The Contribution of Internship Program 1 and 2 On The Student's Learning Commitment at Faculty of Educational Unimed
The Contribution of Internship Program 1 and 2 On The Student's Learning Commitment at Faculty of Educational Unimed
The Contribution of Internship Program 1 and 2 On The Student's Learning Commitment at Faculty of Educational Unimed
Abstract. This research examines the issues of (1) how’s the perceptions of students
about the activities implementation policy on Internship program 1 and 2, at Unimed (2)
How’s the learning commitment of FIP college students of Unimed, and (3) contribution
analysis of implementation policy on Internship activities 1 and 2 against College
Student Learning Commitment FIP Unimed.This research was carried out in the Faculty
of Education (FIP) Unimed for 645 college students all over the 2016/2017 academic
year that have been doing Internship Program 1 and 2 in the sample unit of education as
research population, and the research has been specified using random sampling
technique as many as 141 students. This research data collected with the use of a
questionnaire instrument with Likert Scale patterns and student learning outcomes in the
form of Grade Point Average (GPA). This research data is processed by using the
descriptive correlation technique, by performing a test of its homogeneity and normality
of variables, test requirements analysis, and test the hypothesis by using t test. The
findings of this research are expected to be signaled that the internship activities 1 and 2
have a pretty mean benefits against the formation of student learning commitment so that
it can develop the right learning motivation in achieving maximal activity success on
1 Introduction
Students as learners at the college level are always the concern of decision makers and/or
policies. Various policies are stipulated as guidelines in producing students while in college,
where they are always accompanied, guided, directed, and motivated to learn, learn, learn with
various approaches, methods, and techniques that are well designed by managers and their
education personnel.
Since the 2016/2017 academic year, Unimed has established policies in the curriculum field,
which is applying the Indonesian National Qualification Framework Curriculum model in
which academic activities refer to learning outcomes which are the internalization and
accumulation of knowledge, skills, attitudes and competencies that can be achieved through
structured education and training processes that cover certain fields of science or expertise.
This policy is in line with the spirit of Permenristekdikti No. 55 of 2017 which makes schools
as a place to practice acquiring teaching competencies, both for undergraduate education
programs through Introduction to School Fields and for teacher professional education through
Field Experience Practices.
Based on the background of the problems raised above, the problem of this research can be
formulated as follows:
1. How is the student’s perception of the results of the Implementation of Internship 1
and 2 in FIP Unimed
2. How is the student's learning commitment in preparing themselves to become
Prospective Educators and / or educational staff in Unimed FIP
3. How is the Contribution of Perception to Internship Courses 1 and 2 to Student
Commitment in Unimed FIP
B. Literature Review
Internships are generally defined as part of a job training system that is held in an
integrated manner between training in training institutions by working directly under the
guidance and supervision of instructors or workers who are more experienced in the
production process of goods and / or services in the company, in order to master skills or
certain expertise (Minister of Manpower and Transmigration Regulation No.
Per.22/Men/IX/2009 concerning Implementation of Internship in the Country).
Internships that are briefly stated above, at the tertiary level, especially at the State
University of Medan (Unimed) which have made fundamental changes in the implementation
of the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) curriculum, make it an
internship course for educational and non-education study programs. This internship program
is a compulsory subject for all students in Unimed, with three stages, namely (1) Internship 1,
(2) Internship 2, and (3) Internship 3 (Unimed, 2017)
The Internship program designed in the Unimed curriculum provides benefits to various
parties, especially students, which include (1) Students can apply and enhance the knowledge
gained in the lecture bench, (2) Improve the ability of students to master professional
competence in the field of gradual science (3) The opportunity to establish self-confidence and
improve professional skills and expertise, (4) Obtain understanding, appreciation, and
experience in the field of the education profession, (5) Gain experience through observation of
the process of forming competencies in the field of science in the field, (6) Obtain experience
about how to think and work interdisciplinaryly, and (7) Obtain reasoning ability in
conducting research, formulation and problem solving of professional fields in the business
The objectives and benefits of the internship above, especially Internships 1 and 2, will be
achieved if students can cooperate with parties that are directly related to the study program
and the educational institution / unit where the Internship 1 is held. The learning activities that
students have to do in Internship 1 have been designed in such a way by universities and study
programs, which include observations of the Education Unit consisting of (1) management
unit education culture, (2) educator competence, and (3) students, (4 ) the learning process in
the classroom, a reflection of the results of the learning process, while the second internship
was given the experience of developing learning tools by (1) studying the curriculum, (2)
studying learning strategies, (3) reviewing the assessment system, (4) designing learning
preparation , (5) developing media, learning materials and devices.
2 Method
3 Conclusion
Based on the above framework, it can be concluded that the policy of applying Internship
Courses at Unimed has encouraged the importance of further study about how far the policy
contributes to student learning commitment and as a follow-up of this study, data collection
will be conducted to prove the following hypothesis. “There are significant contributions in 1
and 2 Internship Courses on Learning Commitments for Students in Unimed FIP ".
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