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Christine Matavia and Sandy Mar Havana Bsed Math 3A

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Background of the study

Attitude refers to a learned tendency of a person to respond positively or

negatively towards an object situation concept or another person ( Sarmah

and Puri, 2014). Attitudes can change and a positive attitude is formed it can

improve students learning (Akinsola and Olowajaiye, 2008, mutai, 2011).

Mathematical attitude is among the predictors of a achievements in

mathematics ( Moenikia and Zahed – Babelen, 2010). Different strategies are

being employed by teacher to improve student’s attitudes towards mathematics

by the use of technology aided instruction to improve student’s attitude

towards the subject (Choi et al., 2013). Even social networking sites are used to

help improve student’s performance. In the study of Gregory, and Eddy (2014),

stated that those who participated in Facebook group discussion are more

engaged in mathematics subject. Applying different strategies and techniques,

still the problem of low performance of emerges. One of the reasons why

student performed poorly in mathematics is their attitude towards the subject.

In the study of (Parker et al., 2013) stated that there attitude had strong

relationship with their academic performance. Student’s attitudes towards

mathematics should be given attention in teaching the subject if one is serious

in advancing the performance of the students. This can only be developed in

the presence of a healthy environment (Kele and Sharma, 2014).

Most of the related studies in this area are done internationally and there

is limited study nationally. Locally, in Agusan Del Sur State of Agriculture and

Technology, research study about student’s attitude and student academic

performance towards learning mathematics in online learning has received

minimal attention. This research sought to investigate how quality of the

students may contribute to their academic performance such as student

attitudes tengku shah dan, Ghani and Elham (2012). It is for that reason that

is study will be undertake.


This study aims to determine the significant influence of the student’s

attitude and academic performance towards learning mathematics in online

learning of 2nd and 3rd year BSE mathematics students in Agusan Del Sur State

College of Agriculture and Technology.

Specifically it sought to:

1. Determine the level of student’s attitudes of second and third year

BSE mathematics in terms of:

1.1 Self-confidence

1.2 Value

1.3 Enjoyment

1.4 Motivation

2. Determine the level of students’ academic performance of second and

third year BSE mathematics students in terms of:

2.1 Interest

2.2 Study habits

3. Determine the significant relationship between students attitude and

student academic performance.

4. Determine which domain of student attitude significantly influences

the student academic performance towards learning mathematics in

online learning modality.

Significance of the study:

This study will be beneficial to the following stakeholders of the

college of teacher’s education of Agusan Del Sur College of Agriculture

and Technology.

Math students the result of this study will help them to be

productive in mathematics and will give them insights about their

attitude and academic performance towards mathematics to Davao. On

1953,ASSCATsubject in online learning modality

Math teachers this study may serve a guide on how they interact to the

students the value of attitudes to improve the academic performance of

students towards learning mathematics in online learning modality

Administrator this may serve as the bases on the kind of policies that

will be formulated and may be implement about the development of

teacher pedagogical skills which may lead in improving the students’

academic performance towards learning mathematics in online learning

Future researcher this study will provide useful information that may

help future researchers in their related studies. This study will add to

the collection of information that would be Useful to future researchers

with similar concept of study.

Scope and delimitation

This study covers the students of Agusan Del Sur state college of

agriculture and technology

However, this will focus only on the bachelor of secondary education

major in mathematics who are enrolled in academic year 2020-2021.

Furthermore, since the students attitudes as well as their academic

performance may have wide range of indicators. This study is delimited

only on the indicators identified by authors of the instruments that will

be used in the study.

This study will commence in 2020 and will be completed in

.this study was conducted in Agusan Del Sur state college of agriculture

and technology. The main campus where the settings /locale of this

study is located at p-2,san Teodoro,Bunawan Agusan del Sur at the left

side of the maharlika on the way to Davao on 1953,ASSCAT was

known as Bunawan national Agricultural school (Bunas)and it was

converted into southern Agusan national Agricultural college (SANAC) on

1969-1995 on march 1,1995.president Fidel V. Ramos signed R.A

No.7932 transforming southern Agusan national agricultural college

(SANAC) into Agusan del Sur state college of agriculture and technology

(ASSCAT) up to present. As of 2016,ASSCAT has two campus one at the

main, located at san Teodoro,Bunawan Agusan del Sur and one which

was newly acquired which is located in Trento,Agusan del Sur.


To facilitate a better understanding of this study, better terms are hereby

defined operationally

Student attitude towards online learning-a student perception, the

include the success or challenge of the online learning experience

Attitude-this degree of affects associated with mathematics i.e. attitude

is the emotional disposition towards mathematics

Online learning more commonly noted as e learning is define as

learning facilitated online via computer, network and web technologies

Academic performance means the knowledge and skills that students

have mastered in a subject or a course. It’s basically a measure of how

well students have performed in the various assessment items set for
them based on some educational criteria determined by professional


Self-confidence beliefs, defined as people's judgments of their capability

to perform specific tasks, are a product of a complex process of self-

persuasion that relies on cognitive processing of diverse sources of

confidence information

Value means enduring belief that a specific mode of conduct or end-state of

existence is personally and socially preferable to alternative modes or end-

states of existence. It is a standard or criterion for guiding action, for

maintaining and developing attitudes towards relevant objects and situation.

Interest describes the cognitive and affective relationship between a student

and particular classes of subject matter. Interest can hold a student's

attention, encourage effort, and support learning. It also has been found to

enhance strategic processing.

Study habits tell a person that how much he will learn and how far he wants

to go, and how much he wants to earn. These all could be decided with the

help of one’s study habits, throughout the life.

Conceptual Framework

Independent variable Dependent variable

Student attitude Student academic performance

 Interest
 Self confidence
 Study habits
 Value
 Enjoyment
 Motivation

Figure 1: Conceptual paradigm of the study

Figure 1 below represents the conceptual framework of the study which

consists of two variables. The independent variable is the student’s attitude. It

has four indicators identified by (Khine & Afari, 2014) such as self- confidence,

value, enjoyment, motivation. Self-confidence these have been studied

independently and collectively to determine their contribution to the academic

performance and involves doing a student perceptions of self as a mathematics

learner that include beliefs about one’s own ability to learn and perform well in

mathematics. Enjoyment of mathematics is the extent to which the students

enjoy doing and learning mathematics enjoyment while learning can influence

their behavior or cognitive aspect of attitude. Motivation in this study is related

to both interest and the desire to learn mathematics, intrinsically motivated to

learn mathematics if they have the desire to do so after finding learning of

mathematics interesting. Values play in the learning of mathematics is a major

contributor to advancing the quality of performance in mathematics

The dependent variable in this study is student engagement. It has two

(2) indicators identified by (palani,2012) such as interest and study habits.,

Study habits or study strategies are approaches applied to learning. They are

generally critical to success in school, are considered essential for acquiring

good grades, and are useful for learning throughout one’s life it involves

organizing and taking in new information, retaining information, or dealing

with assessments. Interest as an attitude has been interpreted within several

research traditions and discourses (Silvia, 2006). Interest has been approached

in terms of students’ activities outside the classroom context, as a student’s

latent, inner emotional state - an approach that is not necessarily related to

interest in the subject in classroom settings (Silvia, 2006).


Student attitude
attitudes towards Mathematics as emotional responses, which can be positive

or negative feelings based on specific reasons (Ayob and Yasin, 2017). the

attitudes of students are developed over time and will have a significant effect

on the students’ performance in math. Attitudes are not inherent but the

results of students’ experiences, which can be changed. However, these are

more stable compared to the feelings and emotions of individuals. These are

flexible influences of achievement because these are responses to the stimuli

provided by education According to Khoo and Ainley (2005). Pointed out that

attitudes of students towards mathematics affect on how well they perform in

the subject and how often they engage in the subject. It can also be manifested

on the degree of their enjoyment while engaging in tasks related to the subject

Moenikia and Zahed-Babelan (2010). Thus, positive attitudes towards

mathematics are necessary because these attitudes could influence the

willingness of the students to learn the subject and the advantage that it will

bring to math instruction (Atanasova-Pacemska et al., 2015). Similarly, a

negative attitude towards mathematics would lead to a negative emotional

disposition towards the learning of the subject, which may impede learning

(Mata et al., 2012)

Self confidence

Self-confidence in mathematics is a student perceptions of self as a

mathematics learner that include beliefs about one’s own ability to learn and

perform well in mathematics (Adelson & McCoach, 2011). The result of

Hannula, Maijala, and Pehkonen (2004) shows that self-confidence is an

important factor that influences students’ learning which in turn affects their

performance in mathematics. Van der Bergh (2013) argues that students with

high self-confidence believe in their abilities that they can be successful in

learning mathematics, thus overcoming the fear of failing. These students are

ready to take mathematical challenges which in turn increase their academic

achievement; otherwise, students with low self-confidence do not believe in

themselves, thus tend to avoid taking mathematics challenges (Adelson &

McCoach, 2011). Therefore, this leads into minimising the chances of

expanding their mathematical skills and success. Hence, it is desirable to

study the students’ attitude towards their own confidence and how it relates to



Enjoyment of mathematics is the extent to which the students enjoy doing and

learning mathematics (Kupari & Nissinen, 2013). Students’ enjoyment while

learning can influence their behaviour or cognitive aspect of attitude (Syyeda,

2016). According to PISA 2012 results published by OECD (2013), students

may learn mathematics because they find it enjoyable and interesting. They
further posit that interest and enjoyment affect both the degree and continuity

of engagement in learning and the depth of understanding. This means that

the more students enjoy doing mathematics the more they are likely to engage

in problem-solving thus enhancing their learning and performance. Since

enjoyment, students’ learning and performance are related, it is worth

evaluating the students’ status of mathematics enjoyment in order to keep

track of students’ learning and performance.


. Intrinsic motivation in this study is related to both interest and the desire to

learn mathematics (Guy, Cornick, & Beckford, 2015). Students are intrinsically

motivated to learn mathematics if they have the desire to do so after finding

learning of mathematics interesting (OECD, 2013). It is believed that

motivation is the driving force for learning (Yunus & Ali, 2009). According to

PISA results 2012 in OECD (2013), intrinsic motivation affects both the degree

of student engagement, career choice, and performance. Therefore, studying

motivational variables as related to attitude and achievement is crucial.

Leong and Alexander (2014) studied how students’ attitudes toward using OHW
connected to their mathematics learning and achievement in developmental
courses in a two-year community college class (n=78). They found that low
achievers have a
more positive attitude toward OHW compared to high achievers (Leong &
Alexander, 2014).
They concluded that the OHW tools which provide immediate feedback play an
role in student learning and attitudes toward mathematics (Leong & Alexander,
Meanwhile, Halcrow and Dunnigan (2012) who also studied the use of online
homework in a
college calculus class (n=232). Their qualitative analysis revealed that students
felt more
motivated to do the graded online homework (Halcrow & Dunnigan, 2012).
Students found
that OHW motivated them to succeed by re-attempting the questions using
online homework
(Halcrow & Dunnigan, 2012)

Values are rules that direct moral or ethical decisions that are considered with

right or wrong. They are broader in scope than attitudes, and, unlike attitudes

that range from positive to negative, values seem to be always positive in

nature. … Beliefs are the cognitive basis for attitudes. They provide information

for attitudes by linking objects and attributes. A person has many more beliefs

than attitudes and far fewer values than either attitudes or beliefs. … Usually

manifested in the form of verbal expression, opinions are more cognitive than

attitudes (Kobella 1989).Values are the guiding principles that underpin what

people believe to be important when making decisions in all areas of private

and public life. They determine what people will prioritise in making a

judgement, and what they will strive for in seeking improvement (Haste,

2018).Interest is an affective state that refers to the subjective experience in

learning Ainley (2006). In this study, interest is operationally defined as

students’ affective state of being engaged in mathematics learning whereby

students enjoy the learning process. The study concluded that interest towards

mathematics learning could be considered as a predictor for mathematics

achievement (Heinze et al., 2005). Students’ interest towards learning is one of

the contributing factors in successful academic performance Sauer (2012).

Students with a higher level of interest in mathematics had lower performance-

avoidance goals for both types of mathematical tasks which required high and

low cognitive processes Gilbert (2016). Students who are interested in their

learning activities are likely to report high competence beliefs (e.g., Marsh,

Trautwein, Lüdtke, Koeller, & Baumert, 2005; Tracey, 2002), high achievement

levels ( Koeller, Baumert, & Schnabel, 2001)


Students’ academic performance is essential in producing quality graduates

who will become future leaders and who will contribute to the pool of

manpower for the country. In a way, the social and economic development of a

country is directly linked with students’ academic performance (Ali, Jusoff, Ali,

Mokhtar & Salamat, 2009).Pal (2009) stated that the multiple difficulties that

students faced in learning are rooted in the lack of understanding of lower level

concepts. This is due to many misconceptions brought by the lack of clarity by

the instruction the teacher teaches. According to Honor as cited by Pagtulon-

an and Tan (2018), there are many factors that contribute to low performance

in Mathematics among basic education students. Students’ performance in

mathematics is consistently given attention in different countries because it is

regarded as the main subject, which is significant for the growth and

development of the nation. The knowledge and skills of students in

mathematics are essential in their daily lives in overcoming the difficulties that

one may face (Mohamed & Waheed, 2011).


Leong and Alexander (2014) studied how students’ attitudes toward using OHW
connected to their mathematics learning and achievement in developmental
courses in a two-year community college class (n=78). They found that low
achievers have a
more positive attitude toward OHW compared to high achievers (Leong &
Alexander, 2014).
They concluded that the OHW tools which provide immediate feedback play an
role in student learning and attitudes toward mathematics (Leong & Alexander,
Meanwhile, Halcrow and Dunnigan (2012) who also studied the use of online
homework in a
college calculus class (n=232). Their qualitative analysis revealed that students
felt more
motivated to do the graded online homework (Halcrow & Dunnigan, 2012).
Students found
that OHW motivated them to succeed by re-attempting the questions using
online homework
(Halcrow & Dunnigan, 2012)
study habits play a significant role in determining the quality of education and

achievement of students in mathematics since students cannot grasp all the

learning they need on the subject from their teachers inside the class Odiri

(2015). It is a partnership between the classroom and outside the classroom

learning, which make up students’ study habits. Ebele and Olofu (2017) added

that it is how a student takes his studies that determine his performance. It is

on the extent of preparation and the strategies that the students develop and

utilized that affect their performance level in the subject. Study habits can be

classified as good and bad study habits. Good study habits are the productive

ones, which help in improving the academic performance of the students or

produce positive results (Bloom, 1984; Ogbodo, 2010). These are the study
habits that help the students to be successful in school after developing and

using them in their academic career. For learners to be successful in their

studies, they must use strategies that will be effective in improving their

performance (Chamot, 2004; DuFour & Mattos, 2013). It is not on the number

of hours that makes studying effective but on the strategies used in order to

assimilate and reflect on the lessons learned inside the classroom. However,

bad study habits are described by the practice of procrastination, absenteeism,

not taking down notes, poor reading habits and studying with distractions like

watching TV, studying with friends, listening to distractive music, cramming

and studying in cramped conditions. Moreover, Ossai (2011) stressed that

lousy study habits are negative or non-productive study habits, which bring

adverse effects to the academic performance of the students. Leithwod and

Riehl (2003) said that when these habits are developed and used by the

students, these will hinder their academic progress and performance.


interest iS an affective state that refers to the subjective experience in learning

Ainley (2006). In this study, interest is operationally defined as students’

affective state of being engaged in mathematics learning whereby students

enjoy the learning process. The study concluded that interest towards

mathematics learning could be considered as a predictor for mathematics

achievement (Heinze et al., 2005). students’ interest towards learning is one of

the contributing factors in successful academic performance Sauer (2012).

Gilbert (2016) showed that students with a higher level of interest in

mathematics had lower performance-avoidance goals for both types of

mathematical tasks which required high and low cognitive processes


Research Design

This study used the quantitative non-experimental research via

predictive correlation technique. Predictive correlation is used to determine to

what degree and if there is a relationship between two or more variables and

how best is the relationship between the predictor variables (Ruggiers, 2013).

Furthermore, Neil (2015) states that the problems with causality arrive only if

you are trying to interpret your predictive.

This study is predictive correlation because it will try to determine the

domain of student attitude and Students’ performance towards learning

mathematics in online learning modality of second and third year BSE-

Mathematics students.

Research Respondents

There were 148 2nd and 3rd year BSE-Mathematics students of Agusan

del Sur State College of Agriculture and Technology enrolled in first semester

S.Y. 2020-2021 who were identified using Raosoft Online Software. This study

used the Stratified Porpusive Random Sampling to get the number of

respondents in every level where the number of population in every year level

divided by the total number of population and multiply to the total number of

respondents. The computation is shown in the next page:

Bachelor of Secondary Education Students Major in Mathematics

Year Level No. Of Population No. Of Respondents

Second Year 88 75
Third Year 58 40

Total 146 115

Research Instrument
This study utilized two sets of research instruments to obtain data from

the respondents and used a Likert scale to classify gathered data. The research

instruments are the following:

A. student attitude

An instrument authored by Mullis, Martin, and Hooper (2017) was adopted for

evaluating and investigating mathematical literacy of BSE-Math students. It

has four statements, five items for self-confidence, five items for value,five

items for enjoyment and five items for motivation.

The data gathered on the level of mathematical literacy of second and

third year BSE-Mathematics students was interpreted by using the

interpretation scale.

Likert Scale of Mathematical Literacy

Range of Descriptive Verbal Interpretation

Means Interpretation
4.50-5.00 Strongly agree This means that the item
embodied is always manifested
3.50-4.49 Agree This means that the item
embodied often manifested
2.50-3.49 Neutral This means that the embodied is
sometimes manifested
1.50-2.59 Disagree This means that the item
embodied iis seldom manifested
1.0-1.49 Strongly This means that the item
Disagree embodied is never manifested

B. Student academic performance

A questionnaire developed by Balbalosa, J. F. (2010) was used for

evaluating the student academic performance towards learning Mathematics in

online learning modality of second and third year BSE-Mathematics students.

The questionnaire provided a 15 -items. It consists of five items for 5 items for

interest and 10 items for study sills.

Further, the level of student engagement was interpreted through the Likert

Scale that shown below:

Likert Scale of Student Engagement in Mathematics Classroom

Range of Descriptive Verbal Interpretation

Means Interpretatio
4.50-5.00 Always This means that the student academic
performance is excellent
3.50-4.49 Often This means that the student academic
performance is very satisfactory.
2.50-3.49 Sometimes This means that the student academic
performance issatisfactory.
1.50-2.59 Rarely This means that the student academic
performance is poor.
1.0-1.49 Never This means that the student academic
performance is very poor.

Data Gathering Procedures

In data gathering, the researchers secured permission from the Dean’s

Office of College of Teacher Education, Department Chairperson and Research

Coordinator of Agusan del Sur State College of Agriculture and Technology

(ASSCAT) to conduct a survey to the second and third year BSE-Mathematics


The researchers personally administered the questionnaire to the

respondents and provided them a clear instruction on how to answer. The

respondents answered the questionnaire at their convenient time and place

through online.

The questionnaire was retrieved personally by the researchers. Data will

be extracted from the questionnaire and will be classified, organized and

tabulated accordingly.

Statistical Treatments

Data was subjected to analysis and further interpretation using the

following statistical tools:

To assess and know the level of student attitude and student academic

performance towards learning mathematics in online learning modality

weighted mean was used.

To determine the significant relationship of student attitude and student

academic performance towards learning Mathematics in online learning

modality and to determine which domain student attitude that most

influences the students’ academic performance towards learning mathematics

in online learning , Multiple Linear Regression was used.

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