Jenkins 2 Up & Running Tutorial-Chapter01
Jenkins 2 Up & Running Tutorial-Chapter01
Jenkins 2 Up & Running Tutorial-Chapter01
What is Jenkins 2:
Jenkins 2 is used a bit loosely. In the specific context it is way to refer the new version of Jenkins
that directly incorporate support for pipeline-as-code and other new features such as
Instead of filling in web forms to define jobs for Jenkins, users can now write programs using
the Jenkins DSL and Groovy to define their pipelines and do other tasks.
The filename that Jenkins 2 expects your job definitions/pipelines to be stored as is Jenkinsfile.
You can have many Jenkinsfiles, each differentiated from the others by the project and branch
it is stored with. You can have all of your code in the Jenkinsfile, or you can call out/pull in other
external code via shared libraries.
The Jenkinsfile can also serve as a marker file, meaning that if Jenkins sees a Jenkinsfile as part
of your project’s source code, it understands that this is a project/branch that Jenkins can run.
It also understands implicitly which source control management (SCM) project and branch it
needs to work with. It can then load and execute the code in the Jenkinsfile. If you are familiar
with the build tool Gradle, this is similar to the idea of the build.gradle file used by that
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Sample Jenkins file
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Declarative Pipelines :
In the previous incarnations of pipelines-as-code in Jenkins, the code was primarily a Groovy
script with Jenkins-specific DSL steps inserted. There was very little imposed structure, and the
program flow was managed by Groovy constructs. Error reporting and checking were based on
the Groovy program execution rather than what you were attempting to do with Jenkins.
In Scripted Pipelines, the DSL supported a large number of different steps to do tasks, but was
missing some of the key metafeatures of Jenkins-oriented tasks, such as post-build processing,
error checking for pipeline structures, and the ability to easily send notifications based on
different states. Much of this could be emulated via Groovy programming mechanisms such
as try-catch-finally blocks. But that required more Groovy programming skills in addition to the
Jenkins-oriented programming. The Jenkinsfile shown in Figure 1-1 is an example of a Scripted
Pipeline with try-catch notification handling.
CloudBees, the enterprise company that is the majority contributor to the Jenkins project,
introduced an enhanced programming syntax for pipelines-as-code called Declarative Pipelines.
This syntax adds a clear, expected structure to pipelines as well as enhanced DSL elements and
constructs. The result more closely resembles the workflow of constructing a pipeline in the
web interface (with Freestyle projects).
An example here is post-build processing, with notifications based on build statuses, which can
now be easily defined via a built-in DSL mechanism. This reduces the need to supplement a
pipeline definition with Groovy code to emulate traditional features of Jenkins.
The more formal structure of Declarative Pipelines allows for cleaner error checking. So, instead
of having to scan through Groovy tracebacks when an error occurs, the user is presented with a
succinct, directed error message—in most cases pointing directly to the problem.
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Blue Ocean Interface
The structure that comes with Declarative Pipelines also serves as the foundation for another
innovation in Jenkins 2—Blue Ocean, the new Jenkins visual interface. Blue Ocean adds a
graphical representation for each stage of a pipeline showing indicators of success/failure and
progress, and allowing point-and-click access to logs for each individual piece. Blue Ocean also
provides a basic visual editor.
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New Job Types in Jenkins 2:
Jenkins 2 comes with a number of new job types, mostly designed around taking advantage of
key functionalities such as pipelines-as-code and Jenkinsfiles. These types make it easier than
ever to automate job and pipeline creation and organize your projects. Creation of each new
job/item/project starts the same way.
Once Jenkins 2 is installed and you have logged in, you can create new jobs just as before.
As below fig shows, the blurb under the “Welcome to Jenkins!” banner suggests users “create
new jobs,” but the menu item for this is actually labeled “New Item.” Most of these items are
ultimately a kind of project as well. For our purposes, I’ll use the terms “job,” “item,” and
“project” interchangeably throughout the book.
When you choose to create a new item in Jenkins 2, you’re presented with the screen to select
the type of new job You’ll notice some familiar types, such as the Freestyle project, but also
some that you may not have seen before.
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As the name implies, the Pipeline type of project is intended for creating pipelines. This is done
by writing the code in the Jenkins DSL. This is the main type of project we’ll be talking about
throughout the book.
As already noted, pipelines can either be written in a “scripted” syntax style or a “declarative”
syntax style. Pipelines created in this type of project can also be made easily into Jenkinsfiles.
This is a way to group projects together rather than a type of project itself. Note that this is not
like the traditional “View” tabs on the Jenkins dashboard that allow you to filter the list of
projects. Rather, it is like a directory folder in an operating system. The folder name becomes
part of the path of the project.
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Certain source control platforms provide a mechanism for grouping repositories into
“organizations.” Jenkins integrations allow you to store Jenkins pipeline scripts as Jenkinsfiles in
the repositories within an organization and execute based on those. Currently GitHub and
Bitbucket organizations are supported, with others planned for the future. For simplicity in this
book, we’ll talk mainly about GitHub Organization projects as our example.
In this type of project, Jenkins again uses the Jenkinsfile as a marker. If a new branch is created
in the project with a Jenkinsfile in it, Jenkins will automatically create a new project in Jenkins
just for that branch. This project can be applied to any Git or Subversion repository.
However, it is also worth noting that Jenkins still supports the traditional workhorse of jobs—
Freestyle projects. You can still create jobs using web-based forms there and execute them as
you have before. But certainly the emphasis in Jenkins 2 is on Pipeline jobs.
It’s easy to see that Jenkins 2 represents a major shift from the traditional Jenkins model. As
such, it’s worth spending a few minutes to discuss the reasons for the change.
As noted, Jenkins 2 now supports two styles of pipelines—scripted and declarative—each with
their own syntax and structure. We will delve more into both types in the next few chapters,
but for now let’s look at one specific example: post-build notification in a traditional Freestyle
structure and corresponding functionality in Scripted and Declarative Pipelines.
Below shows a traditional Freestyle project’s post-build configuration for a typical operation,
sending email notifications. In a Freestyle project, there’s a specific web page element for this
with fields to fill in to do the configuration.
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In the syntax for a Scripted Pipeline, we don’t have a built-in way to do such post-build actions.
We are limited to the DSL steps plus whatever can be done with Groovy coding. So, to always
send an email after a build, we need to resort to coding as shown here:
node {
try {
// do some work
catch(e) {
currentBuild.result = "FAILED"
throw e
finally {
mail to:"",
body: "RESULT: ${currentBuild.result}"
This highlights compatibility exceptions in the case of some Jenkins functions such as post-build
processing. DSL constructs can be missing for cases like this. In those instances, you may have
to resort to using Groovy constructs that can mimic the processing that Jenkins would do
If you choose to use the Declarative Pipeline structure, then chances are good that you will
have constructs available to handle most of the common Jenkins functions. For example, in the
Declarative Pipeline syntax, there is a post section that can be defined to handle post-
processing steps along the lines of the traditional post-build processing and notifications
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pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage ("dowork") {
steps {
// do some work
post {
always {
mail to:"",
subject:"STATUS FOR PROJECT: ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName}",
body: "RESULT: ${currentBuild.result}"
Plugin Compatibility
As with legacy Jenkins, the majority of functionality for Jenkins 2 is provided through
integration with plugins. With the advent of Jenkins 2, new requirements were created for
plugins to be compatible. We can broadly categorize the requirements into two categories: they
must survive restarts and provide advanced APIs that can be used in pipeline scripts.
One of the features/requirements of Jenkins 2 pipelines is that they must be able to survive
restarts of a node. In order to support this, the main criterion is that stateful objects in plugins
be serializable—that is, able to have their state recorded. This is not a given for many of the
constructs in Java and Groovy, so plugins may have to be substantially changed to meet this
To be compatible with writing pipeline scripts, steps that were formerly done by filling in the
Jenkins web forms now have to be expressible as pipeline steps with compatible Groovy syntax.
In many cases, the terms and concepts may be close to what was used in the forms.
Where Foo was a label for a text entry box in the form-based version of the plugin, there may
now be a DSL call with Foo as a named parameter with a value passed in.
As an example, we’ll use configuration and operations for Artifactory, a binary artifact
manager. Below shows how we might configure the build environment for a Freestyle Jenkins
job to be able to access Artifactory repositories.
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And here’s how we could do the similar configuration in a pipeline script:
Beyond configuration, we have the actual operations that need to be done. In the Freestyle
jobs, we have checkboxes and web forms again to tell Jenkins what to do.
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And, again, in the context of a pipeline script, if the plugin is pipeline-compatible we will likely
have similar DSL statements to make the API calls to provide the same functionality. The
following shows a corresponding pipeline script example for the preceding Artifactory Freestyle
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// buildinfo configuration
buildInfo.env.capture = true
artifactoryGradle.deployer.deployMavenDescriptors = true
artifactoryGradle.usesPlugin = false
server.publishBuildInfo buildInfo
In some cases, pipeline scripts may also take advantage of items already configured in the
traditional Jenkins interface, such as global tools. An example with the use of Gradle is shown
In the first figure (Figure 1-9), we see the global tool setup for our Gradle instance. Then we see
it used in a Freestyle project (Figure 1-10), and finally we see it used in a pipeline project via a
special DSL step called toolthat allows us to refer back to the global configuration based on the
supplied name argument.
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stage('Compile') { // Compile and do unit testing
// Run gradle to execute compile
sh "${tool 'gradle3.2'}/bin/gradle clean build"
As we have seen, providing APIs (and thus plugin pipeline compatibility) is central to being able
to execute traditional functionality in pipelines. Eventually all plugins will need to be Pipeline-
compatible, but at this point, there are still plugins that are not compatible, or not completely
compatible. There are places a user can go to check for compatibility, though
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