Nptel: Mathematical Physics - 1 - Web Course

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NPTEL Syllabus

Mathematical Physics - 1 - Web course


The first course in Mathematical Physics generally introduces the basic

mathematical tools that are commonly needed in different physics courses at the
undergraduate (B. Tech and M. Sc) level.

Courses such as, Classical Mechanics, Electrodynamics, Quantum Mechanics,

Statistical Mechanics, Solid State Physics, Nuclear physics require a certain
amount of mathematical foundation to be able to understand the basic principles
and carry the knowledge forward to be able to apply in different areas of
The course contains vector calculus in curvilinear coordinates, linear vector
spaces, tensors and complex analysis. The topics will be complimented by
many examples from different topics in Physics. Coordinators:
Contents: Dr. Saurabh Basu
Department of PhysicsIIT Guwahati

Vector calculus, Gradient, Divergence and Curl in curvilinear coordinates

applications to Classical mechanics and Electrodynamics.

Vector spaces:

Linear independence, bases, orthogonality and completeness, Gram- Schmidt

orthogonalization, Hilbert space, linear operators, change of basis, similarity
transformation, dual spaces, applications to quantum mechanics.


Matrix diagonalization, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, orthogonal and unitary

matrices, Pauli matrices.

Delta function:

Dirac delta function, definitions and different representations of delta functions,

applications to Electrodynamics.


Tensors in index notation, Kronecker and Levi Civita tensors, inner and outer
products, contraction, symmetric and antisymmetric tensors, quotient law, metric
tensors, covariant and contravariant tensors, simple applications to general
theory of relativity and Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations in relativistic quantum

Complex analysis:

Cauchy-Riemann conditions, analyticity, Cauchy-Goursat theorem, Cauchy’s

integral formula, branch points and branch cuts, multivalued functions, residue
theorem, applications of residue theorem, Jordan’s lemma, Taylor and Laurent
series, singularities and convergence, Conformal mapping and applications.


Sl. Topic No. of

No Hours

1. Vector calculus, Gradient, Divergence and 06

Curl in curvilinear coordinates applications to
Classical mechanics and Electrodynamics.

2. Linear independence, bases, orthogonality 08

and completeness, Gram-Schmidt
orthogonalization, Hilbert space, linear
operators, change of basis, similarity
transformation, dual spaces, applications to
quantum mechanics.

3. Matrix diagonalization, eigenvalues and 06

eigenvectors, orthogonal and unitary
matrices, Pauli matrices.

4. Dirac delta function, definitions and different 03

representations of delta functions,
applications to Electrodynamics.

5. Tensors in index notation, Kronecker and Levi 07

Civita tensors, inner and outer products,
contraction, symmetric and antisymmetric
tensors, quotient law.

Metric tensors, covariant and contravariant

tensors, simple applications to general theory
of relativity and Klein Gordon and Dirac
equations in relativistic quantum mechanics

6. Cauchy-Riemann conditions, analyticity, 10

Cauchy-Goursat theorem Cauchy’s integral
formula, branch points and branch cuts,
multivalued functions, residue theorem.

Applications of residue theorem, Jordan’s

lemma, Taylor and Laurent series,
singularities and convergence, Conformal
mapping and applications.


1. G.B. Arfken and H.J. Weber, Mathematical methods for Physicists,

Academic Press (1995).

2. K.F. Riley, M.P. Hobson and S.J. Bence, Mathematical Methods for
Physics and
Engineering, Cambridge University Press (1998).

3. T. Lawson, Linear Algebra, John Wiley and Sons (1996).

4. R.V. Churchill. Complex variables and applications, Mcgraw Hill (1990).

5. A.W. Joshi, Matrices and Tensors in Physics, New Age (1995).

A joint venture by IISc and IITs, funded by MHRD, Govt of India

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