Drug Doses Frank Shann (2017) PDF
Drug Doses Frank Shann (2017) PDF
Drug Doses Frank Shann (2017) PDF
The congenital dyserythropoietic anemias been completed with the recent identifica- unknown. CDA variants with mutations
(CDAs) are hereditary disorders character- tion of the CDA III gene (KIF23). KIF23 in erythroid transcription factor genes
ized by distinct morphologic abnormalities encodes mitotic kinesin-like protein 1, (KLF1 and GATA-1) have been recently
of marrow erythroblasts. The unveiling of which plays a critical role in cytokinesis, identified. Molecular diagnosis of CDA is
The congenital dyserythropoietic anemias (CDAs) are a group of rare reticulum are found beneath the plasma membrane.2 The Ham test
hereditary disorders characterized by congenital anemia, ineffective with red cell lysis in acidified allogenic sera has practically been
erythropoiesis with distinct morphologic features in bone marrow abandoned as a diagnostic tool due to the need for multiple control
(BM) late erythroblasts, and the development of secondary hemo- samples. Analysis of red cell membrane proteins by sodium dodecyl
chromatosis. Patients usually present with anemia, jaundice, spleno- sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, identifying glycosylation
megaly, and suboptimal reticulocyte response for the degree of abnormalities with fast-moving band 3 (the anion exchanger 1) and
anemia. Aniso-poikilocytosis and basophilic stippling are commonly band 4.5 (glucose transporter 1), is highly sensitive and specific.
observed in the peripheral blood smear. The working classification CDA III is the rarest among the 3 types. Although originally
initially proposed by Heimpel and Wendt is still used in clinical reported in an American family, most patients described to date
practice (CDA I, II, and III; Table 1).1,2 However, there are families belong to 1 large Swedish kindred. In both families, the inheritance is
that fulfill the general definition of the CDAs but do not conform to dominant. Few sporadic cases have also been described with possible
any of the 3 classical types (CDA variants, Table 1). autosomal recessive inheritance.2,8 Splenomegaly is usually absent.
The genes mutated in the majority of patients with CDA I and II BM morphology is characterized by erythroid hyperplasia and
have been previously described, whereas the CDA III gene was only large pathognomonic multinucleated erythroblasts (Figure 1). A
recently identified.3-5 Additional genetic defects have been described large proportion of patients in the Swedish family exhibited monoclonal
in CDA variants. Because of these advancements, the diagnosis can gammopathy, and some developed multiple myeloma.8
now be confirmed by molecular testing in an increasing number of
The aim of this review is to update the molecular basis of this
group of disorders and to outline the current diagnostic approach. Therapeutic approach
Although most CDA patients are mildly or moderately affected and
are not transfusion dependent, many do require blood transfusions
CDA I to III: clinical picture and BM findings during the first months of life, pregnancy, and/or sporadic infections.
Iron overload with inappropriately low serum hepcidin was docu-
CDA I is an autosomal recessive disease associated with macrocytic mented and correlates with age.9,10 A minority of patients are
anemia. Skeletal abnormalities of distal limbs have also been severely affected and are transfusion dependent. Patients with CDA I
described.6 BM examination reveals erythroid hyperplasia with were found to respond to interferon a with increased hemoglobin
up to 10% binuclear erythroblasts. Pathognomonic chromatin levels and decreased iron overload.11 The role of splenectomy in the
bridges between nuclei are observed in up to 8% of erythroblasts management of CDA is yet undetermined; however, patients with
(Figure 1).7 BM EM shows a spongy (“Swiss cheese”) appearance of CDA type II seem to benefit from the procedure.12 CDA patients who
heterochromatin. are older than 10 years of age should be carefully monitored for the
CDA II is the most common form of the CDAs. BM light development of iron overload, which requires iron chelation therapy
microscopy reveals more than 10% mature binuclear erythroblasts when identified. Few transfusion-dependent children with CDA
(Figure 1), and with EM, vesicles loaded with proteins of endoplasmic underwent successful stem cell transplantation.13,14
Submitted May 6, 2013; accepted August 6, 2013. Prepublished online as © 2013 by The American Society of Hematology
Blood First Edition paper, August 12, 2013; DOI 10.1182/blood-2013-05-
Figure 1. Pathognomonic marrow erythroblasts. The BM erythroblasts morphology (light microscopy) of different types of CDA is shown. See Table 1 for the description.
2164 IOLASCON et al BLOOD, 26 SEPTEMBER 2013 x VOLUME 122, NUMBER 13
and anterograde transport of correctly folded cargo for budding (IV-VII), each one including relatively few patients.2 Nevertheless,
from the endoplasmic reticulum toward the Golgi apparatus.26 there were still descriptions of patients not belonging to any of the
To date, 157 cases from 137 different CDA II families with groups,2,36,37 suggesting further that CDA subtypes are extremely
SEC23B mutations were molecularly characterized.27 The majority heterogeneous and probably represent multiple unrelated genetic
(52%) of CDAII cases are caused by missense mutations, whereas disorders. Indeed, in recent years additional genetic defects asso-
20% are due to nonsense, 13% to intronic, and 13% to small indel ciated with CDA phenotypes have been identified. They include
mutations. The disease inheritance is typically autosomal recessive; mutations in erythroid transcription factor genes (GATA-1 and
yet, in 13% of cases, only 1 SEC23B mutation was found. This KLF1) and mutations in other genes where CDA is part of a broader
suggests the presence of a second still unidentified mutational event, clinical syndrome.
likely in a noncoding regulatory region of the gene that has not yet Mutations in erythroid transcription factors GATA-1 and
been examined27 (A. Iolascon, Federico II University, oral commu- KLF1. GATA-1 plays an integral role in the development of
nication, December 8, 2012). These results demonstrate that erythroid and megakaryocytic lineages.38 With the help of its
mutations occur along the whole gene. In contrast, in Southern cofactor FOG-1 (friend of GATA-1), it coordinates hematopoietic
Italy, 2 mutations (R14W and E109K) account for ;50% of all cell differentiation by activating linage-specific mature forms and
cases.28 In rare cases, classified as CDA II on the basis of BM and repressing genes associated with undifferentiated states. There are
biochemical analyses, no SEC23B mutation was found. This sug- currently a few documented familial inherited forms of X-linked
report described a patient with an intermediate form of the disease and of multinucleated erythroblasts. Codanin-1 and possibly C15ORF41
6% to 8% of marrow erythroblasts demonstrating dyserythropoietic may facilitate histone assembly into chromatin during cell cycle. The
features.51 fact that the proteins encoded by the CDA I, II, and III genes are
ubiquitously expressed while the disease manifestations are mainly
erythroid restricted remains a quandary. Further studies on CDA-
related proteins and identification of new genes causing CDA
variants will continue to offer insight into different pathways
Current diagnostic approach underlying erythropoiesis.
The identification of the mutated genes involved in the majority of
CDA patients improved the diagnostic possibilities. When the clinical
picture is suggestive and the findings in peripheral blood and BM light
microscopy are compatible with one of the classical I to III types Acknowledgments
(Table 1; Figure 1), the next diagnostic step should be to sequence
the appropriate gene. For these patients, additional specialized tests The authors thank Lucio Luzzatto, Roberta Russo, and Mitchell
including BM EM and/or sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel J. Weiss from the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia for helpful
Conclusions Authorship
The hallmark of the CDAs is failure of terminal erythropoiesis. The Contribution: A.I., H.H., A.W., and H.T. wrote the manuscript.
identification of several CDA genes has improved the diagnostic Conflict-of-interest disclosure: The authors declare no compet-
aspect of this disease; however, no comprehensive explanation for ing financial interests.
the mechanism of erythropoietic disruption has been disclosed. Correspondence: Achille Iolascon, CEINGE, Biotecnologie
CDA type III gene (KIF23) encodes a protein playing a critical role Avanzate, Via Gaetano Salvatore, 486, 80145 Naples, Italy; e-mail:
in cytokinesis, suggesting a possible mechanism for the development achille.iolascon@unina.it.
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