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Biotechnology: A Textbook of Industrial Microbiology: by W. Crueger and A. Creuger

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Volume 180, number 1 FEBS LETTERS January 1985

Biotechnology: A Textbook of Industrial Microbiology

by W. Crueger and A. Creuger

Smauer Assocrates/Blackwell Screntlfic Publrcatlons, Oxford, 1984

308 pages. f24 50

This book provides a complete cover of the Most references m the book refer to publication
microbiological basis of industrial fermentation between 19751983 which is reasonable given that
processes. An introductory section deals with the authors regard the book primarily as a student-
microbial genetics covering strain development, orientated textbook.
metabohte screening and genetic engineering ap- The book concludes with a review of sewage
plications. An understanding of basrc biochemistry treatment, leaching and a consideration of future
appears to be assumed and the fundamental developments in biotechnology.
aspects of the biochemistry and regulation of cell In general the book covers industrial mrcro-
metabolism are not considered. Growth kinetics biological aspects of biotechnology m a brief but
precede discussion of fermentation systems which concise manner. There may have been room for ex-
are treated in standard chemical engineering terms pansion of certain topics, it is clearly difficult to
of stirring, gaseous exchange, mass transfer, etc. present chemical engineering aspects of large scale
The level of presentation should be readily fermentation in 30 pages of text, and some topics
understood by the non-engineering qualified have received scant treatment, e.g., prmciples of
reader although the section of instrumentatton and multivariant computer control of fermentation
computer control is too brief and non-specific to processes.
be of real value. However, within the 305 pages the authors have
The bulk of the remaining text, about two-thirds successfully filled a library requirement m pro-
of the book, is a concise review of current in- viding an excellent up-to-date textbook covering
dustrial microbiological fermentation processes. an increasingly important subject.
Commercially important microbial biosynthetic To paraphrase the Editor of this English transla-
pathways, fermentation conditions and product tion, I can recommend this book “not only to
processing are systematically dealt with for the students.. . but also to research scientists . . and m-
range of biofermentatrons covering organic and dustrtal microbiologists” who seek a clear and
amino acids, enzymes and vitamins, antibiotics concise presentation of the key prmciples and ma-
and single cell protein. This section of the book jor processes of industrial microbiology.
contains many examples of fermentatrons whrch The book as supplied to the reviewer cost E24.50
are illustrated by well-chosen relevant data. m hard cover. Since it is clearly student orientated
Antibiotic production naturally receives the one hopes that an appropriately priced edition may
most extensive treatment. Typically, each group of be forthcommg m the near future. It would be
antibiotics is considered systematically m terms of welcomed.
sources, mode of action, biosynthesis and regula-
tion, strain development and production methods. G.H. Fynn


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