FT-IR Chemical Analysis

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FT-IR chemical analysis Ag-NPs after extract bioreduction with AgNO 3.

The spec-
The FT-IR spectra were recorded to identify the possible
trum in Figure 7A shows transmission peaks at 3295,
biomolecules responsible for the reduction of the Ag  ions
2923, 1638, 1375, 1134, 1004, 851, 514, and 393 cm1.
and capping of the bioreduced Ag-NPs synthesized by the

C. longa extract. After complete bioreduction of Ag, the
transmission peaks for the tuber-powder extract contain-
C. longa tuber-powder extract was centrifuged at 15,000
ing Ag-NPs were at 3329, 2920, 1952, 1643, 1420, 1147,
rpm for 20 minutes to isolate the Ag-NPs from proteins
1011, 867, 689, 510, and 299 cm 1. Three absorption peaks
and other compounds present in the solution. Figure 7A
located around 867, 1011 and 1147 cm1 can be assigned
shows the FT-IR spectrum of C. longa tuber powder that
as the absorption peaks of –C–N stretching vibrations of
did not contain AgNO3, whereas Figure 7B shows the
the amine, –C–O–C or –C–O groups, respectively. 24,30 The
spectrum containing bonds or functional groups such as –C–O–C–, –C–O, and

–C–N, –C–O–C or –C–O

Transmittance (au)

O–H 1147 Ag...O

A 1952 1420 867
2920 1643

3329 689
1011 510
2923 1638 1134

514 393

4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500

Figure 7 Fourier-transform infrared spectra for the Curcuma longa tuber-powder extract
(A) and Ag/C. longa (B) after 24 ho

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