Updated phq9 Test

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Over the last ​2 weeks​, how often have Not at all Several More than Nearly

days half of the everyday

you been bothered by any of the days
following problems?

1. Feeling down, depressed, irritable, 0 1 2 3

or hopeless?

2. Little interest or pleasure in doing 0 1 2 3


3. Trouble falling asleep, staying 0 1 2 3

asleep, or sleeping too much?

4. Poor appetite, weight loss, or 0 1 2 3


5. Feeling tired, or having little energy? 0 1 2 3

6. Feeling bad about yourself - Not 0 1 2 3

succeeding in school,

7. Trouble concentrating on activities 0 1 2 3

you typically completely normally?

8. Moving or speaking so slowly that 0 1 2 3

other people could have noticed? Or
the opposite – being so fidgety or
restless that you were moving around a
lot more than usual?

9.Thoughts that you would be better of 0 1 2 3

dead or hurting yourself in some way

Expanded Questions:

Describe your school experience for the past two weeks?


Describe any other factors that have been affecting you mentally (bullying, family life, grades,
Have you in the past six months attempted to hurt or end your life?

❏ Yes
❏ No

Have you ever attempted to hurt or end your life?

❏ Yes
❏ No
*Yes to any or both of these question should immediately refer to a doctor*
Grading Guidelines

PHQ -9 Score Depression severity Treatment Plan

0-4 None-minimal Program acceptance

5-9 Mild Program acceptance;

repeat PHQ-9 test

10-14 Moderate Program acceptance,

repeat PHQ-9 test and
speak to a professional,
and program acceptance

15-19 Moderately Severe Urgent recommendation to


20-27 Severe Immediate

recommendation to

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