Write Up (Rel-Comp) - Q6

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REL - COMP Quarter 6 Decision Summary

Before entering nay quarter the decision taken can be grouped under the following heads: Branding
decisions, pricing decisions, the sales channel and advertising decision.

Branding Decision

We continued to enter this quarter with the same 4 brands which we had introduced in the previous
quarter, viz. Rise 1020, UBIX X40, Dzire 2650 and Innova S200. The 4 brands are well acceptable by the
consumers; since initial investments have already been done in R&D we decided to continue with the
same brands this quarter and launch new brands in the next quarter when the result of the R&D is

The Sales Channel

Leveraging on the performance of quarter 5 the plan for the present quarter was simply to increase
reach to the consumers. Considering the pace at which the competition was increasing the sales force
support and ad placement it was necessary to react similarly to ensure maximum reach.

In order to take control of the situation sales force was increased and additional men were deployed at
the two new sales offices opened in Atlanta and Rome. The rational behind opening the offices in the
specified location was the value of the Total Contribution in both countries was better than the other
countries. We intended to enter the approaching quarter with 100 sales men, 25 for each office.


The ad placements were also subsequently increased to ensure maximum visibility to the consumers.
Considering that this quarter we were foraying in to other markets as well it became the need of the
hour to place advertisements in the regional media and thus they were increased tremendously.
Another reason to support this idea was the fact that it has been seen previously that there has been a
direct relation between the ad placements and the number of products sold for the company. For
companies who had kept their ad placements high, the numbers of products sold were also high and
vice versa. The decision about which media to be selected for the advertisements was identified on the
basis of the most preferred media for each segment.


There has been a sudden drop in the market share of the company from being at 24% in the previous
quarter to 16% in this quarter. Invariably it can be analyzed this drop is because of less investment in
future and fewer sales offices as compared to the competitor. While competitors stood at 5-7 sales
offices our company had only 2 sales offices which was a major reason for the reduces revenue
generation and reduced demand, thus leading to a reduced market share

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