Reflection On Indian Civilization and Filipino Culture

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Reflective Paper 2: Has Indian civilization affected Filipino culture?

Although the Philippines has never been colonized by India, evidences and studies show that
Indian culture has reached and influenced Filipino culture. Indian culture can be traced before the
Spanish colonization of the Philippines. Philippine’s early trade with two great Indo-Malayan empires
namely The Sriwijaya Empire from the seventh (7 th) up to the thirteenth (13 th) and Majapahit Empire
from 1293 to 1527 enabled the permeation of identifiable Indian thought, religion, customs, among
others (Southeast Asian Archaelogy, 2007). Although eventually the colonization of Spain, United States
of America, and Japan may have dampened Indian culture influence in Philippines, it is nevertheless still
present today. It can be traced in Philippine’s indigenous religions, epic folk literature, myths, and even
in language.

Philippines’ indigenous religion especially the concept of “Bathala” has great similarities with
Hinduism’s Brahman. In fact, the word “Bathala” itself can be traced to the Sanskrit word
“Bhattara”/”Battara”/”Batala” (Churchill, n.d.). Other Sanskrit borrowings include “Diwata”, “Diwa”,
“Likha”, “Sampalataya”, “Maharlika” among others. This may suggest that early terms and words of the
Philippines have Sanskrit origins which can be traced to the Madjaphit Empire, whose scripts were
actively Hindu. Besides linguistic borrowings, Indian culture can also be seen in the Philippines’ epic folk
literature. There is great resemblance of Indian themes in epic folk literature especially of the India’s
well-known “Ramayana” tale in Maranao’s "Maharadia Lawana" and Maguindanao "lndarapatra and

Indeed, the Indian influence in the Philippines is subtle and indirect, compared to the influences
of Philippines’ direct colonizers. Moreover, it can be argued that most of Indian influences can be traced
in Philippines’ ancient religion, culture and language. One has to closely look for its traces in the
Philippines, which is a hotpot of culture. There is no highly visible evidences that are immediately and
identifiably Indian. In fact, there are no Hindu or Buddhist temples or monuments. Even no Sanskrit
documents. Only Spanish accounts of early Philippine’s religion as paganism. This lack of visible
evidences may be attributed to the low level of population density In the Philippines and the strong
interposition of the Spanish colonization. However, it cannot be denied that there are areas of Philippine
culture which was heavily and strongly influence by Indian culture, even though it cannot be vividly seen
at first glance. But nevertheless, despite of the lack of direct culture with Indian empires and the
geographical proximity of India and Philippines, Indian culture still lives in Filipino culture.


Churchill, M. (n.d.). Indian penetration of pre-Spanish Philippines: A new look at the evidence.
Retrieved from:

Southeast Asian Archaelogy. (2007). Philippines and India: Politics and ancient history. Retrieved from:
politics-and- ancient-history/

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