3 - Referencia

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Existen dos tipos básicos de REFERENCIA ENDOFÓRICA (intra-textual) en Inglés y en Español:
La REFERENCIA ANAFÓRICA es un mecanismo mediante el cual un elemento del texto (en
general un pronombre, adjetivo demostrativo, adjetivo posesivo, pronombre relativo, etc)
remite a otro elemento que ha aparecido anteriormente, denominado antecedente. Se
establece, pues, una relación interpretativa entre dos unidades lingüísticas en la cual la
segunda unidad adquiere sentido por su relación con la que se ha mencionado antes.

a) Mechanical engineering is the discipline that applies the principles of engineering, physics and
materials science for the design, analysis, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems. It is
the branch of engineering that involves the design, production, and operation of machinery.
b) The engineering field requires an understanding of core concepts including mechanics, kinematics,
thermodynamics, materials science, structural analysis, and electricity. Mechanical engineers use these
core principles….

La REFERENCIA CATAFÓRICA es un mecanismo, simétrico a la referencia anafórica, por el

que una unidad del texto remite a otra que aparece posteriormente. Se establece, pues, una
relación interpretativa entre dos elementos por la cual el primer elemento adquiere sentido por
su relación con el que viene después.

a) After he received her questions by email, the engineer immediately sent the results to Alice.
Personal Possessive Possessive Objective Reflexive
Pronouns Adjectives Pronouns Pronouns Pronouns

I my mine me myself
yourself /
you your yours you
he his his him himself

she her hers her herself

it its its it itself

we our ours us ourselves

they their theirs them themselves

Pronombres Relativos más frecuentes: THAT / WHICH / WHOSE / WHO / WHOM

1. Systems Engineering is an interdisciplinary field. It focuses on the design of complex systems.

2. Systems Engineering is the field which / that focuses on the design of complex systems.

3. Systems Engineering focuses on the design of complex systems over their life-cycle.

4. Elasticity is the way a material initially responds when it is subjected to stresses

5. Elasticity is the way materials initially respond when they are subjected to stresses

6. Steel experiences less stress than rubber before it reaches its elastic limit

7. Steel objects experience less stress than rubber ones before they reach their elastic limit

8. A Robonaut is a humanoid robot who / that / which is capable of using space tools

9. Robonauts are humanoid robots who / that / which are capable of using space tools

“Anticipatory it”

Se utiliza para introducir o “anticipar” el sujeto u objeto de una oración

(referencia catafórica), especialmente cuando el sujeto u objeto es una
SENTENCIA introducida por un infinitivo precedido por “to” o por un “that”. Este
“it” es un sujeto sustituto, pues el sujeto real está más delante en la oración.

• It’s quite likely that we shall be late, so please start without us.
• It is important to understand the concepts before attempting to do the
• It will be utterly transcendental to prevent robots from becoming the rulers of
• So far it has not been possible to develop a "super intelligence".

IDENTIFIQUE EL “Anticipatory it”

In principle, a distinction can be made between “strong” and “weak” AI. “Weak”
AI is what we often encounter – as in the examples mentioned at the beginning –
in a supportive way in everyday life. It is limited to a clearly defined area of
application, for example the recognition and processing of speech. “Strong” AI,
in contrast, has intellectual abilities that are at least equal to those of the human
brain. Its conclusions should not be limited to one area but should be transferable
to any number of other areas. Until today, it has not been possible to develop a
“strong” AI according to this understanding.

A menudo el autor desea involucrar al lector o a sí mismo en el texto. Ello se logra

mediante la utilización de pronombres personales u objetivos tales como los
enunciados arriba. Se entiende que, aunque tales referentes no se encuentran en
el contexto inmediato, forman parte del universo compartido por el
hablante/escritor y el oyente/lector. Esto es lo que se conoce como referencia
• This page explains the terms strong and weak as applied to bases. We are
going to use the Bronsted-Lowry definition of a base as a substance which
accepts hydrogen ions (protons). [the author / el autor]
• A strong base is something like sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide which
is fully ionic. You can think of the compound as being 100% split up into metal
ions and hydroxide ions in solution. [the reader / el lector]
• One can think of the compound as being 100% split up into metal ions and
hydroxide ions in solution. [the author]
• Let me explain the concept to you. [the author]… [the reader]

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