Request For Proposal (RFP) For Preparation of Survey Records of Various Districts, Gujarat
Request For Proposal (RFP) For Preparation of Survey Records of Various Districts, Gujarat
Request For Proposal (RFP) For Preparation of Survey Records of Various Districts, Gujarat
(A Government of India Undertaking)
1st Floor, “SADBHAV” Complex
Nr. Drive in Cinema, Drive in Road,
Ahmedabad – 380054
Telefax : 079‐ 27416724
JANUARY , 2017
Data Sheet
General Instructions to Bidders
Tender Reference Number
Tender Type Proposal
Form of Contract Item Rate
No of cover(s) 3 (Three)
Tender Category Services
Cover Title Tender Documents for PREPARATION OF SURVEY
Work Item Details
Work/ Item Title Tender Documents for PREPARATION OF SURVEY
Work / Item Description As per NIT
Prequalification Details As per EOI Document
Tender Value Rs. 2,500/‐
Bid Validity Days 180 days
Contract Tenure 12 (Twelve) Months
Location State of Gujarat
Pre Bid Meeting Date, time & Venue No Meeting
Bid Opening Place WAPCOS Ltd., SSP Unit, Ahmedabad
Inviting Officer Chief Project Manager, SSP Unit, WAPCOS Limited
Inviting Officer Address 1st Floor, ‘SADBHAV’ Complex,
Nr. Drive in Cinema, Drive in Road,
Ahmedabad – 380 054
Phone : 079‐27416724 / 27462647
E‐mail :
Fee Details
Tender Fees (Non Refundable) Rs. 2,500/‐
Earnest Money Deposit (Refundable) Earnest Money Deposit for Rs. 2,00,000/‐
Details: (Rupees Two Lac Only) in favour of “WAPCOS
(The same shall be valid for 3 Months LIMITED” is mandatory to be submitted in the
from last date of tender submission)S form of Bank Guarantee/ Demand Draft valid
for 3 (Three) months issued by a nationalized
bank / scheduled bank for each division.
Important Dates
Publishing Date
Document Download/ Sale Start Date 27.01.2017
Document Download/ Sale end Date 07.02.2017, 3:00 p.m.
Tender Submission Start Date 02.02.2017
Tender Submission End Date 07.02.2017, 4:00 p.m.
Bid Opening Date 08.02.2017, 2:30 p.m.
Bidders are required to bid as per finalized Terms &Condition of the tender only including
corrigendum/ addendum if any. Bids will be opened in the presence of opening Committee
Members as well as Bidder's or their representatives who choose to attend on the specified
date and time. The Tender Committee has been empowered to take the final decision
regarding the tender.
The Bidder is expected to examine the bidding document completely and carefully. The bid
must be precise, complete and in the prescribed format as per the requirement of the bid
document. Failure to furnish any of the information required in the bidding document or
submission of a bid not responsive to the bidding documents in every respect will be at the
Bidder‘s risk and may result in rejection of the bid WAPCOS LIMITED shall at its sole discretion
be entitled to determine the adequacy / sufficiency of the information provided by the Bidder.
Though the tenders are invited for preparing Survey records for more than one division, it is to
be clearly understood that WAPCOS Ltd. has the right to award the work to separate Bidders in
any of the divisions. Also, WAPCOS can assign more than one division to one Bidder depending
on their capacity.
WAPCOS LIMITED, may for any reasons; add/ modify/ amend/ relax/ cancel any terms/
conditions/ criteria of the tender document during any stage of the tendering process and such
amendments shall be binding on all the bidders.
WAPCOS LIMITED, at its own discretion reserves the right to reject any Proposal, modify or
scrap the whole tender at any time, without assigning any reason or incurring any liability.
To assist in the evaluation, comparison and an examination of bids, WAPCOS LIMITED, may, at
its sole discretion, ask the Bidder for a clarification of its bid including breakdown of unit rates
etc. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing. If the response to the
clarification is not received before the expiration of deadline prescribed in the request,
WAPCOS LIMITED, reserves the right to make its own reasonable assumptions and take
appropriate decision.
WAPCOS LIMITED, reserves the right to modify / change the dates of Bid opening / submission/
technical presentation at its own discretion and these changes shall be binding on the bidders.
WAPCOS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal, and to annul the proposal process
and reject all proposals at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any
liability to the affected bidder(s) or any obligation to inform the affected bidder(s) of the
grounds for such decision.
It is also to be noted that bids should be compulsorily be submitted as mentioned in this tender
document in hard copy and soft copies – as per the instruction and the submission shall be as
per the dates and time mentioned in the RFP schedule.
In case bidder needs any clarification regarding tender document details, they can contact
WAPCOS Limited, Ahmedabad as per contact Details as under;
The Chief Project Manager
WAPCOS Limited
Nr. Drive in Cinema, Drive in Road,
Ahmedabad – 380 054
Phone : 079‐27416724 / 27462647
E‐mail :
Prospective Bidders are specifically directed NOT to contact any other person apart from the
one mentioned above in this Bid Document for meetings, conferences or technical discussions
that are related to the Bid Document. Unauthorized contact shall be cause for immediate
rejection of the Bidder‘s Bid Document response. Substantive questions shall be dealt with in
i Bidder shall be registered in India under Companies Act 1956 at least for 3 years.
ii The Bidder should be registered for Sales Tax / VAT / Service Tax / Excise as applicable.
iii Average Annual Net Turnover of the bidder during last 3 years, ending 31.03.16 shall
be at least Rs. 1.0 Crores in India. The bidder‘s annual turnover for any of the last three
FY shall not be less than Rs 0.75 Crores.
iv The Bidder should not be blacklisted/ banned / disqualified / declared ineligible /
declared having dissatisfactory performance by any government / quasi‐government
authority in India for supply of materials/ carrying out operations and maintenance
v Bidder should have minimum experience of three years as on 31.03.2015 in terms of
works like Topographic survey /resurvey / Property Survey work with value of work
more than Rs. 50 Lacs .
CSS : City Survey Superintendent
E.O. : Enquiry Officer, City Survey
DGPS : Differential Global Positioning System
ETS : Electronic Total Station Machine
BLRC : Bombay Land Revenue Code 1879
NIC : National Informatic Centre
GIS : Geographic Information Systems
MS : Multi Storied building
Individual unit : An open land or it is a Ground Floor or Ground floor +1 or
Ground floor +2 having single owner of a constructed unit.
Multi storied unit : Ground floor +1 or more floors having different owners of
different constructed units
This shall comprise following;
a. Tender Fees:
At the time of submission of the bid document the vendor has to submit the bid amount against
a non refundable fee of Rs. 2,500/‐ to “WAPCOS LIMITED” & refundable EMD as mentioned in
Data Sheet division wise in the form of Demand Draft only issued by a Nationalized
Bank/Scheduled Bank in favour of “WAPCOS Limited”. Failure to furnish the above mentioned
demand draft would result in rejection of the bid. The firms registered under MSME/ SME are
exempted from submission of above fee. However, they have to provide a copy of MSME/ SME
registration with their bid/ proposal/offer.
b. Earnest Money Deposit
The bidders must submit, along with their Bids, EMD in the form of Bank Guarantee/ Demand
Draft valid for 3 (Three) months issued by a nationalized bank / scheduled bank in favour of
“WAPCOS LIMITED” and can be held till the Security Deposit comes into effect. The EMD shall be
furnished in Indian Rupees (INR) for the amount of Rs. 2,00,000/‐ (Rupees Two Lac only) for each
division. The firms registered under MSME/ SME are exempted from submission of above EMD.
However, they have to provide a copy of MSME/ SME registration with their bid/ proposal/offer.
Refund of EMD
Unsuccessful Bidder’s EMD shall be refunded within 30 days after the LOI issued to the successful
bidder. The successful Bidder’s EMD will be refunded against the submission of Security Deposit
upon the Bidder signing the Contract.
Forfeiture of EMD
The EMD can be forfeited if a Bidder Withdraws his bid during the period of bid validity specified
by the Bidder on the Bid Form or does not accept the correction of errors or In case the
successful Bidder fails to sign the Contract within the specified time or to furnish security deposit
within the specified time
If the firms registered under MSME/SME, they have to provide copies of the concerned
registration certificate. Preference will be given to such agency and more over they are
exempted from Tender Fee and EMD.
c. Technical Bid
Bidder has to submit hard copy of all supporting documents in a separate envelop along with
Tender fee and EMD clearly describing ―“Tender No.: _______________”. Division ‐___
i) Bidder’s Technical Bid Submission must include but not limited to following ;
Technical Bid Submission Cover Letter
Tender fees & EMD
An undertaking on their letter head stating the compliance with all the conditions of the
Contract and Technical Specifications of this Document. Any condition put forth by the
bidder non‐conforming the bid requirements shall not be entertained at all and such bid
shall be rejected.
Documentary evidences for all the compliance to eligibility criteria. In case the Bidder fails
to submit the entire relevant documentary evidences, his bid is liable for rejection
without assigning any reason thereof.
Proposed Approach and Methodology to carry out the tendered work
Proposed Equipments and Facilities to be deployed for the tendered work
Proposed List of Manpower with their detailed CVs and Proposed Organization Chart for
the tendered work
Proposed Hardware Deployment Plan
Bidders Proposed Schedule of Activities to complete the tendered work in scheduled
completion time.
Bidders shall include the Compliance Statement as a separate section in the Technical Bid
clearly mentioning Compliance To Eligibility Criteria along With List Of Support
Documents Submitted For The Compliance.
Bidders shall include any additional hardware or software required to make their solution
fully functional as per requirement.
Any other technical support documents/ details which bidder may find will help in
technical evaluation of their bid.
NO FINANCIAL BID DETAILS / PRICE SCHEDULE shall be indicated/ submitted in/ as a part
of the Technical Bid and it shall only be quoted in the Financial Bid. Inclusion of the same
in Technical bid submissions will lead to disqualification of the bidder.
d. Financial Bid
The bidder shall strictly adhere to the format of the Financial Bid as specified in Schedule‐ B
of the bid document. The financial bid submitted in any other form and format shall not be
considered valid and is liable for rejection. The rates quoted shall be exclusive of Service Tax
only which will be paid extra as per prevailing rates.
Prices quoted by the Bidder shall be fixed and no variation will be allowed under any
circumstances during the project period. No open‐ended bid shall be entertained and the
same is liable to be rejected straightway.
e. Number of copies of bids
(i) The Bidder shall submit Tender Fees and Earnest Money Deposit in two separate sealed
covers mentioning “TENDER FEES” and “EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT” respectively.
(ii) The Bidder shall submit one HARD copy of technical bid in separate sealed cover
mentioning “TECHNICAL BID SUBMISSIONS” separately.
(iii) Bidder shall submit only ONE HARD COPY of the Price bid in separate sealed cover
f. Bid Documents Authentication
The person or persons signing the Bid Document shall initial all pages of the Bid Document,
including pages where entries or amendments have been made. All the pages of the
proposal should be serially numbered. Any interlineations, erasures, alterations, additions or
overwriting shall be valid only if the person or persons signing the bid have authenticated
the same with signature.
g. Submission Address
The physical bid shall be submitted at the below address:
1st Floor, “SADBHAV” Complex
Nr. Drive in Cinema, Drive in Road,
Ahmedabad – 380054
Telefax : 079‐ 27416724
2. Bid Evaluation
The decision of Executive Director (GR), WAPCOS Limited will be final at any stage of bid
evaluation, which is to be carried out as under;
i) Preliminary Evaluation
Bidders Proposal will be opened on the mentioned date in this Bid Document at WAPCOS
LIMITED, AHMEDABAD. The bidders not submitting tender fees & EMD shall be rejected for
further tender evaluation.
ii) Technical bids Evaluation
The Technical Bid will be examined with respect to Eligibility Criteria as mentioned in the
document. The tenders which do not conform to the eligibility criteria shall be rejected. All
eligible tenders will be considered for further evaluation.
iii) Commercial Evaluation Final Negotiations & Award of Contract
Commercial bids will be opened for the technically qualified bidders and the bidder who has
the Lowest Commercial quoted Price may be awarded the contract for the concerned
division. WAPCOS has right to invite and carry negotiation process with L‐1 bidder and the
work will also be allotted to other agencies who agrees to work on the same negotiated
WAPCOS LIMITED reserves the right to increase / decrease order ease by up to15% of
quantity of work and services originally specified in the schedule of Requirements (rounded
off to then exact whole number) without change in the terms and conditions, at the time of
awarding the successful bidder after wards.
3. Period of Validity of Bids
Bids shall remain valid for 90 days after the date of bid opening prescribed by the WAPCOS. The
WAPCOS holds the rights to reject a bid valid for a period shorter than 90 days as non‐
responsive, without any correspondence.
4. Project Schedule
The successful bidder shall complete and implement the project within 12 Months (Twelve
Months) from the date of award of contract. The implementation schedule specified in the
agreement shall be strictly adhered to. WAPCOS Limited have final rights to make extension of
project schedule. WAPCOS LIMITED may extend the contract as required with the same terms
and conditions along with commercial & the successful bidder is liable to execute the same
without any change.
5. Security Deposit
Within ten (10) working days of the receipt of the acknowledgment of the Letter of Acceptance
from WAPCOS LIMITED, the successful Bidder shall furnish a Security deposit for an amount
equivalent to 5% of the Contract Value in accordance with the conditions of the Contract, in the
form of a Bank Guarantee valid for 18 (Eighteen) months issued from a Nationalized bank /
scheduled bank drawn in favour of “WAPCOS LIMITED”.
On satisfactory performance and completion of the contract, in all respects, and upon return in
good condition of any property belonging to the Company, which may have been issued to the
bidder, the Security Deposit shall be returned to the bidder after completion of 1 (One) years
6. Payment Terms, Schedule of Payment:
Payment to the bidder will be released on Work completion of below mentioned milestones.
Bidder’s Invoice shall be accompanied by the supported with evidence of accomplishment of the
item wise work. Work completion stages are as stated below:
Property card is a very important document for property holders in abadi area properties so it is
highly required to prepare a property card for all property holders of the state.
It is proposed to select bidder to carry out the end‐to‐end responsibilities in respect of the carrying
out survey activities, document collection and preparation of records for GAMTHAN (Abadi area) of
As a project, 958 villages of 32 Districts will be covered to (30 village s/District) carryout
measurement work, collection of documents of measured properties (Open plots, Tenaments, Flats,
Financial shops , Industrial properties etc) and scanning, data entry work, Preparation of soft & hard
copy of records on GIS based software. After measurement of properties and collection of
documents by Bidder, Enquiry process (Hak choksi – It is quasi‐judicial work) will be done by
concerned Government department officers. After completion of which, agency will prepare final
record on GIS based software.
A. Major Activities:
The activities to be carried out as part of the proposed project shall consist of the following
The activity regarding GAMTHAN survey preparation is to be conducted in the confined
GAMTHAN area confined by LRC 126 decided by SLR/Collector for that village.
The vendor has to opt ground truthing in which a detailed measurement of each property using
ground survey method. DGPS is only allowed to establish control network of GAMTHAN area and
only ETS is allowed for detailed property measurement activity. Co‐ordinates will be generated
for each property
Agency will establish 4 TO 5 control points with specified size stones in village Area limits.
Agency will also take 12 hours observation of this control points & also establish auxiliary control
points of each stone. Agency has to take care of providing sufficient protection to the stone by
establishment them in areas like temple, junction of roads, school buildings, government
buildings, garden etc. Connection to existing resurvey points is also in the scope of selected
The selected Bidder is allowed to use only purely ground survey methodology for the survey
process, activities would include all the necessary tasks to conduct the survey process and create
spatial data fabric and collate required and relevant textual information to generate the required
outputs – using DGPS and ETS equipment. The selected Bidder shall also assist during title
enquiry process.
Agency will also have to measure & prepare all Government properties like roads, open plots,
public utilities, roads, gardens etc. covered in village area limits.
Integration of textual and graphical records in prescribed format by using GIS based software.
Before starting of actual measurement work, the selected bidder will take care of IEC activity for
awareness of property holder, conduct gramsabha activities in the presence of department
officials and establish toll free number for registering the grievances.
Establish Ground Control Points across the Project Site
Measurement of each property.
Map the identified boundary vertices
Prepare notices for document collection of measured properties and get it signed by competent
Distribution of notices to holders and collection of documents.
After submission of document to the officer (enquiry officer), enquiry process will be conducted
by enquiry officer prepare the finalized property records in standard software prepared by the
GIS based IT related activity also covered by the successful bidder for the preparation of final
record in prescribed formats.
Assistance to enquiry officials at the time of enquiry, correction of records as per the order of
enquiry officer and preparation of final record.
After promulgation, property records will be integrated with respective SRO offices so data
should be in such a form that can be directly integrated with a SRO offices.
After completion of project, the selected Bidder has to give operational training to the each
district officials and handle the project for the one year under maintenance.
B. General Work Flow Steps:
Government Sanction for Survey and settlement activity in proposed village sites under BLRC‐
Power Delegation to officer to carryout survey and settlement under BLRC‐1879
Selection of Bidder to carry out the measurement, document collection and preparation of
Development of GIS based software.
Formation Local Panchayat Committee before carrying out property measurement.
IEC activity by Bidder before starting of measurement of property and collection of documents.
Carryout measurement in the presence of property holder
Serve notices to give documents
Collection of document from property holder/panchyat /local bodies
Enquiry order by designated officer
Deliver final notices to land holder regarding the order of an enquiry officer
To keep record open for Promulgation and maintenance of property records.
C. Role of Selected Bidder:
After appropriate selection of Bidder, Main task of the Bidder will ;
Arrange Gram Sabha in the presence of Government officer and panchayat resolutions. Agency
will submit videograph & photograph of Gramsabha
Carryout measurement of each property of confined Gamthan area in the presence of property
holder, surveyor and acknowledges the same.
To get Signature on Notice of competent officer to collect the document from property holder
/panchayat /government
Agency will maintain proper record and documentation of measurement, document collection
and data entry work, preparation of final records , signatures of property holders and
acknowledge slips of notices etc.
Agency will take photograph during the measurement in the presence of property holder,
government surveyor, agency team, neighbours of the property holders if available.
Collection of documents from property holder/panchayat/local bodies /Government offices
Submit the documents to the officer for enquiry process.
After Enquiry order, serve the final notice of order of an enquiry officer
Agency will not dump the record at a time to the offices but care should be taken that at regular
interval record should be submitted with consultation of officer concern.
If Measurement, document collection or data entry activity found incorrect at any level of
project Agency will correct the related work without extra charges.
Remain present at the time of promulgation if any question regarding measurement dispute,
document verification etc
Scanning of collected records and Data Entry of the enquiry properties and generate all
deliverables after enquiry process as described in the RFP Document.
Submission of records in digital/Hard copy form to the concern officer
Preparation of property cards and Maintenance of the records, training to the staff for one year
after completion of inquiry and promulgation.
GIS files & database should be submitted in .shp, .mxd files & database is in Microsoft SQL 2012
compatible only. It should be integrated with Google map API also.
The Detail preparation of records after promulgation may be as per Government approved
Bidder will open a publicity cell before starting its work for Public awareness. Bidder will give
press notes, circulate Handbills and will arrange ward/ society meeting with help of government
officials before starting measurement, document collection activity in the field.
Bidder will conduct village wise meeting before measurement operation in the presence of
D. Preparation and measurement activity
Bidder will have to set up minimum 4‐5 control point stones before measurement of village
properties. Size of the stone is 30cmx30cmx75cm‐sand stone/Rock Stones with proper cementing
and concreting from top to bottom at the time of laying the stone.
Control points should be 15 cm above the ground and) per Village and will take observation by
DGPS (Differential Global Positioning System) for 72 hours.
Control Points should be established away from High Tension Electric lines, transformers Mobile
Towers, Jammers, high frequency dish antennas and high rise buildings which interferes with GPS
signals, should be strictly avoided. This is required to avoid overlapping – gapping between
village abadi Area and revenue survey number Area.
This control points should be connected with primary/ secondary Control Points of Resurvey Net
Work of a particular village.
Selected Bidder will carry out property measurement of each and every property by ETS
(Electronic Total Station) of an abadi area/ with reference to this control points. To minimise the
error Bidder will traversing of particular area at the time of measurement.
After measurement of village properties, on the basis on Col.1to13 of Enquiry Register, (Form‐1)
prepared by Measurement unit, the documents of individual / Properties (individual land parcels)
will be collected through Bidder.
Selected Bidder will convert the Graphical Data into GIS based on the software prepared by
Department / NIC.
E. Filling of Columns of Enquiry Register:
Form‐(1/A) prepared by Measurement Unit, the document of Multi storied Building's units (Flats,
shops etc.) also will be collected through Bidder. Bidder will also collect the all required
documents of owner.
Multi storied Building means building which is situated having one or more floors and has more
than one occupant for each unit.
To collect document, Bidder will serve notices in form No. 2/2A. Notice will be served to all
holders in person, by registered post to last known address and collect documents as in Form‐3.
After collecting documents; the selected bidder will submit it to Enquiry Officer appointed by
Enquiry Officer will take decision on the basis of documents which are collected by the selected
Agency will fill Col.5 to16 of Form‐1 and 1/A (Enquiry Register). And enquiry officer will make
changes if required and after decision is taken by Enquiry Officer record will be prepared by the
The Bidder will integrate the textual and graphical data in prescribe formats of property cards
and Sanad if required. Scanning of documents, data entry of all registers and final records after
decision taken by Enquire officer.
The Final intimation notices are to be prepared by Enquiry Officer through Bidder on computer
and issue them to the Property Holders through Bidder.
The selected Bidder will fill column no.1 to 18 after due verification of the document and enter
the text of the decision by way of data entry then the decision will be taken by the competent
officer. This data entry of the column No. 13 will also be entered ( column 14 in case of Multi‐
storied building) in SI (Self Index) case or the documents re‐entered by the applicant. The text so
entered by the Agency will be checked & approved/ disapproved by the Enquiry officer. In case
of the disapproval on the basis of the documents not collected by the Agency, the agency will
have to submit the documents firstly as demanded by the Enquiry officer.
In case of the non availability of the document after due efforts, the agency has to submit notice
published in the newspaper / newspapers.
F. Procedure for Documents Collection:
(A) To Collect Documents of Individual Properties.
1. Notice in Form‐2 will be printed by the selected Bidder and signed by concerned Enquiry
Officer. These signed notices will served by the selected Bidder to the Holder.
2. Selected Bidder will send an “Appointed Person” (Clarified as under) to concern Property
Holder with Identity Card. Employee of the selected Bidder will serve the notice, and explain
the details to property holders and communicate surely the date and time of collection of
the Documents.
3. The “Appointed Person” would visit the Property Holder on such date and time and collect
the documents. Selected Bidder will have to carry out ward meetings of society, distribution
of pamphlets, and toll free telephone numbers and have to establish a public grievance
redressal mechanism before starting the measurement activity.
(B) To Collect Documents for Multi – Storied Building (Units)
1. Enquiry Officer will issue signed Notices in Form‐2A after printing by the selected Bidder and
the selected Bidder will serve it to the concerned Property/Flat/Shop Holder.
2. The selected Bidder will send an “Appointed Person” (defined as under) to the concerned
President / Secretary of Association / Society and collect Document Prescribed in Form‐2/A.
3. The “Appointed Person” would also visit the property/ flat/ shop holder.
a. If the property holder is same as in Society’s Association record, he would collect
details about the encumbrance on the property (with documents) and, in case,
property holder discloses no encumbrance, then an affidavit to that effect.
b. If the property holder is different from the owner showing Societies/Association
record, then collect documents of transaction establishing his occupancy and also
collect details of encumbrances as in (a) above.
G. Quantity of work and Working Area:
The estimates of properties for Abadi (Gamthan) survey and preparation is as under;
SR. NO. DIVISION Districts No. of Villages TOTAL NO. OF PROPERTY
1 A RAJKOT 8 28,189
JAMNAGAR 2 3,745
MORBI 2 3,800
TOTAL : 12 35,734
2 B BHAVNAGAR 11 17,472
BOTAD 2 4,509
TOTAL : 19 41,596
3 C GIR SOMNATH 6 10,834
JUNAGADH 6 8,295
AMRELI 8 15,876
TOTAL : 20 35,005
H. Quality of Work:
The Agency shall maintain good quality in various process entrusted to them. Agency will
provide quality check certificate to the departmental officials. After issuing such certificate, if
any kind of error found in any records, Agency will have to rectify the error in form at its own
cost. Agency is bound to maintain quality standards in records and soft data as well.
(a) Criterions: The quality of work may be judged based on following criterion.
i) All notices should be served individually and get signed by holder as proof of
notice acceptance / the property holders who are outside; notices will be served
by Registered Post. Where either holder in person or notice address is not
available all such unserved notices should be returned to Enquiry Officer with
reasons. List of Unserved notices will be published in Local News Paper also.
ii) Preparation of records, GIS based applications, Data entry and scanning of the
record as per decision of Enquiry Officer will be made in software.
iii) Collection of all documents from the occupant/ holder of the property and / or
Society / Assciation for all the latest transactions incurred in respect of that
property in Abadi Area of Villages upto present Occupant.
iv) Quality of stationeries used at the time of final submission of records in form of
registers, maps, notices should be as per such standard that can preserve the
record alteast for 20‐30 years.
(b) Quality Checks: Based on above criterions–
i) The Agency is expected to get the quality of 100% work checked with their own
Supervisor first and furnish a certificate that effect. Sample checking done by
WAPCOS The sample size for checking may extend upto 50% of the record. In
addition, The representation and objection from the property occupants/holders
which bring out the deficiency in work of document collection, services of notices
or data entry.
ii) Material for city map/sheet should be made of thermally bounded HDPE non‐
woven, high tear strength, water resistant, puncture resistant, anti‐static coated,
eminently printable, GSM(gram per square meter) should be >105 and thickness
should be <400 micron and should be bright white in color.
(c) Quality Standards and Penalty: The quality standard and corresponding penalty may be
as under:‐
The imposition of penalty of any amount would not absolve the Agency of its
responsibility to correct the mistakes / errors/ deficiencies in the record of such
properties in respect of which such deficiencies have occurred and no extra cost /
charge may be demanded/payable in their respect. Following Consideration shall
be given for deciding penalties based on quality standards;
i) If 98% or more of records out of sample checked is found correct, no penalty may
be imposed.
ii) If correct record is between 95% to 98%, a penalty may be up to 10% of the total
concerned village wise payment may be imposed.
iii) If the correct record is between 90% to 95%, penalty may beup to 20% of total
concerned village wise payment.
iv) Below 90%, the work may be rejected and Agency shall be asked to re do the work
with a penalty may be up to 30% total concerned village wise payment.
It will be divided in two parts:
Part ‐1: Submission of GIS data in soft copy format
Data should have following capabilities:
Should be capable of integrating GIS platform & image & must support to open source
software standards.
Functionality with realtime information using GPS survey. Follow OGC standard (open geo
Should be customizable using VBA/VXT technology.(Microsoft open standard)
Geo‐processing capability, Overlay analysis, Projection support
Layer management ‐ Different individual Layers for Property no., Chalta no, Sheet
no,Village, Taluka, District, City survey offices etc. & any other layer at the time of
finalization of record
Relational database management, Support quarry builder, Integrate with any satellite
data, Geometric correction, Image enhancement, classification, processing.
Use advanced symbology, Capable of vector data management , Can be interlinked with
department existing data/software like e‐dhara, SRO office data, DILR data, City Survey
office data etc. with Unicode language support & the data should be OGC compliance (
latest version )
Part ‐2: Submission of survey data in hard copy
The output of the entire exercise shall be as follows:
Accurate geo‐referenced digital map using established control survey net work around
existing GCN of re‐survey control points of a particular village.
Proper indexed map with proper sheet number for village, Open file format (.shp)
Spatial and non spatial data dictionary with feature codes, feature type (points, line and
Feature description and symbols
The use of Open standards is mandatory for data sharing and inter‐operability among
different systems (Use of Open Source Software is must as a deliverable).
Geodetic network with co‐ordinates and sketch of the control points showing their
description and location
Village properties maps showing with coordinates.
The boundaries of surveyed properties shall be downloaded from the ETS and linked with
the attributes data collected, in the GIS format so as to create the DTDB (Digital
Topographic Database). The final plotting and soft copy DTDB of the measured properties
and other topographic details shall be generated from the ETS data.
Data base standards: SQL‐92 (Rational Model)/ SQL‐1999 (Object Model ) or compatible
latest version to be adopted as a standard for Relational Database Management Systems
UNICODE ‐ character encoding for each and every alphabet of all the languages. The most
commonly used encodings are UTF‐8 (Unicode Transformation Format) and UTF‐16
should be the character encoding. All deliverables should be in Gujarati language (Shruti
Seamlessly mosaiced village properties map digital database with a provision to show
various layers of various topographical details in customized web based GIS Software
developed by department. Interpreted Topographical layers should be considered. The
standard list of topo details will be provided to the selected survey agencies.
Digitized copies of the Village property maps showing features like City Survey No, Name,
Chalta No., ward no, sheet no etc. Chalta No. can also be marked on the digitized copies
of maps as it will provide linkage/reference to city survey nos.
Village maps prepared on the basis of final city survey no and order of inquiry officer. The
color coding needs to be done as per following guidelines:
Boundaries and city survey no. of new map – black
Chalta No ‐ Green
Background – White
Encroched area – Red
Sheet No – Blue
Edge‐matching with the adjacent properties of concerned revenue survey no. or
govement land survey no.
Conversion of entire digital database into existing RDBMS (Relational Database
Management System) data format.
Integration of spatial data with the non‐spatial database.
Land registers in the prescribed pro‐forma and maps
Agency will have to submit the deliverables as per relevant forms in practice by
concerned authority
Hard copy of all the registers, maps, is also required to be submitted after enquiry and
promulgation process. Record will be generated on software provided by Government
Integration of Graphic and textual data will have to be done by Agency only.
Name of Firm :
We hereby certify that information as given in above table is correct and we have attached Client Completion Certificates in support of list of works given as
Name of Firm :
1 2015‐16
2 2014‐15
3 2013‐14
Note : The bidder must submit Chartered Accountant certificate in support of the details as given above or get this statement verified by the Chartered
Name of Firm :
Necessary Support documents for the details mentioned above are attached as per tender requirements.
1 Mobilization and Preliminary Data Collection
2 Establishment of Control Points and Surveys
3 Property Measurement
5 Serving notice of decision, scanning the
documents, data entries of all
prescribed forms mentioned in this
tender document and original RFP and
delivery of hard copies
Note: The above items are for reference only.
Division :
Sr. No Activity Rates Per unit property in Rupees
Individual Unit Units of Multi
storied Buildings
1 On completion of Measurement Of Properties
On completion of serving notices in form2, 2A and
2 collection of documents with form‐3 and statements
from property holders
On completion of Serving notice of decision, scanning
3 the documents, data entries of all prescribed forms
mentioned in RFP and delivery of hard copies
TOTAL IN words :
Signature of Bidder with seal Date Place