Celicni Jazinja
Celicni Jazinja
Celicni Jazinja
Wirerope Works, Inc. (WW) manufactures Bethlehem Wire Rope® products in a wide variety of constructions, cores
and steel grades. This catalog contains general information on wire rope constructions emphasizing the most com-
mon applications, based upon new, unused wire rope. Abuse or failure to exercise proper care and maintenance
can significantly alter a wire rope’s characteristics, particularly the breaking strength.
The technical data contained herein is based on accepted engineering practices and, where applicable, is in
accordance with Occupation Safety and Health Administration standards. In use, this data should be supplemented
by the application of the professional judgement of qualified engineering personnel.
If your specific wire rope needs or requirements are not shown in this catalog, please consult WW’s sales or
engineering department for technical information and recommendations.
Wire rope products will break if abused, misused or overused. Consult industry recommendations and ASME Standards before using. Wirerope Works, Inc. warrants all Bethlehem
Wire Rope® and Strand products. However, any warranty, expressed or implied as to quality, performance or fitness for use of wire rope products is always premised on the condition
Wire rope products will break if abused, misused or overused. Consult industry recommendations and appropriate Standards before using. Wirerope Works, Inc. warrants all Bethlehem Wire
that the published breaking strengths apply only to new, unused rope, that the mechanical equipment on which such products are used is properly designed and maintained, that such
Rope® and Strand products. However, any warranty, expressed or implied as to quality, performance or fitness for use of wire rope products is always premised on the condition that the pub-
products are properly stored, handled, used and maintained, and properly inspected on a regular basis during the period of use. Wirerope Works, Inc. expressly prohibits the resale
lished breaking strengths apply only to new, unused rope, that the mechanical equipment on which such products are used is properly designed and maintained, that such products are properly
of worn, previously owned and used Bethlehem Wire Rope and Strand products. Immediately following removal from service, all wire rope products are to be properly disposed of in
stored, handled, used and maintained, and properly inspected on a regular basis during the period of use. Wirerope Works, Inc. expressly prohibits the resale of worn, previously owned and
accordance with applicable municipal, state, and federal guidelines. Manufacturer shall not be liable for consequential or incidental damages or secondary charges including but not
used Bethlehem Wire Rope and Strand products. Immediately following removal from service, all wire rope products are to be properly disposed of in accordance with applicable municipal,
limited to personal injury, labor costs, and a loss of profits resulting from the use of worn, previously owned and used products. Manufacturer shall not be liable for consequential or
state, and federal guidelines. Manufacturer shall not be liable for consequential or incidental damages or secondary charges including but not limited to personal injury, labor costs, and a loss
incidental damages or secondary charges including but not limited to personal injury, labor costs, a loss of profits resulting from the use of said products or from said products being
of profits resulting from the use of worn, previously owned and used products. Manufacturer shall not be liable for consequential or incidental damages or secondary charges including but
incorporated in or becoming a component of any product.
not limited to personal injury, labor costs, a loss of profits resulting from the use of said products or from said products being incorporated in or becoming a component of any product.
Bethlehem Wire Rope and the Bethlehem Wire Rope reel logo are registered trademarks of Wirerope Works, Inc. Form-set and Lift-Pac are trademarks of Wirerope Works, Inc.
Wirerope Works, Inc. © 2007
Bethlehem Wire Rope, the Bethlehem Wire Rope reel logo and Super B are registered trademarks of Wirerope Works, Inc. Form-set, Purple, Purple Plus, Royal Purple, Royal Purple Plus, SFP
19, 36DD, 6-PAC, 6-PAC RV, TRIPLE-PAC, BXL, SUPER-PAC, SKYBRITE, Roepac, Herringbone, En-Core, Bethpac, Maxi-Core, Phoenix, Z-nodes, wire rope colored purple and wire rope colored pink
are trademarks of Wirerope Works, Inc.
Wire Rope Selection
Wire rope is a machine composed is then helically laid together in a 245 to 284 ksi, depending upon wire
of a number of precise, moving parts, uniform geometric pattern to form diameter.
designed and manufactured to bear a a strand. This process must be per- Royal Purple, or Extra Extra
very definite relation to one another. formed with precision and exactness Improved Plow (EEIP) steel, is a grade
In fact, some wire ropes contain more to form a strand of correct size and used where a high breaking strength
moving parts than many complicated characteristics. The required number is required. This grade typically pro-
mechanisms. For example, a 6-strand of suitably fabricated strands are laid vides a breaking strength a minimum
rope with 49-wire strands laid around symmetrically with a definite length of of 10% higher than Purple Plus and is
an independent wire rope core con- lay around a core, forming the finished found primarily as a standard grade for
tains a total of 343 individual wires. wire rope. All Bethlehem Wire Rope specialized wire rope. However, Royal
All of these wires must work together products are manufactured at WW's fa- Purple is available for standard wire
and move with respect to one another cility in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. ropes upon request.
if the rope is to have the flexibility Developed by WW for the federal
necessary for successful operation. Wire Rope Construction government, Royal Purple Plus is the
Wire rope is composed of wires, Wire rope is identified by its con- highest strength grade available
strands and a core. The basic unit of struction, or the number of strands to Bethlehem Wire Rope customers.
wire rope is wire, which is carefully per rope, and number of wires in each Royal Purple Plus provides a breaking
processed and drawn from selected strand. For example, the construction strength 35% higher than Purple Plus,
grades of steel to predetermined physi- 6x25 denotes a 6-strand rope, with and is available in WW’s TRIPLE-PAC
cal properties and sizes. A prede- each strand having 25 wires. Con- hoist rope.
termined number of finished wires structions having similar weights and It is the grade of wire which deter-
breaking strengths are grouped into mines the nominal breaking strength
Three Components of Wire Rope wire rope classifications, such as the for each diameter and construction.
6x19 and 6x37 Classes. Note, the acceptance strength listed
in the various tables for Bethlehem
Wire Rope Finish Wire Rope products is 2-1/2% below
The term bright refers to a wire the nominal strengths listed.
rope manufactured with no protective Other grades are available to meet
coating or finish other than lubricant. specific requirements. Some grades are
Some applications do require more covered by wire rope standards while
corrosion protection than lubricant others may be specially tailored. Con-
can provide. In these instances, a sult WW’s engineering department for
galvanized finish is provided. Consult further information.
with WW’s engineering department for
more information on galvanized wire Wire Rope Lay
rope. The helix or spiral of the wires and
strands in a rope is called the lay.
Wire Grade Regular lay denotes rope in which
Purple grade wire (improved plow the wires are twisted in one direc-
steel) is a strong, tough, durable tion, and the strands in the opposite
steel that combines great strength direction to form the rope. The wires
with high resistance to fatigue. Its appear to run roughly parallel to the
minimum tensile strength varies from center line of the rope. Due to the
223 to 258 ksi, depending upon wire difference in direction between the
diameter. wires and strand, regular lay ropes are
Purple Plus is WW’s trade name for less likely to untwist or kink. Regular
Extra Improved Plow (EIP) steel. Once lay ropes are also less subject to failure
a specialty grade, Purple Plus is now from crushing and distortion because
WW’s grade for all standard wire rope. of the shorter length of exposed outer
Minimum tensile strength varies from wires.
Wire Rope Selection
Wire Rope Selection
Wire Rope Core customer request, additional lubricant resistance and resistance to bending
Most wire ropes are supplied with may be applied during the closing fatigue. WW, therefore, developed the
either a fiber or steel core. The core operation as well. Modified X-chart.
is the foundation ot a wire rope. Its WW utilizes two standard lu- To read the Modified X-chart, the
primary function is to support the bricants during the manufacture of position of each rope construction
wire strands of the rope, maintaining general purpose ropes. WW’s N-lube must be considered in relation to
them in their correct relative positions is a petrolatum-based lubricant both the X and Y axes, or Abrasion
during the operating life of the rope. used primarily in the manufacture Resistance and Resistance to Bending
Fiber cores are ropes made from of standard wire rope. This type of Fatigue, respectively. For example, the
fibers formed into yarns, then into lubricant prevents rust and corrosion construction 6x41 (6x49) is in the
strands and finally into the finished and lubricates against internal wear. upper left quadrant, ranking high on
core form. There are two general types W-lube, the standard lubricant the bending fatigue scale. However, its
of fiber: natural vegetable material, used for specialty wire rope, is an position in abrasion resistance is very
such as sisal, and synthetic filaments, asphaltic-based lubricant and rust low. Therefore, it can be said that a
such as polypropylene. preventative compound with a large 6x41 (6x49) construction offers ex-
Steel cores may be an indepen- percentage of water-displacing addi- cellent resistance to bending fatigue,
dent wire rope (IWRC) or, in the case tives and corrosion inhibitors. W-lube but poor resistance to abrasion. At
of small diameter ropes and some ro- is ideal for offshore and land cranes, the other end of the spectrum is a 6x7
tation-resistant ropes, a wire strand and logging winch lines. construction, located in the lower right
core (WSC). These steel cores provide hand corner of the chart. A 6x7 offers
more support than fiber cores to the The Modified X-chart excellent abrasion resistance, but very
outer strands during the rope’s oper- Two factors governing most de- poor resistance to bending fatigue.
ating life. Steel cores resist crushing, cisions in selecting wire rope are
are more resistant to heat, reduce the abrasion resistance and resistance Rope Substitution
amount of stretch, and increase the to bending fatigue. A graphic pre- Many equipment manufacturers
strength of the rope. sentation of the balance between have established standard or “speci-
these properties has traditionally fied” wire ropes for their products.
Wire Rope Lubrication been given by means of the X-chart. Rope substitution is acceptable
During the manufacture of Beth- However, new designs of wire rope, provided the end user follow the basic
lehem Wire Rope products, WW applies such as 6-Pac and Triple-Pac, do not design specifications established by
heated lubricant to individual wires follow the X-chart model as they are the equipment manufacturer:
during the stranding operation. Upon designed to provide both abrasion • Always use the specified
rope diameter.
• Ensure that the breaking
strength of the substitute
rope meets or exceeds that
of the rope specified.
■ 6x19
■ Super B
■ 6x7
Abrasion Resistance
Suggested Wire Rope Constructions
Main Hoist 6x25 RR IWRC 6-PAC; TRIPLE-PAC
Auxiliary Hoist 6x25 RR IWRC 6-PAC; TRIPLE-PAC
Boom Hoist 6x25 RR IWRC 6-PAC; TRIPLE-PAC
Tag Lines 6x33 Warrington Seale RR FC n/a
Boom Hoist 6x25 RR IWRC 6-PAC; 6-PAC RV; TRIPLE-PAC
Hoist Lines 8x19 RR IWRC; 19x7 SFP 19; 36DD
Auxiliary Lines 8x19 RR IWRC; 19x7 SFP 19; 36DD
O ffs h o re p e d e s ta l c ra n e ty p e s i n c lu d e : Applie d Hydraulics , Titan, Offs hore crane, Unit MarineLink-Belt,
Offshore pedestal crane types include: Applied Hydraulics, Titan, Offshorecrane, Unit Mariner, r, Link-BeNational,
lt, NationaWeatherford,
l, We athe rford,
anitowac, M Manitex,
anitex, B Bucyrus-Erie,
ucyrus -E rie, SSeaKing,
e aKing, FFAVCO,
AVCO, L Liebherr, LeToureau,
ie bhe rr, L Nautilus,
e Toure au, Nautilus , Clyde,
Clyde, American,
Ame rican, Baker
Bake r Marine
Marine and
and Skagit
S kagit.
Load Lines 19x7; 35x7 SFP 19; 36DD
Trolley lines 6x25 RR IWRC n/a
Main Hoist 6x25 RR IWRC 6-PAC; SFP 19; 36DD
Auxiliary Hoist 6x25 RR IWRC 6-PAC; SFP 19; 36DD
Boom Hoist 6x25 RR IWRC 6-PAC
W h i rle y crane
c ra n e types
ty p e sinclude:
i n c lu d eAMCLYDE,
: AMCLYDEAmerican,
, Ame ricaFAVCO
n, FAVCand
O anClyde
d Clyde
Suggested Wire Rope Constructions
Hoist lines 6x25 RR or RG IWRC; 6x37 Class RG IWRC 6-PAC
6x37 Class RG IWRC 6-PAC; 6-PAC RV
Crowd and Retract Lines 6x25 RR or RG IWRC; 6x37 Class RG IWRC 6-PAC; 6-PAC RV
Boom Lines 6x25 RR or RG IWRC; 6x37 Class RG IWRC 6-PAC; 6-PAC RV
Trip Lines 6x19 Warrington RR FC; 6x33 Warrington Seale RR FC n/a
Draglines 6x19 Class RG IWRC 6-PAC
Hoist Lines 6x19 Class RR or RG IWRC 6-PAC; 6-PAC RV
Boom lines 6x19 Class RR or RG IWRC; 6x37 Class RG IWRC 6-PAC; 6-PAC RV
Dump Lines 6x25 RR or RG IWRC 6-PAC; 6-PAC RV
Hoist Lines 6x19 Class RR IWRC; 19x7 6-PAC; TRIPLE-PAC; SFP 19; 36DD
Holding and Closing Lines 6x19 Class RR or RG IWRC; 6x37 Class RR IWRC or FC 6-PAC; 6-PAC RV
Boom Lines 6x25 RR IWRC; 6x26 RV IWRC 6-PAC; 6-PAC RV; TRIPLE-PAC
Tag Lines 6x33 Warrington Seale RR FC n/a
Hoist and Dump Lines 6x25 RR or RG IWRC; 6x37 Class RR or RG IWRC 6-PAC
Digging Lines 6x19 Class RG IWRC 6-PAC
Hoist Lines 6x25 RR IWRC; 6x26 Warrington Seale RR IWRC 6-PAC
Boom Lines or Shear-Leg Lines 6x26 RR IWRC 6-PAC
Track Lines 6x19 Class RG FC; flattened strand RG FC 6-PAC; 6-PAC RV
Load or Unhaul Lines 6x19 Class RR IWRC 6-PAC
Tension or Track Adjusting Lines 6x25 RR IWRC 6-PAC
Suggested Wire Rope Constructions
Winch Lines 6x26 Warrington Seale RR IWRC Super-B
Chokers 6x26 Warrington Seale RR IWRC n/a
Archlines 6x26 Warrington Seale RR IWRC Super-B, SUPER-PAC
Boom Loaders 6x26 Warrington Seale RR IWRC Super-B, SUPER-PAC
Chokers 6x26 Warrington Seale RR IWRC Super-B, SUPER-PAC
Haulbacks 6x19 Seale RR IWRC; 6x26 Warrington Seale RR IWRC Super-B, SUPER-PAC
Helicopter Chokers SKYBRITE n/a
Mainlines 6x26 Warrington Seale RR IWRC Super-B, SUPER-PAC
Sawmill Carriage 6x25 RR IWRC Super-B; SUPER-PAC
Skylines 6x19 Seale RR IWRC; 6x26 Warrington Seale RR IWRC Super-B, SUPER-PAC
Strawlines 6x19 Seale RR IWRC Super-B; SUPER-PAC
Triple Drum Lines 6x26 Warrington Seale RR IWRC Super-B; SUPER-PAC
Winch Lines 6x26 Warrington Seale RR IWRC Super-B; SUPER-PAC
Bell Ropes 6x25 RR IWRC 6-PAC
Car Puller, Spotter, Retarder Rope 6x19 Class RR IWRC or FC 6-PAC
Ladle Cranes 6x37 Class RR IWRC 6-PAC; TRIPLE-PAC
Ore Bridges and Unloaders 6x19 Class RR IWRC 6-PAC
Skip Hoists 6x19 Class RR or RG FC; flattened strand RG FC TRIPLE-PAC
Stripper and Soaking Pit Cranes 6x37 Class RG IWRC 6-PAC; TRIPLE-PAC
BXL, or plastic-infusion, may be added to many standard and specialty wire rope constructions, and is therefore not listed as a recommendation
under Severe Conditions. Refer to Specialty Applications: BXL for further information.
In some instances, WW specifies class and not a specific construction. This is due to multiple diameters used on a particular application, and/or
multiple constructions suitable for the application. For more information, please contact WW's sales or engineering department.
Standard Wire Ropes
Standard Wire Ropes
6x25 Filler Wire with IWRC 6x49 Filler Wire Seale with IWRC 6x36 Warrington Seale IWRC
Standard Wire Ropes
6x19 Class 1-7/8 48.0 5.91 6.50 192.0 155.0 174.0 6x37 Class
2 52.0 6.72 7.39 217.0 176.0 198.0
6x19 Seale 6x31
2-1/8 54.0 7.59 8.35 243.0 197.0 221.0 Warrington Seale
6x19 Warrington
6x21 Filler Wire 2-1/4 58.0 8.51 9.36 272.0 220.0 247.0
Type U 6x36
2-3/8 60.0 9.48 10.4 301.0 244.0 274.0 Warrington Seale
6x21 Seale
2-1/2 64.0 10.5 11.6 332.0 269.0 302.0 6x41
6x25 Filler Wire Warrington Seale
Type W 2-3/4 70.0 12.7 14.0 397.0 321.0 361.0 6x43 Filler Wire Seale
6x25 Seale
*Acceptance strength is not less than 2-1/2% below the nominal strengths listed. Tons of 2,000 lbs. 6x49 Filler Wire Seale
6x26 Warrington
Seale **Galvanizing: For Class A galvanized wire rope (EIP grade only), deduct 10% from the nominal
strength shown.
Technical data for the above listed constructions are the same
and are detailed in the table. For further information on
additional constructions and diameters, contact WW's
customer service department.
Standard Wire Ropes
Rotation-Resistant Ropes
Operation of rotation-resistant
Rotational Property Comparison
wire ropes with a swivel is not
recommended by WW. The use of a
swivel allows the inner core to twist
tighter, resulting in a significant
reduction in rope strength, possibly
leading to premature rope failure.
A swivel may be used as a tempo-
rary device only during the initial
installation period to help eliminate
any installation-induced twisting or
The swivel must be removed
from the reeving after rope instal-
lation is completed and before the
crane begins operation.
Due to the opposite lay direction
of the inner core and outer strand
layers in rotation-resistant ropes, care
should be taken to avoid shockloading.
In certain instances the use of rotational stability of a conventional Shockloading will result in distortion
rotation-resistant wire rope is neces- 6x25 IWRC wire rope on both short and of the rope structure, causing birdcag-
sary to provide rotational stability to long falls. ing, core protrusion, etc. Due to the
the lifted load. In general, the use of potential for complete rope failure,
these wire ropes is limited to those Safety Design Factors shockloaded wire ropes must be im-
situations where it is impractical to: ASME B30.5 specifies that rota- mediately removed from service.
tion-resistant ropes have a safety
1. Use a tag line. design factor of five or greater. The
2. Relocate rope dead end. required strength design factor of
3. Increase sheave sizes. rotation-resistant rope becomes very
4. Eliminate “odd-part” important from the standpoint of
reeving. maintaining the inherent low rota-
5. Significantly reduce rope tion of the rope and eliminating any
loading and rope fall length. tendency to overload the inner core,
thereby causing a reduction in rope
Rotation-resistant wire ropes have strength.
less of a tendency to unlay when loaded
than do conventional wire ropes. This
Handling & Installation
results in improved rotational stability
Precautions should be followed
to the lifted load. Rotation-resistant
when using rotation-resistant wire
wire ropes are designed in such a way
rope. The rope ends must be properly
that the rotational force of the outer
seized and secured (refer to Handling
strands is partially counteracted by the
and Installation: Seizing Wire Rope)
rotational force of the inner strands or
and cut with a saw or impact hammer
core when the rope is subjected to a
to prevent unlaying of the strands.
Attachment of end fittings must
The chart compares the rotational
be done with care to prevent kinking
properties of rotation-resistant ropes
or unlaying of rope, which harms the
with a standard 6x25 wire rope. The
rotational balance of the rope.
rotation-resistant ropes far surpass the
Rotation Resistant Ropes
The rated strengths of the 8x19 Class and 19x7 wire ropes are less than wire ropes in the 6x19
and 6x37 Classes. Larger sheaves are required in order to achieve comparable fatigue life. Refer to
Technical Information: Effect of Sheave Size for further information on proper sheave sizes.
19x7 Rotation-Resistant
SFP 19 Rotation-Resistant
SFP 19 is recommended for Strands: 19
Nominal Wires per strand: 7/19
both multipart load and single-
Rope Diameter Approx. Strength Core: WSC
part fast line applications where
rotational stability of the lifted Weight (tons)* Standard grade(s): Royal Purple
(lb./ft.) Lay: Right Regular
load is needed, such as for use Royal
inches mm. Finish: Bright
as a long fall on offshore pedes- Purple
tal cranes, rough and all terrain
cranes, and crawler cranes. 1/2 13.0 0.54 14.6
SFP 19 provides: 9/16 14.5 0.69 18.5
Fatigue Resistance. Improved
fatigue properties are derived 5/8 16.0 0.83 22.7
through the combination of the 3/4 19.0 1.19 32.4
flexible 19x19 construction and die
drawn strands. The drawn strand 7/8 22.0 1.62 43.8
surfaces minimize the interstrand
1 26.0 2.12 56.9
and interlayer nicking that take
place in round rotation-resistant 1-1/8 29.0 2.68 71.5
Abrasion Resistance. Die 1-1/4 32.0 3.31 87.9
drawn ropes provide improved 1-3/8 35.0 4.01 106.0
abrasion resistance as compared
with round wire ropes because of 1-1/2 38.0 4.77 125.0
the greater wire and strand bearing *Acceptance strength is not less than 2-1/2% below the
surfaces contacting sheaves and nominal strengths listed. Tons of 2,000 lbs.
Resistance to Drum Crushing.
SFP 19 wire ropes are resistant to
the effects of drum crushing due to
the compacted strands and smooth-
ness of the rope surface.
Flexibility. With 19 strands
of 19 wires in all diameters, SFP
19 remains extremely flexible and
easy to handle during both the
installation process and under the
extremely harsh conditions from
fast line speeds during spooling.
Specialized Wire Rope
The charts shown to the right are TRIPLE-
meant to serve as a quick reference PAC
guide in selecting a specialized wire
rope. 6-PAC
The increased strengths of the spe- 6x25 6x36
cialized ropes are derived from greater
metallic areas. Whether the greater
metallic areas are caused by shaped
strands (flattened strand), die drawn Breaking Strength Comparison
strands (6-PAC) or swaging (Super-B
and TRIPLE-PAC), these manufacturing
processes create denser rope cross sec-
tions, thus increasing the ropes' break-
ing strengths. Also contributing to the
increase in strength for the die drawn
strand ropes is the flat, smooth finish
to the strands which eliminates inter- Super-B
strand nicking and enables the load
placed upon the wire rope to increase TRIPLE-
without causing internal damage. PAC
Abrasion resistance and flexibility FltStr 6-PAC
are determined by two factors—outer 6x25
wire size and method of compac-
tion. Generally, the larger the outer
wire size, the greater the abrasion 6x36 Abrasion Resistance Comparison
resistance. For example, a 6x25 wire
rope is manufactured with an outer
wire size greater than that of a 6x36.
Therefore, the 6x25 wire rope is more
resistant to abrasion. Abrasion resis-
tance is also determined by compac-
tion. The greater the compaction, the
greater the abrasion resistance, as in
the case of Super-B and TRIPLE-PAC.
Conversely, wire ropes manufactured
with small wire sizes offer greater
flexibility than those with large outer 6-PAC
wires. Again using 6x25 and 6x36 as an 6x36
example, the 6x36 with smaller outside
wires is clearly more flexible. Further,
compaction may either enhance or FltStr TRIPLE-
Super-B PAC
hinder flexibility. Die drawn strands
(6-PAC) enhance flexibility due to
the strands' flat surface areas reduc- Flexibility Comparison
ing internal resistance, enabling the
strands to better move in conjunction
with each other. Swaging, on the other
hand, hinders flexibility, as evidenced
by Super-B and TRIPLE-PAC.
Specialized Wire Rope
ASME RulesWire&Rope
TRIPLE-PAC was developed for stand the rigors of multilayer
the most demanding hoist applica- spooling. Damage at the cross
Rope Diameter Strength
tions. TRIPLE-PAC offers the extra Standard Approx. (tons)* over points is also significantly
high strength and crushing resis- Constru- Weight reduced. In addition, TRIPLE-
tance needed for applications such ctions (lb./ft.) Royal PAC's design increases the amount
as boom hoist ropes, boom pendants inches mm. Purple of wire contact with sheaves and
and multipart load lines. Plus drums, reducing wire rope, drum
TRIPLE-PAC provides superior and sheave wear.
7/16 11.0 6x26 0.412 13.8
abrasion and fatigue resistance as
compared with most compacted ropes 1/2 13.0 6x26 0.543 18.0 Strands: 6
due to WW's unique design of com- Wires per strand: 26/31 or 36
9/16 14.5 6x26 0.680 22.7 Core: IWRC
pacting the IWRC, individual strands
and the rope itself. Other benefits 5/8 16.0 6x26 0.840 27.8 Standard grade(s): Royal Purple
include: Plus
3/4 19.0 6x31or 36 1.297 39.7 Lay: Right Regular
High Strength. TRIPLE-PAC is
designed to provide a nominal strength 7/8 22.0 6x31or 36 1.646 53.7
of 35% above EIP. WW achieves this
1 26.0 6x31or 36 2.147 69.8
strength through selected grades of
steel and TRIPLE-PAC’s unique design 1-1/8 29.0 6x31or 36 2.722 87.8
and manufacturing processes.
1-1/4 32.0 6x31or 36 3.297 107.9
Superior Resistance to Multi-
layer Drum Crushing. TRIPLE-PAC 1-3/8 35.0 6x31or 36 3.997 129.6
provides superior resistance to crush-
1-1/2 38.0 6x31or 36 4.839 153.9
ing through its design. Its triple
compaction provides a denser cross *Acceptance strength is not less than 2-1/2% below the nominal strengths
listed. Tons of 2,000 lbs.
section, enabling the rope to with-
SFP 35 is a rotation-resistant Flexibility
rope of high strength that can resist SFP 35’s multiple strand construc-
block twist in long falls. tion provides increased flexibility
SFP 35 provides: which improves service life and high
Superior Rotation Resistance speed spooling. The compacted
The SFP 35 rope is the most rotation multiple strand construction also
resistant rope manufactured by WW. reduces sheave and drum abrasion
and provides excellent resistance to
Due to its rotation-resistant proper- drum crushing.
ties, SFP35 may be used with a swivel
in both single part and multipart
High Strength
WW’s compaction process provides
a high strength rope which exceeds
EEIP nominal breaking strength.
SFP 35 excels in crawler and truck-
type crane load lines, and tower crane
hoist ropes.
Specialized Wire Rope
BXL is infused with a spe- Nominal Strands: 6
cially-engineered polymer, creat- Rope Diameter Approx. Strength Wires per strand: 19 to 36
ing a well-balanced matrix. BXL (tons)* Core: IWRC
Weight Standard grade(s): Purple Plus
is recommended for numerous (lb./ft.) Purple
inches mm. Lay: Regular or Lang
hoist, marine and logging rope Plus Finish: Plastic-infused
3/8 9.5 0.27 7.55
BXL provides:
Fatigue Resistance. Improved 7/16 11.0 0.37 10.2
fatigue resistance is derived from 1/2 13.0 0.49 13.3
the cushioning and dampening
9/16 14.5 0.61 16.8
effect of the polymer on the wires
and strands. BXL also evenly dis- 5/8 16.0 0.76 20.6
tributes stresses which may lead to 3/4 19.0 1.09 29.4
fatigue breaks. 7/8 22.0 1.49 39.8
Abrasion Resistance. The
1 26.0 1.94 51.7
polymer acts as a barrier between
the individual strands, preventing 1-1/8 29.0 2.46 65.0
penetration of any adverse mate- 1-1/4 32.0 3.03 79.9
rial. BXL distributes and reduces
1-3/8 35.0 3.67 96.0
contact stresses between the rope
and sheave, reducing wire rope 1-1/2 38.0 4.37 114.0
wear. *Acceptance strength is not less than 2-1/2% below the
nominal strengths listed. Tons of 2,000 lbs.
Resistance To Multilayer
Please note: The strengths listed in the table
Drum Crushing. BXL’s smooth
reflect only the 6x19 and 6x37 Classes. BXL, or
profile evenly distributes crushing plastic-infusion, may be added to many products,
pressures from the overlying layers excluding rope designs in which the rope itself is
compacted. For additional information, please
of rope in multilayer drum winding contact WWW's customer service department.
Extended Sheave And Drum
Service Life. BXL minimizes
corrugation and wear normally
associated with standard rope us-
age by restricting water and dirt
penetration and eliminating pickup
of abrasive materials.
Clean Handling. The exterior
rope surface is free from the grease
normally applied to standard
ASME RulesWire&Rope
Resistance to Multilayer
Strands: 6
Drum Crushing. Super-B dra- Wires per strand: 26
Also available for
matically increases the amount of logging applications: Core: IWRC
wire contact with the drums and Standard grade(s): Royal Purple
sheaves, reducing the wire rope, SUPER-PAC is a com- Lay: Right Regular
pacted strand and compacted Finish: Bright
sheave and drum wear normally
rope design. SUPER-PAC pro-
associated with standard wire rope. vides abrasion resistance and
Damage at the crossover points is resistance to drum crushing far
also reduced. superior to that provided by
Increased Service Life. Super- Super-B. SUPER-PAC also offers a
B’s design provides a significant breaking strength significantly
higher than Super-B.
increase in service life over stan-
dard swaged ropes due to the rope’s SKYBRITE is a plastic-
ruggedness. infused rope designed solely
for helicopter chokers used in
the Western logging market.
SKYBRITE provides superior
visibility from the air or ground
on any terrain in both clear and
overcast conditions.
Specialized Wire Rope
with sheaves, drums or underlying 1-3/4 45.0 5.51 5.79 152 161
layers of spooled rope. This fea- 1-7/8 48.0 6.33 6.65 171 184
ture, in connection with the use of
2 52.0 7.20 7.56 194 207
Lang lay construction, distributes
the abrasive wear over a greater 2-1/8 54.0 8.13 8.54 215 233
number and length of wires. 2-1/4 58.0 9.10 9.56 240 260
The smooth surface of the rope *Acceptance strength is not less than 2-1/2% below the nominal strengths listed.
Tons of 2,000 lbs.
also helps minimize wear on drums
and sheaves.
Strand: 6
Wires per strand: 27
Core: IWRC or fiber core
Standard Grade(s): Purple Plus
Lay: Lang
Finish: Bright
Handling & Installation
Handling & Installation
By holding the right hand or left hand with the index finger extended, palm up or palm down, Compare this with the incorrect
the proper procedure for applying left and right lay rope can easily be determined. methods. Five of the six clips shown
are incorrectly attached—only the
center clip in the top view is correct.
When the “U” of the clip bears on the
live end of the rope, there is a possibil-
ity of the rope’s being cut or kinked,
with subsequent failure.
Wire rope should be attached at the cor- The correct number of clips for
rect location on a flat or smooth-faced safe operation and the spacing dis-
drum, so that the rope will spool tances are shown in the table. Twin-base Clips. Twin-base clips
evenly, with the turns lying snugly U-bolt Clips. There is only one are installed as shown below. Due to
against each other in even layers. If correct method for attaching U-bolt their special design, they cannot be
wire rope is wound on a smooth-face clips to wire rope ends, as shown in The installed incorrectly.
drum in the wrong direction, the turns Right Way. The base of the clip bears
in the first layer of rope will tend to on the live end of the rope; the “U” of
spread apart on the drum. This results the bolt bears on the dead end.
in the second layer of rope wedging
between the open coils, crushing and Number of clips and spacing for safe application (center to center)
flattening the rope as successive layers U-bolt Twin-base
are spooled. Rope Min. Min.
Amount Amount
A simple method of determining Diam. U-bolt Approx. Number
Spacing of Turn Nut Size
Approx. Number
Spacing of Turn
(inches) Diam. Weight per Weight per
how a wire rope should be started on (inches) (lb.) Rope
(inches) Back (inches)
(lb.) Rope
(inches) Back
(inches) (inches)
a drum is shown above. The observer End End
stands behind the drum, with the rope 1/8 7/32 0.05 2 1-5/8 3-1/4
3/16 1/4 0.08 2 2 3-3/4
coming towards him. Using the right
1/4 5/16 0.17 2 2-3/8 4-3/4 3/8 0.21 2 1-7/8 4
hand for right-lay wire rope, and the
5/16 3/8 0.30 2 2-5/8 5-1/4 3/8 0.26 2 2-1/8 5
left hand for left lay wire rope, the
3/8 7/16 0.41 2 3-1/4 6-1/2 7/16 0.38 2 2-1/4 5-1/4
clenched fist denotes the drum, the
7/16 1/2 0.65 2 3-1/2 7 1/2 0.60 2 2-5/8 6-1/2
extended index finger the oncoming
1/2 1/2 0.75 3 3-3/4 11-1/2 1/2 0.60 2 3 11
9/16 9/16 1.00 3 4 12 5/8 1.08 3 3-3/8 12-3/4
5/8 9/16 1.00 3 4 12 5/8 1.08 3 3-3/4 13-1/2
Wire Rope Clips
3/4 5/8 1.40 4 4-1/2 18 5/8 1.34 3 4-1/2 16
Clips are usually spaced about
7/8 3/4 2.40 4 5-1/4 19 3/4 2.20 4 5-1/4 26
six wire rope diameters apart to give
1 3/4 2.50 5 6 26 3/4 2.68 4 6 37
adequate holding power. They should 1-1/8 3/4 3.00 6 6-3/4 34 3/4 2.96 4 6-3/4 41
be tightened before the rope is placed 1-1/4 7/8 4.50 7 7-1/2 44 7/8 4.03 5 7-1/2 55
under tension. After the load is placed 1-3/8 7/8 5.20 7 8-1/4 44 1 6.58 5 8-1/4 62
on the rope, tighten the clips again 1-1/2 7/8 5.90 8 9 54 1 6.58 5 9 78
to take care of any lessening in rope 1-5/8 1 7.30 8 9-3/4 58
diameter caused by tension of the 1-3/4 1-1/8 9.80 8 10-1/2 61
load. A wire rope thimble should be 2 1-1/4 13.40 8 12 71
used in the eye of the loop to prevent 2-1/4 1-1/4 15.70 8 13-1/2 73
kinking. 2-1/2 1-1/4 17.90 9 15 84
ASME Rules
& Installation
& Guidelines
Rope Kinked During Installation may be designed for the rope’s nominal respond with the rope lay. Mismatch-
diameter and not the actual diameter ing rope lay and anchorage point will
as permitted by federal standards. cause the wraps to spread apart from
each other and allow the rope to cross
Use Proper Unreeling over on the drum. Very gappy winding
Procedures will occur resulting in crushing damage
Wire rope can be permanently in multilayer applications.
damaged by improper unreeling or Back tension must be continu-
uncoiling practices. The majority of ally applied to the payout reel and
wire rope performance problems the crewman installing the rope must
start here. Improper unreeling prac- proceed at a slow and steady pace
tices lead to premature rope replace- whether the drum is smooth or
ment, hoisting problems and rope grooved. Regardless of the benefits
failure. of a grooved drum, tension must be
Place the payout reel as far away applied to ensure proper spooling. An
from the boom tip as is practical, improperly installed rope on a grooved
moving away from the crane chassis. drum will wear just as quickly as an
strands and wires will create corrosion Never place the payout reel closer to improperly installed rope on a smooth
if the rope is unprotected. Also apply the crane chassis than the boom point drum. If a wire rope is poorly wound
lubricant to each layer of wire rope sheave. Doing so may introduce a and as a result jumps the grooves, it
on a drum because moisture trapped reverse bend into the rope and cause will be crushed and cut under operat-
between layers will increase the likeli- spooling problems. Follow the guide- ing load conditions where it crosses
hood of corrosion. lines highlighted under Unreeling & the grooves.
Uncoiling and Drum Winding. Take Every wrap on the first or foun-
Check The Rope Diameter Prior care to determine whether the wire dation layer must be installed very
To Installation rope will wind over or under the drum tightly and be without gaps. Careless
Always use the nominal diameter before proceeding. If the wire rope winding results in poor spooling and
as specified by the equipment manu- supplier secured the end of the rope will eventually lead to short service
facturer. Using a smaller diameter rope to the reel by driving a nail through life. The following layers of rope must
will cause increased stresses on the the strands, ask that in the future a lay in the grooves formed between
rope and the probability of a critical U-bolt or other nondestructive tie- adjacent turns of the preceding layer
failure is increased if the rated break- down method be used; nails used in of rope. If any type of overwind or
ing strength does not match that of this manner damage the rope. crosswinding occurs at this stage of
the specified diameter. Using a larger Take extra precaution when in- installation and is not corrected im-
diameter rope leads to shorter service stalling Lang lay, rotation-resistant, mediately, poor spooling and crushing
life as the rope is pinched in the flattened strand or compacted ropes. damage will occur.
sheave and drum grooves which were Loss of twist must be avoided to pre-
originally designed for a smaller di- vent the strands from becoming loos-
ameter rope. Just as using a different ened, causing looped wire problems.
diameter rope can create performance Poor Spooling
problems, so can the use of an exces- Keep Wraps Tight
sively undersized or oversized rope. The end of the rope must be
Measure the wire rope using a securely and evenly attached to the
parallel-jawed caliper as discussed in drum anchorage point by the method
Measuring Rope Diameter. If the rope recommended by the equipment manu-
is the wrong size or outside the rec- facturer. Depending on the crane’s
ommended tolerance, return the rope regulatory requirements, at least two
to the wire rope supplier. It is never to three wraps must remain on the
recommended nor permitted by federal drum as dead wraps when the rope is
standards to operate cranes with the unwound during normal operations.
incorrect rope diameter. Doing so will Locate the dead end rope anchorage
affect the safety factor or reduce ser- point on the drum in relation to the
vice life and damage the sheaves and direction of the lay of the rope as
drum. Note that in a grooved drum shown in Drum Winding. Do not use
application, the pitch of the groove an anchorage point that does not cor-
ASME Rules
& Installation
& Guidelines
On a multilayer spooling drum Secure the ends of the rope with Avoid Slack In The Rope
be sure that the last layer remains at either seizing or welding methods as In any hoisting operation, there
least two rope diameters below the recommended under Seizing. It is im- should be no slack in the wire rope
drum flange top. Do not use a longer perative that the ends be held together when the load is applied. Otherwise
length than is required because the tightly and uniformly throughout the the resulting stress will be excessive.
excess wire rope will cause unnec- entire installation procedure, includ- As discussed previously, shockload- ing
essary crushing and may jump the ing attaching the end through the is destructive and results in irreparable
flange. Loose wraps that occur at any wedge socket and the drum dead end damage to the rope.
time must be corrected immediately to wedge.
prevent catastrophic rope failure. Slowly Lift Or Release
The use of a mallet is acceptable Use a Cable Snake The Load
to ensure tight wraps, however a steel- When installing a new line, con- Overstressing the rope is a result of
faced mallet should be covered with nect the old line to the new line by too-rapid acceleration or deceleration.
plastic or rubber to prevent damage using a swivel-equipped cable snake or Wire rope will withstand considerable
to the rope wires and strands. Chinese finger securely attached to the stress if the load is applied slowly.
rope ends. The connection between the
Treat Rotation-Resistant Ropes ropes during change-out must be very Use a Wire Rope Only On The
With Extra Care strong and prevent torque from the Job For Which It Was
Rotation-resistant ropes of all old rope being transferred into the Intended
constructions require extra care in new rope. Welding ropes together or Sometimes an idle rope from one
handling to prevent rope damage using a cable snake without the benefit operation is installed on another to
during installation. The lay length of of a swivel increases the likelihood of keep the rope in continuous service.
a rotation-resistant rope must not be introducing torque into the new rope. This extremely poor practice is an
disturbed during the various stages A swivel-equipped cable snake is not expensive economy. Because wire
of installation. By introducing twist as easy as welding the ropes, but this rope tends to set to the conditions of
or torque into the rope, core slippage procedure can be mastered with a little its particular job, the differing bends,
may occur—the outer strands become patience and practice. abrasions and stresses of a new opera-
shorter in length, the core slips and tion may produce premature failure.
protrudes from the rope. In this con- Therefore, for maximum life and effi-
dition the outer strands become over- ciency, a rope should be used only on
Standard Operating a job for which it has been specified.
loaded because the core is no longer Practices
taking its designed share of the load.
Conversely, when torque is removed Perform A Break-in Procedure
from a rotation-resistant rope core Perform a break-in procedure to
slippage can also occur. The outer achieve maximum service life. Run
strands become longer and the inner the new rope through its operating
layers or core become overloaded, cycle several times under a light load
reducing service life and causing rope at a reduced line speed. A light load is
failure. normally considered to be 10% of the
working load limit. This allows the rope
Secure The Ends Before to adjust gradually to working condi-
tions, enables the strands to become
The plain end of a wire rope must
settled, and allows for slight stretching
be properly secured. If the entire
and diameter reduction to occur.
cross section of the rope is not firmly
secured, core slippage may occur,
Maintain Equipment
causing the core to pull inside the
Wire rope performance depends
rope’s end and allowing it to protrude
upon the condition of the equip-
elsewhere, either through the outer
ment on which it operates. Poorly
strands (popped core) or out the other
maintained equipment may result in
end of the line. The outer layer of
reduced service life.
the outside strands may also become
overloaded as there is no complete
core-to-strand support.
Wire Rope Inspection
& Guidelines
Recommended Retirement Criteria Based On Diameter Reduction wire rope as well as how that rope was
Original Diameter (inches) Loss Of Diameter (inches) installed.
Wire Breaks. Wire breaks will Especially when trying to determine pacted rope’s appearance. Therefore
still occur in a plastic-infused rope, lengthening of lay, watch for and the inspector must regularly measure
but are sometimes extremely difficult inspect areas where the plastic pulls for diameter reduction and closely
to detect, though occasionally a bro- away from the rope. While peeling in examine the rope for lay lengthening.
ken wire will protrude through the and of itself is not an indication of Measurements must be recorded and
plastic. Every effort must be made to rope deterioration and is a factor of the rope monitored for sudden varia-
determine the overall condition of the normal wear, peeling in areas where tions.
rope. The plastic covering the crown no abrasion exists may signify a prob- By and large the most difficult
(surface) wires is generally applied in lem. retirement criteria to determine in
a thin coat and tends to wear quickly Maintenance Records. Equally compacted ropes is wire breaks. These
in areas which pass over sheaves and important in inspecting plastic-infused breaks may not protrude from the rope
drums. As the rope runs at a slow ropes is maintaining accurate service due to the compaction and can be eas-
speed, inspect the rope in these areas. records. The service records of previ- ily overlooked. Because of this, the
As the rope and plastic open up the ous ropes will provide a guideline as to inspector must slowly and carefully
inspector will be afforded a look at the expected life of the rope. However, examine the rope, especially in those
not only the surface area but also the they should not be used alone or only areas passing over drums and sheaves
interstrand contact points. If a valley in conjunction with visual inspections or in areas where problems existed in
break is detected, immediately pull the due to the number of variables which previous ropes.
rope from service. Also inspect areas exist, including installation, spooling A wire break may appear as noth-
where the plastic has peeled, regard- and manufacturing practices. Mainte- ing more than a crack in the wire,
less of the location of the “window.” nance records must be used in combi- and again can be easily overlooked.
Remove as much plastic from these nation with both visual and physical If the inspector notes a “flaw” in a
areas as possible to allow for efficient inspection techniques to be truly of wire, it should be carefully checked.
and effective inspection techniques. value in determining the remaining The inspector should carry some type
Remember, due to the nature of plas- life of the rope. of magnifying device to determine if
tic-infused ropes, there is no way to a flaw is actually a break. If a break
clearly determine the number of valley Compacted Rope has occurred, thoroughly check the
breaks. Die drawn and swaged ropes fall area for additional breaks, both on the
Corrosion. Plastic-infused ropes into the compacted category. Com- crown and in the valleys. Remember,
provide only improved corrosion re- pacting serves several purposes. By valley breaks in round strand ropes
sistance. Regardless of manufacturers’ flattening the outer wires, metallic are difficult to determine; compac-
claims, a plastic-infused rope can cor- area increases allowing for a higher tion only increases the difficulty. The
rode, and rope failure due to corrosion breaking strength as well as improved inspector must be slow and methodical
is still possible. Moisture is sometimes crushing and abrasion resistance. In in inspecting compacted ropes; a quick
trapped in the rope and as with all addition, the compaction minimizes check will reveal nothing.
machines, the lubricant may become interstrand nicking and thereby im- Overall, perhaps the most impor-
ineffective over time. The inspector proves fatigue resistance. tant inspection technique is recogniz-
must visually check for any signs of In the inspection of compacted ing the limits of wire rope. While it’s
corrosion damage as evidenced by rope rope designs, again it is imperative true that compacted and plastic-in-
bleeding or rouging. In addition, the to follow the basic inspection guide- fused ropes are more durable, neglect
diameter must be frequently measured. lines and use both visual and actual and abuse will still quickly end the
If there is any damage to the core, measuring techniques to determine rope’s life. There is no substitute
it will be detected by a reduction in the remaining life of the rope. In for proper installation, handling and
diameter. Also inspect the lay of the fact, actual measuring techniques are inspection techniques in combination
rope. As the plastic is thinner over the very important when inspecting these with a preventative maintenance pro-
crown wires, a thorough inspector may ropes. While corrosion is relatively gram.
be able to determine a lengthening of easy to visually determine, diameter
lay, also a sign of rope deterioration. reduction may not be due to the com-
& Guidelines
Wire Rope Inspection
Abrasion Breaks
Wire break shows broken ends worn
to a knife-edge thinness. Abrasive wear
obviously is concentrated at points where the
rope contacts an abrasive medium, such as the
grooves of sheaves and drums, or other objects
Abrasion with which the rope comes into contact. Un-
warranted abrasive wear indicates improperly
grooved sheaves and drums, incorrect fleet
angle, or other localized abrasive conditions.
Fatigue Breaks
Wire breaks are usually transverse or
square showing granular structure. Often
these breaks will develop a shattered or
jagged fracture, depending on the type of
operation. Where fatigue breaks occur, the
Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue & Wear Fatigue & rope has repeatedly been bent around too
(square type) (jagged type) Nicking small a radius. Whipping, vibration, slapping
and torsional stresses will also cause fatigue.
Fatigue breaks are accelerated by abrasion and
Corrosion Breaks
Easily noted by the wire's pitted sur-
face, wire breaks usually show evidence of
tension, abrasion and/or fatigue. Corrosion
usually indicates improper lubrication. The ex-
Corrosion tent of the damage to the interior of the rope is
extremely difficult to determine; consequently,
corrosion is one of the most dangerous causes
of rope deterioration.
Cut or Shear
Wire will be pinched down and cut at
broken ends, or will show evidence of a
shear-like cut. This condition is evidence of
mechanical abuse caused by agents outside the
installation, or by something abnormal on the
Cut or Shear installation itself, such as a broken flange.
& Guidelines
Troubleshooting Checklist
ABRASION Frozen sheaves or rollers Abrasion
Tight grooves
Excessive fleet angle
Oversized or undersized rope
Corrugated sheave or drum
Sheave overspin
Rope jumping the sheave
Poor spooling
Misaligned sheaves
Site contaminants Core Protrusion (Shockloading)
Poor seizing techniques
SION/SLIPPAGE Poor installation techniques
Technical Information
WW Specifications a colored lubricant applied externally example, a 1" nominal diameter wire
WW manufactures Bethlehem Wire to one strand during manufacture. rope may vary between 1" and 1.05"
Rope to Federal Specification RR-W- Strand markers are not used in mining in diameter.
410-E, and to meet requirements of rope, elevator rope, galvanized rope,
the American Bureau of Shipping, compacted rope or any rope that is Rope Strength
Lloyd's Registry, American Petroleum post-lubricated. Strand markers are Design Factors
Institute, and others that may be ap- used in the manufacture of all stan- The rope strength design factor
plicable. dard (round) wire ropes but are not a is the ratio of the rated strength of
Some special purpose ropes are confirmation of the manufacturer in the rope to its operating stress. If a
covered by other specifications. Min- an of itself. particular rope has a rated strength of
ing ropes follow the recommended Core markers are used in most 100,000 lbs. and is working under an
specifications of the U.S. Bureau wire rope manufactured in the United operating stress of 20,000 lbs., it has
of Mines. Elevator ropes, to meet States, but cannot be seen unless the a rope strength design factor of 5. It
conditions peculiar to operation of wire rope is disassembled. Manufactur- is operating at one-fifth or 20% of its
passenger and freight elevators, are ers add colored threads of filaments to rated strength.
generally made to other, more restric- fiber and steel cores. Many codes refer to this factor as
tive specifications. Every Bethlehem Wire Rope prod- the "safety factor" which is a mislead-
Specifications serve a useful uct contains one or both types of ing term since this ratio obviously
purpose in establishing certain manu- markers. WW uses a purple strand in does not include many facets of an
facturing limitations and practices. the manufacture of all standard EIP operation which must be considered
However, they do not specify that wire and EEIP Bethlehem Wire Rope, exclud- in determining safety.
rope meet a certain quality standard. ing those ropes cited previously. In Wire rope is an expendable item
Rather, specifications and certifica- addition, every Bethlehem Wire Rope —a replacement part of a machine or
tions indicate the permissible mini- product contains two filaments in the installation. For economic and other
mum. Bethlehem Wire Rope products core (either fiber or steel)—one yellow reasons, some installations require
are manufactured with many quality and one purple filament. ropes to operate at high stresses (low
features and manufacturing practices rope strength design factors). On
not defined in specifications. Wire Rope Tolerances some installations where high risk is
Wire rope is always manufactured involved, high rope strength design
WW Markers larger—never smaller—than the nomi- factors must be maintained. However,
Wire rope manufactured in the nal diameter when specified in inches. operating and safety codes exist for
United States normally has some The allowable tolerances are shown in most applications and these codes
type of colored marker to identify the the table. give specific factors for usage. When a
manufacturer. Two types of markers In standard practice, the nominal machine is working and large dynamic
may be used—strand markers and core diameter is the minimum diameter. All loadings (shockloadings) are imparted
markers. tolerances are taken on the plus side to the rope, the rope strength design
A strand marker can be seen by when specified in inches. Wire rope is factor will be reduced, which may
looking at the wire rope; it is simply not termed oversize until its diameter result in over stressing of the rope.
exceeds the allowable maximum. For
Reduced rope strength design factors Recommended Sheave Diameters cases, the great amount of bending to
frequently result in reduced service Suggested Minimum
which the rope is subjected is more
life of wire rope. D/d Ratios D/d Ratios important. Here, a more flexible con-
6x 7 72 42 struction, containing many relatively
Physical Properties 19x7 rotation-resistant 51 34 small wires, is required. In either case,
The following discussion relates to 6x19 Seale 51 34
however, if the rope operates over
conventional 6- or 8-strand ropes that inadequate size sheaves, the severe
Flattened Strand 45 30
have either a fiber or steel core. It is bending stresses imposed will cause
6x25 Filler Wire
not applicable to rotation-resistant 6x31 Warrington Seale 39 26
the wires to break from fatigue, even
ropes since these constitute a separate 6-PAC though actual wear is slight. The
case. 6x36 Warrington Seale 35 23 smaller the diameter of the sheave, the
Wire rope is an elastic member; TRIPLE-PAC 35 23 sooner these fatigue breaks will occur
it stretches and elongates under 8x19 Seale 41 27
and the shorter rope life becomes.
load. This stretch is derived from two Another undesirable effect of
8x25 Filler Wire 32 21
sources: small sheaves is accelerated wear of
SFP 19
Constructional stretch. When a 36DD
31 20 both rope and sheave groove. The pres-
load is applied to wire rope, the heli- sure per unit area of rope on sheave
D = tread diameter of the sheave groove for a given load is inversely
cally-laid wires and strands act in a d = nominal diameter of the rope
restricting manner, thereby compress- proportional to the size of the sheave.
ing the core and bringing all of the In other words, the smaller the sheave
rope elements into closer contact. The the greater the rope pressure per unit
approximate stretch as a percentage of
result is a slight reduction in diameter area on the groove. Both sheaves and
rope under load.
and an accompanying lengthening of rope life can obviously be prolonged
Elastic stretch. Elastic stretch
the rope. Constructional stretch is by using the proper diameter sheave
results from recoverable deformation of
influenced by: for the size and construction of rope.
the metal itself. Here again, a quantity
Sheave diameter can also influ-
cannot be precisely calculated. How-
• Type of core ence rope strength. When a wire rope
ever, the equation shown below can
• Rope construction provide a reasonable approximation
is bent around a sheave, there is a loss
• Length of lay of effective strength due to the inabil-
for many situations.
ity of the individual strands and wires
• Material In actuality, there may be a third
to adjust themselves entirely to their
source of stretch—a result of the
changed position. Tests show that
Ropes with a WSC or IWRC have rope's rotating on its own axis. Such
rope strength efficiency decreases to a
less constructional stretch than those elongation, which may occur either as
marked degree as the sheave diameter
with a fiber core. The reason for this a result of using a swivel, or from the
is reduced with respect to the diameter
is steel cannot compress as much as effect of a free turning load, is brought
of the rope.
the fiber core. Usually, constructional about by the unlaying of rope strands.
A definite relationship exists
stretch will increase at an early stage This type of stretch is undesirable and
between rope service and sheave size.
in the rope's life. However, some fiber may lead to rope failure.
As a guide to users, wire rope manufac-
core ropes, if lightly loaded (as in the
turers have established standards for
case of elevator ropes), may display a Effect of Sheave Size sheave sizes to be used with various
degree of constructional stretch over Wire ropes are manufactured in rope constructions.
a considerable portion of their lives. a great variety of constructions to
A definite value for determining con- meet the varying demands of wire
structional stretch cannot be assigned Block Twisting
rope usage. Where abrasion is an im- Block twisting or cabling is one
since it is influenced by several factors. portant factor, the rope must be made
The Constructional Stretch table on the of the most frequently encountered
of a coarse construction containing wire rope problems in the construction
previous page gives some idea of the relatively large outer wires. In other industry. When this problem occurs,
the wire rope is most often blamed,
Elastic Stretch and other equally important factors
in the operation are overlooked.
Change in load (lbs.) x Length (ft.) Personnel experienced with han-
Changes in length dling wire rope know that conven-
(ft.) Area (inches2) x Modulus of Elasticity (psi) tional wire ropes will twist or unlay
slightly when a load is applied. In a
Technical Information
Wire Rope Slings
Basic Hitches where the sling body comes in contact Load Angle Factors
Each lift uses one of three basic with the load. As the angle between
hitches. the legs of the sling increases, the load R A TE D
Straight/vertical. Vertical slings on each leg increases. C A PA C I T Y
connect a lifting hook to a load. Full MULTIPLIER
rated lifting capacity of the sling may Effect Of Angles
be used. To prevent load rotation, use On Sling Capacities 0o (vertical) 1. 0 0
a tagline. The rated capacity of a multiple
Two or more slings may be used to leg sling is directly affected by the 15 O 0. 97
create a lifting bridle. Attach slings to angle of the sling leg with the verti-
the same lifting hook or spreader beam cal. As this angle increases, the stress 30 O 0. 87
and different points on the load. The on each leg increases with the load,
load is then distributed equally among as shown below. If the sling angle is 45 O 0. 71
the individual slings. known, the capacity can be readily
Choker. A choker hitch may be determined by multiplying the sling’s
used when the object or load will not 60 O 0. 50
vertical capacity by the appropriate
be damaged by the sling body, nor load angle factor.
the sling damaged by the load. Pull 75 O 0. 26
the choker hitch tight before the lift
is made. It is dangerous to allow the
D/d Ratios
Rated capacities of a sling can also
action of the lift to pull the choker
be affected by the ratio of the diameter
hitch down. Use more than one choker
if the object around which the sling is Choker Hitch Rated Capacity
sling to lift a load that might slide or Adjustment
bent to the diameter of the rope used
shift out of the choke.
in the sling. This is known as the D/d
Choker hitches reduce sling rated RATED
ratio where D is the diameter of the ANGLE OF
capacities for lifting. When a choke CAPACITY
object and d is the diameter of the CHOKE
is drawn down tight against a load, IWRC and FC
rope. As the D/d ratio becomes smaller,
or a side pull is exerted resulting in
the loss of strength becomes greater
an angle of choke less than 120o , an 90O to less
and the rope becomes less efficient. 8 7%
adjustment must be made for further than 120O
reduction of the sling rated capac-
ity. As the angle of choke decreases, Sling Eye Designs
Sling eyes are affected by the same 60O to less
there is a corresponding loss of sling 7 4%
general forces which apply to legs of a than 90O
efficiency. Refer to the table to deter-
mine the rated capacity adjustment for sling rigged as a basket. Never use a
choker hitches. sling eye over a hook or pin that has a 30O to less
6 2%
Basket Hitch. A basket hitch will body diameter larger than the natural than 60O
distribute the weight of a load more width of the eye. Never force an eye
equally between the two legs. The onto a hook. The eye should always 0o to less
be used on a hook or pin with at least 4 9%
rated sling lifting capacity is affected than 30O
the nominal diameter of the rope.
Effect Of Angles
Wire Rope Slings
& Guidelines
Rated capacities of basket hitches are based on a minimum diameter of curvature at the point of load contact
of 40 times the rope diameter for slings 1/4" through 1" diameter, and 25 times the rope diameter for slings
1-1/8" diameter and larger.
Standard Products List
Elevator Applications
Bethlehem Wire Rope Service Centers
• 6x19 & 8x19 classes for hoist,
governor and compensating
rope applications
Arkansas: Blytheville
Logging Applications California: Compton
• Standard 6x19 and 6x37 Colorado: Denver
Georgia: Atlanta
• Super-B
• SUPER-PAC Illinois: Chicago
• 6-PAC Indiana: Boonville
• BXL New Hampshire: Exeter
Ohio: Steubenville
Mining Applications Oklahoma: Oklahoma City
• Standard 6x19, 6x37, 6x61,
Missouri: St. Louis
6x70, 8x19 & 8x37 Classes
• Boom pendants Pennsylvania: Williamsport
• Flattened Strand Rope Texas: Houston
• En-Core plastic encapsulated Washington: Seattle
core for drag ropes
• Bethpac compacted wire rope
Wirerope Works, Inc.
Manufacturer of
Bethlehem Wire Rope®
100 Maynard Street
Williamsport, PA 17701 USA
Tel: 570-326-5146 International
1-800-541-7673 Inside the U.S.
Fax: 570-327-4274