Morena Tender Preperation

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Request for Proposal

(RFP Document)



NIT No. 37/PROC/MPJN/2019-20 Dated 18.02.2020


Estimated Cost
Estimated Stage I
District Name of Scheme Cost of DPR
Work (PAC)
(Rs. in Crore)
(Rs. in Lakh)

Morena Chambal MVS 1090.50 272.62

Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam
"D" Wing, IInd Floor,
Vindhyachal Bhawan, Bhopal - 462004
Phone No.: 0755-2579034-35-36
NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS


NOTICE INVITING E-TENDER .................................................................................................... 3

IMPORTANT POINTS FOR GUIDANCE OF THE CONSULTANTS ......................................... 5
DETAILED NOTICE INVITING TENDERS ................................................................................. 8
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 9
2. RATES ................................................................................................................................... 9
3. SUBMISSION OF TENDER ................................................................................................ 9
4. OPENING AND ACCEPTANCE OF TENDER ................................................................ 11
5. SPECIFICATION ................................................................................................................ 11
6. MISCELLANEOUS CONDITIONS ................................................................................... 11
7. SPECIAL CONDITIONS .................................................................................................... 12
CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT ................................................................................................... 16
ANNEXURE E – BRIEF SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................... 25
SCHEDULE G – BID CAPACITY ................................................................................................ 56

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS


(A Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Undertaking)
"D" Wing, 2nd Floor, Vindhyachal Bhawan, Bhopal - 462004
Ph.: 0755-2579034, 2579874 || Fax: 0755-2579873 || E-mail:
CIN No.- U41000MP2012SGC028798

NIT No. 36-42/Proc./MPJNM/2019-20 Bhopal, Dated 18/02/2020


Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam, Bhopal invites online tenders from consultants empanelled under EOI
No. 19/02/Tech./MPJN/2019 Dated 14.10.2019 for following works as per the critical date
specified on MP Government E-Procurement Portal

1. Name of Work - Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report for Multi
Village Schemes for villages of various districts of Madhya Pradesh which
includes Survey & investigation, Source Study & Assessment, Design,
Drawing, Cost Estimates, Technical Specifications and Bill of Quantities etc.
Complete. (There may be separate schemes with respect to source or may be
combined that will be decided on technical analysis basis)

2. Proposed Multi Village Schemes

Probable Time
Earnest Cost of
No. of Amount of Period
S. NIT Name of Money Tender
District Source Villages Contract (including
No. No. Scheme Deposit Form
(Tentative) (PAC) rainy
(Rs. in Lakh) season)
Datia, Seoda Dam
1 36 Bhind & Seoda MVS (Maa Ratangarh 888 346.49 346490/- 15000/- 5 Months
Gwalior Jalasay)
2 37 Morena Chambal River 727 272.62 272620/- 15000/- 5 Months
3 38 Shajapur Chillar Dam 592 265.00 265000/- 15000/- 5 Months

4 39 Shivpuri Sarkula MVS Sarkula Dam 131 49.12 50000/- 5000/- 4 Months

Sehpura Narmada
5 40 Jabalpur 137 35.43 50000/- 5000/- 4 Months
MVS River

6 41 Shivpuri Sanghata Dam 65 24.37 48740/- 5000/- 4 Months

Bhesdehi River Tapti

7 42 Betul 147 15.40 30800/- 2000/- 4 Months
MVS Chillur Dam

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

1. Detailed NIT of proposed Multi Village Schemes can be seen and downloaded from the
M.P. Government E-Procurement Portal and Madhya Pradesh Jal
Nigam website
2. Cost of Tender Document and EMD of required amount is to be submitted online on
Madhya Pradesh Government E-Procurement Portal.
3. The bidder shall calculate and submit online in Cover-2 its Bid Capacity as per Schedule -
G given in the tender document. The financial bids shall be opened in the descending order
according to PAC of the bids due for opening on the scheduled date. The financial offer of
the bidder whose bid capacity is exhausted or is lower than the PAC given in the NIT shall
not be opened.
4. The Pre-bid meeting will be held on the date and time specified in critical dates.
5. Bids shall remain valid for a period of 120 Days (One Hundred Twenty Days) from the last
date of submission of bid.
6. Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam will not be responsible for any delay in submission of Bid due
to any reason.
7. The Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid, cancel the
bidding process and reject all bids, at any time prior to the award of contract, without
incurring any notice and answerability to the affected bidder or bidders or any obligation to
inform the affected bidder or bidders regarding the grounds for the Employer’s discretion.
8. For any queries related to bid submission, please call M.P. Government E-Procurement Cell
Help Desk Number 0120-4001 002, 0120-4200 462, 0120-4001 005, 0120-6277 787.

Managing Director
Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS


1. Consultant shall submit the methodology and procedure of field survey, design and estimation
in the inception report.

2. The selected villages, its numbers and the source are tentative; the consultants shall be
responsible to prepare a sustainable and economical scheme, in such condition consultant is
required to justify the changes with proper reasoning.

3. Consultant shall enclose a map in DPR showing the project area boundary on base of topo-
sheet layer indicating all villages, Source, Intake, WTP, MBR and other important

4. Consultant shall enclose a table in DPR showing all Panchayats, Villages, Habitations,
Mazra/tola with Assembly/Lok Sabha name against each village of the project area.

5. Consultant shall ensure that all the villages/ habitations within the project area are included
in DPR and no village/habitation is left and shall enclose a certificate in DPR to that effect.

6. Consultant shall submit a certificate of having visited every Gram Panchayat/village with
details of activities performed along with its time, duration and date, etc.

7. Consultant shall submit the list of Railway/NHAI/State Road Crossing along with chainage
of each crossing on map as per given format.

8. Consultant shall submit GAD map and area of land required for WTP, Intake and OHT.

9. Consultant shall collect details of all the useable existing infrastructure of water supply such
as WTP, OHT and pipeline in consultation with EE, PHED and GM, PIU and shall use them
in DPR and shall enclose a certificate in DPR to that effect.

10. Consultant shall submit a simple map (Nazari Naksha) of each village of gram panchayat
showing all habitations/mazra verified by the Sachiv/Sarpanch regarding inclusion of all
habitation with pipeline along with consent regarding running of scheme inside of the village
(opening of OHT Valve) and collection of water charges.

11. Consultant shall submit list of all OHT with land requirement and Khasra with remark about
availability of Govt. land or permission from other department/acquisition of land, if required.

12. Consultant shall ensure that in distribution pipeline design, there is a single point control, for
each village.

13. Consultant shall make the provision for plantation in DPR specifying number and type of
plants at all appropriate sites like Intake well, WTP, BPT, MBR, OHT, along the approach
road where plantation is possible as per site situation and conditions.

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

14. The consultant is required to submit the DPR as per the following schedule:

No Milestone Timeline
Submission of inception and feasibility report
relating to the source of the scheme (to prove the
One month from the date of
i adequacy of source for design period as specified in
Letter of Acceptance
Tender document i.e. for 30 years) including Power
Point Presentation
Submission of Draft DPR including Power Point Two months from the date
Presentation of source clearance.
Two months from issue of
iii Submission of Final DPR
observations on Draft DPR.
Note: The consultant shall provide ground water availability report of different seasons and
water table of each village at the time of submission of (i) above.

15. The terms of payment shall be as follows:

No Milestone %age Payment

Submission of inception and feasibility
i. 5% of PAC
40% of the fee payable as derived from the
ii. Clearance of Draft DPR
offered rates based on cost of Draft DPR
40% of the fee payable as derived from the
iii. Submission of Final DPR
offered rates based on cost of Final DPR.
Balance of the fee payable as derived from
iv. Approval of Final DPR
the offered rates based on cost of Final DPR
i. lf adequacy of source is not proved, the contract will be closed at the feasibility report stage
itself and total payments under the contract will be limited to 5% of PAC as specified above
in point 15 (i).
ii. The items having lump sum provisions and contingencies, etc. considered in the DPR shall
not be considered for calculation of fee payable to the Consultant.

16. Consultant must keep regular contact with PIU and submit weekly progress of work done. A
technical person must attend the PIU office weekly to discuss issues / provisions being taken
in the DPR.

17. Preliminary design of the structures should be done to work out the estimated cost of works.
There is no need to give the detailed working designs and drawings of such structures. The
estimates should not be merely based on per MLD basis or per Liter basis.

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

18. In Annexure F, tentative village list is given, but it will be the responsibility of the Consultant
to ensure that all the villages in project area are covered and collect the population of villages
as per 2011 census.

19. If any town is falling in the route of the Multi-Village Scheme, then the guidelines as per
CPHEEO Manual on Water Supply and Treatment will be followed for the urban body, but
internal water supply system of that town is not in the scope of this work, however, common
components up to its bifurcation point should be designed for such cumulative capacity (after
consultation with MPJN).

20. Land acquisition will be done after the approval of the scheme by MPJN, but it will be the
responsibility of the Consultant to identify the land required and its location and the respective
cost of the land acquisition for various sites may be worked out as per Collector’s rate.

21. The latest SORs can be downloaded from the respective Web sites of the concerned
department or may be purchased by the consultant at his cost, from the concerned
agency/market, wherever it is available.

22. GST if applicable shall be payable extra as per applicable rules of Govt. of India.

23. All other deductions e.g. Income Tax, Security Deposit, etc. as per rules and terms of NIT
shall be deducted from the running bills of the consultants.

24. Taxes and duties paid by the consultant for this work, for which consultant was not responsible
on the day of submission of his financial bid, will be reimbursed on production of proof of
deposit of such claim.

Managing Director
Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS


Office of the
Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam
Vindhyachal Bhawan, Bhopal

1. Tender invited from: Consultants empanelled under EOI No. 19/02/Tech./MPJN/2019

Dated 14.10.2019
2. Due date of tender: As specified in critical dates on MP Govt. E-Procurement Portal
3. Name of work: Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report for Multi
Village Scheme for villages of Morena district of Madhya Pradesh which includes Survey
& Investigation, Source Study & Assessment, Design, Drawing, Cost Estimates, Technical
Specifications and Bill of Quantities, etc. complete.
4. Amount of estimate (PAC) - Rs. 272.62 Lakh
5. Amount of Contract - As quoted by successful bidder
6. Amount of earnest money - Rs. 2,72,620/-
7. Time allowed for completion - 5 Months (including rainy season)
8. Works to be done on schedule of rates issued by - Not Applicable -
9. Following materials will be supplied by the department: No material will be supplied by
10. The following clauses of this N.I.T. are not applicable for this work - as mentioned on
respective page.


Managing Director
Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam

Vindhyachal Bhawan, Bhopal - 462004


NIT No. 37/Proc./MPJN/2019-20 Bhopal, Dated 18.02.2020

1.1. Online tenders are invited on behalf of the Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam, Bhopal for the
following works on MP Govt. E-Procurement Portal as per the schedule specified as critical
dates on the portal from consultants empanelled under EOI No. 19/02/Tech./MPJN/2019
Dated 14.10.2019.
1. Name of Work - Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report for
Multi Village Rural Water Supply Schemes for villages of Morena district of Madhya
Pradesh which includes Survey & investigation, Source Study & Assessment, Design,
Drawing, Cost Estimates, Technical Specifications and Bill of Quantities, etc.
2. Probable Amount of Contract (PAC) : Rs. 272.62 Lakh
3. Amount of earnest money : Rs. 2,72,620/-
4. Time allowed for completion : 5 Months (including rainy season)
1.2. Not more than one tender shall be submitted by a Consultant or by a firm of Consultants.
1.3. No two or more concerns in which an individual is interested as proprietor and/or partner and
/ or significant shareholder and / or key managerial personnel shall bid for the same work. If
they do so, all such tenders shall be liable to be rejected.
1.4. Tenders shall be submitted online as per the process specified in the bid document / MP Govt.
E-Procurement Portal.

2.1. Item Rate Tender
2.1.1. In respect of item rate tenders, Bidder should quote its rates for the items mentioned in the
BOQ of this NIT. Only rate quoted shall be considered. The rates should be expressed in
figures as well as words in % of final cost of DPR.
2.1.2. The rates quoted in the tender for the various items of work will not be altered by the
Consultant during the term of contract.

3.1. Preparation of Proposal
3.1.1. Bidder should login on the M.P. Govt. E-Procurement Portal ( and
prepare the bid after following the complete procedure of portal.
3.1.2. Bidder should consider any corrigendum/addendum published online before submitting
their bids.

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

3.1.3. Bidder should login on the portal well in advance for bid submission so that they can upload
the bid in time i.e. on or before the bid submission time. Bidder will be responsible for any
delay due to any issues.
3.1.4. Preparation of covers: Single stage two cover system
i. In the 1st cover of online submission, Bidders are directed to submit the detail of tender
document fee, EMD and duly signed bid capacity statement.
ii. In the 2nd cover of online submission, bidders are directed to submit Financial Proposal
in portal (only online submission accepted).
3.1.5. Information, which the bidder considers to be proprietary, should be clearly marked as such.
All information provided by the bidder will be treated as confidential and used for MPJN
internal purposes only.
3.2. Earnest Money
3.2.1. No tender can be submitted without deposit of earnest money, which will be returned to the
unsuccessful bidders on rejection of their tender or earlier as may be, decided by the
Competent Authority.
3.2.2. EMD must be submitted online only as per procedure of online bidding.
3.3. Security Deposit
a) The Security Deposit shall be recovered from the running bills @ 5 percent as per Clause
1 of the Agreement.
b) The amount of the EMD shall not be adjusted when value of work done reaches the limit
of the amount of contract or exceeds the probable amount of the contract.
3.4. Implication of Submission of Tender
Bidders are advised to visit sites sufficiently in advance of date fixed for submission of the
tender. A bidder shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the relevant documents, samples,
site, etc., whether it inspects them or not.
3.5. The submission of a tender by a bidder implies that it has read the notice conditions of tender
and all other contract documents and made himself aware of the standards and procedure in
this respect and the scope and specification of the work to be done.
3.6. List of works in progress
Tenders must be accompanied by a list of contracts already held by the bidder at the time of
submitting the tender, in MPJN and elsewhere showing there in:
i. The amount of each contract, and
ii. Balance of work remaining to be done.
3.7. Relationship
Any Bidder shall not be permitted to tender for works in the PIU (responsible for execution
of contracts) in which near relative of key personnel of bidder are posted. It shall, inform the
names of near relatives working in respective PIU or MPJN, M.P.P.H.E.D. Secretariat and
M.P.P.H.E.D. Division. It shall also inform the name of persons who are working with it in
any capacity or subsequently employed by it and who are near relatives to any gazetted officer
in MPJN or the P.H.E.D. Secretariat. Any breach of this condition by the Bidders / Consultant

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

would render itself liable to be removed from the approved list of Consultants of the M.P.
P.H.E. Department.
Note: By the term near relative is meant, wife, husband, parent and son, grandson, brothers,
sisters, brothers-in-law, father-in-law and mother-in-law.
3.8. The tender of one bidder shall not be witnessed by another for the works shall be witnessed
by another bidder. Failure to observe this condition shall render the tender of both the bidders
liable to rejection.


4.1. Place and Time of Opening
Online tenders shall be opened at time and place stated in critical dates on MP Govt E-
Procurement Portal by the Authorized Representative of Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam, Bhopal
in the presence of the bidders or their duly authorized agent who may choose to attend.
4.2. Powers of Managing Director, Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam, Bhopal
Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam, Bhopal, does not bind itself to accept or recommend for the
acceptance the lowest or any tender or to give any reasons for its decision.
4.3. Conditional Tender
Conditional tenders are liable to be rejected.
4.4. Canvassing
Canvassing for support in any form for the acceptance of any tender is strictly prohibited.
Any bidder doing so will tender himself liable to penalties which may include removal of his
name from the register of approved Consultants or penal action under section 8 of the M.P.
Vinirdistha Bhrasta Acharan Nivaran Adhiniyam 1982.
4.5. Authority of Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam, Bhopal
The Authority competent to accept a tender, reserve the right of accepting the tender for the
whole works or for a distinct part of it or by distributing the work between one or more
4.6. Validity of Offer
Tender shall remain valid up to 120 days from the last date of submission of bids and in the
event of the bidder withdrawing the offer before the aforesaid date, for any reason whatsoever,
Earnest Money deposited with tender shall be forfeited by the Managing Director, Madhya
Pradesh Jal Nigam, Bhopal.

5.1. Brief Specification
A brief note on specifications is enclosed as Annexure E.

6.1. Subletting
The Consultant shall not, without the prior approval of the competent authority in writing
sublet or assign to any other party or parties, the whole or any portion of the work under the

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

Contract. Where such approval is granted, the Consultant shall not be relieved of any
obligation or duty or responsibility which it undertakes under the Contract.
6.2. Taxes
All dues regarding taxes etc. excluding GST levied on the Consultant’s work by the
Government and local bodies will be payable by the Consultant.
6.3. Works in the Vicinity
The Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam reserves the right to take up work or to award work on
contract in the vicinity without prejudice to the terms of contract.
6.4. Removal of undesired persons
The Consultant shall on receipt of the requisition from the Engineer-in-Charge at once remove
any person employed by him on the work who, in the opinion of the Engineer-in-Charge is
unsuitable or undesirable.
6.5. Amount due from Consultant
Any amount due to Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam, Bhopal from the Consultant on any account
concerning work may be recovered from it as arrears of land revenue.
6.6. Tools and Plants
The Consultant shall arrange at his own cost tools and plant required for the proper execution
of the work.
6.7. Right to increase or decrease work
The Competent Authority reserves the right to increase or decrease work.
The Competent Authority reserves the right to increase or decrease any item of the work
during the execution of the contract and the Consultant will be bound to comply with the
order of the Competent Authority without any claim for compensation.
6.8. Time Schedule
The work shall be done by the Consultant according to the time schedule fixed by the
Competent Authority.
6.9. Time of Contract
Time allowed for carrying out the work as specified in the NIT shall be strictly observed by
the Consultant and shall be reckoned from the date of issue of Letter of Acceptance.
6.10. Payment by Cheques
The payment will be made by cheques or by e-payment only. No bank commission charges
on realizing such payments will be borne by MPJN.
6.11. Transport of Material
The Consultant shall make his own arrangement for transport of all materials.

7.1. Agreement
7.1.1. Execution of Agreement: The bidder whose tender has been accepted (hereinafter referred
to as the Consultant), shall produce performance security, if so required by the Managing
Director or Officer authorized by him and will execute the Agreement in the prescribed
form within a fortnight of the date of communication of the acceptance of his tender by

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

Competent Authority. Failure to do so will result in the Earnest Money being forfeited and
tender being cancelled.
7.1.2. Consultant’s Technical Staff
a) The Consultant shall employ the following Technical Staff during the work:
i. One Graduate Engineer when the work to be executed is more than Rs. 5 Lakhs.
ii. One Diploma Holder, Sub-Engineer when the cost of work to be executed is
from Rs. 2 Lakhs or more but not more than Rs. 5 Lakhs.
b) The Technical Staff should be available at site whenever required by the Engineer-in-
Charge to take instructions.
c) In case the Consultant fails to employ the Technical Staff as aforesaid the Engineer-in-
Charge shall have the right to take suitable remedial measures.
d) The Consultant should give the names and other detail of the Graduate Engineer /
Diploma Holder, Sub-Engineer whom it intends to employ or who is under employment
on the work at the time it commences the work.
e) The Consultant should give certificate to the effect that the Engineer / Diploma Holder
Sub-Engineer is exclusively in his employment.
Provided that:
(i) A Graduate Engineer or Sub-Engineer may look after more than one work in the
same locality but the total value of such work under him should not exceed Rs. 25
lakhs in the case of an Engineer and Rs. 5 lakhs in the case of Sub-Engineer.
(ii) It is not necessary for the Consultant’s key managerial personnel in case of
firm/company, who is himself an Engineer, Sub-Engineer to employ another
Engineer, Sub-Engineer for the supervision of work.
(iii) The Retired Sub-engineer who is holding a Diploma may be treated at par with a
Graduate for the operation of the above clause.
In case the Consultant fails to employ the Technical Staff as aforesaid, it shall be liable to
pay the Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam, Bhopal sum of Rs. 30,000/- (Thirty Thousand only) for
each month of default in the case of Graduate Engineer and Rs. 20,000/- (Twenty Thousand
only) for each month of default in the case of Diploma Holder / Sub-Engineer.
7.2. Conditions applicable for contract
All the conditions of tender notice will be binding on the Consultant in addition to the
conditions of the contract in the prescribed form.
Following document annexed with this NIT shall form a part of the Contract:
Annexure E: Specifications
Annexure F: Salient Features of Scheme and List of Villages

Managing Director
Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

Office of the
Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam
Vindhyachal Bhawan, Bhopal-462004
The agreement of work will be signed by Managing Director, Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam, Bhopal
or his authorized representative. Authorized representative of Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam may be
Project Director / General Manager.
1. All works proposed for execution by contract will be notified in a form of invitation to tender
by the Managing Director / Project Director as published on M.P. Government E-Procurement
Portal and Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam Website:

This form will state the work to be carried out as well as the date for submitting and opening
tenders and the time allowed for carrying out the work, also the amount of earnest money to be
deposited with the tender and the amount of the security deposit to be deposited by the
successful bidder and the percentage if any, to be deducted from bills.
2. The Officer competent to dispose of the tenders shall have the right of rejecting all or any of the


I/We hereby tender for the execution of the Works for the Governor of Madhya Pradesh
specified by Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam in the underwritten memorandum within the time specified
in such memorandum at the rate specified therein and in accordance in all respect with
specifications, designs, drawings, and instructions in writing referred to in rule 1 hereof and in
clause 11 of the annexed conditions, and with such materials as are provided for by and in all other
respect in accordance with such conditions so for applicable.


a) General Description - Preparation of Detailed Project Report for Multi Village Scheme
b) Estimated cost (PAC) - Rs. 272.62 Lakh
c) Earnest Money - Rs. 2,72,620/-
d) Security Deposit (including Earnest Money) - 5%
e) Percentage if any to be deducted from bills – taxes, etc., as per rules
f) Time allowed for the work from the date of LOA - 5 months (including rainy season)

Approximate Tendered Rate in percent of

S. Estimated cost (PAC) cost of DPR
Name of Scheme
(Rs. in Lakh) in Figures in Words
1 Chambal MVS 272.62

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

Should this tender be accepted, I/We hereby agree to abide by and fulfil all the terms and provisions
of the said conditions of contract annexed here to so far as applicable or in the default thereof to
forfeit and pay to the Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam or its successors the sums of money mentioned
in the said conditions.

The sum of Rs. (...............................................) is submitted as earnest money (a) the full value of
which is to be absolutely forfeited to the Managing Director, Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam or his
successors in office, should I/We not deposit the full amount of security deposit specified in the
above memorandum, in accordance with clause 1 of the said condition of contract, otherwise the
sum of Rs. ................................ shall be retained by the Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam as of account
such security deposit as foresaid, or full value of which shall be retained by the Madhya Pradesh
Jal Nigam on account of the security deposit specified in clause 1 of the said conditions of the

Signature of Bidder before submission of Tender

Name and Address .................................................................


. Witness .................................................................

Occupation ..................................................................

Address ..................................................................

The above tender is hereby accepted by me on behalf of the Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam.

Dated the ............................ day of .......................... 2020.

Managing Director
Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

Security Deposit
Clause 1: The person/persons whose tender may be accepted (herein after called the Consultant
which expression shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the context include its heirs, executors,
administrators, representatives and assigns) shall permit Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam at the time of
making any payment to him of work done under the contract to deduct such sum as will (with the
Earnest Money deposited by him, if not refunded by MPJN) amount to five percent of all moneys
so payable, such deductions, be held by Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam by way of security deposit. In
the event of the Consultant depositing a bank guarantee by way of security deposit as contemplated
above, then such deductions will not be made. However, in such case if the sum so deposited shall
not amount to five percent of the total estimated cost of the work, it shall be lawful for Madhya
Pradesh Jal Nigam at the time of making any payment to the Consultant for work done under the
contract to make up the full percentage of five percent by deducting a sufficient sum from every
such payment as last aforesaid. All compensation or other sums of money payable by the Consultant
to Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam under the terms of this contract may be deducted from its security
deposit or from any sums which may be due or may come due to the Consultant by Madhya Pradesh
Jal Nigam on any account whatsoever. In the event of its security deposit being reduced by reason
of any such deduction as aforesaid, the Consultant shall within ten days thereafter make good the
security deposit as aforesaid any sum or sums which may have been deducted from its security
deposit or any part thereof.

The security deposit may also be submitted in the form of Bank Guarantee in recognized format
with prior approval of the Authority sanctioning the contract.

Compensation for Delay

Clause 2: The time allowed for the carrying out the work as specified in the NIT, shall be strictly
observed by the Consultant and shall be reckoned from the date on which the Letter of Acceptance
is given to the Consultant. The work shall, throughout the stipulated period of the contract be
proceeded with all due diligence (time being deemed to be of the essence of the contract on the part
of Consultant) and the Consultant shall pay as compensation an amount equal to one percent or
such smaller amount as the Engineer-in-Charge may decide, on the amount of the estimated cost of
the whole work as shown by the tender for every day that the work remains uncommented, or
unfinished, after the proper dates. And further, to ensure good progress during the execution of the
work, the Consultant shall be bound, in all cases in which the time allowed for any work exceeds
one month, to complete one fourth of the whole of work before one fourth of the whole time allowed
under the contract has elapsed; one half of the work, before one half of such time has elapsed and
three fourth of the work, before three fourth of such time has elapsed. In the event of the Consultant
failing to comply with this condition, it shall be liable to pay compensation of an amount equal to
one percent or such small amount as the Managing Director/Project Director may decide on the said
estimated cost of the whole work for every day that the due quantity of work remains incomplete.
Provided always that the entire amount of compensation be paid under the provisions of the clause
shall not exceed eight percent on the estimated cost of the work as shown in the tender.

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

Action when the Consultant become liable for levy of Penalty

Clause 3: In any case in which under any clause or clauses of this contract the Consultant shall
have rendered himself liable to pay compensation amounting to the whole of security deposit
(whether paid in one sum or deducted by instalments) or committed a breach of any terms contained
in clause 20 or in the case of abandonment of the work owing to the serious illness or death of the
Consultant or any other cause, Managing Director on behalf of the Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam shall
have power to adopt any one of the following courses, as he may deem best suited to the interest of
the Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam.
(a) To rescind the contract (of which recession notice in writing to the Consultant under the hand
of the Managing Director shall be conclusive) and in which case the security deposit of the
Consultant shall stand forfeited and be absolutely at the deposit of Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam.
Consultant remains liable to pay compensation if action not taken Clause 3

Clause 4: In any case in which any of the powers conferred upon the Managing Director/Project
Director by clause 3 hereof shall have become exercisable but have not been exercised shall not
relieve the Consultant of any of its obligations and the same shall not constitute a waiver of any of
conditions hereof and such power shall notwithstanding be exercisable in the event of any further
case of default by the Consultant for which by any clause or clauses hereof, it is declared liable to
pay compensation amounting to the whole of its security deposit, and the liability of the Consultant
for past and future compensation shall remain unaffected.

Extension of Time

Clause 5: If the Consultant shall desire an extension of the time for completion of the work on the
grounds of it having been unavoidably hindered in its execution or any other ground, it shall apply
in writing to the General Manager of the respective PIU within thirty days of the date of the
hindrance on account of which it desires such extension as aforesaid, and the General Manager of
the respective PIU shall, if in his opinion (which shall be final) find reasonable grounds be shown
therefore, authorize such extension for a period not exceeding one month. Any further extension of
time shall be subjected to the previous sanction of the Managing Director / Project Director.

Final Certificate

Clause 6: On completion of the work the Consultant shall be furnished with a certificate by the
General Manager of the respective Project Implementation Unit (hereinafter called the Engineer-
in-Charge) of such completion but no such certificate shall be given, nor shall the work be
considered to be completed until the Consultant shall have removed from the premises on which
the work shall be executed all scaffolding surplus materials and rubbish and cleaned of the dirt from
all wood work, doors, windows, walls, floors or other part of any building or structure in upon or
about which the work is to be executed or of which he may have had possession for the purpose of
the execution thereof nor until the work shall have been measured by the Engineer-in-charge /
General Manager whose measurements shall be binding and conclusive against the Consultant if
the Consultant shall fail to comply with the requirements of this clause as to removal of scaffolding
surplus material and rubbish and cleaning of dirt on or before the date fixed for the completion of
the work the Engineer-in-charge may at the expense of the Consultant remove such scaffolding,
surplus materials and rubbish and dispose of the same as he thinks fit and clean off such dirt as

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

aforesaid, and the Consultant shall forthwith pay the amount of all expenses so incurred and shall
have no claim in respect of any such scaffolding or surplus materials as aforesaid except for any
sum actually realized by the sale thereof.
Payment of Intermediate Certificate to be Regarded as Advances

Clause 7: No payment shall ordinarily be made for work estimated to cost less than Rs. 1,000 (Rs.
One thousand) till after the whole of the works shall have been completed and a certificate of
completion given but if intermediate payment during the execution of works is considered desirable
in the interest of works the Consultant may be paid at the discretion of the Engineer-in-charge. But
in the case of works estimated to cost more than rupees one thousand the Consultant shall on
submitting the bills therefore be entitled to receive a monthly payment proportionate to the part
thereof then approved and passed by the Engineer-in-Charge, whose certificate of such approval
and passing of the sum so payable be final and conclusive against the Consultant But all such
intermediate payments shall be regarded as payments by way of advance against the final payments
only and not as payments for work actually done and completed and shall not preclude the requiring
of bad, unsound and imperfect or unskilful work, to be removed and taken away and reconstructed
or re-erected, or be considered as an admission of the due performance of the contract, or any part
thereof in, any respect or the accruing of any claim, nor shall it conclude determine, or effect in any
way the powers of the Engineer-in-Charge under these conditions or any them as to the final
settlement and adjustment of the accounts or otherwise or in any other way vary or affect the
contract. The final bill shall be submitted by the Consultant within one month of the date fixed for
completion of the work otherwise the Engineer-in-Charge certificate of the measurement and of the
total amount payable for the work, accordingly shall be final and binding on all parties.

Bill to be Submitted Monthly

Clause 8: A bill shall be submitted by the Consultant each month on or before the date fixed by the
Engineer-in-Charge for all work executed in the previous month and the Engineer-in-Charge shall
take or cause, to be taken the requisite measurement for the purpose of having the same verified
and the claim, as for as admissible, adjusted if possible before expiry of ten day from the
presentation of the bill, if the Consultant does not submit the bill within the time fixed as aforesaid
the Engineer-in-charge may depute a subordinate to measure up the said work in the presence of
the Consultant whose countersignature to the measurement list, will be sufficient warrant and the
Engineer-in-Charge may prepared a bill from such list which shall be binding on the Consultant in
all respects.

Bill to be in Printed Forms

Clause 9: The Consultant shall submit all bills on printed form to be had on application at the office
of the Engineer-in-Charge and the charges in the bills shall always be entered at the rates specified
in the tender or in the case of any extra work ordered in pursuance of these conditions and not
mentioned or provided for in the tender at the rates hereinafter provided for such work.

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

Receipt to be signed by Partners or Persons having Authority to do so

Clause 10: Receipts for payments made on account of a work when executed by a firm must also
be signed by the several partners, except where the Consultants are described in their tender as a
firm in which case the receipts must b

Works to be Executed in Accordance with Specifications, Drawings Orders, etc.

Clause 11: The Consultant shall execute the whole and every part of the work in the most
substantial and workman like manner and both as regards materials and otherwise in every respect
in strict accordance with the specifications. The Consultant shall also conform exactly fully and
faithfully to the designs, drawings and instructions in writing relating to the work signed by the
Engineer-in-Charge and lodged in his office and to which the Consultant shall be entitled to have
access at such office or the site of the work for the purpose of inspection of during office hours and
the Consultant shall if he so requires by entitled at his own expense to make or cause to be made
copies of the specifications, and of all such designs, drawings instruction as aforesaid.

Alteration in Specification and Designs

Clause 12: The Engineer-in-Charge shall have power to make any alterations in omissions from
additions to or substitutions for the original specifications, drawing, designs and instructions that
may appear to him to be necessary of advisable during the progress of the work and the Consultant
shall be bound to carry out work in accordance with any instructions which may be given to him in
writing signed by the Engineer-in-Charge and such alteration commissions additions or
substitutions shall not invalidate the contract and any altered additional or substituted work which
the Consultant may be directed to do in the manner above specified as part of the work shall be
carried out by the Consultant on the same conditions in all respects on which he agreed to do the
main work and at the same rates as per specified in the tender for the main work.
Extension of Time in Consequence of Alterations
The time for the completion of the work shall be extended in the proportion that the altered,
additional of substituted work bears to the original contract work and the certificate of the Engineer-
in-Charge shall be conclusive as to such proportion.

No Claim to Any Payment or Compensation for Alteration in or Restriction of Work

Clause 13: If at any time after execution of the contract documents the Engineer-in-Charge shall
for any reason whatsoever require the whole or any part of the work as specified in the tender to be
stopped for any period or shall not require the whole or part of the work to be carried out at all or
to be carried out by the Consultant, he shall give notice in writing of the fact to the Consultant who
shall there upon suspend or stop the work totally, or partially, as the case may be, in any such case,
except as provided hereunder the Consultant shall have no claim to any payment or compensation
whatsoever on account of any profit or advantage which he might have derived from the execution
of the work in full but which he did not so derive in consequence of the full amount of the work not
having been carried out or on account of any profit or advantage which he might have derived from
the execution of the work in full but which he did not so derive in consequence of the full amount
of the work not having been carried out or on account of any loss that he may be put to on account
of materials purchased or agreed to be purchased or for unemployment of labour recruited by him.

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

He shall not also have any claim for compensation by reason of any alterations having been made
in the original specifications, drawings, designs and instructions, which may involve any
curtailment of the work as originally contemplated. Where, however materials have already been
purchased or agreed to be purchased by the Consultant before receipt by him of the said notice the
Consultant shall be paid for such materials at the rates determined by the Engineer-in-Charge,
provided they are not in excess of requirements and are of approved quality and/or shall be
compensated for the loss if any. That he may be put to in respect of materials agreed to be purchased
by him the amount of such compensation to be determined by the Engineer-in-Charge whose
decision shall be final if the Consultant suffers any loss on account of his having to pay labour
charges during the period during which the stoppage of work has been ordered under this clause the
Consultant shall, on application be entitled to such compensation on account of labour charges as
the Engineer-in-Charge. Whose decision shall be final may consider reasonable provided that the
Consultant shall not be entitled to any compensation on account of labour charges. If in the opinion
of the Engineer-in-Charge the labour could have been employed by the Consultant elsewhere for
the whole or part of the period during which the stoppage of the work has been ordered as aforesaid.

This Limit for Unforeseen Claims

Clause 14: Under no circumstance whatsoever shall be Consultant be entitled to any compensation
from Government on any account unless the Consultant shall have submitted a claim in writing to
the Engineer-in-Charge within one month of the cause of such claim occurring.

Action and Compensation Payable in Case of Bad Work

Clause 15: If at any time before the security is refunded to the Consultant it shall appear to the
Engineer-in-Charge or his subordinate in charge or work that any work has been executed with
unsound imperfect, or unskilful workmanship or with materials of interior quality or that any
materials or articles provided by him for the execution of the work are unsound, or of a quality
interior to the Consultant for or are otherwise not in accordance with the Consultant it shall be
lawful for the Engineer-in-Charge to intimate this fact in writing to the Consultant and then
notwithstanding the fact that the work, materials or articles complained of may have been
inadvertently passed certified and paid for the Consultant shall be bound forthwith to rectify remove
and reconstruct the works so specified in whole or in part as the case may require or if so required,
shall remove the materials or articles so specified and provide other proper and suitable materials
or articles at his own proper charge and cost, and in the event of his failing to do so within a period
to be specified by the Engineer-in-Charge in the written intimation aforesaid the Consultant shall
be liable to pay compensation at the rate of one percent. On the amount of the estimate for every
day not exceeding ten days, during which the failure so continues and in the case of any such failure
the Engineer-in-Charge may rectify or remove and re-execute the work or remove and replace the
materials articles complained of as the case may be at the risk and expense in all respects of the
Consultant should the Engineer-in-Charge consider that any such interior work or materials as
described above may be accepted or made use of it shall be within his discretion to accept the same
at such reduced rates as he may fix thereof.

Works to be open for inspection - Consultant or Responsible Agent to be present

Clause 16: All works under or in course of executed or execution in pursuance of the contract shall
at all-time open to the inspection and supervision of the Engineer-in-Charge and his subordinates

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

and they shall at all times during the usual working hours and at all other time at which reasonable
notice of the intention of the Engineer-in-Charge or his subordinate to visit the works shall have
been given to the Consultant, either himself be present to receive orders and instructions or have a
responsible agent duly accredited in writing percent for that purpose. Orders given to the
Consultant’s agent shall be considered to have the same force as if they had been, given to the
Consultant himself.

Compensation under Section 12 Sub-Section (1) of the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923

Clause 17: In every case in which by virtue of the provisions of section 12, Subsection (1) of the
Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923, Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam on behalf of Government is
obliged to pay compensation to a workman employed by the Consultant in execution of the works.
Government will recover from the Consultant the amount of compensation so paid and without
prejudice to the rights of Government under section (1) subsection (2) of the said Act, Madhya
Pradesh Jal Nigam on behalf of Government shall be at liberty to recover the amount or any sum
due by Government to the Consultant whether under this contract or otherwise Madhya Pradesh Jal
Nigam may not be bound to contest any claim made against them under section 12 subsection (1)
of the said Act except on the written requisite of the Consultant and upon his giving to Government
full security for all cases for which Government might become liable in consequence contesting
such claim.

Clause 18: No female labour shall be employed within the limits of a cantonment.


Labourers below the Age of Eighteen Years

Clause 19: No labourer below the age of eighteen years shall be employed on the work.

Fair Wages

Clause 20: The Consultant shall pay not less than fair wage to labours engaged by him on the work:


a. "Fair Wage" means wage whether for time or piece work notified at the time of inviting tenders
for the work and where such wages have not been so notified, the wages prescribed by the work
Department for the division in which the work is done.
b. The Consultant shall notwithstanding the provisions of any contract to the contrary cause to be
paid a fair, wage to labourers indirectly engaged on the work including any labour engaged by
his sub-consultant in connection with the said works, as if the labourers had been immediately
employed by him.
c. In respect of labour directly or indirectly employed on the work for the performance of the
Consultant's part of this agreement the Consultant shall comply with or cause to be complied
with the labour Act in-force.
d. The Project Director /General Manager shall have the right to deduct, from the moneys due to
the Consultant, any sum required or estimated to be required for making good the loss suffered
by a worker or workers by reasons of non-fulfilment to the conditions of the contract, for the

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

benefit of the workers, non-payment of wages or deductions made from his or their wages,
which are not justified by the terms of the contract or non-observance of the regulation.
e. The Consultant shall be primarily liable for all payments to be made under and for the
observance of the regulations aforesaid without prejudice to his right to claim indemnity from
his sub-consultants.
f. The regulations aforesaid shall be deemed to be a part of this contract and any breach there of
shall be deemed to be a breach of this contract.

Work not to be sublet

Clause 21: The Consultant shall not be assigned or sublet without the written approval of the
Project Director/ General Manager. And if the Consultant shall assign or sublet his contract, or
attempt, so to do, or become insolvent commence any insolvency proceedings or make any
composition with his creditors, or attempt so to do, or if any bribe, gratuity, gift, loan, perquisite,
reward of advantage pecuniary or otherwise, shall either directly or indirectly be given, promised
or offered by the Consultant, or any of his servants or agents to any public officer or person in the
employ of Government any way relating to his office or employment, or if any such officer or
person shall become in any way directly or indirectly interested in the contract, the Managing
Director/ Project Director may there up on by notice in writing rescind the contract, and the security
deposit of Consultant shall there upon stand forfeited and be absolutely at the disposal of Jal Nigam
and same consequences shall ensure as if the contract had been rescinded under clause 3 hereof,
and in addition the Consultant shall not be entitled to recover or be paid for any work there to for
actually performed under the contract.

Sum Payable by Way of Compensation to be considered as Reasonable Compensation without

Reference to Actual Loss

Clause 22: All sums payable by way of compensation under any of these conditions shall be
considered as reasonable compensation to be applied to the Government without reference to the
actual loss or damage sustained and whether or not any damage shall have been sustained.

Changes in the Constitution of Firm

Clause 23: In the case of a tender by partners any change in the constitution of the firm shall be
forthwith notified by the Consultant to the Engineer-in-Charge for his information.

Work to be under the Direction of General Manager/Superintending Engineer

Clause 24: All works to be executed under the contract shall be executed under the direction and
subject to the approval in all respect of the Managing Director/ Project Director of the M.P. Jal
Nigam for the time being who shall be entitled to direct at what point or points and in what manner
they are to be commenced and from time to time carried on.

Disputes Relating to Specifications, Designs, etc.

Clause 25: Except where otherwise specified in the contract the decision of the Project Director/
General Manager of the Jal Nigam for time being shall be final, conclusive and binding on all parties
to the contract upon all question relating to the meaning of the specifications, designs, drawings

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

and instructions here in before mentioned and as to the quality of workmanship or materials used
on the work or as to any other question, claim, right matter, or thing whatsoever in any way arising
out of or relating to the contract, designs, drawings, specifications, estimates, instructions, orders
or these conditions or otherwise concerning the works or the execution of failure to execute the
same whether arising during the progress of the work or after the completion or abandonment
thereof provided that the Project Director/ General Manager shall before giving the decision in the
matter give an opportunity of being heard to the Consultants.

Lump Sums in Estimate

Clause 26: When the estimate on which a tender is made includes lump sums in respect of parts of
the work, the Consultant shall be entitled to payment in respect of the items of work involved or
the part of the work in question at the same rates as are payable under this contract for such items,
or if the part of the work in question in not in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge capable of
measurement. The Engineer-in-Charge may at his discretion pay the lump sum amount entered in
the estimates and the certificate in writing of the Engineer-in-Charge shall be final and conclusive
against the Consultant, with regard to any sum or sums payable to him under the provisions of this

Action where no Specification

Clause 27: In the case of any class of work for which there is no such specification as in mentioned
in Rule, such work shall be carried out in accordance with the specification approved by Project
Director/ General Manager, for application to works in the district and in the event of there being
no such specification then in such case the work shall be carried out in all respects in accordance
with the instructions and requirement of Engineer-in-Charge.

Definition of work

Clause 28: The expression work or works where used in these conditions, shall, unless there be
something either in the subject or context repugnant to such construction, be construed and taken
to mean the works by or by virtue of the contract contracted to be executed, whether temporary or
permanent and whether original altered, substituted or additional.

Claim for Quantities Entered in the Tender or Estimate:

Clause 29: Quantities shown in the tender are approximate and no claim shall be entertained for
quantities of work executed being either more or less than those entered in the tender or estimates.

Clause 30: No compensation shall be allowed for any delay caused in the starting of the work on
account of acquisition of land, or in the case of clearance works, on account of any delay in
according sanction to estimates.

Employment of Scarcity Labour

Clause 31: If Government declare a state of scarcity of famine to exist in any village situated within
16 km. of the work the Consultant, shall employ upon such parts of the work, as are suitable for
unskilled labour, any person certified to him by the General Manager or by any person to whom the
General Manager may have delegated this duty in writing to be in need of relief and shall be bound

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

to pay such person wages not below the minimum which Government may have fixed in this behalf.
Any dispute which may arise in connection with the implementation of this clause shall be decided
by the Managing Director whose decision shall be final and binding on the Consultant.

Penalty for Breach of Contract

Clause 32: On the breach of any term or conditions of this contact by the Consultant the Managing
Director shall be entitled to forfeit the security deposit or the balance thereof that may at that time
be remaining, and realize and retain the same as damages and compensation for the said breach, but
without prejudice to the right of the Managing Director to recover any further sum as damages,
from any sums due or which may become due to the Consultant by Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam or
otherwise howsoever.

Note: If there is any difference between the amount of words and figures written in the tender
forms by the bidder the lesser amount will be treated as valid. If the bidder is not ready to
accept the amount so fixed in the above manner and declines to do the work earnest money
deposit of the bidder shall be forfeited.

Notice to the Consultant to Start work

Your tender for the ............................................................................ has been accepted by

me Managing Director on behalf of the Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam on the of ............
2020 and you are hereby ordered to commence the work.

Managing Director/ Project Director

The notice to the Consultant to start work from the of ...... 2020 was issued
vide this office memorandum no. ...... date .............. 2020.


In pursuance of Clause 6 of the agreement dated the ......................... between the Consultant
.......................................................................................... and the Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam, it is
hereby Certified that the said Consultant has duly completed the execution of the work undertaken
by him on the ............................... day of ............................

Signature of Consultant Signature of Engineer-in-Charge

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS


Scope of Consultancy Services in brief

1) Population forecasting with different methods, calculation of water requirement and other
design parameters for all villages and towns as per latest Jal Jeevan Mission Operational
Guidelines, Manual for Preparation of Detailed Project Report for Rural Piped Water Supply
Schemes issued by Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, GOI dated 20 th Feb 2013, with
up to date amendment if any, CPHEEO Manual on Water Supply and Treatment, NRDWP
Guidelines 2013 and GOMP, PHED Guidelines, if any and other code in practice.

2) Carrying out necessary detailed survey for source and assessment of capacity of source to meet
water requirement throughout the year & especially in 4 months summer season by standard
norms; water testing of source and survey for intake well, Pumping Stations, Treatment Plant,
Break Pressure tank, etc., topographical survey for conveyance main (pumping/gravity), village
map, overall village distribution system, etc. and strata details for all components of DPR.
Overall village means coverage of overall villagers including Majra, Para, Tola as given in
Gram panchayat record and other relevant record. In design overall village should be considered
and accordingly design, drawing, estimation, etc. to be done. If no proper source is available,
then suggestion to develop source/water availability i/c drawing, estimation, etc. should also be

3) Process and Hydraulic designs of all components i.e. Storage reservoir, Intake well, Economical
size of pumping mains, Design of suitable type of Raw & Clear water pumps and pump houses,
Design of Electric sub stations, Hydraulic design of conveyance main with appurtenances,
Structural design of pillars, thrust blocks, etc., Hydraulic design of different components of
treatment plant, Break pressure tank, design of distribution system along with design of
overhead tanks/cisterns, staff quarters, approach roads & other components of DPR.

4) Preparation of detailed coloured/B&W computerized drawings such as of Index map showing

area under consideration along with major proposed works, Schematic diagram, Detailed village
map showing existing and proposed works along with main features of villages, drawing of
Intake well cum pump house, Water treatment plant, Break pressure tank, OHTs, Pump houses,
Pillars, Thrust block, L-section with plan of conveyance mains and distribution system.

5) Preparation of detailed quantity and abstract estimates, report and CPM network for execution
like Intake well cum pump house & approach bridge/road, Raw & Clear water pumps, Electric
sub stations, Conveyance mains (pumping/gravity) with appurtenances, Pillars, Thrust block,
etc., Treatment Plant, Break Pressure tank, Distribution systems, Over Head Tanks / Cisterns,
Pump houses, Staff quarters, Approach roads & Other components of DPR, Land acquisition,
Operation and Maintenance Estimate along with proposal of revenue generation, Writing
technical report, Preparation of CPM/Pert Chart, Compilation of Design, Drawing, Estimates,
etc. & submission of 10 copies of DPR along with soft copies.

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS


Schematic diagrams of complete Project, to append in tender document for execution of

scheme, shall be submitted to give clear view of area to be covered and its profiles with levels
in minimum possible drawings, separately in 3 sets of hard and soft copies along with the
salient features.

For achieving the above scope of work, the Consultant should carry out the following tasks:
• Collection of all relevant data including old water supply data, if already in existence and
utilize those components which can be used, preparation of inception & feasibility report,
collection & analysis of water at source minimum one in a month for three months,
continuously testing it from Government Engineering College, Madhya Pradesh Pollution
Control Board, Laboratory for Physical, Chemical & Bacteriological testing. If rainy
reason does not fall during contract period then collection of water quality data from water
treatment plant on same source, if possible.
• Complete survey for overall scheme i/c villages with existing facility and other source of
water i.e. handpump, tube well, wells etc. and possible more villages if any, not covered or
mentioned in the tender.
• Preparation of contour map of all village overall survey and final source of overall project
• GIS mapping and collection of revenue data, if any from Gram panchayat.
• Consent from Gram panchayat/Urban body regarding execution of scheme & supply of
water, collection of revenue etc.
• Hurdles/obstruction/clearances from authorities should clearly be indicated. Source should
be as selected that, it shall be free from any hurdles/obstruction etc.
• Preparation of final DPR.
• The selected electric supply source/tapping point/selected substation should have sufficient
capacity to supply the uninterrupted electric supply. Hence, consent of concerned electric
company should also be taken.
• One village should be considered like one DMA (District Metering Area) and should have
separate tapping point to each village in order to make equitable distribution of water.

6) Project Cost & Financial Viability

(i) The consultant shall undertake assessment of capital and operating costs for the proposed
infrastructure development and operating plan.
(ii) Normative costing method can be adopted for components like water treatment plants,
storage tanks, pumping machinery, pumping stations and offices etc. In case of pipe
networks and connections the cost estimation shall be based on bill of quantities with
separate costs for civil work, material supply and installation and commissioning. Works
and material prices shall be as per relevant schedule of rates being followed by PHED and
in case of bought out items, consultants shall obtain market rates and provide the pricing
(iii) Annual operating cost model shall be prepared from the year of commissioning and up to
20-year time frame with necessary inflation. The cost shall show the demand and
connections growth, production volume, sales volume, breakup of electricity costs, staff
salaries, repair and maintenance and other consumables etc. The consultant shall prepare
an operational plan duly assessing the organization structure, staffing required, office

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

infrastructure required for staff as well as for customer services, transport, tools and plants
necessary including spares for ensuring effective and efficient operations.
(iv) Financial analysis for IRR and ERR shall also be incorporated in the DPR along with cost
benefit Analysis.
7) Implementation Plan
(i) Preparation of the project implementation schedule for execution. This will also include
drawing up project budget with monthly/quarterly target, furnish network analysis such as
CPM, PERT for purposes of effective project monitoring and regular reports.
(ii) Suggesting use of modern technologies for implementation (monitoring / construction /
O&M) of project. Suggesting Operation and Maintenance plan of the plant and facilities
8) Environment & Social Consideration
(i) Preparation of Environmental and Social impact assessment Report to prepare necessary
impact assessment and Environmental Mitigation Plans and Resettlement action Plans, if
(ii) Identifying specific protection arrangement for trees and other sensitive environmental
components. Tree cutting requirement if any shall be clearly identified and listed with
schedule of permission from regulatory authorities to facilitate cutting.
9) Water Recycling and Reuse - The consultant shall give emphasis on water recycling and reuse
while suggesting the technology for water treatment, the quantitative data shall be incorporated
for recycling and reuse of water in the scheme.

10) Waste water disposal - The consultant shall give waste water disposal system since project
implementation will enhance per capita supply in villages. A low-cost community-based waste
water disposal system be proposed in DPR with separate cost estimate, to be taken up for
execution at a later stage.

11) Others - The consultant should assess potential of convergence with other schemes like Swachh
Bharat Mission, etc., for integration of components of these schemes with the proposed system
of waste disposal.

The consultant shall also incorporate any other information as normally desired by external
funding agencies like World Bank, ADB, JICA and any other funding agency and modify the
DPR if required by funding agency.

12) Consultancy services are required to carry out detailed survey work such as contour survey,
levelling, etc. for sites such as river head works, balancing tank, water treatment plant, pumping
stations, storages etc. for all work sites including transmission system, preparing L-section of
transmission system and designing the scheme on the basis of Manual for Preparation of
Detailed Project Report for Rural Piped Water Supply Schemes issued by Ministry of
Drinking Water and Sanitation, GOI on dated 20th Feb 2013, Jal Jeevan Mission
Operational Guidelines, National Rural Drinking Water Program (Guidelines-2013),
Ministry of Rural Development, Manual on Water Supply and Treatment, latest edition,

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

published by Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organization,

Ministry of Urban Development New Delhi and Govt. of M.P. wherever applicable.
Preparing detailed estimates, other drawings and submitting the scheme in 10 copies along with
soft copies. The detailed estimates are to be prepared as per latest SOR's/ISSR’s of M.P. UADD,
all volumes except external electrification, & For external electrification M.P.V.V. CO. Ltd.,
M.P. PWD, M.P. PHED and M.P. WRD, etc. (if required). List of covered villages and towns,
to be included in the Multi Village Rural water supply scheme and its latest census population
and present anticipated population is enclosed. From feasibility point of view, at the time of
survey addition, alteration and omission in proposed villages/towns may be possible, in
such condition consultant is required to justify its inclusion or exclusion with proper
reasoning. Also, as per Annexure-1 of NRDWP Guidelines coverage is to be mentioned.

13) The Multi Village Rural water supply scheme would be based on surface source only. The
surface source must be selected such that it has sufficient flow/quantity and good quality as
desired for drinking water supply scheme. It is advised that the storage reservoir (if required to
be constructed) should be designed on the basis of 100% dependability. As far as selection of
site of impounding reservoir is concerned, the provisions given in Manuals are followed.

14) The head works should be such that required water can be tapped easily. This will be RCC
structure. The size should be adequately adopted. Selection of sites such as Head Works, Break
Pressure Tank, alignment of Transmission Mains, Water Treatment Plant, OHT/GSR, etc. shall
be got approved from Engineer-in-Charge i.e. General Manager /Deputy General Manager of
PIU, Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam of that area, before taking up detailed survey.

Pre-Feasibility Report: Multi Village Rural water supply scheme of certain villages and towns of
the district of Madhya Pradesh has been identified for which Detailed Project Report is to be
prepared. In this scheme, it is proposed to take required raw water from river or existing dam, from
where, it is proposed to pump either in Water treatment Plant directly or through a reservoir as per
topography. The treated water would be taken in the GSR or OHT of the village/town either by
pumping or gravity flow. OHT's are proposed for larger villages to supply potable water at the door
step of the consumers. The capacity of the overhead tank shall be so designed that by including
cluster of nearby villages its capacity is not less than 100 KL, as far as possible.

Important Terms & Conditions

As detailed above, the DPR should be prepared for Multi Village Rural water supply schemes for
villages and towns of proposed district. At the time of preparation of DPR, there is possibility of
addition, alteration and omission of villages and towns.

The skeleton of the scheme as a whole shall be such that it should be easily manageable for
Operation and Maintenance. As far as possible, alignment of pipes shall be avoided through forest

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

The consultant is required to submit two copies of draft DPR to Project Director at Bhopal after
finalizing with the General Manager/Deputy General Manager of the PIU of Madhya Pradesh Jal
Nigam and he has to make presentation to justify the components taken in the DPR. The
changes/suggestions, if any, shall be incorporated and included in the final DPR.

The final report of the project shall be submitted as per NIT invariably and shall be got approved
from competent authority.
Introduction Background
An introduction, giving broad details of the project area should be given in brief.

Compilation of the Detailed Project Report

The Consultant shall compile, prepare and submit the Detailed Project Report to Madhya Pradesh
Jal Nigam in a period of 5 months (including rainy season). The Consultant should be in touch with
the officers of the PIU of Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam during preparation and compilation of the
report and should discuss with them from time to time, the main features of the project, before
finalizing the report, so as to complete the report within stipulated period. The Consultant shall
collect, and compile data required for the project from respective Govt. authorities, Madhya Pradesh
Jal Nigam and M.P. PHED. Available data has been given in Annexure F. Additional required data
will have to be collected /generated by the consultants by contacting agencies where such data is

The Detailed Project Report is to be prepared with such accuracy that actual execution to be taken
after wards should not suffer from:

(i) Inaccurate and inadequate survey and investigation.

(ii) Change in the location of various components.
(iii) Major changes in designs and type of work involved.
(iv) Inadequate survey, quantification, estimation, acquaintance with site conditions.
Cost estimates should be based on latest SOR's/ISSR’s of M.P. UADD, all volumes except external
electrification & For external electrification M.P.V.V. CO. Ltd., M.P. PWD, M.P. PHED and M.P.
WRD etc. (if required). Rate analysis shall be furnished for items, which are not covered under the
SOR's including extra leads and lifts. Such rates shall be finalized with the consent of PIU, Madhya
Pradesh Jal Nigam.

Study therefore, be carried out with more details, so that the working estimates framed by the
consultants and the quantities mentioned therein shall fairly tally with the actual execution within
5% of the provisions made in the detailed project report. The estimate to be prepared should be in

Attention of consultants is specifically drawn to the basic, fundamental and important requirement
to the job. At no stage this requirement should be allowed to be overlooked.

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

The proper design of various components is expected in the Detailed Project Report so as to provide
realistic cost in DPR. Submission of contour maps shall be the essential feature of the Project
Report. The site conditions are therefore, required to be observed and studied carefully as regard
their suitability and adequacy and any other specific problems such as land development,
foundation condition, etc.

Restoration of damaged roads and services after providing and laying pipelines shall also have to
be taken into account.

Selection of sites and location of various sub works should be such that there would not be any
major difficulty in acquiring the lands and there would not be any need to shift sites or locations of
various components of the scheme. The consultants should take cognizance of site conditions, so
as to present true picture. Due consideration is to be given to encroachment, if any.

The consultants should provide a certificate in the Detailed Project Report that their authorized
representative has walked over the streets, at the location of various works and along the alignment
of all mains, etc and are fully conversant with the site conditions in order to ensure that the proposals
made in the report can be practically implemented. The investigations include information about
all conditions, water table, pipelines and cables, etc. Consultants, during the stage of compilation
of report should keep Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam informed about such specific problems.

Design criteria:

Hydraulic design of all the components shall be carried out on the basis of Manual Published by
Ministry of Drinking water and Sanitation, Manual of Water Supply and Treatment Published by
CPHEEO and other designs shall be carried out on the basis of the relevant IS codes. In case of any
controversy, the decision of the Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam shall be final and binding to
Consultant/consultant. However, a brief description for design criteria is as under-

(1) Population forecasting - The design population will have to be estimated as per the revised
guidelines recommended by Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Govt. of India, with due
regard to the entire factor governing the future growth and development of the project area. Special
factor causing sudden emigration or influx of population should also be foreseen to the extent
possible. A judgment based on these factors would help in selecting the most suitable method of
deriving the probable trend of the population growth in the area or areas of the project as per the
latest and revised guidelines of the Ministry, Govt. of India.

The Base year is to be considered as 2023, Intermediate years as 2033, 2043 and the Ultimate year
as 2053 for the source. Water demand shall be taken as recommended by Ministry of Drinking
Water and Sanitation, Govt. of India for villages and towns including UFW /NRW as 15% of total
water demand.

(2) Survey and Investigation - Field survey and levelling work to be carried out is connection with
development of sources, site of intake well, various components of treatment units, location of

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

service reservoirs and its capacities and elevation, alignment and longitudinal sections of
conveyance main and distribution lines. Detailed maps of all villages showing location of houses,
schools, markets, hospitals, important public buildings and industries and other institutions etc
should be given.

The survey and investigation part shall therefore, consists of detailed survey and investigations and
other aspects as under -

Survey would consist of chain and compass, Theodolite survey and levelling or by Total Station at
an interval of every 30m and at bend location additional levels should also be taken where important
features like humps, dips, obstacles, crossing, roads, railways, rivers, etc. are met with, and as
directed, with the help of Total station, theodolite, auto level, plane table and other survey

The results of the survey are to be plotted on drawings to such a suitable scale as approved by the
General Manager, PIU, Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam of that area. The drawings should also show
the important existing nearby structures/geographical features, if any, which are required to be
located on estimation point of view.

The levels are required to be co-related to MSL, Permanent, as well as Temporary Bench Marks
will have to be established at places as specified by Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam Engineers
during surveying and these details should be made available in writing to Madhya Pradesh Jal
Nigam Engineer. The consultants are requested to keep Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam representatives
informed as regards the survey activities being carried out at different locations so as to get
themselves acquainted with the work being carried out and make suggestions, while the survey is
being carried out.

Detailed L-section survey should be carried out precisely.

At each of the stage, the consultants, before starting the work should consult with the Madhya
Pradesh Jal Nigam engineers and obtain their consent for the site, route and methodology of the
survey. The detailing and further work should be carried only after such approval in respect of
survey, quantification, schedule of rates, estimates and preparation of drawings, etc. After the initial
works is carried out and got approved from Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam engineer, further detailing
should be done, this requirement applied in respect of land acquisition also and only after it is
established that no difficulties are anticipated in respect of land acquisition, further detailing should
be done.

Contours should be plotted at 1.0 m of intervals or as directed by Engineers. The contouring is to

be confined to areas and portion of the works where Intake well, GSR, ESR, WTP, Pumping
Stations are to be provided. Brief details of the proposed units should be shown on the contour

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

Consultant shall install Bench Marks on permanent plinths of the structures as per direction of
Engineer in charge, on which chainage and RL shall be painted with red paint. The Consultant shall
submit list of benchmarks so prepared.

Land Acquisition

After the location of Head Works, GSR and ESR, Treatment Plant, Conveyance Mains, Distribution
system, Approach Roads, Quarters etc. are decided, the Consultants should work out the extent of
land required to be acquired at specified places.

Having finalized the locations of various works, these details should be shown on the drawing
showing the widths of strips of land proposed to be acquired. The consultant should furnish these
details, so that Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam can proceed with the work of land acquisition.

While proposing the locations and various components and alignments, reservations under various
Acts shall be verified by the consultants. The consultants shall also have to approach Jila
Panchayat/Village Panchayat for their concurrence the location of works like reservoirs from the
point of availability of that land for acquisition/transfer. When Jila Panchayat /Village Panchayat
inform the availability of the land suggested by the consultant, then only consultant should proceed
with further work of designing and estimation, etc.
The Consultant shall submit the Khasra number and Map of the land required with the
location of unit on that particular Khasra Map.
(3) Design period for different components

Water Supply Projects should be designed for specified design period after their completion. The
different components shall be designed as per revised “Manual for preparation of Detailed
Project Report for Rural Piped Water Supply Schemes’’ published by Ministry of Drinking
Water and Sanitation, Govt. of India. The RCC & other design shall be done with standard norms
and relevant IS standard. The component/members in contact with water shall be designed in M-30
concrete & away from water in M-25 grade concrete.

3.1 Intake Well Cum Pump house - The following features should be considered for locating the
intake -
(1) The location where the best quality of water is available.
(2) Absence of currents that will therefore impact the safety of the intake.
(3) Formation of shoals and bars should be avoided.
(4) Floods
(5) Availability of power and
(6) Accessibility
Under sluice should be provided for withdrawal of water from more than one level to cope up with
seasonable variation of depth of water. In the design of intake, a factor of safety must be allowed,

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

as forces to be resisted by intake are known only approximately. Under mining of foundations due
to water currents or over turning pressure due to deposits of silt against one side of an intake
structure are to be avoided. Proposal to avoid entrance of large/small objects should be made in the
under sluice by suitable means. The capacity of the conduit and the depth of the suction well should
be so proposed, that the intake ports to the suction pipes of pumps will not draw air.

An RCC M-30 pump house shall be proposed over intake well to house raw water pumps. The size
of the pump house shall be so proposed as to locate the pumps/motors, valves, piping, Control
panels and cable trays in a rational manner with easy access and with sufficient space around the
equipment’s for the operation & maintenance. The minimum space between two adjoining pumps
shall be 1.0 m or as per design requirement. Space for control panel should be planned as per Indian
electricity rules. Proper headroom shall also be proposed.

3.2 Pumps: Minimum 50% standby arrangement shall be kept in the proposal. Prior to the selection
of pump for a pumping station, detailed consideration has to be given to various aspects, viz

(a) Nature of liquid, whether raw or clear water

(b) Type of duty required i.e. continuous, intermittent or cyclic.
(c) Present and projected demand and pattern of change in demand.
(d) The details of head and flow rate required.
(e) Type and duration of the availability of the power supply.
(f) Selecting the operating speed of pump and suitable drive / driving gear.
(g) The efficiency of the pump and consequent influence on power consumption and the
running costs.
(h) Various options possible by permuting the parameters of the pumping system
including the capacity and no. of pump including standby, combining them in series
or in parallel.
3.3 Water Conveyance Mains: The most economical size for conveyance mains should be based
on a proper analysis of the following factor -

(a) The period of design considered for the project and the quantities to be conveyed during
different phase of such period.
(b) The different pipe sizes against different hydraulic slopes, which can be considered for the
quantity to be conveyed.
(c) The different pipe materials which can be used for the purpose and their relative costs as
laid in position.
(d) The duty, capacity and installed cost of the pump sets required against the corresponding
sizes of the pipelines under consideration.
(e) The recurring costs on
(i) Energy charges (presently Rs. 4.35 per unit)
(ii) Staff for operation of the pump sets,

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

(iii) Cost of repairs and renewals of the pump sets,

(iv) Cost of miscellaneous consumable stores, and
(v) Cost of replacement of the pump sets installed to meet the immediate
requirements, by new sets at an intermediate stage of design period.
(vi) Rate of interest may be taken as 10.5% p.a.
The material of the conduit is to be selected keeping in view the local cost and the nature of terrain
to be transverse and pressure comes in the pipelines. Suitable/ required appurtenances, flow meters,
thrust blocks; supporting pillars, manholes should be designed and proposed accordingly.
A flow meter should be provided at the branch for each village, pressure transducer valves may
also be provided at suitable locations to maintain supply and pressure for the villages located at
higher elevations.
3.4 Reservoirs: The capacity of the service reservoir to be provided depends upon the economic
alternatives amongst suitable options. The minimum service or balancing capacity depends on the
hours and rate of pumping in a day, the probable variation of demand or consumption over a day,
the hours of supply can be calculated from a mass diagram or by a demand and pumping budget.
The variation of demand in a day for a town which depends on the supply hours may have to be
assumed or known from similar towns or determined based on household survey. Reservoirs shall
be proposed in RCC M-30 mix.
OHT's of designed capacity shall be proposed for large villages. The capacity of the overhead tank
shall be so designed that by including cluster of nearby villages its capacity is not less than 100 KL,
as far as possible for smaller villages, to supply potable water at the door step of the consumers.
3.5 Distribution system: In the design of water supply distribution system, it is to be
recognized that consumption varies with the season, month, day and hour as for as the design of
distribution system is concerned, it is the hourly variation in consumption that matters. The
fluctuation in consumption is accounted for, by considering the peak rate of consumption at rate of
flow in the design of distribution system. A peak factor of 3 is recommended for design of
distribution system with a minimum residual pressure of 7.0 m. Now a days, most of the villages
are having CC roads, where excavation of the trenches and restoration of such roads is not feasible,
therefore in such situations, metallic pipes may be provided in the distribution system, otherwise,
HDPE pipes of minimum 6 kg/cm2 or as per design pressure 63 mm to 315 mm outer diameter and
above 315 mm diameter DI pipes class as per design should be proposed and minimum diameter
shall be as per Manual. The HDPE pipe joints shall be joined with the electro- fusion with coupler
not the butt welded. In case of rocky or hilly area, metallic pipes should be proposed.
In case a village or town, now covered in the new Multi Village Rural water supply scheme is
already having an individual existing water supply scheme, water from new scheme shall be
connected to the existing GSR/ESR and the other component if required shall also be modified as
per design requirement.
The ESR shall be augmented as required. Concerned General Manager, M.P. PHE Dept. or PIU,
Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam shall give the details of existing distribution system to the successful
consultants. In case the distribution system is an old one, it shall be discarded and designed afresh.
In other cases, the distribution system shall be designed for additional requirement.

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

3.6 Treatment Plant: The aim of water treatment is to produce and maintain water that is
hygienically safe, aesthetically attractive and palatable, in an economical manner. Though the
treatment of water would achieve the desired quality, the evaluation of its quality should not be
confined to the end of the treatment facilities but should be extended to the point of consumer use.
The unit operation in water treatment should include aeration (if required), flocculation (rapid and
slow mixing) and clarifications, filtration (rapid sand) and disinfection. The hydraulic design of the
different units of treatment plant should be carried out according to provisions given in Manual on
Water Supply and Treatment published by CPHEEO. The treatment plant units shall be proposed
in RCC M-30 mix excluding building part which shall be of RCC (M-25 Mix) framed brick

3.7 Preparation of Detailed Drawings: Detailed layout maps of each village should be
prepared showing all important details like School, Gram Panchayat, Hospital, Bank, Other
Government buildings, Proposed and Existing works like Over Head Tanks with their capacities
and staging, Pipe Lines, Cisterns, Stand Post, lengths, RLs etc. Printouts on suitable size sheets for
villages and towns should be given.

L-section of all the pumping mains, gravity mains should also be prepared and submitted on
appropriate size sheets as directed by Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam. Drawings should be marked with
chainage, RLs of Ground, RLs of Invert of pipes, depth of cutting, locations of Pipe Appurtenances,
Air Valves, Sluice Valves, Pressure Relief Valves, Pillars, etc. along with Plan of pipelines.

Detailed drawings of all proposed structures should also be given on appropriate size sheets as
approved by Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam.

Schematic diagram showing all the proposed works should also be prepared and submitted.

All the Drawings/Maps should be prepared through computer (AutoCAD) and shall be prepared in
different coloured as approved by Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam.

3.8 Preparation of Estimates: Cost estimates for all the proposed works should be given.
After the survey is carried out, and the sizes and other details of various units are decided, the
consultant should estimate the quantum of work involved.

Having finalized such quantum of work, the consultants should proceed with the preparation of cost
estimates of the various components of the work.

The cost estimates are required to be prepared with full details and adequate care, in short, the
estimates should not be prepared arbitrarily, and it should be ensured that quantities mentioned
therein shall fairly tally with the actual execution.

Variation more than 10% of the provisions made in the Detailed Project Report with the
actual may disqualify the consulting agency for further empanelment.

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

Detailed estimate of intake well with approach bridge pipelines building and road works shall be
prepared on the latest SOR's/ISSR’s of M.P. UADD, all volumes except external electrification, &
For external electrification M.P.V.V. CO. Ltd., M.P. PWD, M.P. PHED and M.P. WRD etc. (if
required). Provision for components like motor pumps, generator sets, pipes, appurtenances and
etc., which are not available in any SOR, should be taken on basis on current prevailing rates of
manufacturer / suppliers. Detailed analysis should be done for such items and be finalized and
approved by Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam.

The inflation with respect to WPI, published by Reserve Bank of India from the date of
enforcement of SOR adopted till the date of submission of DPR shall be adopted to bring the
estimated cost at present level separately also.

Since the total provision for price escalation is based on the project implementation schedule, the
consultants should first prepare the implementation schedule and finalize the same after
concurrence from Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam. The implementation should provide reasonable time
for activities such as land acquisition, tendering, evaluation of offers and their proper construction
period. The various agencies responsible for taking the decision in this respect will also to be

In the implementation chart/works programme, specific mention for the works/decision/ permission
related to other departments/agencies should be clearly indicated.

Also, the specific time period, in which, these activities are incorporated and should be completed
should be indicated, so as to ensure timely completion of the project.

The preliminary details of the villages and towns with its present scenario of water supply should
also be included in the DPR.

Operation & Maintenance Estimate should also be prepared on the basis of norms of Government
of M.P.P.H.E.D. Dept. and submitted along with the DPR.
The O&M estimates should be prepared common up to ESR of all the villages and other O&M
estimates for each village in such a way that the responsibility of O&M for each village and water
production cost of whole system can be ascertained. Proposal for maintenance cost recovery or
Revenue Generation should also be prepared and submitted with the DPR.
In the Abstract of Estimate the O & M expenditure of first year shall be added without electricity
and chemical Charges.

Managing Director
Madhya Pradesh Jal Nigam

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS




1. District : Morena

2. No. of villages proposed in the Group : 727 (tentative list enclosed)

3. Proposed water supply source : Chambal River

4. Proposed Population 2011 : 14,00,466

5. Block : Ambah, Porsa, Morena, Pahadgarh, Jora

Kailaraas, Sabalgarh

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS


S. No District Block Village Name Total Population ( 2011)

1 Morena Ambah Aroli 1948
2 Morena Ambah Gos Basai 389
3 Morena Ambah Beelpur 2473
4 Morena Ambah Kisroli 828
5 Morena Ambah Kuthiyana 3252
6 Morena Ambah Johan 5902
7 Morena Ambah Khirenta 6626
8 Morena Ambah Dandoli 2002
9 Morena Ambah Goonjh 1938
10 Morena Ambah Mal Basai 1052
11 Morena Ambah Rithona 3014
12 Morena Ambah Kakarari 2006
13 Morena Ambah Tilol 195
14 Morena Ambah Bhandauli 647
15 Morena Ambah Ambah 8481
16 Morena Ambah Badfara 6637
17 Morena Ambah Banka Pura 436
18 Morena Ambah Bichola 2323
19 Morena Ambah Dohara 2702
20 Morena Ambah Inanki 1176
21 Morena Ambah Chandkapura 1216
22 Morena Ambah Bareh 8789
23 Morena Ambah Goth 2586
24 Morena Ambah Ranpur 2813
25 Morena Ambah Shyampur Khurd 1892
26 Morena Ambah Kachnodha 1214
27 Morena Ambah Bhakroli 1019
28 Morena Ambah Esah 5087
29 Morena Ambah Lahar 3579
30 Morena Ambah Dimani 2781
31 Morena Ambah Ratiram Ka Pura 1244
32 Morena Ambah Chandpur 3294
33 Morena Ambah Bireharua 3346
34 Morena Ambah Rithora Ka Pura 2153
35 Morena Ambah Kamtari 10481
36 Morena Ambah Gopi 6235
37 Morena Ambah Pancholi 1375
38 Morena Ambah Khadiyahar 10729
39 Morena Ambah Lallu Basai 2338

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

S. No District Block Village Name Total Population ( 2011)

40 Morena Ambah Bawadipura 1761
41 Morena Ambah Kherli Ambah 295
42 Morena Ambah Mahuri 1159
43 Morena Ambah Mai 809
44 Morena Ambah Sihoniya 6405
45 Morena Ambah Purawas Kalan 1801
46 Morena Ambah Gadhiya Ambah 923
47 Morena Ambah Sikrodi 1531
48 Morena Ambah Khadya Behad 2185
49 Morena Ambah Tutwas 6164
50 Morena Ambah Roophati 3676
51 Morena Ambah Nawali 2887
52 Morena Ambah Thara 9943
53 Morena Ambah Bhonpura 3267
54 Morena Ambah Jal Ka Nagara 2389
55 Morena Ambah Pali 226
56 Morena Ambah Sunawali 1255
57 Morena Ambah Palna 809
58 Morena Ambah Kukthari 3308
59 Morena Ambah Singpura 2120
60 Morena Ambah Kirrayach 7891
61 Morena Ambah Tareni 3467
62 Morena Ambah Dhansula 2840
63 Morena Ambah Gilapura 976
64 Morena Ambah Purawas Khurd 2611
65 Morena Ambah Ekehora 1610
66 Morena Ambah Manpur Rajputi 1838
67 Morena Ambah Kolua 2577
68 Morena Ambah Kharagpura 926
69 Morena Ambah Ranipura 167
70 Morena Ambah Bhidosa 2311
71 Morena Ambah Lepa 1989
72 Morena Ambah Sangoli 2192
73 Morena Ambah Arrusi 1006
74 Morena Porsa Barwai 6900
75 Morena Porsa Ratan Basai 5127
76 Morena Porsa Ruar 5107
77 Morena Porsa Adhannpur 2046
78 Morena Porsa Ajhenda 1925
79 Morena Porsa Bijlipura 1537
80 Morena Porsa Amlheda 5084

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

S. No District Block Village Name Total Population ( 2011)

81 Morena Porsa Hingawali 1793
82 Morena Porsa Torkumbh 759
83 Morena Porsa Shyampur Kalan 5671
84 Morena Porsa Kasmada 3412
85 Morena Porsa Rithaura Marjadgarh 364
86 Morena Porsa Rachhed 3599
87 Morena Porsa Ludhawali 5081
88 Morena Porsa Useth 5247
89 Morena Porsa Bindwa 1698
90 Morena Porsa Vijaygarh 3234
91 Morena Porsa Hingotiyai 513
92 Morena Porsa Pali 3393
93 Morena Porsa Dhakpura 641
94 Morena Porsa Sainthra Badhai 3851
95 Morena Porsa Pardu Ka Pura 1827
96 Morena Porsa Chak Lukhriyai 112
97 Morena Porsa Gidouli 1040
98 Morena Porsa Ranhera 1904
99 Morena Porsa Jagatpur 575
100 Morena Porsa Hamirpura 805
101 Morena Porsa Kandhkoli 732
102 Morena Porsa Mahua 5038
103 Morena Porsa Raipur 7368
104 Morena Porsa Kundauna 662
105 Morena Porsa Kuraitha 5227
106 Morena Porsa Dhorra 2873
107 Morena Porsa Silawali 4545
108 Morena Porsa Nagra Porsa 3284
109 Morena Porsa Bhadawali 2141
110 Morena Porsa Chapak 1306
111 Morena Porsa Kichol 5619
112 Morena Porsa Sikhara 3223
113 Morena Porsa Arraun 2660
114 Morena Porsa Dondari 2975
115 Morena Porsa Tehara 440
116 Morena Porsa Rajaudha 16524
117 Morena Porsa Khadiya Porsa 1126
118 Morena Porsa Sathon 1723
119 Morena Porsa Lalpura 1474
120 Morena Porsa Bahorpura 591
121 Morena Porsa Karsanda 1752

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

S. No District Block Village Name Total Population ( 2011)

122 Morena Porsa Ratha 1010
123 Morena Porsa Kherli Porsa 1070
Sarupura (Sadhu Ka
124 Morena Porsa 512
125 Morena Porsa Raipura 2435
126 Morena Porsa Sherpura 874
127 Morena Porsa Jotai 4530
128 Morena Porsa Khoyala 983
129 Morena Porsa Shahpura 1249
130 Morena Porsa Dharamgarh 5369
131 Morena Porsa Sainthra Ahir 3214
132 Morena Porsa Prithvipura 1010
133 Morena Porsa Konthar Khurd 2713
134 Morena Porsa Bhajpura 1377
135 Morena Porsa Konthar Kalan 4735
136 Morena Porsa Dohrota 2015
137 Morena Porsa Mateyapura 805
138 Morena Porsa Rithwari 695
139 Morena Porsa Garhia Porsa 2929
140 Morena Porsa Chak Budhara 377
141 Morena Porsa Nand Ka Pura 1796
142 Morena Porsa Budhara 3090
143 Morena Porsa Tarsama 2513
144 Morena Porsa Mehdora 1656
145 Morena Morena Aiti 2099
146 Morena Morena Amleda 261
147 Morena Morena Ardauni 1519
148 Morena Morena Atarsuma 2679
149 Morena Morena Badokhar 8416
150 Morena Morena Badwari 1400
151 Morena Morena Baksipura 596
152 Morena Morena Bamaur Kalan 1586
153 Morena Morena Bamaur Khurd 57
154 Morena Morena Bamur Basai 1177
155 Morena Morena Bandha 2251
156 Morena Morena Bani 723
157 Morena Morena Barahwali 476
158 Morena Morena Baraipura 1234
159 Morena Morena Barekapura 413
160 Morena Morena Baretha 6360
161 Morena Morena Basahari 566

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

S. No District Block Village Name Total Population ( 2011)

162 Morena Morena Basai Harchand 1419
163 Morena Morena Basaiya 2277
164 Morena Morena Bastpur 1249
165 Morena Morena Bhainsora 1149
166 Morena Morena Bhakhari 501
167 Morena Morena Bhanpur 1190
168 Morena Morena Bharrad 1214
169 Morena Morena Bhatari 2032
170 Morena Morena Bhatpura Nodi 569
171 Morena Morena Bhaundari 3472
172 Morena Morena Bijaypura 683
173 Morena Morena Bindwa Kawari 1912
174 Morena Morena Bisenta 981
175 Morena Morena Chak Kishanpur 552
176 Morena Morena Chonda 3690
177 Morena Morena Churhela 790
178 Morena Morena Daulsa 456
179 Morena Morena Daurawali 1532
180 Morena Morena Dewari 3434
181 Morena Morena Dhanela 6209
182 Morena Morena Dikhatpura 874
183 Morena Morena Dompura 1958
184 Morena Morena Dongarpur Lodha 1968
185 Morena Morena Firojpur 400
186 Morena Morena Gadajar 1211
187 Morena Morena Gadora 1689
188 Morena Morena Gadra 147
189 Morena Morena Ganjrampur 5625
190 Morena Morena Ghurghan 1975
191 Morena Morena Gobra 1727
192 Morena Morena Gopalpura 661
193 Morena Morena Gorkha 791
194 Morena Morena Gospur 4465
195 Morena Morena Gulendra 1308
196 Morena Morena Gulendri 568
197 Morena Morena Hansal Mewada 2993
198 Morena Morena Hargawan 1289
199 Morena Morena Hetampur 1747
200 Morena Morena Hingona Kalan 3396
201 Morena Morena Hingona Khurd 4200
202 Morena Morena Holapura 209

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

S. No District Block Village Name Total Population ( 2011)

203 Morena Morena Hurai 524
204 Morena Morena Husainpur 1358
205 Morena Morena Imliya 2203
206 Morena Morena Indurakhi 778
207 Morena Morena Jagatpur 2883
208 Morena Morena Jai Nagar 3012
209 Morena Morena Jaipur Alias Nayagaon 383
210 Morena Morena Jaitpur Chambal 244
211 Morena Morena Jakhauda 859
212 Morena Morena Jakhona 7413
213 Morena Morena Jarah 4683
214 Morena Morena Jarara 847
215 Morena Morena Jarerua 2399
216 Morena Morena Jaroni 1445
217 Morena Morena Jatawar 5252
218 Morena Morena Jatwar Ka Pura 2174
219 Morena Morena Jauri 13434
220 Morena Morena Jawara Kheda 2223
221 Morena Morena Jongali (Jemati) 6329
222 Morena Morena Kainthari 4437
223 Morena Morena Kaithoda 4321
224 Morena Morena Kanchanpur 1060
225 Morena Morena Kankatpura 594
226 Morena Morena Karari 2619
227 Morena Morena Karaula 583
228 Morena Morena Kargawan 440
229 Morena Morena Karua 1899
230 Morena Morena Kharagpur 840
231 Morena Morena Kharika 286
232 Morena Morena Khaskheda 814
233 Morena Morena Khawrauli 1851
234 Morena Morena Kheda Mewda 7110
235 Morena Morena Kheriya Chuneti 201
236 Morena Morena Khirawali 840
237 Morena Morena Khurd 1409
238 Morena Morena Kishanpur 4089
239 Morena Morena Labhanpura 1459
240 Morena Morena Lalaurkalan 3254
241 Morena Morena Lohgarh 2178
242 Morena Morena Lolakpur 544
243 Morena Morena Madrai 874

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

S. No District Block Village Name Total Population ( 2011)

244 Morena Morena Mahchandpur 1248
245 Morena Morena Maithana 2349
246 Morena Morena Malkhanpura 415
247 Morena Morena Masoodpur 1288
248 Morena Morena Mawai 73
249 Morena Morena Mehtoli 3819
250 Morena Morena Miragpura 2430
251 Morena Morena Mirpur 2307
252 Morena Morena Mitawali 1213
253 Morena Morena Morenagaon 9556
254 Morena Morena Mudiya Kheda 4632
255 Morena Morena Mungawali 3713
256 Morena Morena Naka 1136
257 Morena Morena Nareshwar 357
258 Morena Morena Naugaon 1372
259 Morena Morena Naupura 575
260 Morena Morena Nawali Badagaon 9368
261 Morena Morena Nayagaon 463
262 Morena Morena Nayakpura 1533
263 Morena Morena Nivi 1983
264 Morena Morena Nurabad 5615
265 Morena Morena Pachokhara 2272
266 Morena Morena Padhawali 3010
267 Morena Morena Pahadi 1774
268 Morena Morena Palpura 2718
269 Morena Morena Parauli 1895
270 Morena Morena Partappura 687
271 Morena Morena Pidawali 2463
272 Morena Morena Pilua 720
273 Morena Morena Pinawali 474
274 Morena Morena Pipar Kheda 1635
275 Morena Morena Piparsa 2372
276 Morena Morena Piparseva 1712
277 Morena Morena Piprai 3656
278 Morena Morena Ranchauli 1029
279 Morena Morena Ransu 866
280 Morena Morena Raseelpur 2002
281 Morena Morena Rithaura Kalan 5673
282 Morena Morena Rithora Khurd 1033
283 Morena Morena Sabdalpur 204
284 Morena Morena Sangoli 456

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

S. No District Block Village Name Total Population ( 2011)

285 Morena Morena Sapchauli 940
286 Morena Morena Seva 1366
287 Morena Morena Sherpur 504
288 Morena Morena Sikarpur 1097
289 Morena Morena Sikrauda 2809
290 Morena Morena Sikraudi 869
291 Morena Morena Silgila 1201
292 Morena Morena Sirimiti 2126
293 Morena Morena Tichhaula 2149
294 Morena Morena Tighara 1142
295 Morena Morena Tikari 725
296 Morena Morena Udiyapura 299
297 Morena Morena Urhana 683
298 Morena Morena Utila 280
299 Morena Morena Vindwa Chambal 886
300 Morena Pahadgarh (Ghorera)Dhorera 227
301 Morena Pahadgarh Agarota 2341
302 Morena Pahadgarh Aharole Khas 2056
303 Morena Pahadgarh Amohi 214
304 Morena Pahadgarh Amrai 92
305 Morena Pahadgarh Areti 541
306 Morena Pahadgarh Badarpura 1968
307 Morena Pahadgarh Baghebar 605
308 Morena Pahadgarh Baghel 1686
309 Morena Pahadgarh Bahrai Nichali 561
310 Morena Pahadgarh Bahrai Upari 221
311 Morena Pahadgarh Bandhpura 1697
312 Morena Pahadgarh Bandhrai 392
313 Morena Pahadgarh Bara 976
314 Morena Pahadgarh Baskhoh 200
315 Morena Pahadgarh Bharra 2855
316 Morena Pahadgarh Bhatiyara 703
317 Morena Pahadgarh Bhumpura 167
318 Morena Pahadgarh Birkhapura 351
319 Morena Pahadgarh Bisnori 2507
320 Morena Pahadgarh Brijgadhi 3967
321 Morena Pahadgarh Buddhgarhi 285
322 Morena Pahadgarh Budhawali 1118
323 Morena Pahadgarh Budhhera 852
324 Morena Pahadgarh Chachedi 1528
325 Morena Pahadgarh Chanchul 543

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

S. No District Block Village Name Total Population ( 2011)

326 Morena Pahadgarh Chhinwara 1678
327 Morena Pahadgarh Chinnoni Chambal 4754
328 Morena Pahadgarh Chinnoni Karera 3136
329 Morena Pahadgarh Deora 294
330 Morena Pahadgarh Dhaundha 2763
331 Morena Pahadgarh Dhobini 827
332 Morena Pahadgarh Dhurkuda 2161
333 Morena Pahadgarh Didokhar 609
334 Morena Pahadgarh Dongarpur (Jagir) 358
335 Morena Pahadgarh Dudhari 153
336 Morena Pahadgarh Gehtoli 702
337 Morena Pahadgarh Ghador 2099
338 Morena Pahadgarh Gopalpura 410
339 Morena Pahadgarh Gujarna 959
340 Morena Pahadgarh Gurja 1080
341 Morena Pahadgarh Husainpur 1657
342 Morena Pahadgarh Jaderu 890
343 Morena Pahadgarh Jaitpur 1081
344 Morena Pahadgarh Jajipura 152
345 Morena Pahadgarh Jakhoda 442
346 Morena Pahadgarh Jalalpur 1154
347 Morena Pahadgarh Japthap 1064
348 Morena Pahadgarh Jhiniya 292
349 Morena Pahadgarh Jogipura 1064
350 Morena Pahadgarh Jonara 1063
351 Morena Pahadgarh Kaharpura 723
352 Morena Pahadgarh Kalakhet 249
353 Morena Pahadgarh Kanhar 992
354 Morena Pahadgarh Karori 1038
355 Morena Pahadgarh Khadariyapura 537
356 Morena Pahadgarh Kharika 1694
357 Morena Pahadgarh Kheda Huseinpur 1288
358 Morena Pahadgarh Kherli 1745
359 Morena Pahadgarh Khidora 2562
360 Morena Pahadgarh Khitora 1931
361 Morena Pahadgarh Khora 455
362 Morena Pahadgarh Khori 194
363 Morena Pahadgarh Khutiyani Behad 681
364 Morena Pahadgarh Khutiyanihar 1107
365 Morena Pahadgarh Kolhudanda 1594
366 Morena Pahadgarh Kotara 1092

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

S. No District Block Village Name Total Population ( 2011)

367 Morena Pahadgarh Kukroli 464
368 Morena Pahadgarh Kushmani 533
369 Morena Pahadgarh Maddipura 1757
370 Morena Pahadgarh Mahaban 314
371 Morena Pahadgarh Mahdewa 1167
372 Morena Pahadgarh Manoharpura 510
373 Morena Pahadgarh Mara 901
374 Morena Pahadgarh Milaua 1308
375 Morena Pahadgarh Mohanpur 946
376 Morena Pahadgarh Mohna 515
377 Morena Pahadgarh Mukhtyarpur 250
378 Morena Pahadgarh Narholi 1375
379 Morena Pahadgarh Nimas 744
380 Morena Pahadgarh Nirar 301
381 Morena Pahadgarh Pachokhara 3119
382 Morena Pahadgarh Pahadgarh 5591
383 Morena Pahadgarh Pali 227
384 Morena Pahadgarh Parsota 5150
385 Morena Pahadgarh Pasrodi 933
386 Morena Pahadgarh Punchhari 95
387 Morena Pahadgarh Rajauda 1594
388 Morena Pahadgarh Rakehara 482
389 Morena Pahadgarh Ranchhorpura 1054
390 Morena Pahadgarh Ranipura 126
391 Morena Pahadgarh Rasodhana 1588
392 Morena Pahadgarh Ratki 62
393 Morena Pahadgarh Saduapura 245
394 Morena Pahadgarh Saithri 5393
395 Morena Pahadgarh Saray 11
396 Morena Pahadgarh Sarsaini 4146
397 Morena Pahadgarh Sherpur 861
398 Morena Pahadgarh Sikroda 1213
399 Morena Pahadgarh Simroda 610
400 Morena Pahadgarh Singhroli 4040
401 Morena Pahadgarh Sujangarhi 3720
402 Morena Pahadgarh Sukhpura 1122
403 Morena Pahadgarh Syaru 1641
404 Morena Pahadgarh Tajpur 1417
405 Morena Pahadgarh Telari 241
406 Morena Pahadgarh Theha Jaura 627
407 Morena Pahadgarh Ther 116

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

S. No District Block Village Name Total Population ( 2011)

408 Morena Pahadgarh Tiktoli Dumdar 4015
409 Morena Pahadgarh Tilaua 422
410 Morena Pahadgarh Tilawali 3309
411 Morena Pahadgarh Tindokhar 2848
412 Morena Pahadgarh Tundila 2656
413 Morena Pahadgarh Udaypura 635
414 Morena Pahadgarh Uttampura 2148
415 Morena Joura Adhannpur 669
416 Morena Joura Anibahadurka Pura 947
417 Morena Joura Anipur 217
418 Morena Joura Arhela 1882
419 Morena Joura Ata 1565
420 Morena Joura Badona 1096
421 Morena Joura Bagchini 8942
422 Morena Joura Baghora Kalan 1048
423 Morena Joura Baghora Khurd 1856
424 Morena Joura Bagwan Ka Pura 1582
425 Morena Joura Bajhera 222
426 Morena Joura Bara 1300
427 Morena Joura Barauli 1377
428 Morena Joura Barhana 1139
429 Morena Joura Bawadi 916
430 Morena Joura Bhainsroli 2511
431 Morena Joura Bilgaon Chaudhari 5090
432 Morena Joura Bindwa Deogarh 2095
433 Morena Joura Birampura 720
434 Morena Joura Birsinghpura 1049
435 Morena Joura Birunga 1177
436 Morena Joura Burawali 1447
437 Morena Joura Chachiha 2053
438 Morena Joura Chaina 4999
439 Morena Joura Chandpur 873
440 Morena Joura Chhera 4010
441 Morena Joura Chirayatni 1233
442 Morena Joura Deori 1268
443 Morena Joura Dongarpur 1540
444 Morena Joura Dulheni 1434
445 Morena Joura Galetha 11167
446 Morena Joura Ganeshpura 777
447 Morena Joura Gangolihar 1698
448 Morena Joura Garhikheda 1360

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

S. No District Block Village Name Total Population ( 2011)

449 Morena Joura Ghuraiya Basai 3088
450 Morena Joura Ghurra 3513
451 Morena Joura Gudha Chambal 3683
452 Morena Joura Hadbansi 4976
453 Morena Joura Hatharia 2052
454 Morena Joura Imaliya 3101
455 Morena Joura Itawali 1368
456 Morena Joura Jafrabad 2479
457 Morena Joura Jaraina 2065
458 Morena Joura Kaimari 462
459 Morena Joura Kakardha 1385
460 Morena Joura Khandoli 9601
461 Morena Joura Khaneta 3889
462 Morena Joura Kheriya 1078
463 Morena Joura Kiratpur 936
464 Morena Joura Kumheri 4591
465 Morena Joura Lalbans 1490
466 Morena Joura Loha Basai 1675
467 Morena Joura Madhama Bhikham 507
468 Morena Joura Maharajpur 1590
469 Morena Joura Mainabasai 4461
470 Morena Joura Malikpur 507
471 Morena Joura Manpur Prithvi 1300
472 Morena Joura Mathurapura 577
473 Morena Joura Matkora Kham 795
474 Morena Joura Modhana Jawahar 850
475 Morena Joura Modhani Newal 442
476 Morena Joura Modhani Samant 979
477 Morena Joura Mudawali 1067
478 Morena Joura Mundrawaja 6682
479 Morena Joura Nahardon 1359
480 Morena Joura Nahrawali 1665
481 Morena Joura Nandganoli 2169
482 Morena Joura Nandpura 2699
483 Morena Joura Nitahara 1796
484 Morena Joura Nurpur 809
485 Morena Joura Pahawali 2100
486 Morena Joura Paytha 443
487 Morena Joura Prithwipura 562
488 Morena Joura Purahatrariya 522
489 Morena Joura Saharana 2430

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

S. No District Block Village Name Total Population ( 2011)

490 Morena Joura Sakatpur 1304
491 Morena Joura Santa 2366
492 Morena Joura Sehori 4293
493 Morena Joura Shahadpur 1417
494 Morena Joura Silaytha 2865
495 Morena Joura Silrpur 669
496 Morena Joura Sumawali 6588
497 Morena Joura Susani 964
498 Morena Joura Thara 2086
499 Morena Joura Thehagird 307
500 Morena Joura Tiktoli Gujar 6577
501 Morena Joura Umedgarh Bansi 4031
502 Morena Joura Urhedi 2185
503 Morena Joura Urhera 2451
504 Morena Kailaras Madhogarh 2282
505 Morena Kailaras Simarauda Semai 712
506 Morena Kailaras Ancholi 1363
507 Morena Kailaras Kheda Kalan 3166
508 Morena Kailaras Khedator [Khera Jagir] 788
509 Morena Kailaras Badwan 1072
510 Morena Kailaras Semai 2975
511 Morena Kailaras Kutrawali 2050
512 Morena Kailaras Gulpura 1024
513 Morena Kailaras Hatipura 2279
514 Morena Kailaras Ludhaya 713
515 Morena Kailaras Jayarampura 761
516 Morena Kailaras Nepari 5347
517 Morena Kailaras Kishangarhi 1394
518 Morena Kailaras Jarena Mangarh 1662
519 Morena Kailaras Kirawali Jadid 1040
520 Morena Kailaras Pachekha 2860
521 Morena Kailaras Rajpura Jagir 1363
522 Morena Kailaras Suhas 1184
523 Morena Kailaras Kirrayach 1038
524 Morena Kailaras Surapura 811
525 Morena Kailaras Itora 2570
526 Morena Kailaras Saipura 435
527 Morena Kailaras Uchad 965
528 Morena Kailaras Hirawali 740
529 Morena Kailaras Sahadpura 1524
530 Morena Kailaras Bhilampur 320

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

S. No District Block Village Name Total Population ( 2011)

531 Morena Kailaras Mahewa 756
532 Morena Kailaras Nayagaon Gird 71
533 Morena Kailaras Badhareta 4448
534 Morena Kailaras Kolhera 1082
535 Morena Kailaras Chouki 1441
536 Morena Kailaras Raipur 596
537 Morena Kailaras Khanpura 447
538 Morena Kailaras Nagawani 1648
539 Morena Kailaras Palikhani 1339
540 Morena Kailaras Kattoli 1922
541 Morena Kailaras Barouli 190
542 Morena Kailaras Mamchaun 3648
543 Morena Kailaras Niwajit 131
544 Morena Kailaras Dungrawali 1258
545 Morena Kailaras Golhari 3219
546 Morena Kailaras Jakhouda 965
547 Morena Kailaras Dewari 847
548 Morena Kailaras Bibhuti 649
549 Morena Kailaras Beharara Gagir 2375
550 Morena Kailaras Panihari 2544
551 Morena Kailaras Khiri 1241
552 Morena Kailaras Devkachha 692
553 Morena Kailaras Singacholi 1008
554 Morena Kailaras Konda 1785
555 Morena Kailaras Sagoria 1300
556 Morena Kailaras Balhera 2623
557 Morena Kailaras Bhurawali 1365
558 Morena Kailaras Bilaua 403
559 Morena Kailaras Sujarama 6656
560 Morena Kailaras Kodhera 1184
561 Morena Kailaras Kemara Ghagh 803
562 Morena Kailaras Tilonjari 2293
563 Morena Kailaras Laharra 824
564 Morena Kailaras Rithoniya 2238
565 Morena Kailaras Berai Mangarh 1464
566 Morena Kailaras Virampur Mangarh 1012
567 Morena Kailaras Nirara 1848
568 Morena Kailaras Bhilsaiya 800
569 Morena Kailaras Kailaras 4263
570 Morena Kailaras Antari 3750
571 Morena Kailaras Dongarpur Mangarh 3447

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

S. No District Block Village Name Total Population ( 2011)

572 Morena Kailaras Badagaon 918
573 Morena Kailaras Kurroli 2832
574 Morena Kailaras Chamargawan 1755
575 Morena Kailaras Kheda Mangarh 1344
576 Morena Kailaras Bilgaon Kuari 1485
577 Morena Kailaras Bangas 1119
578 Morena Kailaras Nayagaon Mangarh 1071
579 Morena Kailaras Labhakaran 1886
580 Morena Kailaras Torika 893
581 Morena Kailaras Shekhpur 1278
582 Morena Kailaras Dipera 3725
583 Morena Kailaras Makunda 568
584 Morena Kailaras Syawata 612
585 Morena Kailaras Bastoli 1438
586 Morena Kailaras Rijhoni 1458
587 Morena Kailaras Gastoli 1606
588 Morena Kailaras Chaudhera 889
589 Morena Kailaras Piparaua 1213
590 Morena Kailaras Madhopura 1173
591 Morena Kailaras Baghroli 2555
592 Morena Kailaras Malibajana 1531
593 Morena Kailaras Arroda 2357
594 Morena Kailaras Damejar 1569
595 Morena Kailaras Birawali 608
596 Morena Kailaras Pandoli 956
597 Morena Kailaras Vaman Bajana 1632
598 Morena Kailaras Budha Sirthara 1711
599 Morena Kailaras Falooda 608
600 Morena Kailaras Kirawali Mangarh 925
601 Morena Kailaras Barhana 800
602 Morena Kailaras Kisroli 2286
603 Morena Kailaras Piproniya 1195
604 Morena Kailaras Arrahat 260
605 Morena Kailaras Thathipura 1599
606 Morena Kailaras Kotsirthara 3382
607 Morena Kailaras Pate Ka Pura 937
608 Morena Kailaras Rampura Mangarh 558
609 Morena Sabalgarh Barotha 1359
610 Morena Sabalgarh Kachhinda 236
611 Morena Sabalgarh Niwadi 1089
612 Morena Sabalgarh Kaimara Kalan 5724

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

S. No District Block Village Name Total Population ( 2011)

613 Morena Sabalgarh Kaimara Khurd 1078
614 Morena Sabalgarh Gadula 333
615 Morena Sabalgarh Banthar 329
616 Morena Sabalgarh Gondoli 3168
617 Morena Sabalgarh Manpur 950
618 Morena Sabalgarh Bawadipura 2225
619 Morena Sabalgarh Chhahar 434
620 Morena Sabalgarh Baulaj 1021
621 Morena Sabalgarh Khirka 1083
622 Morena Sabalgarh Hakimpura 811
623 Morena Sabalgarh Jawahargarh 1189
624 Morena Sabalgarh Shahpur Kalan 1085
625 Morena Sabalgarh Anghora 970
626 Morena Sabalgarh Madewa 987
627 Morena Sabalgarh Jorgarhi 414
628 Morena Sabalgarh Tentara 6186
629 Morena Sabalgarh Pacher 1466
630 Morena Sabalgarh Jatoli 3128
631 Morena Sabalgarh Jawrol 4094
632 Morena Sabalgarh Khoh 1646
633 Morena Sabalgarh Tighara 5
634 Morena Sabalgarh Rampahadi 2057
635 Morena Sabalgarh Kiratpur 2188
636 Morena Sabalgarh Mangrol 5928
637 Morena Sabalgarh Kajona 391
638 Morena Sabalgarh Ponchhari 943
639 Morena Sabalgarh Atar 3231
640 Morena Sabalgarh Bawadi 1236
641 Morena Sabalgarh Ramgarh 1423
642 Morena Sabalgarh Digwar 1835
643 Morena Sabalgarh Kheda Digwar 2352
644 Morena Sabalgarh Dongarpur 1128
645 Morena Sabalgarh Rahu Ka Gaon 3700
646 Morena Sabalgarh Palari 671
647 Morena Sabalgarh Gaji Kheda 490
648 Morena Sabalgarh Bartokhar 2077
649 Morena Sabalgarh Banwara 2229
650 Morena Sabalgarh Norawali Kheron 3871
651 Morena Sabalgarh Raja Kator 2280
652 Morena Sabalgarh Kheron 1199
653 Morena Sabalgarh Bateshavpa-Dhavapura 1876

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

S. No District Block Village Name Total Population ( 2011)

654 Morena Sabalgarh Rajiapura Limana 1260
655 Morena Sabalgarh Kalarghati 467
656 Morena Sabalgarh Kathawana 1344
657 Morena Sabalgarh Hirapur 2096
658 Morena Sabalgarh Gurena 1822
659 Morena Sabalgarh Virampur Kheron 517
660 Morena Sabalgarh Ratanpur 893
661 Morena Sabalgarh Kakrari 376
662 Morena Sabalgarh Kalyanpur 213
663 Morena Sabalgarh Bhatpura 370
664 Morena Sabalgarh Kishorgarh 867
665 Morena Sabalgarh Roopa Kator 1200
666 Morena Sabalgarh Kunwator 650
667 Morena Sabalgarh Lakhanpura 511
668 Morena Sabalgarh Santoshpur 669
669 Morena Sabalgarh Bala Kator Maphi 237
670 Morena Sabalgarh Bala Kator Khalsa 530
671 Morena Sabalgarh Jamunipura 554
672 Morena Sabalgarh Kherla 2320
673 Morena Sabalgarh Kherli 358
674 Morena Sabalgarh Beraigird 1920
675 Morena Sabalgarh Rampura Gird 792
676 Morena Sabalgarh Udhanpur 180
677 Morena Sabalgarh Itwa 604
678 Morena Sabalgarh Kulholi 3268
679 Morena Sabalgarh Murwai 870
680 Morena Sabalgarh Kathghar 1395
681 Morena Sabalgarh Dongarpura Gird 925
682 Morena Sabalgarh Chanota 554
683 Morena Sabalgarh Chanoti 1467
684 Morena Sabalgarh Lakenjara 912
685 Morena Sabalgarh Bakspur 2032
686 Morena Sabalgarh Dabhera 600
687 Morena Sabalgarh Pason Kalan 1021
688 Morena Sabalgarh Pason Khurd 922
689 Morena Sabalgarh Devpur Maphi 748
690 Morena Sabalgarh Gudaya Maphi 83
691 Morena Sabalgarh Ranipura 603
692 Morena Sabalgarh Pahadi 1427
693 Morena Sabalgarh Shivlal Pura (Kulhdi) 1086
694 Morena Sabalgarh Tonga 2159

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS

S. No District Block Village Name Total Population ( 2011)

695 Morena Sabalgarh Kutdhan 4577
696 Morena Sabalgarh Kaimari 1134
697 Morena Sabalgarh Piparghan 2727
698 Morena Sabalgarh Daipur 645
699 Morena Sabalgarh Tindoli 142
700 Morena Sabalgarh Pawai 464
701 Morena Sabalgarh Gulalai 1165
702 Morena Sabalgarh Bamsoli 7725
703 Morena Sabalgarh Rampur Kalan 9901
704 Morena Sabalgarh Jugatipura 84
705 Morena Sabalgarh Salempur 1244
706 Morena Sabalgarh Rasilpura 64
707 Morena Sabalgarh Jalalgarh 1385
708 Morena Sabalgarh Simroda Kirar 813
709 Morena Sabalgarh Jharela 693
710 Morena Sabalgarh Dharsona 1292
711 Morena Sabalgarh Norawali Semai 383
712 Morena Sabalgarh Gadpera 262
713 Morena Sabalgarh Saray 632
714 Morena Sabalgarh Runghani Jagir 651
715 Morena Sabalgarh Runghani Khalsa 790
716 Morena Sabalgarh Simroda Ahir 781
717 Morena Sabalgarh Salai 1029
718 Morena Sabalgarh Semana 1031
719 Morena Sabalgarh Khundwas 427
720 Morena Sabalgarh Dewara 467
721 Morena Sabalgarh Anchawada 577
722 Morena Sabalgarh Gobara 1103
723 Morena Sabalgarh Bhawrechha 569
724 Morena Sabalgarh Jonsil 609
725 Morena Sabalgarh Singhrade 1075
726 Morena Sabalgarh Jarena Jadid 545
727 Morena Sabalgarh Ber Kheda 1135
Total 1400466

1. The Consultant shall ensure that there should be no overlapping in Project Area of this DPR
with the other completed / ongoing / under preparation or proposed MVS after discussion
with General Manager, PIU.
2. The Consultant shall ensure that all villages / habitations from the proposed Project Area
are included in the DPR.

NIT for Selection of Consultant for DPR Preparation - Chambal MVS


(to be filled in by the Bidder)
i. Details of successfully completed works shall be furnished in the following format and
submitted in Cover 1.
ii. Certificate duly signed by the Employer/Engineer-in-Charge shall also be enclosed for each
completed similar work.
Works Completed during last 5 years (F.Y. 2014-15 to 2018-19)
Name of Date of Date of Amount of Engineer-in-
Number &
Work Work Order Completion Contract Charge’s Name
and Address

Existing commitments – (Value of ‘C’ - Work in Hand for Bid Capacity formula)
Agreement Date of Amount Amount of Engineer in
Name of Date of
Number & Work of balance Charge’s
Work Completion
Year Order Contract work Name and

Bid Capacity = (2 x A x B) – C
Maximum turnover in any one year during last 5 years (10% escalation/year shall be
A =
given to bring the value at present level)
B = Proposed contract period in years [to be taken as 0.5 for contracts up to six months]
C = Amount of work in hand at present


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