Ohio Poll Results

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Most Ohio residents approve of governor’s job and support extensive

COVID-19 regulations
Spectrum Networks/Ipsos poll finds majority of Ohioans support state law
mandating mask usage in public
Topline Findings
Washington, DC, October 15, 2020

These are the findings of an Ipsos poll conducted between October 7-14, 2020 on behalf of Spectrum
Networks. For this survey, a sample of 1,400 adults age 18+ from Ohio was interviewed online in English,
including an oversample of 400 respondents in the Cleveland media market, for a total of 652 interviews
in that market. The poll has a credibility interval of plus or minus 3.0 percentage points for all respondents
and plus or minus 4.4 percentage points for respondents in the Cleveland media market.

For full results, please refer to the following annotated questionnaire:

Full Annotated Questionnaire

Ohio Cleveland
N=1,400 N=652
1. Which of the following do you consider to be Healthcare 22% 18%
the main problem facing Ohio today? You Crime or violence 25% 27%
may select up to three. Immigration 4% 3%
Unemployment 32% 34%
Education 14% 14%
Taxes 9% 9%
change/natural 7% 8%
COVID-19/coronavirus 55% 59%
Racial injustice 16% 19%
Opioid or drug
35% 33%
Affordable housing 15% 11%
Gun control 8% 9%
Agriculture 1% 1%
Homelessness 0% 0%
Police reform 0% 0%
Air quality 0% 0%
Abortion 0% 0%
Other 3% 3%
None of these 3% 1%

2020 K Street, NW, Suite 410 Contact: Chris Jackson

Washington DC 20006 Senior Vice President, US, Public Affairs, Ipsos
+1 202 463-7300 Email: chris.jackson@ipsos.com
Tel: +1 202 420-2025

2. Overall, do you approve or disapprove of Strongly approve 22% 23%

the way Mike DeWine is handling his job as Somewhat approve 44% 47%
governor? Somewhat disapprove 16% 13%
Strongly disapprove 9% 7%
Don`t know 9% 9%
NETS Approve 67% 71%
Disapprove 24% 20%
5. Overall, do you COVID-19 Strongly approve 27% 28%
approve or Somewhat approve 38% 42%
disapprove of the Somewhat disapprove 16% 14%
way Mike DeWine Strongly disapprove 13% 10%
is handling the Don`t know 7% 6%
following? NETS Approve 65% 70%
Disapprove 28% 24%
Jobs and the economy Strongly approve 16% 16%
Somewhat approve 42% 44%
Somewhat disapprove 20% 21%
Strongly disapprove 11% 7%
Don`t know 12% 12%
NETS Approve 58% 60%
Disapprove 31% 28%
Crime and public safety Strongly approve 17% 17%
Somewhat approve 41% 46%
Somewhat disapprove 19% 16%
Strongly disapprove 11% 9%
Don`t know 12% 13%
NETS Approve 58% 63%
Disapprove 30% 24%
Protests and social Strongly approve 16% 15%
unrest Somewhat approve 37% 41%
Somewhat disapprove 21% 17%
Strongly disapprove 13% 11%
Don`t know 14% 17%
NETS Approve 53% 56%
Disapprove 34% 27%
Plans for sending Strongly approve 16% 15%
children back to school Somewhat approve 37% 37%
Somewhat disapprove 22% 22%
Strongly disapprove 15% 15%
Don`t know 11% 11%
NETS Approve 53% 52%
Disapprove 37% 37%

2020 K Street, NW, Suite 410 Contact: Chris Jackson

Washington DC 20006 Senior Vice President, US, Public Affairs, Ipsos
+1 202 463-7300 Email: chris.jackson@ipsos.com
Tel: +1 202 420-2025

5. Overall, do you Climate change Strongly approve 10% 11%

approve or Somewhat approve 30% 31%
disapprove of the Somewhat disapprove 17% 16%
way Mike DeWine Strongly disapprove 11% 9%
is handling the Don`t know 32% 33%
following? NETS Approve 40% 42%
Disapprove 28% 25%
Gun control Strongly approve 15% 15%
Somewhat approve 32% 29%
Somewhat disapprove 20% 21%
Strongly disapprove 13% 12%
Don`t know 20% 23%
NETS Approve 47% 44%
Disapprove 33% 33%
7. How would you The federal government Excellent 9% 9%
rate how the Good 24% 23%
following are Just fair 25% 24%
handling the Poor 38% 40%
COVID-19 Don`t know 3% 4%
pandemic? NETS Excellent/Good 33% 32%
Just fair/Poor 63% 64%
Your state government Excellent 14% 13%
Good 40% 41%
Just fair 28% 30%
Poor 15% 12%
Don`t know 4% 4%
NETS Excellent/Good 53% 54%
Just fair/Poor 43% 42%
Your local/city Excellent 11% 10%
government Good 45% 46%
Just fair 26% 27%
Poor 14% 13%
Don`t know 5% 5%
NETS Excellent/Good 55% 56%
Just fair/Poor 40% 40%
8. In light of the current circumstances, how Less than a month 2% 2%
long do you think it will be before life in your 1-2 months 4% 4%
city or community will get back to normal? 3-under 6 months 8% 11%
6 months-1 year 34% 29%
Longer than a year 36% 41%
Never 6% 6%
Don`t know 10% 8%
NETS Under 6 months 14% 16%
6 months or longer 70% 69%

2020 K Street, NW, Suite 410 Contact: Chris Jackson

Washington DC 20006 Senior Vice President, US, Public Affairs, Ipsos
+1 202 463-7300 Email: chris.jackson@ipsos.com
Tel: +1 202 420-2025

9. How likely are you to vote in the upcoming Very likely 66% 66%
presidential election? Somewhat likely 7% 8%
Somewhat unlikely 3% 3%
Very unlikely 10% 10%
I have already voted 9% 8%
Don`t know 5% 5%
NETS Likely 73% 74%
Unlikely 12% 13%
10. Thinking about the upcoming presidential In-person on Election 34% 32%
election, regardless of your plans to vote Day
(including if you have already voted), what In-person before 13% 12%
would be your preferred method of voting this Election Day
year? By mail or absentee 32% 34%
By dropping off your 10% 11%
ballot at an election
office or polling place
Other 0% 1%
I do not plan to vote 10% 10%
11. Regardless of In-person on Election Very confident 57% 56%
your plan to vote, Day Somewhat confident 27% 26%
how confident are Not very confident 6% 7%
you that your vote Not confident at all 5% 5%
will be counted if Don`t know 6% 6%
you voted… NETS Confident 83% 82%
Not confident 11% 12%
In-person before Election Very confident 47% 47%
Day Somewhat confident 32% 32%
Not very confident 9% 10%
Not confident at all 7% 5%
Don`t know 6% 7%
NETS Confident 79% 79%
Not confident 15% 15%
By mail or absentee Very confident 26% 30%
ballot Somewhat confident 35% 32%
Not very confident 19% 17%
Not confident at all 15% 14%
Don`t know 6% 6%
NETS Confident 61% 62%
Not confident 33% 32%
By dropping off your Very confident 35% 40%
ballot at an election office Somewhat confident 33% 32%
or polling place Not very confident 15% 12%
Not confident at all 10% 9%
Don`t know 6% 7%
NETS Confident 68% 72%
Not confident 26% 21%

2020 K Street, NW, Suite 410 Contact: Chris Jackson

Washington DC 20006 Senior Vice President, US, Public Affairs, Ipsos
+1 202 463-7300 Email: chris.jackson@ipsos.com
Tel: +1 202 420-2025

13. How likely are you to trust the outcome of Very likely 26% 27%
the presidential election, regardless of who Somewhat likely 38% 38%
wins? Somewhat unlikely 15% 16%
Very unlikely 8% 7%
Don`t know 13% 12%
NETS Likely 63% 65%
Unlikely 23% 24%
14. Have the The handling of the Much more favorable 19% 18%
following made you current vacancy in the Somewhat more
12% 10%
more or less U.S. Supreme Court favorable
favorable towards No impact 24% 22%
President Donald Somewhat less
Trump ahead of 8% 9%
this November’s Much less favorable 31% 35%
election? Don`t know 6% 6%
NETS More favorable 31% 28%
Less favorable 39% 44%
The nomination of Amy Much more favorable 20% 17%
Coney Barrett to the U.S. Somewhat more
11% 10%
Supreme Court favorable
No impact 27% 24%
Somewhat less
7% 9%
Much less favorable 27% 30%
Don`t know 7% 10%
NETS More favorable 31% 27%
Less favorable 35% 39%
The recent reporting on Much more favorable 8% 9%
Trump`s tax returns Somewhat more
6% 6%
No impact 37% 31%
Somewhat less
9% 9%
Much less favorable 34% 38%
Don`t know 7% 8%
NETS More favorable 14% 15%
Less favorable 43% 46%
The national recovery Much more favorable 15% 11%
plan from the coronavirus Somewhat more
18% 16%
No impact 19% 19%
Somewhat less
11% 11%
Much less favorable 32% 37%
Don`t know 6% 6%
NETS More favorable 32% 27%
Less favorable 43% 48%
Much more favorable 13% 11%

2020 K Street, NW, Suite 410 Contact: Chris Jackson

Washington DC 20006 Senior Vice President, US, Public Affairs, Ipsos
+1 202 463-7300 Email: chris.jackson@ipsos.com
Tel: +1 202 420-2025

14. Have the Somewhat more

10% 9%
following made you favorable
more or less Trump`s performance in No impact 23% 21%
favorable towards the first presidential Somewhat less
President Donald 11% 11%
debate favorable
Trump ahead of Much less favorable 38% 44%
this November’s Don`t know 5% 5%
election? NETS More favorable 23% 19%
Less favorable 49% 55%
Trump`s handling of jobs Much more favorable 23% 20%
and the economy Somewhat more
17% 16%
No impact 16% 14%
Somewhat less
10% 12%
Much less favorable 30% 34%
Don`t know 4% 5%
NETS More favorable 40% 36%
Less favorable 40% 46%
The fact that Trump Much more favorable 8% 7%
contracted COVID-19 Somewhat more
7% 9%
No impact 48% 45%
Somewhat less
7% 7%
Much less favorable 25% 28%
Don`t know 5% 5%
NETS More favorable 15% 15%
Less favorable 32% 35%
Trump`s public Much more favorable 11% 9%
comments around mask Somewhat more
10% 9%
wearing and social favorable
distancing No impact 24% 23%
Somewhat less
13% 12%
Much less favorable 38% 44%
Don`t know 4% 5%
NETS More favorable 20% 17%
Less favorable 51% 55%
15. President Trump recently announced that Major impact 20% 24%
he had tested positive for COVID-19. What
impact, if any, do you think this announcement Minor impact 32% 33%
will have on the upcoming election? No impact 33% 31%
Don`t know 15% 12%

2020 K Street, NW, Suite 410 Contact: Chris Jackson

Washington DC 20006 Senior Vice President, US, Public Affairs, Ipsos
+1 202 463-7300 Email: chris.jackson@ipsos.com
Tel: +1 202 420-2025

16. How much do The movement to Strongly support 11% 9%

you support or impeach Governor Mike Somewhat support 13% 11%
oppose the DeWine, led by some Somewhat oppose 19% 20%
following? Republican state Strongly oppose 42% 44%
representatives Don`t know 16% 16%
NETS Support 23% 21%
Oppose 61% 64%
Former Gov. John Strongly support 18% 20%
Kasich speaking at the Somewhat support 20% 25%
Democratic National Somewhat oppose 13% 9%
Convention Strongly oppose 19% 17%
Don`t know 30% 29%
NETS Support 38% 45%
Oppose 32% 26%
The U.S. withdrawing Strongly support 15% 14%
from international trade Somewhat support 23% 20%
agreements Somewhat oppose 21% 23%
Strongly oppose 22% 23%
Don`t know 20% 21%
NETS Support 37% 34%
Oppose 43% 46%
Paying tariffs, or import Strongly support 11% 10%
taxes, on goods imported Somewhat support 30% 33%
into the U.S. Somewhat oppose 20% 20%
Strongly oppose 16% 14%
Don`t know 22% 23%
NETS Support 41% 44%
Oppose 37% 34%
Ohio House Bill 6, which Strongly support 11% 9%
provided a bailout of Somewhat support 26% 28%
Ohio`s two nuclear plants Somewhat oppose 19% 19%
to keep them open Strongly oppose 19% 16%
through 2027 Don`t know 26% 28%
NETS Support 37% 37%
Oppose 38% 35%
18. How much do There should be a state Strongly agree 37% 42%
you agree or law in Ohio mandating Somewhat agree 24% 22%
disagree with the that masks be worn at all Somewhat disagree 15% 14%
following times in public Strongly disagree 19% 17%
statements? Don`t know 6% 6%
NETS Agree 61% 64%
Disagree 33% 31%

2020 K Street, NW, Suite 410 Contact: Chris Jackson

Washington DC 20006 Senior Vice President, US, Public Affairs, Ipsos
+1 202 463-7300 Email: chris.jackson@ipsos.com
Tel: +1 202 420-2025

18. How much do There are an adequate Strongly agree 15% 14%
you agree or number of COVID-19 Somewhat agree 30% 23%
disagree with the testing sites in my Somewhat disagree 17% 22%
following community Strongly disagree 13% 14%
statements? Don`t know 24% 28%
NETS Agree 46% 37%
Disagree 31% 35%
I feel comfortable dining Strongly agree 19% 18%
inside a restaurant Somewhat agree 30% 29%
Somewhat disagree 19% 19%
Strongly disagree 27% 28%
Don`t know 5% 6%
NETS Agree 49% 47%
Disagree 46% 47%
I will take the first Strongly agree 16% 15%
generation COVID-19 Somewhat agree 22% 21%
vaccine when it is Somewhat disagree 17% 14%
approved by the FDA Strongly disagree 31% 35%
Don`t know 14% 15%
NETS Agree 38% 36%
Disagree 48% 49%
I am having trouble, or Strongly agree 19% 17%
have had trouble, paying Somewhat agree 21% 21%
my bills as a result of Somewhat disagree 22% 24%
COVID-19 Strongly disagree 33% 32%
Don`t know 5% 5%
NETS Agree 40% 38%
Disagree 55% 57%
COVID-19 lockdowns in Strongly agree 11% 12%
my community have Somewhat agree 19% 16%
been too restrictive Somewhat disagree 31% 31%
Strongly disagree 31% 33%
Don`t know 8% 8%
NETS Agree 30% 29%
Disagree 62% 64%
I feel comfortable Strongly agree 32% 32%
returning to my Somewhat agree 33% 34%
workplace right now Somewhat disagree 17% 16%
Strongly disagree 14% 12%
Don`t know 5% 6%
NETS Agree 65% 66%
Disagree 31% 28%

2020 K Street, NW, Suite 410 Contact: Chris Jackson

Washington DC 20006 Senior Vice President, US, Public Affairs, Ipsos
+1 202 463-7300 Email: chris.jackson@ipsos.com
Tel: +1 202 420-2025

18. How much do The early closing time for Strongly agree 19% 18%
you agree or bars and restaurants has Somewhat agree 31% 29%
disagree with the limited the spread of Somewhat disagree 18% 18%
following COVID-19 in Ohio Strongly disagree 18% 21%
statements? Don`t know 14% 14%
NETS Agree 49% 46%
Disagree 36% 40%
19. How much do IF CHILD AGE 5-17 N=354 N=148
you agree or My child is falling behind Strongly agree 21% 25%
disagree with the in school because of Somewhat agree 25% 24%
following COVID-19 Somewhat disagree 23% 23%
statements? Strongly disagree 27% 21%
Don`t know 5% 7%
NETS Agree 46% 49%
Disagree 50% 44%
All colleges and Strongly agree 23% 22%
universities in Ohio Somewhat agree 30% 31%
should be closed and Somewhat disagree 21% 21%
only offer virtual classes Strongly disagree 16% 16%
Don`t know 11% 10%
NETS Agree 53% 53%
Disagree 36% 37%
My local school district is Strongly agree 17% 17%
handling the COVID-19 Somewhat agree 39% 38%
pandemic well Somewhat disagree 15% 16%
Strongly disagree 11% 9%
Don`t know 18% 21%
NETS Agree 56% 55%
Disagree 26% 25%
IF CHILD AGE 5-17 N=354 N=148
I feel that my child is, or Strongly agree 25% 26%
would be, safe attending Somewhat agree 29% 30%
school in-person Somewhat disagree 18% 20%
Strongly disagree 22% 18%
Don`t know 6% 6%
NETS Agree 54% 56%
Disagree 40% 39%
IF CHILD AGE 5-17 N=354 N=148
My child has the Strongly agree 31% 30%
necessary tools to learn Somewhat agree 45% 44%
in the current Somewhat disagree 13% 17%
environment Strongly disagree 8% 8%
Don`t know 4% 2%
NETS Agree 76% 74%
Disagree 21% 25%

2020 K Street, NW, Suite 410 Contact: Chris Jackson

Washington DC 20006 Senior Vice President, US, Public Affairs, Ipsos
+1 202 463-7300 Email: chris.jackson@ipsos.com
Tel: +1 202 420-2025

19. How much do The way that Ohio funds Strongly agree 9% 7%
you agree or school districts according Somewhat agree 22% 22%
disagree with the to standardized test Somewhat disagree 25% 23%
following results works well Strongly disagree 22% 22%
statements? Don`t know 23% 27%
NETS Agree 30% 29%
Disagree 46% 45%
20a. Regarding COVID-19, which of the I have been tested
following are true to you? Select all that apply. and diagnosed with 3% 2%
A relative has been
tested and diagnosed 15% 15%
with COVID-19
A friend or
acquaintance has
been tested and 24% 27%
diagnosed with
A relative or friend
has died from 9% 7%
I suspect I have or
7% 7%
had COVID-19
Someone I know
suspects they have or 13% 12%
had COVID-19
None of the above 53% 53%
21. How much do Police using excessive Strongly agree 35% 37%
you agree or force against Black or Somewhat agree 23% 22%
disagree with the African Americans is a Somewhat disagree 18% 19%
following widespread problem Strongly disagree 18% 16%
statements? Don`t know 6% 5%
NETS Agree 58% 60%
Disagree 36% 35%
The recent protests Strongly agree 11% 11%
regarding racial justice Somewhat agree 27% 27%
will bring about positive Somewhat disagree 22% 24%
change in our society Strongly disagree 25% 24%
Don`t know 14% 13%
NETS Agree 38% 38%
Disagree 47% 49%
Black Americans receive Strongly agree 18% 16%
equal treatment to white Somewhat agree 22% 20%
Americans in this country Somewhat disagree 22% 25%
Strongly disagree 31% 33%
Don`t know 7% 7%
NETS Agree 40% 36%
Disagree 53% 57%

2020 K Street, NW, Suite 410 Contact: Chris Jackson

Washington DC 20006 Senior Vice President, US, Public Affairs, Ipsos
+1 202 463-7300 Email: chris.jackson@ipsos.com
Tel: +1 202 420-2025

21. How much do Racism is a significant Strongly agree 27% 27%

you agree or problem in Somewhat agree 29% 31%
disagree with the Somewhat disagree 20% 21%
following Strongly disagree 16% 13%
statements? Don`t know 8% 8%
NETS Agree 56% 58%
Disagree 36% 35%
Lately, I do not feel safe Strongly agree 11% 11%
in my community Somewhat agree 20% 23%
Somewhat disagree 32% 32%
Strongly disagree 30% 29%
Don`t know 7% 5%
NETS Agree 31% 34%
Disagree 63% 61%
I support reducing my Strongly agree 16% 14%
local police department`s Somewhat agree 18% 18%
budget in order to Somewhat disagree 16% 17%
increase investment in Strongly disagree 41% 42%
social programs Don`t know 9% 8%
NETS Agree 34% 33%
Disagree 57% 59%
I support the Black Lives Strongly agree 28% 32%
Matter movement Somewhat agree 23% 24%
Somewhat disagree 12% 11%
Strongly disagree 27% 26%
Don`t know 10% 9%
NETS Agree 51% 55%
Disagree 39% 37%
24. In 2021, Ohio must pay its full share of The Ohio government
Medicaid expansion costs for the first time, should pay its share
estimated to be around $5 billion. Which of the of Medicaid costs to
62% 61%
following comes closer to your view on this, preserve access to
even if neither is exactly right? affordable healthcare
for more Ohioans
The Ohio government
should not pay its
share of Medicaid
13% 16%
costs because the
financial burden, and
additional strain from
Don’t know 25% 24%

2020 K Street, NW, Suite 410 Contact: Chris Jackson

Washington DC 20006 Senior Vice President, US, Public Affairs, Ipsos
+1 202 463-7300 Email: chris.jackson@ipsos.com
Tel: +1 202 420-2025

About the Study

These are some of the findings of an Ipsos poll conducted between October 7-14, 2020, on behalf of
Spectrum Networks. For this survey, a sample of 1,400 adults age 18+ from Ohio was interviewed online
in English, including an oversample of 400 respondents in the Cleveland media market, for a total of 652
interviews in that market.

The sample for this study was randomly drawn from Ipsos’ online panel (see link below for more info on
“Access Panels and Recruitment”), partner online panel sources, and “river” sampling (see link below for
more info on the Ipsos “Ampario Overview” sample method) and does not rely on a population frame in
the traditional sense. Ipsos uses fixed sample targets, unique to each study, in drawing a sample. After a
sample has been obtained from the Ipsos panel, Ipsos calibrates respondent characteristics to be
representative of the U.S. Population using standard procedures such as raking-ratio adjustments. The
source of these population targets is U.S. Census 2018 American Community Survey data. The sample
drawn for this study reflects fixed sample targets on demographics. Posthoc weights were made to the
population characteristics on gender, age, race/ethnicity, region, and education.

Statistical margins of error are not applicable to online non-probability polls. All sample surveys and polls
may be subject to other sources of error, including, but not limited to coverage error and measurement
error. Where figures do not sum to 100, this is due to the effects of rounding. The precision of Ipsos
online polls is measured using a credibility interval. In this case, the poll has a credibility interval of plus or
minus 3.0 percentage points for all respondents. Ipsos calculates a design effect (DEFF) for each study
based on the variation of the weights, following the formula of Kish (1965). This study had a credibility
interval adjusted for design effect of the following (n=1,400, DEFF=1.5, adjusted Confidence Interval=+/-
4.5 percentage points).

The poll also has a credibility interval of plus or minus 4.4 percentage points for respondents in

For more information on this news release, please contact:

Chris Jackson
Senior Vice President, US
Public Affairs
+1 202 420-2025

Mallory Newall
Director, US
Public Affairs
+1 202 420-2014

Kate Silverstein
Media Relations Specialist, US
Public Affairs
+1 718 755-8829

2020 K Street, NW, Suite 410 Contact: Chris Jackson

Washington DC 20006 Senior Vice President, US, Public Affairs, Ipsos
+1 202 463-7300 Email: chris.jackson@ipsos.com
Tel: +1 202 420-2025

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ISIN code FR0000073298, Reuters ISOS.PA, Bloomberg IPS:FP www.ipsos.com

2020 K Street, NW, Suite 410 Contact: Chris Jackson

Washington DC 20006 Senior Vice President, US, Public Affairs, Ipsos
+1 202 463-7300 Email: chris.jackson@ipsos.com
Tel: +1 202 420-2025

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