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The phenomena of development of internal tensile stresses in a concrete member by

means of tensioning devices are called as ____________
a) Pre-tensioning
b) Post-tensioning
c) Prestressing of concrete
d) Thermoelectric prestressing
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Answer: c
Explanation: Prestressed concrete is basic concrete, in which internal stresses of a suitable
magnitude and distribution are introduced so that the stresses resulting from external loads
are counteracted to a desired degree.
2. In reinforced concrete members the prestress is commonly introduced by ___________
a) Tensioning the steel reinforcement
b) Tendons
c) Shortening of concrete
d) Rings
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Answer: a
Explanation: In reinforced concrete members, the prestress commonly introduced is by
tensioning the steel reinforcement while rings i.e stirrups are used while placing columns or
foundation in structures, tendon is a stretched member of a prestressed concrete element
which serves the purpose of transmitting the prestress to concrete and shortening of
concrete phenomena occurs while placing of concrete.
3. Which of the following basic concept is involved in the analysis of prestressed concrete
a) Combined and bending stresses
b) Principle stresses
c) Shear stresses
d) Overhead stresses
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Answer: a
Explanation: The basic concept involved in the analysis of prestressed concrete members is
concept of combined direct and bending stresses used for columns whereas principle and
shear stresses are formed in case of tensioning the prestressed and reinforced structures,
overhead stresses are formed while the stresses in structures goes beyond safe limit
provided by different codes.
4. The prestressing of concrete member is carried out to reduce ___________
a) Compressive stresses
b) Tensile stresses
c) Bending stresses
d) Shear force
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Answer: a
Explanation: The prestressing of concrete members is done to reduce the compressive
stresses developed in the concrete members to the required extent while tensile stresses is
the stress state where the length of member tends to expand in tension side while the
volume remains constant, shear forces and bending stresses occurs at the cross section of
the beam as the unbalanced vertical force and algebraic sum of moment of forces to right or
left of section.
5. The earliest examples of wooden barrel construction by force-fitting of metal bands and
shrink-fitting of metal tiers of wooden wheels indicate the art of ___________
a) Prestressing
b) Tensioning
c) Stress
d) Straining
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Answer: a
Explanation: Wooden barrel construction by force-fitting of metal bands and shrink-fitting of
metal tyres on wooden wheels indicate the art of prestressing and it has been practiced
from ancient times while the example of tensioning is bracing for building and bridges
whereas stress occurs in a member at a force per unit area and strain phenomena occurs
by change in length of a unstressed element.
6. The concept is used in many branches of civil engineering and building construction?
a) Reinforced concrete
b) Prestressed concrete
c) Steel concrete
d) Lump sum concrete
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Answer: b
Explanation: Prestressed concrete is widely used in many branches of civil engineering and
building construction and in recent days it is experiencing greatest growth in the field of
commercial building because of its acoustic properties and its ability to provide long open
7. The attempt to introduce permanently acting forces in concrete to resist the elastic forces
is ___________
a) Prestressing
b) Loading
c) Pre-straining
d) Bending
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Answer: a
Explanation: Freyssinet attempted to introduce permanently acting forces in concrete to
resist the elastic forces developed under loads and this idea was later developed under the
name of prestressing while the loading and bending phenomena occurs in a member while
placing and during excessive loads and pre-straining occurs in prestressed concrete
8. In reinforced concrete members, the prestress commonly introduced is ___________
a) Tensioning steel reinforcement
b) Tensioning wood reinforcement
c) Tensioning rings
d) Tensioning plates
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Answer: a
Explanation: In reinforced concrete members steel is commonly used by tensioning steel
reinforcement and Steel was commonly used in reinforcement in earlier days and had
several disadvantages in case of residential buildings.
9. Development of early cracks in reinforced concrete is due to ___________
a) Strains of steel
b) Stresses of steel
c) Ultimate load
d) Bending of steel
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Answer: a
Explanation: Development of early cracks in reinforced concrete is due to incompatibility in
the strains of steel and concrete and it was perhaps the starting point in the development of
a new material like prestressed concrete.
10. Concrete is weak in?
a) Compression
b) Tension
c) Loading
d) Bending
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Answer: b
Explanation: Concrete is not able to resist direct tension in comparison of its ability to resist
direct compression because of its low tensile strength and brittle nature, it behaves non
linearly at all times because it has essentially zero strength in tension it is always used as
reinforced concrete, as a composite material and it is a mixture of sand, aggregate, cement
and water whereas structures are highly vulnerable to tensile cracking due to very low
thermal coefficient of expansion.
1. In 1886, Jackson of San Francisco applied for a patent in which prestress was introduced
by ___________
a) Tensioning the reinforced rods in sleeves
b) Tensioning the reinforced rings in sleeves
c) Tensioning the reinforced steel in sleeves
d) Tensioning the reinforced bars in sleeves
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Answer: a
Explanation: In present state of development in the field of prestressed concrete is due to
continuous research done by engineers and scientists in this field during the last 90 years
while Jackson of San Francisco applied for a patent “construction of artificial stone and
concrete pavements”, in which prestress was introduced by tensioning the reinforced rods
set in sleeves.
2. In 1888, manufacturing of slabs and small beams using embedded tensioned wires in
concrete was introduced by ___________
a) Dohring
b) Karl marx
c) Emperger
d) Dischinger
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Answer: a
Explanation: Dohring of Germany manufactured slabs and small beams in 1888, using
embedded tensioned wires in concrete to avoid cracks, in 1923 Emperger of Vienna
developed a method for making wire bound reinforced concrete pipes, the use of
unbounded tendons was first demonstrated by Dischinger in 1928 and Karl marx was a
German philosopher, economist, political theorist, sociologist, journalist.
3. An engineer mandl in 1896 put forward the idea to counteract the stresses acting due to
a) Bending moment
b) Tension
c) Twisting moment
d) Loads
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Answer: d
Explanation: The idea of prestressing to counteract the stresses due to loads was first put
forward by the Austrian engineer Mandl in 1896 while bending moment, tension and twisting
moment were considered as the basic concepts in strength of materials and this is an
extension to structures subject with a new idea of prestressing making adverse advantages
to the future structures.
4. In 1907, the losses of prestress due to elastic shortening of concrete was developed by
a) Koenen
b) Steiner
c) Darcy
d) Hygen
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Answer: a
Explanation: Koenon of Germany developed the subject by reporting in 1907, on the losses
of prestress due to elastic shortening of concrete and Steiner recognized the losses due to
shrinkage of concrete around 1908.
5. The importance of using high strength concrete and high tensile steel was introduced by
a) Freyssinet
b) Hooke
c) Vienna
d) Newton
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Answer: a
Explanation: Freyssinet in 1928-1933 has given the importance of using high strength
concrete and steel in order to various losses of prestress due to creep and shrinkage and
he also developed vibration technique to produce high strength concrete also manufactured
double acting jack for stressing high tensile steel wires into the concrete structure.
6. The use of prestressed concrete in Europe and United states spread rapidly from?
a) 1945
b) 1935
c) 1933
d) 1944
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Answer: b
Explanation: The use of prestressed concrete spread rapidly from 1935 onwards and many
long span bridges, industrial shell roofs, marine structures, nuclear pressure vessels etc
were constructed between 1945 and 1950 in Europe and United states.
7. In words of Guyon, more than a technique prestress is a ___________
a) Principle
b) Base
c) Strong material
d) Life for structures
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Answer: a
Explanation: In the words of Guyon: “there is no structural problem to which prestress
cannot provide a solution, and often a revolutionary one, Prestress is more than a
technique; it is a general principle” is the description or explanation given by Guyon on
8. Dischinger explained the use of unbounded tendons in the construction of ___________
a) Large bridges
b) Small bridges
c) Sleepers
d) Roofs
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Answer: a
Explanation: Dischinger in 1928, has explained the use of unbounded tendons in the
construction of large bridges of deep girder type by this method, the losses of prestress are
neutralized by placing the prestressing wires inside the girder without any bond.
9. Vienna developed the method of wire bound reinforced concrete pipe by binding high
tensile steel wires, the stresses in that were ranging in between ___________
a) 170 to 900
b) 100 to 800
c) 160 to 800
d) 140 to 200
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Answer: c
Explanation: Vienna in 1923, has developed a wire bound reinforced concrete pipe by
binding high tensile steel wires on pipe and In this method it was noticed that the stresses of
concrete was ranging in between 160 to 800 n/mm 2.
10. Prestressed concrete is widely used in construction by ___________
a) Houses
b) Bore wells
c) Roofs
d) Nuclear pressure vessels
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Answer: d
Explanation: Prestressed concrete is used in construction of long span bridges, industrial
roofs, marine structures, nuclear pressure vessels, water retaining structures, railway
sleepers etc and it also has a higher modulus of elasticity and small creep strain, resulting
in smaller loss of prestressing in the steel while prestressed concrete is one of the
construction material in building and bridge products around the world.
1. The significant observations which resulted from the pioneering research on prestressed
concrete were ___________
a) 1weperceength steel and losses of prestress
b) High strength tendon and losses of creep
c) High strength bars and losses of strain
d) High strength rings and losses of shrinkage
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Answer: a
Explanation: The necessity of using high strength steel, concrete and recognisation of
losses of prestress due to various causes were the observations which resulted in research
on prestressed concrete while high strength tendons, bars, rings are used for transmitting
prestress and losses of creep, strain and shrinkage are types of loss considered in post and
pretensioned members.
2. The necessity of high strength concrete in prestressed concrete is due to ___________
a) Shear and Bonding
b) Loading and Unloading
c) Cracking
d) Bending
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Answer: a
Explanation: High strength concrete is necessary in prestressed concrete, as the material
offers high resistance in tension, shear, bond and bearing while loading and unloading,
cracking, bending actions are actions occurring at the time of transfer of concrete.
3. In the zone of anchorages the material preferred to minimize costs is ___________
a) High strength steel
b) High strength bars
c) High strength tendons
d) High strength concrete
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Answer: d
Explanation: In the zone of anchorages, the bearing stresses being higher, high strength
concrete is invariably preferred to minimize costs and it is less liable to shrinkage cracks,
and has a higher modulus of elasticity.
4. The length of the prestressing tendon between the end of the member and the point
where the steel attains its stress is called ___________
a) Anchorage
b) De bonding
c) Cracking load
d) Transmission length
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Answer: d
Explanation: The length of the prestressing tendon between the end of the member and the
point where the steel attains its full stress and adequate transmission length is necessary to
reduce the radial forces acting on the concrete.
5. In cab cable, the curved portion of the tendon and anchors lie in ___________
a) Compression and Tension zone
b) Cracking zone
c) Tension and Compression zone
d) Loading zone
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Answer: c
Explanation: A short curved tendon arranged at the interior support of a continuous beam
where the anchors are in compression zone and the curved portion is in the tensile zone is
called as a cab cable and it is small in size and consists of anchorages and its sides.
6. The load at which the prestressed member develops its first crack is called as
a) Transfer load
b) Creep load
c) Bending load
d) Cracking load
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Answer: d
Explanation: The load on the structural element corresponding to the first visible crack is
called as cracking load and transfer refers to the phase in which the prestress is transferred
to the concrete, transfer load occurs at pretensioned members when prestress is released
from bulk heads while in post tensioned members, transfer occurs after the tensioning of
7. In circular prestressing members, the tendons are supplied in form of ___________
a) Cables
b) Bars
c) Wires
d) Rings
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Answer: d
Explanation: The term dissing refers to prestressing in round members, such as tanks and
pipes and the members are prestressed in a circular way while the use of bar tendons with
threaded anchorages reduces the possibility of pull and are used in post tensioning system,
wire tendons are mainly used in post tensioning system, cables are formed by arrangement
of wires or strands.
8. In case of continuous prestressed concrete members to gain continuity, splicing is done
by ___________
a) Reinforcement
b) Steel
c) Concrete
d) Tendons
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Answer: d
Explanation: A stretched element used in a prestressed concrete member which serves the
purpose of transmitting the prestress to concrete and it may be in the form of high tensile
steel wires, cables or strands.
9. The phenomena of drying process of contraction concrete refer to ___________
a) Moisture loss
b) Shrinkage of concrete
c) Drying process
d) Weight loss
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Answer: b
Explanation: Shrinkage of concrete is due to moisture loss resulting in difference in volume
results in contraction of concrete on drying and it is based on relative humidity, exposure
time, quantity and type of aggregate, water cement ratio in the mix.
10. The ratio between the creep strain and elastic strain of concrete is defined as
a) Creep ratio
b) Creep elasticity
c) Creep coefficient
d) Creep factor
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Answer: c
Explanation: Creep coefficient is progressive increase in the inelastic deformation of
concrete under sustained stress components and the estimation of loss of prestress due to
creep of concrete is carried out by creep coefficient method.
11. The phenomena of reduction of stress in steel at a constant strain are known as
a) Reduction of stress
b) Relaxation of stress
c) De bonding
d) Proof stress
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Answer: b
Explanation: Relaxation of stress refers to decrease of stress in steel at constant strain, at a
certain level reduction of stress in steel occurs at a constant strain in concrete member and
this phenomena occurs as a result of creep in steel while the relaxation of stress in steel
changes according to the variation of percentage of creep.
12. A device which helps the tendons to transmit prestress to the member and maintain it
for the design period is?
a) Cab cable
b) Anchorage
c) Tendon
d) Transfer
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Answer: b
Explanation: Anchorage is the term used to denote a device which helps the tendons to
transmit prestress to the member and maintain it for the design period, generally used to
enable the tendon to impart and maintain prestress in concrete and the commonly used
anchorages are Freyssinet, Magnel, Balton, Gifford-udall, Leon hardt etc.
13. Which of the following type of prestress applied to concrete in which tensile stresses to
a limited degree are permitted is known as ___________
a) Moderate prestressing
b) Partial prestressing
c) Full prestressing
d) Axial prestressing
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Answer: b
Explanation: Partial prestressing refers to the prestressing of concrete members in which
some flexural cracking is allowed at full service load and an additional tensile reinforcement
is also provided to achieve adequate bending strength.
14. Prevention of bond between the steel and concrete is known as ___________
a) Bond prestressed concrete
b) Axial prestressing
c) De bonding
d) Proof stress
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Answer: c
Explanation: Prevention of bond between the steel wire and the surrounding concrete is
known as de bonding, the concrete in which prestress is imparted to concrete through bond
between tendons and surrounding concrete, members in which the entire cross section of
concrete has a uniform compressive prestressing is termed as axial prestressing, the tensile
stress in steel which produces a strain of 0.2 percent of the original gauge length on
unloading is proof stress.
1. The structures of prestressed concrete are less liable to ___________
a) Bending
b) Loading
c) Placing
d) Cracks
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Answer: d
Explanation: In case of fully prestressed members which are free from tensile stresses
under working loads cross-section is more efficiently utilized when compared with a
reinforced concrete section that is cracked under working loads.
2. Which of the following concrete offers pleasant appearance and durability?
a) Reinforced concrete
b) Prestressed concrete
c) Shrinkage concrete
d) Hardened concrete
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Answer: b
Explanation: Prestressed concrete offers pleasant appearance and durability when
compared to reinforced concrete and the two structural features of prestressed concrete,
namely high strength concrete and freedom from cracks, contributes to the improved
durability of structure under aggressive environmental conditions.
3. The prestressing members have better ability of absorbing energy when the structures
are subjected to ___________
a) Tensile loads
b) Axial loads
c) Bending loads
d) Impact loads
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Answer: d
Explanation: Prestressing of concrete improves the ability of the material for energy
absorption under impact loads and working loads proved to be good in prestressing than in
reinforcing and it is done in concrete members to reduce the compressive stresses
developed in the members to the required extent.
4. The loads of same intensities when subjected to structures, it increases ___________
a) Life of material
b) Durability of material
c) Stiffness of material
d) Bending of material
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Answer: a
Explanation: When loads of same intensities are subjected to structures, then the
prestressing increases the mean stresses in steel and the effects caused due to fluctuations
in stresses are minimized which increase the life of the material.
5. The prestressed concrete flexural member under working load conditions offers superior
amount of ___________
a) Flexibility
b) Rigidity
c) Transfer
d) Stability
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Answer: b
Explanation: A superior amount of rigidity is offered by the prestressed concrete flexural
members under the working load conditions when compared with that offered by reinforced
concrete members of equal dimensions.
6. The application of prestressed concrete is done for depth ratio’s having ___________
a) Small span
b) Larger span
c) Same span
d) Equal span
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Answer: b
Explanation: Prestressed concrete is used for the construction of buildings and other
structures which are having the value of span to depth ratio in large or for larger span
members and other criteria such as equal, small, same span criteria are considered in
various other structural members.
7. The prestressed concrete structures are considered as ___________
a) Economical structures
b) Uneconomical structures
c) Tensile structures
d) Loading structures
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Answer: b
Explanation: Prestressed concrete structures are considered as uneconomical structures
and it is well established fact that the basic economy of prestressed concrete lies in its high
strength to weight and strength to cost ratios, its resistance to fire and cracking, and its
versatility and adaptability.
8. The prestressed concrete involves problems like ___________
a) Architectural and construction
b) Financial and land
c) Placing of material
d) Tensioning devices
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Answer: a
Explanation: The prestressed concrete involves many architectural or construction related
problems formulated due to curved surfaces and involve sophisticated erection problems, a
high quality control is required for production of materials and while placing the tendons and
when the members are subjected to a system of loads then the existing problems due to
long term creep moments are increased.
9. The utilization of concrete in tension zone of prestressed concrete member saves
concrete ranging between ___________
a) 15 to 30 percent
b) 20 to 50 percent
c) 35 to 60 percent
d) 10 to 20 percent
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Answer: a
Explanation: Due to the utilization of concrete in the tension zone, an extra saving of 15 to
30 percent in concrete is possible in comparison with reinforced concrete high tensile steels
are used in prestressed members and its ultimate strength is equal to 2100n/mm2 and the
saving in steel are even higher, 60 – 80 percent mainly due to high permissible stresses
allowed in the high tension wires.
10. The overall economy in using prestressed concrete reduces?
a) Design loads and costs
b) Tendons
c) Anchorages
d) Bars
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Answer: a
Explanation: An overall economy in using prestressed concrete decreases the dead weight
due to which the design loads and cost of foundation reduces although there is
considerable saving on the quantity of materials used in prestressed concrete members in
compression with reinforced concrete members, it is not much significant due to additional
costs incurred for high strength concrete, tensile steel, anchorages and other hard wires
required for the production of prestressed member.

1. Which one of the following is the basic assumption involved in designing of prestressed
concrete members?
a) Plane member remains plane before and after bending
b) Variation of stresses in tensile reinforcement
c) Development of principle stresses
d) Hooke’s law is not valid for prestressing
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Answer: a
Explanation: The basic assumption involved in analysis and designing of prestressed
concrete members are the plane cross-section of beam remains plane before and after
bending, there is no variation of stresses in the tensile reinforcement, Hooke’s law is valid
for both concrete and steel.
2. The compression in concrete and tension in steel are developed by?
a) Joint cements
b) Expansion cements
c) Water cement ratio
d) Hardened cements
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Answer: b
Explanation: Compression in concrete and tension in steel is developed by use of
expanding cements due to its elastic property or expanding property, joint cement is an
adhesive used primarily for attaching the joint tape that is placed over the beams whereas
water cement ratio is the ratio of the weight of water to weight of cement used in a concrete
3. The phdepthprinciple of statically indeterminate structures is subjected by ___________
a) Rotation
b) Distance
c) Placement
d) Absorption
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Answer: a
Explanation: Distortion principle of statically indeterminate structures is used by rotation or
by displacement and in statistics a structure is statistically indeterminate when the static
equilibrium equation are insufficient for determining the internal forces and reactions on that
4. The prestressing used for arches and pavements involves the application of
a) Direct forces
b) Compressive forces
c) Tensile forces
d) Axial forces
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Answer: a
Explanation: The prestressing used for arches and pavements is the application of direct
forces between abutments, whereas to impart the desired forces, flat jacks are used and
axial force is the compression or tension force acting in a member if the axial force acts
through the centroid of the member it is called concentric loading.
5. The classification of prestressed concrete is based on the method of ___________
a) Designing
b) Bending moments
c) Loading
d) Stresses acting
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Answer: a
Explanation: Classification of prestressed concrete is based on the method of design like
externally, internally, partial, moderate, axial, eccentric, concordant, uni-axial, biaxial, tri-
axial, non distortional, linear, circular, post and pre tensioning, prestressed concrete has
considerable increase resilience due to its capacity for completely recovering from
substantial effects of overloading without undergoing any serious damage.
6. The concrete members which are prestressed by providing the tensioned tendons are
termed as ___________
a) Externally prestressed members
b) Internally prestressed members
c) Linear prestressed members
d) Circular prestressed members
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Answer: b
Explanation: The concrete member which is prestressed by providing the tensioned tendon
are termed as internally prestressed members and the existing space between the edge of
beam and abutments is filled with concrete using expanding cement.
7. The linear prestressing is mostly applicable for ___________
a) Bent members
b) Straight members
c) Cracked members
d) Overloaded members
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Answer: b
Explanation: Linear prestressing is mostly applicable for straight members such as slabs,
beams etc and the members are prestressed in a linear manner, tendons are spliced in
case of continuous prestressed concrete members to gain continuity and the various types
of splices used as tendons are screw connector, torpedo splices, clamp splice and wrapped
8. In pre-tensioning system, after curing and hardening of concrete the reinforcement is set
a) Free
b) Fixed
c) Locked
d) Jacked
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Answer: b
Explanation: In pre-tensioning system, the tendons are tensioned first and then the casting
of concrete is carried out and the edge of the tendon at its either side is fixed to an
abutment and its other edge is pulled with the application of jack and then the
reinforcements are set free after curing and hardening.
9. The method of prestressing the concrete after it attains its strength is known as
a) Pre tensioning
b) Post tensioning
c) Chemical prestressing
d) Axial prestressing
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Answer: b
Explanation: The method of prestressing the concrete after it attains its strength is known as
post tensioning and ducts are made in the member at the time of placing the concrete, the
suitability of post tensioning is good for medium to long span-insitu work, where the cost of
tensioning is very less.
10. In which method the prestress is developed due to the bond between the concrete and
a) Pre tensioning
b) Post tensioning
c) Thermo electric prestressing
d) Prefix beam prestressing
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Answer: a
Explanation: The prestress developed in pre tensioning is due to the bond between
concrete and steel tendons, a method of prestressing concrete in which the tendons are
tensioned before the concrete is placed at the work site.

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