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1000 Prestressed Concrete Structures MCQs1

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Prestressed Concrete Explanation: The prestressing of concrete members is done to

Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – reduce the compressive stresses developed in the concrete
Basic Concepts :- members to the required extent while tensile stresses is the
stress state where the length of member tends to expand in
1. The phenomena of development of internal tensile stresses tension side while the volume remains constant, shear forces
in a concrete member by means of tensioning devices are and bending stresses occurs at the cross section of the beam
called as: as the unbalanced vertical force and algebraic sum of
a) Pre-tensioning moment of forces to right or left of section.
b) Post-tensioning
c) Prestressing of concrete 5. The earliest examples of wooden barrel construction by
d) Thermoelectric prestressing force-fitting of metal bands and shrink-fitting of metal tiers of
wooden wheels indicate the art of:
View Answer a) Prestressing
Answer: c b) Tensioning
c) Stress
Explanation: Prestressed concrete is basic concrete, in which d) Straining
internal stresses of a suitable magnitude and distribution are
introduced so that the stresses resulting from external loads View Answer
are counteracted to a desired degree. Answer: a

2. In reinforced concrete members the prestress is commonly Explanation: Wooden barrel construction by force-fitting of
introduced by: metal bands and shrink-fitting of metal tyres on wooden
a) Tensioning the steel reinforcement wheels indicate the art of prestressing and it has been
b) Tendons practiced from ancient times while the example of tensioning
c) Shortening of concrete is bracing for building and bridges whereas stress occurs in a
d) Rings member at a force per unit area and strain phenomena occurs
View Answer by change in length of a unstressed element.
Answer: a 6. The concept which is used in many branches of civil
engineering and building construction?
Explanation: In reinforced concrete members, the prestress a) Reinforced concrete
commonly introduced is by tensioning the steel reinforcement b) Prestressed concrete
while rings i.e stirrups are used while placing columns or c) Steel concrete
foundation in structures, tendon is a stretched member of a d) Lump sum concrete
prestressed concrete element which serves the purpose of
transmitting the prestress to concrete and shortening of View Answer
concrete phenomena occurs while placing of concrete. Answer: b

3. Which of the following basic concept is involved in the Explanation: Prestressed concrete is widely used in many
analysis of prestressed concrete members? branches of civil engineering and building construction and in
a) Combined and bending stresses recent days it is experiencing greatest growth in the field of
b) Principle stresses commercial building because of its acoustic properties and its
c) Shear stresses ability to provide long open space.
d) Overhead stresses
7. The attempt to introduce permanently acting forces in
View Answer concrete to resist the elastic forces is:
Answer: a a) Prestressing
b) Loading
Explanation: The basic concept involved in the analysis of c) Pre-straining
prestressed concrete members is concept of combined direct d) Bending
and bending stresses used for columns whereas principle and
shear stresses are formed in case of tensioning the View Answer
prestressed and reinforced structures, overhead stresses are Answer: a
formed while the stresses in structures goes beyond safe limit
provided by different codes. Explanation: Freyssinet attempted to introduce permanently
acting forces in concrete to resist the elastic forces developed
4. The prestressing of concrete member is carried out to under loads and this idea was later developed under the
reduce: name of prestressing while the loading and bending
a) Compressive stresses phenomena occurs in a member while placing and during
b) Tensile stresses excessive loads and pre-straining occurs in prestressed
c) Bending stresses concrete structures.
d) Shear force
View Answer
8. In reinforced concrete members, the prestress commonly
Answer: a
introduced is:
a) Tensioning steel reinforcement
b) Tensioning wood reinforcement c) Emperger
c) Tensioning rings d) Dischinger
d) Tensioning plates View Answer
View Answer
Answer: a
Answer: a Explanation: Dohring of Germany manufactured slabs and
Explanation: In reinforced concrete members steel is small beams in 1888, using embedded tensioned wires in
commonly used by tensioning steel reinforcement and Steel concrete to avoid cracks, in 1923 Emperger of Vienna
was commonly used in reinforcement in earlier days and had developed a method for making wire bound reinforced
several disadvantages in case of residential buildings. concrete pipes, the use of unbounded tendons was first
9. Development of early cracks in reinforced concrete is due demonstrated by Dischinger in 1928 and Karl marx was a
to: German philosopher, economist, political theorist, sociologist,
a) Strains of steel journalist.
b) Stresses of steel 3. An engineer mandl in 1896 put forward the idea to
c) Ultimate load counteract the stresses acting due to:
d) Bending of steel a) Bending moment
View Answer b) Tension
c) Twisting moment
Answer: a d) Loads
Explanation: Development of early cracks in reinforced View Answer
concrete is due to incompatibility in the strains of steel and
concrete and it was perhaps the starting point in the Answer: d
development of a new material like prestressed concrete. Explanation: The idea of prestressing to counteract the
10. Concrete is weak in? stresses due to loads was first put forward by the Austrian
a) Compression engineer Mandl in 1896 while bending moment, tension and
b) Tension twisting moment were considered as the basic concepts in
c) Loading strength of materials and this is an extension to structures
d) Bending subject with a new idea of prestressing making adverse
View Answer advantages to the future structures.
4. In 1907, the losses of prestress due to elastic shortening of
Answer: b concrete was developed by:
Explanation: Concrete is not able to resist direct tension in a) Koenen
comparison of its ability to resist direct compression because b) Steiner
of its low tensile strength and brittle nature, it behaves non c) Darcy
linearly at all times because it has essentially zero strength in d) Hygen
tension it is always used as reinforced concrete, as a View Answer
composite material and it is a mixture of sand, aggregate,
cement and water whereas structures are highly vulnerable to Answer: a
tensile cracking due to very low thermal coefficient of Explanation: Koenon of Germany developed the subject by
expansion. reporting in 1907, on the losses of prestress due to elastic
shortening of concrete and Steiner recognized the losses due
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – to shrinkage of concrete around 1908.
Historic Development:- 5. The importance of using high strength concrete and high
tensile steel was introduced by:
1. In 1886, Jackson of San Francisco applied for a patent in a) Freyssinet
which prestress was introduced by: b) Hooke
a) Tensioning the reinforced rods in sleeves c) Vienna
b) Tensioning the reinforced rings in sleeves d) Newton
c) Tensioning the reinforced steel in sleeves View Answer
d) Tensioning the reinforced bars in sleeves
View Answer Answer: a
Explanation: Freyssinet in 1928-1933 has given the
Answer: a importance of using high strength concrete and steel in order
Explanation: In present state of development in the field of to various losses of prestress due to creep and shrinkage and
prestressed concrete is due to continuous research done by he also developed vibration technique to produce high
engineers and scientists in this field during the last 90 years strength concrete also manufactured double acting jack for
while Jackson of San Francisco applied for a patent stressing high tensile steel wires into the concrete structure.
“construction of artificial stone and concrete pavements”, in 6. The use of prestressed concrete in Europe and United
which prestress was introduced by tensioning the reinforced states spread rapidly from?
rods set in sleeves. a) 1945
2. In 1888, manufacturing of slabs and small beams using b) 1935
embedded tensioned wires in concrete was introduced by: c) 1933
a) Dohring d) 1944
b) Karl marx View Answer
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
Answer: b Need and Terminology :-
Explanation: The use of prestressed concrete spread rapidly
from 1935 onwards and many long span bridges, industrial 1. The significant observations which resulted from the
shell roofs, marine structures, nuclear pressure vessels etc pioneering research on prestressed concrete were:
were constructed between 1945 and 1950 in Europe and a) High strength steel and losses of prestress
United states. b) High strength tendon and losses of creep
7. In words of Guyon, more than a technique prestress is a: c) High strength bars and losses of strain
a) Principle d) High strength rings and losses of shrinkage
b) Base View Answer
c) Strong material
d) Life for structures 2. The necessity of high strength concrete in prestressed
View Answer concrete is due to:
a) Shear and Bonding
Answer: a b) Loading and Unloading
Explanation: In the words of Guyon: “there is no structural c) Cracking
problem to which prestress cannot provide a solution, and d) Bending
often a revolutionary one, Prestress is more than a technique; View Answer
it is a general principle” is the description or explanation given
by Guyon on prestressing. Answer: a
8. Dischinger explained the use of unbounded tendons in the Explanation: High strength concrete is necessary in
construction of: prestressed concrete, as the material offers high resistance in
a) Large bridges tension, shear, bond and bearing while loading and unloading,
b) Small bridges cracking, bending actions are actions occurring at the time of
c) Sleepers transfer of concrete.
d) Roofs 3. In the zone of anchorages the material preferred to
View Answer minimize costs is:
a) High strength steel
Answer: a b) High strength bars
Explanation: Dischinger in 1928, has explained the use of c) High strength tendons
unbounded tendons in the construction of large bridges of d) High strength concrete
deep girder type by this method, the losses of prestress are View Answer
neutralized by placing the prestressing wires inside the girder
without any bond. Answer: d
9. Vienna developed the method of wire bound reinforced Explanation: In the zone of anchorages, the bearing stresses
concrete pipe by binding high tensile steel wires, the stresses being higher, high strength concrete is invariably preferred to
in that were ranging in between: minimize costs and it is less liable to shrinkage cracks, and
a) 170 to 900 has a higher modulus of elasticity.
b) 100 to 800 4. The length of the prestressing tendon between the end of
c) 160 to 800 the member and the point where the steel attains its stress is
d) 140 to 200 called as:
View Answer a) Anchorage
b) De bonding
Answer: c c) Cracking load
Explanation: Vienna in 1923, has developed a wire bound d) Transmission length
reinforced concrete pipe by binding high tensile steel wires on View Answer
pipe and In this method it was noticed that the stresses of
concrete was ranging in between 160 to 800 n/mm2. Answer: d
10. Prestressed concrete is widely used in construction by: Explanation: The length of the prestressing tendon between
a) Houses the end of the member and the point where the steel attains
b) Bore wells its full stress and adequate transmission length is necessary
c) Roofs to reduce the radial forces acting on the concrete.
d) Nuclear pressure vessels 5. In cab cable, the curved portion of the tendon and anchors
View Answer lie in:
a) Compression and Tension zone
Answer: d b) Cracking zone
Explanation: Prestressed concrete is used in construction of c) Tension and Compression zone
long span bridges, industrial roofs, marine structures, nuclear d) Loading zone
pressure vessels, water retaining structures, railway sleepers View Answer
etc and it also has a higher modulus of elasticity and small
creep strain, resulting in smaller loss of prestressing in the Answer: c
steel while prestressed concrete is one of the construction Explanation: A short curved tendon arranged at the interior
material in building and bridge products around the world. support of a continuous beam where the anchors are in
compression zone and the curved portion is in the tensile
zone is called as a cab cable and it is small in size and c) Creep coefficient
consists of anchorages and its sides. d) Creep factor
6. The load at which the prestressed member develops its first View Answer
crack is called as:
a) Transfer load Answer: c
b) Creep load Explanation: Creep coefficient is progressive increase in the
c) Bending load inelastic deformation of concrete under sustained stress
d) Cracking load components and the estimation of loss of prestress due to
View Answer creep of concrete is carried out by creep coefficient method.
11. The phenomena of reduction of stress in steel at a
Answer: d constant strain are known as:
Explanation: The load on the structural element corresponding a) Reduction of stress
to the first visible crack is called as cracking load and transfer b) Relaxation of stress
refers to the phase in which the prestress is transferred to the c) De bonding
concrete, transfer load occurs at pretensioned members when d) Proof stress
prestress is released from bulk heads while in post tensioned View Answer
members, transfer occurs after the tensioning of tendons.
7. In circular prestressing members, the tendons are supplied Answer: b
in form of: Explanation: Relaxation of stress refers to decrease of stress
a) Cables in steel at constant strain, at a certain level reduction of stress
b) Bars in steel occurs at a constant strain in concrete member and
c) Wires this phenomena occurs as a result of creep in steel while the
d) Rings relaxation of stress in steel changes according to the variation
View Answer of percentage of creep.
12. A device which helps the tendons to transmit prestress to
Answer: d the member and maintain it for the design period is?
Explanation: The term circular prestressing refers to a) Cab cable
prestressing in round members, such as tanks and pipes and b) Anchorage
the members are prestressed in a circular way while the use c) Tendon
of bar tendons with threaded anchorages reduces the d) Transfer
possibility of pull and are used in post tensioning system, wire View Answer
tendons are mainly used in post tensioning system, cables
are formed by arrangement of wires or strands. Answer: b
8. In case of continuous prestressed concrete members to Explanation: Anchorage is the term used to denote a device
gain continuity, splicing is done by: which helps the tendons to transmit prestress to the member
a) Reinforcement and maintain it for the design period, generally used to enable
b) Steel the tendon to impart and maintain prestress in concrete and
c) Concrete the commonly used anchorages are Freyssinet, Magnel,
d) Tendons Balton, Gifford-udall, Leon hardt etc.
View Answer 13. Which of the following type of prestress applied to
concrete in which tensile stresses to a limited degree are
Answer: d permitted is known as:
Explanation: A stretched element used in a prestressed a) Moderate prestressing
concrete member which serves the purpose of transmitting b) Partial prestressing
the prestress to concrete and it may be in the form of high c) Full prestressing
tensile steel wires, cables or strands. d) Axial prestressing
9. The phenomena of drying process of contraction concrete View Answer
refer to:
a) Moisture loss Answer: b
b) Shrinkage of concrete Explanation: Partial prestressing refers to the prestressing of
c) Drying process concrete members in which some flexural cracking is allowed
d) Weight loss at full service load and an additional tensile reinforcement is
View Answer also provided to achieve adequate bending strength.
14. Prevention of bond between the steel and concrete is
Answer: b known as:
Explanation: Shrinkage of concrete is due to moisture loss a) Bond prestressed concrete
resulting in difference in volume results in contraction of b) Axial prestressing
concrete on drying and it is based on relative humidity, c) De bonding
exposure time, quantity and type of aggregate, water cement d) Proof stress
ratio in the mix. View Answer
10. The ratio between the creep strain and elastic strain of
concrete is defined as: Answer: c
a) Creep ratio Explanation: Prevention of bond between the steel wire and
b) Creep elasticity the surrounding concrete is known as de bonding, the
concrete in which prestress is imparted to concrete through fluctuations in stresses are minimized which increase the life
bond between tendons and surrounding concrete, members in of the material.
which the entire cross section of concrete has a uniform 5. The prestressed concrete flexural member under working
compressive prestressing is termed as axial prestressing, the load conditions offers superior amount of:
tensile stress in steel which produces a strain of 0.2 percent a) Flexibility
of the original gauge length on unloading is proof stress. b) Rigidity
c) Transfer
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – d) Stability
Advantages and Limitations:- View Answer

1. The structures of prestressed concrete are less liable to: Answer: b

a) Bending Explanation: A superior amount of rigidity is offered by the
b) Loading prestressed concrete flexural members under the working
c) Placing load conditions, when compared with that offered by
d) Cracks reinforced concrete members of equal dimensions.
View Answer 6. The application of prestressed concrete is done for depth
ratio‟s having:
Answer: d a) Small span
Explanation: In case of fully prestressed members which are b) Larger span
free from tensile stresses under working loads cross-section c) Same span
is more efficiently utilized when compared with a reinforced d) Equal span
concrete section which is cracked under working loads. View Answer
2. Which of the following concrete offers pleasant appearance
and durability? Answer: b
a) Reinforced concrete Explanation: Prestressed concrete is used for the construction
b) Prestressed concrete of buildings and other structures which are having the value of
c) Shrinkage concrete span to depth ratio in large or for larger span members and
d) Hardened concrete other criteria such as equal, small, same span criteria are
View Answer considered in various other structural members.
7. The prestressed concrete structures are considered as:
Answer: b a) Economical structures
Explanation: Prestressed concrete offers pleasant b) Uneconomical structures
appearance and durability when compared to reinforced c) Tensile structures
concrete and the two structural features of prestressed d) Loading structures
concrete, namely high strength concrete and freedom from View Answer
cracks, contributes to the improved durability of structure
under aggressive environmental conditions. Answer: b
3. The prestressing members have better ability of absorbing Explanation: Prestressed concrete structures are considered
energy when the structures are subjected to: as uneconomical structures and it is well established fact that
a) Tensile loads the basic economy of prestressed concrete lies in its high
b) Axial loads strength to weight and strength to cost ratios, its resistance to
c) Bending loads fire and cracking, and its versatility and adaptability.
d) Impact loads 8. The prestressed concrete involves problems like:
View Answer a) Architectural and construction
b) Financial and land
Answer: d c) Placing of material
Explanation: Prestressing of concrete improves the ability of d) Tensioning devices
the material for energy absorption under impact loads and View Answer
working loads proved to be good in prestressing than in
reinforcing and it is done in concrete members to reduce the Answer: a
compressive stresses developed in the members to the Explanation: The prestressed concrete involves many
required extent. architectural or construction related problems formulated due
4. The loads of same intensities when subjected to structures, to curved surfaces and involve sophisticated erection
it increases: problems, a high quality control is required for production of
a) Life of material materials and while placing the tendons and when the
b) Durability of material members are subjected to a system of loads then the existing
c) Stiffness of material problems due to long term creep moments are increased.
d) Bending of material 9. The utilization of concrete in tension zone of prestressed
View Answer concrete member saves concrete ranging between:
a) 15 to 30 percent
Answer: a b) 20 to 50 percent
Explanation: When the loads of same intensities are c) 35 to 60 percent
subjected to structures, then the prestressing increases the d) 10 to 20 percent
mean stresses in steel and the effects caused due to View Answer
b) Distance
Answer: a c) Placement
Explanation: Due to the utilization of concrete in the tension d) Absorption
zone, an extra saving of 15 to 30 percent in concrete is View Answer
possible in comparison with reinforced concrete high tensile
steels are used in prestressed members and its ultimate Answer: a
strength is equal to 2100n/mm2 and the saving in steel are Explanation: Distortion principle of statically indeterminate
even higher, 60 – 80 percent mainly due to high permissible structures is used by rotation or by displacement and in
stresses allowed in the high tension wires. statistics a structure is statistically indeterminate when the
10. The overall economy in using prestressed concrete static equilibrium equation are insufficient for determining the
reduces? internal forces and reactions on that structure.
a) Design loads and costs 4. The prestressing used for arches and pavements involves
b) Tendons the application of:
c) Anchorages a) Direct forces
d) Bars b) Compressive forces
View Answer c) Tensile forces
d) Axial forces
Answer: a View Answer
Explanation: An overall economy in using prestressed
concrete decreases the dead weight due to which the design Answer: a
loads and cost of foundation reduces although there is Explanation: The prestressing used for arches and pavements
considerable saving on the quantity of materials used in is the application of direct forces between abutments,
prestressed concrete members in compression with whereas to impart the desired forces, flat jacks are used and
reinforced concrete members, it is not much significant due to axial force is the compression or tension force acting in a
additional costs incurred for high strength concrete, tensile member, if the axial force acts through the centroid of the
steel, anchorages and other hard wires required for the member it is called concentric loading.
production of prestressed member. 5. The classification of prestressed concrete is based on the
method of:
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – a) Designing
Principles and Classifications of Prestressing :- b) Bending moments
c) Loading
1. Which one of the following is the basic assumption involved d) Stresses acting
in designing of prestressed concrete members: View Answer
a) Plane member remains plane before and after bending
b) Variation of stresses in tensile reinforcement Answer: a
c) Development of principle stresses Explanation: Classification of prestressed concrete is based
d) Hooke‟s law is not valid for prestressing on the method of design like externally, internally, partial,
View Answer moderate, axial, eccentric, concordant, uni-axial, biaxial, tri-
axial, non distortional, linear, circular, post and pre tensioning,
Answer: a prestressed concrete has considerable increase resilience
Explanation: The basic assumption involved in analysis and due to its capacity for completely recovering from substantial
designing of prestressed concrete members are the plane effects of overloading without undergoing any serious
cross-section of beam remains plane before and after damage.
bending, there is no variation of stresses in the tensile 6. The concrete members which are prestressed by providing
reinforcement, Hooke‟s law is valid for both concrete and the tensioned tendons are termed as:
steel. a) Externally prestressed members
2. The compression in concrete and tension in steel are b) Internally prestressed members
developed by: c) Linear prestressed members
a) Joint cements d) Circular prestressed members
b) Expansion cements View Answer
c) Water cement ratio
d) Hardened cements Answer: b
View Answer Explanation: The concrete member which is prestressed by
providing the tensioned tendon are termed as internally
Answer: b prestressed members and the existing space between the
Explanation: Compression in concrete and tension in steel is edge of beam and abutments is filled with concrete using
developed by use of expanding cements due to its elastic expanding cement.
property or expanding property, joint cement is an adhesive 7. The linear prestressing is mostly applicable for:
used primarily for attaching the joint tape that is placed over a) Bent members
the beams whereas water cement ratio is the ratio of the b) Straight members
weight of water to weight of cement used in a concrete mix. c) Cracked members
3. The distortion principle of statically indeterminate structures d) Overloaded members
is subjected by: View Answer
a) Rotation
Answer: b Explanation: Recent developments in the field of concrete mix
Explanation: Linear prestressing is mostly applicable for design have indicated that it is now possible to produce even
straight members such as slabs, beams etc and the members ultra high strength concrete, of any desired 28 day cube
are prestressed in a linear manner, tendons are spliced in compressive strength ranging from 70-100n/mm2 without
case of continuous prestressed concrete members to gain taking resource to unusual materials.
continuity and the various types of splices used as tendons 2. High strength concrete resists:
are screw connector, torpedo splices, clamp splice and a) Levelling
wrapped splice. b) Bursting
8. In pre-tensioning system, after curing and hardening of c) Tangent moments
concrete the reinforcement is set: d) Trapezoidal moments
a) Free View Answer
b) Fixed
c) Locked Answer: b
d) Jacked Explanation: The concrete in a prestressed concrete member
View Answer is subjected to high bearing stresses due to anchoring at its
ends and hence, high strength concrete is required to safely
Answer: b resist the bursting stresses at the end of the beam.
Explanation: In pre-tensioning system, the tendons are 3. In high strength concrete, high modulus of elasticity in the
tensioned first and then the casting of concrete is carried out beam is due to:
and the edge of the tendon at its either side is fixed to an a) Elastic and creep strains
abutment and its other edge is pulled with the application of b) Principle tensile stresses
jack and then the reinforcements are set free after curing and c) Reinforced beams
hardening. d) Vibration
9. The method of prestressing the concrete after it attains its View Answer
strength is known as:
a) Pre tensioning Answer: a
b) Post tensioning Explanation: Low shrinkage, minimum creep characteristics
c) Chemical prestressing and a high value of young‟s modulus are generally deemed
d) Axial prestressing necessary for concrete used for prestressed members and
View Answer the loss of prestress in steel reinforcement is minimum
because the elastic and creep strain are very small due to
Answer: b high modulus of elasticity.
Explanation: The method of prestressing the concrete after it 4. Which of the following is one of the standard codes used
attains its strength is known as post tensioning and ducts are for designing high strength concrete mixes?
made in the member at the time of placing the concrete, the a) BS 8110-1985
suitability of post tensioning is good for medium to long span- b) BS 883-1974
insitu work, where the cost of tensioning is very less. c) BS 8113-1986
10. In which method the prestress is developed due to bond d) BS 886-1976
between the concrete and steel? View Answer
a) Pre tensioning
b) Post tensioning Answer: a
c) Thermo electric prestressing Explanation: The various methods adopted for designing high
d) Prefix beam prestressing strength concrete mixes are Erntroy and Shack lock‟s
View Answer empirical method, American concrete institute method, British
DOE method, Indian standard code and British code BS 8110-
Answer: a 1985 stipulates that not more than 5 percent of the test results
Explanation: The prestress developed in pre tensioning is due should fall below 28 days characteristic strength.
to the bond between concrete and steel tendons, a method of 5. Which of the following is the Indian code used for high
prestressing concrete in which the tendons are tensioned strength concrete mixes?
before the concrete is placed at the work site. a) IS 1343-1980
b) IS 10263-1982
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – c) IS 384-1980
High Strength Concrete:- d) IS 457-1979
View Answer
1. The developments in the field of concrete mix design, gave
compressive strength ranging between: Answer: a
a) 30-70 Explanation: Indian standard code IS 1343-1980 and IS 456-
b) 70-100 1978 stipulates that only controlled concrete should be used
c) 35-45 for prestressed concrete construction and the exact
d) 30-80 specifications with regard to the acceptance criteria for
View Answer concrete generally vary from one code to another.
6. The cube strength of concrete required for both pre
Answer: b tensioning and post tensioning according to Indian standard
codes are:
a) 30 and 20 d) 0.20
b) 15 and 25 View Answer
c) 40 and 30
d) 45 and 35 Answer: a
View Answer Explanation: The degree of workability relating to compaction
factor value is 0.80 for Indian standard method design for high
Answer: d strength concrete mix, the steps involved in Indian standard
Explanation: The minimum 28 day cube compressive strength method is target mean strength, water cement ratio, maximum
prescribed in the Indian standard code IS 1343-1980 is size of aggregates, degree of workability, considering all the
45n/mm2 for pretensioned members and 35n/mm2 for post factors the cement content is obtained.
tensioned members with the development of vibration
techniques in 1930, it became possible to produce without Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
much difficult, high strength concrete having 28 day High Tensile Steel:-
compression strength in the range of 30-70n/mm2.
7. The full form of ACI method for mix design proportion is: 1. The ultimate strength of high tensile steel is:
a) American committee institute a) 1100
b) American council institute b) 2100
c) American concrete institute c) 1500
d) American cement institute d) 1250
View Answer View Answer

Answer: c Answer: b
Explanation: American concrete institute‟s mix design Explanation: High tensile steel are commonly used in
procedure for no slump is one of the methods used for high prestressed concrete members and ultimate strength of high
strength concrete mix design and the American concrete tensile steel is equal to 2100n/mm2, therefore the losses of
institute in a non profit technical society and standards prestress due to shrinkage and creep with a stress of
developing organization, ACI was founded in January 1905. 200n/mm2 are restricted.
8. In which method, high strength concrete mixes are 2. The high tensile steel is obtained by increasing content of:
designed by relating compressive strength to reference a) Carbon content in steel
number? b) Aluminium content in steel
a) Erntroy and Shack locks c) Manganese content in steel
b) American concrete institute method d) Sulphur content in steel
c) British DOE method View Answer
d) Indian standard code method
View Answer Answer: a
Explanation: High tensile steel is required in prestressed
Answer: a concrete member and it is obtained by increasing the carbon
Explanation: In Erntroy and Shack lock‟s empirical method content in steel and the percentage of carbon is 0.6-0.85%,
high strength concrete mixes are designed by using empirical 0.7-1% of manganese, 0.05% of sulphur and phosphorus is
graphs relating the compressive strength to reference number present in high tensile steel.
for concrete made with crushed Granite, coarse aggregates 3. The properties of cold-drawing through wires can be
and irregular gravel and the range of the degrees of improved by heating at:
workability varying from externally low to high corresponds to a) 100-320degrees
the compacting factor values of 0.65 and 0.95. b) 130-400degrees
9. The water cement ratio used for British DOE method is: c) 150-480degrees
a) 0.7 d) 120-380degrees
b) 0.5 View Answer
c) 0.9
d) 0.7 Answer: c
View Answer Explanation: As per IS:1785-1983, the nominal size of cold
drawn stress are 2.5,3,4,5,7 and 8mm diameter and to
Answer: b improve the properties of wire, they have to be tempered by
Explanation: In British DOE method based on the type of heating the wires at 150 to 480degrees, which enhances
cement and coarse aggregate provided evaluate the tensile strength.
compressive strength of concrete mix made with water 4. Hard-drawn steel wires used in high tensile steel are
cement ratio of 0.5 and the durability requirements of mix considered as:
design. Doe is design of experiments is a methodology that a) Crimped elements
can be effective for general problem solving as well as for b) Twisted elements
improving or optimizing product design and manufacturing c) Durable elements
and production process. d) Tempered elements
10. The degree of workability of Indian standard method is: View Answer
a) 0.80
b) 0.50 Answer: a
c) 0.60
Explanation: As per IS: 6003-1983, the diameter of wires are environment, these cover requirements are increased by
mostly used in strands of two, three or seven wires and they 10mm.
are considered as indented or crimped pretensioned element, 9. The nominal cover provided for steel to obtain most
due to their superior bond character and two and three ply effective fire resistance is according to:
strands, 2-3mm diameter wires are used whereas in 7 ply a) 1992-1-2004
stand a diameter of 2-5mm wires are adopted and the b) 1994-1-2006
nominal diameter of 7 ply stand varies in between 6.3 to c) 1996-1-2005
15.2mm. d) 1998-1-2008
5. The atomic hydrogen is liberated as a result of action of: View Answer
a) Sulphur
b) Manganese Answer: a
c) Acids Explanation: According to BSEN (British code): 1993-1-2004,
d) Stresses nominal cover is provided for steel to obtain most effective fire
View Answer resistance and durability and it is ability of the structural
member to withstand the effect of fire without reaching any of
Answer: c the limit states.
Explanation: Atomic hydrogen is liberated as a result of the 10. The codal provision for reinforcement cover is?
action of acids on high-tensile steel and they penetrate into a) IS: 1343-2012
the steel surface making it brittle and fracture prone on being b) IS: 1347-2014
subjected to tensile stress and even small amounts of c) IS: 1342-2006
hydrogen can cause considerable damage to the tensile d) IS: 1340-2008
strength of high steel wires. View Answer
6. The prevention of hydrogen embrittlement can be done by
protecting the wires from: Answer: a
a) Rain water and humidity Explanation: Reinforcement cover is provided according to
b) Reactions and shocks codal provision IS:1343-2012 and it is essential to provide
c) Heat because it leads to corrosion, protecting steel from fire etc,
d) Deflection the consequences of providing cover more than requirement
View Answer leads to increase in width of cracks and weight of structure.

Answer: a Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –

Explanation: In order to prevent hydrogen embrittlement, it is Pretensioning Systems:-
essential that the steel is properly protected from the action of
acids and the wires should be protected from rain water and 1. The tendons in the pretensioning system are tensioned
excessive humidity by storing them in dry conditions. between:
7. The permissible stress in prestressing steel should not a) Rigid anchorages
exceed: b) Hydraulic jacks
a) 80% c) Concrete beds
b) 60% d) Variable beams
c) 50% View Answer
d) 70%
View Answer Answer: a
Explanation: In the prestressing system, the tendons are first
Answer: a tensioned between rigid anchorage blocks cast on the ground
Explanation: The maximum tensile stress at initial tensioning or a column or a unit mould type pretensioning bed, prior to
time should not exceed 80 percent of ultimate tensile strength the casting of concrete in the moulds.
of wire and the yield stress for steel and the permissible unit 2. When the concrete attains sufficient strength, which
bearing pressure on the concrete should not exceed 0.48Fr elements are released?
(A1/A2)1/2 after accounting for are all the losses due to creep a) Jacks
of concrete, elastic shortening, relaxation of steel and seating b) Casting bed
of anchorages etc. c) Tendons
8. The nominal cover provided for moderate steel is: d) Beams
a) 30 View Answer
b) 20
c) 40 Answer: a
d) 50 Explanation: High early strength concrete is often used in
View Answer factory to facilitate early stripping the reuse of moulds and
when the concrete attains sufficient strength, the jacking
Answer: a pressure is released and the edge of tendon at its either side
Explanation: The covers may be reduced to 15mm provided is formed to an abutment and its other edge is to be pulled
that the nominal maximum size of aggregates does not with the application of jack.
exceed 15mm and the nominal cover provided for moderate 3. Which is one of the systems used for pretensioning?
steel is 30mm or the size of cable in the case of protected a) Magnel-Balton system
post tensioned members are exposed to an aggressive b) Freyssinet system
c) Gifford-Udall system Answer: a
d) Hoyer‟s long line method Explanation: Hoyer‟s system of prestressing involves pulling
View Answer out of wires between two bulkheads which are separated at
large distances in order to produce a larger number of beams
Answer: d in an individual alignment, the concrete is to be poured by
Explanation: Hoyer‟s long line method is the system used in providing appropriate shuttering between the beams and then
pretensioning and the other systems like Freyssinet, Gifford- the wires are united after hardening of concrete and cutoff.
Udall, and Magnel-Balton are post tensioning systems and 8. The Hoyer‟s system of pretensioning can be done for
large numbers of beams are produced in an individual beams:
alignment. a) 1
4. Hoyer‟s system of pre tensioning is generally adopted for: b) More than 2
a) Small scale members c) Less than 2
b) Large scale members d) 2
c) Middle span members View Answer
d) End members
View Answer Answer: b
Explanation: United beams more than 2 are hardened in
Answer: b Hoyer‟s method of pretensiong in case of large distances
Explanation: Hoyer‟s system is generally recommended when between each beam, the most commonly used devices are
the production of pretensioned members is required on a the Weinberg clip developed in France and the Dorland clip
large scale is the principle which are used to precast the developed in the united states these clips are clamped on to
beams the post tensioning system was considered to the tensioned wires close on the end diaphragms of the units
pretensioning system when used for large spans, due to this before concreting operations.
reason the pre tensioning system was replaced by post 9. The Hoyer‟s system of prestressing proves to be
tensioning system. economical for:
5. The transfer of prestress of concrete is achieved by: a) Pre tensioning system
a) Plates b) Post tensioning system
b) Rings c) Beam casting
c) Steel bars d) Bed casting
d) Jacks View Answer
View Answer
Answer: b
Answer: d Explanation: The post tensioning system was considered as
Explanation: The transfer of prestress to concrete is usually economical when compared to pre tensioning system, when
achieved by large hydraulic or screw jacks by which all the used for larger spans due to this reason pre tensioning
wires are simultaneously released after the concrete attains system was replaced by post tensioning system, for mass
the required compressive strength generally strands of up to production of pretensioned elements, the long line process
18mm diameter and high tensile wires of up to 7mm diameter developed by Hoyer is generally used in the factory and in this
anchor themselves satisfactorily with the help of surface bond method the tendons are stretched several hundred meters
and the interlocking of the surrounding matrix in the micro apart so that a number of similar units may be cast along the
indentations on the wires. same group of tensioned wires.
6. The bond of prestressing wires in Hoyer‟s system can be 10. In Hoyer‟s system the projection of plugs left in concrete
formed by: exceeds beyond:
a) Helical crimping a) Middle of member
b) Tangential crimping b) End of member
c) Circular crimping c) First of member
d) Diode crimping d) Transfer part of member
View Answer View Answer

Answer: a Answer: b
Explanation: Bond of prestressing wires may be considerably Explanation: One of the disadvantages of Hoyer‟s system is
improved by forming surface indentations and by helical the projection of plugs which are left in concrete exceeds
crimping of wires in Hoyer‟s system, strands have beyond the end of the member, application of heavy jacks
considerable better bond characteristics than plain wires of which are uneconomical, projection of plugs which are left in
equal cross sectional area supplementary anchoring devices concrete exceeds beyond the ends of the member, additional
are required when single wires of larger diameter are used in reinforcement is required to prevent failure of shear.
the pretensioned units.
7. The Hoyer‟s method of prestressing is done by: Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
a) Pulling out of wires Post Tensioning Systems:-
b) Pushing wires a
c) Heating of wires 1. In post tensioning, the concrete units are cast by:
d) Stressing of wires a) Ducts
View Answer b) Jacks
c) Anchorages
d) Wedges the spiral spring behaves as a guide in transferring the
View Answer reaction to concrete.
6. One of disadvantage of Freyssinet system is:
Answer: a a) Stresses in the wires are not similar
Explanation: In post tensioning, the concrete units are first b) Rapid attainment of stretching force
cast by incorporating ducts or grooves to house the tendons c) Safeguarding of wires is economical
and when the concrete attains sufficient strength, the high d) Projection of plug left in concrete
tensile wires are tensioned by means of jack bearing on the View Answer
end face of the member and anchored by wedges or nuts.
2. After the tensioning operation, the space between the Answer: a
tendons and the ducts are: Explanation: The stresses in the wires are not similar, even
a) Layered though all the wires are been stretched together, Freyssinet
b) Grouted system involves the application of heavy jacks which are
c) Cemented economical force applied for stretching is about 250kn to
d) Drilled 500kn which is maximum and is still inadequate.
View Answer 7. In Gifford-Udall system, the number of methods for
prestressing members are:
Answer: b a) 1
Explanation: The focus are transmitted to the concrete by b) 2
means of the end anchorages and when the cable is curved c) 3
through the radial pressure between the cable and the ducts d) 4
and the space between the tendons and the duct is generally View Answer
grouted after the tensioning operation.
3. The Freyssinet system of post tensioning anchorages was Answer: c
developed in: Explanation: Gifford-Udall system gave three methods for
a) 1934 prestressing members by small wedging grips, anchoring of
b) 1935 wires by wedging, application of tendons of H.T type with a
c) 1939 diameter of about 28mm and this method of prestressing
d) 1936 involves the anchoring of wires by wedges, due to which the
View Answer wires directly fit into the tapered recesses present over the
bearing plate.
Answer: c 8. In Gifford-Udall system, which method involves
Explanation: Freyssinet system of post tensioning anchorages prestressing by H.T type tendon?
which was developed in 1939, gave impetus to the various a) Method 1
new systems devised over the years and at present, b) Method 2
according to abeles there are over 64 patent post prominent c) Method 3
systems used worldwide. d) Method 4
4. The Freyssinet system of prestressing involves the View Answer
arrangement of wires of number:
a) 10 Answer: c
b) 14 Explanation: Gifford-Udall system consists of 3 methods in
c) 12 that third method of prestressing involves the application of a
d) 8 tendon of H.T type with a diameter of about 28mm and it is
View Answer quite stronger than 6mm diameter wires.
9. In Lee-McCall system, the prestressing tendons are in the
Answer: c form of:
Explanation: Freyssinet system of prestressing involves the a) Steel bars
arrangement of high tensile steel wires of about 12 in number b) Tension bars
with diameter of 5mm to 8mm forming a group into a cable, c) Compression bars
cylinder is provided as an anchorage and it has a conical hole d) Rings
at its centre provided with heavy hoop reinforcement these View Answer
cylinders are is provided as an anchorage and it has a conical
hole at its centre provided with heavy hoop reinforcement. Answer: a
5. In Freyssinet system which element behaves as a guide? Explanation: In Lee-McCall system, the prestressing tendons
a) Spiral spring are in the form of high tensile alloy steel bars and the bar size
b) Hallow spring ranges from 12-40mm diameter and after tensioning, the bars
c) Trapezoidal spring are anchored by special threaded nuts which bear against a
d) Cable spring distribution plate.
View Answer 10. The drawback of Lee-McCall system is it cannot use:
a) Straight tendons
Answer: a b) Elliptical tendons
Explanation: In Freyssinet system of prestressing spiral spring c) Curved tendons
is provided inside the cable for sufficient clearance between d) Trapezoidal tendons
the wires and it even provides a cement grouted channel and View Answer
Answer: b
Answer: c Explanation: The wire tendons are mainly used in post
Explanation: In this system, the forces are transmitted by the tensioning system for prestressed concrete, they are cold
bearing at the end blocks while the system eliminates the loss drawn and stress is relieved with a yield stress of about
of stress due to anchorage slip by screwing a nut and washer 1300mpa and the diameter generally ranges from between
against end blocks and the drawback of this system is that it 5mm-8mm.
cannot use curved tendons. 3. The use of bar tendons with threaded anchorages reduces
11. The method of tensioning Magnel-Balton system involves: the possibility of:
a) Hydraulic jack and wires a) Push
b) Hydraulic jack and bars b) Pull
c) Multi strand hydraulic jack c) Break
d) Jack inserted at centre of beam d) Bend
View Answer View Answer

Answer: a Answer: b
Explanation: The method of tensioning Manel-Balton system Explanation: The bar type tendons are used in certain post
involves hydraulic jack tensioning two wires at a time, the tensioning systems, the bars are of high strength alloy steel of
arrangement of Magnel-Balton system constitutes of a yield strength about 620mpa and diameter up to 40mm and
rectangular cable section provided with layers of wires of the use of bar tendons with threaded anchorages reduces the
diameter about 5mm to 8mm such that each layer is supplied possibility of pull in at the anchorages and also anchorage
with four wires and the arrangement of wires in the geometric cost.
pattern is to be considered by supplying spacers/grills at 4. The cables are formed by arrangement of wires or strands
uniform intervals throughout the length of the cable, an in:
adequate resistance against friction for the wires in the of a) Bundles
sandwich plates. b) Rings
12. Which system of prestressing is widely used in India? c) Ducts
a) Gifford-Udall d) Steel
b) Lee-McCall View Answer
c) Magnel-Balton
d) Freyssinet Answer: a
View Answer Explanation: The cables are formed by arrangement of wires
or strands in bundles and the performed duct in concrete
Answer: d member can be stressed and tensioned by appropriate post
Explanation: The Freyssinet anchorage system is widely used tensioning method by using cables, post tensioning is
in Europe and India consists of a cylinder with a conical invariably used for strengthening concrete dams, circular
interior through which the high tensile wires pass and against prestressing of large concrete tanks and biological shields of
the walls of which the wires are wedged by a conical plug nuclear reactors.
lined longitudinally with grooves to house the wires. 5. How many types of splicing arrangement are widely used in
post tensioning systems?
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – a) 4
Tensioning Devices:- b) 5
c) 3
1. In pre tensioning system, type of prestressing tendon used d) 2
is: View Answer
a) Bars
b) Wires Answer: a
c) Strands Explanation: Screw connectors are normally employed to
d) Cables splice large diameter high tensile bars which can be threaded
View Answer at ends, the torpedo splice consists of triple wedges for
securing the wires and the entire unit is covered and
Answer: c protected by a sleeve, clamp splices are equipped with bolts
Explanation: The strand tendons are used in both pre and nuts with a series of clamp plates to house the tendons
tensioning and post tensioning, they are made by winding between them for splicing of small diameter wires of 3-6mm.
seven cold drawn wires together on a stranding machine, the 6. The commonly used mechanical devices used in the
addition of strands in subsequent layers of wire forms strands following:
of 19 or 37 wires, large post tensioning applications can cope a) Weight with lever transmission
with stressing requirements by use of these tendons. b) Geared transmission without pulley blocks
2. The yield stress relieved in wires is about: c) Hydraulic jacks
a) 620mpa d) Tendons
b) 1300mpa View Answer
c) 1250mpa
d) 600mpa Answer: a
View Answer Explanation: The commonly used mechanical devices are
weights with level transmission, weight without lever
transmission, geared transmission with pulley blocks; screw 1. The method of pre stressing by heated tendons, achieved
jacks without gear drives, wire winding machinery and the by passing an electric current is known as:
mechanical devices are generally used for imparting prestress a) Chemical pre stressing
in the concrete members which are prepared in large amounts b) Thermo electric pre stressing
in big factories. c) Dynamic pre stressing
7. The hydraulic jacks are the simplest and most widely used d) Thermo blasting pre stressing
devices for providing prestress of: View Answer
a) High magnitudes
b) High discharges Answer: b
c) High Bending moment Explanation: In this method the tendons are heated through
d) High tension the high tensile wires and by allowing electric current to flow
View Answer through it, this process is referred as thermo electric pre
stressing, in the erstwhile U.S.S.R, the electro thermal
Answer: a method has been widely used since 1958 for pretensioning
Explanation: Hydraulic jacks are the simplest and most widely bar reinforcements of precast units.
used devices for providing prestress of high magnitudes and 2. In thermo electric pre stressing, heating the bars is done to
various hydraulic devices are prepared by different scientists a temperature of:
from which the commonly used devices Freyssinet, Magnel a) 300-400degrees
Balton, Gifford Udall system, Baur Leonhardt, lee mc call b) 500-600degrees
system, Prescon system etc. c) 200-300degrees
8. The applied force should be measured accurately in d) 150-450degrees
hydraulic devices while: View Answer
a) Tensioning the tendons
b) Tensioning the wires Answer: a
c) Tensioning the cables Explanation: The temperature in the bars is raised from 300 to
d) Tensioning the anchorages 400degrees for time duration of 3to 5 minutes, with this the
View Answer bar elongates up to 0.4 to 0.5%, empirical relations for the
estimation of the current, voltage and power requirements of
Answer: a the transformer are reported by Graduck.
Explanation: The prestressing members with hydraulic 3. The period of cooling in thermo electric pre stressing is
devices, the applied force should be measured accurately observed as:
while tensioning the tendons and this can be achieved by a) 20-30 minutes
providing pressure gauges with the jacks. b) 12-15 minutes
9. The electrical devices are commonly used for tensioning of: c) 5-10 minutes
a) Bend wires and steel wires d) 15-20 minutes
b) Deformed bars and steel wires View Answer
c) Torsion and steel wires
d) Compression wires and steel wires Answer: b
View Answer Explanation: After the process of cooling, the bars get
shortened but which can be known with the fixed arrangement
Answer: a at both the ends and the period of cooling is observed as 12
Explanation: Electrical devices are used commonly for the to 15minutes, a steel metal sheath of enlarged diameter and
tensioning of deformed bars and steel wires and the method sufficient length is generally used to cover the splice, screw
of pre stressing involves the heating up of steel wires and threaded connectors are not recommended for splicing heat
anchoring them before filling the moulds with concrete. treated prestressing steels, which are highly suspectable for
10. The basic chemical substance used for pre stressing stress corrosion.
forces in concrete member is: 4. The thermo electric pre stressing, initial stress in tendons
a) Aluminium ranges between:
b) Sulphur a) 500-600n/mm2
c) Shrinkage cement b) 200-300n/mm2
d) Expanding cement c) 100-150n/mm2
View Answer d) 600-800n/mm2
View Answer
Answer: d
Explanation: Chemical substances are also used for Answer: a
developing pre stressing force in concrete members and the Explanation: Thermo electric pre stressing helps to cause on
basic chemical substance used is expansive cement, when initial stress in tendons of magnitude from 500 to 600n/mm2
expansive cement is used in construction, the tendons are and concrete is placed in moulds only after the temperature of
subjected to tension (while setting). the wires falls below 90degrees.
5. In which place thermo electric pre stressing found to be
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – more economical:
Thermo Electric Prestressing:- a) Canada
c) France
d) Switzerland d) Simple bar
View Answer View Answer

Answer: b Answer: b
Explanation: In the erstwhile USSR, the Thermo electric pre Explanation: In case of heating the bar gets elongated and
stressing method has been widely used since 1958 for pre shortens after heating and after anchorages are applied on
tensioning bar reinforcements of pre cast units and this both sides which stretch the bar, clamp splices are equipped
method has been found to be more economical than with bolts and nuts since there will be a considerable
conventional mechanical devices. reduction in the tensile strength of up to 50 percent, these
type of splice can be used only in locations where the
6. The thermo electric pre stressing is also used in: prestressing force can be sufficiently reduced by the curvature
a) Pre-block units of tendon due to friction.
b) Pre-cast units 10. How many wedges are considered in case of torpedo
c) Pre-beam units splices?
d) Pre-anchorage units a) 3
View Answer b) 4
c) 5
Answer: b d) 2
Explanation: Thermo electric pre stressing is adopted in many View Answer
foreign countries as it is most economical when compared to
the other conventional mechanical devices; it is also used in Answer: a
precast units, precast are only used within ranges of exterior Explanation: Tendons are spliced in case of continuous pre
and interior walls compressed in concrete and stone, creating stressed concrete members to gain continuity and the various
a solid but maneuverable wall or face, precast concrete types of splices used as tendons are screw connector,
production performed on ground level, which helps with safety torpedo splices, clamp splice and wrapped splice and torpedo
throughout a project. splices consists of triple wedges for securing the wires and
7. The tensioning of oval section ribbed wires with an ultimate the entire unit is covered and protected by a sleeve and this
tensile strength was adopted in: type of splice is largely used for splicing cold drawn wires.
a) Germany
b) France Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
c) Switzerland Chemical Prestressing:-
d) Britain
View Answer 1. The chemical pre stressing is also called as:
a) Self stressing
Answer: a b) Whole stressing
Explanation: Thermo electric pre stressing has also been c) Half stressing
adopted in Germany for the tensioning of oval section ribbed d) Model stressing
wires with an ultimate tensile strength of 1600n/mm2, the View Answer
wrapping wire of 1mm diameter is generally used for splicing
wires up to 6mm diameter and the length of splice may vary Answer: a
from 20-30cm and the splice formed in this manner has a Explanation: Self stressing or chemical pre stressing of
strength almost equal to that of the normal wire and this type concrete was made possible by the development of
of splice is generally used for the wires of circular concrete expanding cements by Lossier of France in 1944 and
tanks and anchorage loops. generally expanding cements consist of 75% Portland
8. The estimation of the current, voltage and power cement, 15% alumina cement and 10 % gypsum which result
requirements of the transformer are for: in formation of calcium Sulpho aluminate.
a) Theoretical equations 2. The linear expansion of the cement in chemical pre
b) Empirical relations stressing is about:
c) Global relations a) 5-10%
d) Quadratic equations b) 2-3%
View Answer c) 3-4%
d) 6-7%
Answer: b View Answer
Explanation: A temperature of about 4600c was necessary to
induce an initial stress of 55 percent of the ultimate tensile Answer: c
strength the heating time being 40-90s at 30v and 300-1100 A Explanation: The linear expansion of the cement in chemical
and Empirical relations for the estimation of the current, prestressing is about 3 to 4% Mikhailov has reported that
voltage and power requirements of the transformer are expansive cements have been used for pre stressing
reported by Graduck. purposes in erstwhile in USSR since 1949 and splices are
9. In thermo electric pre stressing, the elongation is observed adopted for circular prestressing of tanks and the advantage
in case of: is that there is no reduction in the strength of wire.
a) Bar after cooling 3. The degree of expansion can be controlled by varying the
b) Bar after heating conditions of:
c) Bar after anchoring a) Bending
b) Bonding method is most not suited for high degrees of prestress and
c) Heating high percentages of steel where mechanical pre stressing can
d) Curing be conveniently used.
View Answer 8. The suitability of post tensioning is good for:
a) Long spans
Answer: d b) Break spans
Explanation: The degree of expansion can be controlled by c) Edge spans
varying the curing conditions in expanding cements and when d) End spans
the concrete is subjected to compression the amount and rate View Answer
of expansion is controlled by controlling the curing conditions
of the member. Answer: a
4. The expansion of the concrete is restrained by: Explanation: The suitability of post tensioning is good for
a) High-tensile steel medium to long span in situ work, where the cost of
b) High-strength concrete tensioning is very less and the major advantage of is the
c) Precast members stopped off and curved cables are allowed by which designer
d) Concrete members can easily differ the prestresss distribution.
View Answer 9. The long span decks are fabricated by:
a) Post tensioning
Answer: a b) Pre tensioning
Explanation: concrete is composite material consisting of an c) Thermo electric prestress
aggregate and a binder phase and the binder phase is d) Chemical prestress
hardened cement and the expansion of concrete is restrained View Answer
by high tensile steel wires, the compressive stresses that
develop in concrete and steel wires are subjected to tensile Answer: a
stresses. Explanation: Post tensioning is ideally suited in concrete
5. The tensile stresses developed in steel by the expansion of construction work involving stage prestressing most of the
concrete are about: long span bridge structures are constructed using post
a) 850n/mm2 tensioning system and long span bridge decks are also
b) 250n/mm2 fabricated by the use of post tensioning.
c) 600n/mm2 10. The concrete dams are constructed using which:
d) 500n/mm2 a) Post tensioning
View Answer b) Thermo electric pre tensioning
c) Biological pre tensioning
Answer: a d) Elongation pre tensioning
Explanation: Tensile stresses of up to 850n/mm2 were View Answer
developed in steel by the expansion concrete results of
laboratory investigations of several types of chemically pre Answer: a
stressed elements, such as beams, slabs, frames, columns, Explanation: Concrete dams, biological shields of nuclear
pipes and hyperbolic parabolic sheets have demonstrated the reactors and circular pre stressing of large concrete tanks are
feasibility of chemical pre stressing. strengthened by using post tensioning and high tensile wire is
6. The chemical pre stressing is generally suited for elements wrapped under high tension using a wire serving machine
like: developed by the inventors.
a) Pre cast beams and columns
b) Bonding elements Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
c) Breakage elements Basic Assumptions:-
d) Tensioning elements
View Answer 1. The analysis of stresses developed in prestressed concrete
structural elements is based on how many assumptions?
Answer: a a) 5
Explanation: It has been found that structural elements ideally b) 4
suited for chemical pre stressing include pipes, thin walls and c) 3
slabs, shells; folded plates and composite columns as well as d) 2
pre cast beams and columns. View Answer
7. The method of chemical pre stressing is not suited for:
a) High degrees of prestress Answer: c
b) High degrees of compression Explanation: The analysis of stresses developed in a
c) High degrees of anchoring prestressed concrete structural elements is based on the
d) High degrees of jacking following assumptions: Concrete is a homogeneous elastic
View Answer material, Within the range of working stresses, both concrete
and steel behave elastically, notwithstanding the small amount
Answer: a of creep which occurs in both the materials under sustained
Explanation: In the present state of art, chemical pre stressing loading, a plan section remains plain even after bending.
can be applied to structural elements and systems in which 2. The tensile stresses when do not exceed the limit of
the optimum amount of pre stress is relatively low and this modulus then change in loading of member results in:
a) Change of bending moment View Answer
b) Change of stress
c) Change in shear Answer: d
d) Change in rupture Explanation: Uniform prestress in concrete p/a, which is
View Answer compressive across the depth of the beam and the applied
loads, dead loads of the beam include tensile stress towards
Answer: b the soffit and are counterbalanced more effectively by
Explanation: As long as tensile stresses do not exceed the eccentric tendons.
limit of modulus of rupture of concrete (corresponding to the 7. In case of eccentric prestressing force the support force
stage of visible cracking of concrete), any change in loading Fsup is:
of the member results in a change of stress in the concrete a) Fsup = p/a(1+eyb/i )
only, the sole function of the prestressing tendon being to b) Fsup = p/a(1+eyb/i )
impart and maintain the prestress in the concrete. c) Fsup = p/a
3. Which conditions are negligible at the stage of visible d) Fsup = p/a-eb
cracking on concrete? View Answer
a) Bending conditions Answer: b
b) Joint conditions Explanation: The stresses developed at the top and bottom
c) Zone conditions fibers of the beam are obtained by the two relations:
d) Loading conditions Finf = (p/a+pe/zb) = p/a(1+eyb/i ), Fsup = (p/a-pe/zb) = p/a(1-
View Answer ybt/i ).

Answer: d 8. The diagram indicating the direct stress of the beam is:
Explanation: Up to the stage of visible cracking on concrete,
the changes in the stress of steel, the loading being negligibly
small, are generally not considered in the computations, the
phenomenon of stress corrosion in steel is particularly
dangerous, as it results in sudden brittle fractures.
4. The stresses due to prestressing are referred as:
a) Combined stresses
b) Bending stresses
c) Anchoring stresses
d) Tensioning stresses
View Answer

Answer: a
Explanation: The stresses due to prestressing alone are
generally combined stresses due to the action of direct load
and bending resulting from an eccentricity applied load, the
stresses in concrete are evaluated by using the well known
relationship for combined stresses, this type of attack in alloys
is due to the internal metallurgical structure, which is
influenced by composition, heat treatment and mechanical
5. Which of the following notations are used for evaluating the Answer:a
relationship for combined stresses? Explanation:
a) P, E, M, A, I
b) P, ζ, M, g, I
c) P, W, M, π, L
d) P, θ, M, Z, L
View Answer

Answer: a
Explanation: The notations and sign conservations used for
the analysis of prestress are
P-Prestressing force, e-eccentricity of prestressing force, m –
p × e – moment
A – Cross sectional area of the concrete member, I – second
moment of area of section about its centroid.
6. The uniform prestress in a concrete member subjected to
concentric prestressing is:
a) P/e
b) P/s
c) P/t
d) P/a
9. The diagram indicating the bending stress of the cross Answer: a
section the beam is: Explanation: Resultant stresses in concrete at any section are
obtained by superimposing the effect of prestress and flexural
stresses developed due to the loads, other common types of
corrosion frequently encountered in prestressed concrete
construction are pitting corrosion and chloride corrosion, a
critical review of the different types of corrosion of high tensile
steel in structural concrete is reported.
2. The resultant stress distribution due to eccentric
prestressing, dead and live loads at any given section are
obtained as:
a) Fsup = (p/a-pe/zt)+(mg/zt)+(mq/zt)
b) Fsup = (p/a-pe/zt)+(mg/zt)+(mq/zt)
c) Fsup = (p/a-pe/zt)+(mg/zt)+(mq/zt)
d) Fsup = (p/a-pe/zt)+(mg/zt)+(mq/zt)
View Answer
Explanation: If Mq and Mg are live loads and dead load
moments at the central span section;
Mq=ql /8
Mg=gl /8
View Answer

Answer: a

10. The cross section of beam is combination of: 3. A concrete beam of rectangular section, 250mm wide and
a) Direct stresses and Bending stresses 600mm deep. Calculate the bending moment that can be
b) Principal stresses and Shear stresses applied without applying tension at the soffit of the beam with
c) Anchorage and Tension stresses given m/z value as 5.74?
d) Flexural and Rigidity stresses a) 26.4
View Answer b) 54.8
c) 34.5
Answer: a d) 86.1
Explanation: View Answer

Answer: d
Explanation: m/z = 5.74, b = 250mm, d = 600mm
Z = (250×6002/6) = 15×106mm3,
M = (5.74×15×106) = 86.1×106nmm = 86.1knm.
4. A prestressed concrete beam of section 200mm wide by
300mm deep of imposed load 4kn/m at a span of 6m, density
of concrete is 24kn/m3. Find the concentric prestressing force
necessary for zero fiber stress at the soffit?
a) 490
b) 560
c) 230
d) 310
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
View Answer
Resultant Stresses:-

Answer: a
1. The resultant stresses in concrete at any section are
Explanation: b = 200mm, d = 300mm, A = (200×300) =
obtained by the effect of:
6×104mm2, g = (0.2×0.3×24),
a) Prestress and flexural stresses
Mg = (0.125×1.44×62) = 6.48knm, Mq = (0.125×4×62) =
b) Prestress and bending stresses
18knm, Zb=Zt = (200×3002/6) = 3×106mm3
c) Prestress and shear stresses
P/A = 8.16, P = (8.16×6×104) = 489.6kn.
d) Prestress and torsion stresses
5. The locus of the points of application of resultant force in
View Answer
any structure is termed as:
a) Pressure line
b) Hollow line c) Flexure in pressure line
c) Beam line d) Shift of the pressure line
d) Tendon line View Answer
View Answer
Answer: d
Answer: a Explanation: “A change in the external moments in the elastic
Explanation: The combined effect of prestressing force and range of a prestress concrete beam results in a shift of the
the externally applied load will result in a distribution of pressure line rather than in an increase in the resultant force
concrete stresses that can be resolved into a single force and in the beam, this is in contrast to a reinforced concrete beam
the locus of the points of application of this resultant force in section where an increase in the external moment results in a
any structure is termed as “pressure or thrust line”. corresponding increase in the tensile force and the
6. The concept of pressure line is very useful in understanding compressive force.
the concept of: 10. The shift of pressure line measured from centroidal axis is
a) Load carrying mechanism obtained as:
b) Bending mechanism a) (m/p)-e
c) Shear mechanism b) (m/q)-e
d) Torsion mechanism c) (m/r)-e
View Answer d) (m/i)-e
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: The concept of pressure line is very useful in Answer: a
understanding the load carrying mechanism of a prestressed Explanation: The shift of pressure line is measured from the
concrete section, if a prestressed concrete member is centroidal axis is obtained as
cracked, it behaves similar to that of a reinforced concrete E‟= (a-e) = (m/p)-e, basically the load carrying mechanism is
section, in contrast to the direct method of analysis of comprised of a constant force with a changing lever arm as in
resultant stresses at a section of a prestressed concrete beam the case of prestressed concrete sections, and a changing
outlined the pressure or thrust line concept can also be used force with a constant lever arm prevailing in reinforced
to evaluate stresses. concrete sections.
7. The location of the pressure line depends upon:
a) Breakage and Bondage Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
b) Magnitude and direction Concept of Load Balancing:-
c) Shear and Torsion 1. The equivalent moment of given loading is:
d) Pressure and equilibrium
View Answer

Answer: b
Explanation: In the case of prestressed concrete members,
the location of the pressure line depends upon the magnitude
and direction of the moments applied at the cross section and a) Pe
the magnitude and distribution of stresses due to the b) 4Pe/L
prestressing force, the increase in resultant forces are due to c) Pe/L2
a more or less constant lever arm between the forces, d) Pe/aL
characterized by the properties of the composite section. View Answer
8. The eccentricity e in the pressure line diagram is: Answer: a
a) h/16 Explanation:
b) h/12
c) h/15
d) h/8
View Answer

Answer: a
Explanation: At the support section, since there are no flexural
stresses resulting from the external loads, the pressure line
coincides with that of the centroid of steel, located at an
eccentricity of h/6, at the centre of the span section the
external loading is such that the resultant stress developed in
maximum at the top fiber and zero at the bottom fibers and it
can be easily be seen that for this section the pressure line
has shifted towards the top fiber by an amount equal to h/3 2. The tendon profile of given equivalent loading is:
from its initial position.
9. The change in the external moments in the elastic range of
prestressed concrete beam results in:
a) Bending moment in pressure line
b) Torsion in pressure line
4. The moment profile for given loading is:

a) W=Pe/aL
b) W=Pe/4aL
c) W=Pe/16aL
d) W=Pe/24aL
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: The moment profile for the given loading
Equivalent moment is W=Pe/aL and
2 2
Camber provided is a(3-4a )WL /24EI.
5. A rectangular prestressed beam 150 mm wide and 300mm
deep is used over a effective span of 10m and the cable with
zero eccentricity at the supports, linearly varying to 50mm at
the centre carries an effective prestressing force of
500kn(Z=225×10 ). Evaluate stress due to prestressing?
a) 22.2n/mm
b) 42.2n/mm
c) 32.2n/mm
d) 52.2n/mm
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: b=150mm, d=300mm, l= 10m, e=50mm,
Self weight of beam g = (0.15×0.3×24)=1.08kn/m,
Moment due to self weight = (0.125×1.08×10 =13.5knm,
6 4 2
Stress due to self weight = (13.5×10 /225×10 ) = 6n/mm ,
View Answer
Stress due to prestressing = (P/A+Pe/A) =
Answer:a 3 3 3 4 2
(500×10 /45×10 )+(500×10 ×50/225×10 ) =22.22n/mm .
6. A rectangular beam of 300mm wide and 800mm deep
supports two concentrated loads of 20kn each at a span of
9m.Calculate the prestressing force and suggest a suitable
cable profile if the eccentricity is 50mm?
a) 600kn
b) 500kn
c) 200kn
Equivalent moment M=4Pe/L d) 800kn
Camber provided is WL2/48EI View Answer
Answer: a
6 3
3. The cable provided for the given loading is: Explanation: Q = 20kn, e = 100mm, L = 9m, Z = 32×10 mm
Pe = QL/3 , P = (QL/3e) = (200×9000/3×100) = 600kn.
7. A beam of symmetrical I-section spanning 8m has a flange
width of 250mm and flange thickness of 80mm, overall depth
is 450mm, eccentricity of 150mm, g = 1.57kn/m, q =
2.50kn/m. Determine effective force?
a) 250
b) 217
a) ML /8EI c) 320
b) WL /48EI d) 200
c) 5WL /384EI View Answer
d) 12WL /384EI Answer: b
View Answer Explanation: The bending moment at the centre of the span is
Answer: c Mg = (0.125×1.57×8 ) = 12.56knm
Explanation: Equivalent moment for cable provided for the Mq = (0.125×2.50×8 )=20knm, Total moment M =
given loading condition is W= 8Pe/L (Mg+Mq)=32.5knm
and Camber provided for the cable is 5WL /384EI. P = (M/e) = (32.5×103/150) = 217kn.
8. The shape of the bending moment diagram results from:
a) Tendon profile
b) External loads Answer: c
c) Cable profile Explanation: A prestressed member undergoes deformation
d) Compression due to the action of the prestressing force and transverse
View Answer loads acting on the member and the curvature of the cable
Answer: b changes which results in a slight variation of stresses in the
Explanation: The cable profile in a prestressed member tendons.
corresponds to the shape of the bending moment diagram 2. The rotation equation obtained by applying Mohr‟s theorem
resulting from the external loads, in a prestressed concrete considering a concrete beam of span l, force p, eccentricity e
member external type of loads are balanced by transverse is:
component of suitable cable profile. a) θp = PeL/2EI
9. When the beam supports two concentrated loads, the cable b) θp = PeL/4EI
follows which profile? c) θp = PeL/16EI
a) Straight d) θp = PeL/20EI
b) Bent View Answer
c) Curved Answer: a
d) Trapezoidal Explanation: A concrete beam of span l is prestressed by a
View Answer cable carrying an effective force p at an eccentricity e the
Answer: d rotation at the supports due to hogging of the beam is
Explanation: If the beam supports two concentrated loads, the obtained by applying Mohr‟s theorem as θ p = Area of bending
cable should follow a trapezoidal cable because of the moment/flexural rigidity = PeL/2EI.
concentrated loads the cable bends in a trapezoidal shape, 3. The cross section of a prestressed concrete beam is
the reactions are obtained by replacing the forces acting on 100mm wide and 300mm deep and the initial stress in
concrete with tendons. tendons are located at a eccentricity of 50mm is 1000n/mm ,
10. If the beam supports uniformly distributed load the tendon the sectional area is 100mm . Find rotation due to prestress
follows: (hogging moment)?
a) Straight a) 0.00155
b) Ellipse profile b) 0.00165
c) Random profile c) 0.00175
d) Parabolic profile d) 0.00185
View Answer View Answer
Answer: d Answer: d
Explanation: When the beam supports uniformly distributed Explanation: Moment of area I = (100×300 /12) =
6 4
load, the corresponding tendon should follow a parabolic 225×10 mm
profile, when a prestressed a concrete beam AB of span l it is Prestressing force p = (1000×100) = 10 = 100kn
subjected to an external load of w/m length the prestressing Rotation due to prestressing force θp = PeL/2EI =
3 6
force p, the prestress is imparted to the beam with the help of (100×50×6×10 /2×36×225×10 )
parabolic tendon with the dip of h at the centre due to Hogging moment = 0.00185radians.
parabolic profile the beam is subjected to upward uniform 4. In the elastic range, any increase in prestressed member
force We is given as px = p = wel /8h. does not show any effect on:
11. The concept of load balancing is useful in selecting the: a) Steel stress
a) Anchorage profile b) Compressive stress
b) Bending profile c) Bending stress
c) Tendon profile d) Flexural stress
d) Jack profile View Answer
View Answer Answer: a
Answer: c Explanation: In the elastic range any increase in loading on a
Explanation: The concept of loading balancing is useful in prestressed member does not result in any significant change
selecting the tendon profile, which can supply the most in the steel stress and in other words, the stress in steel is
desirable system of forces in concrete, straight portion of more or less constant in elastic range of prestressed concrete.
cable profile does not produce any reactions at the end, while 5. The rate of increase in stress in the tendons of a prestress
the curve and sharp angles of cable develop uniformly concrete member depends upon:
distributed and concentrated load respectively. a) Bond and breakage
b) Bond and surrounding concrete
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – c) Bond and elasticity
Stresses in Tendons:- d) Bond and anchorage
View Answer
1. The prestressed member undergoes deformation due to the Answer: b
action of: Explanation: The rate of increase of stress in the tendons of a
a) Prestressing force and flexural loads prestressed concrete member under loads depends upon the
b) Prestressing force and combined loads degree of bond between the high tensile steel wires and the
c) Prestressing force and transverse loads surrounding concrete, the increase of stress in steel depends
d) Prestressing force and tangential loads on the average strain in concrete at the level of steel.
View Answer 6. A prestressed concrete beam used over a span of 6m is
100mm wide and 300mm deep, live load of 4kn/m, density of
concrete is 24kn/m , modulus of elasticity of concrete is 36 d) Extended beams
and steel is 210kn/mm . Find rotation due to loads(sagging View Answer
moment)? Answer: a
a) 0.005 Explanation: In general bonded beams are preferable due to
b) 0.00525 their higher flexural strength and predictable deformation
c) 0.0024 characteristics, after the onset of cracking the stress in steel
d) 0.0045 increases at a faster rate in both types of beams since steel
View Answer does not reach its ultimate strength in case of unbounded
Answer: d beams the ultimate load supported by the beam is smaller
Explanation: E = 210kn/mm , Self weight of the beam, g = than that of bonded beam in which the steel attains its
(0.1×0.3×24) = 0.72kn/m ultimate strength at the failure stage of member.
Live load on the beam (q) = 4kn/m, Total load on the beam,
W d = (q+g) = (4+0.72) = 0.00472kn/mm Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
Rotation due to prestressing force θp = PeL/24EI = Cracking Moments:-
3 6
(100×50×6×10 /24×36×210×10 )
Sagging moment = 0.00525radians. 1. The soffit of the beam after the transfer of prestress to
7. The stress in tendons of bonded beams is: concrete will be under:
a) αe (My/I) a) Tension
b) αe (My/R) b) Compression
c) αe (My/L) c) Breakage
d) αe (My/20) d) Bondage
View Answer View Answer
Answer: a Answer: b
Explanation: The stresses in tendons of bonded beams is Explanation: The bending moment at which visible cracks
αe (My/I), αe = Modular ratio of steel to concrete, y = vertical developed in prestressed concrete members is generally
distance of a point from centroid of concrete section, M = referred to as the cracking moment after the transfer of
bending moment, I = moment of area of the section, in cases prestress to concrete, the soffit of the beam will be under
of bonded members such as pretensioned elements or post compression.
tensioned grouted members, the composite action between 2. The compressive and tensile stresses developed in
steel and concrete prevails and the stresses in steel are cracking moments are due to:
computed using the theory of composite sections up to stage a) Bending loads
of cracking. b) Transverse loads
8. The rate of increase of stress is larger in case of: c) Tensile loads
a) Bonded beams d) Compressive loads
b) Un bonded beams View Answer
c) Tensioned beams Answer: b
d) Anchorage beams Explanation: These compressive stresses are balanced by the
View Answer tensile stresses developed due to the transverse loads on the
Answer: a beam, so that the resultant stress at the bottom fiber is zero, a
Explanation: The rate of increase of stress is larger in case of further increase in loading results in the development of
bonded beams than in un bonded beams both in the pre tensile stresses at the soffit of beam.
cracking and post cracking stages, in case of unbounded 3. The micro cracks develop as soon as the tensile strain in
beams, the tendons are free to elongate independently concrete exceeds about:
throughout their length under the action of transverse loads a) 80-100×10 units
on the beam. b) 100-150×10 units
9. The development of crack widths is comparatively larger in: c) 150-300×10 units
a) Bonded beams d) 300-500×10 units
b) Un bonded beams View Answer
c) Localized beams Answer: a
d) Strengthened beams Explanation: As concrete is weak in tension, micro cracks
View Answer develop as soon as the tensile strain in concrete exceeds
Answer: a about 80-100×10 units and the parameters in concrete are
Explanation: In post cracking stage, while the bonded beams influenced by various materials and their permissible values
are characterized by small cracks, which are well distributed according to Indian standard codes.
in the zone of the larger moments, unbounded beams develop 4. When the loads in a concrete member are further increased
only a few cracks, which are localized at weaker sections and than permitted, the crack widths are of an order of limit:
the crack widths are correspondingly larger in comparison a) 0.01-0.02mm
with the bonded beams. b) 0.05-0.10mm
10. Which beams are preferred mostly due to their higher c) 0.03-0.05mm
flexural strength? d) 0.07-0.08mm
a) Bonded beams View Answer
b) Un bonded beams Answer: a
c) Exhaustive beams Explanation: If the loads are further increased, than 80-
100×10-6 units visible cracks appear in the tension zone and
at this stage, it is estimated that the crack widths are of an 9. The widths of the cracks are influenced by:
order of 0.01-0.02mm and these width of cracks are a) Degree of bond
considered from a value of minimum to maximum not excess b) Stress
till permitted. c) Strain
5. A rectangular concrete beam of cross section 120mm wide d) Tension
and 300mm deep is prestressed by a straight cable, effective View Answer
force of 180kn at an eccentricity 50, area of Answer: a
36×103mm2(z=18×105mm3). Find the total stress due to Explanation: The widths of the cracks are highly influenced by
prestress? the degree of bond developed between concrete and steel
a) 10 and stress corrosion cracking results from the combined
b) 25 action of corrosion and static tensile stress which may be
c) 35 either residual or externally applied.
d) 45 10. The formulae for load factor against cracking is:
View Answer a) Cracking moment/Working moment
Answer: a b) Cracking moment/Bending moment
3 2
Explanation: P = 180kn, A = 36×10 mm , e = 50mm, b = c) Cracking moment/Tensile moment
5 3
120mm, d = 300mm, z = 18×10 mm d) Cracking moment/Aerial moment
3 3
Stresses due to prestress = (p/a) = (180×10 /36×10 ) = View Answer
2 3 5 2
5n/mm , (pe/z) = (180×10 ×50/18×10 ) = 5n/mm Answer: a
Total stress = ((p/a)+(pe/z))=(5+5) = 10n/mm . Explanation: The beam at which visible cracks developed in
6. A rectangular concrete beam of cross section 100mm wide prestressed concrete members is generally referred to as the
and 400mm deep is prestressed by a straight cable of span “cracking moment” and their formula for load factor against
6m, imposed load is 3.14kn/m, area is cracking is cracking moment/working moment.
3 2 5
36×10 mm (Z=18×10 mm3). Calculate working moment
assuming the self weight of concrete as 24kn/m ? Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
a) 10.25 Nature of Losses :-
b) 2.25
c) 3.25 1. The initial prestress in concrete with ongoing time
d) 4.25 undergoes?
View Answer a) Reduction
Answer: a b) Increment
5 3 3 2
Explanation: Z = 18×10 mm , A= 36×10 mm , G = c) Bending
(0.1×0.4×24) =0.96kn/m d) Stressing
Total load W = (g+q) = (0.96+3.14) = 4.1kn/m, Maximum View Answer
working moment = (0.125×4×6 ) = 18.45knm Answer: a
6 5 2
(M/Z) = (18.45×10 /18×10 ) = 10.25n/mm . Explanation: The initial prestress in concrete undergoes a
7. When the tensile stresses are developed in the cracks, they gradual reduction with time from the stage of transfer due to
are visible at: various causes and this is generally referred to as “loss of
a) Hoop stress of beams prestress” since there is no bending moment at the span the
b) Soffit of beams stress in the tendon changes only at the midspan but not at
c) Sagging of beams the end, since concrete and steel are considered as one
d) Hogging of beams section after bonding the change in stresses due to the
View Answer bending of this section can be calculated by using
Answer: b transformed section method.
Explanation: The tensile stresses are developed when cracks 2. The loss in prestress is necessary to make an estimate of:
become visible at the soffit of beams depend upon the type a) Design
and distribution of steel reinforcement and the quality of b) Loading
concrete in beam, at the soffit of the beam concrete behaves c) Appearance
according to influencing parameters of steel reinforcement. d) Shear
8. The cracks appear when the tensile stresses at the soffit View Answer
are equal to: Answer: a
a) Modulus of elasticity Explanation: A reasonably good estimate of the magnitude of
b) Modulus of rupture lines of prestress is necessary from the point of view of
c) Tension modulus design, if the prestress present in the steel is considered as
d) Reinforcement modulus the force applied on the concrete at the ends and the change
View Answer is stress along with length of entire beam is not concluded as
Answer: b change in prestress.
Explanation: It is generally considered that visible cracks 3. How many types of losses in prestress are observed in
appear when the tensile stresses at the soffit are pretensioned member?
approximately equal to modulus of rupture of the material, it is a) 7
an ultimate strength pertaining to failure of beams by flexure b) 8
equal to the bending moment at rupture divided by the section c) 4
modulus of beams. d) 2
View Answer
Answer: c grouting action the prestress in the steel is affected by the
Explanation: The losses in prestress in pretensioned member bending action of the member.
are four types: Losses due to elastic deformation of concrete, 8. The sudden changes in loss of prestress may be due to:
Loss due to relaxation of stress in steel, Loss due to creep of a) Humidity
concrete, Loss due to shrinkage of concrete, in pretensioned b) Temperature
members, due to prestress present at the ends of the c) Frost
members the tendon bends upwards due to bending action d) Steel
and the tendon becomes shortened, this is not considered as View Answer
loss in prestress. Answer: b
4. How many types of loss in prestress are observed in post Explanation: In addition to loss of prestress in post and pre
tensioned members? tensioning members, there may be losses of prestress due to
a) 8 sudden changes in temperature, especially in steam curing of
b) 10 pretensioned units before the bonding of tendon to the
c) 4 concrete, the prestress in the tendon will be influenced by the
d) 6 bending of the member.
View Answer 9. The rise in temperature in loss of prestress causes:
Answer: d a) Partial transfer
Explanation: The loss of prestress in post tensioned members b) Shifting of prestress
is of 6 types: Elastic deformation of concrete, relaxation of c) Full transfer of prestress
stress in steel, creep of concrete, shrinkage of concrete, slip d) Prestress elongation
of anchorages, friction, if the tendon is not the particular line View Answer
from centre of gravity of concrete section the calculation of the Answer: a
change in length of the beam due to bending moment will be Explanation: The rise in temperature causes a partial transfer
complicated and this is considered as ordinary loss or gain 2 of prestress due to elongation of the tendons between
to 3%. adjacent units in the long line process which may cause a
5. The frictional and anchorage slip losses are observed in: large amount of creep if the concrete is not properly cured.
a) Post tensioned members 10. The loss of change of temperature is between:
b) Pretensioned members a) Tension and transfer
c) Ruptured members b) Compression and prestress
d) Tensile members c) Bending and shear
View Answer d) Principle stress and loading
Answer: a View Answer
Explanation: The frictional losses and loss due to anchorage Answer: a
slip are observed in post tensioned members only because Explanation: If there is a possibility of a change of
pretensioned members do not require anchorages for temperature between the times of tensioning and transfer the
prestressing and in post tensioned beams which are corresponding loss should be allowed for design, due to
unbounded the loss and gain of prestress depends upon the bending of a member the prestress may vary depending upon
upward bending movement of the beam and the beam when the line of bending, position of tendons(high strength steel
loaded fully respectively. cables which are flexible) number of tendons which are kept
6. The concrete members which are prestressed by providing at different stages and also the type of prestressing whether it
the tensioned tendons are termed as: is a post tensioned or pretensioned the effect of bending may
a) Pre tensioning members be either a positive or negative in prestress.
b) Internally prestressed members
c) Linear prestressed members Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
d) Circular prestressed members Loss Due to Elastic Deformation:-
View Answer
Answer: b 1. The loss of prestress due to elastic deformation of concrete
Explanation: The concrete members which are prestressed by depends on:
providing the tensioned tendons are termed as internally a) Modular ratio and average stress
prestressed members due to bending moment in the beam is b) Modular elasticity and shear
developed and the bending in the beam results in change of c) Prestress in concrete
unit stresses, unit strains in the tendons. d) Modulus of elasticity of steel
7. Which of the following is a loss of prestress in post View Answer
tensioned members? Answer: a
a) Loss due to slip of anchorages Explanation: The loss due to elastic deformation of concrete
b) Loss due to deformations depends on the modular ratio and the average stress in
c) Loss due to tensioning concrete at the level of steel, consider a post tensioned
d) Loss due to pumped concrete member which is prestressed by a single tendon and the
View Answer shortening of concrete occurs till the tendon is jacked and no
Answer: a shortening of concrete is observed after it.
Explanation: The loss of prestress in post tensioned members 2. The term Ec in losses developed by elastic deformation is
in the following is the loss of slip due to anchorages and expressed as:
friction, in post tensioned beams which are bounded, before a) Pe/A
b) Pc/Ea
c) P/AcEc b) 5%
d) Ea/El c) 14%
View Answer d) 20%
Answer: c View Answer
Explanation: The term Ec is defined as strain in concrete and Answer: c
the equation for loss due to elastic deformation is given as Explanation: P = 150kn, y = d/6 = 300/6 = 50mm, a =
4 6
Ec = Pc/Ec = P/Ac×1/Ec, the tension in the tendon is obtained (100×300) = 3×10 , I = 225×10 , αe = 8, initial stress =
after the elastic shortening of concrete and therefore, there 400n/mm , Stress in concrete, fc =
3 4 3 6 2
will not be losses due to elastic shortening. (150×10 /3×10 )+(150×10 ×50×50/225×10 ) = 6.66n/mm ,
3. The term Es in losses developed by elastic deformation is Loss of stress due to elastic deformation of concrete = αefc =
defined as: (8×6.66) = 53n/mm ,
a) Shear in steel Percentage of loss of stress in steel = (53×100/400) = 13.25%
b) Torsion in steel = 14%.
c) Strain loss in steel 8. A rectangular concrete beam 360mm deep and 200mm
d) Loading in steel wide, is prestressed by means of fifteen 5mm diameter wires
View Answer located 65mm from the bottom of the beam and three 5mm
Answer: c wires, located 275mm from top of the beam, initial tension
Explanation: The term Es is defined as strain loss in steel, stress is 840n/mm . Calculate prestressing force?
Es = Δfs/Es, a) 504×10 kn
Δfs = Loss of stress in steel, Es = strain loss in steel. b) 500×10 kn
4. The loss of stress in steel due to elastic shortening or c) 620×10 kn
deformation is: d) 400×10 kn
a) αefc View Answer
b) αcfc Answer: a
c) αc/fc Explanation: Position of the centroid of wires from soffit of the
d) αe/fc beam y = ((15×65)+(3×25)/(15+3)) = 100mm, e = (150-100) =
4 2
View Answer 50mm, area of concrete A = (200×300) = 6×10 mm , I =
3 7 4
Answer: a (200×300 )/12 = 45×10 mm , Prestressing force = initial
4 2
Explanation: Loss of stress in steel due to elastic shortening is stress×area = 840×6×10 = 504×105N = 500×10 kn.
αefc, 9. A post tensioned concrete beam, 100mm wide and 400mm
αe = Es/Ec = modular ratio, fc = prestress in concrete at the deep is prestressed by three cables, each with a cross
2 2
level of steel, Es = modulus of elasticity of steel, Ec = modulus sectional area of 50mm , initial stress of 1200n/mm .
of elasticity of concrete. Calculate the stress in concrete at level of steel?
5. A pretensioned concrete beam, 100mm wide and 300mm a) 2.4n/mm
deep in prestressed by straight wires and modulus of elasticity b) 2.0n/mm
of steel and concrete are 210 and 35n/mm2. Find modular c) 2.7n/mm
ratio? d) 1.5n/mm
a) 14 View Answer
b) 7 Answer: c
c) 6 Explanation: Force in each cable, p = (50×1200) = 60×10 n =
4 2 6 4
d) 10 60kn, A = 3×10 mm , I = 225×10 mm , e = 50mm, y = 50mm
View Answer stress in concrete at the level of steel fc =
3 4 3 6 2
Answer: c (60×10 /3×10 )+(60×10 ×50×50/225×10 ) = 2.7n/mm .
Explanation: b = 100mm, d = 300mm, Es = 210kn/mm , Ec = 10. The loss of stress due to successive tensioning of curved
35n/mm cables in elastic deformation of concrete is estimated by
αe = Es/Ec = (210/35) = 6n/mm . considering:
6. A pretensioned concrete beam 200mm wide and 300mm a) Initial stress
deep, is prestressed by straight wires carrying an initial force b) Average stress
of 150kn at eccentricity of 50mm, area of steel wires is c) Bondage stress
188mm . Find initial stress in steel? d) Anchorage stress
a) 1400 View Answer
b) 800 Answer: b
c) 200 Explanation: In most bridge girders, the cables are curved
d) 100 with maximum eccentricity in center of the span in such cases
View Answer loss of stress due to elastic deformation of concrete is
Answer:b estimated by considering stress in concrete at the level of
Explanation: b = 200mm, d = 300mm, p = 150kn = 150×103, e steel.
= 50mm, a = 188n/mm ,
3 2
Initial stress in steel = (150×10 /188) = 800n/mm . Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
7. A pre tensioned concrete beam 100mm wide and 300mm Loss Due to Shrinkage:-
deep, initial force of 150kn at an eccentricity of 50mm,
6 4
moment of inertia is 225×10 mm , initial stress in steel is 1. The shrinkage of concrete in prestressed members results
400n/mm , modular ratio is 8. Estimate the percentage loss? in:
a) 10% a) Shortening
b) Elongation and surface of large members may result in strain gradients
c) Bulking leading to surface grading; it is the effect due to relative
d) Stressing deformation caused by the shrinkage of cast in situ concrete
View Answer and combined action of shrinkage plus creep in the
Answer: a prestressed concrete.
Explanation: The shrinkage of concrete in prestressed 6. Which curing is adopted in case of pretensioned members
members is due to the gradual loss of moisture which results to prevent shrinkage?
in changes in volume, rich mixes exhibit relatively greater a) Surface curing
shrinkage than lean mixes since the contraction of the cement b) Edge curing
gel increases with the cement content, the shrinkage also c) Moist curing
depends upon the degree of hardening of the concrete at the d) Total curing
commencement of drying and the shrinkage of concrete in View Answer
prestressed members results in a shortening of tensioned Answer: c
wires and hence contributes to the loss of stress. Explanation: In the case of pretensioned members, generally
2. The shrinkage of concrete is influenced by: moist curing is resolved to in order to prevent shrinkage until
a) Type of cement the time of transfer, the magnitude of relative strain and the
b) Type of chemical stresses induced depend on the concrete composition and
c) Type of admixtures surrounding environment to which the composite member is
d) Type of retarders exposed.
View Answer 7. After the transfer of prestress, the total residual shrinkage
Answer: a will be larger in case of:
Explanation: The shrinkage of concrete is influenced by the a) Pretensioned members
type of cement and aggregates and the method of curing b) Post tensioned members
used, the rate and amount of shrinkage of the structural c) Chemical tensioned members
member under ambient conditions will depend very much d) Biological tensioned members
upon the ratio of surface area to volume of the member, as View Answer
the exchange of moisture between the concrete and the Answer: a
atmosphere must take place through the surface. Explanation: The total residual shrinkage strain will be larger
3. Which of the following is used to reduce shrinkage of in pretensioned members after transfer of prestress in
concrete? comparison with post tensioned members, where a position of
a) High strength concrete shrinkage will have already taken place by the time of transfer
b) Admixtures of stress.
c) Boulders 8. Which of the following Indian standard code is
d) Low water cement ratio recommended for the loss of prestress due to shrinkage?
View Answer a) IS: 1445
Answer: a b) IS: 1343
Explanation: The use of high strength concrete with low water c) IS: 1210
cement ratios results in a reduction in shrinkage and d) IS: 1550
consequent loss of prestress, aggregates of rock type having View Answer
high modular of elasticity and low values of deferred strain are Answer: b
more effective in restraining the contraction of the cement Explanation: The Indian standard code IS:1343 is
paste and their use reduces the shrinkage of concrete. recommended for the loss of prestress due to the shrinkage of
4. The rate of shrinkage is higher at: concrete, individual shrinkage strains are evaluated from
a) End British code BS 8110 the shrinkage stresses are calculated.
b) Surface 9. The loss of prestress due to shrinkage is obtained by
c) Middle multiplying:
d) Edges a) Shrinkage strain and modulus of elasticity
View Answer b) Principal stress and durability of concrete
Answer: b c) Curing and grade of concrete
Explanation: The rate of shrinkage is higher at the surface of d) Compression and tension
the member and the primary cause of drying shrinkage is the View Answer
progressive loss of water from concrete, the phenomena of Answer: a
shrinkage being time dependant only the total anticipated or Explanation: The loss of prestress due to shrinkage is
residual shrinkage strain is considered in the computation of obtained by multiplying the shrinkage strain with modulus of
loss of prestress to be used in design. elasticity of steel, Δfs = Esh×Es , Es = Residual shrinkage, Es =
5. The differential shrinkage between the interior and surface modulus of elasticity of steel and light weight aggregates with
of large members result in: low modulus of elasticity may lead to higher than normal
a) Surface gradient concrete shrinkage where light weight aggregates are used,
b) Strain gradient the value of shrinkage should be increased by 50%.
c) Compatibility gradient 10. The post tensioned members in dry atmospheric
d) Stress gradient conditions, the shrinkage may be increased by:
View Answer a) 50%
Answer: b b) 70%
Explanation: The differential shrinkage between the interior c) 30%
d) 100% d) Ice
View Answer View Answer
Answer: a Answer: a
Explanation: For post tensioned members in dry atmospheric Explanation: The value of creep coefficient „f‟ depends upon
conditions, the shrinkage strain may be increased by 50% various factors such as humidity duration of load applied, age
however, it should not exceed the value of 300×10 units for of loading and effective section thickness and the effective
pretensioned members and 2.0 x 10-4/ log(t+2) for post section thickness is defined for uniform sections as twice the
tensioned members, where t is the age in days of the cross sectional area divided by the exposed perimeter, it can
concrete at transfer. be assumed about 4060 and 80 percent, respectively of the
11. A concrete beam is prestressed by a cable carrying an final creep develops during the first, six and 30 months under
initial prestressing force of 300kn, area is 300mm2. Calculate load when concrete is exposed to conditions of constant
the percentage of loss of stress due to shrinkage in relative humidity.
pretensioned members? 4. The creep coefficient varies from a minimum value of:
a) 6.3% a) 2.0
b) 5.3% b) 1.5
c) 4% c) 2.5
d) 2.3% d) 1.0
View Answer View Answer
Answer: a Answer: b
Explanation: Initial stress in wires = (300×10 /300) = Explanation: The creep coefficient varies from a minimum
1000n/mm , value of 1.5(for wet conditions) to a maximum value of 4.0(for
If the beam is pretensioned the total residual shrinkage strain dry condition), for design purposes it is convention to
= 300×10 , differentiate between deformation due to externally applied
-6 3 2
Loss of stress = (300×10 )(210×10 ) = 63n/mm , % loss 0f stress generally referred as creep and the deformation which
stress = (63×1000/100) = 6.3% occurs without externally applied stresses referred as
shrinkage as the increase in strain under a sustained stress is
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – several times larger than the strain on loading, it is of
Loss Due to Creep of Concrete:- considerable importance in prestressed structural members.
5. The creep coefficient is high for:
1. Which of the following results in the reduction of stress in a) Pretensioned
steel used for prestress? b) Post tensioned
a) Shrinkage c) Chemical tensioned
b) Friction d) Electrical tensioned
c) Creep View Answer
d) Anchorage slip Answer: a
View Answer Explanation: Creep coefficient is generally low for post
Answer: c tensioned members and high for pre tensioned members, the
Explanation: The sustained prestress in the concrete of a various factors influencing creep of concrete are relative
prestressed members results in creep of concrete which humidity, stress level, strength of concrete, age of concrete at
effectively reduces the stress in high tensile steel and the loading, duration of stress, water cement ratio, and type of
progressive inelastic strains due to creep in a concrete are cement and aggregate in the concrete, for stress up to half of
likely to occur under the smallest sustained stresses at the crushing strength of concrete.
ambient temperatures, shrinkage and creep of concrete are 6. The creep coefficient equation is given as:
basically similar in origin, being largely the result of migration a) Creep strain/elastic strain
of water in the capillaries of cement paste. b) Creep stress/elastic stress
2. The loss of stress due to creep of concrete can be c) Elastic strain/creep strain
estimated by: d) Elastic stress/creep stress
a) Ultimate creep strain View Answer
b) Ultimate load Answer: a
c) Ultimate creep stress Explanation: The magnitude of the creep coefficient ϕ varies
d) Ultimate creep tension depending upon the humidity, concrete quality, duration of
View Answer applied loading and the age of concrete when loaded,
Answer: a Creep coefficient = (creep strain / elastic strain), ϕ =
Explanation: The loss of stress in steel due to creep of c/
concrete can be estimated if the magnitude of ultimate creep e,
strain or creep coefficient is known and the values of creep c = ϕ
coefficient which is the ratio of ultimate creep strain to the e = ϕ(fs/Ec),
elastic strain is 2.2 at 7 days of loading, 1.6 at 28 days and Loss of stress in steel =
1.1 when the age at loading is 1 year. cEcϕEs = ϕ(fs/Ec)Es = ϕfcαe.
3. The value of creep coefficient „f‟ depends upon: 7. The loss of stress in steel due to creep of concrete is:
a) Humidity a)
b) Frost cc fc Es
c) Uv rays b)
c fc Ec 1. The phenomena of reduction of stress in steel at a constant
c) strain are known as:
c fe αe a) Relaxation of stress
d) b) Shrinkage of concrete
cc fc ϕ c) Creep of concrete
View Answer d) Anchorage slip
Answer: a View Answer
Explanation: The loss of stress in steel due to creep of Answer: a
concrete is Explanation: In high tension strength steel, it is noticed that at
cc fc Es, a particular time the stress in steel reduced at a constant
value of strain and this phenomena of reduction of stress in
cc = ultimate creep strain for a sustained unit stress, fc = steel at a constant strain is known as relaxation of stress.
compressive stress in concrete at the level of steel, Es = 2. The relaxation of stress in steel changes according to the
modulus of elasticity of steel. variation in:
8. A concrete beam of rectangular section 100mm wide, area a) Stress
4 2
is 3×10 , initial stress is 1200n/mm of 7mm diameter located b) Strain
at an eccentricity 50mm. Estimate the loss of stress due to c) Creep
creep of concrete using the ultimate creep strain method? d) Shrinkage
a) 88 View Answer
b) 40 Answer: c
c) 50 Explanation: The phenomena of relaxation of stress occur as
d) 120 a result of creep in steel and the relaxation of stress in steel
View Answer changes according to the variation of percentage of creep, the
Answer: a phenomenon of creep is influenced by the chemical
2 6 4
Explanation: Es = 210kn/mm , I = 225×10 mm , Ec = composition, micro structures, grain size and variables in the
2 4 2 4
35n/mm , a = 3×10 mm , p = (1200×38.5×5) = 23×10 n, manufacturing process, which results in changes in the
-6 2
cc = 41×10 mm/mm per n/mm , αe = (Es/Ec) = 6, ϕ = 1.6, fc = internal crystal structure.
4 4 6 2
(23×10 /3×10 +23×104×50×50/225×10 ) = 10.2n/mm , 3. The codes provided for the loss of stress due to relaxation
Ultimate creep strain method loss = of steel are expressed as a percentage of:
-6 3 2
cc fc Es = (41×10 )(10.2)(210×10 ) = 88n/mm . a) Initial stress
9. A post tensioned concrete beam of rectangular section b) Final stress
200mm wide and 300mm deep is stressed by a parabolic c) Major stress
cable with eccentricity 50mm at centre of span, area is d) Minor stress
4 2 2
3×10 mm , initial stress is 1200n/mm Find the stress in View Answer
concrete at the level of steel? Answer: a
a) 10n/mm Explanation: Most of the codes provided for the loss of stress
b) 15n/mm due to relaxation of steel are expressed as a percentage of
c) 6n/mm initial stresses in steel and the high tensile steel tendon in a
d) 8n/mm prestressed concrete member does not remain strictly under a
Answer: d condition of either stress or strain, the most severe condition
View Answer occurs generally at the stage of initial stressing subsequently
4 2
Explanation: A = 3×10 mm , p = (200×1200) = 240000n, e = the strain in the steel reduces as the concrete under the
50mm, prestressing force.
Stress in concrete at the level of steel: (240000/30000) = 4. The Indian standard code recommends a value for stress in
8n/mm . wires varying from:
10. The British code for structural concrete recommends a) 0.5fpu to 0.8fpu
design values of ultimate creep strain of pretensioning is: b) 0.2fpu to 0.6fpu
a) 48×10 c) 0.4fpu to 0.10fpu
b) 53×10 d) 0.6fpu to 0.8fpu
c) 40×10 View Answer
d) 38×10 Answer: a
View Answer Explanation: The Indian standard code recommends a value
Answer: a varying from 0 to 90n/mm for stress in wires varying from
Explanation: The British code for structural concrete 0.5fpu to 0.8fpu and the Indian standard codes for wires and
recommends design values of ultimate creep strain of 48×10 bars prescribe the 1000 hour relaxation test with no relaxation
6 -6
for pretensioning and 36×10 for post tensioning and these exceeding 5 percent of the initial stress alternatively one can
values have to be increased in inverse proportion if the resort to the 100 hour relaxation test with no relaxation
compressive strength of concrete at transfer is less than exceeding 3.5 percent of the initial stress similar provisions
40n/mm . have also been made in the British and American codes.
5. The loss due to relaxation of stress in steel is reduced
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – temporarily by overstressing at a period of:
Loss Due to Relaxation of Stress in Steel:- a) 20minutes
b) 5minutes
c) 15minutes
d) 2minutes b) 80
View Answer c) 90
Answer: d d) 100
Explanation: Experiments have shown that a reduction in View Answer
relaxation stress is possible by preliminary overstressing by 5- Answer: a
10percent for a period of 2 to 3minutes considerably reduces Explanation: The initial stress of 0.7fpu has a relaxation loss of
the magnitude of relaxation and some codes permit temporary 70n/mm , 0.5fpu has a relaxation loss of 0, 0.6fpu has a
overstressing with corresponding lower magnitudes of relaxation loss of 35n/mm , 0.8fpu has a relaxation loss of
relaxation stress. 90n/mm fp is the characteristic strength of steel used for
6. The reduction of loss due to overstressing does not appear prestress.
to be beneficial for:
a) Cold drawn wires Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
b) Hot drawn wires Loss Due to Friction:-
c) Stabilized wires
d) Tensile wires 1. The loss of prestress due to friction generally occurs in
View Answer case of:
Answer: c a) Post tensioned members
Explanation: Overstressing does not appear to be beneficial b) Pre tensioned members
for stabilized wires which as a result of heat treatment, have c) Chemical members
0.1 percent proof stress in excess of 85 percent of the tensile d) Electrical members
strength, since such wires suffer very little permanent View Answer
deformation when overstressed. Answer: a
7. The cold drawn steel wires have a modulus of elasticity of: Explanation: Loss of prestress due to friction occurs in the
a) 200 case of post tensioned members, the tendons are housed in
b) 300 the ducts performed in concrete and the ducts are either
c) 400 straight or follow a curved profile depending upon the design
d) 500 requirements.
View Answer 2. The total loss of prestress due to friction is of:
Answer: a a) 4 types
Explanation: The type of tendon cold drawn steel wire to BS: b) 2 types
2691 are of two types: Pre-straightened (normal relaxation), c) 8 types
Pre-straightened (low relaxation) both have a modulus of d) 3 types
elasticity of 200kn/mm having a percentage loss of prestress View Answer
value of fpi 5, 2 and fpu 8.5, 3. Answer: b
8. The modulus of elasticity of cold worked high tensile alloy Explanation: The total loss due to friction is divided into two
steel according to British code is: types:
a) 177 Loss of prestress due to effect of curvature, Loss of prestress
b) 175 due to wobble effect and frictional losses can be reduced by
c) 176 over tensioning the tendons by an amount equal to the
d) 170 maximum frictional loss and jacking the tendons from both
View Answer ends of the beam adopted generally, when the tendons are
Answer: c long or when the angles of bearing are large.
Explanation: The cold worked high tensile alloy steel bars to 3. The loss of stress due to curvature effect depends upon:
BS: 4486 has a modulus of elasticity of 175kn/mm and the a) Alignment
initial prestress should not normally exceed 70% of the b) Midpoint
characteristic tensile strength and in no case should it exceed c) Centerline
75% at the time of initial tensioning, at the time of final stress d) Exterior point
after allowing the losses of prestress not greater than 60% of View Answer
the characteristic tensile strength of tendons. Answer: a
9. The Indian standard code provides relaxation loss for Explanation: The loss of stress due to the curvature effect,
prestressing steels at a temperature of: which depends upon the tendon form or alignment which
a) 27˚c generally follows a curved profile along the length of the
b) 30˚c beam, curvature coefficient is expressed as μ and wobble
c) 37˚c coefficient is expressed as k/m.
d) 57˚c 4. The wobble effect due to loss of stress is also known as:
View Answer a) Wave effect
Answer: a b) Ray effect
Explanation: The recommendations of Indian standard code c) Bubble effect
(IS:1343) relaxation loss for prestressing steels at 1000 hours d) Bulb effect
at 27˚c and at the time of initial prestress not to exceed 80% View Answer
of the characteristic tensile strength of tendons final stress not Answer: a
less than 45% of the characteristic tensile strength of tendons. Explanation: Loss of stress due to wobble effect, which
10. The relaxation loss given for initial stress of 0.7fpu is: depends upon the local deviations in the alignment of the
a) 70 cable and the wobble effect is also known as wave effect, the
friction coefficient values for wave effect k are 0.15 per 100m friction is 0.5. Calculate the maximum stress to be applied to
for normal conditions, 1.5 per 100m for thin walled ducts the wires at the jack?
where heavy vibrations are encountered and in other adverse a) 900n/mm
conditions. b) 960n/mm
5. The wobble effect is the result of: c) 850n/mm
a) Misalignment d) 800n/mm
b) Extreme alignment View Answer
c) Tensile alignment Answer: b
d) Anchorage alignment Explanation: Px = 600n/mm , e = 2.7183, μ = 0.5
View Answer Px = P˳e ,
Answer: a 600 = P˳e- ,
0.79 2
Explanation: The wobble or wave effect is the result of P˳ = (600) × (2.7183 ) = 1320n/mm , Average stress in
accidental or unavoidable misalignment since ducts cannot be wires = (1320+600/2) = 960n/mm .
perfectly located to follow a predetermined profile throughout 10. A cylindrical concrete tank, 40m external diameter is to be
the length of the beam, the coefficient due to wobble effect prestressed circumferentially by means of a high strength
may be reduced to zero where the clearance between the steel wire (Es = 210kn/mm ) jacked at 4 points and 90
duct and cable is sufficiently large to eliminate wave effect so degrees apart. Find the expected extension at the jack?
as the sheath is made up of heavy gauge steel tube with a) 150mm
water tight joints, where a deformation of duct profile is b) 130mm
prevented during the vibration of concrete. c) 144mm
6. The loss of stress due to friction is given as: d) 133mm
a) 1-(μα+Kx) View Answer
b) 1-(μα+Kx) Answer: c
c) 1-(μα+Kx) Explanation: d = 40m, Es = 210kn/mm , n = 4points, θ = 90˚,
d) 1-(μα+Kx) Length of wires = (π×40×1000/4) = 104πmm,
3 4
View Answer Extension at the jack = (960/210×10 ×10 π) = 144mm.
Answer: a
Explanation: The prestressing force at section is given by: Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
Px = p˳e , Loss of stress (Δf)f = 1-(μα+Kx), Loss Due to Anchorage Slip:-
Px = Prestressing force at section x, P˳ = initial prestressing
force, μ = coefficient of friction between the cable and 1. The term anchorage slip means:
concrete, k = wobble effect, d = cumulative angle. a) Distance moved by friction wedges
7. The value of „μ‟ in loss of stress equation depends upon: b) Radius by friction wedges
a) Type of curing c) Rotation by friction wedges
b) Type of concrete d) Twisting movement by friction wedges
c) Type of steel View Answer
d) Type of aggregates Answer: a
View Answer Explanation: Anchorage slip is the distance moved by the
Answer: c friction wedges (in post tensioned members) after releasing
Explanation: The values of „μ‟ (coefficient of curvature effect) the jacks at the ends of the member and before the wires get
depend upon the type of steel and concrete used in fixed perfectly in wedges, the loss during anchoring which
construction and are given in Indian standard codes of occurs with wedge type grips is normally allowed for on the
practice, coefficient of friction can be considerably reduced by site by over-extending the tendon in the prestressing
variety of lubricants, particularly greases, oil, graphite operation by the amount of the draw in before anchoring.
mixtures, paraffin, the use of paraffin wax gives by far the 2. The anchorage slip is observed in:
coefficient of friction especially with high contact pressure. a) Post tensioned members
8. A post tensioned concrete beam 200mm wide and 450mm b) Pre tensioned members
deep, of span 10m, initial stress of 840n/mm is available in c) Anchorage members
the un jacked end immediately after the anchoring. Find the d) Tensioned members
angle between tangents to the cable at supports? View Answer
a) 0.13 Answers: b
b) 0.12 Explanation: The anchorage slip is observed in post tensioned
c) 0.10 members at the time of transfer of prestress to the concrete
d) 0.23 and the friction wedges employed to grip the wires, slip over a
View Answer small distance before the wires are firmly housed between the
Answer: b wedges.
Explanation: b = 200mm, d = 450mm, l = 10m, r = 84m, d = 3. The amount of anchorage slip generally depends upon:
5m, a) Type of wedge
Angle between the horizontal tangent drawn to the cable at b) Type of tendon
support sinα = (5/84) = 0.06radians, c) Type of anchor
Cumulative angle between tangents to the cable at supports = d) Type of cement
(2×0.06) = 0.12radians. View Answer
9. A concrete tank if has a minimum stress in wires Answer: a
600n/mm immediately after tensioning and the coefficient of Explanation: The amount of anchorage slip generally depends
upon the type of wedge used at the ends and the magnitude was observed to be 5mm; modulus of elasticity of steel is
of stress in the wires, since the loss of stress is caused by a 210kn/mm . Estimate the percentage loss of stress due to
definite total amount of shortening the percentage loss is anchorage if length of beam is 30m?
higher for short members than for long ones. a) 3.5%
4. The anchorage slip is low in members with: b) 4.5%
a) Small spans c) 5.5%
b) Large spans d) 8.7%
c) Middle spans View Answer
d) End spans Answer: a
View Answer Explanation: Loss of stress due to anchorage slip = (EsΔ/l),
Answer: a For a 30m long beam, loss of stress = (210×10 ×5)/(30×1000)
Explanation: The anchorage slip involves the definite total = 35n/mm ,
amount shortening of concrete and hence it is low in members Loss of stress = 35/1000×100 = 3.5%.
with small spans compared to the members with large spans 9. A post tensioned cable of beam 10m long is initially
while prestressing a short member, due care should be taken tensioned to a stress of 1000n/mm at one end, slope is 1 in
to allow for the loss of stresses due to anchorage slip, which 24 tendons curved at each end , area is 600mm , Es is
forms a major portion of total loss. 210kn/mm , coefficient of friction between duct and cable is
5. In case of long line pre tensioning system, anchorage slip is 0.55, friction coefficient for wave effect is 0.0015perm. During
less than: anchorage, if there is a slip 3mm at the jacking end, calculate
a) Magnitude of wires final force?
b) Length of wires a) 39.8kn
c) Distance of wires b) 40.2kn
d) Radius of wires c) 37.8kn
View Answer d) 48.8kn
Answer: b View Answer
Explanation: In case of long line pre tensioning system, Answer: c
anchorage slip is much less in comparison with the length of Explanation: Total change of slope from end to end α =
the tensioned wires and hence it can be ignored for (2×1/24) = (1/12),
calculation of stresses, slip of anchorages, length of cable, μα = (0.55×1/12) = 0.046, kx = (0.0015×10) = 0.015,
cross-sectional area of the cable, modulus of elasticity, P˳(μα+kx) = 1000(0.046+0.015) = 61n/mm , Slip at the jacking
prestressing force in cable are considered. end = 3 = (PL/AE)
6. Which of the following system is similar to loss due to P = (3×210×10 ×600/10×1000) = 37800kn = 37.8kn.
anchorage slip? 10. The total losses of stress that could be encountered under
a) Freyssinet system normal conditions of work were recommended by:
b) Magnel Balton system a) Lin
c) Leonhardt-Baur system b) Marks
d) Gifford Udall system c) Keifer
View Answer d) Neville
Answer: c View Answer
Explanation: The systems in which tendons are lopped around Answer: a
concrete anchorage blocks, as in the case of Leonhardt-Baur Explanation: Typical values of the total losses of stress that
system, loss of stress may take place, the Baur Leonhardt could be encountered under normal conditions of work were
system is included in the third type of anchorages which work recommended by Lin, long term field studies on the loss of
under the principle of looping tendon wires at the ends of prestress in post tensioned concrete bridge girders have been
concrete member, in this method double tendons are wrapped carried out by marks and Keifer, Neville gave the losses in
around the end block. prestress considering various influencing parameters.
7. The loss of stress due to anchorage slip of anchorages is 11. A prestressed concrete beam, 200mm wide and 300mm
given as: deep is prestressed with wires (area is 320mm ) located at a
a) EsA/L constant eccentricity of 50mm, initial stress of 1000n/mm ,
b) EaA/L span is 10m. Calculate loss of stress due to friction and slip
c) EcA/L anchorage of post tensioned beam?(Es= 210kn/mm , Ec =
d) EwA/L 35kn/mm )
View Answer a) 21 and 15
Answer: a b) 35 and 25
Explanation: The method used for slip in anchorage by c) 15 and 20
extending tendon is satisfactory provided by overstress does d) 5 and 10
not exceed the prescribed limits of 80-85percent of the View Answer
ultimate tensile strength of the wire and the magnitude of the Answer: a
loss of stress due to slip in anchorage is computed as Explanation: A = 320mm , b = 200mm, d = 300mm, e =
2 2
Anchorage slip Δ = PL/AEs, But moment Loss of stress, (Δf)a = 50mm, p = 1000n/mm , l = 10m, Es= 210kn/mm , Ec =
2 3
P/A, 35kn/mm , Slip at anchorage = (1×210×10 /10×1000) = 21,
By considering both equations (Δf)a = EsΔ/l. Friction effect = (1000×0.0015×10) = 15
8. A concrete beam is post tensioned by a cable carrying an
initial stress of 1000n/mm , the slip at the jacking end was end
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – imposed load and self weight, magnitude of the prestressing
Importance and Factors Influencing Deflections:- force, cable profile, and second moment of area of cross
section, modulus of elasticity of concrete, shrinkage, creep,
1. The philosophy of design is termed as: relaxation, span, and fixity conditions.
a) Limit state approach 6. Which type of deflections is solved by Mohr‟s theorem?
b) Limit area method a) Instantaneous
c) Limit design approach b) Long
d) Limit elasticity approach c) Middle span
View Answer d) End span
Answer: a View Answer
Explanation: The philosophy of design termed as “Limit state Answer: a
approach” adopted by the Russian code in 1954 and the Explanation: The computations of short term or instantaneous
American and British codes in 1971, it requires a proper deflections, which occur immediately after the transfer of
knowledge of the behavior of structural concrete members at prestress and on application of loads is conveniently done by
the multiple limit states, of which deflection forms an important Mohr‟s theorem from certain surveys it is concluded that the
criterion for the safety of the structure. maximum deflection should be noted including with limiting
2. The structural concrete members if not designed to have deflection span ratio.
adequate stiffness, it affects: 7. In the pre cracking stage, the deflections are computed by:
a) Serviceability a) Prestressing force
b) Local conditions b) Sectional area
c) Aggregates c) Diameter
d) Cement d) Second moment of area
View Answer View Answer
Answer: a Answer: d
Explanation: In general, according to various national codes, Explanation: In the pre cracking stage the whole cross section
the structural concrete members should be designed to have is effective and the deflections in this stage are computed by
adequate stiffness to limit deflections, which may adversely using the second moment of area of the gross concrete
affect the strength or serviceability of the structure at working section, as the length of the structural member increases the
loads. deflections can be controlled to a maximum extent possible.
3. The large deflections under dynamic effects may cause: 8. In a post cracking stage, a prestressed concrete beam
a) Likely appearance to users behaves in a manner similar to:
b) Discomfort to users a) Reinforced concrete beam
c) High bending b) Flexural beam
d) Requires more construction materials c) High strength of concrete
View Answer d) Soffit beam
Answer: B View Answer
Explanation: Large deflections under dynamic effects and Answer: a
under the influence of variable loads may cause discomfort to Explanation: In the post cracking stage, a prestressed
users, the members of structural concrete are designed in concrete beam behaves in a manner similar to that of a
such a way that it possess adequate stiffness to control the reinforced concrete beam, these beams undergo cracking
deflections or it may leads to a very great impact on under working loads, they undergo large deflections and
serviceability conditions and strength of a structure at working reinforced concrete beam require shear reinforcement in this
loads. testing of steel and concrete cannot be done.
4. The excessive deflections are likely to cause damage to: 9. The computations in post cracking stage are by
a) Partitions considering:
b) Footing a) Moment of inertia
c) Column b) Moment curvature
d) Beam c) Moment design
View Answer d) Moment area
Answer: a View Answer
Explanation: Excessive deflections are likely to cause damage Answer: b
to finishes, partitions and associated structures, the principal Explanation: The computations of deflections in this stage are
structural members which resulted in excessive sagging made by considering moment curvature relationships which
condition makes the floor area not suitable for further use. involve the section, properties of the cracked beam, based on
5. Which of the following influence the deflections of prestressing forces and live loads the deflections of
prestressed concrete members? prestressed concrete members can be calculated if the
a) Cable profile longitudinal distribution of curvatures and magnitude of beam
b) Wall profile can be known at that particular time.
c) Type of aggregates 10. In both pre and post cracking stages the effect of creep
d) Type of cement and shrinkage of concrete is to increase the:
View Answer a) Short term deflections
Answer: a b) Middle span deflections
Explanation: The deflections of prestressed concrete c) Long span deflections
members are influenced by the following salient features:
d) Edge span deflections d) Fixed beams
View Answer View Answer
Answer: c Answer: a
Explanation: In both pre and post cracking stages the effect of Explanation: The deflections of symmetrically loaded and
creep and shrinkage of concrete is to increase the long term simply supported beam at the mid span point are directly
deflections under sustained loads, which is estimated by obtained from the second moment area theorem since the
using empirical methods that involve the use of effective (long tangent is horizontal at this span, In most of cases of
term) ,modulus of elasticity or by multiplying short term prestressed beams tendons are located with eccentricities
deflections by suitable factors. towards the soffit of the beam to counteract the sagging
bending moments due to transverse loads.
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – 5. The problems involving unsymmetrical loading can be
Short Term Deflections:- solved by:
a) Mohr‟s theorem
1. The short term deflections are also known as: b) Kennedy‟s theorem
a) Cracked c) Row‟s theorem
b) Un cracked d) Casagrande‟s theorem
c) Instantaneous View Answer
d) Non instantaneous Answer: a
View Answer Explanation: More complicated problems involving
Answer: c unsymmetrical loading may be solved by combining both the
Explanation: Short term deflections of prestressed members moment area theorems Mohr‟s first theorem and second
are also known as instantaneous deflections governed by theorem, since the bending moment at every section is the
distribution of bending moment throughout the span and product of prestressing force and eccentricity the tendon
flexural rigidity of member, these theorems are applied for profile itself will represent the shape of the bending moment
determining the deflections due to prestressing force, diagram.
imposed loads and self weight. 6. A straight tendon at a uniform eccentricity below the
2. Which of the following is the equation given Mohr‟s first centroidal axis is given as:
theorem? a) –PeL /4EI
a) Area of bending moment deflection/flexural rigidity b) –PeL /8EI
b) Moment/flexural rigidity c) –PeL /14EI
c) Deflection/flexural rigidity d) –PeL /16EI
d) Loads/flexural rigidity View Answer
View Answer Answer: b
Answer: a Explanation: A straight tendon at a uniform eccentricity below
Explanation: When the beam AB is subjected to a bending the centroidal axis is given as:
moment distribution due to prestressing force or self weight or If the camber of beam with straight tendons upward
imposed loads, ACB is the centre line of the deformed deflections are considered as negative and
structure under the system of given loads, According to a = -(PeL) (L/4)/EI = -PeL /8EI, P = effective prestressing
Mohr‟s first theorem force, e = eccentricity, L = length of beam.
Slope = area of bending moment deflection/flexural rigidity, θ 7. A tendon with a trapezoidal profile considering the bending
= A/EI. moment and deflection at the centre of the beam is obtained
3. Which of the following is the equation given by Mohr‟s by:
2 2 2
second theorem? a) –Pe/6EI(2l1 +6l1l +3l2 )
2 2 2
a) Mid span/flexural rigidity b) –Pe/6EI(2l1 +6l1l +3l2 )
2 2 2
b) Moment of area of bending moment diagram/flexural c) –Pe/6EI(2l1 +6l1l +3l2 )
2 2 2
rigidity d) –Pe/6EI(2l1 +6l1l +3l2 )
c) End span/flexural rigidity View Answer
d) Thickness/flexural rigidity Answer: b
View Answer Explanation: A draped tendon with a trapezoidal profile
Answer: b considering the bending moment diagram the deflection at the
Explanation: Mohr‟s second theorem states that centre of the beam is obtained by taking the moment of the
Intercept, a = (moment of the area of bending moment area of the bending moment diagram over one half of the
2 2 2
deflections/flexural rigidity), a = AX/EI, span A = –Pe/6EI(2l1 +6l1l +3l2 ).
a = deflection at the centre for symmetrically loaded, simply 8. The deflection of a beam with parabolic tendon is given as:
supported beam (since the tangent is horizontal for such a) –5PeL /48EI
cases), A = area of bending moment deflection between A and b) –10PeL /48EI
C, x = distance of the centroid of the bending moment c) –15PeL /48EI
deflection between A and C from the left support, EI = flexural d) –3PeL /48EI
rigidity of beam. View Answer
4. Which of the following deflections are directly obtained by Answer: a
Mohr‟s second area theorem? Explanation: The deflection of the beam with parabolic
a) Simply supported beam tendons having an eccentricity e at the center and zero at the
b) Uniformly distributed load supports is given by a = –5PeL /48EI, a beam with a parabolic
c) Point beams tendon having an eccentricity e1 at the centre of span and
e2 at the support sections and the resultant deflection at the 3. The prestressed concrete member develops deformation
centre is obtained as the sum of the upward deflection of a under the influence of:
beam with a parabolic tendon of eccentricity e 1+e2 at the a) Flexural moments
centre and zero at the supports and the downward deflection b) Stress strain diagram
of a beam subjected to a uniform sagging bending moment of c) Prestress and transverse loads
intensity pe2 throughout the length, the resultant stress d) Self weight
becomes a = PL /48EI(-5e1+e2). View Answer
9. The deflection is computed in a way similar to sloping Answer: c
tendon is given as: Explanation: The prestressed concrete members develop
a) 2PL /24EI deformation under the influence of two usually opposing
b) 4PL /24EI effects, which are the prestress effects and transverse loads
c) PL /24EI (-2e1+e2) and the deflections caused are to be changed first because
d) PL /24EI (e1+e2) the loss incurred due to prestress which in turn decreases the
View Answer deflection and effects of creep which increases the deflection
Answer: c are suggested in the method for long term deflections.
Explanation: The deflection in sloping tendon is computed in a 4. The net curvature ϕtat a section at any given stage is given
way similar to: as:
2 2
A = (-PL /12EI(e1+e2)) + (Pe2L /8EI) a) ϕt = ϕw + ϕe
A = (PL /24EI (-2e1+e2)). b) ϕt = ϕm + ϕn
10. The deflection due to self weight and imposed loads are: c) ϕt = ϕp + ϕs
a) 5(g+q)L /384EI d) ϕt = ϕmt + ϕpt
b) 5(g+q)L /384EI View Answer
c) 5(g+q)L /384EI Answer: d
d) 5(g+q)L /384EI Explanation: The net curvature ϕt at a section at any given
View Answer stage is obtained
Answer: a ϕt = ϕmt + ϕpt, ϕmt = change of curvature caused by transverse
Explanation: At the time of transfer of prestress, the beam loads,
hogs up due to the effect of prestressing, at this stage the self ϕpt = change of curvature caused by prestress, as the time
weight of the beam includes downward deflections, which changes the compressive stress distribution in the concrete
further increases due to the effect of imposed loads on the also changes under sustained transverse loads.
beam a = 5(g+q)L /384EI and deflections due to concentrated 5. The section of sustained transverse loads under
live loads can be directly computed by using Mohr‟s theorem. compressive stress distribution in the concrete changes with:
a) Time
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – b) Intensity
Long Term Deflections:- c) Bending moment
d) Curing
1. The deformation of prestressed members change with time View Answer
as a result of: Answer: a
a) Creep and shrinkage Explanation: Under the section of sustained transverse loads,
b) Friction and torsion the compressive stress distribution in the concrete changes
c) Deformation and flexibility with time, axial force is a measurement of the forces required
d) Cracking moment to pull something such as rope, wire or structural beam to the
View Answer point where it breaks compression force is the application of
Answer: a power, pressure and erection against an object.
Explanation: The deformation of prestressed members 6. The creep strain due to the transverse loads is directly
change with time as a result of creep and shrinkage of computed as a function of:
concrete and relaxation of stress in steel, practically the a) Strain coefficient
change in stress obtained is relatively very small and hence it b) Creep coefficient
may be assumed that at constant stress the formation of c) Stress coefficient
creep occurs in concrete. d) Bending
2. The deflection of prestressed members can be computed View Answer
relative to given: Answer: c
a) Bending moment Explanation: The creep strain due to transverse loads is
b) Strain diagram directly computed as a function of the creep coefficient so that
c) Curvature the change of curvature can be estimated by the expression,
d) Datum Φmt = (1+ϕ)ϕi,
View Answer ϕ = creep coefficient, ϕi = initial curvature immediately after
Answer: d the application of transverse loads.
Explanation: The deflection of prestressed members can be 7. Which of the following person made attributions to evaluate
computed relative to a given datum, if the magnitude and the curvature under simplified assumptions?
longitudinal distribution of curvatures for the beam span are a) Mchenry
known based on load history including prestressing forces b) Rose
and live loads. c) Daglon
d) Carnwallis deformation characteristics of cracked members is essential
View Answer to comply with the limit state of deflection.
Answer: a 2. The tensile stress of about which limit are invisible to naked
Explanation: Several methods have been proposed to eye?
evaluate the curvature under simplified assumptions and a) 5n/mm
important ones are attributed by Buseman, Mchenry, Douglas, b) 6n/mm
Corley, Sozen and Siessand and the numerical solutions c) 3n/mm
developed ignore the influence of the tensile concrete zone on d) 10n/mm
the strain distribution in the section, which considerably effect View Answer
deflection the equation for long term deflection of cracked Answer: c
members. Explanation: Experimental investigations have shown that
8. The creep curvature due to prestress is obtained on the micro cracks develop at a tensile stress of about
simplified assumption that creep is induced by the average 3n/mm which is invisible to the naked eye, on further loading
prestress acting over the given time is according to: cracks are first visible at flexural tensile stresses between 3.5
a) Busemann and 7n/mm the higher values generally correspond to beams
b) Douglas with well bonded steel distributed close to the tensile face as
c) Lorley in the case of pretensioned members.
d) Neville 3. The load deflection curve is approximately linear up to
View Answer stage of:
Answer: d a) Invisible cracking
Explanation: According to Neville and the ACI committee b) Visible cracking
report, the creep curvature is obtained due to prestress based c) Invisible deflection
on a very simplified assumption that the creep is induced into d) Visible deflection
the concrete by the average prestress acting over with View Answer
respect to the given time. Answer: b
9. A simplified but an approximate procedure for computing Explanation: The load deflection curve is approximately linear
long time deflections is given by: up to the stage of visible cracking, but beyond this stage the
a) Siess deflections increase at a faster rate due to the reduced
b) Corley stiffness of the beam, if the beam is sufficiently loads, tensile
c) Lin stresses develop in the soffit and when this exceeds the
d) Doglas tensile strength of concrete, cracks are likely to develop in the
View Answer member.
Answer: c 4. In post cracking stage, the behavior of the beam is similar
Explanation: “Lin” suggested a procedure which is not exactly to:
accurate but it helps in calculating long term deflections in a a) Prestressed concrete members
very simplified manner, this procedure helped in calculating b) Reinforced concrete members
the long term deflections. c) Chemical concrete members
10. The long time deflections are expressed as: d) Biological concrete members
a) af = (ail-aipxpt/pi) (1+ϕ) View Answer
b) af = (ail-aipxpt/pi) Answer: c
c) af = (ail-aipxpt/pi) Explanation: In the post cracking stage, the behavior of the
d) af = (ail-aipxpt/pi) beam is similar to that of reinforced concrete members, the
View Answer instantaneous deflections in post cracking stage is obtained
Answer: a as the sum of the deflections up to the cracking load based on
Explanation: The principle of reduced modulus involving the gross section and beyond the cracking load considering the
creep coefficient is used to amplify the initial deflections and cracking section.
according to this method, the final long time deflections are 5. The deflections of cracked structural concrete members
expressed as: may be estimated by:
af = (ail – aipxpt / pi) (1+ϕ). a) Unilinear method
b) Matrix method
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – c) Step method
Deflections of Cracked Members:- d) Elongation method
View Answer
1. Which knowledge is essential to comply with the limit state Answer: a
of deflection? Explanation: The deflection of cracked structural concrete
a) Bending moment members may be estimated by the Unilinear or bilinear
b) Shear stress method recommended by the European concrete committee,
c) Shear torsion the slope of first line corresponding to the stiffness of the
d) Load deformation uncracked section and slope of the second line to that of the
View Answer cracked section.
Answer: d 6. Which of the following equation is used to compute
Explanation: Cracks of limited width are acceptable under deflections of unilinear method?
occasional overloads or even under working loads according a) βL e/EcIt
to CED-FIP recommendations and knowledge of the load b) βL M/EcIt
c) βL /EcR redistribution of flexural stresses, according to Neville an
d) βL /EcRt exact solution results in nonlinear integral equations for which
View Answer no closed solution is available is λ = ξ/1+50ρ‟
Answer: b ρ‟ = (A‟s/bd) at midspan, A‟s = area of compression
Explanation: The revised American code considers the reinforcement, b = width of the section, d = effective depth, ξ =
bilinear character of the load deflection characteristics by time dependant factor.
incorporating a suitable effective value of the flexural rigidity in
the unilinear formula, In the Unilinear method, the deflections Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
are computed by a simple equation of the form Codes of Practice:-
A = βL M/EcIt , a = maximum deflection, L = effective span, M
= maximum moment in the beam, Ec = modulus of elasticity of 1. Which one of the following is the Indian standard regarded
concrete, Ic = second moment of area equivalent cracked to the limit state of deflection:
moment, β = constant. a) IS: 1443-1950
7. The actual load deflection behavior is possible by b) IS: 1343-1980
assuming: c) IS: 1514-1941
a) Bilinear moment curvature d) IS: 1600-1948
b) Multilinear moment View Answer
c) Trilinear moment curvature Answer: b
d) Bin linear moment curvature Explanation: It is the general practice in most of the codes to
View Answer safeguard against excessive deflections under serviceability
Answer: a limit states, either indirectly by prescribing a minimum span to
Explanation: In the bilinear method recommended by the depth ratio for the member or directly by specifying a
1963 European concrete Committee the moment curvature is maximum permissible deflection expressed as a fraction of
approximated by two straight lines, Experimental the span and recommendations of Indian standard code with
investigations have shown that a closer approximation to the regard to the limit state of deflections is IS: 1343-1980.
actual load deflection behavior is possible by assuming 2. The final deflection due to all loads including the efforts of
bilinear moment curvature relationships. temperature, creep and shrinkage should normally exceed
8. The British code recommended for long time deflection of span up to:
cracked members is: a) Span/250
a) BS: 2150-1970 b) Span/300
b) BS: 2150-1970 c) Span/500
c) BS: 2150-1970 d) Span/800
d) BS: 2150-1970 View Answer
View Answer Answer: a
Answer: b Explanation: The final deflection due to all loads including the
Explanation: The British code BS: 8110-1935 effects of temperature, creep and shrinkage should normally
recommendations are comprehensive in this regard, as they not exceed span/250 is the first recommendations made by
incorporate the use of curvature of cracked sections, including IS: 1343-1980 with regard to the limit state of deflection.
the effect of shrinkage and creep in computing long term 3. The deflection including the effects of temperature, creep
deflections. and shrinkage occurring after the erection should not normally
9. The additional long term deflection resulting from creep and exceed:
shrinkage of flexural members is determined by multiplying a) Span/400
the deflection caused by: b) Span/350
a) Effective load c) Span/140
b) Compressive load d) Span/100
c) Tensile load View Answer
d) Sustained load Answer: b
View Answer Explanation: The deflection including the effect of
Answer: d temperature, creep and shrinkage occurring after the erection
Explanation: According to ACI: 318-1989 uses a similar of partitions and the application of finishes should not
approach whereby an additional long term deflection resulting normally exceed span/350 whichever is less, creep is directly
from creep and shrinkage of flexural members is determined proportional to the stresses but above this value it increases
by multiplying the immediate deflection caused by the more rapidly.
sustained load. 4. If the finishes are to be applied to the prestressed concrete
10. The equation for long term deflection of cracked members members, the total upward deflection should not exceed:
is: a) Span/300
a) ξ/1+50ρ‟ b) Span/450
b) π/1+50ρ‟ c) Span/150
c) ζ/1+50ρ‟ d) Span/350
d) e/1+50ρ‟ View Answer
View Answer Answer: a
Answer: a Explanation: If finishes are applied to the prestressed
Explanation: The prediction of time dependant deflections is concrete members, the total upward deflection should not
complicated in the case of cracked members due to the exceed span/300, unless uniformity of chamber between
adjacent units can be ensured, span/350 or 20mm whichever deflection limits for floors, roofs and the other horizontal
is less for non brittle partitions or finishes. members in building limits for deflection that occurs after
5. The British code specifies a maximum deflection limit of addition of partitions up to:
span which the sag in the member usually become noticeable Span/500 to Span/1000.
is: 10. The French code limits the deflection of members carrying
a) Span /130 masonry and partition walls up to:
b) Span/250 a) Span/600
c) Span/200 b) Span/400
d) Span/150 c) Span/500
View Answer d) Span/700
Answer: c View Answer
Explanation: The British code (BS: 8110-1985) specifies a Answer: c
maximum deflection limit of span/250 beyond which the sag in Explanation: The French code limits the deflection of
a member will be usually become noticeable and to prevent members carrying masonry and partition walls to span/500,
damage to non-structural elements, the code recommends which is the total increase in deflection due to short term and
that the deflection after the installation of finishes & partitions sustained loads over the instantaneous deflection due to self
should not exceed the span/500 or 20mm whichever is less weight.
for brittle members.
6. The type of deflection of not supporting and non structural Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
elements of flat roofs is: Types of Flexural Failure:-
a) Large deflection
b) Immediate deflection 1. The failure due to fracture of steel in tension in the beam is
c) Small deflection because of:
d) Edge deflection a) Excess amount of steel reinforcement
View Answer b) Excess amount of prestressed concrete
Answer: c c) Least amount of reinforcement
Explanation: Floors roofs not supporting and not attached to d) Least amount of prestressed concrete
non structural element likely to be damaged by large View Answer
deflection such deflection is considered as immediate Answer: c
deflection due to the live load, deflection limitations are given Explanation: The percentage of steel provided, both tensioned
as (span/180). and un tensioned taken together should be sufficient so that
7. The floors not supporting and not attached to non structural when the concrete in the pre compressed tensile zone cracks,
elements are damaged by: the steel is in a position to bear the additional tensile stresses
a) Large deflection transferred to it by the cracking of the adjacent fibers of the
b) Column deflection concrete, thereby preventing a sudden failure of the beam
c) Span deflection due to fracture of steel in tension.
d) Beam deflection 2. If the concrete in tension zone get cracks will lead to
View Answer development of:
Answer: a a) Principal stresses
Explanation: Floors not supporting and not attached to non b) Compression
structural element likely to be damaged by large deflections c) Tensile stresses
and are carried by immediate deflection due to live load and d) Strain
deflection limitations are given as (span/360). View Answer
8. The FIP-1984 limits for total deflection below the level of Answer: c
supports up to: Explanation: The sudden failure of a prestressed member
a) Span/200 to Span/300 without any warning is generally due to fracture of steel in the
b) Span/150 to Span/250 tension zone, this type of failure is imminent when the
c) Span/100 to Span/50 percentage of steel provided in the section is low that when
d) Span/175 to Span/280 the concrete in the concrete in the tension zone cracks, the
View Answer steel is not in a position to bear up the additional tensile stress
Answer: a transferred to it by the cracked concrete.
Explanation: The FIP-1984 recommends the following suitable 3. The failure due to fracture steel in tension can be prevented
deflection limits for floors, roofs and the other horizontal by providing a steel reinforcement:
members in building as total deflection below the level of a) 0.15 – 0.2%
supports is Span/200 to Span/300. b) 0.20% – 0.35%
9. The FIP-1984 limits for deflection that occurs after addition c) 0.2% – 0.6%
of partitions up to: d) 0.6% – 0.10%
a) Span/200 to Span/300 View Answer
b) Span/250 to Span/350 Answer: a
c) Span/500 to Span/1000 Explanation: In order to prevent this failure a minimum steel
d) Span/170 to Span/320 reinforcement is provided in the cross section of beam IS:
View Answer 1343 recommended a minimum reinforcement of 0.15% –
Answer: c 0.2% of the cross sectional area in pretensioned units of small
Explanation: The FIP-1984 recommends the following suitable sections when a high yield strength deformed reinforcement is
used, the minimum steel percentage is reduced to 0.15 per which resists the stresses developed at failure to reach the
cent. tensile strength of steel and the amount of steel provided in
4. In under reinforced section failure the beam observes: this section should not be greater than the steel required for
a) Excess elongation balancing the section.
b) Less elongation 9. Which one of the following is other mode of failure?
c) Edge elongation a) Failure due to tension
d) Mid span elongation b) Torsion failure
View Answer c) Reinforcement failure
Answer: a d) Transverse shear failure
Explanation: In this mode of failure, the beam observes View Answer
excess elongation of steel along with crushing of concrete this Answer: d
is because large amount of steel is provided in the Explanation: Other modes of failure like transverse shear
compression zone (greater than minimum steel reinforcement failure and web crippling are caused due to improper design
in the tension zone). of member in shear and by providing thin webs in the section,
5. Due to excess elongation of steel, the neutral axis near the in case of pretensioned members, the failure of bond between
compression face gets: the steel and the surrounding concrete is likely due to the
a) Increased inadequate transmission lengths at the ends of members, in
b) Decreased post tensioned members anchorage failures may take place if
c) Elongates the end block is not properly designed to resist the transverse
d) Crushes tensile forces.
View Answer 10. The failure due to other modes like transverse shear
Answer: a failure is mainly caused due to:
Explanation: If the cross section is provided with an amount of a) Principal stresses
steel greater than the minimum, the failure is characterized by b) Tensile stresses
an excessive elongation of steel followed by the crushing of c) Compressive stresses
concrete and as the bending loads are increased excessive d) Strain
elongation of steel raises the neutral axis near the View Answer
compression face at the critical section of beam. Answer: a
6. Which type of deflections is observed in compression face Explanation: These failures are mainly caused due to
during under reinforced section failure? excessive principle stresses developed in the members when
a) Small deflections they are subjected to transverse loading, prestressed
b) Large deflections concrete members subjected to transverse loads may fail in
c) Bondage deflections shear before their full flexural strength is attained, if they are
d) Shrinkage deflections not adequately design for shear, web shear cracks may
View Answer develop if the principal stresses are excessive and if thin
Answer: b webs are used, the failure may occur due to web crushing.
Explanation: Large deflections and wide cracks are observed
in compression face and this is because the area of concrete Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
provided is unable to resist the resultant internal compression Strain Compatibility Method:
forces and the member also fails in flexure due to crushing of
concrete considerable warnings are observed before 1. The estimation based on compatibility of strain of
impending failure. prestressed concrete involves:
7. The over reinforced section fails due to sudden crushing of: a) Flexural strength
a) Beam b) Tensile strength
b) Column c) Compressive strength
c) Concrete d) Bulking strength
d) Steel View Answer
View Answer Answer: a
Answer: c Explanation: The method by which the flexural strength of
Explanation: Over reinforced section fails due to sudden prestressed concrete is estimated based on the compatibility
crushing of concrete and this section observes small of strains and equilibrium of forces acting on the section at the
deflections and narrow cracks the effective reinforcement due stage of failure is known as strain compatibility method.
to which the compressive strength of concrete and tensile 2. The distribution of concrete in strain compatibility method
strength of steel are increased up to certain range of values is:
then the section is said to be over reinforced. a) Aligned
8. The amount of steel provided in this section should not be b) Curved
greater than: c) Linear
a) Steel required d) Bent
b) Concrete required View Answer
c) Water required Answer: c
d) Tension required Explanation: The distribution of concrete strain is linear (plane
View Answer section normal to axis remains plane even after bending), the
Answer: a basic theory is applicable to all structural concrete sections
Explanation: In this section large amount of steel is provided
whether reinforced or prestressed and some assumptions are Lu & tension Tu, if the compressive and tensile forces are
made. equal, evaluate the ultimate moment Mu.
3. The resistance of concrete is neglected at: 8. Who suggested a graphical version compatibility method?
a) Tension a) Cornd
b) Compression b) Morsch
c) Shear c) Lin
d) Breakage d) Musy
View Answer View Answer
Answer: a Answer: b
Explanation: The resistance of concrete in tension is Explanation: Morsch has suggested a graphical version of the
neglected in strain compatibility method at the end of the strain compatibility method in which the failure of the
section, the maximum compressive strain in concrete at compressive zone is assumed when the extreme compressive
failure reaches a particular value are the assumptions made fiber reaches a strain limit of 0.2%, many codes have
in strain compatibility method. recommended simplified procedures for calculating the
4. The stress distribution in the compression zone of concrete flexural strength of concrete sections which are reinforced
can be defined by means of: with high tensile steel in the tension zone.
a) Specific gravity 9. How much percentage of tensile strain is assumed at the
b) Coefficient failure of under reinforced sections?
c) Modulus of elasticity a) 0.7%
d) Span moment b) 0.5%
View Answer c) 0.4%
Answer: b d) 0.2%
Explanation: The stress distribution in the compression zone View Answer
of concrete can be defined by means of coefficients applied to Answer: c
the characteristic compressive strength and the average Explanation: For under reinforced sections, the failure of the
compressive stress and the position can be assumed. prestressing steel is assumed to take place at a maximum
5. The flexural compression stress in the compressive zone tensile strain of 0.5% however the method can be
follows the: considerably simplified under reinforced sections, in which the
a) Block curve stress in tensile stress at the collapse stage is more of less
b) Anchorage curve equal to the characteristic tensile strength of tendons.
c) Mid span 10. The strain compatibility method is generally applicable for:
d) Stress strain curve a) Under & over reinforcement sections
View Answer b) Partially prestressed sections
Answer: d c) Mid span sections
Explanation: The flexural compressive stress in the d) Fully prestressed sections
compressive zone closely follows the stress strain curve of View Answer
concrete and the properties of the concrete stress block can Answer: a
be expressed in terms of the characteristic ratios of k 1 & k2. Explanation: Many codes have recommended simplified
6. The stress strain characteristics of steel used as procedures for calculating the flexural strength of concrete
prestressing tendons is necessary for: sections which are reinforced with high tensile steel in the
a) Principal computation tension zone; the use of the strain compatibility method,
b) Stress computation generally applicable for both under & over reinforced sections
c) Flexural computation is illustrated
d) Strain computation
View Answer Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
Answer: c Elastic Design of Sections :-
Explanation: Knowledge of the stress–strain characteristics of
steel that is used as prestressing tendons is necessary for 1. The code used for determining the ultimate flexural strength
flexural strength computations by the strain compatibility of rectangular section:
method and a typical short- term design stress-strain curve for a) IS: 1444
concrete recommended in the British & Indian standard b) IS: 1440
codes. c) IS: 1343
7. The number of steps to be followed in the strain d) IS: 1543
compatibility method is: View Answer
a) 4 Answer: c
b) 7 Explanation: IS: 1343 code method is used for determining
c) 10 the ultimate flexural strength of rectangular sections and T
d) 6 sections, all the bending stresses and direct force shall
View Answer remain compressive in any direction, in structures subjected
Answer: d to dynamic loading, under the same circumstances on the
Explanation: The major steps to be followed in the strain other structures a tensile stresses Ft may be allowed which is
compatibility method are summarized below compute the less than one tenth of maximum permissible compressive
effective strain, assume a trail value for the neutral axis, using stresses.
the stress-strain curve for steel compute the total compression
2. If the neutral axis of the section lies within the flange, the Answer: a
moment of resistance of the section is given by the equation: Explanation: The required section modulus z from the
a) Mu = fp ap (d-0.42Xu) equation Z= ML/FC fc is the permissible stresses for concrete,
b) Mu = fp ap (d+0.42Xu) but section modulus, Z=bd /6 where d- depth of beam and the
c) Mu = fp ap (0.42Xu) beam should be equal to L/20 or L/25, b-width of the beam,
d) Mu = fp ap (0.52Xu) which is given as, b=6z/d .
View Answer 7. The position of reinforcement of a recta ngular prestressed
Answer: a concrete beam is evaluated from the relations:
Explanation: If the neutral axis of the section lies within the a) e =2Md-Mc/2F
flange, then the moment of resistance of the section is given b) e =2Md-Me/2F
by the equation, Mu = fp ap (0.42Xu), Mu = ultimate moment of c) e =2Md+Mc/2F
resistance, fp= tensile stress developed in tendon at failure, d) e =2Md+Me/2F
ap = area of prestressing, d= depth, Xu = depth of neutral axis. View Answer
3. In pre tension & post tension members, the value of tensile Answer: d
stress fp and depth of neutral axis Xu is obtained based on: Explanation: From the moment due to live loads & dead
a) Shear reinforcement loads, the position of reinforcement is evaluated from the
b) Effective reinforcement relation e = 2Md+ML/2F,e = eccentricity, inoder to protect a
c) Edge reinforcement member from collapsing suddenly after the development of
d) Span reinforcement shear cracks a minimum shear reinforcement is provided this
View Answer minimum shear reinforcement (As) is provided in the form of
Answer: b stirrups which is obtained by satisfying following condition:
Explanation: In pretension & post tensioned members, the Asv/bsv = 0.4/0.8fy.
value of tensile stress fp and depth of neutral axis xu is 8. The number of steps are involved in designing a
obtained based on effective reinforcement ratio (Apf/bdfera) prestressed concrete beam of I section is:
and effective bond (or) un bond between concrete & tendon a) 14
and these values are given in tables of IS: 1343 code. b) 10
4. If the neutral axis of the section lies outside the flange then c) 12
the ultimate moment of resistance of flanged section is: d) 8
a) Mu = fp Apw (d-0.4 xu)+0.45fck (b-bw) Df (d-0.5Df) View Answer
b) Mu = fp Apw (d-0.4 xu)+0.45fck (b-bw) Answer: a
c) Mu = fp Apw (d-0.4 xu) Explanation: Following are step by step procedure adopted for
d) Mu = fp Apw designing the prestressed beam of I section stress ft ,
View Answer permissible stress of concrete at transferred fr, fc, allowable
Answer: a tensile stress ft, permissible tensile stress in steel, loss of
Explanation: If the neutral axis of the section lies outside the prestress b/w 15 to 20%, moment due to super imposed load
flange, then the ultimate moment of resistance of flanged ML, total bending Mt over all depth d, final prestressing force f,
section is calculated by combining the moment of resistance area required A, thickness of flange & web in b/w 120mm to
of web & flange portion 150mm, width of the flange bf, area of tendons At , no of
Where Apw =area of prestressing steel for web (Ap-Apf ), Apf = cables required, after final dimensions check the beam for
area of prestressing steel for flange (0.45fck (b-bw) (df/f), f= safety.
characteristic tensile strength of the prestressing steel, d f = 9. The overall depth in a beam of I section is given as:
flange thickness, b = width of beam, bw= width of web after a) d= k(me)
considering are the cases in the tendon, the effective b) d= k(mt)
prestress fpc should be greater than 0.45f. c) d= k(ml)
5. The number of steps involved in designing a rectangular d) d= k(ma)
prestressed concrete beam are: View Answer
a) 8 Answer: b
b) 14 Explanation: The overall depth if beam d from the equation:
c) 6 d= k(mt) k- coefficient,
d) 1 The value ranges in between 30-45 adopt average value, this
View Answer is the seventh step used in designing the I section.
Answer: c 10. The area of tendons` At` is given as:
Explanation: There are 6 steps involved in designing of a a) At = F/Safe tensile stress in steel
rectangular, prestressed concrete beam 6, moment (M1), b) At = L/Safe tensile stress in steel
section modulus z, width & depth, area amount of steel c) At = D/Safe tensile stress in steel
required As, self weight of beam W d, Md, position of d) At = C/Safe tensile stress in steel
reinforcement. View Answer
6. The section modulus z, of designing a rectangular Answer: a
prestressed concrete beam is given as: Explanation: The area of tendons `At` is given as At = F/Safe
a) Z= ML/FC tensile stress in steel by considering this area, provide
b) Z= Me/Fc suitable diameter of wires & determine the required number of
C) Z= MC/FC wires, find the number of cables required and in each cable
d) Z = Md/Fc provide 8 to 12 wires the spacing for cables should be
View Answer
120mm, after adopting the final dimensions check the beam straight portion of cable does not produce any reactions at the
for safety. end.
5. The net downward force of prestressed concrete beam with
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – bent tendon is given as:
Cable Profile and Cable Layout :- a) W-2psinθ
b) W+2psinθ
1. The concept of load balancing is useful in selecting: c) Zero
a) Anchorage profile d) 2
b) Shaft profile View Answer
c) Tendon profile Answer: a
d) Span profile Explanation: Bent tendons are used in prestressed concrete
View Answer beams as they tends to provide an upward pressure in the
Answer: c beam and hence reduces the effect of external loading to a
Explanation: The concept of load balancing is useful in great extent, consider a prestressed concrete beam AB of
selecting a tendon profile and they provide suitable force length l it is subjected to a point load W at centre and a
system in concrete member, consider a prestressed concrete prestressing force of P at the ends, the tendon is bent at an
beam which is provided with a tendon at an eccentricity and is angle of θ at the ends, neglecting the frictional losses, the
subjected to a hogging moment such that the beam deflects, tendon will develop an upward force of magnitude 2Psinθ at
the slope gets modified as the beam is subjected to a the bent at the centre of span, the upward force reduces the
downward external load, if the beam is subjected to a UDL of effect of the externally applied force in the beam considering
W per unit run for the complete span, then the net slope at equilibrium in vertical direction, the net downward force F =
each end can be calculated as: W-2psinθ.
Δ = Wl /24EcI – Pel/2EcI. 6. The pressure line is also known as:
2. In a prestressed concrete member, cable profile is suitable a) C line
for balancing loads of: b) E line
a) External type c) G line
b) Internal type d) I line
c) Bent type View Answer
d) Curved type Answer: a
View Answer Explanation: Consider a beam which is lying over the ground
Answer: a provided with a tendon and is free from all external loads such
Explanation: In a prestressed concrete member, external type that the beam remains unaffected by any external bending
of loads is balanced by transverse component of suitable moments, the tension force and compression force act at the
cable profile, on effect of loading the net deformation same level when no external bending moments are acting
increases the stress, strain and length of the tendon, over the beam and the tendon line (p line) or the line in which
extension of tendon = 2eδ, increase in strain 2eδ/l, increase in compressive force is acting is known as pressure line and it is
stress = 2eδ/l Ec. also known as P line or C line.
3. The reactions of cable are obtained by replacing the forces 7. In the concept of pressure line the C line moves over a P
acting on: line due to the effect of:
a) Reinforcement a) Stress
b) Concrete b) Strain
c) Edges c) Moment
d) Steel d) Prestress
View Answer View Answer
Answer: b Answer: c
Explanation: The shape of profile depends on the reaction of Explanation: If the beam is effected by a moment M, in
cable and these are obtained by replacing the forces acting pressure line then the C line moves over the P line at a
on concrete with tendons, a prestressed concrete beam with distance x and the distance is known as lever arm,
bent tendons has extreme fiber stress, f = P/A+M/z and P/A- x = M/P = external moment/p, x = shift of C line from P line.
M/Z, prestressed concrete beam with parabolic tendon has a 8. If the section of a rectangular beam is subjected to the
net downward force acting on the beam as F = W-We. prestressing force and dead load then the stress distribution is
4. In a concrete member, trapezoidal cable profile is adopted given by:
when the beam is subjected to: a) Pressure line
a) UDL b) Kern distance
b) SSB c) Permissible pressure
c) Point loads d) Fracture of steel
d) Concentrated loads View Answer
View Answer Answer: b
Answer: d Explanation: Consider a rectangular beam section subjected
Explanation: In a concrete member, trapezoidal profile is to a prestressing force of magnitude p and if the section is
adopted when the beam is subjected to two concentrated subjected to the prestressing force and live and dead load
loads and parabolic profile is used when it is subjected to only then the stress distribution across the section is given by
UDL, the curve and sharp angles of cable develop uniformly kern distance in the form of upper and lower kern distance.
distributed and concentrated loads respectively and the
9. If the force acts at the lower kern point then the bottom c) Principal strain stresses
fibers of the beam are subjected to: d) Principal span stresses
a) Maximum permissible stress View Answer
b) Minimum permissible stress Answer: a
c) Tensile stress Explanation: cracks are observed at the point of the
d) Principle stress development of maximum shear stresses diagonally. The
View Answer effect of this maximum shear stress (η v) also produces
Answer: a principle tensile stresses on diagonal plane, the calculation of
Explanation: The points a, b, represents the points of principle tensile stress resulting from direct at critical sections
application of forces P and C respectively, now if the beam is with or without bending and shear combined shall be carried
subjected to live load in addition to dead load and prestress out it is also done at the material change in width of section
then the point of application of force c reach point a from point and should be less than 0.126(fc) .
a, the point of application of force p and the magnitude of 4. In a prestressed concrete member, the shear stress is
force C remain unchanged, if 0 represents the centroid of the generally accompanied by:
beam section, then the distance ob is kb and oa‟ is kt, if the a) Zone stresses
force C acts at the lower kern point the bottom fibers of the b) Anchorage stresses
beam are subjected to maximum permissible stresses and the c) Direct stresses
top fibers are subjected to minimum permissible stress. d) Bondage stresses
10. The strength concept can also be used to determine the View Answer
position of: Answer: c
a) Kern line Explanation: In a prestressed concrete member, the shear
b) C line stresses is generally accompanied by a direct stress in the
c) S line axial direction of the member, and if transverse, vertical
d) E line prestressing is adopted, compressive stresses in
View Answer perpendicular to the axis of the moment will present in
Answer: b addition to the axial pre stresses.
Explanation: The strength concept can also be used to 5. The major principal stresses produced on diagonal plane is
determine the position of c line, eccentricity and distribution of expressed as:
stress in concrete and it is expressed as: a) fx + fy/2
2 2 1/2
Extreme stress in concrete = C/A+ or – Eccentricity of c/Z. b) fx + fy/2 – 1/2 ((fx – fy ) +4η v )
2 2 1/2
c) fx + fy/2 + 1/2 ((fx – fy) +4η v )
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – d) fx – fy/2
Shear and Principal Stresses:- View Answer
Answer: b
1. The shear stress is a function of: Explanation: The major principal stress Fmax = fx + fy/2 + 1/2
2 2 1/2
a) Shear force and Cross section ((fx – fy ) +4ηv )
2 2 1/2
b) Principle stresses and elevation Minor principal stress Fmin = fx + fy/2 + 1/2 ((fx – fy ) +4η v )
c) Strain & Compatibility Fx, Fy are the direct stresses in horizontal & vertical directions
d) Axial prestress & tension respectively.
View Answer 6. If the direct stresses are compressive, then the magnitude
Answer: a of principal stresses in prestressed concrete member gets:
Explanation: The shear distribution in un cracked structural a) Increased
concrete members linear deformations are assumed to be b) Decreased
developed due to shear distribution and the shear stress in a c) Constant
function of shear force and cross section of the members d) Zero
which is given by the equations: View Answer
ηv =VS/IB, ηv =shear stress, V = shear force, S = first moment Answer: a
of inertia, I = moment of inertia, B = width of the beam section. Explanation: If the direct stresses are compressive, then the
2. The strength of concrete subjected to pure shear being magnitude of principal stresses in prestressed concrete
nearly twice that in: member acts reduced considerably and therefore under
a) Compression working loads, these principal stresses have to be
b) Tension compressive in nature in order to eliminate diagonal cracks in
c) Bond concrete.
d) Anchorage 7. How many ways are there for improving the shear
View Answer resistance of structural concrete members by prestressing
Answer: b techniques?
Explanation: The effect of this shear stress is to induce a) 4
principal tensile stresses on diagonal planes and in pure b) 6
shear, the strength of the concrete is twice that of the strength c) 3
in the tension local failures first appear in the form of diagonal d) 2
tension cracks in legions of height shear stress. View Answer
3. The effect of maximum shear stress (η v) produces: Answer: c
a) Principal tensile stresses Explanation: In general three ways of improving the shear
b) Principal compression stresses resistance of structural concrete members by prestressing
techniques: 2. The web shear cracks generally start from:
Horizontal or axial prestressing by inclined or sloping cables a) Interior point
and vertical or transverse prestressing. b) Exterior point
8. A prestressed concrete beam span 10mm of rectangular c) Edge
section, 120mm wide & 300mm deep is axially prestressed on d) Mid span
effective force of 180kn, uniformly distributed load of 5kn/m View Answer
include the self weight of member. Find maximum shear Answer: a
stress at support? Explanation: Web shear cracks generally start from an interior
a) 20.5n/mm point, when the local principal tensile stress exceeds the
b) 1.05n/mm tensile strength of concrete, the British code (BS:8110:-1985)
c) 15.08n/mm and the Indian code (IS:1343-1980) specify a modified version
2 2 1/2
d) 4.05n/mm of this relation given by: Vcw = 0.67bwh(f1 +0.8fcpft) .
View Answer 3. The web shear cracks are developed when the beam is
Answer: b subjected to:
3 2 7 4
Explanation: A= (120×300) = 36×10 mm , I = 27×10 mm , a) Point load
W d = 5kn/m b) Concentrated loads
Shear force at support V = (5×10/2) =25kn c) Shear loads
Maximum shear stress at support, ηv = (3v/2bh) = d) Uniformly distributed load
3 2
(3/2)x(25×10 /120×300) = 1.05n/mm . View Answer
9. A prestressed concrete beam of span 10m of rectangular Answer: b
section, 120mm wide & 300mm deep a curved cable having Explanation: Web shear cracks are likely to develop in highly
an eccentricity of 100mm at the centre of span. Find the slope prestressed beams with thin weds, particularly when the beam
of cable of support: is subjected to large concentrated loads near a simple
a) 0.08 radians support, in which the value of 0.67 h is somewhat lower for
b) 0.01 radians flanges sections this together with reduced value of
c) 0.04 radians 0.8fcp results in conservation estimates of the shear resistance
d) 0.12 radians of flanges sections and if there are inclined cables, the
View Answer sheaing force vcw is increased by an amount equal to the
Answer: c vertical component of the prestressing force, in the above
Explanation: I = 10mm, l=100mm expression for computing vcw the tensile strength of concrete
Slope of cable at support = (4e/l) = (4×100/10×100) = 0.04 may be assumed as ft = 0.24(fck).
radians. 4. In which direction the flexural cracks are first initiated:
10. Which type of tensioning is generally uneconomical for a) Straight
vertical prestressing? b) Inclined
a) Post tensioning c) Bended
b) Pre tensioning d) Dotted
c) Chemical tension View Answer
d) Thermal tension Answer: c
View Answer Explanation: Flexure – shear cracks are first initiated by
Answer: a flexural cracks in the inclined direction and they are
Explanation: Vertical prestressing is not generally adopted developed when the combined shear & flexural tensile
because the length of the cables being short, the loss of stresses produce a principal tensile stress exceeding the
prestress due to anchorage slip is excessively large post tensile strength of concrete.
tensioning is generally uneconomical for vertical prestressing 5. What is provided in order to protect a member from
due to losses of prestress encountered. collapsing suddenly after the development of shear cracks?
a) Edge reinforcement
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – b) Principal reinforcement
Ultimate Shear Resistance:- c) Span reinforcement
d) Shear reinforcement
1. How many types of modes of shear cracking are present in View Answer
structural concrete beams? Answer: d
a) 4 Explanation: In order to protect a member from collapsing
b) 2 suddenly after the development of shear crack, a minimum
c) 5 shear reinforcement is provided (Asv ) is provided in the form
d) 8 of stirrups which is obtained by satisfying the following
View Answer condition:
Answer: b Asv/bsv = 0.4/0.87fy
Explanation: Research over the years have shown that there In member without shear reinforcement, the inclined shear
are two major modes of shear cracking in structural concrete cracks extend to the compression face resulting in sudden
beams, web shear cracks, flexure shear cracks and different explosive failure this is sometimes referred to as the diagonal
modes of shear failure patterns are also considered like tensile modes of failure.
diagonal tension failure, shear compression failure, web 6. The ultimate shear resistance of prestressed concrete with
compression failure. web shear cracking but without flexural crakes & mainly
governed by:
a) Limiting value c) Low span
b) Constant value d) Edge span
c) Zero View Answer
d) Infinity Answer: c
View Answer Explanation: In general, the web shear and flexural shear
Answer: a resistance of the beam at important sections are compared
Explanation: The ultimate shear resistance of prestressed with the ultimate shear requirements to identify zones where
concrete sections with web shear cracking but without flexural web reinforcement are required, According to Mast, a
cracks, is mainly governed by the limiting value of the complete shear analysis is necessary only in beams of low
principal tensile stress developed in concrete, the failure is span/depth ratio and in other cases the specified minimum
assumed to take place when the principal tension exceeds the proportions of web reinforcement is sufficient.
tensile strength of concrete.
7. The relation for computing the ultimate shear force is given Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
as: Design of Shear Reinforcement:-
a) Vcw = bw dp((0.3λ )fcy – 0.3fcp)+ vp
b) Vcw = bw dp((0.3λ )fcy + 0.3fcp)+ vp 1. The ultimate shear resistance for any given section, vc
c) Vcw = bw dp(0.3λ + vp) should be least of values:
d) Vcw = bw dp a) vcw and vcf
View Answer b) vew and vef
Answer: b c) vrw and vrf
Explanation: The relation for computing the ultimate shear d) vdw and vdf
force, which includes a multiplying factor to multiplying factor View Answer
to account for the type of concrete is given as Vcw = Answer: a
bw dp((0.3λ )fcy + 0.3fcp)+ vp Explanation: At any given section, the ultimate shear
Bw = breadth of web, dp = effective depth to tender or 0.8h, λ = resistance, vc should be the least of values vcw and vcf where,
1.0 for nominal weight concrete and less for light weight vcw = ultimate shear resistance of section cracked in web, vcf = ultimate shear
concrete, fcy = cylinder compressive strength of resistance of section cracked in flange.
concrete(n/mm ), fcp = compressive prestress at centroid of a 2. What should be provided if the shear force due to ultimate
section, vp = the vertical component of the effective load is less than the shear force of the concrete?
prestressing force at section. a) Tensile reinforcement
8. The ultimate shear resistance vcf of section cracked in b) Shear reinforcement
flexure is expressed as: c) Principle reinforcement
a) vcf = (1-0.55fpc/fp)η cbwd+(m0/m)v d) Compressive reinforcement
b) vcf = (1-0.55fpc/fp)η cbwd View Answer
c) vcf = (1-0.55fpc/fp) Answer: b
d) vcf = (1-0.55fpc) Explanation: When V the shear force due to ultimate loads is
View Answer less than the shear force of the concrete vc, the shear force
Answer: a which can be carried by the concrete, a minimum shear
Explanation: vcf = (1-0.55fpc/fp)η cbwd+(m0/m)v less than or reinforcement should be provided in the form of stirrups with
equal to 0.1bwdfck , fpc = effective prestress, fp = spacing.
characteristic strength of prestressing steel, η c = ultimate 3. The spacing provided for shear reinforcement is given as:
shear stress capacity of concrete, bw = breadth of the a) Sv = (Asv0.87fy/0.4b)
member, d = effective depth of tendons, m 0= moment b) (Asv0.91fy/0.4b)
necessary to produce zero, v and m = shear force and c) (Asv0.12fy/0.4b)
bending moment at section. d) (Asv0.23fy/0.4b)
9. The flexure shear cracking load in a prestressed member is View Answer
given by: Answer: a
a) ACI Explanation: The spacing provided for shear reinforcement
b) Indian Sv = (Asv0.87fy/0.4b), Sv = spacing of stirrups along the length
c) British of member, Asv = cross sectional area of stirrup legs effective
d) Canada in shear, b = breadth (for T,I,L beams it is taken as breadth of
View Answer rib, bw).
Answer: a 4. When the shear force due to ultimate loads is less than 0.5
Explanation: The American code (ACI: 318-1989) times shear force of concrete then shear reinforcement is:
recommendations for the flexure shear cracking load in a a) Provided
prestressed member are based on experimental observations b) Not provided
that flexure shear cracking initiates at the flexural cracking c) Made equal
load plus an additional shear which is a flexural cracking load d) Made zero
plus an additional shear which is a function of the strength View Answer
and density of concrete & the dimensions of the section. Answer: b
10. According to Mast, a complete shear analysis is Explanation: When the shear force due to ultimate loads V is
necessary only in beams of: less than 0.5 times the shear force of concrete: (v < 0.5vc)
a) High span Then no shear reinforcement is provided in the members of
b) Mid span low importance.
5. When v > vc condition exits, then the shear reinforcement b) Equal
provided includes which extra terms than actual spacing c) Zero
equation? d) Constant
a) fy, dt, v, vc View Answer
b) ft, dt, v, vc Answer: a
c) dt, v, vc Explanation: When the nominal shear stress, v/bd exceeds
d) fe, dt, v, vc the maximum permissible shear stress values for the
View Answer particular grades of concrete like M-30,M-35,M-40,M-45,M-
Answer: a 50,M-55 and above then the section should be redesigned(
Explanation: When V exceeds Vc shear reinforcement is this is according to table of maximum shear stress(n/mm ) (IS:
required conforming to the relation (V > Vc) 1343-1980).
The extra terms used are fy , dt, v, vc these are included in the
spacing equation Sv Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
Sv = (Asv0.87fydt / V-Vc). Torsion Members :-
6. The term dt in the spacing equation is termed as:
a) Lowest value of depth 1. In case of structural concrete members subjected to
b) Neutral value of depth torsion, shear stress develops depending upon the:
c) Highest value of depth a) Type of bending
d) Peak value of depth b) Type of tendon
View Answer c) Type of anchorage
Answer: c d) Type of cross section
Explanation: When v > vc, the spacing provided in that: View Answer
dt is the highest value of depth from the extreme compression Answer: d
fiber to longitudinal bars and depth from extreme compression Explanation: In the case of structural concrete members
fiber to centroid of tendons. subjected to torsion, shear stresses develop depending upon
7. The spacing of stirrups for maximum shear stress is: the type of cross section and magnitude of torque, the shear
a) 0.9dt stresses in association with the flexural stresses may give rise
b) 0.10dt to principal tensile stresses, the value of which when it
c) 0.12dt exceeds tensile strength of the concrete results in the
d) 0.7dt development of cracks on the surface of the member.
View Answer 2. The distribution of torsion shear stress is uniform in:
Answer: d a) Parallel sections
Explanation: The spacing of stirrups should exceed neither b) Rectangular sections
0.75dt nor 4 times the web thickness of flanged members, for c) Trapezoidal sections
maximum shear stress the spacing of stirrups: d) Circular sections
Sv > 0.75dt = > x web thickness. View Answer
8. The maximum spacing (Sv)max is provided for the condition: Answer: c
a) V > 1.8Vc Explanation: The distribution of torsion shear stress is uniform
b) V > 1.5Vc in circular sections where the magnitude of the shear stress is
c) V > 2.0Vc proportional to the distance from the centre and in case of non
d) V > 3.5Vc circular sections involving warping of the cross section,
View Answer approximate formula have been proposed based on elastic
Answer: a analysis.
Explanation: When V exceeds 1.8Vc, the maximum spacing 3. The maximum shear stress of circular section is given as:
should be reduced to 0.5dt, the lateral spacing of the a) 16T/πD
individual legs of the stirrups provided at a cross section b) 20T/πD
should not exceed 0.75dt, if V > 1.8Vc, the maximum spacing c) 40T/πD
is: d) 100T/πD
(Sv) max = 0.5 dt. View Answer
9. The maximum shear stress value for M35 and M50 is: Answer: a
a) 3.5 and 4.0 Explanation: An analysis of principal stresses in prestressed
b) 3.7 and 4.6 concrete members should include the combined effect of
c) 3.8 and 6.0 shear stresses due to transverse loads and torsion, together
d) 4.2 and 4.0 with direct stresses due to flexure and prestress and the
View Answer maximum stress of circular section is given as:
Answer: b 16T/πD , D = diameter, T = torsion.
Explanation: The maximum shear stress value for M35 grade 4. The failure of prestressed concrete member without
concrete is 3.7n/mm , the maximum shear stress value for additional un tensioned reinforcement, to that of plain
M50 grade concrete is 4.6n/mm , M30 grade concrete is concrete is:
2 2
3.5n/mm , M40 grade concrete is 4.0n/mm , M45 grade a) Zero
concrete is 4.3, M55 grade concrete is 4.8n/mm . b) Less
10. The section should be redesigned if the nominal shear c) 1
stresses: d) 4
a) Exceeds the given values View Answer
Answer: b analyze the system of forces acting on the warped cross
Explanation: The failure of a prestressed concrete member sections of the structural element at the limit state of failure.
without additional un tensioned reinforcement, under pure 9. The skew bending theory is based on the:
torsion, is more or less similar to that of plain concrete where a) Plane Elasticity
sudden failure is imminent almost simultaneously with the b) Plane Deformation
formation of first crack. c) Plane Torque
5. Which type of prestressing is advantageous for the d) Plane Strain
members subjected to pure tension? View Answer
a) Concentric prestressing Answer: b
b) Tangential prestressing Explanation: The skew bending theory is based on the plane
c) Circular prestressing deformation approach to plane sections subjected to bending
d) Overloaded prestressing and torsion, the skew bending theory was initially proposed by
View Answer Lessing with subsequent contributions from Collins, Hsu, Zia,
Answer: a GEsund, Mattock and Elfgreen, of the several researches in
Explanation: The research by Humphery and Zia has shown this field, Hsu has made the most significant contribution
that by suitably adjusting the value of the prestressing force baasedd on the experimental investegations, his work forms
the torsional resistance can be increased by as much as 2.5 the basis of the American, Australian(AS 1481) and Indian
times that for the corresponding plain concrete member and code (IS: 1343) provisions.
for members subjected to pure torsion; concentric prestress is 10. The space truss, which is composed of longitudinal bars
more advantageous than eccentric prestress. and diagonal concrete truss subjected to twist is known as:
6. When both longitudinal steel and spirals are provided in a) Skew bending theory
prestressed members, the ultimate torsional resistance is: b) Space truss analogy theory
a) Twp+Tws c) Space truss theory
b) Ttp+Tts d) Compression failed theory
c) Tvp+Tvs View Answer
d) Tep+Tes Answer: b
View Answer Explanation: The space truss analogy theory, which is a
Answer: b modification of the planar truss analogy for shear and
Explanation: The use of longitudinal steel or spirals according to this theory the space truss, which is composed of
independent of each other does not increase the ultimate longitudinal bars and diagonal concrete struts is subjected to
torsional resistance but when both longitudinal steel and twist in which the stirrups and longitudinal bars are considered
spirals are provided in prestressed members, the ultimate the tension members and the diagonal concrete struts at an
torsional resistance is enhanced and according can be angle θ between the cracks and considered the compression
expressed as Ttp + Tts, where Ttp is the torsional resistance members θ is idealized to 45 degrees.
moment of the prestressed concrete section and Tts is the
additional torsional resistance moment of the non-prestressed reinforcement, which must Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
consist of spirals and longitudinal steel. Transmission by Bond:-
7. The behavior of a prestressed concrete member is affected
by the relative magnitude of: 1. In a pretensioned system, when a wire is released from its
a) Internal actions temporary anchorage the end of the wire swells as a result of:
b) External actions a) Contraction
c) Zero b) Expansion
d) Constant actions c) Release
View Answer d) Joining
Answer: a View Answer
Explanation: The behavior of a prestressed concrete member Answer: a
is affected by the relative magnitude of the internal actions, Explanation: In a pretensioned system, when a wire is
such as torque, bending moment and shear force, in circular released from its temporary anchorage on the prestressing
sections and if torsion is small, it has little effect on the overall bed, the end of the wire swells as a result of the recovery of
behavior and the failure are controlled by either flexure or the lateral contraction and develops a wedge effect and this is
shear. generally referred to as the Hoyer effect and this is to enable
8. The members subjected to torque, bending and shear are the prestressing force to become at the end of the wire.
generally reinforced with: 2. The swelling of the wire produces which action on concrete:
a) Parallel and perpendicular reinforcements a) Linear pressure
b) Longitudinal and transverse reinforcements b) Axial pressure
c) Rectangular and trapezoidal reinforcements c) Radial pressure
d) Circular and square reinforcements d) Upcoming pressure
View Answer View Answer
Answer: b Answer: c
Explanation: Members subjected to torque, bending and Explanation: The swelling of the wire is only a few thousandth
shear are generally reinforced with longitudinal and of a millimeter, but it nevertheless produces considerable
transverse reinforcements in order to study the contribution of radial pressures on the concrete, giving rise to large frictional
the longitudinal and transverse reinforcement in resisting forces, the general provisions in the Indian code for the
flexure, torsion and shear forces, it becomes necessary to transmission length are expressed in terms of the diameter of
the wire, bar or strand, taking into considerations the surface 8. The term transmission refers to attainment of uniform:
characteristics of the tendons. a) Strain distribution
3. How many factors are considered while prestressing force b) Stress distribution
in steel is transferred to concrete through bond? c) Level distribution
a) 4 d) Cross section distribution
b) 6b View Answer
c) 3 Answer: b
d) 10 Explanation: The length needed for achieving uniform stress
View Answer distribution in a member is termed as transmission length, the
Answer: c transmission length for plain smooth wires is considerably
Explanation: The prestressing force in steel is transferred to greater than that for deformed bars or strands due to absence
concrete considering three factors through the bond having of a mechanical interlock.
adhesion, friction, shearing resistance; the limits were made 9. At intermediate points along the length of a beam, the bond
for wire tendons of 100 to 140 diameter and for 7 wires stress is resisted by:
strands 45 to 90 diameter of tendons. a) Friction
4. The bond stress in the prestress members is mainly due to: b) Adhesion
a) Friction and shrinkage c) Shear
b) Compression and bondage d) Torsion
c) Tension and torsion View Answer
d) Anchorages and tendons Answer: b
View Answer Explanation: At intermediate points along the length of a
Answer: a beam, the bond stress is resisted by adhesion, while in the
Explanation: The bond stress in the prestress members is transfer zone the tendons invariably slip and sink into the
mainly due to friction, shearing resistance and for perfect concrete destroying most of the adhesion.
bond; friction is considered generally, the FIP 10. The shearing resistance is also termed as:
recommendations regarding the anchorage lengths to ensure a) Trumpet
the transmission of the prestress to the concrete. b) Dilatancy
5. The bond stress at intermediate points is resisted by: c) Capacity
a) Friction d) Adhesion
b) Shrinkage View Answer
c) Adhesion Answer: b
d) Anchorage Explanation: Shearing resistance is also known as dilatancy, it
View Answer is considered in case of transmission of prestressing force
Answer: c from steel to concrete through bond, the ACI code
Explanation: Bond stress at intermediate points is resisted by recommendations are based on the investigations of Kaar and
adhesion and in transfer zone the adhesion is destroyed by Hatson it includes the both length required to develop the
invariable slip and sink of tendons into concrete, transversely effective prestress as also the additional length over which the
ribbed steel type of wire has a diameter of 20 to 40 mm2 area strand must be bonded to the concrete so that the tensile
of bond length 500mm. stresses develop in the strand at the limit state of collapse of
6. Which zone attains maximum bond stress? the member.
a) Transverse tension Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
b) Transverse anchorage Transmission Length:-
c) Transverse tendon
d) Transverse compression 1. The transmission length required to attain uniform stress
View Answer distribution in prestress member is acquired through:
Answer: d a) Zero bond stress
Explanation: The zone of transverse compression attains b) Middle bond stress
maximum bond stress and when the bond stress becomes c) Safe bond stress
zero various changes occur, 2 or 3 strand wire of diameter 2 d) Edge bond stress
to 3 has a bond length of 700mm, 7 wire strand of diameter 2 View Answer
to 4 has a bond length of 1000mm. Answer: a
7. The steel and concrete reach their maximum values of Explanation: The transmission length required to attain
stress when bond stress is: uniform stress distribution in prestress member with zero
a) Zero bond stress and the length required at the ends of a
b) Constant pretensioned member for the build up to of stress in concrete
c) 4 is of great importance, particularly in short pretensioned units,
d) 6 since it controls the working bending moment and the shear
View Answer force allowable on the section.
Answer: a 2. The transmission length mainly depends up on how many
Explanation: When the bond stress in zero, the steel and factors:
concrete reach their maximum values of stresses with uniform a) 8
stress distribution in this section, the bond lengths b) 4
recommended in German specifications are compiled in c) 2
drawn steel of diameter 3 to 8 and bond length 600mm.
d) 12 shrinkage of concrete, using radiographic strain measure
View Answer techniques Evans and Robinson have conclusively shown
Answer: b that the influence of passage of time is to increase the
Explanation: The transmission length mainly depends on 4 transmission length and to move it bodily away from the end
factors, diameter of wire, surface characteristics of wire, co- of the member.
efficient of friction between steel and concrete, elastic 7. The surface of drawn round wires is roughened by:
properties of steel and concrete. a) Pickling
3. The expression for transmission length based on wedge b) Bending
action is given as: c) Bonding
a) Lt = ϕ/2μ (1+μc) (αc/μs-fpi/Ec) (fpe/2fpi-fpe) d) Tensioning
b) Lt = ϕ/2μ (1+μc) (αc/μs-fpi/Ec) View Answer
c) Lt = ϕ/2μ (1+μc) Answer: a
d) Lt = ϕ/2μ Explanation: The surface of drawn round wires is roughened
View Answer by pickling to produce fine irregularities which interlock with
Answer: a the concrete this is the method of obtaining shear bond,
Explanation: Hoyer has developed an expression for twisting of round wires into strands.
computing the transmission length, based on wedge action: 8. The Shear bonding is obtained by cold rolling of:
Lt = ϕ/2μ (1+μc) (αc/μs-fpi/Ec) (fpe/2fpi-fpe), Lt = transmission a) Square indentations
length, ϕ = wire diameter, μ = coefficient of friction between b) Rectangle indentations
steel and concrete, μc = Poisson‟s ratio for concrete, μs = c) Elliptical indentations
Possion‟s ratio of steel, αc = modular ratio (Es/Ec), Ec = d) Circular indentations
modulus of elasticity of concrete of concrete, fpi = initial stress View Answer
in steel, fpe = effective stress in steel. Answer: c
4. The transmission length is predicted considering the Explanation: Cold rolling of elliptical or rhombic shallow
equation parameters varying from: indentations on the surface of wires and hot rolling of oblique
a) 90 to 150ϕ transverse ribs on wires which are subsequently heat treated
b) 100 to 200ϕ methods of obtaining shear bond.
c) 80 to 160ϕ 9. According to Ros, the transmission length of smooth round
d) 20 to 60ϕ wires of 1.5-5mm diameter varies approximately from:
View Answer a) 1500-600
Answer: c b) 100-300
Explanation: Under the normal ranges of values of c) 200-100
transmission parameters, the transmission length is likely to d) 1100-800
vary from 80 to 160ϕ, several tests have been carried out by View Answer
many investigators to determine the transmission length and Answer: b
these methods can be classified into different categories Explanation: According to Ros, the transmission length of
depending upon the principles under which the solutions are smooth, round wires of 1.5-5mm diameter varies
obtained. approximately from 100-300 diameter respectively, after
5. Which one of the empirical formula is used for predicting allowing for the time dependent in elastic effects like creep
transmission length? with crimping or indentations, these values could be
1/2 3 1/2
a) Lt = ((fcu) x 10 /β) considerably reduced.
1/2 3
b) Lt = ((fcu) x 10 /β) 10. Estimate the transmission length at the ends of a
1/2 3
c) Lt = (fcu) x 10 pretensioned beam prestressed by 7mm diameter wires.
d) Lt = (fcu) Assume the cube strength of concrete at transfer as
View Answer 42n/mm (adopt empirical method)?
Answer: a a) 550mm
Explanation: The transmission length is predicted generally b) 610mm
using the following empirical formula, c) 420mm
1/2 1/2
Lt = ((fcu) x 103/β) , Lt = transmission length in mm, fcu = d) 210mm
cube strength of concrete at transfer in n/mm , β = constant View Answer
depends on the strand and wire, the transmission length Answer: b
3 1/2
changes with time due to the effect of creep and shrinkage of Explanation: Lt = ((fcu)1/2 x 10 /β) = Transmission length,
the concrete. 7mm diameter smooth wires, β = 0.0174, fcu = 42n/mm , Lt =
1/2 3
6. The transmission length prevailing at the time of transfer ((42) x 10 / 0.0174) = 610mm = 87ϕ.
does not remain:
a) Zero
b) Constant Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
c) Without reaction Bond Stresses:-
d) With reaction
View Answer 1. The magnitude of bond stresses is developed between:
Answer: b a) Concrete and steel
Explanation: The transmission length prevailing at the time of b) Aggregates and steel
transfer does not remain constant but increases at a c) Water and steel
decreasing rate with time due to the effect of creep and
d) Bricks and steel 1200n/mm and tensile stress shall not be allowed at any
View Answer loading stage up to cracking in case of members assembled
Answer: a out of precast blocks.
Explanation: The magnitude of bond stresses developed 6. The stress in a steel wire gradually increases from zero to
between concrete and steel and its variation in the transfer the:
zone of pretensioned beam, the deformation of concrete a) Middle
shrinkage depends on environmental conditions, age of b) Bottom
concrete, size of concrete, concrete composition etc. c) End
2. The bond stress is zero at the distance equal to the: d) Top
a) Tensile length View Answer
b) Span length Answer: c
c) Transmission length Explanation: The stress in a steel wire gradually increases
d) Anchorage length from zero at the end of the beam to 100 percent of the
View Answer effective stresses at the end of the transmission length, after
Answer: c the beam is placed the slab is casted and different rates of
Explanation: The bond stress is zero at the end but builds up shrinkage imposed forces are developed because a moment
rapidly to a maximum over a very short length and this value is induced if the slab is not at the neutral axis of section.
decreases as the stress in the wire builds up at a distance 7. The prestressing force of 90 to 95 percent is obtained at
equal to the transmission length, the bond stress is almost about:
zero while the stress in steel and concrete reach their a) Half of transmission length
maximum values. b) Three fourth of transmission length
3. The relations proposed by Marshall for bond stress are c) Four third of transmission length
given as: d) 1.5 of transmission length
a) (η bp)x = (η bp)maxe View Answer
b) (η bp)x = (η bp)maxe Answer: b
c) (η bp)x = (η bp)maxe Explanation: The effective prestressing force of 75 to 80
d) (η bp)x = (η bp)maxe percent develops to about half of the transmission length, 90
View Answer to 95 percent of the prestressing force is attained at about
Answer: a three fourths of the transmission length from the end face of
Explanation: Based on tests conducted at the university of the beam.
leeds, the following relations have been proposed by marshall 8. A pre tensioned beam is prestressed with the cube strength
-4ψx/ϕ -4ψx/ϕ 2
(η bp)x = (η bp)maxe , fx = fsc(1-e ), (η bp)x = maximum of concrete at transfer is 30n/mm (β = 0.0235) calculate the
value of bond stress, (ηbp)max = bond stress of a distance x transmission length?
from the free end, ϕ = diameter of wire, fx = stress in steel a a) 645mm
distance x from the free end, fse = effective stress in steel at b) 1100mm
the ends of transfer zone, ψ = constant, x = distance c) 485mm
measured from the free end in mm. d) 1600mm
4. According to Marshall the wires of 2 and 5mm diameter are View Answer
stressed to: Answer: c
a) 1500 and 1700n/mm Explanation: β = 0.0235, cube strength of concrete is
2 2
b) 1575 and 1100n/mm 30n/mm ,
2 1/2 1/2
c) 1400 and 1800n/mm Transmission length (Lt) = ((fcu) x 103/β)
2 1/2 3
d) 1250 and 1600n/mm = ((30) x 10 /0.0235) = 485mm.
View Answer 9. A pretensioned beam is prestressed using 5mm diameter
Answer: b wires, η bp = 7.42, ϕ = 0.00725, Lt= 485mm. Calculate the
Explanation: Based on tests conducted according to Marshall bond stress at l/4 and l/2 the transmission length from the
using wires of 2 and 5mm diameter stressed to 1575 and end?
2 2 2
1100n/mm respectively in conjunction with a concrete having a) 3.7n/mm and 1.82n/mm
2 2 2
cube strength of 80n/mm , the values of maximum bond b) 2.2n/mm and 5.8n/mm
2 2 2
stress and constant ψ found to be 7.42n/mm and 0.00725 c) 4.8n/mm and 10.5n/mm
2 2
respectively. d) 1.5n/mm and 7.4n/mm
5. The magnitude of the average bond stress compared to the View Answer
maximum local bond stress is considerably: Answer: a
a) Less Explanation: Bond stress given by (η bp)x = (η bp)maxe =
b) More 7.42 e-(4×0.00725xX)/5
c) Zero η bp = 7.42e
d) Constant Bond stress at L/4 is given by: η bp = 7.42e =
2 -0.0058×242.5 2
View Answer 8.7n/mm , η bp = 7.42e = 1.82n/mm .
Answer: a 10. A pre tensioned beam is prestressed using 5mm diameter
Explanation: The magnitude of the average bond stress is wires with an initial stress of 80 percent of the ultimate
considerably less than the maximum local bond stress but strength of steel fpu = 1600n/mm . Calculate average bond
according to the investigations of Ros, the average bond stress stress?
2 2
varied from 3.25 to 1n/mm for round wires of 1.5 to 5mm a) 4.20n/mm
diameter in the case of wires initially tensioned to a stress of b) 3.30n/mm
c) 2.0n/mm to direct compressive force acting at composite section
d) 4.9n/mm together bending moment.
View Answer 5. The tensile stress is determined by the empirical equation
Answer: b of the type:
2 2
Explanation: fpu = 1600n/mm , d = 5mm, initial stress = 80% = a) fv = KM/bwd
0.08, b) KR/bwd
Average bond stress = (η bp)average c) KE/bwd
2 2
= (19.6×0.8×1600/πx5x485) = 3.30n/mm . d) KW/bwd
View Answer
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – Answer: a
Transverse Tensile Stresses:- Explanation: The transverse tensile stress is determined by
the empirical formula fv = KM/bwd
1. The transverse tensile stress in transmission zone is fv– Transverse tensile stress at centroid of the end face, M –
developed due to concentration of: Resulting bending moment between the prestress force and
a) Anchorages internal prestress developed in the concrete on the centroidal
b) Tendons axis, bw = thickness of web, d = overall depth of beam, K =
c) Jacks constant depending upon the slope and distribution of
d) Prestressing tendons at the ends.
View Answer 6. The transverse tensile stress distribution in transfer zones
Answer: b can be computed by an expression of the type:
Explanation: Transverse tensile stresses of considerable a) 10M/bwhLt (1-x/Lt) e t
magnitude develop in the transfer zone due to the b) 10M/bwhLt (1-x/Lt)
concentration of tendons at the ends and these stresses are c) 10M/bwhLt
influenced by jacking and the method of releasing the tendons d) M/bwhLt
from the prestressing beds. View Answer
2. The transverse tensile stresses are found to be maximum Answer: b
near: Explanation: Investigations by Marshall and Krishna Murthy
a) Centroidal section involving extensive tests on pretensioned I beams indicate
b) Mid span section that the transverse tensile stress distribution in transfer zone
c) End zone section can be computed by an expression of the type: 10M/b whLt (1-
d) Shaft cracking x/Lt) e t
View Answer Lt = transmission length, x = distance from end face.
Answer: b 7. The magnitude of maximum tensile stresses found to occur
Explanation: The area at or near centroidal sections of the at the centroid of end face when x is zero is:
end faces of beams have maximum tensile stress and if the a) 10M/bwhLt
tensile stresses exceed the tensile strength of concrete, b) 10M/bwhLt
horizontal cracking occur, mid span of the section effects the c) 20M/bwhLt
deflection parameters of the structural member. d) 30M/bwhLt
3. The method of distributing tendons at the ends has a View Answer
greater influence on: Answer: a
a) Mid zone cracking Explanation: The magnitude of the maximum tensile stress
b) End zone cracking which is found to occur at the centroid of each end face when
c) Equivalent cracking x = 0 is given by:
d) Shaft cracking fv(max) = 10M/bwhLt,
View Answer M = moment, Lt = transmission length.
Answer: b 8. The creep coefficient of the concrete varies from:
Explanation: A number of cases of cracks developed in a) 1 to 6
precast pretensioned members are reported by foundation b) 1 to 3
and it has been found that the method of distributing tendons c) 1 to 9
at the ends have a greater influence on the end zone d) 1 to 12
cracking. View Answer
4. The problem of end zone cracking in pretensioned I beams Answer: b
has been experimentally investigated by: Explanation: The creep coefficient varies from 1 to 3 and it is
a) Warren Hastings denoted by ϕ, the composite section carries all the applied
b) Albert loads when the effect of creep is more and on the precast
c) Mattock element the cast in situ slab is casted in which the slab has
d) Thindle already undergone shrinkage and creep, but creeping starts
View Answer only after thee in situ slab is casted and is larger due to wet
Answer: c concrete and both precast beams and cast insitu slabs
Explanation: The problem of end zone cracking in contains differential creep and shrinkage which induced
pretensioned I beams has been experimentally investigated stresses from one element to the another element.
by Marshall, Mattock, Arther and also Ganguli at the centroid 9. The term iw in a section of I beam is termed as:
of cast in situ slab the compressive force applied is equivalent a) Thickness of web
b) Depth of web
c) Self weight of I section 4. Which is more efficient than mat reinforcement?
d) Total weight of I section a) Helical reinforcements
View Answer b) Loops reinforcements
Answer: a c) Links
Explanation: The term iw is thickness of web and this is used d) Hair pin bars
in problems of end zone cracking in pretensioned I beams, on View Answer
applying compressive forces of equal magnitude along the Answer: a
same line the tensile forces can be balanced. Explanation: When compared to mat reinforcements, the
10. A time dependent deformation of concrete is termed as: helical reinforcement is more efficient and it is tested by
a) Shrinkage Zielinski and Rowe, the first stirrup should be placed at close
b) Creep to the end face as possible with due regard to the minimum
c) Final stress cover reinforcements.
d) Strain 5. Which are necessary in case of short bond length, along
View Answer with the deformed bars, loops?
Answer: b a) Parallel bends
Explanation: A time dependant formation of concrete is b) Right angle bends
termed as creep, this deformation is seen due to loadings and c) Transverse bends
applied stress or strain failures and the main effects of creep d) Tensile bends
are it decreases the effects due to shrinkage strain; there is a View Answer
mutual transfer of loads from beam to the composite section. Answer: b
Explanation: Along with the deformed bars, loops, hooks or
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – right angle bends are necessary in the case of short bond
End Zone Reinforcement:- lengths; about half of the total reinforcement is preferably
located within a length equal to one third of transmission
1. What are necessary to prevent failure at the end zones, in length from the end, the rest being distributed in the remaining
the transfer zone of pretensioned beams? distance.
a) Reinforcements 6. What should be provided in case of end zone
b) Blocks reinforcements to prevent failure of corner zones?
c) Anchorages a) Ducts
d) Tendons b) Anchorages
View Answer c) Hair pin bars
Answer: a d) Transverse bars
Explanation: In the transfer zone of pretensioned beams, View Answer
transverse reinforcements are necessary to prevent the failure Answer: c
of the end zones due to cracking of concrete as a Explanation: To prevent failure in case of end zone
consequence of large transverse tensile stresses, which often reinforcement of corner zones, where spalling or secondary
exceed the tensile strength of concrete. tension develops at the corners, the hair pin bars of suitable
2. The designed anchorage zone in the main reinforcement steel should be provided, while designing the formwork, the
using transverse stress distribution should withstand the: use of cap cables must be considered and the space provided
a) Compression tension for fixing and handling the hydraulic jack must be sufficient
b) Bursting tension especially at the soffits of beam when cap cables are used.
c) Anchorage tension 7. The secondary reinforcements can be bent if the suitable
d) Principal tension packets are provided behind the:
View Answer a) Tendons
Answer: b b) Jacks
Explanation: By using the transverse stress distribution the c) Springs
designed anchorage zone in the main reinforcement should d) Anchorages
withstand the bursting tension and coincides with the line of View Answer
action of the largest individual force on the critical axis. Answer: d
3. The arrangement of reinforcement in end blocks like links, Explanation: The secondary reinforcements can be bent if the
loops, helices, mats are placed in: suitable packets are provided behind the anchorages and
a) Linear directions after the operations of prestressing are done, the pocket is
b) Parallel directions filled with mortar, In case of uncracked members bond
c) Perpendicular directions stresses are computed by considering the complete section,
d) Angular directions which is effective.
View Answer 8. In case of end blocks, the steel case should be provided
Answer: c with bearing plates to overcome:
Explanation: The arrangement of reinforcement for Freyssinet a) Overlapping
type of anchorages in end blocks the links or loops, helices, b) Compression
mats are placed in the perpendicular directions of the c) Tensioning
reinforcements, the reinforcement is provided in the form of d) Torsion
closed stirrups enclosing all the tendons, wherever single leg View Answer
stirrups are used care should be taken to anchor the stirrups Answer: a
to bottom and top tendons with cross section. Explanation: In case of end blocks, the steel cage should be
provided to overcome the overlapping of it with bearing plates 3. The term anchorage zone or end block is termed as:
when they are placed close to the edge of the block, in case a) Zone between end and section
of cracked flexural members, bond stresses change suddenly b) Zone between middle and section
at the cracks due to the abrupt transfer of tension from c) Zone between edge and section
concrete to steel in the vicinity of the cracks. d) Zone between tension and section
9. The cost of end anchorage steel compared to entire View Answer
structural element is: Answer: c
a) High Explanation: The zone between the end of the beam and the
b) Low section where only longitudinal stress exists is generally
c) Equal referred to as anchorage zone or end block, as a result of this,
d) Zero large forces, concentrated over relatively small areas are
View Answer applied on the end blocks, the highly discontinuous which are
Answer: b applied at the end while changing progressively to continuous
Explanation: The cost of end anchorage steel is low when linear distribution, develop transverse and shear stresses.
compared to the entire structural members so, Morice, 4. The transverse stresses developed in the anchorage zone
advices that it is better to provide extra reinforcement in are:
doubtful situations in case of anchorage zone reinforcements a) Tensile
and proper compaction of concrete in the end zones by b) Compressive
vibration is essential to achieve dense concrete associated c) Shafted
with high strengths. d) Jacked
10. In case of designing the formwork, the use of cab cables View Answer
is: Answer: a
a) Considered Explanation: The transverse stresses developed in the
b) Not considered anchorages zone are tensile in nature over a large length and
c) Made equal since concrete is weak in tension, adequate reinforcement
d) Made Zero should be provided to resist this tension.
View Answer 5. Which knowledge is essential at the anchorage zone
Answer: a according to view of designer?
Explanation: While designing the formwork, the use of cap a) Transverse stresses
cables must be considered and the space provided for fixing b) Distribution of stresses
and handling of the hydraulic jack must be sufficient especially c) Zone stresses
at the soffits of the beam when the cap cables are used. d) Anchorage stresses
View Answer
Answer: b
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – Explanation: From the point of view of the designer, it is
Investigations:- essential to have a good knowledge of the distribution of
stresses in the anchorage zone, so that he can provide an
1. In the anchorage zone or the end block of a post tensioned adequate amount of steel, properly distributed to sustain the
prestressed concrete element, the state of stress distribution transverse tensile stresses.
is considered as: 6. The investigations studied the stress distribution in the
a) Zero anchorage zone stresses using:
b) Complex a) Theoretical solutions
c) Easy b) Linear equations
d) Unity c) Pie diagrams
View Answer d) Charts and blocks
Answer: b View Answer
Explanation: In the anchorage zone or the end block of a post Answer: a
tensioned prestressed concrete element, the state of stress Explanation: A number of investigations have studied the
distribution is complex and three dimensional in nature, in stress distribution in the anchorage zone using empirical
most post tensioned members the prestressing wires are equations or theoretical equations or theoretical solutions
introduced in cable holes or ducts, preformed in the members, based on two or three dimensional elasticity or experimental
and then stressed and anchored at the end faces. techniques.
2. The stress distribution at a distance far away from the 7. Who among the one has done investigations on anchorage
loaded face is computed from: zone stress:
a) Simple bending theory a) Kern
b) Complex bending theory b) Dalton
c) Axial bending theory c) Guyon
d) Parallel bending theory d) Lacey
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Answer: a Answer: c
Explanation: According to st.venant‟s principle, the stress Explanation: The important investigations were those done by
distribution at a distance far away from the loaded face Magnel, Guyon, Iyengar, Zielinski, Rowe, Yettram, Robbins
(normally at a distance equal to or greater than the depth of and Chandra sekhara, since the lines of force follow the same
the beam) can be computed from the simple bending theory. pattern with half the radius of curvature the length of the
anchorage zone is halved, the transverse tension developed 2. The stress distribution in concrete member which is away
is also proportionately reduces, in similar way the greater the from the anchorage and in the region of the anchorage will be:
number of points of application of the prestressing force on a) Non uniform
the end block, the more uniform is the stress distribution. b) Zero
8. The main aim of stress analysis in the anchorage zone is to c) Constant
obtain: d) Uniform
a) Zone tensile stress View Answer
b) Transverse tensile stress Answer: d
c) Longitudinal tensile stress Explanation: The stress distribution in concrete member which
d) Jack tensile stress is away from the anchorage and in the region of the
View Answer anchorage will be uniform reasonably and complex
Answer: b respectively this is stated by st.venant‟s principle, a product of
Explanation: The main aim of stress analysis in the anchorage the correction factor in each direction is used, if a group of
zone is to obtain the transverse tensile stress distribution in anchorage are closely spaced in two directions in case of
the end block from which the total transverse bursting tension computation of compressive stresses.
could be computed, the effect of transverse tensile stresses is 3. The tensile stresses which tend to split the concrete are
to develop a zone of bursting tension in a direction placed in the transverse direction to the:
perpendicular to the anchorage forces. a) Edge of member
9. During anchorage of the end faces results in application of: b) Span of member
a) Small forces c) Axis of member
b) Neutral forces d) End of member
c) Large forces View Answer
d) Tensile forces Answer: c
View Answer Explanation: The tensile stresses which tend to split the
Answer: c concrete are placed in the transverse direction to the axis of
Explanation: In most post tensioned members, the the member which is the more important effect for the design,
prestressing wires are introduced in cable holes or ducts, the spalling and longitudinal edge tension forces are induced
performed in the members and then stressed and anchorage when the location of centroid of all the tendons is considered
at end faces and as a result of this, large forces, concentrated to be outside the keen of the section.
over relatively small areas, are applied on end blocks. 4. The bursting tensile forces in end bocks with proportion
10. The discontinuous forces applied at the end while Pi is given as:
changing progressively develop: a) Fbst = Pi(0.32-0.3(ypo/yo))
a) Transverse and shear b) Fbst = fi(0.32-0.3(ypo/yo))
b) Principle and shear c) Fbst = Ti(0.32-0.3(ypo/yo))
c) Bursting and shear d) Fbst = πi(0.32-0.3(ypo/yo))
d) Longitudinal and shear View Answer
View Answer Answer: a
Answer: a Explanation: The bursting tensile force in end blocks with
Explanation: The highly discontinuous forces which are proportion pi is given as:
applied at the end, while changing progressively to continuous Fbst = Pi(0.32-0.3(ypo/yo)), ypo/yo < or equal 0.3, Fbsr/Pi = 0.23,
linear distribution, develop transverse and shear stresses, the ypo/yo > or equal 0.3, Fbst/Pi = 0.11.
ratio of transverse tensile stresses to the average 5. The longitudinal extent of the concrete member which is
compressive stress gradually decreases with the increase in rectangular in cross section is:
the ratio of the depth of anchor plate to that of the end block. a) Zero
b) Equal
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – c) Constant
Stress Distribution in End Block :- d) Unity
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1. During stress distribution in end blocks the prestressing Answer: b
force is applied as: Explanation: The longitudinal extent of the concrete member
a) Concentrated force which is rectangular in cross section is at least equal to the
b) Deviated force largest transverse dimension of the cross section; the axial
c) Tension force flexural beam analysis at one half the depth of section away
d) Torsion force from the loaded area enables to determine the longitudinal
View Answer edge tension force.
Answer: a 6. The member within or ahead of the anchorage zone will not
Explanation: The prestressing force is applied as a have any:
concentrated force in a tendon along the anchorages during a) Strain
stress distribution in end blocks, the compressive stresses of b) Stress
concrete ahead of the anchorage devices, location and c) Discontinous
magnitude of the bursting force and the edge tension forces d) Torsion
can be estimated with approximate method of design of end View Answer
blocks when the accurate analysis are not available. Answer: c
Explanation: The member within or ahead of the anchorage
zone will not have any discontinuities but they are subjected b) Zone of transmission
to stress during prestressing, the more detailed analysis is c) Zone of anchorage
required such as strut-and-ties models or another analytical d) Zone of tendons
procedures to find out the spalling forces for larger spacing. View Answer
7. The main plate of the member in the anchorage zone has Answer: b
minimum edge distance of at least: Explanation: The length of beam within which the dispersion
a) 2.0 of the prestressing force takes place is called as zone of
b) 1.5 transmission; Guyon has developed design tables for the
c) 1.8 computation of bursting tension in the end blocks which are
d) 3.0 based on his earlier mathematical investigations concerning
View Answer the distribution of stress in end blocks subjected to
Answer: b concentrated loads.
Explanation: The main plate of the member in the anchorage 2. The tensile forces developed in the transverse direction to
zone has minimum edge of at least 1.5 times the the axis are known as:
corresponding lateral dimension compressive stresses of the a) Bursting forces
anchorage devices, the basic anchorage devices which b) Concentrated forces
satisfies below condition will have no additional check of c) Reduced forces
compressive stresses of concrete fb< 0.7ϕf”ci(A/Ag). d) Tensioned forces
8. The anchorage zone consists of how many devices: View Answer
a) 5 Answer: a
b) 3 Explanation: The tensile forces developed in the transverse
c) 2 direction to the axis of concentrated force are called as
d) 1 bursting forces; the concept of symmetrical or equivalent
View Answer prism for eccentric cables and the method of partitioning for
Answer: d the analysis of stresses developed due to multiple cables
Explanation: The anchorage zone consists of only one have been introduced by Guyon.
anchorage device or group of anchorages devices which are 3. The adjacent surface to the anchor plate is also subjected
closely spaced, at the interface between the local zone and to:
the general zone of the special anchorage devices ahead, the a) Compressive forces
concrete compressive stresses. b) Tensile forces
9. If the centre to centre spacing of the anchorage devices will c) Transverse forces
not exceed 1.5 times width then they are considered as: d) Torsion
a) Closely spaced View Answer
b) Gapely spaced Answer: b
c) Farley spaced Explanation: The adjacent surface to the anchor plate is also
d) Rectangular spaced subjected to tensile force at the end section and these are
View Answer called as spalling forces, the eccentric forces and multiple
Answer: a cables, the symmetric prism method may be used, this
Explanation: If the center spacing of the anchorage devices consists of a prism of concrete of side equal to twice the
will not exceed 1.5 times the width of these devices in the distance of the prestressing force from the nearest free edge.
direction in which it is considered is treated as closely spaced 4. During zone of transmission prestressing force is applied
devices and if the centre to centre spacing for multiple through the anchor plate at:
anchorages is less than 0.4 times the depth of section, the a) End
spalling forces will not be less than 2% of the total factored b) Edge
tendon force in any case. c) Centre
10. If the anchor force points are towards the centroid, the d) Span
center line of the member will not be greater than: View Answer
a) 15o Answer: c
b) 10o Explanation: The prestressing force p is applied through the
c) 20o anchor plate which is placed at the centre of the end beam
d) 25o during zone of transmission, When the forces are arranged
View Answer such that the resultant of the stress distribution at a distance
Answer: b equal to the depth of the end block coincides with the line of
Explanation: If the anchorage force points are towards and action of the force then the forces are considered to be evenly
away from the centroid of the section, the center line of the distributed.
sectional member will not be greater than 20o and 5. Which are formed due to the horizontal, vertical and shear
5orespectively will be the angle of inclination of a tendon. stresses induced at zone of transmission:
a) Rectangles
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – b) Parabola
Analysis by Guyon and Magnel:- c) Curves
d) Trajectories
1. The length of beam within which the dispersion of View Answer
prestressing force takes place is known as: Answer: d
a) Zone of action Explanation: Due to the horizontal, vertical and shear stresses
induced at zone of transmission, trajectories of principle 0.8 and d‟/d = 0.5 are given as distance along the
stresses are formed, the line of action of the resultant force is transmission line.
taken as the axis of an equivalent prism of length and depth 10. The d‟/d value for 0.42d is:
equal to twice the distance of axis from the free edge or the a) 0.6
adjoining equivalent prism. b) 0.5
6. The transmission length is influenced by: c) 0.8
a) Height d) 1.0
b) Depth View Answer
c) Curves Answer: b
d) Span Explanation: The distribution of bursting stresses d‟/d = 0.8
View Answer and for d‟/d = 0.5 are shown below:
Answer: b
Explanation: The transmission length is influenced by depth of
the anchor plate and is taken equal to the depth of beam in
general, the transverse stress distribution is computed by
using the coefficients under the category of concentrated
eccentric force and eccentric shear forces since the
coefficients are applicable for forces at interval of one eighth
of the prism depth, the end forces have to be replaced by a
statically equivalent system of normal and shear forces acting
at these regular intervals.
7. The transmission length and bursting forces can be
obtained depending on the ratio of:
a) Depth of anchorages
b) Depth of tendons
c) Depth of bond
d) Depth of curve
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: Depending on the ratio of depth of anchor plate
to the depth of beam, the transmission length and bursting
force can be obtained, the position of zero stresses, maximum
transverse stress and its magnitude for the forces which are
evenly distributed are computed by using the coefficiants
under the category of distributed axial forces. According to
guyon, the bursting tenson is expressed as, F bst = 0.3P(1-
(ypo/yo) , p = anchorage force, ypo/yo = distribution ratio.
8. In general the transmission length and depth of beam are
taken as:
a) Unequal
b) Equal
c) Less than 1
d) More than 1
View Answer
Answer: b
Explanation: Generally, the transmission length is taken as
equal to the depth of beam and bursting forces are
considered in case of transmission length, when it is not
possible to arrange the end forces evenly, Guyon
recommended that transverse tensile stresses be investigated
along successive resultants, such as resultant of all forces,
resultant of smaller groups of forces, lines of action of
individual forces.
9. The bursting force with depth of beam d‟ and the depth of
anchor plate d is given by:
a) 0.3P(1-d‟/d)
b) 0.9P(1-d‟/d)
c) 0.1P(1-d‟/d)
d) 1.30P(1-d‟/d)
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: The bursting force with depth of beam d‟ and the
depth of anchor plate d is given by:
Pb = 0.3P (1-d‟/d), the distribution of bursting stress for d‟/d =
b) Curing concrete
c) Tendons applied
d) Jacking provided
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: The studies revealed that the distribution of
transverse stress and ultimate load of the end block is not
affected by: the anchorage being either embedded or
external, the material of the anchorage, the method of
anchoring the wires.
4. The Zielinski and Rowe developed empirical relations for
computation of:
a) Maximum transverse tensile stress
b) Minimum transverse tensile stress
c) Zero
d) Constant
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: Zienlinski and Rowe developed empirical
relations to compute the maximum transverse tensile stress
and the bursting tension and when an end block is subjected
to a concentrated load at the end face and at equal distances
to 0.5ẙ the distribution of transverse stress is found to be
5. The equation for maximum tensile stress, fmax is given as:
a) fc(0.98-0.825(ypo/yo)
b) fc(0.98-0.825(ypo/yo)
c) fc(0.98-0.825(ypo/yo)
d) fc(0.98-0.825(ypo/yo)
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: The maximum tensile stress, fvmax = fc(0.98-
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – 0.825(ypo/yo) which is valid for ypo/yo = 0.3 to 0.7 bursting
Analysis by Zielinski and Rowe:- tension, Fbst = pk(0.48-0.4(ypo/yo), (ypo/yo) = ratio of sides of
loaded area to bearing area of the prism, fv = transverse
1. The Zielinski and Rowe conducted experiments on tensile stress, fc = average compressive stress in the prism,
concrete prismatic specimens using the technique? pk = applied compressive force on the end block.
a) Surface stress 6. The creating bursting tension is given by:
b) Surface strain a) Fbst(3-(fv/fv,max) )
c) Surface tension b) Fbst(3-(fv/fv,max) )
d) Surface edge c) Fbst(3-(fv/fv,max) )
View Answer d) Fbst(3-(fv/fv,max) )
Answer: b View Answer
Explanation: Experimental investigation on concrete prismatic Answer: c
specimen was conducted by Zielinski and Rowe using the Explanation: When allowance is provided for tension taken by
technique of surface strain measurements, if groups of concrete, the creating bursting tension is given by F bst, corred
anchorages are encountered the end block is divided into a = Fbst(3-(fv/fv,max) ), ft = permissible tensile strength of
series of symmetrically loaded prisms and each prism is concrete.
analyzed for bursting tensile forces using the recommended To resist bursting tension, the reinforcement should be
Indian code provision expressions. arranged between 0.2y0 and 2y0providing the maximum
2. The parameters considered for concrete prisms are: intensity of stress.
a) Midspans 7. Estimate the position and magnitude of the maximum
b) Blocks transverse tensile stress and bursting tension for the end
c) Cross sectional area block with a concentric anchor force of 100kn using Rowe‟s
d) End block method?
View Answer a) 26.5n/mm
Answer: c b) 26.5n/mm
Explanation: The concrete prisms act as end blocks and the c) 26.5n/mm
investigations were carried out on parameters like cable duct d) 26.5n/mm
or hole, the ratio of loaded to cross sectional area, the View Answer
cracking, type of anchorages and ultimate loads. Answer: d
3. The distribution of transverse stress and ultimate load of Explanation: pk = 100kn, 2ypo = 50mm, 2ypo = 100mm,
3 2
the end block is not effected by: ypo/yo =0.5, fc = (100×10 /100×100) = 10n/mm , fv(max) =
a) Anchorage material fc(0.98-0.825(ypo/y0)) = 10(0.98-0.825(0.5)) = 5.68n/mm .
8. The end block and a prestressed beam, 200mm wide and c) Plan
300mm deep, has two Freyssinet anchorages (100mm d) Foundations
diameter) with their centre at 75mm from the top and bottom View Answer
of the beam. The force transmitted by each anchorage being Answer: b
200kn, estimate the maximum tensile and bursting tension? Explanation: It is important to note that the limit state design
a) 100kn proposals have been evolved from the provisions of various
b) 50kn earlier codes and the resulting changes in design, being
c) 150kn minimal, provides the designer a greater freedom of choice.
d) 200kn 3. A successful design should not only satisfy requirements
View Answer but also ensure:
Answer: b a) Serviceability
Explanation: Anchorage diameter = 100mm, equivalent side of b) Total cost
square 2ypo = (π/4×100 ) = 89mm, side of the surrounding c) Critical period
prism 2yo = 150mm, ypo /yo = 0.593, average compressive d) Planning
stress fc = (200×103/150×150) = 8.9n/mm2, Tensile stress View Answer
fv(max) = 8.9(0.98-0.825(0.593)) = 4.45n/mm , Transverse Answer: a
tension Fbst = 200×10 (0.48-0.4(0.593)) = 50000n = 50kn. Explanation: A successful design should not only satisfy the
9. In case of large bridge girders with massive end block, for requirements of safety against total collapse of the structure
computation of bursting tension end block is divided into: due to various causes, but also ensures that the serviceability
a) Axially of the structure is not impaired while resisting normal working
b) Rectangular loads.
c) Symmetrically 4. The primary object of structural design is to obtain:
d) Rounded a) Structural plan
View Answer b) Structural solution
Answer: c c) Structural design
Explanation: In the case of large bridge girders with massive d) Structural lane
end block supporting multiple anchorages, the end block is View Answer
divided into a series of symmetrically loaded prisms for the Answer: b
computation of the bursting tension. Explanation: The primary object of structural design is to
10. The design strength assumed to act to sustain bursting obtain a structural solution which can result in the result
tension is: greater overall economy by providing the maximum
a) 0.56fy assistance in satisfying all the other requirements of the
b) 0.49fy structure.
c) 0.87fy 5. The permissible or working stress method of design, by
d) 0.12fy Morsh is also referred as:
View Answer a) Limit theory
Answer: c b) State theory
Explanation: The reinforcement is designed to sustain this c) Elastic theory
bursting tension and it is assumed to act at its design strength d) Stress theory
of 0.87fy and the stress however is limited to value View Answer
corresponding to a strain of 0.1% when the concrete cover is Answer: c
less than 50mm. Explanation: In this method the permissible stresses in a
concrete and steel are assumed to be a fraction of the
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – specified strength of individual material and a constant
Philosophy of Limit State Design:- modular ratio is assumed for all loading conditions with the
elastic behavior of concrete and steel, the permissible or
1. The limit state design philosophy recognizes the need to working stress method of design pioneered by the German
provide: professor Morsch is also sometimes referred as elastic theory
a) Safe structures of design.
b) Designed structures 6. The inadequacy of the working load design in predicting
c) Stressed structures ultimate loads of structure was recognized after:
d) Curved structures a) Second world war
View Answer b) Cold war
Answer: a c) Red war
Explanation: The limit state design philosophy recognizes the d) First world war
need to provide safe and serveciable structures at on View Answer
economic price and at the same time presents a clearer idea Answer: d
of margins of safely actually employed to cover uncertainity Explanation: The inadequacy of the working load design in
and ignorance of the function as well as the performance of predicting ultimate loads of a structure was recognized after
structure in actual practice. the first world war the factor of safety applied to the consistent
2. The limit state design proposals have been evolved from materials does not present a realistic picture of the degree of
the provisions of various: safety against the collapse of the composite materials such as
a) Structures reinforced concrete used in the structural component.
b) Codes
7. The structure designed by ultimate load method, although d) Crack
having a desirable margin of safety may not be safe at: View Answer
a) Serviceable Answer: a
b) Durable Explanation: In general, a satisfactory design must ensure the
c) Ductile achievement of an acceptable probability that the specified life
d) Tension of a structure is not curtailed prematurely due to the
View Answer attainment of unsatisfactory conditions or limit state, which
Answer: a covers the various forms of failure.
Explanation: A structure designed solely by the ultimate load 2. The limit states at which the structure ceases to function
method, although having a desirable margin of safety against the most important among them is:
collapse, may not be serviceable due to excessive deflections a) Strain
or development of objectionable cracks at service loads, this b) Deflection
type of distress is particularly notecable in structures designed c) Stress
by ultimate load methods using high strength materials. d) Deformation
8. The ultimate load design concepts extended to the design View Answer
of continuous beams and frames is referred as: Answer: b
a) Working stress design Explanation: There are several limit states at which the
b) Permissible stress design structure ceases to function the most important among them
c) Limit state design being the limit state of collapse, excessive deflection and
d) Collapse state design cracking, each of these limit states may be attained due to
View Answer different types of loading configurations however in practice
Answer: c only one or two of these are of primary significance in design.
Explanation: The ultimate load design have been extended to 3. The failure of one or more critical sections in:
the design of continuous beams and frames where it is a) Flexure
referred to as limit state design and this involves a b) Breakage
redistribution of moments due to development of plastic c) Bondage
hinges and an eventual collapse when the last critical hinge d) Prestress
formed. View Answer
9. The philosophy of limit states is adopted and elaborated by: Answer: a
a) European concrete committee(CEB) Explanation: Failure of one or more critical sections in flexure,
b) European concrete committee(CEB) shear, and torsion or due to their combinations is one of the
c) European concrete committee(CEB) criteria concerning prestressed concrete for ultimate limit
d) European concrete committee(CEB) state, the ultimate load analysis of slabs by the yield line
View Answer theory also suffers from similar deficiencies in that the
Answer: a deformation characteristics of the slab at service loads cannot
Explanation: The philosophy of limit states was adopted and be predicted by ultimate loads.
elaborated by the European concrete committee (CEB) to 4. One of the criteria considered for ultimate limit state is:
form the basis of the committee‟s original publication in a) Bursting of midspan
1964and later in conjuction with the international federation b) Bursting of endblock
for prestressing issued a complimentary report dealing with c) Bursting of edge block
prestressed concrete in 1996. d) Bursting of middle block
10. The new philosophy of design termed the limit state View Answer
approach was incorporated in which country code: Answer: b
a) Europe Explanation: Bursting of prestressed concrete end block is
b) Russia one of the criteria considered for ultimate limit state is bursting
c) Canada of end block, In erstwhile U.S.S.R as far back of 1930,
d) India problems were considered concerning the formulation of a
View Answer design concept to take into account the variabilities inherent in
Answer: b the materials of construction and design process and building
Explanation: A new philosophy of design, termed the limit construction.
state approach, which was incorporated in Russian code in 5. The bearing failure at which point is considered as criteria
1954 basically the limit state design is a method of designing for ultimate limit state?
structures based on statistical concept of safety and the a) Bearing failure at edges
associated statistical probability of failure. b) Bearing failure at midspan
c) Bearing failure at supports
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – d) Bending failure at edge
Criteria for Limit States:- View Answer
Answer: c
1. In general, a satisfactory design must ensure the Explanation: The bearing at support, anchorages or under
achievement of an acceptable: concentrated imposed load, bond and various types of failure
a) Life of structure are also considered as bearing failure at supports, basically
b) Curing limit state design is a method of designing structures based
c) Design on a statistical concept of safety and the associated statistical
probability of failure.
6. The failure due to which member is considered as criteria give a satisfactory balance between the initial and
for ultimate limit state: maintenance costs during the life of the structure together
a) Elastic instability of members with the cost of those insurance premiums that are based on
b) Elastic stability of members the probability of the structure becoming unfit for the design
c) Deformation of members purpose.
d) Relaxation of members
View Answer Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
Answer: a Design Loads and Strengths:-
Explanation: Bond and anchorage failure of reinforcement,
failure of connections between precast and cast insitu 1. The design loads for various limit states are obtained as
elements and failure due to elastic instability of members are product of the:
the factors which are considered in limit states due to their a) Characteristic loads
characteristics of sustain. b) Seismic loads
7. The limit state of collapse may be attained due to: c) Ultimate loads
a) Friction d) Wind loads
b) Attraction View Answer
c) Ductility Answer: a
d) Vibrations Explanation: The design loads for various limit states are
View Answer obtained as products of the characteristic loads and partial
Answer: d safety factor and are expressed as:
Explanation: The limit state of collapse may also be attained Fd = γf Fk, where Fd = appropriate design load, γf = partial
due to fatigue, vibrations, and corrosive environment impact safety factor for loads, Fk = characteristic load.
as a consequence of explosions or earthquakes and 2. The characteristic load is expressed as:
disintegration due to fire or frost, a comprehensive and critical a) Mean load – K x standard deviation
review of the limit states design concepts embodied in various b) Mean load + K x standard deviation
codes was presented in his reports reinforced concrete and c) Load – standard deviation
prestressed concrete. d) Load + standard deviation
8. The structure may be rendered unfit due to: View Answer
a) Collapse limit states Answer: b
b) Nature limit states Explanation: The characteristic load Fk which is independent
c) Serviceability limit states of the limit state considered and is seldom exceeded in
d) Loaded limit states service is defined as: Characteristic load = Mean load + K x
View Answer standard deviation, K is a factor so chosen as to ensure that
Answer: c the probability of the characteristic load being exceeded is
Explanation: The structure may be rendered unfit for its small and a value of 1.64 for K ensures the probability that the
intended purpose due to various serviceability limit states characteristic load is exceeded by only 5 percent during the
being reached, there are six factors which effect the limit intended life of the structure.
states and the different failures of the members are also 3. The statistical data required to define the characteristic
considered in this factors in case of limit states. loads, need recording of data and:
9. The excessive deflection or displacement, adversely affects a) Observations
the: b) Calculations
a) Finishes c) Loads
b) Edges d) Stresses
c) Paintings View Answer
d) Beam detailing Answer: a
View Answer Explanation: The statistical data required to define the
Answer: a characteristic loads for different types of occupancy is not
Explanation: Excessive deflections or displacement, adversely readily available, since loading statistics are invariably difficult
affecting the finishes and causing discomfort to the users of to compile as they need a systematic observations and
the structure is serviceability limit states, the method of design recording of data on loading and the nominal imposed loads
foe a structure must ensure an acceptable probability that the provided in various national codes, such as IS: 875-1987, BS:
structure during its life will not become unfit for the intended 6399 may be treated as characteristic loads.
purpose. 4. The characteristic values of the loads take account of
10. The excessive local damage resulting in cracking impairs expected variations but do not allow for:
the: a) Variations in stress
a) Efficiency b) Variations in dimensional accuracy
b) Deficiency c) Variation in strain
c) Capacity d) Variation in loads
d) Dead loads View Answer
View Answer Answer: b
Answer: a Explanation: The characteristic values of the loads take
Explanation: Excessive local damage resulting in cracking or account of expected variations but do not allow possible
spalling of concrete, which impairs the efficiency or unusual increases in load beyond those considered in
appearance of the structure, the acceptable probability should deriving the characteristic load, in accurate assessment of
effects of loading and unforeseen stress distribution within the 10. The partial safety factor (γm) for materials has a value
structure and variations in dimensional accuracy achieved in which depends upon the importance of the:
construction. a) Principal sates
5. The values of partial safety factors are recommended for: b) Limit states
a) Loads c) Strain states
b) Designs d) Stress states
c) Spans View Answer
d) Beams Answer: b
View Answer Explanation: The partial safety factor (γ m) for materials has a
Answer: a value depends upon the importance of limit states being
Explanation: Partial safety factor γf are therefore used for considered, materials when tested and when incorporated in
each limit state being reached and the values of partial safety construction during service life of the structure
factors for loads recommended in the British, Indian and
American codes and FIP recommendations.
6. The design strength of materials is expressed as:
a) Fd = Fe / γk Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
b) Fd = Fc / γk Serviceability Limit States:-
c) Fd = Fk / γm
d) Fd = Fd / γm 1. The computation of ultimate flexural strength of under and
View Answer over reinforced sections, as well as of sections is provided by
Answer: c a) Indian code
Explanation: FIP recommendations regarding partial safety b) British code
factors are comprehensive, as they provide for a combination c) American code
coefficients for basic variable actions as well as for other d) France code
variable factors depending upon different types of structures, View Answer
such as dwellings, offices, parking area and highway bridges Answer: c
and the design strength of materials are expressed as: F d = Explanation: The Indian and British code methods are limited
Fk / γm. to under reinforced sections in flexure based on the effective
7. The term WL is termed as: reinforcement ratio, the American code method provides
a) Wind load empirical relations to compute the ultimate flexural strength of
b) Terrine under and over reinforced sections as well as of sections with
c) Live load compression reinforcement.
d) Wall load 2. The strain compatibility method of analysis, involves the
View Answer use of:
Answer: a a) Tension compression curves
Explanation: DL is the dead load, LL is the live load and WL is b) Stress strain curves
the wind load while considering earthquake effects substitute c) Bending bondage
EL for WL and these loads are considered while calculation of d) Elasticity curve
loads and deflections of the beam. View Answer
8. In characteristic strength of the material, the tensile Answer: b
strength of tendons below which the failure are not more than: Explanation: The rigorous strain compatibility method of
a) 6 analysis, which involves the use of idealized stress strain
b) 3 curves of steel and concrete, can also be used for an
c) 5 accurate assessment of the flexural strength of sections with
d) 1 reinforcements in the tension and compression zones.
View Answer 3. The current Indian, British and American codes have more
Answer: c or less similar provisions for the computation of:
Explanation: Fk is the characteristic strength of the material a) Shear strength
which corresponds to the 28 days cube strength compressive b) Shear stress
strength of concrete or the tensile strength of tendons below c) Shear strain
which the failures are not more than 5 percent. d) Shear principle
9. The characteristic strengths of concrete and steel may be View Answer
taken as the works cube strength and: Answer: a
a) Yield strength Explanation: The current Indian, British and American codes
b) Strain have more or less similar provisions for the computation of the
c) Stress shear strength of prestressed members that fail in web –
d) Principle strength shear or flexure – shear cracking modes.
View Answer 4. The primary serviceability limit state corresponds to
Answer: a excessive:
Explanation: In the absence of statistical data, the a) Compression and tension
characteristic strengths of concrete and steel may be taken as b) Deflection and cracking
the works cube strength and the specified proof or yield c) Shear and Friction
strength respectively as provided for in the codes. d) Torsion and mass
View Answer
Answer: b b) Compressive loads
Explanation: Serviceability limit state corresponds to c) Principle loads
excessive deflection and cracking and it is customary in most d) Working loads
codes to safeguard against excessive deflection under View Answer
serviceability limit state, either indirectly by prescribing Answer: d
minimum span/depth ratio for the member or directly Explanation: Class 2 structures limited tensile stresses of
specifying a maximum permissible deflection expressed as a magnitude not exceeding the modulus of rupture of concrete
fraction of the span. are permitted under working loads members are often referred
5. The permissible deflections vary from a maximum of: to as moderately prestressed visible cracks are not permitted
a) Span/180 in this type abeles has used such structures in British railways
b) Span/100 with very satisfactory results.
c) Span/160 10. Which type of class structure is considered as econimal?
d) Span/40 a) Class-1
View Answer b) Class-2
Answer: a c) Class-3
Explanation: According to the American code ACI: 318-1989, d) Class-4
the permissible deflection vary from a maximum of span/180 View Answer
to a minimum of span/480 depending upon the type of Answer: c
member and the seriousness of damage to the adjoining Explanation: Tensile stresses of magnitude exceeding both
structural element. the modulus of rupture of concrete and the visible cracking of
6. The short term deflections of prestressed members of limited width are permitted under service loads as compiled
class-1 and class-2 types under service loads are influenced and members are referred to as partially prestressed class-3
by: type constitute the most economical of prestressed concrete
a) Length of prestressing force structures due to limited prestressing forces and high tensile
b) Depth of prestressing force steel requirements.
c) Magnitude of prestressing force
d) Eccentricity of prestressing force
View Answer
Answer: c
Explanation: Short term deflections of prestressed members
of class-1 and class-2 types under service loads are
influenced by: magnitude of the prestressing force and its Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
profile, applied load and self weight of the member and Crack Widths in Members:-
flexural rigidity of the Un cracked concrete sections.
7. The limit state of cracking is important in the case of: 1. The width of cracks that developed in prestressed members
a) Partially prestressed members is governed by how many factors:
b) Fully prestressed members a) 3
c) Tangential prestressed members b) 4
d) Hollow prestressed members c) 5
View Answer d) 7
Answer: a View Answer
Explanation: The limit state of cracking is particularly Answer: b
important in the case of partially prestressed members Explanation: ACI committee and Nawy have indicated that the
according to Abeles, who has contributed much information width of cracks that develops in prestressed members is
about members with limited prestress. governed by: the average strain at the level at which cracks
8. The Class 1-type members are preferred for: are considered, the minimum cover to the tension steel, the
a) Block structures overall depth of the member in the neutral axis depth.
b) Containment structures 2. The formula recommended by the British code BS: 8110 –
c) Cracked structures 1985 for the estimation of surface crack width W cr is:
d) Aged structures a) W cr = 3acrεm / 1+2(acr – Cmin/h-x)
View Answer b) W cr = 3acrεm
Answer: b c) W cr = 3acrεm / 1+2(acr + Cmin/h-x)
Explanation: No tensile stresses are permitted under service d) W cr = 5acrεm
loads and hence the structure is crack-free at the working View Answer
load stage and the members are often referred to as fully Answer: a
prestressed, requiring higher quantity of prestressing steel Explanation: W cr = 3acrεm / 1+2(acr – lmin/h-x) is recommended
associated with higher cost, generally class 1 type members by the British code BS: 8110 – 1985 for the estimation of
are preferred for containment structures housing atomic surface crack width based on the work of beedy, a cr = distance
reactors, pressure pipes and in important structures where from the point considered to the surface of the nearest
cracking at service loads is not acceptable. longitudinal area, εm = average strain at the level where
9. In class 2 structures limited tensile stresses of magnitude cracking is being considered, Cmin = minimum cover to the
not exceeding the modulus of rupture of concrete are tension steel, h = overall depth of member, x = neutral axis.
permitted under: 3. The reason for smaller crack widths in slabs under service
a) Tensile loads loads is:
a) H – x is large Answer: a
b) H + x is small Explanation: A nano polymer range which meets wider
c) 0 expectations as aesthetics, economics, durability and
d) Constant performance of manufactured concrete products and the
View Answer application of nano technology in the production of nano
Answer: b polymers has revolutionized the concrete industry.
Explanation: In structural members, εm is a maximum at the 8. The construction joints should be located at points of:
tension face if h-x is sufficiently small for the crack width at the a) Maximum shear
tension face not to exceed the permissible limit of 0.3mm, it b) Minimum shear
will not exceed the limit anywhere, this is the reason for c) Total shear
smaller crack widths in slabs under service loads, provided d) Average shear
the thickness does not exceed about 200mm. View Answer
4. The stabilized mean crack spacing acs can be expressed Answer: b
as: Explanation: Construction joints should be planned in
a) C (A1/Ʃ0) advance and preferably they should be located at points of
b) C (A1/Ʃ8) minimum shear and they should be nearly perpendicular to
c) C (A1/Ʃ5) the principal lines of stress and construction joints are
d) C (A1/Ʃ7) generally either vertical or horizontal.
View Answer 9. When the work is resumed the surfaces of the concrete
Answer: a previously placed should be cleaned of:
Explanation: Nawy based on extensive research work, have a) Ash
developed empirical relations to predict the maximum width of b) Mud
cracks and their mean spacing in pre tensioned and post c) Dirt
tensioned beams and according to the investigations the d) Soil
stabilized mean crack spacing, acscan be expressed as C View Answer
(A1/Ʃ0) Answer: c
At = effective concrete area in tension, Ʃ0 = sum of the Explanation: When the work is resumed the surface of the
circumferences of the reinforcing elements, C = empirical concrete previously placed should be thoroughly cleaned of
constant. dirt, scum, laitance, loosely projecting aggregates and other
5. The width of cracks is influenced by: soft material using stiff wire brushes and the surface should
a) Hollow stress then be thoroughly soaked with clean water for two to three
b) Linear stress hours before further concreting using a thin layer of cement
c) Net stress slurry.
d) Shear stress 10. In roadway slabs, construction joints should be formed:
View Answer a) Vertical
Answer: c b) Horizontal
Explanation: The widths of cracks are influenced by the net c) Aligned
stress in the tendons, their surface characteristics and the d) Loaded
effective area in tension. View Answer
Width of crack of Case 1: directly over a bar, the distance Answer: a
acr is equal to the concrete cover Cmin equation then reduces: Explanation: In roadway slabs, construction joints shall be
W cr = 3acrεm and Case 2: when distance acr is large: W cr = formed vertical and in true alignment and shear layers in
1.5(h-x) εmin. construction joints should be constructed as shown in working
6. The British and Indian standard codes on prestressed site plans and in the case of box girders webs, theses shear
concrete maximum limiting crack for members exposed to keys are normally shown on the plans to the full width.
aggressive environment is:
a) 0.1mm Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
b) 0.3mm Principles of Dimensioning:-
c) 0.6mm
d) 0.4mm 1. The design values of the resistance must equal or exceed
View Answer the sum of:
Answer: a a) Design deflection
Explanation: The British and Indian standard codes on b) Design loads
prestressed concrete prescribe maximum limiting crack widths c) Design bars
of 0.1mm for members exposed to aggressive environment d) Design cross section
and 0.2mm for all other members. View Answer
7. A nano polymer range which meets wider expectations as Answer: b
aesthetics is known as: Explanation: In the design of prestressed concrete member,
a) Refit the minimum required resistance is predetermined for certain
b) Break limit states such as collapse, deflection and cracking for each
c) Struck of these, the design values of the resistance must equal or
d) Collapse exceed the sum of the design loads obtained by multiplying
View Answer the specified characteristic loads by the appropriate partial
safety factors.
2. The design strength of the material being known, the serviceability limit states at which the stresses are not to
problem generally reduces to the determination of: exceed the Permissible values are these values are permitted
a) Dimensions or limited to certain extent.
b) Displacements 7. The limit states of deflection rarely influence the design of
c) Parameters prestressed members:
d) Length a) Class 4
View Answer b) Class 3
Answer: a c) Class 1 and 2
Explanation: The design strength of the material being known, d) Class 5
the problem generally reduces to the determination of suitable View Answer
dimensions for the member, that is the cross sectional details Answer: c
followed by the design of prestress required and the Explanation: The limit states of deflection rarely influence the
corresponding eccentricity and area of reinforcement for the design of prestressed members Class 1 and 2 since the
section. members will be normally uncracked at service loads and in
3. The trial and error method of assuming a certain section addition a pre camber will be provided by the initial upward
and checking its resistance is often: deflection due to the prestress.
a) Easy method 8. In case of member subjected to axial tension, the concrete
b) Time consuming section and the minimum prestress are mainly controlled by:
c) Reverse method a) Permissible stress
d) Direct method b) Transverse stress
View Answer c) Strain
Answer: b d) Principle stress
Explanation: The trial and error method of assuming a certain View Answer
section and checking its resistance using the appropriate Answer: a
design formula is often time consuming since a section Explanation: In case of member subjected to axial tension, the
satisfying the requirements at the serviceability limits may be concrete section and the minimum prestress are mainly
deficient at the limit state of collapse. controlled by Permissible stress at the service loads and in
4. A direct method for computing the leading dimensions of a some cases (walls of tanks) by practical considerations.
section is often feasible as in the case of: 9. The dimensioning of prestressed members subjected to
a) Pure flexure axial load and bending is governed by:
b) Partial flexure a) Permissible stresses
c) Total flexure b) Neglected stresses
d) Unpure flexure c) Allowable stresses
View Answer d) Ranged stresses
Answer: a View Answer
Explanation: The direct method for computing the leading Answer: c
dimensions of a section is feasible in case of pure flexure Explanation: The dimensioning of prestressed members
where the necessary effective depth and breadth of the subjected to axial load and bending is governed by stress
compression face are controlled mainly by the collapse limit condition equations formulated for the opposite extreme faces
states. of the section or by the aid of design charts for the different
5. In the case of flanged member on the basis of collapse the cases of members with uniform or non uniform prestress.
width and depth of the compression flange is: 10. The required cross sectional dimensions and the prestress
a) Constant may be determined by solving:
b) Zero a) Stress conditions equations
c) Fixed b) Multiple equations
d) Increased c) Single equations
View Answer d) Unique equations
Answer: c View Answer
Explanation: In the case of flanged member on the basis of Answer: a
collapse the width and depth of the compression flange is, Explanation: Stress condition equations formulated for the
while the thickness of the web is based on ultimate shear or opposite extreme faces of the section or by the aid of design
an practical considerations of having curved cables with uniform or non uniform prestress are solved for determining
minimum cover requirements. required cross sectional dimensions and the prestress
6. The minimum prestressing force required and the
corresponding eccentricity are controlled by the serviceability Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
limit states at which the stresses are not to exceed the: Design for Flexure and Axial Tension:-
a) Permissible values
b) Constant 1. Which of failure is considered in the design of prestressed
c) Zero concrete members for the limit states of collapse?
d) Limited values a) Total failure
View Answer b) Shear failure
Answer: a c) Ultimate failure
Explanation: The minimum prestressing force required and d) Collapse failure
the corresponding eccentricity are controlled by the View Answer
2. The maximum design value of the moment of resistance of 1500n/mm ?
rectangular flanged section varies from: a) 1000mm
2 2 2
a) 0.08fckbd to 0.2fckbd b) 1015mm
2 2 2
b) 0.11fcckd to 0.5fckbd c) 1030mm
2 2 2
c) 0.15fcckd to 0.8fckbd d) 1003mm
2 2
d) 0.21fcckd to 0.9fckbd View Answer
View Answer Answer: d
Answer: a Explanation: For flanged sections, m ud = 0.08fckbd assuming
Explanation: A comparative analysis of the various code b = 0.5d and bw = 0.25b, d = ((1200×106)/0.10x35x0.5)), d =
recommendations indicate that the maximum design value of 1000mm, b = 500mm, thickness of top flange = hf = 0.2d =
the moment of resistance of rectangular and flange of (0.2×10000) = 200mm, thickness of web = bw = 0.25b =
2 2
sections vary from 0.08fckbd to 0.2fckbd , depending upon the (0.25×500) = 125mm
recommendations of the stress block parameters. Assuming the neutral axis depth, xu = hf = 200mm, mu =
3. It is often preferable to use a larger section, because it 0.87fpAp (d-0.42xu), Ap = (mu/0.87fp (d-0.42xu) =
6 3 2
means a saving on: (1200×10 /0.87×1500(1000-0.42×200)) = 100 mm .
a) Deflection 7. Due to presence of precompression, prestressed concrete
b) Cost is ideally suited for the design of members subjected to:
c) Stress a) Axial tension
d) Strain b) Prestressed tension
View Answer c) Principle stress
Answer: a d) Bonded stress
Explanation: The maximum ultimate moment of resistance of View Answer
a resistance of a rectangular section rectangular section Answer: a
according to the Indian standard code IS: 1343-1980 is given Explanation: Due to presence of precompression, prestressed
by: concrete is ideally suited for the design of members subjected
Mud = 0.21fckbd , the dimension based on this expression are to axial tension and the axial tension in a member depends
the minimum values and it often preferable to use a larger upon the direction of tension acting on a member and its
section because it means a saving on the costly prestressing reaction.
tendons. 8. The design essentially considered for axial tension is to
4. The area of high tensile and un tensioned reinforcement determine the:
required to mobilize the desired flexural strength is computed a) Deflection
using? b) Eccentricity
a) Tension equilibrium c) Cross section
b) Force equilibrium d) Loads
c) Transverse equilibrium View Answer
d) Rotational equilibrium Answer: c
View Answer Explanation: The design essentially consists of determining
Answer: b the cross section area of the member and the required
Explanation: The area of high tensile and un tensioned prestressing force to safely support the axial tensile load
reinforcement required to mobilize the desired flexural conforming to the limit state of serviceability and collapse.
strength is computed using the force equilibrium at the limit 9. According to Indian standard code IS: 3370 the load factors
state of collapse and the force equilibrium rather depends against cracking and collapse should not be less than:
upon the pressures exerted in different conditions. a) 15
5. A pretensioned prestressed concrete beam of rectangular b) 1.5
section is required to support a design ultimate moment of c) 3
100knm. Design the section if fck is 50n/mm and d) 0.3
fp 1600n/mm , xu/d is 0.5? View Answer
a) 300 Answer: b
b) 500 Explanation: According to Indian standard code IS: 3370 1967
c) 600 the load factors against cracking and collapse should be not
d) 200 less than 1.2 and 2 respectively and IS: 3370 code is used for
View Answer design factors of load factors.
Answer: a 10. Design a suitable section for the tie member of a truss to
Explanation: Mu = 0.36fckbxu(d-0.42xu) = 0.14fckbd , b = 0.5d, support a maximum design tensile force of 500kn. The
3 6
d = (mu/0.14fck0.5) = (100×10 /0.15x50x0.5), d = 300mm, b = permissible compressive stress in concrete at transfer is
150mm, xu = (0.5×300) = 150mm for (xu/d) = 0.5, fpu = 0.87fp, 15n/mm
Ap = (mu/0.87fp(d-0.42xu) = (100×100 /0.87×1600(300- a) 41500
0.42×150)) = 300mm , adopt a section 150mm wide by b) 4000
350mm deep with 300mm of high tensile steel located at an c) 22000
effective depth of 300mm. d) 1500
6. A post tensioned beam of unsymmetrical I section is View Answer
required to support a design ultimate moment of 1200 knm Answer: a
and determine the overall depth and thickness of the Explanation: Design tensile load, nd = 500kn, fct = 15n/mm2,
compression flange required if fck is 35n/mm and fp is ftw = 0, ɳ = 0.80
Area of concrete section = (Nd/ ɳ fct) = (500×10 /0.8×15) = Answer: b
41500mm . Explanation: Bennett has proposed design charts with
dimensionless parameters expressed in terms of the service
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – loads and moments, and section properties and permissible
Design for Compression and Bending:- stresses in concrete expressed as a fraction of the
characteristic strength these charts are useful in dimensioning
1. Most compression members, such as long columns and columns of I section with non uniform prestress and allowing
piles are subjected to: desirable tensile stresses in concrete as in class 3 type
a) Bending moment and cracking forces members.
b) Bending moment and tension forces 6. The steps involved in design of biaxially loaded column are:
c) Bending moment and axial forces a) 15
d) Bending moment and compression forces b) 4
View Answer c) 8
Answer: c d) 6
Explanation: Due to handling in some members like portal View Answer
frames and masts the sections are subjected to compression Answer: c
and bending and most compression members such as long Explanation: The load contour method of analysis, detailed by
columns and piles are subjected to bending moment and axial Nawy and generally termed Bresler-Parme counter method is
forces. ideally suited for the design of biaxially loaded columns and
2. The load moment interaction diagrams are more or less the design procedure is outlined the following steps: give the
similar to: ultimate moments, determine the larger of the equivalent
a) Prestressed columns required, assumed cross section, verify the ultimate load
b) Reinforced concrete columns carrying capacity, calculate the actual nominal moment
c) Aluminium columns capacity, the moment value.
d) Steel columns 7. The Prestressed concrete compression members should
View Answer have a minimum average effective prestress of not less than:
Answer: b a) 1.55n/mm
Explanation: The load moment interaction diagrams are more b) 1.0n/mm
or less similar to prestressed columns those of reinforced c) 1.15n/mm
columns expect that precompression exists in prestressed d) 1.25n/mm
concrete columns and the prestressed columns are much View Answer
advantageous than any other elements which are replicable. Answer: a
3. The compression failure mode develops under: Explanation: According to ACI 318-1989, a minimum non
a) Static loading prestressed reinforcement ratio of one percent should be
b) Moment loading provided in compression members with an effective prestress
c) Concentric loading of lower than 1.55n/mm and the American code specifies the
d) Tensile loading various effective prestress in prestressed concrete members
View Answer considering all the factors and makes them economical.
Answer: c 8. The Spirals are particularly useful in increasing the:
Explanation: The compression failure mode develops under a) Tensile strength
concentric loading and this type of failure mode develops b) Ductility
under concentric loads and the section is considered to have c) Strain
failed when the concrete strain ε0 reaches a value of 0.02. d) Stress
4. The balanced failure develops when there is simultaneous: View Answer
a) Tension yielding Answer: b
b) Compression yielding Explanation: Closely spaced spirals reinforcement increases
c) Flexure yielding the ultimate load capacity of the column due to confinement of
d) Prestress yielding concrete in the core and spirals are particularly useful in
View Answer increasing the ductility of the member and hence are
Answer: a preferred in high earthquake zones.
Explanation: Balanced failure develops when there is 9. The pitch of spiral is computed as:
simultaneously tension yielding of prestressing steel and a) S = 4as(Dc – ds)/Dc ρs
crushing of concrete, the eccentricity of the axial load is b) S = 2as(Dc – ds)/Dc ρs
defined as balanced eccentricity Eb. and this eccentricity c) S = 6as(Dc – ds)/Dc ρs
factor is used for various failures considering top and bottom d) S = 10as(Dc – ds)/Dc ρs
fibers. View Answer
5. The charts proposed by Bennett are useful in dimensioning Answer: a
columns of: Explanation: S = 4as(Dc – ds)/Dc ρs, as = cross sectional area
a) L section of spiral, Dc = core of the column measured to the outside
b) I section diameter of the helix, ds = diameter of spiral wire, ρs = ratio of
c) T section the volume of helical reinforcement.
d) Edge section 10. The pitch of spirals is limited to a range of:
View Answer a) 40 to 45mm
b) 25 to75mm
c) 15 to 30mm a) Steel and concrete
d) 10 to 30mm b) Steel and water
View Answer c) Steel and aggregates
Answer: b d) Steel and plastic
Explanation: The pitch of spirals is limited to a range of 25 to View Answer
75mm and the spiral should be well anchored by providing at Answer: a
least 11/2 extra turns when splicing rather than welding of Explanation: Pre tensioned or post tensioned members with
spirals is used and the pitches of the spirals are limited to bonded tendons develop bond stresses between steel and
certain ranges. concrete when the sections are subjected to transverse shear
forces due to the rate of change of moment along length of
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – the beam and in the case of type 1 and 2 members, which are
Design for Shear and Torsion:- uncracked at service loads, the flexural bond stresses
developed are computed by considering the complete section.
1. Which type of cables are advantages in reducing the 5. In case of pre tensioned member, the computations of
effective shear? transmission length is influenced by:
a) Straight a) Bond
b) Curved b) Flexure
c) Trapezoidal c) Torsion
d) Longitudinal d) Tension
View Answer View Answer
Answer: b Answer: a
Explanation: Curved cables are advantageous in reducing the Explanation: In the case of pre tensioned members, the
effective shear and together with the horizontal compressive computations of the transmission length at the ends is of
prestress, reduce the magnitude of the principal tension and practical significance since the support positions are
the effect of shear is to induce tensile stresses on diagonal influenced by bond and transmission length.
planes and prestressing is beneficial since it reduces the 6. When prestress is transferred to concrete by means of
magnitude of the principal tensile stress in concrete. external anchorages which pressure is developed:
2. The various codes recommend empirical relations to a) Bearing
estimate: b) Twisting
a) Ultimate shear resistance c) Torsion
b) Ultimate torsional resistance d) Bent
c) Ultimate bending resistance View Answer
d) Ultimate load Answer: a
View Answer Explanation: In the case of post tensioned members where
Answer: a prestress is transferred to concrete by means of external
Explanation: The various codes recommend empirical anchorages, the bearing pressures develop behind the
relations to estimate the ultimate shear resistance of the anchorages have to be investigated and suitably controlled to
section by considering the flexure shear and web shear prevent crushing failure of the end block zone.
cracking modes and the design shear resistance should 7. The bearing pressure on the concrete is given as:
exceeded the ultimate shear due to the transverse loads and a) 0.4fci
if not, suitable transverse reinforcements are designed to b) 0.8fci
resist the balance shear force. c) 0.12fci
3. Which type of shear reinforcement should be provided for d) 0.2fci
members with thin webs? View Answer
a) Maximum shear reinforcement Answer: b
b) Minimum shear reinforcement Explanation: According to the Indian standard code IS: 1343-
c) Nominal shear reinforcement 1980, the permissible unit bearing pressure on the concrete
d) Tensile reinforcement after allowing for all losses is limited to: 0.48fci (Abr/Apan) or 0.8
View Answer fci,
Answer: c fci = cube strength of concrete at transfer, Abr= bearing area,
Explanation: In members with thin webs such as I and T Apan = punching area.
sections nominal shear reinforcements have to be provided to 8. The effective punching area Apun is generally the contact
prevent cracking due to variations in temperature the area of:
provisions for design of shear reinforcements prescribed in a) Tendon device
British, American and Indian standard have been dealt with in b) Anchorage device
the case off structural concrete members subjected to torsion, c) Stress device
shear stresses develop depending upon the type of cross d) Strain device
section and magnitude of torque and the shear stresses in View Answer
association with the flexural stresses may give rise to principal Answer: b
tensile stress the value of which when it exceeds tensile Explanation: The effective punching area is generally the
strength of the concrete results in the development of cracks contact area of the anchoring device and the bearing area is
on the surface of the member. taken as the maximum area of that portion of the member
4. The pre and post tensioned members with bonded tendons which is geometrically similar and concentric to the effective
bond stress between: punching area.
9. The end block of a beam has a rectangular section 100mm a) 0.15 to 0.10
wide by 200mm deep, the force of cable is 200kn. Find the b) 0.15 to 0.25
actual bearing pressure? c) 0.8 to 1.0
a) 30n/mm d) 3.4 to 6.0
b) 40n/mm View Answer
c) 20n/mm Answer: b
d) 10n/mm Explanation: In the case of unsymmetrical I girders the range
View Answer of values of ht/d and bw/b for economical designs is generally
Answer: c 0.15 to 0.25 and 0.2 to 0.3 respectively, however the
Explanation: force of cable = 200kn, b = 100mm,d = 200mm thickness of web, bw is designed based on the dual criteria
Bearing area Abr = (100×100) = 10000mm , shear and housing the cables with adequate cover.
3 2
Actual bearing pressure = (200×10 ) / 10000 = 20n/mm . 4. The breadth of the compression face may be assumed by
10. The end block of a prestressed concrete beam has a considering the number of:
rectangular section; a cable carrying a force of 200kn is to be a) Anchorages
anchored against the end block at the centre if the cube b) Splices
strength of concrete at transfer is 30n/mm . Design the c) Girders
maximum permissible bearing pressure?(Abr = 10000mm ) d) Ridges
a) 24n/mm View Answer
b) 48n/mm Answer: c
c) 54n/mm Explanation: In dimensioning prestressed concrete flexural
d) 12n/mm2 members the effective depth and breadth of the section at the
View Answer compression face are determined solely on basis of the
Answer: a ultimate flexural strength requirements and The breadth of the
Explanation: Assuming an anchor plate of size 50mm by compression face may be assumed by considering the
50mm, punching area Apun = (50×50) = 2500mm , Abr = number of covering a given width of bridge deck of a suitable
10000mm , maximum permissible bearing pressure = ratio of b‟d being in the range of 0.4 to 0.6.
0.48fci(Abr/Apun) or 0.8fci whichever is smaller, fb = 5. The thickness of the web is generally determined on the
0.48x30x(10000/2500)1/2 = 28.8n/mm or ( 0.8×30) = basis:
24n/mm2 . a) Shear stress
b) Shear strength
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – c) Principle shear
Estimation of Self Weight of Beams:- d) Tensile shear
View Answer
1. The computation of total ultimate moment required for the Answer: b
design of prestressed beams, knowledge of is necessary: Explanation: The thickness of the web is generally determined
a) Spans on the basis of shear strength considerations discussed
b) Self weights according to british code recommendations shear
c) Loads reinforcements are not required where V is less than
d) Deflection 0.5vc and in members of minor imporatance when the shear
View Answer for V exceeds (Vc to 0.4bwd), shear reinforcement are
Answer: b designed at spacing Sv = Asv0.8fy/0.4bw.
Explanation: Generally, the self weight may be assumed on 6. The small span girders with straight tendons, b w is:
the basis of previous experience and the use of design chart a) 0.85vu/fth
containing dimensions of beams for various spans and b) 0.60vu/fth
applied loads as recommended by magnel is very useful in c) 0.70vu/fth
the regard. d) 0.69vu/fth
2. The estimation of self weight is expressed as: View Answer
a) wmin/wud = KDcgβ(L/h)L/fcu(d/h) Answer: a
b) wmin/wud = KDcgβ(L/h)L/fcu Explanation: In the case of small span prestressed members,
c) wmin/wud = KDcgβ(L/h) thinner webs of about 40 to 60mm may be used however in
d) wmin/wud = KDcgβ the case of long span, heavily loaded girders when large,
View Answer curved cables have to pass through the webs a minimum
Answer: a thickness of 120 to 150mm is mandatory to accommodate the
Explanation: Bennelt has recently proposed a simple formula cables with adequate cover.
for estimating the self weight of the girder by considering 7. The condition that the principal tensile stress is not to
several influencing parameters exceed the tensile strength of concrete yields a criterion of the
wmin/wud = KDcgβ(L/h)L/fcu(d/h) type:
wmin = Self weight or minimum load, L = effective span, K = a) bw > (vu/ (I/s) ft(1-fcp/ft)
numerical constant, Dc = density of the concrete member, g = b) bw > (vu/ (I/s) ft(1+fcp/ft)
acceleration, β = moment coefficient, h = overall depth of c) bw > (vu/ (I/s)
girder, d) bw > (vu/ (I/s) ft
wud = Ultimate design load. View Answer
3. In the case of unsymmetrical I girders the range of values Answer: b
of hf/d for economical designs is generally? Explanation: The value of the shear moment arm I/S varies
between 0.67 and 0.85h for I sections, the ratio f cp/ft generally a) 250
varies between 2 and 3 for small span girders with straight b) 260
tendons for long span girders with curved tendons, the ratio, c) 270
fcp/ft can be taken between 3 and 4 and the effective shear as d) 280
0.8vu since the curved cables contribute to the ultimate shear View Answer
resistance of the section. Answer: c
8. The ultimate design load includes? Explanation: Mu = 0.10fcubd and if b = 0.5d
6 1/3
a) Partial factor of safety and live load D = (42×10 x2/0.10×50) = 270mm.
b) Ultimate load 3. Find the approximate thickness of web if b is 0.5d, d is
c) Tensile load 270mm, d/h ratio is 0.85, h is 315mm, adopt effective depth, d
d) Overloaded load = 275mm overall depth , h is 320mm, width of flange of
View Answer 160mm and Average thickness of flange is 70mm since
Answer: a sloping flanges are used, increases the flange thickness by 20
Explanation: The ultimate load includes the self weight percent?
enhanced by partial factor of safety a) 45mm
γf1q+γf2wmin, W ud = γf1q/1-γf2(Wmin/W ud). b) 43mm
9. The value of numerical constant K is between: c) 41mm
a) 4 to 5 d) 42mm
b) 6 to 7.5 View Answer
c) 4 to 8 Answer: b
d) 5 to 9 Explanation: b = 0.5d, d = 270mm, d/h = 0.85, h = 315mm,
View Answer adopt effective depth, d = 275mm overall depth , h is 320mm,
Answer: b width of flange of 160mm and Average thickness of flange is
Explanation: The value of numerical constant K is between 6 70mm since sloping flanges are used, increases the flange
to 7.5 for rectangular sections and I section girders of short thickness by 20 percent:
spans, while it takes a value between 4 and 5 for the flanged Thickness of flange = (0.2×275) =55mm Approximate
T or I section girders of long spans for self weight equation. thickness of web = (0.85vu/fth) = (0.85×27.75×10 /1.7×320) =
10. The load combination of dead and imposed has a 43mm.
beneficial dead load of: 4. Find minimum range of stresses if fct is 15n/mm , fcw is 17,
a) 1.0 ftw is zero, fu is -1n/mm , ɳ is 0.8?
b) 1.5 a) 12 and 18n/mm
c) 1.8 b) 13 and 14n/mm
d) 2.0 c) 12 and 15n/mm
View Answer d) 10 and 16n/mm
Answer: a View Answer
Explanation: Load combinations: Dead and imposed (and Answer: a
earth and water pressure) – Dead beneficial is 1.0, Dead and Explanation: Range of stress fbr = (ɳfct-fcw) = (0.85×15-0) =
2 2
wind( and earth and water pressure) – Dead beneficial is 1.0, 12n/mm , ftr = (fcw – ɳfu) = (17-0.8x(-1)) = 17.8n/mm , fct =
2 2
Dead and wind and imposed(and earth and water pressure) – 15n/mm , fcw = 17, ftw = 0, fu = -1n/mm , ɳ = 0.8.
Dead beneficial is 1.2. 5. Find minimum section modulus given data is mg is
6 6
3.86×10 , mq is 22.50×10 , fbr is given as 12 and the loss ratio
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – is 0.8?
Design of Pretensioned Beams:- a) 134×10
b) 182×10
1. Design a pretensioned roof pull-in to suit the data Fcu, c) 123×10
2 4
concrete cube strength = 50n/mm , effective span = 6m, d) 120×10
applied load = 5kn/m, dead load = 1.4, live load = 1.6, β = View Answer
0.125, k = 7.5, Dc = 2400, and determine ultimate moment Answer: b
6 6
and shear? Explanation: mg = 3.86×10 , mq = 22.50×10 , fbr = 12, loss
a) 42 and 27.75 ratio = 0.8
b) 54 and 27.75 Zb > or equal (mq+(1-ɳ)mg/fbr) > or equal ((22.50×10 )+(1-
c) 34 and 27.75 0.8)3.86×10 )/12)
d) 20 and 28 Greater than equal to 182x104mm .
View Answer 6. Find the supporting force if given characteristic strength is -
6 4
Answer: a 1, moment of gravity is 3.86×10 , zt = 230×10 ?
2 2
Explanation: W min/Wud = KDcgβ(L/h)L/fcu(d/h) = 7.5×2400 x a) -2.68n/mm
6 2 2
9.81 x 0.125×25 x 6/50x 10 x(0.85) = 0.094 b) -3.45n/mm
2 2
Fcu, concrete cube strength = 50n/mm , effective span = 6m, c) -1.23n/mm
applied load = 5kn/m, dead load = 1.4, live load = 1.6, β = d) 13.56n/mm
0.125, k = 7.5, Dc = 2400, fcu = 50n/mm , wmin = (0.094)(9.25) View Answer
= 0.86kn/m, mu = (0.125×9.25×6 ) = 42knm, vu = (0.5×9.25×6) Answer: a
= 27.75kn. Explanation: p = (A(finfZb+fsubZt)/Zt+Zb)
2. Design cross sectional dimensions of pretensioned roof pull Finf = ((ftw/ɳ+(mq+mg)/ɳzb)) = ( 0+ (26.36×106/0.8x230x104))
given that b is 0.5d? Fsup = (fu – mg/zt) = (-1 – (3.86×106)/(230×104)) = -2.68n/mm .
2 2
7. Check for ultimate flexural strength if given Aps is 154mm , strength fpu is 1500n/mm are available for use and the
2 2 2
fpu is 1600n/mm , b is 160mm, fcu is 50n/mm and diameter is modulus of elasticity of high tensile wires is 200kn/mm ?
265mm? a) 340 and 450kn
a) 9.65 b) 240 and 340kn
b) 0.116 c) 140 and 240kn
c) 3.442 d) 100 and 200kn
d) 2.345 View Answer
View Answer Answer: a
Answer: b Explanation: W min/Wud =
2 2 6 2
Explanation: Aps = (38.5xy) = 154mm , fpu = 1600n/mm , b = (50x2400x9.81×0.125x25x30/50×10 x0.85 ) = 0.31
160mm, fcu 50n/mm ,, d = 265mm Ultimate load excluding the factored selfweight =
(Apsfpu/bdfcu) = (154×1600/160x265x50) = 0.116. (1.4×2)+(1.6×9) = 17.2kn/m, W ud = 17.2/1-1.4×0.31) =
8. Find ultimate shear strength (check it for safe against shear 30KN/M, W min = (0.31×30) = 9.3kn/m, Ultimate moment , Mu =
failure) if vu is 27.75kn, Loss ratio is 0.8, prestressing force is (0.125x30x30 ) = 3400knm, Ultimate shear, Vu = (0.5x30x30)
182000, area is 31400, breadth is 50 where height is 320, = 450kn.
prestressing force is 1.7, fcp = 4.65, ft is 1.7? 2. Find cross-sectional dimensions thickness of web if hf/d
a) Safe ratio is 0.23 and bw/b ratio is 0.25 and b is 0.5d?
b) Unsafe a) 100mm
c) Zero b) 110mm
d) Collapse c) 120mm
View Answer d) 30mm
Answer: a View Answer
Explanation: Fcp = (ɳp/A) = (0.8×182000/31400) = 4.65n/mm Answer: c
2 1/2
Vcw = 0.67bh(f1 +0.8fcpft) = Explanation: hf/d =0.23 and bw/b = 0.25 and b = 0.5d,
3 2 6 1/3
(0.67x50x320(1.72+0.8×4.65×1.7)1/2/10 ) = 33.2kn Mu = 0.10fcubd d = (3400×10 /0.10x50x0.5) = 1130mm, h =
Vcw > Vu hence safe against shear failure. (1130/0.85) = 1300, b = 600mm, hf = (0.2×1130) = 250mm,
9. Check for deflection due to prestressing force if given data adopt an effective depth, d = 1150mm, thickness of web, b w =
3 5 3
is Prestressing force is 182×10 eccentricity of cable is 10 , (0.6vu/fth) = (0.6x450x10 /1.7×1300) = 120mm.
Length of the cable is 1000, elastic modulus of concrete is 3. Calculate working moment if design working load is
3 5
34×10 , Moment of inertia is 3200×10 ? 19.8kn/m covered over a span of 30m( actual self weight of
a) 9.4 girder is 8.8kn/m)?
b) 4.5 a) 3000
c) 6.8 b) 2000
d) 9.8 c) 4340
View Answer d) 2230
Answer: c View Answer
3 5
Explanation: P = 182×10 e = 10 , L = 1000, elastic modulus Answer: d
of concrete = 34×10 , I = 3200×105 Explanation: Actual self weight of the beam and the girder =
2 3 5 2 2 3 5
PeL /8EcI = (182×10 x10 x6 x1000 /8x34x10 x3200x10 ) = 8.8kn/m, span = 30m
6.8mm. Minimum moment Mmin = 990knm, Design working load =
10. Find the deflection due to self weight given that ϕ = 1.6, 19.8kn/m,
3 2
Ee = 2.6Ece, elastic modulus of concrete is 34×10 , gravity is Working moment Md = (0.125×19.8×30 ) = 2230knm.
given as 6, self weight is 0.76, Length of the cable is 1000, 4. Find the Permissible stresses and range of stresses for
3 2 2
elastic modulus of concrete is 34×10 , Moment of inertia is class 1 structure fcu = 50n/mm ,fck = 35n/mm according to
5 2
3200×10 ? BS: 8110 recommendations for fcu = 50n/mm and fci =
2 2
a) 1.66mm 35n/mm ,fct = 0.5fci= 17.5n/mm ?
b) 5.3mm a) 16.5n/mm
c) 23.4mm b) 12.56n/mm
d) 1.02mm c) 13.56n/mm
View Answer d) 12.00n/mm
Answer: d View Answer
Explanation: Ece = Ec/1+ϕ, ϕ = 1.6, Ee = 2.6Ece Answer: a
4 2 2
Deflection due to self weight g = (5gL /384EcI) = Explanation: fcu = 50n/mm ,fck = 35n/mm according to BS:
4 4 3 5 2 2
(5×0.76×6 x1000 /384x34x10 x3700x10 ) = 1.02mm. 8110 recommendations for fcu = 50n/mm and fci = 35n/mm ,
fct = 0.5fci= 17.5n/mm For class 1 structure fu = htw = 0, fbr =
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – (ɳfct-ftw) = (0.85×17.5) = 15n/mm , fcw = 0.33fcu = (0.33×50) =
2 2
Design of Post Tensioned Beams:- 16.5n/mm , fcu = (fcw-ɳfu) = 16.5n/mm .
5. Find prestressing force if area is 36.75mm of eccentricity
1.Calculate ultimate moment and shear of effective span is 580given finf is 26.5kn/m and zb is 99×10 ?
30m, live load is 9kn/m, dead load excluding self weight is a) 405
2kn/m, load factors for dead load is 1.4 for live load is 1.6 b) 308
cube strength of concrete fcu is 50n/mm cube strength at c) 453
transfer is fci is 35n/mm , tensile strength of concrete Ec is d) 206
34kn/mm loss ratio ɳ is 0.85 and 8mm diameter high tensile View Answer
Answer: b Answer: a
Explanation: Area = 36.75mm , e = 580, finf = 26.5kn/m, zb = Explanation: Ece = (Ec/1+ϕ) = (Ec/2.6), ϕ = 2.6, αy = 38.5mm,
99×10 αg = 46mm, αp = 74.7mm, resultant maximum long term
p =(AfinfZb/Zb+Ae) deflection = (2.6×46)+38.5-(0.85×74.7) = 95mm which is less
6 6
=(367500×26.5x99x10 /(99×10 )+(367500×580)) = than the code limit (span/250) = 120mm, ɳ = 0.85.
308x104kn/m .
6. Find force in cable using Freyssinet cables 12-8mm Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
diameter and stressed to 1100n/mm of eccentricity 50 and Design of Partially Prestressed Members:-
the prestressing force is given as 1000n/mm ?
a) 660kn 1. In partially prestressed members, to which extent tensile
b) 234kn stresses are permitted:
c) 300kn a) Unlimited
d) 230kn b) Limited
View Answer c) Constant
Answer: a d) Zero
Explanation: 12 diameter, stress = 1100n/mm , e = 50, View Answer
prestressing force =1000n/mm Answer: b
Force in each cable = ( (12x50x1100)/1000)) = 660kn. Explanation: In partially prestressed members limited tensile
7. Find ratio for ultimate flexural strength at the centre – span stresses are permitted in concrete under service wads with
2 2
section given that Aps = 3000mm , d= 1150mm, fcu = 50n/mm , controls on the maximum width of cracks and depending upon
bw = 150mm, fpu = 1500n/mm , b = 600mm, ht = 250mm, the type of prestressing and environmental conditions and the
design ultimate moment mud = 3400knm? use of partial prestressing was first proposed by Emperger in
a) 9.5 1939 and further progress in this field was mainly due to the
b) 0.23 sustained work of abeles, Goschy and others and the west
c) 6.7 German code DIN 42227 has provided for partial prestressing
d) 3.4 even before the C.E.B-FIP provisions were introduced in
View Answer 1970.
Answer: b 2. Which type of reinforcement is required for the advantage
2 2
Explanation: Aps = 3000mm , d= 1150mm, fcu = 50n/mm , bw = of partial prestressing?
150mm, fpu = 1500n/mm , b = 600mm, ht = 250mm, design a) Un tensioned reinforcement
ultimate moment mud = 3400knm, according to BS: 8110- b) Tensioned reinforcement
1985, Aps = (Apw+Apf) = c) Forced reinforcement
Apf = 0.45×50(600-150)(250/1500) = 0.45xfcu(b-bw)(hf/fpu) = d) Embedded reinforcement
2 2
1680mm , Apw = (1300-1680) = 1320mm , ratio(fpuApw/fcubwd) = View Answer
(1500×1320/50x150x1150) = 0.23. Answer: a
8. Calculate the slope of cable section at support uncracked in Explanation: The main point in favour of partial or limited
flexure given that eccentricity is 410, length is 30m and stress prestressing is that required in the cross section of a
induced is 1000? prestressed member for various reactions such as to resist
a) 0.0547 the differential shrinkage temperature effects and handling
b) 2.456 stresses.
c) 0.0234 3. The reinforcement can cater for which requirements:
d) 0.0123 a) Limited requirement
View Answer b) Serviceability requirements
Answer: a c) Range requirements
Explanation: e = 410, length = 30m, stress induced = 1000 d) Termed requirements
Slope of cable θ = (4e/l) = ((4×410)/(30×1000)) = 0.0547. View Answer
9. Calculate the span section cracked in flexure (M=M0) F cp = Answer: b
23.4n/mm , zb is 99×106 and stress induced is 1000? Explanation: The reinforcement can cater for the serviceability
a) 1200kn requirements such as control of cracking and partially for the
b) 1850kn ultimate limit state of collapse which can result in considerable
c) 2300kn reductions in the costlier high tensile steel and the saving in
d) 4300kn prestressing steel contributes to an overall saving in the cost
View Answer of structure.
Answer: b 4. The fully prestressed members are prone to excessive:
2 6
Explanation: Fcp = 23.4n/mm , zb is 99×10 , stress is 1000 a) Downward deflections
m0 = (0.8fcpZb) = (0.8 x 23.4 x (99×10 /1000)) = 1850knm. b) Upward deflections
10. Find resultant maximum long term deflection if ϕ is 2.6, c) Side deflections
αy is 38.5mm, αg is 46mm, αp is 74.7mm? d) Transverse deflections
a) 95mm View Answer
b) 35mm Answer: c
c) 55mm Explanation: Fully prestressed members are prone to
d) 20mm excessive upward deflections especially in bridge structures
View Answer where dead loads form a major portion of the total service
loads and these deflections may increase with time due to the and un tensioned reinforcement is carried out under the
effect of creep. following assumptions: The strain distribution across the
5. The energy capacity is comparatively low in case of: section is linear, the tensile strength of the concrete below the
a) Fully neutral axis.
b) Partial 10. The stresses and strains developed and the forces acting
c) Post on cracked prestressed concrete sections which are
d) Prestressed subjected to a moment Mcr is given as:
View Answer a) εpe = P/ApEp
Answer: a b) εpe = P/AeEp
Explanation: It is well established that fully prestressed c) εpe = P/AsEp
members due to their higher rigidity have a lower energy d) εpe = P/AlEp
absorption capacity in comparison with partially prestressed View Answer
members, which exhibit a ductile behavior. Answer: c
6. Which are used as untensioned reinforcement? Explanation: In excess of the cracking moment Mcr just prior
a) Yield steel and mild steel to the application of the moment the tensile strain in the
b) High tensile steel and mild steel prestressing steel is εpe and the compressive strain in the
c) Tensile steel and mid steel concrete at the tendon level is εce and these strains can be
d) Principle steel and mild steel evaluated from the prestressing force acting at this stage εpe =
View Answer p/ApEp , εce = P/Ec(e /Ic+1/Ac), P = effective prestressing force,
Answer: b e = eccentricity of tendons, Ac = cross sectional area of the
Explanation: High tensile steel and mild steel have been used concrete section, Ic = second moment of area of the concrete
as un tensioned reinforcement and the present practice is to section.
use high yield strength deformed bars which are considerably
cheaper than prestressing steel and at the same time have Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
higher yield strength and better crack control characteristics Composite Structural Members:-
by virtue of their surface configuration as compared to mild 1. The composite sections provide one monolithic action
steel bars with plain surface. between:
7. The width of crack is influenced by: a) Prefabricated units
a) Cover b) Post fabricated units
b) Limit states c) Pasteurized units
c) Steel d) Tensioned units
d) Factor of safety View Answer
View Answer Answer: a
Answer: a Explanation: In a composite construction precast prestressed
Explanation: The method of calculating the crack width is of members are used in conjunction with the concrete cast in
considerable importance in checking the limit state of cracking situ so that the members behave as monolithic unit under
at service loads and it is well established that the width of service loads and stirrups produced from the prestressed unit
crack primarily depending upon the stress in the into the added concrete or by castellation on the surface of
reinforcement is also influenced by the cover and the type of the prestressed unit adjoining the concrete which in cast in
reinforcement. situ.
8. The calculation based on the stress in the reinforcement is 2. The high strength prestressed units are used in which
obtained by: zone?
a) Limit state theory a) Compression zone
b) Convential theory b) Tension zone
c) Retardation theory c) Span zone
d) Principle theory d) Beam zone
View Answer View Answer
Answer: b Answer: b
Explanation: Several empirical relations have been developed Explanation: The high strength prestressed units are used in
to estimate the width of cracks but it is considered that a the tension zone while the concrete which is the cast in situ of
calculation based on the stress in the reinforcement obtained relatively lower compressive strength is used in the
by the convential theory of cracked reinforcement concrete compression zone of the composite members and the
section is inherently more accurate than a computation based composite action between the two components is achieved by
on the fictitious tensile stress in an uncracked section. roughening the surface of the prestressed unit on to which the
9. The tensile strength of the concrete below the neutral axis concrete is cast insitu thus giving a better frictional resistance.
is neglected in: 3. The Composite construction was first tries for a motorway
a) Cracked section analysis bridge:
b) Uncracked section analysis a) 1940
c) Beam section analysis b) 1945
d) Strain analysis c) 1960
View Answer d) 1980
Answer: a View Answer
Explanation: The cracked section analysis of a partially Answer: a
prestressed flange section with tensioned high tensile steel Explanation: The phenomenon of differential shrinkage
between the concrete cast insitu and the prestressed units d) Deflection
also contributes to the monolithic action of the composite View Answer
members and composite construction was first tried for a way Answer: a
bridge in 1940 and detailed calculations were prestressed by Explanation: In case of conventional method, there will be a
morch in 1943. steel beam and slab construction in which the components
4. Due to the effect of composite action sizes of precast carries their entire load transmitted by the slab and there will
prestressed units can be: be no composite action between the members when
a) Increased compared than conventional method of construction the
b) Reduced precast unit‟s method facilitates a greater structural efficiency.
c) Deducted 9. The main components of the composite beam are
d) Serviced prestressed precast stem and:
View Answer a) A cast insitu flange
Answer: b b) A cast insitu beam
Explanation: The sizes of precast prestressed units can be c) A cast insitu slab
reduced due to the effect of composite action and low ratio of d) A cast insitu column
size of the precast unit to that of the whole component View Answer
member and appreciable saving in the cost of steel in a Answer: a
composite member compared with a reinforced or prestressed Explanation: The main components of the composite beam
concrete member. are prestressed precast stem and a cast insitu flange and the
5. In many cases precast prestressed unit serve as: prestressed precast stem of higher grade concrete is
a) Supports and dispences prepared in a factory while the flange having a concrete of
b) Girders and dispences lower grade is used for casting is done at the site.
c) Area and dispences 10. To attain the composite action the precast stem and the
d) Beams and dispences flange is:
View Answer a) Laced together
Answer: a b) Tied together
Explanation: In many cases precast prestressed units serve c) Keyed together
as supports and dispense with the form work for placement of d) Cutted together
insitu concrete and composite members are ideally suited for View Answer
constructing bridge decks without the disruption of normal Answer: c
traffic. Explanation: To attain the composite action the precast stem
6. The efficient utilization of material in a composite section in and the flange is keyed together and facilitates in carrying the
which the low and medium strength concrete resists: heavier loads effectively between the prefabricated beam and
a) Tensile forces cast in situ slab shear connection should be provided in which
b) Principal forces they act as one unit and resist the loads by composite action
c) Compressive forces as in reinforced concrete T beams.
d) Axial forces
View Answer Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
Answer: c Types of Composite Members:-
Explanation: The efficient utilization of material in a composite 1. The most common type of composite construction consists
member in a composite section in which the low and medium of:
strength concentration of insitu construction resists a) I beams
compressive forces while the high strength prestressed units b) T beams
resist tensile forces. c) L beams
7. The combination of light weight concrete for the cast insitu d) U beams
slab results in reduced: View Answer
a) Live loads Answer: b
b) Dead loads Explanation: The most common type of composite
c) Constant loads construction consists of a number of precast prestressed
d) Limited loads inverted T beams placed side by side and connected by a
View Answer continuous top slab of insitu concrete and this type of
Answer: b construction is widely used in the construction of bridge
Explanation: Combination of light weight concrete for the cast decks.
in situ slab results in reduced dead loads leading to economy 2. The dead weight of the deck can be considerably reduced
in the overall costs and the precast prestressed units which by using:
require skilled labour and workmanship can be cast in a a) Stirrups
factory or casting yard and conveyed to the site of b) Foundation
construction. c) Reinforcement
8. In case of conventional method there will be a steel beam d) Voids
and slab construction in which the components carries their: View Answer
a) Entire load Answer: d
b) Half load Explanation: The dead weight of the deck can be considerably
c) Span load reduced by using voids or light weight longitudinal cores in the
space between the precast prestressed units and this light
weight concrete for the cast in situ slab results in reduced casting the concrete in situ this method of construction is
dead loads, leading to economy in the overall costs. termed as propped construction and if the precast units are
3. The spans exceeding 30m for large span composite bridge not propped while placing the insitu concrete, stresses are
decks the precast concrete unit consists of: developed in the unit due to self weight of the member and
a) J sections dead weight of the insitu concrete and this method of
b) K sections construction is referred as unpropped construction.
c) T sections 8. The main advantage of composite member is:
d) Rectangular sections a) Ease of work
View Answer b) Decreased workability
Answer: c c) Increased depth of foundation
Explanation: For large span composite bridge decks of spans d) Decreased depth of foundation
exceeding 30m, the commonly used precast prestressed View Answer
concrete units consist of I section unsymmetrical T or box Answer: a
sections and the concrete cast insitu forms the deck slab Explanation: The main advantage of composite member is it
interconnecting the precast units and typical cross section of facilitates the ease of work at the construction site and it is the
bridge deck with different type of precast units are compiled. fast approaching process by utilizing the self supporting
4. The precast prestressed I and T beams have been precast stems the shuttering can be minimized.
standardized by: 9. The precast double tees are used in:
a) Cement and concrete association a) Balcony
b) American standard association b) Parking structure
c) British standard association c) Balcony & Parking structure
d) Indian standard association d) None of the mentioned
View Answer View Answer
Answer: a Answer: b
Explanation: The precast prestressed I and T beams have Explanation: Precast double tees have been used in partially
been standardized by the cement and concrete association structures, bridge decks are cast in situ slab, it has long term
for use in the construction of bridge decks of span varying durability and gives aesthetic flexibility, fire resistance and low
from 7 to 36m and standard I and T units are extensively used maintenance and resists gravity seismic and using loads.
as highway bridge beams in U.S.A. 10. The depth variation for L shaped composite beams is:
5. The use of prestressed concrete tie beams in a reinforced a) 2 to 3 feet
concrete truss reduces: b) 6 to 8 feet
a) Spacing c) 14 to 16 feet
b) Cross section d) 2 to 6 feet
c) Curing properties View Answer
d) Cost Answer: a
View Answer Explanation: In this L section the depth varies from 2 to 3 feet
Answer: b deep, web thickness is usually taken as 16”(0.4m) for the
Explanation: The use of prestressed tie beams in a reinforced steams of deck sections the ledge provides a bearing surface
concrete truss considerably reduces the cross sectional in which the compacted L beam is subjected to different
dimensions of the bottom chord member, which is subjected eccentric loading.
to high degree of tension in the case of large span trusses.
6. Reinforced and prestressed concrete truss generally used Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
for spans ranging from: Analysis of Stresses:-
a) 18 to 36m 1. The stresses developed in the prestressed structures are
b) 14 to 30m computed using:
c) 20 to 30m a) Simple bending equations
d) 11 to 19m b) Stress strain theory
View Answer c) Strain analysis
Answer: a d) Stress curves
Explanation: Reinforced and prestressed concrete trusses are View Answer
generally used for spans ranging from 18 to 36m and this Answer: a
form of construction is ideally suited for industrial structures Explanation: The stresses developed in prestressed and cast
transfer prestressing is also used to develop monolithic action insitu concrete are computed using the simple bending
in the lateral direction. equations until the stage of cracking and if the precast
7. The dead load stress developed in the precast prestressed prestressed unit is unpropped during the placing of insitu
units can be minimized by: concrete, the stresses that develop in the precast unit are
a) Wedging sum of stresses due to self weight of members.
b) Anchoring 2. Once the insitu concrete hardens, we assume the section
c) Propping to be:
d) Tensioning a) Dilithic
View Answer b) Monolithic
Answer: c c) Transverse
Explanation: The dead load stress developed in the precast d) Longitudinal
prestressed units can be minimized by Propping them while View Answer
Answer: b Answer: b
Explanation: After the insitu concrete has hardened the whole Explanation: The modular ratio of precast prestressed unit
section is assumed to be monolithic and the stresses that varies in the range of 1.1 to 1.5 however this value could be
develop due to subsequent live loads are computed using the larger if light weight concrete with a modulus in the range of 5
properties of the composite sections. to 12kn/mm is used in conjunction with precast units made of
3. If the precast unit is propped during the placing of insitu normal weight aggregates.
concrete, the stresses due to self weight are computed using: 8. A precast pretensioned beam of rectangular section has a
a) Section modulus breadth of 100mm and depth of 200mm and the beam with an
b) Eccentricity effective span of 5mm is prestressed by tendon with their
c) Tension centroidal coinciding with the bottom kern and the initial force
d) Principle stress in the tendons is 150kn. Find prestressing force?
View Answer a) 20n/mm
Answer: a b) 34n/mm
Explanation: The stresses developed due to self weight of the c) 15n/mm
insitu concrete are computed using the section modulus of the d) 12n/mm
composite section and in all cases the live loads stresses are View Answer
based on the composite section. Answer: c
4. In most composite constructions which involve prestressed Explanation: A = (100×200) = 20000mm , p = 150kn =
units and insitu cast concrete the latter is of: 150×10
a) High strength concrete Stresses due to prestressing force = (2P/A) =
3 2
b) Medium strength concrete (2x150x10 /20000) = 15n/mm .
c) Colored concrete 9. Calculate stresses due to slab weight in precast sections
d) Reinforced concrete given moment due to slab weight is 1200nm of section
View Answer modulus 667×10 ?
Answer: b a) 1.8n/mm
Explanation: In most composite constructions which involve b) 1.5n/mm
precast prestressed units and insitu cast concrete the latter is c) 2.5n/mm
invariably of low or medium strength concrete while the former d) 2.3n/mm
are generally made of high strength concrete of grade View Answer
exceeding M35. Answer: a
5. For computing the live load stresses, the effect of different Explanation: Section modulus Z = 667×10 , moment due to
moduli between the cast in situ and precast unit is slab weight is 1200nm
considerable by: Stresses due to slab weight in the precast sections =
3 2
a) Eccentricity (1200000/667×10 ) = 1.8n/mm .
b) Modular ratio 10. Calculate the stress of pretensioned beams assuming as
c) Tensile stresses propped during the casting of the slab if Zt is 225×10, Zb is
d) Deflections 128x104mm and moment due to self weight is 1200nmm?
View Answer a) 12.3 and 4.5
Answer: b b) 0.53 and 0.94
Explanation: For computing the live load stresses, the effect of c) 0.23 and 0.45
different moduli between the cast in situ and precast unit is d) 1.23 and 0.67
considerable by using the modular ratio of precast insitu View Answer
concrete for calculating the area, centroid, second moment of Answer: b
4 3
area and second modulus of the equivalent composite Explanation: Zt = 225×10, Zb = 128×10 mm , moment due to
sections. self weight =1200nmm
6. In modulus of elasticity of insitu concrete of grade M20 will Stresses due to this moment in the composite section:
4 2
be about: At top = (1200000/225×10 ) = 0.53n/mm (compression), At
2 4 2
a) 25kn/mm bottom = (1200000/128×10 ) = 0.94n/mm (tension).
b) 30kn/mm
c) 35kn/mm Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
d) 40kn/mm Deflections of Composite Members:-
View Answer 1. In the case of composite members, deflections are
Answer: a computed by taking into account the different stages of:
Explanation: In most practical instances, the modulus of a) Tension
elasticity of insitu concrete of grade M 20 will be about b) Loading
25kn/mm , while the modulus of concrete in precast c) Ranging
prestressed units could vary from 28 to 36kn/mm for concrete d) Hogging
grades of M30 toM60. View Answer
7. The modular ratio of precast prestressed unit is: Answer: b
a) 2.0 to 1.6 Explanation: In the case of composite members, deflections
b) 1.1 to 1.5 are computed by taking into account the different stages of
c) 2.4 to 1.4 loading as well as the differences in the modulus of elasticity
d) 2.2 to 1.7 of concrete in the precast prestressed unit and then insitu cast
View Answer element.
2. The initial deflection is due to: necessarily involve the prevailing local infrastructure like raw
a) Self weight materials, man power, plant and machinery, power and
b) Cross section financial resources and an excellent example of appropriate
c) Beam weight technology can be found in the low cost suspension bridges
d) Foundation built by Girish bharadwaj in south India.
View Answer 7. The factors which influence the cost of a bridge are:
Answer: a a) Method of erection
Explanation: The initial deflection due to prestress of self b) Length of beam
weight of the beam and the weight of the insitu cast concrete c) Cost of water
if the beam is not propped is computed on the basis of the d) Testing of materials
section and the modulus of elasticity of the precast unit. View Answer
3. The live load deflection is always estimated using: Answer: a
a) Beam sections Explanation: In general the quantities of concrete and steel
b) Composite sections expressed per unit area of deck can be considered as
c) Bent sections indicative of economy although these figures are not the only
d) Rolled sections ones which governs the overall cost of the bridge and the
View Answer various factors which influence the cost of a bridge are: the
Answer: b length of individual spans, the type of cross section of deck,
Explanation: The live load deflection is always estimated the number of longitudinal girders, the width of bridge deck,
using composite properties if the precast beam is propped depth and type of foundation, excavations etc, the cost of
during construction and the deflections due to dead weight of form work, the cost of materials and labour, the type of
in situ concrete is also computed on the basis of composite construction, such as cast in situ or precast, the method of
sections. erection of precast elements.
4. When the modulus of elasticity of the precast and insitu 8. For spans less than 35m, SSB beams are?
cast concrete are different the flexural rigidity is worked out a) Costly
by: b) Cheapest
a) First moment of area c) Zero
b) Second moment of area d) Constant
c) Limit states View Answer
d) Composite beam Answer: b
View Answer Explanation: For spans less than 35m, SSB are the cheapest
Answer: b type of construction and as the span increases, the cost of
Explanation: When the modulus of elasticity of the precast simply supported beams increases rapidly and it is
and insitu cast concrete are different the flexural rigidity is prohibitively costly for spans exceeding 60m.
worked out by computing the equivalent second moment of 9. Which are more expensive than continuous beams of
area of the composite sections using the modular ratio and unequal spans?
the deflections computed under service loads should not a) Portals
exceed the limiting values prescribed in the codes. b) Hinges
5. One of the knowledge required for planning of any c) Layers
structural component is: d) Arches
a) Seismic nature of terrain View Answer
b) Regional nature of terrain Answer: a
c) Wind nature of terrain Explanation: Portals are slightly more expensive than
d) Loads continuous beams of unequal spans and however for very
View Answer long spans especially in deep ravines, reinforced concrete
Answer: a arched bridges are more economical and concrete arches are
Explanation: Planning of any structure like a building, bridge, seldom prestressed because prestressing adds very little to
marine structures or storage structures requires the natural advantage of thrust in arch design.
comprehensive knowledge of the various parameters like site 10. In the early 1960, based on which analysis have reported
conditions availability of skilled labour and materials, the variation of the cost of bridge decks:
transportation facilities, seismic nature of the terrain, sub soil a) Rigorous computations analysis
water conditions, choice of material like steel, reinforced or b) Tension analysis
prestressed concrete, weather and durability considerations, c) Strain analysis
clients requirements and the funds earmarked for the d) Stress analysis
structures. View Answer
6. In general appropriate technology must necessarily involve Answer: a
the prevailing: Explanation: As early as in 1960, Sarkar based on a rigorous
a) Structures computational analysis have reported the variations of the
b) Infastructure cost of bridge deck in relation to span and the number of
c) Codes longitudinal girders in a tee girder bridge and although the
d) Books cost was more or less the spans up to 15m the cost increased
View Answer with the increasing number of girders for spans in the range of
Answer: b 15 to 35m.
Explanation: In general, appropriate technology must
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – Answer: a
Stresses at Serviceability Limit:- Explanation: Theses stresses may be increased by upto 50
1. The maximum permissible stresses are mainly governed percent, provided that the allowable tensile stresses for the
by: prestressed unit is reduced by the same amount the higher
a) Tensile stresses values of flexural tensile stresses are permitted since it has
b) Compressive stresses been proved by experiments that the development of cracking
c) Ultimate stress which are visible is prevented by the uncracked prestressed
d) Principle stresses concrete which is bonded to the insitu concrete.
View Answer 6. The horizontal shear is generally governed by:
Answer: b a) Shear limit state
Explanation: The maximum permissible stresses in the b) Ultimate limit state
precast prestressed concrete and the insitu cast concrete are c) Principle limit state
mainly governed by the compressive strength of concrete in d) Tensile limit state
the respective elements and in general the permissible View Answer
stresses in a precast prestressed concrete are governed by Answer: b
the normal rules for prestressed concrete. Explanation: Horizontal shear is generally governed by the
2. Certain expectations in serviceability limits of British code ultimate limit states the British code (BS:8110-1985) identifies
are made regarding: three types of surfaces in the design provisions for the
a) High stresses maximum permissible design ultimate horizontal shear
b) Compressive stresses stresses at the interface.
c) Limited stresses 7. The horizontal shear force, at the interface of the precast
d) Elongation stresses and insitu components, are due to:
View Answer a) Design ultimate loads
Answer: a b) Design shear loads
Explanation: Certain expectations are made regarding high c) Design flexural loads
stresses developed at the interface of the precast and insitu d) Design tensile loads
cast elements and in British code BS: 8110 provides for a View Answer
higher value of compressive for a higher value of compressive Answer: a
stress equal to 0.5fcu which is 50 percent higher than the Explanation: The horizontal shear force at the interface of the
normally allowable value in prestressed element. precast and insitu components due to design ultimate loads is
3. The higher value of compressive stress is permissible only the total compression from that part of the compression zone
in: above the interface calculated from the ultimate bending
a) I sections moment.
b) Composite sections 8. The average horizontal design shear stress is computed by
c) L sections dividing:
d) Prestressed sections a) Horizontal principle force/Area
View Answer b) Precast force/Area
Answer: b c) Horizontal shear force/Area
Explanation: The higher value of compressive stress is d) Load/Area
permissible only in composite sections with the stipulation that View Answer
the failure of the section is due to excessive elongation of Answer: c
steel and this requirement is to safe guard against the Explanation: The average horizontal design shear stress is
explosive compressive failure of the concrete at the limit state computed by dividing the horizontal shear force by the area
of collapse. which is obtained as the product of the contact width of the
4. The permissible flexural tensile stress in the insitu concrete bear and its length between the points of zero moment.
at the: 9. To obtain the horizontal shear stress the design shear
a) Contact surface stress are:
b) Longitudinal surface a) Calculated
c) Zig zag surface b) Analysed
d) Dump surface c) Distributed
View Answer d) Divided
Answer: a View Answer
Explanation: The permissible flexural tensile stress in the Answer: c
insitu concrete at the contact surface with the prestressed Explanation: The average design shear stress is then
element, as prescribed in the British code BS: 8110 varies distributed in proportion to the vertical design shear force
from 3.2 to 5.0n/mm corresponding to various grades of diagram to obtain the horizontal shear stress at any point
concrete. along the length of the members and the design shear
5. The stresses may be increased up to 50 percent for stresses should not exceed the values compiled for different
prestressed unit by the use of: types of surfaces.
a) Allowable tensile stresses 10. When the links are provided, their cross sectional area
b) Permissible tensile stresses should be at least:
c) Permitted tensile stresses a) 0.20
d) Constant tensile stresses b) 0.15
View Answer c) 0.20
d) 0.18 strength of the insitu cast concrete and the roughness of the
View Answer precast element and any extra shear resistance over and
Answer: b above this should be provided by shear connectors.
Explanation: When links are provided their cross sectional 5. When ties are not provided the permissible values of the
area should be at least 0.15 percent of the contact area and horizontal shear stress is:
the spacing of the links in T beam ribs with composite flanges a) 0.6n/mm
should not exceed neither four times the minimum thickness b) 4.6n/mm
of the insitu concrete nor 600mm. c) 1.6n/mm
d) 8.6n/mm
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – View Answer
Flexural and Shear Strength:- Answer: a
Explanation: The permissible values of the horizontal shear
1. In case of composite sections, the percentage of tensioned stress for different types of contact surfaces is specified as:
reinforcement is less than: 0.6n/mm when ties are not provided and the contact surface
a) Simple beams of the precast element is free of laitance and intentionally
b) Complex beams roughened to an amplitude of 5mm and 25n/mm when
c) Tee beams minimum vertical ties are provided and the contact surface is
d) Edge beams roughened to an amplitude of 5mm.
View Answer 6. The ties consisting of single bars and multiple leg stirrups
Answer: a should have a spacing not exceeding:
Explanation: In case of composite sections the percentage of a) 600mm
tensioned reinforcement is less than that in most simple b) 400mm
beams, so that the section is invariably under reinforced and c) 1100mm
the compression zone generally consists entirely of insitu d) 900mm
concrete of lower compressive strength, and the value of the View Answer
cube strength of concrete to be used in flexural strength Answer: a
equations will obviously be that of insitu cast concrete. Explanation: The ties consisting single bars, multiple leg
2. If the compression zone contains part of precast element, stirrups or vertical legs of welded face fabric should not have
the computation is done by considering: a spacing not exceeding four times the least dimension of the
a) Grades of concrete supported element nor 600mm whichever is less the Indian
b) Cross section standard code IS: 1343 does not make any specific
c) Durability recommendations regarding the shear stresses in composite
d) Strength characteristics sections.
View Answer 7. If the surface is rough tamped and without links to
Answer: b withstand a horizontal shear stress of 0.6n/mm and assuming
Explanation: If the compression zone contains a part of the moduli of elasticity of precast and insitu cast concrete to
precast element, the average compressive strength computed be equal the centroid of the composite section is located
by considering the cross sectional area of insitu and precast 110mm from the top of the slab, second moment area of
5 4
concrete is used in the computation of compressive force. composite section is 2487×10 mm , calculate ultimate
3. The effective bonding between the two parts of composite shearing resistance?
beams is developed by: a) 14
a) Smoothing b) 12
b) Roughening c) 18
c) Painting d) 21
d) Detacahing View Answer
View Answer Answer: b
Answer: b Explanation: vu = ultimate shearing force, η = vus/ln , s=
3 2
Explanation: Effective bending between the two parts of a (350x30x95)mm , b = 80mm, η = 0.6n/mm , vu=
composite beam may be developed by providing castellation (0.6x2487x10 x80/350x30x95) = 12000n = 12kn.
in the precast unit or by roughening the contact surface of the 8. Design ultimate horizontal shear stress with nominal links
precast unit before placing the insitu concrete or by projecting and the contact surface are as cast (assume η = 1.2n/mm )?
reinforcements from the precast unit which serve as ahead a) 15kn
connectors. b) 23kn
4. The design of shear connections depends upon the c) 12kn
strength of: d) 24kn
a) Ex situ cast concrete View Answer
b) In situ cast concrete Answer: d
c) Tampered concrete Explanation: The ultimate shear resistance is expressed as
d) Prestressed concrete vu= (ηlb/s) = (1.2x2487x105x80/350x30x95) = 24000n = 24kn,
View Answer η = 1.2n/mm .
Answer: b
Explanation: In the design of shear connection it is generally Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
assumed that the natural bond at the interface contributes a Analysis of Composite Sections:-
part of the required shear resistance depending upon the
1. The dimensioning of composite sections involves Calculate the moment due to self weight and live load
determining the required size of: moment due to self weight M = 0,125xwxl . Moment due to
a) Precast sections live load Ml = 0.125xBxPxL according to the specification the
b) Precast beams permissible compressive stress in concrete = 0.5fct, fci =
c) Composite sections compressive strength of precast pretensioned member.
d) Prestressed beams 6. Under minimum and maximum moments the critical
View Answer stresses occur at:
Answer: c a) Edge
Explanation: The dimensioning of composite sections involves b) Soffit
determining the required size of the composite section using a c) Span
standard precast prestressed beam of known section d) Eccentricity
properties in order to support the required design service View Answer
loads. Answer: b
2. What is necessary to design a precast prestressed section? Explanation: In Step 5 under minimum and maximum
a) Eccentricity moments we calculate the critical stresses that occur at the
b) Section modulus soffit of the precast prestressed element. The stress
c) Factor safety conditions are (Pinf – Mmin/b) < Pct
d) Reinforcement details (ɳPinf-M/Zb-Mb/Zb) > or equal to pth.
View Answer 7. In typical detail of expansion joint the open cell
Answer: b compression seal is dependent upon its ability to maintain:
Explanation: It may become necessary to determine the a) Deflection
section modulus of the precast prestressed section for a b) Loads
composite slab of given depth and either case, formulae c) Pressure
relating the section moduli of the precast prestressed and d) Slab
composite section loading on the member, permissible View Answer
stresses in the concrete and loss ratio may be developed by Answer: c
considering various stages of loading. Explanation: In typical detail of expansion joint the open cell
3. The critical stress condition generally occurs at: compression seal is dependent upon its ability to maintain
a) Soffit Pressure on the joint side walls with varying degree of stress
b) Edge and generally elastometric (Neoprene) compression seals for
c) Middle expansion joints in bridge decks and they are made of
d) Supports polychloroprene otherwise known as Neoprene.
View Answer 8. The coupling units are used in prestressing steel for:
Answer: a a) Joining
Explanation: The critical stress condition generally occurs at b) Filling
the soffit of the precast prestresssed beam is calculated in c) Looping
order to support the required design service load calculate the d) Closing
overall depth of composite slab by assuming the trial depth View Answer
and add the trial depth to the depth of standard prestressed Answer: a
beam. Explanation: The coupling units are used in prestressing steel
4. The first two factors considered in design considerations of for coupling units used for joining of high tensile wires should
composite sections are: have an ultimate strength of not less than the individual
a) Sectional properties and overall depth strengths of the wires or bars being joined and welding is not
b) Elevation properties and overall depth permitted for joining of high tensile wires or bars.
c) Design properties and overall depth 9. The prestressing steel, sheathing and anchorages should
d) Construction properties and overall depth be stored at:
View Answer a) Site
Answer: a b) Road
Explanation: The known sectional properties of the precast c) Room
prestressed beam is calculated in order to support the d) Bridge
required design service load, calculated the overall depth of View Answer
composite slab by assuming the trial depth and add the trial Answer: a
depth to the depth of standard prestressed beam. Explanation: The prestressing steel, sheathing and
5. The design considerations of composite section in step 3 anchorages should be stored at site in such in such a way as
and step 4 are: to provide them with adequate corrosion protection and after
a) Alignment and forces stressing the steel in the sheath, it should be provided with
b) Self weight and moments permanent protection as soon as possible preferably within
c) Area and moments one week and while providing protection by pressure grouting
d) Deflection and moments of cement, care should be taken that the neighboring cables
View Answer are penetrated by grout.
Answer: b 10. The prestressing tendons are not grouted in the case of:
Explanation: Calculate the self weight of the precast beam a) Nuclear pressure vessels
and insitu concrete self weight of precast beam W = overall b) Earth vessels
depth x width x unit weight of concrete, w = d x b x 24 and c) Turbines
d) Glassc prestresssed structures, the deflections are comparatively
View Answer small as compared to simply supported span.
Answer: a 3. In continuous post tensioned girders the curved cables can
Explanation: the prestressing tendons are not grouted in the be positioned to resist:
case of nuclear pressure vessels and protection against a) Edge and supports
corrosion is ensured by filling the ducts with petroleum based b) Beam and supports
jelly and the unbounded tendons facilitate re tensioning c) Span and supports
operations whenever required and the force in the tendons d) Columns and supports
can be checked at periodical intervals. View Answer
11. The bottom fiber of the prestressed beams is expressed Answer: c
as: Explanation: In continuous post tensioned girders, the curved
a) Ptw – Mmin/Zt cables can be suitably positioned to resist the span and
b) Ptw + Mmin/Zt support moments, continuity of the members in framed
c) Ptw – Zt/Mmin structures leads to increase stability, in framed structures
d) Ptw + Zt/Mmin leads to increase stability continuous girders are formed by
View Answer segmental construction using precast units connected by
Answer: a prestressed cables.
Explanation: The required top and bottom fibers of the precast 4. There is a reduction of anchorage in case of:
prestressed beams are calculated in 7 step they are a) Precast prestressed beam
expressed as: b) Pre tensioned prestressed beam
Pt > or less than (Ptw/ɳ + M/ɳZb + Ml/ɳZb„) c) Continuous prestressed
Pb > or less than (Ptw – Mmin/Zt) where Pt = characteristic d) Partially prestressed
tensile strength of concrete (n/mm ), Pb = stress at bottom View Answer
fiber (n/mm ). Answer: d
12. The maximum eccentricity in the design of composite Explanation: A reduction in the number of anchorages in a
sections is given as: continuous prestressed beam in comparison with a series of
a) e = ZtZb(Pt) / A(PbZt+PtZb) simply supported beam only one pair of post tensioning
b) e = ZtZb(Pt-Pb) / A(PbZt+PtZb) anchorages and a single stressing operation can serve
c) e = ZtZb(Pt+Pb) / A(PbZt+PtZb) several members.
d) e = ZtZb / A(PbZt-PtZb) 5. When an indeterminate structure is prestressed which
View Answer reactions develop?
Answer: b a) Extrusion
Explanation: The maximum eccentricity for composite b) Redundant
sections is given in step 8 is c) Compressive
e = ZtZb(Pt-Pb) / A(PbZt+PtZb) where Zt = section modulus of d) Deformation
the top fiber, Zb section modulus of bottom fiber, the minimum View Answer
prestressing force is given as W = A(PtZb+PbZt) / Zt+Zb. Answer: b
Explanation: When an indeterminate structure is prestressed,
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – reductant reactions will develop due to the redundancies
Effects of Indeterminate structures:- exercising a restraint at the supports and the redundant
1. The ultimate load capacity is higher in case of: reactions which develop as a consequence of prestressing an
a) Statically indeterminate structures indeterminate structure result in secondary moments.
b) Statically determinate structures 6. Which type of structure is free to deform?
c) Prestressed structures a) Statically determinate
d) Reinforced structures b) Continuous structure
View Answer c) Statically indeterminate
Answer: a d) Partially prestressed structure
Explanation: The ultimate load carrying capacity is higher than View Answer
in statically indeterminate structures than in determinate Answer: c
structure due to the phenomenon of redistribution of Explanation: While a statically determinate structure is free to
moments, reduction in the size of member‟s results in lighter deform when prestressed a continuous structure cannot
structures. deform freely and however the deflections should conform to
2. The bending moments are more evenly distributed the law of consistent deformation.
between: 7. The formation of redundant reactions is examined with
a) Ends and supports reference to:
b) Centre and supports a) One span continuous beam
c) Edge and supports b) Two span continuous beam
d) Surface and supports c) Three span continuous beam
View Answer d) Four span continuous beam
Answer: b View Answer
Explanation: The bending moments are more evenly Answer: b
distributed between the centre of span and the supports of Explanation: The formation of redundant reactions and
member‟s leads to increased stability and in continuous secondary moments are examined with reference to a two
span continuous beam, prestressed by a straight cable local b) 2 types
at a uniform eccentricity throughout the span. c) 5 types
8. The problem of excessive frictional losses can be tackled d) 4 types
by reducing: View Answer
a) Eccentricity Answer: b
b) Prestressing force Explanation: Based on the method of construction continuous
c) Curvature beams may be classified as fully continuous beams in which
d) Loads tendons are generally continuous from one end to the other
View Answer and particularly continuous where each span is first precast as
Answer: c a simple bend and the elements are assembled to form a
Explanation: The problem of excessive frictional losses can be continuous member by using cap cables or short tendons
tackles by reducing the curvature of the cables housed in over the supports.
members of variable depth and also by temporarily 3. The primary moment is the apparent bending moment at a:
overstressing the tendons from both ends. a) Section
9. The stresses due to secondary moments can be eliminated b) Span
by selecting suitable: c) Cross section
a) Cable profile d) Equal distance
b) Tendon profile View Answer
c) Anchorage profile Answer: a
d) Wedge profile Explanation: The primary moment is the apparent bending
View Answer moment at a section in a statically indeterminate structure due
Answer: b to the actual eccentricity of the tendons from the centroid axis
Explanation: Stresses due to secondary moments can be and primary moment at every cross section of the two span
eliminated by selecting suitable tendon profile which do not continuous beams is Pe as it is a hogging moment.
induce secondary moments and it is also possible to provide 4. The secondary moment is also known as:
for secondary stresses in the design and if under reinforced a) Parallel bending moment
sections are used, the redistribution of moments will be more b) Eccentric bending moment
or less complete resulting in higher collapse loads and these c) Parasitic bending moment
loads could be estimated by suing the well established plastic d) Elliptical bending moment
theory as applied to structural steel members. View Answer
10. The computation of collapse or ultimate load is influenced Answer: c
by: Explanation: The secondary moment also known as parasitic
a) Degree of compression bending moment are additional moments induced at a section
b) Degree of bending of a statically indeterminate structure due to the redundant
c) Degree of redistribution reactions developed as a consequence of prestressing the
d) Degree of strain structure and the variation of secondary moment is a two
View Answer span continuous beam prestressed by a straight eccentric
Answer: c tendon.
Explanation: The computation of collapse or ultimate load is 5. The resultant moment is a section of:
influenced by the degree of redistribution of moments in the a) Determinate prestressed structure
continuous structure cables positioned to cater for secondary b) Indeterminate structure
moments are not generally suitable to provide the required c) Hollow structure
ultimate moment under a given system of loads. d) Transverse prestressed structure
View Answer
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – Answer: b
Analysis of Achieving Continuity:- Explanation: The resultant moment at a section of an
1. To develop continuity the short and straight tendons may be indeterminate prestressed structure is the sum of primarily
used over the: and secondary moments:
a) Spans Resultant moment = (Determinate moment +Secondary
b) Ridges moment).
c) Supports 6. The resultant thrust line in a two span continuous beam is
d) Edges prestressed by a:
View Answer a) Trapezoidal cable
Answer: c b) Straight cable
Explanation: Continuity in prestressed concrete construction c) Bent cable
is achieved by using curved or straight cables which are d) Parabolic cable
continuous over several spans and it is also possible to View Answer
develop continuity between two precast beams by using cap Answer: d
cables alternatively short straight tendon may be used over Explanation: The resultant thrust line in a two span continuous
the supports to develop continuity between two precast beam prestressed by a parabolic cable with zero eccentricity
prestressed beams. at all the supports and if tendon profile is made to coincide
2. Based on method of construction, continuous beams may with the resultant thrust line, the redundant reactions are
be classified into: completely eliminated and the cable may be considered as
a) 3 types concordant.
7. A Transformation profile is any tendon profile consisting of: c) Tendons
a) Parallel lines d) None of the mentioned
b) Straight lines View Answer
c) Bent lines Answer: b
d) Transverse lines Explanation: The tendon reaction method, suggested by
View Answer Guyon, for analyzing statically indeterminate prestressed
Answer: b structure is based on the principle of replacing the tendon by
Explanation: A transformation profile is any tendon profile an equivalent system of loads acting on the concrete member
consisting of straight lines between the rigid supports and which correspond to the reactions exerted by the tendon
having zero eccentricity at simple end supports and a tendon concrete.
following such profile will produce support reactions and 12. The analysis of indeterminate structure supporting the
uniform longitudinal compression but bending moments. equivalent loading directly yields the:
8. How many common methods are there for analyzing a) Span moments
statically indeterminate prestressed structures? b) End moments
a) 4 c) Resultant moments
b) 5 d) Strain moments
c) 3 View Answer
d) 2 Answer: c
View Answer Explanation: It is important to note that the analysis of the
Answer: c indeterminate structures supporting the equivalent loads
Explanation: There are several methods for analyzing directly yields the resultant moments consequently, the
statically indeterminate prestressed structures to compute the secondary moments, if required are obtained as the difference
secondary moments that develop from prestressing the of the resultant and primary moments at every cross section
structure and the commonly used methods are based on the of the structure.
principles of three moment theorem, consistent deformation 13. In statistically indeterminate prestressed concrete
and tendon reaction and the methods in b and c are also structures it is possible to make simple modification to:
generally referred to as the flexibility influence coefficient a) Predetermined tendon profile
method and the method of equivalent loads respectively and b) Elongated tendon profile
the merits and demerits of these methods and their suitability c) Collapse tendon profile
for given cases are outlined with the help of examples. d) Ridge tendon profile
9. Which diagram is considered in three moment method View Answer
analysis of secondary moments? Answer: a
a) Stress strain diagram Explanation: In statistically indeterminate prestressed
b) Bending moment diagram concrete structures it is possible to make simple modification
c) Pressure line diagram to Predetermined tendon profile without altering the pressure
d) Tee beam diagram line I the members this is an important property of continuous
View Answer prestressed beams first enunciated by Guyon as follows: In a
Answer: b continuous prestressed beam, if the tendon profile is
Explanation: The classical method of linear structural analysis displaced vertically any of the intermediate supports by any
such as the three or four moment theorem can be amount but without altering its intrinsic shape between the
conveniently used to analyze the second moments developed supports, the resultant line of thrust is unchanged.
in a continuous prestressed concrete structure and in this 14. The axial contraction in case prestressed structures does
method the free bending moment diagram to be considered is not influence:
that due to the primary moment represented by the tendon a) Force and Moment
profile with the longitudinal axis of the member as the b) Reactions and moment
horizontal axis. c) Deflection and moments
10. The simplified form of moment equation is given by: d) Area and moments
a) Mab+2Mba+2KMbc+KMcb = Kba+KKbc View Answer
b) Mab+2Mba+2KMbc = Kba+KKbc Answer: b
c) Mab+2Mba = Kba+KKbc Explanation: In case of prestresssed structures comparing
d) Mab = Kba+KKbc unidirectional members, such as continuous beams, the axial
View Answer contraction due to the effect of prestressing does not
Answer: a significantly influence the force and moment in the continuous
Explanation: The simplified form of moment equation is given structure.
by: Mab+2Mba+2KMbc+KMcb= Kba+KKbc depending upon the 15. In structure like portal frames prestressing of transform
degree of indeterminacy of the structure a suitable number of results in:
equations are formulated and then solved to evaluate the a) Tensile contraction
secondary moments and the resultant moment at any section b) Axial contraction
is computed as the sum of primary and secondary moments c) Compression
and this method can also handle members of variable cross d) Principle contraction
section along the length of the structure. View Answer
11. The tendon reaction method is based on the principle of: Answer: a
a) Equivalent tendon placing Explanation: In structures like portal frames with members in
b) Replacing the tendons different directions, prestressing of transform results in an
axial contraction, which in turn introduced tertiary moments in a) Upper limit
the frames due to the lateral displacement of the junction of b) Lower limit
the transform and column members. c) Upper limit above and lower limit
d) Zero
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – View Answer
Ultimate Load Analysis:- Answer: c
1. The reduction in the magnitude of prestressing force occurs Explanation: If the partial redistribution takes place due to the
due to: constraints imposed by limited hinge rotations, the ultimate
a) Re block strength of the structure lies in between the upper limit above
b) Restraint and the lower limit corresponding to the computations based
c) Relock on the linear elastic theory.
d) Re tension 6. The equilibrium between the internal forces and the
View Answer external loads is maintained for:
Answer: b a) Stress combinations
Explanation: According to Bennet the main effects due to axial b) Load combinations
deformation and tertiary moments are: Reduction in the c) Deformation combinations
magnitude of prestressing force in a particular member due to d) Elastic combinations
the restraint of the adjacent members, the development of View Answer
tertiary moments due to bending deformation of the Answer: b
indeterminate structure due to axial contraction under the Explanation: The redistribution of moments is permitted under
action of the prestressing force. the following conditions: equilibrium between the internal
2. The ultimate load carrying capacity is controlled by: forces and the external loads is maintained for approximate
a) Tensile strength load combinations, at sections where the moment capacity
b) Compressive strength after redistribution is less than that from the elastic maximum
c) Flexural strength moment diagram the following relationship should be satisfied
d) Axial strength (xu/d) +δm/100)) < 0.8, xu = depth of neutral axis, d = effective
View Answer depth, δm = percentage reduction in moment.
Answer: c 7. The ultimate moment of resistance provided at any section
Explanation: The ultimate load carrying capacity of a statically of a member is not less than:
determinate prestressed concrete structure is mainly a) 80%
controlled by the flexural strength of a critical section in the b) 40%
member and in contrast to this, the ultimate load carrying c) 25%
capacity of an indeterminate prestressed concrete structure d) 95%
depends upon the flexural strength of several critical sections View Answer
and their rotation capacity. Answer: a
3. A conservative estimate of the ultimate resistance is Explanation: The ultimate moment of resistance provided at
obtained by assuming: any section of a member is not less than:
a) Extra reinforcement 80% of the moment at that section obtained from an elastic
b) Tensile reinforcement maximum moment diagram covering all appropriate
c) Factor of safety combination of loads, the elastic moment at any section in a
d) Collapse member due to partial combination of loads shall not be
View Answer reduced by more than 20 percent of the numerically largest
Answer: d moment covering all appropriate combination of loads.
Explanation: However a highly conservative estimate of the 8. In the design of continuous prestressed concrete members,
ultimate resistance of the structure is obtained by assuming it is often necessary to determine a cable profile lying within:
the collapse to occur when the moment, calculated by the a) Distribution zone
linear elastic theory first reaches a value equal to the flexural b) Limiting zone
strength at any section. c) Edge zone
4. Due to large deformations at the critical sections which d) Span zone
concentration develops? View Answer
a) Equilibrium Answer: b
b) Curvature Explanation: In the design of continuous prestressed concrete
c) Resultant members, it is often necessary to determine a cable profile
d) Loads lying within the limiting zone of thrust and also satisfying the
View Answer conditions of concordancy and a method based on the
Answer: b principle of virtual work is outlined for determining the
Explanation: Due to large deformations at the critical sections concordant cable profile.
in a statically indeterminate structure a concentration of 9. The difference of the maximum and minimum moments at a
curvature builds up over a few clearly defined short length of cross section in design of continuous prestressed beam is
the member, such as the interior supports and midspan points given as:
of a continuous beam and these plastic zones are idealized a) Mt = Mmax-Mmin
as hinges at which a rotation is considered to take place. b) Mf = Mmax+Mmin
5. If the partial redistribution takes place by the limited hinge c) Mt = Mmax
rotations, the ultimate strength of the structure lies between:
d) Mt = Mmin d) Deflection
View Answer View Answer
Answer: a Answer: b
Explanation: The maximum positive and negative moments Explanation: Liquid retaining structures, such as circular
due to the live and dead load moments at various sections of pipes, tanks and pressure vessels are admirably suited for
the member are calculated and hence computing the range of circular prestressing and the circumferential hoop tension
moment which is obtained as the difference of the maximum developed due to the internal fluid pressure and a reinforced
and minimum moments at a cross section, Mt = Mmax-Mmin In concrete pressure pipes requires a large amount of
the design of statically indeterminate prestressed concrete reinforcement to ensure low tensile stresses resulting in a
structures involves computation of maximum and minimum crack free structure, however, circular prestressing eliminates
moments at various cross sections of the members. cracks and provides for an economical use of materials and in
10. The overall cross sectional dimensions are fixed using the: addition, prestressing safeguards against shrinkage cracks in
a) Permissible tensile stresses liquid retaining structures.
b) Permissible compressive stresses 2. In circular prestressing, the member may be prestressed by
c) Permissible principle stresses overlapping:
d) Permissible strains a) Anchorages
View Answer b) Ridges
Answer: b c) Tendons
Explanation: The overall cross sectional dimensions are fixed d) Bars
using the permissible compressive stresses in concrete, fc by View Answer
equation Answer: c
Z = bh /6 = My/fc assuming a suitable values of b = 0.4-0.5h, Explanation: In circular prestressing, the member may be
the overall depth this obtained so as obtain the range of prestressed by overlapping tendons within the ducts so as to
moments which generally determines the cross sectional minimize frictional losses an alternative method is to wrap the
dimensions of the member. high tensile wires under tension around precast cylindrical
11. In the design of unidirectional members like continuous members and this method was developed much earlier than
beams, the axial contraction due to effect of prestressing is: linear prestressing and has been in use for a considerable
a) Constant period of time for the production of pressure pipes.
b) Zero 3. In circular prestressing the tension in the wire is produced
c) Neglected by pulling it through:
d) 1 a) Tendons
View Answer b) Anchorages
Answer: c c) Bars
Explanation: In the design of unidirectional members like d) Die
continuous beams, the axial contraction due to effect of View Answer
prestressing is: Neglected as it has very little influence on the Answer: d
force and moments in the structure but in the case of two Explanation: The tension in the wire is produced by pulling it
dimensional structures, such as portal frames and bents, the through a die which reduces its section, consequently
axial contraction of the members significantly influences the developing the required amount of tensile stress in the steel
primary and secondary moments in the structure. and the wrapped wires are generally protected against
12. The data that should be available for purpose of design is: corrosion by a coating of cement mortar recent developments
a) Overall shape reported by dandies include the use of picovex mortar which
b) Overall area consists of a proprietary epoxy resin formulation containing
c) Overall height coal tar used as the binder of a sand filled mortar.
d) Overall depth 4. A preformed spiral of high strength steel is placed in the
View Answer form, the concrete made by using:
Answer: a a) Expanding cements
Explanation: The data available for purpose of design is the b) High strength cements
overall shape of the structure and the loading conditions and c) Colored cement
the computations of maximum and minimum live load bending d) Aggregates
moments require a knowledge of the stiffness of the members View Answer
of the frame and the moments and thrusts determined by Answer: a
assuming a suitable stiffness ratio determined by assuming a Explanation: Expanding cement is places and consolidated
suitable stiffness ratio by the normal methods of structural and the completed until is cured carefully controlled conditions
analysis. to achieve the correct degree of expansion after the set and it
is important to note that calcium chloride must never be used
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – as an accelerating admixture in prestressed concrete since a
Circular Prestressing:- number of failures of prestresssed concrete pipes and tanks
1. A reinforced concrete pressure pipe requires a large have been recorded due to phenomenon of chloride
amount of: corrosion.
a) Span 5. The pretressed concrete pipes are ideally suited for a
b) Reinforcement pressure range of:
c) Area a) 0.6 to 4n/mm
b) 0.5 to 4n/mm
c) 0.8 to 4n/mm Answer: b
d) 0.10 to 4n/mm Explanation: Circumferential prestressing winding with or
View Answer without longitudinal prestressing, landing stresses with or
Answer: b without longitudinal prestressing condition in which a pipe is
Explanation: The pretressed concrete pipes are ideally suited supported by saddles at extreme points with full water load
for a pressure range of 0.5 to 4n/mm for this pressure range, but zero hydrostatic pressure.
while cast iron and steel pipes are not economical, reinforced 10.In design of concrete pipes the full working pressure
concrete pipes are not practicable due to their limited cracking conforming to the limit state of:
strength and the technique of prestressing pipes was first a) Design
introduced in 1930 and ever since, numerous pipelines have b) Collapse
been installed throughout the world. c) Serviceability
6. The classification of prestressed concrete pipes may be d) Tension
done depending upon the method of: View Answer
a) Curing Answer: c
b) Placement Explanation: According to the Indian standard code IS:784,
c) Manufacture the design of prestressed concrete pipes should cover the
d) Tension following five stages:
View Answer Dull working pressure conforming to the limit state of
Answer: c serviceability and the first crack stage corresponding to the
Explanation: According to Ooykaas prestressed concrete limit state of local damage, in addition it is also necessary to
pipes may be classified depending upon the method of examine the stage of bursting or failure of pipes correspond to
manufacture under the following groups: the limit state of collapse, mainly to ensure a desirable load
Monolyte construction based on the principle that a mix of factor against collapse.
fresh concrete subjected to triaxial pressure behaves in some 11. The percentage of reinforcement for prestressed concrete
respects like a solid body, two stage construction the method pipes varies between:
of manufacturing a non cylinder pipe ( without steel cylinder) a) 0.5 and 1
was developed by Lewiston pipe corporation around 1930. b) 0.10 and 2
7. In monolyte construction the manufacturing process c) 0.8 and 4
consists of pouring concrete under high frequency of: d) 0.7 and 3
a) Vibration View Answer
b) Pressure Answer: a
c) Tension Explanation: For prestressed concrete pipes, the percentage
d) Bending of reinforcement varies between 0.5 and 1 percent and the
View Answer modular ratio between 5 and 6 hence the loss to elastic
Answer: a deformation is about 3 to 6 percent of initial stress and in
Explanation: The manufacturing process consists of pouring addition to the elastic deformation loss, various other losses
concrete under high frequency vibration in a vertically placed of stress due to steel relaxation, creep and shrinkage of
steel mould consisting of an inner and outer shell and the concrete should also be considered to arrive at an overall
outer shell consisting of longitudinal sections held together by estimate of the losses of prestress.
spring assembles, permits the mould to expand while the 12. An ingenious method of casting spherical shells at the
inner steel mould is covered with an expansible rubber centre with conical shape was adopted by:
membrane. a) Finsterwalder
8. In stage construction the main function of the longitudinal b) Darles
prestress is to prevent: c) Hinge
a) Blocking d) Larcan
b) Cracking View Answer
c) Linking Answer: a
d) Wedging Explanation: An ingenious method of casting spherical shells
View Answer at the centre with conical shape was adopted towards the top
Answer: b and bottom was first adopted by Finsterwalder for the large
Explanation: The main function of the longitudinal prestress is sludge digestion tanks at the sewage treatment works in
to prevent cracking in concrete during circumferential winding Berlin and Frankfrust using a form work consisting of sectional
and cracking due to the bending stresses develop during the units which can be rotated about the central axis and the tank
handling and installation of pipes and the prestressed pipes, prestressed, sector wise with coupled tendons and splices
which were produced by the vacuum concrete (overseas) and the most impressive examples of a prestressed conical
co.Inc in collaboration with an Indian firm are to be used for sheel, is te 58m hig tower at Orebro in Sweden which
the veernam scheme to convey water to madras. comprises a concical shell with an external diameter of 46m,
9. The diagram of prestressed concrete pipes of supported on atail tower and the tank with a water storage
circumferential prestressing may be with or without: capacity of 900m is prestressed by 206 freyssinet cables each
a) Transversal prestress made up of 12 wires of 7mm diameter.
b) Longitudinal prestress 13. The square or rectangular tanks are required for:
c) Elliptical prestress a) Structural use
d) Rounded prestress b) Industrial use
View Answer c) Aggregate use
d) Commercial use used for storage of fluids, such as water, oil, gas, sewage,
View Answer granular materials like cement, process liquids and chemicals,
Answer: b slurries and more recently cryogens water storage tanks of
Explanation: Cylindrical tanks are by far the most commonly large capacity are invariably made of prestressed concrete
used types from structural and constructional consideration recent applications include special forms of prestressed
and the some of the largest prestressed concrete tanks concrete tanks, which are triaxially prestressed and serve as
constructed are circular in shape and a cylindrical shape is containment vessels and biological shields for nuclear
well suited for circumferential wire wrapping, which constitutes reactors.
the major prestressing operation in tanks and square or 2. Prestressed concrete although it is water tight, it is not:
rectangular tanks spanning either vertically or horizontally, are a) Gas tight
required for industrial use and square tanks are advantageous b) Liquid tight
for storage in congested urban and industrial sites where land c) Vapour tight
space is a major constraint. d) Material tight
14. The base slab forming the floor or tank is generally made View Answer
of: Answer: a
a) Prestressed concrete Explanation: Tanks have been built for storing liquid oxygen at
b) Reinforced concrete 230 degrees with capacities up to one million liters and
c) Aluminium concrete prestressed concrete, although water tight, it is not gas tight
d) Coloured concrete were vapours under pressure are to be stored and in such
View Answer cases, a thin membrane linear of steel provides rigidity and
Answer: b increases the steel tensile capacity of the pretressed
Explanation: The base slab forming the floor or tank is concrete.
generally made of reinforced concrete constructed on a flat 3. The metal linear concept in prestressed tanks has proved
bituminous surfacing or a tin concrete binding with the inter to be success in case of:
position of a sliding layer such as oil paper so that the slab a) Air tanks
can move over the compacted soil bed and the slab should be b) Water tanks
sufficiently flexible so that it can adapt itself to the local c) Fluid tanks
deformations of the pre compacted sub soil and the d) Vapour tanks
reinforcement in the slab should be well distributed to control View Answer
the cracking of the slab due to shrinkage and temperature Answer: b
changes. Explanation: The metal linear concept has proved so
15. The joint between the walls of the tank and floor slab may successful that it is being increasingly used in America, even
be any of the following of? for large water tanks and in the case of sanitary structures like
a) 3 sludge digestion tanks, spherical shapes are preferred and for
b) 4 practical reasons, the tank is made up of a top and bottom
c) 5 conical shell connected by a circular cylindrical intermediate
d) 6 portion.
View Answer 4. In the case of large tanks, the base slabs is subdivided by:
Answer: a a) Water
Explanation: The joint between the walls of the tank and floor b) Joints
slab may be any one of the following three types: fixed base, c) Scale
hinged base, sliding base and the ring tension and bending d) Lines
moment developed in the walls of the tank are mainly View Answer
influenced by the type of connection between walls and the Answer: b
base slab and in hinged base is not generally adopted for Explanation: In the case of large tanks, the bars slab is
prestressed concrete and in this type the wall is supported subdivided by joints which are sealed by water stops and the
over an annular bearing resting on the footing from which the floor slabs are cast in panels and according to the British
base slab is isolated by a joint from which the base slab is standard the maximum length of side of such panels should
isolated by a joint contains a compressible filling and in the not exceed 7.5m for reinforcement slabs and 6m for nominal
case of large tanks and especially for those which have to slabs and they may be formed out of 50 to 80mm thick gunite
store hot liquids a movable or sliding joint is the ideal solution reinforced with 0.5 percent of steel distributed in each of the
to minimize or completely eliminate the moments at the principal directions.
5. The nominal reinforcement provided for floor slabs
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – stipulated by Indian standard code is not less than:
Prestressing of Tanks:- a) 0.5
1. Prestressed concrete tanks have been widely used for the b) 0.7
storage of: c) 0.15
a) Gas d) 0.8
b) Air View Answer
c) Fluids Answer: c
d) Water Explanation: The Indian standard code stipulates the floor
View Answer slabs of tanks resting on the ground should be provided with a
Answer: c nominal reinforcement of not less than 0.15 percent and the
Explanation: Prestressed concrete tanks have been widely floor slabs should be cast in panels of area not more than
4.5m with contraction or expansion joints and these slabs are Answer: b
to be cast over a layer of concrete not less than 75mm thick Explanation: D = 30m, H = 7.5m, Nd = 720n/mm, ɳ= 0.75, fct =
2 2
with a sliding layer of bitumen paper provided to prevent the 13n/mm , pressure is 1n/mm
bond between the screed and the floor slab. T = Nd/ɳfct-fmin.w = 720/ (0.75X 13) – (1) = 82.3mm.
6. In the fixed base joint the junction is between the tank wall 10. Calculate circumferential prestress of a cylindrical
and: prestressed concrete water tank given that the thickness is
a) Slab 12mm, loss ratio is 0.75, the maximum stress under working
b) Footing pressure is 1n/mm (Nd value is 720)?
c) Beams a) 9.4n/mm
d) Columns b) 5.6n/mm
View Answer c) 11.2n/mm
Answer: b d) 15.2n/mm
Explanation: In fixed base joint the junction is between the View Answer
tank wall and footing is the most vulnerable location as far as Answer: a
leakage is concerned and hence in the case of tanks storing Explanation: Nd = 720, fmin.w = 1, ɳ= 0.75, t = 120mm
penetrating liquids, it is necessary to form the wall and footing Fc = Nd/ ɳt+ fmin.w/ ɳ = 720/0.75 x 120+1/0.75 = 9.4n/mm .
in monolithic construction and this type of connection is 11. Calculate vertical prestressing force if wires of 5mm
generally well suited for shallow tanks with diameters up to diameter with an initial stress of 1000n/mm are available for
30m, where the fixing moment developed at the wall base circumferential winding and Freyssinet cables made up of 12
does not result in excessively high stresses and congestion of wires of 8mm diameter stressed to 1200n/mm are to be used
reinforcement. for vertical prestressing?
7. When a sliding joint is made what is interposed at the a) 15
junction of wall and base: b) 12
a) Rubber c) 8
b) Timber d) 4
c) Plastic View Answer
d) Soil Answer: b
View Answer Explanation: 5mm diameter wires stress is 1000n/mm , 12
Answer: a wires of 8mm diameter are stressed to 1200n/mm , fc=
Explanation: A sliding joint is made by interposing rubber or (12x1000x200)/(1000) = 2400kn.
neoprene pads at the junction of the wall and the base and 12. Calculate circumferential prestress if loss ratio 0.75,
the preload engineering company has developed this type of thickness is 120mm, working pressure is 1n/mm and Nd is
sliding base in which a vertical water stop is inserted between given as 840n/mm?
two rubber strips and in the present state of art, single a) 10.75n/mm
neoprene pads have also used and the main function of these b) 14.8n/mm
pads is to allow for free horizontal movement of the wall c) 12.6n/mm
relative to the base by shear deformation of the rubber joint, d) 10.65n/mm
which does not exceed a critical value of 30 degrees. View Answer
8. The most common method of wire wrapping for circular Answer: a
tanks consists of: Explanation: Given Nd = 840, fmin.w = 1, ɳ= 0.75, t = 120mm,
a) VBR machine Fc = Nd/ ɳt+ fmin.w/ ɳ = 840/0.75×120+ 1/0.75 = 10.75n/mm .
b) Slump cone 13. Calculate the spacing of 5mm wires having a loss ratio of
c) Cassagrande apparatus 0.075, compressive stress is 10.75n/mm , 5mm diameter
d) Traction machine wires stress is 1000n/mm , 12 wires of 8mm diameter are
2 2
View Answer stressed to 1200n/mm (Nd = 840n/mm )?
Answer: d a) 15.4mm
Explanation: The most common method of wire wrapping b) 11.6mm
circular tanks consists of a traction machine, and it is c) 12.4mm
suspended from a trolley which runs along the top of the tank d) 18.5mm
walls and the high tensile wire is drawn through a die while it View Answer
is wound on the tank to achieve the designed tension in the Answer: b
wire and as a precaution the wires are anchored by clips, the Explanation: ɳ= 0.075, t = 120mm, internal diameter is
wall at regular intervals to ensure that in the event of wire 30×10 , Nd = 840
fracture, the winding does not get detached. S =2×840/0.075x1000x20/10.75x30x103x120) = 11.6mm.
9. Calculate minimum wall thickness given a cylindrical 14. Calculate the maximum vertical moment due to prestress
prestressed water tank of internal diameter 30m over a depth if given self weight moment is 16.5kn/m, thickness is 0.115m
of 7.5m and the permissible compressive stress at transfer is and loss ratio is 0.0075?
13n/mm and the maximum compressive stress under a) 15.4
working pressure is 1n/mm and the loss ratio is 0.75? b) 21.5
a) 43.8 c) 25.4
b) 82.3 d) 2.6
c) 64.5 View Answer
d) 90.4
View Answer
Answer: c 4. One way slabs may be supported across the entire width of
Explanation: Mw = 16.5kn/m, t = 0.115, ɳ= 0.075 the slab by means of:
Mt = Mw x W t / ɳ 16500(0.11/0.075) = 25.4×10 nmm/m. a) Columns
15. Find vertical prestressing force if characteristic strength is b) Piers
8.2, wires are stressed at 1000n/mm , diameter is 150mm? c) Ridges
a) 1500kn d) Footings
b) 1230kn View Answer
c) 4567kn Answer: b
d) 8967kn Explanation: One way slabs may be supported across the
View Answer entire width of the slab by beams, piers or abutments or
Answer: b bearing walls, which are positioned perpendicular to the
Explanation: fc = 8.2, stress = 1000, diameter = 150mm longitudinal axis of the span or the supports may be at an
F = (8.2 x 1000x 150)/1000 = 1230kn. angle of the span directions and one way slabs may be
continuous over one or several support.
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – 5. The simple or continuous slabs are analyzed for:
Prestressing of Slabs and Floors:- a) Design foundation
1. The prestressed concrete slab systems are ideally suited b) Design reinforcement
for: c) Design moments
a) Roofs d) Design slab
b) Slabs View Answer
c) Beam Answer: c
d) Column Explanation: The simple or continuous slabs are analyzed for
View Answer design moments by considering a unit width of the slab and
Answer: b the prestressing force and the eccentricity of the cable
Explanation: Prestressed concrete slabs systems are ideally required at prominent sections to resist the dead and live load
suited for floor and roof construction of industrial buildings moments are determined and the spacing of the cables or
where the live loads to base supported are of a higher order wires fixed based on the availability of type of tendon.
and the uninterrupted floor space is desirable for which 6. The design of a two-way-slab supported on all four sides
reason longer span between the supporting elements are involves the computation of:
required. a) Moments
2. The precast prestressed hollow core slabs, with or without b) Cross sections
topping is important structural element in: c) Bending moment
a) Structures d) Deformations
b) Industries View Answer
c) Aquariums Answer: c
d) Nurseries Explanation: The design of a two way slab supported on all
View Answer four sides involves the computation of bending moment in the
Answer: b principal directions of the slab and the slab may be supported
Explanation: Precast prestressed hollow core slabs, with or on masonry walls or beams and mayor may not be continuous
without topping are important structural elements in over the supports and transverse loads are resisted by the
industrialized and large panel building construction and the development of two way slab action, resulting in moments in
slabs, produced on long casting beds using the pretensioning longer and shorter span directions.
systems and cut to shorter specified span lengths, are mainly 7. The moment coefficients derived from the ultimate load
used in one way floors which are freely supported by method are generally lower in:
transverse walls or base. a) Span
3. Prestressed pretensioned cored slabs with differ types of b) Eccentricity
cavities are widely used as: c) Strength
a) Floor panels d) Magnitude
b) Tendons View Answer
c) Wall coatings Answer: d
d) Reinforcements Explanation: The moment coefficients derived from the
View Answer ultimate load method are generally lower in magnitude than
Answer: a those evaluated from elastic theories thus naturally resulting
Explanation: Prestressed pretensioned cored slabs with differ in savings in reinforcement and however slabs designed by
types of cavities are widely used as Floor panels of civil and the ultimate load method should be checked service loads
industrial buildings in erstwhile U.S.S.R Graduck reports that according to the principle of limit state design.
these panels are produced in multiples of 200mm nominal 8. A simple prestressed flat slab is generally supported by a
width and lengths from 3.6 to 6.4m and hollow panels of oval network of:
cavity type are most economical for larger spans since they a) Beams
contain the least volume of concrete as compared to round b) Columns
cavity panels and prestressed concrete ribbons have been c) Spans
used as reinforcement for hollow-cored slabs and these d) Deflections
consist of tensioned wires or strands embedded in high grade View Answer
concrete of star of rectangular cross section.
Answer: b 30m and in the case of longer spans, the tension develops in
Explanation: A simple prestressed flat slab is generally the edge beams of cylindrical shells is very high and results in
supported by a network of columns without beams and congestion of reinforcement and improper compaction of
prestressed in two perpendicular directions and the design of concrete in these zones.
typical simple flat slab involves the analysis of moments in the 3. Long spans exceeding 30m necessitate:
two principal directions so that cables may be arranged to a) Welding
resist these moments and the slab is analyzed as one way b) Blocking
slab and the total number of cables required to resist the c) Anchoring
moments in each of two principal directions are determined. d) Spinning
9. The proportioning of tendons in design of prestressed View Answer
concrete simple flat slab between the column and middle Answer: a
strips may be based on: Explanation: Longer spans exceeding 30m necessitate the
a) Moments lapping or wielding of reinforcement in addition, the structure
b) Codes may be rendered unfit for its intended use at the serviceability
c) Deflections limit states due to excessive deflections and objectionable
d) Loads cracking and most of these problems are eliminated by
View Answer prestressing the edge beams of long span shell structures.
Answer: b 4. The parabolic profile of the cables in the edge beam
Explanation: The column strips being stiffer than the middle counteracts the:
strips, a greater percentage of the tendons are housed in the a) Compression
column strips and the proportioning of the tendons between b) Tension
the column and middle strips may be based on the provisions c) Deflection
of codes such as IS:456 and BS:8110, where column strips d) Deformation
share a higher proportion of total moment. View Answer
10. The design principles of continuous flat slab floors are Answer: c
similar to: Explanation: The parabolic profile of the cables in the edge
a) One way slab beam counteracts the deflections due to the dead and live
b) Two way slab loads, so that the resulting deflection is well within the safe
c) Continuous permissible limits and prestressing the shell considerably
d) Deformed reduced the quantity of reinforcement in the structure as
View Answer demonstrated by Goldstein.
Answer: b 5. The investigations by Marshall have shown that
Explanation: The design of continuous flat slab floors are prestressing considerably reduces:
similar to those of two way reinforced concrete slabs and a a) Sagging moment
strip of slab of unit width continuous over supports is analyzed b) Transverse moment
as continuous beam and its prestressing results in secondary c) Hogging moment
moments. d) Longitudinal moment
View Answer
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – Answer: b
Prestressing of Shell and Folded Structures:- Explanation: The investigations by Marshall have shown that
prestressing considerably reduces transverse moments and
1. The concrete shell roof has been widely used to cover: the development of cracking due to high tensile stresses at
a) Small floor spaces the soffits of edge beams can be completely eliminated by
b) Large floor spaces eccentric prestressing and in addition precompression in
c) Middle span spaces concrete inhibits the formation of temperature and shrinkage
d) Edge floor spaces cracks.
View Answer 6. The compressive state of stress in the shell membrane
Answer: b results in which construction:
Explanation: The concrete shell roofs have been widely used a) Airtight construction
to cover large floor spaces of industrial structures and they b) Water tight construction
are generally preferred to other structural forms as they use a c) Lever construction
minimum amount of materials yielding maximum structural d) Soffit construction
advantage, the cross section being optimally used to resist View Answer
the forces. Answer: b
2. Reinforced concrete shells are ideally suited to cover floor Explanation: The compressive state of stress in the shell
spaces of up to: membrane results in which construction water tight
a) 15m construction and according to Haas prestressing has a
b) 25m favorable influence in providing adequate safety against the
c) 30m limit state of collapse by inelastic bulking India in 1941 over
d) 40m spans of 36m, with a chord width of 10.5m, the thickness of
View Answer the shell being 63mm and the prestressed shell roof of the
Answer: c aircraft hangar at Karachi was built in 1942 over spans of 40m
Explanation: Reinforced concrete shells are ideally suited to and as these shells gave satisfactory performance and were
cover floor spaces over medium to long range spans of up to
also economical in France, U.K, Germany and other is governed by a differential equation of eighth order involving
countries. the main shell parameters and deformations and solution
7. In general, concrete shells have thin cross sections, which based on simplifying approximations have been developed by
prectude the use of large diameter: several investigators and a comparative analysis of various
a) Cables analytical approximations.
b) Wires 11. The hyperbolic parabolic shells, grouped under the
c) Bars category of:
d) Lens a) Singly curved shells
View Answer b) Doubly curved shells
Answer: a c) Three curved shells
Explanation: In general, concrete shells have thin cross d) Four curved shells
sections, which prectude the use of large diameter Cables View Answer
and the tendons consisting of 5 to 8mm diameter wires Answer: b
accommodated in narrow sheaths are conveniently used in Explanation: Hyperbolic paraboloid shells, grouped under the
post tensioning the lower parts of the shell membrane to category of doubly curved antielastic sells were first
overcome the problem of correctly positioning the curved successfully used as roofing units by silberkuhl in germany
cables along the space curves at the junction of the shell and and parts of one shear hyperboloid units, with a geometric
edge beam, it is general practice to impart prestress by post from closely following a circular curve in the length(span)
tensioning the curved cables that housed entirely in the deep direction and hyperbolic curve in the direction of width are well
edge beams and the edge beams being invariably deep, it is suited for mass production since they are ruled surfaces.
convenient to arrange the cables one over the other so that 12. Fold plates are widely used for:
maximum eccentricity is available at the centre of span. a) Roofs
8. The analysis of circular cylindrical shells with prestressed b) Beams
edge beam is more or less similar to: c) Stress
a) Prestressed concrete beam d) Foundation
b) Reinforced concrete beam View Answer
c) Chemically prestressed beam Answer: a
d) Partially prestressed beam Explanation: Folded or hipped plates are widely used for roofs
View Answer of industrial structures, coal bunkers and cooling towers and
Answer: b the simplicity of the form used for casting folded plates makes
Explanation: The analysis of circular cylindrical shells with them competitive shell construction for covering large floor
prestressed edge beam is more or less similar to Reinforced space and the plates have a triangular or trapezoidal zig-zag
concrete beam however, the effect of prestressing is to be cross sectional shape and prestressing is generally done by
considered in formulating the boundary conditions at the curved cables or straight tendons lying within the plate in the
junction of the shell and the edge beam and in addition to the longitudinal direction to counteract the beam action.
normal boundary conditions such as zero horizontal 13. The folded plate is also analyzed for:
displacement and rotation of the shell edge, which are also a) Longitudinal
applicable for reinforced concrete shells. b) Transverse
9. The rigorous methods generally involve computations to c) Straight
estimate the: d) Reverse
a) Transverse reactions View Answer
b) Longitudinal reactions Answer: b
c) Redundant reactions Explanation: The folded plate is also analyzed for transverse
d) Span reactions moment by considering the plate as a continuous slab with
View Answer imaginary supports at the junctions and the transverse
Answer: c reinforcement are designed to resist these moments and
Explanation: The rigorous methods generally involve lengthy according to IS:224 nominal reinforcements consisting of
computations to estimate the redundant reactions between 10mm bars are to be provided in the compression zones at
the shell and the edge beam and in the case of long shells 200mm centers and the maximum spacing of reinforcements
with span/radius ratio exceeding 3, the beam theory in any direction is limited to five times the thickness of the
developed can be conveniently used for the preliminary member and minimum reinforcement in the section should
analysis of prestressed shells without the loss of much conform to the provisions in various national codes.
accuracy and in this method the shell is considered or a beam 14. The spherical domes are supported by a ring beam at the:
of curved cross section and the flexural and shear stresses a) Base
are computed using the well known beam formulas. b) Middle
10. The general bending theory of thin curved shells is c) Start
governed by a: d) Edge
a) Differential equation View Answer
b) Parabola equation Answer: a
c) Ellipse equation Explanation: Concrete domes are generally preferred for
d) Moment equations covering circular tanks and for roofs of large span circular
View Answer structures, such as sports arenas and churchus where an
Answer: a uninterrupted floor space is desirable and a prestressed
Explanation: The general bending theory by thin curved shells concrete hemispherical dome of 40m diameter has been used
for the roof of the atomic reactor at Kota, Rajasthan, India and d) Middle
the spherical domes are supported by a ring beam at the View Answer
base, which can be conveniently prestressed by winding Answer: a
tensioned wires or by cables to counteract the hoop tension Explanation: The maximum moment of resistance in a pole is
developed in the ring beam and the main disadvantage of the generally required at Base and consequently, the maximum
reinforcement becoming congested in large diameter cross-sectional area is required at the base section and poles
reinforced concrete ring beams is overcome by prestressing are generally tapered with a hollow core to reduce the
the ring beams in addition there are significant savings in weren‟t, which also helps in providing a race way for electric
cost, when compared with other equivalent roofs of wires and typical cross sections of transmission line poles
conventional design. widely employed in different countries and for small lengths of
15. The peripheral ring beam is prestressed by which type of up to 12m, the square or rectangular sections are preferable
wire winding: as they are easily manufactured and occupy less space in
a) Circular transportation.
b) Trapezoidal 4. The prestressed concrete poles for power transmission
c) Elliptical lines are generally designed as members with:
d) Curved a) Partial pressure
View Answer b) Chemical prestress
Answer: b c) Uniform prestress
Explanation: The peripheral ring beam is prestressed by d) Total prestress
which type of wire winding Trapezoidal similar to that of tank View Answer
walls, or by cables housed in the ring beams with anchorage Answer: c
points at 90 degrees spacing, opposed and phased at 45 Explanation: The prestressed concrete poles for power
degrees and in the case of cables, due provisions should be transmission lines are generally designed as members with
made be about 10 to 15percent due to the large curvature of Uniform prestress since they are subjected to bending
the cables. moments of equal magnitude in opposite directions and they
are generally designed for following critical load conditions
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – and bending due to wind load on the cable and on the
Prestressing of Poles and Sleepers:- exposed face, combined bending and torsion due to eccentric
1. The prestressed concrete poles are currently used in: snapping of wires, maximum torsion due to failure of all the
a) Mass wires on one side of the pole and handling and erection
b) Heat stresses.
c) Current 5. In the case of tapered poles with a reduced cross section
d) Wave the effective prestressing force should be:
View Answer a) Increased
Answer: a b) Decreased
Explanation: Prestressed concrete poles are currently mass c) Bended
produced and are widely used in most countries for railway d) Equal
power and signal lines, lightening poles, antenna masts, View Answer
telephone transmission, low and high voltage electric power Answer: b
transmission and substation towers main advantage Explanation: In the case of tapered poles with a reduced
resistance to corrosion in humid and temperature climate and cross section towards the top, the effective prestressing force
to erosion in desert areas, freeze throw resistance in cold should be reduced in proportion to the cross section by the
regions. techniques of de bonding or by dead ending or looping some
2. The appearance of prestressed concrete poles is: of the tendons at mid height and according to Gerwick a
a) Rusty constant cross section proves to be better solution in many
b) Greesy cases since the top must be as strong as the base for
c) Clean resisting torsion with the added advantage of the effective use
d) Black of prestressing and easier connections.
View Answer 6. The main advantage of prestressed concrete piles over
Answer: c traditional reinforced and concrete steel piles is:
Explanation: Clean and neat in appearance and requiring a) Moment carrying capacity
negligible maintenance for a number of years, thus ideally b) Beam carrying capacity
suited for urban installation and have increased crack c) Column carrying capacity
resistance, rigidity and can resist dynamic loads better than d) Foundation carrying capacity
reinforced concrete poles, lighter because of reduced cross View Answer
section when compared with reinforced concrete poles and Answer: a
fire resistant, particularly to grass and brush fires near the Explanation: The main advantages according to Gerwick of
ground line. prestressed concrete piles over traditional reinforced concrete
3. The maximum moment of resistance in a pole is generally and steel piles are high load and moment carrying capacity,
required at: standardization in design for mass production, excellent
a) Base durability under adverse environmental conditions, crack free
b) Corner characteristics under handling and driving, resistance to
c) Edge tensile loads due to uplift combined load moment capacity,
particularly advantages for deep foundations to carry heavy soldier beams, back stays and transverse struts and the high
loads in weak soils. strength concrete used in sheet piles with proper compaction,
7. Prestressed concrete piles have been used as which type provides excellent resistance to corrosion and other
of piles in sands: destructive effects of the aggressive marine environment.
a) Rotation 11. The prominent prestressed sleepers which have been
b) Friction adopted by railways of various countries is:
c) Twisting a) Single block sleepers
d) Torsion b) Gauge sleepers
View Answer c) Two block sleepers
Answer: b d) Friction sleepers
Explanation: Prestressed concrete piles have been used as View Answer
which type of piles in sands friction piles in sands, silts and Answer: c
clays and a bearing piles on rocky strata and in size as small Explanation: The developments in sleeper design extending
as 250mm diameter with length up to 36m and layer over the last three decades has resulted in the adoption of
diameters of up to 4m is used in Oester schedule bridge in different types and the prominent types which have been
Netherlands pile of considerable lengths of up to 80m cast adopted by the railways of the various countries are: two
and driven in one piece were used for the off-shore platform in block sleepers connected by a pipe filled with concrete and
the gulf of Maracaibo, Venezuela. containing high tensile bars for compressing the concrete in
8. The rebound tensile stresses in pile reinforcements are the blocks, longitudinal sleepers located continuously under
resisted by the: the rails and connected by flexible tie bars for gauge
a) Effective prestress retention, beam type single piece prestressed concrete
b) Non effective prestress sleepers, which are quite similar to the convential wooden
c) Absolute prestress type sleepers in shape, length and supporting area and in
d) Normal prestressing force contrast to the two block type, the beam type sleepers are
View Answer flexurally stiff over their entire length and have the additional
Answer: a advantage of providing greater measure of rigidity to the track
Explanation: The rebound tensile stresses are resisted by the if the rails and tightly fastened to the sleepers, preventing
effective prestress together with the tensile strength of rotation at the seatings and bulking of the rails and solid
concrete and hence the steel tendons area at yield should heavy prestressed sleepers have thus made possible the
have an equal or greater force than the prestress plus adoption of long colded rails, resulting in smooth running and
concrete tensile strength to prevent failure due to low cycle increased safety of the vehicles and permanent way.
fatigue based on theory and experience Gerwide 12. The prestressed concrete biological shields are used for:
recommends a minimum tendon area of not less than 0.5 a) Containment vessels
percent of the concrete section. b) Pressure vessels
9. Pile shoes are required for driving through: c) Rolled vessels
a) Hard materials d) Tension vessels
b) Plastic materials View Answer
c) Soft materials Answer: a
d) Tensile materials Explanation: The use of prestressed concrete biological
View Answer shields for reactor and containment vessels offers many
Answer: c advantages and the world wide annual demand for all forms
Explanation: Pile shoes are required for driving through of energy will increase tremendously and numerous electrical
extremely soft materials like buried timbers and rocky strata power plants will be required to fulfill this stupendous energy
however for driving prestressed concrete piles into sands, requirement and reduced possibility of sudden-bursting
silts, clays and soft shales, pile shoes are un necessary and failures triggered by local cracking due to the high redundancy
pile shoes are formed by thick steel plates or stubs welded to of the tendon concrete system and progressive mode of
the reinforcing bar anchors and firmly embedded into the pile college is endured so that ample time is available for taking
tip bar anchors and firmly embedded into the pile tip. precautionary measures against core melting.
10. Prestressed concrete sheet piles are ideally suited for the 13. Which type of prestressing is used in prestressed
construction of: concrete pavements?
a) Air frond bulkheads a) Expansion
b) Water frond bulkheads b) Longitudinal
c) Half brick walls c) Transverse
d) Full brick walls d) Contraction
View Answer View Answer
Answer: b Answer: b
Explanation: Prestressed concrete sheet piles are ideally Explanation: Longitudinal prestressing can effectively
suited for the construction of Water frond bulkheads eliminate the formation of cracks in slabs and in addition
construction of waterfront bulkheads, cut off walls, grains expansion joints and weak edge zones are entirely eliminated
wave baffles and retaining walls to supports soil and by the introduction of moderate pre compression in the
hydrostatic pressure in embankment or in excavations since concrete slabs and the introduction of the jet aircrafts has
prestressed concrete piles resist tensile stresses under necessitated the use of jointless runways as the sealing
driving and bending stresses under service loads, they are compounds used as joint filers cannot withstand the high
preferred to timber and steel for marine structure, such as temperatures of the exhaust gases of the jet engine.
14. The longitudinal prestressing of the slabs is achieved by: optimization problems and significant advances have been
a) Internal prestressing made in the field of structural optimization.
b) External prestressing 4. The design variables are generally grouped under which
c) Tensile stress parameters:
d) Principle stresses a) Dimensional variables
View Answer b) Span variables
Answer: a c) Foundation variables
Explanation: Longitudinal prestressing of the slabs is d) Constant variables
achieved either by external prestressing against rigid View Answer
abutments or by internal prestressing by means of tensioned Answer: a
bars or cables and the method of external prestressing by Explanation: The design variables are generally grouped
using flat jacks against fixed abutments at the ends of the slab under which parameters dimensional variables represented
has the following disadvantages and difficulty of providing by the member sizes such as the thickness of a plate, cross
unyielding abutments yielding of abutments reduces the sectional area of a member and moment of inertia of a flexural
prestress in the slab, the compressive stress in the slab members, configuration or geometric variables represented by
gradually decreases with time due to the shrinkage and creep the coordinates of element joints, variables involving the
of concrete. mechanical or physical properties of the material, such as the
variable modulus of elasticity.
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – 5. In the sequential unconstrained minimization techniques,
Principles of Optimisation:- which problems are converted?
1. The primary aim of structural optimization is to determine a) Un constrained
the: b) Constrained
a) Design variables c) Designed
b) Design parameters d) Linked
c) Design constants View Answer
d) Design limits Answer: b
View Answer Explanation: In the sequential unconstrained minimization
Answer: a technique, the constrained minimization problem is converted
Explanation: The primary aim of structural optimization is to into an unconstrained one by introducing an interior or exterior
determine the most suitable combination of design variables, penalty function and this method introduced by Carroll and
so as to achieve satisfactory performance of the structures amplified by Fiacco and Mc cormick has proved to be highly
subjected to the behavior and geometric constraints imposed advantageous in practical structural design problems.
with the goal of optimality being defined by the conditions and 6. In sequential linear programming, the non-linear objective
the three basic features of the structural optimization problem functions and constrains are:
are: a) Linearized
The design variables, the objective function, the constraints. b) Parralized
2. The process of optimum design of prestressed concrete c) Straightened
structures may be looked as: d) Divided
a) Computer programming problem View Answer
b) Mathematical programming problem Answer: a
c) Diagram Explanation: In sequential linear programming, the non-linear
d) Algorithm objective function and constrains are linearized in the vicinity
View Answer of the starting point and a new design point is obtained by
Answer: b solving the linear programming problem and the sequence of
Explanation: Basically the process of optimum design of line arising in the neighborhood and solving by linear
prestressed concrete structures may be looked upon as a programming is continued from the new point till the optimum
mathematical programming problem in which the total cost or is reached.
consumption of materials is minimized, subject to certain 7. The further improvement method of sequential linear
functional constrains such at serviceability limit states and programming is:
flexural and shear strength requirements at the limit state of a) Beam limit method
collapse. b) Rise limit method
3. The optimization problem involves: c) Move limit method
a) Short computations d) Fall limit method
b) Zero computations View Answer
c) Long computations Answer: c
d) Span computations Explanation: Further improvements in these methods are due
View Answer to pope, who suggested the move limit method and more
Answer: c recently Ramakrishna and Bhavikati has improved and used
Explanation: Generally optimization problems involve long this method for the optimum design of mechanical
and tedious computations and as such manual computations components under stress.
are limited to simple problems comprising a few design 8. Dynamic programming developed in optimization
variables and however the development of high speed techniques are widely applied in:
electronic digital computer has revived the interest in a) Research
b) Structures
c) Entertainment Answer: a
d) Mathematics Explanation: During the period from 1940 to 1950, the
View Answer simultaneous mode of failure approach was persued in which
Answer: a each component of the complete structure is at its limit of
Explanation: Dynamic programming developed by Bellman in strength as the complete structure reaches the limit state of
the early 1950s and widely applied in operations research and collapse and based on the classical ideas of function
economics is basically a mathematical approach for multi minimization, this approach was used to solve simple
stage decision problems and this approach is well suited to structural forms having a limited applicability to practical
the optimal design of certain kinds of structure, in general design.
those in which the interaction between different parts is rather 3. The third major approach of structural optimization is based
simple. on the concept:
9. The limitation of dynamic programming is that it does not a) Criterion of design
lend itself for: b) Criterion of optimality
a) Construction general purpose computer programmes c) Criterion of texture
b) Machine design d) Criterion of span
c) Graphic design View Answer
d) Architectural design Answer: b
View Answer Explanation: The third major approach of structural
Answer: b optimization is based on the concept developed by Prager
Explanation: The limitation of dynamic programming is that it and Taylor and this approach derived from the extremum
does not lend itself to the construction of general purpose principles of structural mechanics and after the advent of the
computer programmes suitable for a wide range of distinct finite element techniques, large scale computer programmes
problems and dynamic programming has been used for have been developed to demonstrate the practical utility of the
optimizing the shape of pin jointed structures and for the optimality criterion approach to the design of minimum weight
optimal design of transmission towers by palmer and structures.
Sheppard. 4. The structural optimization problem is generally expressed
10. In geometric programming, the emphasis is on: as:
a) Optimal distribution a) Maximize Z = F(x)
b) Single distribution b) Minimize Z = F(x)
c) Variable distribution c) Z = F(x)
d) Linear distribution d) Z = F(t)
View Answer View Answer
Answer: c Answer: b
Explanation: Reliability of prestressed concrete structural Explanation: The structural optimization problem is generally
systems like beams and frames has been examined by expressed in the mathematical form, involving the design
Ranganathan while the reliability design of prestressed variables, objective function and constraints accordingly the
concrete beams has been reported by chandrashekhar and problem is expressed as:
dayaratnam and application of geometric programming to Minimize Z = F(x), subject to Gj(x) < 0, j = 1,2….m
structures optimization problems has been attempted by Where x is the design variable, represented by the column
temple man and of the total cost among the various terms in vector of dimensions n and each design represented by x is a
the objective function instead of on the values of the point in hyper-space defined by the design variables, F(x) =
variables. the objective or merit function, Gj(x) = constraints, m =
number of constraints.
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – 5. The fourth major area of development is the:
Methods of Optimisation:- a) Mathematical programming
1. The first approach in optimization methods is: b) Computer
a) Theory of bending c) Planning
b) Theory of layout d) Machine design
c) Theory of elongation View Answer
d) Theory of stress Answer: a
View Answer Explanation: The fourth major area of developed is the
Answer: b mathematical programming formulations, first applied to
Explanation: The first approach is the theory of layout in which structural optimization problems by livesley and pearson an
the uniaxial structural members are arranged to yield a excellent survey of optimum structural design using
minimum volume structure for specified loads and materials mathematical programming procedure has been reported by
based on the theorems established by Maxwell in 1854 and schmit and the excellent example which users tis method is
later developed and used by michell, cox and hemp. the twenty five bar transmission tower reported by marcel and
2. During which period the simultaneous mode of failure venkayya.
approach was persued: 6. What is a constraint?
a) 1940 to 1950 a) Response
b) 1930 to 1940 b) Parameter
c) 1920 to 1930 c) Limitation
d) 1910 to 1920 d) Principle
View Answer View Answer
Answer: c d) Analysis of the problem
Explanation: A constraint is a limitation or restriction imposed View Answer
directly on a variable or group of variables in order that the Answer: b
design is acceptable and they are expressed in the equality or Explanation: In using the mathematical programming methods
inequality from and are divided into two groups and they are the process of optimization begins with an acceptable design
side constraints and behavior constraints. point and new point is selected suitability so as to minimize
7. The behavior constraints are those imposed on the: the objective function and the search for another new point is
a) Cross sectional response continued is continued from the previous point until the
b) Structural response optimum point is reached and there are several well
c) Sequential response established techniques for selecting a new point and to
d) Durability response proceed towards the optimum point, depending upon the
View Answer nature of the problem, such as linear and non linear
Answer: b programming.
Explanation: Behavior constraints are those imposed on the 2. In linear programming, the solution is based on:
structural response typical explicit behavior constraints are a) Tensile properties
given by formulae presented in design specifications are b) Strain properties
generally non linear function of design variables are implicitly c) Elementary properties
related to design variables. d) None of the mentioned
8. In structural designs, behavior constraints are imposed on: View Answer
a) Stresses Answer: c
b) Strain Explanation: In a linear programming problem, the objective
c) Reactions function and constraints are linear functions of the design
d) Bending variables and the solution is based on the elementary
View Answer properties of systems of linear equations and the properties of
Answer: a systems proportionally, additivity, divisibility and deterministic
Explanation: In structural designs, behavior constraints are features are utilized in the mathematical formulation of the
usually imposed on stresses and displacements constraints linear programming problem.
prescribe the global rigidity of the structure side constraints 3. A linear function in three-dimensional space is a:
are specified limitations (minimum or maximum) imposed on a a) Midpoint
design variable are usually explicit in form. b) Plane
9. The objective function in a structural design problem is: c) Laminar
a) Bending d) Zero
b) Loads View Answer
c) Bondage Answer: b
d) Costs Explanation: A linear function in tree-dimensional space is a
View Answer plane representing the locus of all design points in n-
Answer: d dimensional space, the surface so defined is a hyper plane
Explanation: In a structural design problem, there should be a and in these cases, the intersections of the constraints give
well defined criterion by which the performance or cost of the solutions which are the simultaneous solutions of the
structure can be judged under different combinations of the constraint equations meeting at that point.
design variables and the index is generally referred to as the 4. Linear programming problems can be solved by:
objective cost or merit function. a) Revised simplex method
10. In the design of prestressed concrete structural elements, b) Termed method
the objective function comprises cost of: c) Moment derivation method
a) Steel and concrete d) Hollow method
b) Aggregates View Answer
c) Cement Answer: a
d) Machines Explanation: Linear programming problems can be
View Answer conveniently solved by the revised simplex method and the
Answer: a simplex algorithm for solving the general linear programming
Explanation: In the design of prestressed concrete structural problem is an iterative procedure which yields an exact
element the objective function may comprise the cost of steel optima solution in a finite number of steps.
and concrete in the member and a general guide for selecting 5. One of the most powerful techniques for solving non linear
an objective function is that the design should be optimized programming is to transform the:
with respect to the most important design property that can be a) Data
meaningfully quantified and which is not constrained in b) Problems
advance. c) Materials
d) Labour
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – View Answer
Optimisation Techniques:- Answer: b
1. The technique for selecting a new point depends upon: Explanation: One of the most powerful techniques for solving
a) Scope of the problem non linear programming is to transform the problem by some
b) Nature of the problem means into a form which permits the application of the simplex
c) Range of the problem algorithm and thus, the simple method turns out to be one of
the most powerful computational devices for solving linear as d) Transverse optimization
well as non linear programming problems. View Answer
6. In non linear programming the boundaries of the contours Answer: a
of the function are: Explanation: Structural optimization together with the efficient
a) Parallel line management of labour, materials and the use of new
b) Zig Zag lines construction techniques, development and use of indigenous
c) Straight lines and new materials of construction would result in considerable
d) Trapezoidal lines economy in the overall cost of prestressed concrete structural
View Answer systems.
Answer: c Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
Explanation: In non linear programming problems, the Application to Prestressed Structures:-
objective function and or the constraints are non linear
function of the design variables and since the boundaries of 1. In the design of prestressed concrete structural elements
the feasible region or the contours of equal values of the merit the objective is:
function are straight lines the optimum solution need not a) Total cost of member
necessarily be at an intersection of the constraints. b) Design of the member
7. One of the techniques developed for solution of non linear c) Economy of the member
programming is: d) Foundation of the member
a) Single programming View Answer
b) Multilinear propramming Answer: a
c) Reverse programming Explanation: The objective or merit function is generally the
d) Dynamic programming total cost of the member per unit length comprising the
View Answer individual costs of concrete, high tensile steel and
Answer: d supplementary reinforcement and in a typical flexural member,
Explanation: Over the years, several techniques have been the objective function can be expressed as: F(x) =
developed for the solution of non linear programming CcA+CsAs+CpAp, F(x) = cost of the member unit length,
problems and some of the prominent techniques are: method CcCsCp = unit costs of concrete supplementary and high
of feasible directions, sequential unconstrained minimization tensile steel respectively, ApAsAp = areas of concrete
technique, sequential linear programming and dynamic supplementary of high tensile steel and respectively.
programming. 2. The stresses developed at the top and bottom fibres of the
8. The method of feasible direction can be grouped under the: critical section developed at:
a) Direct methods of approach a) Stages of stresses
b) Sequential method of approach b) Stages of deflection
c) Terminate method of approach c) Stages of transfer
d) Laminar method of approach d) Limits of transfer
View Answer View Answer
Answer: a Answer: c
Explanation: In non linear programming the method of Explanation: Stresses are developed at the top and bottom
feasible direction can be grouped under the direct methods of fibres of the critical section at the stages of transfer of
approach on general non linear inequality constrained prestress and under service loads these conditions yield four
optimization problems and two well known procedures which inequalities expressed as:
embody the philosophy of the method of feasible directions (p/a –pe/zt + Mg/zl) > fu, (p/a+pe/zb-Mg/zb) < fct
are Rosens gradient projection algorithum and Zountendijks (p/a-pe/zt+mg+mq/zt) < fcw, (p/a+pe/zb-mg+mq/zb) > ftw.
procedure. 3. The deflection constraint at the limit state of serviceability is
9. The first non linear programming procedure to be used in: taken as:
a) 1950 a) a < ap
b) 1940 b) a > ap
c) 1960 c) a > ae
d) 1970 d) a < ae
View Answer View Answer
Answer: c Answer: a
Explanation: This method (method of feasible direction) was Explanation: Where a and ap are the actual and permissible
probably the first non linear programming procedure to be deflection, which is usually a small fraction of the span code
used in structural optimization problems by schmist in 1960 requirements for the limit state of collapse to ensure desirable
and this method starting from an initial feasible point, the load factors against flexural failure which can be written as
nearest boundary is reached and a new feasible direction is Mu > (δf1Mg+δf2Mq).
found and an appropriate step is taken along this feasible 4. The limitation on the minimum and maximum ratios of
direction to get the new design point and the procedure is reinforcements is expressed as:
repeated until the optimum design point is reached. a) ρmin < ρ < ρmax
10. One of the element considered in the economy of b) ρmin < ρ
prestressed concrete structural system: c) ρ < ρmax
a) Structural optimization d) ρmin > ρ > ρmax
b) Beam optimization View Answer
c) Slab optimization
Answer: a Answer: a
Explanation: ρmin < ρ < ρmax where ρ is the ratio of Explanation: Optimization studies as applied to prestressed
reinforcement provided ρmin is the minimum ratio required to concrete structures have been pursued during the last decade
prevent to prevent failure by fracture of steel in tension, ρ max is and some organizations have developed practical
the maximum permissible ratio to ensure failure of the section programmes for the analysis and design of simple structures
by yielding of steel. like highway bridge girders comparative cost studies have
5. In case of partially prestressed members cracks of limited been standardized and tabulated for design office use by
width are permissible under: using computer programmes developed at the structural
a) Deflection loads engineering research centre.
b) Working loads 9. Optimization studies were conducted for slabs of type:
c) Tensile loads a) Pretensioning
d) Compressive b) Post tensioning
View Answer c) Partially prestressed slabs
Answer: b d) Limited slabs
Explanation: In the design of fully prestressed (class 2) View Answer
members, all the constraints as given in a < ap, ρmin < ρ < Answer: c
ρmax are not valid, however in this case of partially prestressed Explanation: Bond has reported optimization studies on
members where cracks of limited width of permissible under partially prestressed in which several parameters, such as
working loads an additional constraint to impose limitations on span, volume of the prestressing wire and steel bar
the width of crack is required and this can be expressed as: w reinforcements, cube strength, thickness of the slab and
< wp, w = actual widt, wp = permissible crack width. permissible tensile stress are examined in relation to the total
6. The additional constraints are imposed on the geometrical cost of the slab per unit area.
dimensions of: 10. The structural shapes, unit costs are assumed without
a) Cross section considering:
b) Edges a) Machines used
c) Corners b) Site conditions
d) Ranges c) Constructions
View Answer d) Funds
Answer: a View Answer
Explanation: The additional constraints are imposed on the Answer: b
geometrical dimensions of the cross section such as the Explanation: Many of the studies have included only a few
minimum thickness of the web and bottom flange, based on variables and invariably the structure and shapes, unit costs
practical requirements of housing the cables with due regard of labour and materials are assumed without considering the
to cover requirements and the constraints being non linear the specific site conditions and constructional techniques which
optimal solution is obtained by the non linear programming can have a greater influence on the overall costs of the
techniques. structural scheme and further studies in this field should
7. The complete definition of the optimum design of include cost estimates of alternative schemes, formwork
prestressed beams for class 1: design, probabilistic design considering the variability of load
a) 24 constraints applications and materials properties.
b) 27 constraints
c) 23 constraints
d) 20 constraints
View Answer
Answer: b
Explanation: The complete definition of the optimum design of Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
prestressed beams for class 1 is 24 and Prestressed Concrete Bridge Decks:-
the complete definition of the optimum design of prestressed 1. The prestressed concrete bridge decks generally comprise
beams involves 27 constraints for class 2, 26 constraints for a) Precast pretensioned
class 2 and 40 constraints for class 3 structure and further, b) Precast post tensioned
they have reported a saving of 60 percent in high tensile steel c) Partially pretensioned
in class 3 structure design when compared with a fully d) Partially post tensioned
prestressed class1 structure design and however their studies View Answer
on a 40m long higway bridge has also revealed that the cost Answer: a
wise savings in class 2 and 3 structure designs are nearly Explanation: Pretensioned prestressed concrete bridge decks
14.3 and 9.4 percent in comparison with class 1 structure generally comprise pretensioned units used in conjunction
design. with cast in situ concrete, resulting in composite bridge decks
8. Which elements were standardized and tabulated for which are ideally suited for small and medium spans in the
design office use: range of 20 to 30m and in general pretensioned girders are
a) Bridge girders provided with straight tendons and to use of seven wire
b) Span Girders strands has been found to be advantageous in comparison
c) Foundation girders with plain or indented wires.
d) Transverse girders 2. The precast prestressed I and inverted T beams have been
View Answer standardized by:
a) Pulverization association
b) Cement and concrete association 7. Calculate bending moment of dead load given total load =
c) Brick association 14n/mm , Dead load bending moment dead weight of slab =
2 2
d) Steel association 12kn/m , dead weight of w.c = 1.76kn/m , span length is
View Answer 10.4m?
Answer: b a) 120knm
Explanation: The precast prestressed I and inverted T beams b) 130knm
have been standardized by the cement and concrete c) 190knm
association for use in the construction of bridge decks of d) 160knm
spans varying from 7 to 36m and standard I and T units are View Answer
widely employed in highway bridge beams in USA. Answer: c
3. The post tensioning is ideally suited for prestressing of: Explanation: Dead load bending moment dead weight of slab
2 2
a) Short span girders = 12kn/m , dead weight of w.c = 1.76kn/m , total load =
b) Long span girders 14n/mm ,
c) Effective span Dead load bending moment (mg) = (14×10.42)/8 = 190knm.
d) Limited span 8. Calculate effective length of Road on a highway given the
View Answer overall thickness is 500mm and thickness of wearing coarse
Answers: b is 80mm ( x is 3.6m)?
Explanation: Post tensioning is ideally suited for prestressing a) 4.76m
long span girders at the site of construction, without the need b) 34.8m
for costly factory type installations like pretensioning beds and c) 2.34m
segmental construction is ideally suited for post tensioning d) 1.45m
work and in this method, a number of segments can be View Answer
combined by prestressing resulting in an integrated structure. Answer: a
4. In India, a large number of long span bridges have been Explanation: Overall thickness = 500mm and thickness of
constructed using: wearing coarse = 80mm, x is 3.6m
a) Simply supported beam Effective length of road = (3.6+2(0.5+0.08)) = 4.76m.
b) UDL 9. Calculate the mid support section given that Ap = 7980mm ,
2 2
c) Point fck = 60n/mm , b = 800mm, fp = 1862n/mm , bw = 200mm,
d) Cantilever Mu(required) = 16865knm, Dt = 400mm, d = 1750mm, failure
View Answer by yielding of steel?
Answer: d a) 1204
Explanation: In India a large number of long span bridges b) 23402
have been constructed and some of the notable examples c) 1298
being the barak bridge at silchar built in 1960 with a main d) 45367
span of 130m and the lunha bridge in assam with a span of View Answer
130m between the bearings. Answer: b
2 2
5. Long span continuous prestressed concrete bridges are Explanation: Ap = 7980mm , fck = 60n/mm , b = 800mm, fp =
built of which type of box girders: 1862n/mm , bw = 200mm, Mu(required) = 16865knm, Dt =
a) Single celled 400mm, d = 1750mm,
b) 3 celled Mu = 0.9dApfp = (0.9x1750x7980x1862) = 2340x 10 nmm =
c) Multi celled 23402 knm.
d) 4 celled 10. Calculate failure by crushing of concrete such that b w is
View Answer 200, d is 1750, fck is 60n/mm , b is800, Df is 400?
Answer: c a) 12253x106nmm
Explanation: Long span continuous prestressed concrete b) 15253x106nmm
bridges are built of which type of box girders multi celled box c) 18253x106nmm
girders segments of variable depth using the post tensioning d) 16253x106nmm
system, and typical cross sections of post tensioned View Answer
prestressed concrete bridge decks and salient features of the Answer: c
cantilever construction method using cast insitu segments and Explanation: bw is 200, d is 1750, fck is 60n/mm , b is800, Df is
precast concrete elements. 400,
6. Calculate Permissible stresses compressive stresses in Mu = 0.176bwd fck+2/3 x 0.8(b-bw)(d-0.5Df)Dffck =
concrete at transfer and working loads, as recommended ((0.176x200x1750 x60)+0.67×0.8(800-200)(1750-0.5×400)
2 2 6
given fct = 15n/mm , fst = 0.8, fcw is 12n/mm ? 400×60)) = 18253×10 nmm.
a) 13.2 11. Check for ultimate shear strength such that shear force,
b) 13.4 Vu = 2834 kn, According to IRC: 18-2000, the ultimate shear
c) 13.8 resistance of the support section uncracked in flexure loss
3 6 2
d) 13.0 ratio is 0.8, p is 12000×10 , area is 0.88 x 10 mm ?
View Answer a) 11.3n/mm
Answer: a b) 23.5n/mm
Explanation: Permissible stresses compressive stresses in c) 19.9n/mm
concrete at transfer and working loads, as recommended fct = d) 10.9n/mm
2 2
15n/mm < 0.4fci = (0.45×35) = 15.75n/mm , fst ratio, ɳ = 0.80, View Answer
2 2
fcw = 12n/mm < 0.33fck = (0.33×40) = 13.2n/mm , fu = ftw = 0.
Answer: d where humidity and temperature are high, it is preferable to
Explanation: Flexure loss ratio is 0.8, P = 12000×10 , Area = use concrete trusses in place of steel trusses which are
0.88 x 106mm , vulnerable to rust and deterioration due to high humidity.
6 2
fcp = (ɳp/A) = (0.8x12000x103/0.88×10 ) = 10.9n/mm . 4. The use of concrete trusses will considerably reduce:
12. Calculate the slope angle such that eccentricity is 750, a) Costs
length is 40m and stress induced is 1000n/m ? b) Beams
a) 0.89 c) Slabs
b) 0.075 d) Layers
c) 0.054 View Answer
d) 0.065 Answer: a
View Answer Explanation: The use of concrete trusses will considerably
Answer: b reduce the maintenance cost in comparison with steel trusses
Explanation: Here, e = 750, l = 40m and stress induced is which require periodical painting at shorter intervals and the
1000n/m , trusses in structural member are of circular, cylindrical, hollow
θ = (4e/L) = (4×750/40×1000) = 0.075. etc used for various heavy structures the stress analysis is
13. Calculate spacing of a prestressed concrete T slab using done by considering all the factors which influence the
12mm diameter of two legged stirrups such that fc is 415, trusses.
vcw = 1900kn, balance shear is 934×10 ? 5. Most favorable configuration of the top chord is obtained in:
a) 165kn a) Bow strung truss
b) 345kn b) Elevated truss
c) 230kn c) Curved truss
d) 450kn d) Termed truss
View Answer View Answer
Answer: a Answer: a
Explanation: fc is 415, vcw = 1900kn, balance shear = 934kn, Explanation: The most favorable configuration of the top cord
using 12mm diameter two legged stirrups spacing, is obtained in the bow strung truss and the web or diagonal
sv = (0.87x415x2x113x1900/934×10 ) = 165mm members are subjected to very heavy tension and hence
ideally suited for prestressing and top chords and bottom
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – chords are considered in case of precast and insitu cast
General Features:- concrete assuming the pretensioned beam as unpropped and
1. Which is more economical to use along precast reinforced propped.
concrete trusses? 6. The cables strayed bridges are preferred to convential
a) Roller member suspension bridges due to reduction of:
b) Hinge member a) Moments
c) Tie member b) Bending moment
d) Flange member c) Loads
View Answer d) Area
Answer: c View Answer
Explanation: It is more economical and convenient to use Answer: b
precast reinforced concrete trusses with a prestressed tie Explanation: Cable strayed bridges are preferred to convential
member covering roofs of industrial structures such as wave suspension bridges for long spans mainly due to reduction in
houses workshops having spans exceeding 15m. bending moment in the stiffening girder resulting in smaller
2. The configuration of truss depends upon the shape of: section of the girders leading to considerable economy in
a) Beam overall costs highway bridges can be built of prestressed
b) Roof concrete with spans up 700m and rail bridges up to span
c) Foundation range of 400m.
d) Area 7. The suspension bridges require a stiffening girder for
View Answer covering the span, with a:
Answer: b a) Flexural stiffness
Explanation: The configuration of the truss depends up on the b) Tensile stiffness
shape of the roof and its general layout and in Russia trusses c) Compressive stiffness
are generally adopted for industrial buildings having spans d) Principle stiffness
greater than 18m and a central I girders and the deck is View Answer
suspended by cable stays comprising parallel wire cables of Answer: a
BBR-HIAM type with their own anchorage system. Explanation: A comparative study also indicates that a
3. Which type of trusses in case of structure located in coastal suspension bridge requires a stiffening girder with a flexural
areas? stiffness girder with a flexural stiffness which must be about
a) Steel ten times larger than that required for a cable stayed bridge
b) Tensile trusses covering the same span and suspension bridge requires
c) Concrete trusses additional heavy anchor blocks which can be prohibitively
d) Tensile & Concrete trusses costly if the navigation clearance is high and foundation
View Answer conditions poor.
Answer: c 8. The second Hooghly bridge (vidyasagar sethu) at Kolkata is
Explanation: In the case of structures located in coastal area an excellent example of:
a) Cable strayed bridge members which are in compression generally is the range of
b) Cable tensioned bridge 200-300mm.
c) Cable stressed bridge 3. The bottom tie member should be sufficient size to:
d) Cable strained bridge a) Tension
View Answer b) Stress
Answer: a c) House
Explanation: The second Hooghly bridge (vidyasagar sethu) d) Strain
at Kolkata is an excellent example of: Cable strayed bridge View Answer
comprising a main span of 457.2m and two side spans of Answer: c
182.8m each and the deck is made of concrete slab 230mm Explanation: The bottom tie members should be of sufficient
thick two outer steel I girders 28.10m apart. size to house the pretensioned wires or post tensioned cables
9. The bridge provides how many large carriage ways: and the depth is around 200mm for spans of 15m and
a) 2 increasing to 300mm for spans of 30m.
b) 1 4. The depth of diagonal web members is at a range of:
c) 4 a) 100-150
d) 3 b) 200-250
View Answer c) 110-210
Answer: d d) 114-115
Explanation: The Bridge provides for two 3- lane carriage View Answer
ways 12.3m each and 2.5m floor paths and the cable stayed Answer: a
bridge costing 600 million rupees was found to be cost Explanation: The depths of diagonal web members which are
effective in comparison with other types. in comparison and tension generally vary in the narrow range
10. The world‟s tallest and longest cable stayed bridge is of 100-150mm but they are not limited and they change the
located in: values from one to another diagonal web members.
a) America 5. The use of concrete trusses with modular coordination for
b) France spans of 6and 9 are common for countries like:
c) Iraq a) America
d) India b) Poland
View Answer c) India
Answer: b d) Nueziland
Explanation: The world‟s tallest and longest cables stayed View Answer
bridge is located in France and the French bridge is Answer: b
considered to be an engineering feat since some of the bridge Explanation: The use of concrete trusses with modular
pillars rise gracefully to a height of more than 300m and the coordinates for spans of 6,9,12,15,18,24,30 and 36m with a
bridge is located outside the French town of milliance and is base module of 30m is most common for industrial buildings
2.46km long and the bridge designed by the famous British of east European countries such as Russia, Poland, Slovakia,
architecture sir norman Foster, is currently the world‟s tallest Germany, Branko zezelji has reported the construction of
and longest cable stayed bridge and described by many as an reinforced concrete wit prestressed tie members for spans up
astounding engineering feat. to 60m in erstwhile Yugoslavia.
6. The precast pretensioned cored slabs having circular or
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – elliptical cavities have been used in:
Dimension of Stresses:- a) France
1. The span of trusses generally lies in the range of: b) Russia
a) 18-30m c) Phillipines
b) 20-30m d) Losangles
c) 40-50m View Answer
d) 12-18m Answer: b
View Answer Explanation: Prestressed concrete is ideally suited for office,
Answer: a industrial and commercial buildings when large column free
Explanation: The height of reinforced concrete truss at open spaces are required and precast pretensioned cored
midspan is in the range of 1/7 to 1/9 of its span length and the slabs having circular or elliptical cavities have been widely
span of the trusses generally lies of the range of 18-30m and used in Russia for floor panels of multistory buildings.
these spans are commonly used for bridge decks. 7. The prestressed concrete folded plate units are also widely
2. The width of various components is kept constant at: used to cover roofs of:
a) 100-200mm a) Industrial buildings
b) 200-350mm b) Commercial buildings
c) 150-300mm c) Structural buildings
d) 1200-1400mm d) Regional buildings
View Answer View Answer
Answer: b Answer: a
Explanation: The width of the various compression and Explanation: Folded plates prestressed with curved cables to
tension members is kept constant at 200-350mm depending cover the 60m span roof of a town hall in west phalia,
upon the span of the truss and the depth of top bottom germany and in comparison with types of roofs, folded plate
roof provides the most economical solution with minimum d) Wooden bars
maintenance costs. View Answer
8. Prestressed hollow inverted pyramids have been used as a Answer: b
transfer: Explanation: The reinforcements consists of mild steel or
a) Girder system HYSD bars together with high tensile steel wires or cables
b) Flange system use in the tie members and the material requirements per
c) Block system truss varies with the span and spans of trusses.
d) Chain system 3. The trusses spacing for 6m prestressed bow string truss
View Answer with cable reinforcement span for 18m material requirement
Answer: a per truss?
Explanation: Prestressed hollow inverted pyramids have been a) 338-433
used as a transfer: Girder system to support the four storey b) 311-234
complex housing the administration building for engineering c) 829-456
construction corporation limited at manapakkam in madras d) 675-919
and the upper four storeys housing the administrative View Answer
complex rest on four hollow prestressed pyramids which in Answer: a
turn are supported on hollow core walls. Explanation: The trusses spacing for 6m prestressed bow
9. Another example of application of prestressed concrete in string truss with cable reinforcement span for 18m material
buildings can be seen in construction of: requirement per truss prestressed bow string truss with cable
a) 11 – storied structure reinforcement span 24m-steel 621-689, 30m-steel 1041-1219.
b) 13 – storied structure 4. The polygonal built up from blocks with prestressed bottom
c) 10 – storied structure chord having wire cable for 18m – concrete requirement per
d) 15 – storied structure truss (m ) is?
View Answer a) 2.50
Answer: a b) 2.63
Explanation: 11 storied cast in situ reinforced concrete c) 2.78
structure which has the upper 8 stores resting on reinforced d) 2.00
concrete arched girders with prestressed concrete ties View Answer
spanning nearly 18m this is suited for large columns free Answer: b
space for conference halls, auditoriums, sports stadiums, Explanation: The polygonal built up from blocks with
industrial structures and in such cases prestressed concrete prestressed bottom chord having wire cable: for 18m –
3 3
is invariably selected due to its inherent high strength concrete requirement per truss (m ) 24m-3.85m , 30m-
durability and economy. 5.28m and the difference in truss is observed for different
10. The design of joint should allow: diameters of wire cables.
a) Retardation 5. The truss spacing 12m prestressed bow string of linear
b) Translation element with wire reinforcement (18m) grade of concrete
c) Sublimination (n/mm )
d) Axial a) 30- 40n/mm
View Answer b) 10- 50n/mm
Answer: b c) 20- 70n/mm
Explanation: The design of the joint should allow free d) 40- 90n/mm
translation, deflection and rotation of the structure at the View Answer
edges without damage or in convenience to the traffic and the Answer: a
expansion joint should be strong enough to withstand the Explanation: 24m = 30-50, 30m = 30-50, weight of truss (Kn)
knocking of wheels of vehicles passing over the bridge deck. 18m = 7.7-9.1, 24m = 14.9-17.4, 30m = 25.5-29.8 are the
different truss spacing for spans prestressed bow string of
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – linear element with wire reinforcement for grade of concrete.
Material Requirement:- 6. Calculate effective length of warehouse shed such that
1. The concrete used in trusses is normally of grade ranging length is given as 2.11m and area is given as 650mm ?
from: a) 3.28m
a) M35 b) 4.28m
b) M50 c) 6.25m
c) M40 d) 1.37m
d) M25 View Answer
View Answer Answer: d
2 2
Answer: a Explanation: L = 2.11m, A = 650mm = 0.65m
Explanation: Concrete used in trusses is normally of grade Effective length = Lc = (0.65×2.11) = 1.37m.
ranging from M35 to M60 which can be considered as high 7. Calculate total diameter ratio (d‟/D) of reinforced concrete
strength concrete and this high strength are design mixes truss member such that the internal diameter is 40mm and
which are used for heavy structures. external diameter is given as 200mm?
2. The requirement in consists of: a) 0.6
a) Aluminium bars b) 0.8
b) HYSD bars c) 0.2
c) Torsion bars
d) 9.6 Answer: a
View Answer Explanation: If precast roof slabs are used for roof covering
Answer: c the upper chord panels are made equal to the width of the
Explanation: d‟ = 40mm, D = 200mm precast slabs which is usually about 3m and the lower tension
d‟/D ratio = (40/200) = 0.2mm. chord is prestressed using bunched high strength wires or
8. Calculate moment of reinforced concrete truss such that cables running in perforated holes.
bending moment is given as 4.3 and breadth is given as 3. For spans in the range of 18-24m, the trusses are made in
250mm and depth is 200mm, characteristic strength of how many pieces:
concrete is 35n/mm ? a) 4 pieces
a) 0.48 b) 2 pieces
b) 0.56 c) 1 piece
c) 0.34 d) 5 pieces
d) 0.23 View Answer
View Answer Answer: c
Answer: a Explanation: For spans in the range of 18-24m, the trusses
Explanation: Mu = (1.5×4.3) = 6.45knm, b = 250mm, D = are made in one piece but when spans run from 24-30m, they
200mm, fck = Mu = (1.5×4.3) = 6.45knm, b = 250mm, D = are made in two pieces with a joint at mid span and beyond
200mm, fck = 35n/mm , them they are divided into equal spans and joints are made.
6 2
M = Mu /fck b D = (6.45×10 /35x250x200 ) = 0.48. 4. The polygonal trusses with inclined top chords are
9. Calculate the compression moments of reinforced concrete generally made of:
trusses such that compression in the member is 395, a) 8m Blocks
characteristic strength is 35n/mm2, breadth is 250mm and b) 6m blocks
depth is given as 200? c) 12m block
a) 0.443 d) 65m block
b) 0.338 View Answer
c) 0.654 Answer: b
d) 0.234 Explanation: Polygonal trusses with inclined top chords are
View Answer generally made of 6m blocks or half trusses with 3m panels
Answer: b and due to higher tensions developed in the diagonal
Explanation: Pu = (1.5×395) = 592.5kn, b = 250mm, D = members of large span trusses, prestressing them becomes
200mm, fck = 35n/mm inevitable.
Pu/fckbD = (592.5×10 /35x200x200) = 0.338. 5. The polygonal trusses are less economical than:
10. Calculate minimum reinforcement of 0.8% in the section a) Circular
such that given breadth is 250mm, Diameter is 200m? b) Bow type
a) 400 c) Curved
b) 600 d) Oval
c) 500 View Answer
d) 800 Answer: a
View Answer Explanation: In general polygonal trusses are less economical
Answer: a than the bow type with regard to material and labour costs
Explanation: b = 250mm, D = 200mm and various types of trusses like circular, cylindrical, hollow
Minimum reinforcement of 0.8% in the section As = etc used for various structures are not much economical
(0.8x200x250/100) = 400mm . because of their shapes and freeness to work.
6. The steel bearing plates which are anchored serves as:
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – a) Loading
Construction Features:- b) Bearing
1. The chords and struts of trusses are designed for c) Stressing
convenience in: d) Deforming
a) Plastering View Answer
b) Fabricating Answer: b
c) Rubbing Explanation: At the ends of trusses near supports, 10-12mm
d) Forrowing steel bearing plates are anchored and embedded while
View Answer casting, which serve as bearing and for fixing the trusses on
Answer: b neoprene pad bearings located on the columns.
Explanation: The chords and struts of trusses are designed to 7. Calculate the area of concrete section such that loss ratio is
2 3
have the same width for convenience in fabricating the truss 0.18 and compressive strength is 15n/mm (Nd = 377×10 )?
in a horizontal position such that it is protected by external a) 9.43n/mm
moments and also smoothen the members. b) 6.54n/mm
2. The precast roof slabs are used for: c) 8.5n/mm
a) Roof coverings d) 9.34n/mm
b) Slab coverings View Answer
c) Column coverings Answer: a
3 2
d) Beam coverings Explanation: Nd = 377×10 , ɳ = 0.18, fct = 15n/mm
View Answer
Area of concrete section = (Nd/ɳfct) = (377×10 )/0.8×15) = d) Ductile
3.316mm . View Answer
8. Calculate the number of wires which are subjected to Answer: b
prestressing force of 471.5kn, the section adopted is 50000 Explanation: The rigidity of the joint does not significantly
using 7mm diameter high tensile wires initially stressed at affect the forces developed in the members and hence the
1100n/mm ? analysis is generally carried out on the assumption of hinged
a) 13.2 joints and the action of rigidity joint is flexible and tough
b) 11.13 enough towards the deflection.
c) 24.5 3. The trusses are analyzed for dead, wind and:
d) 34.2 a) Wave loads
View Answer b) Fire actions
Answer: b c) Snow loads
Explanation: Given section adopted = 50000, prestressing d) Tensile loads
force 471.5kn, using 7mm diameter high tensile wires initially View Answer
stressed so 1100n/mm Answer: c
N = (471.5×10 /38.5×1100) = 11.13. Explanation: The trusses are analyzed for dead, wind and
9. Calculate the cracking load such that section adopted is snow loads applied to the joints of the top chord and the load
50000, the loss ratio is 0.8, compressive strength of concrete of suspend mechanical handling facilities is applied at the
is 9.43 and minimum reinforcement is 4.0mm ? panel points of bottom chord and these loads are analyzed
a) 455kn against check for deflection for safety of structure.
b) 324kn 4. When loads are applied to the chords the bending moment
c) 577.2kn developed are determined by assuming chord as a:
d) 456.6kn a) SSB
View Answer b) Continuous
Answer: c c) Point
Explanation: The cracking load = (50000 (0.8 x 9.43) + 4.0 / d) UDL
1000), View Answer
Section adapted = 50000, ɳ = 0.8, fct = 9.43, As = 4.0 (As is Answer: b
the minimum reinforcement of 0.8 percent in the section). Explanation: When loads are applied to the chords of a truss
10. Which type of analysis should be done which will lead to between the panel points and the bending moment developed
an optimal design of planning a structure? are determined by assuming the chord as a continuous beam
a) Comparative analysis with spans equal to the distance between the joints.
b) Strength analysis 5. Trusses must be analyzed for forces developed during:
c) Transferred analysis a) Fabrication and erection
d) Global analysis b) Twisting and lining
View Answer c) Grouting
Answer: a d) Shortcrete
Explanation: It is important to note that there is no single form View Answer
of design which would be most economical in a given situation Answer: a
and to arrive at an economical design, several alternatives Explanation: Trusses must also be analyzed for forces
using different materials and structural configurations should developed during fabrication and erection and initial stresses
be examined and a comparative analysis made which will developed due to the prestressing of the bottom chord
lead to an optimal design. members should also be considered in the design of trusses.
6. One of the functions involved in construction management
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – is:
Analysis of Truss:- a) House owners
1. Based on experimental investigations, the members of b) Tax planners
truss are analyzed on assumption that the joints are: c) Land
a) Rollers d) Area of site
b) SSB View Answer
c) UDL Answer: b
d) Hinged Explanation: Construction of any structure forms only a small
View Answer part of the whole gamut of construction management and the
Answer: d modern approach in construction management involves
Explanation: Based on theoretical and experimental several diverse functions like designers, estimators,
investigations, it well established that the forces in the various constructors, supervisors, accountants, financial managers,
members of the truss are analyzed on the assumption that the corporate secretaries, tax planners working under
joint are hinged in the case os steel, reinforced concrete and professional managers.
prestressed concrete trusses. 7. Which methods are widely used in project works?
2. Which action of joint does not affect the forces developed in a) PERT
the members? b) CRT
a) Plasticity c) TRC
b) Rigidity d) WRE
c) Flexural View Answer
Answer: a 1. The logical steps to be found before beginning the
Explanation: Critical path method of project evaluation review construction of any prestressed concrete structures are:
techniques (PERT) are widely used in the management of a) Planning analysis and design
project work and with the advent of computers, data b) Stress analysis
processing, preparation of working drawings, work c) Strain analysis
scheduling, materials management, controlling the various d) Prestressed analysis
activities of the project and upgrading the various tasks have View Answer
become more simpler and they can be efficiently handled with Answer: a
less paper works. Explanation: Planning, analysis and design are the logical
8. The grade of concrete used for construction of prestressed steps to be followed before beginning the construction of any
concrete structures is: prestressed concrete structures from ancient times;
a) Heavy mix concrete construction of a structure has always been one of the most
b) Design mix concrete fascinating challenges to man ingenuity.
c) Partially mix concrete 2. The architectural capabilities constitutes the essence of the
d) Fully mix concrete a) Conceptual aspects of structures
View Answer b) Chemical aspects of structures
Answer: b c) Structural aspects of structures
Explanation: The most important consideration in the d) Time aspects of structures
construction of prestressed concrete structures is the design, View Answer
production and control of high strength concrete with Answer: b
desirable properties the minimum grade specified in the Explanation: Architectural capabilities constitutes the essence
Indian standard code IS: 1343: 2005 for post tensioned of the conceptual and aesthetic aspects of structures and the
concrete is M30 and for prestressed concrete work it is M40, domain of construction activity involves several known and
the code also specifies the only Design mix concrete should unknown features such as management of materials and
be used to ensure the desired strength and durability. labour, mobilization of suitable cost effective techniques,
9. The cement content limit which is not permitted unless treacherous foundations problems adverse water conditions,
special consideration has been considered in design: planning and scheduling of the construction process to a time
a) 300 based frame, constant interaction with the design engineer,
b) 400 architect, site engineer, construction workers and ability to
c) 375 take sound and daring decisions at times of crisis.
d) 475 3. Which type of engineers should be more conceptual and
View Answer visual?
Answer: d a) Construction engineers
Explanation: The cement content exceeding 475kg/m3 is not b) Site engineers
permitted unless special consideration has been considered c) Practical engineers
in design to the increased risk if cracking due to drying d) Workers
shrinkage in thin sections or to early thermal stresses in thick View Answer
sections and the Indian standard code also prescribes the Answer: c
minimum cement content together with the corresponding Explanation: Practical engineers must be more conceptual
maximum free water cement ratio for different types of than mere perceptual, more creative than mere analytical and
cements when prestressed concrete likely to be exposed to more visual than mere mathematical and construction
sulphate attack. engineers should have wide experience involving several
10. The aim of workability is to use the lower percentage of: types of structures rather than isolated narrow specialization
a) Coarse aggregates and expertise and original skill are attained from relentless
b) Fine aggregates understanding and practice rather than mere theoretical
c) Gravel knowledge and good and sound judgment are attained from
d) Sandstone wide practical experience and often experience comes from
View Answer bad judgment.
Answer: b 4. The sub structure in every structure is known as:
Explanation: The aim should be to use the lowest percentage a) Beam
of fine aggregates which is consistent with the job conditions b) Foundation
and which will permit placing of the concrete without honey c) Slab
combs and finishing it to a satisfactory surface and for high d) Column
strength concrete used for prestressed concrete structures, View Answer
the degree of workability as categorized in Indian standard Answer: b
code IS: 456-2000. Explanation: Every structure has a foundation(sub structure)
which may either be shallow type, like isolated and combined
footings, or a monolithic raft where the loads to be transferred
on solids of low bearing capacity and large, as in the case of
multistoried buildings.
5. Deep foundation depends upon the type of:
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – a) Super structure
Introduction and General Aspects:- b) Foundation
c) Span
d) Area b) 0.6%
View Answer c) 0.8%
Answer: a d) 0.2%
Explanation: Deep foundations are generally piles, caissons View Answer
and walls depending upon the type of super structure and the Answer: a
soil conditions and the most common types of piles used are: Explanation: Concrete of uniform quality can be produced
Timber, Steel, Reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete. only when the ingredients are accurately measured for each
6. The precast piles of reinforced concrete are widely used batch and good specification requires that batching is done by
types for: weight rather than by volume weight batching ensures greater
a) Plastic solids accuracy, simplicity and flexibility and specifications require
b) Wet soils that the materials – cement, aggregates and water measured
c) Clayey soils to an accuracy of + or – 0.5%.
d) Hard soils
View Answer Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
Answer: c Structural Forms and High Rise Structures:-
Explanation: Precast piles of reinforced or prestressed
concrete are the most widely used types for clayey soils of 1. In the case of large floor and roof coverings using
low bearing capacity and well foundation also referred to as prestressed concrete as material, one of the structural forms
open caissons are the most common types generally adopted for adoption is:
for major bridges in India, where the soil strata comprises a) Concrete panels
sand or stiff clay. b) Reinforced disc
7. The pneumatic caisson foundations consisting of: c) Spherical domes
a) Concrete cutting d) Trapezoidal domes
b) Steel cutting View Answer
c) Aluminium cutting Answer: c
d) Block cutting Explanation: In the case of large floor and roof coverings
View Answer using prestressed concrete as material, there are several
Answer: b types of structural forms for adoption and some of them are
Explanation: Pneumatic caisson foundations consisting of as follows: Tee beam and slab floors, continuous beam and
steel cutting base and concrete pier are adopted for deep slab floors, coffered or grid floors, flat slab floors, folded plate
foundations in watery situation and the reader may refer to the roofs, shell roofs, spherical domes, trusses and framed roofs,
monograph design of bridges by the author for detailed composite construction using prestressed and reinforced
descriptions and structural design of piles, wells and caissons. concrete.
8. One of the following elements of super structure: 2. If cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate are
a) Aircraft hanger simultaneously charged then it improves:
b) Water vessels a) Tension in concrete
c) Hydrogen container b) Uniformity in concrete
d) Liquid container c) Compression in concrete
View Answer d) Strain in concrete
Answer: a View Answer
Explanation: A super structure comprises a floor or roof of a Answer: b
building, bridge deck, large capacity liquid retaining structure, Explanation: Uniformity in concrete improves if cement, fine
aircraft hanger, nuclear reactor containment vessel, offshore aggregate and coarse aggregate are simultaneously charged
oil drilling platform and a host type of structures and there is into mixer and chemical admixtures should be charged into
no single form of design which would always be more the mix as solutions and the liquids should be considered as
economical. part of the mixing water.
9. There is no single form of design which would always be 3. Under usual conditions up to which percentage the water
most: should be placed in the mixer drums:
a) Long lasting A0 15%
b) Economical b) 20%
c) Universal c) 10%
d) Same d) 12%
View Answer View Answer
Answer: b Answer: c
Explanation: There is no single form of design which would Explanation: Concrete may be mixed using stationary mixes
always be most economical and it is only by computing a few on job site or central mixes as used in ready mix plants and
tentative with a knowledge of the site conditions, availability of under usual conditions up to about 10% of the mixing water
skilled labour, materials and machinery, time frame fixed for should be placed in the mixer drum before the solid materials
completion of the project and purpose of the intended are added and there after water should be added uniformly
structure that one can reasonably arrive at an economical with the solid materials leaving about 10% to be added after
solution. all other materials are in drum.
10. The specifications for batching and mixing of concrete are 4. When the mixture is mixed in the plant the time should not
measured to an accuracy of: be less than:
a) 0.5% a) 50s
b) 100s 9. Each layer should be placed before the preceding batch
c) 20s undergoes the initial set of:
d) 10s a) Torsion
View Answer b) Tension
Answer: a c) Consolidation
Explanation: When mixed in a central mixing plant, the mixing d) Strain
time should be not less than 50s nor more than 90s and when View Answer
truck mixer is used as in the case of ready mixed concrete, a Answer: c
minimum of seventy to a maximum of 100 revolutions of the Explanation: Each layer should be placed and consolidated
drum or blades at mixing speed are required for complete before the preceding batch undergoes the initial set to prevent
mixing. injury to the green setting concrete and to avoid surfaces of
5. For heavily reinforced concrete members the nominal separation between the batches if taller lifts are encountered
maximum size of aggregates shall be: in structures like column and retaining walls, suitable
a) 10mm regarding agents should be used.
b) 1mm 10. In the case of horizontal shallow beams, concrete should
c) 2mm preferably deposited starting from:
d) 5mm a) Centre of span
View Answer b) Edge of span
Answer: d c) Outer portion of span
Explanation: For heavily reinforced concrete members as in d) Inner portion of span
the case of ribs of main beams, the nominal maximum size of View Answer
aggregate shall be 5mm less than the spacing between the Answer: a
cables, strands or sheathings and aggregates containing Explanation: In the case of horizontal shallow beams,
particular varieties of silica, which are suspectable to attack by concrete should preferably be deposited starting from centre
alkalis present in cement resulting in expansive reaction of span and working towards the ends and for deeper girders,
should be avoided. concrete should be deposited preferably for the length and
6. The strength of concrete primarily depends upon the: brought up evenly in horizontal layers and concrete in slab
a) Workability panels should be placed in one continuous operations for
b) w/c ratio each span.
c) Aggregates ratio
d) Cement content Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
View Answer Structural Form Bridges:-
Answer: b
Explanation: The strength of concrete primarily depends upon 1. One of the structural forms used for bridges are:
the w/c ratio and hence the first step in proportioning a a) Solid slabs
concrete mix should be the selection of approximate w/c ratio b) Dense slabs
depending upon the types of cement used to achieve the c) Rigid slabs
desired durability and strength intended for the works. d) Open slabs
7. One of the advantages of reducing the w/c ratio is: View Answer
a) Superior dimensional stability Answer: a
b) Cost Explanation: For medium and long spans prestressed
c) Area concrete is ideally suited for the super structure of bridges
d) Workability and the structural forms generally used for bridges are listed
View Answer as follows solid slabs(10-15m), voided or hollow slabs(15-
Answer: a 25m), rigid frame bridges(15-30m), Tee beams and slabs(20-
Explanation: The various advantage of reducing the w/c ratio 40m), two cell box girders(30-70m), multi cell box girders(40-
is as follows: 80), balanced cantilever type bridges(20-30m), continuous
Increased compressive, flexural and tensile strength, girders of variable depth(30-40), cable stayed bridges(100-
increased density of concrete with lesser voids, increased 500m).
water tightness, lower absorption of moisture due to less 2. Prestressed concrete has more or less replaced:
porosity, increased resistance to weathering, better bond a) Reinforced concrete
between concrete and reinforcement, superior dimensional b) Prestressed concrete
stability, lesser shrinkage cracks. c) Aluminium concrete
8. In massive structures, concrete should be placed in: d) Voids concrete
a) Trapezoidal layers View Answer
b) Horizontal layers Answer: a
c) Longitudinal layers Explanation: Prestressed concrete has more or less replaced
d) Edge layers reinforced concrete as the most suitable material for bridge
View Answer construction due to its inherent advantages of high strength
Answer: b coupled with durability, energy absorption under dynamic
Explanation: In massive structures, concrete should be placed loads, ability to resist repetitive loads, freedom from cracks,
in horizontal layers not more than 300mm thick expect in easy mould ability to desired shape, economy and ease of
thinner slabs and when less than a complete layer is placed in maintenance.
one operation, it should be terminated in a vertical bulk head.
3. The floors and girders of through type structures should be Answer: a
placed in: Explanation: When concrete is deposited in layer it is allowed
a) Two continuous to sink due to its own weight to the bottom of the layer and
b) One continuous then slowly withdrawn and during vibration of succeeding
c) Span continuous layers, the vibrator should preferably penetrate the surface of
d) Limit continuous the preceding layer by at least 150mm and good vibration
View Answer should result in a surface without honey combing, aggregate
Answer: b or mortar pockets or excessive air bubbles.
Explanation: The floor and girders of through type structures 8. The self compacting concrete (SCC) is generally referred
should be placed in one continuous unless otherwise as:
specified in which case a special sear anchorage should be a) Spatial concrete
provided to ensure monolithic action between the girders and b) Pores concrete
floor and the case of tee beam slab floors, it is preferable to c) Rheodynamic concrete
deposit concrete first up to the top of the girder ribs followed d) Flexible concrete
by concreting of the slab in one continuous operation and if View Answer
the slab concrete is delayed, suitable shear keys should be Answer: c
formed by roughening the top of the girder before depositing Explanation: Rheodynamic concrete generally referred to as
the centre in the slab. self compacting concrete (SCC) is able to flow under its own
4. Prestressed concrete members should be compacted by weight and completely fill the formwork, even in the presence
which type of vibration: of dense reinforcements without the need for any vibration
a) Mechanical vibration whilst maintaining homogeneity and resulting in concrete of
b) Structural vibration high early strength and durability.
c) Internal vibration 9. Degussa-MBT construction chemicals (INDIA) have
d) External vibration developed revolutionary type of admixtures based on:
View Answer a) Micro science
Answer: a b) Nano science
Explanation: Prestressed concrete members should be c) poly science
compacted by mechanical vibrations expect when certain d) Animal science
types of extrusion machines are used which consolidate the View Answer
concrete by tamping and depending on the type of structural Answer: b
members, internal, external or surface type vibrators are used Explanation: Degussa-MBT construction chemicals (INDIA)
and normally vibrators having frequencies in the range of at have developed revolutionary type of admixtures using nano
least 3200-3600 cycles per minute are used. polymers which can be used to bring together functional
5. The vibrations should be used only for: groups aimed at targeted performances in concrete and
a) Densation based on nano science.
b) Compaction 10. A system of polymers with longer side and shorter side
c) Rotation chains is called:
d) Spinning a) Zero energy system
View Answer b) Elastic energy system
Answer: b c) Bonded energy system
Explanation: Vibration should be well distributed so that the d) Force energy system
concrete reaches a state of plastic mass with uniform density View Answer
and vibrators should be used for compaction only and not for Answer: a
moving concrete horizontally along the forms. Explanation: A system of polymers with longer side chains
6. When vibrators are used for horizontal and vertical and shorter main chains to facilitate high early strengths in
operation, the spacing should : concrete without steam curing and with specific applications in
a) Overlap precast reinforced and prestressed concrete units
b) Attached manufacturing industry.
c) Hardened
d) Made wet Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
View Answer Structural Forms for Aircraft Hangars:-
Answer: a
Explanation: When vibrators are used for horizontal and 1. The structural forms generally used for aircraft hangers are
vertical operation, the spacing of points of vibration should be compiled of:
such that their zones of influence overlap and when concrete a) 3 types
is deposited in layers such as that in column, the vibrator b) 2 types
should be inserted vertically. c) 4 types
7. When concrete is deposited in layers it should be allowed d) 6 types
to: View Answer
a) Sink Answer: a
b) Collapse Explanation: Over the last few decades, increased airway
c) Cut traffic has necessitated the development and use of large
d) Restrain aircraft like Boeing-747 and Airbus-320 and the servicing of
View Answer these aircraft requires large aircraft hangers with unrestricted
space for easy movement of aircraft and the structures forms 6. The Indian airlines airbus hanger which was considered as
generally used for aircraft hangers are compiled as follows: world record:
prestressed concrete barrel shells, prestressed concrete a) Structure construction
folded plates, twin cantilever folded plate roofs. b) Area
2. The cantilever folded plate roof requires significantly lower c) Long cantilever span
quantities of materials like: d) Eccentricity
a) Concrete and prestressing cables View Answer
b) Shortcrete and prestressing cables Answer: c
c) Fabric and prestressing cables Explanation: The structure comprises prestressed concrete
d) Reinforcement and prestressing cables folded plates cantilevering on opposite sides from the main
View Answer service complex and the long cantilever span can be
Answer: a considered as world record for this type of construction which
Explanation: Twin cantilever folded plate roofs with a central was chosen to achieve flexibility of lateral expansion without
service complex and the continuous folded plate roof is distributing the existing facilities.
stayed by prestressed concrete ties and this type of planning 7. The inclined struts supporting the prestressed concrete ties
provides and unrestricted clear space of 60-90m on either are provided with:
side of the central service complex and the cantilever and a) Gifford
folded plate roof complex requires significantly lower b) Freyssinet
quantities of materials like concrete and prestressing cables c) Magnel
due to the unique feature of the structural form. d) Dalton
3. The prestress concrete aircraft hangers normally require View Answer
free spaces for: Answer: b
a) Beams Explanation: The roof is formed by a very thin folded plate of
b) Ramp 7.62m module with webs inclined at 45 degrees and the
c) Slab continuous folded plate is stayed by prestressed concrete ties
d) Columns and the inclined struts supporting the prestressed concrete
View Answer ties and provided with Freyssinet hinges at the junction with
Answer: d the roof in order to permit free rotations.
Explanation: Prestressed concrete aircraft hangers normally 8. The hanger provides a clear uninterrupted space of:
require large column free spaces and the introduction of a) 9.14
prestressed concrete in India in the year 1939 resulting in b) 5.16
larger spans of column free structures suitable for aircraft c) 1.23
hangers such as that planned for the Karachi airport in 1942. d) 4.34
4. In Karachi airport at that time in 1942 which were used: View Answer
a) High tensile steel wires Answer: a
b) High compression wires Explanation: The hanger provides a clear uninterrupted space
c) Normal wires of 91.4m long with an average height of 13m so that two
d) Long span wires airbus aircrafts can easily be parked in the hanger and also an
View Answer expansion joint planned and provided at the centre divides the
Answer: a roof into two units of 45.7m each.
Explanation: At the time, the high tensile steel wires were 9. As the side walls are independent of the roof so that the
imported from France and the cables were made by covering hanger can be:
the wires with bitumen wrapped in sisal craft paper and the a) Widened
cables comprised 32 numbers of 5mm diameter wires b) Trussed
providing a prestressing force of 660kn and prestressed c) Bended
reinforced concrete trusses of spans in the range of 18m with d) Compressed
asbestos covering were planned to provide large column free View Answer
space for the integral coach factory built at perambur madras Answer: a
as early as 1956. Explanation: The cantilever roof is estimated to deflect by
5. An example to plan aircraft hanger using prestressed 280mm near the tip under maximum wind effects and the safe
concrete which is ideally suitable for large spans: movements of the sliding door is ensured by the provision of a
a) Indian airlines airbus hanger concrete channel section of adequate depth at the tip of the
b) Spain airlines airbus hanger roof and the hanger has been planned and designed to
c) American airlines airbus hanger withstand the dynamic effect of wind gusts of the coastal zone
d) Africa airlines airbus hanger during cyclonic wind reaching a speed of 160knmph and the
View Answer hanger can also be widened whenever required as the side
Answer: a walls are independent of the roof and the airbus hanger was
Explanation: The present method is to plan aircraft hangers designed by STOP consulting engineers for the Indian airlines
using prestressed concrete which is ideally suitable for large corporation.
spans with reduced maintenance costs due to superior 10. Another planning example of planning an aircraft hanger is
durability characteristics of prestressed concrete and an Boeing hanger at santa curv airport is in:
excellent example of this type is the roof of the Indian airlines a) Chennai
hanger in Bombay. b) Hyderabad
c) Bombay
d) Chennai 4. The girders are supported on which type of well
View Answer foundations:
Answer: c a) Double D shaped
Explanation: Another planning example of planning an aircraft b) Trapezoidal shaped
hanger is Boeing hanger at santa curv airport is in: Bombay c) T shaped
the prestressed hanger provides an uninterrupted area of d) Dome shaped
101m by 45.73m and the roof consists of 10 barrel shells of View Answer
45.75m span with 12.2m chord width supported on Answer: a
longitudinal prestressed concrete edge beams and the frontal Explanation: The girders are supported on double D shaped
beams are also prestressed and the span over clear door well foundations having a size of 12m by 27m sunk to a depth
openings is 48.8m and the overall depth of the beam is 6.1m of 32m below the low water level and Gomati aqueduct as the
the soffit of the beam and the aircraft hanger was planned and distinction of being the biggest and the longest aqueduct in
designed and constructed by gammon Indian limited for the India constructed by Hindustan construction company ltd and
international airports authority of India. Bombay for the Uttarpradesh irrigation department and the top
of the aqueduct has been planned to serve as a roadway.
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – 5. The circular shape was planned at Bhima aqueduct
Structural Forms for Irrigation:- reduced:
a) Factor of safety
1. The concrete, aqueducts and siphons are required for: b) Rugosity coefficient
a) Storage of water c) Tension coefficient
b) Transportation of water d) Deflection
c) Distribution of water View Answer
d) Blockage of water Answer: b
View Answer Explanation: The Bhima aqueduct constructed near solapur,
Answer: b Maharashtra has a continuous precast concrete circular tube
Explanation: Reinforced concrete is ideally suited and widely prestressed both longitudinally and circumferentially and the
adopted for the construction of large gravity dams like Bhakra circular shape was planned to reduce the Rugosity coefficient
dam, Hirakud dam, Rihand dams and canals, aqueducts and facilitating easy passage of water and the aqueduct is 947m
sympones are generally required for transportation of water long with spans of 41.5m having a truncated circular cross
for irrigation purposes over long distances. section of 4.8 diameter with 3.75m roadway at top and the
2. The concrete tabular aqueducts prestressed both average thickness of the circular tube is 200mm and this
longitudinal and transversal serves how many purposes: aqueduct is an excellent example of planning hydraulic and
a) One highway elements in a single structure.
b) Three 6. Virendeel girders are widely used in:
c) Dual a) America
d) Five b) Singapore
View Answer c) Europe
Answer: c d) France
Explanation: Prestressed concrete box sections with View Answer
longitudinal deep girders and cross girders with slab between Answer: c
the girders and concrete tabular aqueducts prestressed both Explanation: Virendeel girders developed by Arthur Virendeel
longitudinally and transversely with diameter in the range of 3- in 1896, is an open web trussed girder with horizontal top and
5m and spans varying from 30-50m and this structural form bottoms with vertical web members and rigid joints and these
serves the dual purpose of water transportation in the tabular girders have been widely used in Europe and particularly in
duct and the top portion is used for the road way and Belguim, where free unobstructed space is required between
prestressed concrete circular sections wit loop cables for the top and bottom chords such as in clerestory lighting in
transverse prestressing to resist water pressure as in the case churches and also for main girders on factories and
of siphons. warehouse sheds.
3. An example of the application of prestressed concrete in 7. Prestressed concrete domes with which type of beam
aqueducts in India is: provides an ideal solution to cover such large containment
a) Yamuna vessels:
b) Gomati a) Ring beam
c) Krishna b) Trapezoidal beams
d) Penna c) Elliptical beams
View Answer d) Transverse beams
Answer: b View Answer
Explanation: An example of the application of prestressed Answer: a
concrete in aqueducts in India is Gomati aqueduct having 12 Explanation: Most of the atomic power plants have
equal spans of 31.8m and the structure is designed as a box containment structures of circular shape having diameters in
section of 12.8m by 6.7m and carries a discharge of 357 the range of 40m and prestressed concrete domes with a ring
cumecs and the depth of the two main prestressed concrete beam provides an ideal solution to cover such large
girders is 9.9m and weights as much as 550 tones per girder containment vessels prestressed concrete circular tanks are
per span. widely used for the storage of water, oil, granular materials
like cement and other liquids.
8. The capacity of prestressed concrete tanks may vary from: 2. One of the nuclear power station located in Tamilnadu
a) 600 to 60000m shielded by a double containment system is:
b) 400 to 40000m a) Lankesh nuclear power station
c) 200 to 20000m b) Gauri nuclear power station
d) 500 to 50000m c) Kalpakkam nuclear power station
View Answer d) Radant nuclear power station
Answer: b View Answer
Explanation: The capacity of such tanks may vary from 400 to Answer: c
nearly 40000m and economical dimensional proportions for Explanation: In the case of kalpakam nuclear power station
water tanks as reported by the preload engineering company, located in Tamilnadu, India shielding is provided by a double
Newyork and theses tanks are provided with reinforced containment system with an inner cylinder of 600mm thick
concrete domes having a thickness ranging from 50-110mm prestressed concrete surrounded by an outer wall of rubble
with a prestressed concrete ring beam at the junction of the masonry 711mm thick and the two walls are separated by an
cylindrical tank walls and spherical dome. annular air space 1m wide and in general prestressed
9. The example of prestressed concrete reservoir is: concrete reactor and containment vessels and cylinder in
a) Ball tank built at trombay, Maharashtra shape facilitating slip form method of construction and
b) Ball tank built at trombay, Assam circumferential prestressing resulting in considerable
c) Ball tank built at trombay, Goa economy coupled with speedy construction.
d) Ball tank built at trombay, Madhya pradesh 3. The maximum credible accident (MCA) is a:
View Answer a) Nuclear containment structures
Answer: a b) Explosive container
Explanation: Typical example of prestressed concrete c) Hydrogen container
reservoir having a capacity of 4 million liters can be found in d) Mica container
the ball tank built at trombay, Maharashtra and the spherical View Answer
tank was designed and built by STOP consultants and Answer: a
Gammon India ltd for the department of atomic energy and Explanation: The nuclear containment structure of an atomic
the diameter of the tank is around 10m and it is prestressed in reactor is a physical barrier which is designed to contain the
the circumferential and meridional directions. total fluid energy and the radioactive products in the event of
10. The prestressed concrete is ideally suited for the which is termed as the maximum credible accident (MCA) and
construction of: the MCA corresponds to the rupture of pipes carrying the
a) Medium and long span bridges primary or secondary coolants and the associated rise of
b) Short span bridges pressure and temperature within the containment structures.
c) Lined span bridges 4. The atomic power reactor at Rajasthan was built in:
d) Curved span bridges a) 1900
View Answer b) 1935
Answer: a c) 1965
Explanation: Prestressed concrete is ideally suited for the d) 1340
construction of medium and long span bridges and at present View Answer
the reinforcements and prestressed concrete bridge decks Answer: c
from a major percentage of the several types of bridges Explanation: In the latter part of the 20 century, India has
constructed throughout the world. developed and built several atomic power stations at Tarapur,
Rajasthan, Kalpakkam, Narora, Kakrapur and kaigo located in
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – several stages of the country as reported by tendon and the
Structural Forms for Energy Structures:- dimensional details of the Rajasthan atomic power reactors at
kota built in 1965 and at the time, the prestressed concrete in
1. The prestressed concrete structures pressure vessels can the world, with the first two having been built in France
be triaxially prestressed resulting in: between 1960 and 1965 and the dome is anchored to a 1.22
a) Reflection thick reinforced concrete cylindrical wall of the reactor vessel
b) High load factors by 127mm diameter prestressing cables.
c) Tensile factors 5. One of the prestressed power reactor vessels in the
d) Ductile factors following is:
View Answer a) Madras
Answer: b b) Assam
Explanation: Reinforced concrete are widely used for energy c) Tripura
structures like dams, surge shafts in hydroelectric power d) Jharkhand
stations and the use of prestressed concrete biological shields View Answer
for nuclear reactor and containment vessels of few several Answer: a
advantages and prestressed concrete pressure vessels can Explanation: The salient feature of the basic reactor vessel of
be triaxially prestressed resulting in higher load factors madras atomic power project and the prestressed vessel
against limit states of service and ultimate failure and the consists of an inner containment monolithic structure made up
structural form normally used comprises a cylindrical concrete of prestressed concrete wall and dome designed for
vessel capped with a shallow dome and cylindrical and maximum pressure and practically complete leak tightness is
spherical shapes have been used for the oldbury and wylfa ensured by the introduction of an outer reinforced masonry
pressure vessels. wall separated by an annular air space and is kept under
small positive pressure intensity so that the effective leakage economy with minimum quantities of materials like concrete
into the atmosphere is almost zero. and steel and yet providing the maximum covered space for
6. The prestressing system of the dome in madras power the storage and packing of fertilizers and typical examples of
atomic reactor vessel comprises of how many brands? such silos can be found in the Mangalore fertilizers and
a) 4 chemicals LTD factory located near the harbor at panambur
b) 3 near Mangalore and another notable example is the silo at
c) 2 nangal having a width of 32m and 312m long and the height
d) 1 of crown of shell is 20m from the floor and this shell built by
View Answer m/s gammon India ltd for the fertilizer corporation of India.
Answer: b
Explanation: The prestressing system of the dome in madras Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
power atomic reactor vessel comprises of how many brands Construction Techniques:-
three banded layers housed within the dome thickness of
250mm and this structure is also notable for being the most 1. Cantilever construction eliminates the use of:
economical and cheapest in the world by comparison with 27 a) Steel
similar containment vessels which were designed and built b) Cement
around the world in 1967. c) Formwork
7. The Narora atomic power plant consists of a: d) Workman
a) Single containment vessel View Answer
b) Triple containment Answer: c
c) Prestressed containment vessel Explanation: Most of the long span bridges are built using
d) Double containment vessel prestressed concrete and those built by the cantilever method
View Answer developed by Finister walder, demonstrate the latest
Answer: d refinements of the construction techniques and this method
Explanation: The Narora atomic plant consists of a double eliminates the use of expensive formwork and scaffolding
containment vessel and the inner unit is a prestressed especially for bridges in deep valleys and rivers with large
concrete cylindrical wall capped by a prestressed concrete depth of water.
cellular slab and the outer wall is rigidly connected to the 2. The major methods of cantilever construction are classified
foundation raft at base while the inner prestressed wall is into how many types:
made monolithic with the raft after stressing. a) 2 tyres
8. The prestressed concrete silos are generally preferred for b) 3 types
storage of: c) 4 types
a) Blocks d) 6 types
b) Anchors View Answer
c) Fertilizers Answer: a
d) Concrete Explanation: There are two major methods of cantilever
View Answer construction techniques are classified as:
Answer: c Cast in situ construction: In this method the bridge in cat in
Explanation: Prestressed concrete silos are generally situ with sections 3-6m long, cantilevering symmetrically on
preferred in place of vertical reinforced concrete silos for the both sides of pier
storage of fertilizers and the shell concrete precast structural Construction using precast segments: In this method type of
elements are combined by cast insitu joints and prestressed construction, the bridge segments comprising structural
cables in the longitudinal. elements (mainly segmental single or multi celled box girders)
9. The thickness of concrete in the shell is in the range: are cast in a casing yard using special forms and they are
a) 60-70mm transported to the work site.
b) 50-75mm 3. In cat insitu construction the formwork is supported by:
c) 90-120mm a) Aluminium frame work
d) 40-50mm b) Wood frame work
View Answer c) Steel frame work
Answer: b d) Cloth formwork
Explanation: The thickness of concrete in the shell is in range View Answer
of 50-75mm and the curved shell segments are connected by Answer: c
cast insitu joints which are prestressed by suitable high tensile Explanation: The form work for cat in situ construction is
cables and transverse directions at modular intervals to supported by steel frame work attached to the completed part
achieve integrity of joints resulting in large interrupted space of the bridge and the formwork moves from one complete
inside the shell. section to the next part and the sequential operations in this
10. The economical concrete silos shape is: method are: fabrication of steel truss, placing of
a) Paraboloid shell shape reinforcement, concreting using concrete mix, curing the
b) Ellipse shell shape concrete, threading the high tensile cables and anchoring and
c) Circle shell shape grouting of the cables, releasing formwork.
d) Dome shell shape 4. One of the example of cast insitu construction:
View Answer a) Boussens bridge, France
Answer: a b) Larens bridge, Uganda
Explanation: The paraboloid shell shape results in significant c) Lithcher bridge, Spain
d) Rouli bridge, Africa Answer: b
View Answer Explanation: The staging method is adopted when low
Answer: a clearances required below the deck and supporting formwork
Explanation: Boussens bridge over the garnne river in France does not interfere with the traffic and this method facilitates
having spans of 49-96m and the supporting form work to rapid construction by maintaining correct geometry of the
facilitate the concreteing of the cantilever portion of the bridge structure with relatively low cost.
abuts the previously constructed section and the typical cross 9. Which type of construction is particularly advantageous in
section comprises box girders of constant or variable depth long via duct structures, a segmental?
with cables running in the ribs and flanges and a notable a) Span to span
example of cast in situ cantilever construction of the basin b) Edge to edge
creek bridge by gammon India company at Bombay. c) Column to column
5. The main advantage of using precast segmental units is d) Beam to beam
they can be cast on: View Answer
a) Beam Answer: a
b) Slab Explanation: In long span via duct structures, a segmental
c) Edges span by span (stage by stage construction, is particularly
d) Ground advantageous and the movable formwork may be supported
View Answer from the ground and the traveler consists of a steel super
Answer: d structure which is moved from the completed portion of the
Explanation: The main advantage of using precast segmental structure to the next span to facilitate the casting or supporting
units is that they can be cast on ground near the work site of the precast units.
well in advance and the quality of units will be better than 10. In push out technique each unit in cast directly against
those which are cast in situ and another advantage is the the:
units can be curved to achieve their full strength before a) Previous unit
bringing them to assemble at worksite. b) Tensile unit
6. In the cost insitu method the least time required to move c) Last units
formwork is: d) Progressive units
a) 7 View Answer
b) 8 Answer: a
c) 3 Explanation: Segments of the bridge super structure are cast
d) 2 at site in lengths of 10-30m in stationary forms located behind
View Answer the abutments and each unit is cast directly against the
Answer: a previous unit and after the concrete attains the desired
Explanation: In the cast in situ method at least a week‟s time strength the new unit is joined to the previous unit by post
is required to move the formwork to the next incremental tensioning and the assembly of units is pushed forward in a
length and the precast segment system, the units can be step wise manner to permit casting of the succeeding
bought to site and lifted by cranes to join them to the previous segments.
units by using temporary stressing cables and the rate of 11. The construction starts at one end of the structure and
construction will be faster in the precast method than in the proceeds continuously to other end is:
cast in situ method and in both methods a typical cross a) Progressive placement method
section would be a box girder of constant or variable depth. b) Transverse placement method
7. The cantilever method has been successfully used in the c) Horizontal placement method
span range of: d) Linear placement method
a) 40-150 View Answer
b) 30-150 Answer: a
c) 50-200 Explanation: In the method the construction starts at one end
d) 40-200 of the structure and proceeds continuously to the other end
View Answer and in contrast to the balanced cantilevered construction in
Answer: c which the super structure proceeds or both sides of the pier,
Explanation: The cantilever method has been successfully in the progressive placement technique, the precast segments
used in the span range of 50-200m and for small spans of are placed from one owned of the structure to the other in
less than 50m and for elevated roads or flyovers were successive cantilevers on the same side of the various piers
scaffolding beneath the structure must be avoided precast and at present this method has been found to be practicable
segmental construction is preferred and at present for spans and economical in the span range of 30-90m.
over 70m, prestressed concrete single or multi cell box girders 12. The main feature of this method comprises a moveable
complete successfully with steel construction. temporary arrangement to limit the:
8. Which one of the following method of construction is a) Feasible stress
adopted when low clearance is required below the deck? b) Cantilever stress
a) Erection method c) Rigidity stress
b) Stagging method d) Bond stress
c) Elongation method View Answer
d) Longitudinal method Answer: b
View Answer Explanation: The main feature of this method comprises
moveable temporary arrangement to limit the cantilever
stresses during construction to a reasonable level and the tendons due to rusting under exposure to humid weather
precast segmental units are transported over the completed conditions and good maintenance practice requires periodical
portion of the deck to the tip of the cantilever span under surveillance identification of local damage, deterioration and
construction, where they are positioned by swivel crane that loss of durability of the structure due to environmental and
moves over the deck. other load effects and in such cases local repairs are needed.
13. The construction procedure must be planned using: 2. Rehabilitation of structures may be required due to several
a) Sequential computations reasons one reason is:
b) Reverse computations a) Environmental effects
c) Complicated computations b) Tensile effects
d) Aligned computations c) Compressive effects
View Answer d) Range effects
Answer: a View Answer
Explanation: Construction techniques developed have shown 3. The problem of rehabilitation is:
major progress towards simplification and reduction of a) Unique
erection equipment and the construction procedure must b) Submerged
however be planned using sequential computations for the c) Lined
alignment forces, exact lengths and angles considering d) Layered
temperature and creep influence which depends on seasonal, View Answer
climatic and daily environmental conditions. Answer: a
14. In incremental launching or pull out technique to allow the Explanation: The problem of rehabilitation is Unique, For the
super structure to move forward, what are provided? particular structure and hence the use of common techniques
a) Sliding bearings for rehabilitation of various structures is limited and as far as
b) Rolling bearings maintenance is concerned, several new cementations
c) Strut bearings materials and epoxy resigns and compounds have been
d) Tensile bearings developed which are highly effective in protecting the basic
View Answer structure from the destructive effects of severe exposure
Answer: a conditions in the environment.
Explanation: Normally a work cycle of one week is required 4. Maintaining prestressed concrete structures of various
for casting and launching the segments and to allow the super types in a fit and serviceable condition is primary function of:
structure to move forward, special low friction sliding bearings a) Maintenance engineer
are provided at the top of various piers with proper lateral b) Design engineer
guides and the main problem is to ensure the safety of c) Surface engineer
stresses in the super structure under its own self weight d) Structural engineer
during all stages of launching at various critical sections. View Answer
15. If the spans are large, they can be sub divided by means Answer: a
of: Explanation: Maintaining prestressed concrete structures of
a) Struts various types in a fit and serviceable condition is primary
b) Piers function of Maintenance engineer investment towards
c) Ridges effective periodical maintenance forms only a fraction of the
d) Walls cost to be incurred due to major repairs to rehabilitate the
View Answer structures and hence it is always advisable to establish a
Answer: b programmed preventive maintenance system to detect any
Explanation: If the spans are large, they can be sub divided signs of distress in the initial stages itself through inspection
by means of temporary piers to control the magnitude of procedures and appropriate repairs.
bending moments with in safe limits and according to Raina 5. The structural concrete slab panels can be repaired by:
this construction technique has been applied to spans up to a) Internal bonding
60m without the use of temporary false work bents and also b) External bonding
spans up to 100m have been built using temporary supporting c) Stress bonding
bents and the main girders must have a constant depth d) Layered bonding
generally varying from 1/12 to 1/16 of the longest span. View Answer
Answer: b
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – Explanation: The structural concrete slab panels and beams
Maintenance of Structures:- exhibiting distress can be repaired by external bonding of
steel plates to the soffit by using epoxy adhesives and
1. In prestressed concrete structures the primary problem is hollows, honey combs and cavities in concrete can be
damaged caused to: repaired by the process of guniting and shortcreting applied
a) Bridge decks pneumatically with impact force.
b) Spans 6. The impression of structure is of:
c) Anchorages a) 3
d) Ridges b) 4
View Answer c) 2
Answer: c d) 6
Explanation: In prestressed concrete structures the primary View Answer
problem is damage caused to anchorages and unbounded
Answer: c d) Surface reinforcement
Explanation: Routine inspection under this category, general View Answer
inspections are carried out quickly and frequently by highway Answer: a
maintenance engineers having reasonably practical Explanation: A wide variety of electronic equipment is
knowledge of highway structures through not necessarily presently available in the market in many countries for
experts in design, monitoring and inspection of distress in different types of
Detailed inspection: This type of inspection can be further structures and ultrasonic meters are used to determine the
divided as general and major depending upon the frequency degree of deterioration and distress and / or material
and extent of inspection, imperfections that are relevant to the structural integrity of the
Special inspection: Special inspection is resorted to under structure to be inspected and pachometer is used to locate
extraordinary situations such as earthquakes, high intensity/ the steel reinforcements and measures the sizes of the bars
abnormal loading, floods etc. embedded in concrete to an accuracy of 3m.
7. Which type of inspection is more intensive involving 11. In case of bridge greater than 10.7m in height and which
examination of structural elements? cannot be inspected from beneath due to watery situation the
a) Minor inspection instrument suited for inspection work is:
b) General inspection a) Electrical resistance meter
c) Major inspection b) Strain gauges
d) Reverse inspection c) Barins snooper vehicle
View Answer d) Rain guages
Answer: c View Answer
Explanation: Major inspection is generally more intensive Answer: c
involving detail examination of all structural elements and Explanation: In the case of bridges greater than 10.7m in
even requiring setting up of special access facilitates (like height and in those bridges which cannot be inspected from
soffits of long span beams and articulation locations, bearing beneath due to rugged terrain or watery situations, a
etc) where required depending upon the importance of the mechanical contraction widely known as Barins snooper
structure, this type of inspection is spaced between 2 and 3 vehicle is ideally suited for inspection work and the snooper is
years or may be at smaller intervals for sensitive structures mounted on a heavy duty truck with a swiveling platform and
which are exposed to aggressive environments. the underside of the bridge deck can be inspected by using
8. Prestressed concrete structures showing visible signs of the hydraulically operated platform.
distress in the form of: 12. In the case of dormant cracks wider than about 1m, it is
a) Surface cracks more economical to use:
b) Patterns a) Epoxy resin
c) Patches b) Grouting
d) None of the mentioned c) Tensioning
View Answer d) Ranging
Answer: a View Answer
Explanation: Prestressed concrete structures showing visible Answer: b
signs of distress in the form of surface cracks, spalling of Explanation: In the case of dormant cracks wider than about
concrete should be special inspection using instruments to 1mm, it is more economical to use the grouting and sealing
users the extent of damage to the structure. technique and this method involves enlarging the crack along
9. One of the testing equipments used for inspection is: its exposed face and then the crack is cleaned and grouted
a) Strain gauges and the surface is then sealed with a suitable joint sealant and
b) Measuring jar various other techniques widely used for repair of dormant or
c) Test tubes dead cracks include dry packing, polymer impregnation over
d) None of the mentioned lays and surface treatments and autogenous handling.
View Answer 13. How many sealants are there used depending upon their
Answer: a suitability in a given situation:
Explanation: Modern testing equipments which could be of a) 3
use to the specialized inspection team are listed below: b) 2
Rebound hammer compressive strength (Schmidt hammer), c) 4
ultrasonic pulse velocity detection of cracks, snooper-crawler d) 1
and adjustable ladders, magnetic decor for measuring View Answer
thickness of concrete cover and for locating reinforcement Answer: a
bars, mechanical extensometer, transparent templates and Explanation: The following three types of sealants are
microscope for reading of crack widths on the surface of the generally used depending upon their suitability in given
concrete hydraulic jacks, pressure transducers or load cells situation: Mastics are asphalts with a low melting point with
for measurement of forces etc, electronic strain gauges for added fillers or fibers and they are recommended where the
measurement of strain in concrete and steel, vibration total movements will not exceed 15 percent of the width of
measuring equipment, electrical resistance meter(for rust groove, Thermoplastics comprising of asphalts, pitches and
pockets). coal tar become liquid or semi viscous when heated and the
10. The pachometer is used to locate the: groove depth to width ratio should 1:1 and the total design
a) Steel reinforcement movement is of order of 25 percent of groove width and
b) Aluminium reinforcement Elastomers include a wide range of materials such as poly
c) Tensile reinforcement sulphides, epoxy poly sulphides, poly urethane, silicones and
acrylics and these materials advantages since they can be such cases holes are drilled diagonally and rebars are placed
used without heating. and grouted to arrest the shear cracks.
14. How many types of damages are present in classification 3. Bridge girders located in zones of very severe exposure
of damage? conditions suffer:
a) 1 a) Spalling
b) 2 b) Bleeding
c) 3 c) Winding
d) 4 d) Spinning
View Answer View Answer
Answer: c Answer: a
Explanation: Minor damage requires superficial patching by Explanation: Bridge girders located in zones of very severe
using epoxy grout or guniting using Shortcrete and the exposure conditions are like it to suffer: Spalling extensive
damages and delaminated concrete is removed by hand tools spalling of concrete exposing the reinforcements and in such
and the surface is cleaned before the application of epoxy cases the unsound or loose concrete around the girders is
grout, moderate damage involves extensive spalling and removed and repairing against the loss of concrete section is
cracking of concrete is generally applicable as in minor repairs done by jacketing the girders using a steel form.
and in Several damage Prestressed concrete girders requires 4. The crack propagation in the concrete girders can be
a detailed structural analysis of a design check based on the arrested by using the principles of:
conditions of the damage and the best engineering a) Pre tensioning
assumptions and judgments. b) Post tensioning
15. If the loss of prestress is excessive resulting in tensile c) Prestressing
cracks, which method should be used: d) Loading
a) Preloading method View Answer
b) Hollow method Answer: b
c) Transparent method Explanation: Crack propagation in the concrete girders can be
d) Layered method arrested by using the principles of post tensioning and in this
View Answer tensile cracking in the girder are arrested by including
Answer: a compression using tension ties forced to the sides of the
Explanation: If the loss of prestress is excessive resulting in girder at locations of tensile cracks.
tensile cracks, preloading methods should be seriously 5. In some cases of repairs of girders damaged by collision,
considered in making concrete repairs in order to restore the the damage is severe what are used:
equivalent full or partial prestress effect, as per original a) Trusses and bars
designs. b) Struts and pins
c) Links and dowels
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – d) Lace and anchores
Restoration of Strength of Structures:- View Answer
Answer: c
1. The repair and rehabilitation of damaged or spalled Explanation: In some cases, the damage is more severe
concrete is done by removing the: deeper so that the high tensile wires and strands are exposed
a) Loose concrete and in such cases, the damaged portion is repaired by using
b) Collapsing links ad dowels along with wire mesh tied to the
c) Breakage reinforcements and the entire damaged part is repaired using
d) Bonding mortar or non shrink grout.
View Answer 6. The corrosion of reinforcement due to extreme exposure is
Answer: a common for structure located in:
Explanation: Repair and rehabilitation of damaged or spalled a) Dry conditions
concrete is done by removing the unsound or loose concrete b) Costal zones
by providing temporary supports to the girder to relieve dead c) Regional zones
load stresses and the case of pretressed concrete bridge d) Hot condition
decks, special stress check up is essential before starting the View Answer
repair works. Answer: b
2. In many cases of heavily loaded girders, shear distress is Explanation: Due to various reasons such as corrosion of
observed near the: reinforcements due to extreme exposure conditions,
a) Edges especially when un bonded tendons are used, the high tensile
b) Supports strands may get damaged resulting in loss of prestresss in the
c) Span girder.
d) Length 7. In case of damaged prestressed concrete I girders which
View Answer are used for restoring strength?
Answer: b a) Pretensioning
Explanation: In many cases of heavily loaded, girders shear b) Post tensioning
distress is observed near the supports in the form of diagonal c) Chemicals
tension cracks and shear cracks may arise due to improper d) Dies
detailing or compaction of concrete near the support zone in View Answer
Answer: b of faulty dimensioning, corrosion of reinforcement, insufficient
Explanation: Post tensioning rods ( one on either side of the reinforcement, overloading etc.
web) in conjugation with jacking (concrete) corbels located 2. The first attempt to strengthen concrete flexural elements
outside the damaged areas can be used to restore the by externally bonded steel plates was attempted in:
strength of the prestressed girder and to start with the a) Germany
calculated preload is applied and the damaged concrete is b) France
repaired. c) America
8. In restoration of strength by adding external reinforced d) Russia
concrete the damages concrete is first repaired by applying: View Answer
a) Preload Answer: b
b) Tensile load Explanation: The first reported attempts to strengthen
c) Compressive load concrete flexural elements by externally bonded steel plates
d) Overload were attempted in France around 1964-65 and practical
View Answer applications date back to 1966-67 in France and South Africa
Answer: a followed by Japan and Russia.
Explanation: In this method the damaged concrete is first 3. The load bearing capacity of a structural element can be
repaired by applying the required preload and the concrete a increased by changing:
corbels are constructed with the required conventional steel a) Foundation
reinforcement and it shows adding external reinforcement b) Design
concrete to restore the strength of the damaged girder. c) Span
9. In method 3 the restoration is done y addition of: d) Loads
a) Metal sleeve jacket View Answer
b) Aluminium jacket Answer: c
c) Steel jacket Explanation: The strengthening of an existing structural
d) Water proof jacket element by increasing its load bearing capacity and altering
View Answer the load supporting system by changing spans by shifting or
Answer: a removing of supports, conversion of continuous beam to
Explanation: In this methods preload is applied prior to the single span beam and vice versa etc.
repair of the damaged concrete and removed after the 4. In Switzerland the externally bonded steel plates were used
completion of repairs and a metal sleeve jacket is installed for:
around and beyond the damaged area and the gap between a) Bridges
the metal sleeve girders is filles with epoxy grout by pressure b) Crops
injection. c) Dams
10. The depth of structural element is increased by adding: d) Tanks
a) Excess concrete View Answer
b) Low concrete Answer: a
c) Prestressed concrete Explanation: In Switzerland this method has been extensively
d) Dies used in both buildings and bridges and experiments
View Answer conducted have shown that reinforced concrete beams, when
Answer: a epoxy bonded with steel plates on the tension face it exhibits
Explanation: The depth of structural elements is increased by significant increase up to 3% in the ultimate flexural strength
adding an new layer of concrete on top of an existing cross in comparison with non plated beams.
sections and bonding the old and new elements with modern 5. Which grade of structural steel is suitable for bonded
epoxy resin adhesives and the total reinforcement in the cross reinforcing plates?
section is increased by epoxy bonding of thin steel plates on a) M25
the tension face of the beam to increase the flexural and b) M35
shear strength. c) Any grade
d) M10
Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers – View Answer
Strengthening Structures of Externally Bonded Plates:- Answer: c
Explanation: Generally any grade of structural steel is suitable
1. The restoration of structures by rectifying constructional for bonded reinforcing plates and plate gauges below 3mm
deficiencies are as a result of: are not suitable because sand blasting can deform them and
a) Cross section steel plates between 6-16mm thick were used in some
b) Span strengthening works.
c) Dimensioning 6. The pretreatment of concrete surface is generally carried
d) Slab out by:
View Answer a) Sand blasting
Answer: c b) Forrowing
Explanation: The range of application of this strengthening c) Bleeding
technique is ideally suited for the following situations: d) Blasting
restoration of structures by rectifying constructional View Answer
deficiencies that impair the safety of the structure as a result Answer: a
Explanation: Pretreatment of the concrete surface is generally
carried out by sand blasting, shotcrete blasting, grinding or extension but in practice, this should be limited to 50 percent
roughening with pneumatic needle gun or granulating hammer and the groove depth to width ratio should be 1.2, the material
and the grain structure of the concrete must be exposed should be prevented from adhering to the bottom so that the
before the steel plates are fixed. crack remains free as a live crack.
7. The tensile shear strength of the adhesive is initially
proportional to the square root of: Prestressed Concrete Structures Questions and Answers –
a) Span Case Study on Repairs and Rehabilitation of Structures:-
b) Thickness
c) Area 1. The super structure in Swanley bridges in U.K is made up
d) Eccentricity of a continuous slab supported on:
View Answer a) Longitudinal piers
Answer: b b) Transverse piers
Explanation: The adhesive joint is generally between 1-3mm c) Inclined piers
thick and tests have shown that the tensile shear strength of d) Curved piers
the adhesive is initially proportional to the square root of the View Answer
thickness however the tensile shear strength reaches a Answer: c
maximum and then starts decreasing as the adhesive Explanation: These highway bridges from part of M25 and
thickness is further increased and hence the thinner layers M20 mortar way intersection and the super structure is made
prove stronger and have greater resistance than thick ones. up of continuous slab supported on the inclined piers and
8. The repair procedure in severe damage includes: shortly after the bridge was opened for traffic, cracks were
a) Grouting observed on the soffit of deck slab at the end sections.
b) Collapse 2. A design review indicated that the reinforcements at the
c) Shortcrete cracked locations were:
d) Mud a) Adequate
View Answer b) Inadequate
Answer: c c) Collapse
Explanation: The detailed examination of the damage and d) Deform
review of calculations will help in selecting a cost effective and View Answer
appropriate restoration technique for the damaged structure Answer: b
and the loss of prestress is excessive resulting in tensile Explanation: A design review indicated that the reinforcements
cracks, preloading method should be seriously considered in at the cracked locations were inadequate hence the missing
making concrete repairs in order to restore the equivalent full reinforcement was introduced in the form of bonded steel
or partial prestresss effect, as per original designs and the plates 6mm thick, 250mm wide and 3 to 6m long plates
repair procedure may also include epoxy resin pressure bonded in three layers in each strip and each strip of
injection, Shortcrete and additional welded fabric with drilled reinforcement was 12m long and 15 strips were distributed
anchors and guniting. over the entire width of the bridge.
9. Before patching the exposure strands should be coated 3. The concrete deck slab and girders of Gizener bridge,
with: Switzerland was built in the year:
a) Thick cement grout a) 1911
b) Slurry cement grout b) 1920
c) Hardened cement grout c) 1915
d) Watery cement grout d) 1900
View Answer View Answer
Answer: b Answer: a
Explanation: In moderate damage it is recommended that Explanation: The concrete deck slab and girders of this bridge
welded wire fabrics be attached to drilled dowels placed at built in the year 1911 and located in Switzerland has to be
about 500mm spacing or to the existing reinforcement in the strengthened to withstand planned future loading and the
damaged area and if the prestressing strands are exposed, damaged parts of the bridge deck slab was repaired using
sufficient care must be taken so as not to damage the steel epoxy resin mortar.
during the cleaning operation and the exposed strands should 4. The super structure of Obra singrauli bridge, located on
be coated with epoxy resin bonding compound or slurry eastern railway in Indian is of span:
cement grout before patching. a) 14.3
10. Elastomers have excellent adhesion to concrete and are b) 18.3m
not susceptible to: c) 16.3m
a) Hardening d) 12.3m
b) Shaving View Answer
c) Collapsing Answer: b
d) Softening Explanation: The super structure of Obra singrauli bridge
View Answer located on eastern railway in India comprises of 4 numbers of
Answer: d 18.3m spans and one number of 24.4m span and decking is
Explanation: Elastomers have excellent adhesion to concrete made up of two prestressed concrete girders stressed with
and are not suspectable to softening within the normal range Freyssinet system of post tensioning and after 15 years of
of ambient temperatures and normally Elastomers exhibit a service the prestressed girders developed large number of
higher degree of elongation of as much as 10 percent
cracks at the junction of girder and deck slab on both internal 8. The Chambal bridge is on a state highway connecting:
and external faces. a) Karnataka and Kerala
5. The deck in Quinton bridge in U.K is made of: b) Delhi and Hyderabad
a) Voided slabs c) Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh
b) Concrete slabs d) West Bengal and Assam
c) Prestressed slabs View Answer
d) Elongated slabs Answer: c
View Answer Explanation: The Chambal bridge is on a state highway
Answer: a connecting Uttarpradesh and Madhya Pradesh, built across
Explanation: The deck is made up of voided slabs 90-105cm river Chambal near etawah in Uttarpradesh and the bridge is
thick and routine inspection indicated cracks in the soffit of 592m long with a bridge deck comprising of single cell
end and central sections and review of design calculations reinforced concrete box girders of 11.1m length projecting on
indicated deficient tensile reinforcements at certain locations either side of the pier and the suspended span comprises of
of the deck slabs, the following two rehabilitation methods two prestressed concrete girders with reinforced concrete
were examined: installation of prestressing elements and deck slab of span 40.6m.
external reinforcement with bonded on steel plates. 9. The suspended span comprises of how many prestressed
6. The super structure of Katepura bridge in Maharashtra concrete girders?
state comprises of: a) 4
a) Cantilever beam b) 2
b) SSB c) 6
c) Point d) 1
d) Simple beam View Answer
View Answer Answer: b
Answer: b Explanation: The suspended span comprises of two
Explanation: The super structure of Katepura bridge in prestressed concrete girders with reinforced concrete deck
Maharashtra state comprises of simply supported concrete slab of span 40.6m and cast steel rocker and roller bearings
girders with reinforced concrete structures deck slab and the have been provided at articulations for supporting the
bridge has 4 spans of 37.8m and the girders were cast in suspended span and soon after the bridge was constructed
place over temporary staging and side shifted to position after and opened to traffic in1975, it developed distress due to
necessary post tensioning of the girders. improper placing of roller bearings.
7. The restoration of the end block of the girder can be done 10. The investigations revealed that the bearings were not at:
completely dismantling the: a) 60 degrees
a) Concrete b) 30 degrees
b) Cement c) 90 degrees
c) Water d) 20 degrees
d) Aggregates View Answer
View Answer Answer: a
Answer: a Explanation: The investigations revealed that the bearings
Explanation: The restoration of the end block of the girder was were not at right angles to the axis of the bridge and the level
done by completely dismantling the concrete in the end block of downstream side bearing was lower by 35mm as compared
after distressing of the cables and new reinforcement was to the elevation of upstream bearing and hence due to
welded with the existing reinforcement of the girder and new transfer inclination of the bearings towards downstream, the
concrete with vertical joint was provided with extra care. span had a tendency to move in the transverse direction.

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