trust me.”
table,” she said.
Instead, she has to focus Scotts Top Soil .99¢
“A lot of people had the The safest thing to do, ac- on specific issues, like the Scotts Best 4 Step Fertilizer Program with rebate
feeling that you can’t beat city cording to Lampert, is to store containment for buried com-
hall,” she said. www.TheGardenersChoice.net
the spent fuel rods in some- ponents.
Lampert now heads the thing called “dry casks.” Lampert has dedicated
group Pilgrim Watch. Pilgrim recently said they massive amounts of time and 408 Washington St. Rte 53 Pembroke, MA
“The little town of Dux- would start using the dry casks, money to this issue. At one
bury has done a lot,” she said. starting in 2014. However, point she had a lawyer helping
Despite her passion on the Lampert is still skeptical. her out, but after the woman
issues, she bristles at the term “They have no intention moved, she was on her own.
“anti-nuclear activist,” often of spending that money unless (Lampert’s husband is an attor-
used to describe her in the they’re politically pushed to ney but he can’t get involved
press. She says her main goal do so,” Lampert said. because of potential conflicts
isn’t the eradication of nuclear Another big safety issue of interest.)
power, rather, to make sure for Lampert is the off-site “Let’s face it, I do not have
plants like Pilgrim are operat- power that is required to pow- a staff, I’m not a lawyer,” she
ing safely. er the plant’s safety system in said. “It’s ruined my life, but
“I know that place isn’t go- the event of a shutdown. The it’s been very interesting.”
ing to close ... I don’t work on cables that carry backup power Relicensing can be a 30
that,” she said. “My focus has to Pilgrim are in a wet environ- month period, but the Pilgrim
case has dragged on for six
years. Yet Lampert is upbeat,
Display case open to the public and has lost none of her pas-
sion for the subject.
Are you a person who is so interested in some type of item,
“I got into a world that has
that you can’t get enough? Perhaps you collect buttons, or bird
been interesting and put me
ornaments, or glass paperweights. Or maybe you inherited
Aunt Millie’s international yo-yo collection. Would you like in touch with very interesting
to show off your collectibles to the community? The Duxbury people,” she said.”I think it’s
Free Library provides a display case for this purpose. Past case important, maybe a lot of other
collections have included mermaids, baskets, teddy bears, Red people don’t think it’s impor-
Sox memorabilia, Duxbury photos, tiny boxes, a crow collec- tant, and that’s fine ... I don’t
tion, postcards, and record albums from the 60’s and 70’s. Call have any regrets.”
the library at 781-934-2721 x108, or stop by the circulation
desk and reserve the case now.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011 Duxbury Clipper 13
European Antiques
Custom Furniture & Upholstery
.ORTH 3TREET s 0LYMOUTH s (508) 747-2242
PM s 3UN
April is National Poetry Month: Duxbury Free Library’s Poetry Circle meets the second Thursday mmm$ZknXkhocehj]W][i[hl_Y[i$Yec
of the month during the year. Poetry circle members, back row: Michael Gill, Lynn Walker/Lovng Spirit CEHJ=7=;8HEA;H((/,"DCBI(&,+(
Healing Dove, Rona Laban and Dolores Riccio. Seated: Leslie Godfrey, Rose Hickey, Duxbury Free
Library and Rick Riccio. Photo credit: Julius A. Prince, Jr.
Bill Allen, PGA Professional,
formerly of Johnson Golf
Management is now the Director of Golf, Pem-
broke Country Club and Larry Kelley, PGA Pro-
fessional, formerly with Bill Allen Golf for 10 years
is now the Head Golf Professional, Pembroke
Country Club.
The junior and adult programs that were offered
at Johnson Golf Management Facilities are now
offered at Pembroke CC, Pembroke, MA. Go
to billallengolf.com to sign up for one of the
Junior or adult Programs and print out the form
and send it to the address noted at the bottom
of the form. For all other private, semi-private or
group lessons or more information, call Bill Allen at
For tee times call: 781-829-2273 or
visit pembrokegolf.com
in Winthrop, also praised to perform at its study center in Bellagio, Lake Como, Italy.
Katz’s work. The program is free and supported by the Carl A. Weyer-
“His passion – and his haeuser Family Charitable Trusts, and by gifts from friends of
compassion – are conta- the museum.
gious,” Fagan said.
Katz was humbled by
the honor – and instead of a
lengthy acceptance speech, We Can Evaluate All of Your Workplace Technical Needs!
chose to remind the audience t"MM.BKPS#SBOETt'BTU
that the Interfaith Council’s t%BUB#BDLVQ3FDPWFSZt8JSFMFTT/FUXPSLJOH
Spring Basket Project is un- t$PNQVUFS4PGUXBSF5SBJOJOH
“This really is about ev-
erybody in the room,” Katz
said. “We’re all in it together
... that’s what makes Duxbury Emcee Jim Fagan, Town Manager Richard MacDonald, State Locally Owned - Serving the South Shore!
a beautiful community.” Representative Daniel Webster and Selectman Shawn Dahlen after
the ceremony.
The celebration of vol-
unteerism is held every year
and nominees are named by
their peers in the community.
speakers said.
“It’s a recognition – but
it’s certainly not a competi-
cause he always refused the
“Joe’s dedication to his
DuxBizEx 2011 presented by
Those honored come from tion,” said Fagan at the be- country as a veteran, his
all walks of Duxbury life ginning of the event. “We’re town, his church and most calendars
and include people who have
worked with seniors, school
fortunate to have you in our
importantly his family, were
legendary,” said Fagan. “Joe
& now!
children and town govern- The first nomination of fought long and hard for the DuxBizEx 2011, the first consumer
ment officials. the evening was tinged with things he believed in.” tradeshow to feature only Duxbury-based All are invited!
In addition to Katz, 11 sadness. The event’s orga- Shea’s children, David businesses, is less than a month away. Thursday, May 5, 6 to 8 PM
women were honored – nizers chose to honor Joe and Susan, accepted the hon- Make an evening of it! Connect with
Duxbury Senior Center
along with the entire staff Shea, a tireless volunteer or for their father. neighbors and friends who own and run
of the Duxbury Thrift Shop. who passed away this year. “He was very proud to our local businesses.
While the winner is always While Shea has make a live in this town,” said David Also featuring refreshments and tastings from local restaurants.
a special volunteer, much of noticeable impact on Dux- Shea.
the honor of the event comes bury, he had never been a Call John Mattes, Duxbury Business Association VP, for more information: 781.856.4582.
The Duxbury School Building Committee will interview four architectural firms on the evenings of
Tuesday April 26 and Wednesday April 27, beginning at 6 p.m. in Alden Elementary School, Room
104. The four model school designers, Ai3 Architects, Flansburgh Architects, Mount Vernon Group
Architects and Symmes Maini & McKee Associates, will each be given 45 minutes to present their
proposal with 45 minutes allotted for questions following the presentation. In their presentations, the
designers will demonstrate how their plans would accommodate Duxbury’s educational needs and
adapt to the site.
A new era in
Debate over school board chair automotive service,
right next door.
continued from page one
In other business: “It’s a lot of new things
that add up,” he said. “Basi- It’s time for a service center that puts
whether Magnuson had the • The board heard propos- cally, my operating budget is customer service first, recognizes the
time to commit to the duties of als from New England School mostly user fees.” needs of your busy life, and meets
the chairman, such as meeting Development Council and Holdgate also plans to
your expectations of quality and
with the superintendent to set Future Management Systems
fund the head volleyball coach
value, all while reducing the
the meeting agendas, due to about developing a new stra- impact on our environment.
tegic plan for the district. position out of the user fees It’s the way U go…
his travel demands, but Mag- and make the ski coach posi-
They will discuss the propos-
nuson said he didn’t foresee als at their next meeting. tion a paid position. Volleyball Welcome to green automotive.
his job getting in the way of was a club sport at the high Come in and experience the dawn of a new era.
his School Committee duties. • Superintendent Benedict school last year, and the pro- • Extended Day & Night hours • Repairs and parts
“It may be tough for me to Tantillo said they have
gram has already fundraised
• Free shuttle service guaranteed for 3
years/36,000 miles
get in and sign a warrant from received four proposals from • 15 service bays
firms applying to be the to buy most of the equipment • 2 MA inspection bays • Waiting area with LED TVs
8 to 4, but if I have to do it I needed to hold matches in the • Vehicle pick-up and • Kids playroom
designer for the new high
will,” he said. drop-off service with toys, games,
school/middle school and will high school gym. Holdgate • On-site computers/Internet and Wii
Heinstadt, who would have conduct interviews on April added that the program saw • Digital photos/video of • Free roadside
been next in line for the posi- needed repairs towing with
26 and 27. strong numbers without nega- • Kitchen with free snacks approved repairs
tion by seniority, nominated tively impacting the other girls and beverages • Online scheduling
Connolly for the chairmanship • High school teacher Julie • Free Wi-Fi • Problem inspection
Papageorge introduced high fall sports, which left him con- • Private conference/waiting within 15 minutes
after declining her nomina- school AFS students Carlos fident the school could support rooms available
tion so he could focus on the Uribe from Chile and Julia a the program.
School Building Committee. Reymond from Germany to “Basically, almost 60 girls
Mary Lou Buell, who nomi- the committee to discuss signed up that may not have
nated Magnuson, said she felt their experiences in Duxbury. played a fall sport otherwise,”
he was the best at communicat- he said. “You can only keep
•The committee recognized
ing the intentions of the board, the Duxbury High School about 40 [between freshmen, 955 Plain Street (Rt 139) • Marshfield, MA
and that he was qualified for swim team for their champi- JV and varsity], but we’d be 781.834.4707
the position. onship winter season. bringing in 40 new user fees.” www.greenautomotive.com
“The communication piece
is a big one for me,” Buell • Assistant Superintendent
Edwin Walsh briefed the
said. “I think Gary does a great committee on upcoming
job articulating what the other changes to the curriculum in
opinions of the members are.” preparation for the new PART
After the election of Mag- test. Walsh said the changes
nuson, Buell nominating out- which will be presented to the
going chairman Anne Ward board at a later date.
for the vice chairman position • The committee read a sum-
while Heinstadt again nomi- mary of their evaluation of
nated Connolly. Ward was Superintendent Benedict
elected by the same 3-2 major- Tantillo into the meeting min-
ity over Connolly’s calls for utes.
a leadership position on the
board. per sport, with a family cap
“It just seems to me at this of five fees. Holdgate said the
point it is an issue of fairness,” fee increase was necessary be-
she said. “All of us are good cause the athletic department
leaders, all of us have different now has to fully pay for their
styles of leadership and I need athletic training where they
to be given a chance.” had previous split his contract
While the reorganization with Jordan Hospital. In addi-
of the board was contentious, tion, an increases in dues and
the committee was unani- official fees from the MIAA is
mous in voting to approve the expected in the fall. Holdgate
requests of athletic director said there may also be man-
Thom Holdgate to increase the dates from the MIAA regard-
Duxbury High School athletic ing concussion prevention and
fees and fund a varsity girls increases in transportation cost
volleyball program. The fees that also contributed to his re-
will increase by $15 to $225 quest.
16 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, April 20, 2011
The first Mr. Duxbury, Coleman Duggan, (center) sings and dances with David Donavan and Best Buddies
Vice President Christian Spoor. Photos by Karen Wong
Performing “Born This Way” are Paige Berry, Katie Allen, Dianna
Carney and Heather Rotman.
Greg Bray, Jonathon McKinley and Denis Maguire the “Track Men”
sang an original song a capella.
Maddy Clark sang her original song “Boy.”
E-mail: editor@duxburyclipper.com
few things have in place in communities small able to impress my wife with
of the outcome, in my opinion), for those communities’ sake. was a delightful captain.
that “motion to reconsider” ma- And finally, I note with I’m sure that’s part of why
neuver on the Blairhaven vote sympathy the passing of John I think the Duxbury Bay Mari-
was pretty questionable even Taft. His family was a quiet and time School is the greatest thing
by the lofty standards set here valuable part of my upbringing to happen to the town in years,
“Inside The Beltway.” Was a in Duxbury; the kids (from a reconnecting its kids with the
new moderator taken advan- bit older to my own age) wove bay and its place in town his-
tage of? in and out and were always re- tory. I applaud everyone who
Second, It’s interesting to ally nice; and when they all keeps fighting to keep that his-
lthough all of the folks nominated for the note the simultaneous chang- were busy “Mr. Taft” would tory alive and well (the farther
Community Volunteer of the Year award are ing-of-hands both of Westwinds occasionally call me to go sail- away I get, the more vivid it
wonderful people who have given so much to in Duxbury and Politics and ing in a weekend race (primar- becomes).
Prose here in Washington, DC. ily as ballast, I presume, but to Warren Emerson
Duxbury, we can’t think of a more deserving recipient than You’ve got to hope that there’s enough effect that I once was Arlington, Virginia
Harry Katz.
Katz has been one of the
Editorial left the clerk ‘speechless’ ————
most visible faces of the Duxbury
Interfaith Council for years, and has
s you know I am not really feel great. They are re- ney Dangerfield. Thank you for
been a major contributor toward often speechless, sponsible for my salary request your kindness. I have loved this
all the good work done by that but your article on voted on in Article 3 at the An- Town since I was 10 years old
organization. He’s not someone March 30th has left me speech- nual Meeting. and it is a love affair that never
who seeks out the spotlight, but his less, humbled and grateful. It is You may have heard that ends. See I lied, I am not ever
wonderful to know that some Article 3 is where the people speechless.
impact is widely felt around town. people feel that way about me. who elect me set my salary, Nancy Oates
His nominator and compatriot Now if I could convince but it has been hashed over Town Clerk
on the Interfaith Council, Rev. Roy the Finance Committee and the before you get to make a deci-
Tripp, put it best when calling Katz “the conscience of the Board of Selectmen, I would sion. I refer to myself as Rod-
community.” He is truly a peaceful man who works hard to
Thanks for support of tag sale ——————
make Duxbury a better place to live, and his positive attitude
is infectious. n behalf of the All- you unfamiliar with Crossroads break-down team, and sale vol-
In addition to his work with the council, Katz heads up Sports Tag Sale to for Kids, it is a camp in West unteers, I hope you know this
Duxbury’s No Place for Hate Committee, which has done Benefit Crossroads Duxbury for at-risk youth and event would not happen with-
tremendous work over the past couple of years. It’s tough to for Kids, thanks to the numer- an unbelievably well-run orga- out all of your help and for that
ous Duxbury families who do- nization. I’m truly grateful.
think about an intelligent community like Duxbury being a nated and purchased so many We would also like to Please mark your calen-
place where hate might grow, but we have some (blessedly) terrific sports items, helping us thank the Duxbury Clipper and dars for the same weekend next
rare examples – including the event that spurred the group’s raise over $3,300 which will WATD for their generous pub- year and save your used sports
inception and a racially-motivated beating by a Duxbury pay for two kids to attend camp licity, the Haffey and Vercol- equipment for us to sell.
man a few years ago – which only illustrate the fact that we this coming summer! Every lone families for our location Selden Tearse
donation, large or small, helps fee, and the Senior Center for Chairwoman
can never stop preaching peace and tolerance. Duxbury is a in this town-wide effort for an having the perfect venue. To
better community for having people like Katz in it. excellent cause. For those of our signage and pricing crews,
In addition to Katz’s award, we have to commend the
staff at the Village for honoring the late Joe Shea. Shea Please return rugby shirt ————————
always shunned the limelight during his life – he steadfastly
refused to be nominated for this award, for example o the parents of the sun comes up, freezing air and the wind is hitting them in the
DHS student that water, no buildings to keep you back they can keep warm on
– but there are few people who shared his impact on the stole our daughter’s warm, no heaters and your wait- the water. The name KELTON
community. From his work on access for the disabled to his Varsity DBMS crew blue and ing your turn until your team is is on it. The name is probably
herculean efforts to restore the World War I monument, Shea white rugby shirt a week ago called to represent Duxbury. the hiding behind your daughter’s
changed Duxbury for the better. Friday from her gym basket in town your child lives in. Did ponytail so you just don’t see
Kudos to the Village and all the nominees for another the girls locker room. Yes, your your child work hard for three it.
daughter is smart, she pulled it teams, two girls teams and one If your feeling at all bad
well-run and meaningful event. through the small openings. boys teams. Does she row or about having seen this at your
–– J. Graeber The next time you see this in is she a coxswain? Right, she house or on your child, just re-
your daughter’s laundry, on doesn’t even know what that is, turn it to us, or the school or the
your daughter, in her backpack, she is too busy stealing other gym teacher. We just want it
car or on her bedroom floor, people’s titles! She couldn’t back. Do the right thing. This
Connolly serves the town well
please ask yourself did my handle what these rowers do in letter is for all the parents that
child go erging, rowing, run- a day or she would have tried this has happened to. There’s
s we watched the public servant with common ning to Myles Standish Monu- out for rowing. Guess she more meaning than just a rugby
latest School Com- sense. Maureen is a true leader ment, training at Dragon’s couldn’t handle it. shirt.
mittee meeting, we and someone that those new Lair, lifting, stacking, clean- If you’re wondering why Becky and Glen Vuilleumier
could not help but notice how to town offices ought to study ing and strategizing five days our daughter’s name isn’t on it, West Street
one School Committee mem- under and learn from. With so a week from 3:15 until dark it is, it’s on the collar so when
ber always stands out. Maureen many changes on the horizon every night in a van to Billings
Connolly shows up to every for Duxbury, it’s a relief to Sea in Plymouth for one fall,
meeting with a thorough and
well-researched understand-
know that there are quality peo-
ple in office who recognize that
at DBMS another fall and two What do you think?
summers of heat and a winter
ing of the current issues and a they are there to represent the with Dragon’s Lair. Got an opinion you want to share?
willingness to respectfully lis- will of the people. Thank you Every Saturday waking up Sound off on this or any other issue.
ten and consider differing opin- Maureen for serving our town at 4:30 a.m. to leave to go to Send your comments to:
ions. with respect and integrity! Conn., Worcester, New Hamp-
There is no hidden agenda Jennifer and Philip Thorn shire, Merrimack, Lowell, and E-mail: editor@duxburyclipper.com
here, no self-motivated back- Trout Farm Road when you get to these destina- Mail: P.O. Box 1656, Duxbury, MA 02331
room alliances, just a dedicated tions your in the dark until the
Wednesday, April 20, 2011 Duxbury Clipper 21
Jim Fagan, the evening’s emcee, and Harry Katz, the volunteer of the
year winner, have been friends for 60 years.
Photos by Justin
Emcee Jim Fagan warms up
the crowd by having them wave
their napkins as he makes his
Ninky Savage presents former selectman Betsy Sullivan with her
22 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Kate Federico blows bubbles and her daughter Violet watches as they
float away. The bubbles were given to the children by the Recreation
Pictures with the Easter Bunny were a special bonus of the hunt. Photos by Deni Johnson
g D u x
COA golf tourney set for June
U n s un b ury
The Friend of the Duxbury Council on Aging is holding
their 11th annual charity golf tournament at the Duxbury Yacht
Club Golf Course on June 6. We invite all golfers to come and
enjoy this private course. There will be a reception at the Dux-
bury Senior Center with great food, prizes and auction items.
The event will be limited to 120 golfers. Sign up for an included
Name: Paul M. Canty lunch (11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.) and tee off is at 1 p.m. Call Jack
Hamilton at 781-934-6003, John Todd at 781-799-5223 or Al-
Department: Inspector den Ringquist at 781-934-2879.
Title: Wiring Inspector
How long have you
worked for the town? 25
years. I was hired in 1986.
What did you do before
working here? I was the
foreman for Donovan Elec-
tric Co.
What do you like most
about your job? The people
I’ve worked with and inspect-
What’s the biggest chal-
lenge? The no-name storm,
when I had to shut down Gur-
Paul Canty recently retired as wiring inspector.
net Road.
vorite book or movie. Any People who have known
John Wayne movie. He was Paul throughout the many
my hero. years of service to the town
Paul would agree his ingratiating
canty Comments from nomi-
personality has brought him
nating person: “Paul Canty
Unsung Duxbury many friends. Among Paul’s
retired from the position of
April 2011 many friends, whether a co-
wiring inspector on March 25.
worker or contractor, every-
Along with his regular duties
one enjoyed his humor and
over the past 25 years as an
talent for storytelling.
Where do you live: Dux- inspector, he was called upon
The Inspectional Services
bury numerous times in the middle
Department extends our best
of the night and weekends
wishes to Paul and his wife, ANN O’CONNOR, RN BSN CHRISTAL TRUMBO, RN BSN
What do you like to do in to respond to fires or other
your free time? Spend time Maureen, for a long and hap- Cell: 781-706-9948 Cell: 617-416-5423
emergency situations. He was
with my three granddaugh- py retirement.” aoconnor@indhomecare.com ctrumbo@indhomecare.com
a reliable, dedicated worker
ters, aged 2, 4 and 6. – Scott Lambiase
that accomplished his work in
Director of Inspectional
a commendable manner.
Please recommend a fa- Services WWW.INDEPENDENCEHOMECARE.COM
TAKE OUT • PUB MENU • ACCOMMODATIONS • LIGHT FARE St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church
410 Washington Street, Duxbury
Holy Week 2011 - Schedule of Services
Sunday, April 17: Palm Sunday - Holy Eucharist, 8 & 10 am
Thursday, April 21: Maundy Thursday
A joyous procession - Holy
reenacting Eucharist,
Jesus’ 7:30into
triumphant entry pm Jerusalem
Join us forthethis
will begin dramatic
10 am service. service as we enter into the Great Three Days.
Great Food... Great Entertainment... Perfect Anytime! Visit www.stjohnsduxbury.org for details about these services.
Visit www.stjohnsduxbury.org for details about these services.
24 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, April 20, 2011
isolated by public transporta- his phone and attempting to
roughly translating to “I’m tion. And, while it is frustrat- down-shift at an upcoming red
getting off!” where the driver ing to figure out exactly where light, I think it might be in my
swerves to the side of the road, they run, it’s a highly logical top five favorite things about
throws the engine into neutral system that has materialized this country. I’m still trying to
while you jump off, hopefully out of organic community need figure out how to export the
landing on your feet. and often offers passengers a concept to the US, but in the
Some dolmuş drivers take legitimate, quality alternative meantime I sightsee and im-
great pride in their vehicles,
to the typically over-laden city prove my Turkish while high
installing colored lights (blue busses. on a rush of adrenaline. 40 INDEPENDENCE ROAD • KINGSTON
seems to be a favorite), recov- Dolmuşes may not ap- Alexandra Hallowell is (Rte 53 near Duxbury/Kingston Line)
ering the seats in festive fabrics, pear to be ideal modes of a 2005 DHS graduate and is 781-422-0131
or the steering wheel and pas- transportation, but they are a currently a Fulbright English
senger handrails in faux-wood fascinating example of entre- Teaching Fellow in Tekirdağ,
finishes, while others turn it preneurship and community Turkey. She will be sharing her
into a shrine for their favorite engagement. Typically run by experiences here in the Clip-
soccer teams. Others follow a a cooperative-esque group of
simpler motif and only include
per and you can follow her on SUMMER BREAK
individuals, these businessmen Twitter at @deathbydolmus or CLASSES AVAILABLE!
prayers of safety (Bismillahir- organize themselves accord- on her blog at deathbydolmus.
rahmanirrahim is a popular ing to routes, often coloring wordpress.com.
one), or sometimes sticker de-
Bring Your Own Bags (BYOBs). A trip to the hospital can RECOMMEND THEIR FAMILY AND FRIENDS TO US
be stressful but being prepared for the possibility may make the
experience a bit less worrisome. The Duxbury Senior Center is 42%-/.4 342%%4 35)4% $58"529 -!