Laguna State Polytechnic University: Evaluation Title of The Activity: Feb Fair 2nd Semester, AY 2019-2020

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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Laguna

Title of the Activity: Feb Fair
2nd Semester, AY 2019-2020

Year & Section:

1 = Not Satisfactory 3 = Satisfactory 5 = Excellent

2 = Fairly Satisfactory 4 = Very Satisfactory

1 2 3 4 5
1. The activity is well planned and organized.
2. The time allocation for various activity adequate.
3. There is a smooth interpersonal relationship among the
4. The trust and unity among the participants are prevalent.
5. The objectives of the activity are attained.
6. The session/activities are congruent with the objectives.
7. The venue is conductive for the activities.
8. The activity venue is clean, orderly, and properly ventilated.
9. The resource speakers/facilitators are competent.
10. The resource speakers are orderly in preparation.
11. The resource speaker has successfully met the expectations
and needs of the participants.
12. The speakers manifest rapport with the participants.
13. The various activity/ies is /are interesting and enjoyable.
14. The officers are professional in dealing with the
15. The officers and other participants are prompt and
enthusiastic enough in attending the training.
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna

Title of the Activity: Engineering Week
2nd Semester, AY 2019-2020

Year & Section:

1 = Not Satisfactory 3 = Satisfactory 5 = Excellent

2 = Fairly Satisfactory 4 = Very Satisfactory

1 2 3 4 5
1. The activity is well planned and organized.
2. The time allocation for various activity adequate.
3. There is a smooth interpersonal relationship among the
4. The trust and unity among the participants are prevalent.
5. The objectives of the activity are attained.
6. The session/activities are congruent with the objectives.
7. The venue is conductive for the activities.
8. The activity venue is clean, orderly, and properly ventilated.
9. The resource speakers/facilitators are competent.
10. The resource speakers are orderly in preparation.
11. The resource speaker has successfully met the expectations
and needs of the participants.
12. The speakers manifest rapport with the participants.
13. The various activity/ies is /are interesting and enjoyable.
14. The officers are professional in dealing with the
15. The officers and other participants are prompt and
enthusiastic enough in attending the training.

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