Chapter 1: Biomass and Bioenergy: January 2007
Chapter 1: Biomass and Bioenergy: January 2007
Chapter 1: Biomass and Bioenergy: January 2007
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2 authors:
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
Binary Mixture of Particles in Circulating Fluidised Bed (CFB), Miniature Single Fluidised Beds, and Mixing/Segregation View project
Flame Spread over Inert Porous Solids Wetted with Flammable Liquids under Conditions Pertinent to Industrial Fires View project
All content following this page was uploaded by James N Ness on 14 October 2016.
Chapter 1
Biomass and
1 2
by James Ness and Behdad Moghtaderi
Research Fellow and Lecturer, Griffith School of Engineering, Griffith University, Nathan, Queensland
Co-Director, Priority Research Centre for Energy, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, New South Wales
This chapter presents a broad overview of biomass and bioenergy, the potential
environmental, economic and sustainability benefits to be derived from using biomass
to generate electricity, and the state-of-the-art of biomass cofiring technology with a
particular focus on pulverised fuel boilers.
Contents | Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction ............................................................................... 2
1.2 Biomass and Bioenergy .............................................................. 5
1.2.1 Biomass resources ........................................................... 5
1.3 Biomass Utilisation Technologies in Australia ............................... 6
1.3.1 Electricity and heat ........................................................... 9
1.3.2 Biogas ............................................................................. 11
1.3.3 Biofuels ............................................................................ 12
1.4 An Overview of Biomass/Coal Cofiring ........................................ 14
1.4.1 Direct cofiring in pulverised fuel boilers ............................ 15
1.4.2 Indirect cofiring in pulverised fuel boils ............................. 18
1.5 Biomass and Sustainability ........................................................ 19
1.6 Drivers for Cofiring Biomass with Coal ....................................... 21
1.7 Business Case for Biomass Cofiring ........................................... 22
1.8 Summary ................................................................................... 24
1.9 References ................................................................................. 24
Appendix 1.1: Biomass energy plants in Australia ....................... 27
Appendix 1.2: Biomass energy plants in Europe ......................... 29
Appendix 1.3: Biomass energy plants in the USA ........................ 34
Appendix 1.4: Biomass cofiring projects in Japan ....................... 35
1.1 Introduction
Australia’s population of 21 million people is heavily dependent on fossil fuels for its primary
energy resources of which coal has been Australia’s largest energy source for many decades. Of
the 5,593 petajoules of primary energy consumed in Australia in 2004–2005, some 42% came
from coal, with the other fossil fuels, oil and natural gas, supplying 34% and 20% respectively
(Figure 1.1). Currently, Australia obtains 4.6% of its primary energy requirements from
renewable resources [wood, wood waste, bagasse (cane residue used in the sugar industry),
hydroelectricity, wind and solar]. Of these, biomass together with biogas is predominant and
holds a 74.6% share. About 4.5% of the total primary energy consumption in Australia is
from biomass and, on one projection (Bush et al. 1997; Dickson et al. 2001), this percentage
is expected to increase to 4.8% in 2019–2020. Of this projected amount, nearly 2.0% is in the
form of bagasse, and 2.8% in the form of firewood (eucalyptus and pine used for domestic
heating) and wood waste (both soft- and hard-woods such as pine and eucalyptus, respectively,
used in the wood products industries).
The largest energy-using sector is electricity generation which accounted for 31% of total
energy consumption in net energy terms, followed by transport and manufacturing, both at
about 24%. Coal – black and brown – accounted for nearly 77% of the generated electricity,
with renewable energy sources contributing 7.5% of the electricity output. Figure 1.2
shows the contribution of different fuel types to the electricity generated in Australia while
Figure 1.3 gives the breakdown for the renewable energy resources that currently contribute to
the generation of electricity (ABARE at
html; ABARE Energy update 2006). Coal is expected to remain the main energy source for
electricity generation for the immediate future (Commonwealth of Australia 2004a, p. 36)
although growth in renewables and natural gas is anticipated.
This energy consumption pattern, with its reliance on the combustion of fossil fuels, results in
Australia’s very high per capita greenhouse gas emissions level. Under the Kyoto greenhouse
gas accounting conventions, the greenhouse gas emissions were 28.2 tonnes of carbon dioxide
equivalents per Australian in 2004. The production and use of energy is the major human
activity contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. In 2004, electricity generation – the biggest
single source of energy-related emissions – contributed 34.6% of the national emissions of
greenhouse gases (Commonwealth of Australia 2004b).
Another important initiative originated from Safeguarding the Future: Australia’s Response
to Climate Change was the Renewable Energy Action Agenda (DITR 2002) instigated by the
Australian Government in 1999. This initiative entails renewable energy industry participants
working with government, primarily through the Department of Industry, Tourism and
Resources and the Australian Greenhouse Office, to move the renewable energy industry to
sustainable and international competitiveness with a target of annual sales of $4 billion by
One of the technology options for utilisation of biomass fuels for electricity generation is cofiring
which in general refers to the co-combustion of two different fuels. Cofiring allows generators
to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by partly substituting coal with CO2-neutral biomass
fuels. Cofiring biomass and coal in an existing pulverised coal-fired power plant is a low-cost
option to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. High combustion efficiency can be achieved with
only minor or no modification to existing systems.
It must be highlighted that similar to any other type of organic fuels, biomass materials generate
CO2 emissions once their chemical structure is broken in the combustion reaction. However,
biomass is considered a CO2-neutral fuel source because the carbon dioxide generated during
its thermal conversion (i.e. combustion, gasification, etc.) is removed from the atmosphere by
growing plants through the photosynthesis process. For this reason, in the international carbon
accounting conventions, the carbon dioxide released during the combustion of biogenic carbon
fuels such as wood, wood waste, bagasse and biogas is not reported as an energy combustion
emission (AGO workbook 2006, p. 7).
Biomass utilisation technologies can be classified based on either (i) the fuel conversion process
or (ii) the energy service product. The primary energy conversion processes are:
• Combustion in which the biomass is burnt in the presence of excess air to release its
energy as heat. Furnace technology options for combustion include: underfed grates,
travelling grates, pulverised fuel burners, cyclone burners, and fluidised beds.
• Gasification in which the biomass is burnt in a reduced-air atmosphere so that it is
converted into a product gas rich in carbon monoxide and hydrogen. The gasification
process can be performed in fluidised beds and fixed beds.
• Pyrolysis which is the thermal degradation of biomass fuel in the absence of oxygen.
The biomass is converted into a range of products comprising char, fuel gas and liquid
“bio-oil”. The bio-oil seems to be the attractive value-added product in this process and
the recent trend is the development of “fast pyrolysis” technology which has a higher
yield of bio-oil that can be used as a chemical feedstock or as a fuel oil in a furnace. The
fluidised bed is the preferred technology for the pyrolysis reaction.
• Biochemical processes which can also be used to convert biomass into methane or liquid
fuels such as alcohols by anaerobic digestion and fermentation processes. Because of the
complex molecular structure of some biomass materials, hydrolysis is required prior to
fermentation in those cases.
The various process routes that are available for converting biomass into useful energy forms
are illustrated in Figure 1.4. In addition to its role as an energy resource biomass is also a
chemical feedstock but that function will not be explored further in this handbook except to
note that its use as a chemical feedstock may become the major market competitor to using
biomass as an energy resource.
Based on the energy service product, biomass utilisation technologies can be classified into
those for producing:
• Heat and electricity
• Biogas
• Biofuels.
Figure 1.4: Processes for the conversion of biomass to fuels, energy and heat
Source: Tester et al. (2005)
The relevant biomass utilisation technologies classified based on the energy service product and
their applications are summarised in Table 1.1. The recent developments on these technologies
are discussed in more detail in the following subsections.
Direct combustion Bagasse (and cane Mature and fully In sugar mills and
for cogeneration of trash); wood wastes; commercial wood processing plants
electricity and heat with black liquor (Sunshine Electricity,
conventional boiler 2002)
Direct combustion in Green wastes Mature and commercial EnviroStar (2002),
fluidised bed boiler Energy Equipment
Australia (EEA) (2003)
Biomass integrated Bagasse and cane trash Research & Sugar Research Institute
gasification combined development, (Hobson et al. 2002)
cycle demonstrating and
Landfill gas Landfill/gas recovery Municipal solid waste Established and Energy Development
(MSW) commercial Limited (EDL) (2003)
Sewage gas Digestion Sewage Mature and fully Malabar Sewage
commercial Treatment Plant, NSW
(DITR 2000)
Biogas Digestion Wet wastes and food Digestor – commercial EarthPower Technologies
wastes demonstration Sydney Pty Ltd
Syngas Gasification for Crop wastes (cotton Transition between R&D Methanex Pty Ltd 5,000
producing syngas trash and rice hull) and commercialisation t/y Syngas factory in
Bio-ethanol Hydrolysis/fermentation/ Sugar, molasses, starch Established commercial Various companies, see
distillation cellulose, wood with subsidy. Ethanol Burnard (2002) for a
exempt from fuel excise complete list
to encourage production
Bio-oil Pyrolysis, gasification MSW, wood waste Established and Western Power (see
(mallee) demonstration for RIRDC 2002 report),
commercialisation SWERF (see Wootton
2002 for more details)
Bio-methanol Gasification All biomass Research & development Various organisations
and companies, see
RIRDC (2002) report for
more details
Source: Moghtaderi et al. (2006)
The Australian bagasse cogeneration industry is already quite well developed. Benefits to
the reduction of greenhouse gas and to generation of a second revenue stream for the sugar
industry imply a potentially significant role for cogeneration in the electricity market. The
MRET renewable energy measure is evolving as the primary driver for the development of
cogeneration projects in the sugar industry.
Technologies are essentially the same for other biomass fuels such as wood wastes including
bark, chips, sawdust, mill sludge, fibre and scrap timber, which are used to generate processing
steam and electricity in the timber product industry (Allsopp 2001). Australia has a great deal
of experience in designing and building such plants.
Cofiring biomass and coal in an existing pulverised coal-fired power plant is a low-cost option
to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by partly substituting coal with CO2-neutral biomass fuels.
High combustion efficiency can be achieved with only minor or no modification to existing
systems. It has been demonstrated that up to 15% of total energy output can be substituted
from biomass fuel sources. In Australia, the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 (ORER
2000) is the major driver behind electricity generation companies adopting the practice of
coal/biomass cofiring.
In August 1999, Macquarie Generation’s Liddell Power Station became the first coal-fired
power station in Australia licensed to carry out cofiring for electricity production (Macquarie
Generation 1999) with the aim of generating 2% of energy through the burning of renewable
biomass. The cofiring program was then expanded to the company’s Bayswater power station.
The biomass supplied for Macquarie Generation’s cofiring program includes sawdust and
shavings from saw mills, forest thinnings, and laminate and medium-density fibreboard (MDF)
plant wastes. The 2% of energy output translates to 5% of biomass fuel by mass because of the
lower calorific value of the biomass fuel compared to Australian black coal. At full capacity,
the two stations consume about 900,000 tonnes per annum of biomass fuel.
Other electricity generators are also burning biomass fuels. For example, Delta Electricity
is cofiring biomass in its plants, aimed at reducing greenhouse emissions by up to
20,000 tonnes each year (Delta Electricity 1999). Other examples include CS Energy in
Queensland and Western Power in Western Australia. The sources of biomass fuel for these
companies include sawmill residues (a by-product of sustainable plantation operations),
construction and demolition wood wastes, as well as urban green waste (UGW). Despite
some technical difficulties, the cofiring technology appears to be fully adopted as a full-scale
commercial operation by the electricity generation sector (see Table A1.1.2 in Appendix 1.1
for a summary of Australian cofiring operations).
Further details on cofiring technology and the Australian experience are presented in
Section 1.4 of this chapter and in Chapters 4 and 5, with several case studies described in
Chapter 8.
1.3.2 Biogas
Biogas generation technologies include (i) biochemical technologies such as anaerobic digestion,
which breaks down organic material into methane and carbon dioxide and (ii) thermal/chemical
technologies such as pyrolysis and gasification, which converts biomass wastes into syngas
and/or other products.
The commercial utilisation of landfill gas as a fuel requires the gas to be extracted from landfill
sites with a reasonably consistent flow and quality. In Australia, Energy Developments Ltd
(EDL 2003) has developed a process that meets this requirement by drilling a pattern of vertical
gas production wells across the landfill area. These wells are linked by an underground piping
network to a central gas collection facility. The entire system is maintained under a vacuum,
inducing the flow of landfill gas into the collection facility, where gas processing is undertaken
to reduce moisture levels and filter out fine particles. The processed landfill gas is then used
as a fuel in either gas engine or gas turbine generator sets. The power generation facilities are
interconnected with a utility grid to enable the sale of the electricity produced.
The installed operating capacity plus plants under construction for landfill gas in Australia
was reported as 151.5 MW at 31 December 2004: 36.9 MW in Victoria, 18.1MW in Western
Australia, 11.0 MW in South Australia, 53.8 MW in New South Wales, 28.6 MW in Queensland
and 3.1 MW in the Australian Capital Territory (Australian Business Council for Sustainable
Energy 2005: 56-58). This is a progressive rise from an installed capacity of 80 MW in 1997
through 100 MW in 2000 to the current level. The installed capacity of landfill gas is expected
to steadily grow to about 250 MW by 2010 (Redding Energy Management 1999).
Anaerobic digestion
Anaerobic digestion technology is being demonstrated in Australia mainly to convert sewage
and wet wastes from agriculture and food processing into biogas. In Australia, the amount of
sewage feedstock for biogas production using the anaerobic digestion technology is relatively
small, although the electricity production from this source has potential for expansion from
its current level of 20 GWh/year to an upper limit of about 200 GWh/year. The Malabar
Sewage Treatment plant in New South Wales now generates 3 MW of electricity from
digester gas (DITR 2000). The wet wastes are potentially a larger resource. For example, over
100 MW of power for use in New South Wales can be produced from biogas generated from
wet waste sources. Projects such as Orange City Beef Biogas Plant under the Sustainable
Energy Development Authority, SEDA (Bartle 2002) have been developed to generate biogas
from wet wastes for firing boilers for cogeneration.
Gasification technology is being demonstrated and commercialised in Australia mainly to gasify
agricultural wastes into biogas. In New South Wales, two projects are under development, one
for gasification of cotton trash and the other for gasification of rice hull to produce biogas
(Bartle 2002). One project is developed using a technology from Biomass Energy System
Technologies (BEST) (i.e. swept-drum pyrolyser and char gasifier) to convert cotton trash
into syngas, which is aimed at 200,000 t/year cotton trash mostly in New South Wales. The
first stage of the project is to replace liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in the ginning season
(8,500 tonnes, 2,200 h/yr) and the second stage is to develop a 2.5 MW cogeneration system
together with cotton trash collection and storage (25,000 tonnes, 8,000 h/yr). In another project,
the same gasification technology is applied for utilising 300,000 t/year of NSW rice hull to
generate syngas. Gasification technology is quite well established and current operations do not
face any safety-related challenges.
1.3.3 Biofuels
In Australia, generating biofuels (bio-oil, bio-diesel, bio-ethanol and bio-methanol) from
biomass, particularly from planted wood, is claimed to offer several advantages on a broad
national scale. These include (ABA 1999; RIRDC 2002):
• Environmental benefits (reduced greenhouse emissions, reduced vehicle exhaust
emissions, improved urban air quality, salinity abatement, improved soil stability and
fertility and weed control)
• Economic benefits (related to the opportunities to provide viable economic alternatives
to existing agricultural/forestry industries)
• Regional benefits (the majority of biomass resources are located in rural and regional
Australia and their development could be expected to provide a major economic,
employment and social stimulus to these areas).
Therefore, biofuels have been attracting attention from both government and industry. Several
research and development (R&D) and demonstration projects have been conducted recently in
Ethanol (CH3CH2OH)
Bio-ethanol, a renewable fuel, is known as an “oxygenate” because it contains 37% oxygen
by weight (Klass 1998). Oxygen enhances the combustion of petrol in engines, and therefore
contributes to reductions in exhaust emissions such as carbon monoxide. Ethanol is currently
the most widely used biofuel in the transport sector in Australia (38% of the ethanol production
in 2000 was used as transport fuel, while 30% and 28% were used as a chemical in industry and
for export, respectively) (Naughten 2001).
Sugarcane and wheat are food crops. Their use for ethanol production is limited by their costs
as human and animal feeds, and it is typically the by-products of the manufacture of food-
grade products that are used for ethanol production. Therefore, the cost of ethanol from these
materials is higher, mostly because of the cost of the feedstock. Biomass, in the form of wood
and agricultural residues, is viewed as a low cost alternative feed to sugar and starch. However,
only part of the biomass (cellulose and hemicellulose) can be converted into sugars for use
in the fermentation process. Nevertheless, because it is potentially available in far greater
quantities than sugar and starch feeds, this form of biomass receives significant attention as
a feed material for ethanol production. Technical and economic research related to ethanol
production from wood plantation materials (Foran & Mardon 1999; RIRDC 2002) has been
carried out in Australia.
Bio-diesel is the name for a variety of ester-based oxygenated fuels made from vegetable oils
or animal fats (Klass 1998). Vegetable and animal oils and fats, like soybean, rapeseed/canola,
recovered vegetable and animal fats, can be used to produce bio-diesel. Bio-diesel is the only
alternative fuel that can be used directly in any existing, unmodified diesel engine. Because
it has similar properties to petroleum diesel fuel, bio-diesel can be blended in any ratio with
petroleum diesel fuel. Bio-diesel has many advantages as a transport fuel. For example,
bio-diesel can be produced from domestically grown oilseed plants such as canola. Producing
bio-diesel from domestic crops reduces Australia’s dependence on foreign petroleum, increases
agricultural revenue and creates jobs.
The production of bio-diesel is well known and is carried out using a series of catalytic reactions.
There are a small number of outlets providing bio-diesel currently in Australia. There are also
quite a number of companies around Australia in the planning stages or nearing completion
of their bio-diesel production facilities (BAA 2003). A bio-diesel pilot plant, using acid
esterification, glycerine recovery technologies to generate up to 10 ML/year was developed
under the administration of SEDA (Burnard 2002).
Bio-oil refers to the oils, including benzene and toluene derived from biomass either directly
by pyrolysis or indirectly by separating/processing tar compounds formed during biomass
gasification. In Australia, bio-oil technology is undergoing commercialisation. For example,
Energy Developments Ltd (EDL) has been demonstrating a technology called ‘Solid Waste to
Energy and Recycling Facility’ (SWERF®) (Wooton 2002), which integrates waste to energy
and recycling processes and uses advanced thermal conversion to convert waste into useful
energy forms including electricity and bio-oil. The waste material used is mainly MSW and
also includes waste biomass and commercial and industrial waste.
Cofiring biomass fuels with coal in pulverised coal-fired furnaces can be carried out using three
technology options:
1) Direct firing of the biomass with the coal
2) Indirect firing of the biomass fuel
3) Firing the biomass fuel in a separate boiler but using the steam in the existing generating
These three options are described in more detail in the following subsections. It will be seen that
the direct cofiring option involves the least need for additional plant and therefore investment,
but the indirect cofiring and parallel firing options have advantages such as the possibility of
using relatively difficult biomass fuels with high alkali and chlorine contents and the separation
of ashes. Further, the last two options give more control over combustion of the biomass with
reduced risks to operation of the main coal-fired plant.
The tables in Appendices 1–4 of this chapter summarise the Australian and international
experience with biomass energy plants and biomass-coal cofiring operations.
With direct cofiring, the biomass is fed directly into the coal-burning boiler (Figure 1.5). This
can be achieved by one of four basic options, which depend on where the biofuel is blended
with the main fuel and how it is introduced into the boiler. These options may be described
1) Co-pulverising
2) Separate pulverising, common injection
3) Separate pulverising, separate combustion
4) Biofuel for reburn.
The biomass is mixed with the coal before the coal feeders. The mixed fuel is processed
through the coal mills and distributed to all the coal burners. This is the simplest option and
can be expected to involve the lowest capital cost. It does, however, involve the highest risk to
the normal operations of the coal-fired boiler. Experience indicates that this technique is likely
to be applicable only at low biomass/coal fuel ratios. The recommended limits vary among
authors, with some experience with sawdust reported at biomass/coal ratio as high as 20% on
a mass basis. Nevertheless, it would appear prudent to work with less than 10% biofuel in the
feed blend if co-pulverising is to be used.
Examples of direct cofiring using co-pulverising of biofuel and coal feed are:
i) Trial burning tests at Swanbank A reported by Spero (2000) using pre-processed urban
garden waste with coal
ii) Amager Power Plant Unit 3, Denmark where straw pellets were mixed with coal prior to
co-grinding in the mills. The power plant has a capacity of 250 MWe (EUROPA 2002)
iii) Georgia Power’s Hamond Unit in the USA where trial burning of wood-waste with coal
found that the mill’s power requirements were raised by about 10–15% when wood fuel
was added to the coal
iv) Delta Electricity Power Stations at Vales Point, Wallerawang and Mt Piper
v) Macquarie Generation’s Liddel Power Plant
vi) British trials and commercial operations at large power plants where pre-blending the
biomass with the coal at low cofiring ratios and processing the blended fuel through the
existing coal handling and firing system is practised (Livingston 2004).
This technique is used at the Studstrup Power Plant, Denmark. In that plant, pulverised straw
is cofired with coal. Four (out of 12) burners were converted to handle the pulverised straw.
In these modified burners, the straw is fired down the burner core air tube and the coal is
introduced through the primary air annulus. It is possible to cofire the straw at up to 20% of the
total furnace heat input at full boiler load (van Loo & Koppejan 2002, p. 176).
Miura (2004) discusses pilot plant trials in Japan, which included trials on coaxial burners in
which the prepared woody biomass was injected in the core of the burner and the pulverised
coal was injected through the annulus. Davis et al. (2002) also report on this type of duel-fuel
burner arrangement for cofiring sawdust with coal in which the sawdust was injected through
the centre injector while the coal was injected through an annular region surrounding the centre
The use of a separate wood handling, processing and combustion system was used at the
Gelderland Power Station, the Netherlands. The wood-firing capacity is around 3–4% of the
coal input, on a heat input basis. This plant reported considerable initial problems with the
wood handling and preparation system, but no negative impacts on the operation of the boiler
(van Loo & Koppejan 2002, p. 176).
The Plant Kraft Station of Savannah Electric, USA cofired wood (sawdust) and coal with the
coal being fired in one row of burners and the wood being fired in a separate row. The tests at
that plant demonstrated that high percentages of wood could be cofired in this type of pulverised
coal boiler, using a separate dedicated wood feeding system.
The USA research reported by Harding and Tillman (2004) stated that using separate burners for
biomass and coal was the preferred option when retrofitting a PF coal-fired utility for biomass
cofiring. Separate biomass burners were reported by Japanese researchers (Miura 2004; Miura
et al. 2004) to give better performance than coaxial burners (dual-fuel burners) with respect to
emissions reduction in pilot scale tests.
However, Savolainen et al. (2003) advocate the use of dual-fuel burners (coal/biomass burners)
for cofiring biomass with coal. Separately pre-treated biomass is injected through some of
the coal burners as well as the coal. They state that the coal flame then supports the biomass
flame, which is required for proper burnout of the wet biomass. The dual burner has, they
claim, operational advantages over pre-blending the coal and biomass for direct firing in the
coal burners or the use of separate burners for each fuel type. Dixon et al. (2003) discuss swirl
burners for the combustion of bagasse in a raw sugar mill. In their paper, they describe the use
of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling to improve understanding of the advanced
swirl burners being developed with the intention of replacing the current sugar mill boiler
technology that uses pneumatic fuel spreaders. CFD modelling was also used by Savolainen et
al. (2003) to aid in the development of their dual-fuel burners.
Davis et al. (2002) also discuss the use of CFD for providing a better understanding of the
complex combustion process. They describe two biomass injection schemes they studied: (1) a
simple annulus: a blend of sawdust and coal was milled and injected into the furnace through a
simple annulus; and (2) a coaxial injection: the sawdust was injected through the centre injector
while coal was injected through the annular region surrounding the centre injector.
A variation on this method of cofiring is the power plant at St Andra, Austria where the biomass
(with minimum pre-processing) is fired on a travelling grate installed directly under the furnace
of the pulverised coal boiler. Around 3% of the total heat input to the boiler was provided by
the biofuel in this case.
The Zeltweg Power Plant in Austria was the first gasification plant of this type to come online.
Summarising the experience at that plant, there is no need to pre-dry or grind up the biomass
feedstock which is fed into a separate air-blown circulating fluidised bed (CFB) gasifier. Here it
is partially gasified and broken up by the effects of attrition and heat. The product gas generated,
including fine char particles, is fed to the pulverised coal boiler where it is burned.
A key issue with indirect cofiring of the fuel gas from the gasifier is the treatment of the gas
prior to combustion in the PF furnace. The product gas from the gasification process is a fuel
of low calorific value, wet, hot and contains tars, other condensable organic substances and
biomass ash materials. This gas can be burned as is, at relatively low cost but with some risk to
the operation of the boiler and its availability.
Alternatively the gas can be cooled and cleaned by heat exchangers, filters and scrubbers to
improve the quality of the gas prior to its combustion in the pulverised coal boiler furnace.
While this is achieved at some cost, it does reduce the risks to the operation and availability of
the main boiler. This process is the one used at the Amer Power Plant in Geertruidenberg, the
Netherlands (van Loo & Koppejan 2002, p. 183).
The EUROPA (2002, p. 46) report states “There is substantial interest throughout the world
in the development of coal-based gasification plant for utility-scale power generation. The
potential advantages of gasification plant are higher efficiencies and significantly lower
environmental impact than conventional coal-fired plant. These advanced clean coal systems
fall predominantly into two categories, namely ‘integrated gasification combined cycle’ (IGCC)
and ‘topping cycles’.” It is also noted in that report (p. 47) that tests were conducted on three
different gasification technologies (fluidised beds, fixed beds and entrained flow) in Europe
in the early 1990s for the cogasification of waste materials with coal and concluded that the
feasibility of cofiring coal in mixtures with various biomass and waste-derived fuels had been
established and there was considerable potential for cofiring blends in the various gasification
The use of waste materials such as agricultural and municipal wastes as biofuels contributes
to sustainability development since this use offers an alternative to disposal in landfills. The
value of the biofuel as an energy resource will offset to some extent the relatively high costs of
collection often ascribed to the handling of these waste materials.
When biomass is cofired with coal in an existing coal-fired installation, the biomass offers a
number of benefits. The use of biomass can significantly reduce the greenhouse gas emissions
per unit of electricity sent out. It can lead to reductions in the emissions of the oxides of sulfur
and nitrogen, and it can assist with the disposal of solid waste by avoidance of landfilling and
the associated costs. The biomass fuel itself may be available as a lower-cost fuel compared
to coal. However, all potential benefits are site-specific and cost savings, in particular, need
to be evaluated carefully as the costs of biomass feedstock can vary over a wide range, and
transportation and handling costs can make even zero cost wastes expensive at the power
station gate.
Other reasons for using biomass as a fuel source include: a diversified primary fuel mix, reduced
dependence on imported fuel resources and security of fuel supplies.
However, the energy density of biomass is low when compared to coal and other fossil fuels.
Even when dry, biomass has a heating value much less than a black coal and is somewhat
closer to a brown coal. The moisture content of biomass can be high and thus the biomass may
require drying before combustion otherwise efficiencies of the energy conversion processes
will be low. Drying is an energy-intensive process and from a sustainability viewpoint is best
done using the natural drying process from the wind and sun. However, this may not be feasible
when the biomass is being used at high rates of consumption or in wet, humid climates.
Using biomass as an energy resource competes with other uses of the biomass or with alternate
uses of the land, water and other inputs used to produce the biomass. This is particularly
evident in agricultural systems where biomass for energy production competes with biomass
for food, fibre and timber products or grasses for cattle and sheep raising. Intensive cropping
of biomass for fuel will add additional demand on the water resources of a region, will impact
on biodiversity and deplete soil nutrients. Biomass resources in the form of processed garden
wastes, agricultural residues and woodchip have established markets in the horticultural
industry and for use on home gardens or in public parks and gardens.
The energy use associated with the harvesting and transportation of biomass will be significant.
This is exacerbated by the fact that biomass has a low energy density on a mass and volume
basis when compared to fossil fuels and the biomass resource itself may be distributed over a
wide area. Efficient collection and transport operations are necessary to minimise energy use
and associated environmental impacts as well as costs in acquiring the biomass resource.
In relation to sustainability considerations, the potential benefits of cofiring biomass with coal
in existing or new pulverised coal fired boilers include (Baxter 2004; Baxter and Koppejan
2005; Stucley et al. 2004; van Loo & Koppejan 2002):
• Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by displacing part of the fossil fuel with a
carbon-neutral biofuel
• Potential reductions in emissions of sulfur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen
• Reduction in the quantity of a waste material that would otherwise be going to landfill
• Recovery of energy from a waste material
• Access to a fuel that may be available at a lower cost than coal
• Lower levels of toxic trace elements in a fuel compared to coal
• Growing energy crops can contribute to the control of salinity and have a positive impact
on water quality
• Energy crops may also increase biodiversity
• Energy crops and biomass processing can assist regional economic development through
job creation and market opportunities
• Potential co-products from biomass energy systems include resins, other biofuels,
activated carbon and fertilisers.
Challenges that arise with cofiring biomass with coal would include:
• Storing and processing the biofuel
• Ensuring a reliable supply of biomass that meets desired quality specifications
• Minimising reductions in boiler efficiency due to higher moisture levels of biomass
• Possibility of increased corrosion of and deposition on heat transfer surfaces
• Reducing levels of emissions of local pollutants
• Handling, storing and using ash that results from the combustion of the commingled
• Competing uses for the biomass.
The most comprehensive methodology that can be used to determine the environmental impacts
from an energy system is a life cycle assessment (LCA) which is a systematic procedure to
identify, evaluate and ultimately reduce the environmental impacts from a specific process.
Material and energy balances are used to compile an inventory of all emissions, resource
depletion and energy consumption for all processes from raw material extraction through
to final waste disposal or recycling that are associated with the process being assessed. The
inventory results may then be processed into a number of categories, each with an indicator
that measures the impact of the system on human health and the environment. Procedures and
guidelines for conducting an LCA are given in the ISO 14040 series of standards and have been
applied in several Cooperative Research Centre for Coal in Sustainable Development (CCSD)
reports (see, for example, Cottrell et al. 2003a; Cottrell et al. 2003b). Several studies that used
the LCA framework to investigate biomass cofiring with coal have been reported (Mann &
Spath 2001; Cottrell et al. 2003a).
Mann and Spath (2001) concluded that both lifecycle and direct plant emissions are reduced
when cofiring biomass produced exclusively for energy use compared with 100% coal-based
electricity generation. Reductions in emissions of the following local pollutants were identified:
CO, particulates, SO2 and NOx. They further reported that at blending rates of 5% and 15% by
heat input, cofiring reduces greenhouse gas emissions on a CO2-equivalent basis by 5.4% and
18.2%, respectively.
In an analysis of the circulating fluidised bed combustion process for power generation using
coal, coal-biomass blends or biomass as the fuel, Cottrell et al. (2003a) concluded that with
biomass there was a significant reduction in all emissions considered but especially greenhouse
gases, particulates and ash. However, with the use of purpose-grown crops to supply the
biomass, there was a significant increase in freshwater consumption and a slight increase in
energy consumption, which results from the lower thermal efficiency of the power plant with
biomass and the consumption of fuel in the forest management and transportation of biomass.
The environmental impacts of cofiring biomass with coal are analysed in more detail in
Chapter 6 of this handbook.
Table 1.2: Cost of bioenergy technologies compared to other renewable energy technologies and fossil
fuels – current and expected trends
High costs have been associated with the collection and transportation of forestry and,
in particular, agricultural residues. Seasonal and regional variations occur with residue
availability and quality. The lack of established infrastructure for collecting, transporting
and brokering forest and crop residues represents a significant barrier to the development of
functioning markets for these biomass fuels. Dedicated energy crops would overcome some of
these barriers and contribute to the development of the needed infrastructure and markets. The
effects of drought and seasonal variations in crop yields must be factored into the risk analysis
of reliability of biomass supply.
Biomass procurement is then potentially a complex and costly undertaking and can therefore
be a significant barrier to building a business case for a cofiring project. Generally, wood
waste and urban green wastes would be the least expensive biomass resources available. These
would be followed by, in terms of increasing costs, sawmill residues, forest residues, animal
husbandry wastes, agricultural residues and energy crops. The costs of acquisition may by offset
by avoided landfill costs for some biomass materials, but costs of collection (or production and
harvesting in the case of energy crops) and processing into a form suitable for cofiring may be
substantial. Given the relatively low cost of coal as an energy sources in Australia, the cost of
biomass fuels on an energy basis will often exceed the cost of coal. Nevertheless, in view of the
high variability with available biomass types and costs, and supply infrastructure, the analyses
will be very site-specific.
Chapter 7 in this handbook addresses the commercial considerations within the Australian
context in detail.
1.8 Summary
Australia has an extensive biomass resource and a wide selection of technology pathways is
available for converting the chemical energy in the biomass into useful energy services. Cofiring
suitably prepared biomass with coal in existing pulverised coal-fired power plant is a low-cost
option to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation and to earn renewable
energy certificates. However, biomass procurement may be a complex and costly undertaking
presenting a significant challenge to the development of a business case for a cofiring project.
Examples of coal-fired power plants in Australia and other countries that use or have trialled
biomass cofiring have been presented in this chapter.
1.9 References
Allsopp, BA 2001, Timber by-products as biomass fuels: Materials handling issues,
Australian Biofuels Association (ABA) 1999, Multi-benefits of a national biofuel industry, policy paper from the
Australian Biofuels Association, <>.
Australian Bureau of Agriculture and Resource Economics (ABARE) 2007, Energy economics data and annual
updates, <>.
Australian Business Council for Sustainable Energy 2005, Waste to energy: A guide for local authorities,
< Energy Report.pdf>.
Australian Greenhouse Office (AGO) 2006, The AGO factors and methods workbook 2006, published by the
Australian Greenhouse Office, Department of the Environment and Heritage, Commonwealth of
Bartle, J 2002, Achieving sustainability through bioenergy, Bioenergy Australia, 2002 Conference, Sydney, NSW.
Baxter, L 2004, Biomass cofiring overview, 2nd World Biomass Conference, Workshop 4: The status of biomass/
coal cofiring, Organised by IEA BioenergyTask 32: Biomass Combustion and Cofiring, Rome, 14 May
2004, <>.
Baxter, L & Koppejan, J 2005, Biomass-coal co-combustion: opportunity for affordable renewable energy, Fuel,
84(10), 1295–1302.
Biodiesel Association of Australia (BAA) 2003, Biodiesel facts, Biodiesel Association of Australia, Homebush
South, <>.
Burbidge, D 2000, Renewable energy boosts rural Queensland, Proceedings of Solar 2000 from Fossils to
Protons, CD-ROM, (D. Mills, ed.), Australian and New Zealand Solar Society Conference, Brisbane,
November 29 – December 1.
Burnard, A 2002, Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA), New bioenergy developments in New South
Wales, Australian Bioenergy Conference 2002, Manly, NSW, 2–3 December.
Bush, S, Harris, J & Ho Trieu, L 1997, Energy 1997 projections: Australian energy consumption and production,
ABARE Research Report 97.2, Canberra.
Commonwealth of Australia 1997, Safeguarding the future: Australia’s response to climate change, Statement by
the Prime Minister of Australia, <>.
Commonwealth of Australia 2004a, Energy white paper, <>.
Commonwealth of Australia 2004b, National greenhouse gas inventory,
Cottrell, A, Nunn, J, Urfer, A & Wibberley, L 2003a, Systems assessment of electricity generation using biomass
and coal in CFBC, Technology Assessment Report 24, Cooperative Research Centre for Coal in
Sustainable Development (CCSD), QCAT, Technology Transfer Centre, Pullenvale, Queensland.
Cottrell, A, Nunn, J, Urfer, A, Wibberley, L, Scaire, P & Palfreyman, D 2003b, Systems assessment of future
electricity generation options for Australia, Technology Assessment Report 32, Cooperative Research
Centre for Coal in Sustainable Development (CCSD), QCAT, Technology Transfer Centre, Pullenvale,
Davis, K, Shim, H-S, Lignell D, Denison, M & Felix, L 2002, Evaluation of wood cofiring injection strategies
using CFD simulations: Pilot- and full-scale results, <
Delta Electricity 1999, <>.
Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources (DITR) 2000, Renewable energy action agenda, June,
Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources (DITR) 2002, Renewable energy roadmap, October,
Dickson, A, Thorpe, S, Harman, J, Donaldson, K & Tedesco, L 2001, Australian energy outlook to 2019-2020,
Australian Institute of Energy, National Conference Energy 2001 – Exploring Australia’s energy future,
Sydney, 22–33 November.
Dixon, TF, Mann, AP, Plaza, F & Gilfillan WN 2003, Development of advanced technology for biomass
combustion: CFD as an essential tool, International Symposium on Utilisation of Coal and Biomass,
ISUCB-03, Newcastle, Australia, 28–29 August.
Energy Development Ltd (EDL) 2003, <>.
Energy Equipment Australia (EEA) 2003, <>.
EnviroStar Energy Ltd 2002, <>.
EUROPA 2002, Opportunities and markets for co-utilisation of biomass and waste with fossil fuels for power
generation, prepared by CRE Group Ltd for European Commission, available as final_report_version_
4_with_pi.pdf at <>.
Foran, B & Mardon, C 1999, Beyond 2025: Transition to the bio-alcohol economy using ethanol and methanol,
Report to National Dryland Salinity Program of the Land and Water Resources Research and
Development Corporation, December.
Harding, NS & Tillman, DA 2004, US biomass cofiring experience, presentation to workshop on Near-term
Options to reduce CO2 emissions from the Electric Power Generation Sector in APEC Economies,
organised by the Expert Group on Clean Fossils Energy (EGCFE) Energy Working Group, Asia
Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), 16 February, Conrad Jupiters Convention Centre, Gold Coast,
Hobson, PA, Dixon, TF, Wheeler, C & Lindsay, N, 2002, Development of bagasse gasification technology for
increased cogeneration in the Australian sugar industry, ISSCT Engineering workshop, Berlin,
October 2002.
Klass, DL 1998, Biomass for renewable energy, fuels and chemicals, Academic Press, San Diego, USA,
ISBN: 0124109500.
Livingston, WR 2004, The current status of biomass cofiring at coal-fired power stations in Britain, presentation
to 2nd World Biomass Conference, Workshop 4: The status of biomass/coal cofiring, organised by IEA
BioenergyTask 32: Biomass Combustion and Cofiring, Rome, 14 May.
Macquarie Generation 1999, <>.
Mann, MK and Spath, PL 2001, A life cycle assessment of biomass cofiring in a coal-fired power plant, Clean
Products and Processes, 3(2), 81–91; also see NREL Report No. 29457.
Meijer, R 2004, Biomass cofiring: Status in the Netherlands, presentation to 2nd World Biomass Conference,
Workshop 4: The status of biomass/coal cofiring, organised by IEA BioenergyTask 32: Biomass
Combustion and Cofiring, Rome, 14 May.
Miura, R, 2004, R&D for coal and woody biomass cofiring technology in Japan, presentation to 2nd
World Biomass Conference, Workshop 4: The status of biomass/coal cofiring, Organised by IEA
BioenergyTask 32: Biomass Combustion and Cofiring, Rome, 14 May.
Miura, R, Takahiro N, Hirata, M, Takahashi, Y, Otani, Y, Yuasa, H, Kiyono T,Tajima, M & Ueda, S 2004,
Research and development for coal and woody biomass cofiring technology in Japan, paper prepared in
conjunction with presentation by Miura (2004).
Moghtaderi, B, Sheng, C & Wall, T 2006, An overview of the Australian biomass resources and utilisation
technologies, BioResources, 1(1), 93–115.
Naughten, D 2001, Viability of sugar cane based fuel ethanol, ABARE Report to the Department of Agriculture,
Forestry and Fisheries, Canberra, Australia, October.
Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator (ORER) 2000, Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act, No.170, 2000,
Redding Energy Management, in association with Energy and Environmental Management Group 1999, 2%
renewables target in power supplies potential for Australian capacity to expand to meet the target,
report submitted to the Australian Greenhouse Office, available at <
Rural Industries Research & Development Corporation (RIRDC) 2002, Wood for alcohol fuels, status of
technology and cost/benefit analysis of farm forestry for bioenergy, RIRDC Publication 02/141, RIRDC,
Barton, ACT, November 2002.
Savolainen, K, Nyberg, K & Dernjatin, P 2003, Cofiring biomass in the pulverised fuel boilers, Bioenergy 203,
International Nordic Bioenergy Conference, 2–5 October, 286–289.
Schuck, S. 2004, Task 32 Presentation – Australia, presentation to 2nd World Biomass Conference, Workshop
4: The status of biomass/coal cofiring, Organised by IEA BioenergyTask 32: Biomass Combustion and
Cofiring, Rome, 14 May.
Spero, C 2000, Study on cofiring of biomass with coal at Swanbank A Power Station: Stage I – Characterisation
of biomass and pilot-scale testing, CS Energy Ltd, Brisbane.
Stucley, CR, Schuck, SM, Sims, REH, Larsen, PL, Turvey, ND & Marino, BE 2004, Biomass energy production
in Australia: Status, costs and opportunities for major technologies, RIRDC Publication 04/031, Project
N0 EPL-1A, RIRDC, Barton, ACT.
Sunshine Electricity 2002, Broadwater biomass cogeneration proposal, environmental impact statement, prepared
for the NSW Sugar Milling Cooperative Limited, February 2002.
Tester, JW, Drake, EM, Driscoll, MJ, Golay, MW & Peters, WA 2005, Sustainable energy: Choosing among
options, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.
van Loo, S & Koppejan J (eds) 2002, Biomass combustion and cofiring handbook, Twente University press,
Enschede, the Netherlands.
Wiltsee, G 2000, Lessons learned from existing biomass power plants, NREL report, NREL/SR-570-26946,
February, US Department of Energy, <>.
Wootton, P 2002, Development of SWERF® technology, Bioenergy Australia 2002 Conference, Sydney, NSW,
2–3 December.
paper mill power plant
Coal-Biomass Cofiring Handbook
Table A1.1.1: Summary of biomass energy plants in Australia (continued...)
No. Name State Energy source Technology Owner Comments
11 Maryvale power VIC Black liquor from pulp and Steam cogeneration, pulp 24,000 kW Australian Paper Pulp and paper mill (3x12MW and
station paper process and paper mill power plant 1x18.5MW). Australian Paper has 2 x black
liquor recovery boilers (renewable fuel type
about 50%). Operating
12 Gympie Power Station QLD Macadamia nut shells Steam turbine 1,500 kW Ergon Energy 5,000 tpa of macadamia nut shells will be
Coal-Biomass Cofiring Handbook
Coal-Biomass Cofiring Handbook
Table A1.2.1: Summary of 21 biomass energy plants in Europe (continued...)
No. Name Country Energy source Technology Owner Comments
6 ENA Kraft, Enkoping Sweden Main fuel: wood (original CHP, vibrating grate boiler 55 MWth, electrical There are a number of boilers at the
design); now burns biofuels: output 23 MWe. plant. This description is based on the
bark, sawdust, residues Steam: 27 kg/s, main CHP boiler. Forestry biofuels come
from logging operations and 10 MPa, 540OC from within 70 km of plant. Delivery by
salix (short rotation coppice) trucks. Too much salix (>15%?) causes
problems with fouling and high K and
Coal-Biomass Cofiring Handbook
7 Assens Fjernvarme Denmark Wood: whole tree chips, CHP plant, grate furnace, Electrical: 4.7 MWe Assens Fjernvarme Feed system blends different wood
chipped logs, clean smaller particles burn in Heating: 10.3 MWth. A.m.b.a. cooperative fuel types before the feed hoppers.
Coal-Biomass Cofiring Handbook
Table A1.2.1: Summary of 21 biomass energy plants in Europe (continued...)
No. Name Country Energy source Technology Owner Comments
17 Forssa CHP Plant Finland Wood-derived fuels: BFB designed for wood Fuel power, 66 MW, Vapo Oy Energy Plant built to supply district heat
sawdust, bark, chips. fuels. Bed temperature is electric power to town of Frossa. No support fuel
“Recovered fuels”: peat 800–850oC. 17.2 MWe, district necessary. Corrosion problems
heating 48 MW. observed in superheater pipes (due to
Steam: 22.8 kg/s, Cl in logging residues, maybe?).
6.1 MPa, 510oC
Coal-Biomass Cofiring Handbook
18 Maabjerg Denmark MSW, straw, wood chips. CHP plant; three boilers, Biomass fuel to boiler: Vestkraft A/S (utility In operation since 1993; biomass
Natural gas for superheater two for waste and one for 36 MWth. company) system extended in 1996
combined combustion of Natural gas for
Kettle Falls December 1983 Mill 1 travelling grate stoker 188.2 10.3 510 46
McNeil June 1984 Forest, mill, urban 1 travelling grate stoker 217.7 8.8 510 50
* 108 total net MW, 10% from wood and 90% from coal FBC = bubbling fluidised bed combustor RDF = refuse-derived fuel
** 167 total net MW, 15% from biofuels and 85% from coal CFB = circulating fluidised bed boiler TDF = tyre-derived fuel
“mill” = mill waste, “ag” agricultural waste, “urban” urban waste and so on LFG = landfill gas PC = pulverised coal
Source: Wiltsee (2000)
Appendix 1.4: Biomass cofiring projects in Japan
Table A1.4.1: Biomass cofiring projects in Japan
Company Boiler Biomass Firing system Cofiring ratio* Feed system Mill for biomass Status
250 MW Saijyo
Shikoku Electric Co-pulverising with
pulverised coal (PC) Bark Wall firing 1% Ball mill Demonstration
Power Co. Inc. coal
Construction and
Co-pulverising with
J-Power Pilot scale demolition, green 5% Roller mill Pilot scale tests
wood, bamboo